#Iodine Hair Loss
myninaross · 2 months
Iodine Hair Loss Conditions
Remember, maintaining healthy iodine levels is crucial for overall well-being. Even more important, consult the right medical professional so that all your symptoms of iodine hair loss are catered to.
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chic-diet-inspired · 14 days
hiii! Do u eat any vitamins to prevent and help with side effects of ⭐ ving and do they actually work😭
Cuz i saw a post with a list of vitamins and now I can't find it
It said something like calcium for deteriorating teeth and bones
And some other stuff for hair loss, skin and nails
Yes there are lots of supplements you should be taking incase you are fasting or restricting loads. Your body may start falling apart if you don't. I sometimes see people on here eat like a bag of cheerio's and a pack of biscuit and say they reached their cal limit, when they have not eaten anything that was actually nutritious (and also won't help them lose weight). I remember when I first started getting those deficiency markings on my nails. I hunted everything on the internet about it. It was either calcium or zinc deficiency. I had to look into my diet.
I know that Ed is supposed to be self-destructive and some people are okay with the deteriorating health(sometimes it is their goal) but I want to be a parent in the future and therefore I make sure to take care of myself. I do not judge anyone who does not want kids or are happy with the side effect of not having periods, struggling with an Ed is hard on itself and this community should be as tight knit as possible and support each other.
Back to the topic, I take zinc and iron supplements(Zinc for good hair and skin and iron for good periods and blood flow) because I noticed that I was having a lot of hairfall. Similarly I had tried being vegan and it didn't work out for me much, hence the white marks on my nails. I need the calcium. I also use vitamin E externally for hair and skin. Also everyone in my family takes a vitamin D3 tablet once every fortnight. I try to get all my macros in for the day, eat balanced diet with protein, carbs and veggies(roughage), and then when I have completed my daily quota of healthy eating only then can eat one thing that I like. I also practice intuitive eating. But again what works for me may not work for you.
So my suggestion, see what feels right for your body. Look at the signs and what you are lacking a consume those supplements. And again supplements in themselves can be expensive as well so if possible try to change your diet first to cater to your needs. And also consuming supplements over a long period of time can cause resistance to them. This happened to my grandma. She used (and still takes, god knows why) calcium supplements but when she fractured one of the bones in her spinal cords the doctor looked it up and found out that she has calcium deficiency and none of the supplements were working for her. They had to give her calcium shots. So be careful what you put in you body.
And again look for what time each supplements needs to be taken, how it is going to work and what foods to avoid in case you are taking them. Like lesser salt consumption in case you decide to take iodine.
Here I attached some pictures that might help.
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mistypsych · 1 year
/ yoongi / suga / agust d /
summary: as a doctor you never expected to be dragged into “the criminal life”, nothing and no one seems to be true anymore, your whole world turns upside down after you save him.
pairings: yoongi mob boss x f.reader x non idol bts members.
warnings: smut, guns, knives, stabbings, blood, gore, murders, drugs, criminals, gang life, medical emergency, illness, abuse, swearing, angst, dubcon, gang violence, corruption, manipulation, lies, cheating - 18+ minors dni.
Note: Hi! This is an attempt of writing a fanfic long after writing anything at all. Please also keep in mind English is no longer my first language and it might be a bit rusty and odd at times but I try my best. The story is a non idol BTS fanfic with Suga being the main character. The first chapters might not have a lot of Yoongi but I want the backstory to be clear. I want the story to be complex. The next chapters there will have way more of him I promise! If you want to be on the tag list let me know!
“Namjoon stop it! She needs a clear head. You can’t be freaking her out with a gun!” your friend tried to reason but was just laughed at and all you heard was “Do your thing doc… or else…”. As you turned to the one you were supposed to save, you heard footsteps as more men entered the room.
You looked to the ceiling closing your eyes, realizing you are surrounded by some sort of gang members and the one bleeding out to death must be the head of the whole harpy. At this point there was no backing out, you clearly had no choice but to try and save him. You pushed away the hair from his forehead to try and feel out his temperature. He was clearly burning up. Next stage was getting cold from all the blood loss. Laying there he really didn’t look like someone who would run a gang. His features and frame seemed outright delicate.
You shook your head and pushed away the intrusive thoughts. Focus. You had to gain focus or else you would fail miserably, what also meant not walking out of there alive. Grabbing your bag you gave the men a side eye and huffed to yourself “Well you probably just decided on a death sentence for him…”.
As much as you knew how good you were, you also knew the conditions were far from ideal or even good. If it were a surgical room you would feel way more at ease and confident in pulling this off. Standing in a dark room with a patient on some rusty table made you think you landed in a war zone and it was this option or nothing at all. Hell at war you would consider this type of conditions amazing.
You started prepping yourself taking out the octenisept and iodine to disinfect as much space as possible.You put on a mask on and cloaked your hair with a cap. Throwing your sterile gloves on you took one last look at the black haired man. You could at least try and be professional about the whole situation. You had to succeed. Your life literally depended on it.
Minutes of helpless trials to grab and shut off all the bleeding vessel passed faster than a blink of an eye. You were starting to sweat and unlike yourself panic a little bit. The room was starting to feel hot and claustrophobic. This whole thing was utterly fucked up. You had to bring yourself back. Messing up was not an option.
Blood was pumping threw your body with speed that seemed to be at hundreds miles per hour. The dizziness that came from all the adrenalin was slowly creeping up your brain. Your heart tried to climb out threw your now completely dry throat. You still couldn’t fathom how in the world you turned out to be naive and blind enough to find yourself in this damn situation.
The fact that the person who dragged you into all of this was standing petrified and held at gunpoint, was not making it any easier. The tall and well built male whom others referred to as Namjoon was staring you down while holding his silver piece close to Jungkooks head. “You better not try some bullshit bitch!” he snarled angrily. His gaze was locked onto your back. You could swear you felt the heat of his eyes burning threw your skin.
You were sweaty, your hair was messy and stuck to your forehead. While elbows deep in blood you tried to stop the hemorrhaging. The long haired male laying in front of you with horrific wounds was getting paler by the minute.
“He needs a fucking hospital!” you wanted to reason with them again, a hoarse scream flew out of your lips while you were desperately trying to stop the blood. At this point you felt it was almost overflowing the whole abdominal cavity.
The brunette moved up and took his gun away from your colleges head just to put it to your temple. The coldness of the metal sent a shiver down your spine. You swallowed the dry ball forming in your mouth. You were slowly out of ideas. In your mind you knew the young man should be on an operating table with blood bags hanging already. “I said no fucking hospitals!” the roared words snapped you back to reality and pierced threw you like an arrow.
As much as you wanted to rip Kooks stupid head right off his shoulders for dragging you here, you knew you had to focus on the task. You closed your eyes trying to forget about the cold sting coming from the weapon that was painfully pushed against your scull.
Exhaling threw your nose loudly you suddenly thought of something. It was brutal but you had to try. “Get me salt!” you finally spat out. “Are you fucking crazy?!” one of the men standing at the door growled. He was shorter and of a lighter built but still had something about him that made your skin crawl. All of them made you feel extremely uneasy and wonder if you were gonna die even if you end up saving their main man. You saw them. You knew their faces and location. Were they really gonna let you walk out of this breathing?
Looking into the still not moving gangsters misty eyes you gritted your teeth. “I SAID GET ME SOME DAMN SALT YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!” the words shot out of your mouth faster then you could think them threw. Luckily the insult only got them to move and fetch what you wanted. In a different situation you could imagine such talkback would only earn you a proper wack to the head.
Jungkook looked at you with worried eyes. He was trembling a bit knowing what you were planning on doing. He heard some stories about this so called “last hope” method. It was mainly used at the military when doctors were out of supplies and tools. He knew you were always fascinated by medical work in the army. Still he prayed that you had at least the slightest idea about what you were doing and were aware of all the possible outcomes.
Of course you weighed your options. This approach was not something you would do while at the hospital but given your situation you had little to no choice. You could let this shady dude die and have your life taken with him or you could try and use a risky method.
Taking the pack of salt in your surprisingly steady hands you looked at the full of lesions and oozing abdomen. Taking a deep breath you tossed the powder.
Everyone in the room except for your coworker looked in utter shock and went silent for a while. Then a “The fuck you think you are doing?!” was let out in a high pitched note by someone.
You barely made out the next obscenities that were being thrown around by the now very anxious group of criminals. You steered yourself into your work zone. Staring at the cavity you already knew you dealt your cards well. The blood finally stopped flooding in and you could now start looking for all the torn vessels and start stitching them up.
Once more you closed your eyes, moved your head to both sides. The motion let out a loud crack and gave a little relief to your aching neck. Grabbing the suturing kit from the medical bag you began to work your magic.
Being a highly well trained trauma surgeon made you capable of working fast and efficiently under hefty amounts of stress. But no training at the hospital could prepare you for being trapped in a hellhole stitching up some shady persona while being held at gunpoint.
After what seemed like ages you were finally done and your patient was by some miracle still alive. You looked at the floor around the table. It was covered in blood that was now becoming sticky. “This fucker is unkillable…” you thought to yourself. The amount of vital fluids he lost made you wonder how in the hell he still had a pulse.
You took your gloves off and threw them to the ground not giving one shit about good ethics. You did what they wanted. Cleanup was their problem and you sure as hell did not care that your actions added to the mess. Your cap and mask landed on the floor as well. You felt filthy an nauseous and had no idea what time it was but you were sure it had to already be close to morning.
The seriousness of the situation hit you brutally like a wave in the ocean. You didn’t even want to look at the gangsters or Kook. You felt completely blindsided by him. You were praying that you got to live and walk out of there. After that you would plan your perfect revenge on Jungkook, in all honesty you were even considering murder.
