#Indian economic growth strategy
townpostin · 2 months
Union Budget 2024 Is A Blueprint for Inclusive Growth: Bharat Vasani
Former SCCI official lauds focus on rural development and MSMEs Finance Minister’s proposals aim to boost eastern states and formalize labor market. JAMSHEDPUR – Local business leaders, including, Bharat Vasani, have generally lauded the union budged and have offered insights on the latest fiscal roadmap for India. The Union Budget 2024 has received a positive assessment from Bharat Vasani, a…
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foxnangelseo · 2 months
Exploring Strategic Partnership Options for Business Expansion in India
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India, with its vast population, growing economy, and diverse market opportunities, has become an attractive destination for businesses seeking expansion and growth. As companies look to tap into the Indian market, exploring strategic partnership options can be a valuable approach to accelerate their entry and success in this dynamic and complex market landscape. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various strategic partnership options for business expansion in India, highlighting their benefits, considerations, and best practices for success.
1. Joint Ventures
Joint ventures involve collaboration between two or more businesses to establish a new entity or venture for a specific purpose or project. In the context of business expansion in India, joint ventures can offer several benefits:
- Local Expertise: Partnering with a local Indian company provides access to invaluable market insights, knowledge of local regulations, cultural nuances, and business practices. This local expertise can help mitigate risks, navigate challenges, and facilitate smoother market entry and operations.
- Shared Resources: Joint ventures enable pooling of resources, capabilities, and expertise from both partners, enhancing the collective strength and competitive advantage of the venture. By leveraging each other's strengths, partners can optimize investments, mitigate costs, and accelerate growth more effectively.
- Risk Sharing: Sharing risks and liabilities with a partner can help mitigate the inherent uncertainties and challenges associated with entering a new market. By spreading risks across multiple parties, joint ventures provide a degree of protection and resilience against market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and unforeseen obstacles.
- Market Access: Joint ventures provide immediate access to an established network of distribution channels, suppliers, customers, and stakeholders in the Indian market. This facilitates faster market penetration, brand visibility, and customer acquisition, helping partners capitalize on emerging opportunities and drive business growth.
However, entering into a joint venture requires careful consideration of various factors, including partner selection, legal and regulatory compliance, governance structure, decision-making processes, and exit strategies. It's essential to conduct thorough due diligence, define clear objectives, roles, and responsibilities, and establish robust contractual agreements to ensure alignment and mitigate potential conflicts or disputes.
2. Strategic Alliances
Strategic alliances involve collaboration between two or more businesses to pursue mutually beneficial opportunities, such as product development, market expansion, technology sharing, or research and development. In the context of business expansion in India, strategic alliances offer several advantages:
- Complementary Capabilities: Partnering with companies that possess complementary capabilities, resources, or market access can enhance the value proposition and competitive advantage of both parties. Strategic alliances enable businesses to leverage each other's strengths and fill gaps in expertise or resources more effectively.
- Risk Mitigation: Strategic alliances allow businesses to share risks, investments, and resources associated with new market entry or expansion initiatives. By collaborating with trusted partners, businesses can navigate uncertainties, minimize costs, and mitigate risks more efficiently than going it alone.
- Market Synergies: Strategic alliances enable businesses to capitalize on synergies between their respective products, services, or customer bases. By aligning marketing strategies, distribution channels, and customer acquisition efforts, partners can unlock new revenue streams, penetrate untapped market segments, and drive business growth collectively.
- Speed to Market: Strategic alliances facilitate faster time-to-market by leveraging existing infrastructure, channels, and relationships of partner companies. By avoiding the need to build everything from scratch, businesses can accelerate their market entry and capitalize on emerging opportunities more quickly and efficiently.
However, successful strategic alliances require effective communication, collaboration, trust, and alignment of goals and expectations between partners. It's essential to establish clear objectives, define roles and responsibilities, establish governance mechanisms, and foster open communication channels to ensure the success and longevity of the alliance.
3. Licensing and Franchising
Licensing and franchising are partnership models that involve granting rights to use intellectual property, brand assets, or business concepts to third-party entities in exchange for royalties, fees, or revenue sharing. In the context of business expansion in India, licensing and franchising offer several benefits:
- Market Expansion: Licensing and franchising enable businesses to expand their presence and reach in the Indian market without the need for significant upfront investments or infrastructure development. By partnering with local licensees or franchisees, businesses can leverage their local knowledge, networks, and resources to penetrate new markets and customer segments effectively.
- Brand Extension: Licensing and franchising allow businesses to extend their brand presence and equity into new product categories, geographic regions, or market segments. By granting licenses or franchises to reputable partners, businesses can capitalize on the brand recognition, trust, and goodwill associated with their brand, driving customer loyalty and market share expansion.
- Risk Mitigation: Licensing and franchising provide a lower-risk entry strategy for businesses entering the Indian market, as they involve minimal capital investment and operational overheads compared to setting up wholly-owned subsidiaries or joint ventures. By partnering with licensees or franchisees, businesses can share operational risks, costs, and responsibilities while retaining control over their brand and intellectual property.
- Local Expertise: Licensing and franchising enable businesses to leverage the local expertise, networks, and market knowledge of their licensees or franchisees. By partnering with local entrepreneurs or businesses, businesses can benefit from their understanding of local consumer preferences, market trends, regulatory requirements, and business practices, enhancing the success and sustainability of the partnership.
However, licensing and franchising partnerships require careful planning, selection of suitable partners, and robust contractual agreements to ensure compliance, brand integrity, and protection of intellectual property rights. It's essential to conduct thorough due diligence, provide comprehensive training and support to partners, and establish clear guidelines and standards for operations, marketing, and customer service to maintain consistency and quality across franchise locations.
4. Distribution Partnerships
Distribution partnerships involve collaborating with distributors, wholesalers, or retailers to distribute and sell products or services in the Indian market. This partnership model offers several benefits:
- Market Reach: Partnering with established distributors or retailers allows businesses to leverage their extensive networks, infrastructure, and customer relationships to reach a wider audience and penetrate new geographic regions or market segments.
- Logistics and Fulfillment: Distribution partnerships streamline logistics, warehousing, and fulfillment processes by leveraging the distribution partner's expertise and infrastructure. This enables businesses to reduce operational costs, improve inventory management, and ensure timely delivery of products to customers across India.
- Market Insights: Distribution partners provide valuable market insights, feedback, and intelligence gleaned from their interactions with customers and stakeholders. By leveraging this information, businesses can adapt their products, pricing, and marketing strategies to better meet the needs and preferences of Indian consumers.
- Risk Mitigation: Distribution partnerships allow businesses to share risks and responsibilities with their distribution partners, including inventory management, marketing expenses, and sales performance. By aligning incentives and objectives, partners can work together to optimize sales, minimize costs, and maximize profitability.
However, successful distribution partnerships require careful selection of partners, clear agreements on pricing, margins, and terms of sale, and ongoing communication and collaboration to ensure alignment and mutual success.
5. Manufacturing Partnerships
Manufacturing partnerships involve collaborating with contract manufacturers or production facilities in India to manufacture products or components. This partnership model offers several advantages:
- Cost Efficiency: Partnering with contract manufacturers in India can lower production costs due to lower labor costs, economies of scale, and favorable regulatory environments. Businesses can benefit from competitive pricing, reduced overheads, and increased cost efficiencies compared to manufacturing in-house or overseas.
