#Insert the “let me see what you have? A knife! NO!” meme here
kukkakisu · 5 months
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CC found a new toy! I don't think Naava approves of it very much...
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vexwerewolf · 8 days
If I could ask you for some advice, what do you think helps the flavour text of a mech or piece of equipment sell a player on the fantasy of using it?
I'm finding it frustratingly difficult to do so with my own homebrew content: I can come up with lore and backstory easily enough, but re-reading it feels dry, and I can't help but contrast it with how the descrptions in official content and other supplements is more evocative, at least for mechs.
Let's observe some corebook Lancer flavour text and examine the various varieties it comes in.
Purely Functional
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While it's usually not the most fun type of flavour text, this just tells us what the weapon is, and - if it has any particular tags or on-hit effects - why it's like that. The Hand Cannon is a good example: here's what it is (modified pistol), here's why it does more damage, and here's why it has Loading.
The main advantage of Purely Functional flavour text is that it provides space for other types of flavour text to breathe. Flavour text is a great place for jokes, but it's not good for every piece of flavour text to be a joke - the pauses between notes in music are just as important as the notes.
Obfuscating Vendorspeak
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The Bristlecrown Flechette Launcher this is a great example of dark humour that Lancer uses quite often: marketing fast-talk to cover up something really unpleasant. The joke here is based on us understanding precisely what the equipment does mechanically, and then seeing how the manufacturer tries to sell it. There's a bunch of dense technobabble here meant to obfuscate the fact that this weapon fires knives in every direction specifically designed to kill infantry.
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Deadpan Weirdness
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The joke here relies on describing something extremely weird like it's the most natural thing in the world. Wait, you're telling me that in a world where I can just print new parts if the old ones break, they put DRM on my fucking knife and I have to apologise to the fucking knife maker to get a new one? What the fuck, dude? Why are you acting like this makes any sense?!
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My sword uploads fucking what to the Space Internet?!
Third-Act Twist
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This type of flavour text disguises itself as something else - most often Purely Functional - and then hits you with Third Act Twist. It makes you go "wait, what?!" It's very classic setup-punchline stuff. You're telling me my mech can rot?!
As a side note, Lancer loves to use this for its NHPs.
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This is similar to the Purely Functional, but instead of just describing technical specifications of the weapons, it puts the weapon in the broader context of the setting's history. Okay, so we know what this weapon is and what it does - why was it built? What was the original use case, and why? Most importantly, what can the existence of this weapon tell us about the world that build it?
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Whimsical Aside
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This is the insertion of a light-hearted, humanising little insertion regarding how this piece of equipment gets used in the field. This serves to remind us that soldiers aren't cold, unfeeling killing machines: they can be as emotional, irreverent and silly as the rest of us, and they do things like name their mobile bombs...
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... or call resupply drones "mech snacks."
The Ominous Out-Of-Context Quote That Explains Nothing And Only Raises More Questions
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As I've said in multiple textmash memes, this is basically Tom and Miguel's shorthand for "this technology is Intensely Fucked Up in a way that it is more fun and scary not to explain." This is essentially Lancer's version of SCP's [REDACTED].
You might think this is the domain of HORUS, and you'd be right, but every single manufacturer indulges in these - although IPS-N had to wait until NRFaW to get theirs:
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What the fuck do you mean by that, Lancer?
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cornunut · 2 months
Surprising no one, I am going to ask about The Lads™ for the send a character meme
(d twins + rogier pls ty)
holds them out to you (also this got kind of long sorry in advance)
First impression
how does he fight with that fuckass armour. is he religious he looks religious can i get some guilt. can he kiss my tarnished.
Impression now
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i need to do this to him.
Favorite moment
I CAN'T DECIDE DKFJGHDKFJHG he has so many little bits of dialogue that i love. "don't you dare. unless you want to die like a dog?" "just as long as he doesn't starve to death, eh." "another fool who won't listen to reason, eh?" i want to chew on him. but i really like how you can summon him for both the liurnia mariner and the black knife further north! it makes it feel like i'm dragging him along on my littol journey for a bit. gives him some enrichment lets him touch grass
Idea for a story
ah... i have a few wips regarding him and my tarnished, but one thing i really want to write is how they meet because lucio actually knows him before the proper run of the game! i just need to... yknow... actually figure out How they meet and need to write it DKFGHKJDFGH
Unpopular opinion
he's not a heartless asshole... seriously his first introduction in summonwater shows how compassionate he is with mourning this corpse that he's never met and he's very friendly towards the tarnished if they work with gurranq. he's a good person!
Favorite relationship
d & rogier... romantic or not, i need to know more about them.... how they met, how they fell apart, their interactions during the game... ough
Favorite headcanon
i like to think that he and devin were either killed by one of their parents when they were children or abandoned and died to the elements b/c of the whole cursed twin thing, then reborn as tarnished and taken in by gurranq who raised them. in either situation i feel like devin died first and that's one of the reasons why darian's so protective of him.
First impression
hey why is his voice so hot. why does he sound so insane.
Impression now
ouuuuugh my little meow meow who has so many problems
Favorite moment
given that he has all of two scenes on screen i'm gonna go with him yapping over fia's body because every word of that speech is ingrained in my brain. smth smth "ROTTEN WHORE"
Idea for a story
i really want to explore either the aftermath of darian's death and how that affected him, or what happened immediately after he killed fia and dipped.
Unpopular opinion
he is entirely justified in his anger about fia killing his brother, actually! cannot believe that that's unpopular
Favorite relationship
with darian - i looove the whole fucked up twin sharing a soul intricate deep connection thing. it makes it hurt more when darian dies :)
Favorite headcanon
related to the previous point i like to think he felt nearly everything when darian was killed due to weird twin soul bond thing :))
First impression
he looks wreckable. why must he die.
Impression now
he gives me such insane cute aggression but i also want to move him to a more comfy place in the roundtable hold than that chair on the balcony and tuck him in with a warm blanket.
Favorite moment
i love how sarcastic he gets after you tell him you can't see grace in stormveil KDJFGHKDJHFG he's so passive aggressive its so funny
Idea for a story
[insert rogier lives fic here] but also like what happened when the deathblight took his legs. how the hell did he get back to the roundtable hold.
Unpopular opinion
free my man from the archetype ppl want to shove him into (soft sweet wholesome boy who can do nothing wrong)
Favorite relationship
d & ro... like i was saying above i neeeeeeed to know more about them (luckily that's what fanfic is for)
Favorite headcanon
this is more of a tarnished hc tbh but i think lucio (my tarnished) would, assuming it wouldn't cause any pain to rogier, try and prune away the deathblight vines to try and make him more comfortable. he'd also bring rogier books that he found while exploring tlb. otherwise, for a more rogier-centric hc, i do subscribe to prisoner starting class rogi :)
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Trigun Maximum 8 Part 1
Emotional destruction Vol.2. There is more to come!
Trigun Ultimate: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Trigun Maximum: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
How… how has Nightow the style of 80s shoujo manga down to a T? I love it.
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01: Invasion
Of course, the Golden Gate-like-Bridge needs to be destroyed to show that the attack has begun. While the ark looks cool and all, it doesn’t really looks like something that can stay in the air. (really, Knives? Tell me how you plan to let the people on the ark live after you do the genocide. Self Absorbed bastard. This is your ark, for you alone.)
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Yes, take even more agency from him.
Having his whole body weight on one point, the connector must hurt so much right now. I am sure it feels like it gets slowly torn out.
Legato could make a fortune by being a sport instructor. Just make me move! I pay you!
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I wanna slap him so badly. Seriously. THANKS TO VASH?! He is running around trying to help them as much as he can!
KNIVES! YOU ARE THE REASON THAT YOUR SISTERS ARE ON THIS PLANET AT ALL! TELL ME AGAIN ABOUT YOUR SIN OF ACCIDENTALLY KILLING THE SISTERS THAT WERE ON THE 802 SHIPS. YOU DID NOT KNOW THAT YOUR FUCKING HAIR TURNS DARK WHEN YOU START TO DECAY! THE FIRST LAST RUN YOU SAW WAS LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO! TELL ME HOW MANY SISTERS YOU HAVE SEEN DIE, AGAIN?! You had 150 years to learn about this! 150 years and you failed to do so. Your sisters and their wellbeing aren’t that important to you, buddy. Don’t use them to give yourself validity. And don’t you dare to use Tesla again!
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Oh, tsundere Legato time. And Knives does not stop him. Does Knives truly not understand that Legato is starting to act not only on his own but against Knives’ stated interests?
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At first I thought this was a moment of peace for Wolfwood that boils down to him finding his determination. But in hindsight, this is him knowing he is starting to get crushed between the rock and the hard place. He is waiting to act, he cannot act, even though most gruesome things are happening all around him and he is part of it. (Insert the: "Kitten, I'll be honest. Daddy is about to kill himself"-meme)
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Who else thought about Carl? “That’s what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.” Knives, that kills people!
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*snorts* Yeah, because you have had such a presence in the story til now. Tell me again, how lawful the world is. I'll wait. Yeah, at the bar of that nice granny with the guy that was nearly lynched with his truly innocent bestie.
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I forgot about that. I forgot that Wolfwood is used to kill in the cities. I made a pained squeaky noise when I saw them. Someone shut Chapel up and hug Wolfwood!
Wolfwood’s past pulls him down. His training and way of life goes so strongly against his morals. And Chapel knows exactly how to use it to hurt Wolfwood.
But Wolfwood has already changed so much during the story. From the start, while he put his own life first, he never killed with any animosity, the didn't torture people. By following Vash’ (pretty selfdestructive) ruling, he found a way of going forward that fits his morals so much more. He cares about life and especially the lives of others. His responsibilities still stand, that’s why he is still able to kill, but this Wolfwood here is very far from the pupil Chapel had true power over.
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Can someone shut this bitch up, please?
Chapel is a manipulator. He knows his “pupils” and knows how to put them down. He doesn’t plan to take Wolfwood in again. He just wants to hurt him. He wants revenge for Wolfwood acting out, for Wolfwood deserting the Eye of Michael's teachings. But this is a struggle for power over Wolfwood, too. Livio is a much better pupil in his eyes, since Chapel seemingly erased his character and wants successfully.
The antithesis of the blank ticket. Your past binds you down. You cannot start anew. Just give in and accept your given place in the world. It is Wolfwood's way of thinking, too. No wonder he hurts so much. Chapel’s teachings dug deep into him.
Wolfwood realises how deeply Chapel has dug his claws into Livio. That’s why he tries to force Chapel to make Livio stop and not Livio himself. But he has no power in this situation here. Chapel has the power since he has power over Livio. And, damn, he uses it to hurt Wolfwood in revenge. Wolfwood is desperately looking for a way out, but he cannot find one.
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His sisters want him to stop, too. Not that he listens.
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Vash is still hateful of himself for attacking Rem. He never stopped. Even working through his anger at Rem... The anger was replaced with selfhatred and ever since then he has been spiraling.
But the thought about people not changing… They talk about humanity, but isn’t it about Knives, too? I highly doubt that Knives can change. Everyone is able to, but not everyone chooses to do so. Knives cannot reflect upon what he has done, because then he himself and humanity wouldn’t be that different. Both twins are so good in seeing things just as black and white. Damn all of humanity or all of humanity is good, instead of what it truly is, grey. 
OF COURSE HE SAID TESLA! This is so much not about Tesla. Poor girl is just a pawn for Knives, like everyone else. He was such a sensitive kid and now he cannot even realise his own true feelings, much less recognise feelings in other people. He is living a delusion.
It makes Knives an interesting villain, though. I like villains that you can somewhat empathise with. Every last one of us can end like him (without the outright genocide). He is a warning and he is not redeemable, however much I feel for him.
Edit: Upon rereading my last paragraph can be so misinterpreted. What I meant with 'without the outright genocide' was not that neither of us can be easily radicalised and be part of a genocide by either inaction, outright ignoring it or even be an active part of it. My country's history is a glowing negative example of it. I literally meant that we cannot be a fucking warship.
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Ugh, yes, Vash is completely right. 
But look at you, Vash. You are a bottle under so much pressure, too. You drinking away your pain does not erase it. You know the source, but you never started to deal with it at all. Why does the stuff you preach never reach you yourself?
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But Knives turns away from Vash, again and again. Knives cannot open himself up to Vash. Anger and hate are feelings that are so much better than the vulnerable hurt and fear. Seriously, Vash, how long til it is enough?
“Then we will be even.” No, not really. The people who have hurt Knives are gone. There is no balance to be redone. Knives’ “even” means that the scales are completely destroyed and only he remains. Knives pumps out new victims of violence daily, the only words that are spoken are “Hate creates more hate, violence creates more violence.” Knives has been gone up in his crusade since the Great Fall. Everything after that was him actively searching for and creating more and more reasons to justify him causing the Great Fall and more importantly, killing Rem.
02: Silent Ruin
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I shall save our imprisoned sisters! By imprisoning them in MY BODY! A much better idea! Knives does not care about them. Everyone has to agree with him. There is no group, there is no peace, there is only Knives. And Knives can only stop if only Knives remains. If he successfully erases humanity, then he will turn on his sisters, he will turn (more) on Vash. 
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I have to agree with one thing from Chapel. He taught Wolfwood really better than to let someone get away… Someone like Chapel… Just saying.
Wolfwood tries his best to protect his home. It is never enough, the odds are so against him. How must that feel? That you give your all, you put yourself between something that evil and children and it is not enough. Remembering Wolfwood’s second nightmare, he killed Chapel to protect the orphanage from Chapel. Maybe Wolfwood found out about the continued usage by Chapel just then.
“So many uses for the good-natured.” I don’t think Wolfwood gets that Chapel means him, too. Wolfwood has been used and abused by him. He is a victim. And he cannot see it. He only sees the things he has done, not that he literally had no choice there. And he lets all the sins fall back to him, making him completely monstrous in his own eyes.
Chapel is so sure that his grip on Livio is complete and I so hope that Wolfwood can prove him wrong. 
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There is something to be said about the arm sticking up into the air like the ship from the Great Fall. Even the angle is the same. This is something like the Second Fall. 
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Just a reminder that Wolfwood is on the ship, unable to do anything to stop this, waiting and hoping for something to happen so he can act. And it is eating him alive. He is isolated and completely alone. If he rebels now, his life would be not only forfeited, but he would also be unable to help when… if… the time comes. He has to kill in Knives’ name while he waits all his morals and pain aside. The deaths would happen anyway. But that doesn’t change Wolfwood from hating himself for doing so. Vash is at least actively fighting Legato, Wolfwood suffers a different kind of torture. And I am not gonna lie, I'd prefer to be in Vash' position instead of Wolfwood's.
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So, like after the Great Fall. How many people died after the initial crash due to hunger, infighting and exposure? Has the population since then grown? Or is it still stagnating?
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03: Counterattack!!!
I just love Meryl and Milly as intelligence, checking out the situation in the different cities and bringing the info to the people who are able to do something.
I love the proactiveness, I love their care, I love their bravery.
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Meryl looks so different. She has lost her spunk, her spark. She looks so much more downtrodden and depressed. Softer and hurt, really.
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I love our brat Brad. Like Meryl and Milly, he is a good person who tries to help the way he can. He couldn’t go out, til now, because his expertise was needed, but he is ready to go at the frontlines.
It looks like none of them know what happened to Vash. The last people of the group who have seen him are Meryl and Milly and that was when he was driven out of the city.
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And I didn’t get that Meryl knows everything… She saw more than Hoppered, but it looked like everything since Vash was adulty, but maybe Nightow retconned that one.
I have complicated feelings about this. Meryl wanted to get to know Vash and know of his enigmatic past. But narratively, Vash and she didn’t really do anything to get there. It was an accident. Vash didn’t need to change and open up to share this. And… that is an ongoing flaw of him, a flaw that has already cost him so much and we don’t see it changing. Vash not only gets her total empathy without opening up, he now gets it from all of Home (or at least the command). That said, I like that we see it affecting Meryl. She is traumatised, rightfully so. She is working through it either completely alone or only with Milly. For all the empathy Vash deserves for his life, he doesn’t really earn it by connecting to others. Others connect in his stead for him. While Meryl suffers for it alone, Vash profits from it. This is an ongoing pattern, not only with Meryl. With Wolfwood, too. How often did Wolfwood persist and run after Vash to keep on talking, while Vash avoided? And it irks me more and more, the further the volumes go. Vash is a self made martyr, but it is the people that care about him that pay most of the price. Vash needs an Oh-Moment, but I don’t trust that even that would be enough. 
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Oh. Vash fought Knives before! Until now it looked like July was his first “real” fight with Knives, but he had altercations before. I would love to know more about those, because from what we saw in July and Jeneora Rock, Vash had so much trouble confronting Knives. Vash’ conflict avoidance, especially with Knives, is such a big part of him. He actively goes against Wolfwood’s advice to check out the erased towns more than once. We know that Vash has a real inner conflict going on about Knives, that he says he wants to kill him but his actions say otherwise. Did no one zoom in on that in the past? Or wasn’t it there then?
Young Luida!
Is he fighting on his own? Maybe, maybe not. But I love that the humans are now empowered enough to go and help Vash and don’t leave it to him. It doesn’t look like they wanted to in the past, either, but Vash left them no choice. Now Vash needs them, even if they don’t know how much.
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No, Luida! Don’t join the selfhate club! What counts is your actions and not your thoughts. And you are the least of a coward. You lead a fucking company. Same for you, Meryl! You stood by Vash’ side. Yes, you didn’t completely understand the danger you were in, but may I remind you of Keele? Please don’t let yourself get pulled down by those martyrs. You do enough and are strong enough.
And next to everyone is like that. People don’t want conflict, they don’t want to risk being hurt or worse killed. They don’t want their loved ones to die. So if someone else is able to bear all the responsibility and pain, they feel relief. But that often leads to people like Vash and even more like Wolfwood. People who have to bear the gross alone. But what counts is action. And Meryl is going out into a warzone, trying to help and get info, Luida is leading a resistance.
Being a leader is such a difficult position. On the one hand you are safe from the frontlines, but everyone's life is on your shoulders. Your mistakes add up and your victories are easily forgotten. It is so easy to see leaders as highpaid CEOs that cash in while the workers suffer. Luida is not one of those and I hope she does not stick to that fallacy.
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The plants share their memory. Vash has been shown to connect to his sisters via his mind, why wouldn’t his sisters be unable to do it, too? And this is a sign, this is a cry for Knives to stop. His sisters do not want this. They could show him hurtful things, but instead they show him humans appreciating them. What is important for me in that scene is that it is not only a child asking questions, it is a mother teaching the child ageappropriately about the plants, showing her own gratitude to the plant in question and it then gets reflected in the husband, too. The plants care for humans, they want to help. (Little siderant about angels. Angels are so much like machines. They exist for their godgiven purpose and are satisfied with this. They do not wish for more. Dependent plants seem more and more like angels, especially with Nightow saying they see humanity as their god. Independent plants, like humans, have no ingrained purpose and maybe part of the twin’s struggle comes from this. They don’t know their purpose, but they feel like they need one. Nice reflection of the modern human.)
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Knives is visibly upset by his sister’s memory. Of course, since it goes against what he preaches. It shakes his resolve. Vash seems shaken, too. I cannot really put his expression there. Well, he is most likely in pain and enduring Legato. But beyond that… who knows.
I am not sure how to interpret these panels. Especially with it ending on Wolfwood smoking, what we have seen before is him enduring and waiting, too. Could it be that the dream of the plants is on par with Vash and Wolfwood, with them enduring and waiting for their time to act to give balance back to humanity and plants? Or is it a foreshadowing that those two will help the plants achieve this balance?