“Well… well… you actually managed to pull this off.” Namjoon said leaning over his boss and looking at you. “You saved the life of August D you know?” he continued as if it was supposed mean something. Being so done with everything at this point, you simply could not hold back anymore “Do I look like I give a fuck? All I want is to get out of this pit!” In response he just looked at you with an amused smile.
“Joon… we had a deal.” Kook said in a quiet voice looking a bit anxious. The tall man laughed “You of all people should not be telling me of our deals… this was the least you could do but of course you get to leave” he bowed his head.
That was your queue to run the hell out of there. They sure as fuck did not need to repeat themselves. Quickly grabbing your bag you made way to the exit. You did not care if you had to run back home on foot or try to call and wake up Hoseok, crying to pick up your naive ass.
You almost left the room when you heard “See you on the checkup doc!” this Namjoon character was sure having a blast with taunting you. Not bothering to answer you ran outside. Of course you did not plan on coming back. You were gonna get them busted and taken care of by the authorities.
Suddenly you felt a hand grab your shoulder. Your instincts taking over made you try to hit whoever dared touch you. Jungkook grabbed your fist before it made contact with his face. “Easy Y/N! It’s just me!”. You stared at him with big eyes, your mouth open from the utter shock and then just like that, you lost it.
You completely lost it. “JUST YOU?! Just you?! You fucking asshole! You could have had me killed! Do you understand?! Does your peanut brain comprehend what a fucking dick move you pulled on me?! Fuck you! Really fuck you!” your voice was deep and hoarse from all the stress of the evening. If not for the fact that you usually knew how to keep your composure, the man standing in front of you would surely be dead.
He sighed running his hand threw his hair. His eyes were darting all over the place, just to not meet yours. “I will explain to you everything on the way home Y/N…” a hysterical and sinister laugh left your lips. You even threw your head back because of how crazy this all was. “You motherfucker think I am gonna get in a car with you? After your little stunt? Wow you really are dumb aren’t you?” usually you did not like to use insults but given the situation you decided he had it coming the moment he put you in that hellhole.
He looked at you dumbfounded and surprised. Never did he get to see this side of you. “I am calling Hobi and telling him everything and this little shit show is gonna close up soon!” you said walking forward and taking out your phone.
Kookie ran after you grabbing your hand and taking your cell. His stare was serious. “Y/N! You can’t… August D… he… he owns the police department. He has them in his pocket. You think if it wasn’t the case I would not call on them long ago?”. You look at him. You try to analyze how much bullshit he is trying to sell you. But something in his eyes made you understand that was not the case and that things are way beyond complicated.
You shake your head and say “Whatever… I’ll tell Hobi.” you shrug and then see your friends face. A face telling you that it would not be a good idea to do so. “It wouldn’t change anything Y/N… He OWNES them… all of them. He basically runs the city. Trust me he is no little gangster and this shit goes deeper than the ocean…” You could not believe what was happening. You wanted to laugh and tell Jungkook he is full of it and a lying scum but his whole demeanor showed that he was being dead serious. You felt heat rush up your body. Your legs shook and threatened to give in. Looking at your colleague you whispered “Tell me what the fuck is going on…”.
* * * * * * * * *
Jungkook drove slowly and took you away from the dangerous city outskirts. He stopped at a gas station and drove into its parking lot. Turning off the engine he looked worried. You were staring straight ahead, trying to work threw the huge anxiety that was threatening to completely take over. He rubbed his face and let out a quiet groan. His eyes were glassy and you could see the guilt that consumed him.
“Explain…” you said. Your voice was washed out of any emotion. You were at the breaking point and needed to understand what was going on or you would lose your shit completely.
Kook turned to face you, trying to figure out where he should start at. He knew you may seem calm from the outside but he was sure on the inside you had to feel as the world was on fire. “I owe Yoongi money…” he blurted out word by word. “Yoongi?” you asked still not looking his way. “That is Agusts D’s real name… Min Yoongi. I owe him.” he continued. You shook your head in disbelief, of course it was about cash. “For what? Drugs? Were you an addict or something?” you finally turned to him, your gaze gloomy.
He grimaced at your words. It seemed as tho they have hurt him. “No Y/N I don’t owe him for that. I was from a very poor family. I wanted to educate myself. Be someone. Make a living, help myself and my family out… pay all their loans…” you could hear the sadness and abashment in his voice. You actually felt a bit unfair for jumping into conclusions so quickly. But what were you to think after seeing all that shady business?
“I heard about his father and the gang around the streets… when I was about to go to collage. Let’s just say I did not live in the nicest of areas…” he looked threw the window, pressing himself into the seat a bit deeper. “My parents could not afford to put me threw all the tutoring and shit needed to make it to med school… and then I earned a scholarship during my fist year of studies, that allowed me go to USA. In that time Yoongis dad was murdered together with most of the old group. Needles to say the son took over the father and that of course ment my debts didn’t go away…”
You blew the air out of your lungs loudly and asked “How much do you owe them? Maybe I can pitch in… get you out of this…” he just laughed strangely at your proposition. “That’s sweet Y/N. I don’t deserve you as a friend. The thing is with August D it isn’t about money. He found out what I was doing with the loan so he made sure I end up his gangs doctor, that is why I am a gp… if not for this shit I always wanted to specialize in ortho…” he shook his head while letting his shoulders slouch being well aware what situation he was in. “I paid off all my parents bank loans… got them an apartment but the price is that he owns me in a way…” he looked at you with sorry eyes.
“Shit Kook… why didn’t you say anything? Maybe we could have had planned something to get you out? You know who my fiancé is… maybe he can…” you stopped mid sentence remembering what your friend said before - he owns them all, ha has them in his pocket. His face turned pale. Nervousness spilled all over him. He didn’t want to have this discussion. Unraveling all of this was never his intention. You did not deserve this.
“Is Hoseok involved with them…? Did you ever see him there?” you questioned and snapped him back to reality. “I never saw him Y/N but I heard them talk about him and his partner. They were setting up meetings. You remember that murder case in Guro that was all over the news?” you nodded your head “Yea… Hobi was leading it. He said there was some sort of gang dealing.”
Your friend looked at you with a serious face. He tried to check if you followed what he was trying to say “Yea… it was Agust D’s people that took out the guys who tried to go around his back and push drugs on not their turf. The police is well aware who killed those people Y/N and they together with your fiancé took hush money…”
You stared at him. You wanted to smack his face for making such accusations about Hobi. He did not see it happen. Who knows what he even heard. How dare him say such things.
As if reading your mind he said “Yes I did not see him but before you tell him anything about this night make sure to test the waters Y/N. Trust me you are gonna find out they are murky as fuck. Hoseok is dirty like all of the police. It all goes far back…”
“Well if that is the case then why the hell are you telling me this just now?! What kind of friend are you supposed to be? Why would you sit on this information?!” you yelled at him and hit the dashboard with all your strength causing Kookie to flinch and jump up a bit.
“I didn’t say anything because yea he is a dirty cop but it doesn’t mean he don’t love you or is otherwise a bad person. Life is not always black and white Y/N. Plus I never thought we would be in this mess. I never thought I’d drag you into this but here we fucking are and I just don’t want you to get into more trouble then I already put you in. So I beg you, please try and feel out the situation before you tell Hoseok about any of this. Please…” the worry and desperation in his voice had you realize he really believed the man you lived with was entangled with those criminals.
Sighing you agreed not to make quick decisions without finding out the details. “Does this mean I have to see those thugs again?” your voice got shaky from all the anxiety that was trying to get to the surface and take over your body. Kookie shook his head quickly “Nah. Namjoon was just tormenting you. I can handle it from here. What I could not manage was those wounds. They don’t teach you how to handle that level as a gp. Simple wounds and general post op care? Yea… So don’t worry. They will forget you exist very soon” you looked to the floor slowly feeling a bit relieved but also very tired.
“I am sorry for putting you on the spot like that Y/N. I did not know who else to turn to and if I wouldn’t have handled the situation or at least try, then they would go after my family. That doesn’t mean what I did was right and that I don’t I regret it. I’ve let fear take over and made a bad decision. I am truly sorry. You have always been nothing but a good friend to me and I fucked it up…” he did not dare look at you. He in all honesty feared of losing one of the best people in his life.
“Yea that was a dick move Koo and it will take me some time to recover from, but at least now I understand. I can’t say I would make better choices in your situation so I would be a hypocrite to cut you off from my life completely. Just know this… if I ever deal with some gang bangers you are the first I will throw into the pit with them” a small smile crept over your lips. As much as you were angry and disappointed you did not hate him and you didn’t want to give up your friendship.
A sigh of relief flew out of his mouth. He needed to hear that from you. He needed to know not all was a lost cause. Now was time to focus on fixing the trust he has broken. “Oh and also don’t expect me to help out with charity work tomorrow. You are on that boat alone. I am too tired and my mind is utter chaos. I would not be of any use.” He blinked fast and said “Of course understandable! Also i think you meant today, it is already 3:00 a.m. So let’s get you home.”
You nodded, you had no idea it was already next morning. Home. Home was just what you needed right now. A long hot bath to wash away all the stench and filth of that dreadful place. A glass of wine to blur out the memories. The only problem was that home also meant Hoseok and you were starting get that pinging feeling in the back of your head that you were in for a fucking ride.
Tag list: @wobblewobble822 @nansasa @danielle143 @kooslilhoe @yoongisducky @xjiminsthighsx @kootieful @nochook
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
What do you mean it was the anniversary of the death of a dorky gay metalhead???
Tw: medical stuff/hospital setting. it's fairly mild
29th March, 1986
"Hey, Steve?"
He turns in his chair to look at Robin. She's standing side by side Nancy, who has her arm around Dustin, still red-eyed and tired. They'll all tired.
