#Immigration Travel Advice
lexlawuk · 5 days
UK Travel with EU Settlement Status: What You Need to Know
The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) has brought significant changes to the rights of EU citizens and their family members when travelling to and from the UK. This article delves into the latest Border Force guidance issued in 2024 on how individuals with EUSS status or pending applications should be treated at the UK border. We will also explore the complexities surrounding pending applications,…
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🌍 Planning to study abroad? Here's a quick guide:
What is the process of applying to a university for international students?
The process of applying to a university as an international student can vary depending on the country and the specific university, but here is a general overview of the steps involved:
Research and Choose a University: Start by researching universities in the country where you want to study. Consider factors like the quality of education, program offerings, location, cost of living, and any language requirements
Select a Program: Choose the specific program or course of study you wish to pursue. Ensure it aligns with your academic and career goal goals
Check Admission Requirements: Review the admission requirements for the program and university you're interested in. These can include academic qualifications, language proficiency tests (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL), standardized tests (e.g., SAT, GRE), and letters of recommendation.
Prepare Required Documents:
Gather all the necessary documents, which typically include:
Transcripts and diplomas from previous educational institutions.
Proof of language proficiency (if required).
Standardized test scores (if required).
Letters of recommendation.
Statement of purpose or personal essay.
CV or resume.
Passport copy.
Financial documents to prove you can cover tuition and living expenses.
Complete the Application: Fill out the university's online application form. Pay attention to application deadlines, as they can vary for different programs and universities.
Pay Application Fees: Some universities charge an application fee. Ensure you make the necessary payments to complete your application
Submit Your Documents: Upload or mail your required documents as part of your application. Ensure they are accurate and translated (if necessary) as per the university's requirements
Wait for Admission Decision: Universities will review your application and documents. It can take several weeks to months to receive an admission decision
Acceptance and Visa: If you are accepted, the university will send you an acceptance letter. You will then need to apply for a student visa from the country's embassy or consulate in your home country.
Financial Planning: Ensure you have a plan to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and any other costs while studying abroad. This may involve scholarships, loans, or personal savings.
Housing and Arrival: Arrange for housing in your destination country and plan your arrival.
Orientation and Enrollment: Attend orientation sessions provided by the university. Enroll in classes and get your student ID card.
Health Insurance: Obtain health insurance as required by the university or country.
Enjoy Your Study Abroad Experience: Once you've completed these steps, you're ready to begin your study abroad adventure.
It's essential to check the specific requirements and procedures of the university you are applying to, as they can vary significantly. Additionally, stay organized, meet all deadlines, and seek assistance from the university's international admissions office if you have any questions or concerns. For more information about studying abroad visit us here! Tokyo International Education Institute
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worldswin · 1 year
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writefantasyworlds · 1 month
World Building Advice Series: Step Three
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Creating your Lands
After you have your list of inspirations, and you have a purpose for your world, you are ready to create the land.
I’d start with the size you want your world to be. Are there countries your characters will be traveling to or will have mentioned? Or is it a smaller scope focused on one area of a single country, maybe just a city, and the rest matters less to your story. (Think Night City from Cyberpunk. Vs a world like Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia.)
Whether it’s a big or small scope, you can still think of just as many details to fill your world with.
I’ll refer back to my example story I mentioned in previous steps. A steampunk magical world that is somewhat based on New York in the Second Industrial Revolution. It focuses heavily on my main character; who like me is an immigrant to a new country and struggling to adjust to the culture. He also meets a lot of other immigrants from different countries in my story.
This is important to me and my story that we see how different the cultures are from the new country they are adjusting to, and from each other.
To show these differences in the countries compared to the one my story takes place in, I chose to fully world build an entire world map with cultures and concepts for each of the countries in the world. I added the most details to the ones more prominent in my story, but chose a small history, backstory, climate and a bit of culture for each of them.
You can at this stage in your building decide to build more than is relevant if you’d like. This is the fun bit for most that want to get into heavy world building. This is where you can decide religions, animals, magic systems, and all the tiny details that make your world unique. That doesn’t mean each bit will be including into your story though, so don’t be too attached to each concept getting explored by your characters. But, we will talk more about that in another part.
