#Interspecies Love
sweetness-pop · 1 month
Godzilla: Be back in a bit baby!
Mothra: ~Okay! Byeee! I'll miss youuuu!~
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the-witchs-posts · 7 days
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trying yet again to post my pota oc x"3
this time with cropped pictures so maybe this time it wont be deleted xD
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
Primal Ch.1 ~AU Predator (Franchise)~
Teleya Garrett, a kind-hearted woman, creates a new life for herself in New York City. Between the next heat wave and a war between two vicious rival gangs, Teleya catches the attention of the dangerous Yautja enforcer, Scorpion. As their two worlds collide, danger follows as the FBI comes to hunt Scorpion, but nothing will stop him from being with the human he loves.
Warnings: smut, interspecies love, mentions of domestic violence
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I never forget to look up at the sky and just be thankful for surviving.
You never think you’d find yourself in such a terrifying situation until that first strike happens. It started with hitting the wall when he’s angry, then he degrades you to his friends and they laugh at your embarrassment.
Then it finally happens, fist to face contact and you’re seeing stars.
The next day he apologizes and promises not to do it again, but you don’t believe him. He thinks all is forgiven and puts on his nice mask. He still likes your hair straight and will pay seventy-five dollars to get it chemically straightened and styled so later he can praise its beauty as if you wanted your hair relaxed.
He likes you slim and in shape. You go to his gym, so he can watch you, and you work out. At least you can stay healthy and fit for when you have to escape. He thinks he’s your whole world. Your parents are dead and you’re an only child so you have no one to reach out to. All your friends have moved on forgetting about you. He knows your routine, and he knows where you work so he knows where you are. Always. He thinks you’re all his. But you swear to yourself to get out and so you plan. He doesn’t know you have money inherited from your parents’ life insurance policy, and it’s pretty big money stashed away in an account he knows nothing about. Thank God.
After that fist to face contact again you, have to go to the doctor to make sure you can still see out of your right eye. He’s waiting in the car because he thinks you won’t tell the nurses what happen and you don’t, but you ask them what’s a good medication for sleep that won’t kill a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound man but will definitely make him sleep hard. The nurses know they shouldn’t offer any information, but they don’t want to see you in a body bag, so they give you something from their personal stashes. Most nurses have all kinds of medication for all kinds of illnesses and symptoms.
“If he’s a drinker and you mix this with his alcohol he’ll be knocked out. Won’t hear a thing, won’t feel a thing.”
You know you could go to jail for this, but you’ve planned and so it’s now or nothing. You make him his favorite meal and he appreciates you even if he says it with a tone of skepticism.
You sit down and watch TV hoping he doesn’t taste the crushed-up pills in his drink. You pet the six-month-old black cat, he gives you as a random gift for not blinding you.
He’s horrible to her, so the cat is scared of him, but finds immense comfort in you. You name her Pandora. After thirty minutes, he’s out like a light. You call his name, you scream, you kick him and hit him in the face and he does not stir. You could slit his throat right here, but you don’t. You look at Pandora who just watches innocently from the chair meowing sweetly at you.
If you go to jail he would most likely kill her out of spite for losing control of you. You move fast and do what must be done. You hurry to the bedroom, pack your clothes, just what you need. Pack the cat up, her basic necessities and you leave with your car keys. It’s the only responsibility he will allow you to have. You leave your phone and any other devices he can possibly find you with and drive to the other side of town and stay at a hotel, sneaking the cat in. You’re scared because you’ve never been alone for this long.
The other time was when he allowed you to go your parent’s funeral by yourself as long as you were back the next day. You stare at yourself in the mirror and wonder what your next move is. You hate your hair and everything about it and so you take the kitchen scissors you brought from the house for protection and you just butcher your locks. You cut it all the way off until it’s a small uneven mess. But you laugh during it. You laugh hysterically and cry as well, because you’re free.
The woman next door hears you crying and comes to check on you. She’s someone’s grandmother with dark cocoa skin and white locs. She is beautiful and is a reminder that our black does not crack. She helps you fix your hair and she doesn’t even know your name, but she helps. You sit in silence on the floor between her legs while she snips and cuts to even out the mess you’ve made. You are two strangers who will never see each other again after tonight. In the silence of it all she speaks.
