#Innovative beauty accents
candylandphotos · 1 year
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eyeshadow feather creative beauty makeup model cosmetics lipstick ❤️
"Eyes as Canvases, Feathers as Accents, and Lips as Statements: A Palette of Beauty ❤️"
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bidisastersanji · 9 months
Circus One Piece AU with sword swallower/knife thrower Zoro and tightrope walker/aerial act Sanji please and thank you
They (and the rest of the crew) grew up in the « Thousand Sunny » circus together:
Sanji’s adoptive dad, Zeff, is the circus cook who always tells a different, wild story about how he lost his leg (it often involves a lion, even though the circus doesn’t use animals in its show, despite its lion logo)
Zoro’s parents both died in an accident when he was young and his relatives (Shimotsuki) took him in. His childhood friend Kuina had an accident and is now a wheelchair user- she handles the circus social media and marketing with Nami
They both have had crushes on each other for years but don’t dare to fo anything because not only what if the other feels the same but what if it doesn’t work out and they have to leave their circus family- so instead they keep bickering and pigtail pulling
I think it’s common for circus performers to have many abilities but specializing in certain things so let’s just assume most of them are good at basic acrobatic/circus things
Sanji is an aerial artist (aerial silks, hoops etc) and tightrope walker and Zoro is good at sword swallowing, stage combat and knife throwing
A lot of the crew are orphans who were adopted into the circus family from many countries the circus has passed through, so they have little accents and have the best time celebrating everyone’s different traditions and holidays
Usopp is a magician, Vivi does diabolo, Franky a strongman, Robin does Trapeze, Luffy is known for his contortionist act but also does some clowning, Ace and Sabo do fire performances, Brook is their communal grandpa in charge of music, Jinbei is the cool dependable uncle in charge of setting everything up to regulation and navigating their caravan where Nami tells them to go
Although she does Chinese pole, Nami is growing up to be the person who’ll take over the circus management/strategy- she wants them to make bank and strategizes on what acts they do, innovative acts and staging they can do etc
Luffy’s dream is for their circus to be the best in the world - they’re already going around different countries but he wants a full international tour, eager to take over after his grandpa (ringmaster) passes it on to him
Chopper is the adoptive son of the troupe doctor (Kureha) who does some equestrian tricks (voltige) but mostly studies hard to be a doctor too. He’s still a kid but everyone is else is an adult
Sanji often gets really distracted by Zoro during practice times- their outfits are revealing and he’s so buff and like what else can he do with his mouth goddamn
He only once called Zoro a « sword swallower » when he was a (still closeted) teen to try and bully his friend/rival but Zoro just grinned at him and said « proudly » and Sanji almost died from that mental image and never used that insult again (he might have gotten a nosebleed)
Naturally Zoro is also dumbstruck by Sanji’s beauty and grace on the regular- and he often gets in trouble for watching Sanji’s act and almost missing cues
The gang always gets into so many shenanigans in every new city they travel to and they love each other so dearly
One day a video of Zoro practicing goes viral (because he’s hot and talented) and Sanji is definitely not responsible for a few dozen views on that video
Zoro always gets a little jealous and annoyed when he finds Sanji flirting with local girls
And that’s all the ideas I have for now! Please feel free to add to this!! I’d love to see what you guys would be fun to have in the circus AU
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akairawrites · 2 months
@luvvvjada @urmomsbananabread @1lellykins @cascadingbliss @lumineliax @mysticalhills @420sprite @jackierose902109 @skyesayshibitchez @roxanne-loves-luffy @scribegrl @Bunnyqueen25 @deimks @rukia-uchiha-98 @strawberrycreamb @deliciousfatblackcat @luvelyxp @crystals-faith @godknows-shetried @mess-in-side @lumineliax @instabull @lilupie @stvrfir3 @breadbrobin @bbiaa420 @harleycao @that-levi-kenma-kinnie @dollceesstuff @just-reading-dany @Izzygrnt @blodmichii2 @solaris-lovegood @4arancia @ballerina-mina @notsaelty @sexyashbish @timmy-27 @xoxolexiiiiii @Amoyanani27 @tigerf-cker @punkinshambles @evilcado
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Upon entering Oscorp, a woman's voice greeted you from an electronic screen, her words echoing through the sleek corridors. The futuristic building enveloped you in an ambiance of innovation and sophistication. The polished marble floor beneath your feet mirrored the gleam of the overhead lights, while shimmering glass panels adorned the walls, casting a subtle touch of tranquility into the bustling atmosphere.
Lost in the beauty of the surroundings, you fell behind for a moment until Mr. Ratha's voice brought you back to attention, urging you to catch up as you followed him into the elevator. The descent was quiet, with only the soft hum of machinery breaking the silence, until the doors opened and revealed the busy Oscorp lab.
Walking out next to Mr. Ratha, you noticed an older gentleman. When his name was mentioned, he turned around. He had tousled blonde hair and glasses perched on his nose. He was wearing a pristine lab coat, and his presence demanded respect. However, what briefly caught your attention was his amputated arm. You quickly averted your eyes.
"Y/n, meet Dr. Curtis Conners," Mr. Ratha introduced, initiating the exchange.
Dr. Conners extended his hand with a warm smile, his Australian accent betraying his roots as he welcomed you with genuine enthusiasm. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. You must be the high school intern," he remarked assertively, his tone inviting and genial.
Accepting his handshake, you replied, "Yes, I am. The pleasure is all mine, Docter."
"Please, no formalities. Conners is fine," he insisted, his demeanor instantly putting you at ease.
As Mr, Ratha excused himself Dr. Conners turned his attention back to you, offering, "Shall I give you a tour?"
After several hours of exploration, you both come across a secure door that piques your interest. "What's in there?" you ask as you watch two men in hazmat suits exit the room.
He gestured towards the area where you had nodded. "That is where we breed various species of spiders for cross-species genetics. It's very top secret," he said, winking and holding his fingers to his lips.
You chuckled and nodded, showing him that you understood as you walked by the secured door. Unnoticed, a spider slipped through the crack as the door closed. Catching a ride on your shoe as the two of you walked by.
Upon reaching Dr. Conners's office, he turned to you with his usual smile and said, "That concludes our tour today. You are welcome to take your time to look around and make yourself at home, or you can head out. Either way, make sure to be here bright and early tomorrow."
Your mouth opened to speak, but as soon as you did, a sudden sharp pain jolted through your right heel, eliciting a reflexive grunt as you instinctively swatted at the source with the tip of your left shoe. "Are you alright?" Dr. Conners asked.
"Yes, I'm fine," you reassured him, trying to downplay the incident as you brushed off the discomfort. "Um...I think I'm going to call it a night, Dr. Conners. Goodnight, and thank you for today," you said softly as you reached for your bag resting on the small chair in his office, and made your way out.
"Goodnight," he simply said as he watched you leave his office.
You walked down the dimly lit corridor, feeling a persistent pain in your heel. The sharp sting was now a dull throb. You couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but you dismissed it as tiredness from the long day. Unbeknownst to you, a spider had nestled in the small fold of your sock.
The evening air was cool and refreshing as you stepped outside the building, a welcome contrast to the sterile environment inside. You took a deep breath, trying to clear your mind. The city twinkled in the distance, and you felt a sense of calm wash over you.
As you arrived home, you eagerly announced "I'm home!" upon entering the living area. There, you noticed your mother lying comfortably on the couch, her face softly illuminated by the glow of the TV. You let out a gentle sigh and reached for the cozy blanket resting on the La-Z-Boy. Carefully, you draped it across her body. Then you headed up to your room.
