#Is this a Rambheem AU idk
taylorklaine · 2 years
Hi! I just discovered your blog in the rambheem tag & was going through when I saw the ask game, so here goes 🥺
On another note, ✨️
omg i am nowhere close to the rambheem queen, but thank you, and if this is prettypleasewithplanktonontop, i saw all the likes and replies on my posts and you should absolutely get off anon so we can gush
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
If we're limiting it to RamBheem, fucking everything they do. one thing that got me in something i read recently that's slightly nsfw is in a scene pre-interval where they're going at it, so bheem is still using his alias, if ram says "akhtar" in the heat of the moment, bheem is all like "don't call me akhtar". it's hot and also sad. idk i love everything they do.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
“Love is not a guarantee. Love is a promise that you spend your whole life trying to keep.”
I wrote that for my kalank soulmate au, and i'm still fucking proud of it
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eremin0109 · 2 years
Okay but a romantic musical drama where Tarak plays a celebrated kuchipudi dancer who is very territorial about his art while Charan is a popular method actor who has to embody the role of a classical dancer for his next film.
The director offers to switch Charan's character for a body double during the dance sequences but he flat out refuses, determined to learn the dance form himself. The director is apprehensive as the film shooting is scheduled after three months and that's nearly not enough time for ANYONE (let alone someone like Charan who has no background in classical dancing) to learn a completely new dance form and play a character who's supposed to a be a distinguished Kuchipudi artist. But Charan being the stubborn perfectionist he is, asks the director to recommend someone who can teach him the craft in minimal time.
Cue a small timeskip and then Tarak's entry (with a glorious Kuchipudi performance of course). After the end of the performance we get to know that one of the audience members is Charan(in disguise obviously) who was as mesmerized by the absolutely breathtaking act as the rest of them. He's found his mentor.
So in classic Tollywood fashion, he sneaks in to the backstage to try and get ahold of the man to ask him for help. A pretty straightforward plan. However the twist comes in when he realises that Tarak has no idea who Charan is. That and the fact that he absolutely despises anyone that's associated with the film industry.
And so Charan doesn't reveal his identity, pretends to be a fan and tries all ways to Sunday to get Tarak to be his teacher. Eventually, amused by all the shenanigans that Charan pulls just to get his attention, Tarak slowly warms up to him and finally accepts the proposal. They begin their daily practices near a riverside temple, spending more than seven hours together. Slowly, but steadily, amidst all the excruciating dance routines under Tarak's strict supervision that Charan has to go through, they start developing feelings for each other.
Tarak starts becoming more lenient on Charan, and Charan starts making mistakes on purpose just so that Tarak would come near him, put his fingers on his hands or waist or chin and correct his posture. They blush around each other for no apparent reasons and spend the nights after the practice just dipping their legs in the river, silently enjoying each other's company.
One of those nights Tarak tells him about his traumatic past which is the reason why he hates the industry with such fervour. The colour drains down Charan's face, because he was going to tell him the truth tonight. He doesn't. Even when Tarak's fingers entangle with his, he's too distracted to reciprocate.
Soon the shooting starts and Charan doesn't find the time to visit Tarak as often as he did before. Everytime they meet he gives some new excuse about why he was late or why he couldn't answer back his calls. This goes on for a couple months until Tarak's patience finally runs out. In a fit of frustration he confronts Charan and before he could think better, the words come hurriedly out of his mouth.
"If you don't like me just say it to my face! Why do you keep lying to me?"
Charan is completed flabbergasted. He doesn't know what to say to that. There are many things he wants to say. "I'm head over heels in love with you, bastard!" "That's not the only thing I lied to you about, please let me explain everything." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sor--"
That's when Tarak's phone pings. One of his former co-dancer friends had sent him the trailer of Charan's new film, gushing about how the dance style of the actor looked strikingly similar to his.
Charan had completely forgotten that today was the trailer launch of his film.
