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typewritingyip · 2 months ago
The Arcturus Missions
Part Twenty - Missions
Part Nineteen
Initially from an outside perspective, one might think that every country was rapidly ready to work together after the initial invasion of Earth. Those early days of 1984 certainly felt like the start of something changing. Dozens of events happened before September 17th that year. 
83 people were killed in a mine explosion in Japan, the Los Angeles Raiders won the Super Bowl, Apple launch the Macintosh computer, the first untethered spacewalk happens from the space shuttle, US troops pull out of Beirut, a national drinking age is set in the United States, the Olympic Games open in Los Angeles while the Soviet Union boycotts, multiple booms are set off in multiple airports during the year, and NASA space shuttle Discovery takes its maiden flight. 
Even the days around the initial sightings the world still turns; Australia abolishes the death penalty on September 5th, genetic fingerprinting is developed on September 10th, Prince Harry is born September 15th, the US Embassy in Beirut is bombed September 20th, and October 12th has an assassination attempt on British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher. 
Just because the world was under attack by an entirely foreign enemy didn’t mean that everyone was ready to work together. 
Japan, the United States, the USSR, Ireland, and China were the first five countries to have mech suits ready for deployment and they all were entirely different. Japan had redesigned theirs from the base suit under production to resemble familiar animation from the country's entertainment industry, very colorful and reassuring to their public. The United States initially had very militaristic designs, using majority military contractors to build the suits but painted similarly to war planes of different eras. In the USSR, they also were very militaristic but unlike the US kept coloring to a minimum, they used the citizens of the outer parts of the USSR to build the suits. Ireland wanted to quickly join the game, they quickly started to repurpose the disrepaired oil rigs from the North Sea. Lastly, China effectively was able to contract certain works from other countries to assist them in their manufacturing of suits, mostly from the USSR. 
The world kept spinning even while under attack, but for most of the first attacks it was remaining in either country sanctioned waters or off the coasts of major cities. With the Cold War going on, each country was on its own unless it had a major ally with suits. 
Sunstreaker sat at the window, frowning out at the glowing city, fidgeting with his hands. Breakdown and Sideswipe were asleep but Jazz was pacing nearby, “Do you think the meeting would be this long?” Already shaking his head, Jazz sighed, “Not for Hound and a few others. Command will still be in the meeting but not one Hound could hear.” Sunny’s fist hit the window and he stood, “Then where the hell is he? Do you think he could have crashed already?” Jazz winced and absently rubbed at his implants, “I don’t think the crash would happen this soon, no.”
The Crash (verb): the overtaxing and overuse of a mech suit to the point of biological deterioration.
He looked back out the window, “Then where the hell is he?” Jazz sighed a bit, finally sitting down, “He’s probably talking with other mechs from the meeting. If half the people I know were there then it’s entirely possible the poor man is stuck in a conversation with Tracks.” The look Sunstreaker gave Jazz had the man lifting his hands, “We’d have gotten an alert if anything really bad happened. Sunny, Hound is fine. You don’t have to worry.” Raking his hands through his hair, the curls stand on ends and Sunstreaker shakes his head, “He’s the only one with experience commanding a group like us, I mean Jazz, if something were to happen to him it would either be you leading us or Breakdown and he’s down for two weeks with a concussion.” Nodding slowly, Jazz sighs, “I’m sure he’s just at command asking far to many questions, look, once Prowler gets back we’ll have an idea of what’s going on.” Sunstreaker turned back to the window, lightly scratching at his implants, Jazz scowled, “Don’t mess with your hardware so much, we don’t have a medic out here and it’s a pain to try and salvage.” Jazz’s own tech was older than Sunstreakers’ and betting integrated.
That was one thing about Sunstreaker, his tech matched his brothers exactly but it had taken him longer to integrate it, and the skin around the hardware was always a little red. Even after passing compatibility testing, the body preferred to reject the hardware whenever it could, a person who didn’t have the strongest bond with their tech would deal with a lot more of the compatability side-effects, such as nightmares. If it wasn’t for Sideswipe, Sunstreaker would have never been a pilot and would currently be sitting in a jail cell back on Earth probably still awaiting trial. 
Jazz moves over and rests a hand on his shoulder, “Hound wont have crashed if he is just starting to experience overuse symptoms. And even if he did, the mechs here in Iacon wouldn’t have just left him on the street.” The door pinged behind them and Sunstreaker looked over, deflating at the sight of Prowl whose face was staring intently at a data-pad, but another mech came in behind him, staring around in bewilderment, “Wow,” Bluestreak’s hand reached out to touch one of the suits just as Prowl’s hand smacked his, “Don’t touch their suits, the humans are probably asleep.” He glances up and pauses, staring at Jazz and Sunstreaker, “Or not.” Jazz was grinning, but Sunstreaker dove for his helmet, cringing at the smell as he pulled it on and started to adjust settings. Waving an arm, Jazz is able to speak up first, “Hey, welcome home!” Bluestreak was grinning, walking over as Sunstreaker finally gets his helmet to pipe in the translations, sighing as they feed him both audio and captions on the visor. 
Mecha are able to cross the room in only a few strides, generally Cybertronians’ are slightly smaller than the average suit but they move just as quickly, next thing Sunstreaker knew was he was back in Bluestreak’s palm stumbling against it, “Damnit!” Sunstreaker desperately grabs at one of Bluestreak’s servos before Prowl moves over just as quickly, “Bluestreak, do not pick up any humans.” Sunstreaker just manages to get the microphone in his helmet on, a small speaker opening up on the side, “Bluestreak, this isn’t funny!” It was as if the room stopped for a moment, Bluestreak was frowning at Sunstreaker and looked to Prowl, “But he is so small and hard to see from far away.” Jazz was struggling not to laugh as Sunstreaker flips him off, “I can understand you now, asshole.” The room shook slightly as Prowl walked over, resting a hand on Bluestreak’s shoulder, “I’d recommend putting the human down before he starts to pull at your plating.” The result was Sunstreaker hitting the window sill surface from a few feet up and groaning, rolling onto his side briefly. 
Prowl sighed deeply, “And they are fragile without their armor, like if we were to walk around without our plating, having exposed protoform.” Bluestreak winced and tried to reach out again but stopped, “I, I…” Sunstreaker slowly got back up, rubbing his arm painfully, “I’m alright Blue, but fuck, please be careful.” Jazz had already climbed for the window to Prowl’s open palm, then up his arm to his shoulder, “These guys don’t have the magnets that I do Blue, especially Sunny and Sides, their suits are too new and didn’t need those parts.” He leans back against Prowl, smiling as the mech moves to sit, already pulling out a tablet, “The humans will have to sleep soon, so whatever you wish to talk about I’d recommend doing so now.” They stare a glance before Bluestreak turns to Sunstreaker, offering his hand, “I’ll be careful.” Slowly and carefully, Sunstreaker climbed onto Bluestreak’s palm, sparing a glance towards the window before looking at Blue. 
They didn’t go anywhere, Bluestreak just held Sunstreaker a bit closer, “I can hardly see you down there, without your suit.” Sunstreaker rolls his eyes, “That is such bullshit Blue and you know it, you just want to be able to hold an organic.” “Maybe.” They shared a smile, but Bluestreak shook his head, “No, I just, I want to say I was sorry for what happened. I didn’t realize.” Nodding, Sunstreaker fixed his helmet slightly, “That is kind of the point. We know there are some of your kind that don’t particularly like organics like us and even only part organics are seemingly shunned.” He sighed slowly, rubbing at his implants briefly, “Us pilots are very much leaning towards that inbetween.” Bluestreak nodded, keeping his hand still, “Well, I’m glad you’re on our side in this fight, Sunny.” It almost made him feel better, almost.
Looking back out the window, Sunstreaker sighed, “Do you know how the meeting with Hound went?” Bluestreak shrugged and josulted Sunstreaker a bit, “No, not really. I wasn’t in the meeting, why? Has he not come back yet?” Shaking his head, Sunstreaker rubbed at his face, “No and now I’m starting to worry, Hound is the kind of guy to push himself to the limit to protect people, and those people probably would be us.” With a bit of a nod, Bluestreak slowly sets Sunstreaker down, “Why else are you worried?” Glancing back, Sunstreaker stared at Bluestreak, “Cause he’s the only one who can actually lead us, keep us alive, and on mission.” He pauses for a moment, glancing towards the other room, “If he’s not okay and we fail, then I’ll have doomed my own brother to death.” Sideswipe might have made sure Sunstreaker got a place in the pilot program, but Sunstreaker got them on Arcturus One, “Oh.” Blue nodded and crouched to be at eye level with Sunny, “You’ll have to explain that to me at some point, I, I know organics age faster than we do. Sure, we die but not as quickly as organics.” Smiling sadly, Sunny turns back to the window, “I’m a young pilot Blue, I’ve got at least another twenty years in me.” And that made Bluestreak’s spark clench painfully.
Everyone was asleep when Hound returned, headache back to a painful degree that even the dimmed visor and diminished audio could no longer help. Mirage had been nice enough to help him back to the building but Hound had insisted on going up himself so as to not disturb the others. The door was even painfully loud when he went in.
The living room was empty, the door to the bedroom shut and the door to their makeshift garden also closed, meaning everyone should be either in bed or at least asleep. Everyone had a preference for where their suit would sit through the night and Hound shuffled as quietly as he could over to his designated space, easing himself to the floor before turning off his assistance suit and visual feed, sighing as he removed the pieces attached to his implants. The areas of his implants throbbed painfully. It took a lot longer than normal to get out of the mobility suit, wincing at every pinched connection, Hound knew this was the signs of overuse but hadn’t expected them yet. Though to be fair with himself, he’d never piloted a mech this long and consistently, ever. 
