#In general I'm just pleased with how these turned out ahhh
sysig · 2 years
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Sona Mix (vent)
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Dragon Quest IX/Law Abiding Citizen crossover
2:30 PM: DQIX/LAC Crossover (comic; Blood)
2:30 PM: DQIX/LAC Crossover (one-offs)
2:30 PM: Chest Mouth (OC)
2:30 PM: Star Control II
2:30 PM: Opal Eyes (OC)
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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bruhnze · 3 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - part 2 - Lucy Bronze x reader
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Lucy Bronze x Barista!reader
Summary: this story takes place in 2022, when Lucy just moved to Barcelona, ​​all fictional of course. Part 2 of this story and i decided to make this a series now 😊
Enjoy part 2: the stereotypical first date turns into 2 full days of being togheter (sapphics am i right).
Word counts: idk pretty short, 2k?
Warning: none i think, maybe a bit suggestive
Apple tarts and tiramisu 2
You woke up from a streek of light hitting your face through the shutters. You felt a strong arm draped over you and felt soft breaths in your neck. Suddenly you remembered the day before. Lucy freaking Bronze was in your bed.
You shuffeld yourself back a bit, completely absorbing yourself in the embrace. The arm around you pulled you closer and you heard some low tones coming from Lucy’s throat.
‘’mhmm, good morning pretty girl’’ Lucy said with a raspy morning voice and she kissed your neck softly ‘’had a good sleep?’’
‘’uhu’’ you say ‘’very, how about you?’’
‘’also very good’’ she hummed.
You turned around to face her ‘’breakfast?’’
Lucy grinned "how are you so perfect?"
You looked at her questioning, you had just asked her if she wanted to eat breakfast, nothing special.
‘’I love breakfast’’ she clarified ''do you know there are people that don't eat breakfast''
You laughed ‘’i think you just love food in general’’
‘’mkay that might be true, but breakfast is top tier’’ she said ‘’and desserts too ofcourse’’ she added, coming closer to your face.
Your turned away and hopped out of bed ‘’well lets get going on that breakfast then’’.
You looked at a confused Lucy in the bed.
‘’y/n?’’ Lucy asked while sitting up ‘’are you having regrets?’’
‘’huh’’ ‘’no, not at all why?’’
Lucy narrowed her eyes ‘’so you didn’t just run away from a kiss?’’
‘’no, im-   yes, i am sorry but i have a stinky morning breath’’ you said, cheeks getting pink.
Lucy got out of bed ‘’ahhh, don't worrieee, i don’t mind ’’ she walked over to you ‘’can i kiss your stinky mouth with my stinky mouth?’’
‘’ew Lucy’’ you said but you got closer to her and gave her a quick shallow kiss.
‘’mh’’ Lucy said ‘’okay, i’ll take it for now’’
You pushed her chest ''greedy''
She grinned ''your fault, your kisses are too good''
“Greed makes man blind and foolish, and makes him an easy prey for death.” you cited from a poetry collection you had read.
''okay professor'' Lucy joked ''is that supposed to be a threat?''
You shrug your shoulders ''i guess you just don't have to get blind and foolish''
''Well i just had LASIK done so... that's coverd but i am afraid i might be a fool so please watch over me carefully, i don't want to be preyed down by death'' she faked being scared and looked at you with puppy eyes.
You rolled your eyes '' i cited it because it plopped in my head when i said greedy but now that i think about it, it is a good saying, like we shouldn't rush it..''
Lucy asked ''wait, i didn't study literature.. i don't follow, what'd you mean?''
''Well i am not talking directly about it so i get your confusion but if you replace 'Greed' with ... actually nevermind i don't know what i'm saying i think i need some food'' you rambled and blushed because you had wanted to say love and didn't think that was something you could say after you had just slept togheter for the very first time, even if you maybe were already falling in love with her.
Sitting at the kitchen island, eating toast with egg and tomato that you prepared Lucy asked ''sooo... what did you mean earlier? i feel like you didn't dared to say something, but you can say anything to me, you know that right?''
You picked a piece of tomato from your plate with your fork and sighed.
''okay i'll say it, but don't put any value to it.. just .. okay if you replace greed with love is what i wanted to say'' you looked at her expectantly
''Sorry i'm stupid, what was the rest, what was the life lesson then.. oh wait rush you said right.. rushing love?'' She looked confused
''I am confused by myself too'' you laughed ''but i guess i meant that we should take it slow, because i- '' You stopped yourself again.
''don't want to become a blind fool?'' Lucy helped
''yeahh- let's keep it at that'' you smiled
''No i get what you mean'' Lucy said ''i like you too, and i don't want to mess it up by rushing anything''
You sighed relieved ''great, like what you said yesterday, we can start by going on a few dates?''
''Did yesterday count as our first date?'' Lucy asked
''i dont know'' you said ''probably, but i usually don't take someone to bed on the first date..''
''Me neither'' Lucy stated ''but it just -
''felt right'' you added.
''yeah'' Lucy smiled shyly ''and honestly it felt like we waited pretty long''
You tilted your head, wanting her to continue her explanation.
''i kinda had a crush on you ever since that first apple tart''.
You laughed and admitted ''i kinda had a crush on you ever since your first order, hearing your cute little attempt at Spanish''.
''en realidad?'' (really) she grinned ''did you try to seduce me with that free pastry''.
''Maybe'' you laughed cheekily ''or i was just trying to gain another frequent customer''
She fake gasped ''just a frequent costumer, is that all i am to you?''
''well, yesterday you did tell me i was just a spanish teaching dessert'' you fired back.
''mhmm'' Lucy grinned leaning in ''this costumer likes desserts a lot''.
''nah'' you pushed her face away with your hand ''i think this costumer had enough desserts yesterday, and desserts are not for breakfast anyways'' you laughingly added ''but i can put some tiramisu in a plastic container for you to take home?'' knowing she was probably not talking about that dessert.
''do you have plans for today?'' Lucy asked
''what? '' you were confused about her random question ''yeah why''
''Then you don't have to pack me that dessert and we can just eat that here together, tonight?'' she stated ''if you would want to spent the day with me too ofcourse''
''So much for going slow'' you laughed ''but yes i would like that very much''
After breakfast you cleaned the kitchen together and both got dressed. You had leant Lucy a pair of briefs.
''So what do you want to do?'' She asked
''i could ask you the same, im fine with whatever to be honest'' you said.
''Show me around Barca? i liked the fountain you told me and Narla to visit'' She suggested.
You took her to some places around Barcelona that you could think off at the top of your head that weren't too crowded. It was a nice day and there were quite a lot people on the streets.
In a hidden park, surrounded by old buildings, where you could only get if you knew the way, you and Lucy sat down on a bench.
''Barcelona is lovely'' she sighed ''but i'm so fucking hot'' she wiped her forehead with the back of her heand ''I'm sweating like crazy and you are just fine, how do you do it?''
You chuckled ''yeah you are, and i think because i grew up here, im used to it''.
''I'm what?''
You cited her, mimicking her voice ''so fucking hot''.
She opened her mouth acting insulted ''that is not how i talk'' and then leaned in ''but thanks for the compliment, youre quite hot yourself''.
''That is not how i talk'' you grinned immitating her once more.
Lucy felt your breath against her lips and wanted to kiss you really bad, she knew you were in public but thought this hidden park wouldn't have people creeping around to watch so she came even closer to you.
''oh, shut up'' Lucy said playfully and now you felt her breath against your lips, making you shiver.
''Make me''
''With pleasure'' Lucy softly planted her lips on yours, taking your lower lip in between hers and softly nipt at it. You opened your mouth giving Lucy space to enter with her tongue. Your tongues danced around eachother, exploring eachothers mouths, savouring eachothers tastes.
After a while of the both of you getting carried away in the kiss you pulled away gently.
The two of you looked at each other with sheepish smiles.
Lucy cleared her throat ''uhm anyways, my building has a swimming pool, there is hardly ever anyone in it, would you like to go for a swim?'' Lucy asked
''That sounds nice'' you said ''is it on the rooftop?''
''No, sadly not, that would've been sick, but no it's on the ground floor, next to the gym - that also never gets used''
One street away from Lucy's you suddenly realised you didn't even bring a bikini.
''it's fine, you can just borrow one of mine'' Lucy said ''or do you not feel comfortable borrowing? if you want you can just try it on and decide then?''.
You smiled at her thoughtfulness ''no, borrowing is fine, for a second i was afraid i had to go swimming naked''.
''mhm'' Lucy closed her eyes ''don't tease me, or i might have to ask reception if i can rent the pool for the day''.
You bumped your shoulder against hers ''you're crazy''.
''you make me crazy''
You rolled your eyes.
You were back at her apartment, the aftermath of yesterday was still on the table and kitchen, your books were even still there.
''Gosh, did we leave in such a hurry?'' you blushed ''didn't even take my books, but you should probably borrow them, so it's fine''.
Lucy grinned broadly ''guess our heads were elsewhere''.
''seems like it'' you started cleaning some things up.
''woah woah, you don't have too'' Lucy took the plates from you ''cleaning up is for later'' she put the plates away in the dishwasher anyways ''come on, let's continue with our plans'' Lucy stated excitedly.
You followed her to the bedroom and took in the space.
''what?'' Lucy asked after noticing you reticence.
''Nothing just looking, nice room'' you smiled ''nice bedside table''.
Her gaze quickly went to her beside table, seeing the vibrator you had spotted ''oh god'' her cheeks flushed bright red ''how emberassing''.
''it's allright'' you grinned ''lonely times, desperate measures am i right''.
She walked over and quickly put it in a drawer, when she opened it you saw a few more items "okay let's ignore that embarrassing incident and try on some bikinis" she said to try to change the subject.
But the incident as she had described it, had filled your brain with thoughts that had nothing to do with bikini's or swimming, well maybe a little, considering the high level of nudity in both.
''Maybe you can put them on one by one and i'll say which one i'd like to borrow'' you boldly suggested, knowing you had no intentions of actually going swimming anymore.
Lucy looked at you with her jaw dropping ''you want me to model my bikini's for you?''
''well if you're offering'' You grinned
''i'm not- i didn't- Lucy sputterd ''you cheeky-
''put on a show for me pretty girl'' you purred ''i hope you have lots''
She walked to her closet defeated but secretly excited and opened the drawer with her bikini's, the very bottom drawer of the cupboard.
She swept all the bikinis together with her hands and walked with her hands full to the bed, where you were now sitting, and threw them down.
''Damn, this is gonna be a long show, not that im complaining'' You wiggled your eyebrows.
Lucy laughed ''yeah but maybe you should make a preselection''.
''hmm, i think i can do that, but i might have to see the canvas first''.
''yeah, you know, the model that will be wearing them''
''im right here baby, just open your eyes'' Lucy joked
''mhmm, very much overdressed still''
''if you want me to strip-
''yes'' you eagerly interrupted her
-you can just ask, is what i wanted to say, but okay the message is clear, i'll take off my clothes''.
The rest of that day the two of you spend exploring eachother, rather than Barcelona or the swimmingpool.
more parts
What would you like for future parts of this story? any ideas for dates, meeting parents? paparazzi? Let me know, i love suggestions xx
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thatacotargirl · 5 months
Hiii, I saw your posts about taking requests! (loving Shadows and Surprises btw 👏)
How about a nice fluffy one-shot (take your pick of the bat-boys 😊) where reader wakes up on her cycle with bloody sheets and bad cramps, and she starts apologising about the sheets but she's in a lot of pain, but he immediately takes care of her and pampers her (changes sheets, runs her a bath, gives tea and chocolate, lots of cuddles and kisses, etc)
Ahhh I love this, it's so cute! Thank you so much for the request - I hope enjoy!
