#Inner Wheel initiatives promotion
townpostin · 2 months
Inner Wheel Club Jamshedpur East Honors Media Personnel
Dr. Meena Mukherjee introduced as Club Editor for 2024-25, discusses collaboration strategies The Inner Wheel Club of Jamshedpur East recognized media personnel for their support in promoting club initiatives and enhancing its public image. JAMSHEDPUR – The Inner Wheel Club of Jamshedpur East conducted a press conference to recognize media personnel for their assistance in publicizing the club’s…
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xyhuaqiang · 2 months
A machine for processing cow manure
On the road of sustainable agricultural development, the importance of organic fertilizer has become increasingly prominent, which can not only improve soil structure, improve crop quality, but also promote the development of agricultural circular economy. In this green revolution, the wheeled strip composting machine, with its efficient and convenient characteristics, has become a key equipment for processing organic waste such as cow manure and quickly transforming it into high-quality organic fertilizer. Today, let's explore the work flow of this crazy and ingenious machine - wheeled strip compost tiller, and briefly introduce the pelletizer granulation process with it, as well as the process flow of the entire fertilizer production line.
Work flow of wheeled strip compost tiller
Raw material preparation: First of all, the collected organic waste such as cow manure is initially treated, such as removing large impurities and adjusting the moisture content to the appropriate range (generally 50%-60%) to ensure the smooth progress of the subsequent fermentation process.
Pile fermentation: the pre-treated organic materials are stacked in the designated area according to a certain proportion and levels to form a strip shape. This process takes into account the needs of the material for air permeability, water retention and microbial activity.
Heap turning operation: At this time, the wheeled strip compost heap turning machine appears. It uses advanced wheel design, can easily shuttle between the strip, through its powerful flipping ability, the material evenly flip, to achieve the inner and outer layer material exchange, increase the oxygen contact area, promote the reproduction and activity of aerobic microorganisms, accelerate the decomposition and decomposition of organic matter process. Once passed by, the original dull pile suddenly revitalized, the temperature rose, the smell reduced, and the fertilizer effect gradually appeared.
Regular monitoring: During the stacking process, the staff needs to regularly monitor the key parameters of the compost such as temperature, humidity, pH value, and timely adjust the stacking frequency and water supplement to ensure the stable fermentation process.
Mature and stable: After a period of continuous stacking and fermentation, organic matter is gradually transformed into a stable, harmless, and nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. At this time, the fertilizer color becomes dark, the texture is loose, there is no odor, and it meets the standard of use.
Fertilizer production line process flow
1. Raw material collection and treatment
Collection: Organic waste such as cow manure, pig manure, chicken manure, and agricultural waste such as crop straw and rice husk are collected from farms and farmland.
Pretreatment: The collected raw materials are broken, decontaminized, and the water content is adjusted to ensure the uniformity and suitability of the raw materials and lay a good foundation for the subsequent fermentation process.
2. Windrow Compost Turning Machine
Pile building: The pre-treated raw materials are stacked in the designated area according to a certain proportion and levels, forming a strip shape, easy to manage and turn the pile.
Fermentation: Under aerobic conditions, through the action of microorganisms, the organic matter in the raw material is gradually decomposed, generating heat and carbon dioxide, while forming beneficial substances such as humus. This process requires control of temperature, humidity and oxygen supply to facilitate the smooth fermentation process.
3. Wheel Type Windrow Compost Turning Machine
Heap turning operation: The Wheel Type Windrow Compost Turning Machine is used to regularly turn the heap during fermentation, increase the oxygen contact area, promote microbial activity and accelerate the decomposition of organic matter. The reactor temperature and humidity can also be adjusted during the reactor turning process to prevent local overheating or excessive humidity resulting in poor fermentation.
4. Pulverize and sift
Crushing: The compost that is fermented and mature is crushed to break the bulk material and improve the efficiency and product quality of the subsequent process.
Screening: The screening equipment removes impurities and materials that are not fully decomposed to ensure the quality of raw materials entering the next process.
5. Mix ingredients
Ingredients: According to the product formula requirements, different types of raw materials are mixed in a certain proportion to meet the nutrient needs of different crops.
Mixing: The mixing machine is used to fully mix the raw materials after dosing to ensure the balanced distribution of product nutrients.
6. Granulation molding (drum granulator and disk granulator)
Rotary Drum Granulator:
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Principle: The Rotary Drum Granulator rolls, extrudates and cuts the evenly mixed material in the roller through the granulation knife or granulation plate installed inside the rotating drum to form granular products.
Features: High production efficiency, regular particle shape, suitable for large-scale production.
Disc Granulator:
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Principle: The Disc Granulator uses a rotating disc to throw the material to the edge and form a material layer, and the material gradually bonds into particles during the rolling and collision process on the edge of the disc.
Features: Simple operation, easy to control particle size and shape, suitable for small batch production and experimental research.
7. Dry and cool
Drying: The fertilizer after granulation is sent into the drying equipment, and the excess water in the particles is removed by hot air or natural wind to improve the stability and storage of the product.
Cooling: After drying, the fertilizer has a high temperature and needs to be cooled to prevent clumping and deterioration, while facilitating subsequent packaging and transportation.
8. Screening and grading
The fertilizer particles after drying and cooling are graded by the screening equipment, and the unqualified large particles and small particles are removed to ensure the uniformity of product quality.
9. Packing and warehousing
The qualified fertilizer particles after screening and grading are measured, packaged, and labeled with product name, nutrient content, production date and other information.
The packaged fertilizer products are stored in the warehouse, awaiting sale or transportation to the field for use.
Through this complete fertilizer production line process, it not only realizes the resource utilization of agricultural waste, but also provides the society with a large number of environmentally friendly and efficient organic fertilizers, which promotes the green transformation and sustainable development of agriculture.
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On the road of sustainable agricultural development, the importance of organic fertilizer has become increasingly prominent, which can not only improve soil structure, improve crop quality, but also promote the development of agricultural circular economy. In this green revolution, the wheeled strip composting machine, with its efficient and convenient characteristics, has become a key equipment for processing organic waste such as cow manure and quickly transforming it into high-quality organic fertilizer. Today, let's explore the work flow of this crazy and ingenious machine - wheeled strip compost tiller, and briefly introduce the pelletizer granulation process with it, as well as the process flow of the entire fertilizer production line.
Work flow of wheeled strip compost tiller
Raw material preparation: First of all, the collected organic waste such as cow manure is initially treated, such as removing large impurities and adjusting the moisture content to the appropriate range (generally 50%-60%) to ensure the smooth progress of the subsequent fermentation process.
Pile fermentation: the pre-treated organic materials are stacked in the designated area according to a certain proportion and levels to form a strip shape. This process takes into account the needs of the material for air permeability, water retention and microbial activity.
Heap turning operation: At this time, the wheeled strip compost heap turning machine appears. It uses advanced wheel design, can easily shuttle between the strip, through its powerful flipping ability, the material evenly flip, to achieve the inner and outer layer material exchange, increase the oxygen contact area, promote the reproduction and activity of aerobic microorganisms, accelerate the decomposition and decomposition of organic matter process. Once passed by, the original dull pile suddenly revitalized, the temperature rose, the smell reduced, and the fertilizer effect gradually appeared.
Regular monitoring: During the stacking process, the staff needs to regularly monitor the key parameters of the compost such as temperature, humidity, pH value, and timely adjust the stacking frequency and water supplement to ensure the stable fermentation process.
Mature and stable: After a period of continuous stacking and fermentation, organic matter is gradually transformed into a stable, harmless, and nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. At this time, the fertilizer color becomes dark, the texture is loose, there is no odor, and it meets the standard of use.
Fertilizer production line process flow
1. Raw material collection and treatment
Collection: Organic waste such as cow manure, pig manure, chicken manure, and agricultural waste such as crop straw and rice husk are collected from farms and farmland.
Pretreatment: The collected raw materials are broken, decontaminized, and the water content is adjusted to ensure the uniformity and suitability of the raw materials and lay a good foundation for the subsequent fermentation process.
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Pile building: The pre-treated raw materials are stacked in the designated area according to a certain proportion and levels, forming a strip shape, easy to manage and turn the pile.
Fermentation: Under aerobic conditions, through the action of microorganisms, the organic matter in the raw material is gradually decomposed, generating heat and carbon dioxide, while forming beneficial substances such as humus. This process requires control of temperature, humidity and oxygen supply to facilitate the smooth fermentation process.
3. Wheel Type Windrow Compost Turning Machine
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Heap turning operation: The Wheel Type Windrow Compost Turning Machine is used to regularly turn the heap during fermentation, increase the oxygen contact area, promote microbial activity and accelerate the decomposition of organic matter. The reactor temperature and humidity can also be adjusted during the reactor turning process to prevent local overheating or excessive humidity resulting in poor fermentation.
