#Isabella I love you babe never change
claraswritings · 13 days
Reader runs a daycare but it’s taking a toll on her mental health and carmy notices (they’re married)
Aww 🥰.
Blurb BTC- mentions of work stress but mostly fluffy
It had been… the
Between a flu bug sweeping through the kids and then the staff leaving you short staffed, the parents complaining about a schedule change, and trying to keep several babies and toddlers in check, you were completely wiped out mentally.
You just felt so drained and stressed and you hated how it was affecting you. All you wanted was to lie down and just shut off.
Carmy could see it. Gradually as the week went on, you got quieter and quieter. You’d stopped talking, you’d barely eaten your dinner, taken to pushing the pepper rigatoni around the plate and answering his questions with hmmm’s and uh-huhs.
“It’s fine, Carm” you muttered “Just nothing”
“It’s not fine, baby, you’ve been acting off all week.” He insisted.
“Haven’t.” You said a little stubbornly, feeling a bit embarrassed at how your husband had noticed.
Carmy crossed his broad arms over his toned chest “I think I know when my wife is acting off.” He paused, worry entering his voice “Is it me? I know I’ve been working non-stop but…”
You felt your heart ache at that, feeling a little guilty “No! Babe no, of course it’s not you!”
Carmy’s expression relaxed but he still shuffled closer to you, taking your hand in his. “Then what’s going on” he was careful, lifting your face to meet his big blue eyes “let me help you, you’ve always supported me…”
“It’s just…it’s work” you said hoping it didn’t sound silly. It had been your dream to manage your own daycare and you loved it, you really did but sometimes it just got so heavy. You hated complaining about it because you never wanted to seem ungrateful.
“What’s up, please talk to me?” Carmy soothed, his hand coming to brush your hair back off your face.
“It’s just a lot… I don’t want to bother you, but it’s been so stressful and…” you looked down and took a deep breath.
“Hey, hey….” Carmy soothed taking you into his arms “just because it’s your dream doesn’t mean it’s not stressful.” He paused “trust me! I’d know all about that”
You bit back a reluctant laugh. He had a point.
“Let me make you a hot cocoa babe, with extras how you like it….and then you can talk me through it?”
You nodded as Carmy stroked your hand offering you comfort. He gave you a kiss before heading to the kitchen, and when he returned he was back with your hot cocoa and a warm blanket.
“Come on, talk to me angel” he said, wrapping it around you and placing the mug in your hands.
“Well okay…so Isabella’s parents have been kicking off all week because…they don’t want her to take part in some of the activities we get the kids do to but she loves it….And Connor, he’s a sweet kid but he just will not go down for nap time…”
You began listing off your stresses as Carmy gently rubbed your shoulders.
“And I’ve had four staff call in sick so it’s just been me and Amy…and she’s brand new so can’t do half the things yet because she’s still training…”
You continued listing and talking through your stresses as Carmy listened occasionally interjecting with a question or to offer a comment.
“Those kids are so lucky to have you looking after them, you are the best at what you do” he said when you’d finished and flopped back against him, feeling like the weight had subsided a little.
“Thank you for listening babe” you smiled at him “And you know what. I’m so lucky to have you.”
“Anything for my beautiful wife” Carmy leant in and gave you a kiss
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
19 for the prompt list <3
19. ‘it made me think of you.’
Did NOT expect this to be a little over 900 words, but I hope you enjoy it all the same <3
First Responder's Fair is home to many things; double fried foods, rigged carny games and at the moment, a very confused TK Strand.
"Wait," TK sucks his teeth, to which Nancy grimaces at. "You mean to tell me the sweet tea down here is actually," TK pauses. "Well, sweet?"
Nancy and Tommy share a look across the picnic table while TK takes another hearty sip. Nancy begs the question she didn't think she'd ever have to ask. "What made you think sweet tea wasn't sweet?"
"It never was up north, tasted more like dish water than anything."
Tommy, then, begs the question she didn't think she'd ever have to ask. "TK, why do you know what dish water tastes like?"
"My friend Cash used to work at the Sally's Diner back when we were in high school, bet me ten dollars that I wouldn't drink from the dish sink from the after lunch rush. He thought I couldn't, or more so, wouldn't do it." TK smiles smugly. "Guess who left Sally's that day ten dollars richer."
"And was out sick from school the following three days because he got food poisoning." Owen adds as he sits down, joining them at the table. His hands full with two corndogs and a frozen lemonade. "Had to rush him to the ER because he kept complaining about stomach pains."
"So I guess it wasn't a question of couldn't or wouldn't, but more of a shouldn't." Tommy jokes, breaking off a piece of her funnel cake.
"Nice to know that you taking up residence in the ER isn't just a Texas thing." Nancy rallies and TK feels like he's been attacked by all fronts.
"My newfound stomach of steel would argue it was worth it."
"It wasn't." Owen is quick to interject.
"Anyways," TK goes to change the subject. He points at the corndogs in Owen's hand. "Dad, corndogs, where?"
Owen tells him where the booth is and TK makes it his mission to scout it out. He stands up, and treks his way over. He sees both Isabella and Evie standing in line for cotton candy, alone. His eyebrows furrow when he doesn't see Carlos anywhere.
Last he saw them, Carlos was taking them to the ring toss in hopes of coming home with a new pet goldfish. For the girls, not TK, which Carlos made absolutely clear.
"Hey girls, where's Carlos?"
"Milk bottles." They both say at the same time. TK thanks them, and walks around until he finds the milk bottles. He sees Carlos before Carlos can see him. Even from a distance, he can see Carlos is uncharacteristically sweaty and his curls have started to break free.
As he walks up, he watches Carlos throw a baseball and raise his arms in cheer before he winces and lowers his right arm.
"Babe," TK says as he gets closer. Now that he's closer to Carlos, he can see the beads of sweat dripping down his face and the ring of it around the neckline of his shirt. TK's confused, it's hot out, as expected, it is Texas, after all; but it's not that hot. "What's going on?"
Carlos starts when he realizes TK is next to him. He was so focused on the pyramid of milk bottles in front of him. "Oh no," Carlos responds. "You weren't supposed to see, it was supposed to be a surprise."
"Here you are, sir." A man in a red and white striped shirt hands Carlos a stuffed orange lizard. Carlos goes to reach for it with his right hand but changes to his left hand.
"And this is for you." Carlos holds out the stuffed animal to TK who stares at it, slightly perplexed, slightly in awe and even more slightly in love.
TK reaches for it, and Carlos smiles at him like he's worth every curl unfurled. "Babe," He grabs Carlos' left hand, careful not to irritate the right one. He pulls them aside, out of the walk way and earshot of the carny. "Did you throw out your right arm trying to win me a stuff lizard?"
"It made me think of you," Carlos affirms, wiping at his face on his shirt sleeve. "I couldn't not get it. Who knew it would be level to training day for the academy." He rotates his arm, trying to gauge the pain.
"Well, this just means I get to give a slow, sensual massage later tonight." TK whispers into his ear.
"TK," Carlos smirks. He nods to the ring toss they're standing next to. "Not in front of the gold fish."
TK stares at the stuffed animal in his hands. It's eyes are a little too close together, and it's smile is a little crooked, but he loves it all the same. That said, TK begs the question he never thought he'd have to ask. "Babe, how much did you spend on this little guy?"
Carlos is silent, trying to think of the best answer. The last thing he wants to do is tell TK he spent close to ten dollars worth of quarters on a stuffed toy that probably cause ten cents to make. "Baby, you know my love for you is priceless."
TK rolls his eyes, but his smile really gives him away. "You're so cheesy."
Carlos grabs TK's hand again; he suddenly finds himself having a real hankering for corndogs. "You love it."
TK laughs, "Not really," He pulls Carlos is for a kiss that tastes like sugary sweet tea. "But I love you."
send me a soft fic prompt!
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aleksa-sims · 11 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Pregnancy, adult topics, cheating
I didn’t think I’d get so jealous. But it’s my own fault I would say. 😕Nobody forced me to come here, where my ex and his (Ex) -fiancée lived together...
Nico: Sorry. But I put away almost everything that was possible. Her furnishings I can’t just let disappear overnight.
Me: What?... Um, no! I-... I don’t mind those furniture she bought or all that stuff. It looks great. Tbh, this is perfect! I just wonder, why didn’t it look like this in our apartment back then? I couldn’t even buy a new couch, without you starting to discuss with me. But you allowed her to change everything here.
Nico: Didn’t you listen to me a few mins ago? She bought all this shit here without my permission. I had no idea about it! I was playing soccer abroad. And you got a new couch back then. Just remember how many times I painted the walls for you. Hm?
Me: All this here looks pretty expensive, compared to our apartment. I kind of feel like she’s.... like Isabella.🤑
Nico: Isabella?... Hell, no! ..And she’s not wealthy like Isabella, if that’s what you wanted to know. Actually, she’s like.... you. Self-conscious, anxious, indecisive, a bit shy and.... sad. 🫤
Me: You must have a weakness for depressed women, ha?
Nico: You know what I meant. But she's not hooked, she has other serious..... issues. Just she’s not as cute and hot as you are to me.
Me: Yea, sure.... I just don’t understand why you moved in with her? I mean, you have a house! A pretty big one! An apartment was not really necessary. 🤨
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Nico: Excuse me?.. Why would I live with my mother? You and P. also had plans to move together. Why is it allowed for you, but not for me?... Yes, he told me you chose him, when I visited him at his fucking college. So I had to move away, to avoid the two of you! But this here isn't her place. I was here before she and I got....well, serious.
Me: Sorry. I didn’t mean to. And I didn’t really choose Philip. I thought I had it, but.... no. I lied to him and myself. I always felt bad about you and he too! That’s why it was so easy for me to fall in love with Daniel. Frankly... I was glad that it was over with Philip. I didn’t want anything to do with you two, after I was with him abroad. 😒
Nico: That wasn't my fault, his ... Natasha bitch. I never did such a shit to you. But to be clear, I’m not blaming you for my own mistake! I’m sorry I asked you to sleep with him. I never admitted it, but.. the first time I saw you & him together,..... I wanted to kill P. ... Yea, now it’s out. I was jealous. Even though that damn thing was my fucking idea.🤷‍♂️
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Me: And still, you insisted that I continue.......Hm? You know? But that spa-weekend was pretty nice. We should definitely repeat this. Just the two of us, of course!! Without Philip...... So sorry, N.
Nico: And I'm sorry for being crazy. I was so stupid to share you with Philip and pass between the two of us. I thought that would help you and I trusted P. Never thought he’d take you away from me. I was sure you would choose me if necessary.
Me: I chose you, but I couldn’t tell anyone. I didn't want to hurt P., so I went nuts and told my Dad.🤦‍♀️I told him the last 3 weeks alone with P. were hard. He locked me up not to relapse... and that you couldn't leave me alone, bcs I started using. I said all this to him... I wanted my Dad to get me out of that mess. Not really, I just didn't know what to do?...I was so unhappy bcs you had to go back to Italy. And at the same time afraid to lose P. But my crazy Dad sent you away, not Philip.
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A bit later....
Nico: That movie sucks, babe. You really wanna keep watching this crap?... I’d rather continue with you.😏
Me: I gotta tell you something... Something serious. (🍼🤰 )
Nico: Daniel?? 🙄
Me: Agh, no... Anyway, let's talk later. I want you, too N.
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Nico: From now on, you stay with me.
Me: She didn't even really move out here.... but I'd love to stay with you. 🩷
Nico: Then you stay, babe. No time to waste. I have so many plans for you. But most importantly, you divorce Daniel.
Me: This time, I’m not questioning what you’re up to.. I’ll do whatever you want. Besides, I have plans for you too. (😬🍼) And Daniel took off anyway. He doesn't want me.
Nico: His mistake, my gain. Such an moron!
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And that's N.'s (ex-) fiancée. Stephanie.🤨 Don’t worry, she didn’t catch us in bed!!! But she was there! I didn’t see her myself the moment she came. I was sleeping. Nico was up. She came by to pick up her stuff, he thought. But she also wanted to talk to him and did not intend to leave. He didn’t tell her I was in his bedroom, he just asked her to leave. Nico told me she was crying and wearing... sleepwear?
He seemed worried and was somehow.... weird to me after she showed up at his place. I had the feeling, he didn’t want me anymore? 😞 All though a few hours ago, he wanted me to stay with him. He wanted me to move in with him. You know? However, I asked him to drive me home to my parents. I had to change & shower, so yea, he dropped me at my parent's house and said, that he would pick me up in 2 hours. I was so relieved that he wanted to come back. I was afraid to lose him a second time. Besides, I was pregnant. I mean, I haven’t taken a test yet, but I just knew it. Something changed in my body, I could literally feel it. It was like the last time I was pregnant. And btw, I told Nico what happened to me last year, about this whole annoying issue with my contraception. He reacted totally relaxed. He said, if I want a baby, he wouldn’t use protection. I really didn’t expect that!! 😲 I knew Nico never wanted to have children. At least not at this point. I was about to tell him, I was very likely pregnant, but I wanted to take a test first, to be absolutely sure!! I was so happy about N.’s composure on this subject. I already imagined our future with our Baby and all this. 🩵 Just as I mentioned before, the next morning, all this seemed to be in danger, bcs of that girl, Stephanie. 😓
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sushigal007 · 2 years
Over to the last Monty household.
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Beatrice: Dad just magically graduated college! Benedick is dying. Beatrice: This isn’t about him.
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But yeah. I don’t know if he had flu or food poisoning, but I guess it got worse when he was showing up in the background for the last few years and as soon as I made him playable, he keeled over. Antonio: WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
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Beatrice: Dad would you chill for a sec? I’m trying to catch a shiny. Beatrice: Aaaaaaaand... pause.
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Beatrice: Please don’t reap my brother, it’ll ruin my week.
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Grim: All right, you know how this goes.
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Beatrice: BIG YES!
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Grim: Look, this happens quite a lot, you really don’t have to make such a big deal- Beatrice: VICTORY DANCE!
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Benedick: Thanks, sis, you’re the best. Beatrice: And don’t you forget it.
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I’m not sure anything’s gonna top being brought back from the dead, game.
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Cornwall: How dare you! I’m married! And you interrupted my very important bin-kicking!
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Anyway, Benedick’s motives are all skew-whiff after that near-death experience, so I sent him out to use up some energy.
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Bottom: Oh my, what a stud! Benedick: Hee hee hee boing boing.
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Benedick: Throw a real punch!
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Isabella: She calls that a punch? What d’ya think, should we go in there and teach those infants how to throw a real punch? Albany: Perhaps after dinner.
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Isabella: All right, fucko, dinner’s over, and dessert is a KNUCKLE SANDWICH! Ginger: So hey, those old people behind you are going for it like a rock’em sock’em robot. Benedick: Please. Don’t acknowledge them.
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Albany: A SANDWICH ISN’T EVEN DESSERT! Benedick: I’m just... gonna go get a drink.
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Bartender: Aren’t you a teenager? Benedick: A teenager with money.
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The fighting was getting annoying, so I had Benedick hit up another lot and hit on Isaac Curious here.
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And then, home, just in time for... *squints* Alvin Futa here to kick over the bin. Alvin: I’m a Capp now! No you’re not, you’re barely a character. You’re lucky I even went to the effort of googling your name, I thought you were Ricky Cormier.
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Antonio: Money can be exchanged for goods and services and legal name changes.
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Beatrice: Ahh, a nice cup of tea.
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Roxie: Hey, quick question, what the fuck? Honestly no idea, babes. You can have some new gloves when I get to your household.
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Beatrice: I love this place. My memory is a bit shit, but I seem to recall it’s glitched and I had to teleport some people in to trigger walkbys? Beatrice: Why would you do that? The lack of people was what I liked best.
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Cute stray.
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Sharla: Yeah, money’s pretty great. Benedick: But you know what’s even better? Sharla: What’s that?
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Benedick: LEAVES!
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Sharla: But is it art?
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A joke that will probably only make sense to about three people, one of which is me.
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Antonio: And that’s why I became an architect!
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Antonio: And now to look around for building inspiration.
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Beatrice: Computer’s broke. HOW!? I literally just brought that! I’m not even joking, I brought it so she could fulfil a want, and she immediately broke it.
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Decided it was time to invite Isabella and Patrizio over for a little family bonding. Patrizio: So long as the bonding involves a delicious, home-cooked meal.
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No comment, just happy family fun times.
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This time Antonio was the one whose energy was out of sync, so he did some skilling over at the library.
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And then the next morning, I sent them out for breakfast. Beatrice: Where’s Benedick? Oh, his hunger bar’s full, so he-
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-has decided to lean right into that stereotype about teenage boys eating tons by joining the group anyway. Benedick: Gotta keep my strength up in case I die again!
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And then it’s off to the local museum. Beatrice: Can you say “parrot”? Parrot: Parrot. Beatrice: Yes! My very own Pokemon!
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Chloe: Oh, I’m serving something, all right.
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More leafy fun.
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And to round off the week, I invited Bianca’s family over. Townie: Hey kid! Paris: Mom? Bianca: Remember what I told you, don’t make eye contact with them, and they can’t hurt you.
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Antonio: I never realised how fulfilling being an architect could be.
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Beatrice: Don’t suppose you could help we with some maths? Bianca: I’ll be honest with you kid, I intentionally forgot how to do any of that the moment I aged up, you’re gonna have to ask someone else.
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Beatrice: Aliens? Any of you lot know trig?
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Benedick: Um, are you two OK? Sahira: Definitely not, please help.
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Bartended: You again? Benedick: Life is short. Townie: Heeyyyyyy teenage boy! Benedick: For some people, not short enough.
Uberhood Index
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radicalrascals · 1 year
Phone Headcanons under the break
Nick's Phone: Ben
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Ben is listed as Benzinho which means babe/honey/baby in Portuguese. Yes, Nick thinks it's a clever and fitting play of words.
The picture changes ever so often, but is mostly some hilarious selfie the two have recently taken.
His ringtone is Tempo Perdido by Legião Urbana.
Last Text Message: "You'll be alright, yeah? Can you text me back when you get out of the lion's den? And be careful. Por favor. You mean everything to me. | I love you, minha vida. I love you a lot. Please text me."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nick's Phone: Theo
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Theo is listed as Gémeo Mau (Evil Twin) in Nick's phone, while Rafa is Irmãozinho (Little Brother). Nick actually believes Theo to be the better half of their twin-duo.
For a picture Nick has decided on an old one of Theo listening to music with his headphones on, because of the fond memories attached.
His ringtone is Polícia by Mercenárias - and yes, Nick thinks he's hilarious.
Last Text Message: "Well if you say so lol | So you finally kissed???? | I KNEW IT | You deserve all the happiness in the world ♥" - they would both switch between Portuguese and English, favouring English a tad bit more
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Rafa's Phone: Isabella
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Isabella is listed simply as Bella in Rafael's phone
Rafael picked one of the unofficial wedding photos for her contact, because he absolutely adores Isabella in it, and he's so very grateful to have found her
Rafael doesn't use ringtones, only keeps his mobile on vibrate.
Last Text Message: "I'm so so sorry, querida! I completely lost track of time. On my way now. | Wait. Never mind. Dinner date is tomorrow. Since I'm already here would you like me to bring us something home?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Rafa's Phone: Theo
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Theo's name is Tetéu (from Theodore) while Nick's corresponding name is Lalau (from Nicolau). Rafael hasn't used those names to address his brothers in decades, but he still thinks it's funny.
Both Theo and Nick have the same picture, an old photo taken when they were all still kids. Three boys with wild black locks happily smiling at the camera.
Rafael doesn't use ringtones, only keeps his mobile on vibrate.