Easing himself out of the piloting chair, he doesn’t even bother with opening the suit, instead shuffling over to the cot he has for missions, pulling off the barrier clothes pilots wear with the assistance suit. It was sticking to his skin both from sweat and blood. It takes another long few minutes to pull on the clothes laid out on the cot before falling onto it face first, trying to relieve the stress on his implants, pressing his face into his pillow Hound moaned painfully. Headaches, body aches, implant irritation; were all the first stage of overuse symptoms and they’d only get worse until the body adapted to the amount of use. Adapt or die. 
Hound was laying face first on the cot, hands resting over the implants on the back of his head and sighed slowly, it was dark and comfortably warm. His head was pounding and it felt like his body had been hit by a bus, he was stiff and just wanted to sleep. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to get to sleep.
Staying asleep however was not in the cards for him, as only a few hours later something was hitting the chest of his suit. Hound groaned and dragged his hands over his head before getting up, moving over to the suit release and opening the front of the suit. Squinting against the flood of light, Hound kept a hand on his head, “Morning,” his voice was gruff with sleep and Sunstreaker was glaring, “What the hell.” Sighing deeply, he comes out of the suit and nearly falls, “God, damnit..” he sighs and looks back to Sunstreaker, “Yes?” “Where were you? What the hell happened at that meeting? Prowl wouldn’t say anything.” Sighing deeply, Hound rubs his face, “There is a bar in Iacon that plays music from earth.” That quickly dropped Sunstreaker’s sour expression, shifting to one of shock, “What?” Nodding, Hound rubs at his implants next, his hands came away with dried blood and he scowled, “There is a bar somewhere in Iacon that picked up on radio signals from Earth, they put them through some sort of mechanism to clear up the audio.” Stepping around Sunstreaker, Hound starts towards the bathroom, rubbing his hands on his pants, “It’s from thirty years ago, but still.” Sunstreaker shakes his head a bit, “So it’s the best hits of the eighties?” Giving a so-so gesture, Hound shrugs, “Sort of.” He goes into the bathroom, the door closing and locking behind him. 
Sunstreaker scowled again, “That doesn’t explain what happened at the meeting!” His fist collides with the door before he turns away, heading over to where Sideswipe was setting up breakfast, he glances up as his brother approaches, “That sounded like a fun conversation.” Huffing, Sunstreaker walked over and picked up one of the bowls, scowling down at the fluorescent contents, “What is this?” Sideswipe was heating the fluorescent noodle like substance and shrugs a bit, “Not a clue, but Jazz made it for me before the last mission and it’s pretty decent. Just kinda tastes like potatoes.” Nodding a bit, Sunstreaker sits and starts to eat, shaking his head a bit, “I can’t believe him, the guy looks half dead.” Sideswipe hums, “Let the old men be old men, come on Sunny, just relax about it.” Scowling, he starts to shake his head, “I can’t relax about it cause you don’t give a fuck.” Sideswipe was fast, but Sunstreaker was faster, just dodging the bowl full of hot food.
Hound came back out of the bathroom to chaos, which he didn’t appreciate. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe were on the floor, shoving at each others faces, Prowl was standing to the side with Jazz perched on his shoulder like a pirate, Breakdown was frowning down at the twins from the table and Bluestreak had appeared from god knows where. Rubbing his face for a moment, Hound takes a breath, “What the hell are the two of you doing!” Both twins shot up and pointed at each other, “he started it!” They shouted in chorus and Hound started towards them, “I don’t care who the hell started it, it’s over now. Get your helmets on, we aren’t leaving anyone out of this conversation.” His head went back to pounding, the shower having relieved it for hardly a moment. Glancing towards Breakdown, he nodded slightly as he too was giving signs of a headache. It took a moment for them all to get to their suits and get their helmets on, Hound wincing as it connects and Breakdown doing the same.
It was likely that his signs of overuse would be exacerbated with the concussion, Hound hoped silently that he’d follow the two weeks of rest order.
“So, do you all need those helmets to understand us?” Bluestreak bends down towards Sunstreaker, offering a hand carefully even as Sideswipe kicked at his wrist, “Don’t fucking touch him.” “Stop arguing, now!” Hound’s voice was loud but slightly strained, climbing up to the table. Everyone fell silent, Bluestreak helping Sunstreaker to the table, Prowl lowering Jazz to the surface and helping Breakdown up before Sideswipe, stepping back slightly to take a seat. Sighing, Hound rubbed his face a bit, swearing, “Fuck, my head is killing me and your arguing is not helping.” Everyone stayed quiet as he slowly sat down, “Firstly, as I briefly mentioned to Sunstreaker earlier this morning. Yesterday, Mirage saw that I was struggling with a migraine and brought me somewhere quiet and dark to rest for a little while. After that, I found out that the specific bar he took me to clears up intergalactic radio waves for entertainment.” he sighs a bit, smiling some, “They were playing music from Earth.” The reaction all happened at the same time, Jazz shouted, Sunstreaker grins, Sideswipe practically jumped for joy and Breakdown smiled, “From when?” Breakdown’s voice was quiet but distinct, “From about thirty years ago, they were playing a radio station out of Los Angeles.” Sunstreaker paused and nodded slowly, “We really are thirty lightyears from home.” There was a weight that settled over them, Jazz nodded slowly, “But we're alive.” 
Hound nodded, adjusting his visor for a second, “We are and were out here for a reason, so that does bring up what was discussed in my meeting with command yesterday.” Jazz shifted a bit, “Hound, are you sure now is the best time to discuss this?” Nodding a bit, he pushes off the ground, “You all deserve to know what plans have been made.” Sunstreaker reaches out and holds his arm a bit, “It can wait till after you’ve eaten and taken something for your headache.” Shaking his head, Hound holds up a hand, “We’ve all got new assignments, separate from each other.” The silence would have been welcoming were it not so compressing, “What?” Sideswipe was slack-jawed, “The hell do you mean?” “I mean, we all are getting new assignments with different commanders for our safety and for the sake of Cybertron.” Sighing slowly, Sunstreaker let go of Hound, “Is this the cause of the overuse or cause of me being caught?” Hound shook his head, “It’s neither, we need to be at our best and the five of us fighting together is not it.” “That’s such bullshit, you’re having us separated because of Sunny.” Sideswipe moves over and shoves Hound, who shoves his back, “This isn’t about that! This is about keeping all of us alive and from killing each other, damnit!” Hound almost tore off his helmet just to throw it.
Instead he kicked one of their empty bowls across the room before turning on Sideswipe, “We aren’t made for following one pilot's orders and I sure as hell wasn’t made to be a commander 24/7, yet that is where we were currently standing.” He spreads his arms wide, “It’s only for three months, to see which works better. Sides, you and Sunny won’t be far from each other, your commanders are deployed together.” He holds up a hand, turning, “Jazz, you will be returning to your previous post under Prowl, it was recommended.” Jazz glanced back to Prowl with a smirk, “I’m sure it was.” Hound’s face almost burned, that look was certainly more than just a friendly one before he turned to Breakdown, “You’re still on rest for two weeks, but once that’s done, you will be under Megatron’s command with me, technically but we won’t be stationed together.” The twins were both glaring and Breakdown nodded a bit, Jazz almost looked lost in thought, “It’s only three months. If this doesn’t work out then we return to what we’ve been doing.” Sideswipe scoffs, “Oh yeah, like that’s been so great. Bluestreak trying to kill Sunny, you suffering from overuse, and Breakdown down and out with a concussion. Face it, you're in over your head.” Hound looked at him, clenching his jaw before looking at Sunstreaker, “You will be working under Ironhide with Bluestreak and a few people from the Primesgaurd. I hope while you’re there you learn to be more intelligent than your brother.” Sunstreaker winced as Sideswipe turned to gawk at Hound and started towards him, “Hound,” “Sideswipe, you’ll be working under Elita-One, it’s about time you came to understand the chain of command cause this shit ain’t cute.” He steps forward, pointing at him, “If this doesn’t cool your head, then you’ll be grounded and your mech will join the Odyssey in storage. Am I clear?” Sides mouth open and closed silent before Hound nodded and turned away, heading for the ladder, “I am going to take the rest of the day off to get rest, I suggest you all do the same, overuse is coming for us all and it’s coming fast.” He slides down the ladder easily.
“What the hell did I do to deserve that?” Sideswipe was pouting, scowling towards Hound’s mech which had been closed off for hours now. Jazz had left to go into Iacon with Bluestreak and Prowl, Breakdown had returned to rest as well, leaving the twins sat together on the window sill, staring out at the shining city, “I don’t know Sides, what could you have done to deserve that? Be serious, you shoved and insulted our commander.” Sunstreaker sighed, eating a protein bar and frowning down at it, “Of course he’s not going to put a lot of trust into you now.” Sideswipe scoffed and went back to repainting his assistance suit, “Who asked you?” Sunstreaker gave him a look and leaned back, “I don’t know and honestly, you’re being a bit of a dick right now.” He moves over and starts down the ladder, “I’m going to get some rest, I’d suggest you do the same. It helps with the side effects of overuse.” “I’m not suffering from overuse. I’m not the old man.” Sunstreaker stared at Sideswipe, at his twin, “Sides, we all are showing symptoms, you might want to check your implants, your bleeding again.” His feet hit the floor and he starts walking towards the bedroom, “That and being a bigger asshole than after the Bermuda mission.” “Fuck you.” Shrugging slightly, Sunstreaker went into the bedroom to get some rest.
Sideswipe reached up and touched at his implants, which were sticky with fresh blood and he sighed deeply, heightening irritability and aggression, one of the many stages of overuse. It really was coming for them all and now they’d be spread thin at best, separated from each other. Sideswipe through the sealed paint can across the room. He needed a drink but the first batch wouldn’t be ready for ages. He swore and laid back, staring out at Iacon.
Wow, that took a while for me to actually be able to sit down and write this. I probably won’t post another part till the New Year but we will see.
