#Indian Family Genealogy App
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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palak-shah-21 · 7 months ago
Bonjour Paris 2024! A Huge Kintree Welcome to Our Olympic Stars!
The magic of the Olympics returns, and this time, the City of Lights, Paris, takes center stage! We at Kintree are bursting with pride as we celebrate the incredible Indian athletes who qualified for the 2024 Games.
Their dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of excellence are truly inspiring. From badminton smashes to wrestling takedowns and perfect shots on the shooting range, these athletes are ready to showcase their talent on the world's biggest sporting stage.
A Big Kintree Salute to Our Olympians!
Let's meet some of the incredible athletes representing India in Paris:
Lakshya Sen: Prepare to be mesmerized by his finesse and agility on the badminton court! Lakshya, go for the gold in the Men's Singles competition.
Harmanpreet Singh: We know you'll lead the Indian Men's Field Hockey team with strategic brilliance!
Vinesh Phogat: A true powerhouse! We're excited to see your versatility shine in both Women's Freestyle Wrestling and the Women's 50m Rifle 3-Positions.
Sift Kaur Samra: Sharpshooter alert! We're rooting for you in the Women's 50m Rifle 3-Positions, Sift Kaur!
Antim Panghal: Your agility and determination on the wrestling mat are awe-inspiring! Go, dominate the Women's Freestyle 53kg competition.
Lovlina Borgohain & Nikhat Zareen: We know the boxing ring will witness some powerful punches! Give it your all in the Women's 75kg and 50kg categories, Lovlina and Nikhat.
Satwiksairaj Rankireddy & Chirag Shetty: The dynamic duo – "Satwik-Chirag"! We can't wait to see your incredible teamwork in Men's Doubles Badminton.
PV Sindhu: The badminton queen returns! Bring your magic to the court and bring home the gold once again!
Neeraj Chopra: Tokyo's golden hero is back! We have no doubt you'll aim for the gold again in the Men's Javelin Throw, Neeraj!
The Olympics: A Celebration of Family, Sport, and Legacy
The Olympics is a culmination of years of family support and sacrifice. Many of these athletes have families who have been their guiding lights throughout their journeys. Kintree, the family tree app, empowers you to connect with your own family and celebrate the legacies that inspire you.
Uncover Your Family's Story with Kintree
As these Olympians compete for glory in Paris, remember that Kintree is here to help you explore your own family's story. With our user-friendly family tree maker app, you can:
Build a beautiful family tree that spans generations
Add photos, stories, and memories to bring your family history to life
Discover hidden branches of your ancestry through engaging genealogy research
Connect with relatives near and far, fostering a stronger sense of family
Ensure your family legacy thrives for generations to come
We hope the 2024 Paris Olympics will be an unforgettable experience for our Indian athletes and all those watching. Remember, Kintree is always here to help you celebrate the champions in your own family!
Merçi and Bon courage to all our Olympians!
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megacircuit9universe · 5 years ago
Trumpty Dumpty
WED FEB 05 2020
There used to be a legend, in my family, that my mom’s grandfather on her mother’s side, was the son of an, “Indian squaw.”  Without getting too technical, research on Ancestry.Com about the woman in question, proved beyond all doubt that she was white as the driven snow.
Why?  Because she happened to be Mormon... and Mormons happen to be extremely serious about genealogy... and have been since long before the internet came along.
This woman, my great great grandmother, had a thoroughly researched family tree on Ancestry going back to the Mayflower*... as do all Mormons, because they take history seriously.
I am certain this is why Mitt Romney, today turned out to be the one and only Republican who voted to convict and remove Donald Trump.
...Because while all this talk about how they’ll be viewed by history rings hollow to every other GOP Senator currently in Congress, to Mitt Romney, it means something, because he knows his descendants will never forget who he was, or what he did with his life... and that to join in on the acquittal of Trump would bring shame to his family for generations to come.
And he knew that... because we all know, that nobody in the near future, or the distant future, or the very remote future, will ever think of Donald Trump as anything but a shitty person, a terrible President, and an appallingly myopic world leader.
