#In the midst of chaos there is queue
mandomaterial · 1 year
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Pairing: Tonowari x Metkayina!Reader
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: heavy angst, kidnapping, the war scene, no fluff, crying, loss
Notes: ill be updating this soon but i just wanted to put out this lil bit first hehe. Theres lots more angst to come. Have i mentioned that i love angst? Pics not mine, credits to the owner!
Masterlist /// Next
You screamed and shouted for them to let you go, begging Eywa for help but there was nothing else you could do. The sky people had strapped your hand to a railing on the sinking ship and all you could do was watch as they destroyed your home. Wiping the tears off your face, you stood up and prepared to fight as you saw an enemy Na’vi come closer to you.
“Release me!” You hissed and started clawing at the man “Release me you daemon!” He crouched down to face you and gripped your jaw, tilting your face up “Sorry, no can do sugar” his hand slid to the back of your neck and pressed a knife to your queue. The demon untied your arm from the railing but kept his knife steady against your nape.
Your eyes quelled up with tears, screaming and crying you begged him to let you go, to let you escape, to let you return to your family; but he didn’t budge. Instead, he chained your arms together with that wicked red band, whilst you struggled against him. The soldier picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder to make sure you couldn’t escape.
A rope descended from a huge flying machine and you thought that this was the end for you; they’d take you away; they’d lock you up; they’d kill you. You’d never see your mate and beautiful children ever again.
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In the midst of the fight, Tonowari lost sight of you. Suddenly you were just gone. The world around him was alight, smoke and ash filling his lungs. Every breath felt like a thousand knives piercing his chest. His eyes were wild with fear and desperation as he scanned the sea for his mate; his world; his everything; you.
He screamed your name, his voice raw and hoarse, but only the relentless crashing of the waves and sounds of war answered him. Everything hurt, his body strained but he couldn’t give up. He had to find you, bring you to safety. He couldn’t lose you; Ao'nung and Tsireya couldn’t lose you; they all needed you.
The chaos of the fight surrounded him, but he pushed through it, ignoring the injuries he sustained as he battled his way through the war debris. He started to panic when you were nowhere to be seen. He’d looked everywhere; could you have been taken? That thought made his blood run cold.
Just then, as if Eywa had sent him a miracle, he saw you. You were strapped to the railing of a sinking battleship. But you weren’t alone. An enemy Na’vi was walking toward you and doing something that made you scream and cry. He couldn’t bear the thought of you being in pain so naturally, he raced over on his Tsurak just as you were thrown over that guy's shoulder. He was so desperate to have you in his arms again that he commanded his skimwing to bring him to the edge of the ship, pulling himself over it.
“Yawne!” he screamed as he tried closing the distance between you two. You looked up, with new hope in your eyes smiling “Tonowari! muntxatan!” He could see you reaching out to him, your hands just barely within his grasp, your fingertips touching his.
He stretched out his hand, desperation in his eyes, hoping to pull you to him; to safety. But his fingers just brushed yours, and he watched in horror as you were lifted into the air and out of his reach. He screamed your name, his voice raw with pain and frustration. He felt like he was being ripped apart as he watched you disappear into the helicopter. He could only watch as the devils stole his mate; he could only hear your screams.
Tonowari fell to his knees, his body shaking with agony, as he watched the helicopter disappear into the night sky, taking you with it. He had never felt so helpless in his life as his soul was being torn apart. You had been taken from him. He had failed to save you. He had failed his life’s purpose; to protect you.
Now he was alone on the deck of the sinking warship, his face etched with grief and sorrow, his eyes fixed on the horizon. He wanted Eywa to punish him for his futile attempts of defending her gift to him; the person that she sent to him; his mate.
Unaware of the small figures making their way to him. His children, who had followed him into the heart of the war zone, in search of their father now stood behind him not knowing what to do. They had never seen him like this; completely broken.
Kneeling on the ground, lost in thought, Tonowari felt a small hand slip into his. He looked up and saw his two beautiful children, who looked so much like their mother, standing next to him. The resemblance shot another wave of pain through his heart; he had failed them as well.
Tsireya tightened her grasp on his hand “Dad we have to leave! The ship is sinking!”
Tonowari couldn’t do anything but shake his head, eyes still fixed on the horizon. “I can’t leave her,” he whispered, his voice filled with pain.
Ao'nung saw the pain in his eyes and he knew that they had to get to safety, even if he didn’t understand the situation. They still had to find their mother so they had no time to lose. “Father you have to get up! We have to find Mother! You need to help us!” he shouted with such composure that it surprised him.
Tonowari turned to look at his brave son but he couldn’t utter a word. At this moment Ao'nung and Tsireya saw their father with a tear-stained face for the first time. It was something that they couldn’t have imagined; seeing him so broken; only a shell of his former self. It scared them.
“Father please!” they both yelled, their eyes quelling with tears “..m-mama needs us!” Tonowari stood and placed his hands on his children’s shoulders and hugged them tightly. He could not let his grief consume him, not when he still had a family to protect. “Come,” he whispered.
He led them off the ship and onto his tsurak, placing them in front of him and riding back to the village.
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isabelldrabbles · 2 years
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader
warnings: injury, mentions of blood and guns
A/N: wrote this over a year ago, but wanted to post something. Don‘t know where this is going lol.
You passed the security guards of the building complex, stood in the queue for the coffee machine and spinned with the coins in your hands. It has been a hard day, night, even week. Something was off. Your workplace was hiding something… and you noticed it. Since this Avenger had a town under her spell, everyone here was going crazy. Hayward had no control over his soldiers anymore, Captain Monica Rambeau was inciting a riot, and you were in the midst of it.
Darcy Lewis' face lit up when she saw you and soon, she happily came towards you. The people in the row behind you grunted in annoyance as she overtook them in the row next to the device. 
‘Oh my, please, she’s a doctor. The disrespect of some people.’ You joked and let her hug you. After all, you were glad you had someone in this place that brought some joy with them.
‘Where the hell have you hid, agent? I have missed you!’ Darcy lightly pushed you in your shoulder, but you just put your hands in the pockets of your SWORD - sweater and shook your head. 
‘I was working.’ The waiting line moved and you stepped forward. ‘Something you apparently don’t have much to-’
‘Oh my god (Y/N)! The audacity!’ You laughed at the response of the brunette and looked at her. ‘Who was the one that discovered the broadcast signals of WandaVision?!” She looked expectantly at you, but you bit your cheek amused and provoked her with not giving an answer. ‘Me. It was me. The great Doctor Darcy Lewis!”
‘Right Lewis, now go and get a coffee, people are waiting.’ Some random guy huffed from behind you.
She hastily stepped forward, pressed the button of her desired order and turned to you once again. With a wink she threw in the coins to pay. 
‘Oh god Darcy, don’t even get me started on that witch’s case. Creating a fake scenario to live with the love of her life? What is she? A depressed teenager?’ Darcy turned offended and slapped your arm, now without kidding. ‘Ouch! What the hell??’
Your friend grabbed her coffee, stepped to the side and you repeated her prior actions for your own order. 
‘(Y/N)! You have no idea how much that girl went through-’
‘Parents dead. Brother dead. Robot boyfriend dead. Fellow Avengers dead. Now once again imaginary boyfriend and also kids dead. I get it, she has been through a lot, but there are people out there called psycho therapists, they are qualified for such people. I can recommend my mom’s one.’ The machine finished and you walked back to your office, both a coffee mug in your hands. 
‘Do you hear how stupid what you are saying sounds?! Wanda Maximoff is..a wonder! An Avenger who can harness chaos magic, engage in telepathy as well as telekinesis and alter reality. She has so much power! She is the most powerful Avenger!’ Darcy burst with excitement as you let yourself fall back in your office chair and sighed.
‘Look Darcy, I get it. You are a fangirl… but she kidnapped an entire city! How can you defend that?! She hurt civilian citizens. Twice now if you remember Lagos! She is dangerous.’ You furrowed your eyebrows and took a sip of your coffee.
Darcy shook her head enthusiastically. ‘No! Just no (Y/N)! Hayward, that bastard, he is the reason! She just wanted a funeral for her love and he used his body to recreate a new robot for SWORD-’ 
You choked on your drink at her words and spilled some of it on your desk. With widened eyes you tilted your head and looked at her. ‘He did what?? That son of a bitch. That’s why everyone is acting so differently here.’ You pulled out a tissue of one of the desk drawers and wiped your desk while chewing your lip in thought. ‘Okay, I take that back. Maybe she had reasons to… grief in her own way. But that still doesn’t explain capturing a whole city!’ 
Darcy emptied her cup and walked to the exit of your office. ‘All I’m saying is that she’s not the only bad guy here. Think about that!’ She shrugged and left you alone. 
‘A pleasure as always, Doctor Lewis.’ You sighed to yourself and threw your mugs in the bin. After finishing your short break you returned to give your attention to the mission files that had to be completed.
Great. You were working for an emotionless asshole.
‘You are a horrible influence, Lewis.’ 
