#In short: she's a badass in every single universe and I love her
demaparbat-hp · 19 days
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Toph as a Goalball player 💪💚
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imaginedanvrs · 9 months
encrypted relations
part 1 l masterlist
summary: yelena belova x reader. when natasha takes you under her wing, she becomes like family, and the last thing you want is to lose that. but when you meet her younger sister who you know is off limits, you have to decide between what you really want and hope for minimal damage
word count: 3.6k
warnings: alcohol, mentions of past toxic relationship and manipulation, sexual themes, implied death
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“I cannot believe you met Nat's sister before me!” You exclaimed as you threw yourself down on your sofa and glared up at the ceiling, furious at the universe's mockery. 
  “Dude, I know! I wanted to call you but every time I was about to, someone started shooting at us again,” Kate said with a huff. “But I got her number and told her to text me next time she's in town…she hasn't been responding yet so it might be a fake number,” you could hear the pout.
  “Kate!” You whined, earning a curious glance from Marty who jumped up onto the sofa to settle down on top of you.
  “I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you,” she tried.
  “I'll hold you to that,” you huffed until a smile crept onto the corner of your lips. “So tell me everything,” you grinned as you held the phone closer to your ear. You always loved hearing about Kate's missions. Having known the young archer since before you managed to introduce her to her favourite hero, you had witnessed Kate's adventures transgress from more delinquent than crime fighter, to taking on the KingPin single handedly. You were confident her first fight with aliens was right around the corner. 
  At that, Kate lit up, springing into an animated recollection of everything that had happened in the past few days. Her account was no doubt exaggerated and a little out of order with how often she got side tracked with minute details, but you were able to gain at least an overview of the events that led their paths to cross. In short: widows. 
  Yelena had been able to trace down the small group of assassins who had slipped under her radar, due to their inbuilt paranoia now that the red room’s foundation had crumbled, and led her to New York. The widows, acting on their manmade instincts, had made some trouble in town that Kate had stepped in to deal with without knowing the full scale of what she faced. Fortunately, Yelena had jumped in just in time to stop Kate getting killed but in the chaos of it all, the widows got away. 
  After a great deal of persistence from Kate, Yelena eventually gave the archer the rundown and in doing so got herself a companion for the rest of her time in the city until they were swiftly able to find the widows once more and release them from their chemically induced trance. 
  “So what was she like?” You asked once you had processed Kate’s story. 
  “Total badass,” Kate summarised. 
  “Knew it,” you muttered as you scratched behind Marty’s ears.
  “Anway, I gotta take Lucky for his routine checkup so I’ll talk to you later,” Kate said before you could ask any more questions. 
  “Good luck, Lucky,” you called down the phone, hearing a distant woof in return before the call ended. You immediately opened your messages. 
  Me: yelena was back in town??? You typed out furiously. It took less than a minute to get a response, that meant that Nat was probably doing paperwork.
  Nat: haha yeah, you guys meet up?
  Me: no she was too busy hanging out with kate!! 
  Nat: i didn’t get to see her either :( you frowned as you read over the message, surprised that Yelena hadn’t gone to see her sister when she had the chance. 
  Me: what?? :( you paused, tapping your thumbs against the sides of your phone.
  Me: you free for lunch? 
  Nat: come by the tower? She was definitely doing paperwork. There had been so many times in the past where Natasha had been too swamped with paperwork to go out with you for lunch that you had developed somewhat of a routine for you to go and have lunch with the Russian as she worked. Much to her credit, her ability to hold a conversation while recollecting her missions was admirable. 
  Me: omw
  “Come on, Marty. We’re going to the tower,” you said as you patted his back. Your dog was quick to scramble off of you and make his way to the door, grabbing his collar and leash off of the hook while you grabbed your jacket. You took it from his mouth gently and fastened it on before making your way out. 
  It didn’t take you long to get through the security at the Avenger’s tower. In earlier years you had some issues, especially with the addition of Marty, because you had to sign in as a visitor even though you were accessing floors visitors couldn’t. Eventually, Tony had gotten you a pass that let you whizz through the gates and checks. 
  “Hey, Steve, how’s it going?” You greeted the soldier as you entered the common room. 
  “Hey kid, not so bad. I haven’t seen you in a while though, how’ve you been?” He asked as he crouched down to give Marty all the attention he had been anticipating. 
  “Same old,” you shrugged, settling into an easy catch up with the blond as he recollected his latest pop culture enrichments and visits to see Peggy. The pair of you didn’t get to talk for too long though, because Nat appeared at the other side of the room with her arms crossed across her chest. 
  “Mind if I steal this one away, Rogers?” Natasha asked with a slight grin. 
  “Course not, see you around, y/n,” Steve chuckled as he picked up his lunch and took it away. As soon as he did, Marty dashed across the room to the Russian with his tail wagging madly. It was obvious who his favourite was in the tower, same as you. 
  “Hi, Mutt,” Natasha cooed as she pampered the dog.
  “I told you not to call him that,” you said with a roll of your eyes even though it was hard not to smile every time. 
  “Why not? That’s what he is,” Natasha pointed out as she stood up and gave you a fond hug. You went through to the corner of the conference room with the sofas where Natasha had her laptop and two plates of pb&j sandwiches. 
  “So how come you didn’t get to see Yelena while she was in the city?” You asked right away. You and the Russian had never had a small talk type of relationship. 
  “She hadn’t been planning to come to the city in the first place, that was just where she was led to, but once she had handled everything she needed to, she was being called to chase another lead,” Natasha explained with an air of disappointment. 
  “I guess between Kate and the widows she was more than preoccupied while she was here,” you said as you reached for your sandwich and pondered Yelena’s general mission that took up so much of her time. In fact, it seemed to be an almost constant thing. 
  “Yelena’s been at this for what? A year now? Is she anywhere close to being done with it all?” You asked, knowing that the scale of what the young Russian had taken on was great but that the work she put in was greater. 
  “She reckons so,” Natasha said with a spark of hope in her eyes that was impossible not to catch. “I want her to come home, wherever that may be to her,” the spy admitted, knowing that her sister wouldn’t want to stay by her side forever. 
  “Even if you’re not home, you’re a pretty great timeshare.” You thought that was a nice thing to say, but the pb&j sandwich Nat threw at your face said otherwise. You grinned back at the redhead, knowing she didn’t have to worry about Yelena growing distant with her again and hoping the same would always apply to you. 
“So if Steve could lift mjolnir and they ruled Asgard together, would that make them some kind of power couple?” Kate asked as she leant against the wall next to your door. 
  “Like work husbands?” You rummaged around in your pockets for your keys while the archer continued. 
  “Royal work husbands,” she corrected. 
  “You’ll definitely have to ask them at the next party,” you chuckled as you eventually found your keys and started opening your apartment door. 
  “I wanted to ask at the last one but I thought as it was my first time meeting them that I should-”
  “Kate Bishop.” You and Kate spun in the direction of the voice as you fumbled for the light switch. “Y/n l/n,” the Russian continued once you had a light on her. 
  “Yelena!” Kate exclaimed with a broad smile as Lucky immediately dashed over to the blonde. Marty stayed close to your side as you stared at Yelena in awe while she greeted the labrador. “You know you don’t have to break into everyone’s apartments the first time you go to them, right?” The archer asked, placing her jacket on your coat rack while you continued to stand glued to the spot. 
  “I did not break anything and you were taking forever!” Yelena argued defensively as she stood up and set her eyes on you. “Y/n l/n,” she greeted. You could feel her assessing you, just like her sister had the first time she stood where the blonde was. 
  “Yelena Belova,” you said, taking in the Russian in front of you. Her blonde locks were loose over her designer jacket that had various broches scattered across it and had been matched perfectly with black trousers that fit comfortably enough to highlight her figure. She was clearly someone who took pride in how she looked and you understood why, she was beautiful. 
  You watched a smile inch at the corner of her lips and wondered what kind of assessment she had made of you. Had she noticed that your eyes had lingered a little too long on the curve of her hips or trace of a smile? You swiftly looked away, reminding yourself that maybe you shouldn’t be looking so intently at Natasha’s sister. 
  “It’s about time you guys met, huh?” Kate said as she glanced excitedly, though oblivious, between you both. Yelena was still looking at you, a fact you were aware of because her gaze was as intense as her sisters. 
  “Of course, my sister’s told me a lot about you,” Yelena informed as she observed you take Marty’s lead and collar off. 
  “Likewise,” you said with a brief glance in the Russian’s direction in hopes of avoiding picking up on any more of her perfections. “What brings you over here?” You asked to at least distract yourself. 
  “A lead,” Yelena tore her eyes away from you and moved to where Kate was sitting comfortably on your sofa. 
  “Already? It’s only been a few months since you were here last.” You listened to the pair converse as you strolled to the sliding glass panel that separated your bed from the rest of the studio apartment and threw your satchel down. 
  “This is bigger than last time,” Yelena explained, her voice dropping to that of a serious one. “I called Natasha but she didn’t pick up,” the Russian huffed. 
  “She’s in the Philippines,” you added as you reemerged, meeting Yelena’s emerald eyes. “They all are.”
  “So you want us?” Kate jumped in, clearly unbothered that she was the Russian’s second choice. 
  “I heard you’re good with tech, think you can access this?” Yelena held out a small device in your direction. You took it without letting your fingers brush and recognised the device right away. It was a sort of USB stick, though slightly modified so that it couldn’t fit into any ordinary USB port. You hadn’t seen one in a while but fortunately you had an adapter you could use to get started on it. 
  When you didn’t confirm if you could in fact access the device’s information, Kate didn’t hesitate to do it for you and started asking the blonde what her plan was and how she could help and how come she didn’t respond to the memes she sent her. Instead of listening, you brought out your adapter and set to work on analysing the task ahead of you. It didn’t take long to realise the coding it required was advanced. Not too advanced for you, but enough of a challenge that you wouldn’t be able to hand the device back over that night. 
  “It’s gonna take me a while,” you admitted openly to the Russian. “I’m sorry, I know it’s probably time sensitive but it’s just a little-”
  “It’s okay, y/n l/n,” Yelena was quick to assure. In your line of work, you weren’t used to patience so you looked at the blonde sceptically, wondering if she actually understood how long ‘a while’ could be. “Just text me when it is ready and I will come back.” Oh. So she did know. 
  “You can stay if you want,” you offered as Yelena stood up. She gave you a smile, one that you knew you would be thinking about for the rest of that evening because it felt like it was just for you. 
  “Yeah, it’s friday night and we have jello shots in the fridge,” Kate added, already setting off in the direction of the kitchen. 
  “Some other time,” Yelena said as she went to leave. 
  “So you do know how to use a door,” you couldn’t help but quip as Yelena stood in the doorway. 
  “See you soon, y/n l/n,” Yelena smiled with a glint of something promising in her eyes. The moment she shut the door you spun around in your chair to face Kate. 
  “She’s kinda intense.” Kate shrugged as she carried a tray over with a few snacks and shots on. Anyone else would have thought she lived with you. 
  “You get used to it.” 
  “I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” you muttered as you joined the archer on your sofa. She didn’t miss your comment. 
  “She’s also kinda cute though, don’t you think?" Kate commented as she flicked through your tv. You didn’t answer until you finished your first cup of jello. 
  “I guess,” you said nonchalantly. Kate hummed, about to pry further to confirm her suspicions when her phone chimed. 
  Yelena: meet tomorrow at central park? Bring the bow and arrow
  “Be careful, Kate,” you vocalised your concern. 
  “Always,” she assured with a nudge to your shoulder. “Guess that means these are all for you though,” the archer said, pushing the shots your way. Just as you downed the second one and Kate picked a film, your own phone chimed. 
  Unknown number: you need better locks on your window
  “Did you give her my number?” Kate looked over at your screen and chuckled to herself. 
  “Nope,” she said simply, amused that the blonde had managed to get it on her own. 
  Me: i dont usually have to worry about spies breaking in you typed out, choosing not to mention that you lived in a S.H.I.E.L.D apartment as that clearly wasn’t adequate enough.
  Yelena: really? How have you made it this long?
  Me: im kind of friends with the best spy in the world
  Yelena: we’re friends already?? You rolled your eyes at that and bit back a smile. 
  Me: we’ll see ;) 
  You turned your phone off and took another shot just as your phone chimed again. Kate gave you a questioning look as you ignored the device and tried to give all your attention to the tv. “I knew you guys would get on great,” she said smugly. 
  “She’s pretty cool,” you admitted nonchalantly before sneaking a glance at your phone once more. 
  Yelena: see you soon ;)
  You jumped, spinning around to face her as she stepped into the living room. You never hear the keys jingle on the other side of the door. You never even hear the door open or the two steps into the apartment before she slammed the door shut, eyes already set on you. The control she had over deciding when you’re aware of her presence had always been something your girlfriend found entertainment from and took full advantage of. She never hid that, she didn’t have to. It wasn’t like you were actually going to voice your discomfort. 
  “Hi,” you greeted, cautiously searching Rae’s eyes for any indicator of what the mood of the evening was going to be. She doesn’t respond and that’s what you were hoping she wouldn’t do. Instead, she looked at the screen behind you as she ventured forwards. You glanced back at the monitor and can’t see how it’s anything of much interest. To anyone else it might be, but your girlfriend had seen it all before. 
  “Find anything good?” She asked as she stood so close to your side that her arms were brushing your own. 
  You were on NASA’s website, the secure part, the part you had to do some amateur hacking to get into. You had done it before. In fact, you frequented the site from time to time though not nearly as much as you used to. It had lost its appeal since the first time aliens invaded and had put an end to the question of life on other planets. S.H.I.E.L.D held the information that was of real interest to you, but NASA uploaded prettier pictures in their reports. 
  “They think they’ve found a black hole that’s going to collapse in on itself in a few thousand years. Last month S.H.I.E.L.D said Carol Danvers confirmed it collapsed years ago,” you shrugged. Your girlfriend hummed. “How was your day?” You asked after a long moment. 
  “Shit. I need you to look up a report for me, something under the name Dmitriev,” she continued. You didn’t push it, no matter how much you wished you could talk normally about your days like other couples did. Instead, you made your way into S.H.I.EL.D’s system as your girlfriend disappeared to grab a drink, knowing it could take you a while to get in in a way that ensured you wouldn’t be detected. Dozens of challenging (though not impenetrable) firewalls later, you were browsing the system as Rae spelt out the name to you. Nothing appeared. You heard a frustrated huff behind you and tried again in an encrypted corner of the system. Nothing. You could feel the fuse shortening, closing in on something eruptive. 
