pawnshopsouls · 11 months
Darrix, newly minted Hive Bishop
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//As the Hive Bishop, Taûryx, ends their ritual, Darrix’ transformation is revealed!
//Inspired by @bandit-prince/ @tiny-titan-exo ‘s Season of the Witch fanfiction — hope ya like it busy!!
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mantleoflight · 1 year
Visual refs — Echo-17
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Echo’s Ghost, Whisper
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//Welp I went and did it
//Have a rust/copper troll Changeling posing as an upstanding 18’th century mariner & gentleman.
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worldsandmuses · 3 years
//so despite my self induced stress this morning, I was able to make something really pretty in honor of RoTT coming out tomorrow.
Thanks @xdeusxmachinax for the prompt ~ UuU
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Nothing like making a home cooked meal with the crabs your hubby chief brought home!’
“These look like the etchings in Merlin’s Tomb! Does this show the past, or what is to come? I’d recognize my castor anywhere.”
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worldsandfeathers · 5 years
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Titagron the Fate Bender
“We made a bargain, Gunmar and I, and as his end was fulfilled, mine end was required. So I took essences from all the trolls I could, including the Gumm Gumm chief himself, and crafted this. This is Titagron the Fate Bender. Its title is well earned as it has the power to bend the fates of its victims to its will, turning human beings into their trollian counterparts. Its face and mask represent the very nature of its power. Three sets of eyes for three phases of transformation; and what seems to be a human mask or helm cresting upon the head of a mammoth and beastial troll.
“Its power is raw, primal, and only controllable by the strongest of mind, body, and spirit. It bows to no one but its maker, and even then it is dubious at best as its most inner desire is to create more of its kind at the cost of removing one’s humanity and sealing it in an appropriate mask.
“It is, by far, the most powerful and most uncontrollable mask I have ever made and, like any good mask maker, I left a failsafe just in case it got... too wild. The mask is resilient but not unbreakable, as is its spell. By either returning a mask of Humanity or breaking the mask of Titagron, the spell will be reversed. I am practical in my safeguards, for as we know, betrayal and destruction comes as quickly as a completed task in the realm of Gumm-Gumms.”
—Owl, bad alliance!au
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intrepids-stuff · 6 years
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Ok so this piece is both me leaping out of my comfort zone and actually doing solid lines instead of sketches, and a tribute to an old relationship Bonely ( @pawnshopsouls) used to have with an Asgore ( @mrgxatdad) two years ago during the high-tide of the Undertale RP community. 
It started as a joke with me sending a dumb doodle to the mun of the Asgore blog, but it kinda blossomed from there. Honestly, out of all his relationships, the one he had with Asgore is one that’s stuck the most - so much so that it even got its own ship name: Soft Bones.
After Bonely lost his home and (presumably) his family in a bombing raid during the war of Udo, he must use his jumper’s gyro to escape enemy forces trying to capturing him. This led to him appearing just outside of new home. Injured and grieving, Bonely was surprised when he was taken in by the surprisingly kind King of the Underground. As Bonely healed, the two discovered they had more in common than they thought - a war, a lost family, and a need for companionship. One thing led to another and the relationship between these to were born.
Bonely’s taken Asgore bowling, cooked with him, and ended up becoming both his consort and bodyguard. 
However, their relationship was short lived when Asgore’s timeline went through the Game timeline and Bonely was confronted with a force that he couldn’t beat - a human with the power to RESET. In the end, the kid won and an exhausted, heartbroken Bonely departed the crumbling void that had been his and Asgore’s home. His return to Bel’Terum, though bitter with grief and heartbreak, was sweetened slightly by the discovery that his brother and adopted son had indeed survived the bombings and had been looking for him the entire time he’d been gone. 
Now with everything rebuilt, Bonely holds out the hope of being able to reach his Asgore’s timeline but he has yet to hear if the timeline had been restored with a RESET or not.
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//My explanation for mine & Baribus’ absence: The poor fella’s been shipwrecked on a deserted island. Either that, or he fell overboard during a storm and was fortunate enough to have washed up on said deserted island.
//NEEDLESS TO SAY He’s been having a hard day and is just happy/lucky to be alive. <83c
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
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//Some 2 minute work doodles of Salem, Bonely, and some other Destiny stuff I haven’t drawn~
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mantleoflight · 1 year
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//Aaaa had a chance to sit at the service desk at work today and managed to make a head shot of Ehkos/hive!Echo that I really (finally) like!! So yeah, hive!Echo, everybody! :D
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worldsandmuses · 3 years
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Duncan’s Nightmare - Curse of Strahd
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filigreenightmares · 8 years
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//Heh, as you can tell I’ve really been thinking about Lawrence’s backstory and as I’ve been thinking about his time in Nightmare, I came up with a design for the prison Wizeman might keep him in. (After all, you can’t have a visitor just wandering about. They might somehow get back to the Dream Gate, run into NiGHTS, or learn something you don’t want them to and regain their courage, and you can’t have that.) It’s sort of an inverted bubble that can be emptied and refilled at will by whatever Nightmaren is guarding the bubble. This simulates Lawrences fear of drowning while giving him that horrible, demoralizing feeling of failure and helplessness since he can’t escape it without help while that he has no Ideya. (A sort of reverse of NiGHTS situation whenever they’re captured).