4. Pulverize and sift
Crushing: The compost that is fermented and mature is crushed to break the bulk material and improve the efficiency and product quality of the subsequent process.
Screening: The screening equipment removes impurities and materials that are not fully decomposed to ensure the quality of raw materials entering the next process.
5. Mix ingredients
Ingredients: According to the product formula requirements, different types of raw materials are mixed in a certain proportion to meet the nutrient needs of different crops.
Mixing: The mixing machine is used to fully mix the raw materials after dosing to ensure the balanced distribution of product nutrients.
6. Granulation molding
Rotary Drum Granulator:
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Principle: The Rotary Drum Granulator rolls, extrudates and cuts the evenly mixed material in the roller through the granulation knife or granulation plate installed inside the rotating drum to form granular products.
Features: High production efficiency, regular particle shape, suitable for large-scale production.
Disc Granulator:
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Principle: The Disc Granulator uses a rotating disc to throw the material to the edge and form a material layer, and the material gradually bonds into particles during the rolling and collision process on the edge of the disc.
Features: Simple operation, easy to control particle size and shape, suitable for small batch production and experimental research.
7. Dry and cool
Drying: The fertilizer after granulation is sent into the drying equipment, and the excess water in the particles is removed by hot air or natural wind to improve the stability and storage of the product.
Cooling: After drying, the fertilizer has a high temperature and needs to be cooled to prevent clumping and deterioration, while facilitating subsequent packaging and transportation.
8. Screening and grading
The fertilizer particles after drying and cooling are graded by the screening equipment, and the unqualified large particles and small particles are removed to ensure the uniformity of product quality.
9. Packing and warehousing
The qualified fertilizer particles after screening and grading are measured, packaged, and labeled with product name, nutrient content, production date and other information.
The packaged fertilizer products are stored in the warehouse, awaiting sale or transportation to the field for use.
Through this complete fertilizer production line process, it not only realizes the resource utilization of agricultural waste, but also provides the society with a large number of environmentally friendly and efficient organic fertilizers, which promotes the green transformation and sustainable development of agriculture.
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thelearnlifestyle · 6 months
The Circle of Karma & How Your Actions Shape Your Destiny
The concept of karma holds that all of our deeds, good and evil, have effects that eventually come back to haunt us. The energy you release into the world eventually comes back around to you, much to a universal boomerang.
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The Circle of Karma is a consistent principle amidst the unfathomable workings of the universe. It's not only about sudden good fortune or bad; our reality is shaped by the energy we project out into the world. The good news is that we can affect this cycle by our intentions and actions.
Manifestation Methods for Shaping Your Destiny
Manifestation Journal: Write down your desires with clarity and purpose. This act of creation sets the wheels of the circle in motion. Manifesting is all about believing or having faith that you will achieve your goals and being positive in your mind. 
Daily Meditation: Quieting your mind allows you to connect with your inner compass, guiding you towards actions aligned with your goals. It helps a lot to remain calm, especially for overthinkers or those suffering from anxiety or other mental issues.
Gratitude Journal: Appreciating what you already have strengthens the positive energy flowing through the circle, attracting more good into your life. When we observe and pen down all those things that we have right now, from a healthy body to food for survival to materialistic assets like a dream car or house, it creates a feeling of gratitude towards God, makes people strong during tough times, and generates faith in the universe and God automatically.
Beyond Luck: Embracing Action
Embracing Action: Moving Past Luck Karma is active. It has to do with the constructive force of belief paired with initiative. Though thankfulness and vision are powerful tools, they require action as fuel. If you work hard to achieve your goals, the Circle will support you in your efforts.To make dreams come true, one needs to perform actions, such as being positive and having trust in God. The universe can't do anything if one is sitting hand in hand, waiting for his good timing to make things in his favor.
Positivity is the Key
The Circle is nourished by good vibes. Select helpfulness, kindness, and compassion. Be resilient and graceful in the face of adversity. Recall that negativity comes back like a boomerang. You take an active role in molding your future by intentionally feeding the Circle of Karma with good intentions, deeds, and gratitude. Make your energy a positive force for both the planet and yourself, as the universe returns the favor.
In fact, having a negative outlook during challenging times might make things twice as bad. Negative thoughts usually make a person more miserable, which inevitably makes them more conceited and makes things harder or more difficult to handle. This is especially true for those who are more sensitive and overthinkers.
If you found this post to be useful and want to know more about The Learn Lifestyle as we can act as an advisor by promoting the positive parts of life in the daily chaos. You can send us an email on [email protected] or follow us on Facebook.
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ledenews · 7 months
Shorthanded Nailers Fall 7-4 to Fort Wayne
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The Wheeling Nailers showed plenty of heart on Saturday night as they skated into Allen County War Memorial Coliseum two players short for a tussle against the Fort Wayne Komets. Wheeling found the back of the net four times. Unfortunately, the Komets got huge offensive performances from two players, as Ethan De Jong netted a hat trick to go along with three assists, while Jack Dugan registered two goals and three assists. Fort Wayne was victorious, 7-4 on home ice, as four teams are now within five points of each other in the Central Division playoff race. The first period was wide open, as the two teams combined for three goals on 33 total shots. Wheeling was first to get on the board at the 11:34 mark. Matthew Quercia grabbed a loose puck in the right corner of the offensive zone, then cruised all the way back to the blueline, where he slid a wrist shot on goal. Tyler Parks made a right pad save, but the rebound was immediately punched home by David Jankowski on the left side of the crease. Two minutes later, the Komets pulled even on the power play. Jack Dugan tossed a shot on goal from the right circle, which set off a scramble around the crease. Ture Linden took a swat at the loose puck and connected for the equalizer. 51 seconds after that, Fort Wayne took the lead. Xavier Cormier centered a pass to Ethan De Jong, who cruised through the low slot and powered his opportunity through goaltender Christian Propp. The scoring opened up even more in the middle frame, as both squads turned on the red light twice. The Komets converted on a two-man advantage to push their lead to 3-1 at the 3:24 mark. De Jong and Alexis D'Aoust exchanged passes, with De Jong ultimately getting the final feed beneath the left circle, where he turned and whipped in a wrist shot. The Nailers battled back with consecutive strikes to temporarily pull even. Peter Laviolette stole the puck from Fort Wayne netminder Tyler Parks, then set up Tanner Laderoute, who swept in a shot from the inner edge of the right circle for a 3-2 score. Then, Jarrett Lee tallied for the second straight night, when he deposited the rebound of Justin Lee's shot inside of the right post. Unfortunately, the deadlock only lasted for 13 seconds before the Komets went back on top. Cormier's initial pass bounced its way to De Jong, who stepped up and completed his hat trick by blazing in a shot from the left side of the slot. Fort Wayne extended its edge in the early stages of the third period. Dugan notched his first of the evening with a wrist shot from the right circle, and Ethan Keppen followed that with a shorthanded breakaway, as he roofed a backhander into the top-right corner. Isaac Belliveau tallied one more for Wheeling with a one-timer from the right point, before Dugan put the finishing touches on the 7-4 score with an empty netter for the Komets. Tyler Parks started the game for Fort Wayne, and made 21 saves on 24 shots, before leaving the game in favor of Ryan Fanti, who got the win by turning away 11 of 12 shots. Christian Propp turned aside 24 of the 30 attempts he faced in his professional debut. The Nailers will return home Sunday afternoon for a 4:10 game against the Cincinnati Cyclones. That game will be Faith & Family Day, which will feature a pregame faith presentation with players. One lucky fan will also win a free TV courtesy of Walmart, fans can skate with even-numbered players after the game, and $2 sundaes will be available for kids at Flurry's. The next Big Six Promotional Game is Wizards & Wands on Saturday, March 23rd. The Wheeling Nailers, considered one of the top things to do in Wheeling, West Virginia, provide affordable family entertainment for fans throughout the Ohio Valley. Read the full article
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jeffglattstein · 7 months
Chakras and Energy Healing_ Balancing and Clearing the Body_s Energy Centers with Jeff Glattstein
The East Institute
Chakras and Energy Healing: Balancing and Clearing the Body's Energy Centers with Jeff Glattstein
In the realm of holistic healing and spiritual practices, the concept of chakras has gained significant attention. Originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are believed to be vital energy centers within the body. These energy centers, when balanced and clear, are thought to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In recent times, energy healing modalities focusing on chakra balancing have surged in popularity as people seek alternative methods for maintaining health and harmony. Understanding chakras and how to balance them with the help of experts like Jeff Glattstein can offer profound insights into enhancing overall vitality and inner balance.   
Understanding the Chakras
Chakras, derived from Sanskrit meaning "wheel" or "disc," refer to the seven main energy centers located along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with specific qualities, functions, and aspects of human consciousness. For instance, the root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with survival instincts and grounding, while the crown chakra, situated at the top of the head, is linked to spiritual connection and higher consciousness. Understanding the unique characteristics of each chakra with the help of experts like Jeff Glattstein is fundamental to energy healing practices aimed at restoring balance and vitality.
