#Is it ‘Not Sakura’ aged up - or a whole new Sakura?
littleplantfreak · 22 hours
Roadtrip headcanons
I had these in a draft for two weeks until @the-bofurin-digest started talkin about how amazing Togame would be on a roadtrip so I'm dedicating them to you ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ (I was gonna let them rot in my wip docs before i saw the post)
Umemiya Hajime
- It depends on the trip but most likely he's prepared everything to a T. If something doesn't pan out in regards to travel time or itinerary he's the type to take it in stride and just enjoy being with everyone.
-Starts up conversations with random people at rest stops/destinations they visit and has to be dragged away because dude we've been here for half an hour and all they have are vending machines.
- Not so secretly likes being a passenger princess. I mean he'll drive no sweat but he loves watching everything passing by the window or turning around to make conversation with everyone. He will help the driver with anything they need tho whether it's a change in station, drinks, or navigation.
-Has the most insane ideas/questions for in-car games. No Sakura doesn't know what he'd do if Ume turned into a worm, but now he has dreams about it.
-If he's not driving he usually knocks out immediately on the way back home. (watch out he drools)
Hiragi Toma
-Please don't let Umemiya sit up front while he drives. In fact, put him in a whole other car (depending on how many of them go that may actually be plausible.)
-Super reliable driver, though if he claims he has a handle on his road rage, he does not. It doesn't affect how he drives nor is he usually yelling, but you can see his shoulders become increasingly tense the more bad drivers he spots. Needs to be fed medicine occasionally for his stomach.
-Not a snacker in the car but he won't turn down a coffee.
-He's good with directions, so whoever rides with him is in no danger of getting lost. Also no soldier is left behind when Hiragi is in charge and he check frequently after every rest/bathroom stop to make sure everyone and everything are in the car. -If the trip is to the beach or some other place where he can relax, he'll definitely take a power nap esp if they left home early.
-Plays his music on the way back home when everyone is sleeping.
Tsubaki Tasuku
-It's a great time no matter where Tsubaki is in the car. She drives and sings or sits passenger and sings. It's impressive how many songs she knows by heart actually. Chalk it partially up to her close relationship with Shizuka.
-When she's not singing, she has a thousand different stories to tell, so no one ever really gets bored. Opts for silence only when necessary, however if she's driving, she really would prefer someone talks to her.
-Kotoha's her go-to passenger in the front, but if she's not there/in a different car she'll just choose anyone not prone to sleeping the whole trip.
-Has a preference for cookies or sweets as an in-car snack.
Kaji Ren
-Sticks with his lollipops as a snack in the car.
-Not a fan of driving even when he has his license. Passenger or back seat for him please.
-Brings CDs and lets people use them but keeps his own headphones in most of the time, which is fine because he's not one for just talking about whatever for hours in the car.
-He curls into his hoodie when he passes out either to or from wherever the trip is. Even if the driver hits a pothole and his head bounces off the window, he stays knocked out, which is both concerning and hilarious.
Sakura Haruka
-Gets motion sick if he's not in the front, either as the driver when he's older or as the passenger. Unfortunately did not know this until the trip started and struggled to hold it in before making everyone stop by the side of the road while he dry heaved.
-If he's at driving age, he's actually a relaxed driver after the first few months of him getting his license. Prefers country driving to city no question though. It ends up being therapeutic for him to take long drives when he's older.
-Don't ask him to use the fancy new car radios that only have the screen, he'll end up with the heat on somehow in the middle of summer instead of changing the station. It's funny to watch him try and work it out until everyone's sweating buckets.
-Perks up if he sees a good food place and remembers it so they can stop there on the way back. Eats whatever he can grab in the car so long as he isn't sick.
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completeoveranalysis · 2 months
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OH! OK I didn’t see that coming! So when Mokona says that the big and little Sakuras have MERGED TOGETHER, she means that the Original Child “Sakura” that has been frozen in time since the moment she was cursed has now fused with the empty soulless body of her clone, the Sakura copy we’ve been following since Chapter 1?
So, “Not Sakura” and “Empty Body” Sakura are now one person?
I want to ask “But what does that mean?” but Kurogane has already beaten me to it and even Fai doesn’t know the answer.
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honey-milk-depresso · 5 months
Batboys watching anime with reader
You know my ass went FULL ON LOCK MODE with Tim. I went crazy- 💀
***S/o is above 18, which means characters below are also aged up!
Doing requests until 1 Feb! Please see my pinned post and read the request rules on the navi! Thank you!🩷
Batbros watching anime with you
Dick Grayson
He’s watched a few 90s anime before, more the basic ones like One Piece and Pokémon, and he probably still watches them to this day. Boy has old CDs he has and you should probably try finding a Blue Ray (or use his if he can have Tim help fix it because it’s good as dead 💀) because he’s popping in every CD of old anime’s he have lying about.
“Wow, I didn’t know I had cowboy bebop! Or Slam Dunk!” He got a few rare gems, which makes it all the more fun to sit down on the couch under a blanket as you huddle and watch the nostalgic 90s anime shows together while eating popcorn.
He doesn’t mind watching new, modern day animes, just be prepared for when you two watch sad anime shows because he will sob like it’s the end of the world.
“NO, WHY WOULD KAORI DIE LIKE THIS?? AND SHE LOVES ARIMA- OH MY GOD IM SO—”sobs even more. He gets emotional while watching them because it’s so sad that it’s sO GOOD-
Loves dancing to those danceable anime music with you. He goes ALL. OUT. He even sings all of it in Japanese like wow-
I would love to hear him sing Cruel Angel’s Thesis in his Discowing suit and with goth makeup on it because it “sets the mood”, PLEASE-
Overall, great time watching with Dick. <3
Jason Todd
You expect someone like him to like Chainsaw Man, Trigun or something like those grunge-y, guns and knives animes, right? I mean, he does, but only with you and ONLY with you will he let his inner Magical Girl enthusiast ass shine. Because he LOVES Magical Girl animes. That’s probably the reason and one point of time why he wore red ribbons around his arms, he wanted that Sailor Moon experience and Tim might’ve just teased him about that era without knowing his love for Magical Girl animes and Jason might’ve flipped and freaked the fuck out and started chasing him down the manor.
Jason watches Sailor Moon, Madoka when he feels edgier than usual, Cardcaptor Sakura, every Precure series, Tokyo Mew Mew, man has all these shows somehow. He swears they weren’t through illegal means and he just worked very hard to gather all of them. He also might be a shoujo anime fan because if he loves Jane Austen books, you bet his ass would be reading Fruits Basket, Maid Sama or something because of course he would.
Also a Studio Ghibli fan, although watching the Tale of Princess Kaguya might make him feel too much, especially getting pissed off with the dad who forces his daughter into a wealthy life without her input and- yeah, you gotta calm him down as he cries bitterly and sourly with a pout on his face.
The two of you can go on and on about debating about unclear endings of animes all day long. You know the “AND SHE WAS A PRINCESS” video? That’s Jason.
Great man to watch anime with, and he’ll gladly be your Tuxedo Mask to your Sailor Moon (and not the “But you did nothing meme- or the other way around- he don’t mind being the Usagi-). <3
Tim Drake
I’m very convinced this man got into his whole detective shit because he watched Detective Conan and honestly I can’t blame him. Tim has probably the largest vessel of anime knowledge out of all of them. He doesn’t really have a specific genre he likes but he’s pretty fond of old 90s and 80s animes. He can explain the whole lore of One Piece, Fairytale, Pokémon like Jesus Tim, calm down- 💀
I can see him watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain or Key the Metal Doll because he likes that little bit of horror nature and mystery and thriller in his animes although he really doesn’t mind watching Haikyuu all over again if you want to.
Might introduce you to underrated and/or old animes like Revolutionary Girl Utena, Nadia the Secrets of Blue Water, every Studio Ghibli movie, those kinds of animes that give off the really pretty and aesthetic old anime animations that is just so pretty to watch and with really good storylines that both of you can cuddle on a couch together and watch. I bet he even watches anime with you even before you two got together, so you guys pretty much have “watching anime together” as part of the foundation of your relationship. Owns so much manga that you can’t even count, too.
Just… don’t make him watch those really slow burn, comedy love animes, specifically Love War. Not that he don’t like romance animes, he watches Ouran High School Host Club and Your Name, trust me, but Love War? He is going absolutely insane because of it.
Damian Wayne
Damian likes anime. Would 100% go to an anime convention with you as a date if you’re up for it. He doesn’t mind (surprisingly- just for you only-).
He doesn’t necessarily like showmen animes although he has enjoyed a few, but he really loves slice of life, I feel. It just feels like he wants to put himself in a normal life and with a tad bit of drama in it like what the characters go through. The touching ones like Hyouka or Natsume’s Book of Friends.