It has been just under 48 hours since Steve had used the last of his strength to lift Eddie (with the aid of Nancy, Rob and the wobbly stack of furniture on both sides of the Gate) out of the Upside Down.
Eddie was barely alive, bloodied and breathing shallow. The hard fall that Steve caught the most of probably not making the situation better as they tumbled back into the real world. Nancy had commandeered the stolen RV to the hospital, dropped them off and doubled back to the Creel house for Max and the Sinclairs.
Almost immediately they were separated, Eddie wheeled off to god knows where, while Steve was treated in emergency at Robin's insistence. Then at some point he'd passed out, a combination of the pain from his wounds and whatever drugs were pumped into him.
This fucking IV. Two days later, he's still hooked up to it, not dragging it along into Eddie's room like he did the first night because Robin has taken to wheeling Steve around in a wheelchair.
He's sitting by Eddie's bedside now. Watching. Waiting for him to wake up.
Apparently he awoke early yesterday morning with Wayne in the room. And if he's being honest (and he feels like shit about it), Steve is jealous he missed it. He was having his bandages changed. An excerise that took way too long because they were all quickly moved into the bowels of Hawkins General, top secret by the time Dr Owens suddenly popped up. By then, government clearance was needed to do any god damn thing. So he'd waited for hours between the old bandages going and the new dressings.
Robin would say it wasn't that long...
Anyway, Eddie had briefly regained consciousness in that time.
And Steve missed it.
He looks at Robin, eyes pleading. He shakes his head.
She thankfully nods, despite the smallest shuffle towards him that has Nancy making a sqeaking noise at her.
"Let's go sit with Wayne and have some lunch," she says quietly, squeezing Dustin (equally hesitant to leave the room) and nodding.
Nancy, ever the level-headed one, even in this situation the Scooby Gang had gotten themselves in, was managing everyone and their emotions. She was a godsend.
He tips his head towards the door, nodding along with Nancy. They trio lingered for a moment longer before leaving to venture up into the world.
Steve watches as the door closes, wheeling closer to Eddie's bed.
He reaches out a hand, stopping as he remembers his stupid drip. He yanks it around the left wheel of his chair, slapping it against the floor to free up some length. He reaches his destination this time, resting his hand on Eddie's right forearm, just below those cursed patch of bats. He grumbles at the sight of them and searches for somewhere else to look.
Eddie is covered in bandages, cuts, dried blood and iodine stains. They are still tubes everywhere, maybe a couple less than when Steve first saw him when he'd crept into his room late last night. He'd needed surgery of course, patching up his left side which had been torn to pieces. A nurse quipped that Steve and Nancy had saved him from blood loss with their triage work.
Turns out Steve had finally found a use for his First Aid training post-Lifeguard life. It's not like any life or death situations happened in Family Video...
He wishes he could sit on Eddie's left side, brush away the hair that was tangled with dried blood. He couldn't reach forward enough to brush away his fringe that's sticking to his forehead either.
Steve runs his palm down Eddie's right arm, reaching his hand that is only occupied by a pulse-rate clip on his index finger. He intertwines their fingers, shifting forward in his chair as best he can so he can press a soft kiss to the back of Eddie's hand.
He selfishly holds his hand to his own chapped lips, not caring if it's obstructing the pulse device.
He just needs a moment.
He screws his eyes shut, willing away tears.
"Please wake up for me, Eds."
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devoted1989 · 8 days
3 vital nutrient supplements vegans need
There are 2 types of omega 3 fatty acids:-
* ALA is an ESSENTIAL omega 3 fatty acid that can only be obtained through the diet alone.
* DHA and EPA are non-essential, meaning the body can produce its own through our ALA omega fats. However, they are still essential in the sense that we need them in our body. Non-essential in the sense that we don’t need to consume them from outside sources. Animal products are naturally high in these two, and so are a direct source with no need for conversion.
Lots of plant foods contain ALA such as chia, flax, hemp seeds, walnuts, and soy products. You would think that we could make plenty of our own DHA and EPA from these, but this is not actually the case. Unfortunately, the conversion rate for plant based ALA into EPA is only around 5% and the conversion to DHA is practically zero.
This is the reason why studies show that vegans are consistently lacking in these vital nutrients.
Possible symptoms of low omega 3
* Dry or flaky skin, hair and nails
* Depression
* Confusion
* Night blindness
* Cardiovascular problems in the long term
Luckily, you can easily buy an omega 3 specially designed for vegan and plant based diets, therefore this should be an easy problem to fix.
Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D and the ones that do are mostly fish, seafood or egg based, and therefore not eaten on the plant based diet. Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem among meat eaters and plant based eaters alike, but worse so for the latter.
If you’re lucky enough to live in the sunshine, then you may not need to supplement vitamin D (though do be mindful of the fact that as a plant based eater you won’t be getting ANY through food). But, if you are not getting a good 15 minutes of midday sun on at least a quarter of your body every day then you may need to supplement, even if it’s just low dose.
Don’t forget to be mindful of the fact that it may not be good for you to have such exposure to the mid day sun anyway.
For the rest of us who live in less sunny climates, then a supplement of 1000 iu daily is a must. Vitamin D3 is the most highly absorbable form.
Possible symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency
* Low immunity
* Low energy
* Aches and pains in the bones due to lack of absorption of calcium (vitamin D is needed in the body to absorb calcium).
* Depression and low mood
* Slow healing times
* Bone loss
* Hair loss
* Muscles aches and pains
Vegans and plant based eaters who do not use a B12 supplement are among the highest group to be deficient in this nutrient. Although it can still be found in spirulina, chlorella, unwashed organic vegetables (though, who’s going to eat an unwashed carrot?), certain mushrooms, fortified nutritional yeast, and other fortified, processed vegan foods.
But, you may find that you probably still aren’t getting enough due to how much, and how rarely you eat these foods.
Possible symptoms of low B12 levels include:-
* Low energy and fatigue
* Weakness
* Pale skin
* Unexplained pins and needles
* Changes in the way you move around and walk
* Mouth ulcers
* Disturbed vision
* Dizziness
* Breathlessness
* High temperature
* Depression
* Anxiety
A good B vitamin works well and covers all bases. It’s best to use one that is predominantly B12 with smaller doses of the other B’s. Sometimes taking this supplement every other day is enough, especially if it’s good quality and pretty high dose to begin with.
Other nutrients you may need
* IODINE – Found in seaweeds and iodised salt.
* IRON – Found in beans, green peas, nuts, seeds, cruciferous vegetables, fortified cereals and nut milks.
* CALCIUM – Found in Green leafy veg, watercress, broccoli, butternut squash, oranges, tahini, sesame seeds, figs, chickpeas, fortified tofu and nut milks. Remember you need adequate Vitamin D to absorb calcium properly.
* ZINC – Found in wholegrains, nuts, seeds (especially pumpkin seeds, wheatgerm, legumes).
By Zest Forever.
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hormonesclinics · 1 year
Common Symptoms and Treatment Options for Thyroid Disorders
The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. When it malfunctions, it can lead to thyroid disorders. In this blog post, we will explore the common symptoms of thyroid disorders and discuss the available treatment options to manage this condition effectively.
1. Understanding Thyroid Disorders:
The thyroid gland produces hormones that control metabolism, energy levels, and growth. Thyroid disorders can manifest in two main forms: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the gland does not produce enough hormones, while hyperthyroidism results from excessive hormone production.
2. Common Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders:
Fatigue and weakness
Weight changes
Mood swings and irritability
Hair loss
Temperature sensitivity
3. Diagnosis and Testing:
Accurate diagnosis of thyroid disorders involves comprehensive medical testing, including blood tests to measure hormone levels and thyroid imaging. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and interpretation of the test results.
4. Treatment Options for Thyroid Disorders:
Treatment for thyroid disorders depends on the specific condition and its severity. Common treatment options include:
Medication: Synthetic hormones to replace or regulate thyroid function.
Radioactive iodine therapy: Used to reduce the activity of an overactive thyroid.
Surgery: Removal of part or all of the thyroid gland in certain cases.
5. Lifestyle Modifications for Managing Thyroid Disorders:
In addition to medical interventions, certain lifestyle modifications can help manage thyroid disorders effectively. These include:
Balanced diet: Focus on foods rich in iodine, selenium, and zinc.
Regular exercise: Promotes overall well-being and helps regulate metabolism.
Stress management: Stress reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga.
Sufficient sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.
Thyroid disorders can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, but with early recognition and appropriate treatment, they can be effectively managed. By understanding the symptoms and exploring the available treatment options, individuals can take proactive steps toward maintaining their thyroid health. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.
FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: www.hormoneclinic.in/
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tahyal · 2 years
💌 hello angel, I hope you are well! how is life treating you?
I was hoping to ask you for some guidance, or just your blatant opinion. I’ve always admired your wisdom, your closeness to spirit and I deeply trust your willingness to answer anything to the best of your ability.
Truthfully I am seeking out other options + opinions on how I can lose weight, healthily. I know you’re well versed in the natural remedies and holistic methods by means of taking care of the body. I am mindful about my eating habits, I work a job in which I am on my feet almost all day, I work out (not as often as I used to, but enough to sate my desire); yet still I’ve gained more weight in the past few months than I’d like to admit. I’ve sought out help from my doctor, who suggests I’m perfectly healthy. I understand that my body will ever be changing and it’s normal to have almost a “second puberty” at my age. But it’s hijacked my happiness and the way that I see myself now is so distorted. I had a similar experience a couple years ago (drastic increase in weight, feeling depressed/anxious. then finally finding the drive to love and sculpt my body.) I wondered that it could be a past lesson, cycling it’s way back to reinforce something in me. This time feels different. I just feel a sort of spiritual or mental block. I want to be able to love my body enough that I can really look at myself and feel healthy, and be able to physically see the changes I’ve made.
sincerely, a woman at her wits’ end 🥺
Hi love! Sorry about this!
