#In short she is on a warpath
Sawyer through (dp x dc)
Danny hadn’t meant to get lost, really he hadn’t. This was the field trip every Casper High student looked forward to, and Danny had been no exception. It had never been the plan to miss out on the Met (also known as the Metropolis Museum of Arts). Sure, he wasn’t the biggest fan of art, but this was the museum that was in all the movies set in Metropolis, the skyscraper capital of the world. And even if one excluded romcoms, that was a a whole lot. Sam, Tucker and him had even planned to recreate a few of their favourite scenes from Ferris Bueller’s day off with a few paintings.
So, yeah. Danny would so much rather be there rather than on the sketchiest street he’d ever seen, where he felt like he was about to get shanked at every corner.
“Think positive,” he muttered to himself. “I can still call for help,” he said even as he fished his phone out of his bag.
As he flipped it open, ready to call Sam, something rammed into him from the back and the phone went flying. With an oof, Danny fell to the pavement, as he lost his grip on his still-open bag in favor of stopping himself from eating cement.
As he slowly got back to his feet with a groan, he caught sight of a dark figure, hunched over his bag who immediately took off in a dash with what looked like his wallet.
“Hey!” Danny yelled as he scrambled to his feet. “Hey! That’s mine!” 
As he finally got to his feet, prepared to give chase, a voice sounded from behind.
“Freeze! MPD, turn around slowly with your hands above your head!”
Danny jumped at the noise and turned around before the voice had finished. There he found a tall woman wearing a police badge, with a gun in her hands. The only reason Danny hadn’t squeaked in fear at the sight was that the gun was trained on the floor.
“Hands above your head!” The woman said again.
“Wait,” Danny tried even as he complied. “You’ve got the wrong person.”
The woman slowly walked around Danny towards his open bag as she answered. “Oh, really?”
“I’m a student, I’m on a field trip with with my class.”
“They’re giving tours of the Suicide Slums, now?” The woman asked sarcastically, as she chanced a quick look down at the bag.
“No,” Danny tried to resist the urge to snark at the police officer. “They do tours of the met museum.”
“Alright, buddy,” the woman said. “Then how do you explain this.”
And in a smooth move, she had upended Danny’s bag onto the ground. His initial outrage was quickly replaced with shock as huge stacks of cash fell down on the busted street as if by magic.
“That’s not mine!” Danny exclaimed urgently. 
“I’m guessing this isn’t yours either?” The policewoman said as she nudged something metallic from the pile and Danny’s eyes widened as he recognized the shape of a gun. Not one of the Fenton ones, but an actual, real, gun.
“I-“ Danny started but couldn’t find the words to follow through. The blond woman sighed 
“Come on,” she said. “I’m talking you down to the station.”
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lady-pug · 21 days
Written Between the Lines
Chapter III - Parallel Lines Intertwined
Summary: You are now betrothed to Aemond, with the promise of being crowned together when time comes, your family no longer headed unquestionably on warpath, but now you can’t help but wonder if this is truly what he wants, if he’s as happy as you are with this arrangement.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Word count: 3,6k
Warnings: canon-typical incest (uncle-niece), nudity, making out, allusions to sex, canon-typical misogyny regarding sex and female virginity, some steaminess (but nothing more than that really)
Notes: Another chapter is here! Yay!
I’m tagging this as mature because there’s some steaminess in it but not full blown smut (yet).
I’ve accidentally fallen in love with these two and cannot stop thinking about them, I have so many installments planned out you guys have no idea.
I decided to use some High Valyrian as I had mentioned before Aemond and reader are used to speaking it with one another (does it break consistency, as I haven’t used it until now? yes, but better late than never). For this I used an online translator (I don’t know if it’s grammatically correct, I’ll just roll with it, if someone spots any mistakes please let me know and I’ll correct it right away), translations are in the end notes.
Thank you so so much for reading and I hope you have enjoyed this story! <3
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The steaming water was doing wonders for your sore muscles. You hadn’t realized how tense you had been until you had reached your chambers and felt as if a weight had been lifted off your chest, your shoulders slumping with the force of everything falling into place. No sooner had you stepped foot inside your room you requested that the maids fix you a bath, the water steaming hot. Now, with your body submerged and the steam clouding your thoughts, you felt like you could finally breathe properly. 
It had worked. Your mad, crazy, stupid idea had worked. At least as well as one could expect. Alicent and Otto, of all people, had agreed to it, and now it seemed like there would no longer be a war inside House Targaryen. The promise of their blood eventually occupying the Iron Throne seemed to appease them enough to, most likely, support your mother’s claim as King Viserys’ heir, apparently no longer questioning her legitimacy as ruler just because she was not a man.
But now, alone in your chambers, you were no longer sure of yourself. While, yes, this idea could just fix things within your shattered family, you weren’t exactly sure if everyone involved was on-board with it. 
After your dance with Aemond was cut short due to the King feeling unwell and needing to be escorted back to his chambers, to which Alicent nudged Rhaenyra to follow and spend some moments with him (something that lit a flicker of hope in your chest that things could indeed be mended), you hadn’t managed to speak to him for the rest of the night. Once you returned to the table, you caught Luke giggling under his breath, and when you realized what exactly he was laughing at you were quick to pull him from his seat and request a dance. You swiftly poked Helaena on your way to the open area of the room, who in turn pulled Aemond for a dance before he could notice, signaling her mother to alert the servants to move the offending dish to the middle of the table and away from his seat.
The night ended not long after, Baela and Rhaena keeping you company, the three of you giggling like little girls at the thought of your respective betrothals. However, once you were all excused by the Queen, you didn’t even manage to catch a glimpse of Aemond, who was whisked away by his grandsire with his mother following behind them.
And here you were. Although you had no doubt this plan of yours was the right thing to do, you couldn’t help but wonder if it was what he wanted. Even though you knew this was the right thing for the realm, for your family even, was it the right thing for the two of you? As you stared at your face reflected upon the surface of the water, dark thoughts simmered in your mind. Perhaps you had been blinded by his words regarding his mother’s wishes to find him a wife, or by the resentment he felt towards the treatment his brother received. What if he wanted nothing to do with you? What if he wanted to ascend to the Throne of his own accord, or what if he wanted to be wed to someone else, one of Borros Baratheon’s daughters, maybe?
At least there's no doubt about the purity of their blood.
He could have any woman on the realm if he wished. He was just so regal, all sharp edges and cunning eye, and you were merely… you, your mind tried to convince you.
Would you give up your freedom and be trapped in a loveless marriage just for the sake of your family and the realm?
Not loveless, that nagging voice in the back of your mind spoke out of turn again, just unrequited.
The answer was most definitely yes. You’d rather have him, even if not the whole of his being, than not have him at all. And if you could prevent the realm, and your own family, to succumb into flames and ashes in the process? All the more reason to do so.
Lost in your thoughts you barely heard the unmistakable sound of stone sliding against stone, as the wall suddenly pulled back to reveal the man in question.
“A-Aemond?” you stammered, sliding further into the water in order to preserve some shred of your dignity “What are you doing here?”
A deep, low hum was his only response as he stepped further into the room and closed the secret door behind him. The soft patter against the stone cold floor indicated that he was barefoot; that, along with the white linen shirt and soft looking breeches he was wearing, meant he was just about to go to bed before he decided to come visit you, for whatever reason.
“Qȳbor…” you bristled when he refused to elaborate.
“Can I not visit my future wife’s chambers to check on her well-being, mandianna?” he spoke lowly, his eye never leaving your frame.
“We are not yet married.” you squirmed under the intensity of his gaze “This hardly seems proper.”
He again only hummed, eye flitting around the room, before pulling his shirt over his head.
A sudden heat rushed to your cheeks as you stared at him. Much like you had noticed before, he was slim, his form lithe and elongated, making him appear even taller now that he wasn’t covered in green leather. His muscles, on the other hand, were well defined, taunt under his skin as if sculpted in the finest of marbles, his years of training with a sword under Ser Criston Cole reflected on his flesh.
His lips pulled in a smirk as you basked in his image, swiftly untying and pulling down his breeches as well. That caused you to avert your eyes immediately, going as far as to hide your peripheral vision behind your hand.
“What are you doing?!” you squealed in surprise, not at all expecting him of all people to pull a stunt like this. Aegon? Sure, but him?
“You once told me it was nothing you hadn’t seen before.” he spoke, amusement dripping from his tone as he walked closer to the tub.
“Yes, when we were children. Not like this.”
You felt the ripples of warm water beating against your skin as he joined you in the bath, leaning back against the side of the wooden tub with his legs extended in front of him, only slightly bent at the knees as they brushed softly against your own. You quickly pulled your knees to your chest, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as possible.
“Why do you hide from me?” he asked, his lips curling in a smirk “You are to be my lady wife, we ought to see each other like this on many occasions.”
“Like I said” you hissed, crossing your arms over your breasts and straightening your spine, his eye following your every move “we are not married yet.” 
He hummed in response, pursing his lips as if annoyed with your resistance, but you could see the mirth swimming in his eye. He extended his arms over the rim of the tub on either side of his body, and when your eyes involuntarily followed his movement, retaining your gaze on his chest for a tad too long, he smirked. Heat burned your cheeks as you averted your eyes, realizing that he enjoyed watching you squirm.
“Why are you here?” you questioned, annoyance simmering in your voice.
He stared at you for a long moment, like he was assessing you, searching for something, but what you couldn’t tell.
“I wanted to see you.” he spoke before glancing away from you, his once jesting tone having turned soft, betraying his sincerity.
That statement had you feeling all your annoyance dissolving, your body uncurling and legs extending closer to him. If you were to be honest with yourself you wanted to see him too, you desperately wished to know what was going through his mind during supper and after. You wished to know what he thought about you.
His mind seemed far away for a moment as he chewed on his lip before his gaze fell on you once more.
“My grandsire had interesting things to say about your proposal.” the corner of his mouth turned up almost imperceptibly “More so than my mother.”
That caught your attention.
“What did he say?”
“She was, albeit vexed by your choice of timing for the delivery of said proposal, delighted.” he completely ignored your question, choosing instead to talk about Alicent Hightower instead of Otto “Like I mentioned earlier, she’s been nagging me to find a wife, and now you’ve just delivered the solution on a silver platter for her.” his smile softened “She wished to know if I was happy with this arrangement.”
“And what did you say?” your throat felt as dry as the Dornish desert, and you wondered if he could hear you swallow nervously. But from the way his grin turned again into a smirk you knew you wouldn’t get the answers you craved for.
“My grandsire on the other hand was perfectly satisfied.” he shrugged, as if Otto Hightower’s opinion didn’t truly matter to him “He believes the Seven have answered mother’s prayers of having one of us be crowned king, and that this gives us the perfect opportunity to seize the throne for ourselves.”
“What?” you physically recoiled, shoulders curling into yourself once more, as if you were physically struck by his words.
“He told me” he continued, either not noticing your reaction or wanting to push forward regardless “that when time came for us to be crowned, you and I, I was to usurp you of your ‘birthright’ and be crowned the sole King of the Seven Kingdoms.”
You let your arms drop from their position over your chest, not even being able to revel in the way pink dusted Aemond’s cheeks as his eye followed down our body to your now exposed breasts, so much was your shock. You felt so stupid, so humiliatingly naive in having believed such a ridiculous idea could ever work. Otto Hightower would never respect you, or your mother, or any possible daughters you came to have simply because you were all women. Just remembering the way you stood before him, before your entire family, before Aemond himself and said those foolish and rehearsed words, dragged yourself practically as low as the streets at Flea Bottom, made your eyes sting in embarrassment. 
You were so caught up in your own swirling thoughts you barely noticed Aemond’s smirk slipping from his face, a frown now adorning his features.
“You cannot possibly believe I would do such a thing.” he let his own arms fall back into the water, his back straightening as he looked at you almost… hurt? “Do you truly think so lowly of me?”
You couldn’t hold his stare any longer, shame clawing at your chest and climbing up your throat. The truth was you didn’t know him. It’s been six long years since you’d last spoken, you couldn’t possibly know who he was anymore. Had he turned out like Aegon? Or had his grandsire shaped him in his image, a mere puppet for him to manipulate and do his bidding for him?
His stare hardened, a resigned exhale leaving him as extended a hand in your direction.
“Come here.” 
You didn’t dare move a muscle, too scared to embarrass yourself even further. That wouldn’t do it for him tho, if the annoyance that took over his features was anything to go by, and his hand found your ankle underwater and tugged. Hard. Unexpectedly you found yourself almost on top of him, holding onto his naked shoulders for balance as the contents of the tub sloshed around the two of you and over onto the ground.
“Aemond-!” you chastised him, trying to pull away but one of his arms snaked around your waist, holding you firmly in place. Something about the whole situation, the way his eye was locked on yours, as if studying you, felt strangely intimate, making your heart skip a beat. 
Then, with the lightest of touches, he grabbed one of your hands almost reverently, removing it from its place on his shoulder and holding it in his own, the back of your hand against his palm so your own was facing up. He brought it closer to his face, examining it closely, his thumb caressing your skin in slow movements. Where his palms were calloused, you noticed, his fingers were silkily soft, the gentleness in his touch making shivers run down your spine and goosebumps prickle your skin all the way up your arm.
“Your line of life is quite long, thankfully.” he hummed, not taking his eye off your palm, so he didn’t notice the confusion brimming in your eyes “And your line of heart not only tilts upwards, but it is also incredibly long, almost touching the place where your palm meets your fingers, right here.” 
“And what does that mean?” you whispered, not daring to speak any louder for it might break the spell that befell upon the two of you.
“You will be the most beloved woman in the entire realm.” he whispered back, his eye finally meeting yours, a storm of emotions threatening to spill over in the form of unshed tears “Your lord husband would burn the whole of the Seven Kingdoms to the ground just to see you smile.” 
Wetness dripped down your cheeks but you could no longer distinguish between tears and the lukewarm water from the bath. Your heart clenched and twisted painfully in your chest as his gaze turned to your palm once more.
“And would you look at that,” Aemond gently turned your palm towards you, pointer finger tapping against a faint line near your wrist “it’s the line of the king. Or should I say queen.” he glanced at you once more, a soft smile growing on his lips “You once told me it only appeared on the hands of those destined to rule over the realm.” 
You bit down hard on your bottom lip, a choked sob threatening to escape, desperately clinging to his every word.
“I may not be like my sister, for the future eludes me.” the arm around your waist tightened its grip, bringing you even closer to him as he rested his forehead against your own, bringing your intertwined hands close to his chest “But if there is one thing I can promise you is that you will be queen.” his next breath came out of his lips trembling with barely contained emotion “And I’ll be right by your side when that happens.”
The sound that left your lips was a perfect blend of a laugh and a sob, your lips quivering as you tried so very hard not to collapse into his arms as all your previous worries vanished. His own face lit up in a genuine, full blown smile that brightened his face; you couldn’t even remember when the last time he allowed himself to smile as brightly as he was now. It suited him.
Warmth filled your chest, quickly climbing up to your face, as he nuzzled his nose against yours, but one detail made you pull back. His face twisted in confusion, your hand reaching up to cup his cheek, thumb tracing the line of his scar.
“I wish to see all of you.” you spoke softly.
“You already have me bare before you, woman. What more could you possibly want?” Aemond tried jesting but you could notice the way his entire body tensed against your touch.
“I want to see all of you.” you whispered, thumb catching against the edge of his eyepatch.
Before you could lift it, though, his hand shot out unexpectedly, halting your movements by encircling your wrist. His fingers were firm against your skin, but his touch didn’t hurt; you didn’t think he ever could, not again. You didn’t press any further, nor did you retreat, waiting for him to either give you permission to continue or push you away. He did neither. Instead, his other hand reached up and removed the eyepatch from his face, throwing it somewhere around the room.
You didn’t truly know what exactly you were expecting but were surprised all the same. Where you believed you’d find an empty socket lay a small round sapphire, hidden from the world beneath his eyepatch most of the time. It was alluring, glimmering under the light emitted from the candles, contributing to his mystifying nature. His grip on your wrist loosened, and you took this as an opportunity to cradle his jaw, tilting his head to be able to see his eye from different angles. The gem suited him, the deep blue contrasting with the violet of his other eye.
“Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?” you breathed out.
“Not a single soul.” he shook his head, his own breath coming out trembled.
“Well, then, they are utterly blind, the lot of them.” you caressed the corner of his mouth, bringing your own lips impossibly closer to his “You are beautiful, Aemond.”
Something shifted in him, the last of his restrain melting away under your touch, as he leaned forward and closed the gap between your lips, sealing them in a tentative kiss. His lips were a contradiction on their own. For a man so taunt and sharp and strong, his lips were incredibly soft, akin to his voice, as strange as the comparison sounded. He kissed you unhurriedly, almost chastely, his hands finding hold in your waist. You pulled back for a moment and his lips chased your own, unwilling to part from you just yet. 
