#Infinite Fleet
alphamecha-mkii · 23 days
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Infinite Fleet - Lancer by DOFRESH
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enginator2000 · 1 year
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and then infinite googles "how do you exorcise a chaos energy demon and make sure it goes to hell"
also. bonus panel:
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sidsinning · 1 year
You know Luka also has something that sets him off that has nothing to do with being selfless like anyone does
Daddy issues part 2 baby (part 1 being Adrien ofc)
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The times he's been preyed on by an akuma stemming from his own feelings being hurt were in Truth and and Crocoduel
Luka has never been mad/upset at Marinette for her indecision or her love for Adrien literally ever, it's just not in his nature to covet romantic love as a major priority
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He got sad when she wasn't present during their relationship, missing out on important events and dates- then finally he opened up a very vulnerable part to himself, only to be told straight up that she cannot reciprocate his amount of vulnerability in their relationship. They're in a relationship, so ofc he expects a certain amount of attention and affection equal to his own.
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Second time is when he thinks Marinette doesn't want to be in his life at all anymore in Crocoduel. Like anyone would be, he was upset after their break up bc, hey- he did love her and want their relationship to work out. But his sadness didn't ever reach a point to where he couldn't control it. What's important to him is simply having those he holds dear to be with him. Marinette not wanting to be near him at all is what truly upsets him, bc gf or not, he just wants those he loves to love him in return.
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Wanting the people he loves with him, to communicate with him, spend time with him, etc.- are all things that stem from his own desires and self esteem. It's how the reassurances of his other friends stops the akuma.
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Like yeah he could be fleshed out more (lack of screentime,,,,hic,,,sob,,,) but I really appreciate the small morsels we get of him here and there 😭 literally an empath
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Also as an elderly being 👩‍🦳 watching the show now, his lax attitude towards teenage love is so refreshing dtvdybfkt- like don't get me wrong, I live for the melodrama of mlb most of the time, but he reminds me shit ain't really that serious in your teens and if we treated it like just a natural cycle of life we'd all be better for it 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
I'm Marinette in terms of uncontrollable and erratically nervous behavior around my crush
But also I'm Luka where I'm like: Well, I'll live. I'm still young. I got my art, family, and friends- after a few awkward weeks even my ex is still my good friend so things are great 👍
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astrowhump · 1 year
Okay but what if two people meet randomly, and find out they’re both rescued whumpees, and bond over shared trauma.
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boonesfarmsangria · 2 years
robinpecknold gram 03092023
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📷 Making Crack-Up 2 rn despite my better judgment
🎥 Bc the world needs more hyperexpensive Fitzcarraldos from its aging musicians
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elysianpristinity · 2 years
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moleshow · 2 years
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overwhelmed by the idea that the usda only has 9 trucks
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genderfreakxx · 1 year
Gonna be completely fucken honest man one of those absolutely decimating guitar solos from Jake during the Greta Van Fleet show in Oakland tonight was legitimately better than some of the sex I’ve had
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soph1111a · 2 years
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everything, everywhere, all at once
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chapter 6 of wafwaf is FINALLY up! 
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Training Systems: The Key to Unlocking Your Potential
Training Systems provides cutting-edge learning solutions for individuals and organizations seeking to elevate their performance and achieve remarkable results. With a passion for growth and innovation, we harness the power of technology and expertise to deliver tailored training programs that drive tangible outcomes. Our holistic approach combines interactive digital platforms, immersive simulations, and personalized coaching to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. From skill development to leadership enhancement, our diverse range of courses empowers learners to excel in their respective fields. With a proven track record of success, Training Systems stands as a beacon of transformative education, unlocking untapped potential for lifelong success.
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alphamecha-mkii · 23 days
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Infinite Fleet - Tether Station Space Elevator on terraformed Mars Concept Art
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enginator2000 · 1 year
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fleetfinite posting hours, look at my goobers
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paper-mario-wiki · 6 months
i just invented 10,000 nuclear bombs that never stop exploding and when the explosion radius gets to its biggest point it stays that big and violent for the rest of time. the bombs are the size of a car.
i also just invented an airplane with completely normal control layouts, but every surface surrounding the control panel is covered in hundreds of hatch release levers for dropping payloads. they are all labeled as having different functions.
i also just started an international air mail delivery service with the aim to service the most land area from the sky, which is why prioritizing hatch release levers was so critical (to make sure we dont have to stop flying to drop the mail).
i also just employed 10,000 people from the dyslexic pilot convention to man our fleet of 10,000 hatch release lever planes and we plan to start making deliveries tonight. with an internal storage capacity of 1 large sedan, theres plenty of space for plenty of mail.
i do not remember where i put my 10,000 infinite atom bombs. i remember i had enough space in my hangar for 10,000 hatch release lever planes, or 10,000 infinite atom bombs, but not both side by side. i dont remember how i saved so much space.