Also animal related anime maybe except Beastars because he didn’t understand shit-?? He calls that peak anime. Aggretsuko, Chi’s Sweet Home and My Roommate is a Cat?? Damian loves this shit, he watches it intently with his arm around you. Even if he doesn’t smile, you know he loves it by the way his eyes sparkle.
Just don’t tell his brothers. He will seriously feel betrayed if you do so because he only watches these kinds of shows with you: the cute animal ones that are actually wholesome and/or funny.
The whole family is into Studio Ghibli, and he is no exception. He feels like it’s the best kinds of anime to watch with you when you guys just want to turn in for the day and huddle up on the couch. It’s one of the rare times he relaxes and softens and he’s glad to have quality time with you. <3
Duke Thomas
He likes anime! Studio Ghibli is definitely a favourite of his and he would gladly watch it together with you! He also love a fair bit of Shounen animes, the more popular ones like Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Haikyuu, or Spy x Family. He likes them a lot!
A big fan of romance animes too: Ouran High School Host Club and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (if you two are in the mood to huddle on the couch together and cry).
Duke doesn’t mind any kind of anime so long as it doesn’t have too much horror or gore like… Higurashi. He gets chills when that anime is mentioned. D-Don’t watch it for your own sake if you don’t know. And if you do, avoid it with him at all cost because he will.
Duke also like singing some good anime songs with you and you guys can go crazy and dance around, just not as dramatic as Dick.
He would be super excited to spend a date with you watching shounen anime movies like from Jujutsu Kaisen and he would be so hype to spend time with you being a fanboy while also sharing that romantic air for the shared love of anime between you two and the love that you two share, although that love is far stronger. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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jihyoruri · 1 year
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CHANEL SWEATER: huh yunjin
WARNINGS: mentions dieting, fluff, comfort
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is it bad to say yunjin didn’t even know chaewon had a little sister?
the first time yunjin ever heard the name kim yn was
July 22nd 2022.
obviously she knew her label was debuting a new girl group, but they were very secretive about it, none of them really knew what the girls looked like until attention dropped.
July 22nd 2022. past
the girls jumped, startled when chaewon runs into the room with a squeal, she stands in front of the tv with a big smile on her face. kazuha groaning at the action.
"have you guys seen it yet ?" the raven haired girl asks her smile growing even bigger if that's possible.
"seen what ?" yunjin asks slowly, very confused, she flinches when sakura sits up quickly form beside her.
"it's today?" skaura exclaimed looking at chaewon.
"yes it's today!" chaewon responded back.
"what's today?" yunjin asks still very confused.
what the hell is going on
"chaewon's little sister's group drop their single today duh." Sakura replies like it's the most obvious thing ever. "chaewon unnie has a little sister ?" eunchae looks up surprised. "since when ?" kazuha follows up.
"uh since 2003." chaewon laughs. "she's my age and you've never introduced me to her ?" kazuha asks offended.
chaewon unnie has a sister?
"who cares put it on put it on!" sakura yells at chaewon as chaewon struggles to find the controller to put it one youtube.
thanking kazuha who hands it to her, chaewon types in attention new jeans into the search bar.
yunjin rises an eyebrow as she sees hybe labels so this is the new girl group.
the girls watch the music video, the girls in the video seem to be at a concert.
the song starts, yunjin heart stops for a second as she looks at a very pretty girl in middle dancing in the intro of the song.
she flinches at chaewon and sakura's squeal. "MY BABYYY.” sakura yells.
that's unnie's sister ? she's pretty.
"your sister is pretty unnie." eunchae says to chaewon leaning into her shoulder. "very." yunjin adds on.
just as the music video ends, chaewon gets a facetime, chaewon's phone being beside yunjin, she looks at the name "ynnie 🐰."
chaewon grabs her phone answering the call, all the girls huddling around her, and that's when the very pretty girl from the video popped up on the screen.
"unnie!" she exclaims with a big smile, her voice sounds very soft yunjin even when she's not singing yunjin notices.
"I just watched it for the second time with my members, you do so good l'm proud of you." chaewon says to her little sister, who now notices the people surrounding her sister one person catching her eyes, her whole face lights up.
"sakura unnie!" she yells, skaura snatching the phone out of chaewon's hand. " yn! you did so good, how are you ?”
"I'm good, I just got off the phone with yujin and wonyoung, they called to congratulate me."
sakura and yn continue to talk, chaewon rolling her eyes at sakura for hogging yn, she hasn't been able to talk to her sister much since yn has been busy preparing for her debut.
as kazuha and eunchae watch the music video again, being obsessed with the song, yunjin listens to yours and sakura's conversation being completely entranced with your soft voice.
but that soft voice turns into a high pitched scream.
"HYEIN STOP PULLING AT MY ANKLES !”yunjin hears multiple giggles in the background and a strong australian accent. "no keep pulling at unnies ankles."
that must be her members, they seem to tease her like how we tease chaewon unnie.
"sorry unnie I gotta go." more laughter is heard in the background and with that you hang up.
"well that's kim yn for you guys." chaewon laughs looking at the girls, taking back her phone from sakura.
kim yn …
July 25th, 2022.
it's been a couple days since attention dropped and new jeans popularity just keeps getting higher.
yunjin walks into the practice room, stopping when she sees a girl crying on the floor.
not just any girl.
kim yn.
"hey are you okay?" she asks sitting beside the crying girl on the floor.
the girl looks up surprised to see her sisters group mate. "yea.. the girl trails off. "it's just my manager put me on this extreme diet to keep my weight the same, after fans started talking about how much they like my body." yunjin's face scrunches up, yea she saw some posts about your body but was it really that serious for them to put you on a diet to keep it the same?
"yea, and like I don't even know why I'm crying, I knew what I was gonna get into when I started becoming a trainee, chaewon unnie even warned me." you said to the older girl, invalidating your own feelings.
"hey." yunjin puts her hand on your arm. "don't invalidate your feelings, you have a reason to be crying this industry is fucked." you giggle softly at her last comment and yunjin knows from now on that's her favourite sound.
"I don't know what I can do with your dieting situation, but I can be with you along the way and be the person you can talk to when you have problems."
you look at her with a smile. "I'd like that, thank you unnie." yunjin heart melts.
"do you wanna see the full hype boy choreo? that's what I was working on before.." you trail off. "you know."
"I'd like that." yunjin replies, looking up at you as you stand up walking to your phone to play the song that dropped two days ago. "maybe you can even teach me it."
"if you'd like." you smile at the girl. and you guys spent the rest of day dancing.
present time
yn's popularity has spiked since the last time yunjin and yn danced together in the practice room, both girls have stayed in touch with each other, but haven't talked much with both of their busy schedules.
it sorta makes yunijn sad to think about.
yn is now a chanel global house ambassador, has the title of korea's sweetheart and has been going viral for her visuals in the girls recent comeback OMG.
it's crazy how much someone can achieve in just a couple months.
yunjin sits up from her bed as kazuha opens her door without knocking, closing her laptop quick she puts her hand on her chest startle.(she she was watching one of your hype boy fancams, oh she loves how you looked in the vivienne westwood outfit.)
"it's for you unnie, it was just at the door." kazuha dropped a box on yunjin's floor, exiting the room she shuts yunjin's door surprisingly all the way.
yunjin sits on the floor looking at the box, it doesn't say who it's from it just says her name, curious she grabs scissors from her her desk and cuts the box open.
once the box is open she looks inside to see another box, but this time it has the expensive lettering of chanel on it, and right then and there she knew who the box was from.
yunjin picks up the flat chanel box and takes the card from the ribbon around it.
we haven't talked much cause of our schedules but I just wanted to give you a little gift as a thank you for being there and still being there for me when I need to talk, hope you think of me as a person that you can talk to as well:)
yunjin feels her face heating up, a big smile appearing in her face.
she gently takes off the ribbon and opens the package, her heart thumping seeing a black hoodie and white chanel lettering and logo, just like the one she saw you wearing in the hallways a couple days ago but yours is white with black lettering and logo.
she feels her face heating up even more if that's even possible at the realization that you guys are matching now. gosh I'm so down bad.
she hangs up the sweater in her closet, planning in her mind to call you in early mornings, the only time hyein and hanni aren't teasing you.
NEW JEANS YN AND LESSERAFIMS YUNJIN MATCHING? in both idols fansite photos today, both girls are seen wearing the same chanel hoodie from chanel's new couple collection.
yunjin looks at her phone is shock. COUPLES COLLECTION?!?!
"YUNJIN?!" she hears chaewon's voice from outside her room.
