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clarislam · 1 year ago
"Engagement To Die For" is eligible to be nominated for the 2024 Indieverse awards!
Nominations close Feb. 29th, 2024. See www.indieverseawards.com for more details! Thanks for your support!
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IMAGE ID:  Image reads: "Nominate ETDF For the 2024 Indieverse Awards!" Underneath the text is the cover of "Engagement To Die For" by Claris Lam, and underneath the cover are the words "Submissions Close Feb. 29th 2024." The background is a gradient pink and yellow. 
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drehillart · 29 days ago
Award Winning Poet, Dre Hill
Yes, I’ll add that to my portfolio. Moody headshot of author Dre Hill The Indieverse Awards were started in 2024 by Kristina Carmela. Carmela noticed the unfortunate lack of accessibility in major book awards. Most, if not all, do not cater to independently published authors. In this context, independently published referring to authors who either self-published their work, or published through…
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bryanthebomb · 2 months ago
A Introduction To My Stories and Universes
Hello, everyone. By now, Ive had my tumblr account for about half the year, but I haven’t posted anything besides a bio for myself. This is mostly due to being caught up in all of the projects that I’m developing, but going forward, I’ll try to make time to post here more frequently.
For now, however, here is a list of brief descriptions of those projects that I’ve been working towards the completion of.
Edit - 1/15/25: For future posts, I will also use the icons shown with the titles for ease of indexing. In addition, I will update this post with information of the new stories that I launch. Here is a quick key for the ones I have so far:
🔆=Warriors of Kotaara
💜=Amethyst Heart
🎄 =Kringleton
🪲 =World Of The Arthromorphs
💡=IRL Posts
🔵 The Guardianverse 🔵
(As many of the characters and content in this universe are owned by artists other than me, I’ll mainly talk about my contributions of the universe, and address that which belongs to other artists when they are relevant to my own work on it.)
The Guardianverse is a shared crossover universe which I’ve been collaborating with friends with on DeviantArt for nearly a decade.
A superhero universe that resides at the middle of all reality, it is thus evenly balanced between the sway of good and evil. In this reality, a cosmic battle is being fought between the Wellspring of Light and The Wellspring of Darkness, with the avatars of both having amassed armies of warriors to decide the fate of existence. The Light*, avatar of the former wellspring, does so to protect the universe; and The Dark*, the latter wellspring’s avatar, amasses his to conquer and subjugate it.
The story mainly focuses on the Guardians of Freedom, a massive team of heroes from across time and space, carefully assembled by The Light for the power they possess and for the convictions they hold. Among the Guardians, the story focuses on two heroes:
David Roth Scar/Wolf Blade*: The 111th wearer of the Wolf Blade armor, an enchanted suit of armor that constantly evolves to the pinnacle of technology in the wearer’s time period. David is one of the adopted sons of The Light, and is among the top superheroes in the world.
Umbramancer: Beginning his life as a tormented creation of The Dark, but soon coming under the care of The Light, Umbramancer has since become her second adopted son, and a promising hero in his own right. However, Umbramancer finds himself struggling to reconcile his darker nature with his place among his new family.
*These characters belong to WolfBlade111
🔆 Warriors of Kotaara 🔆
Warriors of Kotaara: The Five Elementals is a fantasy series that I’ve been working on since I was 8 years old, and a love letter to the stories that I watched throughout my childhood; namely Bionicle, Power Rangers, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Lord Of The Rings.
The story focuses on the inhabitants of the island continent of Kotaara, their journey toward unity after the fall of Solaara, the god of light; and the culmination of their 8-decades-long battle to reclaim the fallen kingdom of Lucervis from the forces of Rakane, god of darkness, and Solaara’s envious older brother.
The story follows 5 protagonists, each hailing from a different kingdom and commanding a different element of magic:
Tyros: A squire from the kingdom of Pyrios who trains to become a knight, but whose choosing from the fire god Takhma forces him to choose between fealty to his lord and an opportunity to achieve something greater.
Reiya: A thief and burglar from the kingdom of Elekell whose luck runs out during a failed heist. With no other options, she accepts the offer of the lightning god Votul to embark on a quest to change her fate.