Once you sat on your bed, feeling the itch from the bite, your hand absentmindedly scratched at it. Suddenly, a spider crawled out, and when you noticed it, you jumped a bit before quickly stomping on it without thinking much of it. After glancing at the clock, you realized how late it was. Exhausted, you decided to head to bed early.
As you slept, strange dreams haunted your subconscious. Vivid images of webs and crawling insects filled your mind, leaving you restless. You tossed and turned, the discomfort in your heel now a faint, distant memory compared to the odd sensations you felt coursing through your body.
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Part 2
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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Chrysler Building. Here are 100 fascinating details about this iconic skyscraper:
The Chrysler Building's construction began in 1928 and was completed in 1930, marking a rapid two-year build time.
Architect William Van Alen designed the Chrysler Building, showcasing his innovative Art Deco style.
The building was commissioned as the headquarters for the Chrysler Corporation, led by Walter P. Chrysler.
Rising to a height of 1,046 feet (319 meters), it held the title of the world's tallest building upon completion.
The building's gleaming spire, reaching 77 stories, is a hallmark of its vertical elegance.
Despite its reign as the world's tallest, the Chrysler Building is no longer the tallest in New York City.
Art Deco, characterized by geometric patterns and ornate embellishments, defines the building's architectural style.
The exterior is adorned with stainless steel cladding, decorative brickwork, and limestone accents.
The iconic terraced crown, inspired by automotive design, houses the distinctive eagle gargoyles.
The eagle gargoyles symbolize ambition and freedom, and they're perched on the 61st floor corners.
The building's lobby features stunning marble walls, intricate patterns, and Art Deco detailing.
The Chrysler Building's construction cost around $20 million during the late 1920s.
Upon its completion, the building faced economic challenges due to the onset of the Great Depression.
The building's name honors Walter P. Chrysler and his contributions to the automotive industry.
The Chrysler Building's race to be the tallest spurred a friendly competition with the Empire State Building.
Visitors can't typically access the upper floors due to security, but the lobby is open to the public.
The building's distinctive appearance has made it a popular backdrop in movies and TV shows.
The Chrysler Building's ornamentation draws inspiration from automobile radiator grilles and hubcaps.
The decorative elements were crafted with precision and attention to detail, elevating its visual appeal.
The building's steel frame, a modern marvel, enabled its towering height and iconic silhouette.
The Chrysler Building's crown has been illuminated in various colors for special occasions.
The Great Depression impacted the building's initial occupancy and financial viability.
The Chrysler Building's Art Deco design was influenced by the optimism of the Roaring Twenties.
The land on which the building stands was leased from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.
Its completion marked the pinnacle of William Van Alen's architectural career.
The Chrysler Building's interior spaces have housed various offices and businesses over the years.
The building's influence extended to other structures worldwide, particularly during the Art Deco era.
The Chrysler Building's legacy persists as an architectural and cultural icon in New York City.
The lobby's geometric patterns and luxurious detailing echo the building's Art Deco exterior.
The Chrysler Building has inspired artists, writers, and photographers for decades.
Preservation efforts have aimed to maintain the building's historic features and design integrity.
The building's unique design elements have influenced subsequent skyscrapers and architectural trends.
Its enduring popularity ensures it remains a sought-after subject for photographers and creatives.
The Chrysler Building's lobby has been open for guided tours, allowing visitors to appreciate its beauty.
The building's construction provided vital employment during a time of economic uncertainty.
The Chrysler Building's spire was initially intended for mooring airships, although this idea was not realized.
The building's rapid construction showcased the advancements in engineering and construction techniques.
The Chrysler Building's exterior underwent a restoration project in the early 2000s.
The distinctive terraced design of the crown adds depth and elegance to the building's profile.
The building's presence has transformed its Midtown Manhattan neighborhood, attracting commerce and development.
It's visible from various parts of Brooklyn, offering a distant view of Manhattan's skyline.
The Chrysler Building's design embodies the spirit of progress and innovation of the 1920s.
The stainless steel cladding was specifically treated to maintain its shine and resist weathering.
The Chrysler Building's lobby boasts a remarkable ceiling mural depicting transportation and industry.
It remains an enduring symbol of New York's ambition, resilience, and architectural excellence.
The Chrysler Building was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1976.
While its interiors have changed over the years, the exterior remains a testament to its original design.
The building's Art Deco design elements are echoed in its elevators, doors, and decorative elements.
Preservation efforts ensure that the Chrysler Building remains a beloved part of New York's skyline.
The building's construction coincided with a surge in demand for steel, reflecting industrial progress.
The Chrysler Building's lobby was meticulously designed to impress and reflect the company's prominence.
The building's architectural details have made it a subject of fascination for architectural historians.
The Chrysler Building's influence on architecture extends beyond the United States to a global scale.
The building has made appearances in literature, poetry, and as a backdrop for important events.
The competition with the Empire State Building was marked by a race to complete the tallest structure.
The Chrysler Building's design showcases a balance between form and function, elegance and engineering.
Its terraced crown and ornamentation draw inspiration from ancient architectural styles.
The Chrysler Building's design emphasizes verticality, a departure from earlier Beaux-Arts influences.
The building's lobby features elevators with ornate doors and intricate detailing.
The Chrysler Building's lobby ceiling boasts an intricate mural illustrating transportation modes of the era.
It's recognized for its role in shaping the skyline and character of New York City.
The Chrysler Building's design incorporates elements from Greek and Roman architectural styles.
The building has withstood the test of time, remaining relevant in modern architectural discussions.
The Chrysler Building's presence reflects the ambition and dynamism of New York City itself.
It's often regarded as one of the finest examples of Art Deco architecture in the world.
The Chrysler Building's design exemplifies the era's fascination with technology and innovation.
The building's ornate decorations incorporate influences from various cultures and artistic movements.
The Chrysler Building's facade features setbacks that provide visual interest and break up the verticality.
The building's crown is composed of seven terraced arches, each adorned with intricate detailing.
The Chrysler Building's lobby showcases a mix of luxurious materials, including marble and metals.
Its distinct lighting schemes have transformed it into a nighttime spectacle on special occasions.
The building's construction was a testament to collaboration between architects, engineers, and craftsmen.
Its innovative design allowed for natural ventilation and an abundance of natural light in its interiors.
The Chrysler Building's design embraced the machine age while incorporating elements of elegance.
Its iconic spire is topped by a glass radiating crown, enhancing its visual impact.
The Chrysler Building's influence on architecture extended to the design of other skyscrapers worldwide.
The building's ornamentation was crafted with attention to detail, featuring intricate patterns.
Its lobby served as a grand entrance, reflecting the prestige and status of the Chrysler Corporation.
The Chrysler Building's name serves as a tribute to the automotive industry and its innovation.
It's an integral part of New York City's skyline, recognizable from various viewpoints.
The building's crown was originally intended as an indoor observation deck, but this plan changed.
The Chrysler Building's lobby murals reflect the era's enthusiasm for technological progress.
Its construction contributed to New York City's economy during a challenging period.
The building's height race with the Empire State Building added excitement to its completion.
Its innovative design incorporated the latest technologies of the time, including stainless steel.
The Chrysler Building has inspired generations of architects, designers, and creatives.
Its design echoes the optimism and exuberance of the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties.
The building's presence symbolizes New York's role as a global center of commerce and culture.
Its iconic silhouette is often used as a shorthand representation of New York City.
The Chrysler Building's lobby serves as a time capsule of Art Deco aesthetics and values.
The building's architectural legacy is celebrated for its contribution to the Art Deco movement.
Its exterior materials were chosen for their durability and aesthetic appeal.
