#Innovative LED Screens
shivam-video · 14 days
From Ordinary to Extraordinary : LED Screen Innovations Elevating Indian Events
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The Indian LED screen industry is transforming the landscape of events. From basic backdrops to immersive experiences, LED screens have become essential. Let’s explore the ground-breaking inventions that are influencing Indian events going forward.
The evolution of LED screens in India is nothing short of spectacular. From their initial use as simple backdrops, these screens have now become the cornerstone of captivating and immersive experiences at events. With innovations that range from transparent displays to interactive screens and dynamic cubes, the future of Indian events looks brighter and more vibrant than ever. Let’s delve into these exciting developments.
Future of Transparent LED Displays – Discover AIR Series LED
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The AIR Series LED Displays are revolutionizing the event scene with their transparency and versatility.
Unmatched Transparency: The natural light, air, and music can flow through these displays as they mix in flawlessly with the surroundings.
Energy Efficiency: Perfect for outdoor venues with limited power supply, these displays consume less energy, making them both eco-friendly and cost-effective.
Lightweight & Compact Design: Easy to transport and install, these screens are a dream for event organizers who need to set up quickly and efficiently.
Safety: Ideal for outdoor and hanging installations, the lightweight nature of these screens ensures they do not obstruct airflow during high wind pressures, making them the safest choice for outdoor shows.
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Limitless Creativity: Hybrid CL Series LED Wall
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The Hybrid CL Series LED Wall takes creativity to new heights.
Dynamic Formations: These walls allow event organizers to craft stunning visuals with dynamic formations. Whether you need S-shapes, concave or convex displays, this series has you covered with an 80-degree turning angle.
Smooth, Seamless Curves: The self-supporting frame ensures easy setup, providing a smooth, seamless curve that enhances the visual appeal of any event.
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With such flexibility, event planners can let their imaginations run wild, creating unique and captivating experiences for their audiences.
Interactive Engagement: 86″ & 98″ Interactive LED Displays
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Engagement is key at any event, and these interactive LED displays ensure your audience stays hooked.
Sleek Aesthetics and User-Centric Design: These high-resolution screens deliver crystal-clear visuals, while the responsive multi-touch technology allows for seamless interaction.
Revolutionary Audience Engagement: Whether used for presentations, interactive games, or live polls, these displays bring a new level of engagement to events, making them more interactive and memorable.
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Imagine an audience actively participating in a conference or a concert, directly interacting with the content on large, vibrant screens. It’s a game-changer for audience engagement.
LED Cylindrical Pillars: Elevate Your Events and Exhibitions
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Introduce a new dimension to your events with LED Cylindrical Pillars.
360-Degree Visuals: These innovative displays offer stunning 360-degree visuals, creating a captivating and immersive experience. These pillars enhance the visual impact of any event, whether used alone or as part of a larger setup.
Sleek, Modern Design: With a minimum diameter of 3 feet, these are the smallest cylindrical rental products available in the market, ensuring they fit perfectly into any venue while adding a touch of modern sophistication.
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These pillars are perfect for exhibitions, product launches, or any event where you want to leave a lasting impression on your audience.
LED Cube: Dynamic and Engaging Display Solutions
Elevate your events with bespoke LED cube displays.
Versatile Sizes: These six-sided cubes come in sizes ranging from 500mm to 2000mm per side, providing flexibility to fit any event space.
Flexible Configurations: With options for 3, 4, 5, or 6-sided displays, these cubes can be customized to meet specific event needs.
Pixel Pitch Customization: Crafted for optimal resolution (2.9mm or 3.9mm), these cubes ensure sharp, clear visuals from any angle.
Specialized Structures: Designed for stability and optimal viewing angles, these cubes make a dynamic and engaging addition to any event setup.
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Imagine walking into an event where content is displayed on dynamic cubes, capturing attention from all directions. It’s a fresh and engaging way to present information and entertain audiences.
Introducing Kinetic LED
The latest innovation in LED technology is here with Kinetic LED.
Moving LED Panels: These panels can be controlled for both outward and inward motion, giving you full control over how your content is displayed.
Mesmerizing Kinetic Motion: Create eye-catching LED setups that turn heads and leave a lasting impression. This cutting-edge technology is unlike anything seen before, making it a must-have for your next event.
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Picture an event where the LED screens themselves move, creating a dynamic and ever-changing backdrop that keeps the audience engaged and intrigued.
Anamorphic LED Displays
Anamorphic LED displays take event visuals to a whole new level.
Sharp Edge to Soft Curve Options: These screens offer a range of options from sharp edges to soft curves, providing versatility for any event.
In-Depth Anamorphic Content: By utilizing in-depth anamorphic content, events can achieve a truly spectacular and immersive experience. These displays are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, with options ranging from small pitch to high brightness.
These displays are one of the most effective and in-demand marketing tools, offering a larger-than-life visual experience that captivates and engages audiences.
Anamorphic LED Displays
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The innovations in LED screens are revolutionizing the Indian event industry, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. From transparent displays and dynamic walls to interactive screens and kinetic panels, the future of events in India looks brighter and more vibrant than ever. These advancements are not just enhancing visual appeal but also transforming how audiences engage with events. It’s an exciting time to be part of the event industry, and the possibilities are truly endless.
What are your thoughts on the future of LED screens in events? Share your ideas in the comments below!
Know more about :
1. Hybrid CL Series - Our Latest Innovation
2. What you Need to know about Outdoor LED Walls ?
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techdriveplay · 11 days
2024 Audi Q8 60 TFSI e - TDP Review
The 2024 Audi Q8 60 TFSI e represents a bold step forward in the luxury SUV segment, combining the power and performance of a turbocharged petrol engine with the efficiency and versatility of a plug-in hybrid system. This model is designed for those who crave speed and luxury without compromising on sustainability. Having spent a week behind the wheel, the Q8 60 TFSI e proved to be impressively…
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techon-led · 10 months
"Enhancing Urban Landscapes with Pole-Mounted Screens"
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#techonledboards#leddisplayboards#ledvideowalls#RGBboards#SingleColorboards#techon#techon led#Enhancing Urban Landscapes with Pole-Mounted Screens#In the ever-evolving urban landscape of the 21st century#cities around the world are constantly seeking innovative ways to transform their streets#plazas#and public spaces into dynamic#engaging#and technologically advanced environments. One increasingly popular solution to this challenge is the deployment of pole-mounted screens. T#often equipped with high-resolution displays and interactive capabilities#offer a versatile means of enhancing urban landscapes in numerous ways. From providing information and entertainment to fostering community#pole-mounted screens are becoming integral components of modern cityscapes.#Information Dissemination and Wayfinding:#One of the primary functions of pole-mounted screens is to serve as information hubs within urban environments. These screens can display r#weather forecasts#news headlines#and local events. By offering easily accessible and up-to-date information#they empower residents and tourists alike to navigate the city more efficiently. This not only improves the overall urban experience but al#Moreover#pole-mounted screens can act as wayfinding tools#helping individuals find their way around a city. They can display interactive maps with points of interest#walking directions#and nearby amenities. This aids in making cities more pedestrian-friendly and encourages exploration of different neighborhoods#ultimately promoting economic growth for local businesses.#Entertainment and Cultural Enrichment:
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
"I don't understand how I'm losing," Reigen said, his hands flying over his keyboard. It was so late now—too late, maybe—if only he'd used the same technique as with the Player Killer from the beginning, he might have stood a chance, but he hadn't seriously thought he'd lose—
"Shishou," Mob said, "why is this so important? You already have second place from Twitter."
Reigen laughed, not at all nervously, and splayed a hand across his forehead. "You don't understand, Mob. The publicity from something like this, even a rematch, would do wonders for Spirits and Such. This is about business."
(He would never admit to his pride being on the line.)
"And anyway, who is this guy? A radio host? I've been on TV, you know."
Mob carefully did not bring up what had actually happened when Reigen made his television debut.
Ritsu had no such qualms. "When they exposed you as a fraud? That was publicity too, right?"
Serizawa leaned over Reigen's shoulder to see the computer screen, careful not to spill the tea he placed on the desk. "Oh, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale? It's been a while since I listened to that, maybe I should catch up."
Reigen stared at him. "You? What? Serizawa?"
"Ah... yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Back when I was... well, when I didn't leave my room much, the podcast was popular. I guess it gave a sense of... community? Feeling less alone, even when you are." He shrugged. "Plus, hearing another gay man in a show like that was comforting."
"He's gay? Canonically?" Why can't I be gay canonically?
"Sure, he got married in episode 100. It was very emotional."
"I nearly died in our chapter 100—"
-- -- -- -- --
Well, listeners, there's still a few hours left on the poll, but I'm now leading at 56%! I must say, I did not expect this, especially after Twitter users so clearly forgot—or perhaps never knew—about my Tumblr Sexyman Origins.
But, that's neither here nor there. I certainly am grateful, if a bit bemused, about all of this, but let us not forget that this is all a friendly competition. Unlike the annual War On Christmas—and let us all take a moment to remember our fallen allies against that terrible holiday foe—this is a battle of kindness. Love, even. The love we feel for Tumblr, for our favorite sexy men, for pressing a button on a meaningless internet poll. The love we feel, listeners, for each other.