This is not a medical diagnosis but it might be Thyroid related. Sometimes our T3 and T4 levels can come up normal but the thyroid might still be under functioning, that is not to its optimal level. So doctors will usually brush it off / not consider it.
This can lead to stubborn weight gain, hair loss, digestive issues, skin issues, stress, anxiety, etc.
Some ways you can support your thyroid :
- Never skip breakfast, when you do you put your body under stress. Always make sure you have at least a fruit and some type of protein
- Don’t drink coffee before meals, always after. Coffee after meals can act as a thyroid booster, you just have to be properly fueled before taking it, and take it with milk/cream and a natural form of sugar
- Eat plenty of fruits
- If you can handle them, eat organ meats such as liver, they’re packed with essential minerals and nutrients - Shellfish as well
- Make sure you properly salt your meals, you need iodine
- Don’t exercise too much, when your body is already depleted/slow to function, you don’t want to further deplete your already scarce resources. Rest and do low impact movements
- Sleep well, the body restores itself at night. Cut out blue light, no screens before bed, and do a few reps of deep belly breathing
- Try to limit grains for a little bit, as well as gluten, those two are quite harsh on the system. Prioritize sourdough breads, and if you’re consuming grains soak and cook them well.
- Spore based probiotics can also be of great help if you tolerate them well, the Youtheory brand one is pretty great
And finally, I highly recommend browsing through Noelle Kovary’s instagram as she has herself recovered from thyroid issues! She gives amazing health advice.
That’s all I can think of right now! I hope it helps, please don’t hesitate to ask more questions.
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missroserose · 2 years
Whumptober, Day 21: "You're safe now."
“Shh.  Sammy.  You’re safe now.”
“Dean?”  Sam’s eyes flutter open, Dean’s worried face slowly coming into focus.  “Wha’ happened?”
“Damn, baby bro.  Don’t you remember?”  A little forced jollity, fear underlying the words.  Dean’s hands are touching Sam all over—brushing his bangs off his forehead, taking his pulse, squeezing his hand.  “We were toasting that werewolf we ganked, and the next thing I knew you’d passed out on me.  Why didn’t you tell me it’d got you so badly?”
“It did?”  Sam’s slowly aware of a throbbing in his abdomen; he looks down, realizes he’s shirtless, a neatly stitched gash extending several inches below his ribcage.  “Don’t remember,” he says, sifting through fractured memories.  The hunt, the fight—there’s flashes, bits and pieces, emotional beats more than anything.  Triumph and pride, when he triangulated the location.  Apprehension, isolating one and sneaking up on it.  Terror, when their info turned out to be wrong and the pack was closer than they realized, the three of them against five superhuman monsters—
“Three?”  Sam’s brows knit.  “Dean?  Was Dad fighting with us?”
Dean’s eyes widen at that, and his hand reaches up, fingers running through Sam’s hair.  “Sammy?  Did you hit your head?  I haven’t seen Dad for months, remember?  That’s why I came to find you in the first place.”  
“Right, I just—”  Sam bats Dean’s hand away, lets his head fall back.  “It’s strange.  Like I don’t exactly remember him there, just…” He lets it trail away; Dean is applying iodine to his wound,  staining it yellow-orange.  “Maybe it’s wishful thinking.  If we’d found him, I’d be back at Stanford.”  That was their deal.  He doesn’t know how he could’ve forgotten—ignores the pang at the thought of leaving Dean again—
“Hey, it’s okay.  Blood loss does weird things.”  Dean’s busy putting away the surgical supplies, but he gives Sam a mischievous look.  “This one time, I went out to a bar after a vamp bit me?  I looked like a total dweeb in a turtleneck, you would’ve laughed, but It was the best, I got slammed on like two beers.  And there was this chick there, and she was into me, you know, just really down for it, so I took her out back, and—”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Sam says, hiding his face behind his hands so Dean can’t see him laughing.  “I do not want to hear this—”
“All I’m saying is, the little man wanted to stand up and salute so bad, but it just wasn’t happening—.”  Sam groans, trying to drown him out, but he just raises his voice— “I swear the next vamp I meet I’m going to give them an extra beatdown just for missing out on that opportunity—”  Sam groans louder, and Dean is laughing too hard to continue.
Dean tried to hold his family together.  God, with all of his heart, he’d tried.
Sam’d told him once, after a particularly big blowout with Dad—you don’t get it, I’m not solid like you.  I’m the wonky leg in a camp stool.  And it turned out to be truer than he thinks Sam even realized—because maybe he was the wonky leg, but he was still a leg, and without him, the family that Dean had tried so desperately to keep together had just…collapsed.  
He tried, of course.  Got John into bed when he came stumbling in stinking of cheap whiskey and cheaper perfume.  Honed his pool-sharking, his poker face, kept them in fleabag motels and gas station food.  Helped plan hunts, tracking the papers, always looking for some sign of that yellow-eyed bastard who killed Dean’s mother, who shaped their family into the twisted, wobbly form it took today.  He tried, and for a few months, it looked as if they could balance, keep upright, just the two of them—
Then Dean had woken up to an empty motel room, a set of keys and a journal on the bedside table.  No note.  No inscription in the journal.  Not even a thank-you, not that he ever expected one.
He hadn’t expected any of it.  His mother’s violent death.  Sam angry departure.  John’s silent disappearance.  Everyone who ever loved him, gone.
And for the first time in his life, Dean had nobody to take care of.
“Sam.  Oh god, Sammy.  You’re safe now.”
The world slowly swims into focus around them.  Familiar worn wallpaper, overflowing shelves, books stacked on every available surface, jostling for space with disassembled car parts and old fetishes, incense, dreamcatchers.  A spring jabs right through layers of foam and mohair into the middle of his back—Bobby’s couch.  “Dean?  Wha’ happened?”
Dean’s expression is different this time—the word haunted springs to mind without any trace of irony.  “Sam.  Oh god.  You’re all right—”  His brother chokes up, buries his head in Sam’s chest.
“It appears that somebody crashed the shit out of the Impala,” comes a dry voice from the corner.  “I swear to God, you Winchesters are stubborn little shits.  I told you ages ago to wear your seatbelts.  It’s lucky you didn’t go through the windshield.”  Bobby rubs his chin and looks away, muttering half to himself.  “Like it’s in one ear and out the other.”
Sam’s forehead is throbbing; he can feel the lump rising even as his heart sinks.  “Dean, I’m so sorry,” he says.  “God, the one time you let me drive—I swear to god I never saw it coming—”
“What?”  Dean’s face rises into Sam’s view again; he shakes his head, then busies his hands with something.  “No, Sam, I was the one who crashed it.  You were in the passenger seat when the truck hit us.”  He lifts an orange-yellow cotton ball, brushes it over the tender spot on Sam’s forehead.   “See?  You hit your head on the window, it bled like crazy.”
Sam catches his breath.  He thought he remembered—the car at night, a fight, headlights bearing down on them—his grip white-knuckled on the steering wheel—Dad’s voice raised—
“Dean?”  Sam swallows, dreading the answer, but he has to ask—”Where’s Dad?”
Dean’s fingers are still dabbing iodine on Sam’s forehead.  “We still haven’t found him,” he says, his voice flat, as if with anger.  “I’ve been sending texts, asked for help when the car crashed and you were unconscious, but there’s been no response.  We’re lucky we were in South Dakota, Bobby came and got us.”
“John Winchester always was a no-good son of a whore,” Bobby says, succinct as ever.  “Dunno why he’s abandoned you two, but good riddance.”
“He didn’t abandon us.  We’ll find him.”  Dean’s voice carries a certainty of desperation, singlehandedly speaking the words into existence.  “Once Sam’s better.  And once I fix the car.”
Bobby shakes his head.  “I’m telling you, son, it’s totaled.  The frame is bent to hell.  You’d have better luck keeping your father out of hell.”
Dean flinches.  “I don’t care.  I’m going to fix it.  I’ll fix everything.”  Sam realizes Dean’s gripping his hand like his life depends on it.  “It’s going to be okay, Sam.  We’ll fix this.  We’ll find him.”
Sam can only nod.
Four years on his own took a toll.
Dean played the solitary hunter role for a while.  It wasn’t difficult—he’d had plenty of role models over the years, after all.  He ate at diners, played pool in dive bars.  Stopped at anonymous gas stations on rainy nights, constantly checking over his shoulder.  Occasionally John would call him in on particularly unusual cases—a manticore that had crossed the ocean and nested in rural Arizona, an HOA in Georgia that turned out to be a coven of witches who specialized in memory manipulation—and he kept adding to the journal.  Pretended he didn’t look over at the second bed in the motel room (always a double) the moment he woke up.    Pretended he was happy with the lack of bitching about his diet, his music, his taste in women.   
God, the women.  There were plenty over the first year or two—blondes, usually, curvy and warm and soft as they giggled beer-breath all over his face.  Interchangeable.  A few details that stuck in his mind—Lara, the chemistry major who was slumming it in her hometown.  Gigi, the kind of pout that could convince a mountain to move.  Jenny—one of probably a dozen Jennys, but she had a killer smile and brown bangs that flopped into her eyes when she looked up at him, she loved classic cars and classic rock and he’d saved her from what she thought was a mugging and they’d gone joyriding and he’d actually taken her back to his motel room, half wondered while he was fucking her what it’d have been like to have grown up with a little sister, Samantha instead of Sam—and something got crossed in his brain and he called her that when he came, was mortified afterward, but she laughed it off, said it was a better name than Jenny anyway—
He’d walked her to her door, because he was a gentleman.  And had thrown up in the bushes across the street afterward.  Just another drifter.  Another drunk.
