#Iris Morland
godsaveforum · 6 months
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chemicallywrit · 1 year
There are so many good audio drama tropes. Fighting capitalism in space (What Will Be Here, Moonbase Theta Out, Seren, Starship Iris, We Fix Space Junk, Burst), narrators breaking the fourth wall to little pieces (The Vanishing Act, Starfall, the Once and Future Nerd, Greater Boston, Small Victories), fake true crime (Arden, When Angels Visit Armadillo, Passenger List, Blackwood, Olive Hill, This Sounds Serious, Morland P.I., Murder at Camp Jesus if you squint), fictional advice shows (Monstrous Agonies, Kaleidotrope, Solutions to Problems, the Godshead Incidental).
But my favorite one is almost more of a coincidence than a trope, it's just showed up three times. And it's people who are sexually attracted to plants. Why did this happen three times. Why is this the funniest thing the writers could think of. Why are they right.
So there you have it, Ethics Town Podcast. Plants Romance.
(It's The Adventure Zone, Life with Althaar, and the Land Whale Murders btw.)
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the-book-queen · 2 months
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $1.99!
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FREE ✦ Hunt Me Down by Cynthia Eden
She's an assistant DA who is not fully human and must keep her supernatural skill set a secret. He's a powerful shifter who works at the best bounty hunting agency in the country.
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3zHkCaU
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FREE ✦ Dream a Little Dream of Me by Iris Morland
Second chance. She's now a famous singer, he's now a successful restauranteur. They meet again when she comes back to town for her brother's wedding.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3S7Zgts
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$1.99 ✦ Les Be Honest by Sarah Robinson
1st POV. Yasmeen is trying to open up a lesbian bar in her neighborhood, Tyler is a true crime podcaster -- and her father owns the property Yasmeen wants to use.
Contemporary Romance (FF) | https://amzn.to/3Y4kNHy
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$1.99 ✦ It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey
A former Hollywood It Girl is cut off from her wealthy family and exiled to a small beach town where she butts heads with the surly fisherman captain.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3Y4YIsa
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$1.99 ✦ The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan
Second chance. She was born a high society witch but enjoys living a mundane human life running a bar. He's a warlock. Marriage of convenience.
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3WmzhkA
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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quoteoftheweekblog · 6 months
’ “Beware the Anglo-Catholics - they’re all sodomites … ” ’ (Waugh, 2016, p.22).
Waugh, E. (2016 [1945] ) 'Brideshead revisited’. London: Penguin Classics.
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' "We must have the Blessed Sacrament here," said Cordelia. "I like popping in at odd times; and so does mummy." ' (Waugh, 2016, p.83).
RIP 2024
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' " ... not Jane Austen, not M-m-miss M-m-mitford." ' (Waugh, 2016, p.254).
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Hi All, greetings from sunny La Gomera.
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… Morland no: 30 book, still during WW1.
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I have almost finished Charles III but haven’t brought it here with me as too heavy!
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… which I loved. A story of messy family life as told by a young woman writing her diary.
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… just started …
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I've just finished Fatherland by Robert Harris and I was very confused by it! I've just looked it up on Google and it is very confusing because it posts the concept that Germany won the war. It also has a horrid description of torture in it so it is not a book I will recommend to anyone!
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… awaiting attention - someone in our group loves her stories, so I felt it was time to try one …
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We have lots of this authors books …
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… still reading.
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I have also begun The Time of Angels by Iris Murdoch. I am not sure how much I shall enjoy it. It is weird and intriguing like most of Iris Murdoch’s novels, but perhaps a bit too analytical.
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QUOTE OF THE WEEK 2011 - 2024
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nnjzz · 10 months
20:00 portes 20:45 ACTION!
P.A.F. 6€
aux NAUTES 1 Quai des Célestins 75004 M° Sully-Morland
SIMON WHETHAM uk Artiste-bidouilleur sonore, il travaille essentiellement sur des sons environnementaux ( field recordings ), ou ceux produits par les objets et appareils électroniques du quotidien détournés, pour en faire des installations ou des instruments de performance, à l’aide de techniques variées afin de révéler des phénomènes souvent imperceptibles ou dissimulés.
Lors de ses performances et installations, le lieu et les objets qui s’y trouvent deviennent des instruments dont il joue. Ses recherches l’ont amené à travailler de plus en plus sur des projets multidisciplinaires, donnant à son travail un aspect plus visuel et tangible. Il explore actuellement différentes manières de conserver des traces physiques du son.