And in the spirit of that love and friendliness, I figured I'd get to know my opponent a little better! A bit of googling, which of course you know means searching via every search engine but Google, what with the Town Council imposing the Google Search Tax and getting all Night Vale IP addresses shadowbanned, has led me to... oh my, listeners. I do not know who made this, but Reigen Arataka has the single most beautiful professional web page I have ever encountered. It's... words do not do it justice. I am tearing up. This... I could not make anything better myself.
A-hem. Listeners, now that I've wiped away the tears such beauty inspired in me, I can now see that Reigen's website advertises his business, one Spirits and Such Consulting. Well! We may be rivals in this moment, but I am overjoyed to learn that Reigen runs such an innovative and important business! I am nearly ashamed that, while my opponent works to make the world a better place, I, a mere community radio host, am winning the sexyman contest.
Nevertheless, we must respect the polls. Not respecting polls could get us in hot water with the Town Council, or with the demigods of numbers who lurk in the sharp edges of percentages. So since I can't hand my victory over to him, I think I'll do what I can as a community radio host, and promote Reigen Arataka's important business!
So if you're a spirit in need of counseling, a ghost in need of therapy, or an eldritch beast in need of a shoulder to cry on, head on over to Seasoning City and pay our good friend Reigen a visit! I'm sure he'll be pleased as anything to see you.
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Imagine not liking the Doctor’s plan to work with Agent O...
“Oh! You’re here. Perfect!” You walked around the console, arms wrapped with multicoloured wires, and proceeded over to Ryan where you transferred the mess into his arms.  
“Uh, what’s all this then?” The young man asked with a frown. Yaz and Graham squinted at the odd behaviour and watched you grin with wide eyes. 
“I’ve finally created the Miniaturisation Materialiser out of some coat hangers and a car tyre in the basement.”
“We have a basement?” Ryan’s question fell on deaf ears as you led the trio to what looked like a toaster sitting on the console. The appliance was hooked up to several wires that ran along the TARDIS floor into Ryan’s arms before disappearing below the panels under their feet.
You grabbed two slices of toast from a little glove compartment and placed them in the toaster, pressing the small knob down. There was a small sizzle until the toaster sparked small white electricity for a second and the bell rang.
The toast popped up and Yaz, Ryan, and Graham leaned in to take a closer look. 
“They’ve shrunk to the size of a grape.” Yaz commented.
You nodded and spun around with excitement. “I know! Isn’t it great?” 
Ryan chuckled but Graham tilted his head.
“It’s wonderful Y/n, truly. But wouldn’t it make more sense to create something that makes food bigger?” 
You squinted curiously, pondering over the suggestion. You lifted the toaster and scanned its outer casing.
“Like an Enhanced Extrapolation Enlarger ... yes, I think we can manage this easily.” You reached back and opened your hand, palm facing up. “Graham, give me your shoe.”
“My what?”
“Y/n, I hope you’re powering that thing safely.” The Doctor parented as she entered her travelling vehicle. She often found that when she left you alone for a day, you had created something new.
Nodding, you lowered the device and took the wires back from Ryan. “Don’t get your sonic in a knot. I rerouted the comms through the swimming pool and the navigation systems are funnelling from the carousel. All temporary.”
“Huh.” The Doctor mused as she reached the satellite screen. “Maybe leave the carousel funnel, I’m getting some great readings. Points for innovation.”
You beamed with pride. Turning to your friends, you gestured for them to walk to an open panel by the stairs. 
“So, how was it? I thought you were going to be back later.”
“O found something on the aliens.” Yaz replied.
“O?” You wondered, dropping the wires into the floor. The TARDIS doors opened once more and a familiar face walked in. “Oh.” 
You shoulders slumped when the guest entered the TARDIS, his eyes filled with wonder and awe at the interior. Spotting you, O smiled as he made his way over to you and stuck out his hand.
You eyed the friendly expression and stared at the open handshake. Then you turned on your heel and called out to the woman behind the console. 
The Doctor’s head popped up quickly at the question, her furrowed brows quickly darting up when she realised what the issue was. 
“Y/n, play nice.”
“We need all the help we can get.”
Laying down her expectations, the doctor disappeared once more. You exhaled loudly and looked back at O. One smile from him and you rolled your eyes before walking off in the opposite direction. 
Graham caught the tension flying from the pair and gently tapped O’s arm. “Why are they so mad at you?” 
O shook his head with a small smile. “You know, I don’t think they could quite figure me out.”
Masterlist here
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lubedoo · 30 days
CC Origin Story Chapter 5
Chapter 5 of my Fanfic of @e-vay's awesome OC CC's origin story. Tails discovers WW Widgets and meets William, but where is CC?
Please enjoy, and comments/suggestions are most welcome!
Chapter 5:  Re-Discovery
                One little spark, of inspiration
                Is at the heart, of all creation
                Right at the start, of everything that’s new
                One little spark, lights up for you
The tall young fox smiled at the music that floated across his laboratory.  Through careful experimentation over his years of inventing, he determined that the rhythm and flow of these tunes stimulated his thought processes and made his clever ideas even more brilliant.  His two Tails swished along to the music as he tinkered with another of his genius devices that helped him and his Team of friends better face the challenges of their World.  This song in particular floated through the lab with a happy and lilting melody, speaking volumes with few words and making his work flow smoothly with its notes.  It was something he had picked up in scanning across wide bands of transmissions that appeared to originate from outside of Mobius.  Something I’ll have to look into further, thought Miles Prower.  But first, let’s test this gadget!
A flick of the power switch brought the little device to life, gears whirring and motors humming.  Tails smiled at this tiny symphony in front of him… until a dissonant hum warned that something wasn’t right.  Before he could react the device started smoking and sparking, then finally sent its parts flying with a loud POP.
Good thing I was wearing my safety glasses, thought Tails, picking through the pieces he could find.  I was so sure I had this perfected.  I wonder what went wrong?
He sat heavily in his lab chair.  Miles had grown considerably in many aspects since his early adventuring days, and his heightened physical stature now matched his technical prowess, both casting shadows that nearly all in the Science and Engineering community viewed with a tremendous measure of respect.  From the connections he forged through his collaborations, he formed a consortium of talented and like-minded specialists into a Team to help clear some of societies’ greatest hurdles, a group that grew and morphed into Yellow Sky Industries… the company Miles Prower now led as both a scientist and businessman.  He showed maturity beyond his years, yet still battled considerable frustration when faced with a malfunctioning device such as this one.
“By all tests and designs, this SHOULD work,” he exclaimed to himself.  “Perhaps I need to check the literature.  See if someone has done something similar that might help me past this roadblock.”
Miles exchanged his safety glasses for reading glasses and fired up his search engine console.  He had designed this particular supercomputer to delve deep into past databases and reference servers to find obscure and long-forgotten innovations that could be the next “new old thing.”
Cross-referencing his design with its intended purpose and adding potential applications yielded few useful results.  In fact, many inventors with similar ideas had their creations meet similar fates to Prower’s most recent flame-out.  He was about to give up for the day when an alert window chimed at the bottom corner of the screen.  It was from a small company located close to Yellow Sky’s current headquarters, something not from the distant past, but also not exactly recent either.  They rose onto the technical scene quickly, were very active for a reasonable amount of time, then all but disappeared almost as rapidly.  Only a small trickle of their devices were manufactured after their zenith, but it did appear that some were still sparingly available.
“WW Widgets,” mumbled Tails to himself.  “Never heard of them before.  Looks like a niche business for sure, but their customers really liked what they did.”  He looked through their technical bulletins and design specifications.  Their inventors were very secretive with regards to details, but the information they did provide greatly piqued the fox’s curiosity.
“Look at this,” he marveled, finding a patent application. “the design of this Widget is remarkably close to what I’m trying to do… and how it’s laid out is incredible!”
He downloaded several files onto an optical drive.  “I need to show this to the Board.  Yellow Sky could learn so much from these Widget makers.  Maybe we can offer to have them join us!”  His lab coat swished around his tails as he rushed out of the room, leaving his chair spinning in the wake of his enthusiastic exit.
William sat back in Walter’s old chair and sighed.  The once younger woodchuck showed the weathering and wear of the years, brown fur lightened to gray and snowy lines forming across his brow and at the corners of his eyes.  His frame had widened somewhat from reduced activity as he aged, and his glasses resembled those his Uncle once preferred, with just enough modern style to set his look slightly apart from the relative so long gone.  Those who knew both of them would say he had grown to resemble Walter physically, but William notably retained his easygoing nature despite recent challenges.
WW Widgets was still a going business, but barely.  They now operated out of a makeshift production line in the garage of their house… literally back to where it all began.  William and a small cadre of five or six ‘bots managed to keep some of the more popular designs moving to key customers, producing them by hand.  As the years wore on, however, it became more and more difficult to carry on Walter’s legacy with what little they had left… and without CC.