His heart drops. He gulps and immediately looks up at Tarak but it's too late. He's gone. He's nowhere to be seen and Charan breaks out of his stupor. He calls out to him, over and over again, but to no avail. He looks for him around the area but he's not here. He tries to call him but Tarak doesn't pick up.
They were done.
Or are they? We find out in the last act of the film whether these two find a way to mend their broken relationship (or even start anew) or not.
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voidsteffy · 2 years
Ramam Bheemam
Sita Ramam but make it Rambheem
Madiha (Malli) is a college graduate in London who has gotten into trouble for flaming up an Indian professor's car in protest against India. She is required to pay a hefty fine or apologise for her wrongdoing. She chooses the former and heads to Pakistan to get her inheritance from her grandpa only to find him deceased. An old unopened letter addressed to a Sita Mahalakshmi is the only thing left behind for Madiha, the key to her inheritance lying in its delivery.
She goes to Adilabad Centre for Women's Education, India, in search of the name addressed on the envelope. However, everyone at the university collectively know nothing about any Sita Mahalakshmi.
Madiha, annoyed by this chicken run, decides to unravel Ram's story. They go to many a sources to learn the story.
Ram, lonely yet full of friends, was a soldier with a heart of gold. He had so much love yet no one to give it to. After a particularly attempt at reuniting the Agarta Hindus and Muslims, Ram's batallion became the focus of attention. And then the letters started pouring in: letters of a sisters who yearn to meet him, grandparents all over the nation giving them their heartfelt praises and memories to make.
But one letter stood out.
One Sita Mahalakshmi, a certain someone who laughed at him for thinking he has no one, when he'd left his bride a worried mess in the country. Hands looping with every curve of the handwriting, Ram now had a partner in his grief and his happiness. Someone to come home to in the holidays.
When he reached Hyderabad in search of his letter writer, the face that opened the door to him is not that of a goddess, but of a god.
Sita Mahalakshmi was there, but she knew nothing of the letters. Ram wanted to think he was imagining it, but her heart was tightly bound not to him, but to a beautiful Englishwoman with gems for eyes.
The god who opened the door to him in darkness was shy, confessed his name was Bheem. What his gaze had told Ram without confession was that the one in the letters was Bheem.
And so it goes... The story war wrote, the deception that gave the golden heart a gem in its crevice: from the first moment his eyes befell Bheem, he was an orphan no more.
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
rambheem yevadu au (no happy ending sorry guys)
where malli is pursued by scott (idk why but in a modern au probably pedophilia or some shit) and bheem is her older brother that tries to protect her
they get on a bus to delhi, hoping they can escape the scotts if they’re in a different state, but they’re found out
malli’s throat is slashed and bheem is stabbed, and the bus is set on fire
it’s searched for survivors once the fire team puts the blaze out, and the rescuers find bheem with half of his face burned off
bheem undergoes plastic surgery, and runs away from the hospital immediately after waking up in his new face
bheem uses his new look to his advantage to take out the scotts, and completes his revenge
but then
one random day a man comes knocking at his door, introducing himself as venkateswarulu and asking him why bheem has his nephew’s face
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rambheemisgoated · 2 years
Part idk of insta reels that give me rambheem, modern au edition:
Bheem: Can I make you some tea?
Ram: Yeah, sure!
Bheem: Alright, we got green tea, detox and shamamalay
Ram: What did you call it?
Bheem: ... s h a m a m a l a y ?
Ram: *barely holding it together* It's Chamomile
Ram: *whips out phone*
Ram: I texted everyone!
