#Imogen x reader
velvetlilacsdaisies · 8 months
Shit at Feelings ii
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Bodhi Durran x Reader
Synopsis: Bonding with dragons? No issue. Killing venin? Unfortunate, but doable. Confronting your feelings towards your childhood best friend? No thanks.
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Spoilers!! Swearing, reader being stubborn and both reader and Bodhi being lil dummies?? Lmk if I missed anything.
A/n: the end of 2023 kicked my booty!! Beginning of 2024 no better, but here is part 2! I was stuck on if some of part 3 was going to go in this one, but decided not to. Meddling Imogen, and dragon dialogue is included this part!
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The next day, you stretched with Imogen, returning from a morning run. Most cadets were still sleeping their hangovers off. Imogen said the best way to get over one was running it off. She had picked your lock and dragged you out of your bed this morning to do so. But you knew she just wanted to gossip about the night before.
“So you and Durran?” She had a smirk on her lips, tucking a piece of vibrant pink hair behind her ear.
Imogen only knew about whatever you felt for Bodhi, but with the way Rhiannon reacted last night you weren’t sure if you were discreet about whatever you felt in the first place.
“Not what you think.” You sighed, your arms over your head as you sat on the ground, leaning to one side. “We talked once everyone went to bed.”
She looked at you expectantly as she lifted a leg and stretched it behind her. “And?”
You clicked your tongue, leaning to the other side. “And he called me out on my bullshit.”
She laughed almost manically, earning her a pointed glare. “I’m sorry, sorry.” She then dropped her leg and lifted her other. “But you really left him high and dry.”
You grumbled, “I know and I feel like shit about it.” You stood up dusting your leathers off.
“Y/n, just tell him how you feel.” She shook her hands out.
“How do you expect me to tell him everything when I’ve been avoiding him for years because I’m too scared that something will happen once I spill my guts.”
“Gods, I get it. You’re scared, but you already almost died once without telling him. You think you shouldn’t say a little prayer to Malek and Amari that they gave you a second chance?” Imogen said sternly. “Also if it was anyone else you pulled that disappearing act with, you wouldn’t have the same mercy. But it’s Bodhi we’re talking about, and he would let you lead him to hell and back as many times as you wanted because let’s face it—you’re you. And for some fucked up reason he worships the ground you walk on like you were a god yourself.”
You didn’t know if the queasiness you felt was the hangover or how right she was. He would do anything for you. Even how shitty you treated him for the last two years. Last night proved that.
“He even risked smuggling your fucking sketchbook in so you could have something from home—“
“What?” Your jaw dropped.
The pink haired girl inhaled sharply. “Fuck I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
“He was the one that did that?” Your heart skipped a beat. Even when you had been so stubborn to avoid him, he thought of you? You had questioned the hell out of Garrick, Imogen, and Xaden for a week about it. You had never thought about the younger Riorson cousin.
“I hate being the middleman in your two demented whatever you got going on.” She sighed. “Listen, forget I said that or take that as a sign to pull your head out of your ass. I’ll see you at breakfast.” She patted your shoulder, leaving you alone in the courtyard.
Well you felt like the shittiest person ever.
You knew you needed to talk to him, and you couldn’t run and avoid him this time. As much as you wanted to hop on Clesaí’s back and ride very far away. Fuck.
You had spent an hour already mulling over the information you had just received. Then replaying the argument last night—which then led to remembering the very brief exchange with Bodhi in Aretia, ultimately leading you to the nightmare from Resson plaguing your thoughts. Like they had when you tossed and turned in bed last night, and the prior nights before that. By the time you entered the mess hall, your thoughts felt like nonsense.
He sat with Imogen at the end of the table filled with third years. They looked deep in a discussion, whispering only to one another. You gulped quietly, were they talking about you? You now knew Imogen felt like a middleman between the two of you, you wondered what he talked about to her. You tried not to overthink it as you reluctantly walked over.
As you reached the table, you could hear Bodhi saying something quite harshly. While the pink haired girl had the same expression she wore when she told you to pull your head out of your ass. It was obviously something he didn’t want you to hear because as soon as he saw you coming up, he stopped mid sentence.
“Can we talk?” You asked him, not bothering to greet the pair. He tensed, and you didn’t miss the look he tried to discreetly give your mutual best friend.
Imogen rolled her eyes, grabbing her things and getting up from the table. “I totally forgot Quinn needed help with something. Bye guys.” She gave a twinkle of her fingers before walking away with a smug look on her face.
You sat down, taking the seat Imogen had been in. “So,” you awkwardly tapped your fingers on the wooden table.
“So,” he repeated. “How was your morning run with Immy?”
“Brutal.” You replied. Why was this so uncomfortable?
“Listen, about last night—”
“It needed to be said.” You waved a hand nonchalantly. Your heart begged to differ, beating against your chest. “I was icing you out.”
“I didn’t mean to come off so harshly.” He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth nervously.
Was it possible for you to want a man more? Even during such an embarrassing display of emotion on your behalf? Trying not to focus on the fact you wanted to reach over and be the one tugging his bottom lip between your teeth, you stared at the wood grain of the table.
“I was stubborn.” You reasoned.
“Y/n Y/L/n, stubborn?” There was a tinge of amusement in his tone. “I guess there’s a first time for everything—I mean the taking accountability part at least.” You looked up, and saw him intently staring at you. Through the sarcasm, his brown eyes were warm like deep rich honey.
A ghost of a smile on your lips. “You know me better than anyone else apart from Imogen. The way I regarded you wasn’t fair.” You then contemplated your next words. “And I know—”
“Durran!” Dain walked over, Rhiannon, and a few other second and third year cadets behind him.
Bodhi flinched, shifting his attention to the group. “Yes, Wingleader Aetos?” He had icy malice as he took in Dain. You yourself could feel your anger rise when the third year came in your vicinity. He was the reason you had been in Resson, and why Liam and Soilel were dead.
Dain noted the unwelcome greeting from the both of you and faltered for a moment, heat flushing his cheeks. “We have a meeting.” He cleared his throat, straightening back up.
The man sat across from you glared over to the brunette man. “I’ll be right there.” He then turned back to you with a softer look in his eyes and an apologetic smile where the scowl was a moment prior. “Can we finish this conversation later?”
You could feel the eyes of Rihannon linger on the two of you, and you knew the others now were acutely aware of the interaction as well.
“Yeah, yeah. No worries.” You brushed it off, though disappointment filled you. You were finally getting somewhere, but you knew he couldn’t ignore the newly appointed wingleader.
You had been looking down in your lap, missing the subtle look back Bodhi gave you as he left with the group.
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Later had come and gone with no sign of Bodhi still. Leaving a lurching feeling in your heart, but you tried not to wallow in self pity too much. You had thought maybe you deserved to be stood up. But at least you didn’t run this time, and it was his move now.
“The male of your affection causes too much of a distraction for you anyway.” Cleasaí huffed in your mind. Rolling your eyes you focused on the sketchbook in front of you. “Makes you a lovesick puppy as you would say.”
“Am not,” you bristled.
It was late in the afternoon and you were spending time with Cleasaí in the flight field, avoiding everyone. You had brought a blanket to lay on as you laid back against her front leg. She protectively curled around you, sunbathing, leaving you with a sufficient amount of shade to look at your sketchbook.
“I’m assuming you’ve never had a dragon that captured your affection?” You spoke out loud.
She nestled her head on the ground, huffing again. “I’d rather not say,” you could sense the disdain in her bored tone. A sly smile crept on your face, leaning up and staring right at the green dragon, who had feigned resting her eyes.
“You have, haven’t you?” Egging for more info from the clubtail.
“We haven’t been seeing eye to eye for a year.” Was all she grumbled. “Speaking of not seeing eye to eye. Your human approaches.”
“He’s not my human.” You hissed quietly, looking up to see Bodhi was indeed walking towards you, his dragon Cuir following a reasonable distance away.
“I’ve been looking for you.” He offered you a lazy smile, careful to avoid eye contact with Cleasaí. “Cuir said he thought he noticed Cleasaí leave the Vale.”
Your dragon sighed in annoyance. “Busybody,” she glowered in your head, causing you to grin. Did she mean Cuir or Bodhi? “I meant the annoying green one, but your human is quite a busybody as well. He couldn’t have waited until you came back from the flight field?” This caused a genuine laugh to escape your lips.
Bodhi only gave you a nervous look, “I hope she’s not talking about me.”
“You can tell him yes.” She grunted.
“No, she's just grumpy.” You lightly patted her scaly leg causing her to grunt again.
“How’s her claw?” He asked, scanning the injured back leg of hers.
“None of his business or that one’s over there.” She chuffed, baring her teeth toward Cuir. You didn’t know why she was persistent on one of her own den members not knowing of her condition.
Rolling your eyes, ignoring her. “She's doing better. She should be clear when lessons start again.”
Bodhi had a tight lipped smile on his own face, his shoulders shaking in laughter. Cuir whipping his head annoyed several yards behind him.
“I’m sorry, he can be quite the worrier especially over—”
An audible growl came from your dragon, earning a suspicious look from you.
“What is going on with you?” You scolded Cleasaí mentally.
“Worry about your own human afflictions.” Was all she said down the bond.
The man glanced at the book in your lap, and a grin spread across his cheeks. “You’re drawing in your sketchbook again?” He took a seat across from you on the ground, careful to not be too close to your dragon. Cuir had done the same in the distance.
You blushed slightly, “there’s a new sentimental value to it.” You chewed on your bottom lip, looking up at him. Bodhi had a gleam you couldn’t place in his eye, and his cheeks were blushed slightly too. You couldn’t help but smile broadly at his coyness. “I know you’re the one that brought the book back.”
“Who? Me? Why would I do that?” He propped his knees up, holding his forearms on them as he gazed up at the late afternoon sky.
He had always looked the handsomest during golden hour, your favorite features of his were enhanced. The tones of the setting sun had embraced his face, his eyes warm with gold flecks scattered throughout, and his onyx curls radiating chocolate brown undertones.
You tucked your hair behind your ear, “I don’t know I was wondering the same.” The broad smile painted on your face tilted downward.
“I thought maybe it would’ve been a dead giveaway, and you would have taken it as an olive branch.” He suggested, turning back to you.
You were thumbing at the page that it had been on, the textured parchment. Boy, were you an idiot.
“I thought you hated me or would have been tired of me by now.” You admitted.
“Why would I feel either of those things Y/n?”
“Because you offer me all this patience and kindness that I don’t deserve.” You said exasperated. “And in return I offer stubbornness and do everything in my power to avoid you.”
He chuckled dryly, “haven’t you realized? I don’t care.”
“Well I feel like you should.” This would be an argument that you wouldn’t let go. Screw Amari or Malek giving you a second chance, you didn’t feel worthy of that chance. Nor did you want to see anything happen to Bodhi if you were to accept him back into your life.
“Well, unfortunately I can’t control how I feel,” He looked back at the sketchbook in your lap. A smirk creeping onto his lips. “And apparently neither can you.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyebrow raised at him, and he only made a subtle gesture to the book. You looked down, your cheeks turning bright red.