★☆ wow yn ur so sneaky
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furinangel · 16 days
My dear brother🎐
[Reader] is Sakura older sister!
Wind breaker!!
TW: mention of stabbing and fighting
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When your brother was born, you were happy that your new little sibling had the same eyes like yours but the only thing that was different about both of you, was his hair; his hair is half black and half white while yours is fully black but you both have the same heterochromia eyes.
You remember how people picked on you just because of your eyes so you started to wear a eyepatch but that didn’t help at all, that’s when you begin to fight them to protect yourself.
Of course, when your parents heard that you started to fight others (protecting yourself) they sent you way because they don’t want a child that fights. oh, no,no! They want a well behaved kid, not a beater.
Before they could sent you away there stood a your little brother who was watching you with the most confused expression as he watched you pack up before you realized he was right there “big sis, where are you going?” He said as he comes up to you with little steps.
You stayed quiet before giving him a small smile and reach your hand for his little hand “Sakura… promise you will be strong without me…”
His eyes looked at you in even more confused but nodded his head anyway “I-I promise! But where are yo-“ you didn’t let him finish his sentence before bringing him close to you to, you tight the hug after your tears begin to fall down your skin.
That was the last time you ever saw your brother…
“[Name] are your there?” You snap out of it when you saw a hand waving in front of you, you turned your attention to your friend, Kotoha who was just trying to get your attention for the past few minutes “ah! Sorry kotoha, did you call for me?” You gave her a worried smile thinking that you did something wrong.
Kotoha just sighs before turning to get her wallet “I’m going to the grocery store you wanna come with me?”
“Nah im good, text me if you need any help with carrying anything” you told her before she left the cafe.
After your parents sent you away, they sent you to an orphanage that lived in this town where many fights had happened two years ago before that group came and changed everything. You still remember those kind eyes he had when you first met him…
Now here you were, working with his little sister who’s very mature for her age but you don’t mind it at all.
You wear [e/c] eye contact and dyed your hair [h/c] because you thought it would look nice on you but also want to leave the pain you felt in the past…
“That’s strange, why is kotoha taking so long?” You said to yourself before going outside to look for her but When you step foot outside to find her.
There stand kotoha with someone who looks…
no way… your eyes widened in shocked to see someone that you weren’t expecting. A boy that looks just like your brother…
The boy looks at you in confusion but had an angry face that was telling you ‘what are you looking at’ look.
Kotoha feels the awkwardness here so she explains to you abou what just happened and why she was taking so long, which made you even more worried and felt bad that you didn’t agreed to come with her “next time you go shopping, I’m coming with you” you told her while grab the bags from her hand “You don’t need to” she said before turning to the boy “come inside! I did said I will repay you.” She goes inside with you and the boy did the same.
“You’re alone” she said to him before he stormed off, you watched the whole show that just happened in front of you. Heck, you couldn’t even turn around because you were still struck by the realization that he is your brother…
No… no way in hell he is…
You don’t deserve to call him your brother…
“Did you really have to say that to him?” You said to kotoha who just went back to washing the dishes “he had to hear it… he can’t make it to the top by himself, to be honest. He chose the right place and I’m sure he will have great friends here as well.”
You looked at her before chuckling softly “you sound like an old person” but before she could’ve say anything else, nosies were coming from outside.
You were about to go outside but Kotoha beats to you “Kotoha!!” You yelled out her name before going towards the door after her.
you saw how she gets grab by a man who held a knife very close to her neck but luckily that boy comes and kick him off of her.
the boy continues to fight until he gets stab in the leg.
“Watch out” you said to him as the bat swings towards him but doges, but his body hits kotoha making both of them cornered there as the man with the bat swings again.
in that moment you couldn’t stop yourself from calling his name… your brothers name…
That was the first time you ever called your brother’s name after so long… now, you promise yourself that you will never leave him again.
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Hope you liked it! Let me know if you want part 2. Also I’m very sorry about how short this is, I’m still getting used to posting my writing which I’m not confident about but I’m happy to writing anything else!
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itskpopular · 4 months
I just want to say that you don’t have to stan NCT WISH. You don’t have to buy their albums, stream their music, follow their social medias, or anything.
What you do have to do is stop being disrespectful towards these young men/children who are just trying to live their dreams and show off their talents.
Idc what your opinion is on whether they should be NCT or not, or that you think RIIZE is more NCT than them. You can have that opinion but don’t go posting about it where the members can see it or even saying it to their faces.
You can think what you want about Haechan’s comment but don’t twist his words to give yourself a reason to hate on the new members.
They are innocent people. They did not make any of the final debut decisions. That’s on SM Ent. They are just trying their best. They have trained just as hard as your favs to get here. They deserve this opportunity so much.
Again, you don’t have to like it. You can have your opinions. But you’re NOT a real fan if you are rude and say hurtful things to ANY of the NCT members, which includes NCT WISH.
NCT’s concept has ALWAYS been that they were adding new members. Since 2016, we have known this about NCT. International fans have always been more supportive (althought with some hesitancy) about new members joining. When Doyoung and Johnny joined in Limitless era, they were accepted. When Jungwoo and Lucas joined (and Kun started offically promoting) during Empathy era, they were accepted. When Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang debuted with WayV, they were accepted (again with some hesitation). When Sungchan and Shotaro were added during NCT 2020, they were accepted (at least for the most part). This is NCT’s thing. Their whole concept.
We have been wanting a Japanese unit for literal years and now that we have one, you have the audacity to complain??? Yes, it sucks that Sungtaro left, Shotaro couldn’t be in the Jap unit with Yuta and that Yuta isn’t in the unit at all…it sucks.
However, we knew that with a new unit, comes new members, and before they announced the end of the unlimited member rule, we knew we would get many more members in the future.
Stop acting like this is shocking news and that it’s weird. You signed up for this when you became an NCTzens.
Anyone who hates on NCT WISH and the members is proving themselves to not be real fans and the members would be so disappointed in the disrespect you guys are putting under their name.
Sion, Riku, Yushi, Jaehee, Ryo, and Sakura all deserve to debut. They deserve the support that past members have been given when joining the group. They deserve more than hurtful words and rude fans. I know that some of them are very young but why does their age have to dictate if you will stan? You stan NCT DREAM and Jisung was literally 14 when they debuted? Chenle was 15, the 2000’ liners were 16 and Mark was 17. They were all minors. You probably stan other groups who have younger members as well. Don’t use their age as an excuse to be a hater.
I also feel like some are gonna be very mad at this post, but honestly bring it on. I am a proud NCTzen who loves and supports all of the boys. I will not stand for this stupid behaviour.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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yatorihell · 6 months
Noragami Chapter 109 Thoughts and Reaction
First off a massive thank you to @fast-moon for years of dedicated service to the fandom and answering our questions. You have been the pillar of the community from the moment you picked up the series.
Now onto my (second) read reaction and thoughts
Seeing Yuka and she's aged more and she's looking at the sakura tree thinking of her brother just like Yato told Yukine she would I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
WHO LEFT THE FLOWERS could it have been Yato? Could it have been Yuka unwittingly placing them to remember her brother not knowing it's actually Haruki's grave? I'm so sad
Oh when it said another new year and we're at the hospital I'm so sad and then it turns out it's been many years!!!!!
The Capyper and star sticker as an earring? Remnants of attachment to Yato? Earring like Kazuma? Thank you Doctor Iki? Killing myself
Oh I really expected her diary to show up and then it does but Nora has it I'm so sad
The fact Hiyori's whole memory of that year is fuzzy so she doesn't remember Capyperland, and probably her grandma's death and the hospital arc and so many other bits
Oh she's touching her lips as she wonders who saved her I'm so fucking miserable Adachitoka you make me so sad are you happy
Jumpscared by hot Fujisaki I forgive you <3
Fujisaki gained control of his body and immediately fixed those bangs hejdjj
Remnants of Father's yearning to see Kaya again sorry babe she wasn't your girl maybe you'll find one that looks like her
Coo phone attack jdjdjnd that was so funny I can't believe he actually came back I was reaching with that prediction
My god I know it's not Father and he's cute now but I still hurled when he asked her out
Rip Masaomi's hairline, they say unproblematic men age better, so what crimes did you commit
Also rip Mr Iki you've aged so much it's probably the stress, but he's still got his medical license!!!!!!