He’d found ways to cope.  He’d listen to Led Zeppelin with the volume turned up as he whooshed down the highway.  He’d text Dad or Sam occasionally, and get a response even more occasionally.  He’d take a day off here or there, drive along a scenic route.  He’d tell himself he was free, he was happy, he knew the truth about the world and wasn’t afraid to face it, that he had nothing to lose.  
Once in a while, he even believed it.
A few times a year, when he was in California, he’d steal a car, park it by Sam’s address, wait for him to come home.  Watch as he went inside, without even checking that he hadn’t been followed.  Envy his sense of safety, even as he knew it how tissue-thin it was.  A few times he almost—but no.  Sam wanted his space, and he deserved it.   Deserved to make a better life for himself, if he wanted.  Deserved better than Dean.
Then Dad went missing, and everything changed.
Dean won’t talk, and Sam doesn’t know what to do.
Bobby does his best, but even on a good day he’s laconic company.  And whenever Sam tries to bring up Dean, he refuses to engage, with stubbornness to rival a Winchester’s.  “Whatever’s going on between the two of you, you need to sort it out between yourselves, and that’s that.”  
Sam doesn’t even disagree, but…he’s floundering.  There’s something Dean’s not telling him, something major.  There’s a terrible, yawning feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he can’t remember what it’s about; he’s beginning to suspect that Dean was lying.  That Sam actually was the one driving, the one who crashed the car; it’d be just like Dean to think he could spare Sam that, to try and take on that guilt for himself.  Stupid, selfish, overprotective Dean—
Sam opens the fridge and pulls out a beer.  It’s a hot one, and Bobby’s air-conditioner is geriatric at best.  Loud clanging sounds come from the scrapyard, where Dean is doggedly hammering out Baby’s frame.  Sam considers bringing him a beer, trying to start a conversation.  Remembers what happened the last three times he attempted that strategy.  Sighs and sits, flipping idly through Dad’s journal.  Wonders what he’s up to, now.
His numbers have all been disconnected; either he’s died, or he’s gone deep into hiding.  Even Dean hasn’t gotten any cryptic messages, coordinates or half-abbreviated lore questions.  Sam, of course, is beneath notice, though surely word’s gotten through to their father by now that he and Dean are hunting together again.  He hardly expected better—but the least the man could do is let his favorite son know he’s okay.  
He wonders if he’ll ever stop being angry at Dad.  Four years and they still get into an argument the moment they see each other—
Sam stops, blinks.  They haven’t seen each other.  Not since before Sam left, when Dad was hollering in his face to never come back again.  That must be what he’s remembering.
But the scene keeps reconstructing itself, bit by bit.  Another anonymous hotel room.  An old pickup parked next to the Impala.   John’s face, an older version of Sam’s—same stubborn gaze, same set to the jaw—with Dean between them, half-ordering, half pleading with them to stop, to be a family again—
Sam’s up and moving before he realizes it.  He finds Dean’s bag, dumps it out on the cot where he’s been sleeping.  Dirty clothes, skin mags, a well-thumbed paperback or two.  Gun oil, cleaning cloths.  The first aid kit.  A couple of burner phones—
Sam grabs the first aid kit, opens it.  Finds the little brown bottle, unscrews the lid.  Sniffs it, expecting the sharp antiseptic smell, and instead finding something…earthy.  Soft.  Yellow-brown.
He pockets the bottle, stuffs everything else back inside Dean’s duffel.  
He has some research to do.
Dean sighs quietly.  Sam, of course, come out to badger him again.  He can’t even blame the kid, not really—it’s got to be lonely up there with Bobby, and recovery is a slow process with head wounds.  Still, if Sam would just realize that Dean needs time—
“Hey, I brought you lunch.”
Dean schools his face into something appropriately anticipatory, and wriggles out from under Baby’s frame.  “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”
They sit on the half-destroyed hood, and Sam hands him a sandwich wrapped in wax paper.  “It’s the ham and cheese from that deli you like,” he says.  “They were out of chips, though.”
“S’all right.”  Dean sinks his teeth into the sandwich, closes his eyes, lets the sharp cheddar and salty ham mingle in his mouth.  Briefly, for just a moment, things are well in the world—and then the his conscience pricks him, almost a physical sensation.  He straightens, feels his shoulders sag as the weight settles on them again.  His secrets.  His responsibilities.
“You know we’re never going to find Dad, right?”
Dean about spits a mouthful of sandwich (a mortal sin) out at Sam’s casual tone.  With effort, he manages to swallow, clear his throat.  “What the hell are you talking about?”
Sam shrugs.  “I’m not stupid.  I know what you’ve been doing, with the leola root.  The Sleeping Beauty spell.”  A half-smile, strangely sweet; Dean’s forcibly reminded of Sam when he was eleven and a fraction the size he is now, when he thought Dean hung the moon.  “Obviously I don’t remember specifics.  But I think…I think I know that Dad’s gone.  And I think it’s better that way.”
“Sam—”  Dean’s mouth is bone-dry, voice barely audible, because Sam’s discovered his secret and that means he’s going to be angry which means he’s going to leave and Dean will be all alone again—”I can explain, I swear, I just didn’t—I couldn’t—”
“Hey.  Shh.  It’s all right.”  Sam puts a finger against Dean’s lips, strangely intimate; Sam’s green eyes hold his, the one place they really look alike.  “You’re going to be all right.”
Dean’s not sure he’s right; the world still feels like it’s tipping up on one end, threatening to dump him off.   “Sam, it’s important.  I just needed you to stay.  Needed somebody, and Dad was gone, ‘n…”  Words are getting harder, and he’s shocked to find tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.  “...I missed you so much, Sammy…”
Sam’s voice is gentler still.  “I’m not going anywhere, Dean.”   Sam holds up an object, and it takes Dean a moment to recognize it—a syringe.  Empty.  “You’re going to take a nap, that’s all.  And when you wake up, you won’t remember about Dad.  We can keep looking for him together.  Hunting together.”  Dean sags, and Sam catches him; he can’t tell if it’s from relief or from the effects of the drug.  “It’ll just be us.  The way it’s supposed to be.”
“Me an’ you,” Dean whispers, his eyes closing.
“Yes.”  Sam’s voice is a lullaby, sending him off to sleep.  “It’s okay, Dean.  You’re safe now.”
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Hyperthyroidism & seeing my doctor yesterday
So I have hyperthyroidism which basically means my thyroid is over active. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are manageable with medication which I am on but those symptoms for me include
Being very jittery- the need to be doing something all the time
Higher levels of anxiety
Difficulty gaining weight and if I were not on medication rapid weight loss despite my intake
I over heat easily and have a pretty low tolerance to the heat
irregular heart beat (heart murmur)
Hair loss
insomnia but feeling tired all the time
digestive issues meaning food tends to go right through me
Its not a fun time but I manage and like I said a lot of the symptoms are at least alleviated with the medication I take for it and it's a manageable condition. I also have to note that my case is a bit out of the ordinary because I don't have a high heart rate and heart palpitations that most with hyperthyroidism experience. Because of damage done to my heart from years anorexia and Orthorexia and then also heart conditions I was more than likely born with but weren't discovered until 2022 I actually have a slowed heart rate.
Yesterday I went to see my doctor (I see an endocrinologist for my hyperthyroidism) and He brought up something to me that is called radioactive iodine treatment. This treatment is used to treat some forms of thyroid cancer but also doctors call it a cure for hyperthyroidism. Here is my problem with this: radioactive iodine treatment does actually "cure" hyperthyroidism in the sense that you won't any longer have an over active thyroid but you just trade one extreme for the other- one thyroid condition for another. The treatment slows the functioning of your thyroid so much that you end up with hypothyroidism which includes its own set of symptoms like:
cold all the time
High cholesterol
Unexplained weight gain which in turn statistically and medically speaking those who have hypothyroidism brought on by radioactive iodine treatment eventually struggle with obesity and that brings about its own health problems
dry skin
Brittle nails
Still with the hair loss
Slow heart rate which no thanks I don't need my heart rate slowed more than it is
Also with radioactive iodine treatment I could end up
Needing hormone replacement the rest of my life
At least partially losing my sense of taste & smell
And for at least a week after the treatment I would need to keep my self isolated from any contact with any other living being because it would expose them to radiation. Not only could coming in contact with me expose them but coming in contact with any clothes ive worn, sheets, pillows, blankets I have used, & any thing I have used to eat or drink with or out of.
I just don't see that a treatment like this that replaces one set of issues with an even longer set of issues should be called something like a cure. Not a lot of pros to doing this radioactive iodine treatment at least not in my opinion. This treatment is a hell no for me. Maybe I am being cynical and pessimistic but just looking at the list of issues I have now with hyperthyroidism as opposed to the list I'd have after the radioactive iodine treatment I am just shaking my head in disbelief and aggravation because...this is not a cure or a solution.
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carencecarence · 22 days
How to cure Thyroid natural
source url:-https://ext-6616443.livejournal.com/418.html?newpost=1
The thyroid is an endocrine gland. Its location is in the inferior, anterior neck, and it is responsible for the formation and secretion of thyroid hormones as well as iodine homeostasis within the human body. The thyroid produces approximately 90% inactive thyroid hormone, or thyroxine (T4), and 10% active thyroid hormone, or triiodothyronine (T3). Inactive thyroid hormone is converted peripherally to either activated thyroid hormone or an alternative inactive thyroid hormone
Signs and symptoms of Thyroid
AnxietyThe signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction can vary depending on whether the thyroid is producing too much or too little of its hormones.