You had been aimlessly sketching, not thinking too much about what you were putting on paper. It started as just a pair of eyes, but then turned to a full blown portrait of a man. Not just any man though, it had a striking resemblance to Bodhi.
Who were you trying to fool? It was him. From the crinkle by his eye when he’s amused to the unruly curls that always fell in his face.
“That’s all I need to know,” the smirk had turned to a shit eating grin.
You kept opening your mouth trying to respond, but you were left speechless.
“You can’t pull your shit anymore, Y/l/n.” He lifted himself off the ground, wiping the dirt off his leathers standing.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You shake your head furiously, finding your voice finally.
You wanted to wipe the cocky look off his face desperately. “Whether you admit it or not, you can’t hide from me anymore.” He responded so cooly, it made you grit your teeth irritatedly. “Don’t worry, Y/n/n your secret’s safe with me.” He teasingly held his hand over his heart. “It’s rather endearing.”
“Bodhi,” you groaned. You could feel the heat evade your face and ears. “It’s not that serious—“
“Serious enough to me.” He didn’t let your annoyance faze him. “I’ll see you around.”
You rolled your eyes, watching him leave down to the main campus. Cuir takes off into the sky and back to the Vale, leaving you and Cleasaí alone again. Releasing a sigh of air that you hadn’t known you were holding when he got out of the ear shot.
‘Lovesick puppy.’ Your dragon had hummed amused. Deep chirping sounds audibly coming from her. Was she laughing at you?
“Me?” You were quick to turn and glower, your lip tugging upward in aggitatation. “How about we talk about you for a second? What the hell was that?”
‘It’s just sometimes the male greens can be so…” she paused. ‘Suffocating?’ She was choosing her words wisely. As though it seemed like she was hiding something, but not surprising you though. Cleasaí was rather secretive, it was what she was known for in the green den. A trickster of sorts, with cunning deception.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” You pressed further.
She chuffed, “I’d rather not divulge that at the moment, but in due time...” She drew, sounding almost feline.
You knew better to argue, she was just as hard headed as you, and if you pushed her too hard, she’d push right back. Then that got you both nowhere. So you stood, gathering your things to retreat to your dorm and get ready for dinner and tonight’s shenanigans.
“Sooner than later, please.” You gave her an expectant look.
She got up, shaking out her scales and stretched a bit. “Yes yes sooner than later, don’t fret Lovesick puppy.”
“Stop calling me that!” You yelled over your shoulder as you retreated back to campus. You could hear the chuff she released in amusement in the distance as you descended the ancient stone stairs.
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Thank you so much for the patience and the support! Please do not hesitate to let me know your thoughts and feedback. Also like and reblog 🫶🩷🤠
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nickeverdeen · 20 days
Not saying “I love you too” to the Fourth Wing characters before they leave
Violet Sorrengail
Violet’s mind would immediately race, wondering if something is wrong but trying to keep her cool
She would try to brush it off, telling herself it’s not a big deal, but the hurt would linger
Throughout the day, she’d find herself distracted, replaying the moment in her head
She might overanalyze every interaction leading up to it, questioning if she said or did something wrong
She’d send a check-in later, casually asking if you’re okay, trying not to sound too worried.
She’d confide in Rhiannon about it, seeking advice on whether she should be concerned
Violet’s insecurities would flare up slightly, making her wonder if you’re distancing yourself
She’d miss you more than usual during the day, longing for reassurance
The next time she leaves, she might hesitate before saying “I love you,” waiting to see if you say it first
Violet would gently ask you about it, trying to get to the root of the issue
She might have trouble sleeping, her mind not letting go of the small interaction
She might subtly distance herself, unsure of where you both stand.
Violet might subtly seek reassurance in other ways, like asking if you’re happy with her
Despite the worry, she’d find herself doodling your name absentmindedly
After you finally talk about it and reassure her that it’s a prank, she’d feel a huge weight lift off her shoulders
Xaden Riorson
Xaden would maintain a stoic expression, not letting on that it bothered him
Internally, he’d feel a mix of confusion and frustration, but he’d suppress it
He might briefly wonder if he’s to blame, questioning if he did something to cause it
Xaden wouldn’t talk about it with anyone, keeping his feelings bottled up
He’d become extra protective, channeling his emotions into making sure you’re safe
In his mind, he’d see this as a test of loyalty, waiting to see if it’s a one-time thing or a pattern
He’d throw himself into work or training, trying to distract himself from the lingering doubt
Xaden might subtly monitor your behavior, looking for other signs of distance
Despite his tough exterior, he’d deeply long for your reassurance
He might start to feel a bit of fear, though he wouldn’t show it
He’d put up a colder exterior, trying to protect himself from potential hurt
Xaden might test your feelings subtly, seeing how you react to his affection
He might indirectly bring it up, making a vague comment about how much he values honesty
He’d show his care through protective gestures, even if he’s feeling unsure
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a mix of relief and a renewed sense of connection
Liam Mairi
Liam would be immediately worried, thinking something might be wrong
He’d probably ask you directly if everything’s okay, his concern clear
If you brush it off, he’d try to reassure you softly, even if he’s still a bit uneasy
He’d be extra affectionate the next time he sees you, trying to make up for the missed words
His protective instincts would kick in, making him even more attentive to your needs
He might casually mention it to a close friend, seeking advice on how to handle it
Liam would keep a subtle watch on your mood, making sure you’re truly okay
He’d go out of his way to do something nice for you, wanting to see you smile
He’d worry that you might be pulling away, even if there’s no real reason
Liam would become even more supportive, trying to show you how much he cares
He might plan a small surprise, hoping it will cheer you up and bring you closer
He’d have a heartfelt conversation with you, wanting to clear the air
He might have trouble sleeping, his mind occupied with thoughts of you
After you talk and reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a deep sense of relief, his worries melting away
Rhiannon Matthias
Rhiannon would be confused at first, not understanding why you didn’t say it back
She’d start to doubt herself, wondering if she did something to upset you
She’d subtly check on you throughout the day, making sure you’re not upset
She’d be extra kind and gentle with you, hoping to smooth over any potential issues
Rhiannon would definitely overthink the situation, replaying it in her mind
She might seek comfort in small gestures, like holding your hand or cuddling with you
Rhiannon would feel a bit insecure, wondering if you’re losing interest
She might write you a sweet note, hoping to bring a smile to your face
She’d worry that something has changed between you, even if it’s just in her head
Rhiannon would be extra thoughtful, trying to anticipate your needs and make you happy
She might start to subtly distance herself, afraid of getting hurt
She’d have nervous energy, fidgeting more than usual when she’s around you
Once you reassure her that it’s a prank, she’d feel a wave of relief, her usual confidence returning
Dain Aetos
Dain would be immediately concerned, thinking something might be wrong
He’d ask you directly if everything’s okay, his tone serious and caring
Dain would go into overprotective mode, making sure you’re okay in every possible way
He’d plan a special date or outing, hoping to reconnect and make things right
Dain would be extra attentive, making sure you feel loved and appreciated
He’d reassure you with his actions, doing little things to show he cares
Dain would worry internally, even if he doesn’t show it on the outside
He’d subtly seek validation from you, looking for signs that you still care
He might have a sleepless night, his mind racing with thoughts of you
Dain would overanalyze the situation, trying to figure out if he missed any signs
He might ask again later if everything’s okay, just to make sure
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a deep sense of relief, his worry melting away
Imogen would be confused at first, not understanding why you didn’t say it back
She’d play it off casually, but the confusion would linger in her mind
Imogen would subtly keep an eye on you, looking for signs that something’s wrong
She wouldn’t push you to talk about it, respecting your space
Imogen might give you a bit more space, thinking you might need it
She’d worry in silence, not wanting to burden you with her concerns
Imogen would be extra careful with her words and actions, trying not to upset you
She’d subtly seek reassurance from you, hoping to feel closer to you
Imogen would feel conflicted, not wanting to make a big deal out of it but also feeling uneasy
Doesn’t talk to anyone about it as this is her personal business
She might start to subtly distance herself, unsure of what’s going on
Once you reassure her that it’s a prank, she’d feel a wave of relief, her worries melting away
Jack Barlowe
Jack would feel immediate annoyance, wondering why you didn’t say it back
He’d mask his insecurity with a sarcastic comment, trying to play it off
Jack might overcompensate by being overly affectionate the next time he sees you
He’d seek validation from you, wanting to make sure you still care
Jack wouldn’t talk about it directly, keeping his feelings bottled up
He’d feel internal frustration, not understanding why it bothered him so much
Jack might make sarcastic comments, trying to cover up his feelings
He’d go into protective mode, making sure you’re okay in every possible way
Jack would throw himself into work or training, trying to distract himself from his feelings
He might indirectly bring it up, making a vague comment about how much he values honesty
He might start to feel a bit of resentment, though he wouldn’t show it
Jack might test your feelings subtly, seeing how you react to his affection
He’d show his care through protective gestures, even if he’s feeling unsure
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a mix of relief and a renewed sense of connection
Sawyer would play it off with a joke, not wanting to make it awkward
Despite his playful exterior, he’d feel a sting of disappointment
He might bring it up later in a casual way, just to see if you’re okay
Sawyer would keep things light-hearted, not wanting to put pressure on you
Later, when he’s alone, he’d overthink the situation, wondering if he did something wrong
The next time he sees you, he’d be extra affectionate, hoping to make up for whatever he did
He might check in with a Ridoc, casually asking if you’re okay
Despite his calm demeanor, he’d worry that you’re upset with him
Sawyer would be extra attentive, trying to gauge your mood and see if anything’s off
He’d plan a fun outing, hoping to reconnect and make sure you’re okay
Sawyer would avoid having a serious talk about it, preferring to keep things light
He’d subtly look for signs that you’re still interested in him, even if it’s just in your actions
He’d feel a bit of internal conflict, wanting to know what’s wrong but not wanting to push you
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a wave of relief, his playful nature returning full force
Ridoc would immediately joke about you not saying it, trying to lighten the mood
He’d briefly wonder if you were joking or if you meant it seriously
Ridoc would pretend not to care, brushing it off with a laugh
Despite his outward calm, he’d think about it later, wondering if something’s up
He might bring it up in a light-hearted way later, asking if everything’s okay
Ridoc would tease you gently about it, hoping to get a reaction
The next time he sees you, he’d be extra playful, trying to keep things light
Ridoc would worry in silence, not wanting to make a big deal out of it
He’d keep things casual, not wanting to pressure you into explaining
Ridoc might subtly check in with you more often, making sure you’re okay
He’d plan a fun day together, hoping to reconnect and make you laugh
Ridoc would feel a bit of internal conflict, not wanting to push you but also feeling uneasy
He’d avoid having a serious talk about it, preferring to keep things light.
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a wave of relief, his usual playful self returning
Garrick would feel immediate concern, thinking something might be wrong
He���d ask you directly if everything’s okay, his tone serious and caring
Garrick would go into overprotective mode, making sure you’re okay in every possible way
He’d plan a special date or outing, hoping to reconnect and make things right
Garrick would be extra attentive, making sure you feel loved and appreciated
He’d reassure you with his actions, doing little things to show he cares
Garrick would worry internally, even if he doesn’t show it on the outside
He’d subtly seek validation from you, looking for signs that you still care
He might have a sleepless night, his mind racing with thoughts of you
Garrick would overanalyze the situation, trying to figure out if he missed any signs
He might ask again later if everything’s okay, just to make sure
Garrick would become even more protective, making sure you’re safe and happy
He’d feel a bit of internal conflict, not wanting to push you but also feeling uneasy
Once you reassure him that it’s a prank, he’d feel a deep sense of relief, his worry melting away.