Dantari: A monk from the kingdom of Geterri who is chosen by the earth god Shumaru to embark on a quest to to discover true strength, both for himself and his people.
Beyrin: A student mage from the kingdom of Eudon who is chosen by the water goddess Hahlette to lend his knowledge and power to the other elementals.
Dathnea: A young ranger from the woodlands of Torandas, chosen by the wind goddess Levanya, not only for her coexistence with the natural world, but also for her willingness to defend it.
As they journey to find each other, and then ride unto Adrathan to engage Rakane himself, the young heroes come to find strength not only in their newfound power, but in each other as well. This is a story of the bonds of friendship, and finding hope in a hopeless place.
🟣 Indieverse 🟣
After having collaborated with friends on a shared crossover universe for many years, I wanted to branch out and see if I could make my own universe by myself. Thus began the idea that would eventually develop into the Indieverse.
The Indieverse is a superhero universe, as well as a worldbuilding project (due in no small part to my writing habits for Warriors of Kotaara) in which a trio of beings known as the Triumvirate of Ascendancy venture to bestow fractions of their power upon the beings of Earth, ushering in a new and tumultuous era as an explosion of super-powered individuals—both heroic and villainous—leave their marks on the history of the world.
In this universe, superhumans first reached a prominent presence in the 1900s, and quickly grew in numbers over the decades. Some used their powers for the betterment of their communities and the world at large, while others embraced the opportunity to achieve their own desires, and oppress those who stood in the way. All the while, the governments of the world attempted to navigate this new and volatile climate, leading to the cautious coexistence seen in the present.
The first characters that I had developed for this universe were a duo of ambitious child superheroes named Blitz Boy and Sonic Girl, which I had originally created when I was 8 years old, and have tweaked and revamped many times over the years. I had originally intended the Indieverse to center on them, with Utopia Squadron—the premier team of the universe, and the duo’s idols—intended as supporting characters in their story; however, after I began to flesh them out, I quickly came up with new ideas for them that eventually led to them having their own dedicated stories, as was the case with many of the characters that I’ve developed for this universe.
Thus, with the current iteration of the Indieverse as a worldbuilding project, I will seek to cover a great many stories throughout its run, hopefully being able to develop it into an actual publication one day.
💜 Amethyst Heart 💜
Amethyst Heart is a spin-off series to the Indieverse that I had developed relatively recently compared to my other projects. Originally written as a television show produced within the Indieverse, the series is a favorite of many children in the story, including Blitz Boy and Sonic Girl.
The show itself is a “live action” magical girl/superhero show that began airing in the 1980s, and over the decades, it would introduce a series of young girls to whom the title of Amethyst Heart is passed down. Each iteration of Amethyst Heart uses the power of love—contained within a crystalline relic of the same name—to transform into their heroic identity and combat the forces of Vandron, the personification of hatred.
I addition, each iteration of Amethyst Heart focuses on a different kind of love, with the original Amethyst Heart, Juliet Olsen, focusing of romantic love, and the latest inheritor of the title, Macy Foster, focusing on self-love.
Most of the writing will take place within the context of the actual show, but the cast and crew behind the show will also have cameo appearances within the main Indieverse story as well.
🎄 Kringleton 🎄
Kringleton is yet another worldbuilding project—this time a Christmas-themed project—that is still in early development.
This project centers around my imagining of the North Pole, showcasing the events that led to its creation, and most importantly, how the task of making and giving out gifts is accomplished by the inhabitants of the land.
The current installment that I am working on will particularly emphasize the third detail. This story is set aboard the train of the KR Guilder, a golden locomotive tasked with venturing beyond the North Pole to retrieve the materials needed to make the toys and gifts of Christmas.
The plot centers around three protagonists: Elizabeth, a superstitious young woman from the outside world; Samuel, a recently-graduated cadet of the North Pole Guard; and Roald, a wandering elf returning home.
🪲 World Of The Arthromorphs 🪲
World Of The Arthromorphs (WOTA) is my latest project, and is currently in early development.
WOTA is a biopunk story set in a post-apocalyptic earth, long-since reclaimed by nature, in which the remnants of human society have been altered by a mysterious organic technology, and the former nations of the world have been reformed into insect-like tribes—each of which strives to prosper, dominate, or simply survive. The most prominent example of this technology are the “Arthrosuits”, suits of biomechanical body armor modeled after the various species of arthropods on earth, with each suit containing different abilities to mimic the arthropod on which they are based.