  You swallowed the small lump in your throat and tried to take a moment to think. You had never searched anything specific in S.H.I.E.L.D before, only ever browsing through the categories that caught your interest, making you question more what your girlfriend wanted with such specific information from the division. She had never asked for anything like that before, only ever sharing your curiosity in what was going on beyond your atmosphere. Hacking wasn’t your job, just a hobby. 
  You heard the barstool scrape across the wooden floor a couple feet behind you and a dull clink as Rae set her drink down on the worktop and sat down, eyes boring into the screen the same way they did to you when she wanted something you were reluctant to give. Then an idea came to mind and you hurriedly ran your homemade scanner extension over the screen, revealing a single report file titled ‘Dmitriev’. Rae was at your side in an instant. 
  She didn’t stop you from opening the file yourself, nor did she say anything as you realised you were reading a forty page document about a Hydra operative that was currently in a S.H.I.E.L.D safehouse. You frowned as you read on, willing yourself to stop because you knew information like that was harmful to possess and that you had put yourself in danger the moment you opened the document. Yet you continued and sat there in silence for a full half an hour. You only stopped reading once you felt light kisses being peppered along the side of your neck. 
  “Good job,” Rae muttered against you as you craned your neck and she moved to straddle your legs. Her lips moved to the side of yours as she held your face in her hands, helping you forget all of the questions that were building. She always had a way of making you disregard right and wrong. “Good girl,” she continued and finally kissed you properly. Your head was spinning, it wasn’t often she got like that. 
  Her hand ventured into the waistband of your sweatpants in a silent promise of a long, tender night. She was gentle, insatiable and rewarding at every moment’s peak until you had nothing left to give. You were entirely consumed in one another both in motions and mind, as though there was nothing outside of your proximity and an illusion that nothing would ever compare that connection of sensations. She was your universe and it was devastatingly easy to forget that you were far, far less than that to her. 
  Rae’s strikingly good mood lasted for several more days that you were glad to have cherished. Your willful illusion of peace was shattered when she threw a vase at you, one that you had bought a few weeks prior. As the emptiness crept up on you, so did the questions about your S.H.I.E.L.D search that you would never ask aloud, until one night, when Rae was out with people you had never been introduced to, you returned to your computer and went through the motions to find the file. This time, when you opened the document, blood red letters covered the entirety of the first page. 
  There were several new paragraphs in the document. You didn’t read them. You logged off the sight, turned your computer off and went to bed. What you didn’t know couldn’t haunt you. 
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amandakassis · 9 days
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Masterlist - Dark Desires
Tell me, what is it that your heart desires? When nobody knows, nobody judges, do you long for villains or heroes? I, for one, have a soft spot for the villains 🤭
Here you’ll find all my fanfiction dedicated to some of my favorite morally gray characters or outright villains, such as Aemond Targaryen, Coriolanus Snow, and Eric Coulter 🤍
Ratings: Mature or Explicit 🔞
Stories available on AO3 and (mostly) on Wattpad. Don’t repost on other platforms.
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SERIES | Modern Tales of Bronze and Silver
Modern short stories about Aemond and my original character, Katheryn Royce—the oldest daughter of Daemon. Each time, witness as they meet under new circumstances, navigate Westeros throughout different levels of power within House Targaryen, and deal with the inner wars that the Blacks and Greens wage against each other.
Some things you’ll find here: marriage of convenience, dragons as cats, dark and possessive Aemond, angst and fluff, light or mild smut.
‼️ WARNING: canon-typical targcest
COMPLETED | Bronze, Silver, and Valyrian Steel
Synopsis: When it comes down to matters of the heart, bronze can hold greater value than Valyrian steel.
In modern times, the Targaryens rule the nation of Westeros behind smoke and mirrors. During the patriarch's funeral, both sides of the family are reunited, including prince Aemond and his cousin Katheryn—Daemon's eldest daughter—who share a deep sense of loneliness. As the succession reveals the true colors of its most power-driven members and a murder accusation threatens to destroy their dynasty, the two of them must decide if they'll follow their duties or succumb to the attraction that makes their dragon blood sing.
Main trope: enemies to lovers
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ONGOING | Consequence
Synopsis: Westeros entered the 21st century free of the shadow of the Targaryens. The gods among men no longer ruled, and their dragons were gone, but the family still remained wealthy and clung to some of their centuries-old traditions. After the death of their patriarch, a marriage between the notorious drunk Aegon and Katheryn—Daemon’s oldest daughter—is planned to consolidate an alliance between both sides and avoid bloodshed. However, the young woman ends up setting her eyes on Aemond, the mysterious and disciplined brother, who will truly rule the family’s company in the shadows. On this journey about love and power, Aemond might discover that duty isn't the death of love but a consequence of it.
Main trope: marriage of convenience
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SERIES | The Wicked Universe of Eric and Kate
Three standalone stories about Divergent’s hottest and most complex character, Eric Coulter, and my OFC, Kate Kempton. Every work presents a different universe and the narrative gets a little darker.
Leave a Light On is a twist on the first movie; Bloody Vows is a world filled with ruthless vampires; Wretched and Divine is a mix of Dynasty and Gossip Girl—meaning that you get a high-stakes corporate drama with marriage of convenience and friends to strangers to lovers, all of it being witnessed by high-society and Twitter! Who doesn’t love that?
Looking for a badass OFC going through an existential crisis? Kate’s your girl! Oh, don’t worry, everything is consensual! I’m all for a couple that you can ship without bending your morals (too much)… Or needing to throw them out of the window (just sometimes)!
COMPLETED | Leave a Light On
Synopsis: Allow yourself to accept every single thing about you that makes you gray.
A change in leadership means that Kate, the Dauntless ambassador, is now tasked with working closely with the young and ruthless leader Eric. While everyone around her worries that Kate won't survive him, they forget to consider the dangers lying behind her sweet smile and sharp-witted solutions. After all, she doesn't navigate the city council with only her looks as a weapon.
Political games, a conspiracy on the horizon, and a twisted romance will challenge the fragile balance that keeps Chicago from crumbling. When all is said and done, will there be a future for what is left of humanity?
Main tropes: power imbalance, boss x subordinate, morally gray OFC.
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ONGOING | Bloody Vows | Vampire AU
Synopsis: Over 200 years ago, vampires crawled from the shadows to conquer the human race, which led to the collapse of modern society. In Chicago, the bloodthirsty creatures divided themselves into five factions, and the humans, upon reaching 20 years of age, had to partake in the Choosing Ceremony that decided which faction they would pledge their loyalty to. Blood in exchange for protection against other dangers hidden in the darkness.
Kate Kempton is a human on a mission. Her older sister's mysterious death led to a dangerous resolve. Upon coming of age, she would join Dauntless to find out what really happened three years before. Unfortunately, on Choosing Day, Kate draws the attention of Eric Coulter, the cruel and young faction leader, who had never been intrigued by a human before.
Can she survive the warrior faction and find answers? What will get her killed first, Eric or the secrets buried deep into the faction?
Main tropes: vampires x human, young woman x old vampire, forbidden romance, murder mystery.
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ONGOING | Wretched and Divine | Modern AU
Synopsis: In 2024, Chicago is under the rule of five powerful families. Due to an unexpected reunion, the public eye is set on two of its high-profile citizens: Kate Kempton, a Public Relations Officer set to inherit a pharmaceutical empire, and Eric Coulter, a veteran who becomes the new CEO of Dauntless, a private security giant, after his father’s death.
Initially bound by a marriage of convenience, these former childhood friends have to navigate a web of family secrets and survive the power plays of Chicago’s elite, while fighting for control over their personal lives and trying to understand their growing feelings for each other.
Main tropes: marriage of convenience, corporate romance, friends to strangers to lovers, gossip girl style.
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Coriolanus ‘Coryo’ Snow could only ever belong to Lucy Gray Bair. However, does that mean they should end up together?
ONE-SHOT | Memories Carved Into Snow | No Hunger Games AU
Synopsis: The Hunger Games were never more than an idea on paper, yet the children of the districts struggled. Being born outside of the Capitol was a life sentence of misery—except for Lucy Gray, who found beauty and melodies all around her. The artist enchanted crowds and found her way to the big city, where her path crossed with Coriolanus Snow, a man destined for great things at any cost. Love blossomed, but wickedness had corrupted his heart, and their relationship crumbled. The bird was free of its cage… Or was it? Two years later, a knock on Lucy Gray’s door and a final request from his heart might rewrite their ending. Could rotten things still be worth loving?
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lewmagoo · 1 year
*cracks knuckles* let’s do this
there are SO many good fics in this fandom that it’s hard to narrow it down, so my open letter to all the fic writers is that you are all incredible and continue to blow me away. the talent in the room with us is truly insane and i wish i could name every single one.
1. “and even when we’re wrong in every way, we come out the other side okay” bradley series by @gretagerwigsmuse
- a real, honest, and raw story that dives into the truth of dating a military man and the politics involved. the characters are so fleshed out and the writing is so fluid. the depth and the details always leave me feeling satisfied.
2. “house we share” jake series by @roleycoleyreccenter
- one of my all time favorite jake depictions and it really dove into new aspects of the character that i loved seeing explored. neurodivergent jake was written so so beautifully and it heals all my insecurities of feeling like too much in a relationship. the perfect balance of angst and fluff.
3. “the douchebag jar” by @jupitercomet
- roommate+new girl au, need i say more? soft jake, himbo bradley, bestie fanboy all come together to bring this world to life. a super fun read from the queen of au’s.
4. “mise en place” by @bradshawsbitch
- grumpy chef! grumpy chef! i loved all of alex’s one shots and she is NOT dropping the standard with a full fledged series. a grumpy man that’s soft for his sunshine girl is a trope that will never not make me happy and it’s made all the more relatable set in the restaurant industry that we all know too well.
5. “cruel summer” by @roosterbruiser
- anything from millie is stellar, and this currently in progress series is no exception. it is so unique and well thought out - you can’t help but to guess and theorize, all while thirsting for our favorite pilots in short shorts and crop tops.
6. “same mistakes” by @ofstoriesandstatdust
- one of the first fics i read in this fandom and has stayed one of my favorites. it’s blossomed into such a beautiful series with so much depth and lore whilst exploring the different dynamics between all the daggers/mavdad.
7. “i.r.i.s” by @ohtobeleah
- so! hot! every installment in this universe is so good and i truly think about it all the time. i love rebellious baby mitchell holding hangman in the palm of her hand with a side of himbo bradley being drug unwillingly into the chaos.
8. “always a bridesmaid” by @sugarcoated-lame
- such a fun jake fic! protective big brother bradley, sister-in-law phoenix, and conniving but soft hangman. the champagne kisses top off every girls dream wedding guest scenario.
9. “damn those dog tags” by @horseshoegirl
- one of my current favorite on-going jake series. the protective dagger squad and soft!jake finding redemption in an unlikely family. i get more and more intrigued with every update and the chemistry between the characters is so palpable.
10. “something ‘bout you” by @waklman
- i absolutely adore this series and the way that non-traditional shows of love are not just adequate but celebrated. our main girl is a badass softie that has me questioning if i’m more jealous of her or of rooster. a feel good fic to make your heart soar and fuel the want to babygirl-ify grown men.
again, i wish i could give every single person in this fandom a big ol’ forehead kiss for creating some of the best content and daydream fuel. you all rock🤘🏼
such great mentions!! also love your thought out answers :)
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enthblaze · 1 year
Okay, so I call it the Universal Misplacement AU (or UMAU for short lol) and it's called that because Casey's "twin", Rose, is originally my Rise of the TMNT OC (Rise is the version that got me into TMNT) and when I started branching into other versions, I originally started with Rose dimension hopping and in the 2012 crossover, she and Casey became accidental twins because they look a lot alike and are Batshit Insane. And eventually this turned into a whole separate idea where Rose got teleported to the 2012 verse when she was pretty young and got adopted into the Jones family and was raised as Casey's twin. She's Fae, which means that a single multiverse can't have more than one of her, and her prematurely discovering her Fae magic (not that she was old enough to know what the fuck it was) is what got her to the 2012 verse.
But onto the actual AU! Rose was raised as Casey's twin sister. Those two are as thick as fucking thieves but anyone who doesn't know them might think they hate each other because bodily threats is their main love language. Their dad has made the joke about the Cain Instinct being the only instinct those two know on more than one occasion. Rose is on the boxing team in addition to Casey being on the hockey team, so the twins are athletic, reckless as hell, and bisexual (Rose is canonical, Casey is headcanon).
When Casey first starts out on being a vigilante, it does not take long for Rose to find out and she demands that she join him. So now they're badass vigilantes, Casey even snuck her a goalie mask she promptly painted pink and black to match. They have a list of plans they've labeled via the alphabet, wherein one plan aliterates with a letter of the alphabet; i.e Plan F is Fuck It, We Ball, Plan K is Keep Away, and my personal favorite, Plan M is Molotov Cocktail.
Rose's main weapon are the brass knuckles she totally didn't smuggle into her room (/sar) but has borrowed her brother's baseball bat lol.
I can't stress this enough, because i'm Emo about it; just because they threaten bodily harm and insult each other on a daily basis does not mean they don't care about and love each other to their very souls. Yk how Rose is Fae? During season 2, the closer they get the Kraang invasion, the more Rose's powers start to act up, because they're responding to her big emotions and the stress that follows. So, during the farmhouse arc, she and Casey put in a bit more effort in trying to understand her magic. And in doing so, a few days before Leo wakes up from his coma (which, idk if you've talked about Van during Leo's coma, but I would love to hear about the angst that comes with it), Rose and Casey have a very emotionally vulnerable and intimate moment in that they well and truly spill their hearts out.
Casey, to me, is a reflection of Raph in that he's a protector. This boy loves his family to point where he's willing to do Violence to keep them safe. And that includes his twin, very much so. When she gets overstimulated to the point of a meltdown, or is understimulated to the point of floating away in the clouds, he is the rock that keeps her tethered and he likes it. Because it means he can make sure she's okay that much easier.
And Rose has always been a lover. She can be as sarcastic and playfully mean and petty as she wants, she loves with everything she's got. So naturally, she reflects Casey's love for her back to him. Just like how he's always in her corner when she needs it, albeit with a remark and a smug grin she immediately wants to smack off, she will always do the same for him. She wasn't born a Jones. She chose to be a Jones. And she makes that choice every single day. Casey will always be her brother, and will always be her twin. She can't think of a thing in the world that would break that.
