#Implied Child Death
koszmarnybudyn · 7 months
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So this song fits them so very well right?
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reluctanttrabbit · 5 months
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[VANWEEK DAY 2: knife, bad ending au]
guys its ok gregory is fine!!!! him and vanny are playing together!!! it really was just a glitch!!!
in my au, the princess quest + fire ending are kind of combined so before this scene gregory set the pizzaplex on fire and tried to play the last princess quest . but he was a bit too slow and.... vanny got to him.
vanessa is not free, and had no idea what happened but only got back in control once the building was finally burnt down. now shes sorting through the rubble searching for gregory and wow! there he is! kinda!
ness im sorry for putting u through torture 😓😓😓 you're gonna get a fun prompt soon i promise
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tangledinink · 1 year
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[ prev ] - TMNT Stabilize PT 3 - [ next ]
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poindexters-labratory · 6 months
Henry 🌧️
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"how does it feel?"
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Did any of you interact with infants? We know that the Orphanage has cribs. Did they survive the Hour of Joy?
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She’s so small compared to us.
I feel bad for her. Being born an orphan and forced to grow up here?
I’m gonna make sure she has the best childhood we can give her.
[Mod note: They did not survive.]
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lizzie <333333
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AU bad ending, Prompt scars. @ggyweek2024
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"Don't move and it will be over quickly"
Extra stuff below
This Page is a reference to the don't move page from the silver eyes graphic novel adaptation
I don't really know what happened leading up to this but I imagined that Gregory spun some lie about knowing who GGY really was and that they really needed to go to this one arcade cabinet in the back room.
Also there's probably a goofy long-winded William monolog that we aren't seeing that Tony had to deal with so just imagine that in your head.
BTW sorry if I didn't do this right. Also haha I posted this at like 12:01 AM
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sadtrashking · 7 months
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more ex au for the soul
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Tequilla's first adventure!
"Are you ready for your first trip, TQ?"
Tequilla grips his messenger bag and nods, bouncing on his heels out of excitement.
Their sibling flaps their hands excitedly. "Okay, just remember th' rules: no wanderin' off without tellin' Papa, no dangerous activities, and remember to hold on tightly to Papa's tail while we travel. Oh, and you're probably gonna feel dizzy while we travel. I'm experienced so I won't get sick!" Poll exclaims proudly. They've been discussing this trip with Stardust for a while now, wanting Tequilla to finally get to experience a "Star Trip" as Poll puts it.
Poll ensures their flower crown is on snuggly, then tugs on one of Stardust's wings. "We're ready papa!"
Stardust nods and, within a blink, the family is standing in a small forest clearing.
Poll paws at their eyes, fighting off dizziness, while Tequilla shakes their scales from head to tail.
"Weird." He mumbles.
"Mmhm," Poll hums, "but papa picked out a good spot. It says that there's this really pretty flower field nearby, and th' ocean a little ways behind us s'really pretty at this time of year."
Tequilla stares off into the woods, distant.
"...Where...?" He asks.
"Oh, uh.." Poll looks up at papa for a moment, head tilted. "Papa says we're several island down the archipelago, apparently."
Tequilla points at a spot. "Look."
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"A... path? What'sa path doin' all the way out here?" Poll questions. They look a little ways past the trees, trailing the path with their eyes. "...D'you wanna investigate? Maybe there's some kind of secret thingy someone's left behind, like treasure!" It bounces on its toes, secondary wings flapping.
Tequilla nods, hesitantly.
Poll squeals happily. "Is that okay with you, Papa?" Stardust stares at Poll, communicating in the way they always have. Poll chirps, "Okay papa! we'll be careful!" It takes it's brother's hand and walks quickly down the path. "So whatdoya think we'll find at the end of this? Shinies?" They gasp. "What if it's a super cool powerup that'll let us fly super duper high like the birds?"
"I hope it's toys." Tequilla whispers.
"Toys would be super cool!" Poll shouts. "Wait wait, I think I can see something, c'mon TQ-" Poll runs ahead, dragging the increasingly excited Tequilla behind them.
They stop short as the structure comes into view.
"Woah." Tequilla mumbles.
"Is that...?"
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"A house?"
Tequilla nods.
"D'you think anyone lives there?"
He shakes his head, pointing towards the house. "Vines."
"Yeah, it looks like noone has lived here for a little while. I didn' even know there were people livin' this far out on the archipelago. Where d'you think they've gone?"
Tequilla ponders for a moment, then shrugs.
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"The d-door is open." Tequilla points out.
"That sounds like an invitation t' me," Poll grins devilishly, "Let's look around."
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"This place looks like noone has been in here in months." Poll observes. "Oh, they have a super cool TV, too! Maybe if th' owners of this place don't mind, we can make this our cool hangout spot. Like a treehouse but cooler!"
"Only i-if I g-get the top fl-floor." Tequilla compromises. Poll pumps their fist then looks up, ears perked.
"There's an upstairs! Let's go look at it." Poll drags Tequilla up the spiral staircase to the first door, sticking their heads out of the frame.
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Poll gasps. "It's a pool! It looks kinda nasty though... Oh there's sunbathing towels too!"
"Beach tow-els." Tequilla corrects.
His sibling thwaps him with her tail. "Picky. There's 5 towels, d'you think that that many people lived here? That seems like a lot." Poll looks at each towel. "Aw man, they've got your color but not mine."
Tequilla points at the bundled up blue towel.
"Yeah but 's'not my blue." They whine.
TQ rolls his eyes. "Next door?" He glances up the stairway, tail flicking.