Inbox is open for requests so please do send any through!
Warnings: blood, vomit, general pain (?)
To the Ends of the Earth
A Cassian x Reader Imagine
It had been a few months since Rhysand had introduced you to his Inner Circle. What started off as a small part-time job working on his accounts and book-keeping turned into a full-time lifestyle. After the first 2 weeks of proving yourself invaluable to him and his Court, Rhys invited you to move into the House of Wind and work alongside him full-time. Your tiny studio apartment with mould, rats, and goodness knows what else inside the walls was not the most luxurious of lifestyles, and you had already grown so attached to the rest of the Inner Circle that you jumped at the opportunity. It also helped that you had developed a teeny tiny crush on the delicious male that was Cassian, so living in the same home as him made life just that little bit sweeter.
Life had, truthfully, never been better.
Yet today, you felt sluggish. Tired. Frustrated. And what made it worse was that you had no reason to feel that way. You had slept well, eaten well, trained that morning - you should be at the peak of your health. But today was finding every possible way to challenge you. After confusing an 8 for a 3 for the third time that afternoon, you threw your pen across the study in complete exasperation. What was going on!
At that moment, the study door cracked on a touch, and the familiar scent of Cassian wafted in.
"Are you ok in here y/n? I heard a bang?". A bang was an understatement considering you had chucked a gigantic book on the floor in your frustration that near shook the House.
"Yes I am fine" you replied through gritted teeth, refusing to turn and look at him. You had tears in your eyes for reasons you could not explain, and you didn't want him to see you like that. Why on earth were you now crying over a 3?!
Cassian walked over to you and gently held your chin, pulling your face to look at him. You breathed in his scent, feeling an instant calm, and took a deep breath. When your eyes met his, Cassian looked at you with concern.
"You look exhausted, y/n, have you been sleeping?" he asked.
"Yes, Cassian, I have been sleeping - I think I'm just having a bad day that's all" you replied, a little too harshly, pulling your eyes away from his so he couldn't see the tears re-forming in response to his gentle worrying. You response made Cassian's concern grow, so he bent down, scooped you off the chair, and carried you out of the study.
"CASSIAN PUT ME DOWN" you shouted, smacking at his shoulders, mindful to avoid his wings.
"Not a chance. You look like you need to sleep, and considering you nearly bit my head off when I asked, I am insisting that you at least humour me with a one hour nap" he retorted, carrying you up the stairs to the second floor. You noticed that you passed your own bedroom door, and had been walked straight into Cassian's. He put you down on his bed and walked over to draw his curtains. You started to protest, but you couldn't deny that his bed was particularly comfy, and his scent had such a calming effect on you that your lids were already getting heavy.
"Sleep", Cassian said, pulling the duvet up to your chin. "I will wake you in an hour".
You wanted to argue back, but you hadn't truly realised how tired you were, and with the warmth, the scent, the darkness, the quiet, you found yourself quickly drifting off for your Cassian-prescribed nap.
The door creaked open exactly one hour late, and Cassian froze. He couldn't sense a threat, couldn't see anyone in his room besides you still curled up asleep in his bed, but he could scent blood. He padded over to you, concern lacing his voice as he gentle called your name and shook your shoulder to wake you.
"y/n? It's been an hour, are you ready to get up?" he asked, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed. You stirred and slowly leant up on your elbows, peering at him with half-asleep eyes. You opened your mouth to respond, but suddenly felt yourself hit with an intense stomach cramp and your mouth watered with nausea. You flew from the bed, pushing Cassian to the side as you headed straight for his bathroom. A few moments later and Cassian was beside you, holding your hair and rubbing your back.
When you had finished, he carefully leaned you back against the edge of the bathtub.
"Are you ok?" he asked, his face etched with worry.
"Better now I think", you replied, "I'm so sorry Cassian I don't know what came over me, maybe I ate something funny, I was feeling a bit off all day before you found me".
"So when I asked if you were ok earlier, you lied" he said, although the corners of his mouth tipped up into a small smile.
"Potentially" was all you could get out, before another wave of pain and nausea took over your body and you crawled back towards the toilet.
"I'm just going to head down and get you a glass of water, ok? Stay here" he ordered, before turning quickly on his heels and heading out.
After you had finished, Cassian still hadn't returned, so you decided to hoist yourself up and get back into his bed, feeling a bit better on the nausea side - although still having some stomach cramps. It was when you reached the side of the bed you had been sleeping on that you looked down and saw the large pool of blood covering the bed sheets. Gazing down, you realised it was not only covering the bed, but also covering you - bright red coating the entire inside seam of your pale blue leggings, almost down to your knees. You shook violently, panic and embarrassment taking over your entire body. You quickly threw Cassian's pillows on the floor and started to tear at the bedding, wanting to get it off and change it as quickly as you could before he could realise, but you had barely got half of the bed sheet off the giant bed before Cassian re-appeared in the doorway.
You turned to face him, a tray in his hands, and crumpled onto the floor. This is exactly what you needed today - the hot General that you have a major crush on has tried to do something nice for you and you have completely put your foot in it and destroyed his bed. Great. Just fab.
"Hey hey" Cassian quickly put the tray on his desk before dropping down to your level. "What's the matter?" he asked. You couldn't even get the words out between your sobs, gesturing blindly at the bed and yourself. You hid your face in your hands, utterly mortified.
Cassian's confusion was so evident that you dared to glance up at him. "Are you ok?" was all he asked. You nodded, then shook your head, then resumed sobbing. He pulled you into his chest and let you continue until your tears turned to small sniffs.
"I guessed when I opened the door" he said quietly, his hands stroking through your hair. "Your mad dash to the toilet was all the confirmation I needed - you almost sent me flying off the bed and, whilst I train you well, you're not normally that strong" he teased.
"I'm so sorry" was all you could get out, head still buried in his chest.
"Nonsense, what is there to be sorry about?" he asked.
"I ruined your bed".
Cassian laughed and helped you both stand up. "I quite literally cause people to bleed for a living. A bit on my bed is hardly cause for concern". He guided you over to the tray he had brought upstairs.
"So, I have got you some peppermint tea to help with the nausea, Rhys gave me a tonic he gives to Feyre to help with the pain - but he said Feyre always complains about how bad it tastes, so there's a lemon drop sweet for after just in case - and I stole a slice of Elain's chocolate cake that was in the fridge because I thought you might like that - oh and some cheese. I'm not sure why, but I thought you might want some, I always think cheese helps make any situation better, but maybe not if you've been sick..."
He was so excited as he showed you all the goodies he had found for you that your embarrassment fell away completely, even though you realised he must have announced your situation to the entire house downstairs. Before you could make any comment, he grasped your shoulders and walked you back to the bathroom, where the House had run you a lavender scented bath.
"Hop in the bath, freshen up, and you can enjoy the cake" he said, with a beam. He handed you a fresh set of pyjamas he had taken from your room and closed the door behind himself to give you some privacy.
After your soak, you changed and headed back into his bedroom. The sheets were fresh, with no sign of your incident, and Cassian was lounging on his side with a book in hand. You noticed that the book you had been reading, a smutty romance recommended by the House, was resting on the other pillow. Cassian must have grabbed it from your room when he got the pyjamas. He smiled at you when you came back and offered you a hand to climb onto the bed next to him.
"You are staying in here tonight, ok?" he said, "I don't want you to be alone and refuse help if you need it, especially since you were so stubborn earlier".
You laughed, quite happy to stay in Cassian's bed. He pulled the tray over to you both and offered you the peppermint tea and a fork for the chocolate cake.
"OH WAIT, take the tonic first!" he said, handing it to you. Feyre was right, it was disgusting. But, it did help the dull ache in your stomach, enough so that you were able to happily enjoy your slice of stolen chocolate cake. You made a mental note to apologise to Elain tomorrow.
After you were quite full and content, and had settled down to read for a while, you felt your eyes getting heavy again. Cassian noticed, and pulled you into him. You revelled in the comfort, enjoying every moment of it - you didn't think you'd ever get another chance to be this close to him and you certainly weren't going to pass it up.
"Sleep", he said "it'll help". He started to read aloud from his book, helping you to ease into a deep, deep sleep. One of the best sleeps of your life.
"Thank you, Cassian, for everything" you mumbled, eyes closed.
"You are welcome, y/n" he replied, pulling you closer to his body.
You were silent then, your body and eyes heavy, your brain slowly quieting and shutting down for the night. You felt Cassian lean down, assuming you had fallen asleep, and place a gentle kiss on the top of your head. As sleep called to you, you heard him very quietly whisper into the dark, "I would go to the ends of the Earth for you, y/n".
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tinydefector · 14 days
At this point if we're making this a thing the God Rung x MC are we calling this AU MC the God fcker 😂😂😂
Because I imagine after few weeks or months now they'll gonna be comfortable enough to make joke out of it.
Tyrest some how still in the ship: you should pray before I kill you
MC: don't worry I already pray my hands in knees for your god and suck him off
Those who are watching this turn to Rung who's face already blushing red(or blue idk).
Rung avoiding eye contact: >\\\\<
Whirl: eh nice
I love God fucker MC, them being the feisty snappy human to the very sweet Therapist who is God. Got another Rung AU now to add to the Wings of Primus AU.
But I'm also now just thinking about what other human crew think. The number of Virgin Mary jokes. Fuck just the amount of Jokes in general which get thrown their way.
Rungs lover is going about their day blissfully unaware of the chaos that is multiple humans interrogating Rung. Him finally gets a breather and sneaks off to speak with them privately. "I believe the rest of your crew are rather concerned about our relationship " he says while fixing his glasses and trying to not to spook them.
"What have they been telling you now?" They ask with a soft smile when they finally see him. "They seem rather worried about me, umm.. putting a Sparkling in your chamber. " he tries not to wince as he explains the other humans rather crude thoughts.
It makes them tense up before shock and horror flashed across their face. "Ahhh. Don't listen to a word any of them say. Please, they are just trying to get under your plating. I promise they mean nothing by it!" Rung can see the embarrassment in their movements as he tries to calm them down.
"Please, just settle. I just want to know why they would be worried about something like that. One of them mentioned a book of your people, saying something along the 'second coming'?" He's curious but at the same time doesn't want to overstep if it's something rather personal to human kind.
"Ahhh, I'm going to strangle them, next they are going to say I'm Virgin Mary and start making jokes about that around ship" the grumble to themself only for Rung to scoop them up into his arms. "My dear, is there something I've done wrong, I know we talked about my 'issue' but it seems it's slowly becoming something that is causing you trouble" he had his worries even after they continued their relationship after the whole 'Primus incident' as they called it.
"Beloved, please talk to me." His voice is ever soft as he traces his digits across their cheek. They lean into his touch, taking a deep breath and sighing. "Nothing bad, I promise, just stupid Earth religion thing," they start, eyes flicking open to watch him. "Earth has its own collection of religions kinda like Cybertron, one of the stories is about a young woman who gives birth to the son of 'God', I think people are mainly making jokes over the similarities" they slowly explains, it makes Runsg optic flicker as he looks at them stunned.