Also I've been told it's been 8/9 years since that day with her being an intern now, it makes you wonder if Masaomi started a family
I actually couldn't believe how many of the bingo card predictions were coming true when I got to the sakura party jsjdnjf we truly manifested this ending
Little Ebisu growing up you will live forever you <3
Takemika and Kiun showing up like two dads with their children and pet bird jdjbdjfk
Takemika reassuring Shinatsuhiko that no one's laughing about their reincarnation vs Takemika bullying Ebisu in Heaven about killing him I hate growth I hate it (affectionate)
Followed by Takemika owning the fact that he himself has reincarnated when it was kept secret for so long I'm so sad
Oh Adachitoka you're so sick faking us out with a toast to Yato like he's dead followed by Bishamon once again beating the shit out of Yato at a sakura party
It's so funny Yato wouldn't release Kazuma but tbf it's handy if he ever needs to use him again
I wonder if Kazuma is treated differently now that he's a stray, or if he could suppress the name physically (it would only show if he got called like Nora did)
This Houki shinki that's a pegleg gun???? Rendered us bamboozled double checking Bishamon didn't lose a leg
Yato please find Yukine some clothes that fit????? Or maybe they're loose so they don't tear when he transforms and they can go back for them idk I don't like this look
Yato disappearing into the ground and becoming known as Teke-Teke he is the living meme hejdjb
I'm so sad Yukine has nightmares and turns into ayakashi form every night and Yato's wearing a Capyper jumper and he's hugging him
I did wonder if Hiyori's diary was on the shelf with the shrine, which begs the question when did Yato go to retrieve the shrine???? I'm so sad he would've seen that she fixed it and maybe it's a but scuffed from where it was dropped but it's his
Yato following Hiyori to keep her safe and he didn't want to cut ties I'm so sad the cord problem was enough to divorce her from the far shore without severing them altogether
Nora comforted by the fact Hiyori believes she had a name when she was in the womb? Devastated how did we never think of that
Interesting that the Yuuki name remains even after the word was destroyed, but it means that Yukine can't sting Yato so silver linings
Yato still doing his regular job of slaying and answering small prayers
Cherry blossoms being like snow I'm so fucking emo
Oh I'm so fucking miserable I'm so fucking sad I hate this manga she remembered him all on her own after all this time and she's a doctor and everyone's safe I'm so depressed we're gunna celebrate April 2nd we need to work out what year it will be when she remembers
The final art????? Of all of them happy???? Hiyori is a doctor???????? Nora is with them??? Smiling??????? I'm ending it
It's been such a ride for these last 9 years since I picked up the anime and then demolished the manga right in time for season two. I've made friends and I've enjoyed building this blog into something that people used for their Noragami content. In the words of the rats this truly was my noragami
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aidontdraw · 2 months
So blahblahblah, Kishimoto was clearly writing Naruto as he was going. Like as soon as the audience leaned something about the world, Kishimoto also learned that thing.
But like, he clearly doesn't understand how humans interact with eachother, and its shown in the introduction scene. Because who is this scene for?
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Its not for the characters. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke have been in the same class for 6-7 years at this point. They don't need to introduce themselves to eachother. They dont learn anything about Kakashi.
Its not for the audience. We were already introduced to Team Seven in the previous chapter. We know who Naruto is, and what he wants. We know who Sakura is, and what she wants. We know who Sasuke is, but not really what he wants. We don't know who Kakashi is, and we don't learn that here.
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Kakashi barley learns anything about them. Besides the fact Sakura is a normal pre-teen. Naruto likes ramen. Sauske still isn't over his family's massacre. Which is all no-shit things.
The only thing the audience gets introduced to is the idea of Sasuke's goal.
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Which while Kakashi seems to know who hes talking about neither Naruto or Sakura do. That borders on being a plot hole, because Sasuke would have gone to class the day after the worst day of his life. The massacre happened 5 years ago. These people went from having a bunch of Uchiha Police Officers walking around to Zero.
You're telling me Sasuke went around keeping his one person murder list to himself for 5 years?
It doesn't introduce the idea of team work. Its almost a waste of half a chapter.
Honestly this day for them(I'm guessing the times):
- 9am go to school
- 9:15 Sasuke and Naruto kiss.
- 10-12 get teamed up
- 12-1 Crazy Lunch Adventure(Hokage and Kakashi break into Naruto's house for a casual conversation)
- 1-2 wait for their teacher
- 2pm, have a 15 minute conversation with their new teacher/squad leader
- Go Home
This whole day could have been an email.
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Then we get the tidbit that their school already went over survival training. We know they had combat training. And jutsu training. But during their test, and future missions, we see almost none of that training in action. These kids should have spent the last 7 years of their lives going to a school together to learn how to do this job. They should be familiar with a lot of things, but especially working on 3 man teams.
But we get to another plot hole/world building issue, which is even thoguh this seems to be the standard in their training. The kids were suprised to learn they were going into 3 man teams.
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You can also see this with the Chunin Exam, where even thoguh this is a yearly exam that brings in Nobels to bet on child death matches, the kids entering them dont know what they are...
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The Konoha Education System is leaving all of these children behind.
The only non distopian reason is technically Sakura doesn't come from a ninja family. So there are things that she wouldn't have easy access to. Even thoguh she was in the top 5 of their class. And Naruto and Sasuke had to rase themselves from young ages. So they have zero parental/adult guidance.
Still their school should have taught them basic things.
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4wkjun · 3 months
daddy sim | sjy
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Chapter 6: Oh, my God. ➥ Contains: mentions of miscarriages, crying, swearing. ➥ A little warning: First, SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING! Secondly, just reminding everyone that the characters here are not their real age. So, just so everything makes sense here: Chaewon, Sakura, and Yunjin are ‘97 liners (being 25 in this timeline), Kazuha is a ‘98 liner (along with y/n) and Eunchae is a ‘01 liner (being 21 here so she can work with y/n). ➥ Word count: 2.5k
July 18th, 2022 Monday
“I’m gonna close my cash register”, Eunchae announced as she started finishing her monitor’s system. You were refilling the cups under the counter for tomorrow’s shift and only hummed in response.
You only had around forty minutes before closing the coffee shop, no one but you and Eunchae were around the place. The day was pretty chill, the biggest rush of the shift being a group of teenagers who ordered eight lattes, so you weren’t tired. You didn’t say a word about being nauseous, though.
As time passed by, you started getting used to the whole pregnancy idea. You didn’t tell many people about being pregnant — actually, you only told your mom, Jake, and the girls, since the doctor told you to keep down as much as you could —, but people started to wonder why you were so cranky and nauseous all of the time.
You just turned somewhere around nine weeks pregnant, according to the previous exams you performed at a new clinic, this one being closer to your place. Maybe because you were a little psychosomatic or maybe because your body started to work harder to grow a life, you started experiencing other symptoms, like extreme tiredness, morning sickness (that was just sickness all day long if you didn’t take some sort of medicine), sore breasts, and tiny cramps. These cramps scared the hell out of you since you thought your body was rejecting the baby.
Your phone rang with a notification. It was your app telling you that your baby was now the size of a strawberry. You smiled at it.
“Is it your lover?”, Eunchae asked, seeing your silly face. You scoffed.
“Yeah”, you lied.
Even though everything was so new, you were internally dying to tell everyone about the pregnancy. You knew that the risks of miscarriages were higher during the first trimester and avoided that thought at every cost, so you just kept it to yourself. You wouldn’t be able to handle the pity faces around you if you ended up losing that baby.
“Hey, Eunchae”, you called, closing the cabinet underneath the counter, now full of paper cups. “Could you cover my shift for me tomorrow?”, you asked.
“Yeah, sure. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m good, I just have an appointment. Just a regular appointment”, you explained more than you needed. Eunchae chuckled.
“Glad to know you’re healthy.”
You laughed, stretching your back.
“Thanks, Chae”, you smiled. You walked towards her and gave her a back hug. “You’re the best.”
July 19th, 2022 Tuesday
“I know”, she laughed.
“I’m sorry, it’ll be a little uncomfortable”, dr. Park announced before inserting the transducer. It wasn’t as bad as the first time but still was not enjoyable now at your third time.
Jake stood right behind your head, his both hands crossed right under your chin, caressing your skin softly. He was happy, excited to see your little one on that crapy gray screen.
“Alright, everything seems fine. Here is your baby, ms. Choi”, the doctor pointed towards the screen.
Jake jolted in place and took a couple of steps forward, now next to your head. His eyes were shining towards the screen, looking at the tiny spot the doctor showed.
“I know this procedure is pretty unpleasant, but it is great to announce that everything seems fine. As long as I can see, there is a single gestational sac and a single embryo, so... No twins for now”, she chuckled. You and Jake sighed, a little relieved before laughing together.
“So... The baby’s fine?”, you asked, smiling.
“So far, so good.”
“What do you think about taking a shower while I cook dinner?”, Jake asked as you walked inside of your apartment.
“Good”, Jake reassured before holding both of your hands and kissing them. Good.
“Depends”, you responded with a playful smile. “Are you gonna burn it again?”