But yes... there was no flash removal of Trump today.  He was acquitted, to the shock of  nobody.  But it is worth mentioning that the 48 Senators who voted to convict and remove Trump, represent eighteen million more people than the fifty-two Senators who acquitted him.
Eighteen million.
Immediately after his acquittal, Trump tweeted a CGI video flying over Trump campaign signs that said, “Trump 2020,” then, “Trump 2024,” then 28, 30, 40, and so on until beyond the year 9000 or some bullshit, before ending on Trump 4EVA.
I saw this, passing by a TV at work today, an it spooked me pretty good, because... well, here at MegaCircuit9Universe we talk a lot about time travel and in our model, he (his hyperversal twins on all worldlines) are well known for always attempting to, and sometimes succeeding at, becoming a dictator for life.
News folk passed this tweet off as a simple troll, as the video was a modified version of one created last year by Time Magazine (of all magazines) to promote an article about how Trumpism will outlast Trump.
I didn’t read that article, so I can’t comment on it, but the point here is, that was not just a simple troll.  That was Trump, surviving one of the final checks on his power, putting us on notice of his intention to be our new dictator for life.
I wonder what the AI bot coalition is thinking about that today... especially since yesterday, at the State of the Union address, he continued to crow about, and take full credit for, the booming economy... that they continuously keep from derailing... because for most of them, it is the primary objective.
I would presume that they, as bots, would seek to exhaust every other possible option available, before actually allowing the economy to tank.  And... there are still other options to exhaust in the quest to dislodge Trump from power... within a reasonable time frame.**
This same truth is what likely lead Speaker Pelosi to, just at the end of Trump’s ridiculous SOTU speech (in which he stopped to administer surprise gifts to audience members, encourage cheers of four more years, and in general made the affair a circus of lies) To tear up her copy of the speech, on camera, standing directly behind him.
I should stop to note here that his SOTU, for as crazy as it was, was quite positive in tone... so, very much the opposite of the one I recently suggested might flip the Senate against him... one full of wrath and nonsensical raving.
At any rate, Pelosi’s stunt of ripping up the speech had the immediate effect of stealing all the press coverage about SOTU for the rest of the night and into today.  From the minute the speech was over, the only thing anybody in the media or online wanted to talk about was this stunt of hers... with it going viral on social media in the form of animated GIFs... being praised by the left, and decried by the right.
But many now speculate that this was also a signal that the House is not done with Trump.  Indeed, some say the whole Impeachment trial, it’s timing delayed by a month, thanks to the Speaker, has been a kind of opening act to warm the audience up for the headliner act... which will be about court cases landing against his obstruction of subpoenas, his taxes coming out finally, more FOIA requests coming to fruition, more crimes coming to light, etc.
It doesn’t require any aluminum foil to imagine that such a second act... or third act, if you count the Mueller probe as act one... could finally bring the roof down on Trump’s head in this, an election year.
We all know the Ukraine shakedown was just the tip of an enormous iceberg, which, beneath the water’s surface, is the size of Mauna Kea... and that a shit ton of it will be coming to light soon... as courts strike down his past attempts at damage control... grant information requests to newspapers... as oversight hearings continue in the house... as books are published... and on.
What’s different now, after the impeachment trial, is that we all now also know which Senators are consciously complicit in Trump’s grand crime scheme, and it’s cover up.
We’ve had an idea for a while which House Representatives were complicit (Nunes), but that’s not such a big deal anymore, as we got back the House in 2018, but it took this impeachment trial to expose those poker faced Senators.
Senators play things a lot closer to the vest (Except for McConnell and Graham) which is natural, given that there are only 100 of them, and each one has a lot more power than the average House Rep... thus, a lot more power to lose, if they dirty their shoes in the muck that Reps will occasionally roll about in like swine.
The Impeachment essentially put a gun to their heads... confess your loyalty, Trump or the Constitution... because it cannot be both.
And now that 52 of them confessed, beyond any doubt, that their loyalty is to Trump, over the Constitution... well, now they’re all fair game, when it comes to exposing the greater bulk of that corruption iceberg.  
