#Inclusive Urban Planning
iammannyj · 1 year
Happy Canada Day | Evolution of My Old Hood: Nostalgia, Gentrification, and Canada's Changing Landscape - Part 2
The Impact of Transit Developments: Eglinton Crosstown and the Ontario Line As I stand here, reminiscing about my childhood in Flemingdon Park and Thorncliffe Park, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with anticipation. The upcoming transit developments, the Eglinton Crosstown and the Ontario Line, will undoubtedly bring profound changes to the neighborhoods that shaped my early…
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coulsonlives · 1 year
I'm seeing people call the neighborhoods in the new Barbie movie 'car-centric dystopias' and I am HERE FOR IT, GO OFF CHAMPS
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the-city-in-mind · 11 months
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Property owners in Edmonton will be able to build three-storey apartment buildings, townhouses, rowhouses or duplexes with up to eight units in any residential area citywide starting next year.
Edmonton city council voted 11-2 Monday morning to pass the revised zoning bylaw, which ends so-called “exclusionary” zoning that limited many residential zones to only single-family homes plus garden or backyard suites. Councillors Jennifer Rice and Karen Principe were opposed. The law comes into effect Jan. 1.
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greenthestral · 1 year
Building Sustainable Cities and Communities: The Path to a Greener Future
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In today's rapidly urbanizing world, the concept of sustainability has become more important than ever. Goal 11 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focuses on creating sustainable cities and communities. With the global population projected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, the need for sustainable urban planning and development is paramount. This article explores the significance of Goal 11 and highlights the key strategies and initiatives required to build greener, more resilient cities and communities.
Understanding Goal 11
Goal 11 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has a comprehensive vision for cities and human settlements. It recognizes the importance of inclusivity, safety, resilience, and sustainability in urban areas. By addressing various aspects of urban development, Goal 11 aims to create thriving communities that prioritize the well-being of their residents and the environment.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to ensure the availability of affordable housing. Access to adequate, safe, and affordable housing is a fundamental right for all individuals. However, in many urban areas, housing affordability has become a significant challenge, leading to homelessness and housing insecurity. Goal 11 emphasizes the need to implement policies and initiatives that promote affordable housing options. This can be achieved through social housing programs, rent control measures, and housing subsidies. By ensuring affordable housing, cities can address social inequality, provide stability to residents, and foster inclusive communities.
Sustainable transport systems are another crucial aspect of Goal 11. Transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in cities. To create sustainable cities and communities, it is essential to prioritize low-carbon and efficient transportation options. This includes expanding public transportation networks, encouraging cycling and walking infrastructure, and promoting the use of electric vehicles. By shifting away from private vehicles and promoting sustainable modes of transportation, cities can reduce congestion, improve air quality, and enhance mobility for all residents.
Efficient waste management is also highlighted in Goal 11. As cities grow, waste generation increases, posing significant environmental challenges. Sustainable waste management practices are crucial to minimize the environmental impact of urban areas. Goal 11 encourages the adoption of integrated waste management systems that prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and resource recovery. This can be achieved through initiatives such as waste segregation, composting, and the establishment of recycling facilities. Effective waste management not only helps reduce environmental pollution but also promotes the concept of a circular economy, where resources are used efficiently and waste is minimized.
Access to green spaces is another essential element of sustainable cities and communities. Urban areas often face challenges related to limited green areas and a lack of connection with nature. Goal 11 recognizes the importance of green infrastructure, which includes parks, urban forests, green roofs, and other natural elements integrated into the built environment. These green spaces provide numerous benefits, including improved air quality, reduced heat island effect, enhanced biodiversity, and increased recreational opportunities. By incorporating green spaces into cities, residents can have access to nature, promoting physical and mental well-being.
Preserving cultural heritage is a crucial aspect of Goal 11. Cities and communities are rich in history, culture, and traditions that contribute to their identity and uniqueness. Goal 11 emphasizes the need to safeguard cultural heritage sites, historic buildings, and traditional practices. By preserving cultural heritage, cities can maintain a sense of identity, promote cultural diversity, and attract tourism and economic opportunities. This preservation contributes to the social fabric and vibrancy of cities, making them more sustainable and livable.
By implementing the objectives of Goal 11, societies can enhance the quality of life for residents, reduce environmental impacts, and promote economic growth. Sustainable cities and communities prioritize the well-being of their residents, ensure social equity, and protect the environment. They provide affordable housing options, efficient transport systems, proper waste management, access to green spaces, and preserve cultural heritage. Ultimately, the successful implementation of Goal 11 leads to inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable urban areas that benefit present and future generations.
Sustainable Urban Planning
Sustainable urban planning is a key factor in the successful achievement of Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. It focuses on designing cities and communities that are not only visually appealing and functional but also prioritize environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and the well-being of residents.
One of the primary principles of sustainable urban planning is the concept of compact cities. This approach encourages the development of cities that are designed to be dense and compact, rather than sprawling outward. Compact cities promote the efficient use of land, resources, and infrastructure. By concentrating development within a smaller footprint, compact cities minimize urban sprawl, preserve valuable agricultural land and natural habitats, and protect ecosystems. This approach also helps to reduce the need for long commutes, as essential services, amenities, and employment opportunities are located within close proximity to residential areas.
Well-connected cities are another crucial aspect of sustainable urban planning. The goal is to create cities and communities where different neighborhoods and areas are easily accessible to one another. This can be achieved through the design and implementation of a comprehensive transportation network that prioritizes public transportation over private vehicles. Robust public transportation systems, including buses, trains, and light rail, can reduce traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and enhance mobility for residents. Additionally, sustainable urban planning promotes the development of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure and encourages the use of bicycles, further reducing reliance on private vehicles and promoting active and healthy lifestyles.
Renewable energy plays a significant role in sustainable urban planning. The transition to clean and renewable energy sources is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Sustainable cities and communities incorporate renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, into their infrastructure. By integrating renewable energy sources, cities can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels for electricity generation, mitigate air pollution, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable energy future.
Sustainable urban planning also emphasizes mixed land-use development. This approach seeks to create neighborhoods and areas where residential, commercial, and recreational spaces coexist in close proximity. Mixed land-use development reduces the need for long-distance travel and promotes walkability. It allows residents to access essential services, educational institutions, employment opportunities, and recreational facilities without having to rely heavily on private vehicles. By integrating various land uses, sustainable urban planning fosters vibrant and diverse communities that promote social interaction and economic vitality.
Furthermore, sustainable urban planning takes into account the importance of green infrastructure. This involves incorporating green spaces, parks, and natural elements into the urban fabric. Green infrastructure provides numerous benefits, such as improved air quality, temperature regulation, stormwater management, and biodiversity conservation. Parks and green spaces offer recreational opportunities, enhance the aesthetic appeal of cities, and contribute to the overall well-being and quality of life of residents.
In conclusion, sustainable urban planning is crucial for achieving Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. By designing cities and communities that are compact, well-connected, and resource-efficient, we can minimize urban sprawl, protect ecosystems, and reduce carbon emissions. Sustainable urban planning promotes mixed land-use development, prioritizes public transportation, and encourages the use of renewable energy sources. It also recognizes the importance of green infrastructure and the integration of natural elements into urban environments. By embracing sustainable urban planning principles, cities and communities can create a more sustainable, livable, and resilient future for all.
Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure plays a vital role in creating sustainable cities and communities. It refers to the integration of natural elements, such as parks, green roofs, urban forests, green walls, and permeable surfaces, into the built environment. By incorporating these green spaces into cities and communities, numerous benefits are realized, positively impacting both the environment and the well-being of residents.
One significant advantage of green infrastructure is the improvement of air quality. Trees, plants, and vegetation help absorb pollutants such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter from the air. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen and filter harmful substances, leading to cleaner and healthier air. This reduction in air pollution contributes to the overall improvement of public health, as exposure to pollutants is linked to respiratory diseases and other health issues.
Another benefit of green infrastructure is the mitigation of the urban heat island effect. Urban areas tend to have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas due to the concentration of buildings, roads, and concrete surfaces that absorb and retain heat. By incorporating green spaces, such as parks and urban forests, cities can create pockets of vegetation that provide shade and evaporative cooling, reducing ambient temperatures. This helps create a more comfortable and livable environment, particularly during hot summer months.
Green infrastructure also enhances biodiversity within urban areas. Traditional urban development often results in the destruction of natural habitats and fragmentation of ecosystems. By incorporating green spaces, cities can create corridors and habitats that support a variety of plant and animal species. These spaces provide shelter, food sources, and nesting areas, promoting biodiversity and ecological balance within the urban environment. By fostering biodiversity, cities can create resilient ecosystems that can adapt to environmental changes and provide ecosystem services.
In addition to the environmental benefits, green infrastructure also provides social and economic advantages. Access to green spaces has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being. People living in areas with green infrastructure have increased opportunities for outdoor activities, exercise, and relaxation, which can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall quality of life. Green spaces also provide opportunities for social interaction and community engagement, fostering a sense of belonging and community cohesion.
Furthermore, incorporating green infrastructure into cities and communities contributes to economic prosperity. Green spaces attract tourism and visitors, generating revenue for local businesses. Properties located near green spaces often experience increased value, leading to economic benefits for property owners. Green infrastructure also has the potential to create job opportunities, particularly in the areas of park maintenance, landscaping, and urban forestry.