//I actually headcanon that without their ideya of courage, Visitors can’t dualize with NiGHTS because they’re not brave enough to. Not having that specific Ideya literally saps all of their courage and fighting/independent spirit and just like having a lack of trust will prevent Dualizing with NiGHTS, so too can a lack of courage or will to dualize.
//This is a state Wizeman wants to keep the Visitors in because it gives him the ability to control them through their fear and hopelessness since Visitors without red ideya (in this case, Lawrence) don’t have the courage to stand up for themselves and fight Wizeman. I imagine that quite a lot of emotional and psychological manipulation is needed to keep a Visitor from regaining their courage (as Helen did when Will came to her rescue) and having the will to fight back as NiGHTS does. So rather than let them stew, he has them fed the lie that “it’s too late for them”, that once they’ve lost all their ideya, they can never reclaim it. This weakens their will even further until they’re faced with the “fact” that without their Ideya, obeying Wizeman is the only option. 
//This can lead to incredible demoralization and hopelessness in the waking world since the lie that “it’s too late for you” would follow them in their subconscious. Thus every mistake would become a cataclysm and every effort would have that feeling of futility that destroys confidence, motivation, and general happiness. Basically, Wizeman wins & gets power to affect the Waking world with his influence.
//Now, can you imagine if because of this, said demoralized visitor actually awakens in Nightmare instead of Nightopia but Owl and NiGHTS knows they’re there in the Night Dimension because that specific person’s dream gate shows up? It’s both tragic that the DreamGate of someone NiGHTS possibly knows is still there but empty, and invigorating because how dare Wizeman keep a Visitor in Nightmare?! 1. Visitors don’t belong in a horrible place like Nightmare 2. That’s completely against the rules, isn’t it?!
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worldsandfeathers · 5 years
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//She’s the historian of the Hearstone Bazaar in Madagascar and is quite the go-getter. She’s definitely one of those historians who believe in the philosophy of “getting your hands dirty with history”, and as such, she spends most of her time either scribbling down ancient texts and runes from the Tsingis’ Heartstone Hollow, or in her study recording her findings for her next volumes of “Lore of the Lost Tribes” or “Of lands and clans: the lost unknowns”. 
//Her quest is to keep troll history alive, preserving their stories and culture for future generations. As one of the few of her kind left, Kaeliopé believes that even if she and her kind go extinct,  her contributions to the preservation of ancient troll lore will cement her and her tribe’s place in history. Thus the immortality of their memory is sure so long as there are trolls and books to remember them by.
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intrepids-stuff · 6 years
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Ok so I’ve been following @ask-a-coffee-mug for a while on my main rp blog, @pawnshopsouls, and a while back Puppo/@d00dlep00dle​ posted some refs for Cody (Craig’s son) that I really liked. She also dropped loads of hints for Craig’s mysterious backstory which have been driving me CRAZY with curiosity. (especially since she’s changed Craig to human and now I don’t know if his backstory is even he same anymore or if she completely redesigned him + his story all together. ><;; )
ANYWAY - a few weeks ago I put out a meme where folks send me a symbol and I do a brief story based on it and while I was doing some, a big ol’ thing popped into my head with these two at the center. This piece right here is kind of the conclusion to a 3 part thing with the first part being Cody’s death and discovery of himself as a ghost, the second part being Cody recruiting the good potion witch to help him be seen by his dad, and the third being, well, this.
So I know ya didn’t ask for the brief story, Puppo, but I hope you’ll take this fanart as a kind of tribute to everything I love and have enjoyed in your wonderful stories & mystery tales of Craig Coffeemug.
((Please not that this is just fan art of Puppo’s characters and none of this is canon. It’s literally just a brief fan story inspired by some of her posts so be sure to show her some love ok?))
Comic transcript: 
(Pg 1 Panel 1)
Craig: *thinking* Geez, I must be losing my mind!
(pg 1 Panel 2)
Unknown speaker: Aw, what’s wrong Cody, honey? Huh? He ran away?
Craig: *thinking* Cody?
(Pg 1 Panel 3)
Cody: H-He was so scared. I-I didn’t even get to say I’m sorry!
Good Witch: Oh honeycake, sometimes things like that just happen. Not everyone’s themselves when they see ghosts around, sugar. Why don’t you give him another chance?
(Pg 1 Panel 4)
Craig (off frame): Cody?
(Pg 1 Panel 5) 
Craig: Is it really you?
(Pg 2 Panel 1)
Craig: Cody...
(Pg 2 Panel 2)
Cody: I’m sorry I ran away! I’m sorry I made mom mad at you! I didn’t mean to! I didn’t!
(Pg 3 Panel 1)
Craig: I’m sorry too Cody! I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry I wasn’t a better father!
(Pg 3 Panel 2)
Craig: I love you so much Cody.
Cody: I love you too Dad
(Pg 3 Panel 3)
End Narration: I love you too.
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
Ok so it’s just a doodle and I’m still Re-figuring out how to draw Bonely again but I think this little doodle between Bonely and Thalia @technicolorseas worked out pretty nicely. UuU b
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