“I’m so very proud of you.” she responds and you nod in agreement finally breaking down again because someone sees you. She gives you money even though you deny the gesture, but she insists, so you take it. “Disappear girl. Go far away and make something of yourself…”
I was twenty- two then. Now it’s been five years, and to this day I still look up at the sky and wonder if he’s thinking of me. I wonder if he gets angry at the fact that I beat him. I survived him.
My name is Teleya Garrett. I work as a executive assistant for a district attorney’s office in New York. It was a big jump, but sometimes you have to jump big to get to freedom. I used some of the money I inherited to find a condo on the upper side of New York. I made sure to keep a budget and with the job I managed to snag, it kept me afloat. Whenever I got really bored, I would babysit for some families who desperately needed child care. Even if they couldn’t pay me much, I didn’t mind. I didn’t need the money, but I wanted to help those who just needed help, like those nurses did for me. I was a college educated woman who had a nice and trusting smile, some said.
Friday was always crazy in New York, and it meant busy streets, and so I would be a little late to the Thompsons house. But once I arrived, they were still grateful.
“Oh, Teleya thank you so much for coming on such short notice.” Kelly Thompson said. She was a single mother of three and worked late at one of the diners in town. Her husband, Mitch, left her when their third child was born. But her construction boyfriend Lou was nice, but he had to work all the time. I shook my head.
“It’s no trouble at all.” I replied setting my bag down. She smiled.
“There’s been so much going on lately with the upcoming heat wave and talk of a gang war happening, I’ve just been filled with so much anxiety. I fear for my girls.” she said truthfully as she tied her white apron to her yellow uniform. I’ve heard there has been tension rising in the slums of New York between some of the rivaling gangs.
“You’d think with this heat they’d be more focused on keeping themselves cool.” I replied, and she nodded dramatically.
“Thank you! Lord and if that’s not enough, the sewers below us are driving me crazy.” she said her eyes moving about as if looking for something. I tilted my head.
“The sewers?” I asked, and she nodded finally finding her hoop earrings and putting them in her ears.
“Yes, for the past two weeks, there’s been rumbling coming from down there. It’s quick, but I hear it. I ask Lou if they’re doing construction, but he says they aren’t. Who knows, hell the earth may be tired of New York and trying to fall out from under us. Purse…. purse, purse.” she said frantically and I just smiled at her.
“It’s on your shoulder.” I pointed, and she looked at her shoulder and groaned in relief.
“Thank you again for coming. I should be back in time to kiss them good night, but if I’m not…?” she trailed off with hopeful eyes, and I smiled.
“I’ll stay until Lou comes.” I replied, and she smiled and gave me a hug. She thanked me again and turned.
“Girls, behave for Teleya!” she called out down the hall as she moved to the door. “There’s money for pizza on the counter by the stove!” That’s usually how it goes. Junk food and movies to immobilize them. I moved down the hall and already saw them in front of the TV. Eliza, Camille, and Tory. Seven, eight, and nine.
“Hey girlies!” I said happily, and they turned to me and smiled with wide eyes.
“Teleya!” they called out and ran to me. I smiled and dropped to my knees and hugged them as they jumped on me. It was already past six and so I helped the girls with their homework, promising pizza and a movie of their choice if they finished it correctly. As they worked, I watched the news.
“The crime rate is sky rocketing after two of New York’s most dangerous gangs, the Hilltop Slashers, an African gang formed in 1982 and the Hu Mongols, a Mongolian gang formed in 1996, declared a gruesome turf war against each other. There have been multiple street fights and shootings of which police have been involved-”
“Teleya, can we watch Moana tonight!” I hear Eliza yell as she runs back into the living room with a DVD cover in her hands. I immediately switch the channel and look at her with a warm smile and nod. That’s their favorite movie.
“Sure. Are you finished with your homework?” I asked.
“Almost. I’ve been helping Camille and Tory too!” she said with pride, and I nodded showing pride myself.
“Good girl, always help your sisters.” I told her, and she nodded and ran back into the room she shared with them. I smiled and got up and moved into the kitchen pulling out my phone for a bit. It was already hot in the house so I opened the window. The air was hot and I hated it.
By nine, the girls were in their beds, with their stuffed animals under their arms. I moved to close the door.
“Teleya, will you sing to us while you’re out there?” Tory asked. I chuckled. I wasn’t the best singer, but it kept them quiet while I tidied up the place after they ran through it all day. I sat my phone down by their bed room door and proceeded to clean the room while Moana’s An Innocent Warrior instrumental played.