For example during this stage I created twelve countries and chose some of these things for them.
1) Names.
2) People characteristics. (Are they known for being friendly? Reserved? Studious and Hardworking?)
3) History (How did they form? Are they a new country or an established world power?)
4) Unique exports (Mining? Fishing? Clothing and Dyes? Spices?)
5) Unique landscapes and climate.
6) Allies and Enemies (where they stand with the other countries)
Just to name a few!
Mostly this is the ‘free for all’ section of your building. Have fun and let your mind expand as far as you want, and trim down what’s relevant later.
Happy building!
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acesandocs · 5 months
Before I post the short story I've been working on, I wanted to introduce some of Ace’s family, since they're going to be featured. I tried to edit it down to the important stuff but if anyone wants to know more just ask.
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Solveig Liv Årud/Sylvia Hall, Ace's Mother
Ace's mom Solveig was born in Kapp along with her two brothers, One of her neighbors was a music teacher and taught her to play the Hardanger fiddle. When she was seventeen she became pregnant by one of her neighbor's students but was urged by her neighbor to never tell him or anyone else of the child's parentage. Having had Ace outside of wedlock Solveig faced a lot of social ostracisation. Her sister in law, who was deeply religious judged Solveig for having a child without marrying. A rumor amongst the townspeople was that Ace's father was actually a fossegrim, that Solveig agreed to have a child with in exchange for teaching her to play the fiddle so well. (there is actually a lot to say on how this affected Ace and his view of himself but we don't have time to get into it rn). After a flood made her and her family homeless they emigrated to America in 1920 at the advice of some friends.
Once they arrived in New York Ace became very ill and bedridden causing them to be left behind as the rest of their family continued further up to Minnesota. While Ace was sick Solveig met and later fell in love with a Swedish immigrant named Eric Hall. She married Eric after knowing him for half a year. Solveig had kept Ace close all her life and not really letting her grow up or stand on her own. So he reacted badly to Solveig marrying. Being jealous and being unable to deal with not being her mothers center of attention, making him lash out. After an argument where Solveig slapped Ace for being disrespectful to her stepfather Ace ran away from home. Ace and Solveig have been estranged ever since, both being too stubborn to try to reconcile. After Solveig married Eric she tried very hard to adapt to American culture, Americanizing her name to Sylvia and trying her best to learn English and not speak with an accent. She currently has two children with Eric. Neither them nor Ace know of each other's existence.
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Torbjørn Olaug Årud and Lena Årud, Ace's Grandparents
Lena was born in Kapp and Torbjørn was born in the Lofoten area. He traveled down to Toten to live with a family friend after he became orphaned. He later met Lena and they eventually married. They later had 2 sons, the youngest of them dying after moving away as an adult, later they had a daughter they named Solveig. When Solveig became pregnant at seventeen they decided to support her and help her take care of their granddaughter. In the years immediately after Ace was born she and Solveig lived with them before moving into a smaller house on their property. By this time their oldest had married and taken over the main house on the farm and Torbjørn and Lena moved into another small house on the property.
They emigrated to America with the rest of their family in 1920 and went with the rest to Minnesota leaving Solveig and Ace behind. Lena later died in 1922 after becoming sick. Ace does not know this happened.
Info on the art:
Ace is supposed to be a tortoiseshell cat, witch is something that can be seen in her mother and grandmother as well. this is a reference to the fact that tortoiseshells are mostly female. (source)
Her grandfather is supposed to be a Norwegian forest cat.
The implement Solveig is holding is called a Lyster and it is used to fish. Lyster fishing was usually done when it was dark out, using the Lyster to stab the fish. it was banned in the 1860 but was most likely still practiced afterwards. Today it has become completely illegal. The fish in the bucket are trout, a fish that was commonly caught with a Lyster. (source) Here is a painting depicting it.
I apologize for any spelling mistakes or weird wording, i try my best to read though these before i post them but some mistakes often slip through.