And. During this moment. When they are baring their souls to each other after three months of worrying about their dad and little sister, being powerless to protect their city the way they wanted and unable to help one of their friends. Rose's magic reaches toward Casey's soul, the very thing that makes him who he is. And tethers it to hers. Bonding their souls for however long they are siblings. And as a physical marker of this, cause this is a Big Fucking Deal, they are given each other's eye color on their off-side. Rose's left eye turns brown, and Casey's right eye turns blue. And now that their souls are bonded, they not only have a better connection emotionally, but magically too. Because Rose inadvertently transferred some of her Fae magic to Casey.
Which of course is used for IMMENSE chaos. Poor Leo is so tired of their shit LMAO
(Also, I have to apologize for how long this ask is LMAO I have so many thoughts and concepts but these are the big ones so far (I've got a couple of concepts in the works 👀) and i love this au sm)
"She wasn't born a Jones. She chose to be a Jones. And she makes that choice every single day."
I barely know Rose and yet she's won me over. I need more Rose & Casey content. AND- I wasn't expecting magic or the Fae being brought into a 2012 au but I AM SURE HERE FOR IT- THIS IS AWESOME!!!
Oh, and never apologise btw for long asks, theyre my favourite. i loved all of this sm, and i deffo wanna see what else u got in store :]]
(and yes, ive made a few posts regarding Van during Leo's coma ahah)
Poor Leo waking up, only to be met with these two whirlwinds of chaos lmaooo XD
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Supernatural Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned At The Stake Pt 1.
• John Winchester is more sympathetic than Dean.
• Literally every single angel in the series (except maybe Ishim) had 100% justifiable and understandable motives, and none of them were genuinely evil.
• The demons deserved 97% more sympathy than they got (yes, all of them) because they were literally tortured into being the way they are.
• The hunters on the show are the real villains. The supernatural creatures were just existing as they instinctually should have.
• There was absolutely no reason to bring Mary back at all, and they 100% only did it to provide Dean specifically with more personal Angst. Because everything’s about Dean.
• They did Bela so so dirty and there was no reason at all that 432 other boring ass characters got storyline after storyline and resurrection after resurrection when she didn’t even get mentioned post-death #1.
• Anything to do with Ben/Lisa/Dean was legit just the most boring thing I’ve ever seen, like I literally skipped past those parts cause I cared 0% about any of that.
• Claire was cool at first but they put everything into making her a mini-Dean and she ended up being a whiny annoying rude trying-too-hard-to-look-badass mess (surprise surprise).
• Alex was way more likeable and interesting than Claire, she should’ve gotten the lead storyline in that arc.
• The whole Claire/Kaia thing was nice from a representation standpoint I guess but there was zero chemistry and only like 2 scenes of lead-up and the entire time I was just thinking “what in the hell are they supposedly falling in love for, this feels so forced” lmao.
• Metatron was my fav even before his big redemptive scene, I stanned one petty weirdo full-stop all the way through his dicking around with Cas and everything, y’all simply do not have Taste.
• Same with Amara. Loved her even when she wanted to destroy the known universe. Stanned her. Supported her, even. And also she had an incredibly heartbreaking and sympathetic and dynamic storyline, but some of y’all couldn’t see the substance in her cause you were too busy being pissed that she flirted with your trash monster (Dean).
• I’m very sorry, but Charlie was annoying as all shit.
• Not only did Dean abuse Cas, but Dean abused Sam literally throughout the entire show, from the very first scene.
• Speaking of Sam, he’s probably the most caring, kind, empathetic, genuinely good person on the entire show. He’s an actual cinnamon roll, and every single person that holds him even 1% accountable for the leaving for college thing, or the demon blood thing, or the not looking for Dean in purgatory thing… y’all can eat my shorts.
• Cas was better friends with Sam than he ever was with Dean. They have more of a profound bond too. He was ordered to rescue Dean from Hell and had an army of other angels with him, but he chose to rescue Sam and went in completely alone. If that’s not more profound idk what is.
• I like Balthazar better than Gabriel, fight me on it.
• Hannah and Cas were actually hella cute together. And so were Cas and Meg.
• The Winchesters did not deserve Crowley. They also didn’t deserve Rowena.
• Sam and Dean aren’t actually heroes at all tbh because 75% of all the major apocalyptic problems that have happened on the show was literally their fault. And they almost never solved said problems themselves. They coerced supernatural beings into doing it for them.
• I liked the angels way better in season 4, when they were terrifying mythical beings of eldritch proportions that even the demons were scared of. Held more gravity, I think.
• After Bobby was killed off, the whole vibe of the show kinda fell apart. Like the team/family feeling was just never quite there after that, and it sorta killed it for me tbh.
• Chuck being a mega douche wasn’t the mind blowing plot twist they thought it was. Like that was predictable. It would’ve been more meta and more unsettling and more profound if, instead of being a raging narcissist, he had been portrayed as they described him in season 4/5- an actual father/creator that was jaded with his creation. He still could’ve been absent and all, just not a total heartless jerk.
• I didn’t even watch half of seasons 7-8 like wow that was not interesting in the slightest.
• Season 2 was also dull as hell, but it gets bonus points for the gritty midwestern horror aesthetic. 10/10 immaculate vibes.
• Anything past season 10 I just picked out the Cas episodes to watch and I didn’t even really love those :/.
• I don’t like how the storylines started getting too big for their britches around season 11 or so. Like purgatory and heaven and hell and the apocalypse, ok sure. But alternate dimensions? Heavenly extinction? God’s literal sister? Babe you’re just a cute lil country show from the CW go back to drunks killing vampires.
• This whole series actually started being trash less than halfway through, and the only reason it stayed on so long was because die-hard fans were invested enough to subject themselves to mental and emotional torture week after week just to stay loyal to their old favourite show.
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myyoungroyalsblog · 3 years
If you liked Young Royals because of the queer represantation, then I'm gonna list a few shows I've watched that have it (some more, some less), gonna list them and explain them a bit if you wanna give them a go!
Don't look deeper, don't wanna spoil it too much, but yeah black bisexual lead and the story is just so freaking awasome!? Also a trans character played by a trans actor (my thoughts when I watched it) it's a short post tho lol
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New Amsterdam, has A LOT of representation and talks a lot about things that fucking matter, a lot of lgbtq+ characters in almost every episode (some main leads are part of the community too, but ngl the story has gone a bit down hill for me but still really great seasons) casey they did u so dirty i love u and miss u
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The Dragon Prince, IF THERE WAS A SHOW I WOULD RECOMMEND STRONGER THAN YOUNG ROYALS IS THIS BEAUTY, in s3 two out of the three couples that become canon are queer (mlm and wlw) and we see one of them have a very deep kiss and there's also a non binary character who uses they/them in s3. Overall the show is AMAZING, great characters, voice actors, story, animation, music,... Just give it a shot please honestly it's so. Fucking. Good. I was in aw with this show when watching it, just like Young Royals
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Teen Wolf, just rewatched it a few months ago and honestly forgot how funny it was agsndvsjbd and the queer rep isn't that much either but man there's is A LOT of bisexual energy from the main characters (mainly Stiles and Scott lmao) corey and mason my beloved
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The Good Place, amazing show and talk about important things too, and yeah a lot of bi energy haha
The Owl House, main character is biracial, bisexual, bilingual and gnc, and quite possibly the most adorable character EVER, parents of one of their bffs has two dads and her mentor is also queer and she is in love with a non binary character who she dated in the past (animated me is Luz, 100% agskdvdjbd)
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Yuri on Ice, the only anime I've ever seen and honestly laughed so fucking much, it's HILARIOUS and like every single character here is gay/queer lmao (also a lot of fans headcanon yuri as ace and I honestly see it)
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Shows I'm listing because there is rep but the show wasn't that mind blowing for me
Bojack Horseman, mainly because of the asexual representation (cause yeah, there ain't much out there) and I just LOVE his character (full disclosure, the show is fucked up and has a lot of trigger warnings, but still has funny parts)
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Gen LOCK, genderfluid character that is so freakin badass, but this show is very meta and might not be for everyone, haven't watched s2 yet tho (Cammie is also so freakin adorable and I hc her as ace lol)
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Loki, genderfluid and bisexual, canon in the tv show and quite fun story line (I ship Loki and Mobius so freaking much ughhhh manifesting in s2) SPOILERS but theres an undertheme or smt that he likes his clone and huh yeah that made me uncomfortable so just sayin, those parts made me cringe so much I had to skip them, that's why I placed the show down here haha
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Love, Victor, only watched s1 and heard there was a love triangle in s2 so gonna wait till s3 comes out to see if it's worth it lol but yeah, yall probably know it takes place in the Love, Simon movie universe (in the same high school too) although Victors situation is more complicated and not that accepting, he's gay and Half Colombian/Puerto Rican, and I think at the end of s2 a girl is like plainly shown to be bisexual but idk and yes im putting the hug between victor and felix here because felix is such a supporting friend and just pure sunshine and deserves the world
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yoobikook · 4 years
Updates are regular, please see original post
CAROUSEL by @yoonia
Yoongi X Reader
Genre | Angst, Smut/Mature scenes, Arranged Marriage! AU, Heirs! AU, CEO!Yoongi, Suspense
Summary | He is the successor of his family’s business empire, and you are the female heir of yours. After the trouble his older brother had created in the past, he now must face certain requirements needed for the sake of the family’s future and to save his rights of inheritance, and you become his only way out. Everything might seem so simple, just the way they are supposed to. But everything isn’t always what it seems, is it
I WON'T STOP YOU by @imsarabum
Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, Fantasy, Angst, Smut
Summary; You drive to your boss‘s house with the intention of returning his wallet he left at the office. You feel uneasy, seeing his manor for the first time - Jungkook also feels uneasy, but for reasons that you could never begin to imagine.
BAD FOR YOU by @yoonia
Jungkook x reader
Genre | Stripper!au, Stripper!Jungkook, Smut, Angst
Summary | His whole presence emits sin and danger, and you are not supposed to be attracted to him on the first glance.
STRIP by @yoonia
Jimin x reader (spin-off to Bad For You)
Genre | Stripper!au, Stripper!Jimin, Bartender!reader, Single parent!au, Smut, Angst, Mature theme
Summary | Everything you have done has always been about surviving life and raising your child on your own. Having someone else caring about you was the last thing you had expected. Especially when that someone is the same man you have watched performing every night on stage and secretly admired. But will he run the moment he finds out about your little secret waiting at home?
THE BIRD CAGE by @untaemedqueen
Jimin X Reader
Genre | Mafia AU, Blood, Guns, Knives, Smut, Smoking (Cigarettes), Excessive Cursing, Drinking, Character death
Summary | Due to debts, the OC falls into servitude and starts working as a maid at Jimin's mansion. Her actions and grace catch Jimin's eyes and he couldn't help but want more of her. The OC is basically a badass and works her way up into the mafia and proves herself worthy. Her interactions with the other members, her attempts to protect her loved ones and keeping the mafia together makes this story a wonderful ride! Also the wonderful display of Jimin's duality as a Mafia leader and a father is the cherry on top. The story is intense, thrilling , romantic and emotional . Highly recommended <3
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | badboy!jk, jock!au, lots of fluff, slight smut, tiny bit angst
Summary | Bad boys are bad, they said. And they don’t deserve girls like you, they said. But all you wanted to do was give Jeon Jungkook a chance.
Namjoon X Reader
Genre | fireman!namjoon and paramedic!y/n au , drunken sex, oral, etc.
Summary | As a cardio surgeon forced to volunteer as a paramedic in the Seoul Fire Department during your probation, your one and only goal was to get to work, do your thing, and get the hell home and back to your original high-salary job. But when the Chief of the SFD is the incredibly attractive, tall, and persistent bachelor that you had the best one night stand with weeks ago, things kind of get heated.
RATTLED by @gukslut
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | Single dad AU, Angst, Healing, E2L, F2L, Smut
Summary | The story is about how Jungkook ends up with a baby due to his carelessness, his struggles for his daughter, his suffering and how the reader helps him in more than one way & how he falls for the reader. The best single dad au out there, seriously. This will get tears in your eyes .
DEEP SIX by @bratkook
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | smut, light angst, infidelity, dirty talk, unprotected sex (don’t do this), oral (f receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, creampie, cum eating, pussy slapping, choking, spanking, and really sweet loving biker gang jungkook.
Summary | The two part series is about the reader who is the girlfriend of the leader of the rival biker group of deep six, who is fed up of her abusive relationship. Jungkook ,a member of deep six, and the reader fall for each other, and plan a revengeful escapade. Well written and I think the best biker au out there!
PALATE CLEANSER by @btsmakesmehappy
Taehyung X Reader
Genre | Agent!Taehyung x Baker!reader , Angst, Fluff, Smut, FWB, S2L
Summary | Taehyung needs something to take his mind off his broken heart. His best friend, Jimin, suggests that he should meet another woman and the first woman he met was you. Would you help him even though you have your own problem, that you hate men?
Part of The Company Series ,which is an amazing work altogether!
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | Smut (M), angst, mafia!au, prostitution!au 
Summary | After a patient urgently pleads you to go and help a friend of his, you naively agree to it. Little did you know, that you would get more than what you agreed to, when he leads you to a brothel, to help a dangerous prostitute named Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook X Reader (SM AU)
Genre | rapper!jeongguk x photographer!reader ; smut, fluff, the tiniest bit of angst
Summary | an online dating app pairs him with the perfect girl. the two quickly start falling for each other and when things are getting good, he finds out she’s his best friend’s little sister.
This one's my fav, but read any work by @kimnjss and you'll fall in love with her writing. All of them are so amazing 😍. I have probably read all of them,
BROWN EYED BABY by @jeonstudios
Jungkook X Reader (two shot)
Genre | single dad!jk x reader, exes to friends to lovers, smut, angst, fluff.
Summary | a lost child at the mall. eyes from a different time.
This will make you feel so warm.
KINDA HOT by @kimnjss
Taehyung X Reader [SM AU]
Genre | campus flirt!taehyung x sweet girl!reader ; best friends to lovers. college au. smut, fluff and the tiniest dash of angst.
Summary | you’ve always been cute, soft, tiny in taehyung’s eyes. but that’s changing one night when you’re accidentally sending him a naughty picture. forcing him to realize, maybe his best friend is kinda… hot?
I'm not sure if I can ever stop ranting about Kez's SMAUs but this one is out of this world...Tae and the reader figure out their feelings quite early, but the edging is 🥴...and I really like it when every member has a significant other, it just feels so warm...in short, please give this a shot!
