#Is it the melatonin that does this? Like the medicine
graysanatimony · 2 months
sometimes I see people posting nice (???) dreams they’ve had about the guys here and then I’m just over here like…
I’ve had one dream about them and it’s like I’m at a concert but for some reason my unconscious self cannot think of a single one of their songs so they are a fucking jazz band
and at one point Jan steals the mic and starts asking if anyone has seen his bed cause apparently he lost it at the venue
and of course as they are a jazz band Bojan repeatedly says “do ya like jazz”
also if I remember right kris’ ass is like properly slapped by all of them at some point
like what the fuck is this
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
i would like The Cullens with an Insomniac! Reader who keeps getting more overworked and can’t sleep due to it, and I would wonder how would they react when the reader gets even more work.
The Cullens with an Overworked! Reader
I am so sorry again for the delay everyone. It’s been a big change for me moving into the dorms and whatnot. I have another story that I’m currently working on too but it’s taking a while so I’m writing this one too.
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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You call him a hypocrite
He’s always so worried about you overworking yourself
But he can’t acknowledge that he does the same thing
His argument is that he doesn’t need rest
But you do
He does his best to force you to relax
He picks up some of your homework, cleans your house for you, forces you to go to bed
But even he can’t stop exam season
When your teachers start giving you more stuff to do every day he honestly gets pissed
But he keeps himself cool
He just picks it up for you
Basically he doesn’t let you overwork yourself
Go to bed
He’s got this
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She just sort of takes your work
Like you could be working on your fifth work page of math for the night and she just… snatches it
It’s not that she doesn’t take no for an answer
She just straight up doesn’t ask
She’s worried about you
And she tells you all the time
Harps on you pretty often to go to bed
And she is not above sneaking melatonin into your food
She’s done it before
She will do it again
And if you ever even think about taking on more work, she shuts that down instantly
If you picked up an extra project at school or joined another club she is pissed
Like you do not have time for this
If you insist on doing whatever you were doing, she will help
She wants you to be happy more than anything else
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He’s the most unfair probably
He doesn’t even try to argue with you about it
He just uses his ability to make you calm and sleepy
Boom problem solved
As for workload
He just does it
Like he takes your work and he does it for you
Does not let you take on more stuff
Like before you can go ask the teacher for more stuff or volunteer he stops you
And if your teachers start dumping more, he just does more of your work
He’s in problem solving mode
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She’s a little pissed off tbh
She would love to be able to go to sleep
And the fact that you’re not doing that frustrates her
Also the fact that you seem to refuse to take care of yourself
You’re pushing yourself in ways that she would
And she’s inhuman
She literally shreds your homework
And then she tells the teacher to back off
Problem solved
And you can’t even think about doing more because she shuts that down just as quick
She wants you to be happy and healthy and sleep well
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He doesn’t really understand the thought process behind it
All he knows is that you’re not cuddling with him at night because you’re at your desk
And he won’t stand for it
Is not afraid to drag you away from your work
And if you try to argue he just hits you with the sad eyes
Again, if you get more work, he’s just confused
Like you’re already pulling all nighters, how the hell are you gonna make more time for more shit????
He just does the same thing
He pulls your ass away and back to bed
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She’s so concerned
She asks Carlisle about what to do for you all the time
I mean, it’s been years since she’s felt the stress of work
So she doesn’t really get it
All she knows is that your eye bags are getting bigger by the day and she can’t stand it
She does her best to kindly encourage you to go to sleep
But when that doesn’t work she just tries her best to help you where you’re at
Doing some of your work for you
Bringing you food to your desk
Maybe making a couple of heated phone calls to your boss
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Probably the best one for this
But then again he is just the best 💙
He’s a problem solver
He works with you on how to reformulate your schedule to make it less stressful for you
And he’s of course has all of the medicine you could ever need to go to sleep
He’ll never do anything you don’t want tho
If you don’t want him to talk to your bosses or do your work for you he won’t
He’ll just be there to cuddle with when you do eventually decide to sleep
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Vampire! Bella:
She remembers the feeling all too well
Before she moved to Forks and stopped caring about schoolwork she used to be a chronic overworker
All nighters, energy drinks, the whole deal
So she recognizes the signs pretty early
And she doesn’t do too much
She tells you when you should go to bed, but other than that she lets you do you
If you ask her for help with your work she’s more than happy to help
But if you’re the one who signed up for way too many classes, then it’s your job to do them
She’ll just be there later when you want to complain
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accio-victuuri · 18 days
cpn o’clock: tea or coffee 🍵☕️
treat this as my clowning post for episode 2 of exploring the unknown. hahahahahaha! though i have mentioned the relation about tea in my previous post, let me explain more and include the thing about coffee.
so people were panic buying the tea yibo packed during his prep for the trip— which turns out to be calming tea that helps with sleep ( he said so himself ) . which now that i think about it, he shouldn’t have any problem sleeping cause he is beyond exhausted every damn day on this show.
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and i don’t wanna act like i have him on speed-dial, like everyone, i observe his habits and personality via public means. i have never seen him talk about or act like he has problems sleeping or even needing that help. we all saw summer surf shop — he was out like a light. he mentioned sleeping in planes and taking short naps. you have photos of him sleeping or probably have his eyes closed but whatever — you get the point.
now who do we know has problems sleeping?
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p1 is yibo in richora event where he mentions having no trouble sleeping and one time fell asleep in seconds + he goes on deep sleep.
p2 gege saying sleeping is now more stressful.
p3 mentioned that his sleep is not stable, sometimes good and sometimes bad.
p4 when you have insomnia, it’s good to download rain sounds to help with sleep. which lowkey is the same logic as yibo saying the sound of the jungle us good for sleep.
p5 is an article that says:
When he goes to different cities, Xiao Zhan will bring the same type of pillows and quilts. I will bring anything that can help me sleep well. "He also tried aromatheeapy lamps, lavender essential oil, various medicines that will make you fall asleep when applied on your body. Spray it on your pillow to make you fall asleep, melatonin, meditation music. Later I found out that the best way for him to sleep was eye mask, earplugs (….)
CPN is XZ probably asked him to bring the tea along so WYB can sleep better. thinking that he may have a hard time since he is in a different environment. They are just too sweet!!!!!
people have also pointed out how xz packed tea in his luggage before but this was 2019/20 and the type of tea is different. the examples above are much much recent. but i guess this is fans saying that “tea” is something XZ will pack with him too.
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plus we are aware of the green tea connection during untamed filming which is one of the favorite cpns out there 🍵
… now let’s move on to Coffee ☕️😋
everyone’s favorite beverage! people picked this up in episode 2 when wyb was joking around having the coffee he brought soaked so now you can drink it directly. also how he shared that he drinks coffee in the morning. look, we’ve known for some time that he likes coffee especially when he goes camping. we also had another cpn of xz bringing some coffee home etc.
