#Is not crappy x3
bubblegumflavor · 9 months
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A little late but I posted my Jally Christmas fic after all. :'3
Read it on Ao3! <;3
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trivialtrivia · 1 year
In the 4kids dub of the tf2 anime, they replaced the cigarettes in the Disguise Kit (known as the Kensouki/Disguiser in the subbed version) with sticks of gum.
This is strange, because when censoring cigarettes in One Piece just a few years earlier, they used lollipops.
You can see how much less effort they had to take to turn the cigarettes into gum than they had to with turning it into a lollipop... until The Spy had a smoking scene a couple episodes later.
Rather than retcon this, they had to practically reanimate the scene, replacing it with him chewing gum- even blowing a bubble with it!
(side note: if none of the pictures are showing up it's because tumblr did an oopsie while i was uploading the photos- you know how this hellsite reacts to videos XD)
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muder-boner · 1 month
DOODLE!! eerm I hate drawing digitally idk how to draw digitally I'm gonna make more drawings of them like traditionally bcuz that's gonna be so much easier I'M SORRY FOR LIKE CRAPPY DRAWINGS :(
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It's 13 : 29 am I'm so eepy but not so eepy but yaurrrr
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asenarieka · 5 months
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Merch day is best day <3
I had a really crappy week but at least I woke up to something good today which was more Envies for my collection! x3
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purebloodnana · 5 months
"I'm sorry, okay? You know very well that I didn't mean it!"
"Oh, do I? That's news to me," Draco replied, not even looking at Harry. Harry rubbed his eyes, took his glasses off his nose for a moment, and then put them back on. Only now did he notice that Draco must have put them on when he was still too dazed to notice anything. How could a person be worried, caring, and angry at the same time?
Once again they were silent, this time for much longer, and Harry didn't know what to say either. Right now, everything just seemed to make his boyfriend even angrier. Usually, he thought it best to leave him alone for a while.
For a beaten 30 minutes they just sat there in silence until he wanted to lie down again. "Ah," he grumbled, which was due to a wrong move. Immediately Draco stood up and helped him lie down, catching the black-haired man's gaze, which he immediately knew to interpret correctly.
"I'm not in the mood for this anymore, Harry." The 30 minutes seemed to have worked because Draco immediately seemed more conciliatory. Pissed off, displeased, but no longer angry. They were even back on a first-name basis, and in their relationship that usually meant things were getting better.
"I already said I was sorry. I won't say anything like that to you again, I promise."
"By all, that's sacred to me, that's not the point!" Draco grew louder again but still seemed to have himself under control. At least more than he had just now, which was a good sign for Harry. He still seemed a little confused now, though, which tested the blond's patience.
"Do you think I take great pleasure in showing up here every few months and mothering your injured ass? Continuing to nurse you at home afterward just so you can run off to your next case?"
"That case was important! We were able to arrest Death Eaters who had been spreading fear and terror for months. Without our efforts, they would continue to do so!"
"If it wasn't for that crappy case, we wouldn't be sitting here right now. You always say that. Every time it's an important case or important information or whatever... I can't hear it anymore, it just pisses me off." Draco was struggling to stay calm, Harry could see that and bit his lips. Of course, all these things were important, that was why he did this job after all. He had always wanted to be an Auror and now he could live it to the fullest.
"I get it. Now I have to rest for a few days anyway, right? Then I'll be home and we can take our time. At my next job- Where are you going?" he interrupted himself because Draco had run his fingers through his hair in displeasure at first and then stood up.
"Away before I forget myself!" he shouted angrily at him and disappeared through the door.
Another little snippet.. I wrote this fanfic years ago, but I still like the general idea. I translated it into english not so long ago and now it stays on AO3. Maybe, someday, I'll write a longer story based on this.~ x3
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ellaspenfrosti · 1 year
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Wanna know who set an alarm for 2:00am to download Ruin?
Wanna know whose going back to sleep because it’ll probably be the afternoon by the time it’s finished downloading on my crappy Wi-Fi? x3
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mcltiples · 2 months
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@countlessrealities sent; "Uh...A-Are you alright, FM? I-I didn't...Did I do something wrong?"
Morty eyes his boyfriend, looking both concerned and anxious. They had decided to spend time together days ago, but his other self should have known that he was allowed to call it off, if he didn't feel like to. He would have understood.
Instead, he has been giving the silent treatment since he has arrived and it has to be his fault. He can't thing of another reason to explain that odd behaviour. It must be a punishment.
"I-I don't know what I did, b-but...I didn't mean to. I-If I've upset you in any way, t-tell me so I can make up for it..."
