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Damascus: A Prophetic Reminder
Current events in Damascus, Syria, draw our attention to a remarkable truth in God’s Word—prophecies that have stood for millennia and are yet to be fully fulfilled. While the city has seen immense suffering, destruction, and upheaval, it has not yet faced the total desolation foretold in the Bible. This enduring city serves as a poignant reminder of God’s unfolding plan and the reliability of His Word.
📖 "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." (Isaiah 17:1, KJV)
This verse from Isaiah speaks of a time when Damascus, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, will cease to exist as a functioning city. Despite centuries of conflict, from ancient invasions to modern wars, Damascus has never been completely destroyed. What we see today—a city scarred by war and chaos—could well be setting the stage for the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy.
The Signs of the Times
As we witness such events, we are reminded that Scripture is not merely historical but prophetic, pointing us to God’s divine timeline. Jesus spoke of such signs as indicators of the end times, urging believers to remain alert and steadfast in faith.
🌟 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28, KJV)
This isn’t just a call to watch world events but a rallying cry for believers to trust in God’s promises, share the gospel, and prepare their hearts for Christ’s return. The turmoil in Damascus serves as a vivid picture of the broader spiritual battle at play—a reminder that this world is temporary and that God’s Kingdom is eternal.
Staying Grounded in Faith
For believers, the message is clear: these are days of both challenge and opportunity. The pain and suffering we see around us, particularly in places like Damascus, should compel us to share the hope found in Jesus Christ. These events aren’t meant to instill fear but to ignite faith, prompting us to look upward and inward.
Let’s be vigilant in prayer for the people of Damascus and the world. Pray for peace, for the spread of the gospel, and for hearts to turn to Christ. As we do, let’s hold onto the assurance of His promise:
🙏 "And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20, KJV)
Jesus is Coming Soon!
In the face of chaos, we find hope in the certainty of Christ’s return. The signs around us are like road markers, directing us to the ultimate destination: eternity with Him. Stay encouraged, stay watchful, and continue to trust in the Lord's perfect plan.
🙌✨ Lift up your eyes, for your redemption draweth nigh!
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"God sends your provision to where He told you to go. You have to step out of the boat before you can walk on water. What has God told You to do?" - Andrew Wommack #isaiah17 #placecalledThere #stepoutoftheboat #andrewwommack #thomaslovesaudra #jesuslovesyouthemost #theBestisYetToBe (at Cornerstone Church of Johnson City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoF3q9VFiRA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9zjjcginok15
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W8: Isaiah 17-20: Little Pond Wisdom
In chapters 17 through 20, Isaiah continues to pronounce judgment on the nations that will not turn to God. Specifically, he condemns the diplomacy of Ethiopia and the intellect of Egypt. Skills and knowledge are necessary for success, but they cannot compensate for misplaced values. Having fast feet doesn’t matter if we are running in the wrong direction. However, when we center our sights on God, He aligns our skills, knowledge, and values to work in harmony and build on each other to truly be "a blessing in the midst of the earth.” Know why and for whom I’m living.