The Chrysler Building's construction required an astounding 391,881 rivets and 3,826,000 bricks.
The building's lobby ceiling mural portrays modern transportation modes of the time.
Its spire was constructed using a technique called "top-down" assembly, a novel approach at the time.
The Chrysler Building's aesthetics reflect a transition from earlier Beaux-Arts architecture.
The building's setbacks and intricate crown contribute to its visually striking design.
Its unique terraced design provides architectural depth and adds to its majestic presence.
The Chrysler Building's construction showcased the collaborative efforts of skilled craftsmen.
Its completion coincided with a period of technological advancement, optimism, and modernization.
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luckshmi · 1 year
Ascendents & the 4th House
According to Vedic astrology, it is said that the ascendent is the blueprint to your life. It is the most important point as it sets the map for your journey in this life. Therefore making the lord of the ascendent and where it is placed incredibly important. 
The lord of the ascendent is referred to as the Lagnesh, the house that Lagnesh is placed in is where the focus of person’s life goes. 
The fourth house (4H) signifies your home, mother, ancestors, property, homeland, possessions, comforts, domestic happiness, mental peace and emotional satisfaction.
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Aries Ascendent - Cancer 4H (Mars - Moon)
Whilst Aries may appear to be quick, agile and always in some sort of a rush, there is a deep inherent need for comfort in the home. Cancer 4H would indulge in soft, cozy comfortable decor and furniture in order to beatify and create a sanctuary that helps them relax in a fast paced world. 
Taurus Ascendent - Leo 4H (Venus - Sun) 
Taureans are generally laid back until provoked, enjoying the comforts that life have to offer. Be it a delicious pastry from their favourite bakery down the street or learning how to make exotic coffee, a taurean needs a home that is fit for a king. There is a love for golden trimmings, with unique pieces that are difficult to come by. The space has to exude elegance and timeless beauty as the home is where taureans reign supreme. 
Gemini Ascendent - Virgo 4H (Mercury - Mercury)
With their minds and mouths moving a 1 mile a minute, Geminis are always a whirlwind of innovative ideas and suggestions. Unable to sit in one place for long, a gemini has to release their creative energy in order to exert themselves in the world. They are people free to be who they are on their own terms. However, with a virgo 4H, home is the place where they narrow their eyes and focus on bringing their thoughts to life. There is an incredibly practical approach to design and decor as it is functionality more so than design. Earthy minimalism is the way to go. Creating structure out of chaos. 
Cancer Ascendent - Libra 4H (Moon - Venus) 
Cancerians are often too receptive to the undercurrents of the world, feeling too hard and knowing too deeply. These people love to create a space that is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes in order to escape the darkness of the world. They enjoy big airy spaces, where they can breathe easier and deeper. In soft pastels and whites that soften the eye and calm them down. Its all about creating a vacation at the home. Looks, luxury and comfort are the number one priority. 
Leo Ascendent - Scorpio 4H (Sun - Mars) 
Always the main character in the movie that is life, the King just wants a place to run and hide and swop his crown for a pair of sweats. These people crave solitude on their own terms. They tend to gravitate towards darker walls, with functional decor that allows them to feel as if they are secluded from the world. Deep tones of red seem to accent their aesthetic. This is bruce wayne, dark night vibes .. 
Virgo Ascendent - Sagittarius 4H (Mercury - Jupiter) 
No matter the occasion, a virgo always has their game face on. One step ahead is a mantra that seems to echo in this mercurial mind. The precision of focus that they have tend to limit their imagination from wandering to foreign lands and people so that's why they bring it into their home. These people have trinkets from all their travels across the world, bringing with them a part of a different place and time that belongs to their inner world where they can relax and relive their extravagant adventures. Time travellers within walls. 
Libra Ascendent - Capricorn 4H (Venus - Saturn) 
The gorgeous diplomats, walking through life making one connection after the next. These people express themselves in a very lively and creative way - making a brand for themselves. Usually exploring and experimenting with colours, textures and patterns in fashion, they seek a more traditional classic approach to decor. Keeping it functional but ultimately timeless. They are always in pursuit of art, furniture and decor that exude luxury and remind them of an earlier time of elegance. Structure, stability and beauty form core pillars in their home and and its atmosphere. 
Scorpio Ascendent - Aquarius 4H (Mars - Saturn) 
The warriors with intense depth and unyielding resilience need a place to be their true selves. They need to unwind and relax their faces. Their living space, creativity knows no bounds. It is a sanctuary where imagination thrives, unconventional ideas are celebrated, and the spirit of innovation permeates every aspect. Here, they can truly embrace their authentic self and inspire others to think outside the box. The interior often looks incredibly futuristic yet functional. Think alien space ship. Cool applications and technology helps make their home about 10 steps ahead.  
Sagittarius Ascendent - Pisces 4H (Jupiter - Jupiter)
That adventurous wanderlust spirit is boundless just like their wisdom. This seeps into their very Jupiterian home. Their living space can be described as a tranquil and ethereal oasis, where imagination takes flight and emotions find solace. As you enter, a serene and calming atmosphere envelops you, creating a sanctuary of tranquility.Soft, pastel hues dominate the walls, reminiscent of a watercolor painting that evokes a sense of serenity and fluidity. The space is adorned with flowing curtains, drapes, and delicate fabrics that dance with every gentle breeze, giving an ethereal touch to the surroundings.Candles flicker and create a soft, warm glow, illuminating the space with a hint of mysticism. The room is filled with unique, eclectic treasures collected from far-off places, telling stories of distant lands and cultures. 
Capricorn Ascendent - Aries 4H (Saturn - Mars)
That ambitious drive,steadfast mind fiery energy and bold enthusiasm ignite the atmosphere. The walls are adorned with vivid and daring colors like bold reds, oranges, and yellows create a stimulating backdrop that inspires action and ignites passion. The furniture is sleek, modern, and strategically arranged to create a sense of flow and movement. Motivational quotes and inspirational artwork adorn the walls, serving as constant reminders of the their unwavering drive and determination. 
Aquarius Ascendent - Taurus 4H (Saturn - Venus)
An elevating consciousness that inspires change. They have a luxurious and comforting haven. The walls are adorned with rich, earthy tones, evoking a sense of stability and grounding. Deep hues of brown, green, and gold create a cozy ambiance, while intricate textures and patterns add a touch of elegance. It is a sanctuary where the individual can revel in the joys of sensory experiences, appreciating the beauty of the world and finding solace in the abundance of the earth. 
Pisces Ascendent - Gemini 4H (Jupiter - Mercury)
Soulful intuition that have the ability to make dreams unfurl. A place where creativity and intellect intertwine to create a captivating atmosphere. The walls are adorned with eclectic artwork, vibrant colors, and thought-provoking quotes, reflecting their love for intellectual stimulation and visual expression. The space is a gallery of inspiration, capturing their ever-changing interests and multifaceted personality. Versatile and adaptable furniture arrangements create cozy nooks for reading, conversation, and creative pursuits.
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ludi-ling · 6 months
The Tailor & The Seamstress - A Reading Aid
So here's some stuff I'm just putting up here as a kind of glossary/reading aid/moodboard collection for The Tailor & The Seamstress.
It's not an easy read in some ways, because it's set in 1910 and deals with some fashion terminology that can be opaque, so yeah. Just dropping this here.
Firstly, Remy and Anna do not speak in their accents, and that was deliberate. Working where and in what they do (i.e. haute couture in 1910's New York), having a Southern accent would have been very uncouth. For professional reasons they would have got rid of their accents, or polished them off, fairly quickly. But both of them actually filed off their Southern accents earlier in life, for entirely different reasons (which will become clear later on in the story).
