#Is this just an excuse to draw them hugging? Noooooo. Probably
miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Bear Hugging WoL - Scions
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I very much approve of this @melodymeddler​. Thank you for asking :3
Scions with a WoL who Gives Bear Hugs
Alisaie will gripe, groan, and maybe even resist when she sees you’ve returned. She’d rather die than admit she enjoys your hugs. But when she’s there, there’s no fighting; she just leans in as she grumbles.
“For Twelve’s sake! No! Noooooo! Get away from me! N-Stop! Ugh! Fine!”
Little Alphy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He gets all blushy and tries circumventing them with a handshake or “welcome back.” Never works. But even he knows that once you’ve got your arms around him, there’s no use resisting.
“Welcome back. How was your adventure? Oh, no. I’m fine, really. Wait. Hold on—nope. We’re doing this. Aha. Welcome back. I’m glad you’re safe.”
Actually, this guy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He will straight up curse when he sees you walk in. Might even draw his lance to keep you at bay. But if you catch him and manage to hold on for a few seconds, he’ll give. He won’t hug back, but his will to escape will die partially because he actually loves it but take that secret to his grave.
“Oh hells. No! Stay back! I’m warning you! I won’t—No! Get off! Uuuuuuugh!”
G’raha is wholeheartedly excited when you return. He wastes no time in setting his work aside to greet you. He revels in the tight embrace, happily rubbing a cheek against you and his tail swaying happily you know, like a cat. He’d probably purr if he could.
“You’re here! Welcome back! Ahaha! Aye, it’s good to see you again.”
Sweet Krile enjoys your returns. She’s simply accepted that you’re a hugger and will return the gesture happily. No muss no fuss here.
“Welcome back. How was your trip? Did you enjoy it? I’d love to hear about it.”
Lyse gets herself all riled up when she notices you return. The girl will actively stand and run at you, unless inappropriate in which case she will power walk to greet you. She absolutely loves your hugs.
“There you are! Our grand Warrior of Light! Bring it in! There we go!”
Another casual enjoyer of hugs. She’ll excuse herself from her conversation and head towards you with a little pep in her step. Once she reaches you, she’ll hold out her arms, expecting her hug.
“Excuse me just a moment. There you are. Did you enjoy your trip? You’ll have to tell me all about it. But first, my hug!”
Thancred enjoys a hearty hug. He’ll try not to show his eagerness and patiently wait for you to come to him, but once that happens, it’s arms out and hug time. Will still mock you over it though.
“You’re back? Oh very well. What a needy person you are. Ah, wait, no. Come back here. Give me my hug, dammit.”
This man is probably the most difficult to get a hug on. The instant he has an inkling that a hug is coming, he mysteriously slips away. However, poor Urianger is only graceful enough to pull this off about 15% of the time. The rest the time, he actually manages to draw more attention to himself. And once caught, he suffers the consequences of his ineptitude.
“Ah, w-well met, friend. Aye, ‘tis good to see you as well. Your travels were well then? Please unhand me.”
The prickly mage heaves a great sigh whenever you return. While she may long to continue her studies or the tasks at hand, she knows if she doesn’t put them down willingly to embrace you, you will get in her way and may even disturb her work. Would also purr if she could.
*Sigh* “Very well. Come. Let us get this over with. Excuse me? Get over here. I will not have you sulking over a simple hug. There. Welcome back, Warrior.”
Overall, your hugs really aren’t a bad thing to the Scions. They all enjoy them in varying amounts, whether or not they admit it. In fact, it’s become such a staple in their lives that at least once or twice, they’ve thought back to your embrace in times they’ve struggled. It’s a motivator—to keep pressing on until they see you again and suffer your hug once more.
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sysig · 4 years
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Incorrect quotes edition
(Scriabin & Vargas © @zarla-s)
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Not So Bad After All
Pairings: Takashi Morinozuka x Reader
Genre/Ratings: G; descriptions of a panic attack
Words: 2200
Summary: Requested by anonymous; who wanted secret-boyfriend-Mori to come to the rescue during a panic attack (and Tamaki’s reaction at discovering the secret couple). There’s dancing, y’all, that’s all I’m gonna say. 