COUNTERATTACK! THE TIME OF WAITING IS OVER! Yes, Knives… you are so completely rational, standing at the front of your battleship, laughing maniacally.
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Plant memories. Good ones. Even the researcher with the cross that got halved by Knives is part of it. His sisters see the good in humans, how they try and they appreciate it. Moreso, they actively use these memories on Knives to stop him, to make him listen.
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Even here. Brad doesn’t want to attack the innocent plants. But Knives uses them as shield. Brad has to do this to get through to Knives, to have any hope of success. And again, a struggle that is caused by Knives himself that in the end hurts mainly his sisters, while he is unaffected.
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And this is what the regular panels of Wolfwood smoking boiled down to. He waited for a time to act. 
It looks creepy and quiet, like a predator inching in on his prey, looming over it in a real display of power difference. An omen of death and judgement. But Wolfwood also looks like a broken man, a dead man walking at the same time. Like I said, Wolfwood has been through his own torture for seven months and I truly believe that it has left massive scars in him.
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psychotic4ghost · 1 year
Request guidelines!
Hi! I'm opening requests! Here I'm gonna list things I'm comfortable writing and things I'm not comfortable writing. Please respect my boundaries!
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Smut (18+ MDNI)
One shot ideas
Your OCs
Send meme ideas
Vine recreations
If I didn't list a reader insert type you want just ask!
I'm willing to write anything LGBTQ+ just know I am not really experienced in most things other than F!reader and Gn! Reader but I will do my best!!!
Anyone other than Ghost or König as of right now (I just don't know the other boys well enough to write about them and I write about them I want it to be perfect)
Abuse by the partner whether that be Ghost/König or the reader
Respect my boundaries with certain kinks, if I ignore your request or tell you I'm not comfortable with it, do not send it again and again
No paranormal, cryptid, monster or occult!reader/character (idk just not into it)
⬇️18+ SECTION⬇️
Kinks/Fetishes/NSFW guidelines!
I will write:
Daddy (sometimes)
Rank play (i.e. Lieutenant, Colonel, Sergeant, Shoulder, etc.)
Primal/prey (not actually animals, no animals please)
Brat!reader/character vis versa
Knife play
Gun play (no firing and safety must always be on. Fuck it, no mag either thanks lmao)
Worship (in a non toxic way)
I will NOT write:
Legit rape (see CNC in the wills)
Abuse of any kind
Body fluids other than semen/vaginal
Anal (I will sometimes)
Actual bullying (I think this falls under abuse but still)
Threesomes (I might in future but no for now)
Toxic behaviors
If I missed anything that should obviously be a hard 'nope' let me know. My brain is slow sometimes. And if you have any questions of what I'll write and I didn't add it, message me or comment!!! Happy reading!!!
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buchananbarnes1991 · 4 years
Unus Annus Sentence Meme Starter
“Hey buddy buddy buddy buddy!”
“Our long time colleagues are 419 hours a day deny you here!”
“Peoples dream, must first be full of blood!”
“When we arrived in my backyard, we stopped the fire.”
“We quickly eliminated the enemy, and the fight was depressing.”
“Boy am I hungry!”
“Zip zap zop!”
“I don’t know if this was your idea, but we’ll roll with it.”
“This wouldn’t be the first time like, ‘hey I’ve got an idea.’ when we told you it weeks ago.”
“With the guidance of a guardian angel, you can do anything.”
“What am I teaching you how to do?”
“You don’t need to make it! I’m making it!”
“Have you washed your hands? You should wash your hands.”
“You can have the knife when you need the knife.”
“Close the door and never go back!”
“I want you to do something for me. Take a balloon, stretch it out..nice and wide.”
“Some of us are more gifted than others.”
“Okay, so what are we doing here? What is this?”
“I think that the way that I’d kill you is..’take you by the hands. come this way. I’ve got something to show you. just something you HAVE TO SEE.’ “
“In highschool. I dated a girl...her name was, Abigail. Very smart and driven. I was a stupid boy.”
“I still hadn’t let go, but they called me to tell me. She’d let go.”
“She looked down at the ground and then looked back up me. She giggled a bit and then said ‘Oh, don’t you know? I have feelings for Troy.’ “
“When you’re a late bloomer and you spend most of your time alone in a dark room with various ‘websites’,  it turns out that feeding my entire adolescences with perverted thoughts from various unsavory sources makes a distorted impression of the act of making love.”
“After about thirty minutes of dry thrusting, I found myself incapable of completion.”
“The first time I ever had sex, I had to fake my own orgasm..just to get it over with.”
“I too was a late bloomer. I didn’t know anything about intercourse or foreplay or anything.”
“We heard the tent unzip, her thirteen year old brother came through the tent! He didn’t see us. But, we were there. He said ‘Dinner’s ready.’ Under the protection of the sleeping bag we were replied ‘OKAY!’, He exited and I-- *giggles* exited.”
“I think that’s enough therapy for one day. Remember, it’s okay to talk about embarrassing of your life.”
“You stand here..I’m gonna take my shoes off.”
“I need to climb around you.”
“Using teamwork and trust and...t-t-t....team work, you get one person from one end of the body, all the way around to the same end.”
“You think you know us, but we only show you what we want you to see.”
“Let’s get climbing.”
“I thought we were gonna watch a movie.”
“And then I PILE DRIVE YOU’RE SPINE...paralyzed for life.”
“I AM ALWAYS STABLE. Don’t even try to unstablize me.”
“Felt like an emotional burden unloaded.”
“Death comes for all of us and we’ve gotta prepare.”
“It’s a beautiful world, with a lot of caskets.”
“I’m just thinking about America...it’s not a great time to think about America.”
“Can we see some different caskets? Can you show us some metal ones, some wood ones?”
“Let’s start with the highest! And then we’ll work down to where we’re comfortable.”
“Why is Mahogany like the universally known wood? It’s used in all the movies, everyone talks about it. If they want quality, they want a Mahogany.”
“Obviously it’s a beautiful wood, but what makes Mahogany so special?”
“With Mahogany if you look at it. If you pass your eyes to the side, it changes. It goes with you.”
“You are supposed to be buried in dirt. From dust to dust.”
“I don’t want it to be too comfortable. I’d like to stay alert.”
“I don’t know, what does it mean to be afraid? I’m not afraid of death.”
“I don’t like the feel of velvet. I mean, I’ll touch it.”
“That’s the thing! Like old production stuff was built to last, FOREVER!”
“For now you can kneel.”
“They’re Nigerian dwarf goats. They’re gonna be your yoga partners today.”
“I twisted a man into a pretzel. I could do the same to you.”
“I twisted myself into a pretzel.”
“It’s so much more fun to do a plank with a goat on your back.”
“The goats come to you. The motto that we like to have it ‘trust the goats.’ “
“Oh, wait. Wait! I didn’t know we were competing.”
“When I did hot yoga. I kicked everyone’s ass.”
“There’s a lot goatin’ on.”
“You flinchy bastard.”
“Alright, there’s a goat there.”
“I always tell people that they will fire their massage therapists because goat massages are way better.”
“Yeah, it’s real firm.”
“Ow, oh god. Your tallons!”
“Oh, tight pants..tight pants!”
“Those are quitters who think that you have to have the perfect conditions to do things but if you can do things in times of adversity that’s when you know you’re really committed to a cause!”
“Anyone want kisses?”
“It’s okay to show emotions.”
“No one’s crazy enough to do it!”
“We knew this year was going to be hell.”
“Hey! Seven days..”
“There’s always still time for things to go wrong.”
“We’ll save them for the future.”
“No, there’s no future.”
“I hope I die in a hilarious way. I hope my death can be told as a joke, like it’s so funny how I died. People can get one last joy. One last laugh.”
“I’m not afraid of death, but I am afraid of dying.”
“Okay, we only have our sixth sense to see with. Okay? Much like Bruce Willis in the show Sixth Sense, spoiler, I know it’s new. He sees dead eggs everywhere.”
“You can do it with dominoes too, but be careful with that one cause once to get a hundred or more dominoes and you spill ‘em all over, it’s gonna take all afternoon to set ‘em back up.”
“So you better fucking see with your brain or else you won’t be able to have a good time.”
“Ouch ouch ouch! That’s not an egg.”
“I think you need to go a little slower.”
“Should we turn on the emergency camper light?”
“I’m just such a neat freak.” “You know we need to try and escape.”
“What a profound man, that shot out the load that is Tony Stark.”
“This is a literal don’t show it. Oh god, all of his nudes are right there!”
“Gone gone, forever.”
“Two idiots cause ten care pile up from buttplug dropedge.” 
“Hook car batteries up to my nipples? I’ll say yes every time!” 
“I’m not a masochist. I’m really not. I’m glad I have this uninterrupted moment to talk about this. I’m not a masochist. I’m just curious.” 
“I’ve never been hit by a car, outside of my car? What’s that like? I DON’T KNOW!” 
“Sometimes, I am an idiot and..I match your intelligence level. THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!”
“We’ve been edging father time for a year.”
“Recognize my face, thank you.”
 “Oh it was terrible. You didn’t tell me about all the bears along the way.”
“Nice camel toe.
“Do you want me to get nurse Tracy?”
“When we tried to crush those melons, SHE TOOK TWO!”
“I was thinking the other night, what if the next melon is [insert muses’s name here] skull?”
“I just like doing what I’m told.”
“A man of few words, a man of action.”
“Are our faces being used as Capchas’ now?”
“Thank you god, thats’s a good idea.”
“God said we could!”
“Doesn’t matter what you do, to keep it from ending. Once it ends. It’s gone forever.”
“I don’t know you but you’re here, a lot. I guess you’re fine.”
“I couldn’t get it off, I felt like I was gonna rip your skin off.”
“We got all this time that we can relax! We’ve got like a week to relax...”
“Neither of us have ever been pepper sprayed. Let’s get pepper sprayed!”
“It’s burning as if there’s some hot oil.. on my eyes.”
“My eyes are okay now.”
“This fucking sucks so bad.”
“I would not recommend getting pepper sprayed.”
“When I was a young lad. All I had was my imagination and the woodland creatures.”
“You shot me twice! I get to shoot you with a paintball at some point in the future.”
“There is no easy!”
“Math wasn’t my strong suit, nor was anything.”
“He’s an idiot but he can read well.”
“Look at me in the eyes boy, you’ll never be stronger than me.”
“How do you have time for anything, do you not sleep?”
“Your shirt needs to be off.”
“I think you just want me to take my shirt off.”
“Ugh...I’m fine.”
“I need gloves, I need gloves, hang on, I gotta get gloves!”
“I don’t wanna do anything with drainage.”
“What bone would you say hurts?”
“That’s what the picture said to do, breast feed your patient.”
“Your bed’s not very comfortable.”
“It not over, it’s close.”
“In six hours, we’re done.”
“It’s hard to say goodbye, but it’s important.”
“Beautiful, a sailor’s dream to come across the mermer.”
“I’m being an asshole now.”
“It’s not hope, it’s delusion.”
“You can’t speed your way into heaven!”
“Have you ever looked at your tongue too long in the mirror and it no longer looks like it belongs to you?”
“Biology is just a constant nightmare.”
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thedevilsmemes · 3 years
                        Change pronouns as / when needed to preferred pronoun.
“I prefer to distance myself whenever I’m in a bad mood because I’ll become the most heartless person you’ll ever meet.”
“I can’t be held responsible for what my face does when you talk.”
“And yet, despite the look on my face, you’re still talking!”
“Master the art of observing.”
“You have to present yourself in such a way that people don’t even feel right approaching you with bullshit.”
“If you want to be strong, learn how to fight alone.”
“Move in silence; only speak when it’s time to say CHECKMATE!”
“My biggest problem? I notice everything.”
“Sometimes it’s better just to remain silent and smile.”
“She has a way with words, red lipstick and making an entrance.”
“Don’t play games with a girl who can play better.”
“My touch is power.”
“Let me distract you.”
“You can’t do epic shit with basic people.”
“I honestly don’t know anyone like you. Except for me, You’re a lot like me; which I absolutely love.”
“The secret to a well balanced life is a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other.”
“Dangerous but fun.”
“I’m not in danger, I’m the danger.”
“ ‘You look unapproachable…’ and yet here you are… approaching me.”
“I’m not the good guy, remember? I’m the selfish one. I take what I want, I do what I want. I don’t do the right thing.”
“Admit it, life would be so boring without me.”
“I love being me. It pisses off all the right people.”
“Is my soul too dark for you?”
“We all have demons; I just choose to feed mine.”
“Here comes trouble.”
“What I create is chaos.”
“I’m not a thief, I’m just really good at accumulating things that aren’t mine.”
“A grin as sharp as a knife.”
“He was pretty cute for a monster.”
“You’re a psychopath!”
“I prefer creative.”
“Crooked grins, sly hands, and one dangerous voice.”
“I’m the tall dark stranger, those warnings prepared you for.”
“He was beautiful; beautiful like the Devil before his fall.”
“What doesn’t kill me, better run.”
“I’m everything you can’t control.”
“Who are you?”
“Demon to some; angel to others.”
“He will do what it takes to survive.”
“Nothing stands between a girl and her coffee.”
“She wasn’t just pretty. She was otherworldly and vaguely threatening.”
“And what could be more beautiful, than bringing new life into the world?”
“My body is basically a filter. Coffee goes in and sarcasm comes out.”
“I love the way your eyes light up when someone says ‘It might be dangerous!’ ”
“With OCD, little things become all that you can see.”
“I chose medicine because I can think of no other professional avenue more challenging, evolving and noble.”
“Insert coffee to begin.”
“Stressed, Blessed and Coffee obsessed.”
“I love it when the coffee kicks in, and I realise what an adorable badass I’m going to be today.”
“Follow your heart but take coffee with you.”
“I have sea foam in my veins, I understand the language of the waves.”
“The waves of the sea help me to get back to me.”
“Because I am my mother’s daughter, I can do anything. My mother’s strength lives in me.”
“I’d rather be dancing.”
“Where there is kindness, there is goodness and where there is goodness, there is magic.”
“Have courage and be kind.”
“Gentle and loving and very patient.”
“Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.”
“She didn’t need to be fixed, just loved.”
“I wasn’t ready for half of the shit I’ve been through, but obviously I’m built for it.”
“I dance because there is no greater feeling in the world than moving to a piece of music and letting the rest of the world disappear.” 
“Don’t fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon. I am the dragon and I will eat you whole.”
“Don’t worry mother, your daughter is a soldier.”
“Sometimes you just gotta lay on the floor with your dog.”
“I am a fate worse than death.”
“She doesn’t need a hero, she is the hero.”
“You should never make a dance mad. They can kick your face, no matter how tall you are.”
“A well-read woman is a dangerous creature.”
“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”
“Note to self: Let shit go.”
“Beautiful girl, you were made to do hard things, so believe in yourself.”
“I’m a monster.”
“My sadness turns to anger and that’s one of my worst toxic traits I have.”
“I don’t know where my head is at anymore… one minute I’m happy and the next I feel broken.”
“Me shutting down is far worse than me blowing up, I promise.”
“When the Devil falls in love, it’s the most hauntingly beautiful thing ever. And you should be terrified, because he will go to the depths of Hell for her.”
“Hello, I’m rich, nice to meet you.”
“Fifty shades of tired.”
“I’ll get over it, I’ve just got to be dramatic first.”
“Of course I feel too much. I’m a universe of exploding stars.”
“If I’m not hurting myself, I’m hurting everyone around me.”
“It’s not okay. Nothing about me is okay.”
“For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen; a gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction. This is your birth.”
“It doesn’t matter what I do or what I choose because I’m what’s wrong.”
“Why should I apologize for the monster I’ve become? No one ever apologized for making me this way.”
“I’m terrified. I’m always terrified. I act like I know what I’m doing but the truth is I don’t.”
“You wanna know what I’m scared of? I’m scared of everything. I’m scared to move, I’m scared to breathe.”
“What does it matter if I say it? It’s not going to change it. It’s not going to make me good.”
“You are not your father.”
“A man with charm is a very dangerous thing.”
“I think he’s lonely. Lonelier than he lets on. Maybe lonelier than he realises.”
“Rely a bit too heavily on alcohol and irony.”
“Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?”
“I hope you’re proud of me, dad.”
“Me? Sarcastic? Never!”
“Hands up if your dad sucks”
“My sisters. My responsibility.”
“He’s a badass with a good heart. Soft, but strong. Unapologetic and honest. He’s the type of many you go to war beside, not against.”
“Because I’m the big brother. I’m sorry I wasn’t better at it, until now.”
“There’s a special place in Hell, reserved just for me. It’s called the throne.”
“Always protect her.”
“A gentleman takes actions when others are too scared to do so.”
“Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card. How you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.”
“Rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive.”
“Haven’t eaten much lately, not getting enough sleep, constantly horny and mentally unstable.”
“You can’t protect everyone.”
“I have to try.”
“The Devil is and always will be, a Gentleman.”
“I’m a bad influence, but damn I’m fun.”
“I am not who I was.”
“That sounds illegal, I’m in!”
“Original family disappointment.”
“Feel like making a deal with the Devil.”
“A king with no crown.”
“You don’t understand. It’s not that he can’t love… it’s that he’s afraid.”
“Him! Ah, there he is, that motherfucker. What a tool!”
“There’s still light in him.”
“I stopped being a kid the day you sent me down here to die.”
“I’m a reckless mistake. I’m a cold night’s intake. I’m a one night too long. I’m a come on too strong.”
“I don’t like what I’m becoming.”
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onebizarrekai · 4 years
Meme Waker: That Final Thing
okay aight here we go here’s the big idea compilation you’ve all been waiting for or something like that
since I’ve finally accepted meme waker’s inevitable fate, I’ll share what I’ve had laying around about it. prepare yourself for a wild ride.
first of all, what existed of the planned character key:
Nightmare = Link Dream = Aryll Cross = Tetra Ink = The Entire Pirate Crew Granny Gertrude = Grandma Horror = Quill Killer = Medli Color = Komali Dust = Makar XGaster = Tingle (yes, you read that right) Fresh = Fado (?) Geno = Laruto Blueberry = Niko Error = Ganondorf Giant Flying Chicken = Helmaroc King Core Frisk = The King XChara = Zelda
So XChara was going to fill the role of Zelda–basically, what was going to happen was that when Cross and Nightmare reached sunken Hyrule, which was replaced by the Omega Timeline, they encountered Core Frisk and with their magical Core Frisk powers that apparently exist, separated XChara from Cross’s body. Because Error was hunting him down for whatever villainous reasons (I dunno, maybe he wanted to find Overwrite or something), XChara was going to spend the near remainder of the comic hiding in the Omega Timeline from Error. It was a pretty neat reference to the fact that Error doesn’t know where the OT is.
Unsurprisingly, considering when I was working on this, Nightmare and Cross may have eventually started dating. They were going to kiss during a fight that involved them accidentally rolling down a hill and then likely spend the remainder of the comic referring to each other as boyfriends, with no further indication of romance between them. I never really mentally decided whether I was actually going to incorporate this or not.
In moments where someone needed to present a musical instrument, Cross was going to play a keytar.
There is a very high chance that the entire comic was going to end up being an elaborate prank set up by Ink and Error.
After being rescued from the Forsaken Fortress, Dream was going to get crossbows and… I dunno, maybe be useful with them sometimes. One consideration was that he was going to complain about being stuck in a glorified retirement home and request joining the party.
Nightmare was going to have a fake ID with the name “Nathaniel Meyer” on it.
When Nightmare eventually pulled up the Gaster Sword, he was basically going to do a magical girl transformation and get a new outfit. I was considering holding a contest where people would submit new designs for Nightmare before I realized that I may have wanted to do it myself. Meanwhile, Cross’s design change at the same time was going to pertain to the fact that he had such a hard time with his uniform that he just wanted to start wearing normal clothes.
When XChara was separated from Cross, it would indicate that Cross can’t use the hack knife anymore, so I had to think of a new weapon for him. I considered giving him arm mounts with knives in them for no reason other than being extra, but I was probably just going to end up going with a regular sword.
Nightmare and Cross were going to be mistaken for missionaries at some point due to Nightmare introducing Cross as his ‘companion’.
Nightmare’s fake ID is actually a driver’s license. Cross questions how he could get one when he’s only fifteen, and Nightmare responds with “what can I say? I live in the country.”
The Giant Flying Chicken was going to evolve into the Cyborg Giant Flying Chicken before Nightmare and Cross fought it. It was already a robot, but someone decided it would be fun to make it look more robotic for some reason. Maybe too many people tried to eat it.
Because Blueberry was going to replace Niko, that meant there was going to be a form of challenge that he would present to Nightmare and/or Cross. They were probably just going to play Dance Dance Revolution.
The dress that Granny Gertrude gave Nightmare was actually going to be infused with magical powers. Either Nightmare could only access the power of the Triforce when he’s wearing the dress, or it was going to be a piece of equipment that turned his sword into a fire sword.
Nightmare was going to come back to the Village of Old People to see that his grandmother had conquered it with capitalism.
Dragon Roost Cavern was going to be replaced with a Pokemon gym.
When Nightmare supposedly kicked Error’s ass at the end of the story, he was going to say something along the lines of “Because fuck you!” and it would be the first and only f-bomb in the whole comic. Nightmare would proceed to say that it was the first time he’d ever said fuck and that he felt dirty.
The Triforce of Courage was just going to be called the Triforce of Porridge for exactly zero reason.
Some incarnation of Buffmare was going to exist in the comic, but only in a sequence taking place in Nightmare’s imagination.
When Cross realized his backpack was missing, it was because I realized his backpack was missing. I forgot to draw it. I decided that the backpack actually fused with him to create a Zelda-style magic pocket.
Nightmare was going to try to control a seagull with the command melody, but he was accidentally going to start controlling Cross instead and make him run into a tree.
The Tree Spirit was going to hold official interviews for placeholder guardians in Dream and Nightmare’s absence. These placeholder guardians were going to be Neil, the overenthusiastic French furry, and Ccino, the local emo kid who is absolutely done with everyone’s bullshit, and exclusively because they were the only ones who applied for the job. Neil was going to have an ulterior motive of becoming Gaston’s successor.
Neil and Ccino were eventually going to ‘get together’, if you can even call it that, and for no other reason than shitpost reasons.
Nightmare may have had a showdown with the Giant Flying Chicken while riding the Great Charizard from Dragon Roost.
Another possible concept for whole story was that it was a bad self insert fic written by a younger version of Nightmare, but it’s really unlikely that I would’ve gone through with that.
Nightmare and Cross may have needed to go on a fetch quest to find Ink’s brush in the ocean because they accidentally lost it, but honestly that would’ve served nothing for the progression of the story. Because XGaster put a tracker on Ink’s brush, they were going to have to enlist his help.
and that about wraps up my notes, now let me throw what I had sitting around of a script draft–reading this was a trip because I forgot that literally 60% of it existed:
(inside the mountain)
Cross: holy shoe, EVERYONE has wings? how is this a thing??
Cross: I’m frickin jealous
Chief: Oh. You must be. Those guys.
Horror: yeah man, I enlisted their help to capture the Chicken Terror, but then they were all like yo, it’s a robot!