When the thyroid produces too much – a condition called hyperthyroidism – signs and symptoms can include:
Waight loss
Rapid heart rate
Heat intolerance
Difficulty sleeping
Remors in your hands and fingers
When the thyroid does not produce enough hormones – a condition called hypothyroidism – symptoms can include:
Weight gain
Cold intolerance
Dry skin or hair
How to check thyroid status
Blood tests: These tests can tell you if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. There are several types of thyroid blood tests, including thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), T3 and T4, and thyroid antibodies.
List of Home Remediey
Here are some widely considered remedies that may help with your thyroid treatment at home
Coconut oil
This has high content of saturated or healthy fat (healthy) and when used with the right combination of exercises and a properly balanced diet, it could be good for thyroid glands. You can also use coconut oil for your regular cooking once in a while
Apple cider vinegar 
This helps in the balanced production and expression of hormones. It also washes away toxins from the body and promotes absorption of nutrients. Apple cider vinegar can be added to water along with honey and can be taken every morning.
Vitamins help to fight the underlying causes of thyroid problems, particularly
Vitamin B 
h are essential for proper thyroid function. Vitamin B12 is especially instrumental in helping people with hypothyroidism. Including eggs, meat, fish, legumes, milk, and not in daily diet might help with a steady supply of Vitamin B.
Ginger helps combat inflammation which is one of the primary causes of thyroid issues. Drinking ginger tea is the best way to consume ginger. Apart from that, it can also be infused with coconut oil and applied on body.
Vitamin D 
Deficiency of this nutrient can lead to thyroid problems and since the body can produce it only when exposed to the sun, ensure that you get a minimum of 15 minutes of sunlight daily. Include foods rich in Vitamin D in your diet which includes fatty fishes like salmon and mackerel, dairy products, orange juice, and egg yolks.
Dairy products
As dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt are beneficial for thyroid as they have high iodine content. Incorporate these items in your daily diet, but be careful if you are lactose intolerance.
Almonds are a good source of protein, fibre, and minerals and are best suited for proper thyroid expression. These nuts have selenium which is a thyroid healthy nutrient and is also very rich in magnesium that can keep the thyroid gland working very smoothly.
Beans are high in fibre which helps to relieve constipation, which is a common side effect of hypothyroidism. Some ways to consume beans include adding them to side dishes, salads, stews and soups.
Iodine Supplements 
These supplements restore the balance of iodine in the body and help with thyroid health.
Probiotic food items such as kefir, kimchi, and miso has shown to have beneficial effects on thyroid problems.
Including asparagus in your diet is also a popular natural remedy for thyroid treatment at home as it has a lot of anti-inflammatories, anti-bacterial and antioxidant property
Physical activity
Regular exercising can help alleviate various symptoms of hypothyroidism. Also, specific yoga poses have seen to be effective in enhancing thyroid functioning.
While it is important to consult a doctor and follow the treatment prescribed to keep thyroid problems under control, but by trying above listed home remedies, you can keep the side effects of thyroid medication at bay.
One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.
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myninaross · 2 months
Know about Iodine Hair Loss Conditions
Ever wondered if boosting your iodine intake can give you luscious locks? Or maybe you are worried it might lead to baldness? The answer, like many things in health, is nuanced. While iodine does play a role in hair health, it's not a magic bullet for healthy hair or a guaranteed path to hair loss. Let's explore the science behind iodine hair loss.
What is Iodine?
Iodine, a crucial dietary mineral, plays a vital role in the thyroid gland's production of hormones. These hormones influence various bodily functions, including proper bone and brain development in infants and young children.
While iodine indirectly impacts hair health through thyroid function, directly supplementing it for hair growth lacks strong scientific backing. Current research is exploring the connection between iodine and hair, with some promising initial findings, but it's important to consult a doctor before taking supplements.
How Iodine Helps Hair Health?
While iodine hair loss is associated with iodine deficiency, it's not a guaranteed path to supercharged growth. For healthy hair, focus on a balanced diet rich in various nutrients (and iodine) that contribute to overall well-being.
Tackles Brittle Hair
Dry, brittle hair can be a sign of hypothyroidism, which is caused by low thyroid hormone levels. Iodine is indeed essential for thyroid function, increasing iodine intake might work in the case of iodine hair loss.
Smoother, Shinier Hair
Getting enough iodine can indirectly contribute to shinier hair. Here's why:
Thyroid Function and Sebum: Healthy thyroid function, supported by adequate iodine intake, helps regulate sebum production by the scalp.
Sebum for Shine: This natural oil acts like a conditioner, coating hair strands and giving them a healthy shine.
Prevents Alopecia
Androgenetic alopecia, a common form of hair loss causing receding hairline and thinning, isn't directly triggered by hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone). While hypothyroidism can cause iodine hair loss, it's not the same as androgenetic alopecia.
Iodine deficiency can be linked to weak hair and stunted hair follicle development. This happens because iodine is essential for the production and function of thyroid hormones, which play a vital role in hair growth. When thyroid hormones are low, hair growth can slow down.
Signs of Low Iodine Levels in the Body
Weight & Metabolism Issues
While unexpected weight gain can be a symptom of iodine deficiency, it's not always the culprit. Iodine is crucial for producing thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism. When these hormones are low (hypothyroidism), metabolism slows down, potentially leading to weight gain. However, many factors contribute to weight gain, including diet and exercise habits.
If you are experiencing unexplained weight gain, alongside other potential hypothyroidism symptoms like fatigue or feeling cold, consulting a doctor is essential. They can assess your thyroid function and determine the cause of your weight gain.
Constant Weakness
Iodine deficiency can lead to feelings of weakness. Here's the breakdown:
Thyroid Troublemaker: When you lack iodine, your body struggles to produce enough thyroid hormone.
Metabolic Slowdown: This hormone is a key player in regulating your metabolism, which is the process of converting food into energy.
Energy Shortage: With a sluggish metabolism, your body has less readily available energy. This translates to feeling weak and fatigued, making even simple tasks like lifting objects feel challenging.
Other Symptoms to Watch Out For:
Swollen Thyroid (Goiter): This is a telltale sign where the thyroid gland enlarges in an attempt to capture more iodine.
Iodine Hair Loss and Dry Skin: Brittle hair, iodine hair loss, and dry, flaky skin can be consequences of disrupted hair growth cycles.
Sensitivity to Cold: Feeling colder than usual can be a sign of a slowed metabolism.
Cognitive Issues: Difficulty concentrating and remembering things can arise due to hormonal imbalances.
Remember: Consulting an expert is crucial if you experience weakness alongside other potential hypothyroidism symptoms like unexpected weight gain or feeling cold. They can diagnose the cause and recommend the appropriate treatment for iodine hair loss.
Treat Iodine Hair Loss at Nina Ross Hair Therapy
If you are experiencing iodine hair loss, it's essential to consult Dr Nina Ross to identify the underlying cause. At Nina Ross Hair Therapy, your thyroid function and overall health are assessed, and appropriate treatment is recommended. For healthy hair growth, focus on a balanced diet rich in various nutrients, including iodine and iron.
Remember, maintaining healthy iodine levels is crucial for overall well-being. Even more important, consult the right medical professional so that all your symptoms of iodine hair loss are catered to.
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Comprehensive Guide to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Causes, Effective Treatments, and Long-Term Management
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Hashimoto Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid gland, is increasingly recognized as a significant health concern, particularly in women. The condition leads to chronic inflammation of the thyroid, often resulting in hypothyroidism — a state where the thyroid is unable to produce sufficient hormones. Understanding Hashimoto Thyroiditis is crucial for effective management, as early detection and treatment can significantly improve quality of life.
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Understanding the Thyroid Gland
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What is Hashimoto Thyroiditis?
Hashimoto Thyroiditis, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland, leading to its gradual destruction. First identified by Dr. Hakaru Hashimoto in 1912, this condition has since become one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism worldwide. As the immune system continually assaults the thyroid, it becomes unable to produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormones, leading to a host of metabolic disturbances.
Causes of Hashimoto Thyroiditis
The exact cause of Hashimoto Thyroiditis remains elusive, but a combination of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors is believed to contribute to its development. A genetic predisposition is often evident, with the disease frequently running in families. Environmental triggers, such as excessive iodine intake, viral infections, and exposure to radiation, have also been implicated. Hormonal changes, particularly in women, may exacerbate the condition, explaining why it is more prevalent among females. Central to the disease is autoimmune dysfunction, where the immune system erroneously identifies thyroid cells as foreign and mounts an attack against them.
Risk Factors Associated with Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Certain factors increase the likelihood of developing Hashimoto Thyroiditis. Women, particularly those between the ages of 30 and 50, are at higher risk, with the condition being up to ten times more common in women than men. A family history of thyroid disease or other autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, also heightens the risk. Additionally, excessive iodine consumption, either through diet or supplements, can trigger the onset of the disease in susceptible individuals.
Symptoms and Signs of Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Hashimoto Thyroiditis often progresses insidiously, with symptoms developing gradually over months or even years. Early on, patients may notice subtle signs such as fatigue, weight gain, or sensitivity to cold. As the disease advances, more pronounced symptoms emerge, including dry skin, hair loss, muscle weakness, and depression. In some cases, the thyroid gland may enlarge, forming a goiter, which can cause discomfort and difficulty swallowing. If left untreated, Hashimoto’s can lead to severe complications such as heart disease, infertility, and myxedema coma, a life-threatening condition.
Diagnosis of Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Diagnosing Hashimoto Thyroiditis involves a combination of clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and imaging studies. During a physical examination, a doctor may detect an enlarged thyroid or observe symptoms indicative of hypothyroidism. Blood tests are crucial, particularly those measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, free T4, and the presence of thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb), which are often elevated in Hashimoto’s patients. In some cases, an ultrasound may be performed to assess the size and structure of the thyroid gland, and a biopsy may be recommended to rule out other conditions.