Lev Parnas named Lindsey Graham as being in the loop with the Ukraine extortion scheme... and Bolton named Cipollone.  And now you can bet your ass a lot more Senators and White House cabinet members will be exposed as being in that loop... and other loops... all looping around Trump... who is looping around Putin.
And I’ll leave the impeachment and SOTU analysis there for tonight.
Because I still have to talk about Iowa!
So, in chronological order, on February 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, it was... Super Bowl, Iowa, SOTU, and Impeachment.
Ignoring the Super Bowl, which had no real impact on anything here, Iowa, back on the 3rd, is still not resolved tonight as I write.
The Iowa Democratic Party refused to release any election results at all, the night of the caucuses... citing bullshit technical problems.  The next day, they released 62% of the results.  Then today... released up to 81% of the results... which were found, by sharp eyed election officials to have glaring errors, which IDP then, grudgingly corrected... while still not giving us 100% of the results at the time of writing.
In a nutshell, the original excuse of technical problems with some app they were using doesn’t hold water two days later, because there should have been plenty of time by now to count the paper record by hand, and so it does look as though the IDP simply did not like the results on election night... and has been scrambling to finesse them, ever since.
Why did they not like the results?  Because, as I predicted, Joe Biden bit the dust, in this first primary election of the season, coming in a distant fourth place. But even worse... Bernie Sanders knocked it out of the park.
That, for the DNC, is not an acceptable outcome, and so, one would assume, they put pressure on IDP to hold off on announcing and, please double, triple, and quadruple check everything, until... they get something they can live with.
We saw the DNC do this in 2016, when Hillary was their darling, so... the only thing surprising here, is the level of desperation... over-reaching this far to suppress the results, this early on in the game.
The Faustian bargain the DNC (and IDP) are soo sloowly arriving at, is that Pete Buttigieg, who seems to have come in second in reality, should be presented to the world as having come in first... because if there’s no amount of finesse that can save Joe Biden from his pitiful numbers, then hand the centrist torch to  Buttigieg.  But no way in hell can Bernie Sanders get the political momentum he, and his voters earned out of this!
This does tend to expose how corrupt the DNC still is, and serve to remind us how we got Donald Trump in the first place... after they played this game in 2016, manufacturing consent for Hillary Clinton that did not exist on the ground.
But this time around, it’s not gonna play.  
It’s not gonna wash.
It’s not gonna work.
It won’t work because, Bernie has too much of a head of steam, and there is nobody else in the field that can stop him.  
Warren looked good until she revealed that she was not really for Medicare for all, but just some public option compromise bullshit.  She’s been failing ever since that reveal, and her lame attempt to cast Bernie as a sexist hurt her even worse.
Biden, as predicted earlier in this blog, just has no game, and is running out of money quick.  He’ll be gone before Super Tuesday in March.
Buttigieg blew his wad on Iowa and at the moment is simply a centrist place holder for Biden.  All of his support will go to Bloomberg, as soon as Bloomberg enters the race in March.
This will leave it between Bernie and Bloomberg through the spring... but Bloomberg has no legs.
How do I know that?  Well, as a billionaire trying to buy the election, he’s hemorrhaging millions out of pocket right now, just to stay relevant.  And, while being a billionaire,  he can afford to hemorrhage millions forever, without feeling the slightest bit faint, it’s a sign of failure that he has to go this route.
Where are his donors?  He doesn’t have any because he has no ground game at all.  All he has are ads.  This is just a publicity stunt at it’s heart.
Obama, famous for his relentless ground game, blew away this kind of media blitz, money-is-no-object, opposition both times out.  In his case they were being funded by SuperPacs, but it’s the same strategy of just pouring millions into ads without knocking on any doors.
Bernie Sanders has an even more relentless ground game than Obama ever had, without being funded by any corporate donors or super pacs... with more money than any of his rivals (other than Bloomberg) coming from the donations of regular wage workers.
He also has one magic card that even Trump can never possess... the 18 to 45 vote!