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if we’re gonna start with CQL, xz was the one who drinks coffee and in interviews continues to say he does. sure, wyb is free to change his preference on his own and have a new found love for coffee but as a cpf, we cannot ignore the fact that this is an “xz thing” and one of a couple of “things” they have in common. from something as mundane as this to more specific ones.
thinking about them waking up together and having their morning coffee is making me happy 😌😌😌
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
So I have like, over 5 requests sitting in my drafts but it’s whatever
I’ll get to them eventually
But I wanna write kinda and it looks like I’m having a panic attack and my organs feel like they’re vibrating but it’s probably because I ate really quickly and am really excited. My friends probably think I’m a spaz but they’ve probably known that for a long time
Kenny, Butters, and Cartman x reader who really needs to calm Tf down and is super hyperactive at times
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• Kenny at first tries going with it, he doesn’t know where this burst of energy came from but he’s vibing with it
• He loves seeing this energy in you (at first) because you seem so happy and like you’re alive again
• He’s pretty confused on where the energy came from tho especially because you said you felt like a slug earlier. Maybe it’s from the monster you had earlier and it just kicked in?
• But after you suppress an excited scream for the 3rd time and say your organs feel like they’re vibrating is when he starts getting really concerned
• Kenny checks your pulse because he’s thinking you’re having some kind of stroke or a heart attack or some kinda manic episode
• Turns out you’re just really excited for some reason? I mean you did drink a monster and a lot of soda
• But yeah either way it turns out your heart rate is really high, so that’s kinda bad 💀
• He’s definitely rubbing your back and telling you to breathe because you’re like, this close 🤏 to hyperventilating
• You literally feel like you’re vibrating and you’re talking a mile a minute, Kenny loves seeing that twinkle in your eyes when you get excited but Jesus Christ you need to calm down
• He tries talking in a soothing voice to see if that helps with calming you down, and it actually does a little bit
• He also tried getting you to take melatonin gummies to see if that’ll counteract… what ever the fuck you have going on inside you
• Eventually after pacing around the room for 5 minutes you tired yourself out
• Then y’all took a nap together <333
• “You feelin’ better hun? Your organs don’t still feel like they’re vibrating, do they?”
• Now when he sees you drinking monster he doesn’t let you have more than half of it >:(
• He knows how to calm you down tho, and it’s pretty dang useful sometimes
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• Butters didn't exactly go with it, but he's happy you look alive again!
• After 10 minutes he started getting really concerned tho, you won't stop wheezing whenever something even MINORLY funny happens
• He isn't someone who drinks energy drinks or even soda very often because he wasn't allowed to as a kid, so he has a bit of a habit to say you shouldn't drink that kinda stuff as often as you do
• He probably lectures you saying you shouldn't drinking so much caffeine with your size and age
• Definitely makes you do breathing exercises and makes you drink a lot of water
• He also asks you if you take any medications that make you get like this and what you normally do when you get all... concerningly hyperactive
• He was pretty disappointed in you when you said that you straight up raw dog whatever's happening and probably stay up the whole night
• Probably makes you take some kind of sleep medicine like NyQuil or something
• Butters is ready to do anything to help you calm down, ranging from cuddling to taking naps with you to staying up all night with you
• He hates staying up tho, he gets really cranky and kinda whiny
• "Mmmmm, darling- how about you sleep? Please sleep with me, pretty please?"
• He probably tries to give you a massage to see if that'll help
• In all honesty, the moment you stop talking he's probably knocking out
• Poor guy, he tried tiring you out but he only tired himself out. He tries so hard :<
• He probably does calm you down a good amount, you just can't really sleep
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• Probably jokingly calls you a spaz all the time now
• Cartman isn't too interested or concerned, he just lets you tire yourself out because he's too lazy to try
• But he's ready to rub your back and cuddle with you once you start getting really tired :)
• It's not that he doesn't care, he just doesn't think it's that serious if you're just really energetic
• Definitely keeps reminding you to breathe once you start talking because you talk so fast you lose your breath
• Probably chucks a water bottle at you and threatens you (light heartedly) to drink it
• He also probably makes a couple of innuendos about tiring you out with sex or something but he's just joking about it to get you flustered
• If anything, he kinda likes when you get like this because you pay a lot of attention to him, and we all know he's an attention whore
• Eric probably gets a little anoyed tho
• He definitely doesn't let you drink monster anymore or else he's gonna start complaining a lot
• He loves you, he really does but he just can't deal with you being energetic
• He's so tired
• Probably forces you to take a nap with him and says he'll make brownies with you or something if you shut up
Literally completely gave up with this
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acozysoulwrites · 1 year
Sick Ken headcanons | Ken x reader
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Had this cute thought of Ken coming to the real world with you and choosing to be a human and how he would react to getting sick for the first time
✮ Soon after coming to the real world to live with you, Ken gets sick.
✮ You told him that if he kept swearing on not wearing a shirt when going out in the rain (he absolutely loves feeling real rain) that he’d soon get sick.
✮ He really regrets not listening.
✮ “Ken you don’t look so hot” you’d said that morning.
✮ Sometime after you got to work, Ken called you, his voice raspy and off, and you instantly knew what was up.
✮ You apologized to your boss before taking leave. You wouldn't leave every time he got sick, but this being his first time, you knew he was probably miserable and confused.
✮ His eyes were puffy and red, his cheeks flushed and his forehead radiated heat.
✮ "Ken, sweetie you're burning up," You say softly, your hand laid against his forehead.
✮ He just looked up at you with those damn puppy eyes, confusion sparking in them as you spoke.
✮ "Why do I feel like I got run over by a hundred horses?" He grumbles.
✮ "Don't worry" You say when you notice the concern in his eyes.
✮ He has the sniffles and you have to dig through your closet for a box of tissues.
✮ You make him soup and when you come back into your room, you find Ken snuggling with one of your plushies, eyes all sad and his lip pouty.
✮ For being sick, he looked absolutely adorable, and cold, he looks cold too.
✮ "Here" You hand him the soup and grab a blanket from the closet.
✮ If he's not feeling well enough to hold it himself, you spoon-feed him little bites after blowing lightly. You didn't want his mouth to get burnt.
✮ When you try leaving the room, Ken groans and tugs at your shirt.
✮ "Don't go" He whines, dramatically reaching a shaky hand out toward you. "What if I get cold again?"
✮ "That's what your blanket is for Ken, dear" You chuckle.
✮ He is 100% a big baby. He wants you by his side, and if you think Ken is clingy already, prepare for that to be amped up ten times more.
✮ If he is getting sick, and unable to keep his food down, you rub his back and sit with him in the bathroom, assuring him that you aren't bothered by this at all.
✮ He feels bad that you have to waste your time on him all day. He knows that you should be at work.
✮ "Any time spent with you, even if you're sick, is time well spent," You tell him.
✮ He does not handle stomach aches well, curling up in a fetal position and sobbing is his idea of 'handling' them.
✮ He hugs himself, self-soothing at its finest.
✮ If the pain is too much, you give him medicine and melatonin. This works fast as he's never had to take medication or sleep aid before. He is OUT.
✮ He sleeps through the whole night, and when you wake up, he's snuggled into your side, sleepy, puffy eyes shut softly.
Okay stop this was the cutest thing ever.... I want to write more sick Ken fics...
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samnia · 6 months
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Kurapika sleep HCS Pt.1
Alright, we're going to start this with a sad start. It's a personal headcanon of mine that one of the many things Kurapika salvaged from the kurta massacre was a quilt/blanket. It's one his mother made but never finished, so he decided to leave it like that. it's basically one of Kurapika's comfort items, so he may never share it with anyone unless you have a place in his shallow heart!