MAFIA AU (COLLECTION) by @neonlights92
Individual member fanfics
Genre | Mafia AU, smut
Summary | This is the story of seven men. Seven dangerous men. These are the stories of how they fell in love.
The stories are so indulging and probably the best BTS Mafia Universe on Tumblr !
GREEDY by @xjoonchildx
Yoongi X Reader
Genre | Mafia AU, smut
Summary | being a loner has never bothered yoongi until now. until you.
This entire rapline trilogy is just...*chef's kiss*...but greedy is *double chef's kiss*😂.If you too love Mafia AUs like me, this one is a must read! My favourite part was the initial meetings of y/n and Yoongi and Yoongi's multiple fake identities. The story starts on such an interesting note that it's hard to stop reading 😉
TEASE by @adonis-koo
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | Strip club , gang involvement, angst, fluff, smut
Summary | You came in hopes of your best friend becoming a stripper- becoming one yourself was never a part of the plan
The story is so indulging. Tease jungkook will haunt your mind for days. The smut was also super hot!
INEVITABLE by @ahundredtimesover
Jungkook X Reader
Genre | exes au, parents au, baseball player!JK ; angst, fluff, smut
Summary | You convinced Jungkook to break up years ago so he could pursue his lifelong baseball dream. Now he’s back home, staring at you, and the little boy next to you who looks unmistakably like him.
ATHLETE DAD JK . yep thats the review . just go read it , the prettiest piece of writing on tumblr T-T
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alkalinefrog · 4 years
may I request your top 10 favorie lawlight fics ?? I’m really interested
AIGHT BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP because I’ve got a lot of feelings about these! Also, people have been asking me for fics featuring:
Ryuk shenanigans
yagami sibling hijinks
whammy kids found family
----- from my bingo card I made a while back. Tbh, I put those on the list to try and manifest the energy into the universe hoping people would bring fics to ME about them lmao. I do have a couple that check the boxes though! 
Also thank you to everyone who’s been recommending me fics!! You’ve all hit the nail on the head and sing straight to my heart! I’m just slow to make my way through them between work. <3
GOING UNDER THE CUT (rip mobile users)
Aight here we go, in no particular order:
“Change OR the one where L and Light get married” by @translightyagami (I’m so sorry I keep tagging you in these alsfjkalsfdj)
The one I never shut up about and am adapting part of into a comic because it’s just that GOOD. :’’’D Light and L get married in front of Watari and Light’s family back at the Whammy orphanage in England. A melancholy yet painfully sweet tale as Light and L reminisce on their history together while getting ready for the ceremony, and their first night together afterwards. Single-handedly sold me on Kira being intrinsically part of Light to boot.
“the forest holds strange creatures” by @translightyagami (I’m sorryyyyyyy I just love your stuff)
An AU where Light’s a paranormal researcher and L’s a reclusive cryptid living in the forest next to a small town. The writing has a fairytale feel to it, and the romance is so gentle. Light’s bunking at Whammy’s small little house, and Near and Mello are there as little kids pestering Light. It’s ADORABLE. Beyond Birthday also shows up in one of the extra chapters as a creepy cashier at a thrift shop for double the fun!
"Sickness” by BlueberryValentine (more fics on their fanfiction.net account!)
The ultimate hurt/comfort + fluff + angst with a happy ending fic. The first fic I read to get back into lawlight a couple months back! Canon divergence starting during the Yotsuba arc. Light is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer while still under investigation. L has to take care of him, and somewhere along the way they fall in love. It carved out a chunk of my heart but luckily filled it back up with a sweet sort of aching.
“Seeking His Hand” by magic__mind
Historical regency AU! L is a rich nobleman courting Light, a humble farm boy, for his hand in marriage. One of the most romantic pieces of literature that I have ever come across. The prose is pure poetry, and their love so pure! This one also has a special place in my heart for its portrayal of Misa! She’s A)a spy who helps L on his cases, B)totally removed from her co-dependence for Light, C)the  bubbly badass she was always meant to be. 100/10 worth the read!
The “Resurrections” Series by Shadow_of_Quill
A modern Orpheus and Euridice story, wherein Light’s spirit leads L back from Hades while he’s still Kira. L is thereby present for the confrontation at the warehouse. Believing that any trace of Light is lost in the man, he executes him right then and there. However, this was a grave mistake, and Light’s soul won’t be as easily revived. (spoilers, they’re both fine in the end) ******* THIS ONE ALSO INCLUDES YAGAMI SIBLING HIJINKS. Sayu plays a HUGE role in bringing Light back!
“Is This The Way It Ends Now?” by Seastar98
The one that checks off ALL the above three boxes!! A “characters watch their own show” fic, wherein the gang receives a mysterious DVD in the middle of the Yotsuba arc. Horrified by what’s to come, Light and L work to make sure their future is brighter than the one they witness. They bring in all three heirs to watch with ‘em, everyone gets character development, and Sayu comes in like black panther in endgame yet again to bring Light back from the darkness! Ryuk pops up in the end and the epilogue and he’s great. The ultimate and most direct fix-it you’re ever gonna get.
“From the Same Star” by Nilahxapiel
This is my only pure “Ryuk Shenanigans” fic, and it’s really really sad :’’’D A short but sweet one-shot wherein Ryuk traverses multiple dimensions, dropping the Death Note at Light’s feet each time. Light and L were always fated to clash, and it’s just as heartbreaking every time. 
“Primitive Liars” by Nilahxapiel
This one’s super popular in the fandom for a reason! The only omegaverse fic that I’ve liked! The A/B/O dynamics and their affect on society are super well developed, and the writer manages to keep L and Light very in character while still developing their budding romance in a believable way. This is an AU where somebody else is Kira, and Light’s genuinely helping L and the task force hunt him down. ***** Naomi Misora lives, the heirs come in, and Sayu actually hops aboard the task force!!! DUDE. BRILLIANT. I also just love the exploration of gender and identity that the author weaves in. Lots of LGBTQ rep!
“and indeed there will be time” by lawlietismyfavorite
The ultimate soulmate AU. People grow to be 18, then stop aging until they meet their one. L is the greatest detective of not only this century, but of six centuries. And then there's Light. (taken straight from the description!) The prose is absolutely breathtaking; like walking through a dream. Can not recommend this fic enough! It’s got my head up in the clouds and looking towards the stars!
“K” by  Dlvvanzor
AU where Light’s a Whammy with the moniker ‘K.’ He and L grow up together along with kiddos covering the rest of the alphabet. A murder-mystery-thriller on top of the romance featuring Beyond Birthday as a main character! Light’s a pathological liar and L’s super into it. They’re the top students at Whammy’s and are tasked with solving a string of homicides happening RIGHT AT THE ORPHANAGE (guess who dunnit). It had me on the edge of my seat, and I binged the whole thing in two days.
i’mMMMM doing more than 10, this’ll just be my ultimate fic rec post 😂
“Change of Circumstances” by wordbombs
Another AU where Light’s a whammy! It’s just a one-shot though, but one of my all time faves!!! I’ve gone back and reread it so many times and drew some stuff for it a couple weeks back. Much more light-hearted than “K”, Light arrives at the orphanage at age four and meets an eleven year old L, and from there they grow up together and fall in love (the age difference is handled really well, L’s not physically present for a lot of Light’s childhood and they bond on a platonic level first). It’s one of the healthiest relationship dynamics that I’ve seen for these two, which is honestly such a breath of fresh air. Matt, Mello, and Near are there too in the background!
“Dial K for Kira” by @kiranatrix
“Light needs some easy money to finance his Kira plans, and notices there’s a big demand for Kira roleplay phone sex. So he figures, “Why not? Pretty sure I’ll be convincing.”He raises some fast cash and plans to shut the whole thing down and get back to writing names, until he gets a request from somebody who wants to “roleplay” as L....“
Taken straight from the description! It’s very VERY NSFW so be warned. I’m too shy to talk about it more alskfjdasldjf sorry BUT IT’S GREAT.
“Dance with Me” and “Birthday Note” by @dotti55fanfiction
These are both one-shots so I’m putting ‘em together! Absolutely adorable tooth-rotting fluff!! “Dance with Me” has Light and L going to a club, while “Birthday Note” features L trying to think of the best present for Light. The dictionary definition of “warm fuzzies.” (Dotti ilu, I still gotta find time to read your longer works)
“you’re a wasp nest” by  raisuki (inthegripofahurricane)
Blind!Light AU! Light and L are both college students who meet when Sayu dares L to break into her house. Yagami sibling hijinksssss! Their quippy dialogue is adorable and it’s just a fun time watching them flirt.
“softly now” by smallestbird (jenwryn)
THANK YOU TO THE ANON WHO SENT ME THIS REC. The softest lawlight one-shot to finish off this list! Light and L share an intimate moment while painting their new apartment. The absolute JOY this fic radiates in a short 700 words!! Read it before bed for the sweetest dreams!
These are just my favourites, but read anything by any of these authors and you will not be disappointed! I might make a separate post later for soulmate AUs because... There’s just too many. :’D
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rapha-reads · 3 years
DOCTOR WHO The Flux - Chapter 3: Once, Upon Time
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THAT WAS THE BEST EPISODE SO FAR. Absolutely brilliant ! I took so many notes.
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I absolutely adored Bel. Her sass and her courage and her voice. Her dedication and her love. Then the reveal that she is Vinder's love and she's pregnant ! I might have cry. Totally rooting for these two ! My favourite Bel lines: "Yeah? Convert this." and "Love is the only mission. Idiot." GIRL SASSED CYBERMEN AND GOT AWAY. Also she has a Tamagotchi. I love this. She's a badass good girl and she's sassy and funny and she's not afraid, even in the face of the universe disintegrating around her.
She's not afraid of Daleks, she's not afraid of Cybermen, and she's gentle. Full of love. She is brilliant.
Vinder is a badass good boy and I love him, he's so much more interesting than what I thought he would ! His storyline, his timestream, does something that I always find excellent : give us a glimpse of how the universe looks like on other planets. Other political regimes, societies, ruling dictators... And yet, the same thing across all of space : doing the right thing is often times difficult, even impossible and yet worth it. He tried to do the best thing, he tried to be the whistle blower, to be decent and honourable, and he didn't succeed. But he tried and he stayed true to his values and principles - "I swore an oath to our constitution, not one person" - and that makes him a very good person.
Also, Vinder seems to understand what's going on when he's lost reliving his past, AND he knows what a Tardis has. He is brilliant.
Really, really rooting for these two to find each other again across all of time and space, even if the universe is breaking apart. They deserve their soft epilogue.
So many things to say! Where should I start?
Doctor!Jo! We're discovering bits and pieces of the Doctor's lost past, and it's really fascinating to realize that she must be so old, she must have had so many lives, she must have been involved in so many important events! What was the Division? What was Karvanista doing there and who were the other two?
The Siege of Atropos is a good idea. I liked the way the temporal hazing blurred the lines between the Doctor's past, present and future. And her dark coat is awesome!
Time is breaking, time is broken, "time was unleashed for long enough and now the damage is done". Ooooh,now that is scary. A war between Time and Space? How does one stop a war between two laws of the universe ? They're not entities one can physically restrain, they're the actual backbone of all things!
Though... Who is the old crone ? Is she the one who freed the Ravagers, unleashed the Flux and decided to destroy everything ? Why is she so hellbent on blaming the Doctor for it all and destroying the universe? What did we ever do to her?
I love the way series 13 so far gives us so many questions, answers them and then leaves us with just as many questions as before. Although I'm very much enjoying it, I do hope we'll have most if not all (let's be real, Doctor Who has never answered every single one question they've raised no matter the showrunner) of the answers by the last episode.
Yaz is being stalked by Angels ! I really hope this will not be another Pond situation because I barely survived Amy and Rory's last episode, I'm not going through that another time. Yaz doesn't deserve it !
Especially considering how rude the Doctor is towards her. Listen, yes, the Doctor is under a loooot of stress, between the Timeless Child stuff and now the FLux and war between Time and Space maybe being her fault ? She must feel so guilty, she is so afraid and angry. But that is not a reason to be so short and cold with Yaz! I get that she doesn't want to answer or discuss the things that are happening, but you know what happens when the Doctor pushes out their companions and retreats into their shell? The companions go and do something stupid to prove that they're worth it, they can be trusted, the Doctor can talk to them. And then they die (or gets stuck in the past, or in another dimension, or forget everything...). So, now is not the time to be rude and cold, Doctor.
That being said, who else was losing it at Jodie the cop rambling in the car at Yaz? Damn, that scene was hilarious! Jodie's a damn good actor.
The music in this episode is excellent! Segun Akinola's soundtrack isn't on the same plane as Murray Gold's scores. Whereas Murray Gold made pieces that stand out, that were just absolutely stunning in their own rights, like "I Am the Doctor", or "This is Gallifrey", or "Tell no lies", Segun Akinola's music is woven into the episode. Each piece is composed for the scene or the character and accomanies it, instead of being masterpieces of their own. There are some episodes in which the music does stand out, like the Ghost Monument or Demons of the Punjab, but most of the time, the music is inside the episode.
Now onto the next point... WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BELOVED TARDIS? STOP HURTING THE OLD SEXY GIRL ? The fact that an Angel managed to get behind the Tardis' shields, the black goo and the stalactites, the door changing places and the gravity going haywire... What is happening to the Tardis ? Is she breaking apart because of Time going wild and the Time/Space War, or is it because of the Doctor's losing it? MY theory si that it's both. Yes, Time going out of whack definitely has a huge, important impact on a literal time travel engine. But, the Tardis is also sentient, telepathic, and bound in ways we can't imagine to the Doctor. The Doctor's very core is being unravelled and she's losing herself, her identity, not only due to the Timeless Child revelations, but also after her stint in the time stream. It must have an effect on the Tardis.
In any case... "The Angel has the Tardis!" ooooooh, next episode is going to be... wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey crazy.
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Which are your favorite comics featuring clois?