“Hey!”, he scolded also in a playful tone. “Can’t a man make the same mistake like... Twelve times?”
You laughed, placing your shoes inside of the cabinet. Jake did the same as you sat down on the couch, looking down with a pout.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked, rolling his sleeves up.
“I’m bloated”, you moaned, opening the button of your jeans. You sighed in relief as your tummy felt free.
“Baby, you’re pregnant”, he laughed, entering the kitchen.
“But I don’t look pregnant”, you pointed at him with an eyebrow raised. He chuckled, nodding.
“When do you think I should tell my parents?”, Jake asked in a soft tone, afraid the subject would make you uncomfortable.
“I don’t know, babe”, you answered. You watched his back as he walked around your tiny kitchen grabbing utensils to cook. “Whenever you feel ready?”
“Maybe we should wait until the first trimester is over?”, Jake asked, reaching for the rice pan. “‘Cause... You know...”
“I know”, you nodded, even though he wouldn’t see. “But it’s fine if you feel like telling them right now, love. I told my mom right away.”
“For different reasons, though”, he said, turning away to look at you. His hands were busily washing the rice as he spoke. “You knew she’d be pissed, you were trying to rip the band-aid off as soon as possible. I want to tell my parents ‘cause I think they’ll be happy.”
Jake turned his back to you again, washing the rice for the second time. You seemed surprised.
“You think they’ll be happy?”
“I’m almost 100% sure”, he shrugged.
“Aren’t they like... Super religious?” Jake made a funny sound, almost like a “meh” and you laughed. “Isn’t this a child conceived in sin?”
“I mean”, Jake laughed. “They believe in God, go to church every Sunday and shit... But they got married ‘cause my mom got pregnant.”
“Oh”, you said, genuinely surprised. You laughed a little relieved, shaking your head. “That’s... Good to know, I think.”
Jake laughed in response.
“They’re not judgmental, I promise”, he continued. “I’m pretty sure they’ll ask if they can come and visit once the baby’s here.”
“You think they’ll fly all the way from Australia?”, you asked, shocked.
“Absolutely”, Jake responded.
You nodded again, caressing your belly. At the same time it hurt you that your mom would probably stay in Tokyo no matter what, it felt nice knowing you’d have some sort of support. You grew up by yourself, your father passed away when you were five, you didn’t have any relatives near — your grandparents lived in the countryside, while you grew up in Seoul —, any siblings, anyone to play with during the holidays. Even if that support didn’t come from your part of the family, it made your heart heal a bit.
“I’m a little scared”, you told Jake after a long yawn.
“Of what, baby?”, he asked in a caring tone, chopping vegetables next to the sink.
“The thought of your parents hating me”, you said in a funny tone to disguise your fear. Jake stared at you, his face almost blank.
“That is so not possible”, he said, seriously. “Now, stop thinking about that sort of crap and go take a shower”, he pointed towards the hallway with the knife.
“You’re so toxic”, you mumbled in a fake grumpy tone. Jake laughed.
While you took your shower, Jake finished cooking his bibimbap and set the table for the two of you. This has been his routine lately. He’d pick you up at work, cook you the lightest and healthiest dinner he could — thinking about the baby’s health and cuddle with you for the rest of the night. Honestly, he was pretty happy about it.
Jake never thought his life would have such a turnaround in such a small amount of time. In a matter of months, he went from being your friend-zoned roommate to your boyfriend and then your baby daddy. At the same time his heart was filled with love and a huge amount of happiness towards becoming a father, he felt a little scared of how things would work out with you. What if you woke up in a while and realized you didn’t want to be in a relationship with him anymore, let alone be the mother of his child? With a sigh, Jake shook his head, letting go of these thoughts.
He sat on the couch and turned the TV on, waiting for you to turn the shower off. His fingers were fast while reaching for his phone and typing “baby names”, trying to get his mind a little moment of ease.
He scrolled for about five minutes, taking notes of the names he liked. He was going to ask you to do the same later, so you could start thinking about the funny part of having a baby. Jake couldn’t wait to start thinking about the nursery and baby’s clothes. What if you guys threw a baby shower? That would be so cute!
Jake got off the couch as he heard the bathroom door being opened. He walked towards your bedroom, following you like a puppy.
You were sitting in front of your dressing table wearing nothing but your towel around your body, your hair damp and falling down your back as you tried to detangle it. Jake smiled and took the brush out of your hands, carefully brushing your hair for you. You only smiled, closing your eyes. You felt loved.
“Let me know if it hurts”, Jake mumbled softly. You hummed, your eyes still closed.
“You never hurt me, silly”, you responded with a soft smile. Jake chuckled, shaking his head as his slim hands carefully detangled your locks.
“You know...”, he started. “I was thinking about the fun part of being a parent...”
“The fun part?”, you asked funnily.
“Yeah, thinking about the nursery, picking out names... That sort of stuff”, he shrugged as he placed the brush down on your dressing table. You turned around in your chair, watching as Jake sat down on your bed and held his hands.
“Can you stop being cute?”, you asked with a pout. Jake chuckled, his ears getting red as he got shy. “I’m so excited about the nursery and the layette”, you sighed. “But deep down I’m still afraid I might have a miscarriage any time.”
“Don’t do this”, Jake warned and squeezed your hands. “I know you’re scared and everything is happening ridiculously fast, but we can’t let our fears run our lives, ok?”
You pouted, feeling hot tears filling your eyes. You weren’t crying because of fear or because Jake “scolded” you, but because you never felt like that before.
“Don’t cry, love”, he pouted, caressing your cheek. “You’ll see, everything’s gonna be just fine.”
“I know”, you whined with a nod before throwing your body towards his. Jake hugged you tight for a long time before the two of you actually went to have dinner.
July 20th, 2022 Wednesday
“Hi, mama”, Jake greeted over the phone. You were asleep and Jake took the opportunity to call his mom before going to bed with you. He sneaked out onto the balcony and called her.
“Hi, Jaeyunnie”, she greeted excitedly. “Is everything ok, baby?”
“Yeah, I just needed to tell you something”, he responded, nervous. “You remember I told you y/n are together, right?”
“Of course I do”, she responded right away. “Why? Did you break up?”
“No!”, Jake exasperated, laughing. “Jesus, woman!”
Jake’s mom laughed along, their laughs almost identical.
“We... We are actually pretty good, which is why I called you.”
“You’re getting married?!”
“No, mama, listen”, Jake chuckled after sighing. His mom laughed again. “We... Are kinda expecting a baby.”
His mom didn’t say anything for about 10 seconds. “Kinda?”
“I mean...”, Jake shrugged. His mom chuckled.
“Are you happy, Yunnie?”
“I am”, he responded genuinely.  “She’s really scared... I’m also scared but I’m trying to keep my cool and...”, he sighed.
“If you’re happy, I’m happy”, she said. “I love you and I’ll love my grandchild just as much, but I need to know if you two are really happy about it.”
“We are, mama.”
“Alright, Yunnie”, she sighed. “I’m gonna talk to your dad tomorrow and we’ll call you back, ok?”
“Ok”, he smiled softly. “Love you, mama.”
“I love you too.”
“Hey mate”, Jake greeted Jay as he opened your shared apartment door. “Come on in, you’re late.”
August 6th, 2022
Jay rolled his eyes as he entered your tiny and filled apartment. You and Jake invited your friends over to announce your pregnancy to them. Chaewon, Sakura, and Yunjin were sitting on your couch while Heeseung and Sunghoon were sitting on the floor. You were cooking a lasagna for them, initially telling them it was supposed to celebrate the end of the first semester of the year.
“Hi, y/n”, Jay greeted over your counter before plopping himself down the floor with the boys. You smiled and waved at him while Jake came back to help you with the dish.
Thirty minutes later, the lasagna was in the oven and you were sitting with your friends while you played Jenga, waiting for it to fully cook. Sunghoon lost in less than ten minutes and you enjoyed the chaos to sneak yourself to the bathroom, feeling a little nauseous. You thought you would throw up because Jay and Heeseung wore way too much cologne, but you didn’t. Jake seemed worried when you came back for the next game. All of you took turns to play mime until the food got ready.
You realized how badly you were missing the chaotic atmosphere your friends had as you had lunch with them, laughing all of the time. Jake also seemed happy, almost crying with laughter every time Heeseung said something silly. After everyone was full, you just stayed at the table, having small talk and Jake squeezed your thigh carefully, almost asking for permission. You nodded and cleared your throat.
“I need to tell you something”, you said with a sigh. “The girls already know, so you don’t have to pretend to be surprised”, you chuckled. Chaewon rolled her eyes, pouting. “The reason why Jake and I reunited all of your animals together is to tell you that... I am pregnant.”