The closest you'd probably get to what they sound like is probably the Transatlantic accent, which developed in the late 19th century in the acting industry and among the American upper class. (Thanks to @narwhallove for pointing this out!).
You can hear what this accent sounded like in 1930's and 40's Hollywood movies:
Dress Forms
There are a lot of dress forms floating around in this story. A dress form is very much like a mannequin, where a garment can be mounted on it to make working on it easier. The difference between a dress form and a mannequin is that a form can be adjusted to different sizes. Here's an example:
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Nowadays, dress forms usually conform to modern standards of sizing, but back in the day, all dressmakers/fashion houses would have dress forms made according to the sizing of their target clientele, and adjustments would be made to individual customers when a dress was purchased.
The dress forms at the House of Burford, of course, are made to Anna's measurements. 😉
Maison Maillot
The idea of Remy working at a waning fashion house was inspired by the historical House of Worth, which was probably the world's first modern atelier. Established in 1858 by Charles Frederick Worth, it came to dress empresses, queens, actresses and singers. The business was later taken over by his sons, but the house's fortunes waned in the early 20th century. IMHO, you begin to see the decline in design quality by the 1920's. Worth was bought out by the House of Paquin in 1950, and closed in 1956. In 1999, it was revived.
Early Worth designs were so powerfully beautiful, and always innovative and at the cutting edge. In the story, the House of Maillot's heyday would have been the same - a tale of an exciting and forward-thinking atelier that dressed the best and brightest.
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By the early 20th century, at the time of the story, they are still putting out beautifully breath-taking clothes - but decades of newer competition means that their work no longer stands out. By the 1910's, the House of Worth had been eclipsed by designers like Callot Soeurs, Paul Poiret, and Lucile (of Titanic fame), who were becoming the innovators in women's dress, and Worth tended to follow where others led. This is where Maison Maillot is at in the story; and their rival, the House of Burford, is one of those new and exciting innovators in fashion.
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By the 1920's, fortunes have fallen, and the House of Worth was putting out stuff like this:
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The Peacock and the Phoenix Dresses
The rival dresses don't have any analogue in real life, but here are the dresses that roughly inspired them.
A 1909 evening dress by Callot Soeurs:
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And a 1913-14 evening dress by an unknown artist:
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I like to think of Remy always being slightly (maybe a lot) more ahead of his time with his clothes than Anna is with hers. Remy is designing tubular dresses a few years before they started to become a fashionable silhouette. Ironically Maillot rejects them, but I find it kind of funny that by the end of the decade, he'll have been wishing his house had set the trend Remy had conceived of years before.
At SOME POINT I will draw how I envision the dresses to be. I HOPE.
If you want to see my moodboard for this story, you can catch it on Pinterest here.
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Miss Grand United Kingdom 2023 National Costume
"London Tower Bridge" The UK's national costume, inspired by Dame Vivienne Westwood, elegantly mirrors the beauty of London's Tower Bridge. The blue and golden accents blend to reflect the city's history and innovation. This outfit pays homage to Westwood's avant-garde style, intertwining tradition and modernity-a living monument to her enduring influence. The blue hue symbolizes London's skies and the River Thames, resonating with the bridge's serenity and strength, a bridge transcending time and uniting generations.
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The issues & beauties of German music
(70s Kraut Rock )
Here, NOT ONE SINGLE SOUL talks about Krautrock 🌿 it seems like dead & forgotten (except CAN)
which is sad about this phenomenon :/ the only ones paying attention are prog magazines and music connoisseurs
Everyone talks about the Scorpions and Rammstein (in fact it's quality). Sometimes Boney M but... it's always the same: good music is too elite for the masses.
Even the band Eloy. Prog fans love them- the most listeners come from other places of the earth but not their origin country. Often a fault of the music industry, critics as well as the radio stations which really neglected these now in modern times.
The rhymes & language, pronunciation
Sure, worse languages exist. But to be honest, can you relax, with the German language? There's no flow at all, nothing like Italian or, you know, English. It's a popular opinion and what speaks against it?
Depends on the way someone sings and per region there is a difference but some harshness is always there.
Sung in English example: Eloy (again)
Some people are totally fine with the accent (their whole discography is in English sung by Frank Bornemann!!) others have problems getting into this band. Depends on the listener.
What often happened was that the groups had a British singer...
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Old fashioned names
For example British rock: someone asks you, you say your idol is some random Jeff or Pete or whatever their names are. What about German musician's names? They're called Dieter or Jogi or Herbert or Udo
"Who's your favourite musician?" - Jürgen xy (sorry shouldn't sound mean)
People make jokes about old fashioned names, then why blaming yourself and getting sideeyed.
This is all a matter of coolness, let's move to the music...
A few information
Okay don't judge (seems extremely stereotype now) the people, musicians of the 60s and 70s were the first generation after WW2. You can imagine. The children of ex- patriots. They wanted to change something. BUT!! They were BOUND in the roots of their country.
There was a scene and later with many students and discotheques. There were artists from all over the world. The music is innovative and you can hear it even clearly. You can also hear their protest, spirit and the diversity of sounds.
There is nothing you can call THE Kraut. It's practically impossible to sum the sound up. Actually it's not a genre. That one word represents all the music made in Germany
An example.
You hear the instruments? The bass, drums, hard guitar, organs, saxophone EVERYTHING WORKS. SO FINE MUSIC.
Listen to it, create your own opinion.
1. So many songs by this one group called Lied des Teufels? Yeah. They're not known at all. That singer sounds like imitating Ian Gillan- Everyone can TRY to copy but they do it in their own style which is not copying, it's storytelling. (Kind of)
3. Probably it's something that gets boring really fast
Skillful musicians w/ ability to express themselves and the problems of their country. Wether the singing style is something for you or not- there are countless of other groups.
We HAVE TO speak about these forgotten acts again & give it a chance
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rayquaza-is-falling · 9 months
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
I will be the first ti admit I was skeptical going into the game. I was SUPER excited about it, but one of my friends played it before me and actually returned her copy. She said it was janky, repetitive, and unimagined. It was super disheartening to hear because she is also the biggest Avatar fan I know, if she didn't like the game then it must be bad.
But I kept it on my Christmas list and old Saint Nick delivered, and boy am I glad.
I literally love it.
Here's why:
- The world, the nature, PANDORA in all of its glory... it looks INCREDIBLE. The world feels so alive and vibrant compared to other games of the genre and even other games by the developer (Ubisoft)
- the characters, the NPCs, specifically Etuwa are all fantastic. They have interesting dialog, dialects, accents, mannerisms, looks, etc. I'm particularly fond of the "Crush" sidequest.
- The combat. The combat is nothing new for ubisoft, but this definitely feels like the best execution of this style they have been working on in a while. Absolutely love the two bows. And throwing bombs at RDA.
-Customization. At first the customization is very underwhelming, bit as you play you unlock hairstyles, paint patterns, all that fun stuff and I like to think of it as my character "growing" as she goes along her journey. Being able to "disguise" armor with the appearance of other armor should be mandatory in every game here on out.
-The ikran. Very rarely do games have a GOOD flight mechanic in them. They are always so junky (looking at GTA) and don't feel good. The Ikran flight however... fantastic. It feels so immersive, and you can really feel that this is a living thing you are flying and not a machine. The scenery is beautiful and even the air is filled with interesting things. No game has given me the adrenaline rush that jumping off of the Ikran nook and taking flight has given me.