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
would you be willing to do a hc for dating Imogen?
Dating Imogen headcanon
Imogen x reader
A/n: I love her she’s my strong no nonsense girl 💗
Warnings: none
Imogen has such a strong personality you’re a little scared of her
Whenever she talks to you you freeze up and stumble over your words
Your friends, especially Violet, pick on you a little bc your crush on Imogen is so obvious
As you were leaving training one night Imogen grabbed your arm keeping you from leaving
Fight or flight kicked in and you flipped her
As pink hair came into view it was too late. You were already in motion to kneel on her chest
You let out a gasp as you land on her, “Gods, Imogen! I’m so sorry! I had no idea-“ you were cut off by her laughter. “You’re funny y/n/n.” You gave her a confused look
Quickly Imogen flipped you, your back softly hitting the mat as she gently laid you down. Imogen’s lips inches from yours. “How about me and you go into town this weekend, yeah?”
From then on you two were attached at the hip
You two do everything together
You even convinced her to let you help with a few missions here and there for the rebellion
Imogen helped you with your homework. It’s not obvious but she is very book smart
When she helps you study she rewards you with kisses
Imogen isn’t super touchy but she won’t complain if you hold her hand or any PDA
She does like to keep her hand on the small of your back when you’re out and around others
You two don’t always get the chance to do big romantic gestures
It’s the small things you do for one another that make you emotional
Like mentioning your favorite snack one time and finding it in your room after a long day with a sweet note from Imogen
You can tell when Imogen is stressed
Usually she doesn’t like to talk about what’s bothering her so you comfort her
You find Imogen pacing in her room with just the desk lamp on. She bites her nails when she’s nervous thinking. You frown, walking over to her wrapping your arms around her middle to stop her. “I’m here for you.” You whisper into her chest
All Imogen does is hug you back tighter, resting her head on top of yours
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wisteriaiswriting · 2 months
Fourth Wing / Iron Flame Masterlist
Features: Bodhi | Imogen | Liam | Xaden | Dain | Rhiannon | Ridoc | Sawyer | Violet | Brennan | Mira | Jack | Catriona
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Bodhi Durran |
Picture Perfect - Bodhi's jealousy shows
Imogen Cardulo |
Nothing here yet
Liam Mairi |
Living Love - You almost sacrifice your life for his.
Xaden Riorson |
Calm Down
Dain Aetos |
Nothing here yet
Rhiannon Matthias |
Nothing here yet
Ridoc Gamlyn |
Nothing here yet
Sawyer Henrick |
Nothing here yet
Violet Sorrengail |
Nothing here yet
Brennan Sorrengail |
Nothing here yet
Mira Sorrengail |
Nothing here yet
Jack Barlowe |
Nothing here yet
Catriona Cordella |
Nothing here yet
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randoimago · 3 months
Hi there! Could you please do headcanons on what it’d be like to be in a polyamorous relationship with Laudna/Imogen and Ashton/Fearne? Thank you!
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Laudna, Imogen, Ashton, Fearne
Note(s): I did some platonic poly headcanons for Laudna/Imogen so I'll do my best to add some more romantic ones here!
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You have emotionally stupid Ashton and "does whatever the fuck I want" Fearne. It's a very chaotic relationship. Fearne has no hesitations with telling you what she wants, when she wants. She'll drag you both to the bedroom as soon as you and Ashton agree. Ashton, however, somehow still doesn't understand how he can have two partners that genuinely care about him.
So many pillows get used when all of you try to cuddle or spend time together. Fearne enjoys having soft, comfy things around, but it's also because of Ashton's pain. He really does want to give you two the love you deserve, but his chronic pain is a bitch. Which is why there's always soft pillows around to hopefully help ease him a bit.
You're not allowed to have anything. As soon as you do, Fearne "borrows" it and then Ashton "borrows" it from her. And then it just becomes a thing of sharing with your two partners. Of course, they will stop messing around or teasing if you actually say something.
With everything going on, they can't give you as much love as they wish they could. There's longing looks and fleeting touches between you three, but there's just too much happening for cuddling or spending the nights together.
But you know they love you (and each other) with how quickly everyone jumps to each other's defense. Laudna is happy to be scary when protecting you two or chasing off someone else coming in to flirt. Imogen enjoys doing her slightly off-putting telepathic thing to throw people off, too.
There is a lot of patience and secrets in this relationship, unfortunately. As much as you three love each other, Laudna doesn't always talk about her discussions with Delilah and Imogen keeps her conflicting feelings regarding her birth and mother to herself. They just don't want to put that much weight on you or each other and it's just secrets upon secrets.
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domxmarvel · 4 months
Love language 
Pairing:Imogen x Female!Reader
Prompt:K Kiss
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It was the third time you had walked this path today,trying to remember all the talking points the guide would go over so you could translate them. As you were walking you noticed a girl who was looking around frantically,like she was trying to find someone. You had seen her with a group of people not too long ago so she probably got separated from them. Before you could think of how you should approach her,there was a gust of wind that blew her beret off. Lucky you were standing in the perfect spot to catch it. She ran over to you and you could see that she was talking,probably thanking you although you couldn’t hear. Now that she was closer,you got a better look at her,she was beautiful. So beautiful that you didn’t realize she had been rambling for the past two minutes. You put your hand up signaling her to pause,you pointed to your ear and shook your head. You could tell there was an ‘oh’ on the way,that was everyone's first instinct when you told them. Pulling up your phone you opened your notes before handing your phone to her. It only took her a few seconds before she gave it back to you.
‘I lost my friends,can you please help me find them?’ Putting your phone away you gave her a nod and a smile,before reaching up to fix her hair and put her beret back on. You gestured for her to hold on to it,making her laugh. You had seen her group a couple of times now so you sort of knew what they looked like. As you were walking you noticed that she was walking very close to you,you were sure she'd be holding your hand if you hadn't just met. When you walked by one of the local bookstores that one of your friends worked part time at,you glanced at the window to see if she was there and she was.She smiled before saying something and walking out to meet you. 
“Y/N,what’s up?” She signed before quickly adding “Who’s your new friend?” You rolled your eyes knowing what she was implying. 
“I’m just helping her find her friends that she got separated from. Have you seen a group of French people? Like five boys and four girls,have you seen them?”
“I did just see a group walk by here a like 10 minutes ago”
“What direction did they go in?” She turned to the girl before answering you,you turned to see that she was talking and turned back to your friend who thankfully translated what she said. She had asked your friend for the time.
“It’s 4:50” You saw her face drop and a look of panic took over,she started rambling so fast that your friend struggled to keep up. But you understood that she needed to get to a meeting point before 5:00. 
“Do you know where it is or any of the buildings around it?” She told your friend the name of a nearby cafe,and you knew if you hurried you’d get there just in time. You gestured for her to follow you before you waved to your friend. You led her to where your scooter was parked,quickly unlocking it before handing her your extra helmet before you put yours on. She got on and put her hands on your shoulders,you tapped her hand and pointed to your waist instead,she moved her hands to your waist as you put in the key and started driving. You felt her hold you tighter as you picked up speed. A few moments later you noticed her grip got less tight as she was distracted looking around,you wished you could’ve seen her face. You reached the cafe and she got off,handing you back the helmet. You saw a group approach you,looking closer you recognized that they were her friends. They started talking,they must’ve said something about you because she turned back to you and quickly back to them. You took off your helmet,fixing your hair as you stood up,giving them a wave hello. She must’ve told them about you not being able to hear since they all waved back. There was a few minutes and you spent them ‘talking’ to the girl which consisted of you passing your phone back and forth,writing everything. You learned that her name was Imogen and you told her yours. You asked her for a photo of the two of you before she left. Before you posted it to your Instagram you handed your phone to her so she could tag her account. Her friends called her over since it was time for them to leave.
"Imogen!" I bolted up,looking at Sahar. “I called your name like five times,what are you looking at that’s more important?” I quickly put my phone down,so she couldn’t see that I was scrolling through Y/N Instagram. 
“Sorry the whole break up thing has me a bit annoyed” I lied,not wanting to tell her that I might have feelings for a girl,let alone a girl I had just met not even 12 hours ago. 
“If you’re thinking of taking him back,don’t. You did the right thing,you deserve better”
“You’re right,I shouldn’t think about him” I stared at the ceiling for hours questioning everything I thought I knew.I didn’t know what was happening or what I was feeling but one thing I knew was that I wanted to see her again. 
I barely slept last night and spent the entirety of breakfast yawning,which made everyone ask if I was okay. I still couldn’t get her out of my mind,spending every moment I could on the profile. As we were on our way to the Eiffel tower I took another look,to find that she had made a post to her story. It was her with a tour group,the caption was the locations they’d been going to. The other locations had been crossed out leaving just the Eiffel tower. Just the thought that I might see her again made me both excited and nauseous.
The tour was almost over,your hands hurt from how much you signed,the new script was way longer than last years. You couldn’t wait to go grab a coffee and relax,you just had to get through your last stop. There were only three talking points and you were quickly done with the tour,letting everyone wander around and enjoy the view. Just as you were about to leave you saw a black beret flying towards you,you caught it before it could hit your face. You fully turned and once again you were face to face with Imogen. She laughed as she waved to you,walking up. You fixed her hair and set her beret on top of her head once again. You held up two of your fingers,she laughed as she spoke. Despite not hearing her words you could tell she said ‘twice’ just by reading her lips. She seemed to realize her mistake and quickly typed on her phone,before showing you ‘wanna hang out?’ You nodded ‘and could you please teach me some sign language?’ You hadn’t expected her to ask that,but it made you smile.
A few hours later you sat across from her at a cafe,teaching her the basics and making sure you wrote down what they meant. One phrase you made sure to teach her was ‘I don't understand’ you knew she'd need it a lot at the start. 
The next day you woke up to a text from Imogen 
‘hey,we’re throwing a birthday party for one of our friends. I was wondering if you’d like to come?’ You smiled at the words.
‘I’d love to,where and when?” She quickly texted you back with the hotel's address and the time. You rummaged through your closet for an outfit,nothing too fancy but you didn’t wanna show up in just a hoodie and jeans. The party was later that night so you had enough time to get ready,you were putting on some makeup when your sister came in. you turned to look at her and she looked shocked 
“What? Where are you going?”
“A party”
“A party” She repeated “You don’t go to parties willingly,what’s going on?” She could see right through you.
“There’s this girl”
“I knew it,” She exclaimed,interrupting you. She was speaking out loud as she signed,probably not realizing. “So what’s she like?” You didn’t describe Imogen the only thing you found yourself signing was 
“She asked me to teach her”
“She did?” She moved closer to you “That’s great,go get her” She was about to leave when you waved to get her attention. 
“What did you want anyway?” She thought for a moment.