You snapped at your colleague while jumping into some kind of cover. ‘I just should have let you be a fangirl and never should have asked questions.’ You mumbled upset. Rummaging in the side pockets of your trousers, you searched for your pistol and as soon as you touched it, sighed in relief.
‘Well, to my defence, Monica is the one that got us here. I’m just the thinker, she brings the action.’ Darcy chuckled and you stared incredulously at her.
‘Are you kidding me?! We are getting attacked for snooping around to look for signs of Vision’s dead body, probably will be on the run after that and you laugh?’ You shouted at the woman next to you and threw a small can of pepper spray to her which she easily caught. 
‘Get the hell out of here and we will talk about the consequences later in the plane.’ The voice of the Captain became audible in your ear piece as you took down two guards.
‘In the plane? We will have to leave? I was joking!’ You hissed nervously as you fought your way outside.
‘Well yeah, we just became enemies - or rather traitors - of the United States of America. We know top secret information.’ Darcy screamed from the other side of the room.
‘Goddamnit! I have a cat to take care of! I hate you guys so much!’ You ran out of the hall and met Monica. ‘I should have never done this. Fuck!’ You muttered and leaned on the wall, trying to catch your breath. 
‘You can’t change it anymore. So either you move your ass in that goddamn plane and go underground for a while, or you surrender and rot in prison. You are doing the right thing (Y/N), we are proving the world Wanda wasn’t the only problem in this conflict.‘
You nodded at Rambeau’s words, somehow finding some sort of confidence in them, and the trio of you started sprinting to the flight area. Monica jumped into the pilot’s seat of the nearest aircraft, Darcy and you getting on board right after her. 
When she started the machine and you felt it hovering, you laid on a bench in the back and closed your eyes. Although you were sure you couldn’t get even a little bit of sleep due to the adrenaline floating in your veins, you hoped resting would help you process and understand today’s events a bit better. 
The next time you opened your eyes, the machine was flying on autopilot and your two co-performers were packing three backpacks with vital equipment such as water, preserves and knives. You straightened and rubbed your face with your hands, clearly exhausted from the previous fight. 
Darcy turned around to your bench to fetch some bandages, but when she saw you getting up, she startled and stopped her motions. ‘God! Do you always have to be so quiet and sneaky?’
‘I am an agent, what do you think?’ You rolled your eyes and stepped to help them pack the bags. ‘Or was an agent, thank you again.’
‘(Y/N)! Will you ever stop that?’ Monica snubbed you before she continued. ‘Listen. We’re now enemies of SWORD with too much information, which means we probably have to spend some time on the run. Not together though. I suggest we will split…’ she turned completely to you, ‘you have family in Romania, right? I think it’s time for a visit.’
You nodded reluctantly and threw a spare sweater in your backpack. ‘When will you drop me off? And where?’
‘There’s a little abandoned town with a lake nearby. Stay there for a bit, then go find your family. We should arrive at dawn.’ Monica stepped next to you and grabbed your hands. ‘I know this sucks, but there’s still Sam Wilson somewhere out there...he will notice something is off and before you can blink, you’re back home.’ She squeezed your hands and gave you a reassuring smile.
‘Back home with your cat!’ You heard Darcy from somewhere in the back of the aircraft and chuckled lightly despite trying to stay mad at your friend.
‘No seriously, agent, thank you for doing this. It was the right choice.’ Monica carefully let go of you and returned to the pilot seat. 
‘What a choice. I had much of it.’ You mumbled sarcastically before taking the seat next to her.
When the quinjet landed, you sighed shakily one last time and turned to say goodbye to the two women. 
‘Take care. I’m gonna miss you.’ Darcy hugged you tight and looped her arms over your shoulders. 
‘I’m gonna miss you, too, fangirl.’ The brunette rolled her eyes playfully at the nickname and you grinned. When she released you, the Captain stepped forward and shook your hand.
‘See you soon, Agent. Be safe!‘ 
‘Thank you, Captain.‘ You left the plane and turned around one last time. Darcy waved goodbye and you returned the gesture, while Monica already started to get ready to take off. 
You watched them fly away and began walking on the sidewalk, following a long road to Romania‘s mountains. They let you out some miles away from the remote town, just to make sure you didn‘t attract any attention. 
So, you started your journey, with no real clue where to go. You cursed angrily when it became so dark you could only see your surroundings a few feet away from you, and then it started storming, and your mood was devastated. 
Luckily, you had a flashlight with you and could somehow make it to the branch that led to the town and lake. You turned to walk along the smaller road that turned into a path through the forest after ten minutes of walking.
Blind due to the now complete darkness, you startled when you suddenly heard a lightning strike in the distance. Before you could make out in what direction the thunderstorm was, cold raindrops hit your face.
‘For fuck‘s sake!‘ You put on your jacket‘s hood and started to walk faster to find shelter. Later, you tried to orientate yourself on top of a slightly higher hill. You recognised the shades of the lake and a small cabin, and a little further the empty city. 
Happy to see your final destination and impatient to get out of the storm, you started running down the hill. You were almost in the flat again when you suddenly heard a loud crack and before you could blink twice, you plumped on the ground.
You screamed out in pain and laid still, panting. You must have slipped on the wet ground and fell, your leg hitting a stone. After trying to calm your breathing a bit, you straightened up with the help of a log and lifted the flashlight. 
With your injured leg, you wouldn‘t be able to make it to the town - you would have to circle the whole lake - and you were also in the midst of a storm, so you decided to try and get protection at the lonely wooden cabin. 
You limped to it, dragged yourself over the steps, one at a time, before you leaned against the wooden door to collect yourself. 
‘Hello? I don‘t know if someone‘s in there, and if you can understand me, but I‘m hurt and just need some first aid equipment and a shelter while the storm rages. I‘m gonna wait for a bit, otherwise I‘ll batter this door in and get in.’ You breathed out through gasps.
But before you had to make your way through that door, light switched on inside the hut and footsteps became audible. The door opened carefully and a redhead got visible, her hands in the back bags of her jeans.
‘Hi! Uhm- Do you speak English?’ You put out while trying to pantomime your words with finger motions. 
The woman giggled, and you noticed a blush creeping up on your cheeks. You cursed yourself for not paying attention to your grandma teaching you Romanian, it would have been a lot easier to just communicate in the first language of the country.
‘I do. How can I help you?’ She replied and took your figure in. Her words were bolstered by a thick accent, an accent you have heard before, and you took a closer look at her. 
‘Oh my god. You‘re Maximoff. The Scarlet Witch. You‘re Wanda Maximoff.’ You identified the woman astonished. 
Panic settled in the witch's eyes. ‘I‘m- I-’ 
‘I-’ you chuckled incredulously, ‘fuck Hayward. I‘m sorry. For everything.’ You hissed and rolled your eyes in annoyance at the thought of your ex-boss.
Wanda tried to process your words speechlessly. She has been alone for so long, and now a stranger stood at her front door, knowing exactly about everything she so badly wanted to make unhappen. 
‘No seriously. He‘s unbe-’ your gaze fell to your leg that was now in the light of the cabin, and you could see your injury. Not only was it coated in blood, you also could see a bit of bone standing out. ‘-be…liev… I think I'm gonna pass ou-’ you collapsed, but before your body hit the ground, red wisps surrounded your unconscious body and prevented you from it. 
Wanda carefully lifted you through the cabin and laid you down on the couch. She had no idea who she had now lying in her guest room, but this person must have seen through Hayward‘s ill intentions.
And she couldn‘t disregard an injured person out in the dark, could she?
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eusudia · 12 days
New Couple
KtDk are surprisingly shy.
When Katsuki and Izuku started dating, they both got shy. It’s a weird sight for the Class A students. And not to mention for the both of them as well.
They have known each other since childhood, before quirks were on their mind and all they had in their heads were whose bug is the coolest when they went into the forest. And yet, currently, both Katsuki and Izuku are holding hands- or, trying to, at least.
It is lunch break, the teacher had just gone out and students started to stand up or stretch. Class A watch Katsuki stands up and strides angrily towards Izuku’s desk, as if determined to do something. And then, Katsuki angrily – or maybe determinedly – grabs Izuku’s hand and just… freezes. Their friends amusedly watch the scene of two idiots just staying in place for at least two whole minutes before both of them snatch their hands away and blushed furiously. 
Izuku hiding his face in his hands and Katsuki pressing his forehead defeatedly – and flusteredly – against the wall beside Izuku. After a few giggles, the class decided to just let them be. If Katsuki can say his apology in the rain in the midst of societal chaos, then this is another hurdle they can get past.
For a few minutes, the new pair of couple are just a flustered mess. Izuku can still feel the lingering warmth of Katsuki’s hand and Katsuki’s the same. However, Katsuki is rather bummed about it, because dammit they’re wasting lunchtime!
He hears some rustling of papers before feeling a shy tug to the back of his shirt. Still wearing a frown, he turns around and sees Izuku shyly offering a folded paper. Maybe feeling the confusion oozing from Katsuki, Izuku glances at the blonde.
“W- we can… both hold the end of the paper…” Izuku mumbles his explanation. Face still red like a strawberry with all of his freckles. “As a practice… or something,” he finishes leaving the phrase ‘holding hand’ out, seemingly too shy.