“Sure.” I replied leaving the door open. “
Ou mata e matagi. Ou loto mamaina toa. Manatu atu. Taku pelepele.”
Normal POV POV
The only noise Scorpion wanted to hear was the heavy water beneath the sewers as he sat against the sewer walls, the drain opening above him that hid him due to the moon being out. The three bad bloods he had successfully killed, were worthy opponents. He had gashes and cuts all over his body, scars he would soon wear with pride. While he waited for the medicine he applied to work, he sent out a transmission through his wrist gauntlet to the ancient who sent him, letting him know the traitors had been dealt with.
The three bad bloods broke the honor code and fled without facing the consequences. Cowards. They should have just killed themselves and saved the enforcer some time. But now it was over. He cackled lowly and kept his body still listening to the rats squeaking around him as they clawed and nipped at the sides of his armor. He wasn’t bothered by them enough to move any of them. The sewers were perfect for getting around without being seen. There were numerous under ground tunnels and passageways that he himself created long ago. Now that his assignment was complete he had a choice to hunt for himself here or take his ship and return to his yautja prime for a bit.
However, he heard something coming from deep inside the sewers which made his icy white eyes open. Only a rare few yautja had this eye color and it made him extremely popular amongst the females of his tribe, but it also made other clans ridicule him as well, but that was before he moved up the ranks and became an enforcer.
The noise he was hearing made it hard for him to rest. He tried his best to block it out. But it just kept on coming, echoing through the sewers. Scorpion shrilled heavily with annoyance, his mandibles clicking together in irritation. He couldn’t rest until he found out what that annoying sound was. So, he got onto his feet, the bleeding from his wounds had stopped and he hissed lowly before moving down the dark sewers. His bio mask allowed him to see different modes of vision, but for now he used the thermal setting.
As he walked he raised his gauntlet and used the sewer map he created to show him the nearest drain opening. It was in the streets between a neighborhood he had moved through. The noise grew a little louder as he was nearing the next drain opening.
Pa mai to mafanafanaga. Saolotoga tenei Manatunatu. Ki tamafine.
Scorpion had heard the noise before and he concluded it was singing. The voice patterns were high and light and dainty to him.
It was no male, he had heard both the sexes singing from being on this planet for many years. No this was a female. He cackled as he looked up at the sound tilting his head some. A female was singing, and it was distracting him from healing peacefully that much he knew. He growled some at this fact, but as he heard further harmonizing the music moved through his mask and sounded quite odd to him. Slowly he removed the air tubes from his mask and removed it from his face and once he did, he could hear the singing differently. There were no words now and whoever this female was, was just harmonizing now. Scorpion shrilled gently as he examined the entrance above that was not covered with a manhole cover. Light came in and poured down on his body alone beneath the open drain.
He suddenly felt a strange tingle over his body, and he hissed and raised his arm. The tiny muscles in his arms had contracted. This made the enforcer yautja hiss in confusion. The female’s voice was obviously doing something to his body and he didn’t know what and he didn’t like it.
So, he knew he’d have to go investigate further. He placed his mask back on, his body cloaking itself. With little effort he jumped up and gripped the open manhole with one arm before moving from it and was once again out in the city. With no obvious threats around he jumped on the nearest car causing its alarm to go off before attaching himself into the nearest building and moving up to the rooftops with intent to follow the harmonizing trail that would lead him to the female.
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spirit-of-anime · 1 year
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Monotone Blue
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darkscorpiox · 1 year
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(original video / with ENG subs)
A man/boy and his birdy ladylove
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kisa-e · 2 years
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H: hush, hush… be a good boy, mada-meow
T: anija… you heal those by yourself
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hyenafu · 2 years
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The Lovers 💞 It's been fun drawing these two adults exploring spicier ways to express their love for one another.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku Alien AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked on titles are mine.
Some contain mature content … read tags.
Art work by @ inkalight.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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labradorescence by waywardfacegarden
Summary: There's an alien sitting on Katsuki’s rickety sofa.
Great. Fucking peachy.
— — —
OR: Katsuki and Izuku meet each other by chance. Except, one of them is human and the other isn't. Ft. Katsuki's internal monologue of falling in love with an alien.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
My Pet - King Explosion Murder by Psychedelic0Kitty
Summary: Izuku falls in love with an Alien and an Alien falls in love with him.