[[ My Morty for your Morty x3 ]]
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Hearing those words just made Morty pout. He felt like such an idiot. Maybe he should just speak. Who cares if he rhymed in front of his boyfriend? They were boyfriends. If anyone gets to see him this vulnerable, it should be his counterpart.
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"N-No, PM, li-listen to me," Oh no, he was dreading this conversation. "I-I don't know what's happened, but it's crappy," Now he's fidgeting. "I-I-I drank a serum, which caused me to rhyme words, but th-that's just a theorem."
He reached out to take hold of his other self's hand, holding it close to himself. Brown eyes pleading with the other to believe him. He didn't mean to hurt his counterpart. So if talking would help, then he'll keep talking.
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partehnoob · 3 months
🎵 shut yo bitch hoe ass uuup 🎶 :3c
🎶 shut yo bitch ass hoe uuup 🎵 XP
🎵 shut yo bitch ass hoe uuup 🎶 ^_^
🎶 shut yo bitch ass hoe uuup 🎵 X3
🎵 shut yo bitch ass hoe uuup 🎶 0_o
🎶 shut yo bitch ass, shut yo bitch ass uuup 🎵 @_@
[help i read this in that crappy singing tts voice...]
wut'd i do...
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tineteenieworld3 · 2 years
Mike was bitchy TWICE to Will. TWICE and the second time he did the most heartfelt soft apology saying the sweetest line: “no x3 you didn’t deserve anything.” As if he was disgusted Will would even THINK he didn’t deserve every amazing thing in life.
Also, the monologue? He wouldn’t have said shit if Will didn’t force him to. Yeah some of what Mike said was hurtful, but bffr. We all know it’s bullshit and he’s basically reciting every crappy romcom speech I’ve ever seen. Also, he wouldn’t have said shit if Will didn’t push it.
Also Will crying? We know Noah wasn’t originally meant to go that hard. Also, Jonathan noticed too and didn’t say shit. If I was crying over the person sitting next to me, I’d also not want them to say anything. Also, if Mike did have an idea that Will was talking about himself, imagine what was going on in his head? Wild shit for sure.
I said this before, but the best thing about byler is the equal-ness in their relationship. Will fights back with Mike and says hurtful things to him as well. It’s just Will Byers, so it’s hard to not take his side. Mike has always been a snarky, rude, asshole-y character (kinda) so it’s easier to label him as the problem. When it comes to Will, they usually are on an equal playing ground.
‘Not my fault you don’t like girls.’ Is bad though. That was rough, credit where credit is due, he deserved a slapping for that one. But he probably looked in the mirror that night and slapped himself cause like, no one is better at berating Mike Wheeler for hurting Will like Mike Wheeler ya know what I’m saying? Lmao
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yarart4ever · 2 years
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Joining the “hating on the Velma show currently so I made my own redesigns of the gang to spite the show’s ass” gang ~~~~ I really wanted to embrace the 1960’s cartoon aesthetic and I think I did a decent job with that X3 I also had fun shaping the various body types for each character, especially for the guys, Shaggy and Fred! This gang was everything to me and seeing Velma the show completely butcher it with its crappy writing inspired me to make these and be the most self indulgent and spiteful as I can be! (Ah yes, love being able to draw ÙwÚ)
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laurarolla · 4 months
When I don't want to take the time to play more marathon length missions in the game I'm usually playing, I tend to watch youtube videos while doing my Arknights or Destiny gaming/farming for the day. Recently been watching a lot of Pikmin gameplay, especially Pikmin 2. Never really played the games but always wanted to, and I do have a Switch for Pikmin 4 and 3 Deluxe and Dolphin on my PC for 1 and 2 (if I don't eventually buy them for Switch). Some random thoughts about Pikmin:
-The only game where there isn't really a good reason to be exploiting the Pikmin's labor and risking their lives is Pikmin 2, as you're basically fixing your boss's mistake of hiring one of Nintendo's shadiest characters and trusting him with valuable objects.
-On the other hand, said boss does actually go with you to get more treasure when he's out of debt after Louie gets left behind, so I guess he's somewhat less crappy than the usual capitalist.
-The Pikmin 3 captains are wonderful and I will not hear any statements to the contrary. Aleph is just adorable, especially, and it's interesting to see someone who has a more militaristic mindset with Charlie as we haven't seen something quite like that up to that point the series. I do also like Brittney a lot, I just don't have a specific trait to point to.
-Pikmin 4 has possibly the best narrative idea for its kitchen sink approach to the Pikmin gameplay experience, but from what I've seen, the time management/dandori aspect of the game only really shines during the actual dandori battles and challenge caves.
