#Infinite Archive
ashyam-xivilai · 4 months
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The ceiling in the Infinite Archive is so pretty
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daggerfall · 6 months
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those three little words to put butterflies in any girl's stomach 😳
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artemispanthar · 2 months
I want you to know that I follow the tag "niko" because of the character of the same name from the game "OneShot," so your dog sometimes crosses my feed and I love them.
Aww, I'm so glad to hear that! I know it can be annoying when unrelated stuff is in a tag you're looking at and it didn't occur to me that characters would be named Niko lol but I totally agree when it's a cute dog or cat or other pet it's like "I'll allow it" lol
Here's a new pic of Niko just for you:
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feykrorovaan · 4 months
I love Filer Jun and her little Midwestern mom accent.
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lithiumrev · 4 months
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fuck yeah, leaderboard babey! (XBOX NA)
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defectivegembrain · 7 months
Favourite Infinite Archive verse by far is Pustulent Globs. Weaponised pus explosions that do a really good amount of damage. Disgusting. Awful. Bizarre. I love it so much
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thelderscrollsonline · 2 months
Update 43 is on its way with a host of quality of life improvements and base-game refinements free to all ESO players, including an Infinite Archive refresh. Read more to learn what you can expect: beth.games/3WH3ABp
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bigmeatpete69420 · 8 months
I'm live on Twitch, come hang out! https://www.twitch.tv/bigmeatpete69420offical?sr=a
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ashyam-xivilai · 3 months
whats the story of your skaafin and havocrel oc, and also the relationship between them, im curious
My apologies for my late reply, I have not been very active on Tumblr as of late ;-;
The lore I have thus far:
Hixitet is an unbound skaafin who dwells in Fargrave. She takes great enjoyment in observing and interacting with mortals, writing down her experiences in notebooks. (One day, she hopes to publish her writings)
Like a daedrologist studies daedra in all their shapes and forms, so does Hixitet study mortals and all their customs, oddities and histories.
At a certain point in time, Hixitet undertook a journey to the Deadlands, Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion, to observe the lives of the few mortals inhabiting such a dreadful place. It was during this journey that she came face to face with a havocrel servant of Dagon: Kronazothan.
Had Kronazothan been as bent on death and destruction as his brethren, it might have meant the end for the little skaafin, but this havocrel had an unusual calm demeanour and rather than sending Hixitet to the void, he interrogated her. Unfaithful to his master, Kronazothan agreed to let her go.
The two daedra entered a pact: Hixitet would come visit him occasionally and tell him about her observations in other planes of Oblivion and in return, he would keep her safe from harm while wandering the Deadlands.
Despite being more than capable of doing his job, Kronazothan had grown weary of endlessly patrolling the scorched realm of his Prince and had grown curious about life beyond the Deadlands. Hixitet's information provided much needed distraction and in the long run, an ally.
After a certain amount of time, Hixitet agrees to enter the service of Hermaeus Mora as a cipher, seeing it as an opportunity to gain far more knowledge about mortals. Before she leaves Fargrave behind for Apocrypha, she visits Kronazothan one last time and tells him of her plans. To her surprise, the havocrel ultimately decides that he may join her in service to Mora, as he feels it is time for change.
Now, I must confess that I have not played the Necrom dlc story line yet. That being said, I am not exactly sure what Kronazothan's role will be under Mora, but I think he may end up defending the Infinite Archive against Tho'at Replicanum, as some of the watchling servants stated "Almost no one in the Archive has martial skills".
Having a havocrel defending and guarding your library certainly helps in that matter, I think.
Thank you for the ask!
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daggerfall · 28 days
Esalinwe has only been a character for less than a patch and she's already one of my favorite jokes in ESO.
2023: Infinite Archive releases as a roguelite instance with a system of "threads of fate" to replace "lives", so death is further less real. The combat difficulty increases as you go further and is fairly manageable, except after the first arc, you start getting random boss (Marauder) spawns that hit harder than any boss in the instance and can cost you a life or your whole run if they spawn at the wrong moment. One Marauder in particular is the worst is absolutely can cost a life as early as first spawn.
2024: Infinite Archive gets an update with a new questgiver who was a regular adventurer seeking a challenge without real death as a threat and somehow Died died. She is now dedicating her non-existence solely to getting other people to hunt and kill these fuckers solely out of revenge. These infinitely respawning bosses.
Girl takes being petty to a new level. Respect
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lithiumrev · 6 months
goddamn tho’at replicanum (or as my partner calls her “thot republican™️) blindsided me in the second arc. bitch literally had a pube of health left and she was like “haha sike!”
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drunkenskunk · 9 months
There's a project related to my interest in Warhammer that I've wanted to do for quite some time, but I know I'll never get the chance to actually do it. At least, not properly. And it involves... I think "historical preservation" is probably the best word for it?