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sepublic · 2 years
            Oh but it’s doubly tragic how Manny’s gradually worsening health and eventual death hurt Luz in OTHER ways too, ways that no doubt agonized Manny. The show has made it clear by now that there were or WOULD be people in Gravesfield that Luz could find and get along with, fellow weirdoes like Masha and Vee’s friends, Mike and Bridget (that’s what I call those two kids who suggested the Haunted Hayride, given who they were based off of), that thing.
         But they’re constantly moving around. Luz and Camila never get the chance to settle down in a place and truly engage with a community. They’re always going from place to place, and so they’re just USED to being strangers and never having a definitive area to call home, at least not anymore.
         Obviously the Boiling Isles is rather unprecedented to Luz, but also how familiar did it feel to her, to casually move to another place and stay there? How much did it hurt when her mom sent her away; Because it was the first time Luz had to leave, and her parents weren’t there with her? The Nocedas moved to keep themselves together, now Camila is seemingly sending Luz off to be away with her.
         Luz has always been a wanderer, trying to find a place to fit in, or being forced to travel before she CAN adjust. I wonder if Caleb and Philip had ever been like that before Gravesfield, and that’s part of why Philip latched onto that place’s traditions so much, it seemed to work out, or it HAD to when Philip lost Caleb and couldn’t move with him like before, and he HAD to stay this time.
         When Camila begged Luz to stay with her in Yesterday’s Lie, and leave the demon realm; When Luz chose to do so, how many times did she have to give up a new home with friends, potential or otherwise, for the sake of a parent? How familiar was her resignation, as it had been for Manny? Resigned for the futility of wanting to stay but leaving anyway for a parent, for a place that either wasn’t much better, or worse? Just like the futility of doing so much to save Manny, wanting him alive, just for him to die regardless?
         Not to mention the meta implications of Camila and Manny being immigrants, or at least coming from a generation of immigrants who traveled to the U.S. How they’re just used to it. How Luz was excited so much over the idea that she finally found a place she could stay in, but then she just accepts going back to the human realm and leaving the Boiling Isles, because she’s used to that? Sure, THIS time she made friends, but in the end, she’s used to losing people. She lost her dad, after all.
         How much did Eda’s curse remind Luz of Manny’s deteriorating condition? Did Manny ever try to hide his illness, did that accidentally influence Luz’s tendency to bottle up and not talk about her issues??? Eda must’ve reminded Luz of Manny so much; Willing to defy conventions by supporting their loved one’s love of the unorthodox. Manny’s last gift led Luz to Eda, like Eda and the Demon Realm was his last gift to his daughter in a sense; He made her feel like she belonged, so it was the least he could pass on.
         And Eda’s curse wearing away at her health must’ve reminded Luz so much of her dad. Remember when she gives Eda health tips on how to not wear herself out, lift with her knees, drink water? It’s not just because her mom’s a vet. It must’ve been because she had to apply that same advice to her dad. Luz is USED to taking care of a parent. And she’s so desperately trying to prevent it from happening again, she just FINALLY felt like herself again with Eda, with a parent who supported her.
         And then she breaks down at the end of Agony of a Witch. Because Luz lost yet another parent like that to their gradual condition. And then she has to move again, leave a home she settled in, can’t get attached; It’s like a never-ending cycle for Luz. The monotony and despair must’ve been maddening.
         Plus, it plays into Luz’s desperation and need to feel responsible for helping Eda, her guilt; Because she SO BADLY doesn’t want to lose this again. Did she blame herself, did Camila too, because they didn’t ‘do enough’ to help Manny, after sacrificing so much? Failing Eda is like failing Manny again. God, this trauma must’ve done so much to Luz when she enthusiastically chose to help Gwen with Eda’s curse, and then found out she was being scammed.
         Luz is USED to this. She’s used to having to keep quiet over her dad’s death, to constantly losing a sense of community. To doing everything for someone, only to fail regardless. To lose someone to that illness. It’s a repeating tragedy, especially on Camila’s side; Just like Luz, she grew up neurodivergent with fictional hyperfixations, she got bullied and ostracized. Camila had to conform to survive, and she sees the same thing again happening in Luz.