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prythianpages · 6 months
Be Safe | Azriel x Reader
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summary: you are on your way to Day Court when Azriel stops you. After the two of you fall victim to Cassian's and Mor's teasing, Azriel realizes why he can't just let you go.
warnings: fluff and a hint of suggestiveness at the beginning
note: I saw this tiktok and decided to write it into a little scenario because I loved it so much.
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“Oh, you’re going to love the Day Court,” Mor purrs with a grin. “And it’s High Lord. Helion…let’s just say his pegasus isn’t the only thing you’ll want to ri–”
“Oookay.” Cassian chimes in with a chuckle, placing his hand over Mor’s mouth to keep her from finishing her sentence. “Settle down, Mor. We don’t want her to love it too much!” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll come back,” you respond and then laugh as Mor bites Cassian’s hand. "Besides, Rhys will be there and he’s, you know, my boss. This trip is purely professional.”
The three of you stand in the foyer of the town house, Cassian cradling his hand to his chest with a pointed look at Mor, who merely rolls her eyes. You were heading for Day Court, where Rhysand already waited for you. Cassian and Mor had stopped you, insisting on wishing you well before leaving, even though your mission was amicable. The only danger you could possibly encounter on your trip, it seems, would be Helion’s chambers. A welcomed danger, if Mor’s insinuations were to hold truth.
“I should go now. I told Rhys I would be there within the next half hour almost an hour ago.”
As you gaze at your friends, a subtle ache tugs at your heartstrings, a silent yearning for another’s presence. Though you know he's currently engaged in a mission, you can't help but wish he were here beside you too. 
You turn away from your friends, preparing to winnow to the Day Court. It's as though the Cauldron itself heard your unspoken longing. Just as you're about to step forward, a hand emerges from the depths of the shadows, halting you in your tracks with a gentle yet firm touch.
You turn back around, watching as the darkness seems to part for him, revealing those warm hazel eyes that could pierce through the darkest of nights. “Azriel,” you greet in pleasant surprise.
His eyes lock onto yours and you suddenly find it hard to breathe. “Be safe,” he murmurs, his voice deep yet sweet like honey. The way he looks at you, full of concern and something else you can’t quite discern at the moment, sends a delightful warmth seeping into your heart. 
Azriel’s gaze flickers down toward your intertwined hands and you notice the subtle tension that comes from his scarred hands before he abruptly lets yours go. It’s a moment of vulnerability that makes your chest ache. You want to reach out for his hands again but he comes to stand by your side instead.
His arm brushes against yours. The dark tendrils dancing around his shoulders revel in your proximity, slithering down his arm and coiling around you in a cool embrace. You welcome his shadows, smiling softly when you feel them tug you closer to their master, deliberately enchanting you with the scent of cedar and night chilled mist. It’s as if they don’t want you to leave his side.
“I will,” you finally respond, your voice a mere whisper as you look up at him
Azriel’s gaze softens. The tension between you dissipates into something lighter, something magical. The world around seems to fade into darkness, leaving only the two of you suspended in a moment that feels both infinite and fleeting. No words are spoken yet so much is said.
Meanwhile, Cassian and Mor exchange a knowing look of their own. The mutual crushing between you and Azriel has been evident to everyone for years. Well, everyone, except for you and Azriel. Mor and Cassian will give you grace, as Azriel can be unreadable at times. But Azriel? The spymaster of the Night Court? How he cannot see your unmistakable crush on him is beyond them.
“Be safe,” Cassian says, mocking Azriel’s tone.There’s a mischievous gleam in his hazel orbs as he gazes down at Mor, pouting his lips in an exaggerated manner. 
Mor’s eyes light up, mirroring Cassian’s mischief. She leans in toward Cassian’s shoulder–the very same way you’re doing with Azriel. Except, she wraps her arms around Cassian’s larger one, resting her head on his chest. “I’ll be so safe,” she cooes, voice like velvet.
Azriel feels the heat rising to his neck. He turns to Cassian and Mor, gaze darkening with an icy glare. “Stop,” he warns but it only encourages the two further.
They continue to hug each other and make kissing sounds. A blush creeps up your cheeks and you seek solace in Azriel’s arm, burying your face against it. Azriel’s wing instinctively curls around your form in a protective manner. Were you being that obvious? Your answer is immediately given as your hands gravitate towards each other once more.
 “Stop it! Or I’m going to kill you!”
Cassian pulls Mor even closer. His brows furrow, softening his expression as he directs his pout toward Azriel. “But how would that keep us safe?”
None of you will be safe if you keep delaying y/n. Helion does not like to be kept waiting, echoes an all too familiar voice–Rhys’s– through your minds. He leaves your mind as quickly as he entered it, lingering only in Azriel’s long enough to add: Let her go.