Incomplete | 5/? Chapters
Last Updated 2019
Rated - Teen & Up
Painted Veins by MellowWrites
Summary: First Lieutenant of Earth’s battalion - Bakugou Katsuki - falls for a local on the planet of Reanov while stationed there for a mission, only to discover the planet is set to be destroyed by the end of the day.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Among the Hero by Anonymous
Summary: Things pretty quickly went downhill on the spaceship that Izuku was on. Not quick to judge or pin blame on any of his crew, Izuku is hopeful that their ship just had a large glitch in the system, but things come to a startling clarity when he's in the recovery room alone with one of the monsters he had prayed didn't exist on their exploration through space.
Newsflash: They're out there and want to impregnate a strong carrier (Izuku) to continue their species.
Complete | 5 Chapters
Rated - Explicit
Starlight Tryst by osakakitty
Summary: Katsuki and his partner Izuku are members of the Intergalactic Peace Federation, helping planets in need across the galaxy. After a day in which Katsuki notices Izuku looking down, he discovers something that Izuku's never told him before... And Izuku discovers something Katsuki's never told anyone.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Inalienable Conquers by Sado1158
Summary: Izuku was on a mission to observe, catalog, and study the planet Alara along with a small group of researchers and guards. He was brought on this mission as a last resort, an afterthought, compared to his comrades. He was the only doctor in the association to have been to Alara before, so it was just easier to add him to the group rather than get another doctor. He was the only one who understood the native wildlife and its anatomy. Most days it seemed like he was the only one who cared.Especially when it came to his Kacchan.
One Shot | OmegaVerse
Rated - Explicit
Fever by Matacansha
Summary: Izuku is stranded on an uninhabited planet with his half-vulcan crush when he starts showing some worrying symptoms. Surely he can just give the blonde some alone time, no?
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
WALL-CLIMBERS by That_Familiar_Feeling
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is a Biologist living alone on a deep space station that was abandoned, he with it, to orbit around a ‘lesser’ Re:financially useless planet system. He was always an overly curious creature and his innate curiosity gets him into quite the sticky situation when a stowaway takes an interest in the scientist.
Turns out, his ‘Kacchan’ won’t be the only creature interested in him, and his days as a lonely scientist are numbered.
Complete | 5 Chapters | KiriBakuDeku
Rated - Explicit
Stratosphere by offclsyn
Summary: Izuku does not know anything but his name. He doesn't remember who he is, or what he's doing here.
He remembers the feeling of drowning, the crash, and then nothing.
— — —
Or, in which Izuku exists for one reason and one reason only: to infiltrate and destroy the human race. However, after forgetting who he is, he loses sight of his goal and experiences love for the first and last time.
Incomplete | 4/? CH | AU w/ Quirks
Last Updated 2021
Rated - Explicit
At the Edge of Space by Keo_CloakRead
Summary: Research Group 1-A has stationed themselves on the distant planet Aldera. The planet is ripe with discovery. Survival is pushed to the top of the priority list as systems are sabotaged and bodies start to pile up. Xenobiologist Midoriya is in a race against time to save his friends, and stop the creature stalking him through the halls.
Incomplete | 6/? Chapters
Last Updated Sept. 2022
Rated - Explicit
Spacey by Cummandzero
Summary: To prove a point, Izuku Midoriya is knocked out and sent to an unexplored planet on the brink of heat. He spares no thoughts on the debate, coming to the instant conclusion that his boss is the culprit. With the superior sub-gender, Alpha Primus lurking the forest, it's only a matter of time before he is discovered. Will he survive the night?
Incomplete | 7/8 CH | OmegaVerse
Last Updated Dec. 2020
Rated - Explicit
Hidden in Plain Sight by A_Single_Cactus
Summary: When Izuku graduated from the U.A. Space Program and was sent up into the stars, he didn’t expect for everything to go wrong.
First, they started finding dead rats across the ship. Then, dead crew-mates.
Something was onboard with them.
There was an imposter hidden among them in plain sight.
Complete | 7 Chapters
Rated - Explicit
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syppys-den · 2 days
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I hate how this looks but I guess that shows how limited my skills in Heroforge and photo editing are
anyway yeah, The Daily Planet Trio are a Throuple in Earth 1605
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artwith-david · 1 year
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Tails are such useful things.
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horatio-fig · 2 years
When I first started writing Interspecies Xeno smut, I’ll admit I did find it a bit confusing. Luckily I’ve broken it down to one simple rule.