“I don’t remember,bye”
You texted Imogen when you arrived and she immediately came down to the lobby to get you. She smiled as she looked you over. 
“You’re beautiful” You hadn’t thought her that,so she must’ve learned it on her own and the thought of it made you blush. 
“You too” as you walked you asked “did you learn that for me?” 
“Yes,I learned a few more stuff” You corrected her,showing her to proper sign for ‘things’ she signed back “Yes,i learned a few more things”
“Who’s birthday is it?” She signed back,separate letters this time.
“T-A-R-A” You made it to the door before you could ask anymore questions.
The party went well,until they wanted to play truth or dare. You decided to call it a night,and said your goodbyes. Imogen walked you out,you were in the hallway when she moved to stand in front of you. 
“How about we play a round,just the two of us?” 
“Sure,you first. Truth or dare?”
“Truth” You thought for a moment.
“Why did you wanna learn?”
“Because I wanna talk to you”
“But you’re only here for three days”
“I wanna keep talking to you,if you’d like too”
“I would”
“Your turn,truth or dare?” You could tell she was a bit unsure about the signs,she was trying to remember the signs.
“Dare” Her eyes lit up for a second,she stepped closer.
“I dare you to kiss me” You pushed her back against the nearest wall,leaning in closer. She wanted a kiss and you were going to give her one she wouldn’t forget.
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botanicalbard · 2 years
So Uhh just finished my last final and am now in fact crying. So I’m going to do head cannons of my Favorite Critical Role character’s comforting a stressed SO.
🎆 Imogen 🎆
She can feel your anxiety literally, although isn’t sure what to about it, Laudna is the comforting one.
She’s very big into words of affirmation to try and calm you down and lot’s of pet names largely Darlin’ Hun or Precious.
She copies what Laudna dose to soothe her after her nightmares, fetching you water, asking if your okay and just listening.
Definitely quick to notice your stress but is a little slower to do something about it, she trust you to handle it but if you’re over stressed will step in.
Literally just scoops you up and removes you from whatever is stressing you out. There’s no fighting her.
Will probably take you out for drinks and gets you drunk enough to talk about what’s bothering you, whatever it is she’ll handle it.
Probably takes a bit longer to notice your stress but once she dose will not leave you alone until she makes you smile.
Tries little pranks to cheer you up, will steal whatever item she thinks is causing you stress. Uses Mister as a paper work begone machine.
“You should pet my ears they’re soft, it’ll help”
Caleb is also stressed y’all two are kind of a mess(affectionate).
He sends Frumpkin to try and comfort you as he’s really awkward about doing it himself.
Will cautiously suggest he reads to you as a way to help soothe both of your nerves.
You will be going shopping with her immediately, no ifs ands or buts about it. She feels comfort in having things and wants you to have that too.
Lot’s of playful teasing but if that doesn’t work she very seriously puts her hands on your shoulders and says take a break darling.
Will send in Trinket good luck remaining stressed when getting literally bear hugged and hearing Vex laugh in delight at the sight.
What/Whomever is is stressing you out better be prepared for the absolute havoc Jester is going to wreak on them.
You will be brought various sweets until you feel better, the sweets get increasingly strange in nature she once brought something she claims is rock Candy but definitely looked like drugs.
She’s very much the kind to distract You should play a game with her or go visit her mom in Nicodranis. You’re sitting at a desk trying to get work done Nope she’s sitting in your lap.
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months
the archives // Fourth Wing masterlist
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welcome to the fourth wing.
these are all reader inserts, using the second person “you”. everything about a certain series, including my fics and things I’ve reblogged that fit their vibe, will be tagged as “#Garrick and Angel”, “#Brennan and Duchess”, etc. see this post for further information. requests are currently CLOSED / VERY SLOW until I get more caught up, but my ask box is always open to chat about FW, the girlfriends, or whatever! last updated: 8.24.24
standalone fics / headcanons
Aaric Graycastle - intimacy alphabet Bodhi Durran - by your side - where were you in the morning? - not that bad at all - the night we met - intimacy alphabet - fractured Brennan Sorrengail - you're somebody else - this is me trying - intimacy alphabet - older (agegap!Bren) - you called - rest Dain Aetos - midnight snow - part of the family - intimacy alphabet Garrick Tavis - all the small things - intimacy alphabet - one for the books Imogen Cardulo - the dress Liam Mairi - harvest day 1. the spider 2. one too many 3. change of plans Mira Sorrengail - reunited - mercy Ridoc Gamlyn - not joking - love at first fight Xaden Riorson - a brief history of Navarre - intimacy alphabet - together 1. i wish i hated you all fourth wing boys: - excuses, excuses - under the weather - that time of the month all fourth wing boys + girls - study season random thoughts about multiple boys - dragon rings - xaden's birthday
Garrick and Angel about Angel 1. keep her safe 2. resson (garrick's version) 🆕 3. letters from samara 4. what was I made for? 4.5 thank you (optional spicy chapter in the middle of #4) - misc relationship asks - together (platonic Angel / Gare / Xaden) - he can call me angel if he wants to
Brennan and Duchess about Duchess 1. the last six years 2. allies 3. fireproof 4. the chess game - this is me trying - braids - relationship questions - thoughts about her and Xaden - thoughts about her rings - thoughts about "their songs"
Ridoc and Sweetheart about Sweetheart 1. love at first fight 2. like snow on the beach 3. not alone - relationship questions
Bodhi and Darling (no particular reading order) about Darling - not that bad at all - by your side - the night we met - deja vu - glad it was you
Sawyer and Peach about Peach 1. faking it 2. the south star
Liam and Spark 1. at last 2. alone with you - relationship questions
Dain and Love about Love 1. falling, floating, flying 2. reunification day
Aaric and Sunny 1. conscription day 2. assessments
misc girlfriend stuff - modern!girlfriends' music tastes
poly fics
Dain + Xaden - our girl Ridoc + Sawyer 1. hey roomie Garrick + Bodhi - three in the morning Xaden + Liam - liam's lesson
not reader inserts
Garrick / Sloane - wrong to love you Ridoc and Sawyer - lean on me 🆕
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
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Robert Baratheon believes he has wiped out the last Targaryen children, but what if that isn't the case. What if Jaime Lannister who everyone refers to as "Kingslayer" had a hand in it. Would the middle daughter of the Mad King and Rhaella Targaryen wish to claim the Iron Throne. Read the story of Vaella Targaryen.
1 - The Lannister Kingsguard
2 - One Day It'll Be Just You and Me
3 - The Reputation Of A Princess
4 - We Have A Thing For Knights Don’t We?
5 - Tavern to Red Keep
6 - Here's to Aerys Targaryen
7 - Smells like Fire
8 - We're Family Now and Always
9 - Secretly Vaella Lannister
10 - Still A Golden Lion
11 - He’s Finally Mine
12 - Guilty of being a Dwarf
13 - Facing Cersei Lannister
14 - Targaryen’s and Lannister’s
15 - This is Home
16 - The Loyalty of Dragons
17 - Myrcella Lannister
18 - The Rock Shall Never Fall
19 - Targaryen Sisters Finally Clash
20 - Back to being a Prisoner
21 - The Lannister Trials
22 - More than One Plan
23 - The Legacy of Rhaegar
24 - When Dragons Flew to War
25 - The Dragon Island
26 - Playing the Game Now
27 - War Between Kin
28 - Loyalists of Queen Vaella
29 - Two Dragon Queens
30 - The King in the North
31 - Who Really Deserves The Throne
32 - Message of a Dragon
33 - Dragon vs Dragon
34 - From the South to the North
35 - Acting Like Our Father
36 - Heirs of the Rock or Throne
37 - The Night King part 1
38 - The Night King part 2
39 - Winterfell Celebration
40 - Rhaegar and Lyanna’s Child
41 - No Longer A Bastard
42 - All the Dragons Roar
43 - The People of King's Landing
44 - Securing the City
45 - The Rightful Queen
46 - Creating the new Westeros
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
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amore-reads16 · 23 days
Liam Mairi x fem reader
Overview- Liam and Y/N have been spending a lot of time together over the past few months and feelings between the pair have developed deeply however there is a betrayal under the surface that is uncovered leaving only heart break behind.
Note- okay so this is and idea that came to me and is meant to be like the turning point of an enemies to lovers story where the protagonist has been betrayed and finds out so mainly the feelings of hurt and betrayal. So yeah have fun with that one if you can! Also listening to I love you I’m sorry by Gracie Abrams might set the tone…
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Liam had been missing from dinner which was strange as he always made time to sit next to you even if it was to talk about trivial things. Even though you had only begun properly getting to know each other five months ago there had not been one day where you had not seen to him, spoken to him, laughed with him and for the last few months exchanged and sneaked kisses in the hallway away from prying eyes. So for Liam to be missing from your side tonight was beyond weird. In fact he always was by your side you suddenly thought. Strange how one person can go from not knowing another to being completely and utterly consumed by them. It was a feeling you had tried not to become dependant on but the strange feeling in your stomach told you that you had failed miserably at that task.
After finishing dinner and having seen everyone else, including your friends and brother leave, you knew something wasn’t right. Something was out of place. It wasn’t just Liam missing from dinner you had observed. His friends had also been absent including Xeden Riorson, which yes was nothing new, but tonight was different- they were all gone. Finally picking yourself up from the bench you had been sitting at hopefully and wistfully waiting for the blond haired, bright eyed boy to stroll by in the cocky, childish way he usually did, you quietly exit to dining room.
Wrapped up in your thoughts you suddenly realise that your body has taken you to the outskirts of the building to a small garden that Liam often took you to- a place he called his ‘secret little spot, away from nosey people’. However it must not be that secret you think as you catch a glimpse of five hooded figures, some in incredibly tall and one shorter signalling a mix of men and women within the group. Using the stealth you have fostered from years of sneaking around your family home as a child, you creep around the corner within earshot of the group hiding in the dark shadows the crevice provided, curiosity taking over your mind. The voices are muffled of course, but there is one distinctive boyish voice that stands out. A voice that often soothed you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear now sounded serious, concerned and ultimately regretful.
“She’s different to what you think Xaden” so Xaden is one of the hooded figures, you think, makes sense.
“Liam, I couldn’t care less if she is an angel sent from the heavens herself- she’s dangerous. To us. To everything we’ve been working for.” Xaden replies. Who is she?
“So what? We just kill her? She’s innocent Xaden” Liam responds angrily. That tone is a tone you have only heard a couple of times. Never directed at you of course unless you do something stupid that puts you in harms way. Istead that tone is used towards people that disrespect you, sexualise you, try to hurt you.
Xaden tuts and lets out a short breath “don’t tell me Mairi that you’ve actually fallen for this girl.” Suddenly the identity of this girl is becoming clearer unless Liam has been cheating on you, which would be extremely out of character, this mystery girl the cloaked figures have gathered to discuss is indeed you.
Liam pauses for a long moment before answering and you swear you can hear your heart beat in your chest so loudly it will give your identity away. “No. Of course not” he eventually replies.
Heart ache consumes your body. Although you have never told Liam you love him and he has never uttered those three words to you, you have felt it. You have felt how much you love him and in return how much he loves you. And that had been enough for you. But now hearing him deny the affection you was sure he felt, your heart felt like it had been crushed under your own dragon’s foot.