"Oh my," he murmurs optics flicking down to their stomach, "you're not carrying?" He asked slightly worried only for them to laugh. "No, no I'm not carry handsome, humans like to make rumours tend to make alot more than Cybertronians, I'm more surprised it's only that God they are making jokes about" they tease softly while pressing a kiss to his lips.
His frame seems to relax into the kiss. " I would like to hear some of these stories one day" he hums against their lips. "I'll see if I can find a bible and some other religious text from some others, but just watch out, some fo them might start calling you Zeus" they chuckle. It makes him smile watching how their eyes catch light.
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koolades-world · 8 months
Okay follow me here what if jealous mammon is like why dont you ask x to do that with you? You're spending a lot of time with them. And mc just responds with they're not you
AHHH so cute
I'm 100% following gahhh that "they're not you" line is SO good
You finally arrived home after RAD, giggling with Asmo. It had been mostly boring, but at least you shared most of your classes with Asmo. He never failed to make everything more interesting. He not only made group assignments fun and colorful, he even made silent, individual assignments better with lots of texts back and forth.
Weirdly enough, you hadn't seen Mammon today. You didn't have as many classes with him, but you always made it a point to spend some time with him when possible. But, you couldn't find him anywhere. You also didn't get a response to any of your texts to him. After you were done talking to Asmo, you decided to make it a point to find him.
"Mc! Look at how cute this outfit is!" Asmo snapped you out of thought by showing you his DDD. It was Majolish Devilgram with a post with their latest stock.
"That belt is so you! The pink is just your shade." You take the DDD from him to look at the post closer.
"I know, right? We should go today before they sell out! They know me, and will probably set some aside for me, but if they did that forever, how would they make a profit?" He laughed, tucking the DDD back in his pocket. Before you could respond, you caught a flash of white at the top of the stairs. You remembered that you hadn't seen Mammon all day, and in hopes that it was him, you decided to see if you could find him.
"Actually, do you mind waiting a little? I just remembered I have something I need to check on." You glance towards the stairs again but see nothing.
"Oh, of course! You know, if its Levi you want to check on, just know he's still alive. I texted him this morning. Just be back soon! Those clothes won't try themselves on. Let me know when you're ready to leave." Asmo gave you a quick hug, before walking off in the direction of the living room.
As soon as he was out of sight, you made your way up the stairs and in the general direction of that something that caught your eye. You began to wander around upstairs, in hopes of finding the white haired demon that had been on your mind all day. The door to Mammon's room was shut, but a light was streaming out from underneath it. Gently, you knock.
"Mammon? Are you in there?" There was no response, but you heard movement in the room. "I can hear you in there. Is something wrong?" You can hear more shuffling around before the door finally opens.
"What?" Mammon asked sharply. You're stunned for a moment. You've never heard him use that tone with you before.
"Are you ok?" You ignore the way he addressed you and continued.
"I don't know. How's Asmo?" His tone was dripping with malice.
"What's gotten into you?" You raise your voice a little, confused. He turned away from you.
"Don't you have somewhere to be with Asmo?" He walked further into his room, away from you. You step into his room after him and shut the door behind you.
"He did want to go to Majolish later, but it can wait. I can't go anywhere without checking up on you." You keep walking after him as he sit down on his bed with force.
"Just go then. I'm clearly not worth your time." He turns his body away from you. He sounds more upset than anything at this point. You sit beside him and put an arm around him.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but please, help me help you." You lean to try and look at his face, but give up once he makes it clear he doesn't want you to.
"If you like Asmo that much, just go be with him." He huffs. His voice is quiet with emotion seeping into it.
"Mammon. He's not you." He stiffened like he'd been shocked. "No matter how much time I may spend with your brothers, or anyone for that matter, they come no where close to being you. You were my first friend here, and you made me feel at home away from home. You were my first pact. We have a special bond that's so precious to me. Most importantly, you're my first man. Not Asmo. Not anyone else. You." He turns back to you, his eyes glazed over with tears that threatened to spill. "Is that what you needed to hear? Because it's all true." He turns his entire body towards you and tackles you into a hug. You can't see his expression anymore, but from the way he fiercely cuddles you to his chest, you can tell how happy he is.
"I- I'm sorry." He hesitates at first. After taking a deep breath, he continues. "It was stupid. I just saw ya hanging out with Asmo a lot lately, and I jumped to conclusions." He hides his head into your shoulder.
"There's no need to apologize for how you feel, Mams. Just try to be a little more open next time. I was worried, you know." You feel him happily sigh into your shoulder at the nickname. You rub his back soothingly.
"I will. 'm sorry for scarin' ya." Before you can tell him he doesn't need to apologize again, he continues. "Will ya stay with me? I don't care if ya bring homework or whatever into my room, I just want yer company." He holds himself tightly to you as you try to push off of him a little to look at him.
"Of course." You decided to hold him for a bit longer, to reassure him he was the only man for you.
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lampiridaes · 10 months
ahhh the affection hcs for rui and shizuku were amazing! Do you think you can write them for akito and Mizuki? Ty and I hope this blog gets lots of notes!
# affection (2)
★ — chars ; akito , mizuki
★ — notes ; waaahhh FIRST REQUESTTT thank u so much anon!!! i'm glad you liked it ^^ i hope you like this as well <3
★ — notes (2) ; they/them used for mizuki, light angst in mizuki's part, but otherwise none!
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★ shinonome akito :
akito was awkward at first, he didn't really start or ask for affection from you. first time he kissed you was quick, not because he didn't want to, but because he was unsure about it—where to put his hands, how to actually kiss...
very fond of it now, though, but he only shows it when you two are alone! he kissed your cheek in front of an once and she still teases him about it to this day.
while he isn't a big fan of pda, he enjoys forehead kisses. if he needs to leave to practice with vbs, or if he has to go to class, his go-to way of saying goodbye to you is to simply kiss your forehead!
akito likes to wrap his arm around your waist, too. whether it's to tease you or just because he wants to, he'll always do it whenever you're out together.
compliments you so much. of course, it's because he means it, but he also likes to see your face turn red because of it. akito calls you cute afterward, just to tease you and see you turn even redder.
when he's in a softer mood, that's when akito turns more romantic. tucking your hair behind your ear, kissing you like you're the most precious thing in the world... he turns into a loser in love (he is, but he won't admit it)
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★ akiyama mizuki :
adores hugs and physical affection in general. they love to hug you randomly as a way to surprise you, so don't let your guard down!
styling your hair is one of their favorite past times! they'd be honored if you ask them to. since it's mizuki, they have plenty of clips and bows that could be to your liking!
aside from hair styling, they also like to do your makeup for you, if you're okay with it. they're so careful with it, which is a change compared to their usual carefree attitude. after they finish, they like to admire their work and then kiss all over your face.
mizuki loves cute things, so you're no exception! they always tell you how pretty you are, that they love you... if you did it back, though? you'd make their day.
mizuki tends to worry about the future a lot, like you leaving them one day. imagining that the reason is because you find out about their secret. please reassure them that you don't plan on leaving them, it would be much appreciated.
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minoment · 2 years
ohh my god punishing könig by tying him up and using a vibrator on him... please 🙏
Ahhh yes. Big men turned into whiny pleading messes. Delicious- 😋
Pairing: Sub! König x Dom GN!Reader
Type: NSFW Ficlet
Warnings/Tags: sub konig, dom reader, gn reader, porn w plot, mention of death, mention of bullets, your usual military stuff, temperature play, rope bondage, handjobs, impact play/slapping, sensory deprivation, toy/vibration play, power dynamic, use of titles, begging, mocking, teasing, degradation, dacryphelia (again just deal with me and my lust for crying men :( ), slight exhibitionism, FLUFFY AFTERCARE, and petplay if you squint-
A/N: Slowly working through my ask box. I had to back to classes today and I've got someone theatre stuff too. Anyways, hope you enjoy!! NSFW, minors DNI.
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König wriggled in his ropes looking up at you mournfully through his sniper hood and balaclava. You had stripped him of all his other gear not a moment ago and the cool wind ghosted over his skin, making him shiver.
Your commander had sent your mutual team on a week-long recon practice mission. It was the second-last day and everyone was fed up, to the point where König had misfired in a fit of frustration. The bullet had zipped past your ear and left a hole in a nearby piece of drywall. Not only did he nearly kill you, he would have given away both your presences and ruined the entire mission. As the Captain, you were livid.
Which is how König ended up back at your double post, tied up to a metal pole. The Task Force had split your 12 members into 6 groups of 2, the leading group being you and König. You were fortunate to be put with your boyfriend, knowing you two would be alone for the entirety of the week as you patrolled the mock training ground. You had brought something special for him either way.
You yanked off his sniper hood and pulled his balaclava over his nose so it covered his eyes. He gasped softly, leaning his head against the wall behind him as he felt your hand not-so gently around his cock.
"M'sorry-" he whined, bucking his hips up nonetheless.
"You're sorry?" You said, skeptically. "You nearly killed me." Your hand came down to his thigh in a harsh slap. He jolted, letting out a high-pitched 'aAH~'.
You snickered softly, moving away before coming back. König mewled, trying to find your general direction and licking his lips.
"Please?" He said meekly, hopeful you would be merciful.
A strong vibration was pressed to the tip of his cock, making him cry out and buck his hips. You ran the portable vibrator up and down his length, making him wail and moan as his hardened length dripped pre-cum down his shaft. Using his pre as lube, you turned up the vibrations to the fullest and König thrashed in his ropes.
"M'sorry, I'm sorry... Please Captain-" He moaned, his Austrian accent getting thicker with pleasure. He bucked his hips roughly against the vibrator. "Please let me cum... I'm sorry- I'll be good!"
König's body shivered and trembled beneath you, tears wetting his cheeks under his balaclava. His moans got louder and high pitched, his thighs trembling as he got close. He tried to reach out for you but forgot he was tied up.
"Awww.. did the disobedient mutt forget he was tied up? Pathetic..." You sneered teasingly while pressing the tip of the vibrator right against König's frenulum, making choke out a broken sob.
"Please... please... let me cum. Bitte, I've been good..." He whimpered, begging for it at this point. His voice was small, meek, and choked compared to his porno-like moans.
You smirked softly and took off his balaclava, gazing into his watery brown eyes full of pleasurable tears.
"You may cum." He said, leaning down to kiss your precious soldier. He moaned into your mouth, rocking his hips against the vibrator until he came hard and white splattered onto his stomach.
You turned off the toy, wiping it off and putting it back in your personal bag. Quickly, you untied König and wiped him down too, making him squirm and whine at the cool towel. You patted his ass and he obediently lifted up your hips so you could put boxers on him.
Due to the nature of the training, you only had your gear and military clothes so you stripped to your undergarments and lay with him in his sleeping bag. Your doubled body heat and his constant need for cuddles made it surprisingly warm compared to the night air.
You both fell asleep swiftly.
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noorionoodles · 3 months
Hi, I read your latest headcanons about the spring troupe boys, could you do something like this on the Harvest Town characters?
(if you don't want it's no problem)
def gonna do a bachelorette version soon!
Harvest Town Bachelors & (S/O)'s Hugs Headcanons
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tw/: really long, sad in Lee Yeung's part, mentions of alcohol in Andy's part.