- I could go on an on, but I will end it with design. The characters, the world, the biomes, the weapons, the animals, everything. It's vibrant, colorful, and alive. You can tell someone put a lot of detail into every aspect and it's awesome
- There have been complaints the game is buggy. I personally haven't experienced any game breaking bugs, but I have had enough npc's not showing up to be considered annoying
- the player character voices. I'm sorry, I'm sure that the actors are talented, but none of their voices fit the player character. All of the Na'vi NPCs have unique voices and Na'vi accents. Even the Avatar characters have better Na'vi voices. The Serentu who is known to be closer to the human word, Teylan, has more of a natural voice. I cringe every time I hear my character speak. I will give them credit for having a nonbinary voice and character option tho (the NB voice is also the most tolerable by far)
- the game doesn't really add anything new. It is a very standard RPG, Ubisoft doesn't really explore new techniques and gimmicks all that much. It feels very much like a reskinned AC odyssey. Which isn't inherently a bad thing, I like AC odyssey, but I would like a little more innovation.
- you have to pay for the DLCs, even if you pre ordered. I can tell they released "half" the game and are essentially making you buy a "DLC" to get the other half. It's a single player RPG (mostly) enough with the pay-per-use and "season pass"
So TLDR: if you like Avatar, and Pandora, and exploration, this game is for you. If you want to fly around, taking down helicopters and help restore the planet, you will love this game
If you are looking for the next Elden Ring, or fill-in for Baldur's Gate, you will find it underwhelming, and plain.
Rating so far
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indeedcaptain · 11 months
Spirktober 2023, day 24: Dress
Happy friday everyone! Behold: Spock in a dress as the third chapter of "eye of the beholder".
The description of Spock's dress was inspired by @lt-kaollumn 's beautiful Spocktober fanart of these different uniforms.
Also posted on AO3 here! Sorry not sorry for the continuation of the taylor swift lyric titles, and happy 1989 day to all who celebrate.
Kirk leaned against one of the high-topped tables with a drink in hand next to his communications officer, and he thought that he might be able to get used to diplomatic missions. So far, the people on the planet Dron-sun had been friendly and inviting, the atmosphere had been conducive to breathing, and there had been no violence from splinter factions. 
Uhura stood next to him in her dress uniform, holding a glass of Dron-sun’s indigenous equivalent to wine. He tapped whatever was in his glass against hers. 
“So far, so good, huh, Lieutenant?” 
“Yes, captain,” she said, and turned her megawatt smile on a passing Dron-sun official. “But where did the science team go?”
Kirk looked around. Only a few moments ago, the crowd had been dotted with blue-shirted scientists, who had become immensely popular with the Dronians due to their interest in Dronian agricultural innovations. His science officer had been listening politely to a lecture from the Secretary of Agriculture just moments ago, and now was nowhere to be seen. He set his drink down and pulled out his communicator. 
“Wait,” Uhura breathed, and put her hand on his wrist. The grand door to the dining hall was opening. And then she giggled. “I swear I didn’t know this was going to happen this time, captain, I’m so sorry.” 
Kirk turned to look where she was looking. 
“You have got to be kidding me,” he said, but he couldn’t even be angry with Uhura. Not when Spock had entered, looking absolutely beautiful, in a traditional Dronian dress. He looked regal. Royal. Devastatingly, heartbreakingly handsome.
“I swear to god you do this to me on purpose,” he hissed in her ear. 
“Only the first time,” she hissed back. “It’s like they know he’ll never say no to a cultural tradition. I swear I didn’t know anything about this.” 
Kirk’s mouth was dry as Spock, across the room, stopped in the doorway to look over his shoulder. His scientists followed in afterwards, all wearing the same dress. They giggled excitedly amongst themselves, but Spock just watched them warmly. 
There was no other way to put it. He looked fucking beautiful. He was wrapped in a floor-length number: it had a high collar that accented the cut of his jawline, cap-shoulder sleeves that highlighted the strength of his arms, and followed the lines of his chest and hips closely before splitting on either side, revealing his legs in form-fitting black pants. 
Then he turned entirely to say something to one of his scientists, and revealed that the dress was backless. Kirk choked. There was no back panel to the dress at all: instead, there was a thin strip of fabric that connected the collar to the sleeves, the sides of the dress only barely covering the front half of his body, before reconnecting at the bottom with the back half of the split skirt. Spock was, for all intents and purposes, shirtless from the back, and Kirk saw the strength of his muscles even from across the room as he talked to one of the scientists.  
“You’re fired,” Kirk said to Uhura. 
“No, I’m not,” she said. “Wow.” 
“Wow is right,” Kirk echoed, and like Spock could hear him, he turned back from his scientists and unerringly found Kirk’s eyes from across the room. He made his way towards Uhura and Kirk, stopping to acknowledge different ministers and secretaries among the Dron-sun population. Kirk couldn’t tear his eyes from the breadth of his shoulders, the sway of the skirt between Spock’s legs, the hint of the pale skin of his back when he turned.
“I’m going to get fired,” he said. “I am going to be court-martialed for inappropriate fraternization and sexual harassment and then I am going to get fired. You can have my quarters. Spock can have my job.” 
Uhura rolled her eyes. “I think it’s a different regulation if it’s reciprocal. Nondisclosure of a relationship, maybe.” 
“Wait. What?”
But before Uhura could respond Spock finally came to parade rest in front of them, and when he clasped his hands behind his back it pulled the lines of the dress taut against his chest. Kirk refused to let his eyes drift lower than the cut of his jawline, which stood out in stark relief against the high collar. 
“Captain,” Spock said. “Lieutenant.” 
“You look wonderful, Spock,” Uhura said, and Kirk took a sip of his drink --- a safe place to look, anywhere but Spock and that dress --- and nodded. 
“Thank you,” Spock said, and looked down at himself. “The minister of agriculture insisted that we share in their cultural garb after the time we spent in the greenhouses today.” He turned to look over his shoulder at his scientists, who had dispersed through the crowd--- revealing his back to Kirk again, but so much closer than he had been before. Kirk kept his eyes on the middle distance and fought to keep his face from flushing. Spock’s skin looked smooth and warm. He wanted to touch it. Kirk clenched his hand around his glass as Spock turned back to them, the slits of the skirt swirling around his legs. 
“I think I will ask the minister about their seasonal shifts in soil nitrogen fixation,” Spock said. “Excuse me.” With a nod each to Uhura and Kirk, he turned and walked away. 
As soon as he was out of earshot, Kirk said, “I’m going to die. He is going to be the death of me.” He watched the sway of Spock’s hips and spine in counterpoint to his gait, his hands still clasped behind him, framing the expanse of his back and the dark lines of the dress against his torso. 
Spock halted and turned, and before Kirk could look away or act like he hadn’t been staring, his science officer caught his gaze over his shoulder. Kirk’s breath caught in his throat. It was far, far too late to pretend he hadn’t been watching. 
He lifted his glass to Spock, trying not to look guilty. But Spock did not look bothered by Kirk’s attention--- actually, to Kirk’s surprise, it seemed to be quite the opposite. He lifted one eyebrow and Kirk caught the faintest hint of a smirk before he turned away, revealing the back of his dress again, and continued across the hall.
“Wait a second,” he said. “Wait a fucking second.” 
“There you go,” Uhura said, and took a sip of her wine as he crossed his arms on top of the hightop table and dropped his head onto them. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but---” 
“Is he… is he teasing me?! Is that what this is?” 
Uhura patted his shoulder as he groaned into the tablecloth. “I knew you’d figure it out eventually,” she said comfortingly. Kirk continued to mumble into the tablecloth as a quartet tuned up in the corner of the great hall and started into a swinging number in a major key. 
“Now that you’ve finally caught up, are you going to stand here and complain about it or are you going to ask him to dance?”