Katsuki just short circuited.
It was Tsuyu who caught the sight of them in the corner of her eyes. They were standing close to each other as they were in a queue to order food. Looking a bit closer, she can see that they’re both holding the ends of a folded up paper while still furiously blushing.
Blinking, she went back to her food.
“Well, whatever.”
She supposes they kinda got through the hurdle…
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republicsecurity · 10 months
Musings of a Paramedic: Tea Breaks - A Glimpse of Normality
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Tea breaks. Two words that, in the midst of our regulated existence, feel like a glimpse of normality, a momentary escape from the paramedic grind. It's a respite we cherish, a few minutes of solace in a sea of structured chaos.
You see, in the Paramedic Corps, even tea breaks are scheduled with military precision. They are a rare oasis of spontaneity, a reminder that we're still human beneath our red uniforms and shaved heads.
The mess hall, as always, is our gathering place. We queue up at the dispensers, but this time, it's not for "Chow." It's for tea. Plain, simple, and almost comforting in its familiarity. The options are limited: black, green, or herbal, each in its designated dispenser.
We clutch our mugs like lifelines, savoring those precious moments of autonomy. The room buzzes with hushed conversations, punctuated by the soft clinking of teaspoons against ceramic. It's as close to normalcy as we'll ever get.
Tea breaks are more than just an opportunity to sip a warm beverage. They're a chance to exchange snippets of our lives beyond the paramedic world. We share stories of our families, reminisce about our pre-service days, and even indulge in a bit of humor—though it's often laced with a healthy dose of cynicism.
But it's not just about the tea; it's about the camaraderie. We may be bound by rules and conditioning, but during these fleeting moments, we're free to connect as individuals. It's a reminder that beneath the armor and helmets, we're still people with stories to tell.
Even when we are on tactical training out in the field.
Clad in our red tactical armor, we trudged through rough terrain, simulating a high-stress combat situation. Our hearts pounded, and every move was precise, knowing that the lives of our fellow medics depended on it.
Then, as if the universe had decided to grant us a reprieve, the exercise paused for a tea break. I watched as my comrades, still in their imposing gear, gathered around. There was no designated mess hall here, no orderly queue for dispensers. Instead, a few enterprising souls had managed to sneak in portable camp stoves and a stash of tea bags. We were nothing if not resourceful.
Sitting on makeshift stools, our helmets off, we sipped our hot tea from canteen cups. The contrast was striking. These were the same hands that had administered life-saving treatments, and now they held delicate porcelain. We may have looked fierce in our tactical armor, but for those moments, we felt oddly human.
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chussyracing · 11 months
you rb good things in the midst of chaos
it's all just queue my dear, i am barely online sadly
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onenettvchannel · 11 months
#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE: Starbucks Reserve in Baguio City turns into Personal Office, infuriating customers with a Suspected Travel Vlogger individual from the UK (updated as final!!!)
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(Written by Mitch Williams / Bailley Mass Communication news intern for OneNETnews)
BAGUIO CITY, BENGUET -- In an unpredictable twist at the Starbucks Reserve located on the 2nd floor of ShoeMart Baguio (SM) in Sunset Terraces, Luneta Hill, Upper Session Road, Baguio City, Benguet… The renowned coffee shop was surprisingly converted into an impromptu "Personal Office" for students and regular or repetitive customers, causing uproar among patrons, including a former Scottish poker player turned into a critical suspect travel vlogger named Dale Philip.
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(SCREENGRAB COURTESY: Dale Philip via TikTok VIDEO / A Bengueteña Student inside a Starbucks Reserve sees a Male Foreign TikToker from the UK during the self-filming production in a rantful commentary.)
Netizens across the Philippines have expressed their frustration on various social media platforms over the extensive queues and the misuse of the said coffee shop space, particularly after a TikTok video (owned by ByteDance Limited) went viral on Sunday (November 5th, 2023), following the post-Undas or All Saints and Souls Day weekend. The actual extended video in a bite-sized form can be found uncut on YouTube, which was first filmed in late-August 2023. His self-footage highlighted the Starbucks location being fully occupied by a series of loitering "Digital Nomads", who were studying or working in Baguio City, leading to a chaotic environment and long waiting times for both regular or repetitive customers.
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Mr. Dale Philip, known for his background as a Scottish poker player and current travel vlogger from Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, found himself caught in the midst of the chaos, impatiently waiting to order his Matcha Frappuccino or Matcha Latte. The situation raised questions about the café culture, with customers feeling the space was being monopolized by individuals turning Starbucks Reserve into their personal workspace.
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The Starbucks Reserve concept is designed to offer a premium and immersive coffee experience, featuring rare and exquisite coffee blends. Located within SM Baguio, this particular Starbucks branch has become a go-to spot for coffee enthusiasts. However, the recent surge of "Digital Nomads" using the space as a makeshift office has tarnished the intended experience for either regular or repetitive customers.
"So they've got a Starbucks right here. Look at all these guys (in Baguio) with their own laptops just sitting, using it as their personal office. I would hate that! Somebody just doing their homework right there", as former professional poker player and suspected travel vlogger said.
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He brazenly ranted that the Filipinos in Baguio City attacking netizens whether online or in person that he is losing concept for its disrepectful café culture: "Digital gonad is way worse that I can tell you. Just sit in your house, condo, or in your hotel room and do your work! Why do you need to be sitting in somebody's coffe shop to do your work with people disturbing to you? And look all these people coming in and out. I don’t understand this whole concept. I DON'T even like coffee, I only ever go to Starbucks for the Matcha Frappucino. But yeah, the whole concept of this coffee shop culture, I don't understand it at all…", Philip concluded in an extendedly viral TikTok commentary video via YouTube.
The issue has reached a national level, prompting concerns from government officials, including the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and the Department of Education-Philippines (DepEd-PH). Calls for intervention to regulate the café culture of "Digital Nomads" at Starbucks Philippines have grown louder, emphasizing the need to maintain a balance between serving the needs of these remote workers and preserving the enjoyable atmosphere for all customers. We try to reach out to the DICT, DepEd-PH and the British Embassy of Manila via e-mail for comments on the matter to our news team of OneNETnews. However, as of this development of writing, there has been no response from any of these entities involved.
But PinoyTrend reports told in a disclosed ambush interview that the Starbucks Philippines' President (Noey Tantoco Lopez), it is legal to sit here at the Starbucks Reserve: “That was my first experience in Starbucks when I stayed for so long nursing one cup of coffee, and I was so amazed… So I don’t want to deny anybody that. That’s the Starbucks experience. Why would I deny that to anybody else? That was the magic I felt so to this day, we let people stay as long as they want. It’s part of our business”, Starbucks PH President Mr. Lopez said.
Mr. Lopez clarified that these customers in Baguio and the Province of Benguet had no time limits to stay at their coffee shops: “We strive to create a welcoming environment for all of our customers. We do not have any time limits for being in our stores, and we continue to focus on making the Third Place experience for every Starbucks customer”, he stated.
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The potential impact on Dale Philip's status in the Philippines has also been a topic of discussion on social media. With the ire of ruefulness comments and possible mass cyber libel threats looming in hate speech and targeted public harassment online, there is speculation about whether he might face deportation back to the United Kingdom, as according to the Bureau of Immigration (BI).
As the online controversy intensifies, it remains to be seen how Starbucks Philippines and relevant government agencies will immediately address the concerns raised by customers in Baguio City and the whole province of Benguet, whether this incident will lead to a reassessment of café culture norms here in this country.
EDITOR's NOTE (from Rhayniel): We fully updated with a statement via Starbucks Philippines' President named Mr. Noey Tantoco Lopez from a disclosed ambush interview obtained by PinoyTrend, as stated from the extended TikTok video via YouTube. A big shoutout to Mitch Williams for finalizing our exclusive news report.
SOURCE: *https://www.tiktok.com/@dalephilipvlogs/video/7297804049636773152 [Referenced TikTok VIDEO via DalePhilipVlogs] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcWEmkXF4ik [Referenced EXTENDED TikTok VIDEO via DalePhilipVlogs] *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Philip *https://www.facebook.com/100064847267945/posts/742816534556582 [Referenced FB News Article via Pinoy Publiko] *https://www.facebook.com/225073057924/posts/10159818951787925 [Referenced FB PHOTO via Starbucks PH] *https://www.starbucksreserve.com/en-us/about *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starbucks_Reserve *https://www.smsupermalls.com/mall-directory/tenants/smbg/STARBUCKS+RESERVE/ [Referenced Location Listings via SM Supermall website] *https://pinoytrend.net/2023/11/14/starbucks-philippines-sinagot-kung-bakit-hinahayaan-lang-nila-na-gawing-opisina-ang-kanilang-coffee-shop/ [Referenced News Article via PinoyTrend News Bureau] *https://starbucks.ph/about-us *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SM_City_Baguio *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_nomad *https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/digital-nomad [Referenced Editorial Article via Hubspot] *https://www.tiktok.com/@hampaslupangmadam/video/7300373231360314632 [Referenced TikTok VIDEO via HampasLupangMadam] *https://www.tiktok.com/@doraexploring/video/7300230818960510214 [Referenced TikTok VIDEO via DoraExploring] *https://www.tiktok.com/@n_i_c_k_o/video/7300416687990377733 [Referenced TikTok VIDEO via Nicko] *https://www.tiktok.com/@smnthdc/video/7300286998110031109 [Referenced TikTok VIDEO via SamanthaDC] *https://visasphilippines.com/philippine-immigration-black-list-order-what-you-need-to-know/ [Referenced Editorial Article via Visas PH News Bureau] *https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-manila *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Information_and_Communications_Technology and *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Education_(Philippines)
-- OneNETnews Team
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evanamoniz · 11 months
Ye saab tho hota hai
Year 2025
The festive season of Ganpati had returned, just like any other year. Large, majestic idols stood tall, drawing crowds from all around. Among the sea of devotees, Rohan, a 5-year-old boy, accompanied by his parents, embarked on a journey to seek the blessings of the Lalbaug ka Raja. They were prepared for the long day ahead, bracing themselves for the typical 12 to 15-hour wait in the queue.