His mouth then started tracing a path of lazy kisses down your body, first against your jaw, then slowly down your neck. It was when his grip on your waist tightened, trying to bring your hips closer to his own, that you pulled back, a hand against his chest.
“We can’t.” you mumbled regretfully. He tried sitting up again, get closer to you once more, but you pushed him back gently, cupping his face in both your hands “Aemond, please.” 
“Why must you deprive me of what I long for so desperately?” he whined against your lips.
“I cannot risk losing you…” you exhaled, voice barely above a whisper. 
It was his turn to pull back, eyebrows curling in confusion, and you knew he wouldn’t let you go without an explanation.
“When I was close to reaching marrying age, mother pulled me aside to explain some of the more… intricate details of what goes on between a husband and a wife.” you shrugged, the same embarrassment you felt back then flooding you now, before you sighed “She also told me what befell her before she married my father.”
Realization dawned upon him, remembering all the times his mother uttered words unbefitting of a queen to address not only her successor, the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but also a former dear friend. Words more suited to the women who worked on the Street of Silk. From what he had gathered over the years this was the very last nail on the coffin of their friendship.
“I will not allow the same to happen to me.” your tone and your eyes alike hardened, fingers grasping his face more firmly as you forced his gaze to remain on you. Not that he could look at anything else with the way you spoke with such determination “I will not allow my virtue to be made a spectacle of, I will not give the opportunity for some lesser man from a little house to question it, to question me.”
Aemond couldn’t help but swallow thickly, the fierceness in your voice doing humorous things to his heart. 
“If I was born a man this wouldn’t be a concern, but alas I was not.” something in you softened, fingers letting go of his cheeks and sliding softly to cradle the place where his jaw met his ears “If your mother so much as hears word of any misdemeanor, at least in her eyes, on my part she will tear us apart. Kesan daor ivestragī zirȳla gūrogon ao hen nyke.”
I will not let her take you from me.
When questioned later, he wouldn’t be able to tell you what came over him, but something inside his very soul snapped as he surged forward, claiming your lips in a desperate kiss. His lips moved against yours with the intensity of a man starved, like he was overcome in a thirst only your mouth could quench. It was passionate, it was harsh, it was… honestly kind of clumsy, all tongue and clashing teeth, like he didn’t truly know what he was doing. Huh. You would store this information away for later.
He pulled back with the last bit of self control he had, practically whimpering when your lips parted, resting his head on the crook of your neck. 
“Kesan umbagon.” his breath was labored as he spoke, placing a tiny kiss on your shoulder before raising his head to look at you “I will always wait for you, ābrazȳrys.”
Your heart soared at the term, but when he went to gently move you away from him so he could stand up you gripped his hand to stop him.
“Stay.” you pleaded “Just a little while longer, please.”
Aemond smiled lovingly, helping maneuver you so you were sat between his legs, with your back against his chest, his chin resting on your shoulder. His arms wrapped protectively around you, his fingers absently drawing patterns against the skin of your arm. The water from the tub had since run cold but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Not when you were in his arms.
Aōha valzȳrys. Aōha dārys.
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High Valyrian translations: - qȳbor - uncle (mother’s younger brother) - mandianna - niece (older sister’s son or daughter) - kesan umbagon - I will wait - ābrazȳrys - wife - aōha valzȳrys - your husband - aōha dārys - your king
Also, this two were getting quite steamy while Viserys was literally dying in the other room. At least this time Rhaenyra was the one with him so, you know, no mixing up names this time (I stand by my argument that if Alicent’s eldest son was called Godofredo none of this would have happened, but the Targaryens were not known for their creativity when naming their children).
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Was It Over? // Jake Seresin
-> Chapter Eleven: [The Man]
Summary: When Jake and Jensen go head to head over who means what yo you, things escalate to new heights, so much so that Jake lashes out and says something that may not be forgiven.
Warnings: Sick!reader. Breast cancer diagnosis. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Angst, hospital & medical inaccuracies. SLOW BURN ROMANCE/ Inaccurate medical information. Relationship turmoil. Mentions of religion. JEALOUS JAKE!
Word Count: 5.6K
Author Note: This chapter brings the total word count of this series to 50k....I cannot believe that an idea that began as a one-shot has turned into this. Thank you all so much for your support on this one. xxx
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There was a brief moment right before your shower where Jake was able to step out into the hall to call his sister Jasmine. He knew the call he was about to make was going to be neither short, nor pleasant. But he also knew that deep down, you weren’t mentally prepared to tell your children you were sick. But the pair of you had to start somewhere. And that somewhere was Jake’s sister. 
“What the FUCK is going on!” One single ring. One dial. That's how long it took Jake's sister to answer, hell, Jake thought it would have been sooner but he gave her a little good grace for potentially having to step out of whatever family dynamic she found herself in. “Mum said Y/n’s sick?” 
“Did she say it like that?” Jake replied unamused as he found an empty chair to sit on in the waiting room area down the hall. He didn't want to stray too far away from your room. Although he knew that you were with the nurses, he couldn't find it inside himself to leave. If Jake tried hard enough, he could still see your bed socks at the end of your hospital bed. 
“Uh–” Jasmine's apprehensive silence confirmed all Jake needed to know. “She may have said it with a little hope in her chest, mentioned the words dropped and dead in the same sentence of wishful thinking.” Jake couldn’t say he was surprised after the way Janeen had spoken so poorly about you directly to his face. He couldn't really imagine what she’d been saying to other members of the Seresin family. “But what's going on? I'm keeping an eye on the kids as much as I can but holy shit mum's just on a warpath–” 
Fuck: Jake knew leaving the kids behind was a bad idea on his behalf. The guilt of running off on his children in the middle of the night was beginning to eat him alive. The idea of lying to them about your condition only made that guilt harder to rationalise. 
“Okay, can you just promise me you won’t tell the kids?” Jake groaned into the phone. “Y/n doesn't want them to worry so she doesn't want to say too much.” 
“Jake–” Jasmine's voice changed, the serious nature of the conversation at hand was beginning to shine through with ease. “She's alright, isn't she?” Jasmine asked as Jake let his elbows rest on top of his thighs. This whole situation, the newly found world of which you were living in was begging to give Jake the head spins. Keeping up was exhausting, but this wasn't about Jake now was it. “This is Y/n we’re talking about, she has to be alright.”
Unbeknownst to you, Jake had been reading all your files, all your reports, everything and anything he could get his hands on about your diagnosis. After all, he had been named your emergency contact not long after showing up. He’d made a convincing case. Jake knew a lot about your current situation. He knew the odds, chances, risks and possibilities. 
“She's been diagnosed with Stage three A, triple positive grade three invasive doctoral carcinoma.” Jake explained to his sister who on the other end of the call, sat watching his youngest try to eat the sand from the sandpit Jake himself used to shit in as a child. “The oral chemo they had her started on caused a stroke, apparently it's a common side effect, to me they shouldn't be pumping people full of that crap if its gonna cause a fucking stroke forty percent of the time.” 
Jake knew the silence on the other end of the line was due to an overload of information getting caught in his sister's cerebellum. It was a lot to take in, hell Jake still hadn’t really been given an opportunity to take it all in. since he found out he’d been go go go. He knew an impending moment of weakness mixed with overall exhaustion was coming. When that moment would come he wasn't sure. 
“You’re lying–” Was all Jasmine said. Jake wished more than anything he could say he was. 
“Fucked up thing to lie about Jas–” Jake responded softly as he listened to the hustle and bustle of the hospital wing his sat in. “She hadn’t been feeling well for a few months, Doctors say it's aggressive, feeds off her hormones and stuff.” Jake didn't understand a lot of it, but he was trying his best to navigate a field he wasn't an excerpt in. “She's in for a preventative double mastectomy on Christmas Eve. It would've been earlier but the strokes kinda set her back a few days.” 
“Jake– I don't believe you, the kids–what about the kids, what do I tell them?” Jasmine couldn't comprehend the devastation this would cause on the already struggling family dynamic. You and Jake were meant to be, everyone knew that. But this whole separation, the miscommunication and overall fractures within your marriage were all major contributing factors as to why love just couldn’t be enough.
“Don't tell them anything, please, for the love of God Jas don't tell them anything, I just–” Jake let out a sigh of frustration as he ran his hand free hand through his hair. God he needed a haircut. “We just need a little time to process what's going on and Y/n–she's been doing this for too long on her own, I can’t keep letting her down so just, take a moment to breathe for me.” 
“Holy fuck you aren’t kidding about any of this are you?” Jasmine with all her good graces and problematic marital issues of her own, looked over at where her husband sat with hers and Jake's father. The sight was enough to send a shiver down her spine. The man who raised her was not someone who Jasmine ever wanted her brother to become. Losing your wife to such a disease that was as unforgiving as it was inhumane could potentially be an origin story bubbling under the surface of Jake's skin. 
“Jake–You don't get to turn into dad if this ends anything less than Y/n walking away from this cancer free Jake, your kids deserve to have a dad that won't treat them like burdens and mistakes.” 
“Watch your step alright?” Our skulls are designed to cushion our brains. Our rib cages are specifically moulded to guard our hearts. The human body is built to protect our most vulnerable parts. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work. 
The way in which Jake helped to guide you out of the bathroom with his hand pressed firmly against the small of your back made your heart skip a beat. You held tightly onto his forearm with one hand and in the other? Was your IV poll, still pumping you full of antibiotics and fluids. 
“I got it.” You tried to focus on just putting one foot in front of the other. That's what this whole thing was about right? This battle, this fight. It was all about putting one foot in front of the other. With Jake by your side, albeit with some underlying resentment still to be discussed, you felt as though those steps, small but meaningful in their own right, were made with intent and purpose to keep fighting. “Shit the air-con feels so weird on my head.” You chuckled to yourself as Jake shut the bathroom door behind the both of you. 
“Yeah holy shit it's like–” As Jake's eyeline faltered from you to the figure standing over near the door, his heart sunk into his stomach. His face turned to stone as the green in his eyes, usually an emerald colour, darkened to something more pine-like. The half finished sentence that left your husband's mouth and tailed off into complete and utter silence was what got your attention the most. It wasn't like Jake to not say what was on his mind. 
“What's up?” As you turned your head slowly, you saw the man who had been nothing but a pillar of support for you to lean on since your diagnosis. It was the man who had kept you above water when you felt like you’d been drowning in a sea of unprecedented mortality. “Jensen–” The shock and excitement in your tone was something Jake couldn't miss no matter how much he wanted to. “You came?” 
Jake made no attempt to move as you shuffled forward, he stood still with his heart hammering inside his chest. He stood completely still as his thoughts carried him away into a world where nothing made sense to anyone. Into a world where he didn't have you, a world where for the last year he’d tasted of that very misery and hated every last second of it. 
“I uh–” Jensen held out the bouquet of sweet peas, peonies and pansies he’d brought for you. The overwhelming colours and signature scents captivated the entire room with their freshness. “I wanted to stop by, see how you were doing, hope I'm not intruding?” 
The body tends to adapt quickly to new circumstances and pressures it’s put under. It knows how to protect itself. But it can’t close off completely, or well—we’re not really living are we? Biology tends to override our fears, so we leave the door open, just a little…hoping like hell that it's worth the risk. 
“Oh no, no we just finished up some DIY haircuts.” You beamed, the smile that ignited across your face was a smile Jake hadn't seen in years. A smile so pure and full of love that it couldn't ever be faked. “Jake, this is Jensen.” You introduced the two men who had played significant roles in your life, having no clue that they had both already met one another in the hall. “We met at the doctors office, as unfortunate as that sounds, it's been really nice to have someone who just, knows.” Jake slowly but surely aided you over to your bed before he made his way over to where Jensen stood watching idly. Assessing the situation unfolding before him. “Jensen convinced me to go to a few of those CCA meetings, although not my cup of tea–it's nice to know that that support system is there.” 
Jake eyed Jensen and his bouquet of flowers off as he stepped closer and closer with a look Jensen couldn't quite read in his pine green eyes. The betrayal of love often has boundaries that people end up living with for the rest of their lives. For Jake, his betrayal and the consequences of his emotional ineptitude inside his marriage was starting to play out right before his very eyes. 
He saw the potential that there was in fact another man. And oh boy did he hate it. 
“And Jensen, this is Jake, my husband.” Jensen took subtle notice of the way you introduced Jake to him as your husband, not your ex-husband like you'd been referring to him as since the two of you first met. Something had changed, Jensen could sense it. But for as much as Jensen could sense the chemistry between you and Jake, Jake could see the way your eyes lit up with overjoyous surprise when you realised that the flowers Jensen held in his hand were in fact for you. “Are those, are those for me?” 
“Oh–yeah.” Jensen beamed as he walked a little further into your room. “I thought they might bring a little light into your room but it seems that you have it pretty well decorated.” It was the small nod to the Christmas lights that hung around your room that made you smile even brighter as Jake made his way back over and helped you into bed. You could tell there was tension brewing just from his quietness alone. “And the new haircut suits you, good thing you don't have a weird ass head huh?”
“Hey Jarred–” Jake interrupted before you had a chance to reply, the way he intentionally called Jensen by a different name rubbed you the wrong way. The frown that cast itself across your face left little to Jake's imagination, but as he made sure you were as comfortable as could be in your bed, he kept going. “Nows, probably not a good time–” 
Jensen looked around your room carefully, he knew the system well and what times were more common than not for nurses to do their daily rounds and check-ins. He knew that by the looks of things you had just showered and were probably settling in for the afternoon. If Jensen was correct in his assumption as he looked back towards where Jake stood at your bedside, he would assume that he couldn't have picked a better time to drop by. 
“Seems like a pretty good time to me man, besides, why don't we let Y/n here make that call.” Jensen replied calmly as he went about finding a place for your flowers to go. Jensen could have played the safe card, he could have chosen to be the bigger person and not mention it, but he didn't really have a hell of alot to lose. After all, he was a dead man walking. What was the harm in stirring the pot a little where he still could. “Honestly, I didn't expect you to be here if I'm being completely honest.” Jensen smirked as he turned back to face Jake. You felt like your heart was about to explode right through your chest as you looked back and forth between the two men who had seemingly gotten into a mines bigger than yours contest on either side of your bedside. “Didn't think you knew your wife was sick–” 
The silence was deafening as Jake thought about all the ways he could kill a man in one single motion. The rage he felt inside his chest was red hot jealousy. Jensen could practically see the steam spewing out of Jake's years. 
“What my wife decides to share with me has nothing to do with you–” Jake growled, you could just see the way he was grinding his teeth. Jake's jawline had never seemed more profound. His knuckles were almost entirely white as he leaned against the railing of your hospital bed. Lowered down for convenience of getting in and out. 
“It does when I’ve been the one listening to how much she wishes you loved her the same way she loves you.” Jensen shrugged. “Come on man, don't play this game, don't pretend that I don't know what been going on–” 
“Enough!” You couldn't have shouted it slider if you tried. “Both of you, my god we’re all supposed to be adults here?” You sighed as you looked at Jake and then over to Jensen. Something was off with him, this wasn't the Jensen you knew. He seemed off, very off. “Can you two just back up, let's start over.” However, it was a plea that fell on deaf ears.
Remember that impending moment of weakness mixed with overall exhaustion Jake mentioned earlier? Yeah– about that. Guess it was coming around the corner sooner rather than later. 
“Nah–” Jake shook his head as he let out a sigh. This was bullshit, you really had him fooled. He really did think that there was a possibility here that maybe, just maybe, the two of you could fix what he had unintentionally broken while focusing on your health. “Nah, I'm not gonna put up with this dickhead.” Jake hissed as unclenched his hands from the railing on your bed. “I'm gonna go get a coffee, try not to catch each other's cancer cells while I'm gone.” 
“Jake, don't leave!” You begged as you sat up a little straighter in your bed. “Please—“ The panic that followed was something otherworldly as you watched Jake round out of the hospital room that had become your home away from home. “Please!” 
Jensen was if anything, enraged. He hadn’t helped the situation but he never would have left your side after making a remark so thickly lacquered with jealousy. He didn't think Jake would react the way he did, so quick to make assumptions. The small gift Jensen still held in his hand was quickly placed on your bedside table. 
“I’ll go talk to him—“ Jensen pressed his lips together as he let his hand fall gently to your shoulder. “My fault, I shouldn't have said what I did, I'm sorry.” Jensen didn't pretend to not see how upset you truly were. He understood what it was like to feel the weight of the world crushing your spirit. “He didn't mean what he said Y/n.” 
“He did–” You sighed as you wiped away your tears. “He asked me when he came to take the kids to his mum's house if I was seeing anyone–” 
Ah, Jensen thought to himself as he stood by your bedside and listened. 