To fully realize the benefits of green infrastructure, strategic planning and implementation are essential. Cities and communities need to consider factors such as appropriate land allocation, connectivity of green spaces, and community engagement in the planning process. Collaboration between urban planners, architects, landscape designers, environmental experts, and community stakeholders is crucial to ensure the successful integration of green infrastructure into the urban fabric.
Green infrastructure plays a significant role in creating sustainable cities and communities. By integrating natural elements into the built environment, cities can reap a multitude of benefits. Improved air quality, reduced urban heat island effect, enhanced biodiversity, and increased recreational opportunities are among the advantages of green infrastructure. Moreover, it fosters a healthier and more livable environment, positively impacting the physical and mental well-being of residents. By prioritizing and investing in green infrastructure, cities can create sustainable, resilient, and vibrant urban spaces for present and future generations.
Affordable Housing
The lack of affordable housing is a significant challenge faced by many urban areas around the world. It is a complex issue that affects individuals and communities, impacting their overall well-being and quality of life. Goal 11 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals recognizes the importance of addressing this challenge and emphasizes the need to ensure access to adequate, safe, and affordable housing for all.
Affordable housing refers to housing options that are within the financial means of individuals and families, considering their income levels. It is a fundamental right that enables individuals to live in safe and decent conditions, fostering stability and security. However, in many cities, the cost of housing has escalated significantly, making it unaffordable for a significant portion of the population, particularly low-income households.
To address this issue, Goal 11 encourages the implementation of policies and initiatives that promote affordable housing options. One approach is through the establishment of social housing programs. Social housing involves the provision of housing units at below-market rates to individuals and families who are unable to afford market-rate housing. These programs are often administered by government agencies or non-profit organizations and aim to provide affordable and stable housing for those in need. Social housing plays a crucial role in addressing homelessness, reducing housing inequality, and promoting social stability.
Rent control measures are another policy tool used to promote affordable housing. Rent control laws set limits on the amount landlords can increase rents, providing stability for tenants and preventing excessive rent hikes. These measures aim to protect vulnerable populations from the risk of displacement due to rising housing costs. Rent control can help maintain affordable housing options in areas where market forces would otherwise drive up rents, allowing individuals and families to remain in their homes and communities.
In addition to social housing and rent control, the provision of housing subsidies is another strategy to promote affordable housing. Housing subsidies are financial assistance programs that help low-income individuals and families cover the cost of housing. These subsidies can come in the form of rental assistance, such as Section 8 vouchers in the United States, or direct financial assistance to support homeownership. Housing subsidies help bridge the gap between income levels and housing costs, making housing more affordable and accessible to those in need.
Promoting affordable housing not only addresses the immediate issue of homelessness and housing insecurity but also contributes to social stability and inclusive communities. Access to affordable housing allows individuals and families to establish roots, build community connections, and contribute to the local economy. It fosters a sense of stability and security, providing a foundation for individuals to pursue education, employment, and other opportunities that contribute to their overall well-being. Affordable housing also helps prevent the displacement of vulnerable populations, preserving the social fabric and diversity of communities.
However, addressing the lack of affordable housing requires a multi-faceted approach and collaboration between various stakeholders. Governments, policymakers, urban planners, and community organizations play a crucial role in implementing effective strategies and initiatives. It is essential to consider factors such as land use planning, zoning regulations, construction costs, and the availability of financing mechanisms to support affordable housing development.
Furthermore, affordable housing initiatives should prioritize sustainable and energy-efficient design and construction practices. This not only reduces the environmental impact of housing but also lowers ongoing utility costs for residents, making housing more affordable in the long run. The integration of affordable housing with transportation hubs, amenities, and employment opportunities is also important to ensure that residents have access to essential services and can minimize transportation costs.
The lack of affordable housing is a critical challenge in urban areas, impacting the well-being and quality of life of individuals and communities. Goal 11 recognizes the importance of ensuring access to adequate, safe, and affordable housing for all. Through the implementation of policies and initiatives such as social housing programs, rent control measures, and housing subsidies, affordable housing options can be promoted. Affordable housing contributes to social stability, inclusive communities, and provides individuals and families with a foundation for economic and personal development. Addressing the issue of affordable housing requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach, involving governments, policymakers, urban planners, and community organizations to create sustainable and inclusive cities and communities
Sustainable Transport Systems
Transportation plays a significant role in urban areas, connecting people to their workplaces, schools, healthcare facilities, and leisure activities. However, traditional transportation systems heavily rely on fossil fuels, resulting in substantial greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals recognizes the need to develop sustainable transport systems that are accessible, affordable, and low-carbon, in order to create more sustainable cities and communities.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to expand public transportation networks. Public transportation, such as buses, trams, and trains, offers an efficient and environmentally-friendly alternative to private vehicles. By investing in the expansion and improvement of public transportation infrastructure, cities can provide residents with reliable and affordable transportation options. This reduces the reliance on private cars, which contribute significantly to congestion, air pollution, and carbon emissions. Accessible and well-connected public transportation systems also promote social inclusivity by ensuring that individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds have equal access to transportation services.
Promoting cycling and walking is another crucial aspect of sustainable transportation. Encouraging these modes of transportation not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also promotes active and healthy lifestyles. Cities can invest in infrastructure that supports safe and convenient cycling and walking, such as dedicated bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, and bike-sharing programs. These initiatives not only contribute to reduced traffic congestion and improved air quality but also enhance the overall well-being of residents by encouraging physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyles.
Furthermore, Goal 11 promotes the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as a sustainable transportation option. Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing local air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. To support the adoption of EVs, cities can establish charging infrastructure, offer incentives for purchasing EVs, and promote public transportation systems that utilize electric buses and trains. The transition to electric vehicles also contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting the use of renewable energy sources in the transportation sector.
In addition to reducing emissions and air pollution, sustainable transportation systems offer several other benefits. By reducing congestion through the promotion of public transportation and active modes of transportation, cities can improve traffic flow and travel times. This enhances overall mobility and accessibility for all residents, including those who cannot afford private vehicles or have mobility restrictions. Sustainable transportation systems also contribute to improved road safety by reducing the number of vehicles on the road and promoting safer infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians.
To effectively implement sustainable transportation systems, cities need to adopt integrated and holistic approaches. This involves comprehensive urban planning that considers land use, transportation infrastructure, and public spaces. Planning should prioritize the development of compact, mixed-use neighborhoods that promote walkability and access to public transportation. It is crucial to engage with communities and stakeholders to ensure that transportation systems meet their needs and preferences.
Furthermore, the use of innovative technologies and smart transportation solutions can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transportation systems. Intelligent transportation systems, such as real-time traffic monitoring, smart traffic signals, and integrated fare payment systems, can optimize transportation operations and improve overall system performance. These technologies can help reduce travel times, enhance user experience, and minimize environmental impacts.
In conclusion, sustainable transportation is a key component of Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. By promoting the development of accessible, affordable, and low-carbon transportation systems, cities can reduce congestion, improve air quality, and enhance mobility for all residents. Expanding public transportation networks, encouraging cycling and walking, and promoting the use of electric vehicles are important strategies in achieving sustainable transportation goals. To realize the benefits of sustainable transportation, cities should adopt integrated planning approaches, engage with communities, and leverage innovative technologies. By prioritizing sustainable modes of transportation, cities can create healthier, more livable, and environmentally-friendly urban environments.
Waste Management and Recycling
Effective waste management and recycling practices are crucial for creating sustainable cities and communities. The increasing population and urbanization have led to a significant rise in waste generation, posing environmental and health challenges. Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals emphasizes the need for integrated waste management systems that prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and resource recovery.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to promote waste reduction. By implementing waste reduction strategies, cities can minimize the amount of waste generated in the first place. This includes promoting the use of sustainable packaging, encouraging the adoption of reusable products, and raising awareness about the importance of minimizing waste. By reducing the amount of waste generated, cities can conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize the environmental impact associated with waste disposal.
Waste segregation is another essential component of effective waste management. By segregating waste at the source, cities can facilitate the recycling and proper disposal of different types of waste. Proper waste segregation involves separating recyclable materials, such as paper, plastics, glass, and metals, from non-recyclable waste. This allows for the efficient recycling and recovery of valuable resources, reducing the need for raw materials extraction and the associated environmental impact. Waste segregation can be achieved through community education and the provision of recycling bins and collection systems.
Recycling plays a critical role in sustainable waste management. It involves the conversion of waste materials into new products, reducing the demand for virgin materials and conserving natural resources. Cities can establish recycling facilities and collection programs to facilitate the recycling process. Recycling initiatives should be comprehensive and cover a wide range of materials, including paper, plastics, glass, metals, and electronic waste. By promoting recycling and creating an infrastructure to support it, cities can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incineration facilities, thereby minimizing the environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions associated with these disposal methods.
Composting is another important practice in sustainable waste management. Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil amendments. Composting not only reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills but also produces a valuable resource that can be used in gardening, landscaping, and agricultural activities. Cities can promote home composting, as well as establish community composting programs and composting facilities, to divert organic waste from the waste stream and promote the circular economy.
To ensure the effectiveness of waste management systems, it is crucial to educate and engage communities. Public awareness campaigns and educational programs can help individuals and households understand the importance of waste reduction, segregation, and recycling. Citizens can be encouraged to adopt sustainable waste management practices through incentives, such as reduced waste collection fees for households that recycle or compost effectively. Engaging communities in the waste management process fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership, leading to increased participation and compliance with waste management guidelines.