Last Text Message: "And if I say 'please'? | I just want to check his name against your database. | Theo, please. If it wasn't important I wouldn't ask you." - every once in a while Rafael tries to get some info out of Theo for a good story; with mixed results
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Felix' Phone: Theo
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Theo is still simply just Silva in Felix' contacts, dating back to the time when the two had simply been colleagues, then friends, and then eventually more.
Since the two have yet to take a "we're officially in love" selfie, he's using one taken at an office party two years ago that they attended as 'best friends - mutually pining'™
His ringtone is I Was Made For Lovin You by Kiss - and it had been that for a little while before they finally got together
Last Text Message: "no. botulinum toxin. otherwise known as botox. just the tiniest amount can suffocate someone by paralyzing the muscles used for breathing. it's not a very pleasant way to go. | anyway. you wanna head out for lunch?" - Felix switches back and forth between work and private texts which can be sometimes disturbing given their line of work
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let-djaqsayfuck · 3 years
the bbc robin hood characters n their red flags:
-hero complex
-mommy daddy AND brother issues like damn hun pick a family member
-kind of a whore
-might have punched a wall
-can do backflips. never trust a man who can do a backflip. this is non negotiable
-ur hulu best have ads or else
-cannot apologize to save his life
-never takes off his carhartt beanie
-“bros before hoes” aka would drop u for robin in a heartbeat
-that run. the way he runs. wtf. little penguin lookin ass—
-gave his dad son issues
-don’t like the look in his eye if i’m being honest
-“car guy” vibes 🚩🚩🚩
-but overall he has the least amount of red flags i love him A+ bf material
Allan a Dale
-“what up bitch can i have a dollar? ugh for a slushee,, i kno you have one open ur purse”
-might rob you blind
-would borrow your car, get in a fender bender and most definitely NOT tell you about it
-any gift you receive from him will get repossessed bc he has stolen it
-gives unsolicited advice
-idk what his deal is but can he even date??? can friars date?? girl idk but also tucks my 4liferr idc what you guys say
-the way he grabbed that gravel unsettled me
Little John
-he’s married (? taken*?) so
-but i mean hey
-cannot pass a background check
-she is perfect no red flags 2 speak of
-would probably forget you in the target parking lot
-judgy but rightfully so
-will always be wittier than u so if u can’t handle that u will never b compatible
-outdresses you at every event. yea sometimes it is on purpose, die mad ab it
-leaves you on read for hours but will show up at ur doorstep w a stab wound like “oh the bleeding? it’s in a non vital area it’s fine we can go get chipotle now”
-has all the tea on everyone. like not in a fun gossipy way, a “how does she know this much personal information about everyone” and it gets you thinking how much does she know about you?????
-the answer is everything be very scared
-has side hoes. u r probably one of them
-shanks as a warning
-“i’m a chill girl” she is n o t
-shoplifts but only at franchises she has personal vendettas against (it is a long list, panera being thee top 1)(yes you have had to drive a getaway car stuffed w trash bags full of bagels)
-saw her mugshot on the news, she told you dont worry abt it babes
-gaslight gatekeep girlboss
-every time u jokingly ask her how many ppl she’s stabbed, her response keeps changing w increasingly random numbers
-plays games >:( specifically, political ones that involve huge scandals and coups. sexy, but a red flag regardless
-talks about you to her friends but in a way where they all laugh discreetly and arch their eyebrows knowingly at each other from behind their wine glasses. you don’t know what this means but it’s unnerving
-says he “has his own car” but it’s actually a scooter
-can’t communicate v well
-gave a baby a lightbulb to play with once
-cheesy pickup lines that he 100% believes are smooth
-very easily convinced by the flat earth theory, but will never fall for a multi level marketing scheme pitch
-he’s a gemini
-what else do u need to know? babe RUN
-he is a walking red flag LOOK AT HIM
-owns more knives than shirts and makes you look at them while he talks about all the unique ways u can kill ppl w them
-got 1 tattoo and made it his whole personality
-has never once talked about his feelings. he told you his favorite season then immediately apologized “for getting all vulnerable”
-hung up on his ex 🙄
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sakiyo · 4 years
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━ # ONE A.M EYELINER | suna rintaro
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+ pairings: suna rintaro/reader
+ tags: best friends 2 lovers, suna being a pretty mf, mutual pining, uni!au.
+ warnings: none
+ word count: 2.2k
+ summary: suna rintaro has never let you do his eyeliner, simply because he’s afraid to let you get too close.
+ listening to: FLESH by miguel & A Warm Touch of Light by Isabella LeVan
+ note: nothing but me rambling on about how pretty suna’s eyes are and how they’re pretty enough to deserve a whole fic dedicated to them. dedicated to my dom @kiyoomae​ i hope you enjoy babe because i finished this shitty fic for you <3.
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“i could get hypothermia if i go out there, you know.”
working with suna always ended up the same way, there was no doubt about it. by the time that the clock plastered on your wall hit twelve-forty five a.m, the project was finished, but completely half assed as a result of neither of you paying enough attention during lectures to actually know what to do. yet, somehow, the same desultory assignment would always receive an undeserving ‘A-plus’. mostly because your professor never cared to actually observe the material, as long as it was in, it was good enough for him. [but you would grade it a solid 64 percent]
there's one variable that’s different today; it’s raining. it’s one a.m and it’s raining, and suna decided that it would be a sublime idea to walk to your apartment today, of all days. [as much as you encourage him to do so, he still never checks the weather]. the disruption in your routine was anything but an easy adjustment. and as much as you wanted to kick him out, the rain was growing heavier and heavier and—
“okay fine! you can crash for the night!” 
he smiled, unaware of the fact that you would have said yes to him either way.
you can’t help but notice that suna has pretty eyes.
honestly, you picked up on his bizarrely unique vulpine-like eyes years ago, when you had first met him. but now, as you sit on the couch that occupies the majority of your compact living room, you’re drawn back to them.
its an odd thought to think about your best friend at one in the morning. 
but...he’s admittedly pretty.
you think back to a random fact you learned in the biology course you took in your third year of highschool; you grow into your eyes. never in your life did you believe that such a miniscule piece of information would find its way back into your mind two years later, and because of suna no less.
it’s one a.m and your legs are situated in his lap, his fingers deftly toying with the tip of the anklet he bought you for your sixteenth birthday [he doesn’t believe that you still wear it, even after all the passed time], 
but you’re still fixated on his eyes.
if it was even possible, the creases accented them further, like each line was strategically placed to lure one’s undivided attention to them. it’s funny though, because suna was never fond of attention. [which was also why seven year old rin never took a liking to overly-exertive you.
you still share a laugh with him thinking back to your rock hard resolve as a child and his burning desire to stay away from you. 
it’s funny how easily time changes things.]
you almost feel like you’re dreaming as you watch his eyelids ghost over, his glassy skin reflecting the coral tint of the cheap ceiling light. but you’re not dreaming, he’s right there, in all his ignorant glory. suna doesn’t notice your residual gaze, he’s fixated on the ‘NBA playoffs highlights’ video streaming on his instagram feed. yet you feel creepy, overanalyzing him like this.
but you allow your mind to wander, just a bit.
“hey, rintaro?” you lightly dig your heel into his thigh. 
it’s merely a sporadic case of wishful thinking. you’ve known suna rintaro for many years, which was more than enough time to figure out his complex personality.
and if there’s one thing he never allowed you to do, it was his eyeliner.
six times. 
you had asked to apply the liquid to his eyes six times, and each time you had received the same answer. a simple no. he doesn’t say ‘no’ with malice, though. no...the last thing he would want is you thinking that he just hated you enough to constantly reject your proposals.
suna hums quietly, shifting to meet your gaze. “yeah?” 
he still thinks you haven’t caught on, but you picked up on his tendency to immediately drop his phone in a reflex to hearing your voice a while back— you like it.
“do you think,” you shift your legs from the comfort of his lap and move your body closer to him, “i could do your eyeliner?”
your question doesn’t register.
instead, suna’s hyper fixated on the inching proximity between you two— he doesn’t like it. it’s one a.m and you’re moving one couch cushion closer, your knee is brushing against his thigh, has your skin always been this cold? he can barely focus, but he still hears the droplets of rain assaulting the window and roofs, they’re getting louder and louder and—
“suna? did you hear me?” your voice is accompanied with slight confusion. 
you narrow your eyes as he blinks out of his trance. you’re not shocked though— his tendencies to space out were never limited to lectures alone. “wha?”
your shoulder rests against his, and he swears he feels his heart cease its rhythmic palpitations for a fraction of a second.
[no you idiot, that’s just your regular heartbeat.]
there’s apprehension in your voice, “can i...do your eyeliner…?” suna is a relatively simple man, the worst he can say is no, but you want a yes this time around. 
“i’ve already said—” 
suna’s breath hitches, as if his words are lodged at the back of his throat. your fingers grip onto the peak of his broad shoulders. [you’d rather die than admit it, but you always loved when he’d roll them back and inconspicuously stretch his neck]
suna stares at you squarely in the face. he can feel the outline of your fingernails lightly tacking into his skin. shit, he’s dreaming. his eyes shift around the room, it’s still one a.m, and he can’t get any words out of his mouth.
speak, speak, SPEAK—
you beat him to it.
“before you say no!” your voice rises as you try to appeal. “i’m letting you crash at my place for the night, i deserve a payment.” your words come out as more of a jumbled mess than a proper sentence. subconsciously, you take your bottom lip between your thumb and index fingers, biting it every now and then. suna lifts a brow at your familiar mannerisms— he likes to think he knows you better than anyone else, and he knows that you toy with your bottom lip before taking a test, receiving a report card, or going in for a job interview.
are you nervous?
he sighs.
“fine…” he whispers softly. suna doesn’t exactly know if he should regret agreeing to your question, but he doesn’t miss the way your eyes visibly light up when he does.
you look pretty. 
he regrets it.
it’s one a.m and you’re situated on his lap, straddling him innocently as you dab the brush into the bottle of ebony ink. suna can’t help but feel like a putty in your hands, the same ones that gently grip his jaw to hold it in place. 
he’s still not sure how old he was when your touches started to feel like fire.
suna feels trapped, he IS trapped. between your legs, between your soft body and the tender cushion, between the thin line of friendship and-
he should stop.
[he still can’t believe he’s doing this]
“would you like thin, or thick eyeliner, rin?”
has his name always rolled off your tongue so effortlessly?
“thin, like yours.”
you hum with content, looking him over with a small smile etched onto your face. he doesn’t understand how you can keep eye contact with him so easily, especially while you’re moving closer and closer to his chest. 
he holds his breath as you exhale. he can still smell the lingering scent of peppermint from the gum you were chewing minutes before– usually he can’t stand it, but right now it feels like home. suna knows his eyes shouldn’t be trailing down to your cherry balm stained lips, and he knows that his chest shouldn’t swell at the sight of you wearing his old bleach stained t-shirt that stretched past your shorts.
suna knows that he’s not supposed to see his best friend in that light; so why is it all that he can think about?
“close your eyes for me please?”
he really doesn’t want to, afraid that if he opens them back up again, you’ll be gone and he’ll be in his bed [he still believes that he’s dreaming]. but he knows that he’d rather dance with the devil [the twins] than say no to you, so he complies.
you hum a light tune to yourself as you bring the fine-tipped brush to the edge of his eye. as the pen glides across his skin, suna can’t help but flinch at the intrusive feeling. instinctively, his hand darts up to hold your wrist, stopping you from drawing any further.
“that feels weird.” he can’t see, but he can feel the smile tugging at your lips.
“you’ll get used to it in a bit, rin.”
it’s weird, best friends don’t usually sit in each other’s lap with less than five inches of breathing room between each other. what if he were to do this with one of the twins–
that’s a disturbing thought. he immediately forgets about it. he shifts in discomfort mid-stroke, making your hand slip.
you groan in frustration; it’s at times like this that you can’t stand suna.
“stop moving! you made it smudge!” you lightly smack his chest [though, it’s just a pitiful excuse to touch him].
“sorry, sorry.” your giggles die down as you clean up the line, and suna quickly goes back to overthinking. 
the rain is still pouring.
he counts that you breathe twice every ten seconds.
you’re getting closer to his chest. 
he can still smell the leftover pizza on the coffee table from today’s takeout.
the gel feels kind of nice now.
its one a.m and suna’s falling in love with–
“earth to suna?” you huff as you lightly tap his shoulder, “don’t tell me that you’ve fallen asleep on me.” it’s quite funny to him when you say that; you’re actually what keeps him up at night.
you lean back as he opens his eyes, looking at the eyeliner from afar. you can’t help but get a bit jealous– even without trying, suna had always managed to look perfect. 
you’re so caught up that you don’t notice yourself starting to slip.
“watch out.” his hand slips around your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
it’s one a.m and your hands are back on his shoulders. you know that your eyes shouldn’t be on his slightly chapped lips, and you know that you shouldn’t want to throw the hoodie adorning his body somewhere across the room. 
his hands are still around your waist.
you watch as his tongue ghosts over his lips to wet them.
you can smell the residual scent of the same cinnamon cologne you got him for a ‘secret santa’ event between your friend group.
sometimes, you forget that you’re just friends.
has suna always been this attractive?
the tipped over bottle of eyeliner is spilling onto your clothes.
how would his lips feel against–
“wanna kiss you.” the hesitation in suna’s voice is clear. he knows better than anyone that best friends shouldn’t want to kiss each other. his heart is racing. when your eyes widen in surprise he wants nothing more than to push you off of him and leave without saying goodbye– but he’s already said it. 
“w-what?” you stutter out. you can’t help but wonder if you’re dreaming. you want to pinch yourself, but if it is a dream, the last thing you’d want is to wake up.
“i want to kiss you. will you let me?” he says, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
little does he know that you want more; to touch him, taste him, love him–
you take the easy way out instead, “yeah...alright.”
he moves a stray strand of hair away from your face, is he doing this right? You move in closer, eyes slowly fluttering shut, but suna’s gaze still lingers on you. he thinks you look even more beautiful than before [he didn’t think it was possible]. It’s one a.m and he’s about to kiss the person of his dreams. 
shit. he should close his eyes.
the journey seems like forever, but you both finally feel each other.
no, his lips don’t ghost over yours.
they press together, full of pent up passion. it’s hot, too hot for even best friends. 
can you even call each other that anymore?
not with the way his hands claw at the tip of your shirt in a futile attempt of pulling you closer to him, not with the way you gather tufts of his hair in your hands, and certainly not at the way you both feel at home like this. you both can taste every last inch of each other. 
he swears that he hates peppermint, but he’s drunk on the taste of it on your tongue. 
you’re meant to be nothing more than childhood best friends, but you want more and more and MORE.
this shouldn’t be happening, but he wants more and more and MORE–
you both break for air after an eternity, pulling away with heat-flushed faces, heaving chests, and swollen lips. he rests his forehead against yours, peppering ghost-kisses between breaths that tickle your skin. 
“i’m not supposed to love you, but i do.”
it’s two a.m, and two best friends are melting into each other. 
they’re unaware that the rain has stopped. 
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Imagine telling Alec you’re pregnant
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“Impossible,” He stared at you with wide red eyes, not believing a word you just said.
“It’s true, Alec,” you bit your lip. “I’m with child. Aro has confirmed it.”
“But ... But ...” Alec knew that you had the ability to change back into your human form whenever you liked. But never did he imagine anything like this.
“Are you mad?” You asked him worriedly, wondering if he even wanted a child.
Alec stared at you with an unreadable expression. “Mad? Heavens no. Worried? Absolutely. I don’t want what happened to Isabella Cullen happening to you.”
You both cringed as you remembered her life-threatening pregnancy.
“It won’t be like that,” You assured him. “I may be human when I carry, but I am a vampire. I will survive this,” You said firmly.
Alec walked towards you and embraced you in a hug.
“You are strong, my love. I have no doubt about that. I will see it through that you survive this. After all, our babe will need you.”
341 notes · View notes
mikkomacko · 4 years
Christmas Magic 5
Here it is! Only a month late lol. Thank you for being so patient with me, enjoy!
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Jingle Bell Rock flows throughout the mall for the umpteenth time in the hour and a half that Harry and y/n have been there. She's still a bit sniffly from her cold, the congestion often giving her headaches but she's fairly certain that the pounding in the back of her skull is the result of Christmas shopping.
"Do ya think she'd rather have a Goofy in her stocking or a Minnie?"
Harry's holding both plushies in his hands, eyebrows knitted in deep thought and she's tempted to laugh from how seriously Harry's taking shopping duty. He'd picked out his gift for Ophelia easily, deciding she'd absolutely love a pair of roller skates and some new clothes from him. It was almost magical watching him easily navigate Toys R Us and pick out the gift, no hesitation about whether it's the right gift or not. He just knew. But now, now that he's shopping as Santa and not as dad, every little item is debated.
"Oh God, maybe she'd prefer Pluto?"
Y/n does laugh this time when he turns back to the wall of stuffed animals in the Disney store, more fear in his eyes than she thinks belongs in the eyes of someone with a medical degree. Harry whips around at her giggle, nose scrunching in annoyance. "What's so funny?"
Adjusting her purse on her shoulder, she moves closer and takes the toys out of his hands. "She's your daughter Harry. You know everything about her, including which character she'd love most." Harry huffs as she puts the toys back on the shelf with their clones.
"But this isn't from me, s'from-" Harry throws a quick glance over his shoulder, lowering his voice to a whisper, "Santa and he doesn't know her like I do."
Defeated, Harry turns to face her and with a pout that greatly resembles his daughters, Harry hunches over to lay his cheek on y/n's shoulder and bury his nose in her neck. She wraps her arms around him, lightly scratching at his shoulder blade.
"You're thinking too much babe," she says "you know she loves Goofy." He hums, nodding just once and he breath is warm on her skin when he whispers, "but she's already got a Goofy."
Ophelia wouldn't mind another Goofy, y/n knows that, but she decides to just stay quiet and endure a long day of shopping with Harry. After all, this is for his daughter and she'd do anything for him and his baby.
Harry squishes his phone between his ear and shoulder, folding a pink pair of pajama pants and tucking them into Ophelia's flower printed suitcase.
"Hey there," Gemma greets, "m'leaving the house now so I'll be there for my little one soon."
Through the phone he can hear the sound of Gemma's car starting, the engine humming lowly. Tucking an extra pair of underwear and socks into her bag, he gasps. "Your little one? I think you mean my little one!"
He zips up her suitcase, now gripping his phone in his left hand and then setting the bag upright on the carpet. "Well tonight she's my little one."
Ophelia laughs from the living room, the sound warming Harry's chest. "Suppose that's fair," he agrees "but just for tonight. I want her back tomorrow."
"Morning or noon?" Gemma asks with a sly tone, hinting towards something.
Harry's ears grow hot and he perches himself on the edge of Ophelia's bed, scratching at the back of his neck. "Depends on the nipper." He remains casual, but his mind flashes to the box of condoms now sitting under his bathroom sink, knowing they're the reason he asked Gemma for a sleepover with her niece.
"So if she wants to go home at 3 in the morning tonight-"
"You call and I'll go get her." He replies instantly. "No matter the time or what I'm doing I'll go get her."
Gemma hums. "And this girlfriend of yours..."
His heart thumps loudly. "Yeah?"
"Would she care if you had to come get Ophelia?"
Harry doesn't even have to think about it and that makes him happy beyond belief. "No. She'd probably beat me getting there if m'honest." It may be a bit of an exaggeration because God knows Harry would move mountains to get to his daughter, but he also knows that y/n would be right there with him.
"Good," she says "just wanted to make sure you weren't shagging the wrong kind of gal."
He snorts. "Don't have to worry about me."
She gasps, "so it is a shagging date!"
Harry's entire face turns hot, embarrassment prickling his skin which he thinks is odd considering he has a bloody child and everyone knows he's not a 30 year old virgin. Still, his voice cracks when he exclaims "Gemma!"