“He wants to get back together, fix what's broken, change.” You sighed as you looked over to the open door that Jake hadn't long before walked out of. “He probably thinks you're more than a friend.” In another life, perhaps Jensen could have been more than just a good friend. In another universe somewhere he hoped that maybe you never had this unforgiving disease. But this wasn't another reality, this was right now. 
“All the more reason to fight for his girl.” Jensen cooed as he leaned in to kiss the top of your now very smooth head. “I'll go talk to your husband.” 
You caught onto the not so subtle subtlety of the way Jensen teased that title. Husband. Jake Seresin was still very much your husband. He was the very definition of a man who was supposed to be at your side through thick and thin. But right now? You were doubting his ability to fully comprehend what was happening to you. Jake’s focus shouldn’t have been on Jensen and who he was to you. But yet you couldn’t not defend him. 
“He’s not a bad guy, he’s really not—“ There was an awkward silence that lingered in the room as Jensen chose to take in what you’d said. “This is all just so much for him to take in.” 
“You don’t need to explain your relationship to me.” Jensen wanted to say that if Jake was such an alright guy, then you wouldn’t have left. He wanted to remind you of all the conversations the two of you had had over the past few months. All the times you’d cried about the man who didn’t value your time, your energy, your love. “But a woman like you should never have to beg a man to stay.” 
“I left him.” You felt the need to remind the man who stood at your bedside with an ora surrounding him you didn’t recognise. “I stopped begging him to love me a long time ago and you know that.” 
Jensen could have thrown the fact you just called out after Jake back in your face, that you’d begged your husband not to leave. But he wasn’t that mean. He was just looking out for you. Someone had to. Someone had to make sure this Jake guy had his priorities in check and that you were at the very top of that list where you belonged. 
“I know—“ Jensen pressed his lips together into a fine line. “But that guy just walked out the second things got a little more complicated, what’s gonna stop him from throwing in the towel if your health declines more than it already has?” Jensen shrugged his shoulders like he wasn’t being nasty. It was his version of tough love. 
“I’m sorry—“ You scoffed as your face contorted into that of a frown mixed with frustration. “Are you, are you testing Jake?” 
“Cancer is one of the world's most leading causes of divorce.” Jensen added like it was a statistic you should have known. He knew you knew it. “I just wanted to see how well he handled a little external pressure.” 
“You’re—“ Before you could finish your sentence, Jensen was smiling down at you from ear to ear. 
“A menace, I know, but I’m a menace that only has your best interest at heart.” Jensen explained as he sat down beside you for only a brief moment. “Your fight isn’t with Jake right now, he shouldn’t be fighting you or anyone else in your life that may come and go.” 
“Jensen—“ You knew Jensen hadn’t been well, but he hadn’t explicitly told you how bad it was. There was something in his eyes though, the way he looked at you like he was looking at you for the last time that had you worried. “What’s going on with you?” 
“I’m just making sure if you’re letting that man back into your life that he’s gonna stick around when things don’t go the way he wants them to.” Jensen smiled softly as he picked up your hand to bring towards his lips. He left a fleeting kiss upon the palm of your hand and let out a sigh he wasn’t aware he was holding in. “I’ll go track down your sook of a husband, make sure he’s aware that you’re hopelessly devoted or whatever you wanna call it.” 
“Please be nice—“ You pleaded gently as Jensen stood from your bedside. “Please.” 
“Anything for you Y/n.” Jensen replied, he knew that this would be the last time he ever saw you apart from in his own version of heaven. “Anything for you.” 
Jake Seresin had never been a fan of hospitals. That mentality first started when he broke his leg in kindergarten and needed a full cast, but it grew with him well into adulthood. Jake had never liked hospitals, even when all three of his children were born he still hated them. Not even the love he had for his children could override the hate he felt towards the sterile environment that gave far too many infections to people to be considered ‘normal’ 
“Seresin.” But Jake had never hated hospitals more than he did the second he heard his last name being called from just a short distance down the hall. Called by a man who Jake would happily like to never see again. “The hell is your problem?” Jake caught the sight of the man who’d brought you flowers coming right towards him with a fire burning in his eyes. The man you had kept somewhat a secret from Jake. Much like your diagnosis. 
“My problem is asking me what my problem is.” Jake groaned as he took a sip of his shitty ass hospital coffee. “Don’t you and my wife have things to talk about?” Jake asked as he took a few steps away from where Jensen had stopped in his tracks. “Things I’m not privy to as it seems? Like her health or new love life?” 
“You don’t even know who I am to your wife!” Jensen barked loud enough to have Jake stopping in the middle of the hall. The six foot something aviator turned slowly on his heels to give the almost matching in height bald dude the time of day he seemed to crave. “But I know all about you, because I’ve been there for Y/n while you’ve been busy playing part time parent across the country.” Jensen had nothing to lose, he was just a dying man who had no time left to cherish. 
Jake wasn’t about to stand here and take this. He didn’t need some guy who’d stepped into your life to tell him what to do. You were the mother of Jake’s children, you’d always be that to him regardless if he could fix what he broke. 
“Get out of my face before you need a plastics consult.” Jake growled through gritted teeth all the while Jensen grinned. He was standing his ground as Jake continued on his defensive. “Because so help me god, you may feel like god right now with your self-righteous heart and knight in shining armour attitude, but you sure as hell won’t feel all high and mighty when you meet him.” 
Jensen didn't want to fight with your husband, but he did want to make it known that time was forever fleeting, and if Jake kept going the way he was there would be no time left to fix what he broke. You needed someone to be there for you, Jake had to be that person. 
Because Jensen couldn’t be that guy for you anymore, he had no fight left to give you. He had no fight left in himself. 
“You know I sympathise with you Jake, I do, it must be hard being the guy who broke your own marriage to a woman who loves so fiercely and so much.” Jensen started as he let his elbows rest atop his sweatpants clad knees. “And now having to deal with the fact that said wife is dying must be a lot to work through.” 
Jake remained speechless as his eyes lingered down to the man who was almost out of breath from his walk through the halls. He held his half drunk coffee cup in his hand with enough rage coursing through his veins that Jake was actually surprised he hadn’t crushed the flimsy cardboard vessel. 
“But you know what the worst part of all that is? Is that your priority isn’t your wife, or fixing your marriage—“ Jensen continued on. “No, it’s on the guy who your wife chose to confide in when you were nowhere to be found.” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jake replied with a hiss in his tone that mimicked the deadliest of snakes. “I couldn’t give a shit who you are to her or what you want, because she’s my fucking wife—mine!” 
“And yet here you are arguing that point with me in the hall when you could be at her bedside appreciating all the small moments you’ll be lucky to look back on one day.” Jensen grew more heated as Jake took a few strides his way, towering over where Jensen sat. “You threw a fit the second I stepped into that room without using any critical thinking skills you aviators claim to have in the heat of the moment.” 
“She told me she wasn’t seeing anyone! Come to find out that that’s—“ Jake didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Jensen intervened that train of thought. 
“She’s not! You’re wife fucking love’s you!! She kept her prognosis from you because she was so scared you didn’t love her back enough to fucking care! And you’re hung up on the idea she’s seeing someone? Me!?” Jensen scoffed as he stood, the few strides he took towards Jake were made with intent behind every single one. Enough to have Jake stumbling back every so slightly. “Here’s a concept for you man.” Jensen pressed his index finger into Jake’s sternum. “Maybe, just maybe, if I was sleeping with your wife, she’d remember her worth.” 
“You really don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jake sighed, there was no way he was entertaining this delusion any more than he already had. “I think you should leave.” The idea of you being with another man sent Jake into a blind rage of jealousy that saw no reason. But at the end of the day, he was the one who walked out on you. He’d strayed too far from your hospital room and couldn’t see your bed socks anymore. 
“Maybe, maybe I should—“ Jensen agreed. “And hell I don’t even know you at all, but from what I’ve managed to piece together? it’s that you're a crap husband who doesn’t have the emotional capacity to handle the fact his wife could lose this battle.” Jensen retaliated with a stone cold expression. “But something I do know is that no amount of prayer or candles or begging will reverse time, so put your ego side and focus on the fact your wife needs you now more than ever before and if you leave her side the way you did today ever again, trust me when I say you’ll regret it every day of your life.” 
“Y/n isn’t dying—“ Much like Jensen was taking his fear of the unknown out on Jake, Jake was just about ready to let loose on the guy who was picking apart his very character. Sure, Jake recognised he wasn’t the best husband, but he also knew you weren’t dying. Not right now, not while he wasn’t by your side. 
“I wasn’t either, but as it turns out we all have an expiry date.” Jensen replied. The atmosphere and energy surrounding the two men who were going head to head suddenly shifted. “Some sooner than others, but we all have one, and when yours is up yours is up and there ain't nothing you can do you extend it.” 
“You’re—“ Jake couldn’t bring himself to say it. 
“A walking corpse.” Jensen finished the sentence he knew Jake was trying to speak into existence. Although he didn’t care to beat around the bush. “So trust me when I tell you that wishful thinking does shit when your body decides it’s had enough.” 
“Does Y/n know?” Jake's first worry was how this news, how this detrimental turn of events, would affect you. His heart forgot how to beat inside his chest when he watched Jensen shake his head in response. 
“She needs to focus on her own journey, and before I go I need to make sure she has a support system because for a while there I was all she seemed to have.” Jensen explained. There it was, the truth of the matter. 
Jake saw it clear as day, the care, the worry, the intention to make sure you had someone there for you because Jensen wasn’t going to be there anymore. You may not have slept with the guy standing before Jake but if Jake knew anything, it was the look of a man who was unequivocally in love with you. He saw his own reflection of Jensen's eyes. 
“Go back, apologies, and you fix your marriage man because that woman? That electrifying woman who sees the good in everything doesn’t deserve to go through this alone—and you turning your back on her the second someone made things a little difficult for you isn’t a good representation of the husband she deserves.” 
“You love her, don’t you?” Jake asked as he took a second to truly take in Jensens whole argument. The world seemed to go on around them, with doctors and nurses carrying out their daily duties and rounds. Family members walking to and from rooms visiting loved ones. But for Jake and Jensen? The world stopped when it came to you. “You’re in love with my wife, say it.” Jake couldn’t hide the pain in his voice. “Tell me you love her, then this all makes sense.” 
“Maybe—“ Jensen tried to play his love for you down into something that was just a social construct. “Maybe I love her, but I don’t get a chance to explore that, you do though.” Jensen was truly trying to hide the pain in his eyes, but Jake could see it all too easily. Jensen knew that. “So if not for yourself, for her, pull your head out of your ass man—“
“I never stopped loving her though.” Jake sighed out in frustration as he sat down on one of the plastic hospital chairs that lined the hallway. Jensen followed soon after, both men decided that the heat of the argument was settling into something more valuable. “I just—I lost sight of what I had.” 
“That’s just not a good enough excuse.” Jensen replied as he let his head fall back against the wall. “Listen, I don’t plan on coming back after I leave today.” 
Jake didn’t respond, he simply waited for Jensen to explain. But the explanation never came and Jake never pressed. If anything he was kind of relieved in a selfish way. 
“If you truly want to fix what’s broken, if you really want to fight for her and be by her side when she needs you the most, you’ll get up and you’ll go back in there and you’ll be the guy who gets to hold her like no one else does.” Jensen pauses momentarily before he continued on. “Because there’s better guys out there Jake, and she shouldn’t have to settle for one who doesn’t appreciate what’s right under his damn nose.” 
“Is this your way of telling me you’re a better man than me?” Jake asked cautiously, a part of him didn’t want the answer to be yes. But Jake needed to know what the man sitting beside him truly thought. You saw something good inside him, inside both of them.
“I’m not a better man than you Jake—“ Jensen sighed as he stood from his chair. It was getting late, he had said his peace, he had put the fear for a dying man inside Jake Seresin. There wasn’t much more Jensen could contribute to your life besides what he had already given. 
The body tends to adapt quickly to new circumstances and pressures it’s put under. It knows how to protect itself. But it can’t close off completely, or well—we’re not really living are we? Biology tends to override our fears, so we leave the door open, just a little…hoping like hell that it's worth the risk. But for Jensen….He was ready to close the door and lock it shut. 
“I’m just a man who’s run out of time and has nothing left to lose.”
Tags: @blindedbythelightt @starset21 @tayl0rhuynh @mamachasesmayhem @marvelogic @itsmytimetoodream @maverick-wingman @kodzukenmaaa @eternalsams @seitmai @nota-professional @jessicab1991 @hardballoonlove @senawashere @fanficfandomlove @withahappyrefrain @dizzybee03 @maisie-rebloging-blog
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writing0305 · 10 months
Butcher x F reader with the angst #2 prompt.
Pairing: Billy Butcher x F!Reader.
Summary: Butcher is angry with you after you left the boys for a brief while and upon your return to the group, he makes things difficult for you. One mission causes an argument and you both say things to hurt one another.
Warning: Butcher is kinda mean. Swearing.
Prompt: Angst - 2. "You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Yeah, right back to me."
I hope the vibe of this one is what you were hoping for! Thank you for the request.
You had been part of the boys for a long time. Not long enough that Butcher could have come up with another name for the group, but still long. You had joined after the death of your sister. She had been killed by a supe and you went down a spiraling warpath to avenge her.
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But years later, you couldn’t deal with the way Butcher did things anymore. His warpath was far more dangerous than yours. The risks became unbearable and you left the group. You decided to do things your own way. The safer way. You worked with a branch in the FBSA.
One night you went on a solo mission that took longer than expected and at the time you were moved back into your parents' house. They grew worried when you never returned home, knowing you were on one of your more dangerous missions. They went out looking for you that night and got hit by a drunk driver.
After the funeral of your parents, you went looking for Butcher and rejoined the boys. You knew it didn’t matter how you did this, someone always ended up dead. At least this way, your family members were safer not knowing what you were up to.
Ever since your return, things between you and Butcher had been rocky. Before you left, you two were close and you often found comfort in each other’s beds. You confided in each other about a lot and often leaned on each other for support.
It was gut-wrenching for Butcher to have all that ripped away from him. And till this day, the man still held a fucking grudge against you for it. He was angry at you, and everyone could tell by the way he treated you now in comparison to before you left.
He gave you a hard time about everything, micro-managed and criticised your work, gave you one of the harder tasks and he was a cunt to you nearly half of the time. But you took all of it with grace.
Until one day, when he decided that you had to go into a supe party that was dangerously fucking close to Herogasm. It didn’t have a big name or hundreds of people wanting to join. But it was still a lot of supes fucking willing and unwilling people. It was Herogasm on a smaller scale.
Butcher insisted it would be simple. You just had to go in, get some information on a certain supe you guys were targeting, and then get right back out. He looked past how fucking dangerous it was to send you in there with a bunch of horny super humans.
Frenchy didn’t look past the danger. His eyebrows were tightly knitted together as he shook his head. “I do not like this plan.” He said as he scratched his chin, staring at Butcher with bewildered eyes. He was curious to know if Butcher would truly do something like this to you.
Your jaw clenched as you glared at Butcher, your arms tightly crossed over your chest. “Yeah, me fucking neither.” You agreed with a shake of your head as your eyes squinted at Butcher.
Butcher inhaled sharply as he glanced between you and Frenchy. “Yeah well, when you two starts callin’ the shots around here, ya can start fuckin’ callin’ the shorts around here.”  He snapped as he pointed between you and Frenchy.
“Yeah and who made you boss?” You snapped back at Butcher as you raised your eyebrows, your head tilting to the side.
Butcher’s lips tugged into a lopsided smirk as he leaned in a little closer towards you. “I did luv.” He replied in a low voice as he pointed a hand towards his chest.
You let out a scoff of dry amusement as you shook your head.“This is fucking stupid.” You muttered, still glaring at Butcher.  “I’m not going undercover into a fucking supe orgy party.” you refused with another shake of your head.
“You’re the only one not on every fuckin’ news channel, being called a murderer,” Butcher argued with you. After you had left, all of the boys got burned for killing a supe, and now while they were hiding out in a dusty old basement of an abandoned arcade, nearly every law enforcement in America was searching for them. “So you’re doing this.” He insisted.
“No, I’m not.” You denied with a firm shake of your head, giving Butcher a challenging look as you stepped a little closer to him. “You’re not fucking in charge here, Butcher.” You spat in a low voice.
“Oh, but I am.” He replied as his lopsided smirk returned to his lips.“I call the shots, luv.” He reminded you as his head tilted to the side. “Me, not you.” He said as he pointed at himself before pointing at you.
“Yeah, and that’s why we’re fucking here right now.” You replied with a slow nod of your head and in your peripheral vision, you could see Frenchy and MM share uncomfortable looks with each other. By now they knew when an argument between me and Butcher was about to break out.  “It’s because of you, no one can fucking show their faces.” You snapped as you jabbed your finger against Butcher’s hard chest.  “This is your fucking failure!”