“Well, guys,” he said to the ‘Bot team circling around him, “looks like the Artica Project was a success.  Should keep us running for a few more months anyway.”  William had gained some technical knowledge from studying his uncle’s designs and notes, but had nowhere near the proficiency of his forerunner in developing new applications or improving on existing ones.  WW Widgets’ output over the past couple decades consisted almost entirely of old customers wanting more of classic designs.  The phone rang often enough, but not nearly what it had in its heyday… so it was no surprise when those familiar chimes lit up the dank workspace.  It was still enough to startle William from his daydream, though.  He picked it up with his usual cheery yet tired greeting:
“WW Manufacturing.  Want Widgets?”
The voice on the other end was new to William, yet somehow he knew he’d heard it somewhere before:  “Yes, may I speak with Walter Woodchuck please?”
William sighed. “Walter is no longer with us.  He passed away many years back.  This is his nephew William, current owner of WW Widgets.  How may I help you?”
There was an awkward pause. “I’m so sorry… I was looking through your product offerings on-line and they were so unique and innovative that I didn’t realize how long ago they had been filed.  My name is Miles Prower, I am the COO and CTO of Yellow Sky Industries.  I’m interested in meeting with you regarding your designs.  Would you have time to talk in the next week or so?”
Miles Prower.  Why was that name so familiar?  William didn’t follow current events very closely but he was sure that he heard of this Mobian… and really should know who he is.
William wheeled his desk chair over to a worn laptop and began typing information into a search engine.  “Sure, my schedule is open.  We can meet tomorrow if you like.  Do you know where we are located?”
“Looks like you’re near the Chase Brook Meadows by the edge of Thickering Forest if I have my map correct.”  “That’s the place,” replied William. “Can I send exact coordinates to this number?” 
“Yes, please!” came an excited reply.  “What time tomorrow?”
“Say around 1pm?”
“I’ll be there!  Thank you for your time, William… er… Mr. Woodchuck!  I look forward to meeting you.”
“You as well Mr. Prower.  Take care and we’ll see you tomorrow.”
The search results displayed on the laptop screen as the call ended.  William’s eyes widened as he peered over his glasses.  He read through the pages of information with increasing awe and excitement, then about sprung from his chair with energy he hadn’t felt in a very long time.  William had a LOT of work to do in an exceedingly short time, to prepare for a VERY important guest.
The next day arrived quickly, and Tails checked out a Company sedan from the motor pool for his journey.  He would have preferred to take the Tornado or maybe his own “propulsion” to get to the Widget Maker’s location, but figured he should go with the more low-key form of transportation for this Business call.  As he motored down the busy freeway, he donned his sunglasses and chose some more of his “mystery music” to set the mood and pass the time:
                It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down, I had the radio on, I was driving
                Trees went by, me and Del were singing, “Little Runaway,” I was flying
                Yeah Running Down a Dream, that never would come to me
                Working on a mystery, and going wherever it leads.  Running Down a Dream…
After a reasonable distance, the vehicle’s mapping system chimed to take the next off-ramp.  He turned off the main highway and onto a lonely country road.  As he approached his destination he saw a modest house with an oversized attached garage, nestled into a heavily wooded lot.  Not unusual for a smaller operation, thought Tails, but I thought the on-line site mentioned a dedicated manufacturing facility.  Again, the information he could find on WW Widgets was many years old, so maybe they had downsized or otherwise adjusted their business model over time.
He pulled up to the building, parked, and walked up to the garage.  A small entry door stood out from the rest of the weathered structure, mostly due to its gleaming sign:
WW Widgets, Inc. 
Welcome Dr. Miles Prower!
Tails chuckled to himself.  Well, they sure did their research.  He had only recently formalized his education to add titles to his impressive array of accomplishments, and now held multiple doctorates given his wide-ranging expertise.  Although he thought being called “Doctor” was unnecessary (and made him feel old), he certainly appreciated the effort and show of respect.  He knocked on the door, not wanting to be presumptuous.
The door opened immediately, and Tails was greeted by an older and very enthusiastic woodchuck.  “Dr. Miles Prower, it is SUCH an honor to meet you in person!”  beamed his host as they shook hands.  “I am William Woodchuck, owner and proprietor of WW Widgets.  Please, please come in!”
“Thank you, Mr. Woodchuck… I’m glad to be able to come out here today,” replied the fox, feeling a little uncomfortable with all the formality.  “And please, just call me Miles.”
“Whatever makes you feel most at home,” smiled William warmly.  “We have set up a short presentation to show you our business and a few samples of our work.”  He gestured towards a table and chairs set up as a makeshift reception area and conference room, partitioned from the rest of the garage by a freshly painted moveable wall.
They chatted for nearly an hour over a slide show projected onto the wall, as well as a few Widgets that William had laid out on the table.  Tails was impressed with what he had seen so far, but was curious as to what else was behind the “curtain.”
“Mr. Woodchuck…” he started.  “Please, William is fine… Mr. Woodchuck was my uncle.”  “William… I’m very impressed by your designs and knowledge and these samples are amazing.  But I can’t help but notice that you keep referring to ‘we.’  Who else is here?”
At that moment, one of the Production Robots burst into the room, holding a half-assembled Widget and chattering away at William.  William appeared absolutely mortified, and turned to his guest hastily.  “Uh, this is one of our ‘we’ right here.  Slight production issue.  May I have a minute?”
“Of course,” replied Miles, amused by the little ‘droid’s enthusiasm.  “Yes, yes… I see that it’s off slightly from the blueprint,” said William, trying to calm the little bot as it flailed its pincers wildly.  “Try adjusting the secondary pitch by 4 degrees and decrease operating power 5 percent.”
“I think he’s more concerned with the lower end torque and gear rotation,” interjected Miles.  William turned to him, surprised.  “You can understand him?”  “Definitely,” smiled the fox.  “All machine languages are interrelated.  He ‘speaks’ with an interesting accent, but I would recognize Techley C-22b code anywhere.”
William’s jaw literally dropped.  “I’m very impressed, Miles.  Even CC had a hard time understanding Gary here.”  Miles grinned again, becoming even more comfortable with the techy woodchuck.  “Do you give all your robots such familiar names?”  William seemed to stumble a bit.  “Unc… Uncle Walter named them all, but only after what they did.  ‘Gary’ was originally ‘Gear Aligner’ but given our evolving business model he learned to do other things.  So like CC, we gave him a name that was more… versatile.”
“And CC is another of your robots?”  William looked sad.  “She was… and was one of Unc’s greatest creations.  She started off as Code Compiler, communicating between our ‘bots to make the business run better.  Her AI grew rapidly and she was instrumental in helping the business flourish, but she and Unc had a falling out and… well, Unc deactivated her.  Unc never told me what became of her, and I’ve searched everywhere for her with no luck.”
Tails noted the sadness in William’s voice.  Both the business and the robots in it were very special to William, and it showed in his tone and body language.  “Can you show me around the Production area?  Maybe meet a few more of your ‘Team’?”  William seemed to brighten up some. “Yes, of course.  Please forgive my spell of melancholy there.”
They stepped behind the wall into a scene of well-organized chaos.  Parts tables and shelving were set up to allow the small team of robots access to what they needed to assemble William’s remarkable devices. Some of the ‘bots zipped around the floor while others rolled slowly and accepted the work-in-progress Widgets, doing their part to complete the assembly.  Every so often a ‘bot would wheel up to William with a problem or question.  The woodchuck would examine the device, offer his inputs, and send the mechanical minion on his way with a gentle scoot or pat on the chassis.
The young fox’s tails swished with appreciation over what this little team was able to accomplish, and with anticipation over what could be with more resources and backing.  But this was more than just an assembly line… it was truly a “family” business, and something worth helping.
“William, this is absolutely incredible.”  Miles folded his arms in admiration of the scene in front of him.  “The cleverness of your devices, the warmth of your process… I’m truly impressed.”  William beamed with pride at the compliment.  “But I need to ask… your informational site mentioned that you have or had a manufacturing building.  What became of that?”
William’s countenance fell as quickly as it rose.  “Maybe it’s better if I show you.”
They walked up an overgrown driveway that led through a wooded area towards the back of the Woodchuck property.  As they came to a clearing, a moderately sized building appeared behind a sea of tall grass.  While its walls were standing it appeared heavily weathered and all but abandoned.  The “WW Widgets” sign near the front corner was badly faded and hung askew from bolts that had deteriorated over the years.  What was once a glass storefront was boarded over and secured with a rusted metal lock and heavy chain.  Roofing material was strewn in front of the building and hung over one section of the wall, lazily flapping in the breeze.  Miles took in the sight with as much sadness as his host.
“Do you remember the big storms we had about 10-15 years ago?” asked William.  “Vaguely,” replied Miles. “I was pretty young back then.”  William nodded.  “The Fabratory took a direct hit from one of them.  I got as much of our machinery, robots, and technical drawings out as I could, but after a while the building became too unstable to continue salvage work.  And our remaining business wasn’t enough to fund demolition or rebuilding.”
William handled the lock and chain gently. “So I secured the site.  I didn’t want anyone coming up here and getting hurt.  I’ve tried to do what I can to clean it up, but I’m one Mobian… and I’m not getting any younger.”