He straightened. “You think he’d dance with me?” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “He only came over here, made sure he had your attention, immediately walked away again, and then did whatever that little eye contact number was. I think your odds are pretty good.” 
Kirk pulled the shirt of his dress uniform straight and settled his shoulders. Other groups were starting to congregate on the open floor, swaying in twos and threes to the Dronian music. It wouldn’t be weird for him to ask Spock to dance. It would be a compliment to their hosts. It would demonstrate the Federation’s respect for their music. 
It would be the closest he had ever been to Spock, and he would maybe get to feel the fabric of the dress under his own hands. He drained the last of his drink, set the glass down, nodded to Uhura, and set off across the floor to find his first officer. 
He weaved his way through the crowd, searching for Spock. He didn’t see him anywhere, until---
“Looking for something, captain?” Spock’s voice came from behind him, and Kirk whirled. 
“Hey,” he said. Spock stood a few feet away from him, and this close Kirk could see the way the black fabric of the dress draped against his neck and collarbones. “I, uh. You look nice.” 
“Thank you, captain,” Spock said, and Kirk could definitely hear the humor in his voice now. “My recent invitations to participate in the different garments of new Federation cultures has been illuminating.” 
Illuminating for me too, you jerk, Kirk thought, but he said, “Up for a little more cultural appreciation?” 
“Certainly, captain,” Spock said. “What did you have in mind?” 
Kirk gestured to the dance floor behind him and tried to keep his face neutral. “Would you care to dance with me?” He glanced back from the dance floor to Spock’s face, and the barely disguised emotion in Spock’s eyes nearly flattened him. 
“I would, captain,” Spock said, to Kirk’s delighted surprise, and he followed Kirk to the floor. The other swaying pairs stood close to each other, arms around waists and shoulders, and he turned to Spock. Spock was closer to him now, his face was only inches from his, and Kirk felt butterflies in his stomach like he was a teenager again. 
“May I…?” Kirk asked, and he indicated the other dancers. Spock inclined his head, and with one steadying breath Kirk gingerly placed his hands on Spock’s waist. The fabric of his dress was thin, and he could feel the heat of Spock’s body against his palms. The tips of his fingers brushed Spock’s bare skin, where the cut of the dress revealed his back. Spock copied the other dancers, placing one arm around Kirk’s neck and resting his other hand against the lapel of Kirk’s jacket. Kirk had known that Spock was a few inches taller than him, but having Spock only centimeters away from him drove that home. He looked up to see him, but that brought his face so close to Spock’s jaw and lips that it stole his breath and he looked back out over Spock’s shoulder instead. 
“There is no need to be nervous, captain,” Spock murmured. He pressed his hand against Kirk’s chest. 
“I’m not nervous,” he said defensively, but Spock raised one eyebrow at him. He corrected, “I’m not that nervous.” They swayed in silence to the music for another moment, before Kirk said, “I like your dress.” 
“Thank you, captain,” Spock said, and his breath ghosted against the shell of Kirk’s ear. “You look nice, as well.” They swayed in a circle, imitating the steps of the other dancers, their bodies shifting closer and closer together with each beat until they were chest to chest. Kirk had never dreamed he would be this close to Spock, let alone with the skin of his body under his hands. Spock adjusted his arm around Kirk’s shoulders, and his thumb brushed the skin of Kirk’s neck. He smelled good: like Starfleet soap and Vulcan incense and the healthy, earthy smell of the Dronian greenhouses.
Too soon, the song came to an end, and the dancers all broke apart to applaud. Kirk released Spock with no small amount of chagrin, and based on the amusement in Spock’s eyes he thought that his science officer had felt his reluctance to let go through his hands on his back. The agricultural minister hovered on the edge of his vision, and despite his desire to take Spock into his arms again, he gestured to the minister in a ‘you can have him’ signal. Spock inclined his head to Kirk as the minister approached. 
“Thanks for the dance, Spock,” Kirk said. “I, uh…” 
“You are welcome, captain,” Spock said, and he leaned in closer to Kirk’s ear. “If you would like, I will save the last dance for you.” 
Kirk felt a grin growing across his face. “I would like that very much,” he said, and even as the minister swept Spock away to talk about greenhouses or something or other, he could still feel the warmth of Spock’s hands against him. 
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winterbirb · 2 months
My daydreaming can't be put on hold until late 2025 so here's some of my PL:ZA!AU
Juliette [Sycamore] - the head doctor of the Blue Cross (an × shape instead of +). Doesn't like pokemon because she's dealt with so many pokemon-related injuries. Not a fan of the city's renovation for how it's causing more pokemon-human injuries. Juliette (July) like Augustine (August). Xerneas. Prof Sycamore's curly hair pulled back into a bun; streaks of grey at her temples. Has her descendant's typical flair when talking about medical innovation.
Liliane [Fleur-de-lis] - Kalosian royalty, a descendant of the ancient king. The main financial backer of Lumiose City's huge renovation—and thus, also the protagonist. Liliane because... lilies, and I couldn't find a great lion name that wasn't trying too hard. Yveltal doesn't tie in as neatly. Maybe death of the old ways, in with the new? Long red hair like the female version of that lion pokemon I forgot the name of. Not wearing Lys's Yveltal gijinka suit.
Governor Désiré. Diantha's ancestor. The political force behind the renovation... and yes, this does follow the PL:A template, thabks for noticing. He's the "twist" villain, seeking to build a version of the Ultimate Weapon in Lumiose Plaza that's powered by none other than... *drumroll* Diancie! He wants to build a beautiful city and then turn it all, people and pokemon included, into Diancie's pink diamond so it's "beautiful forever." The Governor's Mansion has pink diamond statues which he refers to as his "beloved pokemon." Masc version of Diantha's face structure with the same base hair color, but styled in a perfect Politician's Cut with perfect streaks of grey at his temples... almost like he dyes his hair. Maybe he doesn't even leave grey streaks. Dresses in white suits with pink accents, a white ruffle collar with a pink diamond gem.
Emmet <3. He's in The Tunnels, for some reason. What tunnels? Well. IDK if catacombs would fit Pokemon (but it would certainly fit the life/death theme). If not actual catacombs, then some sort of ancient Diancie-created tunnel structure. He remembers more about the past/future than Ingo—same with my Serena vs Lucas. Why? Because it's my story, and I want them both to suffer in new ways. Emmet is seen as a strange ghost-like figure who haunts the tunnels, looking for his brother (how to find a way home).
Serena - originally from Unova, from the same town as Rosa (B2W2 protag), but a year younger than her. Moved after the Kyurem thing. Loves fashion, looks up to Elesa.
Serena (as the MC) needs to change clothes to fit in different parts of the city (like Looker doing disguise stuff; my Lucas has Looker's detective skills)
Zygarde is the "sponsor" this time, much like Arceus in PL:A. Some sort of Zygarde-tablet-thingy. But also Serena needs to do the Find Zygarde's Cells quest, because of course she does.
I don't really have any other mechanics. This section was just made to include the fashion thing.
Oops, I forgot about Mega Evolution. It's there, I guess.
I just remembered Hoopa. It helps Serena travel around the city and get into places she shouldn't be in. Why, when its chaos is the opposite of Zygarde's order? IDK, Governor Désiré probably pissed it off.
It's Paris in the late 19th century. It's gross. It's overpopulated. Greedy capitalists abound, and so do the horrors of poverty. There's also an overconsuming Royal Class. She has to hold onto her ideals despite all the signs pointing to the "easy out" of Lysandre's hardcore-Malthusian philosophy. She succeeds with flying colors, because "kill all the poors and unworthy so humanity has enough to survive" is a terrible philosophy.