Chief: horror robot or not I told you that we weren’t going to capture the chicken terror for food because we’re not cannibals we don’t eat birds
Horror: but
Horror: we’re hardly even birds!
Chief: you know your job Horror. now get back to work. your actual work.
Horror: But… being the mailman sucks!

Chief: Do I need to confiscate your axe again?

Horror: OKAY FINE. I’M GOING. (flies away in a huff)
Chief: I apologize for that… so, how can I help you two today?

Nightmare: You guys have like, some pearl thing or something? We need to like, collect three of them in order to… save the multiverse… or something like that.
(Camera dramatically darkens.)
Chief: It’s just as the prophecy foretold…
Nightmare: oh god what
Chief: You see, young whippersnappers… legend tells of a great hero that would rise up and save a bunch of people in times of desperation that they don’t even realize are desperate. the great hero would travel far and wide in search of the Pearls of Shiny to finally retrieve a great weapon that he would use to strike down the evil that few knew existed. also the hero would have a sidekick wearing stupid clothes.
Nightmare: okay, y’know, I’m just gonna roll with it. where can I get the pearl?
Chief: Well… that’s where the hard part comes in. You see, the pearl belongs to my son… but he’s been acting like an edgy teenager lately.
Nightmare: Great…
Cross: Is there a reason he’s being edgy? Maybe there’s something we can do to appease his hormones.
Cross: Free food works like a charm for me.
Chief: No, it’s more complicated than that. When one of our people becomes of age, they climb to the top of Charizard Island to receive a scale from the Great Charizard that will allow them to grow wings.
Nightmare: the… great charizard.
Chief: But lately, the Great Charizard has been throwing inexplicable temper tantrums. No one can get close to him anymore. And with my son being of age, he’s decently pissed off about this.
Chief: We’re thinking that the Great Charizard is displeased about something, and it is also causing our shortage of food.
Nightmare: Wait, you worship something named after a Pokemon?

Chief: Anyway, perhaps you two will be able to talk some sense into my son. Maybe he just wants to talk to someone his age that isn’t Horror or Killer.
Nightmare: What kind of names are those?

Chief: There’s a letter that I wanted my son to read, and I’ve given it to Killer to hold onto. You can go get it from him upstairs in the first room near the stairs, just tell him I sent you. He’s the little guy in the short shorts, you’ll probably recognize him when you see him.
Nightmare: Can’t you just call him here?

Chief: No, it is of upmost importance that you experience a basic fetch quest in order to become a great hero, because those fetch quests will become needlessly complicated before you even realize it.
Nightmare: ?????
Nightmare: I can’t even tell if you’re joking or not–
Cross: dude let’s just go get the letter
(scene transition)
(Killer dramatically turns around and it zooms in and says his name SSB style)
Nightmare: Wait, why do you get a dramatic introduction?

