#𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 : mutante
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makamuses · 7 months ago
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bellatrix dankworth, também conhecida pelo codinome trix. ela possui vinte e três anos e é uma estudante da academia sanctum, na qual possui como morada a casa legion. foi diagnosticada com a individualidade de manipulação magnética / magnetismo, a qual ela ainda está aprimorando e buscando desenvolver totalmente. dizem que é muito comum confundi-la com a sadie soverall, mas acredito que seja apenas impressão.
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bellatrix não tem informações muito precisas sobre o paradeiro de seus pais biológicos, tudo o que sabe sobre o casal é que sua mãe possuía a individualidade da manipulação magnética, enquanto seu pai tinha a capacidade de amplificar a individualidade de qualquer outro ser. como resultado, trix nasceu absorvendo o poder de ambos - o que ocasionou em uma versão ainda mais poderosa do poder de sua mãe e torna desafiador para ela conseguir calcular o seu limite com precisão, assim como controlar-se completamente.
por ter crescido em meio a um grupo de 'vilões', já que seu pai de criação é um membro deles, a ideia dela atuar como um agente infiltrado dentro da academia sanctum parecia perfeita para todos: além dela conseguir desenvolver ainda mais os seus poderes, conseguiria informações privilegiadas sobre os próximos passos da organização.
sendo assim, ao atingir a idade mínima para se inscrever no instituto, trix fez os testes, teóricos e práticos, e passou de primeira em todos - com notas brilhantes, por sinal. e, sem a menor hesitação, ela optou por fazer parte do time dos heróis, já que era onde se encontravam os maiores destaques da academia.
(em construção)
poderes & limitações
ela é capaz de gerar e controlar magnetismo, seja ele de qualquer origem ou forma. pode mover livremente metais e qualquer outro tipo de matéria que possa ser magneticamente atraída pelos campos magnéticos, podendo movê-los, atraí-los, levitá-los e repeli-los. ela também é capaz de proteger a si mesma com campos de força magnéticos, voar, dentre outras capacidades.
apesar disso, ela não consegue controlar nenhum objeto que seja desmagnetizado.
ideias de conexões
aliados do seu grupo de vilões que também se encontram infiltrados na escola (eles podem estar cientes um sobre o outro ou sequer desconfiar); podem ser outros alunos, funcionários ou até professores.
algum herói tão poderoso quanto ela, com o qual ela teria uma relação de amor e ódio. eles poderiam trabalhar juntos na maior parte do tempo, mas viverem como cão e gato.
inspirações / referências
beatrix (fate winx), lorna dane (the gifted) & magneto.
links relevantes: interações + musings indieverse: sanctum (crédito a neozverse)
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therand0mwriter · 2 years ago
ROTTMNT Leo x mutant!female!reader
"𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞."
Next Chapter
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*3rd Person POV*
"Oh, yeah!"
"Ridin' like a boss!"
"Apriiiiil O'Neil!"
Four mutant turtle brothers and their human friend all enthusiastically shouted, skating into an abandoned skate park. The turtle in red, Raphael, was on a red bike, the turtles donning orange and blue, Michaelangelo and Leonardo, were on their respective color skateboards. The turtle wearing purple, Donatello, was riding a high-tech purple hover bike, and the human girl, April, was on a yellow scooter.
Leo sighs in content, "You know, it's nights like these you gotta really cherish. No criminals, bad guys, just a quiet and peaceful night!" Mikey also sighs in content, "Yeah..." "It's nice to finally catch a break from breaking all those villains! HAHA!" April quipped, doing a flip on her scooter.
"Yeah... it's too quiet." Raph said suspiciously, looking around. "Don't jinx us." Donnie stated, relaxing on his hover bike. Immediately after Donnie finished his sentence, a sci-fi sound caught their attention. All of the teens turn their heads to see a large triangle, different shades of fuchsia swirling around in it.