In addition to environmental benefits, efficient waste management and recycling practices also offer economic opportunities. The recycling industry can create jobs and stimulate local economies through the collection, processing, and manufacturing of recycled materials. By promoting a circular economy, where waste is viewed as a valuable resource, cities can contribute to the creation of a sustainable and resilient economy.
Furthermore, sustainable waste management practices contribute to the overall cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of cities. Proper waste collection and disposal systems help maintain cleanliness, reduce litter, and prevent the spread of diseases. A clean and well-managed waste management system enhances the livability of cities, attracting visitors and fostering a sense of pride among residents.
Effective waste management and recycling practices are essential for achieving sustainable cities and communities. Goal 11 emphasizes the adoption of integrated waste management systems that prioritize waste reduction, recycling, and resource recovery. By implementing waste reduction strategies, promoting waste segregation, establishing recycling facilities, and promoting composting, cities can minimize the environmental impact of waste, conserve resources, and promote a circular economy. Public education and community engagement play a crucial role in ensuring the success of sustainable waste management initiatives. By investing in sustainable waste management practices, cities can create cleaner, healthier, and more environmentally-friendly urban environments for present and future generations
Climate Resilience
Building climate resilience is a critical aspect of creating sustainable cities and communities. With the increasing impacts of climate change, such as rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise, it is crucial for cities to develop adaptation and mitigation strategies to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience. Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals recognizes the importance of incorporating climate resilience into urban planning and development.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to improve infrastructure resilience. This involves designing and constructing infrastructure that can withstand the impacts of climate change. For example, in coastal areas, infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings can be built to be more resistant to storm surges and sea-level rise. In areas prone to extreme heat, infrastructure can incorporate heat-resistant materials and design elements that promote natural ventilation and cooling. By integrating climate resilience into infrastructure planning and development, cities can ensure that their critical systems and services remain operational during and after climate-related events, reducing disruption and protecting the well-being of their populations.
Implementing early warning systems is another important strategy for climate resilience. Early warning systems help cities anticipate and respond to climate-related hazards, such as hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves. These systems involve monitoring weather patterns and environmental conditions, as well as disseminating timely and accurate information to residents and relevant authorities. By providing early warnings, cities can improve preparedness, facilitate timely evacuations if necessary, and minimize the potential impacts of climate-related events on human lives and infrastructure.
Creating green infrastructure is another crucial measure for climate resilience. Green infrastructure refers to the use of natural elements, such as parks, urban forests, green roofs, and permeable surfaces, to manage stormwater, reduce the urban heat island effect, and enhance biodiversity. Green infrastructure helps mitigate the impacts of climate change by absorbing and storing rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding, and providing shade and cooling effects in urban areas. By incorporating green spaces into cities and communities, not only can the negative impacts of urbanization be mitigated, but residents can also enjoy improved air quality, enhanced recreational opportunities, and a better overall quality of life.
In addition to these specific strategies, incorporating climate resilience into urban planning is crucial. Cities need to consider climate risks and vulnerabilities in their long-term development plans. This includes identifying areas at risk of flooding, landslides, or other climate-related hazards and implementing appropriate land-use planning measures. For example, zoning regulations can be updated to prevent construction in high-risk areas or require developers to implement climate adaptation measures in their projects. By integrating climate resilience into urban planning, cities can ensure that new developments are designed with climate change in mind and that existing infrastructure is retrofitted to enhance resilience.
Furthermore, collaboration and partnerships are essential for building climate resilience. Cities should work with various stakeholders, including government agencies, community organizations, businesses, and academia, to develop and implement climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. Collaboration allows for the sharing of knowledge, expertise, and resources, leading to more effective and comprehensive climate resilience measures. Engaging the community in the planning and decision-making process also fosters a sense of ownership and increases the likelihood of successful implementation.
Investing in climate resilience not only helps cities adapt to the impacts of climate change but also brings multiple co-benefits. For example, green infrastructure not only helps manage stormwater but also improves air quality, enhances urban biodiversity, and provides recreational spaces for residents. Climate-resilient infrastructure can also contribute to energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability.
In conclusion, building climate resilience is a crucial component of Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. By incorporating climate resilience into urban planning, improving infrastructure resilience, implementing early warning systems, and creating green infrastructure, cities can reduce vulnerability and enhance their ability to withstand the impacts of climate change. Collaboration and community engagement are vital for the successful implementation of climate resilience measures. By investing in climate resilience, cities can protect their populations, infrastructure, and natural resources, ensuring a more sustainable and resilient future for all.
Preserving Cultural Heritage
Preserving cultural heritage is a vital aspect of sustainable development, and Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals emphasizes the significance of safeguarding cultural heritage sites, historic buildings, and traditional practices. Cultural heritage encompasses a wide range of tangible and intangible elements, including monuments, archaeological sites, traditional craftsmanship, folklore, language, and social practices. By protecting and promoting cultural heritage, cities and communities can foster a sense of identity, promote social cohesion, attract tourism, and generate economic opportunities.
One of the key objectives of Goal 11 is to safeguard cultural heritage sites and historic buildings. These sites hold significant historical, architectural, and cultural value, and their preservation is crucial for maintaining a connection to the past and passing on knowledge to future generations. Historic buildings are not only physical structures but also bear witness to the stories, traditions, and identity of a place and its people. By protecting and conserving these sites, cities can maintain their unique character and cultural identity, contributing to a sense of pride and belonging among residents.
Preserving cultural heritage also has economic benefits for cities and communities. Cultural heritage tourism has gained prominence in recent years, with travelers seeking authentic experiences and a deeper understanding of local cultures. By promoting and preserving cultural heritage sites, cities can attract tourists, generate revenue, and create employment opportunities. Local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and handicrafts, can thrive through the promotion of cultural tourism, contributing to the local economy and livelihoods. Additionally, cultural heritage preservation can revitalize historic districts and neighborhoods, attracting investment and fostering sustainable economic growth.
Furthermore, the preservation of cultural heritage contributes to the social fabric of cities and communities. Cultural heritage is often intertwined with people's identities, traditions, and sense of belonging. By safeguarding cultural heritage, cities can strengthen social cohesion, promote intergenerational dialogue, and foster community pride. Cultural heritage preservation provides opportunities for communities to celebrate and showcase their traditions, customs, and artistic expressions. This engagement with cultural heritage enhances social inclusion and diversity, creating spaces for dialogue, mutual understanding, and appreciation of different cultures and perspectives.
In addition to tangible cultural heritage, Goal 11 also recognizes the importance of preserving intangible cultural heritage. Intangible cultural heritage refers to practices, expressions, knowledge, and skills that are passed down from generation to generation. It includes oral traditions, performing arts, rituals, traditional craftsmanship, and knowledge systems. Preserving intangible cultural heritage not only safeguards traditional practices but also promotes cultural diversity and encourages intercultural dialogue. It is through the transmission and revitalization of intangible cultural heritage that cities and communities can maintain their unique identities and contribute to a rich and vibrant cultural landscape.
To effectively preserve cultural heritage, cities and communities need to engage in comprehensive and inclusive planning and decision-making processes. This involves collaboration with local communities, cultural institutions, heritage experts, and relevant stakeholders. It is important to involve local residents in decision-making processes, ensuring that their voices are heard and their cultural heritage is respected and protected. Additionally, capacity-building initiatives and educational programs can empower local communities to actively participate in the preservation and promotion of their cultural heritage.
The preservation of cultural heritage is an integral part of sustainable development. Goal 11 highlights the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage sites, historic buildings, and traditional practices. By protecting and promoting cultural heritage, cities and communities can foster a sense of identity, social cohesion, and economic opportunities. Cultural heritage preservation contributes to the uniqueness and vibrancy of cities, attracting tourism, and enriching the lives of residents. By integrating cultural heritage into urban planning and development, cities can create sustainable, inclusive, and culturally rich environments for present and future generations.
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities is a critical component of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. As urbanization continues to accelerate, it is crucial to prioritize sustainable urban planning, green infrastructure, affordable housing, sustainable transport systems, waste management, climate resilience, and the preservation of cultural heritage. By working towards these objectives, cities and communities can create a more sustainable, inclusive, and livable future for all. Embracing Goal 11 is not only an environmental imperative but also a pathway to economic prosperity, social equity, and a greener future for generations to come.
#How to create sustainable cities and communities#Importance of sustainable urban planning#Achieving Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities#Benefits of green infrastructure in cities#Affordable housing solutions for sustainable communities#Promoting sustainable transport systems in cities#Effective waste management for sustainable cities#Preserving cultural heritage in sustainable development#Building climate resilience in cities#The role of recycling in sustainable cities#Sustainable urban planning for resilient communities#Creating inclusive and safe cities through Goal 11#How green spaces enhance sustainable cities#Addressing the challenges of affordable housing in urban areas#Reducing carbon emissions through sustainable transport#Implementing waste reduction strategies for sustainable communities#The economic benefits of cultural heritage preservation#Enhancing infrastructure resilience in the face of climate change#Sustainable waste management practices for cities#Promoting community engagement in sustainable urban development#Integrating climate resilience into urban planning#Incorporating green infrastructure for sustainable communities#The social impact of affordable housing initiatives#Mitigating air pollution through sustainable transport systems#Circular economy approaches in waste management for cities#Preserving historic buildings for sustainable cities#Creating resilient communities through Goal 11 strategies#Promoting cultural diversity in sustainable urban environments#Building sustainable cities for future generations#Achieving sustainability goals through Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
Going through the bills proposed in the kentucky 2024 legislative session and some of the things being proposed are
make a PFAS Working Group
require homeless shelters to provide free menstrual products (it's actually disturbing that they didn't already)
require schools to provide free menstrual products
create harm reduction centers and lower penalties for possessing controlled substances
require insurance to pay for cancer screenings (okay. low bar but okay)
abolish the death penalty (actually has a couple republican sponsors)
decriminalize cannabis
make fluoridation of water in districts optional (?????)
make coal the "state rock" of Kentucky
Prohibit children from being interrogated in a "deceptive manner" (?)