“Oh you want to talk about my failures, do you?”  He questioned as he shifted on his feet, quirking an eyebrow as he stared down at you. “Let’s talk about yours because there is a fuckin’ lot, luv.” He replied in a low voice.
“Hey Butcher, easy man,” MM spoke up as he took a step forward and held a hand up to signal Butcher to stop before he’s even had the chance to rip into you.
Butcher slowly shook his head, not even sparing MM a look as his gaze remained on you. “No, she wants to talk.” He said before spreading his arms out by his sides. “Then let’s fuckin’ talk.”  He insisted.
“Fuck you, Butcher.” You gritted out in a low voice. “This is why I didn’t want to come back.” You whispered as you slowly shook your head. You saw how Butcher could be and you saw how angry he was when you decided to leave. You knew coming back wouldn’t be easy and for a second you hesitated on the decision.
“Then why did ya?” He asked as he raised his eyebrows, an angry expression on his face.
You inhaled sharply, your gaze diverting as you slowly shook your head. You couldn’t bring yourself to admit you needed him or his help. You couldn’t admit to him that he was right when he told you not to leave. “I should have never come back. Not to this group and especially not to you!” You yelled as your finger jabbed against his chest once again.
“Yeah well ya fuckin’ did.”He snapped at you as his jaw clenched. "You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Yeah, right back to me." He taunted you without thinking about his words first. He regretted them immediately.
Your face dropped at his words and he, Frenchy, and MM realized he just fucked up badly. Tears filled your eyes and Butcher’s heart ached at the sight. “Fuck you.” You whispered before turning around and storming upstairs to the abandoned arcade, sitting down on one of the benches.
MM turned to face Butcher with a frown tugging at his lips. “Hey man, that wasn’t cool.” He muttered with a shake of his head, “We need her, you need her, so go fix that shit right now.” He demanded as he pointed towards the stairs. “And she ain’t going to that fucking party.” He demanded with a shake of his head.
Butcher stared at MM silently for a second before sighing deeply. He turned around and followed you upstairs. He watched you as you silently sat on the bench. “Y/n…” He called out softly as he approached you.
You closed your eyes at the sound of his voice, sniffing away your tears. “Just fuck off, Butcher.” You pleaded softly as you shook your head at him.
Butcher didn’t listen. He approached you and hesitantly sat down next to you. He clasped his hands together and stared down at his feet. “Look, I was bein’ a dick in there, I’m sorry.” He apologized softly.
Your eyes fluttered open and you silently stared ahead of yourself. A single tear slipped down your cheek. “You’re right…” You whispered as you pursed your lips.
“No-” Butcher began speaking up as he shook his head but you cut him off before he could say anything else.
“Yes, you are.” You argued with him as you shook your head as well. “I thought I could do all this differently. I thought I didn’t need you or any of the guys.” You whispered as you sniffed, wiping at your teary eyes.  “And that just got my parents killed.” You muttered.
“It wasn’t ya fault.” He insisted as he reached out and placed a gentle hand on your thigh. His touch didn’t make you uncomfortable, it only reminded you of all the old times when he could barely keep his hands off you.
“Yes, it was.” You argued again. “They went looking for me because I was on a fucking suicide mission. If I just…stayed away, they wouldn’t have worried about me, gotten into the car…they wouldn’t have been hit that night.” You began ranting as your nose scrunched up and the tears began running down your cheeks as you sighed softly.
Butcher stared at you silently for a second before moving his hand off your thigh and then wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He pulls you into his side, rubbing your arm like he always used to when he was comforting you about something. “Ya couldn’t have known.” He whispered as he rested his head against yours.
“After my sister, you told me how important it was to keep the people you love, as far away from this shit as possible.” You muttered softly as you rested your head against his shoulder. “I didn’t listen and I failed.”  You admitted your fault.
Butcher unwrapped his arm from your shoulders and cupped your face between his hands. “Y/n, look at me.” He demanded as he tilted your head back until your gaze met his. “It wasn’t ya fault.” He insisted with a firm shake of his head.
You stared into his hazel eyes through blurred vision. “I need you, Butcher.” You admitted softly. “Because if I do this on my own…more people are going to die.” You insisted as you sniffed again and slowly shook your head. “I know that…it’s why I came back.”
He stared at you silently for a second before nodding his head in understanding. His arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into a warm hug, resting his chin on top of your head.
“And together, we’re goin’ to make every last one of those cunts pay.” He assured as one of his hands rubbed your back.
You nodded in agreement and stayed in his warm embrace for a while longer before you pulled away. “I just need a dress for to-” You began speaking as you went to stand up.
Butcher cut you off by grabbing onto your hand and pulled you back down to sit next to him.
“Nah, you ain’t goin' to that fucking party.” He refused with a shake of his head, knowing how wrong it would be to send you there. Knowing he’d never forgive himself if anything happened to you in a place like that. “Not with those filthy bastards.”
You turned to look at him, pursing your lips. “It’s the only way we can get the information we need.” You muttered softly as you slowly shrugged your shoulders.
Butcher shook his head again as he reached out to rest his hand on your thighs. “Just like you sometimes need to do things to protect the people ya love…you sometimes gotta not do things, to protect the people ya love.” He explained softly as he gave your thigh a squeeze.
You silently stared at him for a while, your lips parting, eyes squinting and eyebrows furrowing. And then a smile tugged at your lips. “Is that you being…sweet?” You asked softly, a hint of teasing in your voice.
“Don’t ya fuckin start.” He huffed softly as he bumped your shoulder with his own. You chuckled softly as you glanced at him. He stared at you, offering you a brief smile before it disappeared as he sighed, lowering his gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry what I said in there.” He apologized softly. “You ain’t fail anything or anyone.” He insisted with a shake of his head.
You reached out, placing a hand over his. “I’m sorry too.” You whispered as you wrapped your hand around his, holding onto it.
Butcher’s gaze diverted to your hands, being reminded of all the old times. At that moment, he fucking hated himself for how angry he had been with you. But he also realized why he was so angry. He didn’t want you to come back. He wanted you to abandon this life altogether. “You were right about one thing.” He muttered softly.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you turned your head to look at him. “What?” You asked softly, your voice filled with confusion.
“Ya shouldn’t have come back.” He voiced his thoughts as he slowly shook his head. “You’re too good for this shit.” He insisted as he met your gaze.
You shook your head. ”I need to do this too.” You insisted as you sighed deeply.
Butcher nodded in understanding before briefly shaking his head. His hand moved up from your thigh and cupped your cheek once again. His thumb brushed over your skin. “I ain’t want you to get hurt.” He admitted softly.
Your heart fluttered at his words and you slightly leaned into his touch. The softest smile tugged at your lips. “You’re really getting into the sweet thing, huh?” You asked softly as you quirked an eyebrow at him.
Butcher rolled his eyes, visibly biting back a smile that wanted to tug at his lips. “Fuck off.” He huffed before wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you against his chest once again. You rested your head on his shoulder, your hands reaching out to hold onto his coat.
Things between you and Butcher would not heal quickly, but this was the start of something. And neither of you would ever allow it to go this bad again.
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 2 months
Love, Eternal // [Part IV]
Pairing | Phantom x Sister!Reader
Word count | 1385
⚠️ Warnings | Reader uses she/her pronouns, (y/n) is used once. There is a ritual scene. TW for murder ghouls, blood, injuries, assault, violence, and death.
Plot Summary: Today was Phantom's summoning day, a special occasion akin to a birthday. Eager to surprise him with a homemade cake, you realize you're missing ingredients and head into town. On the way back, you encounter trouble with some members of the Catholic church that changes the course of your life in the Ministry - and with Phantom - forever.
A/N: I TOLD YOU IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING! This is the last part! Thank you so much for reading this far, I hope it was an enjoyable read. Much love 🖤 xo Emery
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Phantom returned a short while later, Swiss and Dew silently trailing him. The poor ghoul was absolutely overcome with grief. Once he found you in the driveway, he could immediately smell the putrid odour of the men who did this to you, their scents still fresh on your beaten body.
When he left the Ministry he had no thoughts but revenge. It was easy for him to pick up on their scent once he was outside, his abilities and senses heightened in his manic state. 
Swiss and Dew knew better than to interrupt a ghoul on a warpath, so they kept their distance, allowing Phantom to do what needed to be done. Sometimes his packmates had wondered how he ever survived in the pit, his trademark traits of being approachable and kind didn’t fly down there.
However, as his fangs elongated and his claws unglamoured, Phantom was quickly proving to all that he was a ghoul from hell after all; mindlessly pulling the first unfortunate soul apart with ease, Swiss and Dew watched proudly as the young ghoul forced the vile human to choke on his internal organs.
Phantom had begun his hunt.
Walking slowly back to the Abbey, Phantom began to come back to earth. His mind was riddled with thoughts of what he could have done differently; maybe he shouldn’t have skipped so many lessons with Aether to spend time with you, maybe he should’ve asked Omega more questions about what his Quintessence could do before he was sent away.
Lost in his thoughts, he began to weep. The thought of losing you and ultimately failing his older brothers, the thought of realizing you were his mate and never getting the chance to tell you. It was almost too much for Phantom to endure.
The blood smearing across his face as he wiped away his tears only made him cry harder. He was covered in as much blood as you were, the only difference being none of it was his. What’s done was done. He was a murderer now. No better than the vermin he just effortlessly dispatched. Phantom knew they would get a special greeting in hell, and that fact brought him a fleeting sense of relief.
He needed to see you one last time. He made his way back up to the main ritual room where he knew Copia would still be with you, but he never could’ve imagined what would be waiting for him once he got there. Rain and Mountain were already inside, the arrangements long forgotten. Dew and Swiss made their appearances known as they stepped behind the young ghoul who had been stopped in the doorway.
“I need to see her, Papa. Please. Just once.”
Copia silently signalled Dew and Swiss closer. “I can’t let you do that.”
“Excuse me?” The fury in Phantom’s eyes quickly returned.
Copia knew better than to get in the way of an angry ghoul, learning his lesson as a child growing up with Alpha, but he stood fast. “Phantom, there’s something you need to know–“
However, the young Quint was hearing none of it as he pushed past Copia and wiggled out of his brothers' grasp.
What he found as he entered further into the room was exactly what he expected: you. What he didn’t expect to see was you… alive? This must have been a dream. He shut his blood stained eyes once, and then twice. You were right in front of him, now sitting between Rain and Mountain in the same place he watched you die - where he felt you die.
What he felt now was something familiar, yet completely new.
Rain had already washed the blood off your face and found you one of the ghoulette’s spare outfits while Mountain had tied up your hair in a ghoulish fashion. Phantom’s brain couldn't compute what he was seeing as he moved cautiously toward where you sat on the ground, still too weak to stand.
Your skin had turned to a violet grey, similar to Phantom’s. Your nails had grown into beautiful claws, and fangs extended where your canines used to be. Your hair turned to a dark blue that almost matched Rain’s, with lighter patches of skin decorating your hairline and cheeks like scales. Phantom noticed your ears were sharp and pointed like Dew's, with the skin at the tip a dark red.
Phantom fell to his knees in front of you, speechless and in awe.
It was like he was looking at an angel gifted from hell. You were one of them now. His beautiful ghuleh, with pieces of all the brothers who helped save you.
When you looked up at Phantom from your place between the two ghouls (who were now your brothers too), Phantom couldn’t contain his tears any longer. Though these were not the tears of sadness and grief from before, these were tears of bewilderment and relief. He didn’t notice at first, but you had the same lighter patch over your eye as he did. Your left eye was a gorgeous shade of ice blue, contrasting the darker grey of the other one. It reminded him of Papa.
You were taken aback slightly at the sight of the friendliest ghoul you knew, kneeling in front of you covered in blood from head to toe. He chuckled slightly at the lisp you had when you called his name, not used to your fangs yet. You had extra long ones too, thanks to Swiss. If he was in any other situation, Phantom would've found it incredibly hot.
“If I had known, I would’ve washed up.” He said, looking down at his bloodied attire. His brothers moved aside so Phantom could wrap you in a hug that he never wanted to leave, eager to have your new scent permanently etched onto his soul. “I’m here. I’m never leaving you again.”
The two of you sat like that for a while, your newly heightened senses almost becoming overwhelmed with 5 ghouls and Copia all in the same room. However, if you focused on Phantom, everything felt calm and quiet. You felt safe, wondering if this is how he felt every time he was with you.
You didn’t really know what happened. One minute you were struggling to breathe outside after getting ambushed, the next you had died. Rain and Mountain gave you the Coles notes version of what happened when you awoke. None of which you remembered. You don’t remember much of your time in the pit either. There were ghouls everywhere and it was warm, but not unbearable like you had come to fear it would be. There was one thing you did remember from your time down below though…
“Hey,” you said, as you pushed Phantom off you to look him in the eye. Normally that would’ve been impossible, but you’d worry about that weirdness later. “The devil says Happy Birthday.”
Phantom smiles wider than you have ever seen and places his forehead on yours before desperately, but lovingly, crashing his lips on yours.
“Let’s see Jesus do THAT.” Dew blurts out, completely ruining the tender moment, but not a soul in this room could care as everyone lets out a laugh.
“My dear ghuleh,” Copia says softly, approaching as Phantom helps you to your feet. “You don’t have to choose right now, but in light of your new situation, if there is perhaps a new name you feel is better suited? I can make arrangements on your behalf.”
“Eris.” You spoke as you leaned into Phantom’s touch. “Like the goddess of chaos, cause that’s exactly how this all feels.”
Copia smiled warmly, “Then welcome back to the Ministry, Eris.”
Standing behind you, Phantom cradled you protectively in his arms, nuzzling his nose into your neck. “It’s perfect.”
Copia and your new family left you to get reacquainted. You returned the affection as you twisted to hug your lover once again, relishing in the sweetest scent you had ever experienced as you began to involuntarily rub your cheek over his chest. You were starting to realize what the ghouls meant about the scent thing, Phantom’s was intoxicating and you never wanted to leave. It was like he was made just for you.
“So… I guess no cake then, huh?” Phantom snickers as he leaves soft kisses behind your ear before continuing down your neck.
You quickly pulled away from his embrace. “That was supposed to be a surprise!”
His hands interlocked and rested along the base of your spine. His amused gaze lovingly met the look of disappointment on your face before you let out a frustrated ‘ugh!’ and headbutted his chest.
“Ow!” He yelped. “Sweetheart you’ve got horns now, and apparently Dew gave you some flippin’ pointy ones too.”
You looked up at Phantom sympathetically, your tail suddenly making an appearance and wrapping around his leg.
“You got my tail though,” he winked.
“My darling ghoul, you have all of me. My heart, my life, and my love, eternally.”
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her-satanic-wiles · 2 months
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Dawn Chorus - VI
Dracopia x Fallen Angel!Reader
When you question the Almighty for a third time, you find yourself on the run and escaping a horde of wrathful angels ready to punish you for your insolence. Whose garden should you fall into than Cardinal Copia’s? And he has more nefarious plans for you.
Masterlist ⛧ Commissioned by anonymous ⛧ Series Masterlist
Words: 6.2k.
Reading Time: 25 min.
Warnings: body horror, falling from heights, graphic depictions of thanatophobia, graphic (yet brief) descent into madness, graphic injuries, mentions of death, mentions of conversion therapy, mentions of experimentation on living things, mentions of femicide, mentions of homophobia, mentions of sexual abuse within the church, mentions of stoning, mild sexism, religious disillusionment, religious trauma, slut shaming
Taglist: @da-rulah @teenage-birt-dag @akayuki56 @dopey-fandom-girl @ravensbars @copiaspet622 @onlyhereforghost @ultrahalloweengirl @ad-astra-per-aspera-1976 @dolceterzo @whitepawfics @howlingco @sirianisrock
🔞 MDNI 🔞
As this fic is quite dark, I'm choosing to rate it 21+. Please respect my decision. Thank you.
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“It burned down!?”
Your lamenting voice howled through the eaves of the Cardinal’s room, laced with so much shock, you had to place the pages on the floor and stare at the Cardinal. He was sat at his desk, typing on his computer (a device he taught you about after your trip to the library, but he never let you touch). He was in his pajamas and robe again, hair freshly tousled from a day of sleep, and face entirely free of make up, stubble present on his chin where he hadn’t shaved and felt no inclination to. The Cardinal laughed - laughed at your sorrow upon learning the Library of Alexandria had been destroyed in the early 1st Century after the birth of Yeshua.
You saw the Cardinal’s shoulders shake as he cackled at your misfortune, turning to look at you with mirth in his eyes. The tragedy was far enough away from him that it didn’t bother him, but to you it was devastating.
“How could thou laugh in such a moment?” You asked, much more stressed than before.
“Now, now, Angel,” the Cardinal said, his tone still lighthearted but showing a sense of underlying warning, “you forget yourself.”