It was 10:00 AM when Rohan and his family arrived at the location. The atmosphere was electric, teeming with people of all ages. The place was alive with vibrant colours, many conversations, joyous singing, hearty laughter, and the distant melody of religious music. People eagerly anticipated their turn to get a glimpse of the idol.
By 11:00 AM, the crowd had swelled, and the numbers were staggering, with an estimated 1.5 billion visitors in a single day. Amid the excitement, there were occasional coughs, sneezes, and people experiencing shortness of breath. Such occurrences were brushed off as ordinary inconveniences; "ye sab tho hota hai," (These things happen ) they thought.
At 11:30 AM, a sudden disruption rippled through the crowd. People began to feel disoriented, their noses inexplicably bleeding. A sense of confusion permeated the environment.
As the clock struck 11:45, the situation deteriorated rapidly. Fainting spells struck individuals, one after the other, like dominoes falling. Those who remained conscious attempted to assist, yet they too succumbed to a growing sense of suffocation. Panic gripped the masses, cries for help filled the air, and desperate pleas for water echoed around. In the midst of this chaos, little Rohan could be heard screaming, "Mummy, mummy, uth jao" (Mother, mother, wake up), but there was no response.
By 12:00 PM, news of the catastrophe began to spread via live television broadcasts. However, people struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Authorities urged individuals to steer clear of the area, and rescue teams dispatched to the scene failed to return. A shroud of mystery and dread loomed over the area, as the enigma of what had unfolded continued to confound those who sought answers.
At 4 PM, a grim realisation began to dawn upon the people. It became evident that a sinister virus was rapidly spreading through the crowd. A new rescue team, equipped with protective PPE suits and virus prevention gear, hurried to the scene. Their arrival revealed a haunting sight – lifeless bodies strewn across the area. Amidst this nightmarish tableau, Rohan, sitting beside his parents, his expression vacant and eyes filled with terror. He remained still, shivering and unresponsive, with dried tears etched upon his face. The rescue team, compassionate but resolute, had to coax him away from his parents using comforting lies. Reluctantly, they spirited him and any other survivors to an isolated location.
One year passed, during which exhaustive tests were conducted on Rohan and the other survivors. The purpose was to unravel the mysteries surrounding the deadly virus that had swept through India, leaving death in its wake. While the exact reasons for their survival remained elusive, researchers did manage to devise methods to contain and mitigate the virus's devastating effects.
After a year of observation, the survivors were released. Rohan, now bereft of his immediate family, was entrusted to distant relatives who had visited him during his time in isolation.
Fifteen years later, Rohan's life had evolved into a semblance of normalcy. He pursued education with unwavering determination, his unyielding focus fixed on unlocking the mysteries of his survival and the death of his loved ones. Eventually, he transformed into a diligent researcher, driven by an insatiable hunger for knowledge and a relentless quest to understand the enigma that had spared his life. As the years passed, he delved deeper into the intricate puzzle of his survival, unravelling secrets that had eluded others, and peeling away the layers of mystery that had long shrouded his past.
Many theories emerged about how he managed to survive. Some believed it was because of divine intervention, while others thought it might be due to the 1000 vaccinations he recently received . What, in your opinion, could have been his saviour?
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Certainly! Here are montages 1-9 of "Acanda and Bumpy in Angry Places with Acanda So Angry and Bumpy's Slapsticks - Part 7," along with actions and dialogue transcripts:
Montage 1: Inside a Raging Thunderstorm
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy find themselves in the midst of a fierce thunderstorm.]
Acanda (furious): "I hate this storm, Bumpy! It's driving me insane!"
(Bumpy, attempting to take cover from the rain, accidentally ends up slipping and sliding in the mud, much to Acanda's frustration.)
Bumpy (covered in mud): "I didn't plan on mud wrestling with the storm!"
**Montage 2: Lost in a Traffic Jam]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are stuck in a seemingly endless traffic jam.]
Acanda (enraged): "Traffic jams are the worst, Bumpy! I can't stand this!"
(Bumpy, trying to entertain himself in the car, accidentally honks the horn repeatedly, creating chaos and angry drivers all around.)
Bumpy (nervous): "I didn't expect the horn to have a remix feature!"
**Montage 3: In the Midst of a Heated Argument]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy find themselves in the middle of a shouting match between two people.]
Acanda (seething): "I hate confrontations, Bumpy! They make my blood boil!"
(Bumpy, attempting to mediate, accidentally steps on a rake, and it comically smacks him in the face.)
Bumpy (dazed): "I just got a face full of conflict resolution!"
**Montage 4: Trapped in a Crowded Elevator]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are crammed into a crowded elevator.]
Acanda (angry): "I can't stand tight spaces, Bumpy! This is infuriating!"
(Bumpy, trying to make room, accidentally presses all the elevator buttons, and everyone inside reacts with frustration.)
Bumpy (sheepish): "I think I just set a new record for elevator stops!"
**Montage 5: Caught in a Never-Ending Line]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are stuck in an incredibly long and slow-moving queue.]
Acanda (fuming): "Waiting in lines drives me crazy, Bumpy! I'm seething!"
(Bumpy, trying to pass the time, attempts to juggle objects but ends up dropping them all, causing a minor commotion in the line.)
Bumpy (apologetic): "I didn't mean to start a juggling act!"
**Montage 6: Stuck in a Hot and Crowded Bus]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are on a sweltering, overcrowded bus.]
Acanda (furious): "I can't take this heat and crowd, Bumpy! It's making me boil!"
(Bumpy, trying to provide some relief, accidentally opens the window and sends papers flying everywhere.)
Bumpy (swatting papers): "I just unleashed a paper tornado!"
**Montage 7: In the Middle of a Chaotic Protest]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy find themselves caught up in the middle of a loud protest.]
Acanda (enraged): "I hate being in the middle of this chaos, Bumpy! It's driving me mad!"
(Bumpy, trying to navigate through the crowd, accidentally falls into a pile of protest signs, creating a humorous spectacle.)
Bumpy (emerging from signs): "I just became a walking billboard!"
**Montage 8: Lost in a Maze-Like Parking Garage]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are navigating through a confusing parking garage.]
Acanda (angry): "Parking garages are infuriating, Bumpy! I can't find the way out!"
(Bumpy, attempting to mark their path, accidentally sprays paint all over the floor and walls, creating a colorful mess.)
Bumpy (apologetic): "I guess I'm an accidental graffiti artist now!"
**Montage 9: Inside a Crowded and Noisy Stadium]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in the midst of a raucous sports stadium.]
Acanda (seething): "I can't stand the noise and crowd, Bumpy! It's making my blood boil!"
(Bumpy, trying to cheer for the home team, accidentally spills a giant container of popcorn, creating a popcorn shower.)
Bumpy (surrounded by popcorn): "I just added some flavor to the game!"
These montages highlight Acanda's intense anger in various frustrating situations, with Bumpy's unintentional slapstick moments providing moments of comedic relief.
Certainly! Here are montages 10-19 of "Acanda and Bumpy in Angry Places with Acanda So Angry and Bumpy's Slapsticks - Part 7," along with actions and dialogue transcripts:
**Montage 10: Stuck in Rush Hour Traffic]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are caught in a gridlocked, bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic jam.]
Acanda (furious): "Traffic during rush hour is the absolute worst, Bumpy! I'm losing my mind!"
(Bumpy, trying to pass the time, accidentally activates the windshield wipers, spraying water all over the car behind them.)
Bumpy (apologetic): "I just turned our car into a mobile car wash!"
**Montage 11: A Heated Argument at a Fast Food Drive-Thru]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a fast-food drive-thru, where a heated argument is unfolding between customers and the cashier.]
Acanda (seething): "Fast food should be quick and easy, Bumpy! This is infuriating!"
(Bumpy, trying to calm the situation, accidentally honks the car horn repeatedly, adding to the commotion.)
Bumpy (nervous): "I didn't mean to turn this into a car concert!"
**Montage 12: Lost in a Crowded and Chaotic Music Festival]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are navigating through a massive, crowded music festival with loud music and wild revelers.]