"Uh... did anyone order an ominous triangle?" Leo unsurely said, looking to his brothers. "Be careful, guys! We don't know who or what will come out of there!" Raph said, his eyebrows furrowing. Donnie scanned the triangle, "Hm... it looks to be a portal, but I can't tell from where." "Should we... go in?" Mikey questioned. "What?! No!" Raph shouts. "So do we just... leave it here?" Leo asked, turning to his red masked brother.
After Leo finished his sentence, a loud explosion came from the portal, making the teens jump and shout in fright. A mass flew out of the, now smoking, portal, landing right in front of the spooked teens. The portal then vanished, but the mass stayed on the ground, motionless.
"Uh, okay..."
Donnie scanned the mass, "Guys, whatever that is, it's alive, there's a heartbeat." They all started to cautiously approached the being, and Donnie poked it with his staff once they were close enough. The being didn't react, still unconscious. "Should we leave it?" April asked. "Hm... I'm not sure." Raph said, turning his back to the being, everyone following his lead. Everyone except Leo, he kept his eyes on the being while his family discussed what they should do.
Leo took in the being, realizing it's back is facing him. 'Black bandana thats tied with a (braid/bow), (light/dark) green skin and... a shell? What the?' Leo saw that the being had weapons on them, two hand-held daggers on their hips and a katana on their back. Because the being was armed, he slowly got down onto his knees and gently placed his hand on the beings shoulder, slowly turning them to face him.
His breath caught in his throat.
The being he had turned was a girl, just like him. She was around his age, a mutant and seemed to be a turtle. The only difference was her hands, five fingers like a human. Leo assumed she also had feet like a human, black flats were covering her feet, the top of her foot was exposed, showing her (light/dark) green skin.
The girl was beaten up, bruises, cuts and dirt covered her entire body. 'She must have been in a fight wherever she came from.' Leo thought, still observing the girls' features. The blue masked turtle gently placed his hand on her cheek, but jumped when she let out a small groan of pain. Leo jumped again when he heard Raph shout, "Leo! What are you doing?! Get away from it!"
"You guys! Look!" Leo moved aside to reveal the girl to them. Raph, Donnie, Mikey and April all simultaneously let out a 'woah' at the sight of the girl. "She's hurt, we have to help her." Leo said, about to pick up the girl. Raph grabbed Leo's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks, "Wait a second, Leo. We don't know her, she could be dangerous!" Leo's eyebrows furrowed, "We won't know if she's a friend or a foe if we let her die! She's unconscious right now, so she's not a threat, and once we get her to the lair to heal, we'll restrain her just in case!"
Everyone's eyes were wide at Leo's outburst and desperation to help the girl. Raph was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. He finally sighed, "Alright, let's take her." Leo's facial features brightened, "Thanks, Raph."
Leo stooped down to pick up the girl by her shoulders and knees, but before he could even lift her up an inch off of the ground, her eyes shot open. Everything that happened afterwards was a blur to everyone... literally. Leo was about to pick up the unconscious girl from the ground and in the blink of an eye, she was conscious and straddling him, holding a sharp metal hairpin to his throat.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me.]
Her breathing was ragged, anyone watching could tell she was on the verge of blacking out again. Leo watched her with wide eyes, frozen in place as she started to interrorgate him. "Who are you?! What do you want with-! Wait... Leo?" "Uh... have we met before?" Leo questions when he finds his voice again. Before anything could be said or asked, the girl went limp again, falling on top of Leo.
It was quiet as everyone processed what just transpired. "What the heck just happened?" April mumbled. "That's what I want to know," Donnie added.
Leo sat up, brining the girl up with him, "How did she know my name?" "I'm not sure, but we should get back to the lair to help her, her vitals are getting weaker." Donnie responded, clicking away on his arm piece. Leo nodded and stood up with the girl, adjusting her in his grip.
"Well, I gotta head home. Let me know how things go with her, good luck!" April said, taking her scooter and zooming away. "See ya, April!" The four brothers called off after her, grabbing their bikes and skateboards and making their way down to the lair.