Heeseung laughed, thinking it was a joke, Sunghoon had absolutely no response and Jay seemed ridiculously confused, with both his eyebrows frowned. When Heeseung read the room, he stopped laughing and tried to cover it with a cough, making you laugh.
“You’re serious?”, Jay asked.
“Dead serious. Almost 12 weeks”, you responded, holding Jake’s hand beneath the table.
“Oh, my God, come here”, Jay whined, getting up. He walked towards you and gave you a bear hug, feeling happy for you. Jake laughed at his reaction, only to laugh harder after Heeseung and Sunghoon got up to hug you as well, following the leader.
“How did that happen?”, Sunghoon asked after congratulating you.
“Don’t ask stupid questions, I don’t want any details”, Yunjin mumbled and you laughed.
By the end of the evening, you were on the couch surrounded by your friends, Chaewon hugging your torso and caressing your belly as if it were her child. The baby became the main subject, and everyone suddenly got excited about throwing you a baby shower.
You were happy.
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@missychief1404, @riksaes, @simhinata
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kaibutsushidousha · 11 months
Thoughts on Kiara and the CCC Sakura's?
Kiara is a character that took time to warm up. I played CCC and loved Kiara and Anderson as a pair but didn't like either character individually. SE.RA.PH also impressed me very little, but she got a fun part to play in Paradise Lake so that's one contribution from FGO. But it was with her part in Tsukihime, literally just two lines of dialogue, that I got to think back and realize that I like Kiara, actually.
Anyways, the central idea that defines the whole of Kiara's character is that she doesn't know how to read. She's an unstoppable force that reshapes the world with her genius of religion, sexuality, psychology, programming, and magecraft, but literature is her weakest subject. She's blind to themes and symbolism, dull to metaphors, and unaware of subtext.
Her story is that she was born with the saintly nature of a bodhisattva, but confined to a bed in an isolationist Tachikawa cult. It was a harsh childhood where she was sick and objectified but she had the company of books telling her the teaching of the Buddha and heartwarming tales like The Little Mermaid.
Her life changed at age 14 when she was introduced to the internet. Thanks to it, she learned her disease was easily treatable and fixed herself, but most importantly, she discovered no one in her village healed despite it being super simple. Remember this is a Buddhist devotee who sucks at reading. She grew up reading that the sattva defines sentient beings as any life capable of compassion, and with her abysmal interpretation skills, believed this was completely literal. Therefore, the people around her weren't sentient. By Kiara's dumbass definition, was the only human being she knew.
What makes Kiara is the fact that her dehumanization of others and the power her talents give her over people's lives often lead to megalomania. People kill themselves en masse over her and her reaction is thinking that's hot, actually. People confront and checkmate her and her reaction is to kill herself before the hero who took so many innocent lives to reach can have the satisfaction of doing it. (Amazingly timely with the new SE.RA.PH chapter that came the day after I received this ask)
But despite her pride consistently getting the better of her, that pride is still derived from the fact she is sentient, therefore capable of compassion. She's a natural-born bodhisattva (mostly) always extending the hand of salvation to those beneath her. Just... the functionally illiterate Tachikawa Buddhist way, which involves making the entire world nut into moksha. But hey, at least her heart is in the right place. I can fix her. (Note: this does not mean you can fix her. I'm talking specifically about myself because, at least on paper, I'm a licensed Japanese literature teacher)
CCC is the story of her attempt to cheat the Holy Grail War in order to reach the Enlightenment necessary for this, and her partner there is Andersen, the author of her favorite childhood stories. Andersen's Noble Phantasm can reshape fate to ensure her plot goes as intended but under the condition it must be true to the themes of Andersen's stories. And understanding the themes just happens to be Kiara's greatest weakness.
Kiara hacked the ability to fall in love into a Mooncell superior AI to she could seduce Sakura into giving her early access to the Grail, but when Hakuno shows up for Sakura's help first, Kiara decided it was hotter that way and left Hakuno to do the brunt of her work. At this moment, her loss is already decided. No matter how many times she lovingly read Andersen's tales, she's a poor enough reader to never have realized he's a writer that punishes his protagonists for short-sightedness. The Little Mermaid and The Girl Who Sells Matches died for this.
The type of protagonist Andersen rewards are the ones like The Ugly Duckling, who never have it easy until they reach the discovery that changes their lives. And Kiara just made Hakuno into The Ugly Duckling of CCC instead of her.
In reality, Kiara could never get what she was asking for out of Andersen. Her win condition under his literary themes was for Sakura's love and Kiara's interactions with the rest of the CCC cast to make her find compassion in others, grow out of her messiah complex, and find ordinary happiness in the company of her fellow sentient human beings.
And that's all from CCC, but Kiara is one of the most recurring characters in current TM, so we have FGO and Tsukihime showing different facets of Kiara under the circumstances of different timelines.
FGO ultimately hijacks its Kiara with her CCC counterpart, but before that, she has a quite fascinating set of circumstances. Here we have a genuinely saintly Kiara. Unlike in CCC, here she was visited and cured by a wandering doctor instead of finding the solution to her illness on her own, so she never had the opportunity to arrive at her "I'm the only human being" mentality. After leaving her hometown, she still became a qualified therapist as usual, but this time earnestly dedicated to the benefit of her fellow sentient beings.
But the curious thing about this deviation in her backstory is how it relies on the FGO timeline having some wandering doctor in 2006 who somehow didn't exist in any other timeline to help Kiara there too. Unrelated picture of Dr. Romani Archaman (2004-2016) during his initial years of globetrotting before he returned to Marisbury.
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Anyways, the transplanted CCC Kiara is defeated and drops her Alterego in Chaldea out of curiosity. Her next main story role is in Oo'oku, she gets to find her opposite in Kama and ultimately drags her to a new home where the two of them can find the simple happiness they lacked, preferably far away from each other. Lastly, her summer in Paradise Lake shows off a more balanced Kiara, still kinda high on the messiah complex and still the bad reader demanding a sequel for the sake of a sequel, but knowing where the draw the line. The AnKia fluff is also sublime as always.
Then Tsukihime is technically Kiara's latest appearance. She only gets two lines to explain her backstory, and it's honestly the funniest thing ever done with her megalomania. Tsuki Kiara is completely successful in her ascension to the rank of Maradeva but learned how much of a small fry she was compared to the True Devils of the Buddhist universe and noped back to Earth where she was still almighty (does that make her a tengu or am I being as literal about Buddhist definitions as her?). Tsuki Kiara has no excuses left to pretend this isn't about her ego first and foremost, but at least she found a place in the Burial Agency, where she can still offer others some kinda salvation.
Anon is also asking about the Sakuras, but I think I'll leave that for another time in another ask because this has already gotten really long just talking about Kiara. Sorry for delivering only half the answer.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
The same people who hate proship are the ones that take a 5 year old and 18 year, but age the 5 year old up to 18 to ship with the 18 year old, but you're gross if you're ok with a 18 and 20 year old together. I'm at that point where I don't like shipping anything anymore, people always find a reason to shit on someone for a ship. They flat out ignore when there's shit that's a problem, like someone they like flat out abusing someone. Ugh, I know Onision isn't your "fandom" or your knowledge, but I still remember when Onion man recorded his ex having a seizure in a bathtub and uploading it on to YouTube. He fed her a slice of cheese instead of taking her to the hospital. But you know, God forbid if you called onision out for being a piece of shit for that, cause you know, you like a dragon. Ok sorry, I'm just frustrated because I'm over here expecting shit like "Chai farted on to a new born baby" or seeing screenshots of you saying you kick your dog. The whole ship debate is fucking stupid, these characters aren't real and are never shit like card captor sakura where one of her best friends who is like 9 is in a relationship with her teacher who is in his mid 20's.
Ok, sorry if all this is a mouthful or even triggering. I'm just thinking of shit that's an actual problem and how people don't care.
I've never understood what's wrong with aging up. I mean I get the thought process, I guess, but is it really that inconceivable that someone would say "I think this character would be cool as a 20 year old?"
But yes, the whole debate is incredibly stupid. If you hate a ship, blacklist it. If you think a ship is canonically rancid, take it up with the source material, not randos on the internet who might like it for any number of reasons.