Her cackle is loud and obnoxious through the phone, obviously pleased with herself. She's never missed an opportunity to make him flustered like that so he's not surprised.
"I have good intuition." Harry says, changing the subject back to their previous topic.
His sister clicks her tongue. "That'd be more comforting if you hadn't knocked up Isabella. Bloody b-"
"Gem," he interrupts, voice stern. He knows he screwed up in college, knows Isabella used him, but she also gave him Ophelia and a part of him will always thank her for that. "S'in the past. I've grown up."
The line is a silent for a moment, followed by her defenceless sigh. "I know Harry. I'm proud of you but I just-you're my baby brother. And she may be Ophelia's mom but I'll never forgive her actions."
And he can't argue with that. Gemma has every right to feel the way she does especially because he knows it's born out of her love for her family, but he wishes she weren't so bitter about it. Bitterness makes the bones brittle, he's been told.
"Don't have to forgive her but can you forgive me at least? I have a part in this too."
She exhales, annoyed. "You don't have a part in her not being the mother Ophelia needs and you don't have a part in the way she treated you."
Harry feels like he does. He should've been tougher, stronger, better, anything to make Isabella stay in Ophelia's life. He's not going to say that to Gemma though. "Yeah," he mumbles, hating how much this phone call has brought his mood down. "I'll uh, I'll see you in a bit Gem."
"See ya Harry." Gemma says, sounding tired herself. Every time they bring up Isabella it's exhausting and they never get far in their conversation. Maybe that's why the topic is avoided. That and Harry doesn't like talking about the woman he once loved.
Mood gone sour, Harry tucks his phone into his pocket and collects Ophelia's suitcase, carrying it out to the living room.
Arthur Christmas is playing on the TV and much to Harry's amusement, y/n is laughing at it more than Ophelia. He's not even sure what's so hilarious about the movie but she's laughing so hard her shoulders have curled in and her whole body is shaking.
"Auntie Gem will be here in a moment for you Fee." Harry says, pulling his daughter's gaze from the television. He places her things by the door, turning back to the couch just in time for Ophelia to launch herself at him. Used to the terrible habit, Harry easily catches her against his chest.
"Gonna be a good girl, yeah?" He asks, tucking a wild curl behind her ear. The little one nods, eyebrows furrowed in determination. "Gonna have fun with auntie?"
"Always have fun with auntie Gem." Ophelia promises, her features easing into a smile.
"I know you do," he kisses her forehead. "Gonna miss me?" His question brings a little frown to her lips and she tucks her face into his neck when she whispers, "Gonna miss you a lot daddy but I'll see you tomorrow."
Her little reassurance makes him laugh. Sometimes she's like a bloody adult in the body of a five year old and it never fails to amuse him when she 'parents' him.
"Yeah," he swears "you will, nipper. As soon as you're ready to see me I'll be there, okay?" Ophelia nods as best she can without leaving her cozy cove in his neck. "I mean it babycakes, whenever you're ready, yeah?"
"I know daddy."
Before he can ask another overprotective question, there's a knock on the front door. Ophelia wiggles out of his arms, screaming as she bolts to the door and pulls it open. "Auntie Gem!"
"Why hello sunshine!" His older sister, stepping into the apartment and lifting Ophelia up for a cuddle. Y/n climbs off the couch, attaching to Harry's side like a lost puppy. He takes her hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly.
Ophelia's feet touch the floor again and Gemma looks up to greet Harry and y/n. He speaks first, tugging y/n closer to him.
"Gem, this is my girlfriend y/n."
Gemma's eyes look over y/n, analyzing. She always been a good judge of character and he can't help but want to jump with excitement when his sister smiles and shakes y/n's hand.
"Gemma, it's lovely to meet you." She responds, clearly pleased with the vibes she picked up from y/n. Then she turns to Harry, raising an expectant eyebrow. Smiling, Harry releases y/n's hand to wrap his arms around his sister's shoulders.
"Hiya squirt." Gemma says teasingly, reaching up to pinch Harry's cheeks. He scoffs at the nickname. Gemma's always called him that because he was always a smaller for his age. Too short and too skinny, then too short and too chubby, but somewhere around the age of 20 he evened out. Now he stands a foot taller than her and could easily throw her over his shoulder if he wanted to. But the nickname still stuck.
"Daddy my boots!" Ophelia comes barrelling into his legs, a pink snow boot clutched in each of her little hands. He crouches down in front of her, helping guide her feet into the thick shoes and lace them up. Y/n suddenly comes up behind her, carrying her puff coat. They bundle her up tight, knowing that the snow in London has been especially abundant this year.
"Arms please," she requests, Harry leaning back just in time to catch her gentle smile. Ophelia spreads her arms, allowing y/n to slip in over her shoulders. "Thanks sweets."
"Thank you y/n." Ophelia replies, waiting patiently for Harry to zip the coat. He can't help think about great of a team they are, y/n slipping a beanie over his daughter's curls as he drags the zipper up to her chin.
A perfect team, actually.
"This is the cringiest Christmas movie I've seen."
Y/n rolls her eyes, swallowing down the bite of chicken fajitas that Harry had cooked for dinner. He's sat next to her on the couch, mismatched-sock clad feet up on the coffee table and he's wearing an adorable-y amused expression on his face.
"That's what makes it good," she reasons "plus the knight is cute."
Harry scoffs, looking at her as if she were crazy. "That guy? Sir Cole?" he mocks in a posh accent. "His name is literally circle." She can't help but laugh, watching Harry's cheeks redden. It's obvious her comment has made him jealous and she finds it very endearing that he thinks he's got competition.
"Sorry it's not as original as Harry, your highness."
Face growing even redder, Harry shoves a bite of food in his mouth. Y/n laughs again, leaning forward to set her plate on the table. He's staring too intently at the TV, trying to ignore her as she scoots closer to him and cuddles into his chest. He doesn't move a muscle.
"Don't be a baby," she begs with a pout, peering up at him through her eyelashes. "Harry is the name of royalty. Like a king. Cole is the name of some random guy that becomes a knight. Everyone loves a king.
Harry's lips twitch, much to her delight, and then he's chuckling quietly. Finally, he rests his arm around her shoulders and tucks her into his side. "Since m'royalty I demand you wrap Christmas presents with me."
"Demand?" She scoffs.
He nods. "King's order. He's absolute shit at wrapping and Santa's supposed to be good at it. Think the princess is getting suspicious."
Y/n warms at the thought of Harry up late on Christmas Eve, cursing and mumbling as quiet as possible to not wake Ophelia, frustrated when he rips the corners of the paper or makes it too short for the gift. Luckily for him, she loves wrapping gifts.
"Well the peasant has got no say in this. Bust out the paper Styles." She agrees, pushing herself up from the couch. Harry catches her hand, tugging her back into his lap.
"Not a peasant love." He states quietly, sealing the words with a kiss to her mouth. "Could never be a peasant."
Blushing, she rises with him, following him to the bedroom to retrieve the gifts and wrapping supplies.
A stack of gifts with pretty bows and tags, and two cups of hot cocoa later Harry finds himself sprawled out his mattress next to y/n. She's got her left hand in front of her face, pouting at the Barbie bandaid on her pointer finger, a casualty of the Christmas season. Paper cuts are common when you can't stop giggling and admiring the pretty wrapping paper.
Laughing to himself, Harry reaches over for her hand and presses a kiss to it. "All better sweetheart. Got a dad's magic kiss."
Y/n gasps dramatically. "Oh thank you so much! I'm afraid I would've bled to death!"
"Not on my watch," he promises, rolling onto his side and draping his arm over her tummy. She tangles her fingers in his hair, massaging his scalp until he was a puddle of mush on the mattress.
"You're a good dad Harry." She whispers as if she's afraid to say the words that make Harry's veins flood with joy. "Like incredible actually."
Flustered and flattered, he smiles shyly, "Really?"
She doesn't hesitate to nod, rolling onto her side to face him as well. "I don't know how you do it but it's really admirable. I remember dad always wanted to pull his hair out with me. Seems like you and Ophelia are best friends."
It's incredible to Harry that she has no idea what those words mean to him. He remembers holding Ophelia in the hospital, a tiny pink bundle in his arms that had no idea it'd be just the two of them against the world. He remembers being terrified, wanting to throw up and move back home with his mum because he really didn't know what to do. He just wanted to be a good father for his baby girl.
"There were times when she was a baby and it felt like everything I did was wrong." He admits, "Wanted to pull my hair out too."
He knows now is the time to tell her. If he wants this to go further, to take that next step she needs to know his and Ophelia's story. That way she can decide if she wants them or not.
"I want to tell you the story of how I got Ophelia," he says, palms starting to feel a little sweaty. Y/n looks surprised but nods anyway.
"Only if you want too."
He pushes himself to sit up against the headboard, y/n following. "I do want to. If you're going to be a part of our lives you deserve to know...."
Isabella was the girl of his dreams. At least at the time she was. Where he was quiet and timid, she was outspoken and confident. Where he was cautious and analytical, she was reckless and carefree. Anyone who knew them, knew they were polar opposites. Beautiful blonde hair and icy blue eyes, Harry had been stuck on her since the first day he saw her. It was sort of like a movie if he's being honest. The nerdy and awkward boy falls for the older, popular girl. Never in a million years did he think he'd ever end up with her. He didn't have anything going for him. He was 23, living with his best mate and trying to become a male nurse. He wore chunky glasses, his hair was always a terrible mess of frizzy curls, and he wore the same white tee-shirt and black jeans every day. Nothing remarkable about him. Hell, he'd never even been kissed let alone slept with anyone.
And Isabella was nothing like him. She was remarkable. She was going to school to be a dermatologist, starting a bit later than him because she wanted to travel and hang out with friends before she committed to school. She never dated, though she knew everyone and everyone knew her. Harry knew she partied and drank, knew she had sex whenever she wanted to and he loved that about her. He desperately wanted the ease she had. Isabella didn't worry about school, didn't worry about love, didn't worry about her future. She was a wild spirit.
He looked up to her so much. And that's why he got attached to her so quickly. His mother always told him he has a big heart and that it'll always be unstoppable in who it wants to love. Evidently, she was right. After his first night with Isabella, an embarrassingly short first time for him, and a lesson on how to use his pretty hands to make her feel good, Harry knew she had him. Every thought he had was about her. Dreams of her in his flat, his hands in her shiny hair as she kissed every inch of his body and loved him. In his dreams, she loved him.
In real life, she just wanted to have fun with him. They slept together a few more times, enough for Harry to build up enough stamina to actually have her coming on his dick and not his tongue or fingers, but that was it. She turned down his invites to hang out, to study, and when he finally asked her on a date, she turned him down then too. And then she stopped seeing him.
Beautiful Isabella, who could never be tied down. She would never belong to anyone or anything. She would never want to. A month of heartbreak later, she showed up on his doorstep.
"I'm pregnant Harry," is what she had said, and her voice that used to hold so much allure now held contempt. She was now stuck, tied down to a child, committed to the baby and some sort of relationship with him. Exactly what she never wanted. "and I can't raise it. I don't want to raise it."
Even after how much she hurt him, he couldn't bring himself to be angry when they reached the agreement that she'd have the baby but Harry would be the caregiver. He was grateful that she let him have a say, that she didn't automatically decide to not have the child. He loved her and he'd take anything he could get from her, even if it was just her child. And that was all he got. He missed most of her pregnancy, caught up with school. And he knew a part of it was how much Isabella hated him for putting a child in her. He knew she blamed him and that's why she didn't want him around much. He hates to admit it, but he knew that she hated their baby too. He knew from the moment they saw the first ultrasound and her terms for the baby were put in place.
She doesn't want to be in its' life. No phone calls, no texts, no pictures, no claim on her birth certificate. Nothing to show that the baby was hers too. It broke his heart all over again to know that their child would never know a mother's love all because Isabella couldn't love Harry. She hated the baby because it was half him.
From the moment Ophelia was born, it was clear that she was his daughter. She already had dark hair, already developed his green eyes. Her lips took the same shape as his, and her nose was just a tad too big for her face. Just like her father. Nothing about her hinted at her being Isabella's daughter.
Harry took that as a sign. He needed to let go of his first love. If he were meant to always want her, to always have her with him, their child would've carried some semblance of her. But she didn't. It was as if the universe knew it would be just Harry and Ophelia.
Isabella left the hospital a few days later, changing her number and her school. Harry was blocked on everything, as was his family. She wanted nothing to do with them.
As for Harry, he went home to his apartment, introduced his baby to her uncle Niall, and then showed her the corner of his room that was now hers. A crib and a little dresser, squished into his already crowded room.
It was him and Ophelia against the world. He always thought that she was the only girl meant to be in his life. It would take a miracle to find a woman that wanted a dorky, single father who spent too many long hours at work.
But sometimes miracles happen.
Harry's skin prickles with nerves and his tongue rests heavy in his mouth. Y/n is holding his hand, her thumb tracing the cross tattooed by his as he anxiously awaits a reaction from her. The first thing that comes out of her mouth is not what he's expecting.
"You wear glasses?"
Shocked, he stutters. "Uh, y-yeah I do but that's....what?"
Y/n shrugs, frowning down at their intertwined fingers. "How come you never wear them?"
Again, Harry's shocked and a little confused. That definitely wasn't the detail he expected her to focus on but at least it's a simpler topic than the woman that abandoned his daughter. "I wear m'contacts when you're over."
She finally looks up at him, eyes wide with concern. "You're not supposed to sleep with those on! Your eyeballs could've melted!"
He can't help it. He bursts out laughing, eyes squeezing shut as his chest jolts with the joyous sound. "Sweetheart, one night every few days isn't a big deal." He says once he's finally calmed down.
"It is to me," she mumbles with a pout, slipping a leg over his thighs and pulling herself up to straddle him. "I bet you look hot with glasses."
His heart stutters, hands instinctively holding her hips. "Y-yeah?" He stutters, painfully aware of the fact that he hasn't had sex in six years and the last time he did, he was left heartbroken.
"Yeah," she assures softly, cupping the sides of his warm neck. Her hands are gentle and tender, a grounding force he didn't know he needed until now. "You always look good though."
That's a nice thing to hear after spending your whole life as the scrawny nerd that stands sort of funny because his left leg is just a bit shorter than his right. It's a pain in the ass on his back and he should find someway to alleviate that discomfort but he can't begin to think about how right now because all his blood is quickly rushing to his cock.
"Not as good as you," he replies in earnest, eyes never straying from hers. "never as good as you."
Y/n responds with her mouth on his, slipping a hand to tangle in the curls that meet the back of his neck. He hums into her lips, a current of electricity budding between them and spreading throughout his whole being. He doesn't have much experience but he swears kissing someone has never felt like this.
His fingers slip under the hem of her shirt, feeling the soft skin on her sides. As it trying to get even with him, y/n's hands move to his hips and clutch the edge of his tee-shirt, dragging it up. Harry's brain feels fuzzy and light, floating in lust as they both continue to strip each other of their clothes. By the time he's sat in just his boxers, fingers toying with the waistband of her underwear, he can't even remember how they got here. He hates himself for it, wishes he remembered every little detail, but there's time for that later.
"I've got-fuck," he smacks another kiss to her mouth before continuing. "got condoms, in the bathroom." Y/n kisses him again, reluctant to pull away but she's just as desperate as him. Harry had intended on nipping into the bathroom to retrieve the rubber but y/n is quicker, removing herself from his lap.
"Be right back!" She calls over her shoulder, panty clad bum disappearing into the restroom. Harry takes a second to ground himself, breathing smoothly as he drops a stern look to the throbbing bulge in his boxers.
"Don't embarrass me," he mutters, "know it's been awhile but it's gonna be even longer if you come in the first five minutes." Mentally praying to a higher being, Harry moves to sit on the edge of the bed just as y/n returns with the black box. His cock twitches, overwhelmed with the fact that she grabbed the whole fucking box and not just one little pack, and his hope of lasting long enough for her weakens a bit.
She retrieves a packet from the box, laying the container on the bedside table. Harry rises from the bed, hands trembling and chest fluttering. He's reaching for the band of his boxers when y/n moves to the edge of the bed, sat on her knees in front of him.
"Can I?" She asks, her own fingers gripping the last article of clothing on him. Swallowing thickly, he nods and then she's pulling them down his thighs, over his knobby knees, and dropping them to his ankles. He kicks them off, eyes locked on her reaction.
Just seeing her face, eyes dark and mouth dropped open has him frantic. He tears open the condom, fitting it over his prick and tossing the wrapper to the side. "Can I be on top?"
Y/n is already moving to lay back against the pillows, nodding. "Fuck, yes please." She breathes, gripping his shoulders when he covers her body with his. They're mouths meet in the middle while Harry slips her underwear down her thighs. It takes some awkward wiggling and kicking, but she gets them off eventually and that's all that matters.
Harry grips himself, lining his cock up with her slit. "Never done it like this," he admits quietly, lips brushing hers. Y/n wraps her legs around his hips, pulling him in closer. "was always on bottom."
"Are you okay doing it this way?"
He smiles, butterflies swarming his chest at her sweet words. "Of course I am. Wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to try it." And she kisses him again, urging him to sink into her with a tightening of her leg. Harry complies, a wheezing gasp leaving him as he slowly presses into her.
He's had sex before, obviously, and he knows how fucking good it feels, but nothing compares to the feeling of being with y/n. Maybe it's the new position or because it's been so long for him, but it feels euphoric. Like if he keeps fucking her, eventually he'll die from too much pleasure in his veins. He can't help but think it feels magical as he rocks his hips into hers, listening to y/n mewl in his ear. That's the only explanation. It has to be magic.
Magic isn't real, he reminds himself, trying to ground himself to the beautiful beneath him. She's all he should be thinking about.
And she is, because he fails to notice the snow that has suddenly started glittering past the bedroom window, shimmering more than any snow he's ever seen.
She's lining the roof of the gingerbread cottage with green icing, sticking gumdrops on it when Ophelia bursts into gleeful giggles. Y/n glances up from the icing bag, heart swelling to a size so large it could burst as she watches Harry and his daughter. He's got Ophelia in his lap, two large biceps wrapped around her little body to hold her squirming limbs still as Harry blows raspberries into her neck and cheek.
"Daddy!" Ophelia bubbles through laughs, "your whiskers daddy, no!"
Her words make Harry laugh loudly into his daughter's neck, eyes squeezing shut and shoulders shaking. The vibrations must tickle her even more because Ophelia's laughs grow louder and she wiggles liked a cooked noodle. A baby hand slips free, slapping at Harry's cheek and smearing crystal sprinkles across his scruff.
"I'm telling Santa you hit me!" Harry exclaims like a child tattling to a parent. Ophelia immediately freezes, eyes widening in fear as she turns in Harry's lap to face him.
"No daddy," she cries, cupping his face in her sticky hands. "please. It was an accident, I'm sorry daddy!" Y/n bites her lip to hold back her smile, watching Harry maintain his facade of hurt.
He shakes his head. "I have to. Santa has to know who goes on the naughty list."
Trembling lips place an apologetic kiss to Harry's cheek. "B-but m'not naughty! You told me I was a good girl!"
Harry finally cracks, giggling as he snuggles his anxious daughter into his chest. "Fine I won't tell," he concedes, "but you gotta give me a real kiss nipper."
Complying, Ophelia places a sweet kiss to Harry's puckered lips. He dots a few more to her face, gently tickling her with his beard before settling back into decorating. They're both working on putting buttons on the gingerbread snowman when Harry steals y/n's attention from her window decorating.
"What are ya plans for Christmas love?"
Pursing her lips, she shrugs. Her father was never big on Christmas. Of course they celebrated it, but he lives in Washington and she lives in London now, and Christmas has never been big enough to them for her to fly overseas. She typically spends the holiday picking up extra hours at work or hanging with some friends.
"Don't really have anything planned. I just go with the flow of the day." She explains.