Il collabore régulièrement avec des danseurs, performers, peintres et vidéastes, ainsi que des musiciens et artistes sonores, parmi lesquels Tarab, Scanner, Derek Piotr, Iris Garrelfs, Alan Courtis, Kate Carr, Rhodri Davies…
Nombreux enregistrements sur des labels comme Entr’acte, Gruenrekorder, Mystery Sea, Impulsive Habitat, Unfathomless, Dragon’s Eye Recordings, Line, Crónica, Helen Scarsdale Agency, Flaming Pines, Glistening Examples…
Son travail pourrait faire penser ( ou pas ) à : Son travail peut faire penser à : Cheapmachines / Phil Julian, John Wiese, Mark Durgan. mark Vernon, Andrea Borghi...
LARS ÅSKERLUND & ANA ELENA TEJERA  se / pan vous proposent un spectacle live avec danse circulaire et musique électronique live. Ana Elena Tejera est une artiste multidisciplinaire originaire du Panamá, travaillant avec le cinéma, la performance et la danse et participant à plusieurs festivals prestigieux ces dernières années. En résidence à la Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris. Lars Åkerlund est un musicien électronique et compositeur suédois. Il était l'un des fondateurs du groupe multimédia Lucky People Center et a travaillé avec des musiciens comme Zbigniew Karkowski, Kasper Toeplitz, Dror Feiler entre autres. Résident à la Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris.
Lars Åkerlund est un artiste sonore, compositeur et interprète de musique électronique et électroacoustique originaire de Suède. De formation classique, il travaille également sur la scène musicale underground. Il a fondé des groupes tels que P.I.T.T. (entre autres, avec Zbigniew Karkowski) et le Lucky People Center et récemment le LLLSD (Lab for Life-Long Sound Dysfunctions) qui a tourné en Asie du Sud-Est, en Chine et au Japon en 2018 et 2019.
Il se produit en solo et en collaboration avec d'autres artistes, cinéastes et chorégraphes. Åkerlund vit à Stockholm et travaille en studio avec des ordinateurs, des contrôleurs et des équipements électroniques en direct tels qu'un «  monochord « amplifié.
nous proposera un solo bien noise qu'il se propose d'appeler " Guillotine "...  Guitar-hero, évoluant surtout dans le contexte de la scène des musiques improvisées, solo ou pas. Il fut - fun fact -  " dans le temps ", l'un des derniers élèves d'Olivier Messiaen, pendant sept ans au conservatoire Hector Berlioz de Paris. Toujours en équilibre entre improvisation et composition, il se produit fréquemment dans des contextes très différents.  Plusieurs projets, plusieurs cordes. Jjoue ou a joué avec, notamment Didier Malherbe, Sylvain Kassap, Denis Charolles, Phillipe Gleizes, Aymeric Avice, Erick Borelva, Itaru Oki, Makoto Sato, Claude Parle, Hugues Vincent, Xavier Camarasa, Matthias Mahler, Marie Takahashi, Tom Malmendier, Timothée Quost, Jonathan Aardestrup, Raoul van der Weide, Henk Zwerver, Christiane Bopp, Anil Eraslan, Xavier Mussat, Uygur Vural, Richard Comte, Pierre Chaze, Mustafa N'Diaye, Ignass Fofana, Alban Chapelle, Aymeric Avice, Francesco Pastacaldi, Marco Lacaille, Alain Debiossat, René Lacaille, Didier Malherbe, Benoît Mœrlen, Bobby Rangell, Or Solomon, Peter Corser, Laurent Coulondre, Junji Mori, Mushimaru Fujieda, Hiraku Amemiya, Sylvain Kassap, Erick Borelva, Itaru Oki, Makoto Sato, Jef Sicard, Christophe Monniot, Sarah Murcia, François Merville, Stéphane Payen, Régis Huby, Denis Charolles, Magma, Andràs Vigh, Cyprien Busolini, Claude Parle, Yasuhiro Usui, Hugues Vincent, Xavier Camarasa, Philippe Gleizes, Hugues Mayot, Matthias Mahler, Yann Joussein, Geoffroy Gesser, Olivia Scemama, Marie Takahashi, Tom Malmendier, Timothée Quost, Jonathan Aardestrup, Raoul van der Weide, Henk Zwerver, Christiane Bopp, Anil Eraslan, Xavier Mussat
 Première d'un nouveau projet collaboratif.
Emilia Wysocka ( artiste/scientifique ) : exerce des systèmes erratiques mais affectifs en utilisant des tables de mixage sans entrée / no-input mixing boards (nimb). Des intensités amplifiées résonnent dans les circuits couplés.