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Isaiah 17:1-14 (King James Version)
Published on http://www.accesstogod.com/index.php/2017/09/30/isaiah-171-14-king-james-version/ #Isaiah17, #KingJames, #KingJamesVersion, #KJV, #OldTestament, #Isaiah, #Isaiah17, #Isaiah171, #Isaiah17114, #Isaiah17114KJV, #Isaiah1710, #Isaiah1711, #Isaiah1712, #Isaiah1713, #Isaiah1714, #Isaiah172, #Isaiah173, #Isaiah174, #Isaiah175, #Isaiah176, #Isaiah177, #Isaiah178, #Isaiah179
#Isaiah17#KingJames#KingJamesVersion#KJV#OldTestament#Isaiah#Isaiah 17#Isaiah 17:1#Isaiah 17:1-14#Isaiah 17:1-14 KJV#Isaiah 17:10#Isaiah 17:11#Isaiah 17:12#Isaiah 17:13#Isaiah 17:14#Isaiah 17:2#Isaiah 17:3#Isaiah 17:4#Isaiah 17:5#Isaiah 17:6#Isaiah 17:7#Isaiah 17:8#Isaiah 17:9#Bible#King James Version
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Isaiah 17: An Oracle Against Damascus
The prophet Isaiah turned his gaze northwards to the alliance of Israel – called Ephraim in the text, the Northern Kingdom – and Damascus. #Isaiah17 #Damascus
After beginning with Moab to the south, the prophet Isaiah turned his gaze northwards to the alliance of Israel – called Ephraim in the text, the Northern Kingdom – and Damascus. Isaiah addressed them together, as they were allied in opposition to both Assyria and to Judah. A theoretical map of the region around 830 BCE. Moab is shown in purple on this map, between the Arnon and Zered rivers. |…
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#Damascus#Ephraim#Genesis 3#golden calf#idolatry#Isaiah 17#Jeroboam#Pride#shalmanezzar#tiglath pileser
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New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/video-channels/eric-barger/new-and-improved-or-just-confused-evangelicals-pt3-eric-barger/
New And Improved or Just Confused Evangelicals? (Pt3) Eric Barger
Upload by permission of Take A Stand Ministries http://www.EricBarger.com/ Please follow and subscribe to Eric at the links below: Youtube Channel @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ebart32 Twitter @ https://twitter.com/ericbarger77 Vimeo @ https://vimeo.com/ericbarger/videos Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/Eric-BargerTake-A-Stand-Ministries-204061655250/?ref=ts
If You Miss The Rapture, Do Not Take The Mark! http://www.MarkOfTheBeast666.com Are You Saved? http://www.NeedToBeSaved.com Letter to Those Left Behind After The Rapture of The Church – MarkOfTheBeast666.com http://youtu.be/zRYph1rD9Is
New And Improved or Just Confused Evangelicals? (Pt3) Eric Barger #EricBarger www.IsHellReal.com #LakeOfFire #ChristianPalestinianism #ReplacementTheology #Calvinism #Arminianism #DeepState #Jerusalem #Revelation #Revelation12Sign #UnitedNations #UN #MiddleEast #Hijrah #WakeUpAmerica #IslamInAmerica #Islam #America #IsHellReal #Hawaii #CivilWar #ShariaLaw #Quran #Koran #Christian #Christianity #Bible #Prophecy #BibleProphecy #Rapture #PreTribulationRapture #IslamicCulture #Muslim #MarkOfTheBeast666 #BarackObama #DonaldTrump #PresidentDonaldTrump #MuslimTravelBan #MuslimImmigration #POTUS #SCOTUS #IslamicTerrorism #Terrorist #BuildTheWall #IllegalImmigration #Immigration #IllegalAlien #TrumpWall #JesusChrist #IsHellRealHawaii #Israel #GogMagogWar #Isaiah17 #Ezekiel38War #RaptureOfTheChurch #IranNuclearDeal #IranNuclearWeapons #DamascusDestroyed #Damascus #Syria #DamascusSyria #Netanyahu #Russia #VladimirPutin #SaudiArabia #S300 #S300MissleSystem #HomelandSecurity #MuslimBrotherhood #Communist #Communism #Commucrats #Democrats #Republicans #Globalists #GeorgeSoros #IsHellReal #IsHellRealcom #IsHellRealcomHawaii #FacebookCensorship #Censorship #YoutubeCensorship #GoogleCensorship #FoolishVirgins #WiseVirgins #Harpazo #FaithWorks #Faith #Works #Humble #Pride
