#Irish traffic jam
stairnaheireann · 8 months
#OTD in Irish History | 6 February:
797 – Death of High King of Ireland, Donnchad mac Domnaill, called Donnchad Midi. His father, Domnall Midi, had been the first Uí Néill High King from the south-central Clann Cholmáin based in modern Co Westmeath and western Co Meath. 1685 – Coronation of King James II. He was King of England and Ireland as James II, and Scotland as James VII. He was the last Catholic monarch to reign over the…
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weepingfoxfury · 5 days
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The man on the radio is on good Thursday form and busy chatting with a guest about traditional Irish music ... there's a whole lot of violin, accordion and harmonica going on. Weatherwise, someone stole the landscape ... foggy and misty with the trees dripping their way through the morning. The traffic lady seems to be saying 'If you don't like traffic jams, just don't go out there!'
Today’s groaner: Which insect is hard to understand? … A mumble-bee ;-D badoom tish … here all week!!
This hooman is hallucinating a wee bit after just 2 hours sleep … I'm beginning to think there are bluebirds in my coffee cup. Some dude is now on the radio singing about the fact that it's still a rainy night in Georgia. Feeling pretty disjointed so heading through one of the garden portals that the lost postman has kindly put up signposts for ... fingers crossed the one I head through lands in slumberland.
Thursday, Thursday, Thursday and I'm about to hit the horizontal ... Mr Snippy has already beaten me to it with his ever cuddled, ever present pillow ...
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sewerfight · 3 months
Muttering while stuck in a traffic jam out of impatience like can we not just throw bombs at these orange guys in the streets. Irish friend like aye they've tried that before I think. Government weren't a fan
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icepoptroll · 8 months
15 (+1) questions tag game! tagged by @woozysioux
1- are you named after anyone?
No. My actual first name is Erin which is a variant of the Irish word for Ireland so I guess I'm more so named for part of my heritage?
2-when was the last time you cried?
a little less than a week ago
3-do you have kids?
No, but hopefully someday after I've made a good stable life for myself
4-what sports do you play/have played?
I'm mostly made of pudding actually and not athletic at all really, but I do practice yoga and I ran track (badly) in middle school if that counts at all
5-do you use sarcasm?
Nooooo, me, using sarcasm? Never
6-what is the first thing you notice about people?
Their facial features
7-what's your eye color?
*Jane Doe voice* Savannah. . . with the greenest eyes
8-scary movies or happy endings?
I tend to hope for happy endings but I like scary movies too
9-any talents?
I'm not too bad at drawing/painting and I like to think I'm a pretty good nurse for a relatively new grad
10-where were you born?
New Jersey
11-what are your hobbies?
Art, writing, TV shows and movies, music (especially showtunes/musical theater), yoga/working out, currently exploring my spirituality, but also life's simple pleasures like having an interesting conversation with a good friend or driving to work on a clear, low-traffic night, dressed in comfy scrubs, spotify playing all my favorite jams, big iced coffee in hand. I also really love learning and researching stuff I'm curious about
12-do you have any pets?
None of my own since I've moved into my own apartment, however my family still at home does have two guinea pigs, a mouse, a hamster, and two cats (rodents kept in a separate room the cats can't access of course)
13-how tall are you?
5'2, I'm fun-sized
14-favorite subject in school?
In high school I liked art and English. More recently In nursing school I really enjoyed med-surg.
15-dream job?
I always wanted to work in animation. . . but a more practical job was more realistic for my means and circumstances. I started out doing activities in a small dementia home in hopes of working in a creative capacity, which turned into me helping out the aides, which turned into me becoming a certified caregiver, which turned into me becoming a med tech, which turned into me becoming a nurse which is where I'm at today!! I'm very very happy to be a nurse and I'm grateful I have it in me, but it would be nice to also one day have an artistic side gig too
16-what reminds you of home (doesn't have to mean house... just things that remind you of the feeling of home?