Kurapika would get night terrors often, so waking up in the middle of midnight is prone. He's not near land with famliar herbs. That's when he desperately looks for medicines to help and finds melatonin. Kurapika takes one of the candies right before he plans to fall asleep, only when he has no opium.
Okay, enough of the angst. Kurapika lowkey can control his body temperature. One night, he's warm, and another deadly cold. Kurapika's temperature can correspond to how he felt earlier, so now it's your job to figure out which one means which.
The more Kurapika gets to know you, the more he subconsciously opens up (if that makes sense). He can be stiff but sleep talking and saying the most thoughtful things ever. This is super weird, but there's a 50/100 chance you'll be able to ask Kurapika things certain things, and he'll answer. Also, he sleep with his head on your thigh. It's comforting in a way.
He trained his hatsu by enforcing his chains to lock the door and all openings henges shut all night long. No break, Kurapika still does it on the Black Whale to protect Woble and Queen aito.
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dancingwiththoughts · 5 months
Medwhump May Day 4: Sedated
So I wasn't too sure how to write sedation, so I figured that drugging was good enough. Here's a little excerpt from on of my fanfics that I'll link below, along with a quick sketch.
TW: Drugging
But if he was going to knock Alastor out, he’d need something stronger.
Normally, Angel was strongly opposed to drugging people. He’d had it done to him plenty of times, and it wasn’t pleasant. But this was a special case; if Alastor wouldn’t rest on his own, Angel was going to make him.
And it wasn’t like he was going to use anything dangerous.
Angel opened up one of the cabinets, moving aside a pile of plates. And there was the medicine.
Charlie had hidden small stashes of meds around the hotel; she didn’t know that Angel had found most of them, but what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
Angel dug around a bit until he found what he was looking for. The bottle of melatonin was still full. He grabbed a handful of pills, crushing them up and sprinkling them into the cup of coffee. He didn’t really count out how many he put in, but it would probably be fine.
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“Here ya go,” Angel strolled back into the lobby, passing Alastor the cup.
He took it, mumbling a quick thanks before taking a sip.
Angel couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay, so Vaggie’s going to go first,” Charlie announced, dragging her girlfriend to sit in the chair she had placed in front of everyone,”So Vaggie will sit in the chair like this, and then I’ll sit in the chair behind her. I’m going to take a picture from the pile and describe it to her, but there’s a list of words that I can’t say. Vaggie then has to draw what I tell her! Does that make sense to everyone?”
Everyone made sounds of approval. Except for Alastor, who yawned, nodding. They both sat down, and started the game.
“Okay, Vaggie, so draw a large eyed furry creature with a tail that has floppy ears. It’s a common human pet.”
Vaggie scribbled something down,”Okay, I’m done.”
“So what did you draw?”
Charlie frowned,”What? It’s a dog, how did you-”
Vaggie shook her head, pointing towards the deer demon,”No, Charlie. Look at Alastor.”
Everyone turned. Alastor’s eyes were closed, his head falling against the back of the chair. His ears twitched slightly, breaths mixed with the faded sounds of radio.
“Oh my gosh, he’s so cute,” Charlie squealed.
“Surprised he actually fell asleep,” Husk muttered.
“You’re welcome; and no need ta’ whisper, he’s gonna be out for a looong time,” Angel chuckled.
“Umm, what?” Vaggie asked.
“Angel, what did you do?”
“Relax, toots, I just slipped ‘im some melatonin in his drink.”
“You drugged him?! Angel, how much did you use? And where did you even find the medicine?” Charlie exclaimed.
“Eh, just seven or so. I wasn’t sure how much ta use, but he’ll be fine. He ain’t gonna die from some sleeping pills. Besides, he was gonna need ta sleep one way or another.”
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seajellyx · 2 years
an apple a day 2: electric boogaloo. chaos edition
octavinelle taking care of you while you're sick and doing an absolutely job 👍 [bc i'm still sick and it sucks] octavinelle x gn!reader, all together, ambiguous relationship warnings: non serious illness, possibly ooc, octotrio being smart dumbasses, even dumb smartasses, if you will, not proofread, honestly it's just me bullying them
an apple a day part 1
azul somehow sniffs out the beginning of your sickness before you yourself are even sure. i don't know how but he tells you to take it easy and get more rest.
once you become full blown ill he just sighs and banishes you to bed rest, this whole time he's been quite gentle on you and it's really surprising, but you're not complaining so you follow his orders and go back to your dorm.
the leech twins quickly notice your absence and inquire their boss about it, but only after harassing everyone you know and stalking around the campus looking for you.
azul breaks the news of your illness and they all stand in silence for a moment, thinking.
see, sickness in the animal world is rare, but serious, especially in the ocean
so these three dumbasses definitely thought you were gonna die for a bit, before common sense kicked in and they realized that they have access to medicine. and fucking magic.
jade, the only rational one, just looks up ways to help you.
can't be that hard! floyd bounces out of the room with the full intention to "take care of his shrimpy!"
azul shakes his head, sighs, and sends jade after him to make sure you don't die
the two pick up some supplies, then bust into your dorm like they've got a warrant or something, effectively waking you up from your nap
"w-what... the?"
"wow shrimpy, you sound awful,"
"yeah thanks. what are you two doing here?"
"we're here to nurse you back to health, of course."
they actually take pretty good care of you. sorta
they get you everything that you need, and somehow know what you want or need at any given moment and immediately fetch it for you
after telling them your symptoms, they try to assuage them in any way they possibly can, making sure you stay in bed, turning off the lights or closing the blinds, opening up the windows (if it isn't cold out) to bring you some fresh air, or placing a cool towel on your head if you have a fever.
jade takes this opportunity to subject you to several different tea brews. most of them are pretty standard, but some are a bit bitter. he tells you that they're medicinal herbs.
to be very honest, these two do not know what bed rest actually means, because the several mommy blogs they read didn't specify
so floyd and jade (but mostly floyd) have been making quaint conversation to keep you entertained
you let them know that you should actually be sleeping and they finally shut up
they sit by your bed, unless you ask them to leave, and jade works quietly while floyd plays a game on his phone, or whatever floyd does in his spare time
if you're having trouble sleeping, jade will recommend white noise, calming music, or melatonin. floyd begins singing you a lullaby unprompted. but it's okay because he has a nice voice.
azul ends up coming around bc when he asked the tweels for updates all they did was send him cryptic messages and blurry photos of floyd snooping around your dorm.
you wake up sometime later to the sound of your kitchen being quietly destroyed, the three come in, holding a nice, hot bowl of soup for you, and a mug of tea
you ask them about the state of your kitchen and jade tells you to eat your soup
it's surprisingly good! and not at all suspicious
while you eat, azul asks you how the tweels have been taking care of you and floyd immediately tries to defend himself, very inconspicuous and convincing, good job floyd
you tell him that it's been okay, and that you're still alive, so that's something.
after you finish eating, the three bid you goodnight
at least one of them is watching over you until you fall far into sleep
you wake up in the morning and the dorm is empty
making your way downstairs, you find the place surprisingly tidy, maybe even cleaner than it was before.
overall they do a mediocre job and you don't die.
they're hella suspicious though, floyd has probably hidden several pranks in your house while no one was looking and now jade has the layout of the place memorized.
azul was the only normal one.
wait, if they were all taking care of you, then who was running the lounge?