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mrspark7777777 · 9 months
really anon??
i'm sorry but as an army and a fearnot, pls shut the actual fck up
they're under the same label (hybe)
he commented laughing under a tiktok of her viral moment (https://x.com/elsserafim/status/1692180175516291286?s=20) where she messed up her speaking part during their song 'fire in the belly', MANY other idols have made fun of it or referenced it, in fact most of south korea has as well, it's a meme at this point, which we know jk loves to make fun and reference things (jimin, g dragon, namjoon, basically all of bts lol, k dramas, ect)
he's a fan of music in general and likes gg songs. also boy is basically a tokki (new jeans fan) and would not surprise me if he was a fearnot (le sserafim fan), he played fearless (their debut single) in his camping vlog, he was asked to sing antifragile many times (including by namjoon, who also seems to be a fan of them)
bts as a whole have been nice and supportive of their juniors (as they did not really have seniors in the company or industry to do that for them), namjoon, hobi, tae, jimin, and jk have all either done a dance or sang a song from new jeans and/or le sserafim
le sserafim is filled with ARMY, most if not all of them have mentioned bts as someone to look up to/that they like, kazuha is fan of jimin and inspired by him as she is a former ballet dancer, yunjin was literally on army twt (https://x.com/saxophonist95/status/1651896094442373120?s=20), doing army selca day and very much a tae bias, they (like the rest of hybe lol) did the 'run bts' dance challenge, did tiktoks with hobi, jimin, and yoongi, one of my favorite interactions was when sakura and kazuha were asking jimin if he'd do a tiktok with them for 'unforgiven' (where he was the sweetest shy baby 🥺, giving older brother/grandpa energy 😭), yunjin and chaewon even sang part of 3D recently on a wv live (the "body to body" part) (https://x.com/Jungkook_SNS/status/1708553475356029022?s=20)
he commented under JIM BEAM's ACCOUNT, not le sserafim's or chaewon's personal account (like instagram or wv) about the SUGAR CONTENT OF THE DRINK, a question to the DRINK COMPANY. chaewon is just a new model for their highball drink ad, which we know jk likes to drink, including during his recent wv live and on suchwita, he's been dieting to the point he's not eating all day, drinking on an empty stomach, and getting fcking ivs for energy, all while he can't sleep (this boy worries me 😞😞)
gg stans love to fcking over exaggerate things, making jk out to be a pervert and p*do (even when chaewon is 23) bc of the bs people have been spreading about him towards women, to the point k antis are trying to get 3D (even the clean version) age restricted on k charts and get his 3D performance canceled
most of the people being weird about jk were not even fearnots (a lot of army also stan or casually like le sserafim), but unfortunately part of the fandom are also blinks, exols, or other kpop groups stans who don't really care about bts/jk and will do or say ANYTHING to make him look bad bc they're bts antis
jk literally said he does not have a girlfriend or feel the need for one, stop implying he's lying bc you're being weird or insecure about him interacting with something where a woman is present
let opposite sex idols be fcking friends, anytime male and female idols interact y'all make sh*t weird, most if not all of bts have female friends but for some reason (heteronormativity and homophobia) y'all can never be normal and just let them be friends. it happens all the time, especially with namjoon and jk. joon is nice to megan the stallion > he wants to fck her and y'all make him have a fetish with black women/people (people do this with jimin too...), joon is nice to halsey > he wants to fck her/is flirting, joon hangs out with so yoon (the girl he did smoke sprite with) > they're dating (even if there is a very likely chance she's gay/queer), joon attends somi's listening party (like jitb for hobi) > they're dating or he's trying to fck her
it's gets even weirder with jk bc since he was a MINOR people have been sexualizing him, he's thrown into the most bs dating rumors bc he sat near or looked at a woman (hell he doesn't even need to interact with them and psychos connect random sh*t as "proof"), plus i've seen/heard jk say/do things 1,000 times more sus with jimin, but y'all are going to look past that bc it's a woman jk's interacting with... most people (including me lol) don't think mingyu and jk are dating (outside of the jokes the fandom loves to make about anyone jk interacts with, except jimin) when they're out here hanging out together, getting drunk and looking at eo starry eyed while giggling on wv live, wearing matching outfits, jk was liking a shirtless tiktok of mingyu, they were in busan together, jk using mingyu's wv account to comment on one of their other friends' wv live, and many other things that were more sus. also that one time jk slapped his idol friend's butt at an award show and a fan (of that idol) started accusing jk of sa and bh had to sue
also tiktok algorithm is a thing, we know jk follows all hybe groups (including le sserafim), he likes memes and funny videos, he likes alcohol (especially highball), so it's not that far off to say that it might just have showed up on his feed (like i'll call out a solo on twt/x and suddenly my 'for you' section is filled with fcking pjms or jjks 😞, and i then have to spend a couple minutes blocking and clearing my tl), and not necessarily him looking it up bc he wants to fck her or is an obsessed fan (saw some chaewon solos and fearnots (including some big fan accounts 😐) say he's chaewon biased which might have led to kpop stans losing their sh*t)
also i found out chaewon fans (gg stans in general) have a tendency to be overprotective (some guy gave her a rose as part of a scripted thing on a variety show (i think??) which chaewon knew about and agreed to do and they (fans) lost it and threatened the guy to the point he came out and said he's no longer going to interact with female idols), and sometimes i get it bc south korea isn't the best place for women and even less in the idol industry (especially with the amount of grown ass male stans of ggs), like even when le sserafim on this variety show where one of the hosts has a reputation of messing with young female japanese idols (member of twice i think?) and he was making weird comments towards kazuha (she was 19 and is japanese) and every corner of kpop stan twt (including army) were upset and protecting her
pls let just jk interact with people (especially women 😞) without assuming he's fcking them, go outside and make friends (even of the opposite sex), and deal with your sex deprived bs elsewhere anon!
if y'all (kpop stans/weirdos) ruin my sseratan interactions istg....
i need eunchae and jk to interact badly bc that basically his daughter/twin (https://x.com/vyunmiin/status/1609513373414326272?s=20) (https://x.com/jjksamore/status/1610615833754992641?s=20), also i need to see yunjin around her bias (tae 🥺😭)
Damn. Anon came prepared. I don't think I need to add anything else. Anon, please accept this heart. Good job
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tzyuki · 7 months
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01. y/n comeback party 🎉
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BAEK Y/N ˚. ᯇ @MusicPerformance
y/n was born in south korea but was raised in new york for half her life. she has many hobbies like; journalism, poetry, photography, and song-writing but she does actually play the guitar seriously, she was in a band back in america but had to leave due to her grandmother needs.
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KIM CHAEWON ˚. ᯇ @Business
chaewon and y/n had a couple classes together while at hanlim. they are rlly close and kept in touch when y/n went to study abroad.
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MIYAWAKI SAKURA ˚. ᯇ @PerformingArts
sakura is lowk in the public eye…she has performed in japan countless of times and has a stable fanbase, she’s kinda nugu though 😕
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has been doing ballet since the age of three! born to be a ballerina tbh! it’s her life and she often doesn’t hang out with friends much due to practicing nonstop.
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HONG EUNCHAE ˚. ᯇ @Year11
eunchae is still a student under hanlim, when she was a freshman y/n was in her senior year. the two have a mother/daughter or a older sister/younger sister dynamic. they are close and y/n adores eunchae with her whole heart.
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jane has always wanted to be an actor since she was young, she moved from thailand to korea because she wanted to study acting at HYBE. she acts in a lot of film projects for cinematography majors, mainly kim sunoo’s film projects since the two have grown close friends since their first project together.
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ZHANG HAO ˚. ᯇ @MusicPerformance
y/n became close friends with zhang hao when chaewon introduced the two and bonded over the fact that y/n would be taking the same major as him. he’s really funny and down to earth, he’s always bringing the mood up.
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iam93percentstardust · 8 months
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This Life is Sweeter Than Fiction: Debut
The start of an age! I'm so excited to get to share this new verse with you! I've been working on this pop star Tony AU for almost a year, and with the Latin American leg of the tour starting today, I thought it was finally time to share it with you 💚💚💚 (updates weekly)
Beautiful Eyes
They already think he’s crazy for moving out all this way with just his guitar and demo CD, told him that everyone moves out to Nashville thinking they’re gonna get discovered, just wait and see, so who is he to think he’s better than the rest of them? There are four other people just in his grade who are trying to get picked up by a label. Tony’s dreams aren’t special. And he gets that, really he does, but he is special. How many of those kids are writing their own songs? How many of them can play four instruments? How many of them have gigs every single week? He’s special, he’s different, and he’s good. It’s not crazy to think that someone will notice that about him, is it?
A Place in This World
Tony sits down at the table, uncaps the pen, and takes a look at the contract. The places where he’s supposed to sign are tabulated, so he can easily find them throughout the contract, but he’s read it so many times over the last few weeks that he can recite the entire thing practically by heart. He finds the first spot where he’s supposed to put his signature, takes a deep breath—no backing out now, he’s actually going to do this—and signs.