- Scalability and Flexibility: Manufacturing partnerships provide scalability and flexibility to adapt production capacity to meet fluctuating demand or seasonal variations. By outsourcing manufacturing to specialized partners, businesses can avoid the need for large capital investments, maintain agility, and respond quickly to market changes.
- Quality Assurance: Contract manufacturers in India often adhere to international quality standards and certifications, ensuring consistent product quality, reliability, and compliance with regulatory requirements. By partnering with reputable manufacturers, businesses can mitigate quality risks, enhance brand reputation, and build trust with customers.
- Focus on Core Competencies: Outsourcing manufacturing to India allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, such as product design, marketing, and distribution, while leaving production and supply chain management to experienced partners. This enables businesses to allocate resources strategically, drive innovation, and accelerate time-to-market.
However, selecting the right manufacturing partner, negotiating favorable terms, and establishing clear quality control processes are essential for the success of manufacturing partnerships. Businesses should conduct rigorous due diligence, visit manufacturing facilities, and establish robust contractual agreements to ensure alignment of expectations and quality standards.
6. Technology Partnerships
Technology partnerships involve collaborating with technology companies, startups, or research institutions in India to access innovative technologies, solutions, or expertise. This partnership model offers several benefits:
- Access to Innovation: Partnering with technology companies in India provides access to cutting-edge technologies, research, and innovation that can enhance product offerings, improve operational efficiency, or drive business transformation. By leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, or IoT, businesses can gain a competitive edge and unlock new opportunities for growth.
- Rapid Prototyping and Development: Technology partnerships enable businesses to accelerate product development cycles by leveraging the expertise and resources of technology partners. Whether it's developing prototypes, conducting feasibility studies, or iterating on product designs, businesses can benefit from the agility, creativity, and technical prowess of their technology partners to bring innovative solutions to market faster.
- Market Differentiation: Collaborating with technology partners allows businesses to differentiate their offerings and create unique value propositions for customers. By integrating innovative technologies into their products or services, businesses can enhance user experiences, improve efficiency, and address unmet needs in the Indian market, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Risk Sharing and Cost Optimization: Technology partnerships enable businesses to share risks and costs associated with technology development, R&D, or infrastructure investments. By pooling resources, expertise, and intellectual property, partners can mitigate financial risks, reduce development costs, and achieve economies of scale more effectively than pursuing technology initiatives independently.
However, successful technology partnerships require clear alignment of goals, intellectual property rights, and governance mechanisms to ensure transparency, trust, and mutual benefit. Businesses should establish open communication channels, define project milestones and deliverables, and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation to maximize the value of their technology partnerships.
7. Research and Development (R&D) Partnerships
R&D partnerships involve collaborating with research institutions, universities, or innovation centers in India to conduct research, innovation, and product development initiatives. This partnership model offers several advantages:
- Access to Talent and Expertise: Partnering with research institutions in India provides access to a pool of talented researchers, scientists, and domain experts with specialized knowledge and expertise. By tapping into their intellectual capital, businesses can drive innovation, solve complex challenges, and develop breakthrough technologies or solutions that differentiate their offerings in the market.
- Technology Transfer and Licensing: R&D partnerships enable businesses to leverage research outcomes, patents, or intellectual property developed by research institutions for commercialization. By licensing or acquiring technologies developed through collaborative R&D projects, businesses can accelerate product development, reduce time-to-market, and gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries.
- Government Support and Incentives: India offers various government incentives, grants, and funding programs to promote R&D collaboration between industry and academia. By partnering with research institutions, businesses can access government support, subsidies, tax benefits, or grants to offset R&D costs, stimulate innovation, and drive technology adoption in strategic sectors.
- Market Validation and Commercialization: R&D partnerships provide opportunities for businesses to validate product concepts, test prototypes, and conduct market trials in collaboration with research partners. By leveraging research facilities, laboratories, and testing infrastructure, businesses can gather valuable insights, refine product designs, and de-risk investments before commercialization, enhancing the likelihood of market success.
However, establishing R&D partnerships requires careful planning, alignment of research objectives, funding arrangements, and intellectual property ownership agreements. Businesses should establish clear project scopes, milestones, and performance metrics, as well as mechanisms for knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and commercialization to maximize the value of their R&D partnerships.
Exploring strategic partnership options beyond joint ventures, alliances, licensing, and franchising opens up additional avenues for businesses seeking expansion and growth in the Indian market. Distribution partnerships, manufacturing partnerships, technology partnerships, and R&D partnerships offer unique opportunities to access local networks, resources, expertise, and innovation, driving market penetration, differentiation, and competitive advantage. However, successful partnerships require careful selection of partners, clear alignment of goals, effective communication, and robust governance mechanisms to ensure mutual success and sustainable growth in the dynamic and diverse market landscape of India.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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signode-blog · 4 months
PM Modi's Prediction for Sensex on Lok Sabha Election Results Day: A Detailed Analysis
As India approaches another crucial Lok Sabha election, the financial markets are abuzz with anticipation. Historically, election results have had a significant impact on market movements, often reflecting investor sentiment towards the incoming government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his economic reforms and market-friendly policies, recently made a bold prediction regarding the…
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The standard legend of India’s Green Revolution centers on two propositions. First, India faced a food crisis, with farms mired in tradition and unable to feed an exploding population; and second, Borlaug’s wheat seeds led to record harvests from 1968 on, replacing import dependence with food self-sufficiency.
Recent research shows that both claims are false.
India was importing wheat in the 1960s because of policy decisions, not overpopulation. After the nation achieved independence in 1947, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru prioritized developing heavy industry. U.S. advisers encouraged this strategy and offered to provide India with surplus grain, which India accepted as cheap food for urban workers.
Meanwhile, the government urged Indian farmers to grow nonfood export crops to earn foreign currency. They switched millions of acres from rice to jute production, and by the mid-1960s India was exporting agricultural products.
Borlaug’s miracle seeds were not inherently more productive than many Indian wheat varieties. Rather, they just responded more effectively to high doses of chemical fertilizer. But while India had abundant manure from its cows, it produced almost no chemical fertilizer. It had to start spending heavily to import and subsidize fertilizer.
India did see a wheat boom after 1967, but there is evidence that this expensive new input-intensive approach was not the main cause. Rather, the Indian government established a new policy of paying higher prices for wheat. Unsurprisingly, Indian farmers planted more wheat and less of other crops.
Once India’s 1965-67 drought ended and the Green Revolution began, wheat production sped up, while production trends in other crops like rice, maize and pulses slowed down. Net food grain production, which was much more crucial than wheat production alone, actually resumed at the same growth rate as before.
But grain production became more erratic, forcing India to resume importing food by the mid-1970s. India also became dramatically more dependent on chemical fertilizer.
According to data from Indian economic and agricultural organizations, on the eve of the Green Revolution in 1965, Indian farmers needed 17 pounds (8 kilograms) of fertilizer to grow an average ton of food. By 1980, it took 96 pounds (44 kilograms). So, India replaced imports of wheat, which were virtually free food aid, with imports of fossil fuel-based fertilizer, paid for with precious international currency.