Ram: *stares into the camera with exhasperation and a look of 'and you call me the cat?'*
Seetha: *uncontrollable offscreen laughing*
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rasnak2 · 2 years
ok but rasnak, a '96 rambheem au?? ram is ram and bheem is janaki. they fall in love while studying in a smalltown school and then ram moves away and bheem marries jenny and settles abroad. (because this is same-sex love and the school story is set in the 90s, internalized homophobia and societal pressure can also be reasons for their separation). bheem comes back for the reunion and realizes he's still in love with ram and it's the same for ram 💔💔💔
bheem is ram and ram is janaki and sita is ram's wife (lol i know, the names) and she's super understanding and patient with him just like janaki's husband in the film. bheem is a wildlife photographer and meets ram after years and sparks fly. oh and let's not forget that famous scene from the film. bheem travelling all the way from his city on his bike to ram's college only for a misunderstanding to get in the way of their meeting 😭😭😭😭 and he also attends ram's wedding but doesn't have the courage to stop it cuz he thinks ram hates him ahhhh god let me go and weep in a corner
(a kadhale kadhale songfic 🥺🥺)
Damn dude! Did you just read my mind????? Cuz I was just rewatching the movie and like are you seriously reading my mind with that first idea?? That tiny misunderstanding and the subsequent heartbreak for Ram or Bheem? Ooooffff. School lovers separating and reuniting after a hella long time in a reunion? Adding fuel to the fire, along with the homophobia and the society, the duo also try to run away from home but gets caught by their parents. And they are living in the 90s. Someone, please gimme this!
And Bheem riding a bike for such a long distance just for heartbreak breaks my heart and makes me want to read it all the more! And Damn if Ram didn't notice Bheem in his wedding and all that! I am sure Ram noticed but he decides to stay silent as Bheem walks away before he could say anything. My god the angst angst... Like wow! And adding more fuel to the fire, the second AU can also contain SitaJenny who are separated under similar circumstances :3
On a side note, WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER BHEEM!!!!!!!!! Tbh when I first read that statement I was immediately transported to Maddy and his wildlife photography in 3 Idiots and which later on made me remember the time I had shipped Farhan and Rancho and-
Ok I know I am going off course but Rambheem with Ram as Rancho and Bheem as Farhan. Ram moves away after getting his degree and Bheem is heartbroken and gets to meet Ram after 10 years only he has been festering in the hope that he'll be able to propose to Ram someday cuz they had been in a relationship before Ram just vanished in thin air.
... or we can have a mash-up of 96 and 3 Idiots where Rambheem are school lovers, misunderstanding happens, meet back up in college, rekindle the relationship only for Ram to disappear and meet up back again at the school/college reunion.
As for the songfic, Idk if I would be able to make one but if I do, you'll find it in your asks *looks at the exam timetable that starts on Monday and I haven't even touched the book yet* Yeah...
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eremin0109 · 2 years
RamBheem Jodha-Akbar AU where Akhtar (Bheem) is the Mughal emperor who marries Sita, a Rajput warrior princess. However it is merely a marriage of convenience as both of them are Gay. Ram is Akhtar's childhood best friend, the second-in-command of his army AND one of the "navratnas" in his court. He's also the head of his majesty's personal safety squad, the most elite military unit in the entire empire.
Now from here on out it could be a straightforward romance with Ram and Akhtar falling for each other. OR we can make it more spicy and have Ram be completely enchanted by Sita the moment Akhtar's marriage is fixed with her. Of course, he utterly despises himself for having these feelings for the future-Queen, who was also the fiance of his closest friend for crying out loud. So here we get an angsty, frustrating af love triangle where Ram pines after Sita while Akhtar pines after Ram and it's all a clusterfuck of complicated emotions. However then, in a tender, vulnerable moment with Akhtar Ram has an epiphany--he has been in love with Akhtar all this time too. And this sends him into an completely different spiral of battling his internal homophobia and debating the nature of his relationship with the Emperor.
After this angstfest though we have Ram coming to terms with his bisexuality and confessing his feelings first to the Empress and then the Emperor. Obviously he doesn't expect anything in return because, well, he IS Ram afterall. But we have Sita gently letting him down, telling him about her truth, revealing that she has a secret partner. He's absolutely heartbroken but being the soldier he is, wordlessly takes a vow to do whatever it takes to protect the Queen and her lover.