The story pierced Tails to his core.  He admired William all the more for carrying on in the face of such insurmountable odds, and now knew he’d made the right call talking to the Board before he came up here.
The fox put his hand on the old woodchuck’s shoulder.  “William, I am so, so sorry this happened to you and your family.  Excuse me for a minute.  Let me make a call.”
“Of course,” whispered the woodchuck, holding back waves of sadness.
William only heard bits and pieces of the conversation from there.  Miles clearly wasn’t trying to hide what was being said, but the woodchuck also didn’t want to intrude on what was obviously a business call:
“Yes, I met with William.  It’s everything I expected and more.”  “Yes, the factory is still part of the Business but the building is derelict.”  “Hard to say until we get in there.  It’s like Scrapnik Island.  I’m sure there is tech we can salvage, but what and how much…”  “Yeah, that’s what I think it will take.”  “No.  No that’s not enough.”  “NO.  That’s a non-starter.  They deserve better than that.” “_NO_.  It’s the whole package.  It’s the right thing to do.”  “Okay. Thank you.  I appreciate you trusting me on this.  Will let you know.”
Miles ended the call and walked towards William, clearly frustrated.  “Sorry about that,” he started.  “Sometimes the business end of things can be very… maddening.”
William looked concerned.  “Is everything all right?”  Miles smiled in response.  “It is now.”  He pulled out his data pad and entered a few codes.  A formal presentation and offer sheet appeared on the screen.  “Yellow Sky Industries is very interested in helping WW Widgets return to its glory years,” Miles started.  “Your uncle’s brilliance and family’s resilience are exactly what we need to continue to grow both our businesses together.  We… _I_ am prepared to make you a generous offer to have WW Widgets join Yellow Sky Industries as a fully funded subsidiary.  We have the perfect space to set up a new Factory and return your devices to full production.”
The woodchuck seemed surprised, and maybe a bit taken aback.  “What will become of me and my ‘bots though?  This is all we’ve ever known.” 
Miles continued, a warm grin spreading across his face:  “We will hire you on as a Technical Staff Advisor to the business.  You will retain as much control and involvement with WW Widgets as you want.  Your ‘bots will definitely be as big of a part of the new Production facility as they always have been.”  William seemed more hopeful, gesturing towards the building behind them.  “And what of the Fabratory?” “Yellow Sky will send in our Reclamation Team to help in salvage, dismantling, and area remediation.  You and I will oversee the entire process together, and afterwards the land will be returned to your family.”  Miles handed the data pad to William.  “It’s all right here.”
William gingerly took the pad from Miles and looked over the contract.  “This… this is amazing,” he said, choking back tears.  “I can’t believe… we’re going to make a comeback!  I wish CC could see this…”  He signed the agreement, which Miles, clearly pleased, also approved.  They shook hands warmly to seal the deal.
“Thank you so much, Miles!”  beamed William. “I can’t wait to see what the future holds!”
“It’s the least I could do, William,” replied the fox.  “And please.  Call me Tails.”
Tails’ music for Chapter 5:
                “One Little Spark,” The Sherman Brothers ca. 1982. 
From the original Journey into Imagination Pavilion: EPCOT Center, Disney World, FL
                “Running Down a Dream,”  Tom Petty, “Full Moon Fever” album, 1989
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okkultmotionpictures · 5 months
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Excerpts: BEECH-NUT LIFESAVERS Commercial by Fred Mogubgub (1966)
'Beech-nut LIfesavers' is a commecial created by Fred Mogubgub (1928–1989), an influential figure in the world of animation and painting, particularly known for his contributions to the pop art movement during the 1960s in New York City. His career gained significant momentum when he co-founded Ferro, Mogubgub and Schwartz in 1961 alongside designer Pablo Ferro and Lew Schwartz. However, Mogubgub's creative ambitions led him to leave the company in 1964 to establish his own firm, Mogubgub, Ltd.
Mogubgub's artistic style is characterized by its rapid, staccato jump-cuts—an innovative blend of cartoons and photographs that flash across the screen, creating an effect that could be likened to subliminal advertising. His work, which often featured iconic American objects, was celebrated for its ability to capture the essence of American pop culture in a unique and engaging way. Among his notable commercial clients were Ford, Coca-Cola, and Life Savers, with his creations leaving a lasting impression on audiences due to their memorable and distinctive style.
His commercial work was groundbreaking, and several of Mogubgub's films have been recognized by the Museum of Modern Art for their innovative approach to animation and advertising. One of his most famous pop artworks was a large-scale sign erected in Manhattan in 1965, provocatively asking, "Why Doesn't Someone Give Mogubgub Ltd. Two Million Dollars to Make a Movie?" This piece reflected Mogubgub's bold and creative spirit, showcasing his ability to blend art with advertising in unprecedented ways.
Mogubgub's work extended beyond commercial advertisements to include underground short films that merged animation, illustration, and live action. One of his notable films, "The Pop Show" (1966), featured Gloria Steinem and demonstrated Mogubgub's adeptness at navigating the avant-garde film scene. Despite his significant contributions, Mogubgub's name is often omitted from discussions on avant-garde and experimental film from the late 1960s and early 1970s. However, his films were included in underground screenings, such as the 1970 New York Underground Film Festival, highlighting his role in the experimental film movement.
Fred Mogubgub passed away in 1989 at the age of 61 from bone cancer. Despite his death, his creative legacy continues to inspire animators and filmmakers, illustrating the enduring impact of his work on both the commercial and artistic realms of animation and pop art​.
| Hosted at: Internet Archive | Full Video Download: MPEG4
‘The EXCERPTS series by OKKULT Motion Pictures transforms images from open source films of important historical and artistic merit into the internet drug we’ve come to love: GIFs!’ (Vice)
(Thanks to archive.org)
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vidavalor · 1 month
So I'm on a bit of a roll from just having finished some writing (probably post in the next day or two), so have some random thoughts!
Legit can't remember whether or not your linguistic analysis of Bildad the Shuhite touched on 'cobbler' as Cockney rhyming slang for either testicles (as in 'kick in the...') or nonsense (as in 'load of old cobblers') -- the latter meaning especially feels kind of appropriate!
What kind of 'madeleine memories' might an amnesiac Aziraphale get from a roast beef sandwich???
Do you think actual madeleines are likely to appear on screen in some capacity in S3?
Tiramisu has coffee, chocolate and alcohol, and thus feels like a VERY Ineffable-Husbands-speak dessert :D
Was poking around the Royal Albert Hall website for research purposes and found this: https://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/tours-and-exhibitions/afternoon-tea/ Not quite as hyper-fancy as the Ritz, perhaps, but lots of little bits of Ineffable-speak meaningfulness in the food as well as being potentially a lovely little engagement celebration date???
Hi, luv. Looking forward to reading your new writing! So many goodies to ponder here! 😍I actually have some madeleines today. And good coffee. It's raining here and ah, this is all a heavenly combination. 😊 Throwing this under a cut because your mention of tiramisu led me to write about two, related words in Ineffable Husbands Speak that I've noticed repeated: might and found...
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We'll do the sea ties to insinuate while we're at it... 🐟
1- Cobbler: I need to do a whole thing on cobbler actually and will add & credit the findings you shared to you. I mainly just wanted to quickly make a post about how cobbler connects to sherry but there's actually a whole web of overlapping words they're using. It also ties to the root kob-- which quite literally means "good omens." 😊 I'll put a longer post on cobbler on the list.
2- Roast beef sandwich madeleine memories?:
*Bildad voice* You tell me... 😉
3- Madeleines on screen in S3?: I'm not expecting it but it would be fun. Would actually also go with the theme of the literal-and-the-figurative, especially with the food, so I guess it might actually be more likely than some other things. I mainly just want Aziraphale to eat something because he had a sherry and a couple of sips of tea in the present in S2 and that's why everything went sideways, really. That angel needs a sandwich in the worst way and in both ways that you can read that sentence.
4- Tiramisu: Yes. It actually also has one of my favorite meanings for any food, as it means a "pick-me-up" in Italian, which is very cute, no? It is very Ineffable Husbands-y for the reasons you mentioned and now you've got me going on about a word that we haven't heard them say lol but I can connect it to two words that they have said, so...
Tiramisu (originally from "tireme su") is thought to have been invented by the owner of a brothel in Treviso sometime around 1800. This innovative Mrs. Sandwich would offer it to clients as an aphrodisiac or as an after-treat and it was basically considered the Viagra of the 1800s in Italy. Coffee, alcohol, chocolate, as you pointed out... food + seamstressing = no way this isn't an Ineffable Husbands Speak thing.
It is perishable, as we know, and it was invented in a time before mainstream refrigeration so it originally wasn't as available outside of bigger cities, which is why it was often offered at the end of a client session as well, before the clients were sent home-- yeah, medicinal tiramisu was a thing. 😲 The actual origins of the dessert apparently weren't really discussed publicly until sometime around the 1980s as, once it became easier to keep things chilled, generations of Italian ladies were making tiramisu constantly and it got a bit awkward to acknowledge that all these adorable old nonnas for generations were passing down how to make this sexy dessert that was created in the first place by a lady bordello owner for, um, reasons...