Signs of Imbalance
When chakras are out of balance or blocked, it can manifest in various physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. Physical symptoms may include chronic pain, fatigue, or digestive issues, while emotional signs could manifest as anxiety, depression, or mood swings. Recognizing these signs of imbalance is crucial for addressing underlying energetic disturbances. Energy healers often utilize techniques such as Reiki, acupuncture, or crystal therapy to identify and clear blockages within the chakras, promoting a return to equilibrium and well-being.
Techniques for Balancing Chakras
Numerous techniques exist for balancing and clearing the chakras, each with its unique approach and benefits. Meditation is one of the most widely practiced methods, as it allows individuals to focus their attention on each chakra, visualize its associated color and affirmations, and release any stagnant energy. Yoga poses, specifically designed to stimulate and align the chakras, are also highly effective in promoting balance and flow within the energetic system. Additionally, sound therapy, using specific frequencies or chanting mantras, can resonate with each chakra, facilitating healing and harmonization.
The Role of Energy Healing
Energy healing modalities play a vital role in chakra balancing by working directly with the body's subtle energy field. Reiki, for example, involves the gentle laying of hands on or above the body to channel healing energy into the recipient, clearing blockages and restoring balance within the chakras. Similarly, acupuncture targets specific meridian points to release stagnant energy and promote the free flow of vital life force energy throughout the body. These practices offer holistic approaches to wellness, addressing the root causes of imbalance rather than merely treating symptoms.
Maintaining Chakra Health
Beyond initial balancing and clearing, maintaining chakra health is essential for sustained well-being. Mindfulness practices, such as journaling, breathwork, or spending time in nature, can help individuals stay attuned to their energetic needs and address imbalances as they arise. Regular self-care rituals, incorporating activities that nourish the mind, body, and spirit, also contribute to overall chakra health. By cultivating a lifestyle that supports energetic balance with the help of experts like Jeff Glattstein, individuals can experience greater vitality, emotional resilience, and spiritual connection.
Integrating Chakra Work into Daily Life
Integrating chakra work into daily life is key to experiencing its full benefits. This involves incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, into daily routines to maintain energetic balance and clarity. Additionally, being mindful of lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, and stress management, can positively impact chakra health. Cultivating awareness of thoughts, emotions, and energetic sensations allows individuals to recognize when their chakras may be in need of attention and take proactive steps to restore harmony and vitality.
In the journey of holistic healing and self-discovery, chakra balancing serves as a powerful tool for promoting overall well-being and harmony. By understanding the chakras with the help of experts like Jeff Glattstein, recognizing signs of imbalance, and utilizing various energy healing techniques, individuals can restore equilibrium within their energetic system, fostering physical, mental, and emotional vitality. Incorporating mindfulness practices and maintaining chakra health in daily life further enhances the benefits, empowering individuals to live authentically and vibrantly. Embracing the wisdom of chakras offers a pathway to deeper self-awareness, healing, and spiritual growth.
This journey is ultimately about discovering and living our best life. Through regular mindfulness practices, we can develop a strong connection to our chakras, and to our own spiritual and energetic being. This connection can help us to lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Chakras are energy centers in the body that can be accessed through meditation, journaling, and other forms of mindfulness. By understanding and working with our chakras under the guidance of experts like Jeff Glattstein, we can better understand our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, and gain insight into how to meet them. This can help us to become more mindful of our actions and how we are showing up in the world, leading to greater fulfillment and joy.
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travelblog88 · 8 months
Divine Discovery: Monasteries in Ladakh and the Tranquil Presence of Shanti Stupa
Nestled in the rugged terrain of the Indian Himalayas, Ladakh captivates not only with its breathtaking landscapes but also its rich cultural heritage. Among its many treasures, Ladakh's ancient monasteries hold a special place, representing spirituality, art, and history. Join us as we delve into the divine realm of Monasteries In Ladakh, where the serene aura of Shanti Stupa beckons. Embark on a journey of spiritual discovery in the Land of High Passes, where every corner echoes with the whispers of ancient wisdom.
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Monasteries of Ladakh: Sanctuaries of Serenity
Ladakh is home to numerous monasteries, each with its own unique charm and significance. From ancient gompas perched on cliff edges to secluded retreats nestled in valleys, these monastic complexes exude an aura of tranquility and spirituality. Among the most renowned are:
1. Thiksey Monastery: A Marvel of Tibetan Architecture
Perched atop a hill in the Indus Valley, Thiksey Monastery is a masterpiece of Tibetan architecture. Its whitewashed walls adorned with colorful murals, prayer wheels spinning in the breeze, and the melodious chants of monks create an atmosphere of divine serenity. The monastery also houses a stunning statue of Maitreya Buddha, spanning two stories in height, making it a must-visit for spiritual seekers and culture enthusiasts alike.
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2. Hemis Monastery: Guardian of Ancient Traditions
Located deep in the Hemis Valley, Hemis Monastery is one of the largest and wealthiest monasteries in Ladakh. It is famous for its annual Hemis Festival, where monks perform sacred masked dances to commemorate the birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava. The monastery's museum showcases a rich collection of thangkas, ancient manuscripts, and religious artifacts, offering a glimpse into Ladakh's vibrant cultural heritage.
3. Diskit Monastery: Gateway to Nubra Valley
Perched on a hill overlooking the picturesque Nubra Valley, Diskit Monastery is the largest and oldest monastery in the region. Its towering statue of Maitreya Buddha, visible from miles around, is a symbol of peace and compassion. Visitors can explore the monastery's labyrinthine corridors, observe monks engaged in prayer and meditation, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
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Shanti Stupa: A Beacon of Peace and Harmony
Nestled on a hilltop overlooking the ancient city of Leh, Shanti Stupa is a gleaming white structure that radiates peace and tranquility. Built by Japanese Buddhist monks to promote world peace, the stupa offers panoramic views of the Himalayan landscape, with snow-capped peaks stretching as far as the eye can see. Visitors can climb the stairs to the stupa's base, circumambulate its gleaming white dome, and soak in the serene ambiance that pervades the surroundings.
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Discovering Inner Peace: Meditation and Reflection
Visitors to Ladakh's monasteries and Shanti Stupa often find themselves drawn to moments of quiet contemplation and introspection. The tranquil surroundings, the rhythmic chanting of monks, and the majestic vistas of the Himalayas create the perfect setting for meditation and reflection. Whether sitting in silent meditation or simply gazing out over the awe-inspiring landscape, travelers often find a sense of inner peace and spiritual renewal in Ladakh's sacred spaces.
Preserving Cultural Heritage: Conservation and Community
The monasteries of Ladakh play a vital role in preserving the region's rich cultural heritage. Through ongoing conservation efforts and community engagement initiatives, these ancient institutions ensure that centuries-old traditions and teachings are passed down to future generations. Visitors are encouraged to support these efforts by respecting monastery guidelines, participating in cultural events, and contributing to local community projects.
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Conclusion: Embracing the Divine in Ladakh
In conclusion, Ladakh's monasteries and Shanti Stupa offer a profound journey into the heart of spirituality and cultural heritage. From the ancient traditions of Thiksey and Hemis to the serene beauty of Diskit and the transcendent peace of Shanti Stupa, these sacred sites invite visitors to explore the depths of their own souls and connect with the divine essence that pervades the Himalayan landscape. Whether seeking inner peace, cultural enlightenment, or simply the sheer beauty of the natural world, a pilgrimage to Ladakh's monasteries is sure to leave a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of all who embark on this divine discovery.
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tonkipedia · 2 years
Full moom august 2021
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Full moom august 2021 how to#
Leaders blaze trails, which might mean standing alone for a minute. There will always be people who oppose your stance, but this new moon reminds us that it's better to be respected (and moreover, to respect yourself) than to gain the so-called popular vote.