Their eyes meet, Harry's narrowed under furrowed eyebrows. "Ya don't go with family or friends?"
"Not worth the flight honestly. My dad usually goes on fishing trips anyway and I hate fishing."
As if he can't believe her words, he shakes his head and runs a hand over his face. "Shouldn't be spending Christmas alone pet." She shrugs, used to it just being her. "Guess I'll have to drag you up North with us."
His smirk is beautiful and alluring, making her mouth ache to meet his, but that thought is buried under the alarm sounding throughout her brain. Head home with Harry?
How is she supposed to manage that?
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Star crossed lovers (au) part 2
pairings: poppy x mc (bea)
warnings: throughout this fic there will be mentions of substance abuse, homophobia, sexual abuse, violence, NSFW, mentions of abandonment, depression and death including suicide
reader discretion is advised
(i apologise for any spelling/grammatical mistakes, i’ll fix them later) 
taglist: @somewillwin @save-me-the-last-dance @baexpoppy @cloud9in @stanzoeywade @ognenniyvolk @thepotatobleh @crazzyplays @rxssians (i’m pretty sure this is my taglist, if you wanna be tagged in future posts just reply or message me 😊) 
word count: 6.2k
read part 1 here: 
Part 2: First day jitters
Bea groans and puts her alarm on snooze momentarily silencing the deafening noise. After finding difficulty in falling asleep on time, the brunette found herself feeling zombified this morning. With great difficulty she forces herself to sit up and reaches over to her dresser to check her phone.
A snapchat from Poppy, 
a miss call from AJ
And 5 unread texts from Zoey
She opens the snapchat from Poppy who had sent a selfie of her with an adorable bedhead, lips slightly puckered, captioning the picture, ‘good morning babe 💋I love you’. Bea decided to send a selfie back, hands raised in a peace sign captioning her post, ‘I love you too, see you at school ❤️’. She decides to give AJ a quick text since he called her at 4:34am and Bea is worried he might’ve gotten into some trouble overnight.  
AJ Baxter, one of the few friends Bea has at Belvoire. He’s younger, a sophomore now, but has a heart of gold. His family is more middle class but his father is good friends with the superintendent which means his place in Belvoire is secured, he could practically get away with anything without risk of suspension. He hangs out with Bea and her friends who live in the south, but recently he’s gotten caught up in a bad crowd, a gang called ‘Southside nation’ who causes nothing but trouble. Bea’s taken it upon herself to look out for him and make sure he doesn’t do anything illegal because he’s a good kid, just a little lost. 
She then decided to check her texts from Zoey who just wants to wish her luck at her fancy school and to let her know if any preppy rich kid tries to bully her to call Zoey who would beat their ass. Zoey was one of Bea’s best friends, they had met when Bea moved into her neighbourhood after leaving the northside of Greensburg, and she practically taught Bea how to survive in the south. She often discloses her opinion about Bea and Poppy’s relationship, warning Bea that it will only end up with her getting her heart broken. Bea tends to ignore Zoey’s criticisms, and anyone else’s really, no one could understand their relationship, Bea and Poppy were soulmates, or at least that’s how they saw each other. Bea usually retorts to Zoey’s criticisms arguing that no matter what life threw at them she and Poppy were destined to be together and no one could ever ruin that. 
After a few more moments of scrolling through her phone, she forces herself to get up and moves over to the other side of the room to wake up her little sister. 
“Hey sleepy head, you gotta get up” Bea gently shakes the younger girl who in response groans loudly and pulls the covers over her head. 
“Go awayyyyy” her voice rasps, as she’s evidently still in sleepy mode. 
Bea grins and decides to jump on her sister’s bed and shake her awake, earning a hard shove from her Aria who sits up on her bed rubbing her red eyes, “Bea whatthehell, what’s wrong with you”, for a 11 year old she sure as hell had a lot of attitude, a trait she definitely acquired from her mother. 
“Sorry kiddo” she leaps off the bed and turns back to look at her sister, “I want you ready for school in 40 minutes, that means you’ve brushed your teeth, brushed your hair, wearing your school clothes and eaten breakfast, all in that order okay?” 
Aria just drags her hands down her face and moans, “okayyyy, relax Bea, let me at least fully wake up”. 
Bea smiles and stalks towards the bathroom and turns on the tap blasting the cold water. She cups her hand and splashes the water all over her face, gasping as if she had been holding her breath for hours. Well, that definitely woke her up. 
After brushing her teeth and going through the steps of her basic skincare routine Poppy practically forced upon her, she advances to the living room and sees that her mother is still in the same place she left her last night. She takes a minute to analyse her mother’s facial features, a few grey hairs peaks out of her hair, threatening to showcase her ageing, her slightly creased forehead, and the small wrinkles which edged on the corners of her eyes. Her nose was similar to Aria’s, a petite buttoned up nose, except she had a silver nose ring. Her lips were thin and wide, red lipstick smeared on her chin a little and all Bea could do was frown. Her mother used to be so beautiful, she remembers the time she stumbled across a photo album in which Bea’s mother had documented almost everything in her life, she used to be so full of life, so happy but now, she was different. She hated her life, ever since her husband left her she resorted to alcohol and drugs, the only way she knew how to numb the pain. It killed Bea to see her mother destroy herself piece by piece, she often questioned to herself why she or Aria were never enough for her to want to live. But Bea would never say anything out loud, not wanting to upset her mother or sister or the more likely answer, she was afraid of the truth. 
Bea shakes herself out of her thoughts and moves towards the kitchen which is connected to the living room. She decides to make scrambled eggs for breakfast as she definitely needs the protein and it was pretty easy to cook. A few minutes later, Aria emerges from her bedroom, dressed in her school clothes, Bea begins to assess the girls outfit from head to toe, disproving the slightly cropped t-shirt Aria decided to wear and forcing her to change into something more appropriate for school. 
“No, turn around and change your top now,” her tone commanding with a hint of discontent. 
“It’s just a t-shirt, why are you making a big deal out of it, god” she retorted as she walks back to the room and moments later she walks into the room wearing an oversized hoodie. “There, happy?” 
“I’m practically jumping for joy, A, now hurry up and eat, the bus will be here soon” Bea moves towards the stools while Aria pours herself a bowl of cereal. Behind them they hear a series of moans and groans, guess their mother is finally awake. 
“Could you girls make any more noise, goddamn” she clutches her head in agony and begins rubbing the temples of her forehead with her fingertips. 
“We’re eating breakfast, maybe if you managed to make it to your bedroom we wouldn’t have woken you up,” Bea quips, turning back to focus on eating her breakfast while her mother just glares at the back of her head and rolls her eyes. 
“I’m your mother, don’t be a bitch with me especially when I’ve just woken up” she reaches over to the table and takes a huge swig of the vodka on the table while Bea silently berates herself for forgetting to throw the drink away. “Anyways where were you yesterday, you didn’t leave any money for dinner so I had to pay for a pizza” 
“I saw” Bea says unaffected, she’s used to her mom’s bitchiness and attitude. 
“Don’t tell me you were with richie rich’, she downs the rest of the drink and slams the empty bottle on the table. 
That agitates Bea and grabs her attention, she shifts in her seat to glower at her mother, “Don’t call her that”
“Looks like I hit a sore spot” her mother waves her hands dismissing Bea’s anger, “next time be here for dinner or leave some money because I don’t have enough money to be worrying about feeding that one”, she nods her head towards Aria. 
Bea clenches her fist and takes a deep breath, ‘Aria go get your school bag”, Aria’s about to respond when Bea just glares at her expecting her to follow through, Aria reluctantly gets up from her seat leaving her almost empty bowl of cereal on the counter. Bea quickly gets up and stomps towards Isabella, her voice is low and sharp, “Do you have to speak about your daughter like that when she’s around? I don’t give a shit about a $13 pizza, she’s your kid, she comes first no matter how much you despise her, she’s not to blame for your own mistakes”. Without waiting for a response she goes towards the bedroom and finds Aria lurking in the hallway looking dejected. 
“She hates me doesn’t she?”
Bea sighs, the relationship between her mother and Aria has always been so strained, her mother viewing Aria more as a burden and a physical embodiment of her biggest mistake in life. One of Bea’s biggest worries was what would happen once she moved to New York for college, she’s the only thing that is keeping the peace in the house but once she leaves she’s apprehensive about how her sister would fare around their mother. 
“She could never hate you, you’re her daughter, mom’s just….” she struggles to find the words, “mom’s just sad, she just doesn’t know how to properly control her emotions, but don’t worry you always have me here”, she feels guilty as she says the words because her mind drifts to college and New York but she musters a smile and hugs her sister, “now come on I’ll walk you to the bus stop just let me grab my bag”. 
After grabbing her bag, she quickly goes to the kitchen to put the dirty dishes in the sink, making a mental note of remembering to wash them when she gets home from work, since she knew her mother nor Aria would. She looks over to the living room to find the sofa empty and the door of her mother’s room, which was connected to the living room, slightly ajar, guess she’s gone back to doing nothing productive..again. 
After walking her sister to the bus stop, Bea insists on waiting with her to make sure she gets to school on time because she cannot afford having the principal call home about Aria being late, not if she wanted to piss her mom off more. Bea leaves Aria as soon as the  bus arrives, running back home to get her motorbike after looking at the clock on her phone and realising school begins in 30 minutes, “crap”. As soon as she makes it to her bike, she practically throws on her helmet and drives as rapidly as she can. The motorbike was a present from Poppy who had bought it from one of Bea’s co-workers at the diner at the beginning of the summer. Bea, at first, was apprehensive about the gift, she usually disdained Poppy for spending a lot of money on her but once she got on her new bike it was her second favourite thing in the world, the first being Poppy of course. Poppy secretly loved riding on her bike because it gave her the excuse to feel Bea’s abs (not that she needed one) but also because of the ephemeral ecstasy she would feel at every ride. It was a little taste of the freedom she so badly craved. 
The brunette is almost sweating at every red light because it means that she has to drive even faster and she did not want to be late on the first day back. Bea’s plan for senior year is to draw the least amount of attention to herself as she can, and coming late to homeroom is just basically like putting a huge kick me sign on her back. 
As soon as she parks her bike in the school’s parking lot she looks down at her phone, ‘7 minutes to spare that must be some new record’ she thinks to herself. She looks around at Belvoire, the school’s pristine building hasn’t gotten any less intimidating over the summer. She hears a bunch of shrill voices booming behind her and one of them in particular was almost like a banshee, the high pitched voice ringing in her ears which could only mean one person, Chloe St James. 
Chloe was one of Poppy’s best friends and one of Bea’s worst enemies. She was captain of the volleyball team which meant that she practically owned Bea on the court during practice but she was also incredibly irritating and very stupid. Once in class, her maths teacher asked Chloe what pi is, and she replied with “I don’t eat foods with a high fat content”. Everyone laughed at her until she cut them all off with a silent but deadly look. No one really messes with Chloe because she is secretly a very aggressive person which is exemplified by her plays on the volleyball court, Bea hated to admit it but Chloe was their best player. However, Chloe is the epitome of a classic dumb blonde rich girl who has to depend on her money and looks to get her somewhere in life, she practically has half of the football team worshipping her at her feet. Bea could never really understand why but Chloe has had it out for her since she’s come to Belvoire, maybe it was a classist thing but in the last year especially, Chloe’s antics became an everyday chore for Bea, who was getting sick of the constant harassment. It’s almost as if she swore to make Bea’s life a living hell. 
“Omg look who it is”,Bea rolls her eyes so hard they could get stuck in the back of her head, she turns to face the dumb blonde, “hey strip tease, how was your summer in the slums?” 
Bea balls her hands into a tight fist, ‘god this bitch is annoying’ she thought. “Is it true you whored yourself out so you could get that bike of yours?... Like mother like daughter I guess?” She giggles a little, triggering the girls around her, whose names Bea could never remember, to start laughing along with her. 
“Do you know what Chloe?” Bea takes a step forward a scowl etching on her face, “You’re all talk, I guarantee I’ll be able to take you”, Bea lowers her voice so only the blonde can hear what she’s saying, “You know I grew up in the South which means I was taught how to fight, so unless you want me to mess up that pretty face of yours back off.” Bea thought she was threatening enough for the dumb blonde to recede but her threats only aggravated Chloe more. 
“Listen up here you little tramp,” Chloe’s eyes were shooting daggers at Bea, even though she felt a tiny bit daunted by Chloe’s cold demeanor, Bea stood her ground when suddenly she could see Poppy in her peripheral vision sauntering up to the group and decided not to engage with Chloe since she promised Poppy she would be good. Before Chloe could obliterate Bea using her words, Bea holds up her middle finger at the blonde and counters, “go fuck yourself Chloe”. 
Chloe’s eyes flash with anger and just as she’s about to retort Poppy lays a hand on her shoulder and greets the girl with a squeal and Chloe delivers a bone crushing hug. Poppy doesn’t bother to spare a glance at Bea which means they’re back in the real world. 
After having the entire summer to themselves, riding around Greensburg, going to parties in the south, stealing moments in each other's rooms and going on secret weekend long trips to New York, being two teenagers completely in love, it was now a closed chapter. Now, the girls were in two different worlds, Bea took a quick second to appreciate Poppy’s outfit, she wore the cute pink bomber jacket Bea loved so much and her legs looked so long in her jeans, Poppy wore that specific outfit to catch Bea’s attention, but it was doing a lot more than that. Bea just wanted to reach out and kiss her so bad, the gloss on Poppy’s lips were shining so bright, almost as if she wanted to tease Bea, knowing she could only stare and not touch. 
“Come on Chlo, we’re gonna be late,” she drags the blonde away and as she breezes past Bea she spares a quick glance, their eyes locked for a brief moment, Poppy’s gaze softens for a second, her big brown eyes bore into Bea’s in the most tender way. If only the students at Belvoire, were less self absorbent and paid attention to the girls instead of themselves, they would’ve already felt the sexual tension just through the intense stares. After all the eyes are the windows to the soul. 
Bea takes a second to breathe, leaning on her bike, she knew today was going to be a long day. After hearing the warning bells she grabs her bag and practically runs the last 50 feet to homeroom and is grateful to see an empty seat at the back of the classroom. She slips in as their homeroom teacher, Mr Jennings quietens the class for the morning announcements, and as all the students direct their attention to the tv in the corner of the room, Poppy’s angelic face brightens up the screen with her adorable smile while she stacks the papers in her hands and turns to look at her co-anchor Carter Jackson. 
Carter Jackson, he’s devilishly handsome and the school’s golden boy. Captain of the football team, on track to being the school’s valedictorian, prevailing against the stereotypes of jocks all being dimwits, his resume is impeccable, any college would be lucky to have him. Bea always felt a pang of jealousy whenever she saw Carter within the same breathing space as Poppy since it was obvious he had the biggest crush on her. The whole school is already expecting for them to date since traditionally in movies and books the football captain and head cheerleader always get together. There were already existing rumours that they were secretly dating or they’ve had sex and many others which made Bea envious.  Bea was never the jealous type but subconsciously the thoughts of her not being good enough for Poppy would regularly infiltrate her mind. Poppy usually had to subside Bea’s fears whenever she felt like Bea was worried about Carter, promising her that she would never actually be into him but Carter is a gentleman and is practically harmless. 
‘Look at this stupid goofy smile and his stupid awesome hair’ Bea clenched her fists so hard her nails were digging into her palms which are definitely going to leave some marks. The announcements went on about the new school year and something about the sports teams and school spirit but Bea’s blood begins to boil when Carter makes a dumb joke earning playful slap on his arm from Poppy. She knows she can trust Poppy around him, it’s just Carter she couldn’t trust. He would always openly flirt with Poppy who would just give a little laugh or change the subject or sometimes indulge in his flirtations, just enough to throw him and the rest of her friends off from the truth. 
After the morning announcements Mr Jennings begins talking about the importance of senior year and how the students would have to start thinking about college and their futures. Bea has her whole future planned out with Poppy, get into Columbia, live off campus with her and eventually Poppy would tell her father about them and he will have no other choice but to accept them and if not then Poppy could take out some loans and eventually use the Min Sinclair name to build herself a brand. Bea wants to go into law, first into corporate, so her and Poppy can work together, so when Poppy takes over her father’s duties as the official CEO of the Min Sinclair industries, Bea would work the legal angle until she’s made a name for herself. If Poppy’s father wouldn’t pass the companies down to Poppy then she’ll go straight to being a general practice lawyer. Then she’ll open her own law firm to help those in need, money won’t be an issue for clients as she just wants to help people who are suffering from legal trouble but have no sufficient funds, because if we are being honest, the public defence system in America is a joke. 
Once the bell went off Bea checked her timetable to see AP science class first thing in the morning. ‘Kill me now’, she heeded she loved science but on a monday morning? It was a different kind of torture. She walks into the class to see all the students glaring at the projected screen and sees that a seating plan has been put into place for them. Miss Acker, is one of the strictest teachers at Belvoire, she’s a straight to the point no BS kind of teacher who would never let students walk all over her so the students in the AP class knew better than to challenge the seating plan. Bea looked for her name to see her being placed at the back corner of the class and her seating buddy is, no way… It’s Poppy. Bea felt a sliver of enlightenment fill her chest, an entire year of sitting next to Poppy and no one would say anything because they had no choice but to be next to each other. 
As Bea makes her way to the back she sees Poppy stride into the class, she gives Bea a quick wink, so quick that you would’ve missed it within a blink of an eye as she promptly took a seat in a random seat near the front of the class, her focus is on taking out her books from her bags until a stern tone catches her attention. 
“Miss Min Sinclair, if you bothered to look at the screen you would see there’s a seating plan, you’re supposed to sit with Miss Hughes at the back”, Miss Acker raises an eyebrow waiting for Poppy to oblige. 
“I-”, Poppy’s face flushes red, either from the embarrassment of being called out or the thought of sitting next to Bea all year, it wasn’t clear. She picks up her notebook and bag and as she’s walking to the back of the class a hand reaches out to touch her elbow. 
“Good luck sitting next to the freak all year” Carter’s voice smooth and his tone jesting at Poppy. 
“Uh, thanks,” Poppy lets out an awkward laugh and sits at the back daring not to look at Bea as the lesson begins. 
“So, looks like we’re science buddies,” Bea leans over and whispers as Miss Ackers goes over the rules of the lab. 
“Not here Bea, please,” Poppy almost pleads as her attention is fixated at the front of the classroom. 
Bea huffs a little, “well we do have to work together Pops, you can’t exactly avoid me since we go to the same school and everything”. 
Poppy doesn’t answer Bea, as the class continues. As Miss Acker addresses the class, Poppy’s attention shifts to the notebook in front of her, doodling across the blank page. She draws a little bumblebee and a heart around it and nudges Bea slightly with her elbow, directing her focus to her drawing. A small smile graces Bea’s face as she runs a finger around the heart and the bee on Poppy’s notebook. 
Bees were part of an inside joke between the two girls, Poppy used to call Bea her ‘little bumblebee’ when they were 14 and although Bea pretended to hate the nickname she found it a little sweet and gave Poppy the nickname ‘Popsicle’. 
The lesson carries on in full silence between the girls as they begin to concentrate at the lesson at hand, and when the lesson ended Poppy quickly packs up her things, grabs her bag and leaves the class with Carter and a few other girls in tow. Bea sighs and places her hands in her jacket pocket suddenly hearing the rustling of a piece of paper. She brings it out and sees a little folded note, and when she unfolds it, she sees a cartoon drawing of two girls kissing and the words ‘I love you’ written underneath it. She has no idea when Poppy even put the note in her pocket but she’s grateful she did. It was the little things like that that made Bea smile, and reminds her why she loves Poppy so much. To the rest of the school, it seems like the girls don’t even care about each other but Poppy’s a secret romantic at heart and usually leaves little tidbits around Bea as a reminder of her love. 