Today, India remains the world’s second-highest fertilizer importer, spending US$17.3 billion in 2022. Perversely, Green Revolution boosters call this extreme and expensive dependence “self-sufficiency.”
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school56df · 26 days
Anil Ambani: Navigating Success and Challenges in India's Business Arena biography and career achievements
Anil Ambani biography and career achievements is an Indian businessman and a distinguished determine in the u . S .'s company global. Born on June 4, 1959, he is the more youthful brother of Mukesh Ambani, the chairman and biggest shareholder of Reliance Industries. Anil Ambani is known for his role inside the Reliance Group, a conglomerate that spans a couple of sectors along with telecommunications, electricity, infrastructure, and monetary services. His adventure inside the commercial enterprise global is marked by using both sizable achievements and extraordinary challenges.
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Early Life and Education
Impact of Anil Ambani’s leadership on Reliance Jio turned into born into a own family with a robust business background. His father, Dhirubhai Ambani, based Reliance Industries in 1966, which might develop to come to be certainly one of India's largest conglomerates. Anil Ambani pursued his education at Mumbai's well-known Kishinchand Chellaram College, where he earned his degree in Commerce. He then went on to study at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he acquired an MBA.
Career Beginnings and the Formation of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group
Anil Ambani role in transforming Indian telecommunications sector"started out his career operating in the own family enterprise, studying the intricacies of dealing with a big business enterprise. In 2002, following the death of Dhirubhai Ambani, the Reliance Group turned into divided among Anil and Mukesh Ambani. Anil Ambani obtained manage of the newly fashioned Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG), which turned into hooked up to handle a number of industries.
Under Anil's management, ADAG improved rapidly into numerous sectors. The institution varied into telecommunications, with the release of Reliance Infocomm (now Reliance Jio). This mission revolutionized the Indian telecom region with its aggressive pricing and vast network coverage. It is vision helped position Reliance Jio as one of the leading telecommunications groups in India, gambling a vital function in making records services greater affordable and on hand to tens of millions of Indians.
Expansion into Power and Infrastructure
In addition to telecommunications, focused on strength technology and infrastructure improvement. Reliance Power turned into hooked up to faucet into the growing energy needs of India. The business enterprise undertook numerous ambitious projects, which include the improvement of coal-based electricity flowers and different power resources. Reliance Infrastructure, another arm of ADAG, centered on infrastructure development, inclusive of roads, airports, and metro structures.
These ventures have been part of Anil Ambani’s broader imaginative and prescient of contributing to India’s monetary increase by means of addressing critical infrastructure and electricity needs. His strategy concerned making an investment in big-scale tasks and leveraging the organization’s economic energy to power improvement throughout various sectors.
Financial Challenges and Restructuring
Despite the preliminary achievement, Anil Ambani and the ADAG confronted good sized economic challenges in the later years. The organization’s formidable growth brought about high ranges of debt, and international economic downturns impacted its operations. The corporation's financial troubles have been compounded via growing hobby quotes and economic slowdowns.
By the mid-2010s, ADAG became grappling with widespread debt and financial stress. This situation led to a sequence of restructuring efforts, along with asset income and attempts to renegotiate debt phrases. The institution struggled to maintain its previous boom trajectory, and several of its projects confronted delays and value overruns.
They monetary difficulties have been in addition exacerbated by using criminal and regulatory demanding situations. The organization turned into involved in diverse legal battles, which include issues related to company governance and regulatory compliance. These challenges affected the overall belief of ADAG and its monetary balance.
Legacy and Impact
Despite the economic problems, Anil Ambani’s contributions to India's business landscape remain noteworthy. His position in transforming the telecommunications area with Reliance Jio is a massive success. The creation of lower priced information offerings has had a profound impact on India's virtual economy, contributing to accelerated internet penetration and digital inclusion.
In the infrastructure quarter, ADAG’s investments in roads, electricity, and metro systems have contributed to the improvement of crucial infrastructure in India. These tasks have had a long-lasting effect on city development and financial boom in diverse areas.
It philanthropic efforts are also really worth mentioning. The Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Foundation, hooked up via the Ambani family, has been concerned in diverse charitable sports, which include education, healthcare, and catastrophe comfort. The foundation’s initiatives purpose to cope with social problems and support underprivileged groups.
Recent Developments and Future Outlook
In current years, Anil Ambani and the ADAG have endured to awareness on restructuring and realigning their commercial enterprise operations. The organization has sought to streamline its portfolio, divesting from non-center assets and focusing on key areas of increase. Efforts to reduce debt and enhance monetary balance continue to be a concern.
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Financial challenges faced by Anil Ambani’s Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group The broader monetary and enterprise surroundings in India, such as authorities rules and marketplace traits, will play a vital function in shaping the future of ventures. As the Indian financial system continues to conform, opportunities and demanding situations will emerge, influencing the strategic path of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group.
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apcseo · 2 months
Mahindra & Mahindra’s EV Unit Seeks Investment Opportunities in India to Accelerate Growth
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Mahindra & Mahindra, a prominent sports utility vehicle manufacturer, is reportedly in advanced discussions with British International Investment (BII) and other global investors to secure a substantial investment of up to ₹5,000 crore for its electric vehicles (EV) subsidiary. This new funding round is expected to value the EV unit at a higher valuation than the previous round, reflecting the growing interest in the Indian electric vehicle market. The investment aims to support Mahindra’s ambitious plans for expansion and the development of sustainable mobility solutions.
India’s electric vehicle market has been witnessing significant growth in recent years, driven by increasing environmental concerns, government initiatives, and evolving consumer preferences. As a result, established automakers like Mahindra & Mahindra are actively seeking investment opportunities in India to capitalise on this emerging market and accelerate their growth in the EV segment.
India has set an ambitious target to transition to electric mobility, aiming for 30% electric vehicle penetration in the country by 2030. The government has implemented various policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, including subsidies, tax benefits, and the establishment of charging infrastructure. These measures have created a favourable environment for investors and manufacturers to participate in the Indian electric vehicle ecosystem.
To align with India’s electric mobility vision, Mahindra & Mahindra’s EV unit has outlined an aggressive expansion strategy. The company intends to launch five new electric vehicle models between April and October 2025, demonstrating its commitment to providing sustainable transportation solutions to Indian consumers.
By incorporating electric SUVs into its product portfolio, Mahindra aims to capture a significant market share in the fast-growing electric SUV segment. It anticipates that e-SUVs will account for 20-30% of its overall SUV sales, with sales volumes projected to reach around 200,000 units. This focus on electric SUVs aligns with the evolving preferences of Indian consumers, who seek both sustainability and performance in their vehicles.
Investment opportunities in the Indian electric vehicle market hold immense potential for both domestic and international investors. The sector offers an attractive landscape for investment due to the following factors:
Growth Potential: With the Indian government’s strong commitment to electric mobility, the EV market is poised for substantial growth. Increasing consumer demand, supportive policies, and infrastructure development create a favourable investment climate.
Technological Advancements: Investment in electric vehicles drives innovation in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and connected features. These advancements contribute to the overall development of the sector and create opportunities for investors to benefit from emerging technologies.
Environmental Considerations: Electric vehicles play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating air pollution. Investing in electric mobility aligns with global sustainability goals, making it an appealing choice for socially responsible investors.