*Time Skip*
Donnie had set the girl up in his lab, she was on a cot with wires attached to her, keeping track of her heartbeat and keeping her hydrated. He had also cleaned her wounds and bandaged them. At one point, Donnie had to shoo his brothers out of his lab because they were practically breathing down his neck. Once he was done taking care of the girl, he let them back in. They all decided that at least one of them should be present with her at all times, just in case she wakes up and breaks out of her handcuffs that Donnie attached to a nearby table. They took shifts watching her, first Raph, Leo, Mikey then Donnie.
Almost 4 hours have passed and the girl has yet to wake up again. It was Donnie's turn to watch her and he was having trouble staying awake. He looks to the sleeping girl, 'She's not going anywhere.' He thought, leaving the lab to go get a cup of coffee.
On his way back, he met up with Leo, who was now panicking. "Donnie! What are you doing out here?! You should be watching the girl!" Leo shouted. "Relax, Leo. She's chained up and still unconscious, see?" Donnie said, gesturing to the cot... that was empty.
The two brothers shriek in fear, hugging each other, "Where did she go?!" They shrieked again when a metal pin lodged itself into the wall next to their head. They look to see the girl hadn't wandered too far, she was still in the lab and struggling to stand.
She had her another hairpin in her hand, pointing it at them as her other hand was clutching her side. "Stay back!" She firmly shouted, eyes sharp. "I thought we took her pins! How did she get more pins?!" Donnie mumble shouted at himself, referring to how they confiscated the girls other weapons.
Leo, on the other hand, became mesmerized by the girl. He took in every detail about her, sharp (e/c) that gleamed, clear (light/dark) green skin, (thin/plump) lips that complimented her snarl that was currently directed at him, every freckle coating her skin, and the way her bandana hugged her face with the (bow/braid) peaking out from behind her... his heartbeat picked up its pace. 'Is this love at first sight?' He thought to himself, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
"Leo!" Donnies whisper shout snapped Leo out of his trance, "What should we do?!" Leo cleared his throat and put his hands up and softly said, "Hey, we're not here to hurt you." The girls glare hardened, "Then why did you handcuff me?!" "We didn't know if you were a threat to us, it was just a precaution." Leo explained.
The girl was quiet for a bit, then she pointed to Donnie, "You! What did you do to me while I was out?" "Uh, I just cleaned your wounds, bandaged them and gave you an IV drip." Donnie recalled. "That's all?" She questioned. "That's all," The purple masked turtle confirmed. She was quiet again, her eyes darting between the two brothers. Finally, she sighed and lowered her arm with the sharp pin.
"Where are the other two? You'll want everyone here for what I'm about to say." She asked, taking a seat on the cot. The brothers were confused, but nonetheless called Raph and Mikey up.
"Woah! She's up!" Mikey observed, offering her a smile, "How are you feeling?" She gave a small grin in return, "Physically? I'm feeling better."
"Hey," Leo started, catching everyone's attention. "I'm sorry to bombard you with questions when you just woke up but... how did you know my name?" The girl paused, thinking back to her previous memories, "So, I was right. You're Leonardo." All of the brothers eyes widened and Leo nodded. The girl then turned to raph, "And you're Raphael." She turned to Mikey, "Michaelangelo." She turned to Donnie, "And Donatello. You four are mutant turtle brothers, trained by a great ninja master, and named after Renaissance artists."
All of the brothers tensed and looked to each other. One thing was on their mind, 'How does a stranger know so much about them?' Raph spoke up, "Yeah, how did you know?" "Because," The girl started, "I know you. Well, a version of you. What I'm about to say will sound crazy, but it's all true. Donnie," She turned to the purple masked turtle, "If you're anything like my Donnie, you'll get a kick out of this." Donnie had a doubtful look, "We'll see." His response caused her to chuckle.
She took in a deep breath and exhaled, "I'm from another dimension. A dimension with different versions of you. Me and my turtles were fighting an enemy of ours called the Kraang when a machine exploded, pushing me into a portal a Kraang had set up to corner me. That's when you guys found me... I just didn't expect to be sent to a dimension with to guys. And by you guys I mean ninja turtles. You guys are ninjas, right?"