Make weight discrimination illegal
pay schools to food grown at kentucky farms to provide for school meals at low income schools (hey that's rad)
Lower the age of carrying a concealed deadly weapon from 21 to 18 (?????????????)
Require companies to give their employees earned paid sick leave
Impose restrictions on the collection of biometric data by private entities
Allow poultry to be sold at farmers' markets and at farms
pay for cancer screenings for firefighters
let pregnant incarcerated people have midwives or doula services
require that public high school curriculum include instruction on the history of racism
Remove Robert E. Lee Day, Confederate Memorial Day, and Jefferson Davis Day from the list of public holidays (WE HAVE THOSE?!!?!?!)
Retroactively expunge some cannabis convictions
"Prohibit public school districts from expanding any resources or funds on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging or political or social activism; prohibit public school districts from engaging in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging" (HUH?????)
require schools to give kids a lunch period of at least 30 minutes (the bar is in hell)
provide scholarships for teachers to help the teacher shortage and give teachers compensation for planning time
require schools to have defibrillators
make it so a homeless person doesn't have to pay to get a copy of their birth certificate
require a working smoke detector to be present in any house sold (...did we not already have this?)
create the Kentucky Urban Farming Youth Initiative
Require local governments to lower minimum square footage requirements for housing, and facilitate multifamily housing, manufactured housing, and "tiny homes," and require that zoning laws have a "substantial connection to protection of public safety, health, and usage of property" (This could be a good thing??)
require hiring and licensing authorities to allow people convicted of a crime an opportunity to get a job
Propose a new section of the Kentucky Constitution that guarantees the right of an individual to buy, sell, or use a certain amount of cannabis and to grow a small amount of cannabis plants, and put this on the ballot (LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE please this would be so funny)
Now let's watch how many of the good and basic common sense laws get left to die by Republicans because Republicans are ghouls
this is why it's important to vote in local elections, this is the kind of stuff that's being decided upon
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dandelionsresilience · 4 months
Good News - May 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content!
1. Translocation of 2,000 rhinos in Africa gets underway in “one of the most audacious conservation efforts of modern times”
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“The 2,000 rhinos - more than are currently found in any single wild location in Africa - represent around 12-15% of the continent’s remaining white rhino population. […] “Rhinos perform an important ecological function in the environment as a large grazing herbivore,” says Dale Wepener[….] “The protection of rhino is far more than just looking after rhino; other species that occur in the protected areas will benefit from the protection,” explains Jooste. “This will lead to an increase in diversity and result in much healthier ecosystems.”
2. Florida Corridor Buffers Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife — And People
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“A massive multi-partner effort that has conserved 10 million acres for wildlife in Florida over past decades will help buffer wildlife—and people—from the effects of climate change, a new report says. […] Protecting these corridors is important for wildlife genetics, demography and connectivity […], conducting prescribed fires in the corridor can reduce the risk of more intense wildfires [… and] they can provide buffers against hurricanes and seasonal thunderstorms.”
3. Global life expectancy to increase by nearly 5 years by 2050 despite geopolitical, metabolic, and environmental threats
“Increases are expected to be largest in countries where life expectancy is lower, contributing to a convergence of increased life expectancy across geographies. The trend is largely driven by public health measures that have prevented and improved survival rates from cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19, and a range of communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases (CMNNs).”
4. Valencia has Spain’s longest urban park
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“Jardin del Turia (Turia Garden) is the green spine of the City of Valencia and Spain’s (and possibly Europe’s) longest urban park stretching for a length of 8.5 kilometres [… and] the current administration plans to make Jardin del Turia Europe’s largest city green space by extending it to the sea[….] Almost all Valencia residents (97 per cent) live within 300 metres of an urban green space. […] Jardin del Turia is a true urban oasis that provides exceptional thermal comfort, with a temperature difference of up to three degrees compared to other areas of the city.”
5. This Paint Could Clean Both Itself and the Air
“When an artificial ultraviolet light source shines on [photocatalytic] paint, the nanoparticles react with pollutants to make them break down—theoretically removing them from the nearby air and preventing a discoloring buildup. [… R]esearchers developed a new photocatalytic paint that they claim works using UV rays from ordinary sunlight, making its self-cleaning properties easier to activate. They’ve also shown that they can effectively produce this paint from recycled materials [including fallen leaves].”
6. Planting Seedlings for a Cooler Rockingham
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“A dedicated group of volunteers recently planted over a thousand native seedlings in Lewington Reserve [… and] re-established canopy cover to areas of the reserve to create cooling shade for the local community and provide homes for native wildlife. […] Planting lots of trees and shrubs in urban areas can help create shade and cool cities, mitigating the impacts of climate change, contributing to biodiversity conservation and building greener, more resilient communities.”
7. Sydney’s first dedicated affordable housing for trans women designed to deliver ‘positive outcomes’
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“Community housing provider and charity Common Equity NSW, […] which is for people on very low to moderate incomes, prides itself on creating inclusive living and promotes the independence and well-being of people and communities […, and] will deliver the first-of-its-kind social housing in a bid to provide a safe place to live for transgender women seeking an affordable home.”
8. Rewilding: How a herd of bison reintroduced to Romania is helping ‘supercharge’ carbon removal
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“170 European Bison reintroduced to Romania’s Țarcu mountains could help capture and store the carbon released by up to 84,000 average US petrol cars each year. […] By grazing a 48 square kilometre area of grassland in a wider landscape of 300 kilometres squared, they helped to capture an additional 54,000 tonnes of carbon each year. That is around 10 times the amount that would be captured by the ecosystem without the bison.”
9. World’s biggest grids could be powered by renewables, with little or no storage
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“[…] 100% renewable supply can then match the load by putting surplus electricity into two kinds of distributed storage worth that [an energy expert] says are worth buying anyway – ice-storage air-conditioning and smart bidirectional charging of electric cars, and recover that energy when needed, filling the last gaps with unobtrusively flexible demand.”
10. Supporting the Long-Term Survival of Copper River Salmon and Alaska Native Traditions
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“With $4.3 million in NOAA funds, the Copper River Watershed Project and The Eyak Corporation will remove fish passage barriers, opening more streams for salmon spawning and subsistence fishing. [… As part of this effort, o]ld narrow culverts that constrict water flow will be replaced with “stream simulation” culverts wide enough to fit the full stream, including its banks. They are also deep to allow contractors to place stones and other material inside to mimic a natural stream bottom.”
May 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
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My Cheese Melt AU is an alternate series of events beginning in Kindred Spirits (in which Vlad never sends Dani to capture Danny, because he convinced himself that it would be a waste to get rid of a perfectly serviceable clone so quickly, leading directly into him getting so unreasonably attached to her that he forgets all about the original "perfect son" plan) which then turns into a Dani inclusive, family dynamic focused rewrite of season 3. (the fic series starts with spirits less than willing)
Dani is present for certain important canon episodes (currently Eye For An Eye, Urban Jungle, and Living Large are the ones I've fleshed out) but she also gets episodes about her. Such as her first day at school, her obligatory identity crisis episode in which she recruits Sam and Tucker to help find her some hobbies and interests that are sufficiently different from anything Danny or Vlad likes, and Aloha From the Other Side, the vacation episode where her dad breaks Hawaii by simply being Vlad. Overall, she's a sweet kid who hilariously has a better moral compass than Danny and Vlad combined, but she also has INCREDIBLE capacity to be worse than both of them, if the situation calls for it. Her arcs focus on self discovery/identity, the looming threat of destabilization, and her relationships with Vlad and Danny.
Danny's relationship with Dani is more complex in this AU, because he doesn't trust "Vlad's daughter" at all at first. It doesn't help that the first time he meets her is in Eye For An Eye, right after sending the GIW to destroy Vlad's (and Dani's!) house. And now, Vlad is obnoxiously hellbent on replacing him with "Ellie Phantom" as the protector of Amity Park! But after Dani proves she has a mind of her own and hasn't been completely brainwashed by Vlad, and doesn't necessarily approve of his villainy, Danny shifts from animosity more toward concern for her. He knows Vlad well enough to realize that he's inevitably going to break her heart, and Danny is going to be there to protect her when it happens. (But what Danny doesn't know is that Vlad already broke Dani's heart when she discovered the truth about his initial plans for her before they moved to Amity Park. He saved her life in a fit of petulant guilt immediately after to make up for it, which is why she's still with him.)