“Okay,” you murmur to yourself, low enough so that the hordes of people around you won’t hear. “This isn’t so bad, right?” You glance around at the students darting between booths of cotton candy and carnival games, laughing as they pull friends by the hand through the crowd to their next big adventure. It smells of popcorn and sugar, and brightly-colored stuffed animals sway in the spring breeze and catch your gaze. It’s a chaotic but cheerful scene, and despite your hesitation the atmosphere does tug at something light in your chest. “I’ll just find the boys, say hello, then look for quietest corner to hide in…”
Easier said than done. The receiving line to see the club- they’re holding court in the center of the fair, surrounded by twinkling lights and lush landscaping- is miles long, with dozens of girls clamoring for a spot in line closer to their idols. Luckily, you catch Haruhi’s eye and she smiles and waves you over to a little side area that doesn’t have any foot traffic. She nudges Tamaki and says something in his ear, then leads a few others over to you while the ever-popular king keeps the rest of the crowd occupied.
“Hey Y/N!” She waves, her smile bright. “We thought you weren’t gonna make it!”
“Y/N-chaaaaaaan!” Honey’s small self elbows through the throng and tackles you in an enthusiastic hug, making you laugh and ruffle his hair. “I’m so glad you’re here! Did you see the cotton candy? It’s shaped like flowers!”
“Hi, Honey,” you giggle. “Yes, I saw the fairy floss, and it looks bigger than your head.”
He grins. “That’s the best part!”
“You’ll get sick, Mitsukuni.” Mori taps his cousin on the head, then lifts him onto his shoulders. “Remember what happened last time?”
“Um…. No?”
You snort. “How convincing. Do I want to know?”
“Noooooo, nope, no you do not.” Haruhi is adamantly making the abort mission signal. “So, what are you going to do first?”
“Mmmm, not sure. Maybe the bumper cars? As long as it isn’t the Ferris wheel I’ll be fine,” you joke. You are really not a fan of heights.
“Haruhiiiiiiiiiii? Where is Haruhi? Is she lost?!”
Said girl in question rolls her eyes at you dramatically. “Senpai calls. I’ll catch up with you later, yeah?”
“Calm down, Tamaki, I’m coming!”
You have to smother your giggles with a hand over your mouth as you watch an exasperated a Haruhi storm back over to the group. “She’s got him bent around her little finger, doesn’t she?”
“Thoroughly.” Mori turns his attention back to you, and you can’t help but take in how handsome he looks with the lights glinting in his eyes and the rare chance to see him out of uniform.
“Hi,” you say shyly, reaching up in your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Busy night?” He makes an obviously unhappy noise of agreement. “I’ll wander around a bit and meet back up with you at the end, then? Don’t eat too much candy,” you gently rebuke Honey, pinching his toes. He sticks his tongue out at you playfully.
The pair eventually get back to their hosting- though not before Mori returns your kiss- and you watch them go a bit sadly. Mori loves his friends and likes his hobby, even if it does take time away from you. Winding through a busy carnival does sound romantic after all- he’d probably win every prize in the booth for you if you wanted. The thought makes you smile.
“Y/N! Hey!” You turn and just as your classmate Ann makes her way towards you. “What’s up?”
“Not much.” You give her a wave. “Just killing time. You?”
“Well, I was trying to get Hikaru’s attention, but considering I’m still here alone you can see how well that’s going…” she sighs, annoyed. Ann’s been hooked on the twin for months now, and it’s times like this you’re glad nobody knows about you and Mori because you just know she’d try and use you for an in with him. “Anyways. You here with anyone? Wanna be fair buddies?”
“Ummm…” it wouldn’t be your first choice, but Ann is harmless most of the time… “sure, why not?”
“Cool!” She gives you a wide smile. “I know exactly what I want to do- the Ferris wheel! Come on!”
Your eyes widen as she grabs your arm. “Oh, no, um, I’m probably just going to stick to the games-”
“Oh come on, Y/N, don’t kill the mood. It’ll be fun!” You squeak as she yanks you towards the ride, unable to get yourself out from her grip.
Despite every excuse you can think of- why don’t I just wait for you here? I can go get us some food! I heard Hikaru was hanging out by the ski ball- you’re somehow ushered into an incredibly rickety looking basket that’s swinging from rusty hinges. Ann is excited, talking a mile a minute, but you feel like you’re holding your stomach in with your hands. The clang the metal door makes as the operator locks you in sounds like a death sentence.