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But tiramisu would, by The Ineffable Husbands' wordplay rules, mix the origins and meanings of the word with its phonetic soundings in English and, as we've seen, French... so, it would also be spoken as: "tier a me sous."
A tier is an arrangement of things in an order and, also, in keeping with our amusing seamstressing origins of the dessert, rows of overlapping trim on a dress. Sous (the last s is silent) means under and/or below in French. In that way, expressing a desire for some tiramisu is expressing a desire for a tier in which you are sous your partner.
[Sidebar but this is reminding me that the sous vide style of cooking translates literally from French as "under/below the vacuum" and... I feel like Crowley does not have the willpower to have never not connected this to Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets in some way 😂... *doesn't look up from his book* "Oh, the Whickber Street Monthly Whatzit's getting takeaway? Gonna get the sous vide chicken this time, angel?"]
Tiramisu means a "pick me up"-- a mood-booster-- but "pick me up" is also obviously both tongue-in-cheek expression of wanting to be seduced and a request to be quite literally picked up, as in lifted off the floor... which is how you know that tiramisu is likely a dessert that Crowley thinks is the tops.
Since we're taking apart a word not in the series, I'll give you two others that tie to it that on their little vocab list: might and found.
There are at least two scenes that I've noticed so far where one of them is using the word might as innuendo in reference to Aziraphale. Might falls into the category of words like wily, thwart, smitten, etc..-- words that are amusing in how they have wildly different, often contradicting, definitions, and where at least one definition is a bit suggestive, allowing them to use it around angels or demons or in public with one definition on the surface and the flirtier one underneath.
On the one hand, might is the past tense of may and involves gentle suggestions or polite requests asking permission. On the other hand, the word might also has a real oomph when used in its other definition, which is to express the strength and power of a nation, a natural force, or a person.
It's basically Aziraphale in a word-- unfailingly polite and gentle on one level and full of raw strength on another.
The other word is found, which can be, uh, found lol, in the Crowley-penned Aziraphale entry in 'Demon's Guide to Angelic Beings...'. The sentence is actually constructed around the inclusion of 'found' and what makes that extra-amusing is that it suggests Crowley was eager to get the word in there, likely because of its nautical definition.
In seafaring terms, for a ship to be described as found is a very positive thing and, to be defined as such, it must meet both of two requirements:
The ship must be both well-equipped (*cough*) and, equally important, fully stocked.
A person who is stocked or stocky is, as we know, one who is broader, more shoulders and chest than height, and of a fuller and thicker build in thighs and arms. Someone like Aziraphale, who is physically strong and brawny and who would not have much difficulty picking up what would be being thrown down if Crowley were to order a tiramisu for dessert, if ya get mah drift...
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Insinuate: To subtly introduce slowly into hearts and minds; to maneuver someone or something into a desired position; to thrust in, push in, or wind one's way into; to introduce with torturous slowness; and, of course, the best one: to hint at obliquely (ha!)
The sinu part of the word comes from sinus, a word that I've *achoo* been cursing all damn week because the gorgeous trees and plants are trying to kill me but which is Latin for all sorts of things a lot more pleasant than 'the part of the head that is often pounding during Spring.'
English-language writers of the dreamy sort-- the poets who call rainstorms "tempests", like a certain red-headed demon we know-- would also use sinus back in the day to describe a gulf, a bay, or "the arm of the sea", as well as any hole or cavity in the Earth.
Insinuate = In sinu ate. In the sea, eating. 😂
Why ever [eve/"temptation"/"sin"] would [wood] Aziraphale insinuate that Crowley might [mmm strong] possibly [which shares roots with potent] want [to want; also contains ant, the humans in the insect analogy] something [so/sew, me, thin; opposite of might]? = the actual dessert isn't invented yet in this scene in 1601 but seems like Crowley wants to get tiramisu'd something fierce...
5- Royal Albert Hall: Love this idea. It reminds me of how The British Museum also has an afternoon tea but how they've met in the cafe and how they've probably both wanted to get tea there. While I was on the Royal Albert Hall website, I was laughing over the copy on the menu for the box service, especially the *very* rare modern use of rhubarb in this way:
Choose from a wide range of canapés, sandwiches and sharing plates, finishing your meal with sweet treats. All food is prepared with the finest seasonal ingredients and is always presented with signature rhubarb style.
Aziraphale, back away from the copywriters... 😂
Cheers as always for the amusing stuff to think about @jotun-philosopher 💕
Original posts regarding fish, madeleines and memory, for anyone who might read this and is confuzzled and wondering wtf we're on about:
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pers-books · 1 year
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“Doctor Who” star Jodie Whittaker will lead a short film fund aimed at championing female and non-binary filmmakers.
The Empower fund, a community-led initiative backed by Primetime, a global vetted platform to help the industry find and hire more women above and below the line behind the camera, and Bournemouth Film School, was launched at the Cannes film market. It aims to remove the barriers of access to finance and star power that restrict underrepresented filmmakers. The fund will focus on championing female and non-binary filmmakers and grant them access to a minimum of a £10,000 ($12,430) grant in addition to other perks.
Whittaker will feature in or voice the final film, with the intention of increasing the visibility of the project and the filmmaker selected. The actor will also collaborate to create a prompt for filmmakers as a starting point for a character or story she would like to explore. There will be a focus on accessibility and reaching filmmakers who might not traditionally put themselves forward for grant funding. A brief will then be distributed and U.K.-based female and non-binary filmmakers will be encouraged to submit their short film project for consideration. Five projects will be shortlisted via an industry jury, and from that Whittaker will select the live action or animation film she would like to take part in or voice.
The fund will be accessible for any female or non-binary filmmaker who has directed at least three short films, one of which must have screened at a BAFTA or Academy qualifying film festival. The teams applying for funding must adhere to BFI diversity standards in order be considered.
Primetime was launched by actor Victoria Emslie (“Downton Abbey”) at Cannes in 2019 and the platform was relaunched earlier this year. It has members in some 70 countries, including multi-BAFTA, Emmy and Academy Award winners and nominees. Bournemouth Film School, at Arts University Bournemouth, has partnered with Primetime as part of its Funding Futures platform, which houses several funding schemes to support filmmakers, creatives, artists and innovators.
Whittaker said: “Being a part of this exciting journey and having the opportunity to work with talented new voices and creatives is an absolute joy. I can’t wait to work alongside Victoria and the amazing teams at Primetime and Funding Futures.”
Emslie added: “Community-driven change is one of the single most powerful and actionable ways to shake up traditional funding pipelines and the projects that receive finance. By paying in for each other with this focused intentionality, the rise to the top is navigated together as a collective.”
Jonathan Carr, director of the Bournemouth Film School, said: “The success of our groundbreaking Funding Futures schemes hinges on the strength of our partnerships. Our key focus is to encourage positive change within a sustainable industry. We’re delighted to play a pivotal role with Primetime to create a funding opportunity to truly champion inclusivity.”
Will Shutt from Funding Futures said: “The Empower fund hopes to create a space to make a film with filmmakers that reflects the core values of Primetime’s mission. I’m excited to see the outcome of connecting talented filmmakers with Jodie and the award. It can only lead to something special.”
Bournemouth Film School is hosting a Funding Futures showcase event at BFI Southbank on June 16 to unveil the Empower fund.
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laduenadelswing · 5 months
Love game
Vox x female OC
Chapter 2
A Car? She fell asleep and curled up to his body. He carried her into one of his beds and watched her sleep carefully. He almost forgot work. Vox took a coffee and went to his quarters. In his video office, he monitored everything and saw that Valentino was as unhinged as always. ‘’Oh Vox, I knew that you are an animal but you are a true natural. Oh she is still in your bed. Vox, I am impressed.’’
“I wonder why she is still sleeping?” Vox asked. Valentino's eyes lid up. “I thought our little superstar could stay longer, so I put something in her drink to make her behave.” Vox lost his cool and griped his throat. “You put some rape drugs into her drink?” He almost lost his mind. “Hey Chico, I didn’t want you to work so much on your first night.” Valentino whispered seductively. “I didn't fuck her.” Now Valentino seemed confused. “But you made her kiss you?” He asked, Vox looked like he would crush his skull with electric violence. “VAL. If you don't shut it, I am going to destroy you.” Vox said his voice glitching, deep and harsh. Valentino looked intimidated by his action, Vox never lost his cool, but if he is stressed it’s a dangerous situation for everybody. Vox went back to work and went through the usual tasks, interviews, new technology, talking about innovation and new shows. Isabel's peaceful face, never leaving his mind. Vox was everywhere. She woke up with a massive headache, her dress was still on, and she even got one of his shirts. How did she get here, after they had their last drink on the dance floor, everything faded into a warm dream. The charming guy from last night was gone. It's a shame. Did they do anything? She was dressed, he put a blanked on her sleeping body. As she looked around the spacious bedroom, she saw a notebook from Vox tec.
I went to work. Please take this food and water. Stay as long as you desire - Vox
He actually got you some water, juice, bread and fruits. Vox is very nice, but how can you trust anybody here. Most men in your past life only wanted to take advantage of you. Why would it be any different in hell. She decided to not ask for too much. There is nothing she can do for him. In this realm she is powerless, has no money and can't fight. She felt so weak. Maybe she should just leave.