“Her signet is just as dangerous as Aetos’. She is a valuable weapon for them, one they will never let go. Liam you know who her parents are. Her dad cut half of us down during the rebellion and her mother was the greatest healer of all time and it seems she is set to follow in her foot steps. Are you sure her signet is healing?” Xaden asks
“Yes. I have seen it. It is impressive but not at its full potential yet. She told me that she has been advised that is will manifest even deeper and only grow stronger. With the right training she will be able to heal a body that is on the brink of death” Liam says in a quieter voice then he used before- he almost sounds defeated you think as you refuse the sudden urge to scoop him into your arms and comfort him. Comfort the man who has just betrayed you and your secret. The man who has just signed your death sentence.
“She can’t ever expand her powers. It is too dangerous to have her running around healing everyone we try and take down. We will never win when the number of us decreases and theirs stay the same” another voice speaks and you immediately recognise it as Imogen’s. She has always hated you. You have always been able to sense it, see it in her eyes. Not that you blame her. Your dad killed a significant number of their people before he was killed himself, and your mother did nothing to help. She could have healed them all but yet she didn’t and kept on healing the men and women on the other ‘right side’ of the rebellion as your father used to quote to you.
“Liam you need to gather more information from her before we take her down. We need to know more about Aetos. They are still training together?” Garrick asks. So this is where they all were you think, instead of eating pie they were plotting your downfall. Liam was plotting your downfall. Betrayal curses down your spine. The heart break that had initially struck you has now been transformed into anger. Pure loathing anger. You gave your heart to that boy, you have everything up for that boy, and he used you. For information, for knowledge, for the secret you were swore to protect but gave away so easily to a pretty smile and twinkling eyes. Pathetic. You have been pathetic. But no longer you think.
“Yes they train every-“ he begins but you have had enough. Even if it gets you killed you cannot bear to sit here in the shadows, like a coward, another moment longer. Standing up Xaden immediately notices the movement.
“Shit. Shut up” he commands
“No need” you reply “I’ve heard everything” you emerge from the shadows that just before kept you hidden in your heart break. The anger you feel in this moment is a feeling you think you will never forget. To have loved someone and then been stabbed in the back by the same hands that held you at night. To have trusted in someone so profoundly only for your trust to have been built on lies and deceit. To have sacrificed your families beliefs, honour and status only to have them proven right and you painted as the naive love struck girl. It was sickening. It was transforming. Love turned into a bitter gall of hatred.
Storming up to the group, dagger in your hand, the faces of the cloaked figures run towards you but you can only focus on Liam’s surprised, hurt eyes. His mouth is agape and he somehow despite his betrayal looks guilt stricken. “Y/N please, I can explain” he pleads with his hands but you are not giving in.
“Keep your nerves quick one!” Rhella, your dragon encourages, as you focus on your movements ducking out of the way as Bodhi tries to restrain you followed by Imogen who you elbow swiftly in the windpipe chocking her causing her to fall to the floor gasping for breath. But that doesn’t matter as you have swiftly reached Liam and without hesitation you raise your dagger to his throat. Your breath is heavy. Your eyes are wild with anger. Your breath is ragged.
“Please let me explain Y/N” Liam says again
“NO!” You yell back and press the dagger harder drawing the slightest bit of blood. Perhaps you might have drawn more if it hadn’t been for Xaden’s shadows flinging the dagger from your fingers and Garrick restraining you whilst the others watch in shock.
Squirming in Garrick’s arms you try and wriggle free but it is no use, he has both your arms locked, and you suddenly begin debating if these will be your last moments on earth.
“Jesus Christ you came out of no where” Bodhi mutters helping a still winded Imogen up who has already set a deadly glare on you. Not that you care. She is the least of your concerns at the moment.
“Fuck” Xaden mutters as he places a hand on his head and begins to pace as if thinking very deeply.
“Let me go you fucker” you yell at Garrick.
“Shut your mouth” Xaden storms over to you grabbing your chin in his strong hand causing your mouth to shut immediately as he commanded.
“Xaden” Liam interrupts in a harsh tone almost as if he is warning him.
“Liam I think it’s best you leave” Xaden says in a low deadly voice making you shudder.
“No” Liam bluntly says causing Xaden to turn around still holding your chin strongly. “I mean- no I’m not leaving you to kill her in the middle of the bloody school. Do you know what kind of message that will send? They will know it was one of us or at least blame us for ease. We are done if you kill her now and you know it.” He says convincingly but the way Liam just coldly bargained for your survival without any compassion for you or your life causes a tear to roll down your face. He want a you alive to save their own treacherous necks. Not because he loves you and can’t bear to be in the world without you. Fucker.
“Well what do I do with her now then Liam ? She knows too much” Xaden says
Liam sighs and groans “just- just all of you go and leave her with me I can talk to her, make sure she keeps this a secret.”
Imogen lets out a shrill strangled laugh “and HOW are you going to do that Mairi? She won’t trust a word you fucking say now”
You let out a grunt in agreement to that statement causing all eyes to fall back on you. Usually Liam’s eyes are the only ones you meet however the darkness in Xaden’s are hard to look away from in this moment. He wants you dead, that much is clear, and you aren’t sure he is going to let you leave this garden without claiming your life.
“I’m going to talk to her Imogen. We clearly can’t kill her now” we is the word that stabs you “so we will have to keep her alive and on our side” Liam angrily explains finally walking forward to where you stand putting his body only a few inches from yours where Xaden still stands manhandling you. “Let her go” he tells Xaden. Xaden looks reluctant but lets go. The relief to have his strong hands off you is unmatched, and you are sure your jaw will be deeply bruised from the strength of his grip.
“Leave everyone” Xaden commands and although the rest seem reluctant to go they do. Clearly Xaden is their leader. Now only Liam, Xaden and Garrick, who is still restraining you, remains.
“Listen and listen closely” Xaden whispers “you will not utter a word of this to anyone. You will not let anyone know we are aware of your signet and you will not tell anyone what you saw or heard tonight” he explains blandly as if it was that simple.
“And if I do not comply” you practically spit at him.
“I will personally kill your brother. Jude is it? He seems sweet, naive much like you, but kind and caring. I will crush him with my shadows and rip his soul out of him” Xaden says- no hint of any emotion on his face making his words more haunting. “Do you understand me?”
Water swells in your eyes as you quickly spare a glance at Liam who looks mortified. How dare he? This is your life, your brother’s life that is at risk not his.
“Yes” you whisper.
“Yes what?” Xaden demands.
“Yes Riorson I understand and I will not utter a word to this to anyone” you reply.
“On one condition” you add.
Xaden laughs but it is not humoured. It is bitter and hateful. “You aren’t exactly in the position to be making demands Y/LN” he grabs your chin again causing Liam to finally interfere somehow pushing his hand away.
“Enough Xaden” he says in a tone so demanding and sure it frightens you. “What is it you ask Y/N” Liam asks you.
You look into his eyes hoping to see some glimmer of what you used to see- love, admiration, respect. But there is only desperation. Desperation for you to not anger Xaden further.
“You must promise that you will not harm my brother nor me. You will let us both live despite whatever vendetta you unjustifiably have against me as an individual. I am not my family. I am my own person with the right to prove all of you fuckers wrong. Let me live and leave my brother be” you ask Xaden avoiding Liam’s penetrating gaze at all costs. To look into his eyes now would be to cry and look weak in front of the shadow lord in front of you- being weak will get you killed. So you keep your gaze strong, focused and unfaltering.
“Deal” Xaden agrees “but if you break this deal your brother will die and you will watch. Once you have processed your grief I will kill you also” he says plainly before signalling to Garrick to let you go which he does immediately.
“You have ten minutes then you both need to leave before we all get caught” Xaden says to Liam as him and Garrick turn around walking back inside not sparing you another glance, like you have now become worthless to them.
It is now just you and Liam. You and the backstabber. The silence is deafening and makes you want to cry. Liam sighs and attempts to reach for you but you step back wrapping your arms around your body as if to shelter yourself from anymore hurt he could inflict.
“Y/N” he says softly.
“Please Liam spare me your lies” you say, your voice raw and full of emotion.
“You don’t understand. I had to. Xaden needed the information and at first you didn’t mean anything to me but as time went on I started to like you and then I started to catch feelin-“
“Stop” you cut him off meeting his desperate gaze “don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking dare stand there and tell me that you felt anything for me whilst betraying me and lining me up like a pig to slaughter”
“I don’t want you dead!” He shouts “I never did! I- I- I love you for gods sake! I love you and don’t want you dead” he yells loudly.
You still. He has never said that to you. “It is amazing the lengths you will go to keep my mouth shut” you reply coldly “if you ever loved me you would have never have done this to me. Love shouldn’t include betrayal and you have betrayed me in the worst way possible.”
“You think I wanted this? Wanted to lie to you? To seduce you? To make you trust me? To fall hopelessly in love with you? I didn’t! But it happened and it’s real! I would have NEVER of let them kill you. You must know this” Liam sobs, he actually fucking sobs.
“I know nothing.” You say numbly “Infact that is a lie I do know this, I know that I now regret every moment spent with you, every word I spoke to you, every kiss I gave you, every night I let you have my body. I know that I hate you Liam and will never forgive you for this. I know that if you so much as look in my direction again I will not hesitate to kill you, consequences be damned. I know that I loved you and now I detest your existence” you deliver the lines with such confidence that you almost believe them yourself. Tears that you once shed have already dried on your face and your body feels heavy ready to collapse at any moment but you know you must stay strong.
“You don’t mean that” lean chocks out. Trying to come closer to you but you just step further away
“Get out of there quick one before you take back every word you have just said” Rhella warns and you heed.
“But I do” a hateful smile falls on your face “you fuck yourself Mairi” you say as you turn around ignoring Liam calling your name over and over. The last sound you hear his him sobbing and a thud that sounds a lot like a body collapsing to the floor as you speed walk to your room.
Making sure no one is lurking in the halls ready to rip you to shreds means it takes longer to get to your room but eventually you get there collapsing on the floor immediately as you shut the door. Your room still smells of him making it harder to breathe. Funny, you think, not only 24 hours ago the man you loved led in the bed in front of you and now that bed is empty alongside your heart. Only one thought manages to keep you going as you prepare for bed.