Impact on Overall Health
The effects of Hashimoto Thyroiditis extend beyond the thyroid, impacting various aspects of health. Metabolically, the slowed production of thyroid hormones can lead to weight gain, lethargy, and a decreased ability to tolerate cold. Mentally, patients often experience depression, memory problems, and a general sense of mental fog. Furthermore, Hashimoto’s is associated with an increased risk of developing other autoimmune conditions, such as celiac disease and lupus. Without appropriate treatment, the long-term consequences can be severe, affecting cardiovascular health, reproductive function, and overall well-being.
Conventional Treatment Options
The cornerstone of treatment for Hashimoto Thyroiditis is hormone replacement therapy, typically with levothyroxine, a synthetic form of T4. This medication helps restore normal hormone levels, alleviating symptoms and preventing complications. Dosage is tailored to the individual, with regular monitoring to ensure optimal levels. In addition to hormone therapy, other medications may be prescribed to address specific symptoms, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs or antidepressants. Surgery is rarely required but may be considered in cases of large goiters or if thyroid cancer is suspected.
Lifestyle and Dietary Changes
Lifestyle modifications play a critical role in managing Hashimoto Thyroiditis. Diet, in particular, can influence the course of the disease. Foods rich in selenium, zinc, and vitamin D support thyroid health, while those high in sugar and processed ingredients should be limited. Gluten and dairy are often avoided, as they can exacerbate autoimmune responses in some individuals. Managing stress is equally important, as chronic stress can trigger or worsen symptoms. Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and regular physical activity are beneficial in maintaining balance and reducing the impact of the disease.
Integrative and Alternative Therapies
Beyond conventional medicine, many patients explore integrative and alternative therapies to support their thyroid health. Supplements such as selenium, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids have shown promise in supporting immune function and reducing inflammation. Acupuncture and chiropractic care are often sought to alleviate symptoms like fatigue and joint pain, while mind-body techniques such as mindfulness and biofeedback can help manage stress and improve overall well-being. While these therapies are not a substitute for medical treatment, they can complement traditional approaches and enhance quality of life.
Long-Term Management and Monitoring
Effective management of Hashimoto Thyroiditis requires ongoing monitoring and adjustment of treatment. Regular blood tests to check TSH and free T4 levels are essential, as these values guide medication adjustments. Over time, the dosage of thyroid hormone replacement may need to be modified based on changes in the patient’s condition, weight, or other health factors. Consistent monitoring ensures that symptoms remain controlled and reduces the risk of complications. Additionally, patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay informed about their condition to better manage it over the long term.
Coping with Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Living with Hashimoto Thyroiditis presents both physical and emotional challenges. Many patients struggle with feelings of fatigue, frustration, and anxiety, particularly if the disease is not well-controlled. Support from family, friends, and healthcare providers is crucial in navigating these challenges. Joining a support group, either in-person or online, can provide valuable connections with others who understand the condition and offer practical advice.
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ajsnutrition1 · 2 months
The Health Wonders of Sea Moss and Himalayan Shilajit
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Sea Moss and Himalayan Shilajit have become buzzwords in the wellness community, known for their impressive health benefits. These natural supplements, steeped in history and cultural significance, are now enjoying a resurgence in modern health and nutrition circles. But what exactly are they, and why are they so revered?
Understanding Sea Moss
What is Sea Moss?
Sea Moss, also known as Irish Moss, is a type of red algae found along the rocky parts of the Atlantic coast. It has been used for centuries in various cultures for its nutritional and medicinal properties. This sea vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrients, making it a popular choice for health enthusiasts.
Nutritional Composition of Sea Moss
Macronutrients Sea Moss is low in calories and fat but high in dietary fiber, making it an excellent addition to a balanced diet. It contains proteins, albeit in smaller quantities, that contribute to its overall health benefits.
Micronutrients Rich in vitamins and minerals, Sea Moss contains notable amounts of iodine, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A, E, and K. Iodine, in particular, is crucial for thyroid health, while calcium and potassium are essential for bone and heart health.
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Health Benefits of Sea Moss
Immune System Support The antiviral and antimicrobial properties of Sea Moss can help bolster the immune system, aiding in the prevention and recovery from infections.
Digestive Health The high fiber content in Sea Moss promotes healthy digestion and regular bowel movements, which can help in preventing constipation and other digestive issues.
Skin and Hair Benefits Sea Moss is a natural source of collagen, which can improve skin elasticity and hydration. It also contains sulfur, which can help reduce the severity of acne and improve overall skin health.
Weight Loss and Metabolism Due to its ability to enhance metabolism and promote a feeling of fullness, Sea Moss can aid in weight management. Its nutrient density ensures that the body receives essential nutrients even when caloric intake is reduced.
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Understanding Himalayan Shilajit
What is Himalayan Shilajit?
Himalayan Shilajit is a sticky, tar-like substance found in the Himalayan mountains. It is a mineral-rich resin formed over centuries by the gradual decomposition of certain plants by the action of microorganisms. Known as the "Destroyer of Weakness," Shilajit is a potent natural supplement with a wide range of health benefits.
Nutritional and Mineral Content
Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid These organic acids are abundant in Shilajit and are known for their ability to transport nutrients to deep tissues, enhancing nutrient absorption and cellular function.
Trace Minerals Shilajit contains over 84 minerals, including iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. These trace minerals are essential for various bodily functions, from energy production to maintaining a balanced immune response.
Health Benefits of Himalayan Shilajit
Energy and Stamina Boost Shilajit is known for its ability to enhance physical performance and endurance. It increases mitochondrial function, leading to higher energy levels and reduced fatigue.
Cognitive Function Improvement The compounds in Shilajit have neuroprotective effects, which can enhance memory and cognitive function. It is often used as a natural remedy for improving focus and mental clarity.
Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties Shilajit contains powerful antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation. These properties make it a useful supplement for managing chronic conditions like arthritis and cardiovascular diseases.
Hormonal Balance Shilajit can help balance hormones, particularly in men, by supporting testosterone levels. This can have wide-ranging effects on overall health, including improved mood and increased muscle mass.
Comparative Analysis
Sea Moss vs. Himalayan Shilajit: Nutritional Profile
While both Sea Moss and Himalayan Shilajit are nutrient-dense, they offer different types of nutrients. Sea Moss is more about vitamins and fiber, whereas Shilajit is rich in minerals and organic acids.
Health Benefits Comparison
Both supplements support immune function, energy levels, and skin health. However, Sea Moss is more focused on digestive and thyroid health, while Shilajit is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and cognitive benefits.
Similarities and Differences in Usage
Both Sea Moss and Shilajit can be consumed in various forms, including raw, powdered, and capsule forms. They can be incorporated into smoothies, teas, or meals, depending on personal preference.
Incorporating Sea Moss and Shilajit into Your Diet
Forms of Sea Moss and Shilajit Available
Raw Raw forms of both supplements are closest to their natural state and may require preparation before consumption.
Powder Powdered forms are convenient and can be easily mixed into food or beverages.
Capsules Capsules offer a quick and easy way to consume these supplements, especially for those who prefer not to taste them.
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How to Use Sea Moss and Shilajit
Recipes and Dosages For Sea Moss, popular recipes include gels, smoothies, and soups. Shilajit can be dissolved in warm water or milk, often taken in the morning for an energy boost. It's essential to follow recommended dosages to avoid potential side effects.
Combining with Other Supplements Sea Moss and Shilajit can complement other supplements, such as ashwagandha or turmeric, enhancing their benefits.
Safety and Precautions
Potential Side Effects While generally safe, excessive consumption of either supplement can lead to side effects. For Sea Moss, high iodine levels can disrupt thyroid function. Shilajit, if not purified properly, may contain heavy metals.
Recommended Dosage It's crucial to adhere to recommended dosages: typically, 1-2 tablespoons of Sea Moss gel per day and a pea-sized portion of Shilajit.
Scientific Research and Studies
Research on Sea Moss
Studies have shown that Sea Moss possesses antiviral properties and can support gut health due to its prebiotic nature. Ongoing research is exploring its potential in weight management and skin care.
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semaglutidejourney · 3 months
Vitamin Cheat Sheet
Vitamin A: Vision, immune system, skin health.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Energy metabolism, nerve function.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Cellular energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Metabolism, hormone production.
Vitamin B6: Brain function, mood regulation.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Vitamin B9 (Folate): Cell division, DNA synthesis.
Vitamin B12: Nervous system, red blood cells.
Vitamin C: Immune system, collagen synthesis.
Vitamin D: Bone health, immune function.
Vitamin E: Antioxidant, skin health.
Vitamin K: Blood clotting, bone health.
Calcium: Bone and teeth health, muscle function.
Iron: Oxygen transport, energy production.
Magnesium: Nerve function, muscle relaxation.
Zinc: Immune system, wound healing.
Potassium: Fluid balance, nerve function.
Iodine: Thyroid function, metabolism.
Selenium: Antioxidant, thyroid health.
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thyroidsshopthailand · 3 months
Thyroid-S: The Ultimate Solution for Thyroid Health
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At Thyroid-S Shop, we understand the critical role the thyroid gland plays in your overall well-being. This butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism, energy levels, and many other vital functions. Thyroid-S is designed to support and enhance thyroid health, providing you with the nutrients necessary to maintain optimal thyroid function.
Understanding Thyroid Health
The thyroid gland produces two main hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones influence almost every cell in your body, from regulating your metabolism to controlling heart rate. When your thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones (hypothyroidism) or produces too much (hyperthyroidism), it can lead to a variety of health issues, including weight gain, fatigue, and mood swings.
Hypothyroidism: Symptoms and Causes
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones. Common symptoms include:
Fatigue: A feeling of constant tiredness and lack of energy.