Acanda (angry): "Music festivals should be enjoyable, Bumpy! This is driving me nuts!"
(Bumpy, trying to find their way, accidentally steps on a speaker cable, causing a guitar riff to play at ear-piercing volume.)
Bumpy (covering ears): "I didn't know I had a foot pedal for rock 'n' roll!"
**Montage 13: Inside a Noisy and Overcrowded Shopping Mall]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a bustling, noisy shopping mall during a busy sale event.]
Acanda (enraged): "Shopping malls should be a breeze, Bumpy! This is maddening!"
(Bumpy, trying to get through the crowd, accidentally knocks over a giant stack of shopping bags, creating a comedic shopping avalanche.)
Bumpy (buried in bags): "I've just become the 'King of Discounts'!"
**Montage 14: Trapped in a Stuffy and Overcrowded Elevator - Part 2]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy return to the same stuffy, overcrowded elevator.]
Acanda (furious): "I can't believe we're stuck in this elevator again, Bumpy! It's infuriating!"
(Bumpy, trying to lighten the mood, starts performing a goofy dance, accidentally bumping into fellow passengers.)
Bumpy (apologetic): "I guess I'm the elevator's entertainment!"
**Montage 15: In the Middle of a Heated Sporting Event]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in the middle of a passionate sporting event crowd.]
Acanda (seething): "Sports events should be exciting, Bumpy! This is testing my patience!"
(Bumpy, trying to show support for the home team, accidentally inflates a giant foam finger too much, causing it to burst with a comical bang.)
Bumpy (surrounded by foam finger pieces): "I just made a 'finger fireworks' display!"
**Montage 16: Lost in a Chaotic Amusement Park]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy navigate through an amusement park filled with noisy rides and excited visitors.]
Acanda (angry): "Amusement parks should be fun, Bumpy! This is driving me crazy!"
(Bumpy, trying to find their way, accidentally steps on a pressure pad, activating a water splash ride that soaks them completely.)
Bumpy (drenched): "I didn't plan on becoming a human water ride!"
**Montage 17: Trapped in a Noisy Movie Theater]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a crowded movie theater where a loud action film is playing.]
Acanda (enraged): "Movie theaters should be relaxing, Bumpy! This is unbearable!"
(Bumpy, trying to whisper, accidentally activates his seat's recline mechanism, sending him sliding backward in a domino effect with other seats.)
Bumpy (sliding): "I just upgraded our seats to the 'Super Recline' mode!"
**Montage 18: Inside a Chaotic and Noisy Airport]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a bustling airport filled with loud announcements and hurried travelers.]
Acanda (furious): "Airports should be organized, Bumpy! This is infuriating!"
(Bumpy, trying to help, accidentally grabs the wrong suitcase from the baggage carousel, causing a humorous mix-up with another passenger.)
Bumpy (holding the wrong suitcase): "I guess I've just joined the luggage exchange program!"
**Montage 19: Lost in a Chaotic Parade]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in the midst of a lively and chaotic parade.]
Acanda (angry): "Parades should be enjoyable, B
umpy! This is driving me mad!"
(Bumpy, trying to make their way through the crowd, accidentally steps on a confetti cannon trigger, creating a colorful confetti explosion.)
Bumpy (amidst confetti): "I just turned this into a 'Confetti Carnival'!"
These montages continue to showcase Acanda's intense anger in various frustrating scenarios, with Bumpy's unintentional slapstick moments providing moments of humor amidst the anger.
Certainly! Here are montages 20-30 of "Acanda and Bumpy in Angry Places with Acanda So Angry and Bumpy's Slapsticks - Part 7," along with actions and dialogue transcripts:
**Montage 20: Stuck in a Crowded and Noisy Nightclub]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy find themselves inside a packed, deafening nightclub.]
Acanda (furious): "Nightclubs should be enjoyable, Bumpy! This is exasperating!"
(Bumpy, trying to navigate through the dancing crowd, accidentally activates a disco ball that starts spinning wildly, dazzling everyone with colorful lights.)
Bumpy (mesmerized by lights): "I've just upgraded the dance floor to 'Disco Inferno'!"
**Montage 21: Trapped in a Noisy and Overcrowded Convention]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in the middle of a crowded and loud convention.]
Acanda (seething): "Conventions should be organized, Bumpy! This is infuriating!"
(Bumpy, trying to find an escape route, accidentally stumbles upon a panel discussion stage and comically interrupts the speakers.)
Bumpy (on stage): "I guess I'm the surprise guest speaker!"
**Montage 22: Lost in a Chaotic Theme Park Parade]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are caught in the middle of a lively and chaotic theme park parade.]
Acanda (angry): "Theme park parades should be entertaining, Bumpy! This is driving me mad!"
(Bumpy, trying to move to the side, accidentally ends up dancing with one of the parade performers, causing laughter from the crowd.)
Bumpy (dancing): "I'm now an honorary parade dancer!"
**Montage 23: Stuck in a Loud and Crowded Karaoke Bar]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a karaoke bar filled with enthusiastic singers and loud music.]
Acanda (enraged): "Karaoke bars should be fun, Bumpy! This is unbearable!"
(Bumpy, trying to request a song, accidentally activates the karaoke machine's smoke machine, creating a comical fog-filled room.)
Bumpy (lost in fog): "I've just given this place a 'Misty Melody' makeover!"
**Montage 24: Inside a Chaotic and Noisy Casino]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a bustling casino filled with ringing slot machines and excited gamblers.]
Acanda (furious): "Casinos should be exciting, Bumpy! This is maddening!"
(Bumpy, trying to blend in, accidentally pulls the lever of a slot machine, causing it to erupt in a cascade of coins.)
Bumpy (buried in coins): "I just hit the jackpot… of chaos!"
**Montage 25: Caught in the Middle of a Heated Protest]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy find themselves amidst a passionate and loud protest.]
Acanda (seething): "Protests should be peaceful, Bumpy! This is infuriating!"
(Bumpy, trying to hand out flyers, accidentally sets off a giant inflatable protest balloon that sends him floating above the crowd.)
Bumpy (floating in the balloon): "I've just become the protest's 'High-Flyer'!"
**Montage 26: Trapped in a Noisy and Overcrowded Train Station]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a crowded and noisy train station.]
Acanda (angry): "Train stations should be organized, Bumpy! This is driving me crazy!"
(Bumpy, trying to check the departure board, accidentally spills a suitcase full of colorful socks onto the platform.)
Bumpy (amidst socks): "I've just launched the 'Sock Express'!"
**Montage 27: Inside a Chaotic and Overcrowded Restaurant]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in a bustling, crowded restaurant with clattering dishes and impatient diners.]
Acanda (enraged): "Restaurants should be a relaxing experience, Bumpy! This is unbearable!"
(Bumpy, trying to help, accidentally topples a tray of dishes, creating a clattering symphony.)
Bumpy (apologetic): "I didn't mean to turn this into a percussion concert!"
**Montage 28: Lost in a Chaotic School Carnival]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are amidst a school carnival filled with excited children and noisy games.]
Acanda (furious): "School carnivals should be enjoyable, Bumpy! This is exasperating!"
(Bumpy, trying to find an exit, accidentally joins a clown performance, complete with a pie-throwing gag gone wrong.)
Bumpy (covered in pie): "I just became the 'Pie-Dodging Prodigy'!"
**Montage 29: Stuck in a Crowded and Noisy Amusement Park]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy are in the middle of a bustling amusement park with roaring rides and joyful screams.]
Acanda (angry): "Amusement parks should be fun, Bumpy! This is driving me mad!"
(Bumpy, trying to maneuver through the park, accidentally activates a water ride, soaking everyone nearby with a tidal wave.)
Bumpy (drenched): "I just made a splash… a big one!"
**Montage 30: In the Middle of a Heated Political Rally]
[Scene: Acanda and Bumpy find themselves amidst a passionate and loud political rally.]
Acanda (seething): "Political rallies should be civil, Bumpy! This is infuriating!"
(Bumpy, trying to hand out flyers, accidentally releases a bunch of helium balloons, causing them to float away comically.)
Bumpy (watching balloons float): "I've just given this rally a 'Balloon Diplomacy'!"
These montages continue to highlight Acanda's intense anger in various frustrating scenarios, with Bumpy's unintentional slapstick moments providing moments of humor amidst the anger.