Federea : son travail comprend -à partir d'une approche hétérodoxe et personnelle- les arts sonores et les croisements interdisciplinaires liés aux pratiques artistiques expérimentales dans les domaines de la création spontanée et différée, à travers principalement du piano, de l'électroacoustique, des instruments d'origines diverses et de la voix. https://wysocka.bandcamp.com/
Fly - Jo L'Indien
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ao3feed-janeausten · 1 year
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We are thrilled to celebrate INTERTWINED by Iris Morland  is LIVE! Grab for only 99¢!
Stella and Jon are husband and wife, but their marriage wasn’t for love. As their lives become intertwined, what happens when these two strangers discover they might actually be perfect for each other
*INTERTWINED was previously published in the charity anthology Devil in Disguise.
#newbookalert #lovereading #bookish #wildfiremarketingsolutions
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solaceinprose · 4 years
May Reading Summary
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Pretty Funny For A Girl - Rebecca Elliott (ARC)
I Think I Love You - Auriane Desombre (ARC)
Now Entering Addamsville - Francesca Zappia
May was a weird month reading wise. I’ve never DNF’d three books in one month. I think my interest in young adult, especially contemporary young adult, has begun to wane. I find myself unable to tolerate most teenage behavior. At the least, it takes a lot to hold my interest nowadays. I was really disappointed about Zappia because I’ve loved her other books, but Addamsville was a snooze fest, and I could not bring myself to care about what was happening. 
On a positive note, I managed to cross off 3 books on my TBR Bingo this month when my goal was 2, and knocked off all but one on my ARC list. My goal for June is to reread Nevernight and Godsgrave so I can finally, FINALLY tackle Darkdawn and spend my birthday month is the Pit of Despair, because that is what Jay Kristoff is good at: soul crushing despair and fire hot rage. I’ve experienced both with him. Mostly the latter.
As I’ve mentioned, JUNE IS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH, so outside of the Nevernight trilogy, I may just take it easy with the readings and not set myself too many goals. I have my June ONTD Challenge to do, but other than that, I’m gonna give myself a small break. 
ONTD May Reading Challenge: Read a book where a cat is the main character or is features: I Could Pee On This 
Pop Sugar Challenge: Book by an author with flora or fauna in their name: Petal Plucker - Iris Morland
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dearemma · 5 years
okay, instead of finishing my project i decided to give my blog a makeover for the first time in like?? a year. i was tired of my old theme and this one is super pretty. only one gif tho for now, tomorrow or wednesday i’ll edit 10 gifs into the same size so i can have the funky sidebar that changes everytime you refresh because i like being dramatic like that. 
right now it’s just yasmin because i miss my old url and i miss doctor who and i love my girl <3
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
Lineage Challenge Day 6 - Ask Game!
Thank you @kathrynalicemc for creating this challenge, it’s been so interesting and great for development! Long answers and pretty pictures ahead, so I’ve put in a cut.
1) Canon or Fiction? What drew you to that specific family? Did you make any changes to Canon, and if so, why?
This isn’t a canon family, I created the name Hexley for Artemis after writing a list of surnames and giving them a magical twist. The lore has gone back from Artemis through to my HPHL OCs. I have strict rules about not altering established canon in my writing (which is why Sara Kowalski was born after the events of the Fantastic Beasts films finish) but working around it to create stories that can exist in the magical world adjacent to canon.
I have, however, changed my own canon. Mavis Morland was originally supposed to be a Muggle, not a Squib with a secret history, and the Hexley family were not going to be distantly related to some of the other families I mention below. I also intended the line to end with Artemis, however I have grown to cherish this family lineage to the point that I couldn’t do that. So, Cleo came into being, and now the Hexleys have a future as well as a history.
2) Family Ties - What other families are related/connected to this one? Are they Canon families or creator-made families? (Tag them!)
The Hexleys are connected through marriage to several other wizarding families.
To the Anders and Cleary families, due to the marriage of Theodore Hexley to Florence Mudge. Florence’s nieces gave the Hexley family a distant connection to the McNully and Hopper families. @kc-and-co @thatravenpuffwitch
To the french Fortinbras dynasty, thanks to the marriage of Jim Hexley and Héloïse Perrault.