Full moom august 2021 how to#
As the zodiac's royal, Leo shows us how to lead with heart and nobility. Your willingness to fight for your desires is the first catalyzing step. And now, you're being challenged-should you forge ahead or back down? The 2021 Leo new moon says: If you want it, pounce! Have you been making excuses, not sticking up for your beliefs, or freaking out before taking action? Maybe good old-fashioned fear has disguised itself as a perfectly reasonable excuse to avoid taking a risk or pursuing what you really want. Leo is the sign of courage, and this new moon can help you develop a stronger backbone. Whether you're "rebranding" yourself with a totally new look and messaging or just glossing things up a bit, visuals are Leo's language. If you don't put it out there, how will they find you?įirst impressions can leave an indelible mark, and the 2021 Leo new moon raises the question: How do you want to shine in this world? Since new moons give us fresh starts, it's well worth the effort to put your goals into practice now. Someone out there could be seeking your very skill set. If what you're offering adds value and inspiration to someone's life, then why not share it? You never know when your story could open another person's eyes or give them life-changing validation. Showy Leo loves attention, and hey, there's no shame in that. But there are also a lot of genius products and services that never get off the ground, simply because they're not properly publicized. There are a lot of people hyping themselves up who don't have the goods. The term "self-promotion" gets a bad rap, but let's face it: In this challenging marketplace, even the squeaky wheel needs to spell out offerings in a way that clearly demonstrates benefits. Already way past the initial honeymoon phase of a relationship? Sharing a new adventure can produce sexy, bonding hormones like dopamine and oxytocin that add fire for you and the love of your life (LOYL). Whether you're looking for love with a fairy-tale quality or "a lover and a best friend," set aside cynicism and generate sparks. Romantically, this new moon resets your compass. Try being unapologetically yourself, even if someone else finds it awkward or controversial. Why hold back your true feelings about an issue, especially when you know speaking up can move the conversation in a new direction? Or pretend you don't love something that's "so last season" according to the self-appointed tastemakers of the world? If it's still your ever-loving jam, carry on and do you. At this Leo new moon, open your heart and get vulnerable. It's anything but remote, cool, and unruffled. Hiding your feelings is supposedly a sign of self-control and maturity-but what good does it actually do? Leo energy is all about naked honesty, childlike glee, and unmasked excitement. Here are six transformative tips for making the most of the 2021 Leo new moon: During the 2021 Leo new moon, your best moves don't just draw applause, they lift up the people around you. This new moon will square humanitarian Uranus in Taurus, which can curb some of the self-serving tendencies that are the downside of the prideful Lion. If you're feeling a call to leadership, this lunar lift is like a launchpad to your chosen throne. At a time when the world is endlessly filled with fear and uncertainty, it's time for some true heroes to emerge-with plenty of "backbone" and a whole lot of love. Leo is also the ruler of the heart and spine. A curious attitude and willingness to experiment could blow the roof off your limited beliefs. Park your inner cynic in the timeout chair for one day. See what happens if you turn your focus toward synergy, spark, and opportunity. (Yes, even though Venus and Mars are both in Virgo during this new moon.) While we can't completely blow off our daily duties, taking regular screen breaks is a must. With the 2021 Leo new moon buoying everyone's romanticism, it may be hard to focus on anything super practical.
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Cotton Buds Making Business
The cotton swab making machine business is rapidly progressing in India. Cotton is the staple fiber made from the natural fibers of cotton plants. The cotton made from the genus Gossypium is primarily composed of cellulose, which is an insoluble organic compound that is a soft and fluffy material. Cotton is the most important fiber crop, which provides the basic raw material to the cotton textile industry. Cotton is grown in tropic and sub-tropic parts and requires uniformly high temperature and is a Kharif crop; it is sown and harvested in different parts of India depending upon the climatic conditions.
China, the USA, and India are the world’s major cotton-producing countries, accounting for about 60% of the world’s production. China alone consumes around 40% of the world’s cotton, and it is a significant export revenue source for major cotton-producing countries of the world.
Cotton is cultivated around 117 lakh hectares in India and accounts for about 37.5% of the global cotton area, and contributes to 26% of the global cotton production. Cotton holds an essential place in the Indian textile mills, and it is used as a primary raw material of India. Cotton provides livelihood to around 60 million people of India by means of cotton cultivation, processing, marketing, and exports.
Cotton buds are the most common item which is used for cleaning the ear, first-aid, cosmetic application, cleaning, and arts and crafts. The cotton buds are composed of small wads of cotton which are wrapped around a rod made of wood, paper, or plastic. The cotton buds were developed in 1923 by a Polish-American Loe Gerstenzang which later became the most widely sold brand name of cotton swabs.
The cotton bud with a single tip on a wooden handle is mostly used in medical settings and is the traditional cotton buds. The cotton buds used for domestic purposes are usually short, about 3 inches long, and double-tipped. Traditionally, the handles of the cotton buds were made of woods while later it was made of the rolled paper and sold in large quantities. The cotton buds are available in a wide variety of colors, such as blue, pink, or green. The manufacturing of the test swabs in a record time of seven days is a dream come true under the ”Make in India” initiative which has conceptualized the production and provided employment to so many unemployed people in India.
The cotton buds are most commonly used for cleaning the ear by removing earwax.  The cotton buds are used for domestic purposes such as cleaning and arts and crafts purposes. The medical buds are used to take microbiological cultures which are usually rubbed into the affected area and wiped where the bacteria grows across the culture medium. They can also be used to apply medicines to selective areas targeting to remove substances or clean them. They can be used as an applicator for applying cosmetics, ointments, or other substances.
The cotton buds are also used to take the DNA samples by scraping cells from the inner cheek in the case of humans. The cotton swabs are also often used in the construction of the plastic model kits while paintings. They are also frequently used for cleaning the laser diode lens of an optical drive in conjunction with rubbing alcohol. In addition to his, they are used to clear the large parts of the computer such as video cards and fans and also used widely to clean video games cartridges in the past.
With so many uses, the demand for cotton buds in the market is growing at a rapid rate and is an essential tool for the healthcare of all individuals irrespective of age, race, culture, or religion, etc. keeping this in mind, the idea to start the automatic cotton swab making machine business is a golden opportunity for the young and aspiring entrepreneurs.
With the increased diversity of product ranges from adult-centric to baby and child-centric and increased popularity of cotton buds in the modern as well as in traditional retailing has increased the sales of the cotton buds to grow. With the rising demand, the locally produced cotton buds have become popular across rural India. it has also become popular in small as well as in metropolitan cities because of the availability of the cotton buds at a much lower price as compared to the branded products have been a key focus for the small manufacturers in India. Therefore, it is an ideal business for employing in the Rural areas as well as it will promote the ‘Make in India” initiative of the Modi Government.
The Government of India is promoting all the manufacturing units, especially in the areas where China enjoys a big share in the global market. The government to achieve the Atma Nirbhar Bharat is pushing the exports by giving various aids to the small and marginal businessmen and it aims to reduce the dependency of the country on the imported goods.
The government through various joint ventures and supporting the local businesses is expanding India’s share in the global market. Keeping this in mind, the government has announced various production-linked incentives for manufacturing the earbuds. This is a great opportunity for Indian earbuds manufacturers to raise their business. It is a big step towards making India self-reliant and manufactures their products. Almost 260 schemes are contracted by the Tri-services at an approximate cost of Rs. 3.5 lakh crores and with the latest embargo on the import of 101 items, the contracts worth Rs 1, 30,000 crore is expected to be placed upon the domestic industries in India.
Registration:- To start the buds manufacturing business in India, the first and foremost thing is the registration of your firm either as a proprietorship company or as a partnership firm. One must register the company as a Proprietorship firm if he has to start his buds manufacturing business as One Person company. To start a partnership firm, one must get registered with the Registrar of companies (ROC) and register as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or the Private Limited Company.
GST Registration:- To start a business, it is now mandatory for any business to obtain a GST number, tax identification number, and an insurance certificate.
License for Trade:- Trade license is very important to be acquired to start a buds manufacturing business. It can be obtained from the local bodies of the respective states.
MSME or SSI Registration:- To avail of the government schemes and benefits, one must obtain the MSME or SSI registration. This will help the businessman to receive all the governmental benefits arising from various schemes.
Trademark:- It is required to make sure to register the buds manufacturing business with the trademark which will help in protecting the brand name.
Before starting a semi automatic cotton swab making machine business, one has to make sure to select the proper machines which are proper for operations suitable for your business.
Following are the description of machines used in the cotton buds making business-
Automatic Cotton Swab Packing Machine : –
The automatic cotton bud making machine is the machine that uses the computer PLC process control and warm wind drying technology is used to help to absorb the coating layer. The microcomputer servo motor aids feed the cotton layer and wrap the absorbent material. In this technology, there is no requirement for a different packaging machine separately.
Spindle Fabrication Machine : –
The paper spindles are processed with the help of a dyeing cutting machine from a heavy grade paper and then a thin layered paper is rolled around it to make it light. While a wooden spindle is developed with the help of a lathe machine process. The plastic spindle is made from the extrusion molding process machine, where the plastic is melted and extruded through a die and sent to a hopper machine.
Packaging Machine : –
The cotton buds are sent through the packaging wheels where the buds are rolled with the pouch. A sensor is attached to the packaging wheel which counts the buds and places them into the packaging bag which is packed with the packaging wheel.
The automatic cotton swab packing machine does not require a lot of space for its operation and it can be started from home. Anyone can start the business even from home this will reduce the cost of investment. The cotton buds making business has the potential to give a good place in the market by becoming a high profit earning business in a short period. With the increased demand for cotton buds, the business is very ideal for start-ups and young entrepreneurs.