On nights I don't work night shift, I like to take a shower, turn off the lights and fall asleep with the TV on watching cartoons from my childhood all fresh and clean and cozy. Reminds me of how as a kid I would watch TV with my parents before bed at night.
tagging: @eveningbotany @butchcetacean @auberginenight No pressure of course !!
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'...Better Safe Than Sorry: “Oppenheimer” winner Cillian Murphy probably sent some in the crowd at the Hilton to check the dictionary when he used the Irish slang “feckin’ ” in his acceptance speech. In the ballroom, it was clear that he did not drop an actual F-bomb – but CBS bleeped it anyway...'
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chattycattycal · 2 years
America can dye their rivers green and build as many sparkly, music pumping, leprechaun encrusted floats as they like. Nothing can beat the inherent comedy of a small town Paddy’s Day parade in Ireland. Standing in the pissing rain to watch 500,000 tractors trundle past, followed by every under ten in town, in a myriad of local jerseys, shouting out of sync GAA chants about how great the parish is, with a series of small flatbed trucks from local business bringing up the rear (mostly carrying lawnmowers, bicycles, or people throwing bags of candy for desperate locals to fish out of puddles). The occasional vintage car throughout evokes the air of a traffic jam from the late eighties. Truly a gift Irish Americans and Plastic Paddies could never understand. And not a leprechaun in sight.
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reyettaclaven · 2 years
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A love letter to Death Row Designs
NOT Sponsored If y'all have been sleeping on Death Row Designs, stop doing that.
I had been before, but never really had the time to look closely at their builds in the demo section. These are some of the most realistic buildings i've ever seen in secondlife.
Pictured above is their Irish Pub. Obviously, this does not look like a photo. But it DOES look like a real building layout. The textures look lived-in and appropriate. The layout feels authentic. It's beautifully detailed.
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Most designers wouldn't even have bothered to model the back of a bar like this. It'd be flat, or have a simple shelf. Y'all, they put towels in places that make sense. They put a wall-mounted bottle opener and even scattered discarded bottle caps beneath it. It's everything you'd expect from a build like this, but something that is so, so rare to find on SL.
But maybe an irish pub isn't your jam. How about Blockbuster- er, I mean "Chartbusters"?
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Wrinkled plastic with unique texture over each case. Rented-out titles holding space. Multiple copies of more popular titles.
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Nicely-wrapped candies and movie-merch, ready for purchase. Movies to be rewound, and some on hold. Old, half-peeled stickers and grime. The back room just visible behind the pin-display leads upstairs to a storage room containing old arcade cabinets under dust-cloths.
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Every detail in these builds is meticulous, and could be said to be love-letters to their inspirations. Even the faded spots on the carpet are thoughtfully-placed to make sense based on foot-traffic.
And the variety! Dingy trailers? They've got it. Decrepit, condemned homes? Got it. Full-sized retro hotel with fully-modeled interior? Got it. Sprawling abandoned asylum? Check. A fully-modeled CASTLE? They have that too.
And that isn't even touching on all the highly-detailed furniture sets they have in styles that range from bohemian, to beachy, to corporate to classy.
Check out DRD y'all. You won't regret it. I am blown away.
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spudkid · 3 months
June 13-14 -
Left WB at 2pm and arrived (finally) at JFK at 6:45pm. Traffic was crazy and then became insane as we approached Terminal 8 for British Airways. (Why do the Brits have to call it Airways and not Airlines).
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We jumped out of the car and into the terminal, checked in, went thru security and made it to the gate with 35 minutes to spare. So much for a pre-flight dinner. Flew JFK to Heathrow then to Dublin.
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Arrive at Waterloo House at 1:30pm, checked in and checked out the neighborhood.
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It’s lovely! Pubs and morning coffee nearby. Had our first Guinness at Waterloo Pub (green awning in first picture above. That was agreeable so we ventured to Merrion Street to O’Donoghue’s for another and to hear some music.
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The place was jammed (Friday night), the music was acoustical and we couldn’t hear a thing from our table in back. Suddenly a young Irish guy (Kyle) in his forties comes up and asks if he could talk to us. Turns out he is a huge Norm McDonald fan and he regaled us with several jokes. Ever hear the one about the frog who went into the bank for a loan? Neither had we! https://youtu.be/vbkjO0a3xJQ
Hysterical. We left for dinner across the street…Tish’s pick and it was great!