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❦Andy Reed
• I'm sorry, this guy's love language is physical touch.
• It's canon, I don't make the rules here.
• His hugs are so comforting! They happen really often depending on how comfortable you are with them.
• Back hugs, bear hugs, lifting-you-in-his-arms-as-he-spins-you-around-hugs; man does all of 'em.
• Really precious about it, too! He'd try and one up you by whispering sweet nothings in your ear. But give him a surprise kiss and he'd literally melt.
• The first time it happened was on a typical night of late hours of bartending. Aside from the usual patrons every Friday, it wasn't a busy shift.
• So imagine his surprise when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.
• He looked over his shoulder, and the biggest grin would plaster his face.
• There you were, face buried in the crook of his neck as you inhaled the familiar scent of bourbon and sandelwood. Your hands reached down to lace with his, and all he could do was smile wider at the firm, almost clingy grip. He almost didn't sense the stench of alcohol off you, let alone notice you sneaking behind the counter to approach him.
• You'd mumble something in his ear, and even if he couldn't pick up on your words, he'd simply turn around to pull you in an embrace. The soft sigh that left your lips told him all that needed to be said, his own shoulders relaxing slightly as he absentmindely traced languid shapes on your back.
• "I don't remember serving you a drink today, Little Farmer." He'd muse, trying to get your hands off him. A chuckle would escape his lips when you'd tighten your hold in protest.
• If only you'd snap out of your drunken haze to notice the sparkle in his eyes, the way he looked at you with complete adoration. A smile so warm and gentle, he'd forget he's on the job.
• He's leaning over to kiss your forehead, wondering to himself just what he did to deserve someone like you.
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• Gives the BEST hugs!
⚘Bill Hanks
• He's so big that'd he literally bury you in his arms, giving you the most precious hug that'll leave you giddy and smiling like an idiot (while also suffocating you in the process).
• Please don't be mad he's just really excited to see you.
• Would be a blushing mess the first time round. Absolutely clueless on what to do.
• Where should he put his hands around? what should he say? Is he hurting you? Oh God, he doesn't want to hurt you—
• I headcanon that because he grew up without a mother, he finds it difficult to express such sweet gestures so... intimately.
• Even if he's generally a sweet guy.
• "Is this okay? Am I doing this right? I'm not hurting you, am I?" He'd ask over and over again. You have to reassure the poor guy that you're fine.
• The more you do it, the more he'll ask for it.
• "Heh, this is kinda fun.."
• Too much of a dumbass to try and act slick about it.
• But you humour him cuz you love him.
• His fave's definitely the one where he's the little spoon (ill die on this hill) His face nuzzled in your chest as you brush his dishevelled hair.
• Whenever he'd work at his million-and-one different part-time jobs, and he spots you? Would sprint to you for a quick hug before running back and tripping in the process.
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𝄞Duke Evans
• Ahhh, this guy's tricky.
• Cuz on one hand, he has a hard time with touches. He hates how he recoils at the slightest of physical affection from you.
• On the other hand, you're so understanding about it, making him hate this part of himself even more. The last thing he wants is to hurt your feelings or to deprive you of something in a relationship he genuinely feels welcome in.
• So, one night, after having a few too many drinks in Andy's bar, something stirred inside him when you stepped inside.
• He'd stare at you with a pout, watching you say your hellos to Andy and the patrons as he sat alone in the far end of the tables.
• When you finally notice him, you'd smile at him, not noticing his watering eyes at first glance. Taking his hand he didn't even realize he was floating towards you. You sat beside him. Content with just a little bit of affection like this, you were surprised to suddenly feel his head on your shoulder, hands cautiously resting on your waist like he's terrified to move any closer. He'd murmur a soft whisper, hiccups, and voice cracks.
• You didn't need to be told twice; you pull him in. And that subtle sign of consent was the final tug in his heart to bury his face in your neck. You don't mention the inaudible sobs, his trembling shoulders, his soft thank you's. And he's glad for it. Glad to allow himself to feel, glad to have you to help him feel.
• "Please...I need a hug."
• Andy closed the bar a little early to give the two of you some privacy.
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♛Chris Ford
• Chris would act like your cuddles don't phase him. Not in the least.
• What do you mean the love of his life is, at this very moment, snuggling against him in a blanket because they're sick and he DEMANDED that they take a day off?
• What do you mean that the soft plush of their cheek against his back makes his brain melt on overdrive and throw his focus on the gamematch out the window?
• He's not falling deeper and blushing profusely at this very moment, of course not!
• He isn't truly annoyed. In fact, your hugs make him feel all soft and warm inside.
• "(S/O)," He'd sigh, hiding the distinct red on his cheeks that was illuminated by the computer screen. "Why do you even do this?"
• As you both get closer, you'd find most of your dates consisting of sitting together admist the mountaintops, watching the stars scattered like diamonds in the night sky.
• You'd snuggle close, a blanket wrapped around the two of you. For some reason, the boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth didn't seem to mind sitting on the grassy patch.
• Why would he when he has you by his side?
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• "Hm?"
• "Hey, Fisher."
• "Can I hug you?"
• "...What?"
• Hoo boy, I don't even know how you convinced the merman to hug you, but you did.
• "Can I hug you?"
• "I heard you the first time, human. What even is a hug?"
• The first time didn't go so well. You sat near one of the streams flowing down the moutains, his body half submerged in water. You wrap your arms around him, hands touching his bare chest, and he was convinced you were trying to suffocate him.
• Man's so on guard that he can't even trust his (S/O) for physical affection :,)
• Took a lot of patience and explanation. Dude never truly understood what the purpose of a hug was. He wanted to quit at some point, thinking all of this was just sappy human nonsense.
• But seeing as how you were so persistent about it, and the fact that it kinda did feel nice...just a tad bit, he gave in. He'd notice the soft smile on your face whenever you embraced him from behind, chin resting on his head and arms wrapped around the broad shelves of his shoulders. He'd notice how you didn't seem to mind getting your clothes a little wet, your eyes drooping close from the fatigue of yet another busy day. Your body would shiver in the cold as the winds of the late-night beach enveloped you.
• He wished he could provide you the warmth that you deserved, but all he could do is turn around and face you, to wrap you in his protective embrace and shield you from the world and everything bad about it.
• Funny, how he felt such feelings for a human. Then again, he was long convinced that you were special.
• You were special, and you were his.
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𓆲Lee Yau
• Ah, yes our favourite emotionally constipated tsun-tsun. Whenever you miraculously convince him to cuddle with you, its either because he's extremely tried from hours of studying, or he's drunk.
• And the latter's pretty rare too. I imagine he can hold his liquor (unless someone gives me ample evidence he doesn't lol)
• They'd always start out simple; you surprising him from his book while he sat on the bench in the Town Square, an arm slinking around his shoulder as you keep pestering him till he gives on or snaps in irritation.
• The latter doesn't last long however, as your comfortable hug puts him to a relaxation he can never describe in words.
• You'd visit him some nights, entering his room to see him slouched on the table, diligently taking notes with baggy eyes. He'd turn over his shoulder to acknowledge your presence and nothing more.
• At least, not until you press your thumb on the nape of his neck, other hand massaging his shoulders does he close his book. Not until you whisper kind words in his ear does he take off his coat, pulling you under the covers. Not until you brush away the strands from his face does he strip off his mask of indifference; a soft, tired look on his face as he succumbs to sleep in your embrace.
• "What are you doing here? I didn't ask you to worry over me."
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⚠Lee Yeung
• Lee Yeung's introverted and closed-off nature has resulted in him rarely interacting with others. You've seen it plenty of times; his reluctance in introducing himself, shyness when it comes to sharing his interests. The way he'd hide his smile with his arm, almost to shield himself; although you find his habits cute, he sees them as an insecurity.
• He pushes people away, even those who care about him.
• So when you entered the RV and saw him hunched over his computer, the glare on his glasses hiding the exhaustion on his feauters, you remained silent. Instead you stood beside him, watching him type away at lightening speed.
• You simply nod, scooting behind him to rest your head on his shoulder. That simple gesture stopped his typing and he looked your way. With a sigh, he closed his computer down. He knew insisting wouldn't work. He has done it before. You didn't listen.
• "You need something?" He'd finally turn around and face you, flicking up his glasses to reveal his baggy eyes squinting in the darkness.
• With a spin of his chair, he yelped in surpirsen at your sudden embrace. The shy boy's tensed up body slowly relaxing in your soothing embrace.
• You take off his glasses, a kiss on each of his eyelid. That is when he melted, hand idly saving whatever project he was working on and he stood up.
• You take your hand in his and pull him outside. Maybe for some fresh air, maybe to watch the stars. He doesn't know. The only thing in his mind at this moment was how grateful he was to have you by his side.
• Did your hugs ever solve his stubborn belief in never deserving love? He wished, but they never did.
• For now though, he's content just laying in your arms, in your protective embrace.
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Mommy!December: Day 2
Request: 'HEYYY ITS ME. I need a Mommy!Seonghwa, marking and Hella possessiveness PLEASE. Oh how I want that man to make me turn into a puddle of mess'
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Yeah, I know I'm starting a little early but I just got too excited because y'all know how much I love writing Mommy! Seonghwa.
Word Count: circa 600 words.
Content includes: Dom!Seonghwa x sub!fem reader, praise, possessiveness, marking, thigh-biting, humiliation, edging, nipple-biting, just a lot of biting in general (I mean, what do you expect?), kissing, cum play, fingering, rough sex, slight choking, hickeys, use of the word c*nt & c*m.
And everyone should know if you've read my fics:
How do you know it's Mommy!Seonghwa?
Because of the term 'precious, little star'.
'You thought you were being sneaky on Mommy weren't you?' Seonghwa cooed at you, his voice edged with a mocking tone.
You watched as Seonghwa propped your right ankle over his shoulder, anticipation pooling in your stomach.
'I guess Mommy needs to teach you a lesson' He smirked, leaning down and pressing a few kisses to the inside of your thigh, he watched you sigh in pleasure.
And then he suddenly bit down on the skin, causing you to jolt and whine under Seonghwa's touch.
'What was that for?' You huffed, trying to move your leg but Seonghwa only gripped your ankle tighter.
'What were you doing?' Seonghwa's eyebrow quirked, expecting an answer.
'I-I don't know' You responded, feeling confused.
You jolted again with a yelp as Seonghwa bit again, next to the other reddening hickey this time and lapped at the skin.
'Don't lie to me precious, you know Mommy watches everything' His voice raspy, his eyes accusing you for what you committed.
Your pride fell to the floor and you turned your head away from him,
'I don't want to say it-AHHH!' Seonghwa's teeth bit into the flesh of your other thigh, you could hear the suction of his teeth as he pulled away.
'Mommy will just keep biting you unless you say' He rested his head on your crotch, hands sliding up the outside of your thighs.
'And to think I was going to be nice and prep you, slip my fingers in, taste you' Seonghwa's ran his thumb up the seam as he mentioned this, you could feel his breath against your clit.
'I was quite looking forward to it too' He huffed dramatically, his expression almost comical 'But I guess..'
'No-wait! I' The teasing was too much, his breath against your cunt was already making you ache.
A murmur left your throat 'I was playing with myself' you sighed out.
Seonghwa pressed a soft kiss of reassurance over the hickey that had formed on your inner thigh.