In the times like this where the pandemic has left no nation in a mess, India has started the manufacturing of indigenous swabs or cotton buds for the testing of Covid-19. A Mumbai based Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) and Tulips has got a green signal from the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute for Virology in Pune. These firms have started manufacturing the polyester-spun swabs which are way cheaper than the imported swabs from the US and China. This has helped various small and indigenous manufactures to retain their livelihood and it has also resulted in producing cheaper testing kits at an affordable price.
We Indians have in reality converted the deadly pandemic into an opportunity and the government through various initiatives has been aiding the cotton buds making business. The government is also being aided by various Non-governmental Organisations like Aatmnirbhar Sena is working very hard to provide finances and cheap credit to aspiring and innovative minds and fulfilling their dream of starting the business.
Therefore, the growth and development of cotton and cotton made products has a vital role in the overall development of the Indian economy.
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noweyesee · 5 years
Major Arcana and their Correspondences
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The Fool
A passion to go to the unknown, a surge of adventurousness but not looking around and paying no attention to the surroundings. Spontaneity, innocence, acting without thinking.  
The number: • 0 • Infinite potential, creative mind, the beginning of everything, foundation.  
The image: Naivety, joy, unawareness.  
Element: Air
Astrology: Uranus • Insight, inspiration, innovation, novelty, enlightenment, unexpected change.  
The Magician
Represents pure willpower, the spark that creates and generates ideas. The trigger before any action. The magician takes all that is at hand and transforms it as it is fit.  
The number: • 1 • It comes after the void, drive, focus, vision, clarity, purpose.
The image: Balance, Microcosm, Macrocosm.  
Element: Air
Astrology: Mercury • Wisdom, Omniscience, Movement, Communication, Transport, Velocity, Cure, Motivation, Creativity
The High Priestess
Guardian of the internal world, of the unconscious. Holds the key to the knowledge that resides within.
The number: • 2 • Assistance, flexibility, caring about others, sensitive to the needs of associates, partnering, a reasonable judge or intermediary, modest, frank, influenced by spirituality  
The image: Knowledge, Study, Unconscious.  
Element: Water
Astrology: Moon • Psychological balance, Psychic aptitude, Beauty, Feminine forces, Dreams, Astral travel, Protection, Intuition
The Empress
Nurturing, Stable, she represents the feminine energy necessary to make any kingdom thrive.  
The number: • 3 • Intense process of transformation, indulging, the union of two parts to make a whole
The image: Fertility, Providing, Stability.  
Element: Earth
Astrology: Venus • Harmony, Values, and Relatedness, Love, Beauty
The Emperor
Signals structure, the rationality necessary to build and conquer, authority.  
The number: • 4 •  Well-built sense of order and morals, striving to tear down limits, stable development, high practicality, scientific orientation of mind, attention to detail, foundation for achievement, an ingenious organizer, master of management
The image: Structure, Wisdom, Stability.  
Element: Fire
Astrology: Aries • Initiating, Daring, Pioneering, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Competitive
The Hierophant
The Hierophant guides the people and maintains tradition and values alive through sharing and speech.  
The number: • 5 • Ambitious plans, innovative and imaginative ideas, bright-minded, adaptable and ever-changing, action oriented, inquiring and exploring, promoting, resourceful in using independence beneficially  
The image: Guidance, Knowledge, Tradition, Conformity.  
Element: Earth
Astrology:  Taurus • Earthy, Practical, Stable, Reliable, Patient
The Lovers
The exchange on a profound level, the lovers represent harmony and union between forces and emotions.  
The number: • 6 • Notable responsibility, artistic, a nurturing temper, socially oriented, balanced, sympathy for the ones around, humanitarian orientation of mind, generosity, love of home and domestic affairs, gladly offers service to others.  
The image: Exchange, Union, Duality.  
Element: Air
Astrology: Gemini • Intelligent, Bright, Rational, Sociable, Versatile, Inventive
The Chariot
A chariot runs, its wheel turns fast and the willpower is there, though it is necessary to take control of the reins so that the direction it rampant to is the desired one.  
The number: • 7 • Analyst and researcher, bright and curious seeker of knowledge, technical and inventive, bookish, meditating, charismatic personality and behavior, tends to solitude and peace, a perfectionist  
The image: Willpower, Control, Rampage, Direction, Impatience.  
Element: Water
Astrology: Cancer • Emotional, Sensitive, Domineering, Manipulation
To be just, ponder all options, actions have consequences and no one escapes the karmic law.  
The number: • 8 • Expressed decision-making abilities, political talent, skilled handling of authority and power, working for foundation, achieving recognition, exercising judgment, decisive and authoritative.
The image: Fairness, Truth, Karma.    
Element: Air
Astrology: Libra • Relating, Cooperative, Balanced, Fair, Diplomatic, Harmonious
The Hermit
The need to take some time for oneself, either isolate or to focus on a sole guidance. Represents the need to take a deep breath and embark on an inner journey.  
The number: • 9 • Sincerely friendly, charming, a hail-fellow, developed humanitarian instincts, likes to give rather than to take, altruism, imaginative expression, readily gets involved in good works, writing and artistic talents.  
The image: Inner journey, Inner guidance, Contemplation, Pondering.  
Element: Earth
Astrology: Virgo • Practical, Discriminating, Meticulous, Organized, Helpful
The Wheel of Fortune
A signifier of change, what goes around comes around, unpredictable, a cycle, inevitable fate. Not all change is good even if it leads to your destiny.  
The number: (10) • 1 • It comes after the void, drive, focus, vision, clarity, purpose.  
The image: Things are balanced, order and chaos, transformation, change, entropy but also karma.    
Element: Fire
Astrology: Jupiter • Growth, Expansion, Abundance, Understanding, Craving for exploration.
The strength represents the power needed to keep going, be it material or not.  
The number: (11) • 2 • Assistance, flexibility, caring about others, sensitive to the needs of associates, partnering, a reasonable judge or intermediary, modest, frank, influenced by spirituality
The image: Inner strength, Focus, Power, Bravery.  
Element: Fire
Astrology: Leo • Self-confident, Radiant, Regal, Self-expressive, Creative, Generous
The Hanged Man
A situation of ostracism caused by following one’s own path, but inside there is peace for doing what you wanted. Breaking patterns, seeing from another perspective, change.    
The number: (12) • 3 • Intense process of transformation, indulging, the union of two parts to make a whole
The image: Loss, peace, belonging, achievement
Element: Water
Astrology: Neptune • Dreams, Intuition, Mysticism, Imagination, Delusions, Unconscious.  
The end of a cycle and the precursor of change. It is never easy to embark on a new journey, but it is the cycle of life
The number: (13) • 4 • Well-built sense of order and morals, striving to tear down limits, stable development, high practicality, scientific orientation of mind, attention to detail, foundation for achievement, an ingenious organizer, master of management  
The image: Beginnings, Transformation, end of a cycle.    
Element: Water
Astrology: Scorpio • Regenerating, Transforming, Penetrating
In the middle of action and happening, a need to take a breath and practice patience. Look around, don’t rush and contemplate the process.  
The number: (14) • 5 • Ambitious plans, innovative and imaginative ideas, bright-minded, adaptable and ever-changing, action oriented, inquiring and exploring, promoting, resourceful in using independence beneficially  
The image: Patience, Contemplation, The middle.    
Element: Fire
Astrology: Sagittarius • Wise, Aspiring, Visionary, Optimistic, Exploring, Adventurous
The Devil
A bond with the immaterial, vices and habits that are hard to let go of, but ultimately are put in place by none other than yourself
The number: (15) • 6 • Notable responsibility, artistic, a nurturing temper, socially oriented, balanced, sympathy for the ones around, humanitarian orientation of mind, generosity, love of home and domestic affairs, gladly offers service to others.  
The image: Vices, Insight, Excess.    
Element: Earth
Astrology: Capricorn • Domineering, Fatalistic, Stubborn, Brooding, Egotistic
The Tower
Destruction is imminent, there will be a breakdown to what was stable, though a destructed ground creates space for new beginnings.  
The number: (16) • 7 • Analyst and researcher, bright and curious seeker of knowledge, technical and inventive, bookish, meditating, charismatic personality and behavior, tends to solitude and peace, a perfectionist  
The image: Disaster, Unstable, Aggressive Change.    
Element: Fire
Astrology: Mars • Wisdom, Omniscience, Movement, Communication, Transport, Velocity, Cure, Motivation, Creativity
The Star
Though scattered and not as bright, many lights shine upon your path, hope is on the way and new opportunities to restart can be seen.  
The number: (17) • 8 • Expressed decision-making abilities, political talent, skilled handling of authority and power, working for foundation, achieving recognition, exercising judgment, decisive and authoritative.  
The image: Faith, Rebirth, Hope.    
Element: Air
Astrology: Aquarius • Reforming, Independent, Eccentric, Unconventional
The Moon
The Moon shines its light on the path, but around it there are things that are left in the dark. It announces that something of great importance is hidden.