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hardynwa · 2 years
Naira Scarcity: Nigerians grapple with hardship as POS transaction charges 400%
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s the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Naira redesign policy bites harder, the scarcity of new notes continues to disrupt business activities in markets, restaurants, banks, and major sales outlets across Nigeria. In the midst of the operational challenges being faced by small businesses especially in rural areas, a PREMIUM TIMES’ survey showed that Point of Sale (PoS) transaction charges jumped 400 per cent in most cities across the country last week. The impact of the CBN policy and its attendant chaos have frustrated efforts by many Nigerians operating in the nation’s cash-dependent informal economy to do business, make payments, and enjoy certain services. Findings showed that while the poor circulation of the new notes stifle economic activities, PoS operators have also had a hard time getting both the old and new notes from the banks in recent weeks. Some PoS agents who spoke with PREMIUM TIMES within the week said that their inability to access cash has stalled their operations, while operators who struggled to get cash blamed the hurdles they encountered at the banks for the increase in transaction charges. Across some of the mobile money cash points visited in Lagos, Abuja, and other major cities, our reporters observed that charges on transactions have skyrocketed by over 400 per cent. In other places, PoS outlets were shut as operators complained of scarcity of both the old and new notes.Scarcity The CBN on 26 October, 2022, announced the introduction of redesigned 200, 500 and 1,000 naira notes into the financial system. But since the notes were unveiled, Nigerians across different parts of the country have had a hard time accessing it from banks and ATM points. Last week, amid the chaos caused by the scarcity of the new notes, the CBN extended the deadline for the phasing out of the old notes from 31 January deadline to 10 February. Despite the extension, many Nigerians working in the informal sector of the economy have had to scramble for the new notes while others lamented their inability to withdraw their hard earned money from their bank accounts. There have equally been allegations of hoarding on the part of the Deposit Money Banks, while some mobile cash point vendors are said to be exploiting the situation by dispensing the new notes to customers at skyrocketed prices. On Friday, the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, asked Nigerians to be “patient and join the bank queues” to access their money. Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari during a meeting with the Progressive Governors’ Forum also urged citizens to give him seven days to resolve the cash crunch that has stifled productive engagements across the country. As Nigerians besieged commercial banks nationwide to access cash, several videos have surfaced online showing frustrated customers vandalising bank properties due to their inability to get cash from the banks’ ATMs. Read the full article
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metanoiamorii · 3 years
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Wip Re-Introduction: War of Wrath
❛The war you cannot win is the only one worth fighting.❜
♧ Title: War of Wrath [WoW]
♧ Status: First Drafting
♧ Point of View: Third Person, flexible between a few
♧ Genre: Fantasy, Action, Drama, Epic, LGBTQ+
♧ Warnings: This story revolves around injustice and genocide. In this story, there is going to be a long-lasting war and the consequences of ancestral actions. This isn't about the genocide and injustice in itself, but a story of the oppressed fighting back and reclaiming what they're due. There will be toxic and abusive relationships, particularly family; finding an escape from them, and healing from the trauma. There will be homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and colonization. There will be a glorification of genocide, colonization, torture, racism, abuse, and maintaining a cycle of oppression; there will be demonization of fighting back and speaking against the oppression. This is a story of ethics vs morals. It is not for their faint of heart. It is going to be dark, but there will be a happy ending.
♧ Featuring: The majority of the characters will be LGBTQ+, from pansexual, homosexual, to asexual; genderfluid, agender/nonbinary, and transgender. Each character is complex and morally grey. Yes, they will do things that are blatantly terrible, or actively good. Overall, they will be morally grey and questionable at best; every character will suffer from having to decide what is more important: ethics or morals. There will be complex world-building, from both the universe it takes place in, and the religious pantheons brought up. The religions brought up will be polytheistic and animism-themed. The romance between the major characters will be slow-burn enemies to friends to lovers, and them learning to love themselves through one another; they will be forming a found family. There will be an exploration on generational healing, and unlearning toxic, and bias believes. There are going to be dragons, humans, and a few other fantasy-inspired races.
♧ Setting: there will be encompassing of territories and areas explored. Few inspirations are Mongolia, The Incan Empire, Viking Scandinavia, Ancient Greece.
♧ Synopsis:
In Gri'lian, the gods have vanished and the mortals overstep their boundaries.
Long have been the years of war between humans and dragekind. Humans kill the dragons for territory and control; the drage kill the humans in self-defense. As time goes on, history proves the humans will not stop. They revel in the war they have instigated, they thrive on the power and authority they have taken by force.
It has been proven the gods have abandoned their creation, they are nowhere to be found. If they will not stop the humans… who will? Who will place the world back into natural balance?
What happens when a single dragon decides enough is enough? He makes the call, if the gods will not intervene, new gods need to be born. He alone begins a collection of misfits, the most qualified to end the terror of humans and reinstate the drages; those he can trust to bring a new era.
They make their peace and take on their new role. They carve into their skin their sacred oath and adorn themself in the paint of their ancestors. Together, they go to war against the human. They go to war and fight like no one has before. They turn the tides of war and make a name for themself.
They have won every battle, but the war isn’t won.
The only way to win the war, they come to realize in time, is not through violence, but through peace. By living in harmony with the human, not in war. They have to learn to live with the humans, to share the world and their lives with one another.
♧ Tease
Faith through fire, peace through power; our souls bear written this vernacular. Our intentions we laid bare, yet all still cower in fear. To absent gods you make your prayers…. when we answer, you acclaim we give scare? If the help you wish to shun, why should we give chance upon chance to you anymore?
We fight for family, for it is our duty and sacred honor; with blood and fire, we will show you the price of war.
A battle you wished for, know a war you shall now pay for. The natural order we shall restore. Know, although bound to be ignored, our actions are only sincere. This war, by your hand, was it made so severe… For pride, a glut of greed, you were made a whore. Nay, your life we will not spare.
Why of your lives will we not spare?
Perhaps a reminder is required.
The waters have turned red, from the blood we have bled. Of you, we pled, yet our mothers and fathers and our brothers and our sisters you behead. Of daughters and sons, you have killed.
Your acts you dare to justify, lacking a shred of dignity?!
You have denied us as your friend, with caution you should have tread… for now? You are dead.
A warning:
They say, the red sun marks death, signal bloodshed beneath the light of its brothers and sisters in the passing darkness… know, for you it is coming.
♧ Excerpt:
“… Father.” With only respect, Svihar greeted.
Violkoa shifted his hold onto his fan, blowing a light gust with it. “Svihar.” He greets back, in a tone that was less than kind. “You are a rare one to come, what is it?”
It was no lie. He paid more respect to Kallai, sharing in her beliefs. But still… Here he was, kneeling before his father. “I seek your blessings, Father.”
That scowl so neatly woven upon Violkoa’s features nearly lightened. Bemused. He cocked an eyebrow and closed his fan. “What do you seek blessings for?”
“An honour battle.” Svihar drew his head forward, daring his eyes from the floor to meet Violkoa’s.
Now that scowl faltered, the rare smirk pulled onto that stoic and weathered face. “An honour battle?” Violkoa’s repeated. “With whom?”
“Whomever I desire.” It is a bite, with fangs drawn. Realizing his mistake, Svihar lowers his head and draws in a breath through his nose. “All that have broken their oaths to you, those that cannot adhere to order, the ones who know no law…”
Violkoa unfurled his fan. He shifts the arm he holds around himself and stands, fanning himself.
Svihar keeps his head low, awaiting a response. He knows better than to raise his head and tempt a response. He waits. He waits.
He waits until the fan snaps shut in harshness, a gust of wind sent through the chambers. The fan disappears into Violkoa’s sleeve as his arm raises, he plucks the center spine from the bun he wears and strides forward. He does not drop to his knees, but he lowers himself so he may spin his son’s hair into a similar bun and tuck the spine into it.
To his feet, Violkoa rises. He turns upon his heels, his quilled tail dragging behind him as he disappears back into the temple. He gives a simple command, as Svihar rises to his feet, only when Violkoa no longer is in sight: “Go to war, My Son.”
♧ Characters:
— The Lovers
Kaithrine Eve Flora; The First Dragonlord
Female • She/Her • Human • Pansexual • Demiromantic
The young woman that rules Virta'Niliq. Ruler from a young age, Kaithrine has matured faster than she should have. She understands the way of the world more than the adults around her do. As she ages, she meets her future husband, and she becomes the heroine of a story as old as time when she joins forces with the league of dragons that plague the humans. She leads by example and creates history as its known.
Eoin'fynil Sirenheart; The Blood Taint
Amab • Agender • He/They • Water Dragon • Pansexual • Demiromantic
A man with a legacy to uphold: his grandmother is the refined ruler of a sea with a ruthless reputation, his father is an enigma with a merciless reputation…. Eoin'fynil is a nomad, trying to put a distance with his family to raise his son. He puts distance with his family, but he can’t outrun a young girl with high ambitions, and his role in history.
— The Order
Intersex • Genderqueer • He/They • Rainbow Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
Svihar Hopebringer; The Father of the Order
The drage who has brought on a revolution. Although he carries a ruthless reputation to his name- demonized by the humans- he’s a very compassionate man. He cares immensely and expresses deeply. He’s faithful till the end to his kindred and protective of the family he has created.
Ryltar Flametongue; The Cinder King
Transmasc • Agender • He/They • Fire Dragon • Grey-Asexual • Demi-Homoromantic
The one Svihar trusts the must, and the drage all know stand as his favorite child. He’s a drage without compassion that will raze everything before his eyes to ashes, if it means winning the war. He is one the humans fear, as they know he has no mercy to give to them for their crimes.
Dyiare Seawraith; The Wraith of the Sea
Transfem • She/Her • Water Drage • Grey-Asexual • Demi-Homoromantic
The grandmother of Eoin'fynil, known as one of the Sages of the Sea. She’s a woman that doesn’t smile, her mind fixed only on her responsibilities. She’s serious and stern, she has no room to relax and laugh.