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hawkinsquarry · 2 years
hii!! could i request a little nighttime routine with steve? 💗
buddy i’ll be honest. i wrote this entire thing thinking you said NIGHTMARE not night time. but i hope u still enjoy this 🫶🏻 reading comprehension at a 0
FIRST OFF: his bedside is ready every single night. trash can in case he gets sick, bat, nightlight, water, his medicine (which he always forgets to take) at the ready. weed is kept in a mason jar and stuck in an old shoe downstairs - it helps him sleep and doesn’t exacerbate his nightmares like melatonin might. he hardly ever does take you up on the smoking offer, but it’s nice to have it in case he needs it. sometimes it helps with his anxious nausea, too. you keep a piece of notebook paper beside the phone on his desk that has everyone’s number on it in case you (or he) needs to call for backup. dustin henderson is #1 on the list. hopper is second.
SECOND: this takes a while, but you eventually get him to be comfortable with a fan or sound box going. when it’s too quiet he can’t sleep because he’s straining to hear something wrong. he’s not a fan (lol) of it at first - he thinks that it might prevent him from being able to act fast. but he gets used to it soon, and can’t sleep without it.
THIRD: you’re the big spoon. almost always. he can’t sleep when your arms aren’t wrapped around him. it reminds him not only that he isn’t alone, but that he’s safe and loved. (even outside of sleeping hours, he always has to be touching you, just to make sure you’re still there.)
FOURTH: you can usually tell if he’s about to wake up from a nightmare. he twitches, mumbles, and his breathing picks up. you slightly move away from him to give him some space and pet his hair until he jolts awake, sometimes with a shout. you say his name quietly and sit up with him, only touching him when he relaxes.
there’s a communication system you’ve developed for when the fear makes it hard for him to talk. two taps on your arm = get the trash can, please. three taps = water, please. it can take him a while to snap out of it, but you’re there for him the entire time, soothing him as best as you can until he can lay down again. he doesn’t like talking about the nightmares, even if you gently pry - so you only let him talk about them when he wants to. you know he will.
FIFTH: most important part. muppet show reruns on VHS. one of the ONLY things that can get him back to sleep and feeling somewhat normal. i’m a big proponent of steve being kermie’s #1 fan growing up and i think it’s able to bring him comfort 🫶🏻
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 8 months
There are some popular artists on here but I figured I’d add ‘em anyways. I tried to somewhat organize it for you!! Let me know which ones you liked :))
Bleu Bledsoe & Gregory Sandomirsky:
-Cafe 130
Wilbur Soot:
-Trying not to think about it
-Amazon Standing Lamp
-Around the Pomegranate
-Jubilee Line
-Melatonin 130
-Call me what you like
-Portrait of a Blank Slate
-Normal People Things
-God Complex
-I don’t care
-Tarantula Girl
The Goo Goo Dolls:
Will Wood:
-Cotard’s solution
-This is how it feels (& d4vd)
-Let you break my heart again
-A Night to Remember
-Can’t love you anymore
-Please don’t (I love the mv for this one)
-You make me wanna…
-Nice & Slow
-Like a Boy
Brandy & Monica:
-The Boy is mine
Queen Najia:
-music anon 🎶<3
Music anon, I'm sorry it took a while to reply to this ask! Life has been a little hectic (T⌓T) but I finally got the time to listen (and re-listen again and again!!!) to the songs you recommended and wowowowowowow!!
Cafe 130, Bleu Bledsoe & Gregory Sandomirsky — I loved this so much??? I don't listen to a lot of music of this genre (unless you count acoustic covers, lol) but this felt so dreamy! I constantly kept thinking of two lovers dancing together, as cheesy as that sounds. Or of a character visiting some castle in a foreign land, the mysterious king in a mask being entranced by them~ The violin and guitar go so well together, dancing step in step with the other, chasing after the other!! I loved this so much!!!! IDK how many more exclamation points I can put to show it!!! ಥωಥ
Wilbur Soot —
Trying not to think about it Is it fair to say listening to this made me feel like I was in some teenage coming-of-age film and just had an explosive fight with my best friend and now I'm on the bus ride home, staring out the window and trying to keep my tears in as I watch the scenery past by. I loved his lyricism so much! This song especially feels like reading a diary and the trumpets that come in during the interlude? The vocal layering? Chefs kiss, the regret in every sentence fuels me to write angst I swear.
Amazon Standing Lamp The guitar in the beginning literally made my ears perk up, the vibes in the very beginning piqued my interest so much. The tone set itself quickly, and I loved every second of it. And the discontented (?) plucky strings with the bridge? I need it in me actually. The lyrics made me add it to my OC's playlist immediately, lmao.
Eulogy GUITAR!!! ONCE AGAIN!!! BIG SLUT FOR IT!!! Also, how does he keep writing yearning so well??? His descriptions feel like poetry in a very angry way. I must know who hurt him - is he okay? (´;︵;`) "I wish I'd be the one who's hurt indignantly, but I can see; that the only one who hurts someone is me" BWAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! UEU UEUE UEUE!!1
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Around the Pomegranate "In rapid eye moves. I fall right back to you," and if I die??? Honestly, another "I'm in a coming-of-age movie" feeling song but this song feels like I'm an outcast who just met another outcast and there's a montage of us spending the summer together and running away from bullies or lame adults. Then the bridge happens and it's a montage of me eyeing my best friend with queer angst. His voice sounded so fucking emotional!!! The way the song just ends after it??? INSANE!!!
Jubilee Line Guitar strums, save me guitar strums,,,, the quiet humming in the background spooked me when I used my headphones (lol) but I love humming along to it!!! The way he blames the city for his angst? Yes, I love directing anger at inanimate objects, that's so my genre of anything. "I'm so angry at you I'm beginning to find you in everything" I LOVE IT!!! The bridge where he talks about the barriers on the tube line/rails and how they fail??? Take me, music anon, I feel like I'm gonna faint
Melatonin 130 The beep boops made me smile when I first listened to it. Also, as someone who has insomnia, this song was giving big #relatable vibes but then he added about tucking his face in someone's neck and it became a painful kinda #relatable. ALSO THE WHOLE TALK ABOUT MEDICINE AND ANXIETY??? TAKE ME AGAIN MUSIC ANON I'M GONNA FAINT!!! The bridge??? THE BRIDGE??? OUUUUEEEEEE WHAT A GOOD SONG TO CRY TO WHILE YOU'RE SMOKING IN YOUR ROOM!!! "We're all apes with a diary book and corporate reads your pages" ????
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Lovejoy —
Call me what you like The shift between Wilbur Soot's guitar strums to this band made me snort. I personally love pathetic yearning, like yes, kiss me if you need to but IDK if you need me like I need you MMMMM DELICIOUS ME THINKS "I'm not a paranoid, I'm a realist; I know you're gonna kill me!" OUGH HE IS SO PATHETIC I LOVE IT The twangy electric guitar plucks makes my brain happy. My head kept bopping just listening to this song.