You sighed and pouted, looking down at the floor. “It doth grieve me sorely. Who would commit such a deed?”
Your stomach dropped and you looked back up at him. “I beg your pardon?”
He nodded, “Christians. Well, there’s no proof but, Christianity was rising at the time, and they’d gone on a warpath, so to speak. And while there’s no proof they did it, doesn’t mean they didn’t do it. Christianity has done a lot to the human race since you left, and they’ve caused a lot of hurt and destruction, and now the people in the highest positions of power are using Christianity and Catholicism as a way to control the masses and exert their power, even today.
“They were particularly rowdy in the 4th and 5th Centuries, though,” he continued, “when the religion became more popular and spread amongst the people. Thousands of people died, mostly women, because the ‘pagan’ lives they lived were sinful and they needed to be stopped. A woman couldn’t be in control of her own body, feel her own sexuality. She must be oppressed.”
“Hypatia.” You muttered.
You remembered hearing about her death what felt like a short time ago, but according to the Cardinal, it happened over 1,000 years ago. Hypatia was the smartest woman of her time - a genius among men. It was sold to you in Heaven that a rogue group of His children stoned her to death for conspiracies against the Almighty, but you never learned the specifics. After all the questioning you’d done thus far, it dawned on you in that moment that maybe her death was unjustified just as your exile was from Heaven.
The Cardinal spoke again, “Jezebel, Venus, even Mary Magdalene.”
Your mouth widened. “Not Mary.”
“Yes, Mary. They look at her like a common whore, and not the wife of Jesus. They don’t revere her as she deserves.”
“This is not what the Almighty had ordained.”
The Cardinal shrugged. “Well, it’s what happened. That Bible you took from the library is riddled with vile hatred and disgust. Leviticus 18:22: ‘Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.’”
You furrowed your brow. “That seems amiss. The Almighty would never have decreed such a judgment.”
It was true, he never explicitly said anything of the sort. You knew firsthand that even Yeshua dabbled in… well… love in all its forms. Everyone knew, but no one talked about it. You found it difficult to believe that the Almighty would condemn his own son to Hell, just because he loved everyone equally.
“It was changed, do you know what from?” The Cardinal asked.
You shook your head.
“‘Man shall not lie with young boys as he does with women.’ It’s pretty interesting that Leviticus was changed like that when the clergy of the Church were starting to get reported on their inappropriate behaviour with children.”
A flash of recognition appeared in your eyes, and the Cardinal caught it.
“You know about that?” He had his full attention on you now, and you could feel the tension bubbling under the surface.
You swallowed, “I did so. And I did question the archangels. And now I am present in this place.” Answering honestly was the only way you felt like he wouldn’t hurt you. His gaze was steely and harsh, but softened a little when he heard your words.
“They kicked you out for it?”
You nodded. “It was the third occasion I dared to query the Almighty. They intended to cast me into the Abyss, hence I fled and stumbled into thy garden. And then thou…” you trailed off and caught the guilt that flooded the Cardinal’s face. You cleared your throat, “Thou didst subject me to all manner of torment, and at times I found myself yearning for the Abyss.”
“You never told me about this.” He said, quietly.
“Thou never inquired - thou was consumed with querying me regarding His designs and how to govern me. And, truth be told, I know not why I am disclosing this to thee now.”
“Well,” he sighed and stood, “you’re not out of the woods yet. So don’t go feeling comfortable.” And with that, he walked away.
There was a sadness to his voice that hadn’t been there before, and you found yourself wondering why it was there in the first place. Your stomach dropped at the realisation, though, that whatever torment you’d faced before, you’d face again. Would it be at the Cardinal’s hand? Would he be the one to administer the blows despite the kindness he’d shown you since he crossed that boundary? Or was it the Sister who wanted so desperately to hurt you? You couldn’t fathom that the Cardinal still hadn’t told her about his discovery. You knew that he’d even hidden the book from her, but you couldn’t understand why.
Your conversation with the Cardinal had left you feeling less than resolved about your position with the Almighty, and worse, with His children. Until now, you were sure His children were innocents in comparison to the clergymen who’d abused their station, but there was something gnawing away at you now that told you the rest of His children sounded just as bad as the ones in charge of His words. But, you didn’t know who could be trusted.
The Cardinal had stolen you, hurt you in unimaginable ways, imprisoned you inhumanely, drained you of your blood to the brink of death for his own enjoyment and consummation, and followed Lucifer, echoing his calls for the dark and becoming a mirror of Lucifer’s hatred for the Almighty. Perhaps he was mistaken? Lead astray by an evildoer with an ulterior motive. Perhaps he could be redeemed, and cured of his vampyrism? But why were you concerned with his soul when he’d done so much to you? His kindness wasn’t without reason - a person couldn’t change that quickly with no reason to. And you were sure he wasn’t trying to better himself on your account. And after Thomas…
But what if he was telling the truth? What if the Lord’s children were simply acting on the Creator’s wishes, doing what they’d been bidden just as you had? As though they weren’t in control of themselves just as you weren’t.
The scariest part was that you were beginning to see things from Lucifer’s perspective. You were starting to understand why he did what he did, falling so far from grace and establishing his own rules within the mortal realm, gaining more and more followers than he ever had just by merely existing. Thomas had told you the Satanic Church hadn’t needed to advertise in the same way the Catholics and Christians did - they just simply existed, and did so peacefully. It was the Christians who did all the advertising for them, and pushing their own people into Lucifer’s arms, and now you knew it was all the oppression they faced.
Those who followed in Yeshua’s footsteps, who loved unconditionally, as humans were programmed to do, were shunned from society, turned out onto the streets by their own families, subjected to torture to ‘cure’ them from a condition that never ailed them in the first place. And, in more extreme cases, they were imprisoned and executed for their ‘crimes’ and ‘indecency’, despite the fact that the son of the Lord they followed was hailed, praised and revered for the love he showed his brothers - and the people who surrounded him.
It was this revelation that helped you see the irony: the Satanists were more closely following the teachings of Yeshua than the Catholics and Christians were, who were the ones that held him in the highest regard. It was this revelation that made you see that if Yeshua were alive today, he’d have been killed or thrown out before he reached his thirtieth year; and it terrified you.
You sighed, your mind ached with the thoughts that were swirling around inside it. Your stomach churned with the notion that God’s creations were straying more and more into the path of evil than of righteousness, despite their hard work to get into the Kingdom of Heaven after they died. You felt woozy and weak, as though you were plagued with a sickness that incapacitated you. This existential spiral you found yourself falling into began because you learned your favourite library had burned to the ground, and perhaps at the hands of early Christians, and the Cardinal hadn’t even bothered to tell you why. You lay down on the floor, your wings cocooning you like they had when you were trapped in the cage, and curled in on yourself, trying to bring yourself a semblence of comfort despite your mind creating turmoil inside itself, the disappointment and shame eating away at you until you wondered if anything was left.
You slept; you didn’t know how long for, only that daylight was pouring into the room underneath the thick curtains when you woke, and you felt so, so cold. You stood and stretched, feeling a little off-kilter as you reached your full height. You stretched your wings out, too, trying desperately to shake the ache out of the muscles. They felt heavier than normal today. Angel wings were heavy given their size, practically spanning the entire length of your body and even dragging a little on the floor.
You wandered into the Cardinal’s room, silently staring at him as he slept; tucked up in his bed and barely visible beneath the sheets. You didn’t know why you came in, but you were there now. Your eyes roamed over the room and landed on the curtains. You could do it… you could open them and send him back down to his creator where he belonged. You could bathe the room in sunlight and watch him burn to death.
You didn’t think, you just walked over to the curtains and placed both of your hands on the fabric as it met in the middle. You looked over at him, his wrinkled face pressed up against the pillowcase as he slept peacefully, unaware that he was in mortal danger from his pet who’d finally worked herself up to bite back. You lifted the corner, and a trickle of sunlight poured into the room.
Do it.
Your arms froze.
Why are you hesitating? Do it!
It didn’t matter how much you tried to pull the curtains back and flood the room with the warmth of the sun, you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t bring yourself to move at all, let alone even push the curtains back in their place.
“My Lord,” you said under your breath, “grant me Thy strength, that I may vanquish the wicked, cast him back into Hell where he rightfully belongs. Permit me to undertake this task for Thee, to repent, to atone for my transgressions, and to welcome me into Thy grace, where my true calling lies.”
You longed to feel His light envelop you and give you the strength to complete the task at hand, but it didn’t matter how much you prayed, how much of your energy you devoted to Him, He never answered your call. The part of you that still believed in His worthiness told yourself that this was your true punishment: to live with the monster who treated you like an animal despite the kindness that lay beneath the surface, the monster who hurt and betrayed you as if his life depended on it with no concept of your own thoughts, feelings and emotions until he took it a step too far out of his own comfort zone. A monster who did it once, and would willingly do it all again if his previous comment was to be taken seriously.
You’re not out of the woods yet. So don’t go feeling comfortable.
Those words echoed in your mind like the haunting melodies of the church hymns you’d sang to yourself while you were alone in the Cardinal’s apartments, sending shivers up and down your spine and instilling a low-lying sense of fear within your gut. You could end it all now, you should end it all now. You were born a killing machine for the Lord, so this was nothing new. And yet, the hesitation and the lack of movement felt too much to bear in your clouded mind, and before you knew it, you took a step back, letting go of the thick curtains and staring at your hands in disbelief.
The old you wouldn’t have hesitated. The old you would have sent him to the very pits of Hell and told yourself that justice was served. But how could there be justice when the judge ignored the case, and left the prosecution and defendant to rot in the courthouse together until a solution was reached outside of the law? The old you would have acted on her feelings, but the old you died when she fell from Heaven, and was kidnapped by a crazy vampyre with an angel blood addiction.
When the Cardinal woke, he found you sat in the armchair in front of your cage, eyes wide and distant. The chair had been turned to face the cage that held your halo in it, and your eyes were fixed on the part of your body that you’d not touched since your escape. You didn’t move, nor blink, nor acknowledge him when he spoke to you. You just stared with a vacant expression at the one part of you that you could see but not touch. No poking, prodding, or waving his hand in front of your eyes could get you to look at him, or snap out of your trance.
He stood back and thought for a moment, his own inner turmoil eating away at him. Though, you’d never see it. The half of him that listened to the Sister told him to just leave you be, that it didn’t matter if you were broken because maybe you’d be more useful. But he’d grown soft in the time he’d spent with you, and for some reason, it pained him to see you like this.
He stormed through his room, pulling open his bedside drawer and moving stacks of papers out of the way to get to Lorenzo Giovanni’s book, knowing that there would be something in there to explain what this was. He opened the spine and flicked through the pages, skim-reading bulks of text to try and find the information he needed. With each page he turned, and with each passage that he waded through, he began to lose his patience. How could something so crucial take so long to find? Surely it would have its own dedicated chapter?
Eventually, he found what he was looking for:
‘Angels who have been deprived of their halos for extended durations enter a frenzied state in a final endeavour to safeguard their lives. An angel bereft of their halo, with every passing moment, diminishes in their Holy Light. They need not eat nor drink like mere mortals, rather, Holy Light is what sustains an angel’s vitality and vigour. Although an angel may endure without their halo, they must replenish their Light regularly to prevent wasting away and perishing.
‘However, an angel possessing their halo is robust and can only be subdued by metal forged in the fires of Hell. The chamber in which I studied this was imbued with such material, from the nails in the floor to the very structure of the room. Yet, even as I restored the angel’s halo, I persisted in keeping them restrained, as a precaution to safeguard my life and my research. It effectively subdued the angel, allowing me to remove the halo once their Light had been replenished. Take heed, denizens of the nocturnal realm. My infernal assistant met his demise when he gazed into the angel’s eyes, for the brilliance of the Holy Light proved overpowering for one of such lowly station.’
The Cardinal thought back to that time when you’d asked him for your halo, and how he’d denied your request. At the time, he assumed that you were just hoping to get your halo back and make a run for it - he didn’t realise that you were losing your strength. He’d read this book a while ago, but hardly any of the information retained in his brain because… why would it? He never thought he’d meet an angel let alone capture one. Yet there you were, going manic in his chair because you were, in essence, on your last legs.
He grabbed some Hellfire chains and tied you to the chair as best as he could, trying to make absolutely sure that you weren’t going to escape, or worse, kill him. When he was prepared, he unlocked the cage that your halo sat in, noticing the light had dwindled significantly in comparison to when he first saw it all those nights ago, and once his gloves were securely in place, he carefully took it in his hands and brought it over to you. He didn’t know what to do because Giovanni didn’t say in his book… conveniently. So instead he just placed your halo on your head and took many steps back and hid behind his open door. He wasn’t a low-level Hell dweller by any stretch of the imagination, but he was sensitive to light, and wasn’t willing to risk death.
Nothing happened.
He peered round the wood to look at you and was about to leave his hiding spot when suddenly the room filled with a great, white light, so bright it had him hide behind the door immediately. Everything he owned was bathed within your holy light, so much so it felt like his eyes were an over-exposed camera taking outdoor shots. He could barely make out the grain details on the door in front of him, and it was only a few centimetres away from his nose.
He wasn’t sure if it was actual pain, or just his imagination playing tricks on him, but he could swear he felt his skin prickle at the brightness, a light burn as if he’d been stung by oil when cooking. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to avoid his retinas burning out of his eye sockets, not that he knew that would happen, but, for the first time in a very long time, he was scared. It wasn’t so much death that scared him, he’d died before. He remembered the way his body went numb as the vampyric venom engulfed his cells and shut every single unnecessary one down; the way his body convulsed as his blood heated and his stomach withered and blackened; the ache in his bones as his body weight drastically fluctuated from dead muscle to resuscitated, all within the hour.
He remembered how he watched the same thing happen to his mother.
No, it wasn’t death itself he was afraid of, more like the method in which he met his permanent end. He knew how dangerous angels could be to creatures of the night such as himself, how a single tear could burn through his skin like holy water did. Not to mention the weakness to light, holy light included. You were a killing machine, despite your protests, and there were a number of ways you could ensure his death, effortlessly in some cases. You terrified him, yet thrilled him. Like a charmer playing with a poisonous snake, like adrenaline junkies jumping from planes.
You were too weak when you first met to be considered a true threat - but now your Holy Light had returned… now you were a potential threat.
Everything felt different when you opened your eyes, blinking the light out of them. Your body was mended, bones strong and muscles sharp and ready to move at a moment’s notice. Your mind was clear… well, clearer than it had been. You felt whole, complete, normal.
You surveyed the room with newfound clarity, your vision unobstructed by the haze of weakness that had clouded your senses before. When you listened, you could hear things happening from kilometres away, you could hear the wind rustling through the trees outside as though you were standing directly beneath them. You could smell the food cooking in the kitchens below, despite them being nowhere near your room. You could even smell the honey that was created in the hives outside. The familiar tinkling of your halo distracted you, and you almost panicked when you looked to the cage to find your halo was missing, only to realise it was currently on your head.
You tried to fight against the chains, but the Hellfire burned with each movement, you had to stop.
The Cardinal cowered behind the door, his fear palpable in the air. It amused you, the contrast between his bravado and vulnerability now laid bare. You could smell him, taste the fear that bubbled up in his chest, hear his heart rhythmically pumping as the sweat began to form on his brow. It wasn’t until the entirety of your holy light had dissipated, you finally saw him poke his head around the edge of the door. His eyes were trained on your halo, and kept flickering between it and other parts of your body, wary of looking you in your eyes. This time, you weren’t stupid. This time you knew why he dodged your eyes, and knew it would be that way for a while until he felt safe enough to challenge you again. You felt powerful, yet you were entirely unable to do anything about it.
The Cardinal walked over to you and immediately removed your halo from your head, practically throwing it back into the cage. Not a single word was uttered and it didn’t need to be - but when the door to your own cage opened, you knew you would be in there for some time.
Days passed, and the Cardinal didn’t return home for the majority of them. Again, you didn’t know where he was, just that he was avoiding you for fear of his own life. The notion that he was scared sat well with you, to the point where you were almost content being caged.
The amount of time you’d spent out of it, free and happy had allowed you to taste somewhat what you used to have. The anger that bubbled inside of you was terrifying, even for you. Each passing second simply added to your frustration, and your imprisonment served as a continual reminder of your powerlessness. You yearned to be free of the cage that held you, to unleash the full might of your divine strength on those who had harmed you. But try as you may, the Hellfire-forged bars remained solid, their scorching heat acting as a harsh barrier to any attempts at escape.
Despite your rage and fury, a spark of resolution flickered within you. You refused to give in to despair and accept your fate as imposed by others. No, you promised to recapture your independence, to break free from the chains that held you back and establish a new way ahead. And, while the Cardinal may have believed he ruled over or underestimated you, he would soon realise his grievous mistake. For you were more than simply an angel; you were a force to be reckoned with, a being of unrivalled strength and resilience. Especially now that you had your strength back.