Killer: Dayum. New faces.
Nightmare: Why is everyone ignoring my questions??
Killer: (needlessly sensual voice) So, what brings you here? (walking closer)

Nightmare: (backs into wall) NO BUENO
Cross: You have a letter or something?

Killer: Oh. Yeah. Chief gave it to me for some reason. Yo, catch.
(He chucks it like a ninja star. Cross catches it between his hands in front of his face.)

Killer: Ey! You actually caught it!

Cross: I’m a trained ninja.
Killer: So like, who are you guys?
Cross: I’m Cross. He’s Larry.
Killer: Aw man, I know the feel of having a really lame name and wanting one that’s cooler.
Nightmare: No. Like. My name is actually Nightmare. My senile grandma called me Larry earlier today and this loser picked up on it.
Killer: There’s no need to lie. I understand.
Nightmare: I’M NOT LYING!
Killer: anyway make sure you get that letter to Color there’s something I have to do–
(Killer zips out the door behind them.)

Cross: what even the frick?

Nightmare: that guy freaks me the frick out.
Nightmare: literally. I felt like he was coming onto me.
Cross: you’re imagining things.
 Cross: all right Nightmare I literally do not trust your ability to communicate with another person in a way that will make them feel inclined to give us something so just let me handle this okay
Cross: okay better yet wait outside the room
(Nightmare makes a less than amused face.)

Cross: it’s for the greater good
(Cross walks into the room.)
Cross: hi my name is Cross and
Color: LEAVE
(Cross immediately exits the room.)
Cross: this is a lost causeNightmare: what
Cross: go make him bleed with your words
Nightmare: dude isn’t this the part where we give him the frickin letter
Cross: (pauses) :o
(Cross takes the letter and goes back into the room, leaving the door open)
Cross: oh yeah this letter is for you it’s from your dad or something
Color: Oh, wow. Can’t even be bothered to talk to me in person.
Color: Give me that thing.
(Color stares at the letter. It’s actually a letter from Killer filled with really bad pickup lines and other really creepy compliments.)
Color: What the hell, you said this was from my dad!
Cross: We thought it was–??
(Killer teleports in behind them, scaring the shit out of Nightmare)

Killer: Suuuup~
Color: Killer I swear to god.
Killer: Here’s the actual letter, though you might not be happy with it.
(He flings it at Color and it lands in front of him. He reads it over, rolls his eyes and throws it in the trash.)
Cross: So uh… I don’t know what the letter says but apparently we’re prophesied heroes collecting a bunch of pearls to save the multiverse and the pearl you have is–

Color: Can everyone just get out of my room already?
(everyone just leaves)
Nightmare: What even was the point of that stupid fetch quest?
Killer: Oh yeah, can you guys help me with something? Just a smalllll favor. And I can’t ask anyone else because I’m not supposed to do it.
Killer: I need some strong, reliable people…
Nightmare: Don’t touch me.
Killer: It’s just a small favor! And I mean actually small, it’ll take like two minutes.
Nightmare: I have doubts about this.
Killer: Great! Meet me out back by the spring.
Nightmare: Wait which side is the back–
(Killer is gone)
Nightmare: Cross which side is the back.
Cross: I don’t know??
(after spending twenty minutes going through the various exits trying to figure out how to get there)
Killer: What the hell took you so long.
Nightmare: Directions would’ve been helpful. There wasn’t even a freaking map anywhere in there!
Killer: The hollow is like the size of a middle class house! How difficult could it be to find out where to go?!
Cross: OKAY, what matters is that we’re here, what the heck do we do now.
Killer: Okay, okay. (steps backwards) Look, if you look around here, it’s all a dried up spring. The Great Charizard was throwing a tantrum, a boulder fell down and it coincidentally plugged up the spring for the third time this week, which is literally our main source of fresh water. I’m honestly getting sick of this so I’m going to climb the mountain and see what’s going on because everyone else is too scared to do it.
Nightmare: God. You’re not gonna make us go with you, are you?

Killer: Oh, no way. I just need you to throw me up that cliff over there so I can get into the cavern that leads up the mountain.
Nightmare: Can’t you fly?
Killer: Not thirty feet straight up. Do these noodle arms look like they can manage that?

Nightmare: Whatever. But quick question. How the hell does one throw a person.
Killer: I weigh like fifty pounds. It shouldn’t be that hard. Also, if you’ve noticed, the wind is rapidly changing directions, so you’ll probably have the best effect throwing me when the wind is blowing that way.
Nightmare: Mhmm. Sure. Let’s just get this over with.
(Nightmare crouches down and Killer fuckin walks onto his shoulders)
Nightmare: Hey! Watch it!
(some way or another he throws Killer and Killer barely makes it to the cliff, face planting into the ground)
Nightmare: Well I guess that worked.
Nightmare: Then how the frick do people get up this cliff?!
(cricket cricket)
Cross: Nightmare we should probably follow him.
Nightmare: No.
Cross: What else do we have to do. We solve their problem, Color can get his wings and then he stops being emo and gives us the pearl out of the goodness of his heart.
Nightmare: I’m not risking my life for this! If that guy is willing to do it himself I’m going to let him do it!
Cross: Dude, look at that guy. He looks about at capable fixing whatever the problem is as Ink is at providing emotional support. If this happens to be anything like a video game, we’re the only ones capable of solving anything. Besides, what else are we supposed to do? Hang around and wait for something to happen?
Nightmare: All right, fine. But how are we supposed to do something? It’s not like we can climb up a thirty foot cliff.
Cross: No, but we can swim, right?Nightmare: What?
(Cross draws a line around the rock covering the spring. It dematerializes into red squares and water starts to spew out of the spring. They both run back towards the side and climb up the cliff they came from)
Nightmare: Dude, what the hell was that?
Cross: I can draw lines around things with my sword and they do that and go away.
Nightmare: … do they go somewhere?

Cross: I dunno.
(Meanwhile in Xtale, a boulder slams into the floor and almost crushes Fresh because of course he’s there)
(The spring fills up)

Nightmare: You know I’m starting to have second thoughts about this swimming thing seeing as how I’ve never actually–(Cross kicks him into the water)


Cross: You’re exaggerating.

Nightmare: who.
(nightmare squints)
(comic suddenly goes into a battle sequence)
Nightmare: whoa whoa what the hell is happening
Cross: oh my god it’s pokemon NIGHTMARE IT’S POKEMON
(Random Dude sent out MEWTWO)
Cross: Uh… touring?
Random Dude: OH
Random Dude: I SEE
(The Random Dude returns his Mewtwo.)
Cross: Say uh, you didn’t happen to see a scrawny dude with wings pass through here, did you?
Random Dude: Oh yeah, he went into the next room and took the elevator to the top.

Nightmare: Why are there always elevators.
(two seconds later, they reach the elevator and there’s a dude standing in front of it)

Nightmare: um excuse me we need to use the elevator
Dude: oh man I can’t find my glasses anywhere what do I do
Nightmare: excuse me I said move
Dude: oh man I can’t find my glasses anywhere what do I do
Nightmare: HELLO
Dude: oh man I can’t find my glasses anywhere what do I do
Cross: I think it’s a preprogrammed NPC.
(Nightmare throws himself into the person, but he slams into the STEEL WALL OF NPC)
Cross: wait are you serious what if that freakin kills him I don’t know where these things go
(Cross shrugs. He draws a line around the NPC and the NPC disappears)
(one elevator ride later)
Nightmare: (chokes) oh god
Nightmare: the altitude
Cross: nightmare this island is still lower than ink’s house.
Cross: Oh look, it’s that guy from earlier.
Nightmare: Got captured somehow. Why am I not surprised?
(A really buff guy abruptly slams into the ground)
Nightmare: Look man, we really don’t have time for this, just let the shota hoe go, we’re just checking up on the huge-ass Charizard up there.
Killer: excuse me
Brock: I AM THE LOYAL GUARDIAN OF THE GREAT CHARIZARD! You can only pass if you defeat me!

Cross: what the hell is even happening anymore
(Loud gym battle music as the gate at the entrance of the clearing slams shut)
(Brock war cries as he sends out a very anime geodude)
Nightmare: can someone please tell me I’m hallucinating all of this
Cross: What? But rental pokemon always suck.
Nightmare: I’m fifteen!
Cross: Nightmare I think you’re missing the point.
Killer: Good god, just let them through and let me out of here, they’re the heroes of prophecy.
(Brock returns his geodude)
Nightmare: That would have worked?

(Killer rolls his eyes. Nightmare squints, literally pulling a notebook out of his shirt. He writes something in it, walking up to Brock and holding it up. It says “Let the guy out of jail you dick”)
Brock: AHA
Brock: WELL
(He stomps his foot on the ground and the bars in front of Killer go up)

(He ascends back into the sky)

Cross: I’m not even going to ask. That entire conversation felt like a drug trip.
(Killer dramatically throws himself onto Nightmare)

Killer: I knew you would come around, my knight in–
Nightmare: Why did I assume that you had become any less creepy in the last ten minutes. Why did I even do that?