         There’s so much talk of this show’s frequent parallels, but. God. There really is this idea of things changing but also staying the same, and how horrific and trapping that can be. And it can be good and inspirational, it’s kind of a generational issue, and about what you pass down for others to carry over. People are so different yet still the same. People want to fit in but also be themselves. This show.
        The Owl House really is just about finding a sense of belonging. A place where you can feel comfortable in your own skin. Grief over losing loved ones and going through the same things again, being a force of change instead of tradition. Holding onto people but without keeping them trapped. Luz held onto Manny’s memory by enjoying what he gave her, embracing what he loved about Luz.
       So to lose Eda, who she found through Manny’s encouragement of her weirdness; To lose her passion for her hyperfixations. It’s like losing her father all over again, or even for real this time, a final death beyond just physical, but also in terms of emotion and legacy. It’s losing the neurodivergent joy he brought her, the happiness he represented to Luz that she associated him with. I just can’t.
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justallihere · 5 months
A bit late to this chapter since i've been traveling but it was a TREAT when you dropped it.
Not sure why I found Dain and Cam pummeling each other was attractive to me but I'm rolling with it.
Is there a potential Tessa and Cam pairing I see 👀. I am DYING to know what plans you have for Cam, does he want to be a rider now that he has the freedom??? or is he going to continue assisting in different ways.
After IF, I understood what RY meant that Dain was going to have a redemption arc and I am HERE for your version too (though I was initially hesitant with RY lmao)
As the eldest daughter in an immigrant family, I relate to Mira on a spiritual level, this line 😭. Someone hug Mira PLEASE
I believed in everything they told us. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was making a difference. I thought that I could make my brother’s death mean something by protecting our sister, the only person we both ever loved more than each other, but I couldn’t even fucking do that, Brennan. He told us that having a little sister was the most important thing in the world. There wasn’t a better or bigger job than being a big sister and a big brother.
Xaden really told Brennan, fuck around and find out in regards to his wife and how they make her feel.
I love all the hugs and physical touch that is happening between these two. The slow burn was WORTH IT
Tairn being such a girl dad to Violet, I AM SOBBING. He probably felt so much anger when he couldn't do anything for Vi when she was being tortured.
Brennan telling Vi that she has to finish her education is so older sibling coded. He's trying to pull the older brother giving his younger sibling advice card but Vi is like Im the goddamn queen and your superior officer LMAO.
Vi wanting everyone to love Aretia as much as she does was so gut-wrenching and idk why 😭 (and Mira being extremely uncomfortable in Aretia and Vi being sad about that made ME sad)
My only thought for this line was "whipped"
Xaden only shrugged. “Anything for you.”
Hope you got to enjoy your weekend and relax a bit <3 Thank you for gifting us this chapter, it made my week
The Dain & Cam fight almost involved Sloane and Tessa “watching for technique” 💀
“Staring is rude,” Violet noted mildly as she approached.
Sloane’s face lit up, but she said evenly, “We’re not staring.”
“We’re. . . watching for technique,” Tessa added with a smile.
Liam coughed pointedly.
“Technique,” Sloane agreed unconvincingly.
I’m keeping my Cam plans to myself!! My man isn’t done causing problems yet though
Mira deserves THE WORLD. She is just doing her best to be the best big sister. She needs so many hugs
Xaden was like “I don’t care if we’re friends, I don’t care if she’s your sister, she’s my wife, upset her again and you die” and Brennan took that shit seriously
Tairn!! I felt a lil bad leaving Andarna out of that moment but there’s just something about the Violet & Tairn bond that demanded that needed to be only for them
Brennan: “you should—“
Violet: “no”
Violet finally has a home she’s happy and safe and comfortable in when she’s never had that her whole life and she just wants everyone else to feel the same and get to experience it with her 🥺
Xaden is, in fact, whipped
Thank you!! 🩷🩷
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empireofthestates · 3 months
If you are one of the people who will be directly affected by Project 2025 - if you are transgender, a woman, lgbtqia+, an immigrant, or atheist, I strongly encourage you to formulate an escape/survival plan.