“Ooooooo, here we go!” The cab lurches forward and everything in you lurches with it, slowly pulling the two of you skywards.
“Oh god oh god oh god-” you’re frantically mumbling under your breath, trying to keep yourself together, but you can feel your heartbeat beginning to race and your fingers fumble nervously for some sort of purchase. “I don’t- can they stop the ride? I need to get off now!”
“Whoa, hey, Y/N- are you okay?”
“I can’t-!” The words choke up your throat, and pretty soon a full fledged panic attack is hovering just in the brink of your vision. Everything is too hot and too bright and too loud and you can’t breathe at all- the ride lurches as you halt at the top of the wheel, and a shriek escapes from you before you can hold it back- loud enough to make Ann jump.
“Jesus-! Okay, just, just calm down okay? It’ll be over soon, everything is totally fine, okay?”
You try to listen to her words, hands pressed to your face in effort to stop tears from rolling down your cheeks, but your breathing is still achy and off-tempo. The whole way down is a nightmare, every little shake of your seat setting off a torrent of new anxiety. You’ve practically leapt from the ride before it even touches down; stumbling down the steps and into the crowd with a red face and and shaky hands. Even worse, everyone is looking, watching you completely freak out, and you can’t get yourself to stop-
“Y/N.” Mori appears in front of you, tall enough to block out some of the blinding lights. “What’s happened?” You shake your head, too overwhelmed to speak. “Breathe. You’re safe.”
He keeps talking, just like he has every other time he’s helped you through a panic attack. It helps to listen to his voice; ever calm and unruffled, a cool contrast to the thoughts in your head racing a million miles a minute. He takes your hand as well, rubbing small circles with his thumb. “Y/N? Dance with me.”
You look up at him, choking back tears. “Mori- you- we can’t-”
Protesting doesn’t stop him from gently tugging you closer. You slip your arms around him almost in relief, letting yourself rest your forehead against his chest. His own hands drop to your waist, an incredibly familiar gesture that instantly slows your heart to a more manageable level.
It’s a callback to your first meeting- some gala so many years ago- where the long and formal night was starting to wear on your nerves something fierce. Mori had been kind enough to talk to a complete stranger, to joke with you and bring you a drink when you were clearly in no place to get one yourself. When he’d asked you to dance, you’d marveled that on the ballroom floor with his hand on your waist was the calmest you’d felt all night. Ever since, the two of you would ask each other to dance- to make the other take a break from homework, to celebrate a victory or cheer up after defeat, or just to make each other laugh. And at times like now, when the only thing that will get through to your overwhelmed senses is the feeling of his heartbeat as he sways with you back and forth.
“What are they doing…?” Tamaki comments, seeing the two of you dance quietly amidst a bustling walkway. You’re drawing some looks, but neither of you seem to notice- lost in your own world. “He’ll ruin the mood! This is not what we’re doing today, Mori-senpai!!”
“Is YN-chan okay?” Honey says worriedly, noting your red face.
“Let’s leave them alone. We’ll figure it out later.”
“But- but Haruhi, my carnival!”
“Tamaki I swear to god-”
When the crowds clear and all the girls have gone home, the eight of are you are left at a picnic table to watch crews of servants effectively bundle away the tents and booths. Honey is drowning in several newly-acquired plushies, the twins are devouring leftover food, and Kyoya is marking figures in his journal with a pleased expression on your face. You’re sitting next to Mori, probably closer than you should, but your nerves are still frayed. Haruhi is on the other side of you, occasionally sliding you worried glances. “So, um… is everything okay, Y/N? You seem a little…”
“Weird. Were you crying earlier?” Hikaru asks with his usual tact, words garbled from the popcorn in his cheeks. Haruhi shoots him a glare.
“Oh, um…” you fumble over an explanation until Mori subtly bumps your knee with his, grounding you. “I had a bit of a panic attack. A friend got me on the Ferris wheel and heights are…” you shiver a little. “But, um. Mori helped me, so. I’m better now.”
“Oh yeah, we saw that. Were you dancing?” The redhead raises a cocky eyebrow. “Care to explain?”
“Yes, care to explain?” Tamaki pipes in, his arms crossed and brow furrowed. “I thought we agreed that the theme was to be upbeat, casual, and fun! Dancing was not on the schedule!”
Your cheeks flame. “It’s just- something we do, sometimes.”