And then there's Vlad himself. It would be helpful to think of his arc here as less of a redemption arc, and more of a domestication arc. Vlad is still a supervillain and Danny's arch enemy, but because of his parental attachment to Danielle his antagonist status is just as likely to be seen in him hauling Danny back to FentonWorks by the ankles because it's past his bedtime as it is in his latest cringefail brilliant scheme. In general, he finds himself in increasingly mundane situations by virtue of being involved in Dani's life, which generally results in comedy because Vlad is anything but equipped to handle parenthood (or mundane situations) normally. He's also allowed to have a rare reflective moment now and again and generally be a little more layered than just a villain. There's also increased opportunity for temporary allyships, because Vlad and Danny agree on Only One Thing: Dani is to be protected at all costs.
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The question of reconstruction cannot be divorced from the need for the de‑Zionisation and reunification of Palestine. Partition fundamentally contradicts the logic of cities; similarly, Zionism has historically countered Palestine��s cosmopolitan and inclusive urbanism with ethno‑centric planning. Any attempt to rebuild Gaza is futile unless it brings an end to the siege and reinstates the interconnectedness that once tied the city’s geographical continuity with Palestine’s coast, hillside and desert and its regional and global openness.
Nadi Abusaada, Rebuilding Gaza
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INTP functions characters
Titania: Analytical, reserved, unconventional, and self-assured, Ti is critical and sometimes sarcastic. She strives for fairness and can sometimes come off as unintentionally arrogant, cold, self-absorbed, and even destructive. Her dream is to understand everything, setting aside human bias and limitation. She perceives reality as a system with hidden variables that could be controlled if comprehended. She doesn't intentionally exude a "back off" aura but is bothered by those she views as intrusive or disrespectful, especially when they invade her space with too many questions. As such, she’s wary of overly friendly or charming people. While observant, her focus isn't always on the tangible world, like what others wear or current events, unless there's a reason. Instead, she's keen on spotting theoretical flaws and is therefore hard to deceive. Even her friends are scrutinized; she prioritizes caution over instinct. She holds some misanthropic, deterministic, and nihilistic views, even if she identifies as "unbiased", to better deal with stress, ensuring she doesn't take things personally. She appears detached even when engaged, constantly building mental models to understand things from the inside out. When allowed the freedom to explore her often taboo interests, she's endlessly inquisitive. While Ti values intelligence, she sometimes overlooks the obvious or fails to consider the emotional aspects of issues. She adheres to binary logic until undeniable evidence proves otherwise and is irritated by elusive answers. Disliking incompetence and emotional reasoning, she thinks humanity should focus on conquering nature and understanding existence, freeing themselves from ignorance, making informed decisions, and not getting sidetracked by trivial matters, or worse, hindering scientific progress.
Looks: She dresses in practical urban wear, covered from head to toe. A large dark red zippered hoodie with pockets is worn over a turtleneck, paired with denim shorts, leggings, and ankle boots. Ti's short, layered orange hair is chin-length in front and cropped at the back. Her pale complexion contrasts with dark red eyes that seem to absorb light. These eyes often appear both distant and intense, accentuated by dark circles. Her expression, typically flat, gives her an air of fatigue or inaccessibility. When she does display happiness, it's subtle—a twitch of a closed smile.
Theme: Knowledge. With complete understanding, existence would lose its dominion over individuals, allowing them to manifest absolute individuality, control, and intelligence within their confines.
Nereida: Energetic and spontaneous, Ne is a dreamer. She's inventive, flexible, and inclusive, bringing a burst of bubbly energy everywhere she goes, but struggles with commitment to her grand visions. Going with the flow, she absorbs a plethora of information, always aiming to make last-minute optimal decisions. With a belief that every problem has a solution, she’s curious about everything, often applying knowledge from one domain to another. Her passion for learning mirrors Ti's focus, but Ne's is rooted in the joy of the process, always seeking to master her surroundings for maximum freedom. Disliking confinement, she occasionally gives up too quickly. Yet, when she persists, she finds ways to revel in challenges, cherishing the journey more than the destination. Although her plans can seem scattered, she thrives in unpredictability. She’s wary of those who wield power to control others, and in defiance, sometimes exercises her own control to observe the outcomes, which makes her morally grey. She thinks that it's her duty to challenge norms and pioneer change for the greater good when many are chained by ethics and fear, but has her own struggles, sometimes instigating chaos out of boredom.
Looks: Her attire is eclectic, pieced together from items she adores, without much regard for current trends. She sports a white buttoned shirt with teal insides, the sleeves rolled up and the front slightly unbuttoned to show a hint of cleavage. This is paired with a high-waisted, knee-length pleated teal skirt, ¾ leggings, and white Mary Janes with black heels. Her shoulder-length turquoise hair is pulled into a high side ponytail with a few loose strands framing her face. Her expression is vibrant, with large, curious blue eyes. Ne moves with a slight bounce, always seeming to be lost in a daydream and ignoring finer details.
Theme: Freedom. In a world without limitations, anything is possible.
Sienna: Grounded and diligent, Si is a model of consistency. She’s logical, practical, and knowledgeable, balancing her hardworking nature with humility and patience. She upholds tradition, believing that if everyone collaborates harmoniously, all aspirations, including universal comfort and understanding, are attainable. She derives a sense of duty and belonging from viewing herself as part of a whole, even if this sometimes stifles her creativity and subjects her to rigid standards. Si is at peace with her role but occasionally grapples with existential questions for not knowing herself in depth, or maybe suppressing philosophical musings. She values comfort, ensuring she always has moments of relaxation amidst her responsibilities, and appreciates nature and man-made wonders. Si always honors her commitments, but some may perceive her as mundane or lacking ambition.
Looks: Traditional and sensible, albeit slightly outdated. She dons a dark long-sleeved ruffled shirt buttoned entirely, paired with a lab coat, tailored trousers, and oxfords. Sleek glasses frame her earnest eyes. Her dark blonde hair reaches nearly to her waist, meticulously combed and pulled into a low ponytail, with bangs neatly clipped away from her face. While her movements are usually unhurried, she can be agile when needed, displaying remarkable dexterity.
Theme: Predictability. In a stable and comprehensible world, challenges would be preventable or at least manageable.
Felicity: Compassionate and giving, Fe is the embodiment of empathy. She is emotional yet fiercely loyal, often putting others' needs above her own. Her ideal world is one filled with loved ones she can protect and cherish forever. While she enjoys being the center of attention and reciprocated care, she sometimes neglects her needs, leading to periods of resentment. Her emotions can be volatile, especially when faced with disillusionment. Fe spends her days analyzing interpersonal dynamics, immersing herself in ethical discussions, and enjoying moral tales. Affected by poignant movies and easily manipulated, she doesn’t understand the saying, “hell is full of well-intentioned people”.
Looks: A blend of loose and tight-fitting garments. She wears a lilac boho dress that exposes her shoulders and collarbones with silk strips wrapped around her waist, neck, and wrists. Her footwear is burgundy heels with ankle clasps. Her purple hair cascades down her back, held in place by a ribbon, while her face boasts rosy cheeks and expressive eyes.
Theme: Unity. If everyone were the same, there’d be no conflict, and life would be fulfilling regardless of circumstances.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
My state has good news for women for a change!
A Connecticut Democrat successfully changed the wording of new legislation to add the phrase 'expectant mothers', after branding the original suggested language - 'pregnant persons' - an affront to women. 
State Rep. Robyn Porter, a Democrat representing New Haven, proposed an amendment to House Bill 5454 to incorporate the term 'expectant mothers' during discussions on a bill regarding state funding on Thursday. 
'My children call me mother, ma, mommy. It depends on the day,' Porter said Thursday. 'I don't answer to pregnant person or birthing person. That's not what I answer to.
A huge part of my identity is wrapped around being a mother and a grandmother. So I find it an affront that someone would try to tell me that what they're putting on paper for the purpose of policy covers me when I'm telling you that it doesn't,' she continued. 
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The bill was originally launched by the Human Services Committee before reaching appropriations to incorporate the phrase 'expectant mothers' to lines five and six.
The original lines of the bill read '… shall create a strategic plan to maximize federal and state resources for mental health services for children six years old and younger, their caregivers and pregnant persons.'
Lawmakers voted 32-16 to adopt the term 'mothers' following a 35-minute debate.
The unexpected decision was achieved through a coalition of Republicans and members of the legislature's black and Puerto Rican Caucus - with all 16 opposing votes coming from Democrats.
Porter stated, 'We want to talk about discrimination? Well, I'm here to tell you that black people in America know that very well.
'This is where I really get frustrated in this building because what we say is dismissed, disregarded, disrespected. … I'm always asked to compromise when I come to the table, and I'm expected to do so. 
She added, 'We were mothers first. Yes, times are changing, and I'm fine with that because that's life... But you don't get to grow, and you don't get to talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion and exclude me and the other women like me who identify as mothers. You don't get to do that.'
She said some women 'want to be called mothers. What's wrong with that?'   
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The primary advocate for the original language of 'pregnant persons' in the bill was Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, a Democrat from West Hartford. 
'Pregnant person is actually the inclusive term,' Gilchrest said. 'It is a gender neutral term, and it would encompass expectant mothers, pregnant women. 
'As we talk about DEI, this is the direction we are hoping to move in in this state and ideally across the country.
'And so the term pregnant persons is the more inclusive term, and so I would ask my colleagues to oppose the amendment.'
Many legislators representing the state's major urban cities rallied in support of Porter's amendment.