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Time for bed…
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allovertheworldblog · 8 months
Back to Colombia
I was headed back to Bogota to get a flight back to Europe to be home for Christmas.
But I was still in Ecuador.
I had to do some travelling before I got to Bogota to catch my flight. 
In Otavalo I went to Lago San Pable to try to see the straw canoes that they use to fish from.
I couldn’t see them anywhere.
I went back to Otavalo, collected my things and was off again, on the bus to Tulcan, on the Ecuador / Colombia border.
In Tulcan I caught a taxi to the border.
Crossing the border is an ordeal.
Even getting to the border is an ordeal.
Our taxi is in a traffic jam, with three other lanes of traffic joining us in the rush to the border.
Sometimes it goes down to two other lanes, and then goes back to three.
Such are the mysteries of Ecuador!
I get my Ecuador passport exit stamp and am stamped again into Colombia.
A lady selling bus tickets to Pasto tells me that there’s a bus leaving soon.
I buy a ticket.
Then she tells me that I’ve got to go to the bus station in Ipiales for the bus. grrrrrr.
Taxi to Ipiales. Lady in the bus company office on the border says that they’ll hold the bus for me, they don’t. grrrrrr.
Ecuador and Colombia each has a distinct feel. Waiting around the bus station in Ipiales, a place I was a month before, I get a real sense of being back in Colombia.
Bus drivers, attendants and bus company workers greet each other on the concourse of the station.
Glad handing each other with great big handshakes and the like, you think they hadn’t seen other for ten years.
They catch up on the latest news and stories, some walk around arm in arm. One man fixes the shirt collar of a colleague, then he smacks him on the neck with both hands, much to his own amusement. 
In Pasto I go back to the Koala Inn, where I stayed the last time I was there.
When the manager is showing me around and telling me where everything is I tell her that it’s my second time staying there.
‘Welcome for the second time!’, she says to me, with a smile.
During my time in Pasto I go to Cream Mister Pollo restaurant a couple of times, it’s one of the best diners in the city.
The owner asks me where’re I’m from. I tell her of my travels all over South America. She gives me a scale model of a local volcano to bring home as a gift.
The next day, 10 December 2010, I get news from my younger brother that his wife has given birth to their first baby. Receiving the news by text message I don’t sense the great distance between Ireland and South America. The name they choose is Oisin, a traditional Irish name associated with ancient legends. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ois%C3%ADn
Trying to get out of Pasto is beginning to become a bit of an issue. There aren’t many companies competing on the routes north, so the prices aren’t great.
Times of the busses, too, is proving to be restrictive.
I catch a bus to Cali, to connect to Manizales, because I heard good things about it.
The small bus leaves at 20.00.
On the way to Cali we stop at a roadside restaurant for a break.
The woman working behind the counter, which is behind bars, says 'a la orden', sort of like at your service.
She doesn’t mean it;
She doesn’t say it like she means it and she certainly doesn’t act like it.
She has a dog chained up behind the counter to protect the place.
In the open-air restaurant they’re showing a soap opera on the many television screens, they do like their soap's in Colombia.
We get to the outskirts of Cali at 01.40, but there’s a problem, neither the driver nor the attendant know where they’re going.
They have to stop and ask taxi drivers for directions.
Some of the passengers are shouting for them to go a different route. Eventually we get to the bus terminal at 02.30.
Around 04.00 I get a bus to Manizales, which we get into around 10.00. 
I spend a couple of days in Manizales but am at a loss as to why anyone would recommend the place.
Maybe I’m tired of travelling and just can’t see the beauty of the place.
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I  catch a never ending bus back to Bogota a couple of days later.
The distance between Manizales is about 250km, but for some unknown reason it takes about 8 hours to travel by bus between the two. 
Eventually I get to Bogota.