See, I like to occasionally sift through my collection of old "out of date" rulebooks and army codex books from earlier editions of 40k. The sort of things that have been out of print for many years. Games Workshop hasn't sold these books in 2 or 3 decades, and they've all been supplanted by the current rules. And I do this because I think it's interesting to see how the game - in both crunch and fluff - has changed since 1987.
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More beyond the break...
For example: the different ways the galaxy has been depicted in 40k between the different editions. In the first rulebook, when it was still called Rogue Trader, all we got was a small, almost abstract, image on the bottom of the page. The 2nd edition rulebook that came out in October 1993 (specifically, the Codex Imperialis book) had a two page spread, but it was also very abstract with a few notes, but no real detail to speak of. As far as I can tell, the first time we got a map of the galaxy with the segmentum divisions that we're all accustomed to now came from a very unexpected place: the very first Tyranid codex that came out in August 1995.
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Of course, my copy of the 2nd Edition book is a very poor quality black and white scan. Those segmentum divisions could genuinely be there, and I just can't see it. Not to mention, it's entirely possible that a map with segmentum divisions first premiered in an issue of White Dwarf first, because GW liked to do stuff like that in the old days where you'd see it in the hobby magazine long before it was "officially" released in a rulebook.
There are a lot of glaring omissions from a lot of the other files in my collection: poor scans, missing pages, corrupted files... There's a lot I still don't know, because it's impossible for me to currently confirm that the little I do know is, in fact, accurate. My collection is woefully incomplete. Plus, I don't really have much past 6th edition anyway.
And this, in essence, is my idea: try and complete the collection. Find pristine copies of all the old 40k rulebooks, army codexes, even old copies of White Dwarf, and digitize them all into a huge archive for the sake of historical preservation. Of a sort.
Basically, I want to become a Lexmechanic of the Adeptus Mechanicus, looking for Dark Age of Technology era STC's uncorrupted by the Heresy or the war with the Iron Men. Either that, or I want to become Trazyn with his Infinite Archive on Solemnace.
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Unfortunately, there are many problems with this plan. The first being GW's overly litigious nature. They see all this Warhammer shit as "product" first and a hobby for people to enjoy a very, VERY distant second. Doesn't matter that these books (and the magazines) are long since out of print and they don't sell them anymore, effectively making the old editions the tabletop hobby equivalent to video game abandonware... if they got wind that I was attempting a project of this nature, I just know GW would smack me in the face with a cease and desist.
Of course, the other major stumbling block here is the financial issue. And I'm not just talking about buying the books. Obviously, there's the problem of the rarer books that go for upwards of $300 or more on ebay, but there's also a volume problem. Even if you find some good deals, and you're able to find older books for $10 or $15 a pop, there's just SO MANY books, that if I were to attempt this I would be wasting several thousand dollars that I just don't have.
More importantly, there's also the machine I would need to buy in order to do this project in the first place. Because if I was going to do this, I would want to do it right, y'know? I wouldn't want to simply shove the books into my dinky little scanner-printer combo hooked up to my computer. The only way I'd get a clean scan using that method would be to physically destroy these very valuable books, and that's the last thing I'd want to do. No, I would want to do it right, and get a machine like Scribe, the book scanner used by the internet archive:
Now, obviously, I can't get access to that machine, specifically, because Scribe was custom built by the engineers at the Internet Archive. But other V-cradle book scanners that let you digitize books without destroying them do exist... and they're all REALLY expensive. A good one to produce professional quality scans is, like, $25,000.
And I know what you're thinking: why do I even care about any of this? Even if this project was not entirely out of my reach, it's ultimately pointless, right? Why would I want to preserve all these old, out-of-date, no longer relevant rulebooks for a tabletop wargame that has only existed exactly as long as I have?
Because... let's be honest, this isn't really about Warhammer. The reason I want to do this stems from a much deeper desire to simply Remember. It's amazing and terrifying in equal measure just how easily history can be erased, either deliberately or simply through neglect. All of these things in our lives that are seemingly so important to us can easily vanish from history, like sandcastles when the tide rolls in.
Hell, if you really want to know my feelings about this, just watch Jacob Geller's video on this very subject.
If I had infinite time and infinite money, and I didn't care about any kind of repercussions from GW's legal team, this project would not be beyond my reach.
But I do not have infinite time or money. And there are more things in my life that I need to be concerned with that are far more important than creating a... stupid archive.
Shame, really.
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annamationsart · 1 month
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relatively old helen design concepts!! michael sweetie i’ll get to you eventually
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daggerfall · 5 months
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I will be passing away now, thank u
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innocet · 2 years
Guys it’s really not that hard to get
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