Hello! Thank you so much for asking...there's no way I can keep this one short, please forgive me for that. I've read quite a lot of Superman comics (but not enough) and to minimize it to a catalogue has been far from my mind, and is thus gonna be-indeed, hard. So, without much ado-here goes:
It is simply the best comic I've read in ages- maybe I'm biased because of Lois- whose characterization was on point with the excellent combination of wit, sarcasm and badass..Her snarky, daring, cynical and outspoken nature was toned to perfection, highlighting her unquestionable love for Clark, her uttermost commitment to her job, the lengths she would go to protect her family and the risks she was willing to face to steer clear of a massive threat which bombarded itself into the Kent household. She pushed her limits, found her way out of her comfort zone to defend her husband, all the while keeping him away from the limelight- about her ultimate intentions, proving that even invincible superheroes, sometimes, need saving! Most of all- Clois was so well written, and I just don't have enough words to express my gratitude and admiration for the fantastic duo behind it- Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins. The best part about clois is their unrelenting faith in each other- the wonderful way Clark just does not push Lois into revealing what she's actually upto, trusting her and supporting her dead-set decisions throughout, the way they keep the spark alive, and still manage to effortlessly maintain an unbreakable bond to that day, even after so many years of marriage and raising an upright, virtuous and morale seventeen year old son in the process. They are just the best example of everlasting love!
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Some Clois snapshots:
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#2: ACTION COMICS (2016)
I totally loved this as a comic, it was fascinatingly written, but I guess I fell for  clois immediately. Depicted as a strong passionate couple who support each other’s dreams, ambitions and intentions,(Clark wholeheartedly stands up for Lois’s ambition to write, which leads her to eventually publish a hit seller under the pseudonym, “Author X” and willingly cooperates with her desire to take up her dream job at the Planet, even though they endanger everything, especially when they are in a different universe altogether, and Lois’s selfless commitment to do the right thing- never hesitating to encourage Clark to do what he does, motivating him to go on despite her deepest, well-masked fears of her and Jon being alone, and constantly inspiring him every single day) standing by each other’s side in the darkest of times (Path of doom was a nightmarish experience for Lois, who had gone through the Doomsday scenario once and was scared of losing her husband again) and never giving up on each other, (I loved how they battled mxyzptlk and found their way back to each other at the day’s end)- so all in all, I can say they were flawlessly captured and adorably cute- the family was complete with Jon Kent, and their little moments of bliss together are such a delight, and it makes my day!
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Goodies for you:
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It was an enticing portrayal of the power couple, giving us a glimpse to how well they adapt (with each other’s help) in another, unfamiliar world, (which was under Darkseid’s menacing attack) battling through challenges and struggles of their daily life and upbring their young son, Jonathan Samuel Kent, keeping him in the dark about their true identities, taking refuge in a small home, far away from Metropolis. The initial years, though hard for them to get used to, they  came to the realization and mutual agreement that as long as they were together, they could make the impossible possible. This was indeed a masterpiece and I would recommend it any day to the cloisers out there.
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#4: Smallville season 11
Loved the version of Clois depicted here, it was too good to read, with cute, endearing moments. The transformation from the mysterious Blur to the red-and-blue spandex adorned Superman was great, but most importantly- it was an exploration of how they coped up with Clark’s debut , the home that they build together 6 months post “Finale”, their daily life and  the way they were born to handle the unpredictable situations thrown at them. It was a meticulous version of the couple, and it still remains to be one of my favorite clois comics books.
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# SUPERMAN: BIRTHRIGHT(one of my favorite comics of all time)
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# SUPERMAN (2018)
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# INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US (The only thing I like about it is this first part)
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# MAN & SUPERMAN (2006-2009) (I enjoyed their banter/flirting 101)
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No doubt this received mixed feelings, with Super-Wonder shipping and a poor characterization of Lois(in some parts, not entirely). But, one cannot deny Clois and their obvious attraction to each other.(even when both were in seperate realtionships)
Clark Kent hallucinated this:(fantasized, really- even though he was already involved with Diana)
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And this- was what really happened(weird as it was)
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There’s more:
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Ok- hope you all liked my *hem* essay!
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Out of this world hq fanfics, my favorites (part one)
Please check trigger warnings before reading any of these fics. <3
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Title: Open Tab 
Author: Mooifyourecows @mooifyourecows is the author of the two following fics
No Archive warnings
Rating: E
Ship: Daichi/Sugawara (DaiSuga)
Length: 56 chapters, 541,570 words
Status: Unfinished but it ends on an acceptable note. 
Author’s summary: All Sugawara wants is a little inspiration. All Daichi wants is for his regulars to finally pay off their tab. All everyone else wants is to drink good liquor and watch as their best friends struggle.
The words in the stars say: I’ve read this fic so many times. Even with it being 56 chapters and 541,570 words, it’s SO GOOD. The character development Suga goes through with and without Daichi brings so much to talk about. I’m not one for angst but when it hit (don’t worry it’s a happy ending) it made this fic more loveable in my eyes. I loved the side pair content, all my favs were there. IwaOi and MatsuHana side pairs? Yes please. It’s written so well and with the dick jokes, constant amazing karaoke, and dynamic between art student Suga and bartender Daichi, I couldn’t be laughing any harder or know anymore knowledge about alcohol.
I rate this fic 10 aliens out of 10, absolutely worth the read.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8597737/chapters/19717108
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Title: Misery’s Company
Author: Mooifyourecows (another by them, they’re an amazing author!!)
No Archive warnings
Rating: E
Ship: Daichi/Sugawara (DaiSuga)
Length: 10 chapters, 62,124 words
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: Sugawara Koushi hates his boyfriend. Fortunately for him, so does Sawamura Daichi.Together, they come up with a plan to make his life miserable. And fail in exactly the way you'd expect them to.
The words in the stars say: Another fic I cannot and will not stop reading and recommending. This is definitely one of my comfort fics that should be yours too. I love the tone throughout the story and how Suga’s goal changes overtime. Oh my god. Did I see head over heels Daichi for a revenge looking badass Suga?? Yes I did. I’m not one to spoil, but if you’re looking for something to read where you’ll be shouting “YES!!” and pumping your fists into the air, first of all, me too. Second of all this is your fic! This is a heart warming read full of bittersweet revenge and growth. The details for both main characters should not go unnoticed and please PLEASE if you’ve read this fic, talk to me about it.
I rate this 10 aliens out of 10.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19363300/chapters/46069294
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Title: Rules
Author: ConesofDunshire  
No Archive warnings
Rated: E
Ship: Bokuto/Akaashi (BokuAka)
Length: 20 chapters, 120,327 words
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: In which Akaashi Keiji is an overworked accountant who stumbles upon Bokuto one night playing the piano in the lobby of his work. Bokuto is different, that much is obvious. But with such supreme musical talent and a smile so dazzling it rivals the sun, there's just something about him that brings Akaashi back every night.
The words in the stars say: Rules was one of my first bokuaka fics I read and I’m so glad it was. This story follows pianist Bokuto and tired accountant Akaashi. Akaashi, intrigued by music playing in his office building, finds a man, Bokuto, sitting on the piano bench. When I think of this fic I remember awing like they do in those stupid old sitcoms and laughing at Akaashi’s coworkers with their habit of gambling. I also read the second fic following Kuroo and Terushima, “Need” by ConesofDunshire, and I was not at all disappointed. I adored the side KenHina with their family of cats and DaiSuga as married neighbors. 
I rate this 10 aliens out of 10. Always a favorite read rain or shine.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6143563/chapters/14076601
KuroTeru fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7673326/chapters/17476645
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Title: Only Fools Fall
Author: oseltamivir_phosphate   @dahliadenoire​ on tumblr,,
No Archive warnings
Rated: M
Ship: Iwaizumi/Oikawa (IwaOi)
Length: 6 chapters, 126,760 words
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: Oikawa had always wanted to be an alpha like Iwaizumi. He hated being a beta – the lesser status, but not entirely the least. That was until he experienced his first heat during his second year in university, and he wonders if it's too late to turn back into a beta.
The words in the stars say: Don’t runaway when I tell you this but...this fic is Omegaverse. NOW, NOW, DONT GO. I SWEAR, IT’S WRITTEN WELL SO ITS NOT WEIRD. Seriously, I’ve had some bad experiences with Omegaverse where I never wanted to read it again, but I love IwaOi so I gave this a chance and boy there was hope for Omegaverse in my mind after reading. I knew it was gonna be good when I saw the chapters were named after songs, linked in the notes. This fic orbits Alpha Iwa and Oikawa, who’s supposed to be a Beta. Shoutout to all my BL readers, sir pulled a Hyesung. RIP Oiks. Fortunately for Oikawa, Iwa is there for him whether its bringing curly fries to lure Oikawa out of his room or defending him during his weakest moments. I don’t want to give too much away but even if you aren’t a fan of Omegaverse I would still totally recommend you to read this.
I rate it 10 aliens out of 10.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6796795/chapters/15522097
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Title: Student of the Sun
Author: a_very_smolfrog
No Archive warnings
Rating: M
Ship: Kageyama/Hinata (KageHina)
Length: 14 chapters, 72,247 words
Status: Completed 
Author’s summary: He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, he had barely made it out alive the first time, but he was a different man now. And with Hinata by his side he hoped that maybe, just maybe , he would be able to learn to love again.~~~Kageyama is a single father who escaped an abusive relationship. He starts to fall in love with his daughter’s kindergarten teacher when things take a turn for the worst. Can Hinata save him from his dark past?
The words in the stars say: I fuckin love the single parent au AND BRO KAGEYAMA WITH HIS ADORABLE DAUGHTER AND HINATA BEING THE TEACHER FOR HER MMMMMM. I HATE KIDS BUT KAGS DAUGHTER,,, SHE OWNS MY HEART. The side parings too!! AND THE ANGSTTTT (It’s a happy ending dw). I love Tsukki only letting Kag’s daughter call him Tsukki. There’s also a short fic called “I promise” which looks further into IwaOi’s story throughout Student of the Sun. This fic is so cute and has the worst twist that ends up making a fabulous ending. Please please PLEASE read this fic it’s so good.
I rate this fic 10 aliens out of 10. 
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22357693/chapters/53412502#main
IwaOi spinoff: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23806030
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<3 -Cal
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dracowars · 4 years
Hiii can I request an imagine where Draco and the reader are old now and they work together (healers,maybe) but Draco used to bully her and be rude to her during Hogwarts years but she’s like this total badass now and he apologizes to her .
heal me | draco malfoy
pairing: healer!draco x healer!reader
word count: 2,7k
summary: where y/n has to work with the person she hates the most
a/n: paragraphs completely written in italics are flashbacks! i hope you enjoy it <3
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of blood
universe: harry potter
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"Don't worry. Tomorrow everything will be fine again", you explain to the younger patient and his parents while taking notes on your clipboard. "Thank you for helping our son", his parents thank you before you get up and leave the room with them, the little boy already much happier than a few minutes ago when his parents brought him here.
At the reception they wave their goodbyes at you and you have a short chat with one of the assistants before you make your way to the laboratory where you have to get new Skele-Gro. Entering the laboratory you immediately go to one of the cupboards in which all kinds of potions and medicines are located and search for the Skele-Gro.
At first you do not even notice that you are not alone in the room and quietly swear to yourself when you just cannot find the medicine. A low chuckle sounds to your right and you flinch in shock, turning around only to see the one person you actually prefer to avoid at all times.
Draco Malfoy.
The son of one of the richest and most influential pure-blood families, the Malfoys, the biggest asshole at Hogwarts back then and now unfortunarely also your colleague at the St.-Mungo-Hospital.
On your first day here you were so happy to finally be able to fulfill your dream and leave your past behind you. You were finally away from Hogwarts, the place where so many terrible things happened and you could finally live a normal wizard's life. At least that is what you thought.
Until the very moment you ran into Draco on your first day. And not as a patient, no. He was also dressed in the green smock with the sewn on crest of a crossed wand and bone. The one boy that made your life at Hogwarts a living hell every single day was also working as a healer now. Just like you.
Rolling your eyes, you turn away from him and continue searching for your potion, ignoring the fact that you have to endure his presence. "Can I somehow help you?", his voice suddenly sounds close to your ear and you let out a startled gasp. "No, thank you. I do not need your help. I can manage this quite well on my own", you hiss at him, giving him a look that could kill. His hands shoot up in the air in defense and he takes a step back. "Okay, okay! No need to snap at me like that", he claims offendedly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Nevertheless you notice his gaze on you while you keep searching around in the cupboard and you begin to feel really uncomfortable. Why can't he just leave you alone? You have been working at the hospital together for several months and until now you kept your conversations to a certain extent only if it was related to your work. But otherwise you do not exchange a word with him. Because you do not need or want to.
"What?", you scoff, turning around to face him again, a slick smirk on his lips that makes the blood in your veins boil. "Nothing", he shrugs nonchalantly, keeping his gaze focused on you. "Do you not have anything better to do than annoy me, Malfoy? Do you not need to rescue some lifes?", you confront him, keeping your posture as you give him your most annoyed expression.
"I have my break right now."
"And then you sneak around in the laboratory?"
"What about you leave me alone and let me do my work?"
"What about no?"
"Merlin, you are annoying the hell out of me right now", you sigh while massaging your temples with your fingertips.
"Sorry that I am alive", he replys with a shake of his head, causing you to stop what you are doing in an instant. Alive.
"You are a shame to Hogwarts, Y/L/N", his evil laugh rings in your ears as he forces you onto the ground, your books all over the cold floor. His goons kick them further through the corridor, destroying most of the books that your family spent so much money on. Quickly you get up on your feet again, your knees shaking in fear.
"Leave me alone!", you furiously yell at them which is why they pause for a moment before starting to laugh out loud. "Why are you even on this school if you are not even able to protect yourself, Y/N? No, wait. Let me put it differently. Why are you even alive?", he giggles and his friends join in, pointing their disgusting fingers at you in amusement.
Tears start pricking in your eyes as they keep laughing at you. Completely alone you just stand there and let them have their fun, your head hanging low. Draco withdraws his wand out of his pocket and points it onto one of your books. "Incendio", he conjures and your beloved book immediately catches on fire.
"You will be sorry for that!"
"Uhm, hello? Y/N? Are you still there?", Draco waves his hand in front of your face and you blink a few times before slapping his hand away angrily. "Get away from me!", you tell him off and bring distance between both of you. With a confused expression on his face, he looks at you as if you have gone completely crazy. "Bad day?", he asks, wanting to seem sorry for you. He did not feel sorry for you. Not now, not then, never.
"I do not have a bad day. I just hate you profoundly and do not want you in my life, Malfoy", you explain with no emotion in your voice and shut the cupboard close loudly, making him flinch. With these last words you leave the room, even though you did not succeed in finding the potion, and slam the door shut behind you. Why are you the one being punished again?