She pockets the note and goes to her next class with a little more pep in her steps. Lunchtime soon rolls over and Bea sits on one of the tables alone enjoying her sandwich. A few tables over, Poppy and her friends are laughing and sharing stories about their summer. One of the girls who’s sitting next to Poppy, catches Bea staring their way and gives a little wave. 
“Veronica who are you waving at?” Chloe’s voice blares and she turns her head looking around the lunch hall to see who’s gotten her attention now. 
Veronica Lombardi, Poppy’s other best friend and one of the very few people who actually treats Bea like a decent human being. She is one of the prettiest girls in school, excluding Poppy, and last year she made the decision to dye her hair a really cool greyish ombre which makes her look ever hotter. She’s also on the cheer team, and is also a vlogger and has over 30k subscribers on her growing youtube channel. Veronica’s family moved to Greensburg when she was 12, and she became quick friends with Poppy after being introduced at a work dinner since Veronica’s dad is one of the COOs for one of Poppy dad’s companies. Veronica also grew up with a lot of money and privilege but it never once deterred her from making friends from all sorts of places. She’s also the only one of Poppy’s friends who knows the truth about her and Bea’s relationship after accidentally walking into one of their make out sessions in the locker room last year during cheer and volleyball practice. She was super understanding and completely supportive of the relationship and often joins the girls when they would go to parties in the southside, arguing that they were tons more fun than the regular highschool parties her peers hosted. She loves to tease Poppy about Bea and insinuate that Poppy may or may not be in a secret relationship which would make their friendship group ask Poppy all kinds of questions about her ‘secret boyfriend’. 
“I’m just waving at Bea” that earns a hard eye roll from Chloe who just shifts her focus on her salad. “Is it me or has she gotten hotter over the summer?” she nudges Poppy with her elbow giving her a playful smile. Poppy’s jaw tightens as she stealthily kicks Veronica’s shin under the table. 
The rest of the people on the table have disgusted looks on their faces at the mention of Bea until Ford, one of the boys on the football team and a perfect example of classic dumb jock says, “I heard she got chylamidia or something because her mom pimps her out to get money or drugs”. 
Poppy takes a stab at her salad and gulps uneasily, “Can we talk about something less disgusting you’re making me lose my appetite.” 
Another girl, Tasha, who surprise surprise is also a cheerleader chimes in, “Like you ever have an appetite Poppy” the table bursts in laughter while Chloe sits in silence lost in thought. 
“What the hell are you plotting Chlo? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you think so much” Veronica laughs. 
A devilish smile appears on Chloe’s face, “I have a little surprise for that little tramp at the end of lunch, I’m just thinking about how hilarious it’s going to be”, the rest of the table reciprocate a similar smile on their faces except for Poppy and Veronica who just lock eyes confused at Chloe’s revelation. 
Poppy clears her throat, “so, uh, what are you planning?” Her tone is steady attempting to keep it as monotone as she can so no one suspects she cares. 
“Lets just say she’s gonna get the stripper treatment real soon” and with that the conversation swiftly changes. 
All the while an unsuspecting Bea sits at her table, after acknowledging Veronica’s wave with a swift nod of her head, Bea silently eats her lunch until she’s interrupted by two scrawny hands clamping onto her shoulders. 
“Dammit AJ you’re gonna give me a heart attack”, Bea sputters while her mouth is full of food. The young boy breaks into a wide grin and sits opposite Bea and swipes the cookie off Bea’s tray, “Hey no!” Bea grabs the cookie before he can shove it into his mouth, “not my cookie, I need my sugar”. 
AJ sulks a little, giving Bea a strong puppy dog look until she gives in and breaks her cookie in half giving him the larger piece. “Thanks Bea, I’m starving and all the good food has already run out, they’re just handing out apples for dessert” he sticks out his tongue making a ‘blergh’ sound and shudders. 
Bea doesn’t laugh, instead she stares intensely at the sophomore with a small frown outlined on her lips’, she leans in her voice low and serious, ‘AJ I want you to tell me the truth, where were you yesterday and why did you call me so late?” 
AJ gulps and places one of his hands on the back of his head and rubs it sheepishly, “I wasn’t doing anything bad I swear, it’s just that dad came home late last night and started fighting with my mom, it woke me up and I guess I just needed someone to talk to. I’m sorry i should’ve texted you back or something.” 
“Yeah you should’ve, AJ I was worried sick, you can’t pull that kinda crap on me okay? If you can’t reach me at least text me or leave a voice message or something.”
The boy nods but Bea isn’t entirely convinced he’s telling the truth but she decides to let it go since AJ is usually not someone who likes to dwell on the bad stuff. The conversation moves to a lighter one as the two reminisce about the summer and the parties they went to and how they were looking forward to the party on saturday. 
“I heard Razor’s getting a bunch of fireworks for the party, it’s gonna be so lit”, AJ is almost jumping out of his seat while Bea looks stunned. 
“Fireworks, really? Poppy would love that, I gotta remember to invite her.” 
AJ rolls his eyes slightly not that he had anything against Poppy, he adores her, he just hates the lovey dovey crap, “yes, yes she’ll love it,” he looks down at his phone and abruptly stands from his seat, and tells Bea he needs to fill up his water bottle but before Bea can even open her mouth, AJ moves out of her line of sight and sprints out of the dining hall. ‘Well he’s most definitely lying’ she thinks but she doesn’t want to press the matter in case AJ closes off on her, she trusts that he wouldn’t do anything too stupid. She begins to clean up after herself and throws her rubbish into the trash can and walks towards the courtyard. Just as she’s leaving, Chloe, Carter, Ford, Tasha and a few of the others on the table share a conspiratorial look before standing up and going after Bea. 
Poppy pulls Veronica to the side, her face filled with worry, “What the hell are they planning?” 
Veronica simply shrugs in response, her face looking exasperated, “I don’t know P but it’s not gonna be good”, she grabs Poppy’s elbow and pulls her towards the doors, “let’s catch up before something bad happens”. 
Bea peacefully walks in the courtyard, one of her hands inside her jacket pocket fiddling with the note Poppy left for her, a small smile gracing her features. Behind her, she hears a loud cough and stops in her tracks, she automatically knew it was Chloe, she softly sighs and turns to see a group of Poppy’s friends encircling her. Her face twitches into a scorn as she uneasily looks around to see the preppy kids staring back at her, all greeting her with a smile which unsettled her. 
“What the hell do you and your stupid cult want Chloe?” She tries to look unbothered but her fingers deceive her, as they fiddle with the straps of her backpack. Behind the group she sees Poppy and Veronica almost running and stopping in their tracks when they see the group surrounding Bea. 
“We all want a show,” Chloe spreads out her arms smiling, god her smug face is so punchable. She walks towards Bea until she’s standing directly in front of her, “well strip tease? I got a paying audience here, why don’t you show us what you mom taught you?” 
Bea shoves Chloe back, and Tasha steps forward and suddenly moves her hands so quick Bea for sure thinks she’s going to be punched. Instead she brings out a bunch of one dollar bills? ‘Oh shit’ is all Bea could think before the group began throwing one dollar bills at the brunette, drawing the attention of all the students in the courtyard. Some took out their phones to record the ordeal while some started cheering and whistling. 
“Come onnnn, don’t be such a tease Bea, show us something” Tasha forces Bea back into the middle of the circle as Bea struggles to leave. 
All the colour drains from Bea’s face as she takes in the faces of the laughing students all publicly humiliating her, it makes her so mad, especially at her mother, who’s at fault for the nickname ‘strip tease’. Bea looks over at Poppy who is frozen in her spot, her face falls when suddenly Veronica pushes herself into the circle and grabs Chloe by the arm, “End this now Chloe, it’s not funny,” Veronica’s eyes are filled with fury, Bea’s heart slightly drops because she secretly hoped that it was Poppy standing up for her. 
“Chillax V, Bea’s used to people throwing their money at her,” she laughs and bends down to pick up some fallen one dollar bills from the floor and throws it in the air. Carter moves towards Bea and places a folder one dollar bill in the loop of her jeans and winks at her and just when Bea pulls her hand back to deliver a blow, a sharp whistle sound infiltrates the ears of all the students who begin clasping at their ears. 
“What the hell is going on here!” the voice bellows over the entire courtyard. 
“Principal Steinhelm, I-” Chloe struggles to speak. 
Principal Steinhelm quickly assesses the situation, seeing Bea’s hands balled into fists and on the verge of tears, with one dollar bills thrown all around her while the rest of the students are surrounding her, some still holding money in their hands. She raises a hand and points at the crowd encircling all the guilty students and simply says, “All of you detention, if any of you do not show up today, there will be consequences. Get to class. Now”. All the students begin to disperse, Veronica places a hand on Bea’s arm and comfortingly rubs it for a few seconds before she walks towards Poppy who is still staring at Bea, her eyes filled with sadness, she looks away and trudges off with Veronica and the rest of her friends who are laughing cruelly in tow. Principle Steinhelm advances towards Bea, eyes filled with concern, “Miss Hughes would you like me to call your mother?”
Bea shakes her head no, her voice dissipated, scared that if she tries to speak, she’ll just burst into tears. Principle Steinhelm gives Bea an awkward pat on her shoulder before telling her to make her way to class as the bell rings. For the rest of the day, students around Bea were staring at her, sharing whispers and covertly laughing at the brunette, so much for not wanting to draw any attention today. Her phone buzzes with texts from Poppy but Bea puts her phone on silent not wanting to think about everything that just happened at school. 
Once the school day is over, Bea runs over to the parking lot and speeds off to work, not waiting to give Chloe a third chance to annoy her today. Poppy sees the girl rushing to leave and feels a pang in her chest. It kills her to see her girlfriend being mistreated but she couldn’t do anything to help her. Right? 
read part 3 here: 
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whumpinggrounds · 3 years
I Like You, Not Like That
more jamie/isabella! can u tell i love writing them :)
tagging @shapeshiftersandfire and @killtheprotagonist
CW: pet whump, lady whump, aftermath of conditioning, fucky ideas about sex/sexuality
They’re sitting on the couch together, Isabella curled against Jamie’s side, her head in Jamie’s lap. Jamie has one hand in Isabella’s hair, combing through it with her fingers, while the other holds open a book. It's just a day and a half into Jamie's stay, and already, Isabella is all but melting in Jamie's hands, to the sound of Jamie's voice.
Just now, the sitter is reading to Isabella, but Isabella hardly hears a word. She’s distracted by the feeling of Jamie’s careful fingers in her hair, on her scalp. She’s distracted because she’s busy staring at Jamie’s face. She hardly knows she’s going to speak until the words are already leaving her mouth.
“I like you.”
Jamie’s voice falters. Isabella watches her throat work as she swallows. Letting the book fall shut, she looks down at Isabella, smiling a little. “Um…what? Did you say?”
Her voice sounds tentative, disbelieving, hopeful. It makes Isabella grin, daring for just a moment to glance up at Jamie and catch those ice blue eyes.
“I like you.”
The words don’t feel like bravery, or even a confession. It feels like incontrovertible truth, something that rises like a balloon in Isabella’s chest and comes bursting out without any real input from her brain. Isabella feels a little breathless as she says it, but not just because she’s scared.
Tipping her head all the way back, Jamie blows out a long breath and smiles at the ceiling for a minute before she can meet Isabella’s eyes again. When she speaks, her voice is almost a whisper. “I like you, too.”
But now instead of being happy, Isabella feels her stomach twist and drop. It takes less than a heartbeat for a simple, contented self-knowledge to turn into something else, something dark and doubtful. The smile slips off her face, and Jamie doesn’t miss the change. “Isabella? What’s up?"
Isabella avoids her eyes, and watches Jamie bite her lip. "Did I…did I say something wrong?”
Isabella can’t meet Jamie's eyes, though a pang of guilt runs through her as she hears Jamie trying hard not to panic. “I…I really do like you, Isabella. I do.”
The sound Isabella makes isn’t quite a groan. It’s a protesting sound somewhere between a whine and a growl, and they both know that it means no you don’t. It’s not arguing with an owner, Isabella tells herself as her heart rate starts to pick up precipitously. She’s not arguing, not out loud.
“Hey.” When Jamie stops stroking her head, Isabella pushes against the paused hand, silently asking her to continue. She holds her breath as she waits for the rebuke, the correction - stupid pet, you don't get to ask for things, you don't get to want things. Instead of correcting her, Jamie starts moving her hand again, smoothing her palm over Isabella's hair, and as Jamie soothes her, she keeps talking, in that low, gentle tone.
“Hey, I, I like you, okay? You don’t have to…don’t have to worry about that. You don’t have to believe me, but I’m going to say it anyway. I’m not going to lie to you.”
The words are...they're balm on Isabella's insecure soul, but they aren't powerful enough to stop her doubt. For a long few moments, Isabella considers, chest aching, how to respond. This time, the words don’t come easily, though Isabella knows they’re just as true as the ones that began this whole mess. It’s dangerous, talking like this, but the words are pushing up in Isabella’s chest, demanding a voice. “Do you…do you like me?” she asks, voice doubtful. “Or…or did you like her?”
Isabella doesn’t have to say who she means. They both know already, are well-acquainted with the ghost that sometimes seems more present than Isabella herself.
The look on Jamie’s face as she considers the question is complicated. There’s tenderness there, and an equal measure of pain. Her hand keeps moving through Isabella’s hair, and she heaves a sigh. “Both of you.” She sounds calm and sure, even as Isabella scans her face for a sign that she’s lying. “I like both of you. Very, very much.”
“But…but…” It’s embarrassing, how small and pathetic Isabella’s voice sounds. She swallows, tries again. “But how do you…how do you know?” It’s dangerous ground, contradicting an owner, but Jamie’s never acted like an owner before, not ever, and there’s a needy howling thing in Isabella’s chest that needs to know. That thing wants Jamie to like her, needs Jamie to like her, Isabella, and not the ghost of who she used to be. Even if she's just a Box Babe, just a useless brainless little Box Babe - she wants this to hold onto, this one true thing.
Above her, Jamie is still waiting for Isabella's words. “I’m not her,” Isabella finally says, in the quiet between them. “I’m not. I’m just…”
“Hey, hey, none of that. You’re not just anything.” Jamie is firm but gentle. “I like you. I know you’re not her. You’re someone else. I like that person, too.”
She should take that. She really should. Those words, that’s more than enough. Isabella should take that and cling to it and be contented. But the thing inside her is starving, selfish. “R-really?” She screws up her courage, forces out her most pathetic question yet, her most dangerous demand. “W-w-why?”
“Aw, ‘sabella.” Both hands, now, one resting on Isabella’s cheek, the other running over her hair. Sometimes being petted makes Isabella feel small, but this is different. This makes her feel cared for, adored. “Lots of reasons, okay? Trust me.” Isabella does, she does, but the hunger must show on her face because Jamie chuckles a little, face turning indulgent. “You’re very sweet. You’re a good listener. I like talking to you. I think you’re interesting, and I think you’re smart.”
“Pets aren’t smart,” Isabella whispers, and Jamie’s face goes flat and dead. Isabella’s seen that face, that expression, and she hates it, but she keeps going regardless. “I’m not…all those things were…were trained i-into me? Or they’re…they’re her, that’s not, I’m not…anything, I’m not anything-”
“Yes, you are.” Jamie’s voice is firm and sure. Her face isn’t flat and dead anymore, but it’s strained, a little desperate. “You’re…you’re…” she looks searchingly into Isabella’s face. “Isabella, they can’t beat you into caring about other people. That’s just, you know. You.”
“No buts. I know you. I knew her, and I know you, and I like you both. So there.” Jamie says it playfully, but there’s true sincerity there, behind the joke. She hesitates, rubbing a calloused thumb over Isabella’s cheek. “Can I…”
Isabella nods quickly, not needing to think about it. Whatever it is, Jamie can. Jamie can do anything to her, anything at all.
Above her, looking down with that same fond look, the redhead rolls her eyes. “You didn’t let me finish,” she says softly, but she takes Isabella’s face in her hands, and leans down, and Isabella shuts her eyes –
And feels Jamie’s lips press against her forehead. She blinks, surprised, looking up at Jamie with big eyes. “I like you.” Jamie says it again, like a promise. This time, Isabella believes her.
Every time before, when Jamie has come to stay, Isabella sleeps in Miss Mara's big empty bed, and Jamie stays out on the couch. “It’s your apartment,” Jamie always says, with a crooked little half-smile, and Isabella smiles back, even though it’s not Isabella's apartment at all. It’s Miss Mara’s apartment. And when Miss Mara’s home, she sleeps in the bed with Isabella.
It wasn’t always that way. For weeks, maybe even a month or two, Isabella slept on the couch, which was perfectly comfortable. Then came the night that Miss Mara came home drunk and kissed her newly useful little pet, and…and after that, Isabella slept in Miss Mara's bed, and nights were now...busier than they had been before.
So now, when Jamie kisses her on the forehead, soft and sweet though it was, Isabella figures it’s probably time. Whatever waiting period that keeps holding people back has now passed, and Jamie will probably join Isabella in bed tonight.
The weird part is that Isabella isn’t…totally opposed to the idea. She feels a squirming in her stomach that’s a little bit sick but also maybe a little bit...happy? Isabella doesn't know what she's feeling. She likes Jamie. She does, and she knows it. The redhead is…she’s sweet, and awkward, and gentle. It won’t be so bad, with her.
Not that it’s bad with Miss Mara! The thought is so frightening it makes Isabella gasp. Bad Isabella, bad Box Babe. Isabella’s stupid disobedient thoughts make her cringe even as she goes back to rethink them.
It’s not bad with Miss Mara, it’s not, nothing's bad with Miss Mara. It's just...just...sometimes Miss Mara is so fast and so sure that Isabella gets a bit lost, gets a bit left behind, is stuck inside her own head thinking about dusting while Miss Mara cries out her climax up above her. Isabella loves her owner in the daytime – Miss Mara’s quick dry wit, and her intelligent eyes, and the way nothing gets by her, not anything. At night, things loom bigger, scarier, and as Miss Mara moves in the darkness Isabella feels trapped, corralled, kept. Her owner seems to want her and not want her, cast her aside as soon as they’re done in a way that she doesn't during the day.
Jamie wouldn’t act like that, Isabella’s treacherous thoughts supply, and Isabella tries to squash the thinking, but it’s there. Jamie wouldn’t do that, won’t do that, tonight, when she, when she finally uses Isabella for the thing that she’s for.
And this is what Isabella is for. This is the safest thing for her to be – kept and wanted and used. It’s a good thing that Miss Mara started. It’ll be a good thing when Jamie starts, too, now that she’s said she likes Isabella. And that’s what Isabella wanted! She wanted Jamie to say that she liked her, and now that she has, Isabella’s pacing around the apartment, stomach in knots? Stupid pet, stupid, stupid pet. She doesn’t know what’s wrong with her.
Maybe it’s because Miss Mara said no. Miss Mara told Isabella not to – but if that’s what Jamie wants, if that’s what Jamie asks for, then Isabella can’t say no. There’s some safety in that. She can tell Jamie that her owner doesn’t want that, but Jamie doesn’t have to listen to a pet. And maybe Miss Mara won’t find out. And maybe Isabella will be safe, will be good, will please everyone.
More likely, Isabella knows, Miss Mara will find out, and Miss Mara will be furious. More likely, Isabella will be in trouble like she’s never been in trouble before. Right now, though, Jamie is with her. Jamie is in charge of her. And Isabella feels this strange insistent urge to please Jamie, even if the cost proves far too high. Please Jamie. Please Jamie. Make Jamie happy, make Jamie smile. Isabella wants that and wants it and doesn’t know why.