Killer: Because your heart told you to.
Nightmare: Dear god stop touching me or I will literally pick you up and slam you into the floor.
Killer: Feisty. Anyway, I figured out why the Great Charizard is freaking out all the time. His tail is hanging down into the room below him and something is chewing on it like all the time.
Cross: What? Then why doesn’t it just, I dunno, pull its freaking tail out of the room like a reasonable creature? Or maybe take care of the problem on its own?
Killer: The Great Charizard is like a five year-old. It’s self aware, but it expects all of its problems to be solved by everyone else and throws tantrums when that doesn’t happen.
Nightmare: Well that’s stupid. Why does everyone act like it’s some holy being then?
Killer: Because it’s a massive, terrifying dragon that can breathe fire?
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ok unfortunately this is where the script ends but I hope you enjoyed that
oh yeah, and some extremely old art that I found:
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as well as a brief consideration to make the characters human before deciding that I just didn’t want to work on the comic anymore.
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basically you will notice that most of this doesn’t have a solid outline, and you’d be right: I never actually planned it that meticulously. I mostly just winged it and threw stuff in over the course of time and never even really planned anything close to a definitive ending beyond “maybe it was a prank”. sorry if this is like… anticlimactic, but it’s all I could find!
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
for the prompts, can I get ��I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do.” with luke, pretty please?? tomorrow or next week is fine
Hi Shelbi! Thanks so much for this request, hope you enjoy this lil blurb xo
(and by lil I mean 1.6k words but I got carried away as per usual. anyway, enjoy some soft Luke weekend away in a cabin-based friends to lovers!)
(This is a fem reader insert blurb)
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
This weekend trip away to the lake with your close friend group had been in the works for months. The date had finally arrived, and all week your group chat had been buzzing with notifications from people  talking about the fun supplies they’d bought, or screenshots of the excellent weather forecast, or memes about bears (that, to be honest, made you a little nervous).
Luke had offered you a carpool spot in his car, along with Michael and Crystal, which you gladly accepted. Originally the idea of camping in tents had been floated, but you were definitely thankful when instead Crystal found an incredible cabin on Air BnB that had more than enough room for all of you, plus private lake access and heaps of nature trails and other activities nearby.
When you showed up at Luke’s, overnight bag in tow, you suddenly felt super nervous. These were all your best friends that you’d known for years, and it definitely wasn’t your first trip away together as a group, but lately things between you and Luke had been… different, somehow.
He’d always been a great friend to you, making sure you had a ride home after a night out, or buying your favourite snacks whenever he hosted an event at his house, or inviting you on walks with Petunia because he remembered you had a dog similar to her growing up and it helped with your homesickness. But lately, you found yourself thinking of him more often than not. In those moments where you’d slip into a daydream about your future, and envisaged travelling the world, or walking down the aisle, or settling down into a house with little ones of your own one day, the only person you could see by your side in those daydreams was Luke. But then reality would set in, and you’d have to remind yourself that he’d never really shown any interest in you beyond friendship, so you couldn’t get your hopes up too high.
Michael and Crystal were already there when you arrived, so you helped pack the remaining supplies into Luke’s car and got on the road as soon as you could. The lake was about a four hour drive away and you’d agreed to share the driving, so you all rotated through various seats in the car. For the final hour of the journey, sunset had passed and you were driving through darkness as you made your way through the wooded area leading towards the lake. Michael had offered to drive the final shift, and Luke sat next to him in the front passenger seat, leaving you and Crystal in the back. You’d both assured the boys that you’d keep them company, and you wouldn’t dare fall asleep, but the steady rhythm of the car quickly lulled you into sleep.
You couldn’t have been out for more than 20 minutes or so when you silently stirred and blinked furiously to try and wake yourself up more quickly. You were about to make a joke to Luke and Michael about definitely not falling asleep, when your ears picked up on them having a murmured conversation amongst themselves up the front.
“I’m so in love with her, Mike. I don’t know what to do.” Luke sounded exasperated, and you saw him run a hand through his mop of curls – a clear sign he was feeling anxious.
“Mate, I’m telling you, there is a solid 95% chance that the feeling is mutual. I see the way her face lit up when you offered her a lift to the cabin, or when you invite her on walks with Petunia, or when you have her favourite snacks at your house parties. I would bet a solid amount that she’s in the exact same boat as you.” Michael was trying to be patient and kind, but you could tell from his tone that he was a little amused by Luke’s predicament.
You froze when you realised they were talking about you. No. Surely not? Luke… Luke didn’t have feelings for you, did he? He couldn’t be IN LOVE with you? Plain, boring old you? Was this a dream? It has to be a dream. You pinched yourself, hard, and let out a small gasp at the pain before you could realise what you’d done. Luke’s head whipped around to the back seat, and you made eye contact.
“H-hey, sweetheart. How long have you been awake?” He asked, his tone wobbly and unsure.
“Oh, literally just woke up a second ago. Must’ve moved around in my sleep and bumped my elbow too hard, that’s why I gasped. Sorry if I gave you a fright!” You were desperately trying to sound as normal as possible.
Luke’s face visibly relaxed, and you knew you’d sold the lie well enough. Your heart was still pounding over what he said, but in this car right now was not the time to address it. You could see Michael eyeing you curiously in the rear-view mirror, almost like he didn’t believe a word of your elbow bump story, but you just flashed him a smile and focused your gaze out the window, even though you could barely see a thing in the darkness of night.
When you arrived at the cabin, the others in the group had beaten you there, and already started claiming bedrooms and stocking the kitchen, and they’d even used the outdoor grill for dinner which gave the area a delicious aroma. Stepping out of the car, you gave your arms a nice big stretch and took a deep breath in and out. You’d lived in a more rural area growing up, and being near the trees and the water really made you feel more at home.
Before you could protest, Luke was carrying your bag inside as well as his own, and you scurried along to claim a bedroom before they were all gone. You settled for a small bedroom that was more like a nook just off the kitchen, but it had a nice big window that you thought would give wonderful sunrise views of the lake when you woke up the next day, so its size and the single bed didn’t bother you.
After a welcome night cap and a brief discussion of plans for tomorrow (Calum offered to cook breakfast, Ashton was coordinating yoga down on the lake’s shore, Crystal and Sierra had mapped out some easy hikes, and Michael and Luke had organised boat hire and tubing), you all adjourned to your own rooms for some sleep. You’d been tossing and turning for what felt like hours, replaying Luke’s words that you overhead in the car in your head, when you heard someone step into the kitchen and open the fridge. You’d left your bedroom door slightly ajar because it was kind of warm in the cabin, so you were able to crawl up the bed and squint out into the kitchen to see who was on the hunt for a midnight snack. Even without your glasses on, you could tell the blurry, broad-shouldered, white-singlet clad kitchen intruder was Luke from a mile away.
You didn’t want to startle him, but you weren’t sure how many other chances you’d get this weekend to talk to him entirely alone. You pulled a sweater over your head, located your glasses and slowly shuffled over to the doorway.
“Hey, kitchen intruder. What’s on for midnight snack?” Your voice was soft, but Luke still jumped a mile and clutched at his chest, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you. To be fair, hearing the fridge open metres away from me unexpectedly was a bit of a heart stopper too, pal.” You teased, crossing across the kitchen to lean up against the counter next to where Luke was making a nutella sandwich.
“I guess that makes us even then, sweetheart.” Luke shot you a wink, and you felt your heart leap in your chest.
“Gonna make one for me too, or what?” You said, making grabby hands at Luke’s sandwich.
“Well considering you asked SO nicely…” Luke stuck his tongue out at you, but pulled out more slices of bread onto the cutting board and started making you a sandwich anyway.
You paused for a moment, and took Luke in. Even in the middle of the night, after a long and tiring drive, he still looked so damn good. And he was making you a chocolate-y snack. What a dream. A dream, that if you just took a little leap of faith, could maybe be part of your reality.
“Hey, Luke?” You half-whispered, almost not wanting him to hear you. His head perked up immediately, sparkling blue eyes meeting yours with a curious look.
“Yeah?” He half-whispered back.
“I know what you should do.” You spoke louder and more purposefully this time, the adrenaline taking over as you angled your body towards Luke’s.
“About what?” Luke countered, not moving an inch as you got a little closer.
“About the girl you’re in love with.”
Luke froze, dropping the butter knife covered in nutella onto the kitchen counter with a loud clang. He swallowed audibly, before fixing you with a look that you couldn’t quite read.
“Oh yeah? What should I do, do you reckon?” The mystery stare was gone, and the familiar mischievous glint you loved to see in Luke’s eyes replaced it, as he moved in and closed the gap between you, bringing you chest to chest.
“I think you should tell her. Mike gives good advice, there’s a pretty good chance she feels the same.” You could feel yourself smiling uncontrollably, as you glanced up and realised how close Luke’s face was to yours.
“I guess I’ll take my chances, then.”
Before you could respond, Luke cupped your face with both hands and kissed you, hard. You felt like your skin was on fire, and your heart was about to burst out of your chest, but kissing Luke also felt like coming home and finding everything you’d ever hoped and waited for.
The nutella sandwiches could wait. You had some making up for lost time to do first.
Taglist: If there’s a line through your name, I couldn’t tag you, so please message me to let me know your new URL or what the go is! Tumblr might just being dumb, who knows. @suchalonelysunflower @blackbutterfliescal @redrattlers @loveroflrh @spicycal @notinthesameguey @metalandboybands @cheekysos @ashton-trash  @another-lonely-heart @queenalienscherrypie  @becihadshawn  @allthestarsandthemoon 
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ditch-witches · 4 years
No Catch: Dean Charles-Chapman x Reader
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thank you, beautiful Ivanna, for your excellent work and continued support.
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request: “I need me a fallen angel Dean au, complete with black wings and shit (insert that Matthew McConaughey smoking meme)”
warnings: slight cursing, mentions of mugging and cosplaying
word count: 3000+
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The bell above the bar door rang overhead, breaking your focus on the cash register in front of you. Your eyes flashed up with an internal groan as you watched four more customers stroll in, the final minutes of your shift ticking by with no sign of emptying out the place. Your co-worker, a man in his late twenties with striking auburn hair and a customary beige jacket with a stain on one of the pockets whether he knew it or not, put a fresh toothpick between his teeth as he filled the glasses of a few regulars. The men occupying the stools glared at the TV screen over your co-worker’s shoulder, not paying much mind to him.
The drawer finally clicked open as a rush of relief washed over you. Taking the money from the people before you, you began to feel the hours of the day weighing on your shoulders. The thought of having to get up in a few hours to start your workday yet again made you feel almost sick. But anything for the financial stability you longed for. Who cares if you’re living in a mansion and driving a fast car? What you wanted was to have enough to get by after paying a major bill, or having the luxury to eat out every few days. Treating yourself to a new pair of shoes wouldn’t hurt either.
But here you were, clocking out of your third shift of the day, dead tired and wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed and waste away for the few hours of sleep you could afford. You were grateful that your co-worker hadn’t batted an eyelash at the growing crowd and shooed you off for the night. The darkening night sky was almost a sea of black against the bright yellows of the street lamps illuminating the busy crosswalks and shop corners of the city block. You pulled your scarf further up around your nose to combat the dropping temperature as you cut down an alleyway. The biting barks of stray dogs fighting over a scrap of meat mixed with the various sirens echoing in the distance as you trudged along, attempting to remember if your uniform for tomorrow (or later) was clean.
You almost lost yourself deep enough in your thoughts to ignore the footsteps behind you. You willed your heart to mellow as you took a deep breath, your exhales curtaining around your face like smoke from a chimney on a winter day. Your fingers brushed against the metal canister of pepper spray hidden in your jacket pocket. You had been mugged before and swore to yourself you wouldn’t let it happen again. You threw a glance over your shoulder, finding an empty alleyway behind you. You shook your head, turning forward and gluing your eyes to the buildings at the other end of the alley. Count your steps! That’s it, keep calm. You scolded yourself.
The footsteps continued, slow and heavy, almost as if the owner were sauntering playfully towards you. Should I look again? No way, what if it’s just some kid. You pressed on, your palms growing sweaty as the footsteps began to gain on you. What if I let them get close and then whip around and startle them? What if they have a knife? A gun? You swallowed a lump in your throat, looking around to see if anyone would be able to hear you being murdered.
As if by instinct, you planted your feet and turned, eyes wild as you searched for the owner. The city seemed too quiet as you did this, the eerie silence only broken by your labored breaths. What happened to the dogs, the drunk women yelling for taxis? Where were the domestic disputes above you? You chewed the inside of your cheek, tugging your jacket tighter around you. Were you going crazy? Was the lack of sleep finally getting to you? You moved to head back in your original direction and smacked into a wall —- no, a hard chest.
Knocking you back a few steps, your eyes locked with a pair of nearly glowing blue ones. His sharp teeth peeked out from behind his lips as a small smirk drew a line on his face. “Boo!” He joked, sending you into action. You reached for your pepper spray and within a second he was doubled over screaming at you as you shoved past the mystery man and sprinted down the alleyway, ignoring his calls for you to wait. You ran as fast as your feet could carry you, your hair rustling into knots with your movements. Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck. Boo! Boo! What kind of a sicko-
“Stop running, you’re not going to get away,” he hummed as you turned a corner and nearly rammed into him again. You shrieked and took off in the opposite direction. How had he gotten there before you? The alleyway was quickly becoming a never-ending labyrinth of twists and turns with him at every stop. Your lungs felt as if they might burst and you decided to weigh your options. Could you take him? Depends. Were you carrying anything that had value? Did it matter? You stopped, your hands falling to your knees as you attempted to catch your breath. Your joints ached and your whole body screamed for rest. “I can do this all night if you wanna keep showing off how fast you run in those tennis shoes,” the man quipped. You straightened up as he came around your side to stand in front of you. The cold sweat running down your back sent an ick of goosebumps spreading across your body. You peered at him, your chest rising and falling in heavy breaths.
His blue eyes caught the glimmer of the street light as he moved, making the color almost icy. His dark hair curled around his ears ever so slightly, nearly masking the silver charm hanging from one of his ears. His dark suit sat squarely on his shoulders, no thanks to his posture. The more appalling part of him that you could shake from your mind was the pair of wings tucked close to his back. The dark glistening sheer of the feathers made them seem almost real, yet your mind searched for what they were truly connected to. Surely this man hadn’t ruined a suit so expensively tailored for a costume. They almost hung from him naturally, which almost made you question if they really were extensions of him. Just your luck: running into a cosplayer on a Thursday night.
He stepped to face you, your sights now picking up on the redness forming around his eyes as he squinted at you. “I can’t believe you pepper-sprayed me. Psycho,” he sneered, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
You scoffed, taking a step back from him. “I’m the psycho? What the fuck was that!” You threw your hand back in the direction which you had come, turning slightly to find the alleyway as it usually was. Where had the dips and turns gone that you had just sprinted through? You really needed a nap.
“Language! What if God hears you?” He nearly bit before snorting to himself like it was a preposterous idea to begin with. He raked a hand through his curls and sighed, looking you over as if he was seeing just what he had been dealt with. “What are we gonna do with you?” He asked, his accent almost husky as he spoke to himself.
You furrowed your brows, tilting your head as you stepped further away from him, making sure to hold your hands up in defense. “Look, buddy, I don’t know what you’re supposed to be but-”
He cut you off with a click of his tongue, his arms falling lazily as his sides as a defeated look settled into his posture. “Are you serious? You don’t know who I am?”
You shook your head slightly. “Uh… The dude from Legion?”
He smiled, his head tilting to match your angle in a soft and almost mocking manner. “No, silly! I’m your guardian angel. Always have been. I thought that was obvious.” He murmured the last part to himself as he searched your questioningly distrustful eyes. He took a few steps to close most of the gap between you and you stretched away from him.
“What do you mean guardian angel?” You bit, throwing your hands on your hips. The man wouldn’t let up his character. You squared up to him, despite his obvious height above yours. He seemed to play along as you did.
“I’m the one that looks out for you,” he grinned as if he were a proud child after finally accomplishing an art project for his mom. You returned his devious expression with a blank stare, wondering what number you should call to reach a mental institution quickest. He fell back on his heel, angling his face downwards slightly to get a better look at your eyes. “Don’t believe me?” You looked at him as if he were crazy. How could you! This man just chased you down an alley and is now claiming to be your guardian angel, as if that’s possible. Your mind wandered to your co-worker. Had he slipped something in your drink when you weren’t looking? Surely, not.