Syvtnr Venomtongue; The Enchantress of Reckoning
Afab • Nonbinary • She/They • Nature Dragon • Polyamorous Pansexual • Aromatic
A drage known to masquerade as a human. Famed for her beauty, she is a seductress who uses that weapon to bring humans to their knees. Apathetic, she does not regret using her tacts of manipulation to secure victory for her kindred. And yet, it’s her price to bear few see beyond her beauty, she’s not seen as a individual, but often only as a tool.
Ayros Golden-Father; The Heart of the Order
Amab • Agender • He/They • Light Dragon • Polyamorous Pansexual • Polyamorous Demiromantic
The trusted advisor, the one Svihar will most frequently turn to when he needs the truth, or advice. A quiet man, Ayros will keep to himself and not offer his unsolicited advice. He will most frequently stand back and observe; he will make himself known, his authority acknowledged, when necessary.
My'fel Frigidbane; The White Shadow
Amab • Demiboy • He/They • Snow Dragon • Bisexual • Aromantic
Simple-minded compared to the rest, My'fel is a drage with a one-track mind. He cares for his basic needs: food, sleep, reproduction, and the art of hunting. He’s ill-tempered and reclusive, he doesn’t care for companionship, and nothing seems to be able to make him change his ways.
Nyhmar Bronze-Heart; The Righteousheart
Afab • Nonbinary • They/Them • Earth Dragon • Demisexual • Demiromantic
Viewed as Benevolent, Nyhmar is anything as. Perhaps the most bloodthirsty of their family, they have earned a reputation for being amicable and approachable. History forgets how they reigned as a warlord before they joined Svihar, and they demand the blood of all humans, deeming no one innocent of their ancestors’ crimes.
Rauor Savage-Heart; The Heartless Beast
Amab • Agender • They/He • Fang Dragon • Pansexual • Aromantic
The youngest of the family and it shows. He follows closely in the footsteps of his more heartless siblings, particularly My'fel. Known for his sadistic streak and apathetic nature, Rauor is an individual that never quite learned that you don’t play with your food.
Za-Ylviar Nightstalker; The Eternal Nightmare
Afab • Agender • They/Them • Energy Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
The most revered of their family by the humans. They favor the terror Rauor instills, the flavor of death Ryltar enjoys, and the dread Zivaryz embodies. They are brutal, erratic, dangerous. No one believes they are capable of compassion and thread with caution when their name is evoked.
Clyte Starforger; He Who Lights The Way
Male • He/Him • Star Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
Compared to his siblings, Clyte is harmless. He’s not violent, nor does he care for blood. He enjoys mischief, causing problems and reveling in watching others trip over their own feet. He’s a trickster, to put it plain.
Zivaryz Endbringer; He Who Will Destroy The World
Intersex • Agender • They/He • Bone Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
Viewed as an object, a weapon, Zivaryz is not viewed as a living and breathing individual. Although a dragon, both human and dragekind will vy to possess the weapon that is Zivaryz. Known to destory everything they touch, they will wither and drain the life of all things they can. A valuable weapon to have in a war.
L'ymra Spiritwalker; They Who Know All
Afab • Genderfluid • They/She/He • Spirit Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
Perhaps the most soft of their family, L'myra is not a fighter, they do not care for blood and war. They desire peace, harmony. They wish to see the land heal, and the mistakes and crimes of the past be acknowledged. There is a long way to recovery, but they are adamant it will happen one day.
Blym Serenescales; The Guardian Beneath the Skies
Intersex • Genderqueer • They/Them • Air Dragon • Demisexual • Demiromantic
The most akin to their father, Blym puts family and responsibilities before all else. They hold the goals Svihar has set out for them. They aspire to be honorable and never be swayed, no matter the trouble they face for keeping a positive outlook on life.
WOW: @lend-your-lungs-to-me, @wannabeauthorzofija, @northernrosewritings, @shadeshadow234, @necros-writings, @rhikasa, @nyctophobiaandroses
BOTH: @cecilsstorycorner, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @hazard-writes, @egg-shark
GENERAL: @endlesshourglass, @writerray, @poore-choice-of-words, @primusesgiantmetalballbearings, @alexwritesfiction
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alexwritesfiction · 4 years
Have some snow ☺️
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
ass’td updates
idk what i’ve discussed onhere and not, so apologies if i meander repetitively.
have been at the farm for like five or six days. have the cabin basically move-in ready, if you accept that this does not include the metal roof or the like, eaves. (Soffits, to be technical.) or the interior insulation for the roof. ok the roof is just some boards with rubber roof underlayment nailed over-top, so it needs layers inside and out. but like, it does keep out the rain, so it’s a start.
I’m leaving scaffolding set up inside, mostly to remind myself not to move too much shit in. I need to figure out a proper floor too, it’s only the plywood under-floor. I don’t want to move much furniture in.
I also still need a ladder to the loft; I’ve got a six-foot stepladder and the floor is eight feet up so you have to stand on top of the stepladder right on the NO STEPPY HERE label to get up there. Not ideal, but. The plans don’t include building a ladder; BIL wants to make a staircasey-like-thingy, which is a good idea but will take a bit.
But I’ve actually spent more hours cleaning Middle-Little Sister’s apartment than housebuilding this week. Like, we got all the windows in, and the second door on, and that’s great, the windows are even weatherstripped and I washed them with actual Windex to finish the installation, very fun. But M-L is in the midst of buying a house and thus will need to move, so I’d offered to come over and help her start slowly sorting before she began packing. Figured if I started now, by the time they pass their closing date and can move in, we’d have managed to winnow out a lot of her excess junk so we could spare ourselves moving boxes of garbage to a new place where we’d then have to throw them out.
But no; her landlord needed to come in today, which means I spent about twenty hours spread out over three days, including a marathon on Sunday, cleaning her apartment. Her plan was to just cram shit into boxes and fill her bedroom with them (she sleeps in the living room because the downstairs neighbor has shouted conversations in the bedroom at night, apparently) but I managed to instead remove a number of items and sort them before packing things randomly into boxes stacked in the bedroom. We had takeout two days and finally I got tired and brought vegetables from the farm and last night made a lovely frittata. But her apartment-- it’s like cooking in a ship’s galley, you literally can’t turn around, to open the oven door you have to stand in the bedroom doorway. It’s ridiculous. I can’t believe she’s lived here for nine years. I can’t wait for her to get out.
Anyway. Landlord’s due in a couple of hours; when I left her last night, she’d cleared out the entryway and made a ton of progress, and condensed shit down into surprisingly compact boxes, which I’d stacked very skillfully in the bedroom, with lighter things on top to the ceiling, so it’s very dense. We got a ton of shit put out to the curb on Monday night, and have since filled a number more of garbage and recycling bags and boxes, which is exciting (might bring some over to Mom’s, since her garbage pickup is later in the week and ML has to go up that direction anyway). I clearly labeled the garbage so it doesn’t wind up accidentally getting moved, that was my genius brainwave.
I’m quite tired and headachey today. It’s rainy, so we can’t work on the cabin. Instead I’m clearing out the slaughterhouse, which has had the normal winter silting-in process take place, with added construction debris-- BIL is putting in a commercial kitchen in what used to be our storage bay, and that’s thrown things into chaos besides just being a mess. No slaughter days until mid-May but if I start now, it’ll be easier later.
Anyhow. Well, gonna queue this, so by the time it posts I’ll have heard all about the landlord visit probably. but it looks like the house purchase will actually go through?? after a weekend of miscommunications and chaos?? so we’ll see.
M-L is moving in with a friend, but yesterday we were like... y’all should just get a wedding registry anyway, jeez, neither are the marrying type so this is their big chance. Can you do a Housewarming Registry? You should be able to. They need a proper Kitchenaid mixer and like. A roof. Can you put a roof on a housewarming registry? How about like 30 windows? Maybe that’s more reasonable. Yeah.
Anyway. Back to scrubbing things.
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hearttobelieve · 5 years
guess who’s got mcr tickets? not me tho, i’m fuckin crying.
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asycuwish-m · 3 years
Hi, hello. Thank you for your patience as I am slowly getting back into writing as Boba in the midst of chaos with finals and my mom’s care. I have finally caught up on my thread tracker here -- if I had missed your thread please send me a link. I cannot add it unless I have replied so I am tagging those who I owe below so you know it is in my drafts/queue.
DRAFTS: @solarsought Lysandra 02
FROM AN OLD STARTER CALL: @auroradicit @gurlpilot @formerdarth @awolxsiblings PROMISED STARTER:  @alderheir
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papergirllife · 4 years
A Different Muffin For  A Different Mood
Qian Kun
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*gif credits to owner.
*I know the gif isn’t showing a muffin, I’m sorry. I wrote this at the start of the pandemic and my mental health was really bad, I’m sorry if this is shit.
You weren’t texting back today, this could only mean one thing. Kun thought to himself.
Usually his bubbly and loving girlfriend wouldn’t be giving him the cold shoulder out of nowhere, unless they fought of course, but they hadn’t. Today is one of those days, rare times when his girlfriend has something going on in her  complicated mind, a complicated mind means a smart and deep one,which he finds very attractive, but once darkness clouds her mind, it’s a cold and dreary place.