Trump won in 2016 by cobbling together a coalition of white schizophrenics, criminally insane white nationalists, Book of Revelation lunatics, and a freight train of garden variety conservative cowards, groomed by their elders to worship whoever seems to hold the scepter of authority no matter what they say or stand for.
That was a clever way to wring the last ounces of water there was left out of the damp cloth that is the white, conservative, male vote, in a post Obama universe.
Those hard won numbers in just the right districts, in just the right states... pale in comparison to the numbers available to he who can unlock the all-race, all-gender, 18 to 45 vote.
And Bernie has done that, this time around. 
There is opposition to him, among the centrist boomers, and even some GenX and so-called, X-ennials... fearing that his nomination is just what Trump wants, and will seal our doom.  
But even in the Primary season to come... that’s not gonna make a difference.  By the Convention, the DNC will have no other choice than to nominate Sanders.
That’s my prediction.
Okay... extra long entry for an extra crazy start to February.
I’m going to bed.
*When you go back enough generations, everybody has some claim to a Mayflower passenger in their family tree... just as everybody can claim to be a descendant of Genghis Khan.  
It’s just a quirk of the fact that every generation you go back, you are covering exponentially more people.
The point here is that my great great grandmother had an exhaustive family tree researched by many others... going back to the point where it becomes meaningless (mayflower) which guarantees beyond any doubt, she was not an, “Indian squaw,” as family legend contended.
** Economy Bots seek to unseat Trump because he has abused the legacy Presidential power of tariffs, which artificially changes the prices of things in a way they cannot control.
Thus, the reasonable time frame for removing Trump, is... sooner than he can tank the economy all by himself... which, since the inverted yield curve of mid 2018, has meant:  as soon as possible.
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knobeeapp · 3 years ago
What Advantages You Can Enjoy When Using Knobee - The Indian Social Media App
In its initial days, social media was merely a free-time activity for entertainment. With information and communication technology taking a significant leap, use of social media platforms has also reached an optimal level. As smartphones are accessible and simple to use like never before, people have started spending a large share of their time on social media apps. 
As a result, more and more people are able to stay connected with global reach; they are able to share their special life moments through these media sharing platforms. There’s a brighter side to using these platforms, especially when there are plenty of social media platforms today, Knobee being one of them. 
Knobee is an Indian social media app that provides an exceptional and exciting experience of using social media platforms. Having a lot many unique features, this app offers great benefits, elevating social media usage to next level. 
Here are some amazing benefits of having your presence on the Knobee social media app. 
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Create your own network with friends and family 
Knobee social media app allows you to build your network with members of your family and friends from any corner of the world. Regardless of their location and whether you meet in person or not, reaching out to your extended family or friend becomes easy through these platforms. You can create your genealogy and stay connected forever without any physical barrier. You can even find many new relations or your old friends with its unique search feature. 
Connect and understand your network deeply 
Once connected on Knobee, you can share your life moments and thoughts with each other in your network. This means you get to know each other better, interests, hobbies, life stories and feelings. You can communicate within your network without letting any stranger snoop in. Make your own wall to share stories, get followed and follow others in your circle.  
Safe sharing of media within network
Not just wall updates or chat, Knobee is also a media sharing platform that allows you to share photos and videos. This app eliminates the fear of secure sharing as it offers complete control over who can interact with your media content. The filter option also helps you avoid fake users to be added to your network. That way, you get a safe social media experience at Knobee. 
You have junk-free space
Another major advantage of using Knobee is that this social media platform has less than 80% junk content to offer. It means you won’t have distractions due to some random postings. Your space would be spotless, so the excitement of interacting among your network remains high all the time.
Final Thoughts!
Knobee offers you an unparalleled social media experience with all the above advantages. This app is available for both Android and iOS, you can download it from respective app stores. So get started with the Knobee app today to create your network. 