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jimunderscore · 11 months
top 5 reasons to kill
Hot Freaks (Joey Joey Michaels)
Owen Evans ( and everyone they worked with in R.O.A.R, AJJ, Asleep In The Sea )
Feed Me Jack
Jack Campbell (Cayote Keen Music)
Biting Elbows
Tony Molina
Crystal Castles (before the fucking shit happened)
My Chemical Romance (Gerard Way in general)
Simon Viklund
Bee Gees
coyote kisses
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Dan Reynolds
The Killers
Franz Ferdinand
Земляне(1978 Rock band)
scissor sisters
IAMX(rain to sea)
Forgive Durden
Carpenter Brut
Air Traffic Controller
Stuck in the sound
Shayfer James
Stephanie Mabey
Cosmo Doris
Dimmu Burgir
Mecha Maiko
Jordan F
Moe Shop
Tame Impala
Spec Ops The Line OST(i can't be fucked to list all the artists who worked for the OST)
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Porter Robinson
Mother Mother
Ozma ( I can't say Weezer so they will have to do)
FireLake(Stalker OST guys)
the scary jokes
Crying(2013 Synth-pop band)
Carpenter Brut
Mike Oldfield
Daisuke Ishiwatari
Business of Dreams
Wye Oak(Rock Duo)
Jack Stauber
girl in red
Rob Cantor
Edu (Andrew Horowitz)
Tally Hall
Miracle Musical (Joe Hawley's Project)
Twenty One Pilots
Of Montreal (50% sucks)
Lemon Demon (50% sucks)
Vundabar (25% sucks)
Jonah Sehzel
They Might Be Giants
Red Two Six
Dschinghis Khan
Four Visions
Sad Culture
Laurel Collective
The Unicorns
Milena Shuff 
Matt Simons
The Pajama Jams (The New York band with like two songs lmao)
Dylan Kanner
Hollow Coves
Milky Chance
Marina and The Diamonds(Welsh)
The Dø(Finnish Björk apparently)
Jim Croce
Our Atlantic Official(Ukrainian Band)
Ciaran Lavery
Бригадный Подряд
KD Knows My Name
soft cell
StereoPalto(weird Ukrainian rock project)
Northern Lights Productions
Танцы Минус
Fever the Ghost/FTG
Johnny Mandel
Pig with the Face of a Boy 
The Wallflowers
Royal Blood
Граница(Russian/Ukrainian rock band, Знамя цвета ночи fucks!)
Kevin MacLeod(don't shit on me)
Tatsuro Yamashita
Mariya Takeuchi
Yellow Magic Orchestra
Boy Pablo(50% sucks)
Christopher Larkin(Hacknet Ost kinda fucks)
Beach House
Geir Tjelta
The Music Tapes (Julian Koster's project)
Rosemary Fairweather(Irish Radiohead)
Los Lemons
Balkans (Atlanta Rock Band)
Alex Izenberg
Monster Rally
Kero Kero Bonito
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
The Smile
Radiohead(and whatever Thom Yorke does randomly)
Sea Power (Formerly British)
Cory Hanson
Architecture in Helsinki
As Tall As Lions
The Dear Hunter
Andrew Prahlow
Low(1993 band)
Dresden Dolls(just anything Amanda Palmer really) Metal Gear Revengeace OST pretty banging glass beach Flaming Lips
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californiahq · 1 year
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✧.* 𝑵𝑬𝑾 𝑹𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑻 ┛ . . . you're officially an angeleno now, lady ! welcome to los angeles, where the ocean meets the city, brunch is a religion and even traffic jams have their own instagram accounts. before you shine bright, take a peek at our checklist and send your account within the next 24 hours.
paul mescal as rory walsh .
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paul mescal + he/they + non-binary  –  have you seen rory walsh around los angeles? the twenty five year old is usually jamming to piano man by billy joel. word around the city is that they’re endearing, yet, they can also be anxious, but you didn’t hear that from me. they’re currently a/an pianist/composer and are typically seen walking the streets of los angeles with their sheet music. when i think of them, i think of an irish accent, cheeks that turn pink when blushing, nervous rambles. let’s hope the city treats them good! ( lady! )
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IRELAND: Mooo-ve over! Udder chaos on Irish country road as motorist made to wait by cow jam
Cormac McGinley was made to wait after coming across a herd of cows on a country road in Liscannor, County Clare, on July 12. “Miss-timed the morning commute and got caught in rush-hour traffic,” McGinley tweeted.