To the Mercury family, after Ethel’s marriage to Lysander Mercury and the birth of their three daughters: Beatrice, Flora, and Ottilie. Eventually, this branch of the family leads to Flora’s granddaughter Iris and her son Zephyr, and to Ottilie’s grandson Orlando Taylor, and his daughters, Phoebe and Zadie Taylor-Allen. @slytherindisaster
To the Nott and Burke families through Marius Hexley’s marriage to Mavis Morland, who was born Marguerite Nott. This connects them through the marriage of Marguerite’s sister Dahlia to the Pendleton lineage, however this is not a fact that is known by anyone but Mavis Marius themselves and Mavis’ mother Eliza, who was born Ophelia Burke. @kc-and-co @lifeofkaze
To the Goldstein/Kowalski family, through Leander’s marriage to Sara Kowalski. Sally’s maternal aunt Tina Goldstein married Magizoologist Newt Scamander, thus linking another family to the tree.
To the Cole family, thanks to the birth of Jacob Hexley and Angelica Cole’s daughter Cleo. However, as the couple never married and were separated whilst Cleo was still young, the connection between the two lineages is not strong.
3) Foundations: What year and which OC was the founder of the family line?
I have traced the Hexley lineage back as far as Humphrey, Jim and Ethel’s paternal grandfather, however the name Hexley has existed in Wizarding records since the late medieval era. The name sprung up as if from nowhere, and it is unknown whether this is because the family originally was an offshoot of the Yaxley family who cut ties with their less liberal-minded clansmen, or was descended from Muggle stock. Either way, the Hexley family is old enough to have garnered some respect for itself over the years, but not fanatic enough about maintaining the purity of its bloodline to have kept its prestige high.
4) Fun Facts: Do you have any misc lore that you haven’t had a chance to post about? Talk about anything you like!
I’m going to talk about property and homes. There are several old properties that have been owned by the Hexley family over the generations, some of which are still in the possession of their descendents.
Cathedral Close, Exeter, Devon
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Muggles are not able to see the door with the hedgehog-shaped knocker among the buildings of the ancient part of Exeter which marks the entrance to the ancestral home of the Hexley family. Humphrey Hexley and his wife Jemima took over this home from Humphrey’s parents in the 19th century, and this is where they raised their son Theodore. Next door, there is a house whose door bears an uncanny resemblance to that of Hogwarts castle’s Room of Requirement. It is unknown if this is a coincidence or not. The property was inherited by Ethel Hexley-Mercury and her family.
Dunsworthy-in-the-Moor, Devon
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Florence Mudge’s Muggle parents were not extremely wealthy, but they had enough money to purchase a set of three terraced cottages in Dartmoor, one to be given to each of their three daughters upon marriage. Theodore and Florence raised their children Jim and Ethel in the cottage, with the property later passing to Jim. Both Jim’s children were also raised here, as was his grandson Leander, but the property was sold after the death of Marius Hexley during the first Wizarding War.
Château de Miel, Sarlac, Dordogne
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Jim Hexley’s marriage to Héloïse Perrault greatly raised the family’s status financially. Héloïse grew up in the Château de Sarlac, the property bestowed upon her parents after their marriage by her maternal grandparents, but only returned to live there as an adult after her own children had grown. The château was then renamed and went on to have an interesting life of its own, housing both cryptanalysts during the Global Wizarding War and refugees during the Second British Wizarding War, and running a working honey farm throughout the latter two thirds of the 20th Century. Currently it is in the possession of Lucienne Hexley.
Lovelace Terrace, Camden, London
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After graduating from Hogwarts and getting a job at the British Ministry of Magic, Héloïse’s grandmother ‘gifted’ her a London townhouse. Unfortunately, Héloïse despised London wholeheartedly, so the building was instead used by other members of the family until passing onto her grandson Leander, who used the money from the sale of the Dunsworthy cottage to purchase the Camden house from his grandparents and use it as a home in which to raise his own family. After Leander’s death, the property was inherited by his two surviving offspring, Jacob and Artemis. After years of attempts, Artemis managed to successfully sell her share of the property in the early 2000s to a surprising buyer, but that is definitely a story for another day.
5) Free Space: Feel free to ask any creator a question not listed here, and maybe you will get one in return!
Y’all know that I’m always open to asks!
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the-book-queen · 2 years
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Hide your wallets, it’s that time again! #TBQsBookDeals
Your Friday thread of #romancedeals is ready, FREE to $1.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
    FREE ✦ Forever Mine by Iris Morland
Friends to lovers. She's divorced and running a B&B, he's a gruff fisherman.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3WPMZuc 
FREE ✦ Hot for the Holidays Collection by Lexxi James
1st POV. 5 books, including:
~ Brother's best friend
~ Enemies to lovers
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3WMJ01B 
FREE ✦ Blind Date Bet by Nicole Flockton
She's a teacher who swore off military men, he's a K-9 handler in the air force.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3jT0yum 
$0.99 ✦ Dragon Eternal by Donna Grant
Dragon King + the courtesan sent to temp him to his doom.