“Those eyes have never been good at hiding your true thoughts, you know?” He jeered, sending you a wink as he watched you search his face. A blush crept onto your face for a reason unbeknownst to you. Embarrassment maybe? His teeth sunk into his bottom lip as if he were biting back a smile as his dark wings began to expand behind him, stretching out to fill what space they could. You stumbled back slightly, tripping on your feet and landing on your butt as you stared up at the man in horror and maybe slight amazement. How had he engineered them to do that? Were they on a pulley system under his jacket? How did he make them do that without flexing a muscle?
You sat in silence, attempting to find words, a thought, anything to diffuse the situation. Finally, your mind clicked back into place and you pushed yourself up, brushing off your pants and sighing. You began to walk around him. “Okay, Metatron, I’m going home. This’s been fun but I have a shift in a few hours and I think I might have had something laced with PCP so-”
“Oh, come on, I’m not Metatron-”
“Fine, I’ll stop guessing. I just know I need sleep, and you’re some crazy dude in an alley I’ve been wasting too much time talking to.” He chuckled at your response. As you walked a few steps, you couldn’t help but turn back to him. “Plus, what kind of guardian angel looks like you. Aren’t you supposed to look like the Hitler youth with angel wings?”
He smirked, angling his chin up slightly as he ran his tongue over his white teeth. “Yeah, I am. Do you want a ride?”
“No, fuck off,” you quipped with a small laugh, heading in your destination’s direction.
The next morning, you woke up groggy and sore. As you pulled yourself together, you avoided looking at your schedule for the day, hoping that someone would need to switch for an earlier time slot so you could get home at a better time. The diner you worked at during the day was already buzzing with its usual customers coming and going. Families treating themselves to breakfast before heading off to work and school seemed to juxtapose those who were using the little spot as a truck stop. The out of state families were always the better tippers, unsurprising to you. Your routine of monotonously waiting tables and working the register seemed to fit you into your usual groove. That was until you spotted an all too familiar pair of blue eyes, making what you pegged as a dream last night come to life.
You stepped towards him cautiously, your mouth growing drier at the possibility that he had found you here, but by what means? Would he start showing up at your next jobs? Your apartment? The wings were gone, just as you had expected, yet that same sly look remained firmly planted on his lips. In place of the dark suit he wore last night was merely a white t-shirt and a leather jacket, which he had thrown lazily to the side of him in the booth. You straightened out the skirt of your uniform, tapping the end of your pen against the small pad of paper you gripped in your hand maybe a bit too tightly. “What can I get you today, sir?” You asked, making him turn his sights up to beam at you.
“Good morning, sunshine. How was your night?” He mocked, a devious sparkle in his eye. You rolled your eyes at his chipper smugness. He seemed less menacing than in the alleyway, but that wasn’t saying much, considering how dimly lit it had been last night. He now reminded you of someone’s AA sponsor rather than a sophisticated angel. “What do you recommend? I don’t eat-”
You leaned against his table slightly. “Would you drop the act already? You’re not an actual angel.”
His smile seemed to widen a touch. “I think that’s a conversation that we need to have actually. Which is partially the reason why I’m here. I know you get off around six-”
“Are you stalking me?”
“Sorry, did you miss the part where I’m your guardian angel? Or is that still lost on you?” His eyebrow perked up at your question. You couldn’t mask the look of disgust ripping through your body.
You wet your lips. “What do you want?”
He gave you a look suggesting it was obvious. “I don’t know. That’s why I asked you. I haven’t-”
“From me. Why are you here, now?”
He nodded. “Yeah, good question.” He grabbed his jacket from beside him and slid out of the booth, standing next to you. You furrowed your brows at him and he gave you a smug grin once again, heading towards the front of the diner with you scrambling after him. You reached for his arm to pull him back, only to get a spark of electricity singeing against your fingertips, making you groan. He stopped walking and turned to you, his eyes a darker shade. “Great, glad that’s over with. Now, relax,” he hissed, continuing straight towards your boss. What the fuck was happening? He started pulling his jacket on as he spoke to her, her eyes seemingly softening at him as she giggled at what he said. Was he charming her? He stepped out of the way so she could see you.
“It’s a wonderful day, why don’t you take some time off?” Your eyes flashed between the man and your boss, feeling like the world was spinning slightly as you attempted to piece together what was happening. You hadn’t realized you were holding the hand that had been shocked until the man grabbed it, pulling to behind him and out of the diner. He slung one of his legs over a motorcycle you assumed he owned and pushed up the kickstand. He nodded for you to climb on back.
“I need the tips from today. I’ll be behind on my rent-”
“I’ll take care of it,” he answered simply, handing you a helmet.
“No, way-”
“Yes, way. Come on,” he stated, kicking on the bike and pulling his own helmet on. You took a deep breath and compiled. Hell, you had the day off right? As you slunk onto the bike seat, the man pulled you closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Try not to fall off. I don’t feel like trying to heal you up today.” As the bike began to move, you clung tighter to him, feeling him chuckle beneath your grasp. You pressed against his back, trying to figure out where his wings had gone and why the hell you were tazed when you touched him for the first time. Why were his eyes so radiant? Unnaturally radiant, that is. Who the fuck was he?
The ride flashed by rather quickly, your thoughts taking up most of the time you would have normally spent sight-seeing or wondering why in the hell you had gotten on the back of a stranger’s bike. To your surprise, you ended up at another restaurant, stationed in a booth opposite of this strange man as he ordered for you, in an attempt to lighten the shock of the situation. “I thought you didn’t know what food tasted good.”
“I was just playing cute. I thought it might make me more approachable for you.” You blinked at his words, feeling more unstable than when you were on the motorcycle. His demeanor had changed, he was almost tense now. “Where would you like me to start?”
You shrugged, your fear now becoming almost unmanageable. “Who are you?”
“My name is Dean. I was assigned to you when you were born.” You nodded slightly, unsure of what to ask next as you located all the exits in the restaurant. It was crowded, so you figured he wasn’t going to kill you at least. “You mentioned my appearance earlier. I don’t have that Aryan look you want because I’m not really an angel angel. I mean, I used to be.”
You narrowed your eyes. “So what you’re saying is…”
“I work for someone else now. If you get what I mean.” He smiled at the waiter as she brought out drinks for the two of you. He rubbed the back of his neck as he seemed to chew on other information in a way of deciding how to break what to you. “Besides, it’s better having my kind as your guardian than one of those halo pricks.”
You scoffed. “So why right now? Why not show up a few years ago or when I was a kid?”
He shrugged. “Your life is so shitty right now, you need me.” You narrowed your eyes. “Before you defend yourself and go all-mighty woman on me, I know you’re working hard and I know what you want. I can give that to you, and whatever else you desire.”
You put your chin in your hand. “For what? My soul?” You joked.
He rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, setting his arms on the table to lean towards you. “Only if you beg,” he winked. “Actually, there’s no catch. You just have to let me.”
Dean sat across the long dinner table from his superior, barely able to touch whatever gruel had been pushed his way. For how civilized it seemed they were, the demon appetite was next to animalistic. The cool air in the room was reflexive of the mood the opaque souls passing beside the large windows echoed: hollow and dead. The light in the room was only thanks to the moonlight shining through the barrier between the worlds. Dean let his mind travel to the day he had spent with you and how much you would hate to be dragged to hell beside him. Could he convince you it wouldn’t be so bad? Was it more just to end his own suffering by adding to yours? 
His superior cleared his throat, brushing a napkin over his chin and standing. His chair made no noise as his figure looked almost wispy as he strolled toward the fireplace, breathing into the logs as if he were a dragon. Dean snickered slightly at the obscenity of the action. “It’s nearly time you know. For the Choosing, I mean.” Dean’s stomach tightened with anxiety at his words. The tall man took his place at the table again, his dark, pitted features unintentionally burning further into Dean’s memories. “I know what you’ve been doing in the mortal world. You think playing around with Gabriel’s daughter is a good idea when you should be looking for a mate you don’t have to kill when the time comes?”
Dean let out a sharp breath, the man’s words cutting deeper into Dean than he had expected them to. Dean looked down at his hands to regain his composure. He had almost had a terrible temper, especially when it came to you. “She doesn’t even know who she is. I can convince her-" 
"No. You can’t. Besides, how would the Choosing play out with a demon-like you meddling in her life.” The man’s calm tone was almost more angering than the rules he was conveying. Dean stared blankly at the man, knowing full well he wouldn’t win this argument, but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying. “I don’t care who���s son you are or how much you like her, I won’t let it happen.”
Dean swallowed. “She’s not like them.”
“I’ll arrange for the church to find you someone who could actually be a mate. Stay out of the mortal world, or at least hers,” the man stated firmly, nodding that Dean could leave finally. If only he could tell you the whole truth, would you believe him then? He shoved his fists into his pant pockets as he chewed his lip, strolling down the vast hallway from the room. Portraits of the underworld leaders lined the walls in different shapes and sizes. When he was younger, Dean had wanted to be among them, like his father. Now it only made him sick to think of the corruption and mass extinctions that got those men on the wall. Gabriel had been an ally of his father’s before the shit hit the fan.
When Dean found out the angels had been having affairs with mortals, he hadn’t blinked an eye; him having already been guilty of that sin himself. But as soon as he laid eyes on you, he wanted you. The Choosing had loomed over him like a rain cloud until that day. What was the worst that could happen if you were his victim for the Choosing? Well, fuck it right, he was already living in hell.
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M A S T E R L I S T.
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dream-girls-evil · 4 years
Ratched: Episode 8 Reactions
Three Months Later
It’s here! The finale!!! I did watch this while slightly intoxicated
Pinecone people aren’t creepy, nope, not at all
....Shrunken Apple, however
Literally who let Louise work here (I know it’s Betsy but still)
“Louise, I love and pity you, but you terrify the patients”
Ooh Louise and Betsy aren’t on the same page about Edmund anymore—and therefore probably about Mildred as well
Ooh Mildred and Gwen 😍
Oh honey. Chemo is no fun 😞
Ahhh the classic lesbian pose! No for real, historically pictures of women posed with one sitting and the other kneeling or one standing and the other sitting, that kind of thing, was used to signify that a book or magazine or what have you was about a lesbian relationship
Well, it seems like Mildred’s come to terms with not being able to save Edmund, but does Edmund know that?
Oop and Mildred is imagining dying in Mexico. Romantic?
Aw Mildred. So hopeful. I really hope Gwen is okay.
Ah I was right it seems that Mildred doesn’t work at Lucia anymore
Betsy found a woman doctor yay!!!
Betsy really coming through with comforting Mildred! Still the must unexpected alliance
Her tune changes a little when Mildred isn’t around, but I still don’t think she really believes in execution, and she can feel sympathy for Mildred’s pain without forgiving Edmund for his crimes
What if Edmund just like, made a dashing getaway on horseback? No?
Is Mildred gonna be here watching the execution?
Ugh this asshole governor—OH the electric chair...this is going to be much more painful than an injection. Mildred’s going to panic and realize she has to figure out something to save Edmund?
Oh my god he’s on fire. This is horrible.
Ew can they kill him? The way he thinks it’s okay to talk about their bodies is disgusting.
Okay so Mildred is still not arguing for a stay of execution, just for going back to the injection.
Gwen putting her arm behind Mildred’s back and touching her hand is so sweet but like be careful
The LOOK Mildred gives him
The close ups on this guy’s mouth make me so uncomfortable
Gwen check yourself.
Aaand he knows.
Dude that is FAR from the only reason she wouldn’t sleep with you.
Oh good so at least he’s not a homophobe (insert eye roll here)
Lmao Betsy I really don’t think they’re here to talk about catered lunches
Is Mildred gonna try to kill him herself? Ah Yep.
Angels of mercy 🙃
I do not think this is going to go smoothly. Edmund’s going to get away, isn’t he? And he’s going to HATE Mildred. Maybe he already hates her for not being able to save him from this.
Haha he thinks there’s rat poison in the food. That would be far too simple.
Suddenly Edmund is just a little kid talking about animals
The Escape
Charlotte Wells!!!
Not Charlotte Wells. Technically.
...no. Don’t tell me.
Y E P omg they’re really saying she absorbed Dr Hanover as another personality after killing him?
Does Betsy even know Hanover is dead? Did Mildred ever tell her?
Omg wonder if Charlotte is gonna help Edmund escape. I mean, that was Hanover’s plan with Charlotte—spirit her away so that he could cure her and prove himself.
Nothing bad better happen to Huck. Like they’re trusting him to help with Edmund and now help with Charlotte WHO JUST FOUND A GUN.
Oh man that’s how Huck got his burns
Okay maybe reminding her of Harold isn’t the best idea. The man was murdered right in front of her.
Why do people say “you’re gonna have to shoot me”? That’s like...a really good way to get shot.
Do NOT shoot Betsy do NOT.
I love how Edmund still believes Mildred has a plan to save him.
Fuuuuck Betsy don’t tell him!!!
Fuck. I was right. He knows Mildred was going to kill him, and he’s going to hate her for it.
Fuck Mildred’s going to show up to Lucia and see that all of this has happened!!!
Lol what if she actually passed their car it would be like the meme
Omg she DID
...and now suddenly it’s 1950???
Gwen!!! Well she’s got her hair back so I’m guessing she’s in remission
Edmund hasn’t killed again? Doubtful. He probably just changed his MO.
I’m glad she’s cool with the lesbians
Good on Betsy for moving with the times and realizing her old treatments were bad
What is Mildred looking at?? Please don’t say Edmund. Is she just lost in thought or is she always on edge like this? Waiting to him to appear out of the shadows and take everything from her?
“It’s so nice to be rid of them” “Who?” “Men!” I LOVE IT
Fuck fuck fuck she’s going back to the house on her own. She’s gonna find something or he’s going to appear. She feels herself being watched. He’s there, isn’t he?
Good she has a gun, but this whole thing is definitely not going to get wrapped up that easy. It’s going to be a cliffhanger or otherwise drawn out.
Bathing in blood okay Dandy
Fuuuck no bullets NO!!!
Omfg a DREAM?!?! I hate everything. That was too stressful.
Ahhh another pretty nightgown for Mildred!
I love Gwen comforting her. This is definitely a routine.
I love Betsy, she’s delightful.
Fuck I bet there’s actually gonna be something in the newspaper this time.
Multiple murder in Chicago.
Seven nurses. Yep that’s Edmund.
How long is this telephone cord?!
Someone she knows sold her out. But who knows she there except for Betsy?? Please don’t say it’s Betsy.
Ooh she’s coming for YOU, Edmund.
Thoughts and Theories
Well that was a ride!!! Honestly, nothing too unexpected, but that’s not a bad thing! A few plot twists are always good, but I hate stories where literally nothing is predictable, because then it’s just confusing. A good story should give you enough hints that by the end you can figure out how the pieces go together. Charlotte showing back up was a surprise, but as soon as she did, I could see where things were gonna go. Still raging about their portrayal of DID tho. And now we have the lead into next season! I still can’t believe it was Louise. She’s so kooky that it should be funny but man is she insufferable.
So now we’ve got the set up for next season: a cat and mouse game between Mildred and Edmund. Plus whoever they’ve got in tow. I highly doubt Edmund will keep Charlotte and Louise around for long, but Mildred has Gwen, and that’s worrying. Either she’s going to get left behind for safety or she’s going to get roped into this chase and something terrible will probably happen to her. There’s just really no good ending to this love story, considering we know who Mildred ends up being. Honestly, best case scenario is that Gwen leaves of her own volition because she can’t be okay with knowing there will probably be casualties in Mildred’s feud and that Mildred will consider them justified. But who knows? The last episode did redeem their relationship for me a bit though. It’s clear that there were definitely talks and negotiations during these past two years about Mildred’s past and how they communicate. I just wish we could have seen them.
Honestly, the thing that worries me most about this is that I have no idea how we’re going to end up getting to Cuckoo’s Nest from here. How and why will she end up back at Lucia after all of this? What will happen to Betsy and Gwen that they’re not with her anymore by the time she does? How is this personal fight with Edmund going to translate into her being someone who is really a product of an institutional problem? I actually have an essay in progress on the last point, which in summary is that I really don’t think they will be able to bridge that gap successfully or are even really trying to.
Final notes: I love Betsy Bucket and hope you enjoyed my reactions!
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pulaasul · 4 years
Digimon Adventure Tri – Daisuke and the others? Who are they?
A Digimon Adventure Tri review.
This review may be a bit late, but I didn’t watch the fifth movie because I was spoiled by a certain plotpoint and tropes and I really detest tropes of that plotpoint. Considering that I opted not to watch the fifth movie, I didn’t watch the sixth movie as well, I may get confused at the chronology of the events.
I had watched Last Evolution Kizuna, the review of which is linked here, thankfully the producers of Kizuna opted to have an original story as opposed to continuing from the plot threads that Tri left hanging over the course of six movies.
With the reason for this review’s lateness out of the way, let’s continue on with the Tri’s review.
Despite the lateness, I am reviewing  [デジモンアドベンチャーtri - Dejimon Adobenchā] Digimon Adventure Tri
As with some of the movies I had reviewed on my blog, I have an alternative title for Digimon Adventure Tri as a whole.