The number: (18) • 9 • Sincerely friendly, charming, a hail-fellow, developed humanitarian instincts, likes to give rather than to take, altruism, imaginative expression, readily gets involved in good works, writing and artistic talents.  
The image: Illusions, Hidden truths, Intuition, Unconscious.    
Element: Water
Astrology: Pisces • Imaginative, Idealistic, Visionary, Sacrificing, Chaotic, Impractical, Delusional
The Sun
The light shines, everything is bright and it is day, the time for action and knowledge, though too much exposure may blind you.  
The number: (19) • 1 • It comes after the void, drive, focus, vision, clarity, purpose.
The image: Celebration, Victory, Joy, Guidance, Pride.    
Element: Fire
Astrology: Sun • Physical vigor, Success, Health, Victory, Creativity, Jewels, Illumination
The time to count actions up and come clean has come, this is the result of previous happenings, and with the end of a cycle, comes another, heavily influence by what has passed.  
The number: (20) • 2 •  Assistance, flexibility, caring about others, sensitive to the needs of associates, partnering, a reasonable judge or intermediary, modest, frank, influenced by spirituality
The image: Reckoning, Pondering, Reflection.    
Element: Fire
Astrology: Pluto • Brings order to chaos, Group ideas, Subtle spell and thought manifestation, Witch power, Unite or Disintegrate
The World
The completion of a cycle, life has happened, and finally all comes to a sense of completion.  
The number: (21) • 3 • Intense process of transformation, indulging, the union of two parts to make a whole
The image: Harmony, Fulfillment, Enlightenment.    
Element: Earth
Astrology: Saturn • Test, Connect, Inhibit, Manifestation, Crystalize, Science, Concentration, Maturity, Invention, Pragmatic, Neutralize, Discipline, Longevity
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townpostin · 2 months
Jamshedpur Club Hosts Breastfeeding Awareness Program
Inner Wheel Club educates women and girls on benefits of breastfeeding at Beldih gram basti Inner Wheel Club of Jamshedpur organized an awareness program on breastfeeding benefits for women and young girls at Beldih gram basti. JAMSHEDPUR – At Beldih gram basti, the Inner Wheel Club of Jamshedpur held a lactation Week awareness event to inform women and girls about the significance of…
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ljandersen · 4 years
1, 6, and 14 for about horizon?
Thank you for the ask!  I really appreciate!  This is for “About Horizon . . .” from this ask list.
1.  What inspired you to write the fic this way?
There were two things actually.  Foremost, I had a reader comment on “Burning Barriers” that she would be curious to know my take on Kaidan and Shepard’s turbulent period in ME-2 and ME-3.  At the time, I wasn’t interested in writing story set during the game, but her comment got my wheels spinning nonetheless.
The second reason I wrote “Horizon” was to explain Kaidan’s actions on Horizon.  I get tired of the Kaidan haters.  To me, the interaction on Horizon, and even Mars, made complete sense, or at least, as far as his reaction and what he says.  Shepard’s part of it is a bit weird, honestly.  “I thought you were dead!”  “So, how’s it been going?”  Why doesn’t she explain that she DID try to contact him?  Why doesn’t she mention going to the Alliance and Council but being turned down?  Why doesn’t she affirm that she cares about him?  She doesn’t explain her resurrection or the two years well.  Moving on though . . .  
Initially, it seemed like Horizon had probably been thoroughly explored already.  What could I add?  I started to read Horizon fics.  I found there were a lot of different perspectives on Horizon but nothing which matched how I saw it.  A lot of the stories were fix-it fics, creative and great, but I wanted to go by canon, word for word.  To counter the Kaidan haters, I needed to make my points off the exact script said in game.
When I read the fics that did use canon dialogue, it seemed like Kaidan would disown his actions many times.  He’d be thinking, “OMG!  Why did I just say that?  There!  Dammit.  I just did it again.  I hate myself.”  There was a disconnect between what was being said aloud and the character’s inner dialogue, because at heart of it, I don’t think the writer believed Kaidan was justified in saying the canon dialogue.  
When Horizon was told from Shepard’s POV, or otherwise, didn’t allow for Kaidan internally disowning his in-game dialogue, there was often an extended apologies from Kaidan once he and Shepard got back to together in ME3.  He would own being completely out of line and in the wrong.  He should have trusted her.  If Shepard apologized at all herself, it felt more like a token apology to show her character being humble about the situation.  Kaidan would then tell her she couldn’t blame herself.  This was on him.  
While it’s a reasonable interpretation of Horizon to have Kaidan be at fault and ultimately in the wrong, I didn’t see the situation that way myself.  To me, he was right to not trust Shepard and didn’t act wrongly.  While he may be sorry for hurting Shepard and hold regret over not helping her with the Collectors, he wouldn’t see his actions on Horizon as unjustified.  As much as he was at fault for the miscommunication, on an equal or perhaps even greater level, so was Shepard.  There’s no canon evidence to show she replied to his “Horizon” letter, and he was clearly trying to apologize and sort things out between them after the conflict.  
For my story, I wanted Kaidan not only to speak canon dialogue, but to believe in what he was saying.  He needed to see it as reasonable and justified, even in the upon reflection in ME3.  If canon dialogue had to be altered or Kaidan disowned/condemned his own actions, then the Kaidan haters were ultimately right in saying Kaidan acted improperly on Horizon.  The whole purpose of my story was an argument for why that wasn’t true.   
When I started expanding the Horizon scene with background information, I realized it was getting cumbersome.  I decided to expand that background history into full scenes.  It seemed like a natural lead in to then show Kaidan became a Spectre, because that’s another area where he gets criticized.  To me, he earned the spot, even if it was Udina who promoted him.  “Horizon” expanded into a full, multichapter fic that started as a one-shot to present my argument about Horizon.  
6.  What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
This fic is more narrative-heavy than my other fics, because so much of it focuses on Kaidan’s perspective.  He’s moving through his grief.  He’s developing professionally.  It’s Kaidan, who is a deep and reflective character.  For those reasons, it had a different feel than my other fics that include Shepard’s POV or that are being propelled by plot more than character arcs.
Overall, I actually consider “About Horizons” to be my least popular fic.  I think, because it covers a tired topic in the fandom and has more intense narrative elements, it doesn’t appeal to as many people.  I’ll actually admit something embarrassing here.  I crossposted this on AO3 and FFN.  At the end of posting, which took over two months (10 weeks for 10 chapters), I had zero favorites/likes on FFN.  Zero!  I had one subscribed follower, and of course, no comments.  I felt embarrassed having this 10 week-long story that didn’t have a single favorite/like at all and one follow.  So, I think, if I’m being honest the question of what makes “About Horizon” different from other fics, I would say it’s because I kind of consider it my biggest flop.
14.  Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Definitely yes.  It was the entire reason I wrote it at all.  I wanted people to understand Kaidan’s actions on Horizon.
Thank you for the ask!  That was fun!  This isn’t a story I talk about much.
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liebermintz · 4 years
How the characters from that Asian-inspired faux-anime which is just Kung Fu but if David Carradine had superpowers would approach Cardiacs:
- Aang - would embrace the more free-wheeling childlike nature of the compositions. The complexity is appreciated and helps add to the enhancement of the childlike feel - something simple is actually really complex and profound - but Cardiacs makes him feel like a carefree kid again (with caveats).
- Sokka - initially wouldn't care for them since they're hyperactive and all over the place, but would grow to appreciate how good they are. Wild, but it's a structured and logical wild - no, really, every chord change is deliberate in a Cardiacs song and often abides to a common pattern known as the Cardiacs change (itself a super-warped version of a Coltrane change). Would understand that there is a clear method to the madness. And he'd dig the satire common in the lyrics - after all, "all hail majestic corporate light" isn't meant to be a good thing.
- Katara - probably wouldn't be super-big into them like Sokka analyzing the music theory being used on "Fiery Gun Hand" or Aang liking the carefree atmosphere of "R.E.S.," but would understand both sides since she can relate to Sokka's hyper-rationality and Aang's improvisational-but-not-really feel. It's tough music that doesn't lose its optimism in the face of despair.
- Toph - since she requires seismic sense to see (which I'm assuming is like how Matt Murdock sees in Daredevil - basic wireframes and ground-based movement), she probably wouldn't be into Cardiacs on account of them not being bass-heavy until Sing to God. But let's say she's in a stable place, she's not being attacked by Fire Nation and Earthbenders her dad keeps hiring to kidnap her, and she gets a chance to take in Cardiacs not as a means to see but as a form of art she can properly take in and not lose any meaning. She'd like how the band is both cultured AND uncultured. They're a punk band, but their influences are largely virtuosic prog rock bands like Split Enz and Gentle Giant mixed with the slightest bit of novelty music. They break the boundaries of high and low art. They are her.