I want to thank you all for all your support and love, it has meant a lot to me. I can’t believe that we’re 20 parts into this crazy journey and it’s only just starting.
@lunarlei68 @whirlywhirlygig @loop-hole-319 @pixillandjester @alek-the-witch @not-a-moose-in-disguise @goddessofwind8water @neurologicalglitch @dersereblogger @pixel-transformers @mrcrayonofdoom @wireplaces @twilightfreefaller @original-blog-name-2 @devilangel657 @robbin-u @childofprimus @miniartistme @starwold @tea-enthusiasm @valeexpris606 @celticdoggo @bird599 @agentsquirrelsgotrobots @aquaioart @dimencreasatlas @thatwandercat @artdagz @seisha974 @starscreamloverfr @halenhusky309 @leethepiper @cat-cassette @blue-wrens @sirassban @astridkolch @cosmique-oddity @garbageenthusiast @osqindaxend @xervias @azulabutterfly @fryseem @spring-mc
And once again thank you to @keferon for this amazing AU! 💜
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justforbooks · 2 months ago
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Osamu Suzuki
Suzuki chairman who over half a century grew the company into one of the world’s largest car and motorcycle manufacturers
Osamu Suzuki, who has died aged 94, was one of the global automotive industry’s longest serving leaders. A director since 1963 of Suzuki, the motorcycle and small car manufacturer based in Hamamatsu, Japan, he rose through the ranks to become in 1979 the firm’s president, a position he relinquished only in 2019 to ascend to the chairmanship. Latterly, as is customary with elder statemen of Japanese industry, he became an adviser, the title he still held at the time of his death.
When he first joined Suzuki, in 1958, it had been in the automobile business for only four years, building the tiny two-cylinder, air-cooled Suzulight car, in a country that was still finding its way as an industrial power. It had been founded in 1909 as a loom manufacturer, but the collapse of the cotton market in the early 1950s galvanised a move towards automotive endeavours.
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Suzuki produced its first motorcycle – really a 36cc motorised pedal bike – in 1952 but 10 years later would notch up its first Isle of Man TT victory. In 1976, Barry Sheene won his first 500cc World Championship on a Suzuki RG500. The loom-making arm of the firm was separated from the automotive side in 1960 and, under Osamu, Suzuki expanded into the production of outboard motors, wheelchairs, all-terrain vehicles, and prefabricated housing.
He progressed conservatively to make Suzuki the largest small car producer in Japan, always with a keen eye on cost cutting, even on a shop-floor level: in one plant he famously had some of the light bulbs removed to save $40,000 on electricity.
Suzuki motorcycles arrived in the UK long before its cars, alongside Honda and others helping decimate the British motorcycle industry from the mid-60s onwards with dependable, easy to maintain two-wheeled machinery.
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The now collectable Whizzkid Coupe and Jimny off-roader (sold in the UK as the Satana and Samurai) were relative latecomers to the Japanese car sales bonanza from 1979. The Suzuki Alto of the early 80s was the cheapest automatic car then available in the UK, priced at £4,000, while the 1985 Swift was the firm’s first four-cylinder “supermini” sized vehicle.
The Bedford Rascal – better known as the “Sooty van” in the TV puppet series Sooty and Sweep – was really a rebadged Suzuki Carry, or “kei” truck, built to conform to strict Japanese light commercial specifications. These Rascal/Carry trucks were a spin-off from a deal that Osamu Suzuki struck with General Motors in 1981 to sell its economy cars in North America with Chevrolet badges, in return for giving GM a 5% stake in the company.
Osamu would also preside in 2009 over a tie-up with VW that ended in a court battle, and latterly collaborated with Toyota on the design of self-driving cars.
From the late 60s, production of the small Fronte rear-engined cars ramped up under Osamu’s leadership but, unlike its rivals, Nissan, Toyota and Mazda, Suzuki did not give in to the temptation to move upmarket, preferring to use its resources to build satellite plants in emerging markets where its small runabout cars had most appeal.
Beginning in Thailand in 1967 – and followed by Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia and Pakistan in the 70s and 80s – Suzuki expanded its operations on the Pacific rim rather than tackle local rivals head on, although between 1967 and 1970 Japanese production rose substantially, based at four new locations.
In the early 80s Suzuki became the first Japanese manufacturer to establish a manufacturing outlet in India, where its new front-wheel drive Alto/Fronte broke the stranglehold of the outdated Hindustan ambassador (a locally built 1950s Morris Oxford), and the equally ancient Fiat 1100-based Premier Padmini to become the bestselling car in India. Osamu Suzuki made over 200 flights to India in an effort to get this historic deal done.
By the beginning of the 2000s Suzuki had 60 factories in 31 countries as sales rose tenfold to a value of $19bn.
The son of Toshiki and Matsuda Shunzo, and born in the city of Gero, Gifo Prefecture, in central Japan, Osamu graduated in law from Chuo University in Tokyo in 1953 and worked in the loans office of a local bank before joining Suzuki in 1958. Around the same time, he married Shoko Suzuki, the granddaughter of the company’s founder, and, as per local tradition when there is no male heir, adopted his wife’s family name.
Had Hirotaka Ono, the son-in-law he had been grooming to take his place, not died of cancer in 2007, Osamu would probably have enjoyed a much longer retirement. A keen golfer into his 90s, five years ago he handed the reigns of the company to his son Toshihiro, the eldest of his three children.
🔔 Osamu Suzuki, industrialist, born 30 January 1930; died 25 December 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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fatphobiabusters · 2 years ago
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Scientific articles and official health websites talk about lactose intolerance the same way they talk about fatness.
This is how the National Institutes of Health describes it: "Lactose intolerance is a clinical syndrome that manifests with characteristic signs and symptoms upon consuming food substances containing lactose, a disaccharide." "Lactose intolerance is a common disease; however, it is rare in children younger than 5. It is most often seen in adolescents and young adults."
It's a syndrome. A disease. A medical problem with symptoms and signs.
And then...
"On average, 65% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. The prevalence of lactose intolerance is variable among different ethnicities. It is most common in African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and Asians and least prevalent in people of European descent."
Wait wait wait, hold up. It's in 65% of the world population??? 65% of all humans are lactose intolerant??? 65% of the world is diseased and has such a serious health condition?
Then you start learning more about it outside of these medical articles and organizations. You learn that other animals can't digest lactose past infancy either. Not even cats, even though we all believe they love milk. Animals, including humans, have a special enzyme as infants that allows babies to drink breastmilk. And after a child stops drinking that milk, the enzyme goes away, leaving the child unable to digest milk anymore.
In the 300,000 years that humans have existed, drinking milk past infancy did not start happening until about 10,000 years ago. It wasn't until ancient populations in Europe who were pastoralists, and thus raised cows as livestock, forced their bodies to drink milk and caused it to slowly became a genetic mutation that spread throughout different human populations over thousands of years.
You realize that the ability to drink lactose is not the norm. It's not the default body at all. The ability to digest lactose is a human adaptation that only some humans have, like missing wisdom teeth, blue eyes, and red hair. Lactose intolerance isn't abnormal. It's what human bodies were designed to do in the first place! No wonder it's "rare in children younger than 5." That's when babies still have the ability to drink breastmilk!
And what does such a serious disease as lactose intolerance require?
Not consuming dairy.
That's it.
This "disease" requires avoiding lactose and taking a pill to help you digest it if you need to in a given situation. And if you don't? The awful consequence of this disease is DEATH—oh, wait, that was a typo. I meant diarrhea. Dairy products like butter and some cheese have very low levels of lactose compared to straight up milk and can sometimes even be eaten without any pills for lactose intolerance at all.
So then why do health organizations and scientific articles consider this a "disease" when it's just genetic diversity? Well, you were already given the answer.
The people most able to digest lactose? White people. Europe. America. Canada. Australia. Groups so often considered the default. The quotes I gave are from the American government itself, as described by the organization's website: "Founded in 1887, the National Institutes of Health today is one of the world's foremost medical research centers, and the Federal focal point for medical research in the United States. The NIH, comprising 27 separate Institutes and Centers, is one of eight health agencies of the Public Health Service which, in turn, is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."
It's also important to recognize that the US government extremely subsidizes dairy. There are underground caves of billions of pounds of cheese surplus that the government has stockpiled. Billions upon billions of dollars have been spent on keeping the dairy industry afloat, no pun intended, to the point that everything from those "Got milk?" advertisements to milk in school-provided lunches to Taco Bell's double steak quesadillas were funded by federal tax dollars put into some cheesy goodness propaganda. Federal tax dollars were even used after the 2010 recession to bail out Domino's and keep the cheese uh-flowing.
So in a country where most people can digest lactose, most of the people who can't do so have bodies that are not viewed as the default already, and the government is extremely invested in getting people to eat dairy products, it becomes clear why that country—that government—believes lactose intolerance to be a disease.
Then when you consider:
how fat people are not viewed as the default body either and face immense oppression
how the facts of fatness being incredibly genetic and intentional weight loss not being sustainable in the slightest are kept under the radar from the public
how weight is not actually equal to health when you take all context into account beyond stereotypes and studies with horrendous methodology
how the BMI was created by a statistician (who was never a doctor in the first place and whose work was later used to support eugenics) during the 1800s in order to figure out which body was the average, not the healthiest, in select populations of white European men in the 19th century (and thus which body was the "default," the "norm," superior)
how the population measuring tool that is the BMI, never meant or designed to be used on an individual scale, was not commonly used as a measurement of "health" until insurance companies wanted a way to fabricate reasons for charging people more money
how the weight loss industry makes hundreds of billions of dollars every year off of pretending fatness is inherently bad and selling a "cure" that doesn't work while blaming consumer error to keep people buying said "cure"
and how creating a weight-based social hierarchy benefits the people on top who have power over the rest
...you start to understand why fatness is medicalized.