Join expat groups on Faceb00k. People will often post housing, job offers, or general advice in these groups that may be beneficial when moving. (Expat groups I'm in: Mexico: 1, 2, 3, 4 / Canada: 1, 2, 3 / Sweden: 1, 2 / Germany: 1, 2)
Apply for a U.S. Passport. As it currently stands, you can't travel to many places internationally without one. If you are trying to move before refugee status is available, this document will become necessary. Passports are still backed up right now, and can take months to arrive. If you are able, start applying now!
Brush up on any marketable skills. Look into the country you want to move to and see if you have any skills they are in need of! Lots of countries will often expedite your immigration status if you have skills they need.
Make sure you can take your pets with you. Lots of countries have breed restrictions (for instance, the U.K. has banned pitbulls and other bully breeds). Make sure that wherever you are going, you can take your pets. Look into travel options for dogs (airline, cruise, etc.) If you can't take your pets, make a plan to leave them with someone stateside who will take care of them. Do your best to minimize the risk of them ending up at a shelter.
Buy a house in your desired country. Many countries, such as Portugal, view buying property in their country as a verifiable means of immigration. Many countries also have lower housing prices than the U.S. so it may be more financially feasible than buying stateside.
Move closer to the border. If you plan to move somewhere that shares a land border with the U.S., consider moving closer to that border. My partner and I are currently looking at moving from South Carolina to Washington state so that if the time comes, we are that much closer to the border.
Figure out how you're going to get there. If you are driving, (Canada, Mexico), look into importing your car. Canada has specific regulations about what kinds of cars are allowed to be imported due to their strict environmental protection laws.
Learn the language. Duolingo and YouTube University are both free!
Create a community. Make friends with people of a similar mindset as you. Collaborate amongst each other to keep each other safe. Create groups in your local area. Meet at the library or a local park. Make connections and allies so when the time comes, you are not alone.
Find out what assets you can liquidate quickly for extra cash. If you have things like gold jewelry, keep those. Gold is often better than cash (especially if inflation keeps going up). However, gaming consoles, collectibles, and antiques may be easily sold/pawned if you need to get cash quickly. Make notes of what valuables you have.
Learn survival skills. Maybe not completely necessary, but rather safe than sorry. Learn how to build a shelter, start a fire, and forage. I did most of my survival training at a YMCA. YouTube and your local library are also great places to look!
Create spaces in your home where you can hide things. Make false bottoms in dresser drawers. Make a false wall in your closet or a hidden crawlspace access.
Stockpile the things you need. If you need certain meds to function, try to find alternative ways to get them. If you have the money to buy extra canned food, put them away in storage. If you smoke, stockpile cigarettes or other tobacco products. Those may also be helpful for trading later.
Protect yourselves. If you have no other choice, find a way to protect yourself if the time comes. Whether that is through allies or weapons, PROTECT YOURSELF. At the end of the day, your life is more important than your politics. Don't be a Batman when N@zis are on the loose.
Do not lose hope! More than anything, people have the "indomitable human spirit." When push comes to shove, humanity fights back. Generations before us have fought to protect themselves before, and we will do it again. Our communities will survive.
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ask-molly-hh · 3 months
Dearest Molly, what was your favorite thing to do when you were alive, I heard your from New York. So what place do you recommend to visit for a traveler like myself?
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But yeah, the pier by the factories in the Brooklyn. Expecially the stone one. I'd sit there for hours.
Now mod time ⬇️
Hi so, I visit new york a lot cause of family and I know a lot you can do.
If you like history 100% go to the museum of natural history, and bring your student ID for cheaper entry. Its in manhattan. There's a lot to see, it's not interactive but there's litterally so many rooms to see.
Another museum that I liked is the Immigration Museum on Ellis Island. Ellis Island is right next to the statue of liberty, you take a ferry there, and it's where everyone went to get into the country and was entered through there. It has a lot of history and is kinda depressing but if you visit the statue of liberty, visit ellis.
Bronx zoo, donations on Wednesday for cheep entry, if you like animals, and are okay with the sun it's nice, pretty big
Coney island - take the train there, and walk the board walk. There's the beach, luna park (amusement park), go on the ferris wheel, and eat at the Nathan's hot dogs. It's fun. It's hot as hell in the summer. Avoid the bathrooms like the plauge.