Give the tiny fragile human some sort of injury, and give the big alien creature some sort of unusual sexual organ.
Or as I remember it:
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That’s cracked rib
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And ribbed crack. 
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Simple right 👍 Have fun!
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sweetness-pop · 1 year
Imagine watching a familiar cutscene where Leorina hugs Guntz like THIS:
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the-witchs-posts · 7 days
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caesar and my oc salem <3
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
Primal - Ch.34 ~AU Predator (Franchise)~ Final Chapter
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Teleya’s POV
It’s odd to feel your own heartbeat slowing down in the darkest parts of your mind before it fades away for what seems like forever. And then that low steady beat creeps back up and continues stronger than ever…
I looked at Scorpion, his entire body looked sharper to me as if I had perfect 20/20 vision. I could smell him, he smelled like the forest, like the ocean water, like rain, and like snow all combined into one.
He gently reaches down to press his large hand to my face.
“Teleya I…” he trailed off, and I gave a gentle smile reaching my hand up to gently rest over his own. I nodded softly. I knew he was worried for me. I had died and now I am back.
“I know.” I replied. I now looked up at the ceiling and realized I was back on his ship. I slowly sat up, and he helped me. I looked at my stomach immediately. “The baby…”
“Is alright.” he announced. I nodded looking up at him with a head shake of confusion.
“Scorpion what’s happened to me?” I asked. His other hand moved to rest over my stomach.
“The child’s cells have combined and overtaken yours by a grave amount so that your body could carry it.” he said. I was stunned by his words, and I gently looked around the lab some more. Everything in here smelled of Scorpion. I liked it. I looked at my hands and legs, Scorpion’s hands never leaving my cheek and stomach. I didn’t feel any different. I finally looked at my mate who shrilled gently before leaning over to press his forehead against my own. I sighed deeply before inhaling his scent.
A sharp shrill caught my attention and I looked over the side of the metal table I was on and smiled at Chomper.
“Chomper!” I exclaimed and he hissed and spun in circles in happiness. I moved to get off the table with Scorpion holding me. I gave my little raptor a gentle pet before smelling a sweaty scent. I then looked over toward the entrance of the room to see Axel standing there with cuts and bruises, forehead covered in sweat. My eyes widened and I smiled.
“Axe, you’re alright!” I called moving up to him. He smiled and took small steps towards me.
“Hey neighbor.” he said. I gave him a tight hug. He smelled different. I have never really noticed any smell with him. But he smelled like blood.
“Thank you for bringing him back to me.” I said softly in his ear, and he sighed some.
“Yeah, well don’t ask me to do it again.” he said humorously. I smiled and pulled back.
“He is the last of the threat. I can kill him and mount his skull on my wall before the days end.” Scorpion said. I looked at Scorpion who’s eyes were dead set on Axel and Axel noticed this. He looked at me.
“What’s going on?” he asked, cautiously, as I stepped closer to my mate. Axel couldn’t see my now lightly glaring face as I looked at Scorpion sternly. He hissed down at me almost confused.
“Is my and your unborn suckling’s health and safety not enough?” I asked. Scorpion shrilled lightly, his dark eyes softening immediately to answer my question. I now gave a tired face and a light shake of my head. “I want to go home.”
Scorpion raised his hands yet again to cup my face gently. He looked over my shoulder with calmness before looking back at me.
“Yes, my love.” he said before bowing his head to me. I raised my hand to run over the back of his head in thanks.
After a moment, Scorpion showed Axel to the room he was to stay in. I smiled at him and rested my hand on his shoulder, much to Scorpion’s hiss of warning toward the cop. I could feel the instant jealousy, but he would endure it as this was most likely going to be the last time I ever see my neighbor again.
“This is your room. We will be home shortly. Once I drop you off… just know this will be the last time you ever see me again.” I explained. Axel nodded.
“I think after this moment, I am going to retire.” he said. I smiled and we shared a gently laugh.
“I will come get you when we are home.” I replied and he nodded before stepping back in the room and eyeing everything.
“I’ll be sure not to touch any buttons.” he said. I smiled and pushed the button for the doors to close. Now I looked at Scorpion and Chomper and smiled before approaching my mate and wrapping my arm around his much larger new arm. Scorpion wasted no time in swooping me off my feet and carrying me back to the room we shared.