It's even a common talking point of people and companies obsessed with dieting that humans have evolved to hold onto fat and refuse to lose it in case of potential starvation. In fact, facing starvation even changes your body to want to hold onto body fat even more than it did previously, which includes when you diet since dieting is just self-inflicted starvation. When you face starvation, your descendants are more likely to have genetics that prefer fatness too. And there's evidence of fatness in human populations going back tens of thousands of years despite diet culture wanting people to believe fatness is a new trend due to people's "lifestyle choices." The Venus of Willendorf, an ancient figurine of a fat woman, is estimated to have been created around 30,000 years ago, and there are numerous other Venus figurines of fat women from that era too.
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It's human diversity, but people who aren't fat and who pedal diet culture can make so much money and obtain such powerful positions by pretending fatness is abnormal, inhuman, and wrong. Why give up an easy money-making punching bag or admit that your body is not the only "correct" human body when you have no reason not to and so many incentives for keeping the status quo?
As a side note, one of the best examples of diet culture is how you can find countless news articles about whether milk is "good" or "bad" for you despite humans having consumed milk for the past 10,000 years. I think by year one thousand we would have learned if milk was "bad" for us, but the headline "Milk still okay" doesn't get a news website any clicks.
-Mod Worthy
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rupalic · 6 months ago
Growth Strategies Adopted by Major Players in Turf Protection Market
In the dynamic landscape of the turf protection industry, key players like Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland), UPL Limited (India), Corteva Agriscience (US), Nufarm (US), Bayer AG (Germany), and BASF SE (Germany) are at the forefront of innovation and market expansion. These industry leaders are driving growth through strategic initiatives such as partnerships, acquisitions, and cutting-edge product developments, solidifying their positions as influential forces in shaping the future of the turf protection industry. Their efforts not only enhance their global presence but also set new benchmarks for industry standards and customer expectations. The global turf protection market size is estimated to reach $8.1 billion by 2028, growing at a 4.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The market size was valued $6.4 billion in 2023.
Top Global Turf Protection Leaders to Watch in 2024
· Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland)
· UPL Limited (India)
· Corteva Agriscience (US)
· Nufarm (US)
· Bayer AG (Germany)
· BASF SE (Germany)
· SDS Biotech K.K. (Japan)
· AMVAC Chemical Corporation (US)
· Bioceres Crop Solutions (Argentina)
· Colin Campbell (Chemicals) Pty Ltd (Australia)
· ICL Group Ltd. (US)
Investments and Innovations: Key Strategies of Top Turf Protection Companies
🌱 Syngenta Crop Protection AG: Leading the Way in Integrated Pest Management
Syngenta Crop Protection AG, a global agribusiness based in Switzerland, operates prominently in the crop protection and seeds markets. The company offers a comprehensive range of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and seed treatments, helping growers worldwide enhance agricultural productivity and food quality. With a presence in over 90 countries, Syngenta’s reach is truly global. In October 2020, Syngenta further strengthened its position by acquiring Valagro, a leading biologicals company. Valagro’s strong presence in Europe, North America, Asia, and Latin America complements Syngenta’s existing crop protection chemicals. This acquisition allows Syngenta to offer more integrated pest management strategies that reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals, while Valagro’s expertise in plant nutrition promotes healthier turfgrass growth and improved soil health.
Know about the assumptions considered for the study
🌍 UPL Limited: Innovating Turf Management Solutions Globally
UPL Limited, formerly known as United Phosphorus Limited, is a global agrochemical company based in India, providing a wide range of agricultural solutions, including crop protection products, seeds, and post-harvest solutions. UPL is a key player in turf management, offering innovative solutions for golf courses, sports fields, and other turf areas. Their product portfolio includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and plant growth regulators, all designed to enhance turf quality and health while effectively controlling pests and diseases. Operating in over 130 countries across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, UPL has 28 manufacturing sites worldwide, solidifying its position as a leader in the global turf protection market.
🏆 Bayer AG: Streamlining for a Focused Future in Turf Protection
Bayer AG, a multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company headquartered in Leverkusen, Germany, operates across three business segments: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health, and Crop Science. The company’s Crop Science division caters to the turf protection market, offering products such as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. With operations in over 90 countries, including regions like North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, Bayer maintains a strong global presence. In March 2022, Bayer sold its Environmental Science Professional business, which includes turf protection products, to private equity firm Cinven for USD 2.6 billion. This strategic divestment is part of Bayer’s ongoing efforts to streamline its portfolio and concentrate on core businesses, ensuring a more focused approach to its future operations.
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andmaybegayer · 2 years ago
My parents have installed an 8kWh battery backup because frankly it sucks not to have power 4-8 hours a day. Pretty much everyone in South Africa who can afford one is installing one! But it's really stupendously expensive and it makes me think about how ridiculous the people suggesting that grid scale storage is viable are.
Look. I don't think we will never be able to do grid scale storage. There's lots of promising new battery and capacitor technologies. I give it decent odds that in the next century someone will develop a battery that rivals kerosene for cost per kWh of storage. But whenever we talk about tools for solving climate change I feel like a lot of people forget that it's a pretty imminent problem!
If I told you "hey, I know you're looking at that Toyota Corolla so you can drive to work. Well, I'm working on a flying car. It's going to be so much faster, and it'll cost the same amount as a Toyota Corolla, and I'll have it ready in a few months. Look, I've got this tiny scale model to show you that it's on the way, please give me the money you were going to spend on the Toyota Corolla and I'll give you a flying car when it's ready." you would laugh at me. Every single engineering project comes in over budget and over time, if it's finished at all. Scale models are nothing when you need to solve big problems. Everyone understands this with bridges, why do they not get it with gridscale storage.
Every day some guy says "hey look we built a sodium battery pack it took our lab six months to build 100kWh worth but we totally promise that we'll have mass production down by 2025 please don't think about whether you are designing a future grid heavily dependent on fossil fuel baseloads we'll have huge batteries by then look there's the one in Australia it stores literally seconds worth of grid capacity." and I feel like I'm going insane.
This is not a technology that is "ready to go" this is the shit we make fun of when a university PR department claims they've cured cancer (in mouse cells (in a culture ( with additional marker proteins (and killed the healthy cells too whoops))))
All the current climate change targets are aiming for things in 2050 and it feels like gridscale storage gets used as an easy excuse for politicians who don't want to explain why they're making a grid that happens to be completely reliant on fossil fuels. They just go "oh we're investing in renewable technologies ;)" while sheepishly standing in front of the gas pipelines.
They might not even be industry shills! Some of them are but I think some of them are genuinely taken in by the renewables grift. They see the endless fields of wind farms when they visit the German countryside or whatever and think wow :) renewables really work :) we're going to fix climate change :) and have never understood an eqCO2/kWh value in their life.
People reporting on SMR and renewables say things like "Nuclear is too expensive and impractical compared to wind and solar which is why we're not investing in it" but that's only true if you believe you can run a grid on wind and solar alone! Otherwise you have to say the quiet "and hundreds of gas turbines with fuel storage on standby" part out loud.
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dreamings-free · 3 months ago
Adidas announces 'Under The Tongue', the untold story of football’s most iconic boot.
Media Infoline Dec 05, 2024, 17:07 PM
In the 30th year of football’s most loved franchise, adidas announces the release of ‘Under The Tongue’ – a feature-length documentary exploring the seismic impact the boot franchise has had on the beautiful game, on and off the pitch. Officially premiering on December 5th, today sees the release of the official trailer.
Produced in collaboration with SoccerBible, the hour-long documentary features the era-defining footballers that made Predator so iconic in its early years – including David Beckham, Zinedine Zidane, and Eniola Aluko – as well as current stars such as Jude Bellingham, Alessia Russo, Aitana Bonmatí and Trent Alexander-Arnold, who reflect on early memories and what it means to be part of the Predator family.
‘Under The Tongue’ examines how a unique blend of industry-leading innovation, culture-defining design, unrivalled star power and timing all combined to create a boot that would fundamentally change the trajectory of the football boot industry and have a transformative impact on adidas as a business.
Transporting viewers back to the very origins of Predator, Craig Johnston – the man behind the initial idea of using rubber to create the now iconic Predator teeth on the boot’s upper – recounts the journey from his initial brainwave while coaching children’s football in Australia, through to finally seeing the boots on the feet of the world’s best players in 1994, before exploring the silhouette’s undeniable impact in the following 30 years.
The documentary also sees senior adidas executives, design team members and notable fans – including Pete Martin, Creative Director at SoccerBible said: “The Predator is a boot with such a profound legacy that it was a real honor to have crafted ‘Under The Tongue’ alongside Keane Pearce Shaw. A boot with such personality too, not only does it mean so much to the culture of the game but it has been an unrivaled yet consistent giver of glory. There are few products on the planet that can, have or ever will, evoke such memories and feeling than that of the Predator. It’s almost immortal. That’s what we have tried to capture with this film – that powerful infatuation – a charming icon with bite, flair and beauty.”
The documentary also sees senior adidas executives, design team members and notable fans – including singer-songwriter and football fanatic Louis Tomlinson – recall their own experiences of Predator’s emergence.
Nick Craggs, adidas Global Football General Manager said: “Predator changed the game. We know what it means to us all at adidas but as we come to the end of its 30th anniversary we felt it was fitting to hear from those that played such a crucial role in cementing its place in football culture. It has helped push the boundaries of innovation on the field of play and inspire millions off it – we now take it into the future and hopefully another 30 years of iconic moments with the world’s best players.”
Pete Martin, Creative Director at SoccerBible said: “The Predator is a boot with such a profound legacy that it was a real honor to have crafted ‘Under The Tongue’ alongside Keane Pearce Shaw. A boot with such personality too, not only does it mean so much to the culture of the game but it has been an unrivaled yet consistent giver of glory. There are few products on the planet that can, have or ever will, evoke such memories and feeling than that of the Predator. It’s almost immortal. That’s what we have tried to capture with this film – that powerful infatuation – a charming icon with bite, flair and beauty.”