Job Creation and Economic Growth: The growth of the electric vehicle industry stimulates employment opportunities across the value chain, including manufacturing, R&D, charging infrastructure, and support services. This fosters economic development and contributes to the overall growth of the Indian economy.
Mahindra & Mahindra’s pursuit of significant investment for its EV unit reflects the immense potential and investment opportunities in India’s electric vehicle market. As the demand for sustainable transportation solutions continues to rise, the sector offers a promising landscape for investors seeking long-term growth and environmental impact. With government support, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences, investing in electric mobility can contribute to both economic development and a greener future for India.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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setmycompany · 3 months
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India's Booming Economy: Is Now the Time to Launch Your Company?
India's economic landscape is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Projected to be the world's third-largest economy by 2030, the country. India's booming economy presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs.
Capitalizing on the Indian Opportunity:
If you're considering launching your company in India, here are some key sectors to explore:
Technology: From software development to e-commerce, India is a hub for tech innovation.
Manufacturing: The push for domestic manufacturing creates opportunities in sectors like automobiles, textiles, and pharmaceuticals.
Healthcare: With a growing population and rising healthcare needs, India's healthcare sector presents promising potential.
Education: India's young population requires a robust education system. Edtech solutions and skill development initiatives hold significant promise.
Challenges to Consider:
Despite the exciting prospects, launching a business in India comes with its own set of challenges:
Navigating Regulations: India's regulatory environment can be complex. It's crucial to seek guidance to ensure compliance.
Infrastructure Development: While infrastructure is improving, logistical bottlenecks can sometimes hinder operations.
Competition: The Indian market is increasingly competitive. A strong value proposition and well-defined target audience are essential for success.
SetMyCompany will carefully evaluating your business model, understanding the market landscape, and partnering with experienced advisors, you can leverage the country's growth potential and position your company for success.
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With a well-defined strategy and a commitment to long-term success, India's economic boom could be the perfect springboard for your next big venture.
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mariacallous · 4 months
India vote count shows Modi alliance heading to majority but no landslide
NEW DELHI, June 4 (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's alliance was winning a majority of seats about halfway through the count in the general election on Tuesday, but the numbers were well short of the landslide predicted in exit polls, TV channels said.
Modi's own Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was falling short of a majority of its own in the 543-member parliament, the trends showed. Having to depend on allies to form the government could introduce some uncertainty in policy-making as Modi has ruled with an authoritative hold in the last decade.
The Hindu nationalist BJP won a majority of its own when it swept to power in 2014, ending India's era of unstable coalition governments, and repeated the feat in 2019.
The prospect of Modi having to rely on allies spooked markets with stocks falling steeply. The blue-chip NIFTY 50 (.NSEI), opens new tab was down 4.8% and the S&P BSE Sensex (.BSESN), opens new tab was down 4.7% at 0833 GMT.
The rupee also fell sharply against the dollar and benchmark bond yields were up.
"A narrower-than-expected victory for Modi's alliance may raise doubts about the new government's ability to push through politically difficult reforms seen as crucial to sustain India's economic growth, which is already the world's fastest," said Vasu Menon, managing director of investment strategy at OCBC in Singapore.
"Despite this, the fact remains that the BJP-led alliance is still set to win a third term, which means continuity in the government's infrastructure and manufacturing-led drive to boost economic growth."
Markets had soared on Monday after exit polls on June 1 projected Modi and BJP would register a big victory, and the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was seen getting a two-thirds majority and more.
At 0900 GMT, TV channels showed the NDA was ahead in nearly 300 of the 543 elective seats in parliament, where 272 is a simple majority, with about half the votes counted.
Full results are likely in several hours.
They showed BJP accounted for under 250 of the seats in which the NDA was leading, compared to the 303 it won in 2019.
The opposition INDIA alliance led by Rahul Gandhi's centrist Congress party was leading in over 220 seats, higher than expected. Congress alone was leading in nearly 100 seats, almost double the 52 it won in 2019 - a surprise jump that is expected to boost Gandhi's standing.
However, politicians and analysts said it was too early to get a firm idea of the voting trends since counting still had some way to go.
"It's a fair assessment to say 400 at the moment certainly looks distant," BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli told the India Today TV channel, referring to some projections that gave over 400 seats to the NDA.
"But we need to wait...to have a final picture of the seats because the exit polls speak of a massive sweep, (and) the counting trends currently don't seem to match that," he said.
"The BJP-NDA will form the government, that trend is very clear from the start," he added.
TV exit polls broadcast after voting ended on June 1 projected a big win for Modi, but exit polls have often got election outcomes wrong in India. Nearly one billion people were registered to vote, of which 642 million turned out.
However, if Modi's victory is confirmed even by a slim margin, his BJP and its allies will have triumphed in a vitriolic campaign in which parties accused each other of religious bias and of posing a threat to sections of the population.
Investors had cheered the prospects of another Modi term, expecting it to deliver further years of strong economic growth and pro-business reforms, while the anticipated two-thirds majority in parliament would allow major changes to the constitution.
"The biggest disappointment for the market is the fact that BJP does not have a majority (yet)...that opens up a Pandora's box because all the other players...are all quite volatile," said Dipan Mehta, founder director at Elixir Equities in Mumbai.
Bank of Baroda economist Sonal Badhan said the lack of a majority for BJP on its own could mean "some slowdown in policy decisions can be expected".
The seven-phase, seven-week poll that began on April 19 was held in searing summer heat with temperatures touching nearly 50° Celsius (122° Fahrenheit) in some parts.
More than 66% of registered voters turned out, just one percentage point lower than the previous election in 2019, squashing pre-poll concerns that voters might shun a contest thought to be a foregone conclusion in Modi's favour.
Modi, 73, who first swept to power in 2014 by promising growth and change, is seeking to be only the second prime minister after India's independence leader Jawaharlal Nehru to win three straight terms.
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ausetkmt · 7 months
What Would an Economy That Loved Black People Look Like? - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
What would it look like if the economy loved Black people? I hold this question in my heart every day as I reflect on our current economic conditions and strategize about building a reimagined economy rooted in equity, justice, and liberation.
To be serious about closing the racial wealth gap and building an economy that loves Black people, we need to focus our attention on the US South.
One thing I am certain of is that the systemic barriers and inequities that are embedded in present financial structures have no place in a reimagined economy. I would further contend that to transform our economy into one that loves Black people, movements need to get more intimate with the topic of power. Alicia Garza defines power as “the ability to change your circumstances and the circumstances of other people.” She talks about how being precise about power helps us be precise about strategy. Without a clear destination, the steps that are taken are going to be disordered. 
As a financial activist and reparative capital investor, power and power building in this context means shifting financial policies, practices, and infrastructure into ones that seed and sustain change. It means joining with values-aligned wealth holders and investors to disrupt power by dismantling the systems that have obstructed Black communities from building generational wealth. And it means that to be serious about closing the racial wealth gap and building an economy that loves Black people, we need to focus our attention on the US South, where roughly 56 percent of Black people in the United States call home. We must invest in the Southern Black creatives, innovators, and leaders who are the biggest exporters of culture around the world and on the frontlines of change and community power building.