Portrait of a Blank Slate The beginnings made me think of a movie montage lol. The lyrics make me think of a broody, distrustful, dude who falls for a magnetic woman who he feels will get bored of him but lord the yearning does not stop him. Her boyfriend is an asshole and the singer wants to make her happier??? I've got my head in my hands, music anon, when the interlude played I can imagine scenes of them getting closer than they should but always pulling away - hold me, music anon, hold me, please. Him apologising for it all being predictable??? What a loser (I need him).
Normal People Things HEAD BOPPING THE SECOND WE PLAY THIS!!! If I could drive, this song would need to be on the ban list, I will crash the car. This song playing during a chase scene with a delinquent and another delinquent but they're just introverted? Perfect me thinks.
God Complex Ough, ouGH OUGHOUGH This song reminded me of Yuno Gasai, lmao. But oh god, the lyrics??? Obsessed actually, I need this song put into a chip so I can stab it into my brain. The dark yearning??? The instrumental??? The way she keeps saying "I wanna be" to "I'm gonna be" - I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! Also reminded me of Brahms Heelshire but that's just me being a simp.
I Don’t Care OUGHGGGGGGGGHHHHH THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING ME TO SUCH A WONDERFUL ARTIST, MUSIC ANON!!!! Her songs have been on repeat for me since the second I listened to her lORD I just know the Creepypasta speed paints back in 2010 would've loved her music. This song is giving "I don't care if this love is destructive, I'll love you until I can't anymore" OUGHGHGGHGHGHGH MUSIC ANON HOLD ME AGAIN
Luka This song was so sad but knowing why she made it made me physically hold back my tears, especially the voice note at the end?? :((( Her lyrics, and the video description, I was teary-eyed reading it. The chorus is so heartwrenching (;﹏;) "I'm always pulled back to your soul" (´;︵;`)
Tarantula Girl This song reminded me of the time I was 13 and listening to Three Days Grace or Get Scared omg - I love vampiric love songs!!! GIVE ME MOREEEEEEEE!!! Was head bopping the entire time listening to this!! Also the instrumental scratches the itch in my brain "I kinda want you to stay, gimme the sweetest taste" OOOOUGHHH IM SO ILL also her voice is so good I'm obsessed
Iris, The Goo Goo Dolls — this song gave me SUCH a flashback please FNIERUHGRG I remember the fucking Wattpad trailers with this song, also when I was 15 and I had a crush on a girl in school I put this song in the Spotify playlist I made for her LMAOOOO Such a bop, and one with so many memories!! the OG yearning song for me personally
Cotard's Solution, Will Wood — piano, save me piano. the spookiness of the song made me sway a little in my seat while listening to this but then it got more and more unhinged and the way the vocals and instrumentals matched up with each other??? Insane actually!! "Sha na na na na na, free will!" made me giggle The song reminded me of old animes that I could never watch because my mom disapproved of my uncle's anime CD stash but specifically that one old anime about that vampire Van Hellsing? The vibes!!!
Laufey —
This is how it feels (& d4vd) I'm gonna be honest, I never actually listened to Laufey - no reason, just never got the time too so this list made me so excited!!! d4vd's voice reminds me of Disney Prince's serenading oh lord, so good. Then Laufey's voice joins in with the piano??? The yearning?? The violins?? You're out to get me, music anon, aren't you??? (this reminded me of satosuguynkento - "sorry for leaving like that, you don't deserve to get caught in my mess. loving you is just so difficult, i don't know how i should tell you that. I've fallen for somebody else, happened so quickly i lost myself. a shadow of you drifts by my window" especially. I'm going insane, I'm unwell, I'm ill.)
Promise THIS SONG??? EVERY TIME A FUCKING JJK EDIT CAME ON WITH THIS SONG, ESPECIALLY THE LYRICS "I've done the math-" SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING!!! Okay, but the lyrics? The instrumentals? Laufey better be ready to be charged with my therapy bill, I cannot do this anymore, I'm physically ill(er). another song that reminded me of satoyn - "Honestly, I didn't think about How we didn't say goodbye Just see you very soon It hurts to be something It's worse to be nothing with you" I'm deceased.
Let you break my heart again Just so you know, I had this song on loop when I "broke up" with my 4-year long situationship and sobbed my eyes out. It also me realize I have in fact listened to Laufey and she will most definitely be sent my psychotherapy bills.
A Night to Remember I braced myself for this song because so far it has not looked good for my mental health but I was greeted with such a smooth jazzy introduction and seductive songs and lyrics and I cautiously let my guard down. This song playing makes me think of two characters dancing in those wood, smokey, wine-glass-filled clubs. Made me think of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, lmao. The orchestra rising and falling in the background - oh god, I had to pace my room while listening to this. The vocals, the sultry tone, the instruments in the background OUHGHGHGHGHGGH I'm so gonna write something based off this song it's too good, I wish to consume it.
Can't Love You Anymore, IU — Nation's Little Sister never misses!!! I was preparing for a back-and-forth angry singing, but the resigned yet spiteful lyrics being delivered so smoothly made me go insane!!! "When I see you, I keep seeing myself in you, and I hate it" OUEUEUEUEEUE YOU WANT ME TO EXPLODE!!!! "I don't think we're in love anymore," the casual way they just sing it OUGH OUGHHHHHHH Like you expect things to be more explosive or dramatic, but the way it just happens and they're just tryna ignore it, hopes something sparks but it doesn't???? If I didn't read the lyrics, I'd honestly just bop to this in a cafe.
Please Don't, K.Will — THE FAMOUS MUSIC VIDEO LMAO. I honestly never read the lyrics to the song and watched the MV one time so it was such a pleasant time revisiting this masterpiece. The yearning, the pleading to not be left and the panic he feels as his lover grows more and more distant??? Ough hold me again please music anon,,,,,
Usher —
You make me wanna… The juxtaposition of Usher's songs next to the previous ones made me wipe away my tears and get ready to body roll seductively. The casual mention of infidelity and the infamous girl-best-friend syndrome oh lord, the lyrics feel so wrong but the vocals and the song make you feel less guilty. Do you think Satoru played this song when he was boinking Suguru while YN was depressed in the background, lmao?
Nice & Slow Usher whispering in my ear about coming over to my house made me think of those boyfriend ASMR videos and IDK how I feel about it LMAO This song plays when an early 2000s rom-com movie introduces a hot guy with cheekbones for days and also wears a scarf for no reason other than fashion (we respect it tbh).
Like A Boy, Ciara — Her spelling her name in the beginning was so cunty. ALSO, I KNEW THIS SONG SOUNDED FAMILIAR AND THE CHORUS PLAYED AND I WAS INSTANTLY HEAD BOPPING!!!
The Boy is Mine, Brandy & Monica — Had to immediately pace my room for this song, the edits playing in my brain making me go insane all over again. Such a classic tbh, should put this song in a national treasure vault so that when aliens find the carcass of our planet they can also bop to this song.
Medicine, Queen Najia — "Give you a taste of your own medicine," I love it when women succeed and enact their revenge. "imma leave you crying," OUGH IM IN LOVE! Also, I had a feeling this song trended on Tiktok and the "not for you, but for him" popped up BUT I NEVER KNEW IT CAME FROM SUCH A CUNTY SONG???? LOVE IT SO MUCH!!
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lover-i-lover · 1 year
You had tried just asking him, no dice. Make him his favourite meal and lots of it, hoping he's eat him to a state of sleepiness, but he was still op until 4 am, now just with more energy. Then you tired talking to him about medicine, that was a hell no. Which lead you to, more natural remedies, it took you days to find the right things. But, you got it.