It doesn’t help that this is one of Jamie’s long days. She’s with a client until nine pm, and she makes sure she tells Isabella that she can eat whenever she wants, but Isabella still waits. She shouldn’t eat on her own, and she doesn’t much want to eat without Jamie, and she doesn’t know what Jamie wants, anyway. Then of course once Jamie gets home and they decide, Isabella’s left helping around the edges while Jamie tries to do all the cooking herself. Laughing, she all but orders Isabella out of the kitchen when she catches her trying to do dishes. “Just let me cook,” she urges. “Least I can do.”
“You spent all day taking care of someone,” Isabella reminds her, almost arguing, awed by her own bravery tonight. “I could, I could help?”
“No need. C’mon, just talk to me. Just tell me about your day.”
So it goes – dinner, and then dishes, and then Isabella waits for Jamie to make her move. All day she’d felt nervous but when Jamie comes in the room it dissolves, turns to dust, metamorphosizes into the same tentative excitement she gets every time she sees Jamie. The same tentative excitement she tells herself she still gets for Miss Mara.
As the evening passes, and bedtime draws closer, Isabella rediscovers her anxiety. Nerves twist and flicker in her stomach, but Jamie does nothing, nothing, until Isabella wants to beg her just to hurry up and…and…
It’s hard for Isabella to think about what she wants Jamie to do. It makes her cheeks go red, even as she lies on the couch, tucked under Jamie’s arm, up against her side. They’re so close. If Jamie turned toward her, and Isabella tilted her head just right…
“I think I’m going to get my teeth brushed and go to sleep pretty soon.” Jamie’s raspy voice interrupts Isabella’s thoughts and her heart quickens. She nods, peeling herself away from Jamie’s side and heading toward the bathroom a little too fast. It doesn’t go unnoticed. “You okay?” Jamie calls after her. “You’ve been pretty quiet.”
“Yes, Jamie, I’m fine.” If Isabella sounds a little formal, a little off, Jamie doesn’t say anything about it. Isabella feels her eyes, though, examining her face as the two brush their teeth side by side in the mirror. Isabella spits into the sink just before Jamie and feels her heart rate pick up. She thinks she can hear it in her ears. She moves toward the bedroom, lingers in the doorway.
And Jamie goes to walk right past her. “Night, Isabella!”
The word tears out of her, almost painful, almost a cry. Jamie stops, turns back toward Isabella. “Yeah? What’s up?”
Isabella takes a few careful steps toward Jamie. She’s shorter than Jamie is – just two or three inches, but it’s enough. This close, she has to tip her head up to look into Jamie’s ice blue eyes. All she sees there is confusion.
“Isabella? Is something-”
Isabella reaches up, and Jamie lets her, and she puts her hands on Jamie’s face, and she kisses her. This has to be – it has to be – because Jamie said she liked her, and Jamie kissed her on the forehead, and Jamie’s always kind to her, and so was Miss Mara, at first, and it’s what she was trained for, it’s what she’s good for, and, and, Isabella wants –
Gently, ever so gently, Jamie sets her hands on Isabella’s shoulders and pushes her away. “No, Isabella.”
“But you said…you said you liked me, and…”
“Not like this.” Jamie tucks a strand of hair behind Isabella’s ear. The shorter girl feels dangerously close to crying.
“I don’t…I don’t understand.”
“That’s okay. Can I…?” Jamie stretches her arms out, and Isabella goes willingly into them, burying her face in Jamie’s chest. She can feel the big breath that Jamie takes, feel the way she tenses and hesitates, trying to explain. “I’m not…I don’t think…” she sighs. “It wouldn’t be fair.”
“To…to Miss Mara?”
Jamie’s arms around her tighten. “To you.”
“But…but that’s what…I’m for?”
Another gusty sigh. “No.” She can feel Jamie shake her head, can feel Jamie’s chin brush through her hair. “No, it’s not.” There’s a catch in her voice, and Isabella clings tighter, even as she feels Jamie start to let her go. “Let’s…let’s both get some sleep.”
It slips out, another lapse, another request when she has no right to ask for anything at all – pathetic. Isabella was trained better than this. Instead of punishing her, instead of shaking her head, instead of getting the slightest bit annoyed, Jamie tips Isabella’s head up just a little, so she can look Isabella right in her teary eyes. “What’s up? What do you need?”
Isabella isn’t hugging Jamie anymore, but her hands are clenched in tight fists around the fabric of Jamie’s shirt. She sees the redhead turn soft, sees the way she bites her lip. “I…I really think I should sleep out on the couch, Isabella. Tomorrow-”
“Please.” It’s a whisper, and Isabella is turning her face back into Jamie’s side, and Jamie sighs once again, shakes her head. Slowly but surely, her feet start to move, and she follows Isabella as she moves toward the bed.
“Okay. We can’t…we’re not doing anything else, all right? But…but I’ll stay. Don’t cry, Isabella. I’ll stay.”
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
If you're available I would love to see a Twilight request! The reader has a one or two year old child. She falls asleep with the child in a nearby playpen napping as well. Edward, Jacob or Emmett(Or even the Cullen family returning home from a hunt) arrive and find the child awake, out of their playpen, face covered with marker marks and in the process of coloring sleeping mom's legs. Thank you so much in advance!💖💖
So this took a while because I really struggled to think of a way to write this at first, but I finally got an idea I was happy with because it combines a cute request with some quality Emmett and Rosalie fluff! I hope you enjoy it chickadee :D 
Dream A Little Dream
Words: 2756 
Warnings: None, just a simple bit of fluff! 
Summary: Emmett needs a reprieve from Rosalie’s temper tantrum, so he goes to check on a DIY project, only to find someone else is living their dream. 
“C’mon Rose, talk to me, just tell me-“
“Get out Emmett!”
The door had slammed between them before he could dare say another word, but Emmett was nothing if not persistent. He had spent 66 years married to the woman after all and if he had learned anything from that experience, it was that Rosalie’s temperament was as precarious as an unweighted seesaw - he was confident she’d be cuddling him by tonight.
“Babe.” He rapped his knuckles against the door to the garage but the only reply he received was the loud and sudden blast of a bassline from the CD player. His eyes rolled and he puffed out his cheeks, exhaling in a huff and turning away from the garage to leave his wife to cool off. Edward remained seated at the piano, grinning down at the keys while his fingers diligently moved across the ivory keys.
“No, I have no idea what’s wrong with her.” His voice drifted through from the music room, carrying on the sweet notes of the song he’d composed. He hadn’t played for quite a while but it was a nice, soothing change to listen to the melody he plunked out, Alice’s sugary soprano harmonising beautifully with the key he played in. Emmett scowled in his general direction, moving through the house towards the front door.
“Where are you going?” Carlisle’s voice made him stop and turn, his hand on the door handle.
“Out. Rose needs space.” He answered. Carlisle’s brow furrowed, his expression troubled. Emmett couldn’t quite understand it himself. He had never really seen the downsides to vampirism, not when it had gifted him an eternity with his very own angel, not when it came with the added perks of agility and strength and speed he could only have ever dreamed of in his human days. He didn’t have it in to lament for his soul or whatever the rest of them seemed to do. They were vampires, and vampires drank blood – accidents were inevitable. So what if the Swan girl fell prey to Edward’s temptations? They moved on and returned in a few decades when the memory of her had faded, as they had done before and would no doubt do again.
It really wasn’t rocket science! They all knew the laws and neither option was a particularly bad one to him. Either Edward got a good meal, or he had a chance at finding his epic love, his Rosalie, and he might stop brooding for the first time in over a century. Rosalie’s desire to kill the girl was understandable but so was Edward’s urge to protect her, but Emmett didn’t need to be Alice to know there was no future in all the realms of probability that could ever exist where Bella Swan would grow old and grey. Isabella was destined to die one way or another.
“Be safe.” Carlisle’s words made him snort, a smug grin crossing his lips as he opened the door.
“Me be safe? I’m the most dangerous thing out there.” He quipped. Emmett left without looking back. The forest flew past him in what should have been a blur of greens and murky browns, but his eyes saw every detail. Each crack in the bark, the dew glistening on cobwebs, the smallest of insects scuttling up the stems of leaves…it was all a gift to him. He would kill for Rose to see the beauty in it all as he did but she never would. Rose had had all her dreams taken from her by Carlisle long ago, and she was forever going to be bitterly frozen, trapped in her own cycle of self-loathing. He’d burn the world if it put the faintest smile on her face; had taken her to the most incredible places with the most astounding views, bought jewellery so expensive it made even the richest men shudder in disgust at his actions. The one thing that would make his love truly happy was the one thing he could never give her, but he had been thinking of ways to at least soften the heartache.
There was a house (a small ramshackle thing a few miles out from their own sleek residence) that he’d visited once or twice. He’d taken photos and done some minor fixing up of the place, making sure the roof no longer leaked, that the walls were weather-proof and so on. Emmett had laid floors, plastered walls…he’d made the small house viable once more and the only thing he had yet to do was take down a portioning wall between what he envisioned would be the kitchen and lounge space. It would be his anniversary gift to Rosalie, a place she could truly make her own, where she could build her own home. There may not be little feet pattering on the wooden floors, but he could give her two out of three couldn’t he? Renew their vows so they were confirmed husband and wife once more, help build her a home…
He slowed when he neared the site, his nose twitching. Emmett inhaled deeply, an odd mix of smells drifting up his nose. He didn’t remember peonies, and…was that lavender? Emmett approached his little project cautiously, straining all his senses to read his environment, predatorial instincts rising to the surface. A heartbeat, odd rhythm…no, two heartbeats? One slower, one faster, neither the same sort of pace or rhythm as any animal roaming the woods. Humans then? Emmett frowned deeply, struggling to understand why hikers would come all the way out here as he picked his way over the tree roots trying to trip him up, hand dragging over moss covered bark.
A billow of white was the first thing he saw, a sheet in the light breeze. It fluttered, surrounded by bright coloured clothes much too small to be adult sizes, and damp towels. There had been a brief moment of sun this morning but Emmett still had to scoff. Whoever had stolen his project from him was clearly no native to Forks or they’d have known better than to hang their laundry on the line at the slightest bit of sun. Sunshine rarely lasted in Forks. Emmett paused, looking at the fence now enclosing the house he had transformed with his own bare hands. He definitely hadn’t put that up, nor did he recall painting a fence bright green. He hadn’t installed a laundry line either but someone had driven that stake into the ground, the line coming from some sort of contraption nailed into the exterior of the house.
Someone was definitely living in his DIY project, and he was not-
Emmett was paralysed briefly by the little giggle that followed. It was a soft sound, full of innocence he could never recall having, and it came attached to the sound of scratching and squeaking. His brows pulled low over golden irises, his body moving of its own accord. It had to be a child, but who would leave a child alone in front of their house? Was it even supervised? His curiosity had piqued and though he wanted to be frustrated he just couldn’t be. Maybe Rose wouldn’t ever get to live in this house with him but someone else had clearly made it their home, someone who had achieved the dream Rose had always wanted. He wasn’t quite sure how he had managed it but he had to sigh, because only he could attempt to resolve his wife’s bitter disposition and end up adding to it instead.
He didn’t recognise her. From the exterior alone Emmett could tell that in the few weeks it had been since he’d last visited this place, she’d put a lot of effort into making the house a home. The outside had a fresh lick of paint, the windows clean and windowpanes a freshly painted grey, the front door a bright green to match the fence surrounding the house. A wooden picnic table had been added just in front of the kitchen window, and she was sat folded over with her head resting on her arms, eyes closed and skin peppered with goosebumps. Stray wisps of hair blew about her face as his eyes tracked down her figure, noting the gentle, even breathing and the way her eyes twitched about under their lids in her sleep. Beneath the picnic table was the source of the musical laughter.
Emmett crouched, forearms resting on his knees and lips curling into a small smirk as he watched a curly haired little boy press a marker pen to her leg, scribbling a design into her skin. She didn’t even appear close to waking, but the temperature had dropped and clearly the little boy had escaped from the playpen across from the picnic table, the door open and the locking mechanism snapped, paper strewn about the garden by the breeze. Emmett could see the dirt under her fingernails as he got closer, a pair of gardening gloves on her opposite side. She’d clearly done her laundry and a bit of gardening while the sun was out, leaving her son to play in his playpen, but the little boy had seen an opportunity once she’d fallen asleep and took it.
He had the cutest little dimples when he smiled, green eyes shining bright with mischief. Emmett chuckled lowly, zipping about the garden to clean up the papers he’d spotted before approaching the picnic table and clearing his throat.
“Excuse me, miss? Miss?” he called. Her eyes fluttered open, confusion evident in them for a second before she jumped, straightening in her seat and watching him with wary eyes. Emmett watched her glance to the playpen, her eyes widening. He could hear the way her heartbeat leapt in her chest, the panic stricken expression she wore telling.
“Oh my – no no no –“
“Erm Miss? Don’t panic, he’s under the table.” Emmett smiled, flashing his own dimples in an effort to calm her. He was a naturally unnerving being after all and most humans tended to be either hopelessly attracted to him or deathly afraid – there wasn’t really an in between. She whipped her legs out from under the picnic table, moving so swiftly Emmett was left in awe. She very quickly scooped her son out form under the table and swung him onto her hip, cradling him close and closing her eyes. Her heartbeat began to calm, her breathing growing less rapid now she knew where her boy was.
“Oh god, thank you. I…I guess I fell asleep, the weather was a lot nicer earlier,” She shivered a bit, hand cradling the back of her sons head until he wriggled in her grip. “Not now baby just – really? Oh Damian!” she groaned exasperatedly. Emmett watched amusedly as she licked her thumb and rubbed furiously at his cheek.
“No Mama! No!” the boy cried, squirming in her grip. His face was covered in marker pen, a mixture of blacks and blues and pinks all swirling over his cheeks and down his nose. Emmett couldn’t help but chuckle.
“He’s a real mischief maker huh? He got your leg to.” He informed her. She looked down to her leg with another soft groan, her cheeks turning pink.
“Sounds about right. Have you ever tried to renovate with children?” she questioned, shaking her head. Emmett shook his head, his eyes stuck on the little boy. He shared his mother’s dark hair though not her eyes. Emmett wanted to be upset his plans for Rose’s anniversary surprise had fallen through, but he had been stupid enough to not check the market for this property and it had gone to someone who clearly needed it, though the property was fairly out of the way and an odd choice for a young woman and her child. She seemed intent on making it somewhere nice to live for them both though, and for that he couldn’t fault her.
“Never had any of my own, but your boy sure is a handsome guy. I did renovate this place though, I’m glad it went to someone who needed it.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Her eyes widened, the surprise in them obvious.
“Oh! It was you! The real estate agent said they had no clue who had started the renovation’s, but it didn’t stop them selling it to me…we didn’t know it was taken.” She bit her lip, hoisting her son higher up on her hip. Damian was still wriggling slightly, looking up at Emmett with wide, curious eyes. It was clear what she was worrying about it, but Emmett shook his head, hands held up before her.
“It’s yours, really, me and my wife live nearby, this was a second property we didn’t really need. It wasn’t like I checked it was for sale or anything either, you won it fair and square.” He promised. The relief was palpable in her eyes as her son squirmed again. She set him down, hand running through his curls briefly before he darted back into the house. She watched him go with a small smile.
“Well I’d be happy to give you the tour of the place, if you like? Show you what I’ve done with it Mr….”
“Cullen, Emmett Cullen.” He introduced himself with a nod, knowing his frigid skin would put her off if he dared shake her hand, and he didn’t want to put her off. Emmett’s brain was spinning a hundred miles an hour, and he was starting to form a plan. Rose might not get to live in the house, but she could spend time perhaps with the one thing she wanted more than anything. Her smile brightened.
“Y/N L/N. Maybe if you give us a little time to clean up first you could drop by later? Neighbours seem rare out here, it’ll be nice to know someone.” She admitted, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Emmett tilted his head slightly, glancing up at the house.
“Yeah. Yeah I er, would you mind if I bought my wife to? She had plans for this place, think she’ll enjoy seeing how you designed it for yourselves.” He said. She didn’t hesitate to nod and he tried his best not to feel too pleased with himself.  
“Of course!” she agreed, and with a time organised between them Emmett sped off home to barrel his way into the garage. Rose was stuck beneath a car still, her BMW to be precise, though Emmett could never fathom what exactly she found to tune up on that thing – he was sure she spent more time under the car than under him. When she didn’t respond to his tapping on the hood, he pulled on her legs till she wheeled out, her expression sour and a smudge of grease across her cheek.
“Emmett.” She huffed. Emmett grinned down at her, completely unperturbed by her pouty glare.
“Rose. Come on, shower, dress up, do whatever it is you do, we got an appointment to keep.” He told her. Rose’s glare was enhanced by the way her nose wrinkled.
“An appointment? Emmett I swear if you’re trying to get me to go to marriage counselling again-“
“I’m trying to make you smile again.” He groaned exasperatedly. Her expression fell immediately, her golden irises softening from hardened topaz to gooey caramel. Emmett sighed, pulling her to her feet and reeling her in close. She was made for him, her body fit perfectly in his hands, against his. She was his shining light but she had been so dim since Bella had come to Forks.
“Rose, babe…I know you. I only have eyes for you. Who cares about some human? This family is immortal, we’ll survive it like we’ve survived everything else that comes our way. For one afternoon, just one, can I please, please have my wife back?” he pressed his forehead to hers, running a hand up and down her back. Rose remained tense for a while, but slowly her arms wound around his torso.
“What did you have in mind monkey man?” she tilted her chin, her lips a fraction of a centimetre from his own. Emmett’s smile returned.
“How’s about I take you to meet a really cute baby?”
By the end of the afternoon, seeing Rose smile at the young boy in her arms while he pretended to admire the newly fitted kitchen in Y/N’s house,  Emmett started to understand what made her dream so beautiful, and so painful to wake from.
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cosplaydude637 · 3 years
Chapter four: words from beyond
Mekyle paced outside the Infirmary door, Two Claws attached two each wrist. Lean up against the wall was Angelique a bow staff in her hand. “You know you look like a tin solder right.” she sneakers.
“I am on gardduty after all.” he spat back.
“Still pissed at Clary” Angelique asks and right then a blue portal opened and Clary, Simon and, Izzy run into the infirmary almost knocking over Mekyle. “What the?” he stamers out catching his balance.
Inside the Infirmary Ruthie stude next to Jace bed with a new cold towel in her hands. Xander was by the door two chakram straps to each hip. He head to duck out of the way quickly when the door flew open. Magnus was in between the to beds blue flames coming from his hands and a blue light was over Jace and Alec how stell lade in the beds passed out. “We got it!” Clary shouts running in holding up the blood covered arrow. Magnus eyes light up and he grabs the arrow using the top to cut his own hand. Ruthie winses at the site of Magnus blood. Magnus lets the two bloods mix together on the Arrow he then drops it in a bowl that Xander brought over to him. He starts to chant words in Greek as blue flames come from his fingers.
Just then Jace and Alec eyes fly open and they sit up at the same time. They move like robots as they stand together side by side.
“Mag’s you did it” Clary says smiling.
Magnus looks grave “no Biscuit I did not finish my spell.” The two guy look over the room again moving as one in a robot style. Mekyle was by the door his claws raised his parabatai Angelique stands next to him gripping her bow staff. Xander is by Magnus his hands on his chakrams. Ruthie head no weapon but she was ready to fight. Clary, Simon And, Izzy were at the foot of the beds looking at the guys.
“What a motley crew of friends you have Magnus” Jace says but not in his voice. The voice is that’s of Sinira.
“By the angel.” Izzy says covering her mouth.
“No sweetie no angels here.” Jace says with a evil smile.
“Sinira what do you want!” Simon snap seeing as everyone was too shocked to speak.
“Oh little sidekick don’t you worry.” Jace says.
“I say again what do you want!” Simon asks again.
“I want you to shut your mouth little sidekick. I speak to true hero’s only.” Jace snaps. This snaps Clary back to normal.
