#Imperial homes
abbeyhomes · 1 year
Green and Sustainable Features of Imperial Apartments Zirakpur
Imperial Apartments showcases an array of green and sustainable features that redefine modern living. Designed with eco-consciousness in mind, these luxurious imperial homes in Zirakpur integrate energy-efficient systems, such as solar panels and LED lighting, to reduce the carbon footprint. The apartments boast spacious balconies, allowing residents to enjoy fresh air and scenic views. With a dedicated recycling system and rainwater harvesting, Imperial Apartments Zirakpur promote sustainable practices. Furthermore, the complex features lush green landscapes and a community garden, fostering a connection with nature while providing a serene and sustainable living experience.
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livesunique · 24 days
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Jordanian Staircase, Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia,
Source: piter places
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yeonmi park voice: in north korea shirts that are 3/4s lengths are banned since they represent the american pop culture in the 80s and kim jong ils unlucky number was 8... so we could never wear them... LAWDD PEOPLE WILL SAY ANYTHINGGG
She will say absolute bullshit like your lovely creative example (seriously how do you keep coming up with these I want to study your brain) and tumblrinas will come on here and be like:
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Like no ma’am she isn’t “harmful but not malicious” she is active part of the imperial media apparatus which seeks to manufacture consent for a wide scale invasion into and the forceful collapse of the DPRK. Which inherently would include the mass murder of my people and the people that she has forsaken.
I hope she kills herself genuinely I hope the guilt eats her up so bad that one day she just takes all the pills in her house.
Also anytime you hear going on about how bad life was remember she grew up here:
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She did not live in the trenches or on a small collective farm she lived in a minor city not much different to the one of my childhood.
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densewentz · 1 year
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more dreamling dad au bc thats just what i do now apparently i like lazy afternoon naps and so do our boys
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secular-jew · 3 months
Pictures for those with limited education & reading comprehension.
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horatio-fig · 4 months
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iPad baby Thrawn
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axiseart · 1 month
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Little Trooper
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In free Kherson, people are desperately going into toxic floodwaters amidst Russian shelling trying to save people and animals before they drown. In Russian-occupied Kherson, Russians are doing nothing to save civilians who are stuck on their roofs, screaming for help, and are shooting at those who do try to help. Witnesses have already seen elderly people who could not climb onto their roofs floating dead in the water.
Any "anti-war" leftist who still thinks that this war is just about meaningless borders, that there is "no war except class war," that Ukrainians THEMSELVES don't care whether they live under Russian or Ukrainian control - I have no choice but to think that you are a rancid ratfucker and wish you every bit of the "peace" you so desire for others.
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athetos · 1 year
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This is what the RRRRRR look like to me btw
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fatehbaz · 5 months
Because tuatara are very long lived - between 100 and 200 years by most estimates […] - the founding of Aotearoa/New Zealand as a modern nation and the unfolding of settler-wrought changes to its environment have transpired over the course of the lives of perhaps just two tuatara [...].
[T]he tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) [...] [is] the sole surviving representative of an order of reptiles that pre-dates the dinosaurs. [...] [T]he tuatara is of immense global and local significance and its story is pre-eminently one of deep timescales, of life-in-place [...]. Epithets abound for the unique and ancient biodiversity found in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Prized as “Ghosts of Gondwana” (Gibbs 2008), or as denizens of “Moa’s Ark” (Bellamy et al. 1990) or “The Southern Ark” (Andrews 1986), the country’s faunal species invoke fascination and inspire strong language [...]. In rounded terms, it [has been] [...] just 250 years since James Cook made landfall; just 200 years since the founding of the handful of [...] settlements that instigated agricultural transformation of the land [...]. European newcomers [...] were disconcerted by the biota [...]: the country was seen to “lack” terrestrial mammals; many of its birds were flightless and/or songless; its bats crawled through leaf-litter; its penguins inhabited forests; its parrots were mountain-dwellers; its frogs laid eggs that hatched miniature frogs rather than tadpoles [...].
Despite having met a reassuringly temperate climate [mild, oceanic, comparable to western Europe], too, the newcomers nevertheless sought to make adjustments to that climate, and it was clear to them that profits beckoned. Surveying the towering lowland forests from the deck of HMS Endeavour in 1769, and perceiving scope for expansion of the fenland drainage schemes being undertaken at that time in England and across swathes of Europe, Joseph Banks [botanist on Cook's voyage] reported on “swamps which might doubtless Easily be drained” [...]. Almost a century later, in New Zealand or Zealandia, the Britain of the South, [...] Hursthouse offered a fuller explication of this ethos: The cultivation of a new country materially improves its climate. Damp and dripping forests, exhaling pestilent vapours from rank and rotten vegetation, fall before the axe [...]. Fen and march and swamp, the bittern’s dank domain, fertile only in miasma, are drained; and the plough converts them into wholesome plains of fruit, and grain, and grass. [...]