The 60 second trailer can be viewed now, across @adidasfootball social channels, while ‘Under The Tongue’ premieres on December 11th, with the documentary available to view from 9PM CET on the adidas football YouTube channel.
The documentary follows on from the recent launch of the latest Predator model. Crafted for goals, the design evokes the franchise’s rich heritage as it recreates iconic champagne colourways of the past, while introducing tech innovations that pave the way for the future of the boot in 2025. Available now from adidas.com/football.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 9 months ago
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At-Large Marge. http://Newsday.com/matt :: Matt Davies
* * * *
The lesson of Covid
June 4, 2024
The United States suffered more deaths from Covid than any other nation in the world (1.13 million) and the highest death rate (341 per 100,000) of any large, high-income country. Those shocking facts suggest that a congressional inquiry is urgently needed to understand why the US fared so poorly compared to other industrialized nations.
On Monday, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a hearing ostensibly designed to understand why the US response to Covid paled in comparison to the responses and outcomes by countries like the UK, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden, Australia, Canada, and Netherlands.
You will not be surprised to learn that the hearing did not devote time to understanding what the US could do better in response to the next pandemic. Instead, Republicans converted the hearing into an evidence-free attack on Dr. Fauci’s selfless, expert guidance through a pandemic that killed approximately 1 out of every 300 Americans. See, e.g., Newsweek, Dr. Fauci Testifies: Unvaccinated Americans Caused Additional "200-300k Deaths".
Led by Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jim Jordan, Republicans peddled baseless conspiracy theories that will kill tens or hundreds of thousands of Americans in the next pandemic—just as vaccine hesitancy and disinformation killed hundreds of thousands of Americans in the last epidemic.
Convicted Felon Donald Trump broke the Republican Party when he elevated loyalty to him above belief in the truth. The disgraceful conduct by Republicans in today’s Select Committee hearing is the direct product of Trump's assault on the truth.
A nation cannot govern itself if it creates policy and passes legislation based on fever dreams and mass delusion. Truth matters. Lies matter. That may be the most important lesson of the coronavirus pandemic. It came at a dear cost: The deaths of 1.1 million Americans. We should never forget that lesson or the losses suffered by tens of millions of family members—or we may be condemned to repeat the tragedy in the next pandemic.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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paulagnewart · 29 days ago
Trans40mers Pt. 1/12: Of Movies, Muppets and Madman Mayhem!
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The grand space year of 2024 may have closed, but the 40th anniversary celebrations for The Transformers are far from being all over.
Not every country got the series at once. These rollouts took time, particularly during decades past. Regions including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and parts of Europe had to wait until 1985 before the Autobots and Decepticons brought their conflict to local shores. A delay definitely worth the wait for budding fans and shareholders alike.
Keeping in line with the above nations, Australia has consistently kept Transformers on toy shelves since the beginning. No US-style gap years, for there was always something to see, read or buy out there. It's a testament to the brand's longevity and fandom's enduring passion. As the Transformers Universe trailer attested, "They were always real to me".
As seen elsewhere, rather than belt out another year's worth of rodent-based ramblings, this account instead will highlight a slathering of fascinating yet ultimately useless knowledge from Transformers history in Australia. But unlike elsewhere sharing them bang on their respective dates, this account's waiting until month's end for a single, easy to read post.
There's one from each and every year; some glad, some sad, some outright bonkers including (and far from limited to) Mark Wahlberg's Sydney press tour, Otter Press' Dreamwave reprints, that time comedian Tony Martin crushed an Optimus toy on prime time TV, various VHS and DVD releases, newspaper clippings condemning the series, Happy Meal promotions, that time Beast Wars Airazor and Razorclaw toys topped Christmas sales, exclusive toys, and many more.
Best of all? They're free. Yes, free. No social media influenza mentality begging for dollarydoos at each opportunity to read fan wikis aloud here. The title is hardly the most imaginative or inspiring wordplay, but certainly beats the sad, self-aggrandising trend where anyone with half an ego and aspiration for digital fame make a hashtag using their own name.
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11th January 2008: Promoting their new release of The Transformers: The Headmasters on DVD, Madman Entertainment choose three winners in its 'Design a Transformer' contest. Among the entrants was late comic book artist Lindsay Walker, with her fan character Ultra Fairmont.
Kicking off this robotic retrospective is a trip back to early 2008. Michael Bay's first live-action film had been an unprecedented success, and companies looked for a slice of that sweet energon pie.
Retro toys were back in, and it's hard to believe there was a time when Madman were the only game in town for 'classic' Transformers merchandise. Having a keen eye for fans since the early 2000's, they produced a swath of licensed G1 and Beast Wars DVD's and apparel. When time came for catering to Japanese audiences, they went all-in, announcing this contest.
Dozens of fans hoping to be the next Alex Kubalsky picked up their artistic tools, logged into their Madman accounts and submitted venerable masterpieces. Of the 46 entries, all-new characters were order of the day, though a few redesigns of old favourites managed to slip through.
So which lucky fans walked away with the top prizes? In first place stood Channandeller and their time-freezing Decepticon saboteur, Time-Ex. Second place went to davetec, who uncovered a long-lost photograph from 1903 featuring the autonomous horseless carriage, Albion. Rounding out third was Norcinu with their evil, mind-controlling Adminbot representative, Comcall. An outstanding trio of well-deserved winners.
The contest was open to casual and professional fans alike, among the latter was rising star Bendigo artist Lindsay Walker. A fan since the Transformers began, Ms. Walker was by that point making a name for herself in the comic book industry. Illustrating both fan and licensed products, her artistic prowess covered the likes of King Kong, Voltron, Sheena, Street Fighter and Hack/Slash. She developed video games, worked art galleries, and proud advocate for the trans community.
After submitting Ultra Fairmont, Ms. Walker went on to fulfil her dream illustrating her beloved Ghost Who Walks for Moonstone Books, and later for the character's local publishers. A career which abruptly ended in tragedy come late September 2016.
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17th January 2021: As Covid weaved its deadly web, Sydney's Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace lights the fandom's darkest hour with a screening of 1986's The Transformers: The Movie. Billed as a one night only experience, the event proved popular enough to run multiple times.
"A rare screening of the 1986 animated classic!" proclaimed those fine folks over at Hayden Orpheum; and true to their word, this fateful night had been a long time coming for local fans.
At a time when licensing issues cancelled an earlier Melbourne screening, to say nothing to rising daily Covid cases placing lives and livelihoods at risk, it looked like Aussies may never see the film score an official rerelease. But now they had, and with jubilation came trepidation. Plus jealousy from hardcore fans in other states who'd face mandatory 14 day quarantines.
Despite the brisk drive, the writer of these posts opted not to attend that first night for obvious reasons. But several hundred other fans did, and they had a grand time. Cheering, booing, even recreating the Junkion dance number. A much-needed escape into summer fantasy for many during a perilous period.
For those technical inclined, this edition of the movie was the US 'star cast credits' version, as opposed to the international 'Star Wars Scroll' variant which played at cinemas here back in 1986, & sourced from Madman Entertainment's Blu Ray released June 2009. Spite of being slightly zoomed in to fit the wider cinema screen, nor the option of a crisp physical 35mm print to load up and play, the video was nonetheless an impressive improvement over previous copies.
Unfortunately cracks began to appear when, rather than go with the old Mono track, they used its "enhanced" Dolby 5.1 edition. It made the dialogue pop, but many sound effects (notably when Optimus Prime transforms & takes down the Decepticons) were suppressed, while others replaced by new "improved" sounds. It only got worse from "Megatron must be stopped" right until the film's end, as the entire audio track was delayed by about half a second. Hardly noticeable with the dialogue, but the action suffered. Moments like the satisfying crunch of Prime's uppercut, or the duel between Hot Rod, Kup and the Sharkticons, were painfully out of sync.
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27th January 1995: Agro's Cartoon Connection came to the rescue of parents hoping to peacefully sleep off yesterday's public holiday bender. Alongside new host Terasa Livingstone, Agro dedicated our morning to the last ever public TV repeat of The Transformers: The Movie.
What's the deal with The Transformers: The Movie and public holidays?
For years both were invaluably intertwined. A fascinating partnership enough for some imaginative fan to make quite the venn diagram; much like an unspoken yet underlying overlap between followers of both long-running Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics, and 2003 Teen Titans cartoon.
One month after the Commonwealth Film Censorship Board ordered Spike's expletive outburst be deleted, The Transformers: The Movie arrived in Australian cinemas on Boxing Day 1986. The Sydney Morning Herald ran a colouring contest through Easter 1987, where six lucky readers won a poster plus copy of said movie on VHS or Betamax. Any fans yearning for a nostalgic new year experience got exactly that on 1st January 1989; Channel Seven heeded their wishes and premiered it at 9am.
Despite one critical slamming of "a long advertisement for the fad toys of the 80's", that didn't stop Seven rolling out their cinematic outing again and again. It aired midday Tuesday 25th September 1990, kicking off the spring school holidays. Another repeat followed on Boxing Day 1991. Fans still collecting were treated to double runs in 1993; first at 11:30am on Mother's Day, followed by (surprise surprise) a 9am repeat on Boxing Day, this time one half of a shared feature with Machine Men: Battle of the Rock Lords.
Fast-forward to 1995. A year had passed since all states and territories agreed to mark 26th January a national public holiday. Fireworks were lit and alcohol guzzled, leading to many-a sore heads the following morning. For kids not tuning in to watch the last TV screening of DiC's The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog among the rotting husk of Tim Bailey's The Big Breakfast, once more Australia's favourite bathmat offered salvation. Kicking off at 6:30am where, following a mandatory repeat of Hanna-Barbera's The Ruff and Reddy Show, Agro and Terasa's Friday morning movie successfully ruined a nation's childhoods one final time.