So here you are, mixing blueberries, cut op raspberries, cut op strawberries, and Goji berries in a bowl. You're making pie for dresset tonight and Spencer better like it, or at least take pity on you and eat it. You pour the berry mix into waiting pie dish. Then you pour sugar over it before laying the lace dough on top.
When you set the pie on the table in front if him, Spencer's mouth waters. You knocked it out of the park tonight. You smile as he has another piece, hopping, praying it will at least help. Spencer glances op to you, a bit of berry juice around his mouth. "Is there something on my face?" He asks, putting his fork down. You reach over with a napkin "Yes" You wipe the juice off his mouth. "But please, keep eating"
The two of you are settled on the couch, it's not been a long day so when Spencer leans in close to you, it surprises you, it does seem out of place for him to cuddle op to so early in the evening. You gently wrap an arm around his waist. "You alright baby?" You ask, toying with his long hair. His eyes are almost closed. "I'm very tired for some reason"
"Mhm" You hum, moving to lay under him so he could lay fully on you, the way he slept best. "I may have had a part to play in that" Spencer's eyes flutter open to look at you. "Excuse me?" He asks, his favourite way of asking to expand on your sentences.
"The pie, I promise there was no medicine in it but the berries in it, help with sleep. Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries have antioxidants, raspberries and Goji berries also have melatonin" You gently brush some hair behind his ear. Spencer smiles, struggling to keep his eyes open.
"You, baked a pie for me, so I'd get some rest?"
"Yes, i did, and it seems to have worked"
Spencer smiles and lays his head down on your shoulder. "Thank you darling...I suspose I needed the help"
"You're welcome Baby, now rest, I'll be here when you wake op"
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feverishly-kpop · 2 years
Ateez Performance Line - Part 3
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“Yunho, is there a reason you are out of bed…again?” Seonghwa asked, jumping up from his seat at the kitchen table where he was working and grabbing Yunho by the waist before he managed to collapse where he was standing.
“I don’t feel well” Yunho replied, eyes cast downward, not meeting his hyung’s.
Seonghwa sighed, knowing how restless Yunho had been since Hongjoong brought him home earlier that afternoon.
“I know you don’t feel well, which is why you need to be in bed, okay?” Seonghwa said kindly, not wanting to upset Yunho anymore than he already was as he guided him back to his room. He pulled back the covers, allowing Yunho to lie back down.
“I’m going to get you some medicine for your temperature, are you still feeling nauseous?” He asked as he rested his palm to Yunho’s forehead, getting a shrug in response. “Then I’ll bring some medicine for that too, you can take it, just in case.”
Seonghwa couldn’t help but feel on edge with two of the ‘99 liners down with the flu and a third still at the studio, trying to meet the choreography deadline. Luckily the rest of the members seemed to be unaffected but these things usually had a way of taking out a few of them at a time. All Seonghwa could do was keep Wooyoung and Yunho comfortable and hope that nobody else would catch it.
“Why does he keep getting up?” Jongho asked from the couch, where he had resolved to spend his evening doing absolutely nothing.
“You’re guess is as good as mine” Seonghwa replied. Jongho was right, though. They hadn’t been able to keep Yunho down for more than an hour before he managed to wander back out of his room. In comparison to Wooyoung, who they couldn’t keep awake for more than a few minutes at a time, it was as if they were suffering from two completely different illnesses.
As he poured a few tablets out on the counter, Yeosang emerged from Seonghwa and Hongjoong’s room, where he had been looking after Wooyoung. “Was that seriously Yunho again?” Yeosang asked in disbelief.
“Sure was” Jongho responded.
“Slip a melatonin in with his meds, it’s the only way he’ll actually get any sleep” Yeosang suggested, turning to Seonghwa, who smiled at that.
“You may be on to something there” he responded with a chuckle, stepping back into Yunho’s room where he found his dongsaeng sitting cross legged on his bed, taking his temperature.
“If it’s anything like what Wooyoung has, that fever won’t be going anywhere for a few days” Seonghwa said softly, sitting down next to Yunho and grabbing the thermometer as it beeped. “At least it hasn’t gone up though,” Seonghwa said, turning the thermometer toward Yunho so he could see the reading, eliciting a groan from him.
“What’s bothering you, Yunho-ah?” Seonghwa asked softly.
“Nothing” he responded curtly as he laid back down.
“If that were true, you’d close your eyes and get some sleep, but you don’t seem to be too keen on that” Seonghwa said as he brushed Yunho’s hair from his forehead.
“Mingi shouldn’t have to finish the choreography alone” Yunho replied, finally relenting. “It’s not fair. He’s probably pissed...”
“Yunho,” Seonghwa interjected in a serious tone. “Did you get sick on purpose? Did Wooyoung get sick on purpose? Be real for a moment.”
“I just want to go back and help him” Yunho said sadly.
“I know you do.” Seonghwa handed Yunho his medicine. “But it’ll be harder to fall asleep when the next bout of nausea hits, so you need to get some rest now, okay?”
Yunho nodded compliantly as Seonghwa left his room before deciding to make one last attempt.
“Hyung,” Yunho called, grabbing Seonghwa’s attention. “Maybe I can video chat with Mingi to help him out? I’m not feeling so poorly right now.”
“Sleep, Yunho-ah.” Seonghwa’s tone made it clear that there would be no further discussion about the matter, so Yunho allowed his eyes to drift closed, finally getting some much needed rest.
Once Seonghwa was certain that Yunho would stay put for the time being, he pulled out his phone and called Mingi to check in on him. He knew that they didn’t have many options at this point but he still hated the idea of his dongsaeng overworking himself.
Mingi answered, skipping the pleasantries. “Hyung, I don’t have time to talk.” Seonghwa cringed at the exhaustion in his voice.
“Are you making progress?” Seonghwa said, trying to gauge the situation.
“I guess so,” Mingi replied distantly, “it’s slow, but progress is progress.”
“What time will you be home tonight? I’ll have dinner ready for you” Seonghwa asked, already knowing what Mingi would say.
“I’m going to stay here for the night, no use wasting time coming home just to go back in early again.”
Seonghwa wasn’t pleased with his answer and attempted to interject. “Mingi, I think…” he began but was quickly interrupted. “I have to go, I’m sorry, hyung. Goodnight!” was the last thing Mingi said before disconnecting the line.
Mingi wasn’t mad at Wooyoung and Yunho. He could never be mad at something that was beyond their control, and he was sure that they’d rather be there working with him than sick in bed, but at the same time, Mingi felt the crushing weight of their deadline approaching and all he could do was take this one for the team and keep plugging away.
He had managed to get through the rest of the song that he and Yunho had been working on before Yunho was sent home, so he was down to just two songs with about five days left. That would leave him with about two days per song, then one more day to sit down and review everything carefully before submitting to management. It would have been no problem for the three of them to get done, likely with time to spare, and it would have been a challenge for two of them, but for Mingi to finish by himself would require around the clock work.
It was 2:00 AM by the time that Mingi had gotten though everything that he felt should be done before calling it a day. He took a final glance over his notes to ensure that everything was in order with what he had worked on before locking up and heading to the lounge for a quick nap.