- Zuko - um uh, I don't know how in tf Zuko would like Cardiacs. His big deal is that he needs to find inner peace from how fucked-up his mind is due to his abusive father and how utterly unhinged Azula is. And I doubt Iroh would be into Cardiacs - even if Iroh were, Zuko would be as turned on by it as he was with Pai Sho and jasmine tea, which is to say, "none." But at the same time, there is a strong inner peace to Cardiacs. Tim Smith's compositions are studies of the conflict between chaos and beauty. Basically, how a firebender would balance their understanding of the world with the way they've been taught. Good firebending music.
- Azula - she'd have a mental breakdown trying to figure out what in tf a dog-like sparky is
- Suki - she'd dig Sarah Smith's sizeable contributions to the band as co-lead vocalist, occasional songwriter, and jazzy-meets-insanity saxophone queen. As idiosyncratic as a Kyoshi Warrior.
- Bumi - you damn well know he's an original fan from the early '80s, well before "Is This the Life?" got minor airplay on British and some American college rock radio. They're his philosophy of approaching things from a different angle incarnate. And they're about as harmful as encasing Sokka in rock candy.
- Gyatzo - he's dead. He probably liked the bands Cardiacs were inspired by - total Gentle Giant dweeb since they're dead serious but also goofy as all hell - but you can't make an Aang without cracking a few Air Nomad Genocides.
- the Dai Li and Long Feng - they're the NME. Cardiacs demonstrate that there's more to Britpop than just "who's hotter? Damon or Liam?" since Cardiacs' open flirtation with oddball song structures influenced Blur's music from Modern Life onwards and their strong Britishness spilled over into how Oasis, Pulp, Suede and Ash implemented identity into their works. But admitting that would mean for people to stop making "Wonderwall" memes, to finally admit that Be Here Now and The Great Escape are masterpieces, that Suede and Ash were swept under the rug by poor promotion, and that Manic Street Preachers didn't stop being good when Richie jumped from that bridge. And tastemakers don't like that. The Britpop War was embarrassing. It made us support bands that began to blow or radically left Britpop. It felt not worth it. So we're safe in Ba Sing Se. There is no Cardiacs in Ba Sing Se.
- Jet - he'd be that Cardiacs fan who thinks the band's so good that if he finds out you stan another band, he'll point out how flawed they are, often the morality of the members.
- Yue - Sokka legit made out with the moon
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jessicaroy · 4 years
7 Unknown Facts You Have Never Heard About Your Tires
As per the Statista research department, “the global auto industry expects to sell 59.5 million automobiles in the year 2020”. This number has been suggested considering the effect of the Corona pandemic.  So, the projection also includes a 20% drop in sales.
If that's the case imagine the mind boggling quantity of tires which will be sold in the same year. But I wonder how many riders give a hood to the car tires until they run flat!  
Tires are an important part of any vehicle. Understanding their importance, I decided to give this important component of our vehicle a deserving write-up. And what could be better than summing up some fun facts about tires?
So here it goes
The bumpy history of commercial tires
Initially, the rubber which is used to make the car tire was not seen as a commercially viable plant since it lost its shape rapidly with the rise of temperature. We need to thank Charles Goodyear for inventing the vulcanization process in 1839 which used sulfur to make rubber more durable and bendable to produce tires. Without Charles Goodyear, we would have been ridding iron wheels even now!
Unfortunately, Charles Goodyear died after going bankrupt. His invention was much ahead of his time and nobody knew how to use these rubber tubes in the vehicles. But his technique of using sulfur to increase the durability of rubber had already caught the imagination of others.
Then came Robert W. Thomson, a Scottish engineer. He was the first person to patent air-filled tires.  It was John Boyd Dunlop who introduced pneumatic tires in the market. These light-weight tires got a better response from consumers. By, 1888, commercial tires as we know them were gaining popularity among consumers due to the invention of bicycles.
What goes into the making of your car tires?
An estimate described that modern car tires contain over two hundred different materials. As already stated, sulfur is added during the vulcanization process. Also, since rubber is a white substance carbon black is added for making the tire durable and reducing hot spots. But that is not all, commercial tires also contain Kevlar, Steel, Nylon which are used during its manufacturing stage. In modern commercial tires, metal like Titanium is also used to help the compound attach to its rim. The list also includes Cobalt, silica, saline, and citrus oil. This is just the tip of the iceberg as the list is extensive. All these materials make tires durable, enhance its performance, and impacts its decelerating ability.
The fact that so much is put into the making of a single tire, it has recently triggered the whole concern about the environment cost and reusability of these tires. Next time when you decide to buy tires online, don't just browse for discount tires, but also look for creative ways to reuse the discarded ones.
The largest wheel
When it comes to creativity and imagination, trust me the tire manufacturers are not far behind in the race. Believe it or not, we do have a list of biggest, smallest, and the most expensive tires ever made. Currently, the biggest tire in the world is placed on display at Motor Town, on the Interstate I-94 Highway which is in Detroit. It is a giant wheel that is 80 feet tall and weighs 12 tons. It was originally built as Uniroyal’s promotion icon for the New York World Fair in the year 1964-65.
The smallest tires
The smallest tires were manufactured by a company that also holds the record of manufacturing the largest number of tires in the world. The name of the company is Lego. Yes, you read this right, I am talking about the Danish toy manufacturing company. In 1969, Lego built the smallest tires for its car and that my friend is no child’s play if you consider the fact that its largest Lego tires have a diameter of only 4.213 inches.
The most expensive tires
The most expensive tires come from Dubai which also holds the record in the Guinness Book. It was designed by Z tyre, a company based in Dubai and manufactured in China. The price quoted by the company was $600,000. The tires are decorated with 24-carat gold leaf and embellished with diamonds which is the reason for its exorbitant price. I doubt with so much of embellishment this wheel will ever touch the surface of our not so exclusive roads. But if you enjoy owning little bling than you should check them out when you decide to buy tires online.
The unusual tire experiments
Goodyear, the USA based tire manufacturing company during the 1960s decided to introduce illuminated commercial tires in the market. It was done by keeping the tire tube transparent and mounting light in the inner rim of the tires. Unfortunately, the whole idea got shelled because the tires look kinda odd during the day as the glow was visible only at the night. Then again, the dust, covered the tire to hide any luminosity that bulbs produced. The  idea hit another roadblock because of the expensive price of the rubber used to manufacture these tires.
That’s not the only unusual experiment that we have heard about. There are claims that the tire giant Michelin is developing an airless tire named ‘Tweel”, which will never go flat. We know that modern commercial tires have a staggering ability to run flat up to 50 miles at 50mph. So, it may not be very unusual to believe that French tire manufacturing company may soon be launching the tire in the market. It is made of recyclable organic material. It is said that Tweel will also be able to collect information about the vehicle and diagnose it.  
These were the seven amazing facts about tires. But before I end this article let me give you some more interesting information about the tire industry around the world. America’s Goodyear is one of the largest tire manufacturing companies, but it comes only in third place after Japan and France. While Japan has the largest tire manufacturing company named Bridgestone, Micheline tires of France is the second. Also, China is the biggest consumer of tires in the world.
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swanlake1998 · 4 years
Dance Magazine Article: The Singular Elegance of American Ballet Theatre's Calvin Royal III ​
Date: June 11, 2020
By: Marina Harss
In an iPhone video of a Romeo and Juliet rehearsal made in early March, Calvin Royal III stands in a corner of an American Ballet Theatre studio, arms reaching far into space, chin slightly raised in welcoming anticipation. There is such warmth and openness in his stance, you can understand why Juliet would want to hurl herself halfway across the stage into his arms. He looks directly into the eyes of his partner, Cassandra Trenary, and then lowers her into a swoon.
"He approaches everything with a sincerity that I love," Trenary says later. "No matter what he dances, he is always authentically himself."
Royal and Trenary were meant to make their debuts in the ballet on April 4, in Abu Dhabi. The following month, he was scheduled to perform as Romeo to Misty Copeland's Juliet, and make his Albrecht debut, at New York City's Metropolitan Opera House. But then the COVID-19 crisis hit, bringing the entire world to a halt and putting all premieres on an indefinite hold.
Royal—tall, lanky, with a silken, elegant way of moving and a gentle and open stage manner—would seem ideally suited to play Romeo. There is a quiet persuasiveness to his dancing. He doesn't show off. Instead, he imbues each movement with an aura of beauty and lyricism. As Kevin McKenzie, the artistic director of the company, puts it, "Calvin has an inner light."
Romeo is a role Royal has craved since he began to study dance. At times, though, he has wondered whether the opportunity would ever arrive. Royal wasn't a prodigy. His ascent has been gradual, even painstaking at times. You get the feeling he has earned every role, every opportunity through determination and the integrity of his dancing, but without ever losing that grace that makes him such a joy to watch onstage. He is hungry without being driven by ambition.
His quietly serious way of working has been one of the constants of his career. "Slow and steady, every day a little bit better, and absolutely consistent," Raymond Lukens, who taught him at the ABT-affiliated Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School, says of his approach.