State Rep. Geraldo Reyes, a Democrat from Waterbury and a prominent figure in the black and Puerto Rican Caucus, emphasized the cultural significance of motherhood.
'Culturally, as a Puerto Rican person, there is nothing more sacred than a mother... There is only one mother … Just as I opposed the word Latinx, I oppose the word expecting person,' he said.
Similarly, Rep. Minnie Gonzalez, a Democrat from Hartford backed Porter's amendment and emphasized his support for the LGBT community.
'It's nothing against the LGBT community. It's nothing about them,' he said. 'Nothing against them. We support them … We recognize that they have rights, but where are my rights? I have the right to defend my rights.'
Rep. Anthony Nolan, a New London Democrat was emphasized then importance of the word 'mother' in black communities. 
'I'm just astonished by some of the things that are being said,' he said.  'In black culture, who really are ingrained with that word mother, for us to go home and call our mother something other than a mother, we would end up with a slap across the face. 
'We're not removing anything. We're just asking to add something that is dear to those that are speaking in regards to it, especially in the black culture.' 
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Last year, the CDC was slammed for 'appalling' new health guidance in which it replaced the word 'women' with the gender-neutral term 'pregnant people.'
The erasure of the term women can be seen in recommendations for a host of respiratory virus vaccinations for pregnant women.
This includes material promoting shots for Covid, flu and RSV - a common respiratory condition that most affects older adults and young children.
Although usually mild, all three viruses can be deadly in pregnant women.
All gender-specific terms — including 'she,' 'her,' 'women' and 'mother' — were replaced with gender-neutral terms like 'pregnant people' and 'pregnant person.' 
A doctors' organization said the CDC was 'cowering to political forces' at the expense of sound medical advice at the time. 
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lolo3hwriting · 2 months
Prompt Writing: Burn the Witch
Summary: Wynn, Victoria the witch’s apprentice, gets caught up by a witch hunting mob and Victoria uses it as a teaching opportunity.
Words: ~2.4k
Additional Notes: Takes place in a more modern fantasy setting, so there's modern technology and magic existing at the same time.
Wynn can’t say that she regrets becoming a witch’s apprentice, she has a lot of fun actually. Meeting new people, developing new skills, learning new things, it was all she could ask for in a job really. However, there were a few things that made her… not second guess her position, but there were parts that she could do without. She wouldn’t say that she was a squeamish person, but dealing with so many different body parts and various viscera from creatures she couldn’t name made her wonder if any of the blood would fully wash off of her fingernails. And she helped bury, and sometimes raise, more bodies than she would care to admit to others, leading her to sometimes question in the middle of the night if what she was doing was ever sustainable. If it wouldn’t just degrade her mental state more and more until she became a lifeless vegetable that would eventually become another ethically sourced body to donate to necromancer students. 
But her mentor Victoria told her to try and not think of things like that, and to focus on the now rather than debating on what-ifs that may even not come true. Wynn didn’t think it was the healthiest mentality, but then again her mentor had been practicing witchcraft for over a decade, so her words must have at least some meaning to them. So Wynn would follow her advice and try to distract herself whenever her thoughts veered too close to any potential existential crisis. 
Another thing that she didn’t particularly care for was the… inherit occupational hazard of her profession. Wynn acknowledged that witchcraft wasn’t completely legal, but she figured it was similar to speeding. It was generally fine unless you got caught. In this instance, she hadn’t been caught so much as she had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Usually Wynn and Victoria stayed in larger cities in order to blend in better. Whether it was the anonymity of the crowds, the more inclusive atmosphere, or just the city's indifferent attitude, no one got suspicious when they were in urban areas. However, they had been traveling through a more rural, and as they quickly discovered, a more conservative area.
Sure, maybe it was a little eye-catching for a woman in her late twenties and a college age girl, clearly not locals, stopping into a quaint town nestled in the mountains for a quick break during their road trip. It’s not like they were actively doing anything occult related on their trip, but Wynn supposed there were a few things that hinted at their true natures. Maybe it was their unusual jewelry, or their leather bound books that they carried, or perhaps it was just their attitudes. Wynn would admit that she was a rather quiet person, and that Victoria was cheerfully morbid with her jokes, so the two of them would be an intriguing pair to outsiders. 
But whatever may have caused such suspicion, it didn’t matter much when the two of them were crouched at the edge of the woods, hiding from the townsfolk who had already accused them of witchcraft. The sun had just slipped below the horizon, most of the light being cast from flashlights carried by the mob. 
Though they weren’t in immediate danger, as they could easily use their 'skills' to escape, Wynn was reluctant to expose themselves if it could be avoided. She viewed it more as a puzzle, figuring out a way to elude capture without revealing their true nature. Their car was parked halfway across town, but Wynn figured they could sneak over there under the cover of night. 
Just as Wynn was turning to tell her mentor of her plan, Victoria tapped her on the shoulder.
“Hey, this is a great opportunity for you!”
“...Pardon? What do you mean?”
Victoria's eyes sparkled with excitement as she flashed a bright smile at Wynn, an expression that seemed oddly cheerful given their precarious situation hiding in the woods from an angry mob. 
“This is a great time for you to test your fire magic!” Victoria whisper-shouted, “I saw some people carrying firewood to the church, so they’re probably preparing to burn one of us. You can escape it, I know you’re competent enough!”
Wynn took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to keep a neutral face as she pondered her mentor’s suggestion. She couldn't decide whether Victoria was a genius or utterly reckless for turning such a precarious situation into a training exercise, but nevertheless her mentor did have a point. Wynn had longed to apply her knowledge in real life scenarios instead of just practice. She knew of a basic fire protection spell and minor pyrokinesis, and she had used both in the past successfully to stop an out of control campfire. It would be at a much larger scale, but would it really be so difficult to survive a burning?
Finally, Wynn let out a quiet sigh and nodded.
“Fine, I’ll do it, I’ll turn myself into them. You promise to bail me out if things get out of hand?”
“Of course! Though I highly doubt that you’ll need to, just shout my name if you need me.”
Wynn nodded, stepping out of the woods with an encouraging pat on the back by her mentor, then running out onto the street. 
She was caught within seconds, a burly looking man with a grizzled face forcefully grabbing her shoulder and holding her in place. Wynn struggled a little, mostly out of instinct with the uncomfortable way she was getting held, but forced herself to stop when she realized that she was supposed to be going along with them. Wynn wouldn’t say that she was physically weak, but she needed to conserve her energy to focus later, struggling against their grip wouldn’t do anything but tire her out. 
She was shoved into the grasp of another person, a muscular looking woman this time with a stern expression, who forced Wynn’s hands behind their back before tying them up with some type of cloth rope. Wynn couldn't help but acknowledge their efficiency and coordination, they had clearly prepared for this moment. 
Once the mob was sure Wynn couldn’t escape, they agreed amongst themselves to bring her to the church where she would await her ‘trial’. It would be a sham of course, and everybody knew it, but they all spoke of following proper proceedings and the rewards they would get for being the ones to capture her.  
As the group dragged Wynn along to her supposed execution, she caught the glimpse of Victoria sneaking behind them, giving a cheeky wave to Wynn before darting behind a building. Despite her own predicament, she was worried for Victoria and hoped that she wouldn’t get caught too. 
Most of the townsfolk were already by the church, openly staring at Wynn as she was being led to the pyre they had set up. As Wynn was paraded through the crowd, she noticed the variety of expressions directed at her. Some faces were twisted in scorn, clearly disgusted by her presence. Others were etched with fear, apprehensive about the 'danger' they believed she represented. There were also those who looked relieved, satisfied that she had been caught and the perceived threat neutralized. 
Wynn stepped up to the wooden pyre, intricately made for something done in only a few hours she noted, and she was handed off to a clergyman. The church member raked his eyes up and down her body, looking at her with quiet disdain, before tying her to a wooden stake and turned around without a word. 
As she looked out into the crowd, she noticed that there were several people on the younger side, her age and younger. She even spotted a few children, which initially made her angry at the parents that would allow them to witness such violence. But as she considered the situation, it was probably several decades since a witch burning happened in this town, so it was probably a spectacle to them. Wynn couldn’t say that she agreed with the presence of children, but she herself would probably be curious as a child as to what was happening. 
Among the young faces, Wynn spotted her mentor in the crowd watching on. She had removed her jewelry and most of her accessories, put on her reading glasses and a coat around her. Her eyes were wide and pleading, but Wynn knew that expression was an act. She had seen it multiple times before, from where they were shopping together and trying to convince Wynn that they needed to buy yet another doll. She supposed that Victoria had done a good enough job blending in, appearing as just another young, pearl-clutching woman in the sea of onlookers. Although most of the crowd’s focus was on Wynn, she was still a little surprised that they had not noticed a complete stranger worming their way in. 
The crowd’s mumbles gradually rose in volume, turning into shouting and screaming at Wynn. 
"She has cursed us with misfortune and brought illness to our children. We cannot let her live!" a man bellowed, his face contorted with rage.
"Look at her! She shows no remorse for the suffering she has caused. She must be punished!" another voice rang out, dripping with venom.
Okay, Wynn supposed her expression was a bit too relaxed for someone being tied up, but that was only because she knew she wasn’t in any major threat. 
"Light the pyre! Let the flames purify her soul and rid us of her wickedness!" another woman shrieked, her high pitched voice piercing the crowd.
"Burn her! Burn the witch! She must pay for her evil deeds!" echoed another, the chant quickly picked up by others, yelling over and over again to burn the witch. 