One world observatory - this is on the world trade center, highest point in new york, it's indoors, I was scared out if my mind but it's one hell of a view
Empire state biulding- this one you can go outdoors- go inside, buy a ticket, and go up. There's something amazing about seeing the city so high in an old biulding. Pinicale of modernist architecture. I almost flew off when I was nine cause of how windy it was.
Central Park - it was snowing last time I went to the park and it was so pretty. But yeah, no matter when, it's a nice park.
Winter time, Rockefeller center, there's a giant Christmas tree and it's so worth the view, and go ice skating, it's a blast.
42 street - manhattan. You've heard the song, you know.
34th street - manhattan. Winter only. to see the Macy's Santa windows
Dumbo - mom told me to add, I don't know what she's talking about???
5th Avenue - Brooklyn. Bunch of shops to go down and see.
Industry city - Brooklyn- this used to be a bunch of factories but one they shut down they all got abandoned. Recently they've been turned into stores and plaza and stuff and it's a blast, expecially at night.
Greenwood cemetery- my mom said to add this. Be respectful to the dead please if you visit. It's very peaceful there.
walk the bridges. There's a few. You know about the Brooklyn bridge and yeah. It's a walk but the bridge is pretty if your into exercise.
And general advice. Keep track of you phone and wallet at all times. And always be aware of your surroundings. Expecially the people. Don't go walking alone, look over your shoulder, make sure your not being followed. As much as I love new york it's a city. And citys, expecially new york with how it is right now, is dangerous. Stay safe - al
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wise-innocence · 4 months
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Life’s Balancing Act - Honkai Star Rail Verse.
"Good medicine tastes bigger, sweet honey causes harm. Balance begets choice, and choice breeds Freedom." Life is Too Short - Anonymous
Tldr: Defector of the Loufu and Emanator of The Equilibrium, Yanfei has been tasked with observing planets (or people) that verge on upsetting the balance that HooH strives to obtain. Depending on the situation, she acts as a mediator or agitator, believing herself destined to help obtain the perfect balance of the Universe.
When the waters are calm and there is no need for her "guidance", She can often be found bouncing from planet to planet under the guise of being an interstellar legal adviser.
( Headcanons Masterlist at the bottom of this post! )
An unassuming life in the Xianzhou Loufu, Yanfei grew up in the residential areas of the Exalting Sanctum. Her parents, both Xiehzhi immigrating from an unknown planet prior to her birth, came to the Alliance after hearing stories of the flagships being under the protection of the Aeon Lan. Being of a different race entirely, Yanfei and her parents were not burdened with the possibility of becoming mara-struck. Unfortunately, their fate would be sealed in a different horror. This event would be the same time that the Aeon Hooh would cast a glance in her direction, allowing her to draw power from the path of Equilibrium.
The decision to leave the Xianzhou Alliance wasn’t one that bothered her much. Her parents were no more and the people she grew up around were becoming mara-struck at unnerving rates – nothing was tying her to the area. After stealing a Starskiff from the central harbor, Yanfei has been on the move ever since.
Yanfei generally opts to stay out of most disputes with the reasoning that "HooH has already accounted for it" but will intervene if she deems it threatens universal balance. A pacifist at heart, Yanfei tries to interact with people as normally as possible with the intention of fitting in and laying low.
While some Aeons actively seem choose their emanators to enact their will upon planets, HooH is not one of them. It's stated that they doesn't pay mind to "Vulgar Mortal Drama", including their own pathstriders. Despite vague whisperings of people and places to keep watch of, Yanfei has little involvement with HooH or what they have planned for the universe.
*** None of these will affect interactions unless we have talked about it ooc! While I think these  are fun/important for her own lore, I recognize not everyone will want to go along with it which is absolutely fine!
Prevailing Truth: Xiezhi possess the innate ability to distinguish the truth from lies. This is not a gift blessed upon her by Aeon HooH but a species ability. While she may know when someone wishes to deceive her, she rarely makes a point to call it out; There is simply no point. Equilibrium will handle them in due time.