“Oh, because it’s a crime to dance with your girlfriend now?” Haruhi defends you with a nudge to your shoulder. “Geez, Tamaki, lay off.”
“Wha- G- Girlfriend?!” Tamaki sputters. “Mori-senpai does not have a girlfriend!” You look at the blonde skeptically. No, you hadn’t told them, but you thought they would’ve figured it out by now on their own… Mori seems to be thinking the same, giving you an amused glance. Haruhi is similarly looking at him in open disbelief, a gaze that says how thick can you be; Honey is giggling behind his hand, and even Kyoya raises a pointed eyebrow. Tamaki stares at all of you, not getting it. Then, very deliberately, Mori takes your hand in his and tangles your fingers together, right in front of the boy’s face.
Kaoru almost chokes at his sudden change in volume. “Geez, boss, settle down!”
“But- but I- why did no one tell me? Who knew of this… this conspiracy!?”
Now even you have to hold back a laugh- Tamaki being ridiculous never fails to make you smile. You raise the hand not attached to Mori, and you can hear Mori’s laughter rumbling in his chest as he raises his as well. Honey sticks his bun-bun’s pink furry paw in the air, Haruhi holds up two fingers with an amused smirk, and even Kyoya puts a slender hand in the air.
The twins, for their part, just glance at each other and shrug. “We could’ve guessed.”
“Wha- you knew? And you kept it from me?” He rounds on Kyoya, his violet eyes wide and brimming dramatically with unshod tears. “But why, Kyoya-senpai?”
“Well, they asked me to, for one,” Kyoya says in his dry sarcasm. “I believe they were afraid you’d react along the lines of-” he gestures at Tamaki. “This.”
“That is hardly fair! As leader of this club I should know everything that goes on! I should-” he goes on, whining and pleading and arguing at Kyoya who very pointedly keeps a straight face and nods at the appropriate times while his best friend continues his rant.
“Well.” You glance at your boyfriend. “I suppose that worked out, then?”
“Something like that,” he agrees. He still hasn’t let go of your hand.
“Just for the record,” Haruhi leans in. “I think the dancing thing is cute.”
You shove her away, embarrassed, as the twins let loose some cat calls and Honey claps enthusiastically in agreement. “You guys are the worst,” you grumble, but you give Haruhi a smile anyways as you lean into the kiss Mori presses to the top of your head.
A/N: I had to throw in the “Mori, this is not what we’re doing today!” line XD 
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stevenrogers5-blog · 7 years
18+ Smut
Summary: Peter and i get married in secret. Few knew and many still had to find out. But what is to happen if the wrong person finds out? 
A/N: Another dun request by @shadow-hokage !! Seriously thank you for the requests!! I hope i am doing you justice! 
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I walk silently down the grocery aisle, scanning the shelves for Peter and i’s apartment. Tony bought us an apartment now that we were married. He was one of the very few people we told about it. It was simple, only a handful invited, wedding. And since we were married, he wanted us to live together. And that is how i got here.
I stop in front of the pasta, grabbing a box and flipping it to read the back. I hear a few footsteps here and there as a few people past me. I place the box in cart and look up to make eye contact with Liz’s father.
“Y/N?” He says, smiling at me. I smile back.
“Hello Mr. Allen.” I say as we hug quickly.
“How have you been? Liz hasn’t talked much about you in awhile. We miss you around the place.” Liz’s dad says.
“I’ve been good. Busy. But good kind of busy.” I explain. He smiles as i bring my left hand up to push a strained of hair behind my ear. He eyes my hand as he place it down on the cart.
“That’s a pretty ring.” He pauses to make eye contact with me. “Are you and parker still together?” I gulp as i feel a little sick to my stomach. I cover my left hand.
“Thank you… Yes we are.”
“That’s a curious finger to have the ring on. Don’t many people have that there to be married? I would know.” He says, pointing to his own ring finger. I smile nervously as i rub my hand.
“I was in such a rush this morning. I must have um put my ring on the wrong finger. I have been doing that um a lot lately.” I stutter over my words, trying to cover up the meaning behind it. But he knew. Oh he knew. He smiles wickedly, only causing the sick feeling to grow.
“Liz has done that a few times. Well it was very nice to see you. I hope to see you around more often.” He says.
“I will definitely give Liz a call.” I say, praying to escape this situation. He just smiles and starts to walk away. I sigh, realizing i was even holding my breath. Keeping this a secret will be the death of me.