'And?' Seonghwa dropped your ankle off his shoulder, using your hips as support as he crawled up your body.
'I'm not allowed to do that' You responded meekly, feeling Seonghwa's cold fingers pull your t-shirt up around your collarbones.
'And why is that?' Seonghwa's voice was curt and authoritative, his gaze focused on your exposed chest.
'Because-AHH!' You cried out in surprise as Seonghwa's teeth bit into the skin right next to your nipple 'B-because it's Mommy's'
His tongue lapped at the mark with his tongue before he hovered over you.
Seonghwa softly ran a hand down the side of your face, akin to how a predator taunts his prey before the final move.
'How many times do I have to tell you precious?' His tone was soft, soothing almost.
If the hardened stare didn't reveal the true intention behind it.
'Your mouth' He leaned down and pulled gently at your lower lip with his teeth before capturing your mouth in a messy kiss 'Is only for Mommy'.
Seonghwa's hand trailed down your sides, his fingers pressing into the skin as he does so, his mouth trailing kisses to your left ear.
His hand palmed over your panties, thumb circling your clit which caused you to let out a shaky moan and hiss.
'Ahh, Mommy loves the way you sound. Who makes you feel that way?' He whispered into your ear, his warm voice causing your skin to prickle.
'You do?'
'Mommy does'
'Good girl' Seonghwa praised, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
Seonghwa pushed your panties to the side, you both letting out a gasp of satisfaction as he slid his fingers through your heat, collecting the wetness on his fingers.
'The cum I feel around my fingers, who makes you feel like that?' He taunted, one of his fingers slipping inside of you.
You clutched at his wrists, 'You..please Mommy...I can't take it anymore' your hips gyrated against his fingers.
The look of desperation in your eyes did it for Seonghwa, pulling his fingers away and bringing them to his mouth, making a show of swirling his fingers and savouring the taste.
You took the final step that you hoped would push Seonghwa to the edge.
'I only taste that sweet because of you' You firmly told Seonghwa, looking him directly.
You could see the switch from predatory to downright primal in that split second.
' Oh, precious. I hope you're prepared for what's next'.
Seonghwa didn't give you time to respond as he roughly shoved your legs apart, kneeling in between them as he hastily undid the button of his jeans, his mouth running filth as he did so.
'And no one is going to taste you but me, no one fills you like I will, no one is going to fuck you senseless like I'm going too' His voice was raspy now, almost growling.
Seonghwa's cock slammed into you in one clean thrust, the both of you letting out a groan at the sensation.
'You're Mommy's precious little star' Seonghwa leaned down, hand pressing light pressure at the sides of your throat.
'And you will only ever shine for me'.
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Thank you for requesting @creativechaoticloner
My heart raced in excitement when you requested possessive Mommy!Seonghwa.
If you would like to be included in the taglist, please comment down below.
Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @hipster-shiz @cherry-0420 @whippedforhongjoong @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @mrcarrots @reighlee-greaves @scuzmunkie @junieshohoho
Please reblog and comment for more Mommy!Seonghwa, they really help keep me inspired and motivated xx.
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pythoness94 · 2 months
Obscure Fic recs, the opinion piece, part one.
Okay, you see, I would put this all-in-one big master post, because the first one I did was really small, but as i started doing the second fic, i realized that I would probably hit a word count. So, here is what I'm doing. One or Two fics per post because some are REALLY fucking long analysis, and others are quick ravings. Thanks @the-aphelion-archives for the recs.
Here is how this is gonna work. I’m going to be writing my thoughts one the ones I find interesting and I will be skipping SOME (key word SOME.) of the fics I already read because I can recall them perfectly and honestly don’t have enough to say about them other then “ REALLY FUCKING GOOD! PLEASE READ!” But there will be a list of honorable mentions at the end, including these fics that I “skipped” over. Now, enjoy the show.
Movie Magic :
Chapter one:  this shit was golden. “Mike was so disgusted by a half naked guy he had to stop the movie immediately.” No, Will, honey, it’s exactly the opposite of that. I loved how Will fawned over Mike and I loved Will’s and Robin’s banter. Mhm, good soup.
Chapter two: Mike is trying his damndest to let Will know he’s into him and Will just isn’t having it. He’s so deep in denial that Mike literally turning pink right in front of his face isn’t clueing him on. Honestly I love it, and Will & Robin’s talk at the end was just…so sweet. Good food, once more.
Chapter three: THEY’RE SO FUCKING CUTE, I’m can’t-. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, Will checking Mike out was so real of him. I love jealous Will so much, it’s my favorite trope. Lucas and Mike talking was so refreshing honestly. I’m so used to everyone in the party being a dick to Mike in fic’s like these that actual friendship has never felt so good. I’m not even gonna lie…I also blushed at that scene in the outsiders. (In the middle of class too! I can NEVER live that shit down.) Mike is BOLD, BOLD, to be pulling this stuff. (THE WILL VOICE! I’M TALKING ABOUT THE WILL VOICE!! AHHH!!! )  “Mike beamed and said, “I thought so, I saw you eating those a while ago. I gotta go, but I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” Mike you’re not fucking subtle, you’re pulling a ME with my girlfriend. ““Wow, so you're a real knight in shining armor, huh?” Will, you aren’t being slick either, GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME! “Mike, i’m gay. “Will… baby… that’s not how you do that. GET TOGETHER ALREADY!! RAHHH! (Don’t worry Will, I love men too, and women, I love people in general honestly.) 
Chapter four: I got up and Jumped. THE PRINCESS BRIDE! IT CAME BACK! MIKE YOU ARE SO FUCKING SMOOTH!!! YESSSS!!! RAHHHH!! GET YOUR MAN MIKE!!! Mike is such a dork, but he’s Will’s dork and i love to read about Will being inexplicably fond of one Mike Wheeler and this fic is perfect for that. Also DATE NIGHT DATE NIGHT!!! Robin is so big sister coded, that little “Romance blooming?” part had me in a chokehold.  Mike, you’re such a dork “As you wish means I love you.” (not me acting Like I don’t do the same to my girlfriend. I will casually drop lyrics to her favorite songs in conversation like the cringy person I am and she won’t notice until way later then she proceeds to yell at me for it lmao.) KISS KISS SCENE! YES WILL KISS HIM SILLY!!
Final thoughts: Really good fic that had me grinning ear to ear from start to finish. Will’s thoughts about Mike, the shameless flirting, it was all spectacular. Good food.
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5eraphim · 1 year
omg i have a request... like a scenario type with vampire mercs (norm or yandere i dont mind either) and a vampire hunter s/o? I am THINKING very normally about this hehe
Ahhh, love this! I'm so weak for all things vampiric and gothic, but in general I keep my requests 4 characters max. Sorry if this is so few, but I'd prefer to really go in depth with a few than to shallow-ly touch on all the mercs, (with very rare exception) but you're free to asks for others when requests open back up,. I hope you're ok with the characters I chose to feature here! :) (Also note, I refer to demo and Engie as living with demons who, for the sake of the story are meant to stand in for Medic's medical equipment/weapons and Engie's machines respectively.)
Characters: Demo 🐏, Engie 🦫, Heavy 🐻 and Medic 🕊️ (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Word Count: 2.6k
(Song Inspo- See the Light, Ghost)
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One of the elders of the vampires Medic's all too familiar with your type. He's been targeted by countless hunters over the years and managed to survive every encounter. He was never shy about killing and feeding and made many enemies with humans over the centuries. No one's managed to kill him yet though he had to admit you came closer than any he had remembered before. But Medic felt far more shaken than usual, discovering the demons you slaughtered to get to him.
He'd always been so fascinated by mortals and loved pursuing them at night, to watch the precious fear which tempted him onward before overpowering his victims with his enhanced strength. As a powerful, supernaturally charged vampire, he hardly considered mortals much of a threat, just a bit of a challenge keeping him from his next meal. When he was transformed into a vampire, he was blessed with a mystical charm, the ability to hypnotize humans who let their guard down around him and compel them to do as he pleased. Many vampires possessed the power of "suggestion," but Medic brought this to a new level. Typically he'd use this charm to instigate things to get mortals alone in a vulnerable, more suggestive state of mind before going in for the kill. Luring and stalking his victims just long enough to know what they feared and desired most, using that to his advantage.
Unlike so many misanthropic vampires, Medic was quite captivated by humans; he was turned into a vampire ages ago and, under the conditions of how he was turned, forgot all about what his life was before he became a vampire.
He regrets the lack of memories of his time among the living but tries his best to make up for it by learning all about humans in their lives now and is quite fickle in this regard. Finding a new obsession every time he dwells among the living to feed. His obsessions come and go as soon as he has his fill. It wasn't until he met you that he genuinely felt like he had met his match.
Not physically, of course; his sparring matches with you were more to stave off his boredom and for amusement than to actually try and kill you, but still, you had his attention all the same.
Sure, if he really wanted to best you, he could compel you to obey his sinister will and eliminate you in a matter of minutes, but where was the fun in that? You were prey unlike any he knew before, and he wanted to give you a violent and gruesome end worthy of the time the two of you shared together.
What Medic wants more than you under his total control is for you to come to him of your own volition. He wouldn't dare try to corrupt a mind so sharp and captivating as yours. While he dreams of being the one to deal your killing blow, he can't help but imagine how charming it would be for you to join his side. To become one with him, living in the night as his mate. Until then, this little ongoing battle would have to do.
Medic deluded himself into believing all your fighting and animosity was your unique way of trying to get his attention. Like you were only acting out because you were jealous of the others he spent his time with and fed upon.
You were so precious to him, and truly loved him deep down. You merely had an unconventional way of showing it. Medic would be the type to see you getting ganged up on by other monsters before jumping into action to save you, tearing the vile creatures to pieces, covering the two of you with the gore, only to stroke your hair and comfort you afterward. To ensure that you are all right and don't sustain any damage. He'd hold you tenderly in his arms as though cradling a baby bird while he whispered,
"The only one who gets to kill you is me. Is that understood?"
Heavy has been out on his own for so long now, living in his eternal purgatory in isolation. He doesn't remember much of the past. It hurts too much to try and remember what he once had. But he knew he gave his life to protect his family from a vampire ages ago. Though in a cruel twist of fate, he managed to survive the attack only to wake up cold, alone, and ravenously hungry.
Unlike some vampires, Heavy had to slaughter a living creature every night to sustain this unbearable hunger. It wasn't exactly that he felt guilty for killing more that this was all a part of the balance of nature. It wasn't his fault he was so large, so capable of killing. The fact of the matter was that Heavy needed an awful lot of blood to survive, and it was the job of smaller prey creatures to provide for him.
So long as he mostly kept to himself, Heavy wouldn't worry about anyone bothering him, and he wouldn't bother anyone else. Animal blood kept him alive well enough, even if he gave into temptation, slaughtering masses of human livestock in a bout of gluttony, so long as he didn't drink from the living, everything was fine.
The fact that you managed to hunt him down and tried to target him in the first place was quite curious. He couldn't understand why one so small would bother trying to pick a fight with him of all vampires.
Heavy forgot how long he'd gone without interacting with another intelligent lifeform, and you caught him completely by surprise the first time you ran into him. It hurt all over again, remembering how long he'd been alone. How long it'd been since he'd seen the last of the family he knew as a living mortal, he tried so hard to forget for centuries, but you wouldn't let him.