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janicemarieaudio · 10 months ago
I love indie animation. I do wish more indie animation studios would be open to giving talented individuals the ability to work remotely from home. Some of us can’t afford to move to a specific location right away.
Like myself. I would love to work as a sound designer or an ADR director for an indie studio like Glitch Productions but obviously, I don’t live in Australia. As well, I’m already in the process of moving; not to one of the more well-known states that focus a lot on animation, like California or Texas. No, I’m actually set to move to my Puerto Rico, with my parents, at the end of the year and have been trying (and still am) my hardest to look for any remote opportunities in this industry.
You would think that finding remote work in this industry would be easy, but it’s actually the HARDEST thing to come by. Least in my experience.
All I’m saying is that indie animation studios should make it more known that they’re open to having fully remote employees. Or, at the very least, consider it. This doesn’t just go for indie animation studios, but the big, well-known corporate animation studios as well. You know who you are.
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shivshaktimachtech · 3 months ago
Bottling and Packaging Line Solution
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Bottling and Packaging Line Solution in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Our Manufacturer Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A Bottling and Packaging Line Solution is an integrated system designed to streamline the entire process of filling, capping, labeling, inspecting, and packaging bottles. It is used across industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and chemicals, ensuring that liquid and semi-liquid products are efficiently packaged for distribution. These automated systems help businesses reduce production time, minimize human error, and ensure high-quality standards for every product. Similar Name of Bottling and Packaging Line Solution: Automated Bottling and Packaging System, Bottle Filling and Packing Line, Integrated Packaging and Bottling Solution, Liquid Packaging Line System, Complete Bottling Line Setup, Turnkey Packaging and Bottling Solutions, Customizable Bottling and Packaging Equipment, Automated Beverage Bottling Line, Filling and Packaging Machinery Solutions, Industrial Bottling and Packaging System. Why Choose Bottling and Packaging Line Solutions? Increased Efficiency: Automation minimizes manual labor, reducing human error and increasing throughput. Consistency and Quality Control: Advanced systems ensure uniform filling, sealing, and packaging. Scalability: Modular designs allow you to upgrade or expand systems as your business grows. Cost Savings: Streamlined processes reduce waste, energy use, and operational costs. Compliance and Safety: Modern solutions adhere to strict regulatory standards, safeguarding consumer health and brand reputation. Applications of Bottling and Packaging Line Solution: Food and Beverage Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics and Personal Care Chemicals Agricultural Products What is a bottling and packaging line solution? A bottling and packaging line solution encompasses machinery and processes designed to automate the filling, sealing, labeling, and packaging of liquid products. How do I determine the right capacity for my production line? Capacity depends on your current production volume and future growth projections. Consulting with a professional provider can help you determine the optimal configuration. Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Bottling and Packaging Line Solution and an exporter worldwide, including to Algeria, Angola, Antigua, Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, The Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guinea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, The Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, South Korea, North Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. For further details or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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jenifersohowe · 3 months ago
#thanksgiving #thankful #happythanksgiving #happythanksgivingday #happythanksgiving2024 #happyharvest #harvest #harvestfestival #culture #religion #tradition #traditional #thanksgivingrecipes #thanksgivingrecipe #thanksgivingmeal #food #foodie #foodlover #foodblogger #foodvlog #foodshorts #foodies #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodreels #foodinspiration #foodindustry #foodbank #foodbanks #foodbankvideos #foodbankhaul #globalbanks #globalbanking #worldbank #worldbanknotes #bakery #cooking #cook #cookingchannel #cookingshorts #cookingvideo #pastry #beverage #mealprep #meal #meals #recipe #recipes #recipeoftheday #recipevideo #recipeshorts #foodpreparation #cuisine #appetizer #dessert #desserts #dessertfood #dessertfoodshorts #appetizers #designshorts #patternart #pattern #design #decoration #decor #celebration #celebrity #celebrities #celebritynews #celebrations #celebnews #influencer #influencers #influence #influencermarketing #musicindustrynews #musicmagazine #musicnews #musicnew #vlog #vlogs #blogger #blog #reels #reel #reelsinstagram #reelssvideo #reelsindia #reelsfb #reelsinsta #reelshorts #reelsvideos #reelscomedy #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsviral #shortfeed #shortvideos #shortsbeta #socialmedia #socialcare #socialwelfare #social #socialmediamarketing #socialwork #public #publicnews #publictv #publicreation #publicidad #local #localnews #localbusiness #localnewstday #localupdates #localfood #tv #tvnews #tvshow #tv9 #tv9marathilive #tvbharatvarsh #onlinenews #onlinestore #onlinebusiness #onloneshopping #app #apps #appstore #appleapp #appleappstore #appleiphone #applestore #appletv #iphone #appletvplus #topnews #starnews #topnewstoday #topchannel #toptrending #top #topstar #top #entertainment #entertainmentnews #entertainmentshorts #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #business #businessnews #busineesowner #businesstips #businessgrowth #investment #people #peoplemagazine #businessmagazine #beautyvlogger #beautyvlogging #worldnews #world #worldmagazine #worldvlog #worldvloger#worldwide #worldbeauty #worldtvnews #worldnetwork #worlwidegiveaway #worldstarnews #worldstarshorts #giveaway #giveaways #industry #idustries #industrial #industria #finance #financialfreedom #financenews #economy #economics #economicdevelopement #economicsolution #commercial #commerce #community #digitalmarketing #marketing #digitalart #digital #marketnews #marketsnews #marketsnewstoday #global #globalnews #globalshorts #cuisineculture #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthyvlog #CEO #CEOS #leader #leaders #leadership #leadershipskills #founder #founders #manager #managers #director #producer #executive #boss #productshorts #productivity #products #manufacturing #manufacturer #manual #sponsorship #ad #adorable #beautifulart #beautifulcake #beautifulcakes #beautifulcakedesign #beautiful #cake #cakedecorating #cakedesign #cakes #cakerecipe #cakedecoration #cakeideas #cakeart #cakeshorts #cakelover #rollcake #rollcakerecipe #foodart #designart #handmade #country #countrycooking #countryfood #countryfoods #cookandeat #magazine #vogueworld #vogueformals #vogueliving #vogue #family #familytv #familyvlog #familytime #familyvlogs #familyfriendly #familylove #washingtondc #washingtonpost #washingtonstate #newyork #newyorkcity #newyorkpost #newyorkvlog #newyorkvlogs #newyorktimes #newyorktimesbestseller #texans #texasnews #texansnews #texasliving #texascity #asia #asianet #asianews #asian #asiavlogofficials #asiatv #europe #europenews #europa #european #europevlog #europevlogs #australia #australian #australianews #australiancity #australiavlog #australiavlogs #arabic #arab #arabian #arabnews #arabnews24 #saudiarabia #saudi #saudinews #saudia #saudi_arabia #saudiarabianews #dubai #dubaivlog #dubaivlogs #dubaiblogger #dubainews #maldives #africa #africanews #african #africatv3 #africatv2 #africatv #africavlog #africavlogs #america #americanews #american #americans #americanbully #americanenglish #americanpeople #nativeamerican #americatv #americavlog #americavlogs #latinoamerica #latinamerica #bbcnews #BBC #bbcnewsworld #abcnews #abcnewsmedia #CBS #cbsnews #CNN #cnnnews #cbsnewsmiami #foxnews #NBC #nbcnews #news #newrecipe #newfood #newfoodvlog #newfoodvideo #newfoodshorts #newshorts #new #goodmorningamerica #blessed #happy #happiness #holiday #holidays #holidayvlog #holidayshorts #agriculture #agriculturenews #journal #podcast #podcasts #broadcast #broadcasting #broadcasters #broadcaster #podcasters #podcaster��
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sealerconcrete · 3 months ago
How Concrete & Brick Sealers Improve Property’s Durability, Appearance, and Long-Term Value?
In Melbourne, well-known producers and sellers provide essential building protection products like premium brick sealer, concrete grouting and driveway sealer, moisture sealing materials, and more. These manufacturers and suppliers provide a large selection of locally designed and produced building solutions to maintain building structures and enhance their longevity.
They offer a wide range of products, such as concrete, render, and paint additives, concrete sealer and hardeners, water-repellent and stain-proof sealers, waterproof concrete solutions and additives, anti-graffiti products, and rising damp treatments.
For prompt delivery right to their location, skilled and experienced concrete waterproofing contractors and building owners typically order sealers and waterproofing supplies online from these industry-leading merchants.
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Why Include Local Manufacturers of Products for Concrete Preservation?
Reliable concrete protectors are essential for both interior and outdoor surface concrete because they operate as a barrier against moisture, heat, and other environmental elements that could compromise the integrity or quality of the construction.
Some respectable local sealing and waterproofing manufacturers deliver a variety of products for building materials coating, sealing off moisture grinding, raising damp protection, a concrete additive, polymer renders, timber protection, and other services necessary during building development to preserve the integrity of the concrete.
Some of these businesses are renowned for being the first in Australia to do research and manufacture water-repellent, stain-proofing sealers and building protection additives.
They provide a variety of based on water and solvent-based versatile water-repellent sealers, including silicone sealers, conventional full-proof silane treatment for building materials infrastructure, innovative silane cream water distasteful treatment for building materials infrastructure, and deep-entry water-repellent concrete sealers.
Natural stones, concrete blocks, pavers or driveways, clay bricks, terracotta, tiles, and grouts are just a few of the masonry and flooring materials for which they have created polishing solutions. These are water-based compounds that don't penetrate thick substrates very well.
Therefore, contact these sellers to get premium-quality sealing, waterproofing, and polishing products for porous brick substrates online.