Taking a long deep breath, you look down the empty corridors, straighten your uniform and set off to pursue your job. The one and only thing that can distract you now. Unfortunately, you do not get very far, not even out of the corridor, when you abruptly feel a firm grip on your wrist and get pulled back roughly. "Y/N! Wait-"
"What the hell, Draco?!", you yell and only get angrier when he does not let go of you and you have to free your hand from his grip. "What do you want from me?! Have you not done enough damage already?", you angrily bark at him, but he just sadly looks down at his feet. He lets you shout at him how much you want without uttering a single word. You stand in front of him, angry and breathing heavily. He has never seen you like this before.
For him you always seemed so strong and invulnerable, but now he sees your real self and how much he and his actions broke you. He has been watching you for all these months and how you thrive in your job as a healer. You were so strong and helpful and kind. He made many mistakes back at Hogwarts and he perfectly knows it. But he had enough time to rethink what he has done. The guilt has eaten him up as he never had the opportunity to apologize.
Yes, he did terrible things. He not only bullied a lot of students, but also doomed the headmaster to death and had to join the Death Eaters. Something he never wanted to. Just as he did not want you to hate him this much. He cannot explain why he did what he did when he actually liked you back then and probably still does. He loved how you would always run around with your books, how you would twirl a strand of hair around your finger when you were concentrating in potions or how you would speak up to tell the teachers every answer.
He knows what he did was wrong. But he lacks the words and also the courage to explain it to you. You would not understand him anyway and would loathe him even more.
"We are grown up now, Y/N. Can we not just forget what happened?", Draco pleads, but your reaction immediately makes him realize that he has chosen the absolute wrong words.
"Oh, so that is how it works for you Malfoys, huh? Great, when you are that grown up as you say, then why don't you just act like that and keep your distance from me, you damn asshole!", you scream out loudly and at this point you do not even care anymore if anyone else hears you. This man just makes you so incredibly angry when he thinks everything can be clarified with a few words.
"Listen to me, Y/N", Draco tries again, but you shake your head in disbelief. "You know what? I really thought I could not hate you any more. But I was wrong", you huff, turning around on your heel to finally get rid of him.
"I let you yell at me, why don't you let me explain it?", he desperately reminds you, his eyes basically begging you to give him a chance. "Do you really think that you can ever make amends for what you have do-", you start scolding him again, but get interrupted all of a sudden when you hear a very loud noise. The noise that an emergency patient has just been delivered.
Without wasting time you sprint off and towards the energency room, Draco following closely behind you. You spot how a man is being pushed through the corridor on a lounger in front of you right away and quickly run there to help.
"Oh! Good that you are here, Y/N!"
"What happened?"
"Serious Quidditch accident. He was badly battered by a bludger. Several broken bones and high blood loss."
"Take him to the treatment room immediately!", you command and you bring the injured player there together. Groaning in pain you lift him onto the hospital bed and you do everything possible to put an end to his pain. "Quick! We need some Calming Draught", you state and look around, but only a few seconds after your utterance the potion you asked for is already laid in your hand by no other than Draco, who has apparently thought ahead. You quietly thank him under your breath and give the patient the medicine so that he calms down.
Injuries in the wizarding world are often quick to heal, but there is still a lot of pain associated with them. That is why you do everything to make your patients feel better as fast as possible. "We should stop the bleeding from his wounds", Draco suggests while you are busy pulling out your wand.
"We need Blood-Replenishing Potion", you say at the exact same time as Draco and look at each other a little bit shocked. You turn back to the patient and continue to calm him down. You point the tip of your wand at his torso and cast a spell to to mend his broken bones.
"Brackium Emendo", you mumble and the spell works instantly, taking away most of the patient's pain. Just to be on the safe side, you also use Ferula to spare his newly generated bones while Draco is already holding out the Blood-Replenishing Potion to you. You take it and use it on the man, the other healers at your side to explain the next steps to the poor man.
After you have successfully healed him, you leave the room and let the other healers take care of the rest. Treating an emergency patient is always exciting but scary because you never know what to expect.
And what you also did not expect is that Draco follows you again and stops you by shouting your name. You heavily exhale and collect your thoughts before you turn to face him. "What is it now?", you ask, visibly annoyed.
"You did a really good job back there", he smiles, pointing behind him to the room you just left. Suspiciously, you look at him and raise your eyebrow. Then you sigh, putting your hands on your hips.
"Thanks. You were not bad either", you compliment him which he seems to be quite surprised about because his eyes widen for a moment. He smiles uncertainly to show you his gratitude and then scratches his neck in embarrassment. "So.. About earlier.."
"Draco. I really do not want to hear anything about it anymore."
"Please, Y/N. Just give me this one chance. At least let me explain! Afterwards you can still hate me as much you want to", he persuades you intensely.
"You have five minutes", you finally give in and drag him into an empty corridor to prevent anyone else hearing you. "I am listening."
"I know my behavior was wrong back then and I want to deeply apologize to you for that. It was not okay to destroy your supplies, to make fun of you, or to harm you physically and mentally. I just- I did not know how to deal with my.. feelings and the best way to get rid of those wrong feelings seemed to be to bully you. I have done terrible things, Y/N. And yet this is the reason why I cannot sleep at night. Because I am so sorry for everything and I know that you will never forgive me", he explains to you honestly, in a heartbreaking voice and although you try your best to fight against it, tears brimming into your eyes.
"I was in love with you, Y/N. Well, I still am", Draco suddenly admits and you could swear that - against your will and common sense - your heart just stopped beating for a moment.
Because what Draco does not know is that you actually had feelings for him as well. But that was before he even started any of this, when he was still watching you across the Great Hall and you would catch him staring. From one day to another he destroyed your hopes and suddenly started bullying you. It got worse day by day until your feelings for him turned from love to pure hate.
You loved each other, but one did not know about the other's mutual feeling and vice versa. And so two people hurt each other even though they were in love.
"D-Draco- I don't know what to say", you stutter out and do not dare to look at him, in fear that you will give in immediately.
"You do not have to say anything. Thank you for listening to me. I am sorry", he softly smiles, a comforting and especially real one, and lowers his head in defeat.
"It is really not easy for me either, Draco", you sigh, blinking your tears away. "I am not sure if I can ever forget what you did to me."
Draco nods dejectedly, understanding and accepting your decision. After all, he cannot forgive himself for what he did either.
"But I am ready to forgive you", you add and Draco's head shoots up immediately, locking eyes with you, not sure if he heard you correctly. "As you said: we have grown up and that means we can also learn to forgive", you give him a gentle smile.
A big and thankful smile spreads over his facial features. "I love you so much, Y/N. No- Not like that.. Well actually..", he babbles to himself. You gently put your hand on his shoulder to calm him down a bit, suppressing a giggle.
"Don't worry. I will see you later, alright?", you grin and and pat his shoulder softly.
"Y-Yes! Of course", he answers, not quite sure what to do with himself. He feels such an incredible joy inside of him, but just as strongly he feels fear. The fear that he might screw it up again.
While he is still deep in thought, you walk backwards and away from him. When he notices that you are retreating, he briefly shakes his head to get back to the here and now. "Thank you!", he calls after you, unable to move.
"See you later", you wave before you turn around and disappear into the next corridor, your heart almost jumping out of your chest.
Maybe this is the beginning of something new, of something more. The next chapter in your life.
A restart.
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mrslilyrogers · 4 years
Fall into Love
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader 
Warnings: Awkward and cute reader ahead! Nothing but sweet and soft fluff :)
Summary: What’s an awkward scientist like you gotta do when you develop a crush on America’s national treasure, Captain America? Recruited by Bruce and Tony themselves to work at the Avengers Compound, you try your best to keep your cool. But how could you when Steve is always popping up to help you?
Author’s notes: It’s my birthday today!! Yay!! And to celebrate, I want to share this super fluffy piece I wrote for @hopingforbarnes​​ 250 writing challenge. Thanks for letting me participate!  I got the prompt, “This is why I fell in love with you” which will be in bold below. I absolutely loved writing this and being a fan of chick flicks, I went with that vibe. I hope you guys enjoy and please, let me know what you think! Reblogs are very much appreciated :D
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There he was sipping his cup of coffee, one hand holding today’s newspaper as he read. You thought it was beyond adorable that he insisted on getting actual newspapers delivered to the compound when he could literally read it from a tablet. You even offered to install the apps for him but he declined, saying he was too old for it. And in that moment you just knew, with his winsome smile and his deep blue eyes, you were utterly done for. So there you were, surreptitiously stealing doe-eyed glances at him from your perch by the kitchen counter, your laptop propped up on the island. His eyebrows were knitted as he brought the newspaper down, jotting his answers for the crossword puzzle. When he beamed at himself, you knew he got it right. Cute, so damn cute. 
“Ugh,” you groaned at your own patheticness. When his head shot up to look at you, you immediately cleared your throat and looked to your laptop, ignoring the heat creeping up your cheeks. 
“Y/N, you okay there?” Steve asked, pencil in mid-air.
“Yep, just working on something!” You replied a little too cheerfully, your gaze not quite able to hold his. You were always this way with him, tongue-tied, flustered and all fidgety. It was embarrassing.
Come on, Y/N, pull yourself together! You have two PhDs under the age of 30. Unfortunately, that was also probably one of the reasons why you were so freakin’ awkward but you really didn’t have to dwell on that now. Shaking off that snide little comment from the back of your mind, you continued your pep talk. You’re a badass scientist, graduated at the top of your class, and working with the Tony Stark and the Bruce Banner, your freakin’ childhood heroes! He’s just a 100 year old man! You’ve got this. 
You looked at him with a bright smile on your face, straightening your back to make yourself seem taller. More Confident. Mature. Womanly. Typing into your laptop, you pretended you were in the midst of a scientific research that would change the world. Except, it came up empty, the screen completely and irrevocably black. Oh, shit. 
“Ugh, Y/N. I think your laptop is turned off,” Steve awkwardly told you, pointing at it with the pencil in his hand. 
“Oh, yeah. Well, uhm, yeah it is… so, ugh, gotta go and charge this,” You flashed him a quick smile before you scrambled to your feet, your chair creaking as you pushed it back, grabbed your laptop and ran out of there as fast as you could. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
Steve watched you, a perplexed look on his face. When you nearly stumbled out the door, he almost got up to help except you shot up faster than a speeding bullet. An adoring smile crept up his lips. Cute.
It wasn’t always like that. It all started when the science geniuses offered an advanced intensive program at the university where you were finishing your second doctorate degree. It meant extra work and more late nights but you didn’t even think of that, you had jumped at the chance from the second you heard of it and the rest was history. You aced their classes with flying colors and by the time you graduated, they had already offered you a full-time position at the Avengers compound, to assist them with whatever scientific endeavor they needed. You would become their resident biochemist/engineering physicist, equipped with your very own office and given free reign to create, tinker or even upgrade their weapons and computer systems. 
What you didn’t expect was how cozy living in the Avengers Compound would be. You thought they were a bunch of stuffy soldiers and spies with no time to deal with regular people like you. But as soon as you were introduced to the team, that all changed. 
They had all been in the common area when you first arrived. The men along with Nat were huddled at the TV, concentrating on some sports game as they drank their beers while Wanda and Vision were laughing and cooking in the kitchen. It was all so surreal, your jaw had dropped to the floor. Who knew the Avengers could be so domestic?
“You’re starting to drool, kid,” Tony commented at your side, immediately stopping you from staring. You mumble out a sheepish apology, your cheeks starting to flush. He flashed a smile at you before turning his attention to the team, “Everyone, listen up,” he shouted at them, clapping his hands twice before continuing, “This is our newest scientist, Y/N! She’ll be working with me and Bruce mostly, helping us with weapons and equipment so be nice! Piss her off and you’re toast,” he teased, winking at you. You didn’t think you could get any redder than you were at that moment. You let out a nervous chuckle, giving a little wave to everyone,
“Hi! Don’t worry, I won’t do that. I don’t think I can even if I wanted to, look at all of you!” you joked and looking at their smirks and empty faces, you realized just how inappropriate that was. 
“Not that I would want to of course! I mean, who would wanna kill the Avengers?” you continued to your own mortification, your mouth running on its own. You could feel prickly sweat down your back and you suddenly wished there was a hole that would just swallow you right that instant. Letting out a huge exhale, you tried again. 
“Uhm, what I mean to say is that I’m very happy to be meeting all of you and I’m glad that I’m given a chance to work here and help in any way that I can.” you finished sincerely albeit sheepishly, shifting your weight between your feet and hoping you didn’t totally muck up their first impression of you. 
Black Widow’s narrowed eyes eased up, arms still crossed at her chest, she gave you a little tilt to her chin as she smirked, “You’re adorable,” 
You let out a huge sigh, beaming at everyone. Captain America nodded at you as if to say ‘well done’, and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. Damn, if that man didn’t spell out dreamy. 
Tony finished the introductions and once you’ve shaken everyone’s hand, he was already moving, directing you to your designated room to drop off your bags so you guys could finish off your tour early and get to work. You were just about to carry your duffle bags, ready to drag your suitcase across their pristine marble floor when Captain America appeared by your side, “Hey, you need some help with those?” he asked, looking at your luggages. You had almost completely blanked when he stood so close to you. You could hear Tony’s voice getting softer and softer as he walked ahead, talking as he went. You nodded, not able to find the voice to speak. When he draped both duffel bags over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing, and pulled the handle of your suitcase higher, you objected,  “Let me at least get that,” you tried to grab your suitcase from him but he swiveled it out of your reach, already moving to follow Tony. “It’s fine. This is nothing,” he said, smiling down at you. 
“Thanks Captain. I don’t know how I’ll be able to keep up with him,” you replied, shyly smiling back at him and pointing at the man walking in front of you. He chuckled before letting out an exasperated sigh, “Oh, you’ll get used to it. And just call me Steve,” 
Tony suddenly turned around as if just realizing you weren’t following at his heels. “Would you look at that?” He teased when he saw both you and Steve lagging behind him. “Chivalry’s not dead,” shrugging, he continued on, prompting Steve to shake his head at his friend. 
When you both arrived at your room, You tried not to gawk but Tony Stark was definitely not cheap. They let you take it all in, practically feeling your excitement off your skin. Steve dropped your bags off on the floor before turning to take his leave, 
“Alright, I’m off. I’ll see you guys for dinner,” his voice cut you out of your wonder. 
“Thank you, Steve,” you beamed at him before he left the door. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N,” he replied, flashing you a genuine smile. You watched his retreating figure out the hallway, your heart hammering in your chest. 