Royal didn't get his start in ballet until age 14, at the Pinellas County Center for the Arts at Gibbs High School in St. Petersburg, Florida. Before that, he had been a serious piano student. It was his grandmother Linda, a social worker and a lover of classical music, opera and dance, who first encouraged his artistic tendencies. When he was 10, she bought him a Yamaha electric keyboard for Christmas. "I'll never forget it," she says. "He called me one Sunday morning and said, 'I want you to listen to something.' " On the other end of the line, he started to play Beethoven's Für Elise. He had learned it by ear.
Royal excelled at his piano studies, but also loved to move. For a few years, he took part in a local production called The Chocolate Nutcracker, which included hip hop, West African and other styles of dance. One of his fellow participants encouraged him to audition for the high school dance program. Without ever having taken a formal dance class, he was accepted.
There was so much to learn, he sometimes felt he might never catch up. "I think it intrigued him that ballet took so much effort," says Suzanne Pomerantzeff, his main teacher at Pinellas. The intellectual challenge drew him in as much as the physical.
That focus carried him through some difficult times at home. In his sophomore year, he injured his back in a car accident and had to sit out ballet classes for several months, excruciating given he had only just begun to make progress. He would take notes on the side, "visualizing dance in my mind," as he puts it. Dance became a lifeline, a source of steadiness and hope.
In his junior year, he competed in Youth America Grand Prix, where he was spotted by Lukens and Franco De Vita, of the JKO School. "I was immediately struck by his elegance, his musicality and his coordination," remembers De Vita, who offered him a scholarship.
After a year in the school and two and a half in ABT II (now the ABT Studio Company), he got into the main company, initially as an apprentice, at 21. He was still getting his technique where he wanted it to be—quick footwork and beats were a challenge for his long, lithe physique. ("I wanted to move like those little guys," he says, "but it wasn't easy with these legs.")
But he also wondered whether he fit the typical mold of a principal dancer at the company. "It was only when I came to New York that I started to become more aware of race in ballet," says Royal. In Florida, his ballet classes had been mixed. In New York City, less so. When he first joined ABT II, he overheard other dancers from the company making snide comments about a fellow African-American dancer there. "Oh, well, I guess they needed a black girl,' " he heard one of them say.
He began to wonder whether he might never be given the chance to prove himself as a leading man by McKenzie and the rest of the artistic staff. "Will they see me as Romeo or Albrecht? Not only because I'm black, but also because I'm gay?"
At the time, he says, the company culture was different: "There was this sense of machismo, and this idea that the guys had to look sort of like football players." Ethan Stiefel, José Manuel Carreño and other powerhouses in that vein were company stars. Just a few years earlier, in 2003, the company had put out a video, Born to Be Wild, that depicted its male dancers as testosterone-driven guys who rode motorcycles and posed as matadors.
Since that time, much has changed. Fewer international stars come through ABT; a new generation of home-bred principals has risen to the top, and they are anything but cookie-cutter. (Only one, however, is black: Misty Copeland.) Rigid notions about what Romeo or Siegfried should look like have finally begun to relax, to the benefit of the dancers.
Royal's particular qualities have been recognized and put to artistic use, especially by choreographer Alexei Ratmansky, ABT's artist in residence. In 2013, Ratmansky gave him a major role in his evening-length Shostakovich Trilogy. Three years later, he created an extra-ordinary, melancholy solo for him in Serenade after Plato's Symposium. The solo showcased the gracefulness of Royal's port de bras, the inwardness of his dancing, and his capacity to communicate thought and emotion through movement. Others have danced it, but none with the same poetry.
Royal also leads one of the three debut casts of Ratmansky's newest ballet epic, Of Love and Rage, originally scheduled to have its New York premiere during the company's spring season at the Met. That too will have to wait, for now.
The poetry in Royal's dancing is related to his deep, subtle musicality; music flows through him. It's not surprising that his partner, ABT pianist Jacek Mysinski, is a musician. Their work spills over into their downtime; Mysinski practices at home, and they talk about the ballets in the rep. When Mysinski is playing from the pit during a performance, Royal can feel his presence, he says: "It's almost like having him at my side, almost like a partner."
Royal was promoted to soloist in 2017, nearly seven years after joining. At some point along the way, he admits, he had begun to spin his wheels. "I got my hopes up and then I got my hopes shattered. I even started thinking about exploring other options, maybe another company or something completely different."
What kept him going, he explains, were outside projects that fueled his creativity and imagination, as well as his confidence. He danced for several seasons with Daniil Simkin's touring group Intensio. And, perhaps most meaningfully, he became a repeat visitor to Damian Woetzel's yearly Vail Dance Festival in the Rockies, where he got to dance a completely new repertory: works by Balanchine and Merce Cunningham, new creations by Pam Tanowitz and others.
"Year after year, he has become ever more himself onstage," says Woetzel, who has become an important mentor. "His level of comfort in everything he does has become expansive." This year, he selected Royal to be the festival's artist in residence, leading workshops, performing in various premieres and taking part in initiatives related to the challenges boys face in ballet. "I see a real leadership quality in Calvin," says Woetzel.
Last summer at Vail, Royal danced excerpts from Apollo, one of the pinnacles of the male repertoire. A few months later, McKenzie asked him to make his debut in the full piece in New York, with ABT. It was a remarkable moment—he looked completely at home in the role of a young god. He may have to wait a little longer for his debut as Romeo, but his time, it seems, has finally come.
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valerianhemlock · 5 years
Hi can I ask what my guides are trying to tell me about my life path? Ty sm!!! They said something about teaching but I'm getting conflicting messages from all of em 😂 (2 ancestors and 3 archangels = they are helping me for a little bit) TY UR BLOG IS AMAZING!!!!!!!
Hi! ^_^ ❤️❤️ Yes you absolutely can!! And thank you, you’re so sweet!! I love your blog as well!! 🥺❤️ For your reading I have a total of 5 cards. 1 flipped over during shuffling, 3 were drawn regularly, and the 1 from the bottom of the deck- showing something of significance:
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You’re off to a very good start here, starting off with the Wheel of Fortune: Immediately what I get from this is that fortune is turning in your favor and a lot of good luck is coming your way. A favorable outcome awaits you. Circumstances are changing for the better. Even if you aren’t totally aware of what you’ve done to initiate the process, you’ve started the ball rolling- or rather, the wheel turning. Don’t resist- these changes will promote growth and bring valuable learning experiences for you. It can be hard to stay balanced, but go with the flow and trust the process.
The second card is the Knave of Swords reversed: This card indicates that despite your intelligence, you may be lacking clarity or direction in life. However, knowing the court cards are 9 times out of 10 actual people- this could represent someone in your life who is young and inexperienced, or, someone whose limited life experience and blinkered attitudes leave him or her at a disadvantage. Perhaps this is someone you may have the opportunity to teach or take under your wing? As the Knave card is usually (at least to me) seen as the “student card” perhaps your guides are leading you to a life of teaching after all! :)
The third card is the upright 9 of Pentacles: This lovely card says you’ve arrived. You’ve achieved your goals and now feel secure. You’ve worked hard, used your skills and acumen, and accomplished much- you have reason to be proud! It also represents independence, you’ve created the life you desire and can now enjoy your success. The way the Knave is facing this card says to me this person can learn a lot from your talents and successes. You will be a great teacher.
The fourth card is the upright 5 of Swords: This one is the card that popped out of the deck demanding my attention. The number 5 signifies change, and this card shows a time of adjustment after a conflict of some kind. Sometimes the fight stems from ideological or spiritual differences. It symbolizes the devastation of war and recommends using diplomacy to resolve problems. After a “battle”, you realize fighting isn’t the best way to settle disputes. The cost of winning may not be worth the losses you’ve endured. This advice will be pertinent to you, whether now or sometime in the future- be sure to keep it close by.
The fifth and final card is the Chariot reversed: This card says that thing may be happening for you so fast that you may feel out of control. It may seem like you’re being pulled in two directions at once, and the stress is intense. You fear you won’t be able to control the multiple factors of a given situation. You’re at a crossroads- choose your direction carefully. The more you can tune into your own inner guidance, the more control you can exert outwardly. Most likely, the solution to the problem at hand is to take the middle road between the conflicting issues. Sever the fear and trust your intuition and inner voice. Rely on your guides, they are here to help you.
Ah, also I forgot to mention the presence of more Swords in this reading denotes that there is an air of anxiety or manipulation, so do be wary for that. The presence of two Major Arcana means that this will be something very impactful to your life. Also being that the Knave is of Swords and it is facing your 9 of Pentacles, you and this person may butt heads on different beliefs or issues.
I do hope this reading helps you, lovely, or gives you some insight on what your guides were trying to tell you! ❤️:) Wishing you good luck and blessings on your path, dear! If you have any questions I’m never more than a message away!
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