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap in the South
US researcher and agricultural law expert Nathan Rosenberg has said, “If you want to understand wealth and inequality in this country, you have to understand Black land loss.” Jubilee Justice, an organization founded by Konda Mason, who serves as the strategic director of my firm RUNWAY, recognizes that land ownership provides a pathway to create generational wealth, access financial resources, have agency over agricultural and sustainable land management practices, and foster community resilience.
In the rural South, Black farmers have historically experienced—and continue to experience—a lack of access to agricultural resources and credit. They also continue to face discrimination, and exclusion from government programs, loans, and subsidies. This result is the loss of farmland and restricted opportunities for economic growth. 
Of all private US agricultural land (excluding Indian Country), according to a US Department of Agriculture study, White people comprise 96 percent of farmers, own 98 percent of the acres, and generate 97 percent of farm earnings. From 1900 to 1997, the number of Black farmers decreased by more than 97 percent; in the South, Black landowners lost 12 million acres of farmland over the past century, amounting to $326 billion worth of lost land in the United States due to discrimination. 
The unjust policies that denied, dispossessed, and restricted Black individuals and communities of land ownership in the past have cast a long shadow. Policies that have routinely prevented Black communities from building generational wealth, like redlining and denying Black people mortgage loans and insurance, persist and are reflected in the massive racial wealth gap we’re still seeing today. 
Even as the struggles for civil rights, inclusion, and economic justice gain ground, investment in the South remains uneven. Grantmakers for Southern Progress shares that the South receives less than three percent of all philanthropic investment in the United States. We must increase philanthropic action to build the capacity of community-based organizations and networks leading structural change work in the region. 
As Tamieka Mosley of Grantmakers for Southern Progress and Nathanial Smith of the Partnership for Southern Equity, share: “If the South—the birthplace of historic and destructive inequities—rallies to end structural injustice, it can model for the country what the journey toward racial justice and equity looks like.”
Black communities continue to experience the ongoing legacy of slavery and racism through blatant discrimination from financial institutions whose inequitable lending practices limit Black entrepreneurs from attracting early critical investments. On average, early-stage entrepreneurs need about $30,000 in capital to get their initiatives off the ground, with friends and family of entrepreneurs on average providing $23,000 or more than three quarters, of the needed amount. All told, nationally friends and family investing exceeds $60 billion a year, nearly three times the investment level of venture capitalists. 
However, not everyone has equal access to this vital source of capital. In 2019, the median White family in the United States had $184,000 in wealth compared to just $38,000 and $23,000 for the median Latinx and Black families, respectively. With this racial wealth disparity, Black entrepreneurs are less likely to receive early-stage funding from friends and family—a critical lifeline for business startups and growth opportunities. 
It is especially critical because capital from friends and family typically has more flexible lending terms and is not tied to a person’s credit score; rather, it is based on the level of trust people have in the preparation of the business owner. These relationships and informal networks also provide other nonfinancial resources such as business advising, referrals, and support systems. For many Black entrepreneurs, particularly women, racial wealth inequality is the leading factor in why their great ideas never leave the napkin.
RUNWAY believes giving every Black entrepreneur access to the “friends and family” round of investing will be transformational for Black communities. The key to this process, as mentioned, is trust. 
By infusing trust into exploitative and extractive systems, we can facilitate pivotal early-stage investments along with wraparound entrepreneurial ecosystem support like business coaching and advising. We can provide “friends and family” funding using patient, flexible capital to advance resiliency for Black businesses and the communities they serve. 
Investing in people and places that have been historically excluded from traditional investment support will always appear risky to foundations and fund managers. The best antidote to that risk is to build trust-based, honest relationships with local community leaders and changemakers who deeply understand the region and the specific needs of that region. In the South, those relationships will be based on listening, mutual aid, and physical presence. These types of relationships are critical to making investments that shift the balance of power toward equity and wealth regeneration for Black communities.
Listening to the Community
I recently gathered in my home state of Alabama with a delegation of fund managers, investors, and philanthropists to bring reparative finance to the people and places that have been systemically blocked from wealth building opportunities as part of RUNWAY ROOTED, my organization’s latest initiative to invest in Southern Black entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.
It takes long-term, non-extractive, reparative investments . . . to undo the systemic design of racial hierarchy and imagine new possibilities.
We spent a week moving through the region to learn from community leaders, creatives, and local representatives about the unique economic challenges in the area. The experience illuminated the fact that Black business ownership is a mechanism that not only builds economic power, but social and political power as well. 
Truth be told, in most cases, resistance from investors and wealth holders goes back to power. Those in power don’t want to let go of it. But the conversations like the ones we had in Alabama signal that things are changing. We must be deliberate in how we apply pressure. This involves deep collaboration between movement leaders, creatives, and community, as well as with investors, funders, and wealth holders. We must collaborate on ways to work together and co-conspire to build collective power. 
Building collective power takes telling the truth about why Black people in places like Jackson, MS remain deeply entrenched in age-old, stubborn barriers to economic opportunity. It takes investors who are willing to reckon with a history that built wealth by stealing land from Indigenous nations and extracting free labor from enslaved Africans—and to invest in repairing the conditions that presently uphold the racial wealth gap. And it takes long-term, non-extractive, reparative investments that remind us that the real work is to undo the systemic design of racial hierarchy and imagine new possibilities. 
Investing in Southern Creatives 
Shaping our collective future into one that loves Black people needs the joy, inspiration, and useful critique of our political, economic, and social systems that come from creative thinkers and makers through their art, organizing, and visionary disruption. To tap into this dynamic force of change, it is vital to ensure that the extractive finance of the past does not block our collective ability to invest in the talent and innovation of the future.
This work requires long-term, flexible commitments of capital, time, and . . . support for Black-led businesses and innovation in the South.
Reimagining and collaboratively shaping a world where Black people are loved means prioritizing investments in creative entrepreneurs and creative placemaking. It means investing in places like Gee’s Bend, AL, to bring long-term business capital to the women who carry the legacy and tradition of West African quilting—one of the most important cultural contributions to the history of art in the United States. It means partnering with organizations like Upstart Co-Lab and Souls Grown Deep Foundation, who journeyed with us in Alabama, to invest in the arts, cultural, design, and innovation industries in the South with a mission toward repair and justice. 
Philanthropy and investments that are transformative and inclusive are not only about diversifying the seats at the decision-making table. They also invite multiple voices into the design rooms where the table is carved out and set, ensuring it is broad and deep enough to nourish the future of local and national communities. 
This work requires long-term, flexible commitments of capital, time, and capacity with a willingness to resolve disparities in funding and support for Black-led businesses and innovation in the South. It’s also necessary to acknowledge that the economic development programs that work for coastal metros or major cities may not be the same for the South—and need to be thoughtfully adapted to meet the distinct community needs, local infrastructure, and pulse of the region. By listening deeply and building authentic relationships with community leaders, community transformation over time can occur on community terms. Through this process, people are transformed—and so are community social and economic conditions. 
I’ve always felt like investing in artists, creatives, and innovators does what Nina Simone famously said: “An artist’s duty, as far as I’m concerned, is to reflect the times.” Simone believed that artists and creatives have a responsibility to create work that reflects and addresses the social, political, and cultural climate of their era; that art has the power to serve as a mirror of society, bringing attention to important issues and fostering dialogue and understanding. 
