#|| PrisonerOfNightmare ||
filigreenightmares · 8 years
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//Heh, as you can tell I’ve really been thinking about Lawrence’s backstory and as I’ve been thinking about his time in Nightmare, I came up with a design for the prison Wizeman might keep him in. (After all, you can’t have a visitor just wandering about. They might somehow get back to the Dream Gate, run into NiGHTS, or learn something you don’t want them to and regain their courage, and you can’t have that.) It’s sort of an inverted bubble that can be emptied and refilled at will by whatever Nightmaren is guarding the bubble. This simulates Lawrences fear of drowning while giving him that horrible, demoralizing feeling of failure and helplessness since he can’t escape it without help while that he has no Ideya. (A sort of reverse of NiGHTS situation whenever they’re captured).
//I actually headcanon that without their ideya of courage, Visitors can’t dualize with NiGHTS because they’re not brave enough to. Not having that specific Ideya literally saps all of their courage and fighting/independent spirit and just like having a lack of trust will prevent Dualizing with NiGHTS, so too can a lack of courage or will to dualize.
//This is a state Wizeman wants to keep the Visitors in because it gives him the ability to control them through their fear and hopelessness since Visitors without red ideya (in this case, Lawrence) don’t have the courage to stand up for themselves and fight Wizeman. I imagine that quite a lot of emotional and psychological manipulation is needed to keep a Visitor from regaining their courage (as Helen did when Will came to her rescue) and having the will to fight back as NiGHTS does. So rather than let them stew, he has them fed the lie that “it’s too late for them”, that once they’ve lost all their ideya, they can never reclaim it. This weakens their will even further until they’re faced with the “fact” that without their Ideya, obeying Wizeman is the only option. 
//This can lead to incredible demoralization and hopelessness in the waking world since the lie that “it’s too late for you” would follow them in their subconscious. Thus every mistake would become a cataclysm and every effort would have that feeling of futility that destroys confidence, motivation, and general happiness. Basically, Wizeman wins & gets power to affect the Waking world with his influence.
//Now, can you imagine if because of this, said demoralized visitor actually awakens in Nightmare instead of Nightopia but Owl and NiGHTS knows they’re there in the Night Dimension because that specific person’s dream gate shows up? It’s both tragic that the DreamGate of someone NiGHTS possibly knows is still there but empty, and invigorating because how dare Wizeman keep a Visitor in Nightmare?! 1. Visitors don’t belong in a horrible place like Nightmare 2. That’s completely against the rules, isn’t it?!
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