The plot focuses on the Sun-Chasers, a group of Arthrosuit wearers from various tribes who wander the forgotten wastes and attempt to uncover the secrets of the technology that has transformed their world. The members include:
Liam Giraias: The newest member of the group, Liam was found by the Sun-Chasers after members of the Arachnean Khanate destroyed his home. Liam operates ant-class Arthrosuits, allowing him a wide range of abilities depending on which suit is worn
Cody Terosa: The leader and one of the founding members of the group, Cody left his village to explore the rest of the world, forming the Sun-Chasers soon after meeting Anika and Juno. Cody prefers to operate beetle-class Arthrosuits, which mainly specialize in defensive capabilities.
Anika Vesper: The warrior of the group, Anika joined the group after losing her sister in an attack on her home by the Arachnian Khanate. With access to an array of wasp-class Arthrosuits, Anika utilizes the offensive capabilities that the suits are geared towards.
Juno Asteri: The scout of the group, Juno is also the youngest member of the Sun-Chasers, having joined them after the group had fought off Arachnian Bandits who had taken over her village. Juno operates dragonfly-class Arthrosuits, which specialize in mobility and agility.
Pierra Rhoko: Occupying both the brains and support roles of the group, Pierra originally joined the Sun-Chasers to find more opportunity than her home village could provide. Pierra operates butterfly-class Arthrosuits, most of which are geared towards area effects.
These are all of the projects that I have plans for going forward, though I have many more ideas that I’m still workshopping at the moment. I hope that you’ll stick around as I flesh these ideas out further, and thank you for taking the time to read all of this.
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makamuses · 7 months ago
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bellatrix dankworth, também conhecida pelo codinome trix. ela possui vinte e três anos e é uma estudante da academia sanctum, na qual possui como morada a casa legion. foi diagnosticada com a individualidade de manipulação magnética / magnetismo, a qual ela ainda está aprimorando e buscando desenvolver totalmente. dizem que é muito comum confundi-la com a sadie soverall, mas acredito que seja apenas impressão.
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bellatrix não tem informações muito precisas sobre o paradeiro de seus pais biológicos, tudo o que sabe sobre o casal é que sua mãe possuía a individualidade da manipulação magnética, enquanto seu pai tinha a capacidade de amplificar a individualidade de qualquer outro ser. como resultado, trix nasceu absorvendo o poder de ambos - o que ocasionou em uma versão ainda mais poderosa do poder de sua mãe e torna desafiador para ela conseguir calcular o seu limite com precisão, assim como controlar-se completamente.
por ter crescido em meio a um grupo de 'vilões', já que seu pai de criação é um membro deles, a ideia dela atuar como um agente infiltrado dentro da academia sanctum parecia perfeita para todos: além dela conseguir desenvolver ainda mais os seus poderes, conseguiria informações privilegiadas sobre os próximos passos da organização.
sendo assim, ao atingir a idade mínima para se inscrever no instituto, trix fez os testes, teóricos e práticos, e passou de primeira em todos - com notas brilhantes, por sinal. e, sem a menor hesitação, ela optou por fazer parte do time dos heróis, já que era onde se encontravam os maiores destaques da academia.
(em construção)
poderes & limitações
ela é capaz de gerar e controlar magnetismo, seja ele de qualquer origem ou forma. pode mover livremente metais e qualquer outro tipo de matéria que possa ser magneticamente atraída pelos campos magnéticos, podendo movê-los, atraí-los, levitá-los e repeli-los. ela também é capaz de proteger a si mesma com campos de força magnéticos, voar, dentre outras capacidades.
apesar disso, ela não consegue controlar nenhum objeto que seja desmagnetizado.
ideias de conexões
aliados do seu grupo de vilões que também se encontram infiltrados na escola (eles podem estar cientes um sobre o outro ou sequer desconfiar); podem ser outros alunos, funcionários ou até professores.
algum herói tão poderoso quanto ela, com o qual ela teria uma relação de amor e ódio. eles poderiam trabalhar juntos na maior parte do tempo, mas viverem como cão e gato.
inspirações / referências
beatrix (fate winx), lorna dane (the gifted) & magneto.
links relevantes: interações + musings indieverse: sanctum (crédito a neozverse)
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authorsamanthapicaro · 3 days ago
2 nominations for the Indieverse Awards 2025!