Today, the creative economy represents $985 billion in economic opportunity. This is also a time when art from creators like Amanda Gorman, who became the youngest inaugural poet in US history when she performed “The Hill We Climb” during President Joe Biden’s inauguration in 2021, is being banned in Florida schools. Responses like this tell us that art does indeed have power. Creativity has power. Innovation and truth-telling have power. And power is transformative.
Building an economy that truly loves Black people requires a profound shift in financial structures and the way money moves. Investing in the South and supporting Southern Black creatives, innovators, and leaders is a pivotal step in redressing land loss and the discriminatory lending practices Black entrepreneurs continue to face. 
We live in a moment of incredible opportunity. The mission (and the challenge) here is to take this moment and turn it into a movement that sustains the transformative work required to build an economy where we all have the power—and the right—to thrive.
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techy-guy · 11 months
Technology has always been an essential element for every industries, but artificial intelligence (AI) has brought technology to the center of organizations. For instance, from self-driving vehicles to crucial life-saving medical gear, AI is being infused virtually into every apparatus and program. Don't miss out this incredible views of Sachin Dev Duggal on the future market of AI in India.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the world as we know it, permeating every aspect of our daily lives. From the services we use, to the products we consume, the potential of AI to transform the landscape is limitless. This cutting-edge technology has impacted diverse sectors, including education, agriculture, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.
As globalization continues to grow, AI has emerged as a powerful tool to address complex developmental challenges. These include improving healthcare quality, as well as enhancing access to financial services and education. Moreover, AI is transforming supply-chain management, production lines, and quality control.
As winds of change continue to sweep across nations, India is no exception. The Indian government has already acknowledged the transformative potential of AI and has adopted strategies to leverage this technology to drive growth and development. The use of AI in applications ranging from fintech to healthcare promises to power economic and social progress, and help address issues such as poverty reduction.
Read More About AI : https://www.hindustantimes.com/brand-stories/ai-a-catalyst-for-data-driven-the-new-oil-sachin-dev-duggal-taps-60-000-crore-market-101696963879137.html
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ritikakukreti · 1 year
Charting India's AI Revolution: Ascent to Becoming a Leading AI Integration Specialist
In the vast cosmos of the digital realm, where data dances and algorithms sing, lies a pivotal role: the AI Integration Specialist. India, echoing its aspiration of becoming a tech titan, sees a growing need for these specialists. As the country strides forward, integrating artificial intelligence into its societal and industrial fabric, mastering this role becomes increasingly lucrative. If you're envisioning a future of artificial intelligence in India, this guide is your stepping stone.
The Lure of AI in India:
The Indian subcontinent is rapidly evolving into an AI powerhouse. Investments are pouring in, startups are mushrooming, and the government is keenly promoting AI-led innovations. This buoyant landscape makes the journey of an AI Integration Specialist in India not just promising but also rewarding. Given the country’s technological appetite, the path is brimming with opportunities.
Roles Across Industries:
Healthcare: Employing AI for diagnosis, patient care, and drug discovery.
Finance: Automating risk assessment, fraud detection, and financial forecasting.
E-commerce: Enhancing customer experience and streamlining operations.
Manufacturing: Improving production quality and predictive maintenance.
Entertainment: Content recommendation, virtual reality, and gaming enhancements.
An AI Integration Specialist finds relevance across a multitude of sectors, making the role versatile and impactful.
Challenges En Route:
Technical Hurdles: Adapting to evolving AI frameworks and platforms.
Data Management: Ensuring data privacy while integrating AI solutions.
Interdisciplinary Integration: Melding AI with diverse industrial landscapes.
Skill Upgradation: Constantly updating oneself with AI trends and breakthroughs.
By acknowledging these challenges, one can craft strategies to navigate effectively.
Top Employers in India:
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Accenture India
IBM India
Reliance Jio
Zebra Medical Vision
Microsoft India
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
These giants continually seek skilled AI Integration Specialists to spearhead their AI-driven ventures.
The Significance of Contextual Decisions:
Choosing to pursue a career as an AI Integration Specialist in India isn’t solely about mastering the technical nuances. One must comprehend India's unique digital ecosystem, cultural context, and economic aspirations. An integration specialist doesn’t merely amalgamate AI into systems but intertwines it with the very ethos of the organization and, by extension, the nation.
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As AI casts its promising shadow across industries in India, the role of an AI Integration Specialist emerges as a lighthouse guiding these advancements. It's a journey that demands technical prowess, continuous learning, and an understanding of India's AI aspirations. The road might be challenging, but the destination promises immense growth, innovation, and recognition.
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townpostin · 2 months
Budget Boosts Economic Optimism in Jharkhand: Arun Prakash
CII official lauds growth-centric fiscal plan Government’s financial roadmap garners praise for its focus on infrastructure, MSMEs, and tax reforms. JAMSHEDPUR – Local industry leader commends the latest budget for its potential to drive economic progress. The recent budget announcement has received a positive reception from Jharkhand’s business community. Arun Prakash, a key figure in the…
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foxnangelseo · 4 months
Navigating the Indian Investment Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for International Investors
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India, with its vibrant economy, diverse market opportunities, and favorable regulatory environment, has emerged as an attractive destination for international investors seeking high returns and long-term growth prospects. From burgeoning sectors like technology and e-commerce to traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture, India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for savvy investors. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the Indian investment landscape, highlighting key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips for international investors looking to capitalize on India's growth story.
Understanding the Indian Investment Landscape:
1. Economic Overview: India is the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and one of the fastest-growing major economies globally. With a young and dynamic population, a burgeoning middle class, and increasing urbanization, India offers a vast consumer market and a favorable demographic dividend for investors.
2. Key Investment Sector: India's economy is diverse and offers investment opportunities across various sectors. Some of the key sectors attracting international investors include:
- Information Technology (IT) and Software Services
- E-commerce and Digital Payments
- Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
- Infrastructure and Real Estate
- Manufacturing and Automotive
- Agriculture and Agribusiness
3. Regulatory Environment: India has implemented several reforms to streamline its regulatory environment and improve the ease of doing business for investors. The government has introduced initiatives such as Make in India, Startup India, and Digital India to encourage investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) policies have been liberalized across various sectors, allowing greater foreign participation in the Indian economy.
4. Taxation and Legal Considerations: International investors should familiarize themselves with India's tax laws, regulations, and legal frameworks before making investment decisions. India has a progressive tax regime with corporate tax rates varying based on business structure, industry, and income levels. It's advisable to consult with tax advisors and legal experts to navigate the complexities of India's taxation and legal landscape.
Investment Strategies for International Investors:
1. Market Research and Due Diligence: Conduct thorough market research and due diligence to identify investment opportunities aligned with your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and sector preferences. Evaluate market trends, competitive dynamics, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic indicators to make informed investment decisions.
2. Diversification: Diversify your investment portfolio across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions to mitigate risks and maximize returns. Consider allocating capital to both high-growth sectors such as technology and healthcare, as well as stable sectors like infrastructure and consumer goods.
3. Long-Term Perspective: Adopt a long-term investment perspective when investing in India. While short-term market volatility and regulatory changes may occur, India's economic fundamentals remain strong, offering attractive growth prospects over the medium to long term. Patient investors can capitalize on India's demographic dividend and structural reforms to generate significant returns.