-Blue Pikmin are the best Pikmin, followed by Rock Pikmin. This is my objectively correct opinion based on how much I love their cute designs.
Pikmin is fun to watch and I do hope to set aside time to play it someday. X3
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hazelthevixen · 7 months
Hazel's Leap Year Post - Warnings, news, updates, and more!
Happy leap year! I'm not sure how else to celebrate except with my first journal post of 2024 (and first journal in a while), but who knows, maybe I'll think of somethin' ^-^ So how's 2024 so far? For me it's been alright UwU However, I am excited, I feel that 2024 could hold alot of potential for being a good year! >:3 Most days seem to be rather chill at the moment, I have enjoyed a few good outings tho :3 But I'm excited because I'm finally seeing to my big dream of mine! And that's travelling the world! ^w^ I will be going abroad to somewhere nice and hot in november, but I'm also hoping to make more friends locally aswell as seeing if any of my local pals would like to go on holidays with me before november aswell, cos it is quite a long way till november :o I'm hoping I'll get to travel alot this year, my new year's resolution is to travel and make friends after all ^w^ So as you may already know, I'm a very shy person, especially in the offline world. I'm not really confident enough to make the first move, though since I'm working on making more friends, especially offline friends, I'll have to see if I can try and come out my shell more.. ^-^; But I'll get there! I've made friends before and I can make friends again. Wish me luck! :3 Oki so..updates! First of all, I would like to say happy new year and happy chinese new year :3 I enjoyed some food and takeaways aswell as watching the cartoon movie on Disney's Mulan UwU It was great! Mushu is a funny character hehe X3 He is the dragon, which is this year's chinese zodiac. Last year's zodiac is the rabbit! and I just so happen to be the year of the rabbit ^w^ So last year I celebrated by making a new bunny oc. She is part scorpion and part lionhead rabbit, I made her on my birthday to celebrate that aswell as my zodiacs. I am a scorpio aswell as a rabbit, so it only makes sense that my bunny oc is part scorpion! I don't know what type of scorpion but I do know for sure she is a lionhead rabbit :3 I call her Scorpio Bunny, she's not really a fursona but she's still very cute ^w^ I'll post her at some point if I haven't posted her already. But if I have then you should be able to find her in my gallery! :3 I've also been branching out alot to other sites this year, to y'know.. get my works out there and try and get more noticed UwU I've been branching out to reddit, unvale, bluesky, and no mcroll this time, but seeing as it looks like the coast is clear, I returned to deviantart as for now. don't miss the community, but I do kinda miss some of the site's old features.. ÚwÙ No I'm not giving out links here, that's how the stalkers find me. If you want to follow me on those places, you'll have to message me privately. U.U And I wouldn't recommend searching for my accounts either, I somehow managed to get popular enough to end up with imposter accounts, so if you think an account could be me, ask the security questions I have provided on my weasyl and toyhouse (I plan to make security questions available on other places too). Ask several, and if they answer incorrectly or refuse to answer them, then you'll know it's an imposter and not me. The imposter accounts were created by jealous haters who have no life, as their pathetic attempt to frame me and spread more of their crappy fake rumours. But at least every smart person knows not to fall for those lies, only a stupid fool would believe such lies about me.. UwU Anyways, the imposters post disturbing content so that's also part of why I wouldn't recommend searching up my name, especially if you're a bit on the innocent and/or sensitive side. Stay safe! However, I might give out my new subscribestar just so it's easier to access, I might migrate there instead of using patreon because I hear patreon is giving out bans to artists who make content of higher ratings, so I might have to make big changes to my patreon and only make content for all ages, but I'll sort that out later, I'll be needing to make some big improvements to my tiers anyway.. ^-^; My subscribestar is still awaiting for approval, heck even I'm waiting too. I don't know how long approvals are suppose to take as it's been several months now. Until then, please feel free to check out my new subscribestar! https://www.subscribestar.com/hazel?redirect_notice=true I think you can subscribe once it's been approved, but I'm still new here and learning my way around so who knows :o Okay! so plans..what do I plan on doing? well.. in the online world, I am not only hard at work with my comic and artwork, but I have a little surprise that might come later after my comic ^-^ I wont say what because stalkers might try to copy me, but it'll definitely be something fun that you can try out if you like my characters ^w^ Subscribers and patrons will be the first to see new comic and animated episodes when they are out, as it might be a while until the series releases to the whole public, but subscribers will also be first to try out a fun feature where they can interact with my ocs ^w^ The reasons why I'm releasing it later when the comic is out is because you may not know the characters very well before you see stories and media of them, while when you actually go and see them, you develop a fondness to your favourite characters. So that's why I'm releasing the other feature later so