The Outside
“Tony, come and meet your band!” Stane calls jovially from where he’s standing by the steps to one of the Sakura Street World Tour buses. Holy shit, Tony’s tour bus. Or, well, not just his, he still has to share it with some of his band, but it’s a whole lot more than he thought he’d ever get just six months ago. Stane is standing with a group of people, all adults, and Tony has the sudden realization that that’s his band. If he’s lucky, he’ll be working with these people for a longtime (if he’s really lucky, it might even be the rest of his life).
Stay Beautiful
“Ru, look, you are really someone, just ask anyone. You’re beautiful, every little piece of you, just absolutely incredible. And you’re so talented and charismatic. I love that you take pictures at every one of your stops and put them up above you bunk, I love that you know everything about your band members, I love that you scheduled a stop on this tour just so that your drummer could have that destination wedding she wanted. And you know, my mom used to tell me this thing back when I was younger and wondering if I was ever going to find everything I was looking for.” “What?” Rumiko asks, wiping her nose on the napkin again. “Stay beautiful,” Tony says.
Should've Said No
Dating Rumiko is like dating no one else that Tony has ever been with. When she first talks about him in an interview she’s giving to Vanity Fair, telling the interviewer what a lovely person he is and how grateful she is to have gotten to know him, it sets him to blushing deep enough that Jarvis comments his hair will turn red if he stays like that. That night, when he sneaks into Rumiko’s hotel room, he’s almost—not quite, but almost—tempted to let her take things further, but something stops him. Looking back on it years later, he’ll think it’s a good thing that that something had stopped him.
Picture to Burn
“Obie won’t approve it" Tony says. "It’s in my contract. I’m not supposed to perform any of my own songs on this tour other than what he’s approved. Besides, don’t you think people will get upset that I’m calling them out? I don’t want to get labeled as some hysterical omega bitch.” Natasha looks at him and says, “Let them call you a hysterical omega bitch. They did shitty things, and they’ll keep doing them if someone doesn’t stop them. Don’t you think they should get called out for it?”
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ayuventi · 10 months
So I’m taking a very small break from my tumblr hiatus to literally talk about the new opening and my thoughts about it bc I HAVE A LOT!!!
(Keep this Enso in mind from the opening and how the trail of the Enso continues onwards)
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Under the cut for spoiler talks (for both anime and manga)
Okay so I apologize if this is a bit all over the place but please bear with me.
Something I noticed about Wano as that in a whole, is that it brings up circular natures of each character’s arcs and the story of finding as a whole as we saw through the flashback of what started 20 years prior with Gol D. Roger and his crew.
Every character got something depicted in their character arc that circles back to something in their past in Wano. Obviously the red scabbards doesn’t need much introspection I’m this regard outside of momonosuke, so I’m going to be focusing here on The Strawhats, Law, Kid, Yamato, and Momonosuke.
I’m going to start off with Yamato because of a key factor that I think really was subtle but adds so much to it. As we all know, Yamato when we were introduced to him, had chains on his hands. He was chained to Onigashima (a lone island which is important) at a young age. Now obviously, Yamato was meant to continue that theme of wanting to carry on Oden’s will but he was forcibly shackled there and to the past. Even when you see him with Ace, he’s still shackled and can’t break free of it until after Ace’s death when Luffy comes in and breaks those chains.
Luffy breaking those chains, and Luffy as a whole, was meant to be, of course, the symbolism of of freedom by him breaking the chains of what has bound ppl to their pasts and strive for the freedom to do as they please or move forward from the circular cycle or bonds of the past. This, along with Wano, is where the small trail from the Enzo I believe is impactful. Because every single character got some kind of development in their character that breaks them free from something that limited them or chained them to their past in Wano.
Zoro reaffirming his promises by becoming the King of Hell to better protect and carry out the promises that he made. Not only to his best friend, his captain, but also now to himself and his crew.
Sanji coming to terms with his past and moving forward with the knowledge that he may still have been modified as well but that will never define him, but rather have him tools to fight better to protect his loved ones.
Chopper with combating a virus while on the verge of becoming an ice oni (much in the same way Hiriluk was fighting against time to come up with a way to save people) and then find a cure with the chopperphage nebulizer that also was a pink cloud similar to the Sakura cloud that was set off when he left, formerly drum island.
Robin being entrusted by her friends and helping Sanji who called out for her, and thereby unlocking Demonia Fleure by also facing her past and breaking through the thoughts that her life doesn’t matter.
Brook with seeing the ppl of okobore town weren’t allowed to mourn for ppl that were lost but also being forced to face his past and know he’s got new friends to rely on and fight for.
Jinbei confronting Who’s Who and the battle where the Sun god Nika becomes a focus and him literally breaking Who’s Who with the visage of Fisher Tiger when he activated his own armament haki in regards to his past as a slave.
Usopp confronting his fears and becoming more and more brave and choosing to fight when he saves Kin’emon and Kiku, saying he hates the old traditions of simply laying down your life but rather you should fight to live.
Nami with saving Otama but also standing her ground in the face of potential death (much in the same way that Bellemere had for her and Nojiko) along with the declaration that Luffy will be king of the pirates when she formerly hated pirates.
I will get to Franky more in a moment, but the trust his friends had in his creations being something to save them rather than just being used as a weapon when Usopp and Chopper battled Big Mom.
Law not only made the decision that he wants to now live on and find out why he had to live his checkered life but also gave a very stunning tribute to Corazon who fought for him to live and be free.
Kid was forced to face the consequences of making the alliance with Apoo and Hawkins but broke from that by also developing a trust in the Strawhats and Law by fighting alongside them as allied rivals.
Momonosuke of course being the son of Oden and now finding his own will to live on and continue to carry on his father’s will by choosing to live and eventually, in the future, opening the land of Wano.
Now, here’s the biggest thing. Onigashima started on its own separate island, but has now moved onto the main landmass of Wano. What else lies on Wano, or rather below it?
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I said I would elaborate more on Franky later but I’m also going to touch upon Law in this part as well. Franky as we know completely ripped up the documents regarding Pluton way back in water 7. I also wouldn’t be surprised perhaps if the Water in Law’s name holds some relevance to that and Water 7 as he is the surgeon of Death. Reason for this connection I’m proposing is because of this shot here in the opening which I don’t feel is coincidental if the them of the opening is anything to go off.
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Now that the circular shackles have been broken, we are now moving away from the past cycles and forward into the new paths for each character and the story itself. I think the opening did a beautiful job of showcasing that this is the completion of what was started 20 years ago by Gol D. Roger and is now gearing us up for the path we’ll get to watch as the Strawhats move to find the One Piece.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!
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shariefaerie · 3 months
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Doll Show! (and goodwill/my friend!!!) haul!!!!
This year the creator of strawberry shortcake was there. so there was a LOT of original strawberry dolls and toys, and a WHOLE LOT of ADORABLE costumes!!! I had strawberry shortcake toys as a kid in the early 2000s, but I didn't see any of those at the show.
Super happy with my purchases this year! I was also super lucky to have my tax return hit right before the show, so I went a liiiiitle overboard with the monster high dolls. Ghoulia and Cupid are grails, and Robecca and Spectra aren't grail status but they were right up there on the ISO list. Lagoona was just really pretty and had her fins and was only 15 bucks.
I got some skrm accessories as well, lagoonas knee pads and and wheel love gils knee pads, also ghoulias skates. skrm is so weird but one of my favorite lines, it's just so unique!
I got my very first (sort of) BJDs as well! I'll talk more about them in a bit because oh no i am in love.
Last thing from the doll show is an AG ballet outfit. it was only 15 bucks and something I'd been looking to get! so, yay!!! I had originally intended for it to be given to corinne, my (at the time) only American girl doll, but as you can see in the second pic, that has changed.
I have weirdly good luck finding AG dolls at the thrift, and today I got VERY lucky! I've actually found an Addy before, a PC one O_O but she went to live with my cousin, I was a bit sad to see her go so im happy to find another, this one is a 2008 but I really don't mind modern AG dolls, and shes so darling!!! I tried the ballet outfit on her last night and it belongs to her now x3 she's going to be a dancer.
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Found another bratz board game! It's complete as well which is awesome. it wasn't used at all, for good reason, it's very convoluted, like monopoly but weirder. I now have Make Me Up, Mall Crawl, Passion 4 Fashion, Bratz Twister, and the 2015 bratz CIY Shoppe Game. even if i don't play them I like to have them for the boxes x3
My friend who I brought to the doll show with me gave me a few of her childhood hamtaros! some are fakies but they're all adorable! She and I also got the BJDs together, hers is the Sakura one and mine is the grey haired one, we ended up swapping faces for a while lol. I got one of the boy BJDs too, I definitely got my least favorite of the options but he is cute! He just needs new pants.
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Overall, what an awesome day! I'm so happy I got to go buy pretty dolls and see my friends!!
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