4. Partnering with Local Experts: Partnering with local investment advisors, financial institutions, and legal experts can provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the Indian investment landscape. Local expertise can help international investors navigate regulatory hurdles, identify investment opportunities, and mitigate operational risks effectively.
5. Investment Vehicles: Evaluate different investment vehicles available for investing in India, including direct investments, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and mutual funds. Each investment vehicle offers unique benefits and risks, so it's essential to assess their suitability based on your investment goals and risk appetite.
Tips for International Investors:
1. Stay Informed: Stay updated on market developments, regulatory changes, and economic trends affecting the Indian investment landscape. Follow reputable financial news sources, attend industry conferences, and engage with local experts to stay informed and make timely investment decisions.
2. Network and Build Relationships: Networking with industry professionals, government officials, and fellow investors can provide valuable insights and access to investment opportunities in India. Join industry associations, attend networking events, and leverage social media platforms to expand your network and build relationships in the Indian business community.
3. Be Patient and Persistent: Investing in India requires patience, persistence, and a long-term commitment. Building relationships, navigating regulatory hurdles, and achieving investment success take time and effort. Stay focused on your investment goals, adapt to changing market conditions, and remain resilient in the face of challenges.
4. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with financial advisors, tax consultants, and legal experts specializing in India to seek professional advice tailored to your specific investment needs. Expert guidance can help you navigate regulatory complexities, optimize tax efficiency, and maximize returns on your investments in India.
5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect cultural differences when conducting business in India. Building strong relationships and trust with local partners and stakeholders requires understanding and appreciating Indian customs, traditions, and business etiquette.
6. Risk Management: Assess and manage risks effectively by diversifying your investment portfolio, conducting thorough due diligence, and implementing risk mitigation strategies. Consider geopolitical risks, currency fluctuations, regulatory changes, and market volatility when making investment decisions.
7. Sustainability and ESG Factors: Consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when evaluating investment opportunities in India. Increasingly, investors are prioritizing sustainability and responsible investing practices to mitigate risks, enhance long-term value, and align investments with their values and principles.
8. Stay Flexible and Agile: Remain flexible and agile in adapting to changing market conditions, regulatory requirements, and investor preferences. India's business environment is dynamic and evolving, requiring investors to stay nimble and responsive to emerging opportunities and challenges.
India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for international investors seeking high growth potential and diversification benefits. With its robust economy, favorable demographic trends, and supportive regulatory environment, India continues to attract capital inflows across various sectors. By understanding the Indian investment landscape, adopting sound investment strategies, and leveraging local expertise, international investors can capitalize on India's growth story and unlock significant value for their investment portfolios. As India continues on its path of economic development and reform, it remains a compelling destination for investors looking to participate in one of the world's most dynamic and promising markets.
In conclusion, navigating the “Invest in India” landscape requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a long-term perspective. By understanding the key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips outlined in this guide, international investors can position themselves to capitalize on the vast opportunities offered by India's vibrant economy and emerging market dynamics. With the right approach and guidance, investing in India can yield attractive returns and contribute to portfolio diversification and long-term wealth creation for investors around the globe.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
The more I look into "landback" shit the more it seems like a grift. The landback website has nothing substantial on it, and so far I haven't found any definitions or explanations for what "landback" means in concrete terms. It's usually nonsense like:
What is the LandBack movement really asking for? The land. Back.
NDN Collectives "Manifesto" is just a bunch of corpo-gibberish bullet points:
It is a relationship with Mother Earth that is symbiotic and just, where we have reclaimed stewardship. It is bringing our People with us as we move towards liberation and embodied sovereignty through an organizing, political and narrative framework. It is a long legacy of warriors and leaders who sacrificed freedom and life. It is a catalyst for current generation organizers and centers the voices of those who represent our future. It is recognizing that our struggle is interconnected with the struggles of all oppressed Peoples. It is a future where Black reparations and Indigenous LANDBACK co-exist. Where BIPOC collective liberation is at the core. It is acknowledging that only when Mother Earth is well, can we, her children, be well. It is our belonging to the land – because – we are the land. We are LANDBACK!
LANDBACK Organizing Principles
Don’t burn bridges: even when there is conflict between groups or organizers remember that we are fighting for all of our peoples and we will continue to be in community even after this battle
Don’t defend our ways
Organize to win
Move from abundance – We come from a space of scarcity. We must work from a place of abundance
We bring our people with us
Deep relationships by attraction, not promotion
We value our warriors
Room for grace—be able to be human
We cannot let our oppressors inhumanity take away from ours
Strategy includes guidance
Realness: Sometimes the truth hurts
Unapologetic but keep it classy
How about an explanation in concrete terms what "sovereignty" is supposed to mean? Or how they're planning to administer the land in relation to the other people that they share it with? If this land is supposed to be Indians' private property, there should be some kind of theoretical explanation for how this real estate transaction is supposed to lead to "the abolition of the United States’ concept of real estate altogether."
Then there's the NDN Collective itself. Generally, my rule of thumb is that if NGO money is going to something, then it's probably not radical or revolutionary, and that probability goes up the more money it gets. Black Lives Matter was radical and revolutionary, then its radical members "mysteriously turned up dead," and then it got hundreds of millions of dollars from the Ford Foundation.
NDN Collective in late 2021 was named a recipient of a Bush Foundation grant of $50 million. The organization has announced plans to redistribute these funds to indigenous individuals in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota[15] Through other funding, including grants from the MacArthur and Skoll Foundations, NDN redistributes capital through two loan pools. The Social Enterprise & Economic Development for Indigenous Growth (SEEDING) program offers loans of $500,000 or more, while the Relief & Resilience program provides small business loans to Indigenous entrepreneurs.[16] Prominent donors to NDN Collective include Mackenzie Scott [ex-wife of Jeff Bezos], in 2021, due to her concerns about wealth inequality, discrimination, and the need for investment in education,[17] and the Jeff Bezos Earth Fund, which in 2020 donated $12 million for their work against climate change.[18] NDN Collective was also funded by the Target Foundation in 2022, as one of its "Ecosystem" grant recipients.[19]
So the "collective" is itself an NGO worth tens of millions of dollars. It plans to "redistribute" that money in the form of grants and loans with the explicit aim of "wealth building." According to NDN, it defines wealth as
“Indigenous wealth is a quality of life and mindset that encircles family and community well-being and the care of relationships (self, family, extended family, community, land, environment), and a spirit of generosity. Money is a tool to support basic needs (safety, food, shelter, education) and bring financial security and self-determination so that one can live a “good life,” abundant in social and cultural sharing.
Which isn't really a definition at all. I don't know how "a quality of life and mindset that encircles family and community well-being" is supposed to pay back a half a million dollar loan. I'd be more forgiving I think if there was some explanation about what this money was intended to do, but the Collective Abundance Fund Report doesn't offer much in that what. The grant application does elaborate on what the money can be used for though, including purchasing or expanding a home, paying for higher education, business development, and land purchases.
The anti-Capitalist, pro-communcal stance just seems like posturing to me when instead of distributing this money to the community level for the development of community projects, the money is being distributed on the individual/family level, for the development of private property. This doesn't seem like a fund for all, but one specifically to cultivate a Native middle class along bourgeois lines and provide a return on investment.