I am still processing this amazing news, so maybe it will take you less time to accept the fact that Recipe for Confidence has been nominated for 2 awards:
⭐Our Storytelling: Neurodivergent Representation
⭐Couldn't Put It Down, It Was That Good
I'm so honored. Thank you to everyone who nominated me. If you want to check out Recipe for Confidence, visit my LinkTree. Otherwise, I encourage you to check out the other nominees, too.
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bloggerfowl · 4 months ago
Hi! Can you help me out?
I’m nominated with my book “Sensitivity: Poems of a Highly Sensitive Teenager” to both Best Poetry Book (at 11%) and Perfect Poem (at 61%).
Please spread the word telling everyone to vote me and let me know when you’ve voted so I can track the votes:
The proof your vote is counted is a “Thanks for voting” message that appears on screen! Send me a screenshot when it appears, and thank you 🙏🏼
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surv1vrarch · 10 months ago
trying to decide on what to use for bruce... and fit him into the dctv indieverse.
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cendrineartist · 1 year ago
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gamerversebe · 1 year ago
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Indieverse – Stray Gods: A Roleplaying Musical https://gamerverse.be/review/indieverse-stray-gods/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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glukheia · 1 year ago
Listen/purchase: Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders by IndieVerse
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indieversal · 1 year ago
[Info Technology World] What Is an Entrepreneur and What Is Entrepreneurialism
To Become an Entrepreneur – Becoming Able to Walk Away What exactly is an entrepreneur? And what exactly is entrepreneurship? An entrepreneur is … What Is an Entrepreneur and What Is Entrepreneurialism
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clarislam · 5 days ago
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I was nominated for the categories "Underrated Indie Author" and "Newsletter I Love To Read" for the 2025 Indieverse Awards! 🎉
I honestly wasn't expecting these nominations, so I appreciate them so much! Thank you to whoever submitted me and my newsletter to be considered for nomination!
Also, if you'd like to follow my author newsletter, check out this link: https://buttondown.com/clarislamauthor
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hourlyhiphop · 2 years ago
Indieverse Interviews – DollaBoy Mike
Indieverse Interviews – DollaBoy Mike
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trashcangoddess · 2 years ago
yo saw your site and art via indieverse discord, just wanted to say your art is so good and adorable.
keep up the good work and have a great day
ahhh thank you so much!! i hope you have a wonderful day as well :D
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makamuses · 7 months ago
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nam minji, também conhecida pelo codinome tecna. ela possui vinte e quatro anos e é uma estudante da academia sanctum, na qual possui como morada a casa paradox. foi diagnosticada com a individualidade de manipulação de tecnologia, a qual utiliza para criar dispositivos e bugigangas para auxiliar a organização internacional de heróis (oih). dizem que é muito comum confundi-la com a park sewan, mas acredito que seja apenas impressão.
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minji é completamente apaixonada por engenharia e desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, então seu humor varia muito entre êxtase por construir um dispositivo novo e crise existencial quando suas invenções dão errado sem motivo aparente. ainda assim, nada que um bom balde de frango frito e umas garrafas de soju não resolvam.
por mais que tenha uma personalidade dramática e possa parecer estúpida para algumas pessoas, tecna foi a responsável pelo refinamento do colar inibidor*, o qual é utilizado pela organização internacional de heróis para neutralizar as individualidades de todos aqueles que descumprem as leis e ameaçam a ordem social.