You had been working for the Avengers for two months now and you must admit you had easily become friends with all of them, jokes and easy conversation flowing with everyone except for one. Steve freakin’ Rogers. Oh, you were friends with him, you talked but the easiness was only one-sided. Every time you had a conversation with him, you felt your heart leaping out of your chest. Every single smile from him sent butterflies to your stomach. It was becoming a problem, your school girl crush making you look less professional and on top of that, you just knew the spies figured it out. Why else would Nat and Clint suddenly make up excuses and leave you and Steve alone again for breakfast? 
You tried to ignore the fluttering of your heart as Steve made his coffee. Acting as normal as possible, you reached for the flour on the highest shelf of the cupboard, your hand coming up short. Uh-oh. Maybe, if you could just go on your tiptoes, you could get it, right? Wrong. You had been dead wrong. You wiggled your fingers, hoping you didn’t look like an absolute idiot. Oh God, have I been reaching for this too long already; past the point of asking Steve for help? If you turned around now and asked him, wouldn’t it be too awkward?  But if you suddenly changed what you were going to make just because you couldn't reach the flour, wouldn’t that be too petty? Oh god, why do you have to overthink everything when he’s around?
Steve suppressed his laugh as he leaned on the counter, watching you struggle. How long was it going to take for you to give up? You were so different from any woman he’s met since waking up in the future, always so happy and cheerful with no guise whatsoever. You were a breath of fresh air, real, and so unlike all the other spies and agents he’s worked with, with their cold manner and calculating eyes. It didn’t take long for him to trust you. He considered you his friend and now, you were just beyond adorable. A crooked smile formed on his lips as he waited some more, enjoying the show far too much, his eyes involuntarily moving down to check your ass out in your sleep shorts. When he realized what he was doing, he blushed, and immediately straightened up to help you. 
A huff fell from your lips as you decided, enough was enough. You turned around, ready to call for him, when you came face to face with his solid chest. His familiar masculine scent warmed your senses as blood crept up your cheeks. “Got it,” he said, holding the jar between you, a playful smile splayed on his perfectly luscious lips. 
You cleared your throat, your eyes on his lips as you tried to find your voice. “Thanks Steve,” you replied just a little too breathily.
“Anytime, Y/N,” he smiled softly down at you, bringing his hand up to ruffle your hair. And just like that the romantic atmosphere was ruined. It was just on your part. Again. 
Months later 
You were dancing carefree to the beat of the music blasting from your headphones as you cooked your dinner. It was late, you were sure everyone had gone to sleep so you were safe to boogie and shake your hips while you celebrated. You had finally figured out how to calibrate Black Widow’s newest weapon. It took you the whole night for the finishing touches, making you forget to eat but it was all worth it. You were on a high as you piled the pasta on to your plate, grabbing the still-too-hot garlic bread from the oven too early, making you wince as you put your thumb between your lips to lessen the burn. You didn’t hear the tired chuckle from the doorway when you shook your hips to turn around, refusing to let the scalding garlic bread shake your mood. You let out a tiny squeal when you saw Steve leaning against the doorway, decked in all his Captain America glory minus the mask. 
“You’re back?” you shrieked, a hand flying to your chest as you tried to calm your racing heart, thanking god you didn’t drop your plate. “You scared the shit out of me,” 
Steve had the audacity to look ashamed as he straightened. “Yeah, sorry about that, couldn’t help it. Please don’t stop on my account,” he teased, laughing, before a wince escaped his lips. 
“You okay?” you immediately dropped your plate on the table and walked over to him, losing your nerve to even get embarrassed when he clutched his rib. 
“It’s nothing, doll,” he replied, shaking his head, a faint flush casting over his cheeks as the endearment slipped. 
You couldn’t help but be taken aback too. His voice had been soft and unconvincing unlike his usual steely, determined self. You laid your hand over the one still clutching his waist.
“What happened here? Are you hurt?” Concern seeped into your voice as you looked at him worriedly.
“It’s fine, really. It’ll heal fast,” he stepped away from you, making light of his injury. He didn’t know how to deal with anyone fussing over him. 
“Let me see it,” you said, your voice firm for once in his presence, putting your hands on your hips. 
“What?” he chuckled again, poorly hiding his hiss.
“Come on, Rogers, I’m a doctor. Let me see it,” you nodded to his injury, determination steeling your stance. 
Letting out an exasperated sigh, he said, “Yes ma’am,” and gave you a mock salute.
 “But didn’t you say you weren’t this type of doctor?” he continued, teasing, as he unbuckled his utility belt.
“Don’t get sassy on me now, Rogers,” You rolled your eyes until he started to peel off his uniform, then you lost your breath. You felt your cheeks flush at the forced intimacy of the situation, your resolve withering as you shifted your weight between your feet, crossing your arms at your chest. Should you even watch him take his top off? You didn’t want to look like a creep so you focused on the wall behind him.
When you heard him wince, your eyes shot back to him as he struggled to lift it over his head. Your hands moved of its own volition, gently helping him. Once that was over and done with, you looked up at him, his chest panting. 
“May I?” you asked, your slightly shaking hand gesturing to his undershirt. He nodded and you let your hands lift his shirt off gently, but what greeted you made your jaw drop open. The skin on his right rib was marred with a big dark patch of purple and blue, almost appearing black. Around it, littered lighter and smaller versions of it, a few cuts here and there. On his arms, his pecs, on the side of his jaw that you didn’t even notice awhile ago.
“Steve, what the hell! This isn’t nothing! Can you even breathe properly?” You asked worriedly, running your hands over the cuts and bruises. 
“Yes, Y/N. I told you this is normal. This happened just a few hours ago, it’s already healing. I’ll be fine,” He once again explained to you stubbornly, a soft smile playing on his lips. 
“Sit down, you need to put ice on that and I need to clean your wounds,” You rushed off to get the things you needed before pulling up a chair beside him. He watched you as your hands worked practically over his injuries, pride swelling in his eyes. There was a strange fluttering in his chest that he didn’t dare acknowledge. He wouldn’t admit it to himself but he only objected more to your ministrations because it made you double your fussing. 
“All done,” You cheered to yourself as you started tidying up. 
“Congratulations to you,” he replied jokingly, moving to help you before you swatted his hand away. “Stop, just keep that ice on your rib,” you told him seriously, getting up to bring back the first-aid kit to the cupboard and throw all the used up cotton. He was the worst patient there ever was, complaining and whining all the way through. 
“Yes, boss,” he deadpanned, loving the blush that tinted your cheeks. 
“Hey, have you eaten dinner already? You hungry?” you asked him, washing your hands.
“Dinner? Y/N, it’s 2 am, how have you not eaten dinner yet?” This time it was his turn to be indignant.
“Well, I was working,” you replied matter-of-factly as if it was the most normal thing in the world to forget to eat.
“Jesus Christ, I ended up taking down a terrorist base camp and I still had time for dinner,” he huffed, furrowing his eyebrows.
You scooped up a plate for him anyway, making sure to double the serving. When you dropped it in front of him, you noticed he had put his shirt back on again much to your displeasure. What can you say? The guy was chiseled like a greek god. It didn’t hurt to look at him.
You both started to eat in peace, the awkwardness settling in. You had no idea why he wasn’t talking. He was usually cool as a cucumber while you were a blubbering mess. 
“So how was--”
“I didn’t know--” 
You both started at the same time causing you both to pause then laugh heartily. When he winced and clutched his rib again, you quickly apologized before he shushed you. “You go first,” he said, drinking water as he tried to hide his pain. 
“Do you want to get an x-ray? Make sure there’s no broken bones?” You asked, worry seeping into your voice again.
“Doll, I told you. This is normal for me, part of my job.”
“But I thought you said this was a simple covert mission, no fighting involved. They should’ve added more guys to go with you,” you frowned at him which made him chuckle lightly, his heart flipping in his chest at your concern. 
“That rarely happens. Really, you should see the other guys,” he made a joke of it to calm you down. Unconvinced, you smiled tentatively at him, thinking if you should still push the subject when he steered you to a different topic, asking about your work. You had explained to him animatedly about the progress you’ve made so far that you didn’t even notice how easily you guys had flit to different topics, talking about any random thing that popped into your minds, smiling and joking like it wasn’t almost four in the morning. 
When you went back to your room that night, you snuggled into your blankets, giggling. You had finally been able to talk with Steve without acting like a love-sick teenager. And it was everything you thought it would be. 
After that night, you guys formed an unspoken ritual. Every time you were working late and forgot to check the clock, Steve would bring you food to your lab, reminding you of your much needed dinner break. The first time it had happened, he walked in on you snacking on some m&m’s while you continued to work. He had groaned and lectured you on about how m&m’s and any form of chocolate was not considered dinner food. So after that, he took it upon himself to make sure you had something substantial to eat, often bringing his own cooking. You had talked about everything and nothing, some deep conversations that could only be shared through trusted friends while others had you both laughing deep from your belly with tears brimming your eyes. There were times when he had been relentless with his training too, even the rest of the team had left him alone to it, and you had to drag him away. Those days you had to remind him there was no war anymore and a little break was fine. You dragged him to watch movies, listen to music he had missed and, tried out those hole-in-the-wall types of restaurants where people wouldn’t recognize him.  
Steve had just gotten back from a mission with Sam and Bucky. Both boys grunted as they sat at the kitchen table, clutching their drinks.
“Man, I could really use a shower right now but I’m too tired to move,” Sam quipped, massaging his neck muscles. 
“I’m gonna order us a pizza,” Bucky said and eagerly whipped his phone out. Ever since he got off the ice in Wakanda, he’d been obsessed with all the “new” technology he’d been catching up on. He sure didn’t look it but he was a science geek at heart. Often going to you for help with everything he’s missed. The guys both looked to Steve questioningly, expecting him to butt in. He usually had a lot of input after a long mission. They were greeted by silence as he had his back to them, retrieving the first-aid kit from the cupboard. When he continued to ignore them as if he hadn’t heard anything they had just said and walked to the direction of your lab, both Sam and Bucky looked at each other, knowing smirks on their faces as they nodded their heads. America’s golden boy was whipped. 
Tony and Steve had been arguing in their usual banter at the lab. The super soldier looked like the worn out parent between the two while the genius billionaire gloated at his misery. Steve was wearing a black long-sleeved sweater that did nothing to hide his muscles despite its regular fit. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him from your station with Bruce, the two of you working quietly with an occasional chuckle or two thrown at the bickering men in front of you. 
Bruce cleared his throat when he caught you staring far too long at the golden-haired adonis, not paying attention to the question he was asking. You quickly averted your gaze and asked, 
“I’m so sorry, what was that?” you felt your cheeks warm as he looked at you with an endearing smile.
“I said, could you please pass me that sample?” He pointed at your hand clutching the petri dish. 
“Of course!” You replied, handing it to him before hiding behind your laptop to record the results of your experiment. 
“Will you quit acting like a grandpa for just a second and ask Sharon out? You guys clearly hit it off at the last mission. I don’t know what the hell is taking you so long,” Tony muttered as he tinkered on. 
You and Steve’s eyes snapped to each other, almost as if on instinct, before you quickly lowered yours and hid your hurt behind your laptop screen. Bruce didn’t miss the subtle exchange and tried to distract Tony off from the subject but still, the man was oblivious. 
“Tony, would you just quit it?” Steve complained exasperatedly, a sigh escaping his lips.
“I’m just saying, Cap. You’re a hundred years old, you aren’t getting any younger, pal,” he continued on. 
Before Steve could say anything else, you made a show of stretching out of your chair. 
“Oh boy, I need some coffee, do you guys want any?” you asked as cheerfully as you could, looking for an escape. 
“Oh you just read my mind! Didn’t I say she was the best?” Tony asked rhetorically, his hand gesturing to you as he looked at the men in the room. You missed the way Steve’s eyes had softened when they landed on you. The only reason he was even here. 
“I could use one right now, angel. Thank you!” Tony continued, using the nickname he had given you since you started working here, giving you a quick smile before going back to work.
“I could use one too, thanks.” Bruce nodded at you.
“Alright. How about you, Steve?”  you turned to him, your heart beating rapidly in your chest as he looked at you, an endearing smirk playing on the corner of his lips while he shook his head no.
“I’ll go with you, help you carry it.” He said, already standing up.
“What? Pssh. No. It’s fine, I got it.” You dismissed him playfully, leaving the lab as fast as you could, a weight in your chest as Tony continued to berate him into asking Sharon out on a date.
You decided to get Steve coffee anyway. You knew he was only being a gentleman because he didn’t want you having a hard time carrying all of it back to the lab. Grabbing some snacks too, you made your way back, a tray balancing on your hands when you heard Tony scream your name. Uh-oh. 
You opened the door to see Bruce and Steve laughing their asses off while Tony looked at you with murder in his eyes. “Did you just hack my playlist and change it all to spice girls?” he bellowed over the music, hands on his hips. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips. It was supposed to be a prank between the two of you. He said you couldn’t hack into the system he created and you just had to prove him wrong. You thought you had put a timer on F.R.I.D.A.Y to just change it when he was alone. Guess you weren’t as good a hacker as you thought you were.  
“Sorry,” you shrugged sheepishly. 
“You don’t even look sorry. You could at least tell me you saved my old playlist,”
 Uh-oh. “I think so?” 
“Oh, come on!” he whined. 
“Sorry, but you questioned my hacking skills!” You replied indignantly.
“Because you’re not a hacker!” he emphasized each word, making you giggle. 
“I really am sorry! Look, I’m sure if there’s anyone here who could get it back, it’s you.” your sickly sweet voice belied the trick you still held up your sleeve. 
“Damn right, I could,” he replied arrogantly, typing into his hologrammed board as he gave instructions to F.R.I.D.A.Y.
You sipped the coffee in your hands, hiding the smirk on your lips. Bruce thanked you for the wonderful prank and you gave him a little curtsy in return as he grabbed an extra cinnamon roll, still smiling. All the while Steve looked down at the tray, his insides warming at your thoughtfulness, you had brought him his favorite yogurt and fruits knowing he’d prefer those over the sugary treats. He was suddenly pulled out of his reverie when Celine Dion’s haunting voice rang out, almost making him spit his coffee out of his mouth as he burst out laughing, watching Tony’s face get flushed. He turned to you as you carelessly threw your head back, laughing. Anyone who could take Tony down a peg, he admired, and knowing that it was your brilliant mind that had the genius sputtering in annoyance made him love you even more. 
“Oh doll…” he exhaled. “This is why I fell in love with you.” 
Everyone in the room suddenly stilled. Tony’s audible, “Oh” popped in the background making Steve screw his face up in confusion. What the heck? He saw your eyes widen, your cheeks turning beet red.  Oh crap. 