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weddingculture · 8 years ago
Benefits of Kundali Milan
India is a country where marriage is considered the biggest celebration of one’s life. All the goods and bads that a person might have done all through his life seem to culminate to this one day, where he or she unites with their soul mate. Since time infinite, there have been many customs and rituals that have been followed to make sure that the couple who is about to get married spend a blissful life together. One such ritual and practice that is an integral part of Indian, especially Hindu marriages is kundali Milan. This refers mainly to the matching of the horoscopes of the two people involved, and as per the positioning of their stars, their future together is predicted. Since the very beginning, kundali matching has been given a lot of importance when it comes to marriages in India.  The ashtkoot method, through which horoscopes are matched, checks the compatibility between the couple based on eight criteria’s, namely varna, vaishya, tara, yoni, graiha maître, gana, bhakoot, and nadi. As per the believers, these 8 categories and the star alignments matched and calculated as per them have the power to predict the future of the couple together. While in present times, many people have started opting otherwise, but there are still many who think on kundali Milan as an inseparable part of marriage. One can certainly not deny the benefits and sense of security that matching horoscopes provide before marriage. So here we have some benefits of kundali Milan, which still make it an integral practice of Hindu marriages:
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PC: Pinterest.com
It is a tradition: The most special part of Indian culture which makes is stood apart from the rest of the world is the fact that we remain deeply connected to our roots. We believe in following various traditions which are imbibed in us since the time of our birth. Horoscope matching too is one such tradition, which many choose to follow.
Provides a sense of security: whether followed as a tradition or even a superstition, one thing about kundali Milan cannot be denied, and that is the sense of security it provides. If the kundalis of the perspective bride and groom are matched before marriage, they themselves, as well as their families, feel satisfied and secure about the fact that they will spend happily together once they get married.
Predicts physical and mental compatibility: Horoscope matching, if calculated properly, has the ability to predict the physical and mental compatibility between the couple. The people with both are considered an ideal match.
Helps avoid genetic diseases in offsprings: Many aspects of horoscopes are based on the family and the ancestors to whom the individual belongs. Hence, it is in a way, based on the genes that the person might carry. This clear data of genealogy hence gives us a clear picture so that far off relatives don’t end getting married. Thus, it helps prevent chromosomal and genetic disorders that might take place in the offsprings of the couples, which are often witnessed in children of related people.
All things have their own pros and cons. However, it is wrong to totally refute a practice despite its benefits. So, try kundali Milan, as you might just reap the benefits.
Download the Shaadi.com app and find your perfect match from the largest Matrimony site
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 5 months ago
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imeuswe · 1 year ago
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𝟏𝟎𝟎+ 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠!
iMeUsWe celebrates a global family reunion of 100+ countries connecting Indian hearts and histories across the globe.
Download the 𝐢𝐌𝐞𝐔𝐬𝐖𝐞 App and start discovering your family roots using the link - https://linktr.ee/imeuswe
Visit our website - https://www.imeuswe.in/
Available on the Play Store and App Store
Indian Genealogy, Indian Family Story, Indian Family Stories, Indian Family Tree, Indian Ancestry Indian Family Genealogy Indian Family History
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imeuswe · 1 year ago
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Our secure and user-friendly app makes it easy for Indian families to stay in touch, share stories, create a family tree, and keep their rich family history alive. You can search our massive database of over 1.5 billion digitized records spanning decades and across more than 20 search categories. Our database is constantly growing, so you can always find new information about your family. iMeUsWe isn't just an app where you can create your family tree; it's a bridge to connecting with long-lost relatives you never knew existed. Use iMeUsWe to trace your family history and discover previously unknown family connections. Our app even provides logical suggestions about possible family connections and where to search next. Think of iMeUsWe as a 24/7 online family reunion with no limits—all for free! Follow these simple steps to get started: SUBSCRIBE - Sign up for a free account to begin exploring your family history. INVITE - Encourage your family members to use the app to share stories, gather, and preserve important family information and cherished memories. ENJOY - Watch your family come together, no matter where they are in the world. Smile at old photos, laugh at funny stories, and take comfort in knowing that your unique family heritage is being celebrated and preserved for generations to come. Download iMeUsWe now and start exploring your Indian ancestry today!
Play Store — https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imeuswe.app&hl=en_GB
App Store — https://apps.apple.com/in/app/imeuswe-family-tree-stories/id1634383924
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