When he was a younger vampire, he was so cruel and bitter, taking his frustrations out on his food, tearing whatever poor creature was his dinner that night to shreds leaving trails of carnage behind, but now he was more efficient. Though it still required a great deal of blood to sustain a creature of his size, he wasn't so careless anymore. Encountering you was a break from the regular routine it had been sometimes since he met prey that managed to put up such a fight.
While he wasn't blessed with otherworldly charms or powers of hypnosis, his already powerful physical abilities were somehow the only things amplified by vampirism, and trying to take you in a fight felt cruel. But if this was a fight you wanted to pick, he supposed he had no choice but to satisfy you.
At first, he was mainly apathetic to your existence. You were stubborn and hard to kill, but you were still just a tiny human fighting a supernatural entity, and it was only a matter of time before that caught up with you. During a particularly heated battle, you finally slipped up, realizing too late you were out of silver arrows and defenseless when you felt his hands drawing around your neck. But when he finally got close for the first time in his life, Heavy decided to spare his prey. And just a moment away from dealing the killing blow, he hesitated, halting for long enough for you to escape.
Later that day, he lay restlessly wondering where this change of heart came from and couldn't stop himself from dreaming about what it would be like to take you under his wing. Thinking about sharing a more domestic, peaceful life with you. In his eyes, you were the last remaining tether he had to the human world, and killing you would sever that bond for who knows how long.
He dreamed of harnessing your fiery human spirit, training you to work at his side, and showing you how to hunt from the shadows, creeping silently and evading human attention.
From then on, he'd be anticipating your arrival. Wondering if it was wiser to jump right into the action and turn you into a vampire the first chance he could or to wait for the hunter to come to him. The time spent awaiting your return was agony, painfully aware of his loneliness while you were no doubt back home, licking your wounds, hopefully regaining your strength enough to rechallenge him. He desperately missed the feeling of your warm skin against his cold body, your precious blood pumping away, practically begging for him to take a bite.
He was a vampire with a fearsome reputation known for his explosive anger and the bloodshed he brought with him. However, the supernatural powers he was blessed with were almost more akin to a werewolf's than a vampire's. Demo was blessed with the gift of rage, the ability to manifest every ounce of his anger and lay ways to whatever poor soul was stupid enough to invoke it.
But it wasn't just rage which captivated Demo, but hedonism in all forms. Unlike many vampires, Demo liked to keep around a few humans to amuse himself with. Not precisely to a consensual agreement, but a mutually beneficial one. He would keep his captives fed and safe, and they would provide him sustenance in return, and it wasn't long until the hostage began to grow comfortable and compliant. Demo found blood tasted much better when laced with pleasure, far better than fear, and he loved to wait until the last moment, when his captives were comfortable, before draining them of their delicious blood.
Even when Demo feeds from his harem before going in for the kill, the man is well-practiced and knows how to make the feeding sessions as pleasurable for the victim as it is for him.
All this was quite familiar for Demo, humans were easy prey at the end of the day, and even the holiest and most righteous would eventually succumb to the flesh's temptations. The process was familiar, but the pleasure was sweet all the same. When he did have to fight back, it only made the inevitable meal all the more precious. He loved when people played hard to get, and there wasn't a human alive who managed to escape him and his temptations.
You were so adorably feisty and stubborn the first time he crossed you. A cute little mortal who wanted to play Van Helsing, using your little toys of pure silver, holy water, and scriptures to keep him back.
Though Demo was amused, he was impressed at how well you managed to keep him away. After all, holy relics and verses only worked against the supernatural if you really believed and put all your faith into your words calling upon your deity to protect you. You were a fighter, that's for sure, and the way you were so confident God would protect you from demons like him. It was almost enough for him to spare you, but how could he deny himself a feast such as yourself?
Not only were you pious, but you could also physically fight him back, a rare combination greater than any he'd encountered. Most who tried to protect themselves with holy relics would begin to doubt when he really let out his rage, but somehow, you didn't falter. Not even for a moment. It would be an honor to be the vampire who finally managed to conquer your pure heart and turn you into one of his own. The only issue is how hard it would be to catch you.
While your faith appeared, unshakable Demo would still plant seeds of doubt in your mind whenever he could. Promising you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams, endless time to spend pursuing knowledge of whatever you wanted, powerful supernatural abilities you could conjure at will, and trying to use a bit of materialism to sweeten the deal. Promises, more specifically, to convince you to align with him. Demo telling you about how he would spoil you with riches, the most beautiful clothes, the finest of jewels, anything your heart desired would be yours. All you had to do was submit. It was meant to be, so why resist?
Out of all the vampires, he was the least happy to be sought out by a hunter.
He didn't want to end up like this. He didn't want to kill to survive, and being hunted down by you was just another cruel reminder of how far he'd strayed from humanity and how no matter how hard he wanted it, there was no place left for him among the living.
Furthermore, unlike Medic, who was apathetic to the slaughter of his demons, he felt personally offended as he was much more compassionate and personal with the demons who lived with him. Engie hated you before he met you, wanting to kill whoever was responsible for damaging his property slowly and painfully.
But you were far from easy prey. And no matter how hard Engie tries to take you down, you somehow always manage to remain just a touch out of reach. The game of cat and mouse is far less endearing to Engie than it was to any of the other vampires.
Eventually, he became increasingly obsessed with the hunt, spending his waking hours preparing for your next ambush, dreaming about the night he would capture and slaughter you. Avenging all his creations you destroyed before now.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, his obsession with you grew as fervently as the hunt itself, culminating with the day Engie decided to try to stalk you during the daylight. Engie was a younger vampire, native to a sunny climate. He never found sunlight to be as unbearable as it was to other vampires, so long as he didn't linger in direct light. Direct sunlight was unpleasant, but it wouldn't burn him to ashes as it would to elder vampires. The real reason he stayed on his own more was to stay away from crowds and give into a feeding frenzy.
He wasn't prepared to be so taken aback by your human vitality. The freshness of life pumping through you, giving you a rare kind of beauty he never saw from any sort of prey before now. You were nothing less than radiant in the light of the sun, a deity incarnate. Your skin flushed with life, your voice pleasant and calm, and your smile all appeared ethereal as though he had seen you for the first time. Engie never thought he'd see you as anything but a mortal enemy, yet at this moment, he was undone. All his resentment and hostility felt so trivial now. He didn't want your hatred. He wanted your adoration. He needed to have you all to himself, but not to kill.
If he couldn't kill you, he thought it was only just to turn you into a vampire.
Only then would his loneliness and resentment for being a vampire be satisfied, and you would be forced to rely on him to survive the strange new existence. All newborn vampires were fragile, and it wouldn't be hard for him to keep you from running away.
Not to mention the bond shared between vampires and their scion would help do away with all the hatred you held for Engie in life. No matter how hard you thought you hated him, once Engie sank his fangs into you and infected you with his venom, it was only a matter of time until your will crumbled as you gave in to the surreal newfound devotion you developed for your vampire mate. All resistance was futile, your rational mind silenced as your primal vampiric urges began to take over.
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sugary-sweet-anon · 7 months
In your last post, you wrote to a user, "I can do it if you want, send me a plan." Ah, I'm not that person and I can give you another example of fiction. I don't know if you can do it, but I still want you to try!
My fic is about Lee Namjoon.
Namjoon is generally a person who constantly tickles the members. So, judging by the moments, it is.
Namjoon loves to tease and tickle them, but now all the members want to take revenge on him and catch him.
and they realize that this man tickling them is very ticklish and they tickle torture him
Can you make a Lee Namjoon and ler Bts story like this? Please🥹💗
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This is my first fanfic! I don't know how well this will be received, but I hope you enjoy it! As I was writing it, it turned into something a bit different. Thank you very much for requesting, and I'm sorry it's taken so long.
Leader's Plight
Lee!Namjoon, Ler!BTS
It was a calm day for the Bangtan boys. A day where they had a light schedule. These days were few and far between, so all seven of them took advantage of it.
Most of them were resting. Others were watching TV. Overall, just a calm and peaceful day.
Well, it WAS anyway. Five of the guys met outside their rooms, confused looks on all of their faces.
"What in the world was that?" Jimin was the first to speak up.
"I dunno, but it woke me up," Yoongi mumbled, clearly agitated.
"It sounded like it came from Jin hyung's room."
Taehyung was right. With his room being closest to Seokjin's, he could easily tell. (A/N I don't know how their rooms are set up so just work with me on this). They all agreed and followed the laughter to the eldest's room. What awaited them on the other side, however, was not what they expected.
Directly in front of them, in the middle of the floor, was Namjoon, their leader. In a writhing mass of laughter. And who was causing all of this? Seokjin, the eldest of the seven.
The other five boys stood in awe of what was happening. They never thought that their strong leader would be this ticklish!
"Whoa! How did this start?" Hoseok asked with a grin on his face.
Jin paused his attack on Namjoon, leaving the younger to gasp for air on the floor.
"This brat thought he could get away with forgetting to use 'hyung' after my name!" He exclaimed dramatically. He wasn't really angry or upset at Namjoon. He just felt like teasing him for it.
The others knew this too, but they decided to play along with their oldest hyung. After all, it wasn't often that Namjoon was the victim of a tickle attack. 99% of the time, he was the one who started them. And, well, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for revenge~.
"Ooooo hyungie is in trouble!" Jungkook couldn't resist approaching his favorite member and wiggling his fingers at him.
"You little brat!" Namjoon felt his face heat up as he reached out and squeezed the youngest's side.
"EHEHEY!" Jungkook quickly pinned Namjoon's hands down. "I'm not the one who forgot to be respectful to our wonderful Jin-hyung"
"Ahhh Joonie you should know better~!" Hobi mischievously smirked.
"So disrespectful!" Jimin shook his head, slowly kneeling down beside Jungkook.
"I think you've earned yourself this punishment, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi said.
Namjoon tried wriggling away, but unfortunately Jin had too strong of a hold on him still. "Wahahahait guys we can talk about thihihis!"
Taehyung, who had been quiet this whole time, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, you know what I just realized?"
The others looked at him expectantly. "What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, his big eyes wide with curiosity.
"Namjoonie hyung tickles us all the time! We never get to see him like this!" Tae couldn't help but smile in glee.
Everyone gasped happily. Except the young man in question. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" Namjoon yelled in disbelief. If his face wasn't red before, it definitely was now.
Jin, meanwhile, was growing impatient. "Ya, are you all going to stand there or help me with him?" He said, his eyes glinting with mischief.
The others didn't say another word before they all pounced on their leader. Jungkook near his head, tickling his neck, Jimin and Taehyung going after his feet, Hoseok and Yoongi at his armpits, and Jin still at his original spot at his sides and stomach.
The response was immediate. "GAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUHUYS NOHOHOHOHO!!" Namjoon's hyena-like laughter exploded into the air. He couldn't focus on anything except the ticklish sensations. Try as hard as he might, there was no way he could escape!
"This is your punishment Joonie! Take it like a man!" Jin said playfully, digging into the poor boy's sides.
"I'm just happy to finally be tickling him instead of the other way around!" Tae exclaimed happily. He was currently scratching the leader's left sole with his long nails, eliciting screams of laughter from him. The other maknaes nodded in agreement.
"Tickle tickle tickle Namjoonie!" Hobi teased in a high-pitched voice while scribbling away at Namjoon's left armpit.