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mortraveling · 2 years
8 Things to Avoid When Visiting Ireland
8 Things to Avoid When Visiting Ireland There are a lot of articles on the web guiding tourists as they plan their Ireland trip. However, most focus on what they should do. Surely, are there things that shouldn’t be done in Ireland? Certainly yes. That said, below is a guide on 8 things you should avoid when visiting Ireland. 1. Don’t spend much time in Dublin Most people fly to Dublin where they spend a lot of time with few exceptions of sneaking into nearby towns of Bray and Howth. Well, if you ask the native Irish people, they will advise you not to spend much time here. If you are on a one-day trip, this makes sense. However, for more than a one-day visit, explore other inexpensive towns that will save on your budget. Galway Tour Company consults you to save your money. 2. Drive on the left Tourists are involved in major highway traffic accidents every year. Such accidents happen simply because of driving on the wrong side of the road. When in Ireland, always drive on the left. Pedestrians, on the other hand, should take caution when they step into the road as they might be hit from the right. 3. Avoid drinking in public places Unlike other western countries, drinking in public parks, beaches, and other public areas is prohibited in Ireland. Therefore, don’t risk paying hefty fines that may come about due to your ignorance. Besides, be watchful, and you will see signposts showing areas where drinking alcohol is prohibited. Similarly, alcohol drinking is limited to those above 18 years only. 4. Don’t forget to throw your round in If you are in a pub in any town around Ireland, the system of drinking is very simple. If you are a group of four, person A throws the first round followed by B, C comes third, and person D follows. All you need to do is observe this rule to avoid being marked as mean or a stingy foreigner. 5. Don’t compare endlessly Nobody argues that Germany’s autobahn is the best, or the cuisine in France is epic. Similarly, the sun is bright in Australia. However, you are in Ireland. Enjoy as it comes. Don’t walk around comparing what you experience here to other places. You will be boring your group. 6. Don’t expect the comfort of your home in an Irish setting A common mistake most tourists have is thinking they will find the comfort of their homes during their trips. Well, sorry if you expected that. Ireland is a new country with varying local foods, currencies, and drinks. To be happy and enjoy the trip, don’t expect to find anything you have back at home. 7. Don’t expect a mythical place Most visitors expect to see what can only be imagined in their dreams. Ireland, though being a modern country, has its own historical roots. Expect some traffic jams, industrial estates, and pollution just like it is in your country. 8. Don’t be in a hurry If you really want to explore Ireland, you should be on a hurried trip. Take your time to witness Ireland beyond common tourist attractions and traps common with tourism agencies. You could be planning for a lot during your trip. However, do you know what to avoid? Well, hopefully, the guide above gives you some insights on some things to avoid through Dublin Tour Company. via Blogger https://ift.tt/ZbK7nkT March 19, 2023 at 09:13PM
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Irish horses
Irish horses next to the road somewhere in Ireland. We caused a bit of a traffic jam when we stopped to take this photo.
By Martie1swart
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stairnaheireann · 3 years
#OTD in Irish History | 6 February:
#OTD in Irish History | 6 February:
797 – Death of High King of Ireland, Donnchad mac Domnaill, called Donnchad Midi. His father, Domnall Midi, had been the first Uí Néill High King from the south-central Clann Cholmáin based in modern Co Westmeath and western Co Meath. 1685 – Coronation of King James II. He was King of England and Ireland as James II, and Scotland as James VII. He was the last Catholic monarch to reign over the…
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I agreed to go to an event when I was feeling brave and now I would just rather hang out by myself and I would just skip the event but I’m staying with my parents after because I have to go to the airport Sunday afternoon so why bounce back and forth but ugh
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