As the Cardinal eventually entered the room, his demeanour revealed a sense of sheepishness that contrasted sharply with his normal confidence. His eyes darted anxiously about the room, avoiding direct contact with yours, as if he was afraid of what he may discover. Despite his best efforts to appear collected, he radiated an unmistakable air of unease.
You looked at him with a mixture of wonder and caution, unsure what to make of his unexpected return. You’d had plenty of time to stew in your wrath and resentment during your seclusion, and now that you were back in the Cardinal’s company, you were conflicted between a desire for vengeance and a cautious hope for peace.
The Cardinal cleared his throat awkwardly, shuffling his feet as he approached your cage. His hands fidgeted nervously at his sides, betraying the inner turmoil that churned beneath his composed exterior. It was clear that he had something to say, yet finding the right words seemed to elude him.
After a moment of tense silence, he finally spoke, his voice tinged with an unfamiliar vulnerability. “You can come out now.”
With a grateful nod, you acknowledged his gesture and took a step forward, loving the sudden freedom that engulfed you like a warm embrace. The air seemed crisper outside your prison, and you spread your wings, savouring the rush of freedom that ran through your veins.
As you stepped out of the cage, the weight of confinement lifted off your shoulders, you couldn’t help but notice the Cardinal’s refusal to meet your eyes. His avoidance of eye contact communicated volumes, exposing a vulnerability rarely seen in the powerful person before you. “Will thou not cast thine eyes upon me?”
He looked at you, if only briefly, before looking away again. “Sister Imperator wants to try the second ritual this week during the full moon.” He told you.
But as you returned your attention to the Cardinal, you couldn’t ignore the tension that hovered in the air between you. His comments concerning (who you assumed to be) the Sister’s plans for the next ceremony just added to the severity of the situation, reminding you of the dangerous balance that existed within the Satanic Church.
“I understand,” you said evenly, your tone laced with resignation. Despite your unwillingness to embrace the truth of your situation, you understood Sister Imperator’s intentions were not to be underestimated. The notion of another ceremony made you nervous, but you knew you had no choice but to comply with her requests. “Dost thou not desire it to come to pass?”
“I’ll need some more of your blood before the second ritual,” he said, closing the cage behind you and making a move, “but now that you’re fully healed, we have time.”
“What doth the second rite entail?”
He didn’t answer, another question he chose to dodge.
You sighed, “Would thou permit me to partake in at least one flight until then?”
“One. Tomorrow. But you take a few ghouls up with you to make sure you don’t escape.”
You nodded, reluctantly accepting the Cardinal’s requirements. Despite the constraints imposed on you, the idea of a single flight provided a ray of hope amid the oppressive confines of your imprisonment.
As the Cardinal exited the room, leaving you alone once more, you couldn’t help but feel a sensation of unease creeping along the borders of your consciousness. His elusive comments and hidden plans further added to your suspicions, leading you to wonder about the true nature of the second ceremony and your part in carrying it out.
In reality, you knew what the second ritual entailed, but you wanted him to tell you. It was the ritual of temptation. They would orchestrate scenarios designed to appeal to your desires and weaknesses, tempting you to stray from the path of righteousness. Through manipulation and deceit, they would slowly lead you down a darker path, enticing you with promises of power and gratification. But there was a part of you that wondered what they’d use to tempt you so much as to complete their goal. You didn’t want anything enough to be tempted. Except… your freedom.
Would they really gamble the possibility of letting you go free in order to get what they wanted? Quite possibly.
The next day arrived. The thought of flying dangled before you like a tantalising treasure, and you eagerly awaited the set hour, your excitement growing with each passing moment. When the time came, the Cardinal returned to his chambers with a retinue of ghouls waiting to accompany you on your little excursion.
You followed the Cardinal outside, the cold breeze caressing your feathers and rousing your soul’s need for freedom. A wave of unease passed over you as you readied yourself to take off and saw the Cardinal fastening another chain around your wrists. The weight of the metal seemed like an anchor, straining at your spirits and serving as a sharp reminder of the restrictions that still held you back, even in the middle of your newfound happiness.
“This is an extra precaution,” the Cardinal told you, “just in case.”
You scoffed, offended. “Thinkest thou I would soar without my halo?”
“This was the only way I could get Imperator to agree,” the Cardinal responded, his voice much more curt and annoyed, “take it or leave it.”
“Fine.” You huffed.
With a deep breath, you unfurled your wings and launched yourself into the air, relishing the sensation of weightlessness as you soared through the sky. For a blissful moment, you allowed yourself to forget the constraints of your captivity, losing yourself in the exhilarating freedom of flight. The world below stretched out before you, a vast tapestry of earth and sky unfolding in all directions. You barely noticed the two ghouls that flew alongside you, their enlarged bat wings flapping quickly to keep up with you.
With each tremendous beat of your wings, you felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins, propelling you higher and higher into the limitless expanse of the sky. The weight of your worldly concerns vanished as you soared through the air, supported by the gentle currents that took you upward.
As you ascended, the earth below seemed to fade away, its wide expanse unfolding beneath you like a sprawling canvas painted in green and gold. The distant horizon beckoned with the promise of adventure, while the vast expanse of sky stretched out in front of you like a limitless playground, asking you to explore every corner.
As you danced among the clouds, you felt a sense of lightness flood over you, as if the essence of your being had been liberated from its earthly confines. Each inhalation filled your lungs with the crisp, clean air of the sky, giving you a renewed sense of vitality and purpose.
The landscape took on a dreamy character, your senses heightened by the pure exhilaration of freedom. The wind whispered sweet nothings in your ears as it danced through your feathers, while the sun showered your skin in golden light, filling you with warmth and contentment.
Beside you, the two ghouls flew with effortless grace, their bat-like wings beating in perfect harmony with your own. Together, you formed a symphony of motion, a testament to the boundless beauty and majesty of the natural world.
For a fleeting moment, you allowed yourself to forget the trials and tribulations that awaited you on the ground below, losing yourself in the timeless ecstasy of flight. In that moment, you were truly free, unbound by the constraints of your captivity, and liberated by the boundless expanse of the sky.
As you basked in the joy of flying, you couldn’t help but notice a slight but unsettling tremor in your wings. At first, you ignored it as a passing sensation, a blip in your otherwise immaculate performance. However, as you continued to soar into the sky, your shaking became more severe, causing your wings to waver and stutter with greater frequency.
It had been so long since you last flew, so long since you properly used your wings. And like most things in the human body, you either use it or lose it. You’d never gone this long without taking flight, didn’t know that your wings would become unused to the constant flapping and carrying your weight. You tried to push passed the feeling, tried to force your wings to get used to it.
However, with each wavering flutter of your wings, a flood of fear clutched your heart, threatening to shatter the illusion of freedom that had surrounded you. You battled to stay aloft, fighting the inevitable pull of gravity that threatened to bring you back down to earth.
For a little while, doubt entered your head, clouding your thoughts with uncertainty. Had you been too acclimated to the constraints of your imprisonment, too dependent on the security of solid earth beneath your feet? Was it only a matter of time before your feeble wings regained their power and resilience?
As you reluctantly chose to descend, a gnawing sense of unease gnawed at the borders of your awareness. Despite your best efforts to ignore your mounting anxiety, a foreboding sensation of dread hung over you like a suffocating blanket.
The trembling in your wings were more noticeable with each passing instant, sending waves of panic through your veins. You could feel the muscles in your wings spasm and cramp, a stinging pain piercing your body with each faltering beat.
Desperation clawed at your chest as you struggled to keep control, but it was a losing battle against the never-ending barrage of pain and tiredness. Tears of frustration clouded your eyes as you tried to maintain your altitude, turning your once elegant flight into a sloppy, unpredictable plummet.
In a heartbreaking moment of terror, you stretched out to the nearest ghoul, your shaking hand urgently searching for help. Despite your best efforts, your fingers fell short, gripping only empty air as you plunged to the ground below.
Time appeared to slow to a halt as you hurtled towards the ground, the wind blowing passed your ears in a deafening roar. In that quick instant, you felt tremendous sadness mixed with the sharp sting of failure, your mind casting back to the last time you fell so far, your body on fire and screaming as you were cast out of Heaven. You were reminded of the mob that chased you, the pain that covered you as you made contact with the ground, and the horrors that followed. You could feel your chest and throat vibrating - you must have been screaming, though you couldn’t hear that. Just the wind.
You crashed with the hard dirt with a terrible thud, sending a searing shock of pain through your body. The blow took the breath out of your lungs, leaving you gasping for oxygen as darkness threatened to devour you.
Through the veil of pain and disorientation, you could just hear the ghouls’ frantic yells as they hurried to your side, their voices reverberating in the back of your mind. But it was too late: the damage had been done, and you were left to face the brutal truth of your unsuccessful flight.
As the ghouls swiftly removed your damaged body from the ground, their hands soft yet forceful, you could feel the scorching heat of your tears scalding your cheeks, a bitter memory of the misery that had consumed your body. Each movement sent a spike of anguish through your limbs, an unrelenting assault that threatened to overpower your senses.
Your cries rang through the air, creating a terrible melody of anguish and sorrow that broke the silence of the surrounding environment. Sweat beaded your forehead along with tears, a sign of the severe mental and physical anguish you were going through.
In the chaos of the moment, none noticed as the tear landed upon the exposed skin of one of the ghouls, a faint sizzle accompanied by a sharp hiss of pain.
The ghoul recoiled in agony, clutching at the burned patch of skin where your tear had made contact. The area reddened and blistered almost instantly, the intense heat searing through flesh and leaving behind a trail of charred tissue. With a guttural cry, the injured ghoul let go of you and stumbled backward, his features contorted in pain beneath his mask as he struggled to compose himself.
The other ghouls looked at their injured friend with concern, their gaze bouncing between him and you as they tried to process what had just happened. The air became tight, filled with unsaid questions and anxiety as they exchanged uneasy glances, yet they still continued to drag you inside, this time making sure their skin was hidden beneath their clothes.
In the faint light of the Cardinal’s apartments, you lay on the cold stone floor, your body tortured with pain as your limbs gradually healed. Each passing instant felt like an eternity as you waited for the agony to end, a silent plea for relief that went unanswered.
And you were overcome with a sense of dread that covered you like a heavy blanket as you lay there in the strange silence of the chamber. The events of the day weighed heavily on your soul, putting a cloud of doubt over your future and forcing you to confront the brutal reality of your own weakness.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 11 months
Bruce being a nice spouce to arranged reader? maybe fussing over hera little?
Bruce leaned over your hospital bed and kissed your forehead, grateful that you were going to make a full recovery. "How's the pain?" he asked.
"I'm okay," you murmur, "Painkillers."
"I'd imagine those help," he said, smiling a little and tucked the hospital blanket around you- worried about you being warm enough. Your room at home had a lot of blankets.
"She's very put out that she didn't get her run today," he said, "but she's been cared for and she's anxiously awaiting you coming home." He kissed your forehead again and pulled up a chair as he stroked your hair.
The wound on your side was deep. It had happened during the initial attack. The first trap that had been sprung. You hadn't stood a chance. And it was a minor miracle you hadn't bled out.
"I told your mother and father you were asleep and that you needed your rest," Bruce said, playing with your hair.
"Thank god."
Chuckling in spite of himself he shook his head.
"That won't work forever," Falcome said, from the doorway.
"Padrino?" You try to sit up, and Bruce gently put a hand on your shoulder to keep you still.
"Of course. I heard my princess was hurt." he looked at Bruce. Eyes narrowed and Bruce forced himself to stay neutral. To not get defensive.
"We got lucky-"
"Seems she's had a lot of lucky breaks. And run-ins with low lifes-"
"All due respect," Bruce said carefully, "she went to an event. I had no reason to-"
"She should always be protected," Falcone growled, seething, "and if you can't do that-"
Your voice is very tiny. It makes you sound like a little girl. And it pulls Falcone up short. "Yes, Princess?"
"Please don't be mad at Bruce. I don't want a bodyguard. I don't wanna be spied on anymore."
"It's his job to take care of-"
"It's a tea. The-thressa reasonable expectation of safety."
"Pain killers," Bruce mouthed in explanation when Falcone's eyebrows shot up at you slurring words together.
"We will discuss this later," he said, crossing the floor and bending to kiss your cheek. "Your papa is on the warpath and your mama is beside herself-"
"Mother is not. Mother would probably love to plan my funeral."
Falcone chuckled, "If you can I'd get her taken home. She'll be telling everyone's secrets to some poor nurse."
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
Transformers Skybound Reading update: Issues 6 & 7!! 📚
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As a Soundwave enjoyer, these were crazy. Thoughts and spoilers below ⤵️
I gotta say I feel like someone on the team likes Soundwave haha. This fella feels like he always gets the short end of the stick. Always incredibly efficient, loyal and quiet, but never rewarded. But in this one!! Soundwave steps up! I had to go over it a few times to just take it in and be like "Wow Soundwave really just did that?!?"
It kinda felt weird almost, like maybe we're getting too much from him? You know when a character usually occupies a quiet role and they work on something in the background (a scheme or something). Additionally him really caring for his Cassettes is something I love so much so getting that too, I almost feel spoiled! Or like maybe this is too good? Like something horrible is gonna happen?haha I dunno.
The panels too of Soundwave fighting Screamer and them all saying his name!! OOF!!! *Chefs kisses*!!
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I loved this so much too T__T ahhhhh
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Also I feel so bad for Thundercracker! He lost both his seeker bros T_T I kinda hope he finds out how Skywarp died actually and maybe goes on his own again like in IDW1.
Arcee being trained by magnus is a cool idea! Magnus always fluctuates in importance and age so much between interpretations!
She looks so adorable here. Poor baby T_T (also is she holding Magnus' hand?? 🥺)
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And I was very happy to see Warpath for 1 second 😭 rip silly guy (also Kup)
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I'm enjoying it so far! One thing that always gets me confused in Transformers series is just how much it takes for them to die? Like when should I be heartbroken or can they just be put back together? IDW1 eventually makes it pretty clear, but I'm still a bit confused with Skybound.
Some characters have gotten killed off and I'm just like "Dang... you too??" Starscream doesn't count because he's Starscream. You could put him in a blender, feed him to Unicron, have him poop him out and then be tossed in the dark universe and he'd still come back! Probably with a spiffy new paint job too!
Anyway the whole things with Sparkplug and the Matrix ehhhh I'm not sure what's going on? I get the a soul for a soul kinda thing, but I'm not sure how i feel about it 🤔well! I'll find out eventually! It's just different and interesting rn! 🤔
I have one more issue so I'll yap more then! What do you think so far?? Please no spoilers tho for the next issues! (8 onwards since I'm reading the physical releases!) I'm curious what your thoughts are!
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taylorswiftandx · 9 months
Taylor Swift and War
Note: huge thank you to @meandmypagancrew who assembled the lyrics for this post! A quick reminder that these type of posts can be quite subjective and we have taken a pretty broad view, but please comment if you think something has been left out.
'Taylor Swift'
(no war)
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
Tell Me Why: I took a chance, I took a shot and you might think I’m bulletproof but I’m not
Change: It's a sad picture, the final blow hits you
Change: This revolution, the time will come
Change: We’ve been outnumbered, raided and now cornered
Change: It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair
Change: Tonight we’ll stand, get off our knees, fight for what we’ve worked for all these years
Change: The battle was long, it’s the fight of our lives
Change: It’s a revolution, through your hands up
Mr. Perfectly Fine: So strategized, all the eyes on you
'Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)’'
Mean: You can take me down with just one single blow
Mean: You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation
Innocent: I guess you really did it this time, left yourself in your warpath
Long Live: I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you 
Timeless: Even if we’d met on a crowded street in 1944, and you were heard off to fight in the war
Timeless: I would’ve read your love letters every single night and prayed to God you’d be coming home all right
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
State of Grace: You come around and the armor falls, pierce the room like a cannonball
Ronan: You fought it hard like an army guy
Better Man: Push my love away like it’s some kind of loaded gun
Nothing New: Shoot you down and then they sigh and say “She looks like she’s been through it”
All Too Well (10 Minute Version): I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight
'1989 (Taylor’s Version)’
Bad Blood: Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes
I Know Places: They take their shots, but we’re bulletproof
Clean: Hung my head as I lost the war
You Are In Love: And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
Bad Blood (feat. Kendrick Lamar): Now POV of you and me, similar Iraq
Bad Blood (feat. Kendrick Lamar): It was my season for battle wounds, battle scars, body bumped, bruised
(no war)
The Archer: Combat, I’m ready for combat
You Need To Calm Down: You are somebody that I don’t know but you’re taking shots at me like it’s Patrón
You Need To Calm Down: You are somebody that we don’t know but you’re coming at my friends like a missile
Exile: You’re not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending now?