"DOHOHOHON'T TEHEHEHEHEASE MEHEHEHEHE!!" Dang it, why did Hobi have to be so good at teasing? Probably practiced on the maknaes. He attempted to hide his face by turning his head away from Hobi, but was met with Jungkook's wriggling fingers in his neck.
"Awwww hyungie is shy!" Jungkook cooed. He leaned down close to Namjoon's ear. "Coochie coo hyung~"
This caused Namjoon to squeal loudly. "JUNGKOHOHOHOHOOK YOU BRAHAHAHAT!" His thrashing intensified.
Yoongi could see that he was getting close to his limit, so he motioned for everyone to slow down, but not completely stop. "Hang on everyone," he said. "There's something I want to do before we kill him."
The others watched to see the show Yoongi was gonna pull. Namjoon, on the other hand, looked at him in terror.
"Hyuhuhung noho dohohon't! I know that lohohohook!" Anticipatory giggles flowed out of his mouth.
"What look?" Oh, that liar. Anyone could recognize that sly evil look on his face. And he knew it too. It wasn't often, but nearly every one of the members had experienced this at one point. And they all feared it.
"Hyuhuhung dohohon't you dahahaHAHAHAHAHAHARE NAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Namjoon screamed in laughter as Yoongi had lifted his shirt and blown a massive raspberry right on his navel. The other members couldn't help but smile in awe as their beloved leader was reduced to a laughing writhing mess on the floor. Taehyung was right, it was a happy sight to see him being tickled to happy tears for a change.
Eventually, Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. "HYUHUHUHUNG *snort* ENOHOHOHOUGH STOHOHO*hic*HOHOP!!"
Yoongi stopped immediately and rubbed Namjoon's stomach. Everyone else crowded around him to make sure he was okay.
"Are you alright Namjoonie hyung?" Jimin asked with concern.
Jungkook sat him up and started rubbing his back to help him breathe better. "Did we go too far?"
Namjoon breathed heavily while stroking Taehyung's head. The younger boy had made his way into Namjoon's lap, hugging him. "I'm okay guys. You didn't go too far." Though he sounded tired, and he was, deep down he felt really happy. He didn't realize how much he need that.
Everyone crowded in for a big group hug. They were really lucky to have each other. Even if they could be annoying at times. Namjoon took a moment to consider this and welcomed the embrace. He really was the luckiest guy on the planet.
It was a calm and peaceful day once again.
"Did anyone notice that Joonie didn't say stop until the very end?"
Well, it was anyway.
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clavissionary-position · 11 months
Ikepri, but Gilbert brings his hammock to Rhodolite
Gilbert: (leading Emma through the ballroom during the gala) Ahaha, looks like we're the center of attention. Or perhaps more accurately...
Emma: (watches the crowd part, revealing a hammock set up right on top of the giant rose emblem) Was that always here?
Gilbert: Hehe, do you like it? (plops down) Ahhh. It's true what they say, you know. You can take the man out of the hammock but you can never take the hammock out of the man.
Emma: Who says that?
Gilbert: I do. (begins to swing back and forth) Gilbert, First Prince of Obsidian. Pleased to meet you, little rabbit.
Emma: (doesn't know if she's meant to stay standing or?) Um. I don't... I don't think anyone can dance if you, uh, hang out here.
Gilbert: No way, I left sooo much room for everyone else. Oh, but it's up to them if they have the courage to dance while I'm here. One wrong step and... (smiles sweetly)
Leon: (briskly walks up) Lord Gilbert, what is the meaning of this?
Gilbert: What a silly question. As your guest, I'm meant to make myself at home, aren't I?
Leon: (mentally assessing the hammock because he's in the market for one himself) And that entails harassing one of our noblewomen?
Gilbert: Is that what I'm doing? (gazes meaningfully at Emma as he shifts into a more comfortable position) Harassing you?
Emma: (remembers how Mr. Akatsuki always warned her to never trust a man who brings his hammock everywhere) I was merely showing Prince Gilbert around since he seems to have gotten separated from his escort.
Chevalier: Complete happenstance, I'm sure. (walks up so his shadow eclipses the hammock and the tiny, happy man relaxing inside it)
Gilbert: Hello, Chevalier. Do you like my new hammock?
Chevalier: Hmph. You must be in surplus of time to fashion a map of my kingdom into something so imbecilic.
Gilbert: Ahaha! Oh, but my tush is so very comfortably pressed right against the castle. Almost as though I were sitting on the throne.
Leon: You—
Chevalier: I care little for your inane hobbies. (looks icily at Emma) My business here is with my fool brother's plaything.
Emma: Uhhh. Yep. That's me. Plaything of fool brothers. And noblewoman. Studying to be a plaything, I mean minister.
Gilbert: (struggling to hold back his laughter)
Chevalier: (sighs) He dropped something of his in this general area.
Emma: Something...? (looks around and sees something glinting under the hammock) E...excuse me. (She gets on her hands and knees to retrieve the object, but Chevalier kicks it just as she's about to get it) Hey, wait a— (She suddenly notices the object was kicked all the way to the other side of the hammock, behind Gilbert) Oh...
Chevalier + Gilbert: (continue conversing up-top while Emma covertly makes her escape with what turns out to be a small gold pin with Clavis' leopard insignia)
Gilbert: Emma
Emma: (freezes and looks back)
Gilbert: (hangs his head upside down over the edge of the hammock and smiles at her) See you later.
a/n: ending inspired by that one fic by aquagirl1978 where chev steals you away from gil and gil waves at you while you leave
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sofasoap · 2 years
And life goes on.
Pairing: Simon “ Ghost” Riley x f!Reader/OC ( aka "Mini" MacTavish ) + 141 members + OCs ( the children ) Summary:  life and snippets after "Death, Comes easily". or, mainly how Ghost is overprotective of his daughter. Family moments. Warning: Mostly T to M theme. swearing. alcohol. Do I need to warn people about fluff? Just in case they get toothache??? overprotective father warning.
Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic “ “The Favorite MacTavish”  which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background. Thank you so much for leading me the character.
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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"Now, your duty as a big brother is to protect your sister from any pests that approaches her today." Soap reminds his nephew as he adjusts his little kilt and sporran. " Don't be like me, I couldn't protect your mother from the biggest pest there was." he sighed. " I am standing RIGHT HERE you know." Ghost growled. Little Johnny, or affectionately known as Tiny, ran towards his dad, twirled around and proudly showing him his formal wear and kilt.
"You look great son." Ghost cracked a smile and patted his head.
" I'm gonna go show Ma!" Tiny ran off like a whirlwind towards the other end of the house. Soap stood up, stretched a bit and straighten his kilt. " Gotta use examples when you teach kids about stuff ye know? Start from young. Plus," walking towards Ghost and did a once-over of his ceremonial uniform and adjusting the medals. " I am doing this for your own good as well, think how many pests will come after Aileen when she grows up?" Ghost stiffens.
" Da," a quiet voice perks up by the door, little head with black hair and flower crown on top popping through. " Grannie want to know if you and uncle are ready."
" All good to go!" Turning around, Soap gave Ghost a slap on the back. " Come on, let's do this , BROTHER." Taking a deep breath, Ghost walk towards the door and pick up his daughter. He is ready to face one of the biggest moment of his life. Marrying you. "Da.. you are messing up my hair." " Sorry my dove."
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" Soap, can you pass me the pepper please." Throwing the grinder over, " Here ye go. Oh Ghost, can you pass the oil please." The boys were prepping for the BBQ. You were quite surprised Simon was really particular about cuts and quality of meat.
".... I was apprentice butcher before I join the military..." and after the explanation you always leave anything meat related in his hand. And he never stuff it up.
" Ma, why is Da calling uncle Johnny SOAP? does he like washing himself??? and why is dad called Ghost? is it because he is big and scary?? "
The adults all look at each other. How do you explain THAT to the kids? You can't just say " Your uncle is so good at killing whole room of people!" " Your da was a legend on the battlefield!" Emma pipped in, " Um.. Yes, your uncle Johnny LOVESSS washing himself, doesn't he? " " AHHH yes, ask your Grannie and grandda, uncle Johnny use to steal all the soaps when he was young!"
Pointing to Ghost you explained "and Da is realllly good at scaring baddies that's why they call him Ghost!"
"" OHHHH....."" The kid look at their father with new admiration. and after that, the twins started calling Johnny " Uncle Soap".
" Pssss Poppy Price, Uncle Gaz, do you know Uncle Soap loves stealing soap? that's why he is called soap!!"
"" HUH" "
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You were mixing egg and flour together in the kitchen when Ghost stormed in, having this look of despair on his face. He walked over to the liquor cabinet, took out a bottle, pour himself a generous glass of Scotch and down it in one go. " Simon, what's wrong? It's bit early for a drink isn't it?" Wiping your hand on the apron, you approach your husband cautiously.
Ghost sat down on the couch, head in his hands. " Aileen.." "?! what happen to her?!" You were immediately alarmed, looking out the window where the children are, you see Aileen happily putting flowers on top of her baby cousin Simon who's crawling on the grass, while Tiny is running around with Soap playing war game.
" Yes my dove." Ghost lowered his head for his daughter to put the flower crown on top of his head. " I really like Uncle König, he's so cuddly like a teddy bear, can I marry him when I grow up?"
Ghost froze. WHY. WHY is it König again!!!??? " But dove, uncle König IS married.. " " But I really like him.... " his daughter was on verge of tears. Ghost really don't know how to console his daughter about this impossible dream of hers.
You bursted out laughing when Ghost relay the story to you. " IT'S NOT FUNNY." He glared at you. " I.. ah.. oh gosh I can't breath , sorry love it's just too funny.." you gasped for air. " Look," you sit in his lap and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. "It's only a phase. she will grow out of it."
"I hope so... "
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" Sergeant MACTAVISH!"
Three head turned around,
""" Yes? """"
" Not you two, You!" The young soldier pointed their finger at Aileen.
" What can I do for you. " Aileen sat her tea down.
The soldier sneered. " Don't pretend to be all innocent." Aileen raised an eyebrow.
" I saw you getting bit cozy with all the captains aye? Especially Captain Riley!" John and Simon's hand paused mid air , the two cousins look at each other, sensing drama coming. " All of us here are on equal terms, don't think about sucking up to them will give you an advantage in rising up in ranks!" and the soldier storms off.
" I feel like we are back in college with all these teenage dramas." Simon commented as he stuff down the bacon.
" Why didn't you say anything back? " John elbowed his sister.
" I don't owe anyone any explanation. Besides," finishing off her tea, "he's a pure bampot anyway. Oh gosh the tea here is awful. No wonder Da complains about it all the time."
" Ah well, hope that is the last of that." Simon stands up, clapping his cousins on the back. " I'm off to sleep now. " Yawning, " Ju..Just finish my night shift." " Hurry up and go." " See you two later."
"Here's the tea. Will taste way better than the one they serve here." " Thanks Captain."
" .. There she is , whoring herself again." Silence.
"Wha..!" Just as Simon tries to pull his cousin back from attacking his sister's insulter,
" Sergeant ..... Smith I believe??"
" Cap.. Captain Riley." " Now, I suggest you apologise to your fellow soldier," Ghost step closer and towering over the trembling soldier,
" and NEVER INSULT MY DAUGHTER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND" " Captain Price and Captain Gaz? they are my godfathers, that's my uncle, Captain Soap, you know, Simon's Da..... anddddd. My Da. Captain Simon Ghost Riley."