“Jace What is going on why are you talking like her.” Clary cry’s out.
“Oh dear girl he is not in control I am.” Jace says and looks at Magnus as he lays eyes on him Alec body jerks and there is a flash of glimring light and Magnus stumbles I’m to Clary’s arms bleding. “Alec!” She screams.
“Sinira let them go!” Simon shouts.
“Little sidekick can you please shut up!” Jace barks
“Why do you keep calling him that?” Izzy asks color finally coming back to her.
“That’s what he is Clary little sidekick. Going where ever she needs.” Jace says. Simon gives a huff. Jace eyes fall on Simon and in a blink of an eye Alec punch Simon and sends him flying in to the back wall next to the window.
“Stop this.” Magnus slow says getting his feet.
“Soon I will be done brother.” Jace says as his face twitches like saying the words hurt.
“You see that.” Izzy whispers to Clary. Meanwhile Simon has gotten to his feet and is staring out the window. “All be damned.” Simon says. Alec has attacked Ruthie and she is using a bed pin to fight him off.
“Alec Stop!” Magnus shouts. Alec continues his attack not hearing Magnus words. Ruthie spend kicks Alec and he drops to the floor. Xander jumps in to Alec holding one of his chakram to Alec throat. “No!” Magnus cry’s.
“Soon brother are family will be all together. Me, You, Father and are dear uncle.” Jace says and place a dagger to his own throat.
“No please no!” Clary cries out tears running down her face.
“Hey Sinira!” Simon shouts. Everyone turns to look at him. He was standing by a open window his bow raised a arrow ready to fire out it. A huge grin on his face as he looks down at the ground below. “Sidekick this bitch!” He says and lets the arrow fly. There is a sound of a thud a female vice crying out in pane then the sound of a portal opening and then Jace falls to his knees.
“Kid get off me. I am your Console.” Alec says looking up at Xander. This brought everyone back.
“Huh what?” Xander says looking down at Alec. His eyes go huge and he jumps off Alec. “Sir I am so sorry.”
“Can we not be so loud my head is splitting like if I was listening to Simon old band” Jace says. Clary runs over to him and hugs him.
“Watch it Bro he did just save your life twice. No sidekick could do that.” Izzy says and walks over kissing her husband.
After Clary and Jace send the new recruits on patrol the rest of them meet up in the War room. Jace and Alec looked weak as if they had all the energy pulled out of them.
Magnus was white faced and looked very confused. Clary helped Jace walk into the room as Izzy helped Alec. It was only Simon who walked into the room looking pleased with himself.
“Ok can someone please tell me what just happened?” Jace asks slumping into a chair. Clary sits in the one next to him.
“I just saved your ass oh and Alec’s too.” Simon says with an ear to ear grin.
“Yes babe we know you’re great but I think the bigger question is what did she want?” Izzy asks.
“To hurt me.” Magnus says laying his hand on Alec’s
“That's not all.” Simon says. Everyone turns and looks at him with dumb founded looks on thier faces. “She told us soon their family would be completed. Their dad and uncle would be free.” Simon adds.
“Ok I know Asmodeus, but what is this uncle she was talking about?” Isabella asks.
Magnus sighs. “He’s not exactly Family…” he says with a heavy sigh.
“Ok what? Who is he. I’ve never read of any brother to Asmodeus.” Jace snaps.
“Oh you know of him, very well. He is the morningstar.” Magnus explands.
“Sebastian or Valentine?” Clary choke out.
“No biscuit much older than them.” Magnus says. “The Morningstar.” He adds.
“Lucifer!” Simon blurts out.
Magnus looks over at Simon and nods. “That’s right.”
“Ooh Stringbean you’re on fire today.” Jace chuckles.
“Watch it Blondy.” Simon says waving a finger at Jace.
“If you two are done. I’d like to get back to the point of Lucifer coming.” Clary says glarying at Jace and Simon.
“I am with Clary. How is she planning on freeing him.” Isabelle asks.
Magnus sighs and looks down at the table. “There is only one way I know of.” He says and again let out a heavy sigh. “She must be trying to unlock the six gates.”
“Ok what are they baby?” Alec asks running his hand over Magnus’s hand. Magnus just shrugs. The room is silent for quite some time as everyone looks around. Simon slowly stands up and looks at the room placing his hands flat on the table. “Simon” Alec asks looking at him.
“It looks to me like we need to do some research. Let's all meet in the library with Giles for a researcher party don’t forget to get the jelly donuts.” Simon exclames and turns and walks out of the room.
Clary and Isabelle start to chuckle as the other guys just look on completely baffled. Finally Jace speaks up. “Who is Giles?” Clary and Isabelle completely lose it laughing so hard the double over. “What? What did i say!” Jace demands.
“It's form a TV show.” Clary gets out between laughs.
“It's called Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Isabelle adds and starts to laugh even harder. “Jace… Blond…. Be…. Buffy.” she stamers out laughing so hard she had tears running down her face.
Jace face goes red as he storms out of the room muttering. “Damn mundane tv!!”
Magnus and Alec exchanges looks and blue fire shoots out onto the table and a plate of Jelly donuts appear. Clary and Isabelle fall to the ground laughing hard. Magnus snorts.
“My Magic is not that funny.” He states and picks up the plate and walks out Alec trailing quickly behind him. Leaving the two girls in there fit of laughter on the floor of the war room.
Once the two girls finally make their way to the library a few of the tables are already covered with books. Alec and Magnus sit at one of them eating the donuts. Simon was sitting at the only desk with a computer.
He looked up as they entered the room. “Cordelia, Willow how nice of you to join us.” He said in his best british accent. The Two girls exchanged looks and smiled.
“Your Cordelia.” Clary says with a giggle.
“Then that makes you the lesbian, Willow.” Isabelle says with a smile and a wink.
“And you’re just my type baby.” Clary says pulling Isabelle into a hug. Magnus and Alec cleared their throats at the same time and the two girls split apart and giggle more. “Sorry not making fun of you guys.” Clary says and looks over the room really taking it in. “Where is Jace?” She asks.
“Don’t know it was just Mags and Alec that showed up.” Simon answered.
“I better go find him. Clary says and turns and heads out the doors.
“You must tell him about our love Willow.” Isabelle yells to Clary.
Clary makes her way down the main hallways of the institute looking for Jace. As she winds the east hall way she can hear the sound of something hitting the punching bag. This would be one of the three places she could find Jace ever. The Library, The Music room. Or like this time in the Training room. As Clary entered the room she could see Jace squared up to the bag. He head changed into a Black tank top and black sweatpants. His face was dripping with sweat and his blond beautiful hair was matted down. A look of concentration was on his face. Clary leaned up against the door frame and watched him punch and kick the bag with the grace of an Angel. She so loved watching him. It has become one of her favorite past times ever since she first saw him. Jace spin kicks the bag and it breaks off the chain that was holding it up and flies across the room. “Damn it not again.” Jace snaps. This brings Clary out of her day dream state.
“Hey hot stuff thought I’d see you in the library.” Clary says throwing him a towel.
Jace catches it and smiles a little. “Nah Stringbean is on it. If anyone can solve this puzzle it's him.”
“Did you just give Simon a compliment.” Clary asks in shock
“Don't you dare tell him.” Jace retorts and grabs his water bottle and takes a big drink. “The Newbees back yet?” he asks. Clary shakes her head no. “Think I will clean up and go see what trouble their in.” He says.
“Want some company?” Clary asks with a smile.
“Na there newbees, I think I can handle them.” he replies
“I was meaning with the cleaning up part.” Clary shoots him a seductive look. Jace smiles big.
“Oh now that I do want help with.” The two grab hands and run off towards their room.
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Escape- pt 25
pt 1. pt 2. pt 3. pt 4. pt 5. pt 6. pt 7. pt 8. pt 9. pt 10. pt 11. pt 12. pt 13. pt 14. pt 15. pt 16. pt 17. pt 18. pt 19. pt 20. pt 21. pt 22. pt 23. pt 24.
Jane Seymour has stayed with Henry long enough. Cue Catherine of Aragon and the rest of the girls to save her (Aramour)
Jane woke up to breakfast in bed the next morning.
“For my beautiful wife,” Catherine smiled with Eddie, who squealed at the sight of his mother, in her arms.
“Good morning babe.” She leaned up to give the hispanic a kiss and take her son. “What’s all this for?”
“I love you. You gave me this life. You have me Eddie. This doesn’t amount to the life you gave me, but this is for you.” Catherine pulled out a white rose from under the bed. “I am worthy of you, and you are worthy of me. After you finish breakfast, I want to show you a few things. Your parents and Kat agreed to watch Ed for us. I think my parents said they were going to come up too, if that’s okay with you.”
“Oh Lina, we can just-”
“No. We’re going out for the day. I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
“You don’t want to eat breakfast?”
“No, it’s okay. I want to see whatever you’re doing.”
An hour later, the couple was on their way out, Jane finding every reason to stay with Eddie a little while longer, despite skipping breakfast because she was so eager to see what her wife had planned.
“So, you both have-”
“Janey, for heaven’s sake! Leave already! We raised you, didn’t we? Eddie will be just fine!” Margaret pushed her daughter out the door and slammed the door in her face. She waved enthusiastically, knowing what Catherine had planned for her daughter.
“Come on. It’ll be worth it.” The hispanic outstretched her hand and led the blonde to the car.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
When they pulled up to their high school’s lobby, Jane looked at Catherine with confusion.
“Why are we here?”
“I have something to show you.” They walked to the front desk. “This is where I first saw you. I couldn’t get you out of my head. I swear, I had that feeling of euphoria. This is for that moment.” Jane was handed a lavender colored rose.
“How did you do this? It’s Saturday. How did you get in here?”
“Oh, this you won't believe. First though, come on.” When they were at their next destination, Jane let out a full-on belly laugh.
“This is Phillips’ room. Why?”
“Here, we started our friendship.” Catherine handed her a yellow rose that was hidden underneath the podium at the front of the room. “This is also where I started to fall in love with you.”
“Me too.” The couple shared a kiss.
“Follow me.”
When they found the principal’s office, Catherine knocked, barely containing her excitement. The door flew open, and their old technology teacher grinned from ear to ear as he came face to face with his former students.
“I believe this is for you.” He handed her a yellow rose with red tips.
“To show our friendship turning into something more. Mr. Phi-”
“It’s doctor now,” Phillips interjected.
“Sorry,” Catherine laughed. “Dr. Phillips is principal now. I figured he was kind of a key in our relationship.”
“You’re absolutely amazing,” Jane said softly as she gazed at the woman in front of her.
“Thank you,” Phillips accepted the compliment meant for Catherine.
“Thanks for helping us out man. We have to get going to our next stop.”
“There’s more?” Jane raised an eyebrow.
“Oh man, your wife planned a lot. Keep her around.” Phillips offered a genuine smile. “Be on your way now.”
“He mellowed out a lot,” Jane giggled once they were out of the school.
“Yeah, he really has, and he’s a great guy. He was so excited to help out even though it meant having to go to the school on a Saturday. He said something about how he felt like a proud father. Only God knows what that could possibly mean.”
“Only the lord himself knows. Where to next?”
When they pulled up to ‘their’ dinner, Jane practically leapt out of the car.
“Wait up baby!” Catherine hustled to catch up with her so she could hold the door open.
“Hey Cath,” Jessie, a young waitress, waved to them.
“It’s all ready, right?”
“Ready to go ma’am!”
Jane smiled when she saw a blue rose at the table they dubbed as theirs in high school- the same table they sat at after prom. Catherine snatched it before Jane could.
“What does this one mean?”
“You catch on fast. But let’s have some lunch first?”
The blonde looked in wonder for a second before speaking up, “Dessert too?”
“If you want, but you should’ve eaten breakfast.” Catherine smiled at the love of her life.
When they finished lunch, the older Aragon handed her the rose.
“Because this is where our first date was; where I found out you were dating Henry. Blue is for impossible love.”
“Shit. I’m so sorry Lina.”
“No apologies. There are good memories here too, like prom. And, I have you now. Anyway, back to the house.”
“Hey Ma! We’re-”
“They’re not home. Just us right now. Go upstairs and then walk back down for me?”
“You’re nuts,” Jane laughed but did as she was told. When she walked back down, Catherine had a shy smile along with a light pink rose and a salmon colored rose.
“You were gorgeous on prom night. I was so excited to take you. Let’s go outside for a quick second?”
“You really didn’t have to do this.”
“I really did though. It was better than your dad’s idea anyway. He told me to just bang you to show you how much I love you.”
“Ew, what the fuck?”
“Jane, he’s your father. I have no idea. I was quite repulsed when he said that to me.”
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry.”
“I-” Catherine didn’t know how to respond, so instead she pulled out a dark pink rose and a peach rose from the windowsill. “Here, you kissed me for the first time. It was simple. I remember going home that night feeling like I was on cloud nine. I just wanted to say thank you for that.” She kissed the blonde’s forehead before leading her away from the house and back to the car.
“Jesus, where are we going now?” Jane wondered aloud.
“I don't think I’m Jesus honey.”
“Way to lay on the dad jokes,” she snorted with laughter.
“Well, I may not be a dad, but I am a parent. Thank you for that.” The hispanic brought Jane’s hand up to her lips and kissed it. “We’re going to the park on Main.”
“You’re amazing.”
When they got there, not only were all of their parents gathered around one swing watching their grandson giggle with delight, the rest of their friends were there too.
“Hi baby!” Jane peppered her son’s face with kisses before gently swaying her in the swing.
“I’ll be right back.” Aragon took a few steps back to admire her wife for a moment before jogging away to grab the red rose she had hidden in the car. “My dear, this is for you.”
“Why this one?” She brought the rose to her nose and smiled at the sweet smell.
“You are the most beautiful with our son. It’s a sight I never thought I would be able to see everyday. There are days where I’m just left awestruck. I mean, it’s amazing. I can’t wait to have more with you.” She wiped a tear from the blonde’s face. “I mean, it’s amazing. I can’t wait to have more with you.”
“I don't deserve you.”
“Yes you do,” Jane heard the bunch yell at her.
“Yes you do,” Aragon whispered.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I have a few more things for you, but they’ll be ready for you in a few hours. Go back to the house with everyone. We’ll do some more tonight. I promise.” Catherine turned towards the car.
“Where is he-” Jane was cut off by her wife hugging her tightly from behind.
“I forgot to kiss you goodbye.” She pecked the blonde’s lips and gently pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Jane pulled her son out of the swing before saying, “Say bye to Mama!” as she waved Eddie’s hand to Catherine.
“Bye sweet boy.” The hispanic kissed Eddie’s fuzzy head and jogged off. Jane turned around and looked at her family.
“Where is she going?”
“Let’s go home. Eddie looks like he’s getting pretty tired,” Katherine tried changing the subject.
“Do you really think you can distract-”
“Mom, come on. He needs a nap.” Kat took the baby from her mother’s arms and walked towards the car.
“I guess we’re leaving?” Margaret chuckled. “Everyone is welcome to come back to our house!”
A few hours later, the family was sitting in the living room talking.
“You know,” Isabella turned to Jane. “I remember Catalina coming home from school day day and just going on and on about how she had met the most wonderful person. I had never seen her care for someone so quickly. She really loves you. Please keep her close to you.”
“Bella, you know I will. If anything, Lina would be the one to leave me. I’m not exactly the best wife.”
“Don’t beat yourself up like that Janey. She’s not asking for the best; she’s asking for you. That’s all she’s ever wanted.”
“I don’t know. I just worry that one day she’s going to look back at all of this and realize it was a mistake. You know? I’m not really that much at all. She isn’t really going to-”
“Jane, are you stupid?” Fred let out a laugh, not realizing his daughter’s wife was being serious.
“I mean, I don’t know. Maybe?” She looked at her hands guiltily.
“Do you know what my daughter's dumb ass would do for you? You were the only person she ever deemed worth of bringing home. Ever. Did you know-”
“Really?” Jane looked at her father-in-law with tears in her eyes.
“You were it for her. You always have been.”
“She told me she dated all through college.”
“And she told us they would never amount to you, so she never brought them home.”
“I really love her, you know.”
“We all know that Jane,” Anne piped up. “You and Cath are always-”
“Annie, stop. I don’t need to know whatever you’re about to say about my mom.” Kat clapped her hands over her ears before adding on, “I’m going to the bathroom.” Kat walked up the stairs.
“Anne’s right. We all know. We can see it in your-” Cathy started to say, but a knock on the door interrupted her.
“I’ll get it. It’s probably just Lina.” The blonde wiped her tears and opened the door, fully expecting to see her wife, but she was shocked with who was actually there.
“Listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Thomas gave a sinister smile.
“Guys, go upstairs.” Jane cringed.
“No one moves, or she gets shot.” Thomas grabbed the woman at the door before she could move out of his reach.
“Thomas this-”
“Shut up, and get to the wall,” he shouted.
“Why are you-” Thomas pulled out a gun and jammed it against her temple.
“Because if I can’t have you, no one can!”
“You can’t-” Thomas whipped around and pointed the gun at John. “Okay, okay!” He held his hands up in the air.
“Now look! I know what she deserves! I’ll give it to her! She’s mine now. Any of you move, and you’ll- she’ll get it!”
Katherine lurked at the top of the stairs, being able to make eye contact with John but remaining unseen by Thomas. She put her finger to her lip, hoping the older man would understand. He gave the slightest head nod in acknowledgement.
“Come on Thomas,” Margaret spoke softly. “Don’t do this. She has a son. Your friend did enough to her, didn’t he?”
“He’s dead! I’m here to save her and give her the life she deserves,” Thomas reasoned.
Katherine stared at the scene in silence before taking the opportunity to grab her cell phone from her back pocket and call the police- call Officer Beale.
“Thomas, come on honey. Take a seat. We can talk about this.”
“No! She needs this! She’s hurt, and it’s my job to save her!”
“Thomas, you-” Margaret was cut off.
“I’ll go.” Jane tried her best to hide her cringe.
“You’ll what?” the family practically shouted, all eyes wide.
“I said, I’ll go with you Thomas. I’ve realized, I think I really am in love with you,” she grimaced as she tried to sound as seductive as possible.
“Wait, really?” He lowered the gun.
“Yeah, I don’t know how I couldn’t see it before.” She pulled him towards her and kissed him as hard as she could without gagging.
“What on Earth is she doing?” Isabella whispered to John.
“Sh,” he quieted the woman. “She has an idea if I know my daughter.” John had faith in her.
“You know,” Thomas pushed away just as Jane’s fingers brushed the gun he had since placed in his pocket. “I never thought you would-” Jane grabbed the gun. Thomas tried to stop her, but she was faster.
“Don’t you fucking-” Jane pointed the gun at him and backed away from against the wall.
“Thomas, I’ll pull it,” Jane stated firmly despite the fact that her entire body was shaking. She still had never had the chance to take a shooting lesson, much less hold a gun. “You and your friend, Jesus. You really fucked me up. You know that?” She laughed bitterly. “Not anymore. I am finally happy. I ‘m married to the only person I ever thought I would love. I have a son, I have a daughter, and I’m done with your bullshit. I will not let you keep doing this. Do you-” Thomas made a grab for her at the very second Katherine had gone to tackle him. Jane fired the gun.
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shhhhyoursister · 5 years
hey could u maybe do #3. “please don’t cry” for davenzi? I seriously love you for writing so much 💜
okay so lmao i just spent like 45 mins writing a parent!davenzi thing for this and i left the app to look for a baby name and just came back and that fic is gone so i guess i’ll start again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also i hope you like the name i chose i didn’t know what to do so i went with something cute and vaguely italian!!!!!! also i hope it’s okay that i took it in this direction i was feeling inspired!!!!!