Azriel blinks, not realizing that throughout the teasing, his fingers had intertwined with yours. He turns his attention back to you, reluctantly releasing your hand. A sheepish expression takes over his features as he brings the hand that had been holding yours to rub the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t help but worry when you’re not home,” Azriel admits quietly.
Mor and Cassian both let out a sound that Azriel is quick to stifle with his shadows. 
“It’s only for a week,” you assure him as you open the door and step outside. You feel a flicker of anticipation tingling in your veins as you prepare to winnow. You turn back to face Azriel and your friends one more time.
“Don’t miss me too much, okay?”
But I miss you already, Azriel thinks as he feels a strange stirring awakening deep in his chest. His shadows buzz around him in excitement. 
“Bye, y/n. Have fun but not too much fun!” Cassian calls out to you in mock warning over Azriel’s right shoulder.
Mor peeks out from Azriel’s left shoulder and winks at you. “But if you do find yourself having too much fun, call for me, okay?” 
“Sure,” you agree and Azriel fails to notice the reciprocated teasing in your tone.
He’s too busy glancing between Cassian and Mor, hazel eyes wary. His shadows whisper to him, confirming the suggestiveness of their words. Uneasiness settles into his stomach, causing his entire body to tense up.
He’s familiar with the flirtatious nature of the High Lord of the Day Court. Too familiar that he can already dreadfully anticipate the sweet words Helion will shower you with. His shadows stir, excitement morphing into panic. What if you fall victim to Helion’s charm?
Suddenly, he hates the idea of you going to Day. 
As your gazes meet once more, an unseen force seems to settle into place. His eyes widen in realization, his mouth parting to utter your name, but it’s too late. You’re already winnowing away and he lurches forward, after you, pulled by the golden threads that have wildly unfurled within his chest.
Mate. You're his mate.
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note: I hope you enjoyed! <3 Part two can be found here
general tag list: @scooobies, @kennedy-brooke, @sillysillygoose444, @lilah-asteria
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that-house · 1 month
“Tell me about magic,” I said to the god wearing my friend’s corpse.
It (I would not grant it the honor of using her name) smiled at me the way she used to smile. It looked like shit, by the way, streaked with mud and blood and slowly spinning new flesh from atmospheric carbon to patch up the bullet holes our latest acquaintances had left it.
“I know every word in your human languages and none of them suffice. How would you explain a black hole’s accretion disk to a fish?”
“I don’t know. Try.” I didn’t bother voicing the threat but it was implicit, as it was in all of our conversations: your kind has died only once before, but it was at the hands of mine.
It sighed with the weariness of a parent about to talk down to a kid, but it signed up for this when it trapped itself on this rock with me. “It’s a puzzle that’s almost been solved since forever began, a puzzle of infinite complexity worked on by the million sharpest minds to ever be, all themselves fractured into dizzying arrays of subminds in temporally upspun pocket universes, all striving to refine those secret arts of law and mastery. It’s cooperation and competition, vines of knowledge strangling each other as we reach ever upwards towards the sun, clawing at each other in our desperate want. It’s a science. It’s like breathing. It’s like love.”
“I distinctly recall you saying that love is an idiocy reserved for us mortals, and a more efficient chemically-induced blindness than sodium hydroxide too.”
“And I maintain that stance, but it gets the point across, does it not?” It huffed with exasperation, you know, the way that she had a thousand times when we were young. An affectation? Or a bit of humanity bleeding into the monster?
“Mhm. Sure.”
It side-eyed me but kept talking. “You don’t have the point of view it would take to truly understand magic. You never will. Even if you saw the world the way I did, you wouldn’t have the context or the time to decipher it. For you it can never be a science, only ever an art.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“In truth I envied you. With infinity at one’s proverbial fingertips, what else is there to do? The greatest possible workings have all been deduced, those most absolute and inviolable inflictions of the will upon the cosmos, and all that remains to study are the fleeting shadows of concepts beyond even us. But you humans, you tread on new ground that we’ve long since mastered, internalized, and then forgotten. The best you can manage without literally blowing your own minds is a little teleportation. You’re clueless and flawed and you fuck it all up whenever you get the chance. And I envied you.” For a creature enamored with paradox, the idea of a god envying a mortal sure pained it.
“So you cut it all free, cast off the godhead, and came down from on high to slum it with we mortals. I bet you’re regretting that now,” I said, sticking my finger in the last bullet hole and giving it an experimental wiggle. It winced, but the wound closed up like it had never been as I withdrew my finger. Pain is a just a signal, it was always fond of saying. But it still cried whenever it lost a limb.
“Not in the slightest,” said the once-god wearing my friend’s corpse. “This is the most alive I’ve felt in eons.”
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