‘I will kill Liam Mairi if it is the last thing I fucking do’
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nickeverdeen · 19 days
Being in a secret relationship with the Iron Flame characters
Violet Sorrengail
Violet would use her knowledge of military encryption to send you secret messages
She'd quietly observe you during meetings, taking mental notes to discuss later in private
Violet would carry a small keepsake from you, like a token or a ring hidden under her clothing
She’d give you intense, meaningful glances across the room that only you understand
Violet would arrange to train with you often, using it as a cover for spending more time together
She’d compliment you in ways that others would take as friendly, but you’d know they mean more
Violet would sneak into your quarters at night just to check in or share a quiet moment
She’d use your relationship to subtly guide strategic decisions, always keeping your safety in mind
You’d keep a shared journal, hidden in a secret place, where you write to each other
She’d give you wordless support during stressful times, like a squeeze of your hand
Violet would be meticulous about planning your encounters, ensuring no one notices the patterns
She’d give you a small talisman for protection, something with deep personal meaning
You’d meet in secluded areas and communicate in whispers, making sure no one overhears
Violet would mark her territory subtly
She’d constantly strategize about how to eventually reveal your relationship safely
Mira Sorrengail
Mira would struggle with the secrecy due to her family’s expectations but would find ways to prioritize you
She’d secretly arrange for extra protection around you during dangerous missions
Mira would leave letters for you in hidden locations, making it seem like military orders
She’d ensure you receive special treatment in small, unnoticeable ways
In public, she'd be overtly caring in a way that seems sisterly to others but is much more to you
Mira would meet with you in secluded spots like supply closets or unused rooms
She’d secretly pull strings to ensure your career advances alongside hers
Mira would invent code words for different aspects of your relationship that you could use in public
She’d have others watch out for you under the guise of their duties
Her compliments would sound casual to others but would have deep meaning for you
Mira would offer silent support during tough times by simply being there when you need her
She’d make the most of every stolen moment, cherishing them deeply
Mira would navigate social situations carefully, ensuring no one suspects anything
She’d play the role of your superior and your partner seamlessly, never letting on
Mira would dream of a day when you can be open about your relationship, planning every detail
Brennan Sorrengail
Brennan would send you letters under the guise of official military correspondence
He’d create a system of symbols only you two understand, leaving them in places for you to find
Brennan would be overly protective in battles or dangerous situations, without drawing too much attention
He’d insist on training together often, using it as an excuse to spend more time with you
Brennan would keep a small, personal item of yours as a reminder of your relationship
He’d find ways to touch you covertly, like brushing your hand or arm in passing
Brennan would discuss battle strategies with you privately, ensuring you’re always one step ahead
His compliments would be veiled, understood only by you as something more personal
He’d create moments of quiet intimacy during times of chaos, grounding you both
Brennan would take you on private walks away from others, just to spend time with you
He’d watch over you with a protective gaze, ensuring your safety without being overt
You’d share secrets that no one else knows, deepening your bond
Brennan would develop a system of silent communication with you, like hand signals
He’d visit your quarters at night, just to be close to you without others knowing
Brennan would talk about his hopes for the future when you no longer have to hide
Aaric Graycastle
Aaric would arrange your secret meetings to coincide with official business, ensuring no one gets suspicious
He’d adopt an overprotective stance, especially during combat, ensuring you’re safe
Aaric would use military codes to send you private, affectionate messages
He’d express affection in small, hidden ways, like a squeeze on the shoulder or a knowing glance
Your serious discussions would be disguised as strategy meetings, keeping your relationship under wraps
Aaric would be stealthy with his gestures, ensuring that only you catch them
He’d arrange private training sessions to spend more time with you, under the guise of preparation
Aaric would leave secret gifts for you to find, always something meaningful
He’d carefully plan your missions, ensuring your safety at all costs
Aaric would watch over you subtly, ensuring no harm comes your way without making it obvious
He’d coordinate your interactions carefully, ensuring no one suspects your closeness
Aaric would give you a personal symbol of his affection, something small yet significant
In public, he’d be overtly formal, ensuring no one suspects your relationship
Aaric would offer quiet support during tough times, being there for you without saying much
He’d make promises for the future, when you can be open about your relationship without fear
Xaden Riorson
Xaden would embrace the secrecy, seeing it as a form of rebellion against the establishment
He’d find the most obscure, hidden places to meet, enjoying the thrill of the secrecy
Xaden would subtly tease you in public, his way of showing affection without revealing too much
He’d take protective actions that seem normal to others, but you know they’re for you
Xaden would invent secret symbols only the two of you understand, leaving them as messages
He’d take risks just to be with you, pushing the boundaries of what’s safe
His glances would be intense and meaningful, full of unspoken words only you understand
Xaden would flash mischievous smiles at you during tense moments, keeping the mood light
He’d show hidden affection, like brushing your hair back or squeezing your hand quickly
Xaden would plan missions around your safety, ensuring you’re always out of harm’s way
His attitude would be defiantly protective, daring anyone to question his actions
You’d share secrets that no one else knows, deepening your bond and trust
He’d visit you at night, just to be close without anyone knowing
Xaden would steal dangerous, thrilling kisses when no one’s looking, enjoying the risk
He’d talk about how your relationship is a rebellion against everything wrong with their world
Rhiannon Matthias
Rhiannon would be playful in public, teasing you lightly to keep suspicions at bay
She’d leave secret notes for you to find, hidden in places only you’d think to look
Rhiannon would find hidden spots for your meetings, like quiet corners or secluded gardens
She’d show affection in stealthy ways, like a brief touch on your arm or a quick hug
Rhiannon would carefully plan your time together, ensuring you’re not caught
Her glances would be playful and full of affection, something only you would understand
Rhiannon would have strong protective instincts, ensuring you’re safe without being obvious
She’d make sure to share a laugh with you during tense moments, easing the stress
Rhiannon would have hidden gestures, like a wink or a nod, that only you understand
She’d give you gifts disguised as something mundane, but with a hidden meaning
Rhiannon would create private jokes between you, things that only make sense to the two of you
She’d make covert plans for your future, discussing them in code
Rhiannon would be subtly protective, always looking out for you without drawing attention
She’d disguise her affection with cheerfulness, making it seem like nothing more than friendship
Rhiannon would dream about a future where you can be openly together, sharing those dreams with you
Sawyer Henrick
Sawyer would give you cheeky compliments in public that seem innocent to others but are meaningful to you
He’d engage in witty banter with you, using it as a cover for deeper affection
Sawyer would find playful ways to touch you, like ruffling your hair or poking your side
He’d develop a system of secret signals, like hand gestures or winks, to communicate in public
Sawyer would leave hidden notes for you in places only you’d think to check
He’d steal quick kisses in places where no one else can see, enjoying the thrill
Sawyer would make sure to share a laugh with you during stressful situations, keeping things light
He’d come up with secret nicknames for you, using them only when you’re alone
Sawyer would play light-hearted pranks on you, making sure you’re always smiling
He’d arrange covert meetings in unexpected places, keeping things exciting
Sawyer would disguise his affection as friendship in public, making sure no one suspects a thing
He’d use humor to protect you from stress, always finding a way to make you smile
Sawyer would have private conversations with you in crowded places, knowing no one’s paying attention
He’d take you on exciting, secret adventures, keeping your relationship dynamic
Sawyer would talk about all the mischief you’ll get into together in the future, once you don’t have to hide anymore
Jesinia would arrange secret rendezvous in the library, using it as an excuse to spend time with you
She’d engage you in deep, intellectual conversations, knowing it’s a safe way to connect
Jesinia would show affection in subtle ways, like brushing against you in passing
She’d offer covert support during tough times, ensuring you feel her presence without anyone knowing
Jesinia would write private letters to you, filled with her deepest thoughts and feelings
She’d develop secret codes that you can use to communicate in public
Jesinia would give you thoughtful gifts, disguised as ordinary items to avoid suspicion
She’d take you on quiet walks in secluded areas, just to enjoy your company
Jesinia would share books with you, marking the pages with notes only you’d understand
She’d develop protective strategies, ensuring your safety without drawing attention
Jesinia would show covert affection, like a soft smile or a quick glance
Jesinia would leave hidden messages in books or notes, always thinking of ways to stay connected
She’d create private moments in public places, ensuring your relationship remains hidden
Jesinia would make plans for the future, dreaming of a time when you can be together openly
Imogen would keep a protective distance in public, ensuring no one suspects your closeness
She’d show subtle affection, like a brief touch on your arm or a quick smile
Imogen would insist on private training sessions, using them as an excuse to be alone with you
She’d offer strategic support, ensuring your success without drawing attention
Imogen would have quiet gestures, like a nod or a wink, to show her affection in public
She’d arrange hidden meetings in obscure places, ensuring your privacy
Imogen would share secrets with you, deepening your bond without anyone knowing
She’d take protective actions that seem normal to others, but you know they’re for you
Imogen would show strategic affection, ensuring no one suspects your relationship
She’d have private conversations with you in public, knowing no one’s paying attention
Imogen would leave hidden notes for you to find, always thinking of ways to stay connected
She’d make covert plans for your future, discussing them in code
Imogen would have protective gestures, like shielding you from harm without making it obvious
She’d offer quiet support during tough times, being there for you without saying much
Imogen would dream about a future where you can be openly together, sharing those dreams with you
Sloane Mairi
Sloane would want secret training sessions, using them as a cover for spending time together
She’d leave hidden messages for you in places only you’d think to look
Sloane would have strong protective instincts, ensuring you’re safe without being overt
She’d share secrets that no one else knows, deepening your bond
Sloane would offer quiet support during tough times
She’d have hidden gestures, like a nod or a wink, to show her affection in public
Sloane would take you on private walks away from others, just to spend time with you
She’d disguise your meetings as routine tasks or training sessions, blending in with your normal activities
Sloane would form strategic alliances to ensure your safety and success, without anyone knowing the true reason
She’d develop a system of covert communication, like hand signals or code words
Sloane would carefully plan your time together, making sure there are no risks of being caught
She’d create a system of symbols only you two understand, leaving them in places for you to find
Sloane would show affection in stealthy ways, like a brief touch on your arm or a quick hug
She’d make sure to share a laugh with you during tense moments, easing the stress
Sloane would dream of a day when you can be open about your relationship, planning every detail
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marshmellowrio · 8 days
Semblance of Control | Chapter 4
Word count: 2.2K
Semblance of Control Masterlist
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"Welcome to your first Battle Brief." Professor Devera's voice fills the entire lecture hall. All cadets seem to be present for this class. First years in the front, second years behind them and third years fill in the empty spaces or stand in the back of the room.
"In the past, riders have seldom been called into service before graduation,” Professor Devera continues, pacing in front of the huge map of the Continent mounted on the wall behind her.
Colette focuses on the map, looking for the places she knows, all the while keeping one ear on Professor Devera, who continues talking in the background. The young woman’s eyes zero in on the Deaconshire province, a little under the bright pin of Basgiath and slightly tot the right. Where she knows Ruel is situated.
Once she’s found Ruel, she moves on to the right, more down on the map. Hoping her aunt and uncle are all right in Sumerton. They taught her everything she needs to know to survive on top of what she knew from her parents. But still, the turbulences along the border were already worrisome by the time she left for Basgiath. And they showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
“First topic of the day.” When Professor Devera flicks her hand, a mage light appears directly over the eastern border with the Braevick province.
Guess this class will let me know how my aunty Kenhan and uncle Dey are doing.
“The Eastern Wing experienced an attack last night near the village of Chakir by a drift of Braevi gryphons and riders.”
Murmurs rise in the hall, Colette’s not surprised though. That village lies right on the border of the two Kingdoms. The only thing that bothers her is the use of the gryphons. She frowns, Chakir is even higher up in the mountains than Sumerton, and they already avoid that altitude. They shouldn’t be at risk of being attacked by gryphon riders.