When he confesses to Akhtar however (obviously after a timeskip, after he's done panicking over being in love with a man, then being in love with the freaking King), things get more complicated. It is clear both of them want each other but they can't consummate right now because the empire is in turmoil right now and they're bound by duty to their country first and all that jazz. More angst ensues (you thought we were done? Muahahahahaha no) and things pretty much stay at an impasse (i.e. they both suffer in silence and yearn like idiots) until when they have to go to war.
And then on the battlefield, after a hard-earned victory when they're both covered in blood and Akhtar's smile is brighter than the sun shining on them, Ram says Fuck it in every single way possible and crashes his lips against Akhtar's right then and there, with possible thousands of pairs of eyes watching him. But Ram has no shits left to give because they could very well be dead tomorrow and damn him if he's going to go out with one more regret piled onto his already humongous heap.
Protocols are long forgotten, as is the strict hierarchy as Akhtar all but melts against his armour and Ram smiles as he draws him into his arms, claiming him in ways no one else could dare to, right in middle of the ground soaked by the blood of their enemies--it's a glorious conquest in more ways than one.
@rambheem-is-real @thewinchestergirl1208 @flyinlove @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @irisesforyoureyes @itsfookingloosah @icarus-f4lls @hissterical-nyaan @hufhkbgg @how-is-it-in-london @darlingletshurttonight @sinistergooseberries @kafkaesquebestie @bromance-minus-the-b @miriseven @maraudersbitchesassemble @fadedscarlets @obsessedtoafault @kashti15 @idk-abt-life @reallythoughtfulwizard @dilettantemuse @manwalaage @yehsahihai @hxnky-pxnky @chaotic-moonlight @eenadu-varthalu @mikabilis @mizutaama
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
Rambheem Amnesia AU anyone?
idk if this is about the 2015 film (I haven't seen it) or just a general amnesia au but
maybe when bheem hits ram thinking he was about to kill malli, he gives ram retrograde amnesia, so now ram is in a jail cell.
ram knows exactly why he's being punished, he knows he gave up his baba's mission to free some criminal, but he doesn't have the memories of the time he spent with bheem so he doesn't understand he was in love and just thinks bheem somehow manipulated him :( so when seetha tells bheem the truth and bheem comes back to look for ram, ram is angry at bheem and maybe tries to drag him down with him? 😭 or escapes with bheem and after killing the governor he spends some more time with bheem and falls in love again 🥺
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
A Suzhal: The Vortex AU with Rambheem. Idk how it'll work out but for some reason I want Rambheem in that genre
uhh just looked it up and it says mythology crime thriller? 
rambheem in that genre would be cool, i agree
for some reason i’m thinking of archaeologists ram and bheem stumbling upon a cursed relic (idk how i would get crime/thriller in that but)
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
*slowly raises a hand*
Just watched Govindudu Andarivadele and RRR and I was wondering what would happen if Abhi ditches Sathya and brings in Bheem as his bf. Cuz I don't get the straight vibes from Abhi in that movie. Like at all.
Like, imagine this. Abhiram brings in Bheem and introduces him as his bestie cuz he doesn't know how people will react if they come to know that Bheem is his bf. And Sathya discovers this and hangs this secret over the two of them, along with the secret of who Abhi's father is... And before the family gets to know about the father secret, they discover the relationship cuz the iPad has a pic of them kissing.
I do kinda live for extra drama ;)
Is this a Rambheem AU? Maybe, maybe not. Do I want to see this as a reincarnation AU? idk. But, just an idea all the same
LMFAO I love how the movie writers tried to make him as stereotypically straight as possible by writing him as one of those heroes that harasses the heroine but you just roasted them all
ngl I've never rewatched that movie other than the songs (I hate his character although Charan looks adorable in the ponytail) but I will take your word for it that Abhi gives lgbt vibes
oooh, that sounds really interesting, maybe the family starts out homophobic but keeping in line with the themes of the movie Abhi and Bheem convince them that it's natural and stuff? and then once that's out of the bag its easier to get the grandpa to accept the father secret
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