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Evolution Vs. God http://youtu.be/U0u3-2CGOMQ 180Movie.com @ http://www.180Movie.com Biblical resources @ http://www.TheBereanCall.org Aloha Bible Prophecy http://www.CalvaryChapelKaneohe.com Is Hell Real? http://www.IsHellReal.com Join the Tract Club! @ http://www.BezeugenTractClub.org/ Hope For Today Ministries http://www.DavidHocking.org Bibles @ http://www.Gideons.org Good News Jail & Prison Ministry Hawaii http://www.GoodNewsHawaii.org/ Gospel Tracts @ http://www.OneMillionTracts.com The Way To Heaven @ http://www.TheWayToHeaven.org Dean Bible Ministries @ http://www.DeanBibleMinistries.org Creation Training Initiative http://www.CreationTraining.org
IsHellReal.com Hawaii FAIR USE NOTICE: These videos may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode source
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Revelation 13:1-10 ***The Beast that came out of the sea*** *The two Beast* (Rev13:1)-Then I saw a beast coming up ,out of the sea.Its had ten horns and seven heat's on each of it horns three was a crown, and on each of it head's there was a name that was insulting to GOD. The beast looked like a leopard with feet like a bear,and a mouth like a lion. Questions: What is the seven-headed wild Beast of Revelation 13? - Represent the world wide political system and power. *It has authority power and a thrown, which point to it's being a political entry(Rev13:7) *It rules over every tribute and people and nation, so it is greater than a single national government (endv-days-time)Rev13:7 *It combine features of the four beast describe in the prophecy at Daniel7:2-8,include the appear of a leopard, feet of a bear,mouth of a Lion and ten horns. *It come out of the sea ---that is from the turbulent Masse's of mankind that are the source of human government (Rev13:1,Isaiah17:12,13) *The Bible says that number or name of the beast -is 666-is the mans number (Rev13:17,18)that expression indicated that the beast of Revelation 13 is a human entry ,not a spirit or demon entry. *The Ten horns and seven heads:-- Number s used symbolically in the Bible ,for example ten and seven represent completeness The key is understanding the specific meaning of the ten horns and seven heads,of the beast-is a image of the wild beast(Antichrist/Satan) *The seven head's of the Beast-- seven kings or government (Rev17:9-10) *The seven heads of the beast ,represent seven government or kingdom s that have dominate t through history.- that oppressing GOD people., Egypt ,Assyria, Babylon, Medo-persia,Greece, Roman and Anglo-America,.If are conclude that the ten horns represent all seven states. this conclude this Revelation13:1-10 Tomorrow the Revelation 12:1-17,The woman and the Dragon. Shalom and GOD bless you Amen,Amen, Amen
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New Post has been published on Preppers Universe
New Post has been published on http://preppersuniverse.com/video-fox-news-martha-maccallum-interviews-joel-rosenberg-on-isaiah17-future-of-damascus/
Video: Fox News’ Martha MacCallum interviews Joel Rosenberg on #Isaiah17 & future of Damascus.
(Washington, D.C.) — “How about this to think about today — the crisis in Syria may be more than just a current foreign policy problem,” noted Fox News Channel anchor Martha MacCallum during a Tuesday afternoon segment. “With some seeing signs of Biblical prophecies of the...
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"God sends your provision to where He told you to go. You have to step out of the boat before you can walk on water. What has God told You to do?" - Andrew Wommack #isaiah17 #placecalledThere #stepoutoftheboat #andrewwommack #thomaslovesaudra #jesuslovesyouthemost #theBestisYetToBe
from Instagram: https://ift.tt/2I8sdR1
“God sends your provision to where He told you to go. You have to step out of the boat before you can walk on water. What has God told You to do?” – Andrew Wommack #isaiah17 #placecalledThere #stepoutoftheboat #andrewwommack #thomaslovesaudra #jesuslovesyouthemost #theBestisYetToBe was originally published on Thomas & Audra's Story ......