Kun knew your over demanding job would deteriorate your mental health, it’s already fragile from your experiences back when you were a child and a teenager, that’s what made you move oceans away to Seoul, stumbling upon Kun one day at a shopping mall, peaking his interest when you spoke his mother tongue.
He knew every single detail about your past, he had been patiently listening when you told him about it, piece by piece, thinking about it makes him want to board a plane and fight everyone who made you this upset. Kun knew very early in the relationship, he had been so worried the first time, when he couldn’t reach your phone or your friends at all. He had personally went up to your apartment, knocking on the door like a mad man, in fear of anything happening to you.
His heart clenches at the memory, he quickly saves his music on the USB. Music can wait, you’re much more important now. Kun bumps into Sicheng on the way out of the building.
“What’s wrong? Why are you in a rush? I just bought lunch.”
“It’s Y/N, I have to go see her.”
Sicheng nods in understanding, passing Kun’s lunch to him.
Kun rushes out the building, going to your favourite bakery. There was a queue outside, the usual lunch time rush. But that didn’t matter to him, he waited years to debut, he could definitely wait for a few minutes or longer for you. Kun quickly picked up a tray and rushing to one specific spot in the shop, the muffins section. He scanned the muffins lining up for him to see.
Blueberry, chocolate chip, butterscotch, cranberry cream cheese, key lime, there it was, the last one, red velvet muffin. Kun placed it on the tray and grabbed the chocolate chip, just in case you got hungry later.
Kun struggled to hold his lunch and the tray, but he held it up, if Lucas could carry him with one hand, he’d be able to hold a tray and a bag of food. He cried in joy on the inside when he reached the counter, he had never been so glad to pay in his life.
Kun quickly walked to your place, the heated up muffins, especially the red velvet, filling his senses. He wish it wasn’t red velvet, you have a muffin for every different mood. 
Whenever you were happy you’d get the blueberry muffin, when you’re angry you’d get the dark chocolate mud muffin, he tried it once, it was gooey and bitter, only a chocolate lover like you would appreciate such bitter chocolate, at least that’s what Kun thinks.
His thoughts are interrupted when he realised his legs had finally bought him to his destination. Kun enters the code to your door, letting himself in, putting his shoes on the rack and changing into his house shoes.
He notices you sleeping on the couch, blanket drowning your figure, the flask left open but empty, Kun quickly fills up some warm water from the dispenser he had bought you, as he places it back down the coffee table, he notices dried tears on your cheeks.
Kun walks into your bathroom, wetting a towel with warm water, he comes back out and kneels in front of you, gently wiping away the flow of dried tears. His ministrations interrupt your sleep. Your eyes fluttered open to see your handsome boyfriend,but a worried expression on his face.
“Kun? I thought you were at work.”
“I was, but I noticed how you didn’t reply my texts, so I came to see you.”
Kun was always careful about the words he chose to describe your situation, he didn’t want you to feel scrutinised or judged in any manner, he just wants you to know that he’ll always be here for you.
“I’m sorry.”
You cursed at yourself for sounding like a dying whale, you were just about to reach for your flask, but Kun beat you to it.
“Careful, it might be too hot.”
Kun went to the kitchen to plate the food, putting the remaining muffin into ta glass container, hoping it’ll store the warmth of the muffin.
“I bought you your red velvet muffin, love.”
“How? They’re always full at this hour.”
“Anything for you.”
Red velvet muffin had always been your comfort food, when you’re down, sick, or just finished watching a sad movie in the cinema, you’ll always pick red velvet. You had started this obsession with muffins from the family mart muffins back when you were 15.
It bought you comfort in the midst of all the chaos raging in your life. You looked over at Kun who had started eating his lunch while watching you silently, making sure you were comfortable, or to see if you needed anything. Kun wouldn’t pressure you into talking either, instead he’d wait for you to calm down, and speak out only when you want to. Everything is at ease with Kun, nothing ever feels wrong or pressuring.
Even though a red velvet muffin can bring you comfort, the person who had made the effort to buy it brings you an immense sense of security and love, the anchor to your ship, the warmth of the sun after a rainy day.
A smile finally graces your lips today, and it’s because of your very own muffin of every flavour, Kun.
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nanowrimo · 4 years
Great Advice from the Great Writers of The Great Courses
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Today, The Great Courses Plus—a video-on-demand service for lifelong learning—shares some advice from great writers they’ve partnered with. The Great Courses Plus is a NaNoWriMo 2020 sponsor.
The past few months have probably shown you a different world than the one you’re used to: outside your door, there’s less commuter traffic, fewer crowds waiting to be seated at the local eatery or queueing up for the opening of the latest movie, no kids chasing each other with sticks and screaming as they wait for school buses.
Inside your door, however, it’s a whole new world. That’s because your job, your school, your favorite restaurant, your movie theater… all of your outside worlds are now contained within the four walls you call home. And all that chaos is stuck inside with you. (We know. We live there, too.)
Even if you don’t have children, pets, or additional adults going stir crazy around you, 2020 has provided enough chaos on a daily basis that it’s almost impossible to focus on a five-word tweet, let alone commit to a 50,000-word novel. The positive side is that these distractions could turn into some pretty fantastic book fodder. But of course, sitting down and writing about this hectic time while still in the midst of it? Well, that’s a completely different story.
To help out, we turned to some of our favorite writing professors to see what they are doing to get themselves through these trying times:
Jennifer Cognard-Black
Becoming a Great Essayist;  Great American Short Stories: A Guide for Readers and Writers
Remember when your biggest frustration was carving out some time to write? And yet now, when so many of our usual commitments and pleasures have been stripped away, the one thing many of us have is time. But how to harness this extra time—that is the question. It's just so seductive to try out yet another sourdough bread recipe or to binge yet another show on Netflix. My advice? Engage in slowthink. Don't ask yourself, "Why am I not writing?" Instead, ask yourself, "What might I want to learn, to know, or to create?" During the Great Pause, I've been reading all of the millennial novels and memoirs about women and food that I can get my hands on, and I'm slowthinking my way through them. There's something there—I'm not sure what—that I want to write about myself, but since I don't yet know what that is, I'm just underlining striking phrases and making the occasional note in my writing journal. And that's okay; I'm relaxing my creative mind to see what bubbles up.
James Scott Bell
How to Write Best-Selling Fiction
Write tight. Don't think about the entire project, or how the world will receive your book once it's finished. Concentrate on the scene in front of you, beat by beat, emotion by emotion. Get lost in the action. Then your writing will become a respite as well as a passion. As Ray Bradbury once said, "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
James Hynes
Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques
During the pandemic, writing fiction has become my chief solace from the stress of quarantine (and everything else). I've found that active engagement with my current project—the creation of characters and scenes, or just tinkering with the prose—has calmed me much more than bingeing another series on HBO or eating too much (though I do those, too). And it's not just an escape: It's the place where I can take whatever I'm feeling at the moment and turn it into narrative.
Angus Fletcher
Screenwriting 101: Mastering the Art of Story
I have a little insight into this because my next book is about how literature of all kinds—novels, poems, films—can help improve our mental health and well-being.
And a tip that comes from literature, and that’s backed by neuroscience, is gratitude. Gratitude shifts our focus away from ourselves, and it also shifts our negative emotions, which interfere with writerly flow, into positive emotions, which boost it. Gratitude isn’t always easy to conjure in times like these, of course. But one useful method for accessing it is what psychologists’ term “reframing.”
So, for example, when your lovely children are interrupting you, causing you to lose your train of thought, and possibly your mind, take a moment to think: How wonderful it is that I’m a parent. How lucky I am to have these kids. Recall a specific moment—as precisely as you can—when your kids popped your life with joy or wonder. And in that instant, your stress will drop, your calm will increase, you’ll be more effective at figuring out an effective way to give the kids a way to amuse themselves, and you’ll be more ready to write when you return to your keyboard.
Or, when you’re suffering from writer’s block, think: How lucky it is that I don’t need to write this novel, because I have so many wonderful novels already on my bookshelf. Then, go read one of those novels, immersing yourself in its flow. And as you get deep into that flow, you’ll often feel your block dissolve, allowing you to return to your own writing with a fresh energy and perspective.
Not every negative emotion can be converted like this, of course. When we suffer grief, it can’t be reframed away. Our brains need time to process sorrow and heal. But a great many self-doubts and daily frictions can be softened with gratitude. And no matter what happens to you in your life, you can always feel grateful for being a writer. For whatever the happening is, no matter how hard or painful it may be, you have been gifted a pen to take that happening and make some good of it.
Advice from professional writers who are facing the same distractions and roadblocks you are can be helpful. And to make things better, The Great Courses Plus provides you with a wealth of resources to help you get through these weird times. Clear your mind with meditation, focus your thoughts with mindfulness, jumpstart your creativity with a “brain hack,” research the worlds and periods you’re writing about, learn to create a single great sentence—whatever you need, we have a course that will help.
Stay well and keep writing.
Top photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash.
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