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3vZYmEd 
$1.99 ✦ An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole
Heroine with a photographic memory goes undercover as a spy for the Union, falls for a Scottish Pinkerton hero.
KU Title
I enjoyed this one
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3W4l3BL 
 Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq 
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storytelers-arc · 4 years
muses of mine i think would get along:
christopher pike and daisy johnson
ella and catherine morland
emma woodhouse and the prince (or they would kill each other)
flynn carsen and clara stahlbaum
clara stahlbaum and anne shirley
antoine triplett and steve rogers
sabran berethnet and iris west
philippa gordon and rose tyler
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ladyeowyn · 6 years
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I have recently reached my next follower goal and honestly, I have no words..! There are so many of you ahhh!! Thank you very much!! I’m incredibly grateful for everyone who gave me a follow over those years and to those who support my edits. ❤️ Here is a small celebration as a thank you! 😊 Pick as many of these as you like but, please, be patient with me if it takes a while.
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for blogrates: (see the format under the cut)
for aesthetic ❤️
for ASOIAF 👑
for Grishaverse ☀️
for Star Wars 🚀
for Marvel ✨
for Jane Austen-esque 🌹
for Tolkien ⚔
a e s t h e t i c ❤️ • element: water - air - fire - earth - æther • season: spring - summer - autumn - winter • flower: lilac - lavender - daffodil - peony - orchid - sunflower - iris - magnolia • scent: citruses - rain - coffee - cinnamon - roses - vanilla - books - mint • landscape: city - forest - rainforest - country - mountains - beach - lake - ocean - desert • celestial object: sun - moon - stars - nebula - planet - comet • supernatural being: dragon - phoenix - mermaid - witch - werewolf - ghost - elf - vampire • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
A S O I A F 👑 • allegiance:  House (Stark - Lannister - Martell - Tyrell - Baratheon - Targaryen - Greyjoy) - Night’s Watch - The Lord of Light - Free Folk • occupation: knight/knightess - septon/septa - lord/lady - mercenary - entertainer - spy - faceless man/woman - red priest/priestess - healer • home: Winterfell - Lannisport - Highgarden - Sunspear - Highgarden - King’s Landing - Eyrie - Riverrun - Dragonstone - Pyke - Castle Black - Volantis - Braavos - Pentos • weapon of choice: sword - dagger - crossbow - poison - words - knowledge - axe - spear - dragonglass • hero: Nymeria of Ny Sar - Ser Duncan the Tall - Brandon the Builder - Visenya Targaryen - Lann the Clever - Azor Ahai - Durran Godsgrief - Good Queen Alysanne • trusted ally: Arya Stark - Sansa Stark - Jon Snow - Arianne Martell - Ellaria Sand - Jorah Mormont - Missandei - Gendry Waters - Meera Reed - Davos Seaworth - Melisandre - Jamie Lannister - Asha Greyjoy - Loras Tyrell - Brienne of Tarth • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
G r i s h a v e r s e ☀️ • grisha order: heartrender - healer - tailor - sun summoner - inferni - squaller - tidemaker - durast - alkemi • occupation: Second Army soldier - member of king's guard - member of the Dregs - runaway Drüskelle - privateer - acrobat - spy - thief - demolitions expert - inventor - scholar • home: Ravka - Fjerda - Kerch - Novyi Zem - Shu Han • weapon of choice: knives - explosives - your abilities - guns - sword - axes • friend: Sturmhond - Genya Safin - Inej Ghafa - Wylan Van Eck - Tamar Kir-Bataar - Alina Starkov - Jesper Fahey - Nina Zenik - Leoni Hilli - Zoya Nazyalensky - Matthias Helvar • tale: The Soldier Prince - Ayama and the Thorn Wood - Little Knife - The Too-Clever Fox - When Water Sang Fire - The Witch of Duva • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