"Yeah, maybe that's where they keep their goodies!" Poll cheers. "Or maybe the bones of the previous owners are up there!" They wiggle their fingers menacingly. Tequilla snorts and ascends the stairs until they meet a short door. It takes some force to open, but eventually the door releases.
Both go silent.
"TQ? Is this...?"
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"A Kid's room." Tequilla confirms Poll's suspicions.
"It's so dusty..." Poll reaches for one of the signs. "Like noone's been in here for a very long time." Poll pulls their wings tight against their body. "Maybe they just moved away, right TQ?"
"..TQ?" Poll repeats in a small voice.
Tequilla's eyes dart around the room.
"I d-don't kn-kn-know." He whispers.
They listen to the silence of the untouched room.
"Do... do you think they were an egg? Like us?" Poll asks. Tequilla traces the circles on his arms. "Who do you think they were? Do.. Do you think that I knew them?"
Tequilla shakes his head and steels his expression, taking on the big brother role. He squeezes Poll's hand and watches as they wipe away their tears.
"L-let's Investigate. Let's fin-d out whoo it is."
Poll sniffles and nods, refusing to let go of it's brother's hand.
They search every inch of the house, through every door. Just above the child's bedroom is a rope bridge leading to a small cliff, atop which a gazebo with a pink bed sat.
Moving back into the main living room, they spot a side door just across from the stairway. On one side is a door to the outside, and on the other is a locked door, through which they can see a purple bed.
Following the door outside, they follow a path to a small lagoon, with little bits of light trailing down into its depths.
They look at every sign they can find, but not a single name is said on them. Only the words "Mom" or "Dad".
They work their way back up to the swimming pool and walk around the deck. Hidden behind the wall an overgrown garden sits with a green nest nestled in the dirt.
Poll and Tequilla sigh, having completely run out of ideas.
"Maybe they really did jus' move away.. But why are the signs still here? Wouldn' they 've taken those?" Poll tugs at their ears.
"Wait." They say, pointing to a suspicious spot. "Look there!"
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"'s another path!" Poll hops over the short wall and begins running down the worn path. "Maybe there's somethin' there that can tell us who lived here!" They dissappear behind the stone, leaving Tequilla behind to chase after them.
He fights through the brambles, barely enough to break through his tough scales, and follows the very worn path, until he reaches Poll.
It's covering it's mouth with it's hand, ears pinned back and wings trembling. Tequilla almost asks whats wrong before he follows their gaze towards...
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"Tequilla?" Poll asks, in a very small voice. "Do you... do you know what this is?"
His heart pounds in his chest. This can't be right.
Before him is a memorial for a lost egg.
An egg with his name.
"R.I.P. Tequilla Ibuprofen"
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 2 months
It’s honestly super important to me with this au that, yes, there was the whole “William seemed so much nicer than Henry so people liked him more” thing, but it’s honestly more than that to me.
They didn’t see him as kind, exactly- they saw him as sweet. They saw him as soft. They saw him as weak.
That’s how my William was always seen, how he always would be seen- by his friends, his family, his coworkers, his colleagues, even Henry. He wasn’t nice, he was so fragile and broken he was viewed as something that should either be pitied or praised. He was cute in the same way a rabbit or flower was cute- domesticated by its own weakness, reliant on its captors to keep it from being devoured.
So of course, no one would have expected the lamb to become the butcher.
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qtubbo · 9 months
My brain has just not moved away from Empanada’s death, she’s so little there was nothing anyone could have done, as Bagi said if she had done that day over again she’s not sure she could save Empanada. I want my little girl to be okay again, I feel this sinking desperation to get her life back even though I know it’s staying. I’ve listed out what the islanders should do to comfort Bagi & Empanada in my head. I hope Bagi is shown endless patience the next few weeks, I hope Empanada gets showered in gifts, I hope they are loved.
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malevolenttarotzine · 2 months
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💛 Card Preview 💛
Our next card previews come from @splicerparade - these tragic pieces bring the drama of the podcast to the deck!
Preorders are open now until August 15th! Check them out here!
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yb-cringe · 1 year
baby skeletons in a maze where they say a bunch of kids got tested and died in is supremely fucked
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eldritchcircus · 1 year
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Some more horrible Peter Pan as I have rewarded myself by rereading Boatswain’s Hook for like the fifth time… I can’t help it I have such tender feelings for Hook and Smee 🥺
Anyhoot I know the poem is a little too modern for Peter Pan but I am always struck - between the aforementioned tenderness of the two men, “I’d give you one of my lungs if I could,” ough augh - by the frightening apparition of this horrible boything, crouched over Hook’s sickbed, stating so plainly that he’d come to kill the captain in his moment of weakness but too baffled to reconcile the Storybook Hook with the invalid he found in there. @johannestevans has a wonderful way of crafting phrases and passages that stick in your mind months and years afterwards! Go peruse his catalogue if you haven’t! You’ll like it!
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celluzu · 11 months
Imagining a world where not only do the parents have to pick who comes home, but they have to do it in front of them. Because that just feels like something this new entity would make them do, doesn't it?
Here are your children, tell them to their faces who you love so little you'd leave them to behind. Watch them look more and more shattered as you pull one from the line, then another, then another, another who's not them.
A world where the winning team walks in and Ramon doesn't see his dad. The tries to look strong- like his dad- as every name but his own is called but his little hands tremble with the realization he's not going home. Dapper's name is called and he refuses to leave his side. Chayanne's name is called and he shoves forwards Tallulah, then Leo instead, refuses to move from his place.
Every parent says they could never choose favorites, but only the most unlucky children ever have to learn that just isn't true.
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ummm... what'cha got there, Bill?
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