My Tears Ricochet: And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves
Mad Woman: My cannons all firing at your yacht
Epiphany: Keep your helmet, keep your life, son
Epiphany: Just a flesh wound, here’s your rifle
Epiphany: Crawling up the beaches now, “Sir, I think he’s bleeding out”
Epiphany: With you I serve, with you I fall down, down
Peace: And you know that I’d swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches
Tolerate It: I greet you with a battle hero’s welcome
Tolerate It: When did all our lessons start to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt?
Long Story Short: Fatefully, I tried to pick my battles ‘til the battle picked me
Long Story Short: We live in peace, but if someone comes at us, this time, I’m ready
Evermore: Whether weather be the frost or the violence of the dog days
Mastermind: Strategy sets the scene for the tale
The Great War: Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
The Great War: All that bloodshed, crimson clover
The Great War: My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War
The Great War: I vowed not to cry anymore if we survived the Great War
The Great War: You drew up some good faith treaties
The Great War: The bombs were closer
The Great War: I vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the Great War
The Great War: Soldier down on that icy ground
The Great War: Broken and blue, so I called off the troops
The Great War: There’s no morning glory, it was war, it wasn’t fair
The Great War: I vowed I would always be yours 'cause we survived the Great War
You’re Losing Me: All I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier
You’re Losing Me: Fighting in only your army, front lines, don’t your ignore me
Other Songs written by Taylor
Eyes Open: Yesterday, we were just children playing soldiers, just pretending
Eyes Open: In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords
Renegade: You fire off missiles cause you hate yourself, but do you know you’re demolishing me?
Safe and Sound: The war outside our door keeps raging on
The Alcott: Everything that’s mine is a landmine
Official Alternate Releases
(no war)
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Familia mea mea est domus – My family is my home
I loved @mistydeyes medical checkup thingy here and got a little inspired, so thanks for that, hun
Unedited because I wrote this on a whim
Tagging my usuals that asked, just because: @glitterypirateduck @letsreadallday @jamesrifftapes @sofasoap @mmyrrhh
A soft knock on his office's door made Price look up briefly.
''Come in''
The door opened swiftly, even before the last word was uttered, and Riot stepped inside, closing behind her hurriedly. Then, without asking, she all but collapsed on the chair in front of him.
''Oh, good you're here, I need clarification on what this means, my German is a bit rusty...'' Price leaned back in his chair, leaving his fountain pen and looking up again, but the slight grin on his face disappeared when he saw her eyes.
Her haunted, wide eyes.
Riot's blue-gray eyes - no, Christine's - looked straight into his, unblinking, and he noticed that just as she sat down, her right knee had started bouncing wildly.
''I have my physical checkup'' Even her voice sounded lower than normal, strained, controlled. ''In half an hour''
''I know'' Price nodded, still lost about what could have happened. ''What's the matter, kid?''
''Can you come with me?''
''... what?''
She moved slightly in the chair, visibly uncomfortable, but her eyes didn't waver and still stared at him, desperate, pleading.
''In my file there's specifications that say I only want female personnel in the physical checkup'' When Price nodded again, Christine tried to overcome the knot in her throat. ''I was just there. There's only male personnel working at the moment. They told me Dr. Benítez was on break and wouldn't be back till noon''
''Can't they move your appointment to when she's in?'' Price was already shutting down his laptop, knowing where this was going, and feeling the exasperation boiling inside. Fucking idiots everywhere.
''They said I could either do the checkup now with the personnel that was in or they would put in my file that I refused to do it'' Christine's voice was even lower now, her fingers tapping furiously on her thighs, and her right knee still bouncing. ''Price, I can't...''
Half an hour later, Price was sitting uncomfortably right in front of the door of the room where Dr. Benitez and a female nurse were performing the physical exam on Sgt. Vega. It had cost him only five minutes of raising his voice at the incompetent idiot in charge of the clinic for the day, and a personal call to Dr. Benitez's phone (who had been appalled by the situation and cut her break short, God blessed that woman, and told off herself the idiots at the reception).
''I know. I'll fix this'' Price stood up and walked around his desk to offer his hand to her. ''Come on, kid, we're gonna give them a piece of our minds''
To pass the time, he had sent a text to Heather, explaining the situation, and her answer had been almost instant, and indignant.
I personally put in her file she was NOT to be examined physically by any male presenting person. I'm going to raise hell at whoever is ignoring the personal notes in people's files.
Great, now Heather was in the warpath too. Sighing, Price was about to put his phone away when he got a message from Nikolai, some stupid short video of something he had found on the internet.
For a second he considered telling him, but decided against it. There was no need to have an angry Russian mercenary storming into the base demanding to behead someone for upsetting his solnysh... solhn... his sunshine.
Price also wondered why she hadn't asked Soap or Gaz, or Ghost, but was still musing over it when the door opened and Christine stepped out, talking with Dr. Benitez.
It was like night and day. Now she looked her usual self, or at least her usual masking self, chatty and bright, confident and brilliant. Dr. Benitez nodded at Price and then went back inside, and Christine walked over to him as he stood up.
''All set, kid?''
''All set, sir'' She smiled, and then offered him a lollipop. Price stared at it for a second and then at her eyes, unable to avoid grinning when he saw the usual mischief in there. How in the world he had ended with two Soap in the same unit was beyond him, but it made him feel thankful everyday.
''Really? A lollie?''
''She gave me one and I asked for another one for you'' Christine shrugged, with a cheeky grin. He noticed with sadness how the left corner of her lips was uneven, twisted due to the scar, but he admired her 'fuck it all' attitude about it and her refusal to wear her mask most of the time.
''Oh, thank you then'' Price accepted the lollipop and both unwrapped them as they walked to the exit. ''I'm glad I was still around to come with you. I bet if Ghost, Soap and Gaz had arrived sooner from the drill with the rookies they would have been happy to accompany you''
Christine hummed quietly, enjoying the lollipop, but when he finished talking she looked up at him.
''They were already back when I asked you''
Price opened the door for her, and stared at her hair as she stepped out. She had gone to him, for support and safety, even when she could have chosen any of the other Sergeants or Ghost. Price was well aware of the something brewing between the Lieutenant and her, and that her and Soap were practically siblings, and that Gaz and her were thick as thieves too... but still, she had sought him out instead of them... His heart swelled.
''Alright, sunshine'' Price ruffled her hair playfully, grinning when she protested. ''I think we've earned a coffee. Let's go find the rest of the muppets. My treat''
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 10 months
Demonology: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: What makes someone evil? The things they do or because of what’s inside them? If children are born innocent, at what point does evil enter them? Everyone’s beliefs and faiths are tested on a religious level.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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You and Rossi walk back over to the interrogation room to continue watching Emily and Paul.
"What caused their deaths?" Emily asks.
"I can't say," he shrugs.
"Were they under stress?"
"We all were."
"Did you sprinkle holy water on them?"
Emily must have remembered what you said at Patrick's house.
"That's part of the exorcism ritual."
"What was in the holy water? Sarin? Vx? The smallest amount would trigger respiratory failure."
"I'm not familiar with them."
"No? Really? Because that's what a lot of people think killed Father Del Toro in Spain."
Hotch comes into the room with determination on his face. He interrupts Emily and Paul with an apologetic look on his face.
"Father, You're free to go. We're sorry if detaining you has caused you any hardship."
Emily is pissed but she can't do anything since Hotch is her superior and will get fired if she fights back.
"I hope you find peace," Paul says to Emily before leaving.
"My office," he glares at her.
Hotch keeps his door open when they go inside so you can hear everything they're saying from your spot by the door to the briefing room. Even if he kept the door closed, you can still hear them because Hotch is pissed and Emily is pissed and two pissed people make for a very loud conversation.
"Are you actually accusing the Italian Government of authorizing this man's assassination list?"
"He admits he was present at every death."
"The case is over."
"You said you'd give me leeway!"
"I did. I understand your frustration. There are some things that we cannot control. Take some time off."
"I don't wanna see you in the office for the next few days."
Emily immediately leaves angrily, and she walks past you without looking at you. You turn to Rossi who has heard everything they said, too.
"Something is going on here, Rossi. I saw it in Patrick's room. Paul is guilty, he's on a warpath, and he wants to kill whoever was responsible for Father Del Toro's death. He's gonna kill again."
"Come on."
You and he meet up with Emily in the elevator before the doors can close.
"Are you up for another drive?"
Rossi takes you and Emily over to Matthew's parent's house. She doesn't want to see them because they'll hate on her, but this trip is necessary. If you have any hope of finding out who Paul is targeting next, then you need to talk to them. Andrea isn't too happy to see Emily when she opens her front door.
"What are you doing here?"
"We know Matthew died during an exorcism performed by Father Paul Silvano. He's performed three In the last few weeks. Each person has died. We believe he's planning another one."
"That's none of our business."
"Matthew's gone. You've accepted that. At least let us warn the last family so they know what kind of choice they're facing. This isn't about me. This is about other families and the people they love."
Andrea can't argue with that so she lets you three inside her home. Tom gets up from the couch and walks over to you since they don't want you further into their home. They want to keep this as short as possible.
"Father Paul didn't kill Matthew," he says.
"Why are you so willing to accept that? I'm just trying to find the truth about how your son died."
"Then listen to me. Father Paul never laid a hand on Matthew."
"How do you know that?" you ask.
"I was there."
That's why you saw his energy in Matthew's room. You thought it was just because this was his home. Of course, you were going to see his energy in his own home. Emily is angry that his father just watched his son die, but you put your hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
"You stood there and watched Matthew die?"
"He wasn't the person you knew. Something horrible happened on that trip to Spain."
"You only believe that because Father Paul said it. You can't think for yourself?" she scoffs.
"Young lady, do not speak to me like that," he glares.
"How could you allow him to perform a ritual over Matthew?"
"I loved my son. I was trying to save his life. That thing killed Matthew! It was inside him for years. I know you know that's true."
"No, Matthew was a sweet boy. He was just troubled."
"He was never troubled until he met you," Andrea glares.
"Look, we need to know about the demon that possessed your son," Rossi says, trying to ease the tension.
"Father Paul explained that Matthew was a conduit. If you opened yourself up to him, you were putting yourself in danger of being taken over."
"Who else was Matthew with while he was in Spain?"
"I don't know."
"Who did he see once he was back in Washington? If Father Paul believes Matthew was a conduit, anyone he spent time with could be a target."
"He was not to see anyone until he was better."
"No, that's not true. I know for a fact he saw our friend John Cooley. His parents worked with my mother at the embassy in Rome. You called him to tell him Matthew had died."
"I haven't spoken with John in over twenty years, not since you were kids in Italy," Tom shrugs.
"John is next. Rossi, Paul is going over there next."
"Go. Call Morgan."
You and Emily rush out of the house while you're calling Derek. All three of you meet at John's house. Father Paul is already inside, you can feel him and John's panic. Derek breaks down the door and you can hear John yelling from the second story. Much like what you saw in Patrick's bedroom, the same thing is happening in John's. Three men are holding him down while Father Paul performs an exorcism.
Even when you announce yourselves, Paul doesn't stop the ritual. Most of the people in the room get down on their knees in fear of being shot at if they don't comply, but not Father Paul. He continues to throw holy water on him despite you trying to get him to stop.
John is sweaty, he's panicking, his anxiety is skyrocketing, and he's crossing his eyes as if he's hallucinating. Derek manages to get Father Paul out of the room while Emily tends to her friend. You're just trying not to break down because this entire room is filled to the brim with anxiety and panic.
"John, shh. I wanna untie you but I need you to calm down. Look at me. It's Emily. John!"
"I'm gonna untie you. Just stay calm, okay?"
The paramedics come just as the rest of your team comes. John is looked at by the paramedics even though he doesn't feel the need.
"Emily, come on. I'm fine," he sighs.
"No. Look at you. Stress can tear your body apart. That's what happened to Matthew."
"Emily, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you in Italy."
John was the father of her baby. You leave to give them privacy and join Hotch's side. When Emily sees him, she finishes with John and heads over to him. Derek walks out of the house with Father Paul in handcuffs.
"If you want my gun and badge, I understand."
"There's a plane ticket in your name to Rome. Agent Morgan and I will drive you to the airport. Any of your belongings can be shipped to you," Hotch says to him instead of commenting on Emily.
"You have no right to deport me."
"The Vatican intervened. The Italian Government has rescinded your diplomatic status. They'll do with you as they see fit when you're back in their jurisdiction."
"You've all just made the world a much more dangerous place!" he yells as he's placed in the back of the police car.
"I saw that guy up there. He was certain he was fighting against some kind of evil."
"We all have to be certain," Rossi says.
"Rossi, don't tell me you believe in evil."
"Don't tell me you do this job and you don't."
"I believe there are evil acts but those are choices. What do you think, Y/N?"
"I've seen evil before--true evil. I've even come face-to-face with it. I've stared down the devil and survived. You're right, there are evil acts but demons are real. There are things out there that are pure evil and I've seen it more times than I'd like. What about you, Hotch?"
"I think deep down, we're all capable of unspeakable things. Where it starts or what you call it, I don't know. Let's get him out of here."
"Thank you. To the both of you," Emily says to you and Derek.
"You're welcome."
Since your birthday is this weekend, you got some pretty awesome gifts from some pretty amazing people. You're only twenty-six, but you have this family that keeps you grounded in this line of work.
"Now, for my present," JJ smiles. "Close your eyes. Both of you."
You and Spencer give each other weird looks but does as she asks. Seconds later, you feel tiny hands grab at your face.
"No way! You brought him!" you grin and take Henry from her arms. "Look who it is! It's your Godparents!"
"You two can watch him for the weekend if you want."
"Yes! We will take good care of him. Don't you worry about a thing!"
This is going to be the best weekend ever.
There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the church as a human being. - James Joyce
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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kaiyaki-sano · 1 year
Lend Me Your Voice(band AU!Eren x fem!reader) pt.2
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It’s been so long since I posted anything, and I had this sitting in the archives for a million years.....my bad y’all. Basically, Eren is a douchey frontman of the rock band “Titans”. This will be a 4 part slightly angsty mini-series, with a shameless little self-insert as Eren’s sister in part 2 bc I have no self-control when it comes to Levi~ I hope you enjoy it!!
TW: sinful foul smut in the beginning, Eren is an asshole to reader, very minor character death for backstory purposes, swearing/dirty talk
Part 2!!
part one here ~
Another three weeks on this leg of the tour had gone by, and for some fucking irritating and infuriating reason, Eren Yeager could not get you off of his mind. 
Something about how you had looked so heartbroken and genuinely hurt by his words and actions made him feel…..bad. He never felt bad, he prided himself on that shit. But here he was, picturing that kicked puppy look of yours on a sick loop in his brain, making him wonder why the hell he’d been so cruel to you.
It was annoying. 
Eren knew that Connie had given you a VIP pass, he knew that you declared the renouncement of your Superfan title, and it shouldn’t have bothered him so much. 
Because what the fuck did Connie Springer care for?? It wasn’t like HE was the one you’d gotten onto the bus with, who you were screaming for, who you- Jesus fucking Christ, Eren, knock that shit off. 
He found himself being an extra dick to Connie for the rest of the week after that, but he never admitted why, and never will. 
But Connie knew, and it gave him the thrill to know that for once, he was the favored member by at least one person. Everyone always went for Eren, Jean, or even Mikasa. He felt like the Kevin Jonas of his own band as if everyone forgot that HE was the one who formed Titans back in high school with Jean, forgot that without him there wouldn't be any of this. 
So he was a dick right back. 
“What, you mad that I gave a damn about a fan and she appreciated the kindness?! Not all of us just fuck and chuck women, some of us have some damn RESPECT for them!!” 
In one of the many screaming matches that ensued after your short hour-and-a-half stay on their bus, Connie had finally called Eren out. 
“That’s it, Springer!! How’d ya guess??” Eren laughed bitterly in return, holding solid and steadfast in his ‘I don’t care’ act, “First of all, stay outta my business. Secondly, I couldn’t give less of a fuck if you played nice with another sad little slutty fan who spread their legs to me and found out their pussy wasn’t good enough for me to marry ‘em. If you want my sloppy seconds that badly, I’m sure they’re plenty happy to lower their standards and give it up to you too.”
Connie didn’t say a word, standing there fuming, fists balled up so tightly his pulse radiated through his fingertips. At that moment, the drummer wanted nothing more than to swing his fist into the arrogant jaw in front of him. 
Eren’s smirk was wicked, eyes dark and tone cold as Siberian winds, “Y’look like you wanna hit me, Con.”
Two strides of his long legs had him right in Connie’s face, head tilted condescendingly as he leaned down and asserted dominance.
“Do it then. Hit me, I dare you.” 