people can interact with their favourite characters ^w^ I may however release another feature sometime soon before or during the comic, my good friend Chris aka Employee205664 suggested an idea of another way you can interact with my original characters so shoutouts to Chris aka Civil Defence Fox he's a good pal :3 maybe the other feature will be a bit of a surprise too ^w^ but I think Chris probably knows what it is X3 sshh it's a surprise lol! XD I'll tell you what it is when it's out ;3 but as for now, subscribers gain early access to cool stuff like this =D so if you're a huge fan then I hope you'll support me enough to become a subscriber ^w^ I've had a rough past so the money will go towards helping me aim for a good future to make up for past abuse. Keep in mind that I do work slowly, so as you may of noticed, I even be a while on content like artwork, but I do get things done and I do put alot of love, thought, and effort into the things I make, so it'll all be worth it UwU I've been making The Waffle Stars series since forever so I hope it'll gain alot of love when it's out ^-^ As for offline goals! I've been trying to tidy up all of my house so we can finally get some decorating done, put shelves up, and put up all my wall decorations that's hogging my drawers. I'm also seeing about being allowed a small dog, because of my invisible disabilities, I am eligible for a service dog. another shoutout to my good friend Diamond Faith for the helpful suggestion :3 But before we can be allowed a service dog, we have some obstacles to face First of all, my house does not allow me keeping a dog because the housing people said so. They don't like us keeping dogs and apparently cats aswell I've heard, so I was lucky to be allowed my guinea pigs, since animals kept in cages and tanks are less likely to cause damage to the house, and rodents like guinea pigs need to be constantly chewing on things (it's to keep their teeth healthy) so that's why I give them wood, cardboard, and hay for that reason. So we're planning on leaving the housing people that's not letting us have a dog Secondly, I'm currently proving that yes, I look after my guinea pigs well, I'm probably better at that than looking after myself, but I can still take good care of my house and self too, so I'm proving I can do all that to prove I can look after a dog aswell, because I've lived with dogs ever since when I was wee, so I have at least a bit of knowledge and experience with both dogs and guinea pigs, due to them being animals I've owned before And as I've mentioned before, we're tryna see about travelling more because travelling makes me really happy, it brings me alot of joy. So I'm aiming for a good future to have many things that could bring me joy and happiness, that's the key to having a good future, to work towards your hopes, dreams, and things future you will be able to thank you for ^-^ That aswell as always looking for things to keep you happy and entertained :3 I want to be a pampered princess! XD I'm also gonna try and make lots of local friends, I mean I have alot of online friends, I'd like to make just as many local friends because sadly I've lost touch with alot of my old school friends as I grew older and I would like to reunite with some aswell as making new ones too. Thing is, I'm very shy. So I need to try and practice coming out of my shell more, I think I need to step out my comfort zone sometimes and meet new people <:3 I'm currently hard at work on my art and trying to get some of them finished soon, but I still enjoy making my content, I make everything all for funsies :3 I've also improved my streams lots! now you can become a cute chibi fox when you subscribe to my livestreams ^w^ You get to customise the fox you play as, aswell as taking part in minigames to earn prizes! =D I also started using my mic on streams and made a pngtuber to go along with it, so join the fluffy gang today by becoming a follower on my livestreams! ^-^ https://www.twitch.tv/hazelthevixen I've got alot of offline goals aswell as online ones, they may not be new year resolutions, but they're still goals I'd like to work towards ^-^ Wish me luck! :3 And if you've read it all and made it this far, I jus wanna say..congrats! =D Have a lucky clover ^w^ *she gives you a 4 leaf clover to bring you good luck to all her friends and fans* 🍀 Thank you for checking out my post! :3 *the cute fox is wagging her floofy tail* Take care you guys ^-^
Please be nice when commenting! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that. If you're gonna be mean, don't say anything at all. Thankies for checking out my post! Meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ I'm on other places too! ^-^
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mrfilippa · 1 year
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Yo, I dropped this scene! Roxy out of nowhere x3!!!
((I am having some difficulties at colouring, that's why her hair seems crappy))
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catfuyus · 1 year
What if I asked to hear more Abt your racer mikey self ship 🥺🫰
noooo ! if you ask about my mikey selfship I’ll never be able to shut up about it ! 😂😂 but okay fine only because u asked 😏💕😂
The fun part about Mikey’s job is that it doesn’t actually keep him super busy ! He practices on the track a few times a week and is expected to keep himself physically fit for the other half. That means when he’s not hanging around the boys at work, he’s usually being a menace and bothering me at our shared apartment 😂 he gets weekends off and is usually home before I am. This completely changes during racing season tho !