Six years later and they’re still not giving riders the full truth? The public, that is understandable, but these people here are going to face the real dangers. Colette glances behind her to the third years, nothing in their faces gives away that they know more. Not even the Marked Ones, their faces the picture of neutrality. They have to know though, right?
She turns back to the front, ignoring Violet’s whispering beside her. Colette puts her hand up in the air with confidence, effectively grabbing Professor Devera’s attention. “Cadet?”
“Why Chakir?” The dark brunette feels dumb the moment the question leaves her mouth, definitely not how she meant to word it. The snickers around her only confirm how she sounded.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out here, cadet.” Professor Devera starts to turn away, but stops when she hears Colette’s voice again.
“No, that’s not what I mean.” Her eyes dart to the faces around her. “Well, I’ve lived in those mountains. It’s high up and I’ve always been told gryphons don’t do well at high altitudes. So it seems an unlikely target, hence my question.”
“You’re right, it is an unlikely target. Cadet Sorrengail, do you have something to add?”
Violet’s head snaps up from whispering to Rhiannon. She squirms in her seat but takes the challenge. “As cadet Wilder said, gryphons aren’t as strong at that altitude and neither is their ability to channel.” She says. “It’s an illogical place for them to attack unless they knew the wards would fail, especially since the village looks to be about what… an hour’s flight from the nearest outpost? That is Chakir right there, isn’t it?”
Colette raises an eyebrow at her neighbour, she had heard she was trained to be a scribe and being the General’s daughter probably helped her along. As prejudiced that may be. But damn, this woman is smart.
“It is,” Professor Devera’s lips start forming a little smirk. “Keep going with that line of thought.”
“Didn’t you say it took an hour for the squad of riders to arrive?”
Colette frowns, looking at the map. Her frown deepens when she hears Professor Devera’s affirmative answer.
“Then they were already on their way,” Violet blurts out, Colette nodding in agreement from beside her.
She stays quiet during Barlowe’s degrading words, instead focusing on the map. Calculating how much time would be needed before a squad arrived at the scene. Violet relays what she figured out a minute later, not only the gryphon riders knew the wards were failing. The dragons did as well.
“She’s right,” A hush falls over the room at Devera’s words. “One of the dragons in the wing sensed the faltering ward, and the wing flew. Had they not, the casualties would have been far higher and the destruction of the village much worse.”
When the second- and third-years take over, Colette summarizes all the different questions and answers. Marking the ones she thinks are interesting or weird.
Wingleader Riorson’s question intrigued her, even though Devera’s comment on the state of the village was made in the beginning of the lesson. He still remembered and thought it important enough to bring up again.
Colette thinks she’ll finally have the answers to why Chakir was attacked, but is quickly disappointed when the Professor admits they don’t know what they were searching for.
Assessments are in full swing, literally, fists are swinging left and right. But Colette’s gaze is fixed on Rhiannon and Tynan’s match. Seems like the women are on a winning streak today. Aurelie won the previous match from Ridoc and Rhiannon seems to have the upper hand right now as well.
Colette watches both of their moves, Rhiannon moves quick and packs one hell of a punch. Tynan’s good but too angry, he fights with his emotions, not his head. Rhiannon asks him to yield, he declines and tries to take her down. Only to wind up in the same position again with Rhiannon adjusting her position so he can’t get out of her hold again.
“I don’t know, Tynan, you might want to yield.” Their Squad Leader comments. “She’s handing you your ass.”
“Fuck off, Aetos!” Tynan snaps in return.
Wrong choice, buddy.
Rhiannon presses down further on his throat, turning his face red.
“He yields,” Emetterio, their teacher, calls out. Rhiannon backs away, offering her hand and her peace. Tynan takes it and both of them take their places at the edge of the mat.
“You,” Emmeterio points to Colette, “And you. Let’s see what you can do.” He points to Sawyer next.
Both cadets step up to the mat, taking each other in.
Handle him like a second-year, because in hand-to-hand, he is. He’s been here for a year, he probably has some tricks up his sleeve.
The fight moves quickly once the two get close enough to each other. Sawyer dodges her first attempt and counters quickly with a punch to the nose. Colette staggers back. Feeling the end of the mat with the heel of her foot. She goes in again with another hit to his jaw, which he blocks. Her hand throbs as it comes into contact with Sawyer’s wrist. She doesn’t let it linger and immediately follows up with a jab to his diaphragm with her other hand. Expelling all the air from his lungs. Sawyer gasps and one arm clutches his stomach.
Colette takes the chance to send a kick to the side of his knee. Bringing him to his knees, while she’s already moving behind him. She twists one arm behind his back, bringing it uncomfortably high. And grabs him in a headlock with her other arm, tilting his head. She drives her knee into the middle of his back, and sends her opponent to the mat. His face smacks against the mat. Colette releases his arm and braces her weight on her knees and elbows while tightening her hold on his neck and head. Now bringing up her other hand to secure the position.
Sawyer attempts one last time to get out but between the knee crushing his spine and the unnatural position she holds his head, he’s got no way out. So he taps out.
Colette releases the hold she has on him, stepping aside and offering him a hand up. “I didn’t expect you to go that hard.” He grins at her, rubbing his wrist.
“Oh, don’t worry, you got me as well.” She smiles right back at him, her nose bright red from the hit it took.
They reach the sidelines when Emetterio calls Imogen and Violet to the mat.
“Yeah, maybe a tip for next time. Go for the nose of the eye. You’ll do a lot more damage than a jaw.” He gives her a wink before he walks off to his friends.
The woman nods in thought and notices Liam, the blond from yesterday sitting on the next mat over. She walks over and sits down beside him.
“Good job.” He greets her.
“Thanks,” she smiles at him. “You already done?”
“Yeah, easy.” He nods to a scrawny cadet with a bruised cheek and blood gushing out of his nose, onto his shirt. “I didn’t even hit him that hard.”
Colette grimaces at the sight, “Oof.”
“Would you like to train with me some time? It’s been a while since I’ve had a decent opponent.” Liam bumps his shoulder against hers with a grin.
She snorts, “Decent, huh.” She smiles at him. “Yeah, I’m up for learning some new tricks.” Her smile quickly drops when the sound of bone snapping grabs their attention to Emmeterio’s mat.
Violet lies on the mat with Imogen hovering over her, still holding on to the arm she just broke. The Squad Leader pushes her out of the way and pulls Violet in his arms. He has the sense to ask, “Permission to take her to the Healers?” and barely waits for Emmeterio’s nod before taking off.
Liam and Colette exchange a glance before continuing to chat and planning their next training session.
In the weeks that follow Colette starts to get ready for the challenges that she will have to go through. She joins Rhiannon every other day in helping Violet get better on her feet, not that they can do much since she’s been in a sling since assessment. The days in between she actually trains with Liam, their training varies between actual sparring and muscle maintenance.
After a couple of training sessions Liam invites someone he knows to give them some more pointers, as he explained to Colette in the beginning of their training.
“So this is who you’ve been spending your precious free time with?” A tall male enters the gym, the doors banging shut behind him.
Colette stops her squats and wipes at the sweat gathering on her forehead. She takes in the man while Liam goes up to him to greet him. His dark hair tousled and covering his forehead. Her eyes move down to meet his hazel green eyes, twinkling with the mage lights hovering overhead.
He’s handsome.
“Glad you could make it, Bodhi.” Liam says, pulling away from the man in question. He walks over to where Colette is standing. “Coco, this is Bodhi Durran. Bodhi, this is Colette Wilder.” He gestures to them both while speaking.
“Quite the legacy you’ve got going, Wilder.” He nods to the mat, throwing his jacket to the side. “Let’s see what daddy Wilder taught you,” he comments while walking towards the mat.
Colette exchanges a look with Liam, raising her brows, but moving towards the mat all the same. She knew the guy for all of two minutes and he’s already questioning her father, while asking her to fight.
Before turning, Bodhi calls over his shoulder, “Or was it mommy?”
“If you want to fight me, just say so, you don’t gotta be mean about it.” The young woman retorts. He struck a chord there.
The two start circling each other on the mat, Liam taking his spot as neutral watcher.
“Look,” Bodhi’s voice drops to a whisper, only Colette able to hear him. “Just because Liam has decided to trust you, doesn’t mean I do. You’ll have to earn that.”
Colette doesn’t respond, but takes on the offensive. The match doesn’t last long. After getting in a couple of well-timed jabs, Bodhi quickly got the upper hand. A first year might be easy to beat for a second year, but he’s obviously been trained well before entering the Quadrant. He ends the fight by getting Colette on her back, limbs restrained in one way or another. She’s quick to analyse her non existent moves and taps out.
“Although you lost,” Bodhi starts, taking off his shirt and wiping away his sweat with it. “Consider me intrigued, Wilder.”
“Thank you?” Colette frowns at his retreating figure while he goes over to the weight station. Her eyes follow the rippling of the relic that covers the upper part of his shoulder blade.
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Taglist: @siobhanbooks @hiraethjules @marauders-eras @l-a-u-r-aaa
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randoimago · 11 months
Hi there! Could you please do headcanons on Ashton and Imogen with an s/o who’s an artificer/Wizard multi class? One who’s a bit of a workaholic? Thank you! :D
S/O Is an Artificer/Wizard
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Ashton Greymoore, Imogen Temult
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): And I thought Wizards were broke college students, but an Artificer/Wizard? I'd lose my mind trying to play that.
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He's dealt with Milo being busy on some project so he knows how to be somewhat patient. It sucks sitting still when he wants to cuddle or go hit something. You've probably had to ask him to leave the room a few times because he was just constant sighing and fidgeting while waiting on you.
Ashton can't believe when he watches you just spending so much gold on bits and pieces for machinery but then you spend more gold on paper and ink. He understands why you spend so much for your tinkering. But ink and paper? What the fuck is wrong with you? (he doesn't actually think something is wrong, he just thinks it'd be best to just cut your own tree at this point).
Don't get him wrong, when you do end up in combat or tense situations, Ashton very much appreciates the cool magic tricks you can do as well as the upgrades you've given everyone with your Artificer-ing. Will still make fun of you for being a nerd with your spending, but some of the things you do are pretty badass.
A bit pouty when you're busy with your tinkering or scribing spells into your book. She would like to cuddle and spend some quality time together, but your nose in is a book or some machine parts.
She appreciates how much you do for all of them and she loves that you have hobbies and such that you love to do. But you need to rest. There have been many times where plates of food or water will appear on your desk, which was from Imogen setting them there but you were too focused to notice. She'll absolutely scold you if she ever finds it untouched.
Imogen has definitely sat in between you and Laudna as you both debated upgrades or creations of "girlfriends" for Pate. She's watched you help build her a scary cute dollhouse for him. It was a very interesting thing to witness, but she's glad that her two soulmates are getting along.
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
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pairing: imogen heaney x f!reader
requested: @aygfd: hey, I would absolutely love an Imogen one, especially there only being about 3 I’ve seen! I was wondering if maybe you could do an Imogen x f! reader where they pull a nick and Charlie and sneak around school kissing and all lovey dicey at home. If not that’s okay! Thank you :)
word count: 1.1k+
warnings: lots of kisses, sneaking around, reader calls imogen "Im", coming out via a public kiss, kind of set in s1 (bc of nick being single still)
☆part 2☆
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Imogen bounds towards you the second she sees you arrive at the school gates. She's so excited that she nearly runs into you but stops herself just short so that your shoes are touching.