"Ninjas in training," Donnie confirmed. "What are your versions of us like?" Mikey asked with excitement, coming right up to the girl. "Where do these 'Kraang' get the technology to hop from dimension to dimension?" Donnie also asked, stepping up to the girl too. "Oh! What do they look like? Who looks cooler?" Raph questions, also surrounding the girl.
"Whats your name?" Leo's calm voice from the back cut through his brothers hyper voices. Raph, Mikey and Donnie stepped aside so you could see Leo again. Now all four of them looked at you expectantly, waiting for your answer. "Depends on who you're asking," The girl started and continued at Leo's confused stare. "The kunoichi... or me?"
Leo was quiet, his eyes locked onto hers. Finally, he spoke, "You." She smile, eyes crinkling, "My name is (Y/N), nice to officially meet you." Leo's heartbeat spiked at her smile and finally hearing her name.
Mikey piped up, "What's a kunoichi? Does that mean you have two names?" (Y/N) nodded, "Kunoichi means female ninja, and my kunoichi name is: Artemisia." "Why do you have two names?" Raph asked. "Well... I used to be human." (Y/N) responded, getting surprised responses from the brothers.
She chuckled, "That's right, I used to be human. After I was mutated, I figured a code name was in order. So I chose Artemisia after Artemisia Gentileschi, an Italian painter." "Why were you mutated?" Donnie questioned. "Uh, accident. So tell me about yourselves, from the looks of it, you're all different types of turtles. I'm curious to how similar and different you four are from my turtles too." (Y/N) brushed off, changing the subject. The brothers looked to each other out of the corner of their eyes at her hesitancy.
*Time Skip*
The five of them talked for hours, (Y/N) telling the brothers about her and her world and the brothers returning the favor. "By the way, you guys wouldn't happen to have a way to transport from different dimensions, do you?" (Y/N) asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.
"Not that I know of, unfortunately. The closest thing we have is Leo's sword, but I don't think it can go from dimension to dimension." Donnie informed. "What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked, clearly confused.
"That right! We forgot to tell you!" Leo started excitedly, "We all, except Donnie, have magic weapons! I have a sword that can teleport us," Leo took his sword and swung it, demonstrating its use. A circular blue portal opened and he stepped through. The portal disappeared for a good 30 seconds the re-appeared, Leo stepping out with a large pizza.
After sheathing his sword, Leo walked up to (Y/N) and opened the pizza box, slightly leaning down, "For you, m'lady." She chuckled and took a piece, "Thank you, Leo." Said turtle blushed and giggled like a school girl, "You're welcome, it's nothing, don't worry about it-"
Mikey pushed Leo to the side and presented his kusari-fundo, "My weapon catches on fire!" The orange masked turtle swung his weapon around until it came to life, lighting with fire and high pitch laughing. (Y/N)'s eyes went wide, "Woah."
"My turn!" Raph pushed Mikey to the said and revealed his tonfā, "C'mon magic weapon!" He slammed his fists together and larger, red fists appeared over his own. "Wow, you guys weren't kidding about magic weapons." (Y/N) said, impressed.
"The place you got your weapons," She started, changing the subject. "Are we able to go there and see if someone there can help me get back home?" Donnie stepped forward, "We can go look after you're healed more, you're in no condition for traveling." At his words, (Y/N) gained a sad smile, "You sound just like my Donnie, caring and worried." The purple masked turtle gained an embarrassed blush, "I-I'm not worried. I just don't want to be yelled at by Leo if you get hurt because you weren't healed enough." Leo's eyes went as wide as saucers, "What?!"
(Y/N) heartily laughed out loud, "I may be away from home, but I'm glad I ended up with you guys." She gave all of them a warm smile. Raph, Mikey and Donnie returned the smile. Leo, on the other hand, had a love-struck look, eyes half lidded, blush, goofy smile, the whole nine yards.
