#Indian Family History
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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blondebrainpowered · 1 month ago
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Nez Perce Chief Joseph and his family in Leavenworth, Kansas where they were exiled from 1877 to 1885.
 Photographer: F. M. Sargent
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royalty-nobility · 1 month ago
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Prince Alexander of Battenberg (1886-1960) with Sheikh Muhammed Bukhsh
Artist: Laurits Regner Tuxen (Danish, 1853-1927)
Date: 1887
Medium: Oil on panel
Collection: Royal Collection Trust, United Kingdom
Alexander was one of Queen Victoria’s grandsons, the first child of her youngest daughter, Beatrice. He was about 1 year old when this portrait was painted. Sheikh Muhammad Bukhsh was engaged as one of the Queen’s Indian attendants on 17 May 1887 and he left the Queen’s service in 1895. He was described as ‘very dark, with a very smiling expression’.
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sleepy-jirai-minori · 26 days ago
something that i will never forget is how my mother told me that the british colonizers had issues with the ways we cleaned our teeth. We'd use mint, charcoal, and twigs. then, the colonizers came in and told us we were filthy for it.
years later, they made toothpaste flavours from it.
it really does make me realize how recent india's independence is. my grandpa was born a few years after. my great-grandparents lived through it.
1947 feels like so long ago, but then i remember how my family has actually talked and been with people who've experienced it and the aftermath. i remember how my mother used to go to her grandparents' house over the summer with her sisters all the time when she was little. she had plenty of time to hear stories from them.
honestly, it makes me appreciate history a lot more.
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indianmovielinks · 5 months ago
OPENING QUOTE - Jigarthanda Double X
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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rimouskis · 1 year ago
on the subject of museums though: I'm a FIRM believer that the smithsonians are genuinely some the greatest cultural heritage americans possess and I believe SO fervently in them being free to the public and accessible to all because they ARE our nation's history and tell (and ideally deconstruct) our national myths and help contextualize the natural world around us and show us the heights of human ingenuity and art. also my favorite of all of them is the national museum of the american indian and I personally think if you can only go to one smithsonian museum it should be that one
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purple-worm · 2 years ago
Some excerpts from Adv. Vrinda Grover's statement at the Supreme Court of India, as a part of the 15 petitions that were heard for the marriage equality bill. She presented arguments for the concept of a chosen family which was a more progressive stance on how families/unions could be defined by the constitution and it goes beyond just same-sex marriage. It could cover polyamory and recognition of queerplatonic intimacies between 2 or more individuals, and much more:
“During COVID, a study that was done on trans persons found that when trans persons due to lockdown and the nature of the disease, had to return to their natal families and their homes. Over there they faced violence. They faced conversion therapy which is prohibited. And that was actually an illustration of what would happen if other social formations of care and support did not exist. This is what has been described as an atypical family. This form of chosen family is recognized in our law; for instance, adoption.
Adoption is a form of chosen family. Today we recognize families and we conceptualize family as by blood, marriage or adoption."
"There is increasing legislative and judicial recognition of a person who may not necessarily be conjoined through marriage or conjugal intimacies. In relation to the advanced directive, every person who is not a minor shall have a right to make an advanced directive in writing specifying any of the following individual or individuals in order of precedents he wants to appoint as his nominated representatives.
"..Ensure that laws and policies recognize the diversity of family forms, including those not defined by descent or marriage and take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no family may be subjected to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity of any of its members, including with regard to family related social welfare and other public benefits, etc. "
"I would say that what we are canvassing before this court is a different imagination. A new imagination of marriage and relationships and of family. An imagination which actually places at the foundation, love, care, and respect which may or may not come from the natal family because of my sexual orientation and gender identity.”
"There can be a feminist jurisprudence and feminist critique of family and that family can perpetuate caste purity and patriarchal control; so there may be persons who are of different sexual orientations and gender identities, which because of the hostility of natal families actually form intimacies that are non-marital, non-procreative, which are intimacies that are the only social conclave and support they can find."
Her statements were pleasantly surprising. Most of the earlier petitions chose to only focus on gay marriage and trans people having the right to marry, and I didn't expect any of the (star)lawyers/petitioners to go beyond that. But this. This is a sign of liberation. It reminds me a lot of the family code that granted marriage equality in Cuba. I love that we have some very progressive minds fighting this case.
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blackbrownfamily · 3 months ago
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beannary · 1 year ago
HAPPY DIWALI!! 🪔🪔 Hope it's full of happiness and sweets! <33
Yes happy diwali!!
i am assuming you are sending me this because I am indian but umm I am also not hindu so i dont celebrate any of the hindu holidays alskdjhf this is very nice of you though so I do appreciate it!