After i had finished the shopping, i push my cart out towards my vehicle. I unlock the car, popping the trunk. I place my items in the back and shut it tightly. I push the cart into a cart corral. I open my door and place my purse on my seat. I search for my phone, unaware to the figure sneaking up behind me.
I pull my phone out right as a massive arm wraps itself around me. I go to scream but soon a hand wraps a cloth around my mouth and nose. Holding it tightly to my face a hear a familiar voice whisper in my ear.
“Shh don’t fight me.” Liz’s dad’s voice fills my ear. I feel my eyes get heavier as my arms start to slow down. “Aight a girl.” was the last thing i heard before my head went blank and my body shut down.
Peter was sitting happily on his new bed that he assembled for us. He was very proud of his work and could not wait to show me. Thinking of me, Peter reaches for his phone to call me. He hits my number and puts the phone against his ear.
“You reached my phone. Sorry i couldn’t pick up! I’m probably busy but i will get back to you the moment i can!” My voice says as my phone goes to voicemail. He huffs as he waits for the annoying beep.
“Hey babe! Hurry home! I miss you and would love to break the bed in! I love you!” Peter says happily. He hits end and places his phone on the bed. He begins to stand from the bed but his phone starts to vibrate.
Unknown. The word was splayed across his screen, earning his curiosity. Maybe it was Mr. Stark calling from a burner phone? He did that when he wanted to check in on Peter. Ever since him and i gotten married, Tony likes to check to make sure we are liking the married life style. It made Peter happy that he cared so much. He didn’t get that feeling a lot. So it was always nice when he actually did. Peter slides answer and presses the phone to his ear.
“PETER!” My exhausted voice rings through the phone. “Please! Please don’t kill me! I did nothing wrong! PLEASE! PETER!” Peter stood, face formed into a horrific look as he heard my cries.
“Hello Mr. Parker. Here comes the bride. Unfortunately not dressed in white. Such a sad love story. Too bad it will all end soon.” A males voice took over.
“Where are you? Don’t you fucking dare hurt her! I love her!” Peter yells into the phone. The man just laughs at Peters cries.
“See you soon Spider-man.” and with that, the call ends.
“Please! I am begging you!” My hoarse voice cries out. I stand, tied to a pole in some junk yard. “Let me go-o!” I take a breath, very shaky breath. I let out another loud sob as tears rush faster and faster down my face.
“Shut up!” Liz’s dad yells in my face.
“I don't understand, why me?” I ask, the tears streaming faster.
“Because. Peter is the worst excuse of superhero. It’s time someone taught that little boy a lesson.”
“Really? I like to think i’m a pretty amazing guy.” Peter says, leaning against a pole a foot away from us. We both turn our heads to face him. Peter’s face drops looking at my beaten state. But thanks to the mask, it didn’t give away that fact that tears were forming in his eyes.
“Ahh. So he does get a hint?” Vulture says, standing up straighter.
“Please..” I say, my voice getting weaker. Peter starts to run towards us, but the Vulture was one step ahead of him. And before Peter could even get a fist thrown, he sent flying backwards. He lands loudly against the concrete floor. He breathes deeply as pain shoots up and down his back.
Peter slowly gets up, trying to refocus. Right as he turns, a flash of metal comes right for him once more. He goes flying back, flipping over himself and landing hard on his back once again. I cry out, watching helplessly as Peter groans out in pain.
“So weak.” Vulture laughs out, flying for Peter once more. But Peter ducks, rolling a little. The vulture flies up in the air, Peter sending a string of web for him. But to my dismay, he misses him. Peter lays back as the Vulture flies for him once more. He stops just above and brings his metal, bird feet down hard onto Peter’s chest.
“Agh!” Peter cries out in pain as the sharp metal sinks a little. The vulture leans down and starts punching Peter with his metal hand. Hit over and over again. Peter groaning in pain with each hit. Peter, bloody sweaty and very bruised laid there. But the Vulture had other plans.
“You are weak! Stupid! The worst excuse of a man! No one should love you! You don’t deserve that!” Vulture yells. Peter just groans in response. Vulture lays another hit to Peter’s face. Peter spits out blood. “You can’t even fight like a real hero!” He hits him again. Peter tries to fling a web in his face, but completely misses thanks to his weakened state. Vulture just laughs at him. He then starts to fly up, pulling Peter with him. “Now Peter. It’s time to end the world's suffering of you!”