In there, I stood in front of a large metal wall that has a mirror in it. It was a perfect rectangular shape. I gently touched the spot under my eyes noticing the once brown hues were now snow white, my skin peppered with lightly dots around my forehead, cheeks, and bottom chin. If anything, the shape was that of a butterfly. My tight curls had loosened into gentle waves. I looked at my body, giving a gentle hiss at the disgusting gown I was forced to wear. I tore it off, and finally revealed my body underneath.
My body looked tighter, my shape, my curves were definitely sharp. My breasts were the same, but I was sure they would grow to hold milk for my child. The same dark dots peppered my body and now I remembered where I have seen them from. I looked at Scorpion’s reflection as he stood without armor, without fishnets, without his loin cloth. I turned and looked up at his massive form and he shrilled softly down at me. He too had gentle dots that were a design of his skin. I was somewhat like him now. I gave a light worry.
“These changes in me, what do they mean for my future?” I asked. Scorpion eyed me with a soft gaze.
“Your aging will slow; your senses will now be that of yautja. Your appearance could change more.” he said, and I looked at his firm chest and nodded.
“So, I will be with you and our child for a very long time.” I said and he nodded.
“This pleases you?” he asked. I could hear the mild sense of worry in his tone. What did he have to worry about? Was he worried I would miss out on my more human life. I smiled up at him and nodded.
“This pleases me.” I replied before I finally realized something that brought dread to my face. “The people who took me-”
“Are dead and any trace of Yautja weaponry is gone. Only us three remain.”  he said looking down and placing his hand over my stomach and I shook my head still worried.
“They ran tests on me that showed them I was pregnant as well as my blood that has my changed DNA. Scorpion there is a much larger force out there that now knows of us.” I explained. He snarled, eyes hardening.
“Then I will kill them all.” he said. I shook my head immediately.
“No. I fear this is a force that we cannot just kill, we may have destroyed a root, but there is an entire tree somewhere out there with more power and more lethal than you only can face… soon this group whoever they are they will come after me if not to get to you then to get to them.”
I placed my hand over his hand on my stomach. Scorpion’s anger flared even more at my words.
“We cannot run unless we go somewhere on the other side of the planet, but even then, it would be hard for me to adapt as this baby grows and we cannot put ourselves in anymore danger that you would have to risk your life to protect us.” I exclaimed. He shrilled softly.
“It is my greatest honor, over the hunt, to protect you and our child.” he said. I felt my eyes water some in happiness of his words, but then I remembered the people he killed. The more places we try and go the more this threat will follow, and they too will kill innocent people to get to us.
“Like your species, this threat will learn your ways no matter how much you change your technology, we as humans may not be as advanced, but we will learn. Scorpion, I don’t want to live in fear, and I don’t want to raise our baby in fear.” I told.
Scorpion shrilled lowly at my words raising his head to look above me. I simply leaned in and wrapped my arms around his large frame, feeling his arms lock around me. I could hear his mighty heart beating in sync with my own.
“Then we will go.” he finally says. I looked up at him with a gentle shake of my head in confusion.
“Go where?”  I asked. My mate was looking ahead with determination before two pairs of white eyes locked.
“To Mariterra, a water world.” he said. “As an enforcer, I am in charge of many inhabitable planets that contain Yautja clans to ensure they remain free of bad bloods. My ancestors started their bloodlines there. It is inhabitable for humans.”
My eyes widened at his words as I leaned back looking completely dazed.
“And we can go there?” I asked. Scorpion nodded.
“We can go there after we drop off the human.” he said. Woah. Leave earth and live on an alien planet. I looked away for a moment, my eyes moving back toward the mirror. To leave meant never seeing anyone here again, never seeing Kelly or her children or even Axel… not even Pandora. But to leave here would mean the safety of our child and myself. I closed my eyes and looked down for a moment before smiling and turning to Scorpion.
“Yes. Let’s leave this place.” I said. Scorpion’s eyes softened, his mandibles clicking happily before he embraced me again. I missed being in his hold.
“I will teach you the way of the Yautja.” he promised.
The ship’s autopilot alerted us that we would be back in the vicinity of my neighborhood, and that it’s concealment system would remain activated. Scorpion, now fully armored, moved over toward the side of the room where he had an impressive wall of weapons, but the empty space beside it made me tilt my head in curiosity.