Might be redundant because Zygarde, but a major theme is ecology and ecosystems.
Emmet and Ingo both disappeared and came back in 2011; BW happens in 2010, B2W2 happens in 2012, XY happens in 2013, and Serena disappears a few years after 2013. Emmet remembers being in the past, and is very alarmed when a younger Serena becomes the Kalosian champion. Elesa, who is troubled by how much the twins have changed and how little she knows, eventually gets in contact with Serena. When? IDK. I just want them to meet up eventually.
Lysandre isn't dead in the present time. Even in Y, in-game dialogue implies he's still alive. There was plenty of time to drag him out of the Ultimate Weapon.
Perhaps Zygarde traveled through an Ultra Wormhole to bring Serena back and prevent Désiré's dumbassery... but got scattered into Z Cells. Or maybe Hoopa brought it to the present, but on the way back to the past it had to use an UW and got scattered. IDK, I'm just trying to figure out a way for post-games Lucas and Serena to meet in Alola (to harass Looker and give Nanu a headache ofc).
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candylandphotos · 1 year
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eyeshadow feather creative lipstick beauty makeup model cosmetics lipstick beauty❤️
"Unveiling Artistic Beauty: Where Eyeshadow, Creative Feathers, and Captivating Lipstick Converge ❤️"
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labgrown-diamond-ring · 2 months
Timeless Elegance A Yellow Gold Engagement Ring with Oval Cut Lab Grown Diamond & 14K Gold Accents ✨💍
When it comes to choosing the perfect symbol of your everlasting love, nothing captures timeless beauty quite like a classic engagement ring. Imagine a piece that combines the warmth of yellow gold with the modern sparkle of a lab grown diamond—sounds like a dream, right? Let’s dive into why a yellow gold engagement ring featuring an oval cut lab grown diamond and 14K gold accents is such a breathtaking choice.
Yellow Gold: A Classic Choice
Timeless Elegance A Yellow Gold Engagement Ring with Oval Cut Yellow gold has always been a favorite for its rich, warm hue and timeless appeal. Its luxurious color adds a touch of elegance and complements any skin tone, making it a versatile choice for an engagement ring. Choosing yellow gold not only ensures a classic aesthetic but also a lasting symbol of love that will never go out of style.
The Allure of the Oval Cut
The oval cut diamond is a stunning choice for those who want something a bit different from the traditional round brilliant. Its elongated shape provides a unique, sophisticated look that enhances the diamond’s brilliance and makes fingers appear more slender. Plus, the oval cut is known for its "stretch" effect, which maximizes the stone’s visual impact.
Lab Grown Diamonds: Beauty with a Conscience
Lab grown diamonds are an incredible option for those who want to combine luxury with ethical considerations. These diamonds are created in controlled environments that mimic natural conditions, resulting in stones that are chemically identical to their natural counterparts. By choosing a lab grown diamond, you’re opting for a gem that’s as beautiful as it is environmentally friendly.
14K Gold Accents: Adding a Touch of Glamour
The 14K gold accents in this engagement ring design add a layer of elegance and sophistication. Whether it's through delicate detailing, subtle engraving, or small gemstone embellishments, these accents highlight the center stone while enhancing the overall design of the ring. They bring a refined touch that complements the central oval cut diamond beautifully.
Why This Ring Design Shines
Combining yellow gold, an oval cut lab grown diamond, and 14K gold accents creates a piece that’s both timeless and innovative. It’s a design that respects classic values while embracing modern trends, making it a standout choice for anyone who appreciates elegance and sustainability.
Final Thoughts
If you’re searching for an engagement ring that merges classic charm with contemporary ethics, consider a yellow gold ring featuring an oval cut lab grown diamond with 14K gold accents. It’s a symbol of love that not only dazzles with its beauty but also stands as a testament to thoughtful choices and enduring commitment.
Feel free to share your thoughts on this elegant combination or tell us about your dream engagement ring design in the comments below! 🌟💍
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elemmentz · 5 months
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Modern Kitchen Interior Designs by Elemmentz
At Elemmentz Interior Design, we believe the kitchen is the heart of the home, where functionality meets aesthetics. Our modern kitchen designs blend cutting-edge technology with sleek, contemporary styles to create spaces that are both practical and beautiful. Here are some of the key elements we incorporate into our modern kitchen interiors:
1. Minimalist Aesthetics
Clean Lines and Sleek Surfaces: We emphasize simplicity and clarity in our designs, using smooth surfaces and clean lines to create a sophisticated and uncluttered look.
Neutral Color Palettes: Shades of white, gray, and black dominate our modern kitchen designs, providing a timeless and versatile backdrop that can be easily accented with bold colors.
2. High-Quality Materials
Quartz and Granite Countertops: Durable and stylish, these materials offer a luxurious feel while being resistant to stains and scratches.
Stainless Steel Appliances: For a sleek and professional look, we integrate high-quality stainless steel appliances that are both functional and visually appealing.
3. Innovative Storage Solutions
Hidden Cabinets and Drawers: Maximizing space and maintaining a clean look, our designs feature hidden cabinets and drawers that provide ample storage without disrupting the minimalist aesthetic.
Pull-Out Pantries and Corner Units: These solutions make it easy to access and organize kitchen essentials, ensuring that every inch of space is utilized efficiently.
4. Smart Technology Integration
Smart Appliances: We incorporate the latest smart appliances that can be controlled via smartphones or voice commands, enhancing convenience and efficiency in the kitchen.
Under-Cabinet Lighting: LED lighting installed under cabinets not only provides ample illumination for cooking tasks but also adds a modern touch to the kitchen ambiance.
5. Functional Layouts
Open Concept Designs: To facilitate a seamless flow between the kitchen and adjacent living areas, our designs often feature open concept layouts that enhance social interaction and make the space feel larger.
Ergonomic Workspaces: We prioritize ergonomics in our kitchen designs, ensuring that countertops, sinks, and cooking areas are placed at optimal heights and locations for ease of use.
6. Custom Design Elements
Bespoke Cabinetry: Custom-designed cabinets tailored to fit the specific needs and preferences of our clients, available in various finishes and styles.
Unique Backsplashes: Incorporating distinctive materials and patterns, our backsplashes serve as focal points that add personality and style to the kitchen.
7. Sustainable Practices
Eco-Friendly Materials: We source sustainable materials and opt for environmentally friendly options whenever possible, contributing to a greener home environment.
Energy-Efficient Appliances: Our designs include energy-efficient appliances that help reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.
8. Attention to Detail
Seamless Integration: Every element, from hardware to fixtures, is carefully selected and seamlessly integrated to create a cohesive and polished look.
Personalized Touches: We work closely with our clients to incorporate their unique tastes and preferences, ensuring that each kitchen is as personalized as it is functional.
At Elemmentz Interior Design, our modern kitchen designs are crafted to elevate everyday living. Whether you’re cooking, entertaining, or simply enjoying a quiet meal, our kitchens provide a perfect blend of style and functionality that meets the needs of contemporary lifestyles. Let us help you transform your kitchen into a modern masterpiece that you’ll love for years to come.
+91 88860 02044
No. 103, KKR Square, Rd Number 36, opp. Best Western Hotel, Sri Rama Colony, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad Telangana 500033
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school56df · 3 months
Exploring the Artistry of Makeup: A Journey Through Colors, Textures, and Expression
 Makeup has evolved from a mere enhancement tool to a colourful shape of self-expression and creativity. Beginner-friendly makeup routine for girls for many women, it's no longer pretty much covering imperfections however about reworking into a canvas wherein colours combination into feelings and textures meld into self belief. From diffused normal seems to bold creative statements, make-up gives an infinite array of opportunities. Let's delve into the complex global of makeup, wherein each brush stroke tells a story.