"It's late, we should get some sleep." (Y/N) brought up, the brothers agreeing. "Goodnight, (Y/N)! It was nice getting to know ya!" Mikey grinned, leaving the lab. "Night, (Y/N), see ya tomorrow!" Raph waved, also leaving the lab. Donnie handed the girl a small remote, "If you need anything just press the button, me or one of my brothers will come help you if you need it." "Thank you, Donnie." (Y/N) smiled as the purple masked turtle left.
All that was left was Leo. (Y/N) looked to him with an expectant smile, causing the blue masked turtle to look side to side in nervousment. Leo weakly chuckled, "Y-Yeah, so if y-you need anything, j-just holla at ya boy!" He gave her finger guns as he walked backwards out of the lab, but tripped half way through. (Y/N) giggled, giving Leo more butterflies, "Goodnight Leo, I'll see you tomorrow." He also giggled, "Y-Yeah, see you t-tomorrow."
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makamuses · 7 months ago
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nam minji, também conhecida pelo codinome tecna. ela possui vinte e quatro anos e é uma estudante da academia sanctum, na qual possui como morada a casa paradox. foi diagnosticada com a individualidade de manipulação de tecnologia, a qual utiliza para criar dispositivos e bugigangas para auxiliar a organização internacional de heróis (oih). dizem que é muito comum confundi-la com a park sewan, mas acredito que seja apenas impressão.
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minji é completamente apaixonada por engenharia e desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, então seu humor varia muito entre êxtase por construir um dispositivo novo e crise existencial quando suas invenções dão errado sem motivo aparente. ainda assim, nada que um bom balde de frango frito e umas garrafas de soju não resolvam.
por mais que tenha uma personalidade dramática e possa parecer estúpida para algumas pessoas, tecna foi a responsável pelo refinamento do colar inibidor*, o qual é utilizado pela organização internacional de heróis para neutralizar as individualidades de todos aqueles que descumprem as leis e ameaçam a ordem social.
*um colar inibidor é um dispositivo metálico que se ajusta ao redor do pescoço do usuário. por meios eletrônicos, o item impede que um determinado ser use conscientemente seus superpoderes, neutralizando-os com sucesso. (referência)
ela pode facilmente entrar em um estado de hiperfoco e passar uns dois ou três dias trancada em seu laboratório, apenas trabalhando e desenvolvendo novas ferramentas. mas, quando não está nesse estado, ela tende a ficar extremamente faminta e nunca é uma boa ideia pedir para que ela compartilhe um pouco do que está comendo. é sério, não peça!
poderes e limitações
ela pode criar e manipular a tecnologia, o que inclui técnicas, habilidades, métodos e processos usados para produzir bens, serviços e facilitar atividades do dia a dia. a tecnologia é uma ferramenta humana que facilita o acesso à informação e melhora a produção de diversos produtos. sendo assim, tecna pode controlar apenas as construções tecnológicas, como dispositivos eletrônicos (telefone, computador, robôs, IA), hardware e sistemas complexos de engenharia tecnológica.
a sua individualidade exige que ela esteja a pelo menos 5 metros do dispositivo ou consiga realizar contato físico com o aparelho. além disso, em lugares sem tecnologia suas habilidades são completamente inúteis.
ideias de conexões
outros suportes e/ou engenheiros da academia, os quais podem trabalhar junto com a tecna - gostando ou não dela.
heróis da academia que encomendam equipamentos próprios e específicos para os seus poderes, ou que solicitam manutenção e aperfeiçoamento nos equipamentos que já possuem.
alguém que constantemente sabota os projetos de tecna, seja por algum tipo de inveja/rancor, ou por fazer parte do time dos vilões e estar infiltrado no instituto.
algum vilão que tem como objetivo o sequestro de tecna, para que ela construa para ele uma ferramenta que o permita remover os colares inibidores dos seus aliados criminosos sem os prejudicar.
links relevantes: interações + musings indieverse: sanctum (crédito a neozverse)
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