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justforbooks · 3 months ago
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Maggie Tabberer
Vogue model who became the face of Australian fashion. The glamorous model also had successful careers as editor, TV presenter and fashion designer, bringing sophistication into Australian homes
Before Instagram influencers and reality show home renovators there was Maggie Tabberer, whose poise and urbane advice on fashion and decorating made her a household name. Known fondly as Maggie T, she has died just days before her 88th birthday.
Tabberer was, quite literally, the face of Australian fashion. Photographed by Lord Snowdon in 1960, she was the first local model to appear on the cover of just-launched Australian Vogue.
But there was much more to Tabberer than beauty.
She was a media pioneer, entrepreneur, fashion designer and television presenter. Her slicked-back hair – and later, elegant headscarves – made her instantly recognisable, and together with her stylish, loose-fitting wardrobe gave her cult-like status among a generation of Australian women brought up to believe you were naked without pantyhose and a girdle.
With a face that launched a thousand products, Tabberer continued to work in the fashion industry after her active modelling days were over. In 1981 she launched a plus-size clothing label, Maggie T, the same year she became fashion editor of the Australian Women’s Weekly where she stayed for 15 years. Television did not escape her sights – Tabberer was so successful she won back-to-back Gold Logies, in 1970 and 1971.
Margaret May Trigar was born in Adelaide on 11 December 1936, the youngest of Alfred and Molly’s five children. At 17, the rebellious teenager married Charles Tabberer, a 35-year-old car dealer, and by 21, she was the restless mother of two daughters, Amanda and Brooke. Walking past a modelling school one day, she signed up for classes and was an instant success. Soon Tabberer was working in Melbourne where she met and fell in love with the renowned German photographer Helmut Newton. Tabberer’s marriage broke down and she and Newton embarked on what she described as “a perfect, lovely” affair.
With her marriage over and Newton now living in Paris, Tabberer embraced new opportunities, moving to Sydney with her daughters. Here she met her second husband and great love, the Italian restaurateur Ettore Prossimo. The couple married in 1967, but later that year their 10-day-old son Francesco died from sudden infant death syndrome.
“You know, you live and go on doing what you’re doing, but you know you’re not joyous. There’s no joy for a long time,” Tabberer said in a 2011 interview.
Since 1964, Tabberer had been a panellist on Beauty and the Beast, a talkshow pitting the views of women against those of men. It was the ideal vehicle for audiences to appreciate the grace and good humour with which Tabberer dealt with her weight – and her sorrow – and in 1967 she was offered her own daily chatshow, Maggie.
Prossimo and Tabberer separated after 17 years of marriage, but reignited their friendship before his death in 1996. Throughout the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s Tabberer continued to appear on television in a range of lifestyle programs. She and her then-partner Richard Zachariah hosted The Home Show on the ABC from 1990 to 1995, when they split up. The couple never professed to be experts, but as they had renovated six of their own homes over six years they had plenty of experience.
Tabberer was made a member of the Order of Australia in 1998 for her services to the fashion industry. The artist Paul Newton twice entered his portraits of her into the Archibald prize, most recently in 2020. Her biography, Maggie, was published in 1999. Contemporary recognition for her contribution to Australian fashion eluded her; in 2019 she was nominated as an Australian fashion laureate, but ultimately overlooked.
In 2016, the happily single Tabberer came out of retirement to appear on the cover of the Weekly and share her thoughts on eight decades of life.
“At 80 I’ve come to my senses about men,” she said. “I’m not going to be getting into bed and taking my clothes off – don’t be ridiculous. I’ve still got a healthy ego.”
Maggie Tabberer was successful both in front of the camera and behind it, as well as in print journalism, design and marketing. Throughout her career, she successfully manoeuvred her personal brand, before anyone had put a name to that art.
Tabberer is survived by her daughters Amanda and Brooke and by her grandson Marco.
🔔 Maggie Tabberer: Born 11 December 1936, died 6 December 2024, aged 87.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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lmching · 4 months ago
LMCHING Leads the Way in Premium Skincare with Cutting-Edge Technology and Natural Beauty Trends
*We want to make it clear that everything in this article is sourced from abc, and we stand by its accuracy. LMCHING has granted us the right to compile and present this information.
LMCHING has established itself as a leader in the premium cosmetics market by consistently embracing new technologies in La Mer products while staying ahead of modern beauty trends. With a sharp focus on quality and innovation, LMCHING not only offers high-end products but also provides customers with the latest skincare solutions designed to meet their evolving needs. By prioritizing products with natural, skin-friendly ingredients, LMCHING has created a trusted destination for consumers who seek both luxury and safety in their skincare routines. This approach has allowed LMCHING to strengthen its competitive position, further enhancing its appeal in a rapidly growing market.
One of the key elements driving LMCHING’s success is its ability to identify and incorporate technological advancements in La Mer products. Skincare technology is constantly evolving, and LMCHING ensures that its customers benefit from the latest innovations in the beauty industry. Whether it’s advanced moisturizing formulas or breakthrough anti-aging solutions, LMCHING stays at the forefront of La Mer's cutting-edge developments. By doing so, the company offers customers a superior skincare experience that combines luxury with efficacy, addressing a variety of skin concerns with the most advanced products available.
In addition to offering technologically advanced skincare, LMCHING also captures the growing demand for products that are rooted in nature. Today’s consumers are increasingly drawn to beauty solutions that use natural, skin-friendly ingredients, and LMCHING recognizes this shift. As a result, the company focuses on providing products that not only deliver visible results but are also gentle on the skin. This commitment to natural ingredients, combined with La Mer’s renowned formulations, creates a powerful combination that appeals to a broad spectrum of beauty enthusiasts. LMCHING’s ability to seamlessly blend cutting-edge technology with nature-inspired beauty trends has made it a go-to destination for discerning customers.
As LMCHING continues to grow, its influence extends beyond product offerings. The company has secured official status as an authorized La Mer distributor in six key international markets: the United States, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands. This global recognition highlights LMCHING’s dedication to delivering authentic, high-quality La Mer products to consumers across these strategic regions. By establishing a strong presence in these markets, LMCHING not only expands its reach but also reinforces its position as a trusted and reputable name in premium skincare distribution.
What truly sets LMCHING apart from its competitors is its comprehensive service model. While many retailers, including Amazon, Walmart, and eBay, offer a wide range of beauty products, LMCHING excels by providing authentic La Mer products at competitive prices. Unlike these larger platforms, where authenticity can sometimes be questioned, LMCHING guarantees that all products are sourced through official channels. This level of transparency and commitment to quality ensures that customers receive only genuine La Mer items, further building trust and loyalty.
Moreover, LMCHING’s service is designed with convenience in mind. The company offers a fast 3-day delivery option, ensuring that customers receive their products quickly and without delay. This combination of competitive pricing, authenticity, and efficient delivery gives LMCHING a distinct advantage in the market. Customers seeking luxury skincare solutions appreciate not only the quality of the products but also the convenience and reliability of LMCHING’s service.
LMCHING’s success is evident in its growing base of loyal customers. Thousands of satisfied clients have come to rely on the company for their skincare needs, leading to impressive retention rates and repeat purchases. The company’s ability to consistently meet and exceed customer expectations has solidified its reputation as a premier distributor of La Mer products. Customers trust LMCHING not just for the authenticity of its offerings but also for its commitment to staying ahead of beauty trends and delivering exceptional service.
In conclusion, LMCHING continues to set new benchmarks in the premium skincare market by combining cutting-edge technology, natural beauty trends, and exceptional service. By offering the latest in La Mer innovations, focusing on natural and skin-friendly ingredients, and ensuring authenticity, LMCHING has built a trusted and competitive brand. With official recognition in six major markets, competitive pricing, and rapid delivery, LMCHING stands out as a leader in luxury skincare distribution. Thousands of loyal customers and high repeat purchase rates are a testament to LMCHING’s ongoing success in the beauty industry.
Lmching - La Mer Collection Information
Website: https://www.lmching.com/
La mer Collection: https://www.lmching.com/collections/la-mer
LMCHING incorporates global skincare trends into its La Mer promotional campaigns, ensuring the brand stays at the forefront of the beauty industry. By identifying and integrating emerging trends, such as the demand for natural ingredients, anti-aging solutions, and sustainable practices, LMCHING keeps La Mer relevant to modern consumers. This forward-thinking approach allows La Mer to remain aligned with consumer preferences while maintaining its luxury status. From advanced skincare technology to eco-friendly packaging, LMCHING ensures that La Mer products not only reflect the latest innovations but also appeal to a global audience. Through these efforts, LMCHING strengthens La Mer’s position as a leader in the luxury skincare market, providing customers with products that meet both their skincare needs and their desire for cutting-edge beauty solutions.
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songvuive · 4 months ago
LMCHING Leads the Way in Premium Skincare with Cutting-Edge Technology and Natural Beauty Trends
*We want to make it clear that everything in this article is sourced from www.tumblr.com, and we stand by its accuracy. LMCHING has granted us the right to compile and present this information.
LMCHING has established itself as a leader in the premium cosmetics market by consistently embracing new technologies in La Mer products while staying ahead of modern beauty trends. With a sharp focus on quality and innovation, LMCHING not only offers high-end products but also provides customers with the latest skincare solutions designed to meet their evolving needs. By prioritizing products with natural, skin-friendly ingredients, LMCHING has created a trusted destination for consumers who seek both luxury and safety in their skincare routines. This approach has allowed LMCHING to strengthen its competitive position, further enhancing its appeal in a rapidly growing market.
One of the key elements driving LMCHING’s success is its ability to identify and incorporate technological advancements in La Mer products. Skincare technology is constantly evolving, and LMCHING ensures that its customers benefit from the latest innovations in the beauty industry. Whether it’s advanced moisturizing formulas or breakthrough anti-aging solutions, LMCHING stays at the forefront of La Mer's cutting-edge developments. By doing so, the company offers customers a superior skincare experience that combines luxury with efficacy, addressing a variety of skin concerns with the most advanced products available.