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twistingtreeancestry · 2 years ago
Day of Commemoration for the Acadian Expulsion
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Image Description: A black and white portrait of the Ovillier Guillot and Eve Vice family, circa the early-to-mid 1900s. Top (children), left to right: Eunice Guillot 1922-Dec; Joseph Guillot 1926-2014; Lenus Guillot 1923-1960; Beulah Guillot 1918-1991. Bottom (parents), left to right: Ovillier Guillot 1897-1967; Eve Vice 1897-1950.
The two daughters wear similar dark, button-down dresses with white doll collars. The mother wears a dark, button-down open-collar blouse or dress. The two sons and the father wear white dress shirts covered by fastened suit jackets complete with ties.
Image by [[TBD]].
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Pictured above is my 3rd great-uncle Ovillier Guillot and his family. He is the 4th great-grandson of Jean Baptiste Guillot.
Today is the Day of Commemoration for the Acadian Expulsion.
While I have quite a few direct ancestors who lived in Nova Scotia and ended up in France at the time of the expulsion, there's only one family unit that I have been able to confirm was expelled.
That was the family of my 8th great-grandfather Jean Baptiste Guillot, born in Acadia in 1720 with his body given to the Atlantic Ocean in 1758. His family was expelled from Cobequid, Acadia, Nova Scotia to France during the brutal "Great Expulsion" by the British, who wanted to squelch any potential threats from the Acadians and the Mi'kmaq during the French and Indian War.
His son (my 7th great-grandfather) Charles Olivier Miquel Guillot was only 13 in 1758 when they had to take the long, arduous 75-day journey to France. His father Jean, along with 4 of his brothers, never made it off of the ship.
Charles grew up in France where he married and had 3 children of his own. They left France in 1785 to board one of the seven ships paid for by Spain, Le Saint-Rémi, to take them to Lafourche Parish, Louisiana.
Many members of the Wabanaki Confederacy (I believe predominately it was the Mi'kmaq militia), in addition to other affiliated Indigenous tribes and Acadians, who rallied a resistance were slaughtered or expelled. They refused to swear loyalty to the British crown and surrender to British colonists, refused to convert from Catholicism to Protestantism, and refused to allow themselves to be displaced without a fight. Numerous battles took place to stop the deportation with wins and losses across the board.
While no one has one lineage, I was raised as a proud Cajun despite having often felt ashamed of being Cajun for various reasons (like my accent). I even tried my hardest over twelve years to banish anything that could link me to my roots, not knowing the history behind a part of my ethnicity and culture.
Digging into my ancestry has been a wild ride, and there were many things found within my lineages that were not honorable in any way, but this chunk of my history? This has made me proud to be Cajun again.
I wish I had respected it more when I was still able to be immersed in it. I wish I had asked my pawpaw to tell me more stories. I wish I had kept up with Cajun French (AKA Louisiana French). I wish I hadn't let my cultural heritage fall through my fingers.
Many blessings to those who fought and lost their lives against the British colonists in an attempt to secure the freedom of not only themselves but of future generations to come.
[Disclaimer: I am still only beginning to educate myself about this event and am utilizing my current understanding of how events unfolded and who was involved. I apologize in advance for any misconceptions or misinformation regarding the historical accuracy of my comments.]
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quatregats · 1 year ago
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Many thoughts about the sea as a space.....
From “‘Violent and Not Quite Modern?’: Lascars and Everyday Resistance Across the Sail–Steam Divide” by Naina Manjrekar (2019) and Crossing the Bay of Bengal by Sunil Amrith (2013)
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kryptic-krab · 1 year ago
hmmm sometimes i like to be oblivious to the history my predecessors lived through
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louderfade · 1 year ago
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this person really hates the eiffel tower apparently. but it can definitely be used between friends though if you have the right friends. bastard is not really something we say in america very much anymore. i like the translation "dickhead" bc that's usually said with a meanness but someone said "moron" bc moron is almost always non-playful and meant seriously/agressively. makes sense.
The Eiffel tower is going to be deconstructed.
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imeuswe · 8 months ago
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ognimdo2002 · 18 days ago
Arjumand Banu Begum/Mumtaz Mahal – Delighted Lady of Mughal Empire
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Arjumand Banu Begum, better known as Mumtaz Mahal is the fictional character introduced in Historya Davvun: Jahan as part of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure prequel. Arjumand become the scheme for Shahryar Mirza against his brother Mirza Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Khurram.
Both Arjumand and Khurram were ancestors of Nilan Punzalan Pradep and his biological father Karikaalan Pradep, despite being were born ordinary people but natural born royal family.
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