S t a r  W a r s 🚀 • occupation: jedi knight - sith lord - gray jedi - smuggler - resistance fighter - pilot - scavenger - stormtrooper - ambassador - spiritual warrior-monk - bounty hunter - mechanic - senator • allegiance: the Dark Lord - the New Republic - the Jedi Order - the Resistance - the First Order - yourself • homeworld: Jedha - Tattooine - Naboo - Coruscant - Alderaan - Jakku - Takodana - Corellia • weapon of choice: blaster - explosives - lightsaber (blue - red - purple - green - black - silver) - staff - martial arts - diplomacy - the Force (telekinesis - mind control - lightning) • ship: X-Wing - Millennium Falcon - Star Destroyer - Jedi Starfighter - TIE Fighter - Alderaan Cruiser - Nubian Royal Starship • friend: Obi-Wan Kenobi - Ashoka Tano - Mace Windu - Luke Skywalker - Leia Organa - Jessica Pava - Cassian Andor - Bodhi Rook - Finn - Rey - BB8 - Matt the Radar Technician • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
M a r v e l ✨ • species: human - inhuman - mutant - Asgardian - Xandarian - Krylorian • occupation: secret agent - scientist - attorney - investigative journalist - private detective - mercenary - professor - soldier - pilot - ravager - outlaw - bounty hunter - Asgardian warrior - Valkyrie - member of Dora Milaje • hero: lone superhero - leader / member of a superhero team - sidekick - vigilante - antihero • home: Hell’s Kitchen - Brooklyn - Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters - London - Asgard - Vakanda - Xandar • weapon of choice: gun - explosives - throwing knives - bow & arrows - supersuit - martial arts - your fists - your superpowers - your mind • superpower: telepathy - telekinesis - electrokinesis - teleportation - superspeed - shapeshifting - flight - regeneration - healing - manipulation (fire - water - wind - earth - ice - weather) • sidekick: Peter Parker - Gamora - Lady Sif - Nakia - Melinda May - Matt Murdock - Sam Wilson - Steve Rogers - Thor - Carol Danvers - Bruce Banner - Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Scott Lang - Ororo Munroe - Daisy Johnson • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
J a n e  A u s t e n - e s q u e🌹 • identity: the tender-hearted orphan of a mysterious origin - the rich & independent heiress - the respectable & kind daughter of a clergyman - the perfectly tolerable & witty middle sister - the spirited & adventurous only child - the brave & lovable wallflower - the noble & wealthy patroness of arts - the enigmatic & runaway daughter of an empoverished family • occupation: gentlewoman - respectable young miss - governess - lady’s companion - theatre diva - writer - painter - explorer - piano teacher - charity worker • location: Barton Cottage - Mansfield Park - Hartfield - Kellynch Hall - Northanger Abbey - Netherfield - Bath - Pemberley - London • kindred spirit: Elinor Dashwood - Emma Woodhouse - Anne Eliot - Jane Bennet - Eleanor Tilney - Fanny Price - Charlotte Lucas • soulmate: Edward Ferrars - Colonel Brandon - Mr Darcy - Elizabeth Bennet - George Knightley - Frederick Wentworth - Henry Tilney - Catherine Morland - Edmund Bertram • quote: • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
T o l k i e n ⚔ • race: maia - elf - human - hobbit - dwarf • location: Gondolin - Rivendell - Alqualondë - Lothlórien - Mirkwood - Minas Tirith - Edoras - Fangorn Forest - Bag End - Erebor - Lake Town - Ithilien - Tol Galen - Dol Amroth • occupation: Dúnedain ranger - rider of Rohan - shieldmaiden - soldier of Gondor - lord / lady of (Númenór - Gondor - Rohan - the Noldor - the Sindar - the Teleri) - Galadhrim warrior - jeweller & weaponsmith - scholar & librarian - gardener - burglar • weapon: sword (Ringil - Andúril - Guthwine - Orcrist - Glamdring - Sting) - Gondolin knife - spear Aeglos - longbow of the Galadhrim - Númenorian steelbow - Black Arrow - the Phial of Galadriel • jewel: the Silmarils - ring of power (the One Ring - Nenya - Narya - Vilya) - Arkenstone - the Ring of Barahir - the Evenstar necklace • Vala: Manwë - Ulmo - Aulë - Oromë - Mandos - Lórien - Tulkas - Varda - Yavanna - Nienna - Estë - Vairë - Vána - Nessa - Melkor • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
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irisblobel · 6 years
#BlockTour "ALL I WANT IS YOU" by @IrisMorland ~ @InkSlingerPR
#BlockTour “ALL I WANT IS YOU” by @IrisMorland ~ @InkSlingerPR
You met them in DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME. Now prepare to fall in love with THE YOUNGERS, a brand-new series from Iris Morland, full of sexy men, passionate women, and the love stories you can’t get enough of.