I had a great time, but I don't want to overstay my welcome. Thank you so much. Isabel
Vox decided to look at his screens, hours passed work consumed the demon overlord. “Where is she?” He screamed through his TV room obsessively. Why did she leave, Vox thought, They really seemed to have a great time? At the moment he saw her, a smile spanned across his screen. Her human form was so captivating. His powerful presence and technological prowess allowed him to navigate the hellish realm with unparalleled efficiency. Every surveillance camera and data stream were at his disposal, all focused on a singular soul. His obsession with her grew with every passing moment, and his LED eyes glow with a force that mirrored the fire within his soul. Meanwhile, Isabel found herself caught in the crosscurrent of hell, navigating the labyrinth streets with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. Unbeknownst to her, every move she made, every breath she took, was being closely monitored by Vox. His fixation on her become all-consuming, his every thought consumed by the desire to possess and understand this enigmatic soul. As Vox finally caught up with Isabel, his demeanour transformed. The usually cool and collected demon was visibly affected by the magnetic pull she had on him. “Isabel,” he breathed, his voice a low, husky timbre that betrayed the intensity of his emotions. “Don't disappear like that.” Isabel turned to Vox, a subtle blush gracing her cheeks as she felt the weight of Vox's gaze. His eyes, ablaze with a mixture of longing and possessiveness, bore deep into her soul. “I didn’t want to cause any trouble.” She stammered, unable to escape the magnetic field of Vox's desire. Vox stepped closer, the air charged with an undeniable tension. “You're not trouble, Isabel. You're the most intriguing thing I have ever encountered in hell.” He admitted, his voice dripping with intensity that sent shivers down her spine. “Anyway, I know that this situation isn’t great, you have no money and no power. But you're not alone. You have me. I really want to help you get back home.” His voice had a hint of compassion in it.
“If you help me with a task, you can crash at my place and I will show you some of my tricks. Your handwriting is fantastic, by the way.” Vox praised her. Isabel blushed. Vox's charm, attitude and confidence made her weak. “I hope that I can help you somehow. Did you just compliment my writing.” Isabel replied, scratching her had.  “My home is your home, darling. Where did you plan on staying tonight? I can't only compliment your look. I think you're much more than that.” Vox asked sincerely. “I wanted to try my luck in the club again and find a gentleman who wouldn't leave me alone in the morning.” She teased Vox playfully. He smiled, this little human was bratty and he loved it. “Let´s get you back, no one should hear about a human soul in hell.” Isabel agreed. In his flat she sat on the couch, lost, captivated but also very confused with her situation. Yesterday she was a superstar, today she was nobody. “I need you to help me. You’re a human and don't pose a treat to any sinner in hell. You're exactly what Charlie needs.” Vox explained smiling. “Who is Charlie?” Isabel asked, completely oblivious. “She is Lucifer's daughter and wants to rehabilitate Sinners so that the overpopulation won't destroy hell. It´s a stupid plan, but she would die for this little hotel.” Vox kept jabbering about Charlie, Angle Dust and some demons. The situation just turned confusing. “Is your human brain overloading?” He asked playfully, she nodded. “Just go to the hotel. I am sure they will love you. You're also under our protection. Get as much information as you can, no matter the cost.” He stroked her small hand with his claw. Electricity flowing across the room. “Should I be scared of anyone? Valentino's temper seems dangerous.” Isabel whispered. “No, I will make him behave.”
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redsamuraiii · 1 year
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Tsuburaya Eiji, the Father of Tokusatsu
Eiji Tsuburaya made it possible for Godzilla to stomp across the screen and later on, Ultraman. A director, cinematographer, and producer, Tsuburaya is best known for creating the special effects behind Japanese classics like Godzilla and other giant monsters called kaiju.
And his legacy extends beyond those monsters — he built a foundation for film culture in Japan and special effects worldwide.
Before World War II
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Tsuburaya grew up in Sukagawa, Iwase, a son of a prominent family of grocery distributors. A prodigy from a young age, as a kid he was interviewed about his model airplanes and credited in local newspapers as a "child craftsman." Shortly thereafter, he was captivated by a new technology called motion pictures — and he combined his two passions by taking pictures of planes.
But it was 1933's King Kong that led to his greatest professional epiphany. King Kong's giant title character and phenomenal special effects opened up a new world of possibilities for Tsuburaya. By studying a copy of the film, Tsuburaya managed to reverse engineer how the effects were made. Then he was ready to begin creating his own legacy.
Being a film revolutionary wasn't easy with his early battles over budget and setup, but when a new company called Toho Motion Picture Company was founded in 1936, Tsuburaya jumped on board to lead the special effects department.
After World War II
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After being drafted to work on propaganda films in World War II and experiencing the napalm bombing of Tokyo, he returned to work at Toho after the end of US occupation in 1952, keeping a low profile because the US believed he'd committed espionage.
It was in that climate that producer Tomoyuki Tanaka was artistically inspired by the fallout of a US hydrogen bomb test in the Marshall Islands. The real story of a radiation-poisoned fishing crew inspired him to pitch a monster movie to Tsuburaya and Toho. After some creative wrangling, Godzilla was born.
For Godzilla, Tsuburaya made the bold choice to use miniatures and visual effects instead of stop-motion animation, which was a more obvious alternative. The idea to put an actor in a monster costume was going to be executed as never before, and with it a legendary monster was born.
Though Godzilla was the product of a large team, it came alive because of Tsuburaya's use of models, special photography, and inimitable costumes.
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Godzilla was a tough shoot. Actors were stuffed into a costume that was, at its lightest, 220 pounds. They breathed in kerosene from the fumes of a tiny "Tokyo" model burning beneath them, and actor Haruo Nakajima says he lost 20 pounds in the production because the costume was so physically strenuous.
The film was a financial risk, as well — it became the most expensive Japanese movie made up to that time. But Godzilla was a hit, and it kicked off "monster mania." Film by film, these movies created a kaiju iconography that shaped an entire film industry's sensibility — and built a legacy for Tsuburaya.
Tsuburaya's professional and creative successes continued through the 1960s, as he innovated with more intricate models and formed his own company, Tsuburaya Visual Effects Productions, in 1963 where he created what kaiju superfans consider his landmark work, like Ultra Q and Ultraman in 1966. 
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Though Tsuburaya died in 1970, his creations remain embedded in the culture today. Even to those who aren't fans of Tsuburaya's distinctive style, his aesthetic, effects, and ethos permeate movies today. 
There are obvious influences, like the many Godzilla remakes and the kaiju fan letter that is 2013's Pacific Rim. Without Godzilla, there is no Ultraman. And without Ultraman, there is no Super Sentai (Power Rangers) and so on.
Tsuburaya's influence can also be seen in every disaster movie's audacious carnage and ever-more-adventurous willingness to push boundaries using special effects.
That's probably why we still thrill to learn about the man who made all those monster suits really roar. Because even now, more than 50 years later, it's as exciting, outrageous, and thrilling as when Godzilla first hit the screen.
Thank You Tsuburaya Eiji for making our childhood a memorable one and our adulthood an awesome one!
Pics by Ultraman NFT & Vox Full Story : Eiji Tsuburaya made Godzilla and it changed film forever Follow Ultraman NFT & August Ragone if you’re a Tokusatsu fan!
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natlacentral · 3 months
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Best known for his portrayal of 'Sokka' in the latest hit Netflix series "Avatar: The Last Airbender," Ousley brings depth to the character's leadership struggles with a blend of wit and deadpan humor. As we delve beyond the screen, we uncover Ian's entrepreneurial spirit, co-founding the innovative clothing line KALÓ SOIL, a venture that repurposes vintage items into timeless fashion pieces. From winning championships to gracing the screens of Netflix's "13 Reasons Why" and CBS's "Young Sheldon," Ian Ousley's trajectory is as dynamic as the characters he embodies.
BIBI XIA: Hi fellow Texan! How was growing up in Texas and when did you move to LA? IAN OUSLEY: I love LA and have been here since 2016 when I was just 14 years old. I grew up in College Station, Texas, which as you know is a city built for college students. While most people come from Houston or Dallas for college, it’s a different town when you’re growing up in it. People who grew up there wanted to do team sports like football, but I took a very different path because of my asthma, and being in the grass was terrible for me. This led me to do Taekwondo at 8-9 years old because it was an indoor solo sport. School was very competitive and I knew I wanted to take a different path than going to college. So I took the non-traditional route of an indoor sport, noncompetitive with academics, and then transitioned into an artist career path here in LA.
BX: I’m sure you’ve been asked a lot of the same questions regarding Avatar, so something more specific I had in mind is if you could water bend in your everyday life, what would you use it for? IO: It’s a hard question to answer because in the show, they are at war, and it’s hard to think about applying it in everyday life. Water bending is cool because you can heal people with it. If I was one of the only water benders I’d probably go into medicine. Or, I can just become the most wealthy entrepreneur in the water slide business and open up Schlitterbahns left and right.