Weight Gain: Unexplained weight gain despite a normal diet and exercise routine.
Cold Intolerance: Sensitivity to cold temperatures.
Dry Skin and Hair: Skin becomes dry and flaky, and hair may become brittle and thin.
Depression: Feelings of sadness or depression can occur.
Constipation: Slowed digestion leading to constipation.
Causes of hypothyroidism can include autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, radiation therapy, certain medications, and iodine deficiency.
Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms and Causes
Hyperthyroidism is the condition where the thyroid gland produces too much hormone. Symptoms include:
Weight Loss: Unexpected weight loss despite increased appetite.
Rapid Heartbeat: Increased heart rate and palpitations.
Nervousness: Anxiety, irritability, and nervousness.
Sweating: Excessive sweating and heat intolerance.
Tremors: Shaking hands or fingers.
Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty sleeping or insomnia.
Causes of hyperthyroidism include Graves' disease, thyroid nodules, and inflammation of the thyroid gland.
Why Thyroid-S?
Thyroid-S is specially formulated to support and maintain healthy thyroid function. Our product contains a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that work synergistically to promote optimal thyroid health. Here’s why Thyroid-S stands out:
Comprehensive Nutrient Profile
Thyroid-S contains a rich array of nutrients that are vital for thyroid health:
Iodine: Essential for the production of thyroid hormones.
Selenium: Helps convert T4 into the active T3 hormone.
Zinc: Supports thyroid hormone synthesis.
Vitamin D: Modulates the immune system and supports thyroid function.
Ashwagandha: An adaptogenic herb that helps balance thyroid hormone levels.
Bladderwrack: A seaweed rich in iodine and other minerals.
Scientific Backing
Each ingredient in Thyroid-S is backed by scientific research. For instance, studies have shown that selenium supplementation can improve thyroid function in individuals with autoimmune thyroiditis. Similarly, ashwagandha has been found to support thyroid hormone balance and reduce stress, which can negatively impact thyroid health.
Quality Assurance
At Thyroid-S Shop, we prioritize quality. Our products are manufactured in GMP-certified facilities, ensuring they meet the highest standards of purity and potency. We use only the finest raw materials and subject our products to rigorous testing to ensure they are free from contaminants.
How to Use Thyroid-S
For best results, take Thyroid-S as directed on the packaging. Consistency is key when it comes to supporting thyroid health. Incorporate Thyroid-S into your daily routine and pair it with a healthy diet and lifestyle for optimal results.
Dietary Recommendations for Thyroid Health
In addition to taking Thyroid-S, consider the following dietary tips to support your thyroid:
Eat a Balanced Diet: Ensure your diet includes a variety of nutrients, especially those crucial for thyroid health like iodine, selenium, and zinc.
Limit Goitrogens: Foods like soy, cruciferous vegetables, and certain nuts can interfere with thyroid function if consumed in large amounts. Cook these foods to reduce their goitrogenic properties.
Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for overall health, including thyroid function.
Avoid Excessive Sugar and Processed Foods: These can lead to inflammation and negatively impact thyroid health.
Lifestyle Tips for Thyroid Health
Regular Exercise: Physical activity helps regulate metabolism and supports overall well-being.
Stress Management: Chronic stress can disrupt thyroid function. Practice stress-reducing techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises.
Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support hormone balance and overall health.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Thyroid-S Safe?
Yes, Thyroid-S is made with high-quality, natural ingredients and is safe for most people. However, if you have a medical condition or are taking medication, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.
How Long Does It Take to See Results?
Individual results may vary, but many of our customers report noticeable improvements within a few weeks of consistent use.
Can I Take Thyroid-S with My Medication?
Thyroid-S is generally safe to take with most medications, but it's important to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure there are no interactions with your specific medications.
Maintaining optimal thyroid health is crucial for overall well-being, and Thyroid-S is your trusted partner in this journey. With its comprehensive nutrient profile and scientifically backed ingredients, Thyroid-S supports healthy thyroid function, helping you feel your best every day.
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sofiacarsonusa · 3 months
Thyroid Disorders in Manhattan NYC: Causes and Solutions
Thyroid disorders are prevalent conditions that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. In a bustling urban environment like Manhattan, NYC, the incidence of thyroid-related issues appears to be on the rise. This article delves into the causes, symptoms, and potential solutions for thyroid disorders, with a focus on resources available through Patients Medical, a premier integrative medical center based in New York City.
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Understanding the Thyroid
The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, plays a crucial role in regulating the body's metabolism, energy levels, and overall hormonal balance. It produces two main hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which influence almost every cell in the body.
Common Thyroid Disorders
The most common thyroid disorders include:
Hypothyroidism: This condition occurs when the thyroid gland produces insufficient hormones, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression.
Hyperthyroidism: In this case, the thyroid gland overproduces hormones, causing symptoms like weight loss, anxiety, and rapid heartbeat.
Goiter: An abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Thyroid nodules: Lumps in the thyroid gland that can be benign or malignant.
Thyroid cancer: A rare but serious condition where malignant cells form in the tissues of the thyroid gland.
Causes of Thyroid Disorders
Environmental Factors
Living in a densely populated area like Manhattan exposes residents to various environmental factors that may contribute to thyroid disorders. Pollution, radiation, and even certain chemicals used in everyday products can disrupt thyroid function.
Dietary Influences
A diet deficient in essential nutrients like iodine and selenium can adversely affect thyroid health. Conversely, excessive consumption of certain foods like soy and cruciferous vegetables may also interfere with thyroid hormone production.
Stress and Lifestyle
The fast-paced lifestyle in Manhattan can lead to chronic stress, which has been linked to various health issues, including thyroid disorders. High stress levels can trigger or exacerbate thyroid problems, making stress management a crucial aspect of thyroid health.
Genetic Predisposition
Family history plays a significant role in the likelihood of developing thyroid disorders. Individuals with a family history of thyroid disease are at a higher risk and should be vigilant about monitoring their thyroid health.
Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders
Identifying thyroid disorders early can significantly improve treatment outcomes. Some common symptoms to watch out for include:
Hypothyroidism Symptoms:
Fatigue and sluggishness
Weight gain
Depression and mood swings
Cold intolerance
Dry skin and hair
Hyperthyroidism Symptoms:
Unexplained weight loss
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Anxiety and nervousness
Sweating and heat intolerance
Tremors in the hands
Diagnosing Thyroid Disorders
Accurate diagnosis is critical for effective treatment. At Patients Medical, our integrative approach ensures a thorough evaluation through various diagnostic methods:
Blood Tests
Blood tests are the most common method for diagnosing thyroid disorders. They measure levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), T3, and T4 to assess thyroid function.
Imaging Tests
Ultrasound and radioactive iodine scans can provide detailed images of the thyroid gland, helping to detect nodules, inflammation, or other abnormalities.
In cases where thyroid nodules or cancer is suspected, a fine-needle aspiration biopsy may be performed to collect tissue samples for further analysis.
Treatment Options for Thyroid Disorders
The treatment for thyroid disorders varies depending on the specific condition and its severity. At Patients Medical, we offer a range of integrative treatment options tailored to each patient's needs.
Hypothyroidism Treatment
Medication: Synthetic thyroid hormone replacement therapy is the most common treatment for hypothyroidism. It helps normalize hormone levels and alleviate symptoms.
Diet and Nutrition: Incorporating iodine-rich foods, selenium, and other essential nutrients into the diet can support thyroid function.
Lifestyle Modifications: Stress management, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are vital for overall thyroid health.
Hyperthyroidism Treatment
Antithyroid Medications: These drugs reduce the production of thyroid hormones and help control symptoms.
Radioactive Iodine Therapy: This treatment involves taking radioactive iodine orally, which gradually shrinks the thyroid gland.
Surgery: In severe cases, part or all of the thyroid gland may be surgically removed.
Managing Goiter and Thyroid Nodules
Observation: Small, benign nodules may only require regular monitoring.
Medication: Thyroid hormone therapy can help reduce the size of goiters and nodules.
Surgery: Large or suspicious nodules may need to be surgically removed.
Thyroid Cancer Treatment
Surgery: The primary treatment for thyroid cancer is the surgical removal of the affected thyroid tissue.
Radioactive Iodine Therapy: Used post-surgery to eliminate any remaining cancerous cells.
External Radiation Therapy: In cases where cancer has spread, external radiation may be used to target and destroy cancer cells.
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Integrative Approach at Patients Medical
At Patients Medical, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the disease. Our integrative approach combines conventional medicine with holistic therapies to provide comprehensive care for thyroid disorders.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Every patient is unique, and so is their treatment plan. We take into account each individual's medical history, lifestyle, and specific health needs to develop a customized treatment strategy.
Nutritional Counseling
Our nutritional experts work with patients to develop a diet plan that supports thyroid health. We emphasize the importance of a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients and free from goitrogenic foods.
Stress Management Techniques
Given the link between stress and thyroid disorders, we offer various stress management techniques, including yoga, meditation, and biofeedback, to help patients maintain a healthy balance.
Regular Monitoring and Follow-Up
Ongoing monitoring and regular follow-up appointments ensure that treatment is effective and any adjustments can be made promptly. This proactive approach helps prevent complications and promotes long-term health.
Thyroid disorders are complex conditions that require a multifaceted approach for effective management. In Manhattan, NYC, where environmental and lifestyle factors can contribute to the prevalence of these disorders, it is crucial to seek comprehensive care. At Patients Medical, our integrative approach ensures that patients receive personalized, holistic treatment plans that address the root causes of their thyroid issues. By focusing on diet, lifestyle, and conventional medical treatments, we strive to improve the quality of life for our patients and support their journey to optimal thyroid health.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit our website or contact us today. Your journey to better thyroid health starts here.
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