But throughout the noise, she heard one dissenting voice.
“No, you fools! She can control the flames!”
Wynn glanced over at Victoria curiously at her remark, wondering what she was doing. They made eye contact, Victoria briefly smirking at Wynn, before morphing her expression into one of faux-worry. Wynn highly doubted that anyone actually heard her mentor’s warning, but it confused her nonetheless. Was she just trying to be cheeky?
A man in ornate robes, the priest Wynn suspected, carried a torch to the base of the pyre and lit it. 
As the flames crept towards her, Wynn chanted a fire protection spell under her breath. Admittedly, she wasn’t entirely confident about the exact words. She should have really studied more, and she had left her notes back in the car, leaving her no way to confirm her choice. 
Wynn took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. If the fire protection didn’t work, then she could use pyrokinesis. It would take more focus, but she was sure that she could use that spell at least. 
It got hotter and hotter, causing her to break out in sweat. It was like she was standing in a sauna with someone constantly cranking up the temperature. It was most certainly uncomfortable, but not at all painful. Wynn took this as a sign that her spell worked and let out a sigh. 
With the flames rapidly engulfing the area around her, obscuring her vision with the smoke. She couldn’t make out Victoria anymore, but she was confident that her mentor was watching. 
With the flames licking at her feet, Wynn felt a tingling sensation shoot through her body. She figured that if she hadn’t used the protection spell that it would have been much more painful, but it still wasn’t good enough to where she felt nothing. Wynn mentally kicked herself for not practicing more, but realized that there wasn’t much use regretting it now.
The fire reached the wooden stake she was tied to, causing the painful tingling sensation to increase rapidly. Wynn bit her tongue down and endured it, until the fire burned the ropes binding her hands together and fell off. She brought her wrists in front of her, rubbing them with her hands to relieve the chaffing. 
Her hands were freed, Wynn focused her mind on the fire around her, the energy all around her. She focused her breathing, in and out to match it with the dancing of the flames, until the fire was breathing along with her. With newfound reassurance, she pushed her hands upwards to raise the flames up and out, hopefully without burning any buildings or people. All that was left was a thick cloud of smoke, which Wynn used to cover her escape, jumping down from the pile of ashes and sprinting towards a dark alley behind her. 
As Wynn pressed her back to the wall of the building, she could hear the crowd’s surprised shouts and murmurs. She risked a glance back and saw that there was nothing burning except the pyre, which was petering out until it was just a smoldering pile of wood. The people were glancing around in confusion, wondering what had happened. Wynn let out a sigh in relief, both at no one getting hurt but as well as her escape. 
Wynn closed her eyes and tried to calm her rapid breaths and beating heart, adrenaline still coursing through her. However, her eyes snapped open when she heard someone approaching. Wynn tensed, not knowing if to bolt away or to just stand still, hoping that the person won’t spot her. 
“Wynn, are you there?”
Wynn froze, her heart skipping a beat before she turned slowly to face the speaker.
“Yes, it’s me Victoria. Could you please announce your presence next time?”
Wynn tried to relax, rolling her shoulders and taking a deep breath to steady herself.
“Sorry, I just wanted to say that you were amazing! You pulled that off perfectly!” In the dim light of the alley, Wynn could see her mentor’s giddy grin and her eyes sparkling in pride.
“Thanks, but I really could have done better. I nearly forgot the steps to the fire protection spell and it became uncomfortably hot…”
“Oh that’s okay,” Victoria waved her arm in dismissal, “You still made it out in the end, so you don’t need to doubt yourself so much.”
“I suppose…”
Victoria let out a playful sigh before stepping forward and wrapping her arms around Wynn in a gentle, reassuring embrace.
“You did great, okay? Let’s go back home.” 
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tinyhousetown · 1 year
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The BLOCK Project House (230 Sq Ft)
Block Project is a community-driven initiative in Seattle that addresses homelessness by offering a unique solution: homeowners donate a portion of their backyard to host fully equipped, modular Block Houses for individuals experiencing homelessness. Founded in 2017, the project aims to foster proximity and community while providing safe and dignified living spaces. Each Block House is designed for efficiency and affordability, utilizing sustainable materials and innovative construction techniques. With a growing number of completed residences and plans for expansion, Block Project sets an inspiring example of how local communities can come together to tackle homelessness and create inclusive urban networks.
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windlassrivervalley · 2 months
Discover Modern Living at Windlass River Valley: The Premier Apartments in Dehradun
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Nestled in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, Dehradun has emerged as a top destination for those seeking a blend of urban convenience and natural beauty. Among the many residential developments in this picturesque city, Windlass River Valley stands out as a premier choice for those looking for apartments in Dehradun. This sprawling township offers a lifestyle that combines modern amenities with the tranquility of nature, making it an ideal home for families, professionals, and retirees alike.
The Appeal of Dehradun
Dehradun’s charm lies in its unique combination of natural beauty and modern infrastructure. Known for its pleasant climate, lush greenery, and proximity to the mountains, Dehradun has always been a sought-after location for those seeking a peaceful lifestyle. Over the years, the city has also developed a robust infrastructure, with excellent educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and shopping centers, making it a perfect place for modern living.
For those considering an investment in real estate, particularly in apartments in Dehradun, the city offers a promising future. With its growing economy, improving infrastructure, and the increasing influx of professionals and retirees, Dehradun is quickly becoming a real estate hotspot. And within this burgeoning market, Windlass River Valley shines as a prime option for residential living.
Why Choose Windlass River Valley?
Windlass River Valley is more than just a residential project; it’s a well-planned township designed to offer a holistic living experience. Located in Harrawala, one of the city’s most rapidly developing areas, this township is strategically positioned to provide easy access to all of Dehradun’s key locations, while still offering the peace and quiet of suburban life.
1. Modern and Spacious Apartments
The apartments in Windlass River Valley are designed with modern lifestyles in mind. They feature spacious layouts with high-quality finishes, ensuring that residents enjoy both comfort and style. Whether you are looking for a cozy 2BHK or a more expansive 3BHK apartment, you’ll find a range of options that cater to different needs and preferences. Large balconies offer stunning views of the surrounding greenery, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of Dehradun right from your home.
2. World-Class Amenities
Windlass River Valley boasts a range of world-class amenities that cater to all aspects of modern living. Residents can enjoy a state-of-the-art clubhouse, swimming pools, fitness centers, and sports facilities, ensuring that there’s always something to do without leaving the township. For families, the well-designed play areas and parks provide safe and enjoyable spaces for children to play and explore.
3. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Living
In today’s world, sustainable living is more important than ever. Windlass River Valley has been designed with eco-friendliness in mind. The township features green spaces, energy-efficient buildings, and waste management systems that minimize environmental impact. Living here means you can enjoy the best of modern amenities while also contributing to a sustainable future.
4. Security and Peace of Mind
Security is a top priority at Windlass River Valley. The township is equipped with 24/7 security systems, including CCTV surveillance and gated entry points, ensuring that residents feel safe and secure at all times. This focus on safety makes it an ideal choice for families and retirees who prioritize peace of mind.
5. Community Living
One of the standout features of Windlass River Valley is its focus on fostering a strong sense of community. The township is home to a diverse group of residents, creating a vibrant and inclusive community. Regular events and activities are organized within the township, encouraging residents to connect and build lasting relationships with their neighbors.
Investment Potential
Investing in an apartment in Dehradun, particularly at Windlass River Valley, offers excellent long-term potential. Dehradun’s real estate market is on the rise, with property values steadily increasing as the city continues to develop. By choosing to invest in Windlass River Valley, you’re not just buying a home; you’re securing a valuable asset that is likely to appreciate over time.
Furthermore, Dehradun’s growing popularity as a destination for both tourism and retirement means that there is a strong demand for quality housing. Whether you plan to live in your apartment or rent it out, you can expect a good return on your investment.
The Windlass River Valley Lifestyle
Living at Windlass River Valley means embracing a lifestyle that balances convenience, luxury, and natural beauty. Imagine waking up to the sight of the majestic Himalayas, spending your evenings strolling through beautifully landscaped gardens, and having all the amenities you need just a short walk away. This is the lifestyle that Windlass River Valley offers—a perfect blend of urban and suburban living.
For those who work in Dehradun or nearby cities, the township’s location ensures that commuting is hassle-free. Major roads and public transportation are easily accessible, making it convenient to travel to and from the city. At the same time, the peaceful surroundings offer a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
If you’re in the market for apartments in Dehradun, Windlass River Valley should be at the top of your list. With its modern design, comprehensive amenities, and prime location, it offers everything you need for a comfortable and fulfilling life. Whether you’re looking to invest in real estate or find your dream home, Windlass River Valley is a choice you won’t regret.
Explore the possibilities today and discover why Windlass River Valley is the premier destination for modern living in Dehradun.
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architectuul · 1 year
Utopia K67
In his novel Blindness Jose Saramago narrate a story of a plague that affects the city so the encounters between inhabitants become increasingly frightening. The immense absurdity of the capital development of the contemporary city recalls Saramago's apocalyptic vision of the development affected by an epidemic of white blindness.
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How will we live together when public spaces are sold out? The story is a parable of the fear of the unknown - is it war, isolation or just the fear of being to close to each other? 
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Public talks in K67 with local cultural and political figures transmitted live on-air of Independent Coastal Radio NOR.