As Mingi laid down on the couch, covering himself with the blankets that were left out from Yunho’s rest earlier, he pulled out his phone to set an alarm. After some mental math, he felt confident that he’d make the needed progress if he was up again by 6:00 AM. Despite not being thrilled by the prospect of getting just four hours of sleep, dwelling on it wouldn’t do him any good. Right now, all he could think about is getting some sleep so he could pick up where he left off again the following day.
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little-lazuli · 1 year
𝚃𝚊𝚐 & 𝚆𝚒𝚙 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎
rules: post the name of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
tagged by: the amazing @thelargefrye , mahalo nui loa for the tag 🫶🏽🫶🏽
just a warning, somewhat long with little snippets and summaries for almost all of them, hope y’all enjoy 🤗
tagging: idk that many people 💀 so here’s some of their majesties, @jacksons-goddess-gaia @atiny-piratequeen @spooo00oky and anyone else wishing to play :)
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K-pop wips
As I Told You: A whole class of college students and their professors who are meant to be returning home from a field trip finds themselves missing. No one knows where they went. Only to wake up one morning to find the missing folk returned and something off about them (manifest inspired au)
Box: Donghyuck reaches his limit and explodes, unloading like Pandora’s Box
What Do You See? Someone is kidnapping idols. It takes six months and five kidnappings to realize the pattern, as well as who just might be kidnapped next
Out: Jongho is the tenth victim and finds himself surrounded amongst his fellow kidnapped chingus
Outgrown: Donghyuck feels like his members have outgrown him. So why does he find it so hard to do the same?
Fairytale Extended Universe
Sister: Wicked-Witch!Seulgi wants to know where her sisters are, only to find out they are imprisoned in the Emerald City by the Wizard
Theater: Werewolf!Seungcheol and Vampire!Taeyong make common cause in an effort to defeat the Evil Queen
Consolation: Werewolf!Chan (Dino) spends his last minutes imprisoned in the Evil Queen’s castle alongside miner-dwarf!Donghyck and lost-boy!Jeongin before he set to be executed
Poison & Medicine alternate ending
Goodbye Light: Changkyun is unintentionally left at the mercy of foes and villains after a disagreement with his fellow superhero/heroine members
Magical Society Extended Universe: Jongho wakes up in the Joseon Dynasty with magical powers. However, he quickly learns that he isn’t the only one who came from the future, nor is he alone in having magic
Drunk serenade: You drunkenly serenade your bf/gf [insert idol name]
Expire: guard!Jackson hates that he fell in love with the dirty prisoner set to be executed… you (royal au)
Reign: king!namjoon, your husband has been away at war for a while now. Long enough for his political enemies to make a move on you and your/his families. Are you able to protect his reign without him by your side? (Iliad au)
Whirlwind: Assassin!Jisoo’s next target is you
High Tide: Serial-killer!Jennie makes a mistake when she forgets to get rid of the body in yalls trunk, revealing her…. bloody hobby to you once and for all
Acrimonious Garden: You and Rosé have very different perspectives on what it means to save the world
Pain: It wasn’t her fault she was labeled a horrible queen, a cruel queen, an evil queen. Nobody understood Lisa like you did, and that was the problem
starry night: Solar is the captain of her makeshift pirate crew… granted the title pirate is very loose considering it’s the twenty-first century and it’s not royal navies she has to avoid, but rather zombies
The prices we pay: werewolf!chan + werewolf-hunter!you = bad combination
Breathing Melatonin: Chanyeol has sleeping issues. You have a high libido. Do what you want, as you will
Honey Mango: Beekeeper!Mingi cuts a deal with you for some of your best products from your mango farm
Leave Me Lonely: today was supposed to be the day you and Jaebum said I do. Yet all you could do before closing your eyes forever was say, I love you (mafia au)
stay: what was harder, having a secret relationship or having some of [insert idol’s name] members dislike you?
Red Bottoms: Tonight was supposed to be a fun night out with friends. Yet here you are having to call spouse!idol to come and bail you out of jail
Made in the shade: you and hongjoong come from two entirely different worlds (grease au)
convicted: runaway-convicts!exo-sc find refuge with you. A lowly, quiet neighbor in your small town (inspired by the movie Labor Day)
Four Horsemen au (BTS hyung line)
Deranged: the tale of pestilence, a year has gone by since the armies of heaven and hell waged war upon earth. Though demons struck fear in the hearts of humans with easy, the true threat to humanity was those of white wings (jin)
Decimation: the tale of famine, three years into the human genocide, humanity sits on the brink of extinction. Yet aid comes in the most unlikely of forms (suga)
Dominion: the tale of war, the fifth year of the apocalypse is waning. The demons of hell have scurried away, whilst the angels make their final move towards human extermination. Yet, a rude awakening awaits them as the wrath of war awakes (j hope)
Descent: the tale of death, the seventh year of the apocalypse greeted humanity with a kiss. Heaven has fallen and hell has closed their gates, humanity make a resurgence. However, all good things come to the end, death has awoken, and awaits to feast upon all three realms of existence (rm)
Starships: "This foreign exchange program better be worth it" you thought as you signed into your Starship account. All you had to do was spend four hours of your day teaching english to your assigned foreigner whilst you learned a new language from them in return. It would have been easier if you could do this face to face, but N00000o, Ms. Rona decided to have everyone be put into quarantine. Now you had to waste away four hours, everyday, for the next semester, talking on a screen to some guy or gal you'll probably never meet. How ridiculous (college au)
Midnight Misfits: sugar spouse au
Three’s a cloud: jaehyun was flirty and single. johnny was angry and horny. you had an idea aka you and johnny sandwich jaehyun as a way to teach him a lesson
Lunar Kiss: werewolf!Jaebum is reluctant and in rut. You are a human. His human though so…
Luxury: Your whirlwind relationship with up and coming CEO Wonho was sudden, perfect and immaculate. That is until you find out he’s the heifer trying to buy out your entire childhood neighborhood, your home and your job (ceo au)
She’s a monster: You’re trapped reliving the same horrible day again and again. Watching Jackson draw his last breath in horrific and terrifying ways over and over. You didn’t know what the problem was. Until you did. And it broke your heart when you did (Groundhog Day au)
$200 Pizza: you and Changbin rack up a debt you can’t pay, luckily the auntie who runs the shop is willing to let y’all work the debt off for the whole day in exchange
Deep Patience: kyungsoo’s goal in life was your happiness. As such, hearing that you desire to have a kid, he has a plan to surprise you with such wonderful news for your birthday. One problem though… according to his calculations, he only had one day left to enact his plan
Oopsie: Wonho saves the day after you slip in the tub
Twisted dreams: Taeyong notices you acting different after a series of nightmares (ghost au)
Push & pull: Pirate!Mingi is washed ashore a beach village and taken in by you and yours. He looked forward to the day he could repay you for your kindness and seek your hand in that of love. Yet the universe spits in his face as it seeks to exact vengeance for his past in the worst possible way (pirate au)
Haunting: the spirits haunting your house works hard, but Ghost-hunter!Johnny works even harder (ghost harder au)
Well damn: you and soobin, besties who have been tip toeing around some unspoken emotions find yourselves stuck at the tippy top of a unmoving rollercoaster