[The British administrators] duly set about felling the ancient forests of Aotearoa/New Zealand, draining the country’s swamps [...]. They also began importing and acclimatising a vast array of exotic (predominantly northern-world) species [sheep, cattle, rodents, weasels, cats, crops, English pasture grasses, etc.] [...]. [T]hey constructed the seemingly ordinary agronomic patchwork of Aotearoa/New Zealand's productive, workaday landscapes [...]. This is effected through and/or accompanied by drastic deforestation, alteration of the water table and the flow of waterways, displacement and decline of endemic species, re-organisation of predation chains and pollination sequences and so on [...]. Aotearoa/New Zealand was founded in and through climate crisis [...]. Climate crisis is not a disastrous event waiting to happen in the future in this part of the world; rather, it has been with us for two centuries already [...].
[T]he crest formed by the twinned themes of absence and exceptionalism [...] has shaped this creature's niche in the western imagination. As one of the very oldest species on earth, tuatara have come to be recognised [in Euro-American scientific schemas] [...] as an evolutionary and biodiversity treasure [...]. In 1867, [...] Gunther [...] pronounced that it was not a lizard at all [...] [and] placed the tuatara [...] in a new order, Rhynchocephalia, [...] igniting a frenzy of scientific interest worldwide. Specifically, the tuatara was seen to afford opportunities for "astonished witnessing" [...], for "the excitement of having the chance to see, to study, to observe a true saurian of Mesozoic times in the flesh, still living, but only on this tiny speck of the earth [...], while all its ancestors [...] died about one hundred and thirty-five million years ago" [...]. Tuatara have, however, long held special status as a taonga or treasured species in Māori epistemologies, featuring in a range of [...] stories where [...] [they] are described by different climates and archaeologies of knowledge [...] (see Waitangi Tribunal 2011, p. 134). [...]
While unconfirmed sightings in the Wellington district were reported in the nineteenth century, tuatara currently survive only in actively managed - that is, monitored and pest-controlled - areas on scattered offshore islands, as well as in mainland zoo and sanctuary populations. As this confinement suggests, tuatara are functionally “extinct” in almost all of their former wild ranges. [...] [Italicized text in the heading of this post originally situated here in Boswell's article.] [...] In the remaining areas of Aotearoa/New Zealand where this species does now live [...], tuatara may in some cases be the oldest living inhabitants. Yet [...] if the tuatara is a creature of long memory, this memory is at risk of elimination or erasure. [...] [T]uatara expose and complicate the [...] machineries of public memory [...] and attendant environmental ideologies and management paradigms [...].
All text above by: Anna Boswell. "Climates of Change: A Tuatara's-Eye View". Humanities, 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2, 38. Published 1 May 2020. This article belongs to the Special Issue Environmental Humanities Approaches to Climate Change. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Text within brackets added by me for clarity. The first paragraph/heading in this post, with text in italics, are also the words of Boswell from this same article. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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t00thpasteface · 8 months
yeah yeah boomers don't get M*A*S*H, but gen-Xers watch that show with their third eye wide open
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livesunique · 6 months
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Kien Trung Palace, Imperial City of Huế, Vietnam
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daegu-based-terrorist · 2 months
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Somebody ban westerners from writing about the DPRK
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waterlilyvioletfog · 2 years
No but you don’t understand. The storytelling of the flashbacks to Cassian’s life as Kassa on Kenari. The fact that we get no translations for the language, but everything we need to know is communicated to us anyway. We understand which kids are In Charge, we see the leader’s prudence, how she commands respect, her generosity in allowing Kassa to join. We see the ritual of the marking application. We see jewelry, bowls, cups, toys— and weapons, though we don’t realize exactly what kind they are until they are needed, but used too late. We don’t know what the last thing Kassa said to Kerri was. We know exactly what he said. The green of the forest, the yellows greens and oranges of the kids’ clothing. The older kids stepping over a log, but Kassa, the youngest and smallest and last of the pack, swings his legs over sitting down. The shot panning from the green of the forest to the dead land near the mining site. The shot of Kassa overlooking the ridge where the mining happens. The total saturation of Kassa’s world— the color, the teeming life, the grime. Contrasted with the world of the Republic-soon-to-be-Empire, which is dead, cold, grey and black and artificial red. Glassy and clean. Literally and metaphorically surrounded by death, Kassa is the only alive thing on that ship. His shirt is the same color as the dead crew’s faces. The pop of color of the Andors: Maarva and Clem’s bickering, their bright clothes, Bee’s shiny paint, Maarva’s bright hair. Theirs are the first words chronologically that the audience can understand. Kassa can’t. Maarva kidnaps a frightened, angry, child with a community— on a whim. After the event itself, the fact that she kidnapped him is never discussed. Two people were lost to that band of kids: their leader and their straggler. Cassian is still looking for his sister. Cassian keeps going home and promising he’ll be back. Kassa never returns to Kenari.
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hotvampireadjacent · 5 months
“We have seen how the colonized always dream of taking the colonist’s place. Not of becoming a colonist, but of replacing him. This hostile, oppressive and aggressive world, bulldozing the colonized masses, represent not only the hell they would like to escape as quickly as possible, but a paradise within arms reach guarded by ferocious watchdogs.” Frantz Fanon, the Wretched of the Earth (16)
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garnetsandroses · 1 year
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does this fandom talk enough about the fact that abigail had a poster of john hanging in her childhood bedroom??
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