A brilliant, aloof lawyer, Phin Younger has focused solely on his career and on helping people less fortunate.
Living his life without romance? He’s just fine with…
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jenniferfaye34 · 6 years
Guest Post ~ Taking a Chance on Love by Iris Morland... #WomensFiction #books
<strong>About TAKING A CHANCE ON LOVE You met them in DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME. Now prepare to fall in love with THE YOUNGERS, a brand-new series from Iris Morland, full of sexy men, passionate women, and the love stories you can't get enough of. A free-spirited artist and animal activist, Thea Younger only wants to make the world a better place. She’s a lover, not a fighter—except when it comes to people like the ruthless billionaire Anthony Bertram. Anthony represents everything that she detests, no matter how handsome or rich he is. When Thea has the opportunity to take part in a social media campaign to hurt his company, she jumps at the chance. Merciless and driven, Anthony Bertram built his company from the ground-up, dedicating every waking moment to creating one of the most powerful corporations in the world. Yet he almost lost it all when his marriage fell apart. Embittered from his divorce, Anthony knows from experience that love only makes you weak. When his company is threatened a second time by a slanderous social media campaign, Anthony vows to discover who is behind the lies and to take that person down. But then fate intervenes. Thea’s much-needed vacation takes a turn when she finds herself trapped in a cabin with none other than Anthony himself. Thea wants to hate Anthony, but as she gets to know the man behind the mask, she realizes he isn’t a monster at all. He’s all man—and one whose kisses she can’t resist. Desire flames between them until both surrender to exquisite temptation. But as secrets loom over them, Thea and Anthony must look inside their hearts and find the courage to take a chance on love.
This book is a part of the LOVE EVERLASTING series, which is one large series following multiple families and friends. Each book can be read as a standalone (unless otherwise noted), or they can be read in order of publication as one long series. Each book is interconnected, with many of the same characters showing up in multiple books. Get your hands on TAKING A CHANCE ON LOVE now:
✦ Amazon https://amzn.to/2HIZxwU ✦ iBooks https://apple.co/2HIHmY9 ✦ Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/2HO2VGY ✦ Kobo http://bit.ly/2HMqmA9
EXCERPT: It wasn't until Saturday, an entire week after Thea and Anthony had arrived, that the rain finally stopped. By that point, the entire cabin was surrounded by mud and puddles that resembled small lakes. Despite the mud, when the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, Thea put on her hiking boots and jacket and headed outside. She and Anthony had avoided each other since their confrontation in her bedroom. They'd barely spoken more than ten words to each other altogether. That was fine with Thea. She just hoped that now that the rain had stopped, she could get out of here. Her resolve to stay had disintegrated in the face of actually having to be around Anthony Bertram. And despite wanting to find some kind of dirt that she could relay to Mittens, she wasn't exactly going to get results by not speaking to him. Or even getting near him or his things. Thea sighed happily as she felt the sun on her face. Even though mud sucked at her boots with every step, she didn't care one bit. She could clear her head, take in some fresh air, and maybe figure out how she was going to stay in this cabin with the worst man in existence for who knew how much longer. Thea's progress was slow as she went downhill, even slower than the first time she and Anthony had come down here. At one point, she got her foot stuck in a particularly sticky patch of mud, and she had to yank herself free, almost falling on her butt. Thea wandered to where the bridge had collapsed. It looked worse than a few days ago. Old lumber was splintered in half from the trees that had fallen onto the bridge. The creek had turned practically into a river with all of the rain. Thea's stomach twisted at the sight. She and Anthony weren't going anywhere anytime soon, that was for sure. Walking parallel to the creek, she let her thoughts wander. Her heart lifted the further she walked from the cabin. She wished she could just walk all the way home and never see Anthony Bertram again.
About Iris Morland
A coffee addict and cat lover, Iris Morland writes sexy and funny contemporary romances. If she's not reading or writing, she enjoys binging on Netflix shows and cooking something delicious. Sign up for my newsletter for new release announcements, bonus content and more! http://eepurl.com/b6UGbX Website | Newsletter | Facebook | Twitter
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graceivers · 7 years
Review #83 - The Nearness of You
The Nearness of You Author: Iris Morland Genre: Contemporary Romance, Doctors, Single Parent Rating: ★★★★½ Recommendation: give it a shot; once was enough Summary: Sara Flannigan moves back to her hometown to start again after divorcing her ex and fighting for her previously sick son. Though the town has not been and continues not to be the kindest to her, she connects with the hometown golden boy, Harrison Thornton, and finds herself in a romance that not everyone approves of.