He said that out loud, didn’t he? 
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blush-and-books · 4 years
13, 15, and 19 queen
The way that the ones I write for you are always longer :)
13, 15 and 19: Forehead kisses, big warm hugs, and peppering kisses all over someone’s face.
High school AU because I like. Was written while listening to TSwifts new album. Look out for my Juke x Willow analysis tomorrow. 
It’s a stressful morning. A big morning. A meaningful morning. 
Julie’s calculus final. 
Her semester grade may or may not have been riding on this single exam, and her ability to play in the band may or may not have been riding on her semester grade.
The deal she had struck with her father and Victoria was that she would get above a C+ in the class, nothing equivalent or less. While Julie was smart, her gifted kid burnout really smoldered in calculus, and her C+ laughed at her every time she checked her grades. She had a B a couple of weeks ago, but a C- on a quiz and a B- on the last test before the final set her up to fail.
If she can ace this test -- which all the guys had been helping her study for all week -- then her grade could go up, because the final is worth double a regular test grade. And all she needs is a little B- or B to keep doing what she loves to do. 
Even though he shows up three minutes before final bell every day, Luke makes the effort to show up with five minutes to spare this morning so that he can bring Julie the coffee he bought her. 
(He actually had a good reason to almost be late this morning.)
He finds her wringing her hands together next to his locker, which is luckily in the same hall as her math class. She’s so caught in her world of stress that it takes him standing right in front of her for her to see him. 
The sound of his voice startles her. 
“Luke! Sorry, I was just-”
“Reviewing in your head? I expect nothing less from you.” His right hand extends out to her, holding the gift of a large coffee cup, still warm. “Lavender black tea latte with vanilla syrup. For the girl who is going to kill her test today.”
She looks at the cup like it’s about to ruin her day, but takes it anyways.
“A bit of a premature celebration, isn’t it? I feel jinxed now.”
Luke’s face falls. But, being the tough guy he is, he makes a considerable attempt to shield his disappointment. 
“I’m not jinxing you. It’s a good luck coffee. You’ll get another one when you-” She glares daggers at him, not wanting him to superstitiously ruin her grade. “Sorry! When you… Forget everything and bomb the test.”
When her face wrinkles up with concern, Luke is internally punching himself in the face. He’s been Julie’s best friend for three years and somehow still fucks up every time he wants to comfort her. 
(Probably because he has a massive crush on her and is worried that when he supports her, he’ll expose himself and make things awkward and-)
He throws his arms around her instead. One around her waist and the other tugging her shoulders close to him; and he kisses her forehead once, twice, three times. 
(Exposed crush be damned.)
“I’m sorry I’m so shitty at this,” he whispers. He feels her right hand, the one without the coffee in it, curl into his shirt. Her sigh blows lightly against his ear.
“You’re okay. I’m just freaking out.”
“You are,” he begins, right in her ear, “so smart, so talented, and the biggest badass this school has ever seen. In one minute, you’re going to make this test your bitch. Does that sound good?”
She pulls away, which normally he would complain about, but this time he won’t. Her smile keeps him as warm as her arms do. 
“Probably the best pep talk you’ve ever given me, Patterson. You’re getting better.”
His brain short-circuits while contemplating if that was any attempt at flirting, but then the school bell rings, and she’s yelling a thank-you at him from down the hall as she makes her way to calculus. 
His heart swells as he watches her bounce into the classroom, and hopes that if anyone in the universe is listening to his thoughts, that they also have the power to help her pass the test.
That weekend, Julie is too focused on reloading the online gradebook on her laptop than writing with Luke. He knows she’s anxious to see the results, but he was more hoping that songwriting with him could distract her from her anxieties. 
“Anything yet?” 
(He can’t nag her about it, because that’s just rude. All he can do is support her.)
He watches in anticipation as she hits reload, again, but a familiar red dot lingers next to the listing of her calc class: The red dot meaning that something has been added to the gradebook. 
“It’s there!” She essentially screams, temporarily leaping up from the piano bench before sitting back down, and automatically setting her fingernails up in her mouth to bite them. “Oh my God, what if I failed? What if I still have a C+, or a C-, or a D, oh my God-”
“Jules, you passed.”
“But what if I didn’t?”
“I know you. You passed.”
Julie doesn’t say anything -- only stares at the computer in contempt. Luke, boldly, slides the computer over to himself and angles it away from her. 
“I’m going to check, okay?”
She doesn’t say no. He opens the link where all of her graded assignments in her calculus class are, and there it is:
“Oh my God,” he mutters, clearly in awe. 
Well, maybe not so clearly, because panic flashes in Julie’s eyes. 
“Oh my God?! Is that bad?”
“Jules… You got a 98. Out of 100. You got an A. An A+. Your grade is a B.”
The way that her jaw drops and her hands dart up to pull the computer back in her direction is priceless. Luke is only grinning at her, because he knew she could do it -- if anyone could, it’s her. 
“I did it,” she whispers to herself. “Holy shit, I did it!”
There she goes again, bouncing off of the piano bench, and jumping around on the cold floor of her garage in fuzzy socks and making Luke wonder how much love and sunshine and energy can go in one little body. He doesn’t hesitate to join her, standing up himself. 
“Yes you did! I knew you could do it, Julie. I never doubted-”
He’s cut off by the impact of her body throwing itself against him in a tight, energized hug. Pride swells in his heart. 
He lets himself lift his arms around her waist, indulging in the feeling of holding her so close. She’s this beautiful, magnetic force of nature that he had surrendered to long ago. 
“You’re amazing, Jules.”
The feeling of her lips against his cheek sends him practically spiraling. 
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” she grins at him. “You studied with me day and night even though you aren’t in calculus and didn’t know a thing, but you quizzed me and worked with me and-”
He kisses her. Like, on the lips. 
(Yeah. He’s surprised too.)
It was just watching her glow, like the star she is, and she gets so animated when she talks and even though she single-handedly saved the future of their band she’s praising him for holding flashcards in front of her face and he loves her. She’s too much and at the same time she wasn’t enough; so he kissed her. 
And she doesn’t pull away. 
It’s… Charged. That’s his way to describe it. There’s so much excitement in their embrace that the kiss is strong and determined and God it’s been a long time coming. 
When they pull away, she isn’t yelling at him for violating her or coming onto her, so he keeps himself close by letting his lips brush along her jaw, and then her cheek; followed by her nose, eyelids, forehead, and really anywhere. It was like there was all of this love was pouring out of him but it was only meant to be put on her.
“I’m so proud of you,” he whispers into her skin, thrilled by the goosebumps he sees as a result. 
“I love you,” she sighs, and he desperately wants to know if she means that in the best friend way she’s always used it or if she’s finally joining him on the flip side, where he’s been waiting for her. But he doesn’t want to pry. 
So he settles with repeating her words back to her, and she’s able to feel his lips form every word against her neck, and he lets her pull him back in for another kiss. 
They can figure out anything else later.
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Fanfic recommendations part four: Missing scenes/Hidden moments
Stories with missing moments from our favorite couple. They are all canon compliant of sorts.
Bad Ass by AdriDee
How Jackie and Hyde are such badasses...especially when it comes about each other. 2 missing scenes between episodes Trampled Under Foot and You Shook Me also, some missing scenes beforeduringafter episode Christmas from season 6.
18k words, 7 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Daydreams: Missing Scenes by Bunny1
Missing scenes from some episodes. They’re all very well-written and in character.
There is a post-season 8 chapter, a fix-it, and it’s real cute.
13k words, 25 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Devil’s in the Details by scorpiosun
A series of missing moments - one for every episode of season 5. Because we deserved to see more of Jackie and Hyde behind the scenes.
This story is a WIP.
22k words, 7 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Dolled Up Zen by Weasley’s Revenge
Summer is hot. That's part of the reason she loves it. And the wicked things he can do to her skin with an ice cube. That's definitely an added bonus.
3k words, 3 chapters.
Rated M. Very M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
It Must Be Love by That-Maria-Girl
What happened after the Valentine’s dance.
4k words, 2 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Summer Lovin’ by scorpiosun
Donna and Kelso run to California, leaving behind 4 of their friends...two of which form a bond no one saw coming. Not even themselves. But that doesn't stop them from making the most of it. The story of how Hyde and Jackie got together over the summer between seasons 4 and 5.
79k words, 13 chapters
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Summer The Price is Right by holograma309
The story we didn't get to see: how Jackie and Hyde began dating that summer everyone was in California. Takes place between seasons 4 and 5. Doesn't ignore their earlier storyline. Just trying to fill in the blanks for my favorite couple.
13k words, 8 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The Love I Need by myboygeorge
Everyone knows when Jackie and Hyde first hooked up. But when did they become lovers? Set as an extension of Season 5's 'Over the Hills and Far Away'.
3k words, 3 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The Renewal by yabookreader96
Kelso and Donna are away in California. Eric spends his days sleeping in a stupor of self-loathing and depression. Fez meets a new foe, named Fenton. This leaves Steven Hyde and Jackie Burkhart together all summer in the Forman basement. One of many things Jackie and Hyde fans have never gotten is a story for what led up to that fateful kiss on that seemingly normal day. Well...
This story is complete.
71k words, 18 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Absolutely Better than Pot by galnkay
Steven Hyde has never been one to use the dreaded 'L' word, but he might have to to win her back. Sleeping with nurses and losing your girl can really bring you to your lowest point.
Angsty, but very well written.
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
body language by j. alfred prufrock
Of course, it helped that Hyde didn’t pull his hand away and sort of let it rest there with hers.
Jackie and Hyde in the POV of a random person from school.
999 words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Coming Back Around by EnchantedWorlds
"But right now, Jackie really wanted to tell him. Not, that he ever said it back. Apart from that one time in Donna's bedroom, that Jackie would rather not think about, except to remind herself that Steven did love her." [Jackie, Hyde and words that are exchanged once Fez leaves them alone in the basement in 'Down the Road Apiece.']
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Country Music by LucyLenn96
After Hyde's disastrous initial meeting with his biological father, Jackie spends some time trying to cheer him up. In the process, she learns something she never knew about him, and he is reminded of just how deep Jackie's affection for him is.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Fireworks and Shooting Stars by Raven33
Takes place right after “I Can’t Quit You, Baby”. Jackie deals with life being complicated. Fluffy as hell.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Five Scenes from Season Five (and one that’s mine) by TeaTimeAllOverTown
Five moments from Jackie and Hyde's relationship in season 5 that we didn't get to see - and one with a new twist on the season's ending.
I know, not 100% canon compliant but... It’s cute and fluffy and everyone should read this.
10k words.
Rated G.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Four Love Confessions Jackie Never Heard by j. alfred prufrock
Or, four times Steven Hyde almost told Jackie Burkhart that he loved her and the one time he did.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Heal This Hurt by kaitiebee89
A flashback of the night Hyde found out Jackie's mother still wasn't home.
5k words.
Rated T. 
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Jekyll and Hyde by Mistiec
The students at Point Place High knew senior year meant changes. They just weren't prepared for how many there actually would be.
6k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Never Gonna be Alone by letmefallasleep
Hyde's thoughts as Jackie lays asleep in his arms after her dad gets arrested, and her mother abandons her. Why does the pygmy sized brunette mean so much to him? Implied past abuse and neglect.
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Of Friendship anf Familiarity by zpplnchick
Jackie's hanging out in the basement with the gang and looks around with a sense of contentment. Set shortly after 6x08. Short and fluffy oneshot.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Picking Battles by nannygirl
In "The Acid Queen" Kitty advises Jackie about 'picking battles' and both Kitty and Jackie end up sending Red and Hyde out to buy some magazines. When Red and Hyde end up meeting at the drugstore, Red has some of his own relationship advice to pass on to Hyde.
3k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Red/Kitty
Picking Petals by scorpiosun
Set during the course of season 6. After Jackie and Hyde get back together, things go relatively smooth for them. And they're happy - mostly. But Jackie can't stop thinking about whether or not Steven really meant it when he said he loved her. And if he did, will he ever say it again? These glimpses into their relationship show her moments of clarity, doubt, and finally, closure.
5k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Plan G From Point Place by c00kiefic
Jackie has urges… Takes place during “I’m Free”.
6k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Seven Scenes from Season Seven by TeaTimeAllOverTown
Seven missing scenes from Season Seven. Part 4 of my missing scenes series.
8k words.
Rated G.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Six Scenes from Season Six by TeaTimeAllOverTown
Six Jackie and Hyde scenes from season 6 - filling in their gaps. Canon compliant. A continuation of my missing scenes series.
6k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Six Scenes from Summer by TeaTimeAllOverTown
A collection of Jackie and Hyde scenes from season 4.5 - the ones we never got to see.
9k words.
Rated G.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Summer Fling by mrs.salvatore39
What happened before 'what really happened'. Set during the summer after Kelso and Donna leave for California. Prior 5x02
4k words.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Surprise by SerenitySparrow
Set during the episode when Jackie bakes Hyde some cookies and tries to cheer him up after they learn about Kelso and Angie.
2k words.
Rated M, very M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The Speech by yabookreader96
When Jackie's friends all blow off her graduation party, she decides that maybe they're not her real friends after all. So when a week passes with no sign of Jackie, they all begin to wonder if they've lost her for good this time. Can amends be made?
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
That Whole Sleeping Over Thing by KendraA
Jackie wasn’t letting Hyde pretend to fall asleep before she snuck over." Post-'The Acid Queen' fluff.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Wish You Were Here by zpplnchick
How Hyde may have found out about Jackie's parents abandoning her, and moments following. Set during Season 5, sometime after 5x16.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Without a Friend by EnchantedWorlds
"It's good. Just because it's Jackie. It wouldn't be good, if it wasn't her. It's so fucking good. So of course, it only stands to reason, that he completely fucking torpedoes it." Jackie makes a habit of visiting Hyde at the hotel, when he's at work. Until she doesn't.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
I believe this is all. Feel free to reply to this post if you think I left out a good story!
I’ll repeat this at the end of every single post (seriously, I literally copy and paste this every single time): Speaking as someone who writes, it would be really cool if you guys decide to leave a review (or a comment, if the story is on AO3) in the stories you read, especially the unfinished ones. It really motivates the authors, and receiving a compliment is always a mood lifter. I’ve seen some authors updating stories after years because of nice reviews, so… yeah, this is just an idea.
The next category is probably one of the biggest ones so far: Alternative Universe (canon divergence). Will post it soon!
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