Vulture is about to drop Peter but my words stop him.
“NOOOOOO” I scream out as i watch the man of my dreams floating, about to be dropped to his death. “PLEASE! I AM BEGGING YOU! DO NOT DROP HIM! I LOVE HIM WITH ALL OF MY HEART! YOU KILL HIM, YOU’RE KILLING ME! PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!!” My cries echo into the dark night. Peter coughs, looking down at me. Looking at my beaten face once more was enough for adrenaline to kick in.
Peter wraps his hands around the claw, pulling it open. He goes falling to the earth, but soon launches web at the Vulture. He pulls himself back up and punches him in the face. He wraps around his body and falls back to the earth. He lands on his feet as the Vulture falls. Vulture looks up at him and just smiles.
“I guess you ha-” Peter cuts him off by punching him once more. The Vulture stands up and moves his jaw around. “Never liked you Parker. First my daughter, now Y/N.”
“Don’t you ever speak Y/N name. You do not deserve that privilege.” Peter spits his words at him. Vulture just laughs.
“I can say who’s ever name i want.” Peter starts running at him. “Y/N is better off with you!” And with that, Peter launches in the air, sending web down to wrap around the Vultures legs. He lifts him into the air and flings him. The metal hitting concrete rang loudly in my ears as i watches sparks go flying everywhere. His wings go flying off in some direction.
“Is that the best you’ve got!” Vulture calls, huffing as he tries to stand up. Peter runs to him once more, launching himself again. He lands hard on Vultures chest. Peter lays punch after punch into his face till he was a bloody mess. Peter starts to slow down as Liz’s dad stops fighting him.
“Don’t ever piss me off.” Peter says tiredly as he steps off of Liz’s dad's chest. Liz’s dad lays motionless as he tries to regain his breathing. “And don’t ever touch, think, or speak about Y/N ever again.”
Sirens start to roar as the draw nearer to the site of the fight. A few onlookers witnessed a massive flying, spark firing object in the night. It was alarming and a few people called the cops. But Peter already had me untied and wrapped around his body. I cry into his shoulder as he flings his web towards a building, taking us home.
Peter sits silently on the bathroom counter as i go searching for the first aid kit. I pull out a box and walk over to him. I place the box next to him as he spread his legs wide. I step between them and open the box. I pull out a few alcohol wipes and open their packages.
“This will sting.” I mumble as i look into his eyes. He searches mine. I press the wipe lightly to his forehead cut, Peter gasps slightly from the pain. I press a little harder, Peter cringing. He tries to sit still as i wipe the cut clean. He wraps his hands around my body as a comfort as i place the now bloody wipe on the counter. I open another packaged wipe and clean his cheek and nose cuts. He just clenches his jaw as i finish cleaning it.
“Y/N…” He mumbles as i push a bandaid to the bridge of his nose and his cheek. I leave his forehead wound to breathe and heal faster.  
“Peter..” I say as i throw the wipe away and close the box.
“We are going to have to talk about what just happened.” He says as i push his arms open and step out of them. I return the first aid kit to it’s rightful place and turn to him.
‘What is there to talk about..” I mumble as i try to push back the very fresh memories.
“I can see the broken behind your eyes, Y/N.” Peter says. I sigh as i feel the tears form again. I close eyes as a single tear streams down my face.
“Please just take the pain away.” I finally say, opening my reddening eyes. Peter’s heart breaks once more. I collapse against his chest as i start to cry harder once more. Peter’s arms wrap tightly around me, his lips pressed softly to my temple.
“I love you, Y/N. Till death do us part. For better and for worst. You are my world.” Peter whispers lovingly against my forehead. I stand there crying into his chest. “Baby, please.”
“I was so scared Peter. I thought i was going to die. Then when i watched him take your body into the air. I thought you were going to die. Too much death.” I spill as i look up at him with tear soaked face.
“I know. Fuck him! Don’t let this ruin you. Us. You are so important to me. When i heard your cries, i couldn’t die knowing i would be leaving the most important person behind. You are my everything. My light. My dark. My love. My world. My happiness. You are everything and more. I love you and that this is why i put a ring on your hand.” Peter says as he grabs my face softly. He wipes a few tears away. “Please. Do not let this tear you apart. Let me help you. Let me fix this. I know time will heal. But let me start the healing process. Let me show you how much i love you. How much i would be torn if i ever lost you.”