Walker: Geumhyuck had one job. Watch the kids. You thought he had the job taken cared of. Well if that included him getting stuck in your baby’s walker, then he greatly succeeded
Asoiaf wips
Shades of a Man: Shady Shin, the waterbending gangster of the Republic Triads makes wakes as Dorne’s first ever ice merchant (Lok crossover)
Divine Affliction: Princess Eska of the Northern Water Tribe becomes the High Chiefess of Hardhome (Lok crossover)
Perpetual Storm: Jason Grace, demigod son of Jupiter falls in love in his second life, to a woman named Argella Durrandon. And then Aegon made his landing in Westeros (PJO crossover)
The Apothecary: Lee Fletcher awakes in Westeros and founds a citadel of revolutionary healing (PJO crossover)
The Knight of Floods: Percy awakes in Westeros and rises in ranks of nobility following his defiance of the Lannisters in the War of the Five Kings (PJO crossover)
Webbed Fingers & Cheese: Percy wakes up on the shores of the Three Sisters and works his way into becoming the Lord of the isles (PJO crossover)
Westeros On Earth: the continent of Westeros finds itself attached to Greenland and facing a potential religious persecution and invasion from the superpowers of 1400s Europe
The Lady of Dragonstone: OC Female Baratheon twin sister of Stannis Baratheon who is sentenced to rule Dragonstone following her aid in getting Queen Rhaella and her retinue to escape before her brother’s assault on the island
A Tale of Two Heirs: The love story of Brandon Stark and Shireen Baratheon
From The Depths: Ursula the Sea Witch arrives in Westeros (ouat crossover)
Bitter Work: An earthbender creates a refuge/oasis in Dorne (atla crossover)
Trial At Heart: Drogon burns Jon after he kills Daenerys and takes Jon back in time (time travel fix it)
A Wine A Day: Male OC Redwyne defends the Reach from Euron Greyjoy
Lost Lion: Jaime saves Aegon and Rhaenys, escaping with them to Essos and taking refuge in the Ruins of Valyria itself
The Witch of Harrenhal: Medea of Colchis conquers the Riverlands and learns what it means to be human (PJO crossover)
What if Viserys was competent? No golden crowns for this clown
What if the Rhoynar kept their magic? Waterbending in Dorne?????
What if Jon Snow never joined the Nights Watch Part 2?
Frozen Fires au: Jon Snow, the bastard son of Brandon Stark & Ashara Dayne
Harry Potter wips
Something Blue: Harry gets Fred something blue as a wedding gift
Crossover Idea: Ron and Tonks are blasted out of the sky during the Battle of 7 Potters… the blast has Ron waking up in [insert new world name].
Regards: In retaliation for Ruldolphus Lestrange’s death during the Battle at the Department of Mysteries, Rabastan & Bellatrix attack the Burrow and kidnap Ron
The Black Bastard: An illegitimate child of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black makes his mark on the Wizarding World
The Story of Celesta Prewett: Fabian Prewett’s daughter finally meets her paternal relatives
The Story of Yo Jinwoo: Part fairy-wizard male oc who falls in love with Ginny Weasley, not knowing she’s already in love with the one and only Harry Potter
Vanishing Series
Outtakes: Witch Weekly Issue #6799
Hiraeth Series
Outtakes: The Silver Grimoire - The private grimoire of the silver quartet
Alone: Ron’s sorting
War: Muriel Prewett meets her match in Astoria Greengrass
War Part 2: Ron and Daphne leave the Prewett estate to join the war
Thief: Ron and the quartet are caught by Bill Weasley ditching school to sell the items of the Room of Requirement
Pink: Ron saves Daphne from boiling solution in year two
M.A.D: Tracey explains nukes to the silver quartet
Accident: Theo uses sectumsempra on Ron
Scared: Ron temporarily disappears in the chaos of the 1994 Quidditch World Cup
Lady: Daphne becomes the lady of Greengrass following her parents’ murders
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bleakbluejay · 1 year
i want to note that the past couple weeks i've been trying out an anti-depressant that is perhaps not currently prescribed to me, but i've never taken anti-depressants before. and they've really helped me. like really. i feel human again, for the most part, and my dark thoughts are almost nil. the side-effects are negligible- just some nausea in the morning, lower appetite (and along with it, the awareness of appetite, when i normally experience introception), and i need assistance (weed, melatonin) to sleep.
tomorrow i take the last one, which sucks. but now i know there's promise for me. that medicine does help. that i can feel okay. so i want to make this post to remind myself of that, for when i'm out and the dark thoughts come back. i can be okay.
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gimjarack · 1 year
The power of One Piece narrative pacing...
Its 12:30am as I type this, and i have just finished watching 10 episodes of One Piece in a row since 10pm. I took 2 Melatonin gummies at 10:15, which usually knock me out in half an hour. As you may have guessed, the sheer POWER of One Piece kept me hooked and awake for about 4 times the length of time the medicine was supposed to kick in. My head is still buzzing with energy and excitement, Good Lord. SPOILERS FROM HERE: Ok, so Luffy gets yeeted to the island of Amazon Lily, literally just the stereotypical “man gets Snu-Snu from entire island of Warrior Women” setup for a porno. Naturally as the certified badass Asexual... Himbo? Does Luffy met Himbo qualifications? He’s got the Kind, and the Stupid, but Beefy is very subjective here- like he HAS muscles and is strong enough to punch swords in just ep 1, but he’s scrawny as a string bean. Obvious counterpoint would be his Rubber Body, which he is later capable of making parts of him into GIANT LIMBS to demolish his foes, but does THAT count as being Beefy? Anyway regardless, Luffy brushes off da hoes who try to kill him (not a porno setup, but writers had fun making jokes about that lmao), then through a mixture of sheer kindness, sincerity, and unstoppable fighting spirit, accidentally charms the female Pirate Empress (one of da 7 Warlords btw) after being all “why would the trauma caused by those World Nobles on you make me hate you? I already told you I hate those guys, i punched one in the face!”
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superdumbfan · 1 year
Two: mention of harming ones self (not major tho I'm fine)
So went to my therapist. Well more like medicine provider but I forgot the technical term for that. And I was talking about sleep meds cuz I've had to be on sleep meds and melatonin because I have really bad sensory issues. Like meltdown and sometimes even hurting myself kind of bad. So I talked to my therapist this time and she said that I might have OCD, but I'm kind of confused cuz I also had doctors labeled me with ADHD and autism. I honestly don't know what the problem is but I just got on OCD medicine see if that helps. I would love to get a psych eval, but the closest center that does a psychopath is two cities away. It'd be an 8-hour drive going there and back and it's a major city so hotel cost and stuff like that would probably bankrupt me. My mom says that she's going to try and take me as soon as possible but we just got a new car and she's afraid that I might break down during the trip. I honestly don't know what to do I love to have some kind of diagnosis so I know what to do. I want to be able to just live like a neurotypical person. I want to be able to do things like sit on my bed or wear leggings without literally wanting to rip off my skin. I've talked to my brother about this and he said that he could believe if I was autistic because of how I acted as a kid. Again I honestly don't know what I am I just want to know I want to find it out so I can fix it as soon as possible. Cuz not only is it exhausting but it is breaking me I need help bad. Oh the joy of being poor in a capitalist society so I can't fix my own fucking problems.
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