 デジモンアドベンチャーtri 大輔たちわだれだ?or Dejimon Adobenchā Daisuke-tachi wa dare da?
Digimon Adventure Tri – Daisuke and the others? Who are they?
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Tri was an enjoyable watch. If you want more characterization of the OG chosen 8 and their respective Digimon, it’s a definite watch.
If you’re a big fan of the 02 kids, they do acknowledge them, but better not to expect anything on that front to avoid disappointment.
For me, Digimon Adventure Tri as a whole is a 6.8/10 for me.
I love the many things they did here, but both my bias for the 02 kids and the many things happening just left a bad taste in my mouth.
If that doesn’t hint my love for the 02 kids, this is your confirmation XD.
I’ll start with the movie series’ art style. I still maintain my stance that I do not like the art style they chose for Tri. I will, however, expand on my reasons from the other review.
Tri’s art style is better suited for still images rather than animated. The best suited comparison I can make, and I’m sure a lot of people will protest, but it’s like the Pokemon’s Sun and Moon anime art style.
From what I heard, the new Pokemon art style focuses more on animation detail and flow. Tri’s animation and art style, while a major improvement from the fights seen in Adventure and 02, still come short seeing the ‘derpy faces’ and awkward poses found in the movie.
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(Yamato has bulging pecs and it looked like both Taichi and Yamato skipped leg day)
The new art style does make the ENTIRE CAST absurdly attractive from Taichi to Himekawa even down to the background characters who have something unique in their designs despite just being one off characters.
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The new art style does lessens the “cartoonish” vibes we got from the first two Adventure seasons of Digimon, so no extra-large heads, hands and/or feet. You could definitely feel that this was an updated version of the previous art style, although taken to extremes.
Although… Jiggle physics are seen on the Digimon.
Having watched the entire movie series, I can definitely understand why the 02 kids were given that treatment. However, there were plenty of instances to incorporate them into the plot organically than what we were shown.  
The overall plot was heart wrenching, it delves into the themes of sacrifice and unchecked grief.
We’ll backtrack a bit, I stated above about how the 02 cast could’ve been incorporated into the plot organically than what we were shown.
There were many instances where they could’ve been mentioned by anyone of the cast: the appearance of the Digimon Emperor, Hikari and Takeru checking up on Ken after the Emperor’s appearance, even the instances where they welcome Meiko into the group by encouraging her in times of distress; among other things.
A simple muttering of “where are they?” or “how are they doing?” from anyone, especially from Hikari and Takeru who were a part of the 02 team, would’ve made their exclusion from the main events a bit bearable and understandable.
Them not acknowledging their absence is a very out of character: for Takeru and Hikari, as they were teammates; from Taichi and Yamato as they mentored Daisuke, the former passing the goggle-torch unto him; Mimi and Sora for Miyako; Joe and Koushiro who has commented how reliable Iori was and how his thirst for knowledge was an admirable trait.
all my cons bullet points are my salt towards the 02 kids’ absence lol
In other matters, another thing worthy of criticism, this is for the franchise as a whole, is the fact that there’s a Leomon death inserted in every iteration of Digimon. (01&02 have the original Leomon, Tamers had Juri’s Leomon, Frontier both had Ice Leomon and KaiserLeomon in Kouichi Kimura, Savers had BanchoLeomon.)
Leomon’s death this time around fails to have an impact considering it has become a meme nowadays. Anyone vaguely aware of the franchise would even joke about the Leomon’s screentime before he dies, which was the case in the Tri movies.
There are two events in the Tri movies that didn’t really needed to be there, which really hampered my score for the movie series. First one is how the Mysterious Person, using Young Gennai’s form, to lick Sora’s face.
Another event that didn’t need to happen was how the same Mysterious Person choked Meiko to the point of her losing consciousness, those events IN THE SAME MOVIE really put me in an uncomfortable state, as did a lot of people.
This may be my bias speaking, but I really don’t like how Daigo died in the movie series. I am sure his death potentially served to raise the stakes of the plot, but not really.
The stakes of the plot was already at an all-time high with showing the “deaths” of the 02 kids in the first few minutes of the first movie. It’d raise the stakes even higher HAD THE OG 8 CHOSEN CHILDREN ACKNOWLEDGED THE ABSENCE OF THE 02 KIDS.
Daigo’s death was unnecessary for the stakes were already planted, but they failed to sow those particular seeds hence his death was needed. That and I really love Daigo Nishijima.
Tri could’ve been a rescue movie on top of stopping the apocalypse movie, Meicoomon shenanigans included.
I will admit that learning of Taichi’s supposed death in the tri movies, turned me off from watching the movie series to its completion, back when this was first released. Learning that Daigo, my favorite character, dies in the next one really turned me off from the franchise. Watching it now, I still maintain my stance that he didn’t need to die.
Devimon’s appearance really felt tacked on, he would’ve been a great plot point for Takeru to overcome in the movie, instead we got a few seconds of appearance then nothing. Not even delving into Takeru’s psyche about Devimon’s appearance.
The entire last movie was needlessly dark and that’s says a lot.
Considering this is a review, no review is complete until you state all the positive things you can say about the movie.
As with the debut season of the franchise, Character interactions are at the forefront of the movie series. In here we learned things about them, including Hikari’s teasing remarks towards Takeru or how Yamato is actually scared of ghost stories.
We also learned that the Teenaged Wolves broke up, due to musical differences as Yamato claimed and formed two new bands. “Knife of Day” and “World of the Knife”. The fact that the characters saying the band names have a Might Guy teeth shine effect on them was incredibly hilarious.
Koushiro being a blushing mess when it comes to Mimi was also great.
The viewers can really see the entire group’s dynamic with each other.
The digimon themselves aren’t just one-note characters. They may act as a foil to their human partners, it doesn’t change the fact that they weren’t one-note compared to what we’ve seen in both Adventure and 02.
Interactions aside, each human character having breakdowns and developing in the movie series was another thing I liked about Tri, tying them to digivolving to ultimate/mega level was a pretty neat idea.
It means that Taichi and Yamato aren’t the sole stars of the Adventure saga now.
Speaking of characters, the new characters in this movie-series [Daigo Nishijima, Maki Himekawa, Meiko Mochizuki] were introduced organically and were pretty great in their roles. The twist that the former two were Chosen Children before Taichi and the others was neat as well.
The three of them performed their roles pretty well: Daigo being a shady mentor, who’s loyalty is divided between his student and his work; Meiko being the new kid on the block really helped establish how out of place she really is, it does help that Mimi was incredibly welcoming towards her; Maki’s unchecked grief led her to taking drastic steps just to be reunited with her partner digimon, kickstarting the whole plot of Tri.
[I have a theory that Daisuke and the others were reporting to Maki, once she learned that they were aware of Yggdrasil’s plans, she led them to a trap that was when they were one-shotted by Alphamon.]
We go back to Leomon. It was nice to see a familiar face. Even his scenes were hilarious and awesome. Him being able to stave off the infection from various points in the movie he was in was also great. It makes sense in character as he does have incredible will power, going back to the Adventure days when he was possessed by Devimon’s black gears.
I also appreciate that the boys and girls had equal opportunities at being the eye candy. The boys were the eye candies during their time in the hot springs, while Mimi and Meiko had their chance as eye candies during the school festival.
Last and certainly not the least, were the new arrangements of the Original Sound Track of the Digimon Adventure themes from Butter-fly to Brave Heart’s orchestral version. They’re simply that good to listen in a loop.
As for suggestions, I have a few. This is constructive criticism after all.
Acknowledge the absence of the 02 cast.
Explain why they were absent in the first place, or at least what the characters think why they were absent.
From vacation abroad
On Yacht
Even visiting people out of Tokyo would also work
Both Leomon and Daigo didn’t need to die. Mortally wounded characters are fine, makes us think they’re dead for a few minutes to delve into character development, as was the case for Taichi and Hikari.
Make the 02 kids’ lives as stakes in the plot.
Cut back on the flashback images.
Exposition is also good, even Taichi voicing out his hesitance would’ve made for a great character moment, instead of just glaring at the enemy.
D.R Gennai shouldn’t have licked Sora. That event really didn’t need to happen.
D.R Gennai should’ve just let Meiko bleed to the point of unconsciousness instead of choking her as he taunts Meicoomon to fear and give in to her infections.
Devimon should’ve been an earlier opponent that was later reused in the ending movie to show how much Takeru has grown add in digivolving to Seraphimon.
A video file of Daisuke’s and the others’ defeat at the hands of Alphamon should’ve been viewed after the reboot happened, that would’ve raised the stakes higher.
Daisuke and the others should’ve joined the last fight in the last movie. Escaping from the hospital through their Digimon before collapsing at the very end.
I have no problem with Daigo’s partner becoming Baihumon. I think it’d been better had it been Azulongmon, considering he was the goggle head during his time and thus the leader of his group.
We know that Azulongmon is the leader of the Four Digimon Soverigns.
I think it’d come full circle had Daigo been partnered with Azulongmon.
I think the movie would then end with everyone visiting Daisuke and the others, Meiko included, introducing her to them.
Overall, I give the movie series a 6.8 out of 10 rating. It was a good watch, but the plot fell once they delved into darker themes and darker events for the sake of being dark and without substance. There were a couple of events that didn’t need to happen but happened for the sake of being dark.
Daigo’s death was certainly one of those events. The stakes could’ve been raised higher had the 02 kids were integrated into the plot and not just relegated into glorified silhouette cameos.
These suggestions would still run the course of the plot we got in Tri, but it would’ve flowed the plot organically and didn’t go dark for the sake of being dark.
I wanted to be generous with my rating, but it just won’t do. Even my bullet points review had more Cons than Pros. Factor in my bias for the 02 kids, and you get a 6.8 rating.
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fvlminare · 4 years
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✗✗✗   you see [ camille rivas ] around lately? yeah i heard that the [ cis female ] is up to no good. [ she / her ] has been here for [ three years ] now but they’re still pretty [ calculating ] which is fine because they’re also [ ardent ] so it balances out. the [ twenty-six ] year old [ dancer at mayhem ] actually looks like a lot like [ sofia carson ], don’t you think? it’s best to watch out, though, because it’s been said that they’re really into [ the rush of cocaine in her veins & a vice grip on her throat ]. 
henlo it me again! i hope u guys aren’t sick of me yet bc here’s my other bb! say hello to my boss-ass bish gal camile! she’s sassy, classy and a lil badassy. she’s a rather feisty, fiery, ball of rage and anger who cba with ur bullshit tbh n she’ll tell u this too if u piss her off enough! she’s lowkey cutthroat and always out for number one, aka: herself. but, i mean, she does have some redeeming qualities and her hair is bomb af so that makes up for it all really, doesn’t it? basically that meme: ‘ she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face. ’ anywho, you know the drill, slap a lil luv on this n i’ll come pester u for all the good stuff : - ) 
CAMILLE ALARA RIVAS     —     twenty-six, dancer at mayhem,   +   an honest-to-god vixen   /   hellcat   /   lil demoness ! 
aesthetics   ➤   dresses of black lace and red velvet, the scent of chanel perfume lingering in the air as she floats past, blood-red fingertips coiled around the pistol grip of a gun, red-bottomed heels clicking against marble floors, rose gold highlighter shimmering along the height of prominent cheekbones, satin dresses draped over a svelte frame that is shrouded in an air of mystery and intrigue, baby pink roses in a vase on the window sill, deft fingers stained with charcoal and oil paint, the melodic chime of piano keys, delicate digits adorned with moonstone gem rings, a coy smile spread across full crimson lips, long raven locks blowing in the cool breeze of a summer’s evening, battered books with dog-eared pages, a sense of freedom and carelessness when dancing for fun, & a sense of allurement and captivation when dancing for work.
nicknames. cam, cami, mil, millie, spawn of satan >:~)
date of birth. april tenth.
gender. cis female.
pronouns. she + her.
birthplace. manhattan, new york.
orientation. pansexual + demiromantic.
education. bachelor of dance degree obtained from nyu tisch school of the arts.
spoken languages. can speak fluent english, spanish, & latin.
negative traits. capricious, ornery, impulsive, guileful, caustic, brusque, obstinate, destructive, deceptive, & promiscuous.
positive traits. ardent, whimsical, intrepid, graceful, poised, elegant, headstrong, observant, independent, & confident.
strengths. optimistic, energetic, creative, practical, spontaneous, rational, knows how to prioritise, great in a crisis, & relaxed.
weaknesses. stubborn, insensitive, private, reserved, easily bored, dislikes commitment, & has a rather risky behaviour.
talents. ballet, knife throwing, hand-to-hand combat, horse riding, figure skating, piano, violin, painting, singing, & dancing.
physiology. hazel eyes. dark brown hair. five feet, four inches tall. of a petite, slender stature with subtle curves and long hair. has a long silvery scar on her back. her skin is clean of any tattoos. has both earlobes pierced. requires glasses but wears contacts most days. is right-handed.
psychology. aries zodiac. fire element. ravenclaw house. istp-a. true neutral. type seven enneagram. choleric temperament. intra-personal intelligence type. addicted to alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis. suffers from addiction and abandonment issues. her vices are lust, greed and wrath. her virtues are ... ( again ) honestly, probably just diligence tbh.
possible triggers   :   child abandonment, abandonment issues, foster homes, alcohol, drugs, violence, gore, blood, murder, & death.
a synopsis.   ok so for this gal, let’s all give a big, warm welcome to sadness ( no, i was in no way at all inspired by salem from sabrina for that line ) bc boy oh boy, her life has been constant grief and pain, tbh. strap in for the bumpy ride, i’ll give u cookies for compensation. OK SO, camille was abandoned as a baby, never did—and still doesn't—know her biological parents and she doesn’t want to either, tbh. she bounced around from foster home to foster home, never sticking in one place for too long. given her turbulent upbringing, she was somewhat of a difficult child. too boisterous, too unruly, too stubborn, too inquisitive. too much of everything but never enough of anything. never enough for anybody to want her. it didn’t take the girl too long to figure out that it was just her alone, against the big bad world. from the age that she was old enough to realise it, camille knew that she had to fend for herself—that she could never truly rely on a single soul but herself. the hollowness inside her chest never quite satiated, leaving her empty and only too well aware of the lack of her real parental figures. as a young adolescent, this started to crawl under her skin and mess with her mind. it rendered her void of affection and unable to form genuine bonds with others—filling her with deep-rooted resentment that festered beneath the surface of the indifferent demeanour she plastered over herself every day. she always felt starved of love: as if some integral part of her heart was missing, leaving a gaping void that nobody could ever fill. anywho, she fell in with the wrong crowd which did little to aid her foster families hostility toward her. truthfully, most of her experiences in various homes were ... not pleasant. she’d encountered abusive ‘parents,’ horrible ‘siblings,’ and even worse schooling days. pressing the self-destruct button is this gal’s speciality thus she found herself gravitating towards her vices: things and people she knew were no good for her. drink, drugs, people, you name it. quickly, she realised that these things were no longer any good at keeping her dark side at bay: she needed something more, something deeper. thus, she began going down the road of petty crimes—stealing cars, smashing windows, theft, setting fires both metaphorically and literally. due to this lifestyle, she wound up entangled with some real shady folk who did … even shadier things. most specifically, she started dating a real jackass who was violent and truthfully, a horrible person, really. stupidly, she decided to run off into the metaphorical sunset with him * insert eye roll emoji here. * so, fast forward a year or so and things took a swift nosedive when her lowlife boyfriend’s hands were round her throat and not in the kinky way. while she’d clawed at him and tried to fight him off, she struggled against his weight and strength until, eventually, she lifted the first makeshift weapon she felt: a rusted pair of scissors. [ TRIGGER FOR VIOLENCE, GORE, BLOOD, MURDER, DEATH ] and, in a blind state of panic, she jammed them right into his jugular vein, his blood squirting out and decorating her face in crimson splatters. he’d stumbled backwards, clutched onto his neck, blood spurting from the webs between his fingers. naturally, camille was shook about this but somehow managed to flee the scene with less guilt rattling her soul than she’d imagined. [ TRIGGER OVER ] in her mind, it was an act of self defence. it wasn’t too long after the incident that she found herself in a rather perilous situation that resulted in her sudden realisation that she needed to get her damn life on track. therefore, she done the responsible adult thing and got herself a decent education. somehow, she managed to get into university where her life started to shape into a positive one—the kind she’d always dreamed of. once she graduated, camille decided that she wanted to see the world. following a couple of years travelling, she wound up in santa ysabel where she quickly fell into the employment of mayhem. admittedly, this was a far cry from the future she’d envisioned when she was just a sweet, innocent lil child. still, all in all, she kind of digs who she is and what she is: after everything she’s been through, she loves herself. it’s been a long and winding road but camille finally believes that she’s settled in her life now. tho she still refuses to let people in, her abandonment issues terrifying her to the degree that she feels that anybody she’d ever let into her life would eventually leave her in the end. * insert sad face emoji here. *
random extras.
her tell? playing with her hair: when she’s lying, nervous, flirting—you name it!