I sniffle a little as i search his eyes. I nod my head slowly, Peter smiling sweetly. Emotions were very high. So the moment Peter pressed his lips to mine, it turned into a tornado of movement and love as he walked me back into the bedroom, not breaking our kiss. I took my shirt off, tossing it. My bra soon following afterwards. Peter’s suit soon becomes lose, him shimmying out of it. He kicks his feet out of it, leaving him in his boxers. I pull away to look at the bruises scattered around his body.
“Peter..” I mumble as i trace one close to his collarbone. He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles to my bruised wrists.
“In time it will fade. The pain will dull and then disappear. But this. Us. Is forever.” Peter says after kissing my other wrist as well. He backs me against the bed. I turn and climb onto it. Peter bites his lip as he watches me reach the pillows. I turn and lay back against them. He smirks as the bed dips under his weight as he crawls towards and up my body. He presses his lips against mine, wrapping a hand under my back. He picks my body up and pulls my body to press against his. My hardening nipples press agaisnt his warm skin, a moan creeping from my throat.
Peter’s finger slip under the waistband of my leggings, ripping them fast down my legs. I gasp mostly at his strength even after such a massive fight. He laces his fingers under the band of my underwear, pulling them less harshly down my leg. He smiles as he flings them over his shoulder. I press my legs close as i try to form some friction.
“Hey now.” Peter says as he places his hands on my knees. I relax as he spreads them open. “That’s more like it.” He brings his pointer finger down and just above my sex. I squirm at the thought at how close his touch was.
“Peter..” I groan as i try to push my body closer to his one finger. How the thought of one finger touching me made me needy, wet, and ready.
“Very Needy.” Peter mumbles as he finally gives in. He runs his finger from clit to the bottom of my slit. I moan as my head rolls back into the pillows. “So wet.” He runs his finger to the top of my slit. He then dips his finger deep as my juices wrapped around it. I moan once more as he pumped it a few times to help fully lubricate me.
“Ready?” He asks as he strips himself from his boxers. I nod my head as he aligned himself with me. He sunk deeply into me, fitting perfectly. We both let out sighs of relief as he sat still as we adjusted to each other.
He gave no warning and started pounding harder and harder into me with each thrust. This was a mission he was excited to fulfil. It was to make us each feel good. Thanks to emotions being high after tonight, his anger was motivating each thrust. He pounds deeper, harder, faster till i could feel him practically hit the bottom of my stomach.
“FUCK!” Peter moans loudly as his orgasim was starting to rush him. “FUCking DAMN IT!” He cries out. I clench the bedding under me, pulling it in every direction as the knot was building in my vaginal area. “I will fuck you so ha-hard that you ca-can’t walk!!!” He grabs my knees and throws them over his shoulders as he pounds even harder.
I am a moaning mess under him. But we all know what really helps a girl go over her orgasim. Friction. On. that. Clit! So i try to push my hand down my body, reaches for my throbbing clit. Peter watches my hand, swatting it away as his thumb gets the hint. He slams it against my clit, sending my nerves into overdrive. He jerks it into a perfect figure out as he was pounding relentlessly into me.
“Peter… I-i’m going to cum!” I cry out as the sweat beads ran down the crack of my back. I lift my back up, my toes curling as my walls constricted and throbbed tightly around Peter’s cock. The squeezing siding him over his edge. He thrusts deeply into me as his semen buries itself deeply in me.
Peter pants heavily as he pulls out his soft cock. He collapses next to me, our chests heaving. Peter smiles as he pulls me closer to him. He traces simple spaces around my back as i trace them around his bruises. My eyes start to dip as sleep starts to take over my very tired body. Peter kisses softly around my face before he kisses my lips tenderly. We hold each other as the healing process starts.
“I was hoping to break this bed in.” Peter mumbles tiredly, laughing after at his comments. I laugh as well, my eyes shutting completely.
“So i heard.” I mumbled just before sleep over took our bodies.
GUYS! REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! I DO BUCKY, SEB, STEVE, CHRIS, PETER, AND TOM WRITINGS! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SEND ME SOMETHING! Also i turning into a multi fandom account. So don’t be afraid to send anything else in! 
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