The utopia starts in projects that are going beyond the expected rules. It points out the neuralgic problems of the location and seeks the analysis of the current state of matter. One of the utopias stands in a small Slovenian coastal town Koper - in a public square where a parking lot is situated on the most prominent position next to the sea.
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The utopia - K67 kiosk, designed by Saša Mächtig in 1967, concludes its story with the absurdity of the use of the public square next to the sea in favor of parking. As the writer and journalist Martin Reichert, to whom we dedicated this project, would say, “it is a parking lot with the most beautiful view in the world."
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K67 is one of the best examples of design during the former Yugoslavia. In the context of the presentation in the public space, with the help of the owner Coastal Galleries Piran, it was placed on the square in Koper in December 2021, in order to become a new generator for its urban content.
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From spring to late autumn 2023, a process of tactical and performative urbanism took part in the K67 in favour to create an inclusive public space. The main concept proposed and elaborated within the municipality was based on the change of the current parking lot on the square into a green community space.
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Unfinished project Solis was more than ten years a failure of a PPP concept. After COVID the investor succeeded to add two more floors of the private apartments.
Tactical urbanism is the opposite of investment urbanism, which has a dispersed structure of activity in space and builds various, mainly residential buildings that sell well, but without a well-thought-out placement in the context of the city. The last plan for Koper was signed by the architect Edo Mihevc in the 1960s.
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Urban Plan for Koper, Edo Mihevc (1961). | Source © Neža Čebron Lipovec
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The renovation of the new roof for the city market was executed via the municipality but without a public competition.
Today it looks like investor urbanism is much faster than the concept of town planning per se. This results in a fact that there is no more urban planning in the city of Koper today.
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The farm market with live animals in plastic tent on Ukmarjev square shows the discrepancy of communication between the municipality and experts.
In Koper as in other towns across the Adriatic coast there is an obvious pressure from investor urbanism. Public spaces are mostly touristized, privatized and don’t belong to dwellers anymore. Therefore is important to ensure that buildings are not built without public competitions. The K67 stays a reminder of a utopia that shall make aware of the importance of reuse and creation of community spaces.
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The cruise ships don't need to pay tax in Koper so instead of Venice, were are banned are welcomed for a pollution of cruise tourism.
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The utopia K67 is dedicated to the writer and journalist Martin Reichert.
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spacetrashpile · 11 months
Masterlist of MOTW Resources
Have you ever wanted to play MOTW but had trouble finding the resources for the game? Well, here you go, PDFs of everything you might need in one place! As inspired by @freemotwresources's Masterlist of Playbooks. A list of everything in the folder can be found below the cut.
Revised Mystery Worksheet: The latest version of the "mystery planning" worksheet, a fillable sheet to help the Keeper plan each mystery.
Revised Hunter Reference Sheet: A reference sheet for all the moves every Hunter can do, plus some extra +Weird moves for Hunters that cannot Use Magic, as well as some more specific Magic options. There is also some other tips for running the mystery as the Keeper.
Playbooks and Teambooks: A list of all (official) MOTW Playbooks giving ratings to each Hunter's skill with fighting (Action), skill with research and other aspects of mystery hunting (Mystery), how many weird powers they get or strange things happen around them (Odd), how much the inclusion of the playbook will influence the game's story (Story), and how much the playbook needs the rest of their team to succeed (Team). Basically just a guide on how the official playbooks will affect the game.
The Chosen: Your character is the chosen one in a prophecy.
The Crooked: Your character is a criminal.
The Divine: Your character has powers from and/or is chosen by a deity.
The Expert: Your character specializes in monster hunting.
The Flake: Your character is a conspiracy theorist.
The Gumshoe: Your character is a detective.
The Hex: Your character is a self taught magic user who's magic has terrible side effects.
The Initiate: Your character is a cultist.
The Monstrous: Your character is a monster.
The Mundane: Your character is a normal person.
The Pararomantic: Your character is in a relationship with a monster.
The Professional: Your character works for a monster hunting agency.
The Searcher: Your character is dedicated to studying the unknown.
The Snoop: Your character is a reporter.
The Spell-Slinger: Your character is a magic user.
The Spooktacular: Your character is or was apart of a creepy circus.
The Spooky: Your character has powers from a mysterious source.
The Wronged: Your character's loved one was killed by a monster.
The Apprentice: Your character has a mentor.
The Athlete: Your character is a student athlete.
The Big Game Hunter: Your character hunts monsters for sport.
The Braggart: Your character is "too good" for the other hunters.
The Brat: Your character is a trained hunter in a child's body.
The Constructed: Your character is an inhuman construct.
The Cryptid: Your character is a cryptid/urban legend.
The Cryptozoologist: Your character studies monsters.
The Deathless: Your character is hard to kill.
The Demonic: Your character makes demonic pacts with people.
The Displaced: Your character has time traveled here from the future and doesn't know why.
The Doomed: Your character has run out of luck as is about to die.
The Earthbound: Your character gets power from the earth.
The Exile: Your character is a monster hunter from the past sent to the future.
The Foreigner: Your character is an extraterrestrial living among humans.
The Hard Case: Your character has been in the game for a while and has many skills as a result.
The Henderson: Your character is a crazy old person.
The Mad Scientist: Your character specializes in the science of the supernatural.
The Meddling Kid: Your character is a Scooby-Doo style meddling kid.
The Mystic: Your character practices magic how most Wiccans/witches practice today.
The Operative: Your character used to be The Professional, but has left their agency.
The Ordained: Your character is apart of a supernatural/magical religion.
The Parasite: Your character is a parasite who's stolen the corpse of a dead hunter.
The Pest: Your character is extremely annoying.
The Protector: Your character is dedicated to protecting someone.
The Risen: Your character has come back from the dead.
The Science Guy: Your character does science.
The Scout: Your character is a girl/boy scout.
The Secret Seeker: Your character finds and keeps secrets.
The Sidekick: Your character is the sidekick to another Hunter. (similar to the Apprentice but plays differently and made by different people)
The Skeptic: Your character is a skeptic monster hunter.
The Star: Your character is a famous musician.
The Stranded: Your character spent a long time stranded in strange lands.
The Summoned: Your character was summoned to bring the apocalypse, but doesn't want to.
The Thrillseeker: Your character hunts monsters for fun.
The Time Traveler: Your character has time traveled from the future to help the other Hunters save the world.
The Tracker: Your character specializes in tracking things down.
The Traveler: Your character comes from an apocalyptic future.
The Unkindled: Your character is a fallen hero brought back from the dead. (A tribute to the Dark Souls game)
The Veteran: Your character is a grizzled monster hunter who's getting too old for this.
NOTE: The Brat, Foreigner, Parasite, Stranded, and Unkindled playbooks are all found in the same PDF.
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nothorses · 1 year
TW: descriptions of ableism
More SpEd input, but this time from disabled students (US based, I have a 504 plan, my friend who is helping me write this has an IEP)
Especially needs to be more education about disability in rural/poor areas. Our district has very little funding, and most of what we get goes to sports. And while that's important (sports scholarships are one of the only ways some kids graduate) it leaves the other departments with nothing.
One of my teachers (not in SpEd) had a fundamental misunderstanding of what autism even was. He didn't understand how my autism caused me to not talk sometimes or need different instructions, and tried to deny my accomodations. Friend has been told she couldn't use the elevator while sitting in her wheelchair. Told to use the stairs in her wheelchair. The SpEd teachers are working overtime trying to educate their coworkers but aren't getting anywhere cause "that's not what I learned in school".
Side note: education not only about disability but how to include them/treat them better for both teachers and students. The full-time SpEd kids in my school are kept so separate that people have asked if we even have the program. I only see them on the way in/out of the building, or I hear them from down the hall. I don't know where their classroom is. I don't know their names. They clean the lunch tables for us after both lunch periods. I don't think they get a say in that. And that's fucked, they aren't free labor. I've heard their teachers talk badly to them. Say "calm down or you can't see your friends". That's also fucked. We're literally encouraged to not interact with them for some reason. And they're kept so away we can't. They don't look happy.
Sorry, got angry. tl:dr is more education training inclusion efforts and money needs to go to disability stuff in poor areas who don't usually get that. I think what my school does shouldn't happen.
That is incredibly fucked, I'm sorry. And unfortunately also not super far off from what I've heard, even in less rural areas- that kids enrolled in special ed programs and kept out of "mainstream" classrooms tend to be isolated & often mistreated by their teachers, and that there is very little oversight because of how "niche" the field is viewed.
There is unfortunately an issue of just, like, basic societal ableism that impacts how schools operate on that front; individuals are not isolated from broader society, and they're gonna absorb and bring into their jobs and schools the biases they learn from the people around them.
This is an issue in progressive areas as well, but you're absolutely right that the smaller and more rural districts often lack the resources, support, and education that larger and more urban districts benefit from.
I will say, though, that there is a pretty harsh racial divide here as well; even in large urban schools, the schools that are majority-BIPOC are still going to be underfunded and under-supported in comparison to the white schools in wealthier areas, with higher property taxes and, subsequently, more income to the schools.
Equalizing funding a little more would do a lot to this end, and so would better oversight. And also, it's a complicated and nuanced issue that needs attention on all fronts. You make a great point that some people just aren't going to "get it", even with better education; many of them would do better with more support, but a lot of what we need is in policy changes and how we educate future educators, too.
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