To return back to the HCN article, it mentions in one paragraph:
While some private landholders may resist, others, including mainline conservation groups and even art galleries, have already taken it upon themselves to donate property to tribes or Native organizations. These acts are a positive and inspiring step, even if still largely symbolic.
The "mainline conservation group" it mentions is called Save The Redwoods, which seems to have a sketchy past.
During the 2010s UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library began organizing and curating a particularly revealing trove of primary documents that would allow me to unmask Save the Redwoods League as the first, the largest, and the longest-lasting example of an inward political and economic phenomenon that today we call “greenwashing”— that is, rhetorical support for environmental protection by an institution actually working on behalf of destructive corporations. These were the League’s own records, dating back to 1917, some 200,000 pages of eye-popping revelations that would keep me in thrall for years.
Through deep examination of the League’s papers (I would eventually copy 10,000 pages) and many other sources, I learned that in 1917 a small coterie of powerful industrialists had gathered at the secluded Bohemian Grove, in Sonoma County, during the annual encampment of the exclusive San Francisco Bohemian Club. The industrialists included some of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the nation, and the world, virtually all of whose businesses relied on redwood lumber to undergird the swiftest and most forceful expansion of industry and wealth in human history. They created Save the Redwoods League not to save redwoods as parks, but as standing inventories for use by industry. 
STR is also a massive NGO with a yearly revenue of $20 million and an endowment of over $100 million. It's president Samuel Hodder was a guest on a podcast called Climate One, which is a product of the The Commonwealth Club of California, which is another massive NGO with ties to the highest levels of government and big business.
And on the subject of the highest levels of government, again from the HCN article:
The federal government has slowly and selectively begun to engage with the idea since the appointment of Deb Haaland (Laguna Pueblo) as secretary of the Interior, and of Chuck Sams (Umatilla) as director of the National Park Service, the first Native people to hold either office. The United States is currently piloting tribal co-management of certain federal lands, a step in the direction of LandBack.
If you're getting tens of millions of dollars and aid from NGOs, major universities are putting out papers in your favor, and you're getting help from the federal government, then yeah, I think at the very least there's something deeply suspicious going on.
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msclaritea · 1 year
Warner Bros. Discovery lost 1.8 million subscribers in Q2 | Fortune
"Disney CEO Bob Iger hemorrhaged 4 million streaming subscribers in its fiscal second quarter after his company’s India-based Hotstar video platform lost the rights to Indian Premier League cricket matches. 
Now its David Zaslav’s turn to bleed business after his heavily criticized rebrand of Max, which involved dumping one of the most recognizable names in entertainment—HBO—when merging the respective platforms of Warner Bros. and Discovery in May.
The bane of any streaming service is churn: subscribers signing up one month to take advantage of a special offer before jettisoning their membership shortly afterwards, often in favor of a rival platform. Now Warner Bros. Discovery reported on Thursday that some 1.8 million paying customers set sail for other shores in the second quarter over the preceding three months, and it’s a good bet some of those who left may have even wound up at Comcast’s rival platform Peacock.
“We said we were going to build a strong, sustainable direct-to-consumer strategy focused on profitable growth as opposed to chasing subs at any cost,” Zaslav told investors.
The problem for Zaslav, the most overpaid CEO in America last year according to one study, is that the bulk of those subscribers lost—roughly 1.3 million—were the more lucrative U.S. customers who generated on average $11.09 in revenue per user during the quarter versus just $3.65 for its international subscribers.
“While we have seen some expected subscriber disruption, we have experienced lower-than-expected churn throughout this process,” he offered.
The problem all media giants face now is the immensely profitable business model of linear broadcasting is broken because an increasing number of cable subscribers are cutting the cord so they can view content on demand rather than when a network exec decides on their behalf.
Over time, the economics of the business will deteriorate, which is why Iger is considering a yard sale—possibly selling stakes in ESPN and ABC—to maximize the value while he still can."
This is comparing apples to oranges. Disney likely lost the cricket account in India due to politics. India is a far right led country, right now. I just saw an Indian producer, highlighted recently prompting Barbie and Oppenheimer in the news. Warner Bros, meanwhile, seems to be losing customers due to straightforward back business practices.
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There is a strong need for digital transformation in the construction business
With rising demand for homes and building supplies, the Indian construction industry is anticipated to expand at a 6.2% annual pace in the next years. Construction materials, which make up two-thirds of the overall cost of building, will become more expensive as a result of this rise in material costs, supply chain problems, and inflation. Consumers are unwilling to cut corners when it comes to the quality of the materials used, despite price rises. According to Ashish Aggarwal, Director, SpaceMantra, the building sector is embracing digital technologies like virtual design, VR home tours, cloud-based software, and big data analytics more and more to streamline the real estate process. Mr. Aggarwal discusses his thoughts on the real estate market's current status and how digitization might be a key factor in the future in an exclusive interview with Sanjeev Sinha. India's real estate development industry is booming as a result of the nation's record-high housing demand. How will this impact how construction materials required to develop this infrastructure are consumed and priced? The market dynamics have dramatically changed as of 2023. Since that materials make up around two thirds of the overall cost of building, developers will be forced to raise prices as a result of increased material costs. The supply side shocks, increasing inflation, and the frail global supply chain all contributed to a decline in raw material prices. Customers won't compromise on the quality of the building materials used, therefore a price increase to some level could have a detrimental impact on the fast expanding real estate market. Nowadays, consumers like to choose each component of their ideal home individually. How does it impact online purchasing habits in the digital age?” Allowing clients to hand-pick each component of their dream home helps to give customers the autonomy to decide how their dream home will look in today's increasingly digital world. Yet, doing so can cause the procurement process to go more slowly. Customers and businesses may now choose their preferences from a variety of raw material types, grades, and pricing online in just a few simple steps. With this kind of digital procurement, you may quickly and effectively get the precise materials your project needs. How is the real estate sector using technology to better serve their clients? Due to the increased disruption of the global supply chain, rising competitiveness, and labour shortages, there is an increasingly urgent need for digital transformation in the construction industry. An increasing number of innovative technologies are being incorporated into the building business. Virtual design and visualisation are common in these technologies. The real estate process is made more tech-savvy and results in a smooth experience thanks to virtual reality home tours, cloud-based software, smart contracts, and big data analytics. What are some trends and predictions we can look forward to for the construction sector this year as we usher in a brand-new year? A strong strategy of infrastructure projects in numerous industries is predicted to help the Indian construction industry grow at a 6.2% annual rate from 2023 to 2026. Investment in the construction sector will increase as a result of government initiatives like Atmanirbhar Bharat, which is anticipated to boost domestic industries and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and the Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti National Master Plan, which aims to drive economic growth through infrastructure development. What lies in store for SpaceMantra going forward in 2023? Building a one-stop eB2B platform is part of SpaceMantra's ambition to organise and unify the extremely dispersed and unorganised construction industry. 
We are working hard to strengthen our vendor base by developing close relationships with brands and manufacturers. 
This will enable us to provide our product line to customers at lower pricing. 
We are also attempting to address the industry's long-standing problems with procurement. 
By providing a variety of integrated services that will help them overcome their operational issues, we intend to increase the number of customers we serve in the future.
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