David loved being a father. He had technically only been one for a month (a months and 11 days, to be exact), but he could already tell that it was going to be his biggest accomplishment. Isabella was perfect, somehow managing to look as if David and Matteo had conceived a child together; hair that they could tell was going to grow in dark blonde and a little curly, a button nose that David had actually cried over multiple times, and dark brown eyes that were so beautiful that David could’ve spent hours staring into them (and he did).
It made more sense for Matteo to stay at home with her, and while David loved his job, directing and filming and editing was way less entertaining when he had a sweet, soft, cuddly baby at home, and a husband who he knew was exhausted because of her. The only thing that got David through the work day were the multiple pictures and texts that Matteo would send, of her or about her. He would get updates on her eating and health (David didn’t think he needed to know everytime Matteo changed her diaper and the contents of it, but he appreciated being kept in the loop), anytime she did anything particularly cute (he had gotten a text once that said she smiled!!!!!! i think it was just gas but still!!!! and he had immediately made the attached picture the new background on his phone).
He also got the not so nice updates. One night, he was staying late to finish editing something so he could have the whole weekend just for himself, his husband, and his daughter, when his cell rang. When he saw it was Matteo he panicked, and fumbled with the phone, because Matteo almost never called him at work.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Is Bella okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, she’s fine,” Matteo said, and David sighed with relief but he could hear the exhaustion and defeat and tears in Matteo’s voice as he continued, “I just can’t get her to fucking sleep.”
“You’ve fed her, and changed her, right? Have you tried sitting in that chair and singing? What about one of the books?” David ran through all of the ways they had managed to get her to sleep before in his mind, trying to think of a helpful suggestion for his obviously overwhelmed husband.
“Yeah, obviously, I fucking know what I’m doing David, I’m the one who spends every night with her.” Matteo snapped, and David snapped his mouth shut.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. How do you want me to help, baby?” David could tell that Matteo wasn’t actually angry, and that responding angrily himself would only make things worse. He wanted to help, but also knew he had at least another hour before he could get home.
“Fuck, sorry, don’t apologize. I’m sorry I yelled. It’s been a long day,” Matteo said, and David could hear the beginnings of what he thought was going to be Matteo crying, before he heard a sharper wail in the background, and an exasperated sigh from his husband, before he heard, “oh my god, I can’t even fucking sit down for a second.”
David tried to calm Matteo down a little as he heard him walk down the hall to Bella’s room, and he heard the door creak open the tiniest bit before Matteo was cooing, “No, piccola mia, please don’t cry.”
He heard Matteo grunt as he lifted the sobbing baby to his shoulder, and David could hear the cries get louder as the her mouth got closer to the phone. He listened to Matteo speak to her in a gentle voice, switching between German and Italian like he tended to do (David could tell that he didn’t even notice he was doing it), and after what felt like five minutes of David sitting silently on the phone, the crying stopped.
“Oh, thank god, she fell asleep again.” Matteo said, and David could hear just how relieved he was about that.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I’ll take over when I’m home, but you know they said to sleep when she’s sleeping.” That was a piece of advice he knew Matteo took to heart, and his nap schedule was almost as organized and planned out as the baby’s.
“I still have to clean up from dinner, and she spit up on the couch so I have to deal with that too, and there’s still laundry to fold,” David heard Matteo collapse onto a couch before laughing a little humorlessly and saying, “being a housewife is much less glamorous than I was expecting.”
“I’ll be sure to get you some flowers and a bottle of champagne on my way home, I can’t have you leaving because of a lack of glamour.” David grinned against the phone, wishing he could be there to see the exhausted chuckle that Matteo let out.
“Yeah, flowers and champagne would make up for the puke and the shit and the drool. None of that is particularly glamorous.” Matteo said, sounding a little happier than he had at the beginning of the call.
“I’ll be sure to do that, but if you don’t need me I’m going to go, okay?“
“I always need you.”
David felt his cheeks blush, embarrassed that he was still so affected by the things his husband said often, and he laughed a little before saying, “Me too, babe. But I’ll be home in an hour, an hour and a half tops, okay?”
They hung up after exchanging their usual I love you’s, and David started working again. He stopped for a second to respond to the text he got about 10 minutes later that just said she woke up again, and he finished editing as fast as he could so he could get home, kiss Matteo, and send him off to bed. He was dead tired but looking forward to being able to hold Isabella again, missing her in a way that made him twitch.
The house was warm when he got inside, and he shrugged his coat off and toed off his shoes as he called down the hall, “Matteo?”
He started walking in, surprised when he didn’t hear crying or other general baby noises, and he tilted his head when the kitchen was empty. He wandered more, getting a little nervous, but when he reached the living room and looked at the sight on the couch, he felt tears gather in the corners of his eyes.
Matteo was splayed out shirtless on his back, because they knew how important skin-to-skin contact was for babies, with Bella lying in the middle of his chest, her tiny eyes open and blinking around the room. Matteo was knocked out, snoring a little with how heavy he was suddenly sleeping, and David grinned before walking in, and scooped the baby off of him.
“Hey, trouble maker,” he said, trailing a finger down her tiny cheek before leaning in to kiss her on the forehead, “you’ve been driving him crazy today, haven’t you?”
He cooed at her for a few minutes, kissing her cheeks and letting her tiny hands wrap around his fingers, and he pulled her in tight and breathed in the new-baby smell before he heard, “Oh, hey, when did you get here?”
David looked down and saw Matteo blinking up at him, rubbing a hand across his eyes, his other hand coming up to tug on the hem of David’s shirt. David switched Bella onto his shoulder, and cradled the back of her head as he leaned down to kiss Matteo on the forehead.
“A few minutes ago, now get up, you’re going to bed.”
“Wait, wait, I haven’t finished cleaning yet,” Matteo tried to protest as he got up, but in the same breath he was collapsing against David’s unoccupied shoulder, and yawning loud into his neck. He lifted a hand and placed it over David’s on the baby’s back.
“Matteo, you’re about two seconds away from passing out,” David said, wrapping his other arm around his husband’s waist, “let me finish up, I’ll come to bed when I’m done.”
Matteo pulled back and smiled at him, and leaned in to kiss him and poured so much love and gratitude and relief into it that David could feel it, before he looked down at the baby against David’s shoulder.
“I don’t get it,” he said, moving Bella’s hair back into place and stroking her cheek like David had.
“Don’t get what?” David whispered back, noticing that the baby’s eyes were sliding shut a little bit, and that she didn’t seem to be fighting it, and he held a finger up to his lips to warn Matteo to be quiet as she started breathing deeper, and more evenly as she fell back asleep.
“I’ve felt like ripping my hair out and jumping out the window all day,” Matteo whispered back, shaking his head, “but I still love her so fucking much.”
David smiled, looking down again at the baby sleeping baby in his arms, and the man smiling softly in his arms, and he was filled with so much that he felt like he was going to explode.
“I’m pretty sure there’s some brain chemical that stops people from throwing their babies when they don’t stop crying,” David said, and he grinned when Matteo snorted and rolled his eyes, “evolution is a beautiful thing.”
Matteo took a step back and shoved him gently, before walking back and bumping his head into David’s shoulder before kissing him there, and then his cheek, and then he moved so he could cover Isabella’s face in kisses.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I go sleep?” Matteo said, looking dead on his feet, and David gently shoved him toward their bedroom as he looked around the house, making a mental checklist of things he needed to do to make Matteo’s night end faster.
“Yeah, it’s probably better that you do. Can’t have you passing out when you’re the only one home with her, she’ll get into the booze!”
Matteo laughed from where he was leaning against the doorframe to their bedroom, smiling wider than David had seen in a few days, and he looked back up with a smile to say, “Yeah, and the weed, too.”
They both laughed at the horror of their statements before Matteo yawned, walked over to give them each one more kiss, and then went off to bed. David looked down at the sleeping baby on his shoulder and walked to her room as quietly as he could, placing her in her bed, and sighing when she didn’t start crying again.
David cleaned as thoroughly but as quickly as he could and managed to finish pretty quick, and he was almost falling asleep as he changed out of his clothes from the day, and he sighed when he slid into bed behind Matteo, and curled up against his bare back and wrapped his arms around his waist. He let a hand rest on Matteo’s stomach so he could feel the deep, steady breaths, and after a few minutes David was knocked out too.
They were both woken up a couple of hours later by another wail, and they looked at each other for a second before David realized that there was no way he could make Matteo get up and do it, so he swung his legs over the side of the bed, and got up with a “I’ve got it babe, go back to sleep.”
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bboyplankton · 5 years
2019 Playlist
1. A$AP Ferg & MadeinTYO – Wam
2. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Arnold & Danny
3. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Descendant of the Stars
4. Akon feat. Skales – Control
5. Akon feat. Olamide – Scammers
6. Alex Isley – Colors
7. Amaal – Coming & Going
8. Anderson .Paak feat. Andre 3000 – Come Home
9. Anderson .Paak feat. Smokey Robinson – Make It Better
10. Ari Lennox – I Been
11. Ari Lennox – Up Late
12. Ariana Grande – fake smile
13. Ariana Grande – in my head
14. Arin Ray feat. Kehlani – Change
15. Arin Ray - ZZZ
16. Asiahn – Like You
17. Asiahn – NOLA
18. August Alsina – Forever and a Day
19. August Alsina – For You
20. Baby Rose – Mortal
21. Beyoncé, Jay-Z & Childish Gambino feat. Oumou Sangaré – Mood 4 Eva
22. Big K.R.I.T – Blue Flame Ballet
23. Big K.R.I.T – Energy
24. Big K.R.I.T – M.I.S.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.I
25. BJ the Chicago Kid feat. JID, Buddy, & Kent Jamz – Get Away
26. Blackbear – Sick Of It All
27. The Black Keys – Sit Around And Miss You
28. The Black Keys – Tell Me Lies
29. Bobby Sparks ii feat. Robert “Sput” Searight & MonoNeon – The Comanche Are Coming
30. Boogie – Live 95
31. Boogie feat. Snoh Aalegra – Time
32. Burna Boy feat. Jeremih & Serani – Secret
33. Che Ecru – That’s My Baby
34. Ciara – Greatest Love
35. Ciara – Set
36. Ciara – Trust Myself
37. City and Colour – Mountain of Madness
38. Col3trane, DJDS, & Raye – The Fruits
39. Conway the Machine – Half of It
40. DaBaby – Bop
41. DaBaby – Goin Baby
42. DaBaby – Suge
43. Daniel Caesar & Brandy – Love Again
44. Danny Brown – Dirty Laundry
45. Danny Brown – Savage Nomad
46. Dave East – Mama I Made It
47. Dave East – The Marathon Continues (Nipsey Tribute)
48. Dave East – Me & Mines
49. Denzel Curry – Speedboat
50. Devin Morrison – Bussin’
51. Devin Morrison feat. Dahvi – It’s Time
52. DJ Shadow – If I Died Today
53. DJ Shadow feat. Run The Jewels – Kings & Queens
54. DJ Shadow feat. De La Soul – Rocket Fuel
55. Doja Cat – Say So
56. Doja Cat – Streets
57. Dreamville feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Dreezy – Got Me
58. Dreamville feat. JID & T.I. – Ladies, Ladies, Ladies
59. Dreezy feat. Jeremih – Ecstasy
60. E-40 feat. Quavo Roddy Ricch, A$AP Ferg, & ScHoolboy Q – Chase the Money
61. E-40 – Imma Find Out
62. E-40 feat. Redman, Method Man, & Bosko – Keep On Gassin
63. Earthgang feat. T-Pain – Tequila
64. Earthgang feat. Kehlani – Trippin
65. Elhae – fXXX
66. Elhae – I.D.B.I.L
67. Elhae feat. Big K.R.I.T – Sanctuary
68. Emotional Oranges – Someone Else
69. Emotional Oranges – West Coast Love
70. Emotional Oranges – Your Best Friend Is A Hater
71. Eric Bellinger – iPod on Shuffle
72. Eric Bellinger feat. K Camp – Moist
73. Eric Bellinger – Run It Up
74. Eric Bellinger – The Sexy Song
75. Eric Bellinger – Spice
76. Eric Bellinger feat. Chris Brown & OG Parker – Type a Way
77. Eric Bellinger – Undress
78. Esperanza Spalding – Touch in Mine (Fingers)
79. Fabolous feat. Jacquees – My Mind
80. Fabolous feat. Ty Dolla $ign – Ooh Yea
81. FKA twigs – Mirrored Heart
82. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib feat. Killer Mike & Pusha T – Palmolive
83. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib – Soul Right
84. Free Nationals – Lester Diamond
85. Free Nationals feat. Syd – Shibuya
86. Free Nationals feat. Mac Miller & Kali Uchis – Time
87. Future – Crushed Up
88. Gallant – Céline
89. Gallant – Sleep On It
90. The Game – Born 2 Rap
91. The Game feat. 21 Savage – The Code
92. The Game feat. Anderson .Paak – Stainless
93. Gang Starr feat. J. Cole – Family And Loyalty
94. Gang Starr feat. Ne-Yo & Nitty Scott – Get Together
95. Gary Clark Jr. – I Got My Eyes on You (Locked & Loaded)
96. GoldLink feat. WaveIQ – Spanish Song
97. GoldLink feat. Tyler, the Creator & Jay Prince – U Say
98. Griselda – Freddie HotSpot
99. Gucci Mane – Move Me
100. Isabella – Tag
101. Jacquees – Fact Or Fiction
102. Jacquees – Good Lovin
103. Jaden – Got It
104. Jeezy – White Keys
105. Jidenna feat. GoldLink – Babouche
106. Jidenna – Sou Sou
107. Jidenna – Vaporiza
108. Jim Jones feat. Maino & Drama – My Era
109. Jim Jones feat. Cam’ron, Guordan Banks, Benny the Butcher, & Conway the Machine – To Whom it May Concern
110. Joell Ortiz – Jamaican Food
111. Joell Ortiz – Sip Slow
112. Johnta Austin – Breakin Rules
113. Justine Skye – Secrets
114. Kalin White – 4 sexonds
115. Kaytranada feat. GoldLink, Eight9Fly, & Ari Pensmith – Vex Oh
116. Kehlani – Feels
117. Kehlani feat. 6lack – RPG
118. Khalid – Paradise
119. Khalid – Talk
120. Kiana Ledé feat. Jenifer Lewis – Heavy
121. Kiana Ledé – If You Hate Me
122. Kxng Crooked & Bronze Nazareth feat. Tristate & L.A.D – French Connection
123. Kirk Brown – Vibes Up
124. Koffee feat. Jane Macgizmo – Blazin
125. Konshens – Back It Up
126. Konshens – Last Wine
127. Kyle Dion – Hands to Yourself
128. Kyle Dion – Spend It
129. Larry June feat. Premo Rice – Booty Girl Club
130. Larry June – Early Bird
131. Larry June – Organic Smiles
132. Layton Greene – Never Knew
133. Lion Babe feat. Leikeli47 – The Wave
134. Lion Babe feat. Raekwon – Western World
135. Lophiile – Late Ass
136. Lophiile feat. Jesse Boykins III – You’re Gonna Need It
137. Lophiile – You’ve Changed
138. Lucky Daye – Love You Too Much
139. Lucky Daye – Real Games
140. Lyfe Jennings – Baby
141. Mac Ayers feat. Uhmeer – Fears
142. Mac Ayers – Get Away
143. Mahalia – Karma
144. Mahalia – What Am I?
145. Mahalia feat. Ella Mai – What You Did
146. Marc E. Bassy – Crash and Burn
147. Marc E. Bassy – Where We’re From
148. Matt Martians – Movin’ On
149. Maxo Kream feat. Megan Thee Stallion – She Live
150. Megan Thee Stallion feat. Da Baby – Cash S**t
151. Mereba – Stay Tru
152. Moonchild – Strength
153. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council - Sin
154. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council – Unicorn Glitter
155. Nikki Jean – Driver
156. Nikki Jean feat. Lupe Fiasco – Mr. Clean
157. Papoose feat. DJ Premier – Numerical Slaughter
158. Pardison Fontaine – Money Machine
159. Pardison Fontaine – Under8ed
160. PJ Morton – Kid Again
161. PJ Morton feat. JoJo – Say So
162. Post Malone – I’m Gonna Be
163. Problem Child – Whole Heart
164. Quinn XCII feat. Yoshi Flower – Werewolf
165. Rapsody feat. Queen Latifah – Hatshepsut
166. Rapsody feat. D’Angelo & GZA – Ibtihaj
167. Rapsody feat. Elle Varner – Michelle
168. Raveena – Nectar
169. Raveena – Salt Water
170. Rex Orange County – Always
171. Rex Orange County – It Gets Better
172. Rick Ross – Fascinated
173. Rick Ross feat. Drake – Gold Roses
174. Rick Ross feat. Summer Walker – Summer Reign
175. Rick Ross – Vegas Residency
176. R.LUM.R – Happy
177. R.LUM.R – Lies
178. Roses Gabor feat. Sampha – Illusions
179. Rotimi – Love Riddim
180. Rotimi – Way Gone
181. Sabrina Claudio – Truth Is
182. Sammie – Issues
183. Sara Bareilles – Armor
184. ScHoolboy Q feat. Kid Cudi – Dangerous
185. ScHoolboy Q – Numb Numb Juice
186. Shal Marshall – Mas Forever
187. Shal Marshall – Splinters
188. Shwayze – Rich City
189. Sinead Harnett – Be The One (Interlude)
190. SiR feat. Smino – LA Lisa
191. SiR feat. Kadhja Bonet – New Sky
192. Slum Village feat. Dwele – Call Me
193. Snoh Aalegra – Nothing to Me
194. Snoh Aalegra – Toronto
195. Snoop Dogg feat. Swizz Beatz – Countdown
196. Snoop Dogg feat. Marknoxx – I Wanna Thank Me
197. Snoop Dogg feat. Russ & Wiz Khalifa – Take Me Away
198. Solange – Almeda
199. Solange – Dreams
200. Steve Lacy – N Side
201. Steve Lacy – Playground
202. Summer Walker – Wasted
203. T-Pain feat. Tory Lanez – Getcha Roll On
204. Tayla Parx – Me vs. Us
205. Tayla Parx feat. Joey Bada$$ - Rebound
206. The Teskey Brothers – Rain
207. The Teskey Brothers – Sun Come Ease Me In
208. Tinashe – Feelings
209. Tobi lou feat. Erica Rene & Cam O’bi – That Old Nu-Nu
210. Tobi lou – Waterboy
211. Tori Kelly – Kid I Used To Know
212. Toro y Moi – Freelance
213. Toro y Moi – Ordinary Pleasure
214. Tory Lanez – Blowin’ Mine’s // Leah’s Introduction
215. Tory Lanez feat. Ludacris – The Fargo Splash
216. Trey Songz – Jill (Sumn Real)
217. Trina feat. Rico Love – Water
218. Tryezz – Walnut St. Dub
219. Tsu Surf – Killing Me
220. Tyler, the Creator - Earfquake
221. Tyler, the Creator – I Think
222. Umi – Sukidakara
223. Vedo – Do It Nasty
224. Wale feat. Jeremih – On Chill
225. Weezer – Happy Together
226. Willow – Time Machine
227. Wiz Khalifa feat. Young Deji – Gold Bottles
228. Xavier Omär & Sango – Cry & Lie
229. Xavier Omär & Sango feat. Billy Mercury – Keeping Me
230. YBN Cordae feat. Anderson .Paak – RNP
231. YBN Cordae feat. Meek Mill – We Gon Make It
232. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – All About You
233. Ye Ali – Rehearsal
234. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – Show Me
235. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR & Rainy Milo – Songs2Get2GetDrunk2
236. Yelawolf – Box Chevy 7
237. Yelawolf – Unnatural Born Killer
238. Young M.A. – Stubborn Ass
239. Zacari – Midas Touch
240. 2 Chainz – Threat 2 Society
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