Female Lead: Sara was a nice character, a good character, a plain and simple character but one that you sympathized with and supported. Most of her turmoil occurred in the past, but Morland made sure to refer to it so readers would be on Sara’s side, which I was. She had just enough bad luck in her past to get you to feel for her, but smartly, Morland ensured that Sara was a fighter, someone that fought as best as she could in the face of adversity. That was probably the best part about Sara—that she remained strong throughout all the challenges she had to ensure. Regardless if it was her mother’s alcoholism and neglect during her childhood, putting up with her absentee ex-husband when they were married, or caring for her son during his illness, Sara battled and never complained and never gave up. There was a lot of selflessness there, which I thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed. And yes, Sara’s character was still hesitant and sometimes even wishy washy when it came to her relationship with Harrison, but I got where she was coming from, and there was a certain logic to her behavior, so I forgave her for that. Sara was a good character. Male Lead: Kind of like Sara, Harrison was a little plain, but I still enjoyed his character and presence. Hot, protective doctor who calls out his mother for her disgraceful behavior towards the woman he fell in love with? Yes, please. For me, the highlight of Harrison’s character was surely him standing up for Sara and thus standing up to his mother. He was so direct and resolute about his stance, and I loved that. And yeah, there were other people looking out for Sara like her sister and even her mother that was coming around, but for someone like Harrison to so blatantly take her side and stand up for her and protect her the way he did, that was amazing; it was something so simple and yet extremely effective in capturing my attention and support. So, yeah, Harrison was a good character too. Plot & Writing: The Nearness of You was a rather simple and straightforward book, and sometimes, that’s all you need. I rather enjoyed the simplicity of it all—that in a romance book, the author didn’t throw in all the clichés and create maximum drama but instead let the story flow in ways that avoided unnecessary complications. The best thing Morland did was in fact keep the plot direct rather than incorporating twists and turns that would otherwise convolute her goal of showcasing the bond between Sara and Harrison and the strength of their feelings for one another.
I loved that everything we saw from the two characters was exactly who they actually were. Sara was tentative but she wasn’t secretive. Harrison was honest and direct but he wasn’t arrogant or condescending. To me, it was so refreshing to read about characters that still had layers but weren’t messy enigmas. Seriously, these two characters carried the book—as they needed to considering the simplistic plot Morland went with. If the author hadn’t written Sara and Harrison as nicely as she did, the book could’ve been boring and unfinished on my part. Thankfully, that didn’t happen.
Was the relationship between Sara and Harrison a little quick? Maybe. I bought their attraction to one another, their chemistry, their growing feelings. I don’t know. I generally liked the pacing of the story as a whole, though I do remember at a couple of points where I thought things might have been moving fast for them to already consider love when they had only been on like two dates. Alas, stranger things have happened. I still bought into their relationship and rooted for it, so the timing wasn’t too much of a hindrance.
And I just wanted to comment on Harrison’s mother. Geez, what a character. Her logic made absolutely no sense to me. No sense! So, if she had gone through the shaming of coming from ‘the wrong side of the tracks’ while she was with her husband, why in the world did she not sympathize and help Sara and positively welcome her? And then you think, maybe she was just protecting Harrison because she didn’t want him to go through what she and her husband went through. But then you realize that what she went through was because her husband’s parents disowned him. Was she going to disown Harrison for being with Sara then? No, because the whole point of her being nasty to Sara was to keep Harrison in the family and not push him away. Only, Harrison ended up not speaking to his mom anymore anyway because of all the unfortunate things she said to Sara. So that begged the question, what was the mother’s goal in trying to break them apart? I didn’t get her at all. I am interested to see if/how she plays a role in the ensuing books in the series and how her relationship with Harrison and Sara changes if they show up more.
Favorite Part(s): Harrison punching that dude who was harassing Sara? Yikes. But also, the scene where Harrison took Sara out on the boat for the first time really stuck out to me. Because of sexytimes? Maybe. But I just thought that whole moment where it was just the two of them out there and were able to talk honestly and focus on each other was romantic and… beautiful. Final Thoughts: The Nearness of You was a sweet and simple romance. Like I said before, the two main characters really carried the story. I liked that Morland didn’t complicate them or the plot overall but instead allowed everything to come as naturally as it could. There was an overall maturity to the characters and the book, and that was absolutely the right way to go considering that they were in fact grown and serious adults. The Nearness of You was a satisfying read, and I would recommend.
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