In addition to offering technologically advanced skincare, LMCHING also captures the growing demand for products that are rooted in nature. Today’s consumers are increasingly drawn to beauty solutions that use natural, skin-friendly ingredients, and LMCHING recognizes this shift. As a result, the company focuses on providing products that not only deliver visible results but are also gentle on the skin. This commitment to natural ingredients, combined with La Mer’s renowned formulations, creates a powerful combination that appeals to a broad spectrum of beauty enthusiasts. LMCHING’s ability to seamlessly blend cutting-edge technology with nature-inspired beauty trends has made it a go-to destination for discerning customers.
As LMCHING continues to grow, its influence extends beyond product offerings. The company has secured official status as an authorized La Mer distributor in six key international markets: the United States, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands. This global recognition highlights LMCHING’s dedication to delivering authentic, high-quality La Mer products to consumers across these strategic regions. By establishing a strong presence in these markets, LMCHING not only expands its reach but also reinforces its position as a trusted and reputable name in premium skincare distribution.
What truly sets LMCHING apart from its competitors is its comprehensive service model. While many retailers, including Amazon, Walmart, and eBay, offer a wide range of beauty products, LMCHING excels by providing authentic La Mer products at competitive prices. Unlike these larger platforms, where authenticity can sometimes be questioned, LMCHING guarantees that all products are sourced through official channels. This level of transparency and commitment to quality ensures that customers receive only genuine La Mer items, further building trust and loyalty.
Moreover, LMCHING’s service is designed with convenience in mind. The company offers a fast 3-day delivery option, ensuring that customers receive their products quickly and without delay. This combination of competitive pricing, authenticity, and efficient delivery gives LMCHING a distinct advantage in the market. Customers seeking luxury skincare solutions appreciate not only the quality of the products but also the convenience and reliability of LMCHING’s service.
LMCHING’s success is evident in its growing base of loyal customers. Thousands of satisfied clients have come to rely on the company for their skincare needs, leading to impressive retention rates and repeat purchases. The company’s ability to consistently meet and exceed customer expectations has solidified its reputation as a premier distributor of La Mer products. Customers trust LMCHING not just for the authenticity of its offerings but also for its commitment to staying ahead of beauty trends and delivering exceptional service.
In conclusion, LMCHING continues to set new benchmarks in the premium skincare market by combining cutting-edge technology, natural beauty trends, and exceptional service. By offering the latest in La Mer innovations, focusing on natural and skin-friendly ingredients, and ensuring authenticity, LMCHING has built a trusted and competitive brand. With official recognition in six major markets, competitive pricing, and rapid delivery, LMCHING stands out as a leader in luxury skincare distribution. Thousands of loyal customers and high repeat purchase rates are a testament to LMCHING’s ongoing success in the beauty industry.
Lmching - La Mer Collection Information
Website: https://www.lmching.com/
La mer Collection: https://www.lmching.com/collections/la-mer
LMCHING incorporates global skincare trends into its La Mer promotional campaigns, ensuring the brand stays at the forefront of the beauty industry. By identifying and integrating emerging trends, such as the demand for natural ingredients, anti-aging solutions, and sustainable practices, LMCHING keeps La Mer relevant to modern consumers. This forward-thinking approach allows La Mer to remain aligned with consumer preferences while maintaining its luxury status. From advanced skincare technology to eco-friendly packaging, LMCHING ensures that La Mer products not only reflect the latest innovations but also appeal to a global audience. Through these efforts, LMCHING strengthens La Mer’s position as a leader in the luxury skincare market, providing customers with products that meet both their skincare needs and their desire for cutting-edge beauty solutions.
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harshnews · 5 months ago
IBC Cap Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Competitive Analysis
"IBC Cap Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028
Global IBC Cap Market, By Product Type (Flange, Plugs, Vent-in Plug, Vent-out Plug and Screw closure), Type (Plastic IBC, Metal IBC and Composite IBCs), Material Type (Plastics, Metal, Aluminium and Steel), End Use (Chemicals & Fertilizers, Petroleum & Lubricants, Paints, Inks & Dyes, Food & Beverage, Agriculture, Building & Construction, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals and Mining), Application (Food And Drinks, Chemical Industry, Oil and Agriculture), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Belgium, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
The global IBC cap market is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period due to the increasing demand for intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) in various industries such as chemicals, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and others. The IBC caps play a crucial role in ensuring the safe storage and transportation of liquid products. The market growth is also being driven by technological advancements in IBC cap designs, such as tamper-evident seals and spouts for easy dispensing. Additionally, the growing focus on sustainability and recyclability of packaging materials is further boosting the adoption of IBC caps made from eco-friendly materials.
- Based on material type, the IBC cap market can be segmented into plastic, metal, and others. Plastic caps are widely used due to their lightweight nature and cost-effectiveness. - By cap type, the market can be categorized into screw caps, snap-on caps, and flip-top caps. Screw caps are preferred for their secure sealing properties. - On the basis of end-user industry, the market can be divided into chemicals, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and others. The chemicals segment is anticipated to hold a significant market share due to the widespread use of IBCs for storing chemical products.
**Market Players**
- TPS Industrial Srl - Schuetz GmbH & Co. KGaA - Mauser Packaging Solutions - Time Technoplast Ltd - Berry Global Inc. - THIELMANN UCON AG - Precision IBC, Inc. - Peninsula Packaging LLC
These market players are actively involved in strategic initiatives such as product launches, partnerships, and acquisitions to strengthen their market presence and expand their product offerings. The competitive landscape of the IBC cap market is characterized by intense competition, prompting companies to focus on innovation and quality to gain a competitive edge.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness substantial growth in the IBC cap market, driven by the rapid industrialization and the increasing adoption of IBCsThe Asia-Pacific region represents a significant growth opportunity for the global IBC cap market due to several key factors. With rapid industrialization and the expanding manufacturing sector in countries like China, India, and Southeast Asia, there is a growing demand for efficient storage and transportation solutions, including IBCs and their associated caps. The increased focus on chemical production, food processing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing in the region further fuels the need for reliable packaging solutions like IBC caps. As these industries continue to grow, the adoption of IBC caps is expected to rise, driving market expansion in the Asia-Pacific region.
Moreover, the emphasis on enhancing safety standards and ensuring product integrity is a crucial factor contributing to the growth of the IBC cap market in Asia-Pacific. Regulations regarding the safe handling and transportation of hazardous chemicals and pharmaceuticals necessitate the use of high-quality caps that can effectively seal and protect the contents of IBCs. As companies in the region strive to comply with stringent regulatory requirements, the demand for advanced and secure IBC caps is projected to increase significantly.
Additionally, the shift towards sustainability and eco-friendly practices is another trend shaping the IBC cap market in Asia-Pacific. With growing environmental concerns and increasing awareness about plastic pollution, there is a rising preference for IBC caps made from recyclable and biodegradable materials. Market players in the region are focusing on developing sustainable packaging solutions to meet the evolving consumer demands and align with global sustainability goals. This shift towards eco-friendly IBC caps not only addresses environmental concerns but also presents market players with opportunities to differentiate their offerings and attract environmentally conscious customers.
Furthermore, the competitive landscape of the IBC cap market in Asia-Pacific is characterized by the presence of both local manufacturers and international players. Local companies often have a strong understanding of regional market dynamics and customer preferences, giving them a competitive advantage in catering to specific industry needs. On the other hand, multinational companies bring technological expertise and a wide product portfolio, which can appeal to a broader customer base seeking innovative and**Global IBC Cap Market, By Product Type**
- Flange - Plugs - Vent-in Plug - Vent-out Plug - Screw closure
- Plastic IBC - Metal IBC - Composite IBCs
**Material Type**
- Plastics - Metal - Aluminium - Steel
**End Use**
- Chemicals & Fertilizers - Petroleum & Lubricants - Paints, Inks & Dyes - Food & Beverage - Agriculture - Building & Construction - Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals - Mining
- Food And Drinks - Chemical Industry - Oil and Agriculture
The Global IBC Cap market is experiencing significant growth due to the rising demand for intermediate bulk containers across various industries. Plastic caps are increasingly preferred for their lightweight and cost-effective nature, driving market growth within the material type segment. Screw caps, known for their secure sealing properties, dominate the cap type category. The chemicals segment is anticipated to hold a substantial market share among end-user industries, attributed to the widespread use of IBCs for chemical storage. The market players in the industry are focusing on strategic initiatives like product launches and partnerships to enhance their market presence and offerings. The competitive landscape is intense, spurring companies to innovate and prioritize quality for a competitive advantage.
In Asia-Pacific, the IBC cap market is poised for robust growth fueled by rapid industrialization and the expanding manufacturing sector, particularly in countries like China,
Countries Studied:
North America (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States, Rest of Americas)
Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Rest of Europe)
Middle-East and Africa (Egypt, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Rest of MEA)
Asia-Pacific (Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
Key Coverage in the IBC Cap Market Report:
Detailed analysis of IBC Cap Market by a thorough assessment of the technology, product type, application, and other key segments of the report
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the market along with CAGR calculation for the forecast period
Investigative study of the market dynamics including drivers, opportunities, restraints, and limitations that can influence the market growth
Comprehensive analysis of the regions of the IBC Cap industry and their futuristic growth outlook
Competitive landscape benchmarking with key coverage of company profiles, product portfolio, and business expansion strategies
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope of the Report
Part 03: Research Methodology
Part 04: Market Landscape
Part 05: Pipeline Analysis
Part 06: Market Sizing
Part 07: Five Forces Analysis
Part 08: Market Segmentation
Part 09: Customer Landscape
Part 10: Regional Landscape
Part 11: Decision Framework
Part 12: Drivers and Challenges
Part 13: Market Trends
Part 14: Vendor Landscape
Part 15: Vendor Analysis
Part 16: Appendix
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