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W8. Isaiah 17-20: "Little Pond Wisdom." Ink on paper. 11.26.2017. #sixthdayart #illustration #drawing #isaiah17
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Isaiah 1:1-31 (King James Version)
Published on http://www.accesstogod.com/index.php/2017/09/30/isaiah-11-31-king-james-version/ #Isaiah1, #KingJames, #KingJamesVersion, #KJV, #OldTestament, #Isaiah, #Isaiah1, #Isaiah11, #Isaiah111, #Isaiah112, #Isaiah113, #Isaiah114, #Isaiah115, #Isaiah116, #Isaiah117, #Isaiah118, #Isaiah119, #Isaiah12, #Isaiah121, #Isaiah122, #Isaiah123, #Isaiah124, #Isaiah125, #Isaiah126, #Isaiah13, #Isaiah131, #Isaiah14, #Isaiah15, #Isaiah16, #Isaiah17, #Isaiah18, #Isaiah19, #Isaiah1131, #Isaiah1131KJV, #Isaiah110, #Isaiah120, #Isaiah127, #Isaiah128, #Isaiah129, #Isaiah130
#Isaiah1#KingJames#KingJamesVersion#KJV#OldTestament#Isaiah#Isaiah 1#Isaiah 11#Isaiah 11:1#Isaiah 11:2#Isaiah 11:3#Isaiah 11:4#Isaiah 11:5#Isaiah 11:6#Isaiah 11:7#Isaiah 11:8#Isaiah 11:9#Isaiah 12#Isaiah 12:1#Isaiah 12:2#Isaiah 12:3#Isaiah 12:4#Isaiah 12:5#Isaiah 12:6#Isaiah 13#Isaiah 13:1#Isaiah 14#Isaiah 15#Isaiah 16#Isaiah 17
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New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/video-channels/eric-barger/new-and-improved-or-just-confused-evangelicals-pt1-eric-barger/
New And Improved or Just Confused Evangelicals? (Pt1) Eric Barger
Upload by permission of Take A Stand Ministries http://www.EricBarger.com/ Please follow and subscribe to Eric at the links below: Youtube Channel @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ebart32 Twitter @ https://twitter.com/ericbarger77 Vimeo @ https://vimeo.com/ericbarger/videos Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/Eric-BargerTake-A-Stand-Ministries-204061655250/?ref=ts
If You Miss The Rapture, Do Not Take The Mark! http://www.MarkOfTheBeast666.com Are You Saved? http://www.NeedToBeSaved.com Letter to Those Left Behind After The Rapture of The Church – MarkOfTheBeast666.com http://youtu.be/zRYph1rD9Is
New and Improved or Just Confused Evangelicals? (Pt1) Eric Barger #EricBarger #Jerusalem #Revelation #Revelation12Sign #UnitedNations #UN #MiddleEast #Hijrah #WakeUpAmerica #IslamInAmerica #Islam #America #IsHellReal #Hawaii #CivilWar #ShariaLaw #Quran #Koran #Christian #Christianity #Bible #Prophecy #BibleProphecy #Rapture #PreTribulationRapture #IslamicCulture #Muslim #MarkOfTheBeast666 #BarackObama #DonaldTrump #PresidentDonaldTrump #MuslimTravelBan #MuslimImmigration #POTUS #SCOTUS #IslamicTerrorism #Terrorist #BuildTheWall #IllegalImmigration #Immigration #IllegalAlien #TrumpWall #JesusChrist #IsHellRealHawaii #Israel #GogMagogWar #Isaiah17 #Ezekiel38War #RaptureOfTheChurch #IranNuclearDeal #IranNuclearWeapons #DamascusDestroyed #Damascus #Syria #DamascusSyria #Netanyahu #Russia #VladimirPutin #SaudiArabia #S300 #S300MissleSystem #HomelandSecurity #MuslimBrotherhood #Communist #Communism #Commucrats #Democrats #Republicans #Globalists #GeorgeSoros #IsHellReal #IsHellRealcom #IsHellRealcomHawaii #FacebookCensorship #Censorship #YoutubeCensorship #GoogleCensorship #FoolishVirgins #WiseVirgins #Harpazo #FaithWorks #Faith #Works
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IsHellReal.com Hawaii FAIR USE NOTICE: These videos may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode source
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