& he technically has his own place ! a much nicer apartment in downtown roppongi that he still rents despite spending all his time in my crappy studio. I think he keeps it just in case anyone else needs it, emma & draken will borrow it from time to time, and it’s nice to have a place to crash when we go out drinking
despite him having his own place, he refers to my apartment as his, and the other one he refers to as the “spare” >_> sometimes when I joke about him paying for half since it’s our apartment he agrees too quickly and I’m like wait !! I was joking !! 😂
we spend most of our weekends with emma & draken and babysit whenever they ask ! which isn’t too often & we’ve gotten pretty good at it x3 we don’t see takemichi as often as we see Kenchin, but when we do mikey loses it 😂 he is so clingy !! literally like a puppy jumping all over him and dragging him around ! sometimes they go off and do their own thing and that leaves me with hina to complain about him 😂
there have been a few several occasions where mikey’s asked if takemichi can move in 😂 and I’m like “when did you move in ??” but he asks again and I have to remind him that takemichi is married and we have to share custody with hina ! 😂
he definitely gets way more tattoos as a professional after dating me than he did before ! I’m tryna get all tatted so whenever I go in for one he ends up getting one too x3 we don’t have any matching ones yet but he somehow managed to jump ahead of me and got a full sleeve finished. he also has a neck tat, knuckle tats, and song lyrics script in my handwriting under his collar bones.
still no jewelry ! though his ears are pierced. he has a silver ring he sometimes wears on his right middle finger (with my name engraved on the inside) but he only wears it on non-racing days (‘cause the metal hurts his hand the harder he grips the handles when he’s serious !) when he can’t wear it it hangs from a chain around his neck x3
he doesn’t dress any better as an adult ! loves baggy, comfortable clothing and even steals my oversized shirts sometimes ! he’s always in sweatpants at home and if we go out he’ll prob still be in something he wore to the gym earlier.
we both dye our hair black & it’s always messy ! he lets me play with it whenever and sometimes he lets it go blonde when I tell him I miss it that way 🥺 dying our hair together is a bit of a bonding experience though and he always just ends up dying it again anyway 😂
mikey is generally pretty laid back and nonchalant, I think being in a relationship really stabilizes him in a way he didn’t expect. like yea he’s clingy sometimes and sometimes won’t get out of bed, but it’s a very relaxed relationship that feels very secure & safe 🥺 we hold hands when we go out, or sometimes he’ll have an arm around my waist. steals food off my plate and leans his chin on my shoulder when he gets tired. everything is very natural & supportive & I think it gives him a sense of belonging that he doesn’t usually feel outside of his friend and family group. like he used to wonder who he’d be without them, and now he’s like more secure in who he is as an individual. like he’s capable of building his own life without the worry that he might be too destructive
And yea !! I’ve been talking about this for WAYYYY too long !! 😂😂 thank you for letting me ramble on endlessly ! I just have so many thoughts about my baby in this little selfship 🥺💕 I have EVEN MORE thoughts about him but I think I’ve been rambling for long enough 😂😂
I WANNA HEAR ABOUT U & HANMA THO !! Tell me about your selfship too !! 😂
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ancientbeast · 1 year
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wheeee at least two bingso in here... maybe more. old anime was a maybe because i knwo a lot of old anime btu a lot of it is very..obscure... and aslo msot of it is stuff i havent thoufht abt since i was maybe 13? which is why i didtn mark it. but in a beuatifl world where i did theres like 4 bingos here
EPIC!!!! all old anime counts from the beginning to like. early 2000s... i love the obscure stuff like crappy ovas from the 80s x3
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irisarchborn · 2 years
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Happy Spooky Mouth everyone! Yes another OC for @far-side-skies Bird art challenge; This month we got assigned the cassowary and since there are three types of this killer bird. I picked the Dwarf version. X3 Background isn’t mine I got it off the storm hawks wiki page.
Human form name: Jack Homes  Real Name: Balthazar Title: The Ringleader Age: Appears to be Early 20′s (human) Race: Demon -
Story: Since the creation of Humans and other races. Demons have been around. Balthazar is no different, in his weaker centuries he severed the grim reaper in guiding souls to their forever resting place, eventually he grew restless and ate the souls he was leading back; this caused him to grow in power and over the years his power grew to where he had a position of his own, Only problem was his domain was empty.
So what did do? he went topside and started up his collection for his circus of nightmares, where the fallen souls of the damned become a part of his show.
Every Halloween Balthazar and his circus appear in the atmos, looking for brave and foolish souls to add to his collection. 
Would you be brave enough to challenge him to a game? or even sign a deal?
hope you enjoyed another crappy backstory XD I’ll get better hopefully. 
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