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Foundation: The Canvas
Every masterpiece begins with a strong foundation, pretty literally inside the global of makeup. Foundation units the base for the whole look, night out skin tone and offering a clean canvas. There's a coloration and formulation for every complexion, whether or not you opt for liquid, powder, or cream foundations. Choosing the proper basis is vital; it may decorate herbal beauty or create a ideal finish for a special event.
Eyes: Windows to the Soul
The eyes are possibly the maximum expressive characteristic, and make-up accentuates their attraction. Eye makeup stages from diffused eyeliner and mascara for a sparkling, wakeful look to dramatic smokey eyes that command attention. Eyeshadow palettes are a playground of colours, supplying countless mixtures to in shape any mood or outfit. Techniques like cut creases, winged liners, and glitter accents exhibit the artistry and talent in the back of eye makeup.
Lips: Bold Statements
Lipstick is extra than just color; it is a announcement. Whether it's a conventional crimson, a playful purple, or a bold black, lipstick completes the appearance and speaks volumes about character. Matte, satin, gloss, or liquid, the texture can exchange the whole vibe of an outfit or temper. Lip liners define the shape, even as lip balms and glosses add hydration and shine. Each swipe of lipstick is a party of femininity and confidence.
Cheeks: A Touch of Radiance
Blush and highlighter upload dimension and radiance to the face. Blush brings a herbal flush to the cheeks, enhancing the younger glow. From peachy tones to rosy colours, blushes complement diverse pores and skin tones and moods. Highlighter, on the other hand, adds a luminous sheen to the high factors of the face, catching the mild with every movement. Together, they invent a healthful, sculpted appearance that exudes energy.
Tools of the Trade: Brushes and Sponges
Behind each ideal makeup application are the gear that make it possible. Makeup brushes are available numerous shapes and sizes, each designed for particular purposes like blending eyeshadow, applying basis, or sculpting cheekbones. Sponges, mainly splendor blenders, provide a seamless finish by way of evenly distributing product and blending edges effects. Clean tools ensure sanitary utility and extend the lifespan of make-up products.
Skincare: The Foundation of Beauty
Great make-up begins with outstanding pores and skin. Skincare routines tailor-made to character needs make sure a smooth canvas for makeup software. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and treatments like serums and mask cope with issues including acne, dryness, or growing old. Healthy skin now not only enhances makeup but additionally reduces the want for heavy coverage, permitting natural beauty to polish through.
Trends and Innovation: Pushing Boundaries
The splendor enterprise is continuously evolving, with new traits and innovations shaping make-up possibilities. From Korean skin care exercises to eco-friendly make-up brands, clients have extra alternatives than ever earlier than. Trends like minimalistic makeup, graphic liners, and monochromatic appears dominate fashion runways and social media feeds, inspiring creativity and experimentation amongst make-up fanatics.
Cultural Influences: Celebrating Diversity
Makeup is a frequent language that transcends borders and cultures. Different regions and traditions impact makeup trends and techniques, showcasing variety and celebrating individuality. Cultural icons and influencers redefine splendor requirements, promoting inclusivity and representation within the beauty enterprise. Makeup becomes a tool for cultural expression, honoring historical past while embracing modernity.
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Empowerment and Confidence
Beyond aesthetics, makeup empowers individuals to express themselves authentically. Whether it's boosting confidence for a job interview or channeling creativity through avant-garde looks, makeup has transformative power. The ritual of applying makeup can be therapeutic, offering a moment of self-care and reflection. Makeup storage ideas for girls' rooms it's not just about looking good but feeling empowered and confident in one's skin.
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bhadohi-arts-weave · 3 months
Carpet Trends: Embracing Innovation and Style in 2024
As we navigate through 2024, the realm of carpet design continues to evolve, blending timeless sophistication with contemporary trends. Carpets today transcend mere floor coverings; they are pivotal elements of interior design that elevate spaces with their beauty and functionality.
In this article, we delve into the top carpet trends for 2024, explore current designs, colors, and patterns, and forecast upcoming trends based on market insights and expert opinions. And don’t miss out on discovering the exquisite collection from Bhadohi Arts Weave, a leading carpet manufacturer in India.
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Current Trends in Carpet Designs
Geometric Patterns
Geometric patterns remain at the forefront of carpet design trends in 2024. Whether it’s sleek lines or intricate shapes, geometric patterns infuse a modern aesthetic into any room. Bold contrasts and repetitive motifs create visual intrigue, making geometric carpets ideal for contemporary interiors.
Nature-Inspired Designs
The allure of nature-inspired designs is making a strong comeback in 2024. From delicate floral motifs to organic shapes reminiscent of the outdoors, these designs bring a sense of serenity and connection to nature indoors, fostering relaxation and well-being.
Abstract Art
Abstract art continues to captivate carpet design with its expressive brushstrokes, bold colors, and unconventional shapes. These carpets serve as dynamic focal points in modern and eclectic interiors, adding a touch of artistic flair.
Geometric patterns infuse modern flair and visual interest into interiors.
Trending Colors in Carpets
Earthy Tones
Earthy tones such as terracotta, olive green, and ochre are gaining popularity in 2024. These warm hues evoke a sense of grounding and harmony with the natural environment, creating inviting and cozy living spaces.
Jewel Tones
Luxurious jewel tones like deep blues, emerald greens, and rich ruby reds are making a bold statement in carpet design. These vibrant colors add opulence and sophistication to interiors, transforming rooms into elegant sanctuaries.
Neutrals with Texture
While timeless neutrals like beige, gray, and ivory continue to prevail, textured neutrals are adding depth and interest to carpet choices in 2024. Subtle patterns, embossed textures, and tonal variations offer a sophisticated backdrop without overpowering the room’s décor.
Luxurious jewel tones bring drama and sophistication to any room.
Predicted Upcoming Trends
Sustainable Materials
There is a growing demand for sustainable carpets in 2024, driven by eco-conscious consumers. Manufacturers are increasingly using recycled polyester, organic cotton, and bamboo silk to meet sustainability goals while offering high-quality, durable carpeting options.
Mixed Material Carpets
Carpets that blend different materials are set to trend in 2024. From wool with silk accents to metallic threads for added glamour, these combinations offer versatility and texture, appealing to modern tastes and enhancing interior aesthetics.
Personalized Customization
Personalized carpets are gaining popularity as homeowners seek unique designs that reflect their individual style and preferences. Customization options allow for choosing colors, patterns, pile heights, and textures, ensuring a tailored fit for every space.
Nature-inspired designs create a tranquil and harmonious atmosphere.
Discover Bhadohi Arts Weave: Setting Trends in Carpet Design
Explore our collection online to discover the latest trends in carpet design. Bhadohi Arts Weave, nestled in the heart of India’s carpet industry, offers a diverse range of carpets crafted with meticulous attention to detail and unparalleled craftsmanship. Whether you favor geometric precision, nature’s tranquility, or the richness of jewel tones, our carpets are designed to elevate your living spaces with elegance and style.
Visit our website (https://bhadohiartsweave.com/shop/) to explore our curated collection of trendsetting carpets. Each piece embodies our commitment to quality and design excellence.
For a hands-on experience and expert guidance, visit our carpet shop in Bhadohi. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect carpet that aligns with your design vision and lifestyle needs.
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest carpet trends from Bhadohi Arts Weave. Whether you’re enhancing your home or designing a commercial space, our carpets promise to inspire and transform with their beauty and functionality.
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