*um colar inibidor é um dispositivo metálico que se ajusta ao redor do pescoço do usuário. por meios eletrônicos, o item impede que um determinado ser use conscientemente seus superpoderes, neutralizando-os com sucesso. (referência)
ela pode facilmente entrar em um estado de hiperfoco e passar uns dois ou três dias trancada em seu laboratório, apenas trabalhando e desenvolvendo novas ferramentas. mas, quando não está nesse estado, ela tende a ficar extremamente faminta e nunca é uma boa ideia pedir para que ela compartilhe um pouco do que está comendo. é sério, não peça!
poderes e limitações
ela pode criar e manipular a tecnologia, o que inclui técnicas, habilidades, métodos e processos usados para produzir bens, serviços e facilitar atividades do dia a dia. a tecnologia é uma ferramenta humana que facilita o acesso à informação e melhora a produção de diversos produtos. sendo assim, tecna pode controlar apenas as construções tecnológicas, como dispositivos eletrônicos (telefone, computador, robôs, IA), hardware e sistemas complexos de engenharia tecnológica.
a sua individualidade exige que ela esteja a pelo menos 5 metros do dispositivo ou consiga realizar contato físico com o aparelho. além disso, em lugares sem tecnologia suas habilidades são completamente inúteis.
ideias de conexões
outros suportes e/ou engenheiros da academia, os quais podem trabalhar junto com a tecna - gostando ou não dela.
heróis da academia que encomendam equipamentos próprios e específicos para os seus poderes, ou que solicitam manutenção e aperfeiçoamento nos equipamentos que já possuem.
alguém que constantemente sabota os projetos de tecna, seja por algum tipo de inveja/rancor, ou por fazer parte do time dos vilões e estar infiltrado no instituto.
algum vilão que tem como objetivo o sequestro de tecna, para que ela construa para ele uma ferramenta que o permita remover os colares inibidores dos seus aliados criminosos sem os prejudicar.
links relevantes: interações + musings indieverse: sanctum (crédito a neozverse)
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learnto-fly · 5 years ago
ATLA Indie Band AU
(This is totally self indulgent and close to my heart because this is the one (1) thing I have experience in. Hope you like it!)
Band one: Ease Up Kid!
Toph (18) plays the bass bc ~vibrations~. She plays barefoot and doesn’t wear shoes most of the time anyway. She’s rich and her parents are snobs and she hates it. The reason she play’s bass is because her parents made her learn the cello (she likes the bass better). She’s also a prodigy and one of the best bass players in the state.
Sokka (20) plays lead guitar because he thinks it’s fun while being enough of a challenge for his problem-solving oriented mind. He also loves to noodle when his brain wanders and thinks it’s hilarious that there’s a part of his guitar called a whammy bar. He is also VERY good and sings back up in the band.
Suki (20) is the lead singer. Idk how to elaborate on this other than she would have MONSTROUS stage presence and she’s like good at everything so yes she would be an amazing frontwoman. Her range isn’t huge but she can hit some really low notes in her chest voice and can belt it out with the best of them. Her head voice is also strong, albeit not as much range, but her notes are clear and stable.
Aang (18) is the drummer. This isn’t born out of anger (ha aanger) but more out of energy and being loud and having fun. Just like every other drummer ever he takes his sticks everywhere and drums on eVERYTHING. Aang is a good drummer, he does use an inner ear metronome though.
Katara (19) is an honorary member of the band and she helps with lyrical content as well as song titles and merch design (we all know Sokka is not allowed to name anything). While katara isn’t technically in the band she is an AMAZING clarinet player, which can be heard on some of their tracks.
Band Two: Blood Honey
Azula (19) is lead guitar. She just is, she’s an absolute prodigy and can shred your face off. She’s amazing and she knows it and was classically trained as a kid. Also a backup singer. Sokka is her biggest competition.
Ty Lee (18) is the lead singer. She’s SO charismatic and charming that literally everyone falls in love with her. She’s a soprano voice with a VERY BIG high range, especially past her break and into her head voice. She can also scream. She’s limited in her lower range but still strong. While rival bands her and Suki are not rivals and have a deep mutual respect.
Zuko (20) is the drummer, which, unlike Aang is absolutely born out of anger and frustration. He drums to escape from the world so he practices all the time and in turn becomes VERY GOOD from all his hard work and effort. He also drums on every surface ever made but only around friends and never at home unless he’s with his uncle.
Mai (20) plays bass, but not just any bass, a six-string bass she lovingly calls knives bc her bass solos literally cut into people’s souls. She is extremely good, like crazy talented, and she and Toph ARE rivals but immensely respect each other. When Mai plays she plays with a completely straight face that never cracks and it’s her Signature Thing™️
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