Before he could live his dream, Levi, the ever-exhausted manager of the band, intercepted, shoving them roughly apart with a disapproving steel glare. 
“That’s about enough, you god damned idiots. I suggest you get this figured out, whatever absolute bullshit it is this time, and figure it out quickly. Understood?” 
Eren laughed even harder, resting a hand on his stomach, “Or what? You gonna get that step stool and punch me yourself?? You already got into my sister’s pants, you don’t need to try and impress her. Ain’t it embarrassing though? Your girl being almost a foot taller than you?” To say that he was on a warpath would be a vast understatement. He was out for blood and needed something or someone(s) to take it out on, to rid himself of the guilt eating him alive and prying open the vaults of his deeper wounds. 
That guilt of hurting you so badly, he couldn’t stand it. But he refused to do the right thing as if his pride were at stake. 
“You know what I think, Eren?” 
The sound of his stupid sister’s voice made him look over, glaring. 
“Oh, you can do that now? Miracles can happen, maybe God exists!” He mocked her, rolling his eyes, “Enlighten me.”
“I think you care about her more than you’re willing to admit, and you look fucking stupid. That’s what I think, and so does everyone else.” She said flatly, tired of being a punching bag to her brother just as much as his bandmates and former friends despite knowing the exact reason why; it wasn’t like she didn’t understand, “We didn’t make you such an unfeeling asshole, so stop taking it out on us when you deal with the consequences of your own foul actions.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself. We’re leaving before I beat you half to death.” Levi chimed in, effectively ending the conversation and walking off with his arm around her waist protectively, shooting one last glare to them both as a warning before closing the door of the bus behind him.
Deep down, Eren knew they were right. All of them. But they could never know that. 
With a dismissing scoff, he flipped Connie his middle finger before closing himself off in the back bedroom of the bus. The frontman flopped himself onto the bed, stretching his limbs out, reaching under the pillow for the familiar cool touch of the picture frame he kept there, and pulling it out to stare longingly at the photo inside.
“I wish you were here, mom. M’sorry I’m fucking everything up, ah- I mean messing everything up, sorry. I know you hate when I swear around you.” He swallowed thickly as if he were trying to physically consume the hurt, make it just digest like a meal and finally go away, “I think I really ruined everything for myself, my friends hate me, I keep hurting innocent people-” 
Another flash of your sad eyes played in his mind, and he squeezed his own shut tightly, hugging the photo to his chest and curling into a ball, “You’d be so disappointed, ma. The way I’m treating women, you wouldn’t even know me anymore, I-I’m sorry-”
And finally, after fighting with all his strength to hold it in for so long, Eren gave up. He sobbed, hard, chest tightening as he screamed in agony into his pillow, choking on tears and snot, and he didn’t care. 
He wanted his mom. He wanted to be okay. He wanted to be himself again. He never meant to hurt anyone, never meant to hurt you, he just wanted the pain to stop. 
There was nothing he wouldn’t give for the pain to stop. 
That night, Eren Yeager cried himself to sleep, the picture of him at age five being held by his beloved late mother unmoved against his chest. 
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nerdo-art · 8 months
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Here are some of the OCs from my fanfiction "The Other Side of the Drachma".
In order from left to right, we have: Saturn, Ananke, Pike, Hyperion, and Circe!
Saturn - This is Cronus' new chosen name. The heroes defeated him in this AU by making him a friend, no longer their foe. Now, he is Jay's main mentor, and the god that runs Elysium under Hades' watchful eye.
Ananke - She's the wily Mother of the Fates, Necessity Herself! She and Saturn reconnected after he was out on parole. One thing led to another, and they're now happily married.
Pike - Also known as the young King Picus from Ancient Roman lore, he's an Etruscan demi-god and son of Saturn. When he refused Circe's romantic advances back in the day, she turned him to stone. The heroes in this AU were able to revive him, but he'd already lost his arm. Now, he is a love interest for this AU's Herry.
Hyperion - With Cronus defeated, the heroes still have a major threat to face: Hyperion, the OG Sun God! He's the eldest son of Uranus & Gaia, has a terribly short temper, and he's constantly on the warpath to reclaim the throne of the gods. (He's just not very good at it.)
Circe - She's that Circe, from the Odyssey. Granddaughter of Hyperion, she is a powerful sorceress and commander of Hyperion's forces. She holds a soft spot in her icy heart for Pike, as well as Odie, who reminds her of Odysseus.
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drill-teeth-art · 1 year
I hope you don't me asking, but I'm curious what your thoughts on Warpath are?
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Well, I only really know G1 Warpath. And I like how he makes sound effects all the time and is full of energy. So she’s going in the fan continuity as a short king with force field powers. I figured I’d keep his energy and loudness, but give her more of a defense focus. Warpath moves forward to protect others ahead!
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rainhadaenerys · 1 year
My personal Daenerys playlist
Here's my personal playlist for Daenerys:
No Going Back by Nite Lies
Come Alive by Ely Eira
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Towards The Sun by Rihanna
This is our time by Hidden Citizens
Hero by Skillet
Kings by Tribe Society
Born ready by Zayde Wolf
I'd love to change the world by Ten Years After
Runs in The Family by Amanda Palmer
The cost of the crown by Mercedes Lackey
No Calm Before The Storm by Atalia
Afraid by The Neighbourhood
Stronger Than Ever by Raleigh Ritchie (Jacob Anderson)
Warpath by Hidden Citizens
Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Mother of flame by Miracle of sound
Heroes by Zayde Wolf
Battlefield by Svrcina
Legends never die Ft. Against the Current
This is war by 30 seconds to mars
Paradise by Coldplay
Journey (Ready To Fly) by Natasha Blume
Calls Me Home by Shannon LaBrie
PS.: I don't think every single part of all the lyrics fit Dany perfectly, but overall they fit Dany. For example, in "The cost of the crown" by Mercedes Lackey, she says she was schooled and bred for the crown and only thought of the rights she would have with the crown, which obviously doesn't fit Dany, but the rest of the song fits Dany's mindset as a queen perfectly. In "Stronger Than Ever" by Raleigh Ritchie, he says that he doesn't watch the news and can't be arsed with college, which obviously doesn't fit Dany, who does care about learning and gaining knowledge, but the part about falling short on knowledge matches Dany's feelings of not knowing what to do with the situation in Meereen, and the rest of the song describes well many of Dany's struggles. "Runs in The Family" by Amanda Palmer is mostly a reflection of Dany's fears of having "the taint", which doesn't mean I think the Targaryen family actually has genetic "madness". And so on.
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withlovewriting · 2 years
Mixed Drinks and Smoke Rings 25: Hungry Dogs Are Never Loyal
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Chapter 25: Hungry Dogs Are Never Loyal
I guess you really did it this time, left yourself in your warpath, Lost your balance on a tightrope, lost your mind trying to get it back, Wasn’t it easier in your lunchbox days? Always a bigger bed to crawl into, Wasn’t it beautiful when you believed in everything, And everybody believed in you
Summary: New to town, you didn’t need a friend, you needed a dealer. Thankfully, a girl from your Narcotics Anonymous meetings knew just the guy.
Characters: Fezco (euphoria) x Non-descriptive Reader
Words: 1,932
Chapter Warnings: Drug withdrawal, Rue being an asshole (but i love her soOoOo), references to domestic/child abuse, this chapter is short but i’m hoping to upload again on sunday properly
Series Warnings: Addiction, sexual themes, cursing, abuse (various), smut, drug use, teenagers being fucking idiots. 18+ only, minors DNI
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter: 
taglist: @iamasimpingh0e​ @chelseagirl77​ @zeida​ @f8talism​ @alanis-altair​ @purplebtsmagic​ @fuckrigthoff​ @slytherinambitious​ @wand-erer5​​
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Hours. Days. Weeks.
The concept of time was lost on you as you remained in a fetal position, your cheek pressed against the cold tile floor. Your muscles cramped, bones aching in a way that you sure would only be assuaged by ripping them out of your skin.
Your body didn't feel like your own. Weak and too warm, and with every exhale, you were pushing down a new wave of nausea.
Fez had only left your side when absolutely necessary, and even then, you remained with Ash, head in his lap as he wiped your brow with a cold face cloth, his words mumbled as he called you a fucking idiot, yet his eyes remained soft as they bore into yours.
Although you craved the sweet, blissful apathy that Heroin provided you with -- even if the pleasure was short-lived -- your body just needed rest. It needed peace. You knew that, yet it didn't cease your begging.
Fez's response, however, remained steadfast. Unwavering despite your painful cries and desperate insults that chipped at his heart, but not his resolve. No matter how much your coiled up, frail body tugged at his heartstrings, he refused to give in. Refused to give up.
Eventually, once your stomach was finally settled and no longer threatening to expel any fluids that dared to enter it, Fez moved you to his room.
"C'mon, baby, just a little more," Fez's voice was smooth as he held you, back pressed to his chest as he leaned against his headboard.
A pitiful sob bubbled up from your chest as you slowly sipped at the water, Fez placed the bottle onto his side table once he deemed your intake was sufficient.
Wrapped up in a pair of Fez's pajama pants and a dark Palace hoody, you sunk into the bed. His fingers soothed the ache the bathroom floor had left on your body as he held you implausibly close as though scared that any moment, you'd dissipate.
"You sure you still wanna go?"
After Fez had declined Maddy's birthday invite on your behalf, she had offered for you to attend a girl's night, a simple hangout that didn't involve alcohol or partying, or anything that sounded remotely fun.
You'd accepted, knowing that Maddy Perez wasn't the type of girl who allowed you to decline her often. Nodding your head, you groaned when you felt Fez detach himself from your back, sitting up and gently guiding you with him, "C'mon then Ma. Let's get you showered."
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Reaching out, you accepted the glass of water Lexi had offered you with a timid smile.
"How are you feeling?" She asked, taking a seat next to you and straightening her skirt.
You knew you looked just as bad as you felt, wrapped up in Fez's over-sized jumper and sweats, and you could only be thankful Maddy had said this night was casual. You'd barely been there 15 minutes, yet every moment that passed by felt like a long, grueling hour. Although you were physically doing better, you were still experiencing the psychological effects. So whilst nausea cleared and your aches were slightly dulled, your mood had totally dipped, your anxiety had spiked, and the craving for a high gnawed under the surface of your skin. An itch you weren't allowed to scratch.
You'd gone through withdrawal before, but in a hospital setting, with psychologists, therapists, and nurses galore, all monitoring you carefully, minute by minute. This cold turkey shit felt impossible. So instead, you told Lexi the same lie you'd muttered time and time again,
"I'm fine, thanks."
You both remained quiet, slowly sipping your drink as Lexi's fingers continued to fiddle with the hem of her skirt, a strained smile plastered on her face, yet the uneasiness in her eyes was shining bright.
It gave you some weird kind of reassurance, however, that she felt just as awkward as you did.
When the door knocked, you almost jumped from your seat, and you knew Lexi was glad for the distraction, but when you heard Rue's familiar voice and peered around the corner, you knew damn well she was feeling just as awful as you were.
Pity party for two, you guess.
By the time Rue had finally managed to evade Suze and excuse herself to the bathroom, the rest of the girls had joined you in the living room, voices low as they spoke between themselves. A gentle knock on the door caught your attention. Upon hearing the sound of Rue's mother thanking Suze, you could only hope a black hole would open up in the middle of the Howard's house and swallow you whole.
This wasn't going to end well.
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"Ah, fuck. It'll never fuckin' end." Rue sighed, sitting down on the staircase.
Lexi had returned to her seat next to you, Kat and Maddy stood not too far in front as you all peered up at her.
"This can't make you feel good, Rue. Livin' like this. Lying to the people you love, being mean to the people you love. This can't make you feel good about yourself."
"I don't care," Rue's voice was quiet, and you could tell whatever happened between her and Leslie had exhausted them both, "Just fuckin' leave me alone, please."
Leslie continued to try and reason with Rue, praying that she could somehow convince her daughter to get into the car and head back to rehab, but the disinterest in Rue's eyes spoke volumes and it wasn't long before all hell had broken loose, Maddy screaming at Cassie, Kat trying her best to calm her down.
Cassie wasn't very good at lying, and Maddy knew her too damn well to believe it.
"And you?" Rue's eyes remained dazed, but the curl of her lip made your eyes finally rest on her, pulling your attention away from your shoes, "You've got some fuckin' nerve sitting there, like you ain't doing the same shit."
Leslie moved forward, almost blocking you from her daughter's view, "Rue, that's enough. Let me-"
"Oh my god, you don't get it, Mom," Rue ran her hand over her hair, uncaring of how messy it was, a sardonic laugh falling from her lips, "What do you think two addicts do when they hang out together, huh? Cause we definitely weren't braiding each others hair or makin' fuckin' friendship bracelets."
You watched as Leslie tensed, her back ramrod straight. Her head turned slightly, eyeing you over her shoulder as a look of betrayal passed over her features. Returning her attention to her daughter once more, she forced down the lump in her throat,
"And that's on me, baby. But please, come with me and-"
"You know why her dad wasn't at that NA meeting?" Rue sniffed in harshly, a cruel smile etched onto her face as she continued to mock you, "He didn't fuckin' go, 'cause he was too fuckin' wasted. See, mom... I do drugs because my dad died. She does drugs, cause it's... I dunno, in her fuckin' DNA or some shit. So really, I mean, you should be grateful."
"Rue, that's enough," Suze spoke up, her eyes darting between you and the group of girls as Maddy continued her questioning of Cassie. A fight was going to break out at some point, she could sense it, "Listen to your mother and-"
"My father, a good, honest man dies in a fuckin' agonizing, traumatic way, yet her dad, a guy who doesn't deserve the fuckin' air he breathes, gets to live. He pushed her down the fuckin' stairs, and he gets to live? So where's her fuckin' intervention?" Rue laughed to herself as she shook her head, unshed tears in her lash line.
The room fell silent as your breath caught in your throat. Tears were already trailing down your cheeks as your chin wobbled. You knew, deep down, it wasn't you Rue was angry with. She was high and desperate and she needed something, anything to take the heat off her.
That's why she decided to throw both yourself and Cassie under the bus.
Standing, you placed the glass onto the table next to Lexi, the sound so much louder in the silence.
Kat called your name as you made your way toward the front door, tears streaming down your tired face. Stopping as your hand connected with the door handle, you turned toward Rue, voice barely above a whisper,
"I'm really sorry."
"Yeah, go run home to your daddy who doesn't fuckin' love you."
You heard Rue's muffled reply, as you shut the door behind yourself. Taking a few deep breaths, you tried to compose yourself before setting back off toward Fez's house, deciding on the longer route in hopes that the cool air would calm you.
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By the commotion inside, you could only assume Rue had beaten you to Fez's, and you knew there was only one reason why she was there.
The only drugs Fez kept in the house anymore was his Grandma's medication.
You watched as Fez all but threw Rue on the floor, the girl fighting him with everything she had as she collapsed to the floor.
Fez's attention was quickly on you as you watched helplessly, his sweater almost drowning you. His eyes darted between yourself and the girl, and despite popular belief, Fezco wasn't an idiot. He knew something was going on, something happened, but he just didn't know what.
Rue quickly made her way to her feet, shoving her way through the iron gate, and down the alleyway.
Watching her go, you couldn't bring yourself to say anything, just as she couldn't bring herself to look in your direction.
"C'mon, ma. Let's get you inside."
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As Fez's ringed fingers began to rub soothingly up and down your arm, you couldn't hold in the tears that began to fall. Feeling the salty teardrops on the arm your head was resting on, Fez lifted himself slightly, his worried blue eyes glanced over your face, equal parts concern, and confusion.
You weren't a good person. You knew that, deep inside your soul, etched into your bones, you would always carry 50% of your father's DNA. And if Fez thought he was a bad person, then it was only a matter of time before he saw how rotten your core really was. Hell, Rue already had.
Rolling you carefully to your back, his thumb traced under your lashline, wiping away the rogue tears that still fell, "What's wrong, Ma? You in pain? I can get you some more Tylenol, or-"
Shaking your head, you forced a tight-lipped smile on your face, trying to force his features into your memory, despite knowing his face, his body, him... He would be burned there for as long as you breathe.
Lifting your arm, your fingertips tracing along the edges of his cheekbones, over his chin, and down his jaw before resting on the back of his neck, absently playing with his chain before pulling him toward you.
His lips were slow and gentle, his chaste movements almost tentative as if he wasn't entirely sure he should be doing it. But you needed this. You needed him. And as if somehow, your souls were connected, he seemed to at least understand your sudden need for intimacy.
Pulling away slightly, he hovered his lips above you, trying to ignore the pecks you left as you chased his lips, "I'm not sure we should do this. You're not-"
"Please, Fez. Please."
And that was all he needed.
But like a moth to a flame, you knew: eventually, you would burn him one too many times.
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