BX: What was your most memorable scene from the show and why? IO: I would say the most memorable scene as an audience would probably be the Avatar Kyoshi scene. I especially liked how she showed up when Katara and Zuko were fighting, and how she just appeared. What was yours? BX: Same! That scene was so memorable, that I hit replay as soon as it was over.
BX: Who is most like their character and who is least like their character and why? IO: I think Gordon is most like his character in real life, he’s just this very goofy and energetic kid off-screen. The least like their character is an easy answer because Zuko is this person consumed by power and anger, while Dallas in real life is an angel and a softie.
BX: Would you say you’re similar to Sokka? IO: I think there are a lot of similarities between me and Sokka. We both love humor and use it as a tool more than part of our personality. Luckily both my parents are still in my life and that does fundamentally change. Sokka lost both of his parents and has such a big responsibility to take care of a village. So we are different in that we went through different life experiences even though there are similarities. 
BX: Do you find it more challenging to portray someone more similar to you or very opposite to who you are? IO: I prefer portraying a character that’s vastly different from my own personality. When you’re acting and you have different circumstances to portray that are further away from your own, you have the opportunity to really build out a character. I do a lot of prep before doing something, it’s important that the characters have their own physicalities, their own ways of reacting to things, and ground themselves. I’ve not had a role yet where those characteristics are similar to mine. It’s less vulnerable when you’re not being compared to your character in real life. 
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BX: Is there a role or character you’d like to play someday? IO: I’m really looking forward to playing a villain or something fantastical like a creature or motion capture. My number one role would be to play Beast Boy. 
BX: Speaking of Beast Boy, how was the hair and makeup process on the set of Avatar? IO: I was so lucky, my process was fairly short. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I get a haircut, and that was 30 minutes in hair and 30 minutes in makeup. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, it was only 15 minutes for hair, and all that was to center the ponytail. Most of the other cast members had a lot longer time like Dallas had spent at least 2 hours every day to get prosthetics for his character.
BX: What was your favorite costume and weapon on set? IO: Costume-wise, it’s definitely the warrior outfit with the chainmail and shoulder pads. Weapon-wise, I really liked the boomerangs and we had it made in various materials. I really liked the aluminum version and enjoyed playing around with it. I have a world championship in weapons for my martial arts. The war club I had was also really heavy on the top and light at the bottom so it was an interesting feel. 
BX: What are you most looking forward to for Seasons 2 and 3? IO: I’m most looking forward to being back with the fam, my co-stars. There’s a different bond you create with people when you’re doing a project together and building a shoulder-to-shoulder interaction instead of face-to-face. We’re all focused on a goal and moving towards that thing, it feels almost like being in a team sport. I’m also looking forward to reading the scripts and specific scenes from the show and how they will mix and evolve the characters. I hope that they incorporate more humor for Sokka.
BX: You started a fashion brand with your friends, KALÓ SOIL. Can you tell us about the inspiration and process of creating the piece you wore to the premiere?  IO: The inspiration behind this piece was white ravens. They’ve been a very important part of my life for the last year and a half. Ravens mean the provisions of God, and the concept of the white raven is a very glorious and triumphant raven. We were inspired by the layers and pleats that represented the raven and we used a lot of different textiles and textures for the piece. We had 7 crosses on the leather sashe and 7 represented the number for perfection.
BX: What’s next for KALÓ SOIL?  IO: It’s been such a beautiful opportunity to work with my business partners. They are really amazing creatives in designing and creative directing. We’re starting to do collections and our goal is to do a runway this year.
BX: Do you have any upcoming projects? IO: I’m working on a short right now with director Tony Tanchney and we’re really excited about it but I can’t tell you too much about what it is. It’s very different from the characters I’ve done before, so it’s interesting to see the contrast. But after that, it will mostly be Avatar for the next two and a half years.
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justarandomreaderxoxo · 6 months
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 18
Warning: Kidnapping
Summary: When Tony escapes terrorists and makes it back home, Y/N, the curious soul that she is, doesn't understand how her father got kidnapped in first place. So what happens when she digs into it?
A/N: Story is set just after tony makes announcement at the press conference. Enjoy
Word count: 1457
In the aftermath of the announcement, Y/N felt a magnetic pull toward the heart of the mystery that had unfolded within Stark Industries. The air in her dimly lit study was charged with determination as she surrounded herself with an arsenal of holographic displays, each revealing a different facet of the puzzle.
The room became a sanctuary of relentless inquiry, the soft glow of the screens casting intricate shadows on Y/N's face as she delved into the labyrinth of Stark Industries' internal workings. Her fingers danced across holographic interfaces, chasing virtual trails and encrypted data that seemed to lead to nowhere and everywhere simultaneously.
The night unfolded its layers, and as the city beyond her window plunged into darkness, Y/N's relentless pursuit of truth carried her into the early hours of the morning. The quiet hum of her high-tech equipment became the soundtrack to her solitary mission.
Every encrypted file, every line of code, and every digital breadcrumb Y/N followed painted a disturbing picture. Stark Industries, a fortress of innovation and security, had been infiltrated from within. Tony's security protocols, considered impenetrable, had been compromised.
In the virtual world, Y/N navigated through hidden servers and encrypted databases, uncovering the tendrils of a betrayal that went deeper than she could have anticipated. It wasn't just about the shift in Stark Industries' direction; it was about a sinister plot orchestrated by the one person she least expected – Obadiah Stane, the trusted mentor.
Y/N, now more than ever, embraced her role not just as Tony Stark's daughter but as a guardian of the family legacy. Her intelligence and resilience became integral to the rebuilding process, forging a path toward a future untainted by the shadows of the past.
Yet, amidst the progress, a lingering question haunted Y/N's thoughts – how had Stane managed to infiltrate their world so insidiously? The pursuit of this answer led her into the labyrinth of Stark Industries' security protocols and the hidden recesses of its digital infrastructure.
Late into the night, Y/N delved into the labyrinth, determined to unravel the intricacies of Stane's machinations. The holographic displays flickered with data, each line of code a potential revelation. As the hours passed, patterns emerged – a digital dance of deceit that echoed Stane's real-world betrayal.
The investigation took Y/N deeper into the archives of Stark Industries, leading her to discover vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the security systems. It was a painful realization that the very mechanisms designed to safeguard the legacy had been exploited from within.
The breakthrough in Y/N's investigation came in the form of a hidden file – a digital breadcrumb that led to the heart of Stane's betrayal. It detailed a series of covert operations, financial transactions, and the manipulation of security protocols that had allowed Stane to operate unchecked for years.
As the evidence unfolded, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that the shadows of Stane's deception extended beyond the digital realm. There was a tangible threat that lurked in the real world, and the urgency to expose the truth weighed heavily on her shoulders.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the skyline, casting long shadows across the city, Y/N discovered a chilling piece of information – Stane's plan to escalate his operations. The revelation sent a shiver down her spine, and a wave of panic gripped her. The danger extended beyond the walls of Stark Industries; it threatened the very heart of their existence.
Y/N's eyes bore into the holographic displays, absorbing the damning evidence. Stane's digital fingerprints were everywhere, leaving an indelible mark on the files that chronicled his clandestine dealings. The realization of the danger her father had unknowingly faced fuelled Y/N's determination.
The evidence, a digital arsenal against Stane's treachery, materialized on her screens. With a sense of urgency, Y/N compiled the incriminating data, her fingers dancing across the holographic interfaces to secure every piece of damning information.
But even in her quest for justice, Stane's calculated awareness of her interference was unveiled. The moment she initiated the transfer of evidence to Tony, a chilling response echoed through the digital realm. The revelation of her investigation had triggered Stane's countermove – an abduction designed to silence the whistleblower.
In the depths of the night, Y/N found herself thrust into a harsh reality. Stane's henchmen surrounded her, their movements synchronized with the malicious efficiency of a well-executed plan. Within moments, she was overpowered, her attempts to resist met with ruthless determination.
As she was dragged away from her sanctuary of investigation, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that her pursuit of truth had inadvertently led her into the heart of the danger that now enveloped her. Stane, the puppet master orchestrating a dangerous game, had taken her hostage, using her as a pawn in a bid to secure his escape from justice.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, as she grappled with her captors, a silent distress signal emanated from her necklace. The beacon of desperation, programmed with a daughter's plea for help, pulsated through the digital channels, reaching Tony Stark in the moments when he had just entered his iron man suit for testing. Tony's heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. Without a moment's hesitation, the repulsors on the Iron Man suit flared to life, propelling Tony into the night sky. The city below became a blur as he soared toward the coordinates sent by his daughter.
The scene that unfolded at Stane's secret lair was a clash of technology and malevolence. Tony, clad in the iconic red and gold armor, confronted Stane, the two armored figures locked in a battle that echoed the personal vendetta that had unfolded behind the scenes.
The cavernous space became an arena of clashing metal and the searing glow of repulsors. The echoes of the confrontation reverberated through the chamber, punctuated by the hum of technology pushed to its limits.
Y/N, restrained and defiant, watched the battle unfold. The sight of her father, clad in the Iron Man suit, was a mix of relief and pride. Yet, the danger that loomed threatened to overshadow the reunion they both sought.