He pressed a button on the wall, and slowly the blank wall slid up and revealed a wall of both armor, fishnet clothing, as well as what looked like jewelry and neck pieces. But as I grew closer to this wall, I noticed row upon rows of neck pieces with long beads of different colors around it. Beneath this row were long and short loin clothes that were definitely not the size of my mate. The shapes alone told me the top row was for wearing over my shoulders or around my neck and the bottom were clothing to cover my bottom half. To a human’s eyes these garments hardly covered anything, and I was sure parts of my body that should always be covered, will be exposed. I looked at Scorpion with an impressed smirk. Scorpion shrilled.
“When I first met you, I knew you were to be mine. These were the last sets of gifts I was going to present you. This is what is worn during peace times. I made them for you.” he said. I looked at him lovingly before I eyed a specific set. Beautiful tiny blue gems flowed downward and looked like a beautiful spider’s web of gems. Beneath the top were a small cluster of white beads also mimicking a water web. I smiled gently.
“You know my mother… gave birth to me in water. I used to love swimming with her. I always felt connected to water. That’s how I felt connected with her before she died. That connection was lost when I came here. But these colors, remind me of the water.” I said gently. Scorpion tilted his head some watching me with soft eyes.
Slowly I removed the top row of beads and pressed my head through the circular opening in the middle. The beads fell over my chest, hiding my breasts just enough. Then I slid the white-water web of beads around my waist. It definitely covered just enough. I thought I would feel exposed, and somewhat embarrassed to be wearing something like this. But if anything, I felt happy knowing Scorpion was watching me with a deep purr. I smirked and moved back over to the mirror and gasped at how exquisite this set looked on me. My body sparkled beneath the lights above.
Scorpion stood behind me watching me with warm eyes, and I nodded.
“This should have been the first gift.” I replied. He cackled sharply before giving out a low melodic laugh. I smiled, but our happy moment was interrupted by the ship.
Intruder in the command room
Axel must have been exploring and came upon the control room.
Scorpion rolled his eyes now.
“I will be happy when that human is gone.” he said. I smirked and we moved out the room and down the hall. Everything felt cold for a split second before warming up around me. We moved back to the front of the ship to see Axel staring at the large screen ahead.
Chomper was hissing not liking the cop being here, but our attention was no longer on him but on the screen. We stepped closer observing what looked like video footage of my home. People in black suits were in my home tearing up the place. This ship must be hovering over my home. We were perfectly hidden and obviously the ship made no noise.
So, it had begun already. I winced as this footage moved to different angles of the house.
There were at least fifteen men pulling out my drawers and ripping open my couch as if looking for something.
“There’s got to be something in here that could tell us where she’s gone. She couldn’t have gotten far.” one of the men said. They were from that fucking alien hunter sector Miles was in charge of. It seemed they wasted no time replacing him. There were different angles of the house showing people in my bedroom tearing up and smashing things, even in my bathroom my products were pushed off the counter and on the floor.
The view showed my living room again, and this time I gasped I saw Pandora hissing and scratching from a small cage that men were kicking at taunting her. I tensed and felt anger rage inside me almost immediately.
I whipped my head up to Scorpion with a vicious frown, and as if he knew what I wanted, he grabbed his new mask from his side and placed it against his face. It made a heightened clicking noise before he raised his wrist up, a large, curved, single edged blade struck out immediately before he turned and moved toward the door.
“Chomper.” he said firmly. The acid raptor screeched in response and followed after him through the door. Axel finally turned to me, looking me over, no longer phased and then back up at the screen.
“What are they going to do?” he asked. I stared at the screen; all emotion drained from my face.
“What they do best. Hunt.” I said lowly. The screen remained on the living room, and I watched with pride in my eyes as my door was eventually kicked in.
Guns were drawn and immediately bullets sprayed the room as a fully visible Yautja enforcer was running through the room, slicing up men one by one. Chomper jumped on a man’s chest and bit down on his face before jumping off. I could hear his skin sizzling from the acid bite of my raptor. Blood painted the walls swiftly. Axel just stared wide eyed as Scorpion just moved about the room slashing at any chests and stomachs and hands and necks. I continued to watch as he disappeared into my room and all I saw was blood flying into the hallway.
I just watched as Axel just covered his mouth with his hand.
“He’s not even using other weapons like he did at that facility.” he said in awe. Chomper bit down on a soldier’s stomach as he tried to crawl away and get him off him. Scorpion came up and gripped the man’s mouth from the top and together both just pulled viciously ripping his in half. This lasted for ten minutes before the sounds of guns faded and what was left was a blood-soaked room. Axel just stared completely stunned. I moved over toward the ships controls and pressed a button that was lowering the ship to hover closer to the houses.