"Morning," she greets you, sweetly, "Did you sleep okay?"
You briefly flash back to the previous evening you'd shared with Imogen.
You were at her house, hanging out in her room, like you did most nights. It was a normal moment night until Imogen had asked you who you fancied. She said she'd noticed you hanging around with Nick for weeks. Little did she know, you were hanging out with him because he was the only person who knew that you weren't straight. He was the only person you had told, and you had been telling him about your crush on Imogen, while he would try to convince you to let her know, to tell her.
And that is what you had finally done last night.
After she asked you that question, you took a deep breath and then turned around to face your best friend before taking her hand and finally confessing to her that you liked her.
It didn't take long after that for Imogen to lean forward quickly and give you the softest, warmest, most butterflies-in-your-stomach inducing kiss you'd ever experienced.
Now, here you both were, standing outside of the school gates, her eyes darting down to your lips as she also went over the night in her head.
"Not really." You answer, and Imogen looks concerned for all of a few seconds before you add, "I had other things on my mind, you know? Couldn't stop thinking about that–"
She cuts you off by grabbing your hand, surprising you. "Come on!"
She leads you inside, through the corridors, until she finds an open cupboard full of cleaning supplies. She ushers you in and closes the door behind her. "Is this... okay?"
"Uh... yeah!"
She giggles, and then you're kissing again, the hairs on your arms standing instantly as one of your hands finds its way onto the back of her neck.
You break apart a few minutes later when the bell rings. Not wanting to get caught, you both decide to risk getting detention, and you wait for the bell to stop and the corridor to empty before leaving and heading to class with sweet smiles on both of your faces.
Over the next few weeks, you and Imogen can't keep your hands to yourselves. Whenever you get a moment alone, your lips are joined, both giddy and excited over this new and glorious feeling.
One evening, while doing homework, Imogen catches you staring at her. You watch her face, noticing the cute way she furrows her brows when she's concentrating. When she calls you out on your staring, you deny it, which results in her tickling you and inevitably leads to her smashing your lips together again.
One night, during a sleepover at her house, her mother announces through a yell that she needs to 'pop to the shops to get some milk for breakfast in the morning'. The second the door shuts, Imogen smirks at you, wiggling her brows, "Alone at last! Wanna make out?"
"Uh... duh."
At some point during your little makeout session, you pull back momentarily. Imogen tilts her head slightly in confusion, and you say, quite simply, "You're lips are so soft, Im. Could kiss you forever."
She blushes and then you pull her back to you.
Then there's your weekly 'friend date'. This time, you decide to go bowling at Hollywood Bowl. You end up making a bet. If Imogen wins, you'll pay for all the arcade games you play together afterwards, but if you win, she has to give you any and all prizes or tickets that you win in the arcade.
You end up winning, and then Imogen wins a cute Luigi plushy on a crane claw game. When it falls, you reach down to grab it, and she sulks, making a pouty face. You chuckle, "That face... so cute."
"What, this?" She asks, and then pouts again, to which you respond by tipping forward and pressing your lips to hers.
"Crap, sorry! We're like... in public."
"It's okay, there's no one here, silly." She replies, and then snatches Luigi from your hands and runs away with it, making you chase her.
It goes on for weeks. You steal kisses at her house, at yours, at the park, in little hidden away corners at the mall, even at school. You both know how risky it is, but you manage to go months without anyone seeing you.
Being best friends, the only kisses you ever manage to get away with in school, are the little cheek pecks. You've always done it every time you greet each other at the school gates or said goodbye after a studying session, sleepover, or before walking home.
And of course you take advantage. Every time you kiss her cheek, or she kisses yours, you linger just slightly longer, or take the opportunity to whisper something cute or romantic in each other's ears.
One day at her house on a Saturday afternoon, several months after your crush confession, you break away from her lips, pressing your forehead to hers. "Im?"
"I really, really like you."
She pulls away and laughs softly, "I really, really, really like you, too."
"I was wondering... if you want... can we, um... can we start to tell people. I think... I really want to... I'm ready to." You don't look at her as you wait for her answer, not wanting her to see how much you want this, how your eyes are near brimming with tears ready to spill if she says no. "It's okay if you don't want to yet. We haven't even said, you know, if we're..."
"Girlfriends? I think we are." Imogen gently lifts you chin with her thumb. "It's been months, and... well... do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"Absolutely, 100% yes, I do."
"Okay." Imogen pecks your cheek, and then your lips. "Then let's tell people."
The next morning, Imogen is at school before you, and the second she spots you walking towards her bench, she bounds happily toward you once again. She kisses your cheek, wrapping her arms around you in a hug. "Just so you know, I want people to know, but I'm just checking... are you sure?"
You smile and nod. "I'm very sure."
"Then come here, girlfriend!" She pulls away, grabs your face, and crushes your lips together, in full view of everyone around you.
This special, life-changing kiss sends tingles throughout your body in a whole new, exciting, and terrifying way, and you can hear the murmurs as Imogen talks into the kiss. "Scared?"
"A little."
"Me too." She pulls away completely then, takes a breath and smiles at you sweetly, then takes your hand. "But I really, really, like you. Come on, let's not be late and get any more detentions."
Taglist: @whereimwritingfrom @httphayn @imdoingbetternow (let me know if you want to be tagged in future imogen fics!!)
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anothermarkedone · 10 months
Empyrean masterlist
I don't see many Garrick, Bodhi, Ridoc, Sawyer, Rhiannon and Imogen fics, so I've decided to make my own!
IMPORTANT NOTE! Don't expect many fast posts, I'm currently focusing on my mental health and I'm also busy writing for the Avatar movies (with the blue people, not the elements lol) If you're into Avatar, follow my Avatar acc @avatarrecom!
Requests are open!
Who I write for:
Garrick Tavis.
Bodhi Durran.
Rhiannon Matthias.
Imogen Cardulo.
Ridoc Gamlyn.
Brennan Sorrengail.
You can request poly fics with them or with another character (as long as one of the characters above are involved)
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Key: Smut: 🔥 Suggestive: ❤️‍🔥 Fluff: 💗 Angst: ☔️ Humor: 💩
- Other
I'm too old to get adopted, right? (Fourth Wing & ACOTAR crossover)💩
- Poly fics
Nothing yet!
- Garrick
Nothing yet!
- Bodhi
Nothing yet!
- Rhiannon
Nothing yet!
- Imogen
Nothing yet!
- Ridoc
Fourth Wing Pranksters ❤️‍🔥 💩
- Sawyer
Nothing yet!
- Brennan
Nothing yet!
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callsign-rogueone · 5 months
study season
fourth wing characters (Aaric, Bodhi, Brennan, Dain, Garrick, Imogen, Liam, Mira, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Sloane, Violet, and Xaden) x reader the ways our faves help you study for exams. words: ~900 🏷: no book spoilers, no triggers. gender neutral. and I included the girls this time!! some of these can be read as platonic and others mention kisses / cuddles, implying you’re a couple. idk, I just work here. I’m really liking this format lately, and it’s (fairly) quick and easy so you can expect more of these in the future while I procrastinate all the girlfriendverse chapters and smut I have to write lol
First, the more studious of the bunch:
Brennan is all-in, no hesitation, pulling up a chair next to you and learning this with you for moral support, but also for fun (can you believe this guy?) though you suppose it’s easier to enjoy this if it doesn’t count for a grade. Either way, he’s a very nice study partner, and he encourages you to take breaks every hour / chapter / etc. Brings snacks, too.
Violet somehow already knows all of the material, and explains it better than the textbook or the professor. Walks things back if you don’t get it and gets into the why and how, which so many teachers skip over, even though it helps explain the what (pet peeve of mine showing here lol). 
Aaric’s study skills are unmatched -- years of the best private tutors money can buy really paid off. Teaches you new strategies that you’ve never heard of in your life, and when you ask, he admits a bit shyly that he came up with it himself, but it works, and you get it done in half the time you would have before. (work smarter, not harder, baby)
Rhiannon gives you the pep talk of your life (we all need a Rhiannon in our lives) and convinces you that you’ve got this. Packs you a little snack for the day of your exam with a little note reminding you that you know this, just breathe and think. 
Xaden sees you struggling and forces you to take a break. During said break, he’s reading the book himself and figuring out what exactly has you so stressed and exhausted. Breaks down the tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and guides you through it -- “find three reasons why XYZ happened.” done with that? “Now make them into paragraphs.” etc etc, and an hour later, you have a passable essay. 
Dain is taking this more seriously than you are, and his discipline is like no other; you’re not stopping until the work is done, or until midnight, whichever comes first (because sleep is important for the brain, or whatever. Definitely not just because he misses you and wants to cuddle). 
Garrick may have no idea what you’re talking about, but he suffers through it with you, offering to let you explain things to him, because teaching is a good way to test if you understand something. Though you get what you pay for -- he’s a total smartass about it, asking questions about the littlest details even if they’re common knowledge -- he’s gotta be thorough, right? 
Ridoc may be the class clown type, but he’s smarter than a lot of people think. He comes up with a bunch of jokes that actually help you remember things. Somehow manages to relate the most complex topic in your book to a sandwich, and it actually works. He’s incredibly smug about this for the rest of the week, especially when you get the highest score in the class (he’ll take payment in kisses, thank you.)
Bodhi makes flashcards with you, quizzing you and giving you a kiss if you get it right (this definitely is not a distraction, and things definitely don’t escalate from here, nope.) He’s also really good at proofreading essays, and gives excellent feedback regarding the structure and the order of the information.
Liam sits there with you all the while, completely silent, working on one of his wood carvings at the other end of the table, but you know he’s there and he’s watching -- and that provides a healthy amount of peer pressure and keeps you on task. He’s an incredibly observant person, and he can see the stress building; he knows when to intervene and suggest that you take a break.
Sloane is the best person to commiserate with. She doesn’t want to be doing this either, but she’s also incredibly stubborn, and she doesn’t give up; after a healthy amount of complaining, she’s forcing you both to keep trying until it works / until it’s done, and then you’re treating yourselves to something for getting it over with, because you deserve it.
Sawyer is gentle and supportive, having a heart-to-heart conversation with you and reminding you that yes, this is important, but the world will not stop turning if you fail one exam. He knows how it feels to be compared to his peers, especially in how long it takes you to accomplish something (poor bb) and doesn’t want you stressing yourself out about that, either. 
Imogen is the opposite, all tough love, giving you gentle but firm reminders: “you didn’t make it this far just to give up,”, “I know you can do this, so do it,” but she balances it out with tender affirmation when you’re done. She’ll even let you skip out on training for the day since you’ve been studying so hard (and she takes training seriously, so this is more of a reward than it seems). 
Mira’s default approach is similar to Imogen’s, but she can see that you’re reaching your limit and dials it back, being more gentle with you and doing whatever you need -- encouragement? someone to just sit there? help / explanation / etc? she’s got you covered. herds you into bed at a reasonable hour so you’ll be well rested for the classes and exams.
And all of them are incredibly proud of you for working so hard and getting good grades 🤍
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