As the battle reached its climax, Stane, realizing the game was up, attempted one final desperate move. The clash of armored figures intensified each blow resonating with the weight of justice seeking retribution.
In a burst of energy and determination, Tony emerged victorious. Stane, defeated and subdued, lay amidst the wreckage of his ambitions. The Iron Man suit's faceplate retracted, revealing a mixture of relief and resolve in Tony's eyes.
"Y/N, I'm here. I'll get you out of this," Tony's voice, filtered through the Iron Man suit's speakers, resonated with a blend of anger and concern.
Y/N met her father's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. "I knew you'd come for me, Dad."
With calculated precision, Tony freed Y/N from her restraints, the cold metal giving way to the warmth of a father's embrace. The Iron Man suit, a symbol of strength and protection, faded into the background as the vulnerability of a family torn and reunited took center stage.
The tension that had gripped the cavern dissipated, leaving behind a sense of closure and resolution. The truth, exposed in the aftermath of the battle, laid bare the extent of Stane's treachery. The evidence, compiled by Y/N in her relentless pursuit of justice, served as a testament to the resilience of the Stark legacy.
As the dust settled, Tony, still in the Iron Man suit, approached Y/N, the faceplate retracting to reveal a mixture of relief and vulnerability.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Tony's voice held a paternal concern that transcended the confines of the armored suit.
Y/N nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and resilience. "I'm fine, Dad. Thanks to you."
Tony reached out, and the two shared an embrace that spoke volumes. The armored exterior of Iron Man seemed to fade away as the vulnerability of a father and the strength of a daughter came to the forefront.
"I should have known," Tony murmured, his voice a mix of regret and determination. "Stane's betrayal cuts deep, but we'll make him pay for what he's done."
Y/N, ever the composed figure, met Tony's gaze with a steely resolve. "We will, Dad. Together."
As they stood amidst the remnants of the confrontation, the weight of the Stark legacy hung in the air. The trials they faced had forged a bond that surpassed the armor and technology. It was a testament to the resilience of family and the unwavering commitment to justice.
In the aftermath of the ordeal, as the night sky embraced the dawn, father and daughter stood side by side. The Stark legacy, scarred but unbroken, faced a new day with a strength that came not just from technology but from the indomitable spirit of family.
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Inspired by butterfly wings, researchers develop a soft, color-changing system for optical devices
Researchers at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) have designed an innovative pixelated, soft, color-changing system called a Morphable Concavity Array (MoCA). Pixelated, soft, color-changing systems are malleable structures that can change color by manipulating light. They have applications in a wide range of industries, from medical bandages that change color if there is an infection, to foldable screens on smartphones and tablets, as well as wearable technology where sensors are integrated into the clothing fabric. The research was co-directed by Professor Anderson Ho Cheung Shum from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at HKU, and Professor Mingzhu Li from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and led by Dr. Yi Pan from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at HKU. The study was published in Advanced Science titled "Pixelating Responsive Structural Color via a Bioinspired Morphable Concavity Array (MoCA) Composed of 2D Photonic Crystal Elastomer Actuators."
Read more.
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arthurslesbian · 11 months
anyway, as someone coming at this movie from not having read the book but being an avid rom com fan, i kind of don't like how rwrb is being called not original or not creative or not inventive or silly or basically not good
i mean. i get if you don't like rom coms. i do, they're truly not for everyone. but like. this movie was really fucking good. maybe rom coms just don't get credit for how hard they are to do well?
like idk actors repeatedly say how comedy is harder to do than dramatic, serious scenes, which is probably why there's a whole group of actors who are known for doing comedy, because it's really hard and a specialized skill set. getting those comedic beats right, the expressions that have just the right amount of irony and im in on it is hard!
and with romance, you need to have that chemistry, that rhythm it's really hard to do well because there's nothing external to the characters to distract from their performances there's no cool effects or world at stake plot or menacing villian
and rom coms?? really hard to get right. the whole genre has been in a decline for like the past ten years if I've been honest. so many recent rom coms have not been good at all! horribly written, terribly edited with really bad pacing, the flattest acting with no chemistry and not to mention uninteresting sets and costumes and stagnant camera work
meanwhile. rwrb is brilliant. it's written so well, with hilarious one liners (thank you zahra) and so much humour and comedy from the couple, the actors went all out with phenomenal performances, the shots showed so much care and attention to each scene, and the pacing was perfect for what it is - a rom com.
like so many recent rom coms take 4k way too far and it looks so bad, but rwrb looks so beautiful in every still. every single background was gorgeous every set, every detail with costuming. and this is important in rom coms! the two leads look so incredible!! taylor looks like a greek god with his long legs and his abs and his eyelashes to his nose while nick looks like a beautiful angel. (sorry it had to be said)
and the thing is, this is really hard to do. I believe rom coms have been in decline as the industry grapples with how much technology has pervaded dating recently, from dating apps to communicating constantly through things like texting and facetime, which it's really struggled to show convincingly on screen. the last good rom coms were before things like smartphones really took off
and rwrb did that so well!! romance as a genre in books recently has kind of been leaning into the tropes we're nostalgic about while incorporating those more recent aspects of relationships, and rwrb translates that so well on screen. the way they did the text messages was honestly innovative!!
the way it kind of led up to having henry physically in the room was an amazing way to capture growing closeness and how we now perceive text conversations to be just like real conversations, while still highlighting the kind of difference of actually being there which is actually really hard to portray and not really something the industry has figured out how to show well imo.
i loved the chemistry in that scene, and i loved how they did the emails as well because those are two different things!! and how it was able to show their togetherness while they were apart. even the way that ghosting works and alex literally storming a castle was shown so well!! that's not easy or done before!!
all this to say, i for one really appreciate matthew lopez's vision and will be rewatching this movie just as much as movies like 27 dresses, bridget jones' diary, and the proposal and i can't wait for a new wave of (queer!) rom coms
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broadway-heere-i-come · 10 months
'Querido Evan': The captivating Spanish production of 'Dear Evan Hansen' that you can't miss on Calle Corrientes
The show runs weekly at the Metropolitan Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
By: Felicitas de la Fare | Jun. 22, 2023
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Press release show of 'Querido Evan'
 "Querido Evan" revolves around a socially anxious high school student, Evan Hansen, who finds himself at the center of a tragic event. Through a series of mistaken identities and lies, Evan  becomes a source of hope and inspiration for his peers and community. The story explores themes of mental health, isolation, and the power of human connection. 
Sebastián Irigo's direction brings a fresh perspective to the production, ensuring that the emotional nuances of the story are effectively conveyed. His keen understanding of the material allows the performers to shine in their roles. The cast, led by a talented Evan Hansen (Máximo Meyer), delivers an exceptional portrayal of their characters, capturing their complexities and vulnerabilities.
 Under the guidance of musical director Tomás Mayer Wolf, the songs of "Querido Evan" take on new life in the Spanish adaptation which together with the Vocal Direction of Katie Viqueira, makes each song achieves its maximum potential. The music, composed by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, touches the soul with its heartfelt lyrics and soaring melodies. The Argentinian cast skillfully interprets the songs, infusing them with their own unique energy and vocal prowess. 
The production design of "Dear Evan Hansen" at Teatro Metropolitan  in Calle Corrientes is a visual feast for the eyes. The multiple screens and lighting  work in harmony to create an immersive experience that transports the audience into the world of the story. One of the most powerful and emotional scenes occurs during the song "You Will Be Found"- "Te encontrarán" which combines the use of different screens and social media messages from famous argentinian performers,  popping up on them while the actors interact with the screens, singing the powerful lyrics.
The cast delivers remarkable performances, bringing their own unique interpretations to the characters. Julia Zenko's portrayal of Evan's mother showcases both vulnerability and strength, capturing the essence of a mother navigating the challenges of parenthood. Her breathtaking solo song captivates the entire audience who can't resist shedding a few tears.  Rochi Hernandez portrayal of the conflicted and sympathetic Zoe Murphy, Evan's love interest, is filled with fresh and genuine emotion. Guido Balzaretti excels in the role of Connor Murphy, Zoe's troubled brother, bringing depth and complexity to a character fighting with his own inner demons. Mariano Condoluci and Mariel Percossi, with their undisputed talent ,  add all the fun the story needs to loosen up the dramatic scenes. Máximo Meyer as Evan, dazzles the audience not only with his acting  skills but also with his gifted amazing voice. He manages to convey the anxiety and inner angst of the character in an authentic and moving way. Laura Conforte and Fabio Aeste as Evan's parents,  are terrific in their role, representing in an unparalleled way the pain of whom have just lost a child, through an exciting and moving performance.
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Mariel Percossi, Máximo Meyer and Mariano Condoluci
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Press release show with Argentinian performer Elis García, Julia Zenko's daughter
The Spanish production of "Dear Evan Hansen" at Teatro Metropolitan  is  an undisputed success in the Buenos Aires theater scene. This innovative production not only brings the acclaimed musical to a new audience, but also cements its place in the Argentinian theater. "Querido Evan" is an emotional journey that will leave audiences reflecting on the power of connection, empathy, and the enduring impact of one person's story.
If you are in the area don't miss the chance to go see this show, click HERE to purchase tickets. 
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