“Axel, you should go home now.” I said and looked at my neighbor. I was pretty sure Scorpion reignited his blood lust and I did not want my friend on the ship when he returned. Finally, he looked at me and his eyes saddened some and he nodded. He approached me holding his hand up for me to shake.
“I’ll miss our morning talks.” he said. I smiled and nodded.
“As will I.” I replied shaking his hand. “Come I’ll walk you out.”
Once we were at the bottom of the ship, the circular door opened, and I saw we were very close to the ground. He would have to worry so he wasn’t seen. I was sure he would be called to investigate the massacre that just happened and sadly he would need a good story for this. Axel looked at me and nodded.
“Goodbye Teleya.” he said. I smiled.
“Goodbye, detective.” I said. He smiled and jumped from the ship and down to the ground. He hurried to his home and went inside. Not long after, I waited for Scorpion to return to the control room.
Under his arm was Pandora purring and rubbing her head under his mandible. I smiled happily and moved to take her and smiled nuzzling my head into her face. She gave a quick hiss as if scared. She sniffed my face some before purring and nuzzling my face into her. It was time to go, but I knew I could not take my lovely cat with me.
Who knows what creatures we will face on this new planet, and Chomper was already eyeing the cat hoping to be fed the feline as a job well done on their hunt.
“There’s one more place we have to go.”  I said to Scorpion. He gave a low, casual snarl but nodded. I held on to Pandora through the entire flight, rubbing my cheek over her head. She purred heavily enjoying my warmth. I sighed gently looking at her. I sat on our large bed of furs while Scorpion was sitting on the floor, without his armor on, cleaning his weapons. Chomper had to wait outside the room while I had the cat. I knew after this night; I will never see my beloved cat again.
“Ou mata e matagi,” I sang, rubbing her back gently as she curled up on me. Scorpion’s head raised a little to listen as he continued to clean. The first song that brought Scorpion to me never felt so new to my lungs. Even my voice seemed different when I sang. “Ou loto mamaina toa. Manatu atu. Taku pelepele. Pa mai to mafanafanaga. Saolotoga tenei Manatunatu. Ki tamafine.”
When the ship hovered over the Thompson’s home, I held Pandora to me as Scorpion held me and scaled down the side of the home toward a familiar sight. Kelly’s daughters, Tory, Eliza, and Camille were fast asleep in their bed. I knew it was another mouth to feed, but I could not leave Pandora with anyone else. I touched the window seal and although, I managed to open it quite easily. The window made a crack from being opened. The girls didn’t stir, but I could definitely hear Lou’s snoring become interrupted.
“What was that?” he asked. I immediately kissed Pandora, knowing her collar with her name on and my information would show Kelly she was mine, and guided her into the room where she landed on Tory’s bed. I sniffled some as Scorpion carried me back up the brick wall and back onto the ship.
I could feel us moving up into the air and I winced knowing that this meant no more home, no more work, no more sunsets or sun rises. No more of my life as I knew it. But the human me died on that table hours ago. Now I was someone else. I stood beside Scorpion in the control room watching as he was typed in the coordinates. Chomper was at my side, his tail wrapped around mine as he watched the enforcer was doing. The ship began to move even faster. Finally, Scorpion looked at me and approached.
“We will be leaving this atmosphere in a matter of time. Once we leave, there is no going back.” he said, and I nodded as he moved to take hold of my arms in his.
“My home is wherever we are.” I replied softly. Scorpion shrilled gently and leaned down to press his forehead into mine.
“Even if this planet does not fit our needs, there are many other inhabitable ones we can go to.” He said.
“Your ancestors came from this planet; I want our child to grow there. I am not afraid of the future. You are my mate and I go where you go.” I promised, and he shrilled, and we closed our eyes letting our heads gently fall in silence as if we were silently praying.
The future will never scare me as long as I had my family with me. We will forever be one even as we go to this new world. Mariterra…
The End
Author's Notes
Okay so this was Primal!
Let me know if you'd be interested in the second installement Primal: The Clan of Blood and Water. This would follow Teleya and Scorpion's journey in a new world as they prepare for Teleya's birth while she also has to earn the respect of many in her new clan.
I'll post it here if you're interested.
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