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" Captain." " Yes Sergeant" " Are KorTac going to have joint operation with us next week." " How do you know." " Poppy.. um, Captain Price mention something briefly."
" ... Oh."
".... Da."
Ghost looks up. " yes my dove." usually the children call their father and uncles by military titles at the barrack, but when they are in the private office, with no one else around, they lax a bit.
" Can I... can I introduce you to someone next week?" Aileen blushes.
".. Da? Da ? are you listening?"
" yes yes I am listening. So.. who is this.... person?" WHO IS THIS PEST. Keep Calm Simon. Keep your cool. You are the legendary Ghost.
" um. Do you remember Alex.. " Ghost frowned. Alex? not Soap's Cousin Alex? that's incest then. ... ... wait. .. NO. "You know, Uncle König's son?? " Simon " Ghost " Riley is certain he been cursed by his enemy again. First it's the MacTavish curse ( a curse he now consider a blessing) . now König.
and the Passerby can hear a despair cry coming from Captain Riley's office.
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Just imaging the boys in their full ceremonial uniform.. delicious. And and and go google Neil Ellice topless kilt… * drool worthy* that’s our soap in kilt for you.
yes, the twins kept their maternal surname, just because they couldn't be bothered changing. Ghost doesn't mind it. The kids still carrying part of his family's name in theirs anyway. and Yes, Soap named his kid after Simon.
Thank you for reading, likes, comments and reblogs!
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lemonisntreal · 1 year
Do you have a Tone Deaf version of Clay Calloway?
(Perfectly fine if you don't. I was just curious, plus I love all your redesigns) 🦁🎸
SORRY THIS TOOK FUCKING FOREVER LMAO [been sitting in my inbox since FEBRUARY THIRTEENTH, HOLY SHIT :D]. YEAH, here he is :pppp a solid draft for you
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Lowkey [highkey] gave up on the clothing wrinkles on the arms, but I still like how it turned out I think. I don't have much on him in terms of rewrite, but I do have some, so I'll dump it all here under the cut.
I swear I love asks, please feel free to say/ask whatever, I'm just horrible at answering in a reasonable time-frame because I always want to make it this beautiful masterpiece and end up turning all of them into full-on posts- or, at least I want to ~_~
Ash gave him that button off her jacket [probably needs to be resized I'm realizing lol] [also I totally adopted this headcanon from someone elses post- might've been yours. Whoever came up with it I love it <3]
Born during the reformation that happened after the war- basically, nobody was really fighting anymore during this time, but some big people in power were still being stupid [aka: not letting their prisoners go]
So that would be somewhere around 1947? Which would put his age at 61 in my universe [which is in 2008- the times are pretty much random, nothing really lines up irl. Ignore how they use tech and other things that shouldn't have been invented yet lol]
He grew up when the Skunk Dolls were new and popular and stuff. And he loved them- so much that the band actually kinda inspired his music career
[Skunk Dolls also made loads of protest songs btw. War stuff]
Takes a ridiculous amount of care with his mane, and if he lets you touch it, that's a true sign of trust
So the Piglets always like to play with it, and Ash has given him braids a few times
He's had that scruffy red jacket since his early days
I should draw patches on it-
Ash probably'll give him a quill or two to put in it too with all the patches and repair stitches
He wears a lot of plaid, I just didn't wanna draw it <3
Rough and torn up clothes too
Everything he owns has some sort of smudge or tear in it from motorbiking and/or just being himself <3
His ears are pierced in almost every way imaginable, and when Ash found out, she went CRAZY
Cue her getting him to try on a bunch of stuff
He likes wrought iron jewelry and has never been a fan of anything with gemstones in it
Buster is terrified of him, but Clay is just kinda a blunt person and it doesn't mix well with Buster sometimes. They get along eventually tho. There was also some really bad timing with the circumstances of how they even met in the first place too lol-
Johnny is also. Super terrified.
Buster and him are like "Ahhh.... that guy scares the living daylights out of me." "Ohh, thank god it's not just me-"
He has a strange out-of-pocket interest in astrology.
And in herbology and plants in general, but he picked that up from Ruby. Astrology was all his, and it is the one thing he will "nerd out" over
Also the kind of guy to make fun of you for nerding out too
Making fun of people is his love language
So is giving people food
He's not great with his words and can find it hard to express love by just telling someone. Back to the bluntness thing, you can often find him accidentally offending someone and he doesn't even realize it
The troupe very quickly learned this and it's more of an endearing trait of his to them [and to most people who know him]
REALLY good cook. Fantastic, in fact. Probably one of the best chefs out of any of the characters.
Learned the hard way that enlisting Buster's help in the kitchen is a bad idea. Also Ash isn't great either, but he actually tries to teach her some of his recipes. And she's quickly improving
Buster was just being an idiot and forgot you shouldn't microwave tinfoil
Clay travels a lot, but spends most of his time in Calatonia [he technically still lives at his and Ruby's house, but he's super scared of accidentally closing himself off again, so he only visits to check up on the flowers and maintain the property pretty much]
He's like Ash's second [and very cool] dad. Which- also intimidates Buster quite a bit :D
I feel like their dynamic could be a sitcom. Clay is Ash's awesome dad and Buster is Ash's lame [endearing] and oddly unhinged and anxious dad who feels like he has to be as cool as Clay [and always fails heehee]
Clay is more entertained by Buster's ridiculous criminal record than horrified and I don't know if that's worrying or just a classic Calloway W
He's a very nonchalant person
Ruby's death is the only time I can really think he had a legitimate emotional break that wasn't just him being snappy [which is also pretty rare]
Clay's also like an uncle to the Piglets
He's kinda just taken up the role of "super awesome miscellaneous family member" for everyone at this point
He's back performing again after Sing 2- just not frequently or putting out any new songs [on his own at least- he might do a collaboration or two with Ash]
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lux-et-astra · 3 months
analysis of what each sink scene represents - session one
i'm going to try and be as clear as possible about which scenes i'm referring to! obviously massive spoilers under the cut
do not read this yet if you haven't finished the sink
anyway thank you tash for the reams of analysis material!!!!
for reference, i'm calling fire/dry girl/narrator kate, and her victim/best friend birdie
sonic the hog: characters in this are a man (trapped), a woman, and her partner. i think we can pretty safely infer the woman as a representative of birdie - things are Happening to her in a woods. the first scene being set in the woods establishes it as an important backdrop for birdie's dreams in general, and we can see that it recurs many times. the woman finds something trapped in the woods and tries to help it - i'm hesitant to call mr sonic the hog a representative of kate, since he seems pretty passive in this scene, so i would suggest that the scene more shows how birdie's conscience and repressed feelings of guilt and helplessness when it comes to kate affect her relationships. she can't do anything to help sonic ("Oh God you’re too heavy", "He’s – he’s trapped, Roy.") however her inability to move on causes her to push others away ("This is not about us!" from the woman, "I’m going, alright!" from Roy)
too big (book interview): characters in this are a female interviewer disguisedly antagonistic towards a man. i struggled with figuring out how this one connects! in one sense it shows how a female figure talking to you who initially seems kind can turn hostile and not be what you imagined ("Please give him a very warm welcome." and "Great success!" turn into "Upsetting to hold, and far, far too big, that’s the Telegraph." and her continuing to needle him), which parallels the initial belief that "the narrator" is there to help and the realisation that she is in fact. not. not sure if it links in any other ways to kate & birdie, but there's also the suggestion of repressed memories? "MAN: Sorry, is that – is that knocking, do we –? // WOMAN: We don’t need to worry about that." the man clearly senses something is going on that he can't quite reach, but his subconscious represses this.
beany hag: characters in this are a woman seeking cleansing (literal & figurative) and a priest! i do not think the priest represents kate in this scene although the woman definitely seems to be birdie - it parallels the sonic the hog scene in that birdie's relationships seem very strained. here we can see more explicitly that it's some guilt she is hiding - the caginess over it being a red substance ("Just – uh, just some tins of red, uh…") implies physical injury/death, which is definitely what birdie thinks happened to kate. "Tell them all. Tell them what you did." suggests that she feels personal responsibility and culpability for what happened, underlined by her putting herself down ("I know, you just – he thinks I, I’m so… and, and I’m not, I’m a – a saucy, beany hag!) and her image of herself as dirty ("Yes, uh, silly mix up, I, I thought it should be dirty.") this scene builds on the feeling of guilt and how it affects her life - the woman clearly dreads getting married when she clearly doesn't feel that she's "clean" enough (possibly a theme somewhat echoed in the narrator's words? "We’ll play your bad dreams back to you, so that you can rinse them off and finally sleep clean." - she uses a lot of clean/dirty language)
birdman 1: ahhh the start of the birdman scenes. this features two men (john and jim), and discussion of the birdman! due to what we later learn about the girls' game "birdman", we get the dynamic of the birdman (scarecrow) as the hunter and the birds as the hunted. this scene plays into that a little, putting forward ideas about fear & truth ("Yeah, you can’t be scared of dreams, can ya?" followed by "Which was the dream, was it that –") john & jim seem to be the men whom birdie found after fleeing the camping trip fire, a meeting which is cut off here by the narrator ("Oh dear, it’s gone, that’s okay, don’t try and squeeze that bit out right now. Let it go, let it drip off. Here’s a secret for you. The important ones come back!") which establishes the birdman as a theme and the meeting in general as something important. the scene's primary function i think is to build fear of "the birdman" and to show how scary it is to be a bird, laying the groundwork for bird mentions to inspire fear and frame the bird-referenced people as prey/victims.
cat ashes: gotta love this one. the characters seem pretty obviously to represent birdie and kate, birdie being the speaker and kate being james tuft, the boy referenced throughout. more than anything this shows the relationship between a girl and someone more dangerous than she is, yet highlights her conflicted feelings about them and how she is still drawn to them (not necessarily based on anything at first - "I mean, we weren’t friends, really, he didn’t even notice who I… you know, why would he?") which parallels birdie's friendship with kate, someone who is clearly more dangerous than her, yet a friendship she clings onto (before the camping trip at least) - a sentiment which we see a little of later in the bath and the tent scarecrow scene. one key detail of this scene is the mention of fire - it is the very first mention of fire in the whole of the sink (for reference: outside of the narrator's speech, "dry" doesn't come up until dip day) and shows a kate-parallel as having fire in their history ("He wasn’t even gonna do it, because he couldn’t afford the train, and his car had been in that fire.") this is a point in my theory that kate had a formative & traumatic incident with fire in her childhood but more on that later! this scene has some speech from the speaker which correlates pretty directly to speech we get from the real laser gun action monologue section, which is textually closer to being a "true" recollection of birdie about kate, so it explains fairly directly birdie's feelings about kate ("I would’ve done anything. Some people, you know, they just… they have that way about them. You can’t help it." - from cat ashes, "Just for you. Just for you. And so, when you see her, for the first time, she’s leaning over to open the door, and you look at each other, and you just think… oh no. And right now, with – with her looking right at you, is the last moment you’ll, sort of, be alive. Because it – it was all a different life, after that. You were a different person now." - from sherbet)
that ended up being a Lot longer than i thought it would so i'll do each session separately rather than all together like i was going to!! anyway hope you enjoy & feel free to rant at me if you have any thoughts/think i'm wrong <33
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