can drink any man under the table. 
she loves art in every form: paintings, sculptures, music, dance, people, etc. she loves the freedom that expressing herself through these mediums gives her.
she’s ... experimental. she’s experimented with just about everything: hairstyles, clothing, drink, drugs, people ...
can be hella calculating and vindictive so do not cross her.
quite power-hungry tbh.
she does have a shot at redemption but she doesn’t want it lmao. she’s already been to hell so why bother trying to right her wrongs?
and boy, are her wrongs a century-long list shkjsh.
high key is not above killing people who don’t do things her way.
doesn’t believe she’s capable of loving anyone.
she’s lowkey a perfectionist to the point of being ruthless, also cutthroat and egotistical.
if ya ain’t of use to her, then what the heck is ur purpose???
she’s v ambitious, v morally ambiguous, v self-serving and v self-involved.
she can be ... aggressive sometimes and most definitely has anger issues.
dry sense of humour one million per cent.
her signature look is her blood-red lips.
extremely skilled with knives and blades. and always carries one on her person at all times.
her most prized possession is her brushed chrome zippo lighter. it has her initials engraved into it and where she got it from, or who is something she’ll never tell.
always says she needs to quit smoking but never does and probably never will either.
did someone say ... resting bitch face???
tho when she smiles it’s like sunshine uwu
high key will sleep with anyone.
first place is the ONLY acceptable place, ok??? 
one of those people who just excels at everything she tries her hand at.
absolutely adores animals. much prefers them to humans.
she’s quite adventurous and loves to feel the adrenaline in her blood.
doesn’t take herself or her life too seriously.
always up for a good time and is usually the life of the party.
outspoken and quick-witted with a sharp tongue.
much too sassy and sarcastic for her own good.
really, she does what she wants to, when she wants to, without seeking the approval of others.
truthfully? she’s a bit of a spitfire if you really irk her. so, watch out.
you can find a pinterest board for her by clicking anywhere here.
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msukirby · 4 years
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hi, it's d back with her third character because i couldn't handle the sausage fest that is levi/nick. *slams fist* women! women! women! hehe. say hi to kirkley kirby bae, fraternal twin sister to dotty. also known as the sane sister.. or is she? hm. we'll see. please click on the read more if you wanna get to know her! i also have a profile up and i'm working on her connections. as always, if you’d like to plot, either like this and i’ll come find you, im me to become bffs, or find me on discord at umbreon#7982!
fraternal twin sister to dotty, say hi to kirby (born 'kirkley' because her parents dreamt she was a boy and when she popped out without a penis they simply put a 'ley' behind the original name). she was born about five minutes later than her sister and on another day (born past midnight) which means they don't have twin telepathy :( or at least that's what kirby tells her sister to explain their lack of a psychic connection
"her family is a pureblood wizarding family. her parents own a lot of land in scotland so they have the titles of lord and lady but like no one takes them seriously LOL. anyway they live kind of in seclusion outside of the v small village of fortrose that’s inhabited by mostly muggles. the entire village thinks the bae family is kinda weird tbh. and i mean they’re not wrong." yeah i stole this from dotty's intro
she attended hogwarts and was sorted into ravenclaw because big brain bigger tits. hit her up if you want her to surprise you with knowledge about things she likes because she actually doesn't know shit about anything else. she's more perceptive than anything, remembers the smallest details and will hold a grudge over miniscule things. that said: hurt dotty and die.
geumseong / junior / twenty-three, because dotty and her just kind of vibed for a year before attending mokseong. their parents suggested they'd travel and see the world. kirby attended a few acting classes and dance workshops with several famous actors / choreographers so she had a blast with that but the whole nomad thing wasn't for her.
majors in drama and theatre. she loves acting and dreams of being a movie star, so you might've seen her in a few small roles that she's picked up over the years. she's entertaining the thought of filming a web series and posting it on youtube flootube,or starting an entertainment channel that has a variety of things. gotta get that dough somewhere.
another passion of hers is dance, so you'll also be able to find her in the dance club because ayyy captain. let's pop that booty on wig wog. also, she minors in aurology because she thinks it helps with her acting, being able to sense and also manipulate her own aura to behave in a certain way.
i can't think of anything else other than *insert kirby with a knife here meme*. she's also in the dueling club and is a beast at smashing balls in volleyball, so y'all can find her there too. pls love her 🥺
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parkneroses · 5 years
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i’m taking requests! (marvel only <3)
- i think i’m best at writing parkner (parley? potatowebs? i’ll never know) and stucky since that’s what i read most, but any ship is welcome!
these are things i won’t do: 
- smut - reader inserts (only in-verse characters pls)  - excessive whump - thorki or starker - ageing up or down characters, or genderbending. i am barely talented enough to write these personalities as they’ve been shoved in my face for over twenty movies, i’m not gonna push it :/ - anything else is fair game! (within reason of course)
here’s a list of prompts if you need a nudge :)
01. why do you keep bringing that up? 02. is that my sweatshirt? 03. i think i just lost the bet. 04. i’d punch you, but that’d ruin your perfect face. x 05. poke it with a stick? 06. if you could just be patient for two seconds, 07. none of this makes any sense. 08. you heard me. don’t make me repeat my stupidity again. 09. i need you to help me bury a body. 10. either do what i say or pay me for my time you’re wasting. 11. you’re not as good of an actor as you think. 12. just keep breathing. 13. the only room with a view is a room with you in it, 14. all i do is drink coffee and say bad words. 15. (s)he doesn’t sleep when you’re gone. 16. i don't know why you’re mad, 17. guess who broke their nose? i broke my nose! x 18. this is the best entertainment a man can get in these parts. 19. i’m never touching you again. 20. but that’s murder, 21. illegal just means the government doesn’t want you to do it. 22. i know you didn’t mean that but i’ll take it. 23. my thing is, i don’t give a shit. 24. why are you looking at me like that? 25. stop laughing at me! 26. are you trying to bribe me? 27. is that blood? 28. please, not now 29. there’s only one bed. 30. let me keep that promise. 31. i can’t help that i’m curious. 32. if i die, i’m haunting you first. 33. you just have... such a hateable personality 34. being an idiot comes naturally to me. 35. i can’t help it. it’s a curse. 36. what did they do to you? 37. that’s what she said. 38. i hate this almost as much as i hate you. 39. well this isn’t ideal. 40. give me attention. 41. don’t cry, don’t… 42. so, who’s turn is it to fuck up next? 43. what the hell is that and why are you wearing it? 44. i don’t know if i want to know the answer, but what are you doing? x 45. you told me to be honest, stop hitting me! 46. am i supposed to not be weirded out by this? 47. can this stay between us? 48. i only feel calm when i’m bleeding. 49. honestly, i’m afraid of you. 50. you did this on purpose, didn’t you? feel free to elaborate on them as much as you want <3
and here’s a list of songs if that’s more your style 
- slow dancing in the dark - joji - in love - khai dreams - can’t help falling in love - basically everyone - sunflower - rex orange county - peach - kevin abstract - afraid - the neighbourhood - bishop’s knife trick - fall out boy - i can’t handle change - roar - cornerstone - arctic monkeys - nervous - the neighbourhood - happiness - rex orange county - imagination - shawn mendes - fluorescent adolescent - arctic monkeys - stupid - brendan mclean - xo - eden - bulletproof love - pierce the veil - understand - christian leave - one - lewis capaldi or any other song you want of course!
and oh wow, this is new! marvel fanfic tropes that i wanna try out (list is short for now, feel free to tell me what tropes you see all the time it’d be super helpful) 
- everyone assumes peter/harley are tony’s biological children - ceiling vent clint - peter goes on a field trip to stark industries! x - peter and shuri bond over meme culture
so just drop me an ask, and i’ll get to writing. i hope this goes well! :)
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ofliminalities-a · 6 years
The doctor will see you now.
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Under a read more cause it’s going to be long. And extremely dark. It can probably also get squicky. This is a small tale of creating the perfect ‘blank sheet’. Or...close enough. This was something I was suppose to write up ages ago for a meme, but I was in the mood to torture my little demon cat, Oops.
  I loved the sun. The way it peaked through the windows, and reflected off the metal...off of anything it touched. It was the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever seen. Whenever I saw it...I-- "Rise and shine, subject ----." That weird person in the white clothing always says that. They keep calling me that weird number. I never understood why. Every day, over and over. And yet, I can't talk back to them. Or move when I'm in this pod. But that's okay, it's nice and safe and warm here! And it makes it worth all the weird stuff they do to me and the others. We all sleep in here...with Her. With the kind voice. It's always going to be just fine if we're with Her.
 Someday's the people in the weird clothing talk to me-- Sometimes they use their hands. Or these weird things they have with them. It wasn't so bad at first, maybe because I didn't understand what was going on. It was like being in a foggy haze. I couldn't really see to well for a while....and then I saw the sun clearly, and it made me happy. When all of these weird experiments were happening, I always tried to remember how bright and warm the sun was...when I couldn't hear her voice sometimes, I thought of that, and it was enough for me. After a while though, I could hear clearly. I didn't understand the language or the noises around me, but I was able to pick some cues up--so I knew what was going to happen. And at first, I was so happy! I can understand things and everything! But...because I knew what would happen at that moment, the next day...I grew aware, and scared. What I couldn't feel before, slowly opened up, like one of those cute little flowers in a garden. It opened up and bloomed in such an amazing way...and too fast for me.
 I still couldn't speak for the most part--I wanted to tell Her so many things, and tell the others about my new discoveries about where we were! And the people too. But...as hard as I tried, I couldn't. And after the day was done, they would just put me back into that pod...back into the warm water and sleep.I began to dream. The dreams soon started more and more, they felt as real as all the sensations I was feeling. It got more vivid as the days passed by. I wondered why, for such a long time. But every time I came close to finding an answer-- "Rise and shine, subject ----." Again with the same words.
Or so I had thought.   Today was special. And so would be the days to come.
"Today is special, subject ----." The white coated person talked to me, instead of prodding me around this time, the told me to walk with them. "We're going to a new room today, and you're going to meet a lot of people who are interested in you! And if it all works well, you'll get a name!" They seemed overly excited, I could see it through their mask. And their movements. I didn't believe anyone could move like that. Something welled up in me as I heard that...it was nice. Almost as nice as She was. Was this emotion? I couldn't understand. I had only been talking to myself in my head since I was born. And as much as I wanted to explore and express this feeling, they continued on. "All of our work will finally come to fruition. If this works out...oh...we might actually be able to save this world yet.~" Their voice sounded...different. I couldn't put my finger on it. "Now come along, ----. Right through this door, you'll be put through something amazing.~" Amazing? What...is that? I wish She would give me an answer, but I don't think I can hear her all the well enough. I just want to go back to Her right now. I didn't care about what was going to happen...I just want to go back! But we were far from what reminded me of home. The entire place was white, pristine, untouched. Not a person in sight, except for me and that person. It was only then, I felt a chill down my spine.
Fear. "Don't be so afraid, it's not going to hurt at all." I turned to look at that person. And they returned it all with a smile as they pushed me into the room. Stop. The door shuts behind me as silence fills the room. There's weird things and metal stuff here. Just like in the other area. Help. There were more of those white clothed people. They looked different from the person I saw everyday. Please. I don't understand. Why can't I move? Why am I trembling? I want to say something. Please. I don't know what's happening. I want to go back to the others. To Her. Please. "Don't let that thing react just yet. We want it to peak at just the right moment. Bring it to the operating table."
Operating...table? I didn't understand. I hadn't heard those words before. And before long I was placed on a hunk of metal. A bright light had shined on me...it hurt to stare at it. I shut my eyes, but at the same time, they had held me down with chains. Today was a special day. Those words rung in my head, but I couldn't wrap my thoughts around it. I was...afraid. The restraints hurt...my arms, legs, neck. All of it felt like it was going to squeeze the life out of me. And yet, I remained very still like every other day.
"It's pulse seemed to be a bit elevated, but we can work with that. Nurse, open it up. We'll see how much it's grown from the inside and adjust it as needed. It's already trying to merge with the god, but it wouldn't survive the process. Good thing these angels gave us such nice tools for this experiment." Open 'it' up? What did they mean by th--
Before I could process it, the sound of a whir began, chains rattled, and the light that was focusing on me-- It burned. The fear that had festered within me, finally took a hold, As red splattered everywhere. I was awake when they sliced my torso open, peeking and poking inside. It was more painful than any other day. I felt...bare, hollowed out as they discussed among themselves about what organs should they pull out, modify and outright get rid of. They almost seemed fascinated with how my insides looked. I on the other hand was mortified. They said my heard was beating a mile a minute, whatever that meant. "Something like you doesn't need a heart-- but we'll pluck it out of you and give it to someone who needs it more." I didn't understand...I never could. I remember things going dark as the knife cut through all of that and yanked my beating heart out. I couldn't see it, I didn't want to see it. I heard another whir from a far, as it drilled into my torso, putting one and one together. It was too much, I felt something warm spewing out of my mouth, it almost felt like I was choking. "It's starting to seizure, hurry up and insert the jewel. When it's stabilized we'll continue making adjustments." And it's as if on command, I felt a bit calmer. I could still feel the sheer pain from still being opened up and messed around with.
And then they opened up the rest of me.
What I thought was something already painful, was something beyond words. I wish I was asleep for the entire experiment. But today was a special day. A special day for me.
"Ah, it seemed to have grown reproductive organs as well, it hasn't fully matured, but we'll be removing these as well. The organs of a vessel with the potential to harbor a god? We might just have a breakthrough in science. Why, we wouldn't haven't to worry about extinction, or worry about the perfect human being. It...or perhaps I should be calling it, she? It's a shame the rest of the Mother's embryo's were sub-par. Had they all flourished like her, they might have made wonderful vessels, or at the very least, a wonderful harvest." Snip, slice, crunch. An array of noises could be heard among the discussion. At some point I could see again, my vision fogging up every now and then. I watched as they passed some of my organs around, handing over metal and other jewels around, like an exchanging of gifts. It was horrifying. I couldn't move at all, my body subdued from the ongoing meddling of what was once a pure body.
I was in and out for hours. But it was only when they closed me up, Did I finally scream.
I screamed at the top of whatever I had remaining of my lungs, the adrenaline rushing through my modified self. I screamed in agony. In pain. In sadness. In anger. My first tears weren't that of an infant being brought into the world. But that of a doll that hurt like a human for the first time. I was alive, or should I say, active. I ached, I hurt. And all I could do was to scream. "It hurts! Everything...Mother....help!" I couldn't even make sense of whatever spewed out of my mouth. All I could see was red, feeling the agony. I screamed until nothing came out. I cried till my tears were dry. Until the red filled my eyes again.
And yet again, the room filled with silence. I could hear the shuffling of footsteps and things being put away. I had died on that table that special day. The innocence of wanting to know more, of wanting to remain in the Mother's womb was no more. I died there. I was dead for a while.
And then I hear Mother. She calls to me sweetly. She sings to me. I hear her, as my eyes open. The room was dark, aside from the dim lightning of the machines. It was quiet, and almost serene. Until I felt the pain again.
My body wouldn't scream this time. I could still feel, but at that point. I wanted nothing to do with being alive. "Oh sweet child, it is too soon for you to go. You need to wake up, and see the new day." She spoke to me again, I could practically cry. And like a child wanting nothing but praise from their parent, I felt something spark within me. I truly felt 'alive.'
Whatever had happened after that, I wouldn't know what to tell you. I remember fire. A lot of it. The smell of dead flesh and ash in the air. The pods where I and the others were kept in were ruined, the fluid had emptied out and just created a disgusting puddle of rotting skin. It turns out we lived within the womb of a tree. But it had all burned down, my home, my life. Burned and rotted. I could still hear the screams and cries of the others still. It was louder than those guys who did these things to me. I found out that they're called scientists. What a weird name. Either way, all the red stuff was everywhere, Even in the destruction, I learned a lot of new things.
How the human body works. Where we were. How we were born from the earth. How the angels pitied humans and offered them a way to save themselves. They would reap the 'benefits' of the vessels from the Mother when it was time for the harvest. How I had the highest resonance within the lab tests. I would become the next Mother. A Mother that will love and protect the earth. A mother Godess who will bear judgement over everything. But that's not so important right now. I found out the name they gave me. It's a pretty name. And I was special. Today was a special day. My name is Lillium. The day had long been over. And I saw the beautiful sun again.
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