Persuasive Reasoning: This ability is one that all Arbitrators are gifted by the Aeon HooH, meant to guide those who may be straying back towards Equilibrium. What may come of as extremely convincing advice is more than it may seem... (she's evade IPC questioning a few times with this teehee)
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The Arbitrators, much like many of the other Star Rail factions, aren't exactly friendly towards each other - if they even recognize the others at all. They silently fulfill the wishes of the Aeon HooH with little need to communicate within the group. Yanfei has only met one other Arbitrator in her travels across the stars and the experience wasn't exactly memorable. When asked about the others, she won't have very much to say.
"They are mistaken as gods in many worlds"; most Arbitrators brazenly display their abilities in obnoxious ways, ways that Yanfei refuses to take part of. She does not question the tasks that are asked of her and will do whatever it takes to maintain the net sum of equilibrium.
Database Entries/ Headcanons:
[The Xiezhi]
[About Factions]
[Misc Differences]
[Living in the Moment]
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@/trashytally──Talisin Jenkins, J's best friend. (she/her, freshly turned 19, androgynous style. Jasmin and Tal cut their hair short together. outgoing and uncaring, very high alcohol tolerance.) @/sicparvismagne──Magne Haugen, J's good friend. (he/him, immigrated from Norway a few years ago, turning 18 very soon, long hair dyed blonde, needs his roots done badly. chronically online, kind of flakey but still a good friend. very bad at advice and alcohol.) @/lildenny──Luke Dennis, a... friend of J's, but more so of Tal's. (he/him, 22, the provider of alcohol and cigarettes/vape pens. J doesn't hang around when Luke's near.) @/hannah.montgomery──Hannah Montgomery, J's mother.
J hardly ever posts, they've had social media accounts for multiple years and still have less than 10 posts. They update their stories with caption-less pictures of themself just to let their more... online... friends know they're alive.
J is kind of a badass──they have multiple tattoos under the age of 18 and don't care not to flaunt them. (Courtesy of having older friends and a really good fake ID) They rock up to school with a motorcycle and openly smoke on school property.
They have a rather strained relationship with their parents. J's father, Archibald, practically disowned them and while their mother, Hannah, tries to keep in contact she's very controlling. J currently lives in their uncle Peters empty apartment while he's away travelling.
J has a younger sister, Arabella. J will do anything to protect her, for her. J doesn't talk about her much because they don't want her getting involved in their... less than savoury lifestyle. They don't see her much.
It's quite the miracle J shows up to school everyday. You'd think they'd just skip or drop out but no, they have perfect attendance. Attention during said attendance is a different story, however.
+ J's favourite kind of pie is a cherry pie!
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astillnight · 2 months
So just wondering basically whatever you can think would be good advice or insight or tips for someone wanting to move to Melbourne from the UK
Doesn't have to be limited to the likes below;
healthcare, prescriptions (I have a few chronic illnesses; nothing too serious, but I do need different medications etc), Visas, nominations, what sort of yearly wage/income would I need to be comfortable, taxes/insurance, bills, education (I don't have a family; but say I wanted to do a uni course, could ?); rent or buy, is a car needed, should I look into city living or suburb living, is it safe for a single female to move there & live on her own... and yeah just anything else you or anyone else can think of, l've never moved abroad before
I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer all of these as I don't have all the right info or experience you're after, but I'll give you what I can and provide some links to some useful sites 🥰
Healthcare here in general is pretty good-- we have bulk billed doctors services, so for just a check up appointment, you'll be paying around $20AUD. For the bulk billing, you will require an Australian Medicare card.
I get a three monthly prescription for my medication from one appointment. My medicine is significantly reduced in cost with the Medicare card/bulk billing.
Here's some info about UK travelers and Australian visas.
Income to be comfortable varies wildly. Some people suggest no less than $100,000AUD after tax, some much less, others more-- it's really too variable to suggest one specific tax bracket.
I can say that Australia has very high tax rates, so be prepared for that.
Our universities take in a lot of overseas and immigrant students, so you should be good there!
Here's some more info on student loans for non Australian citizens:
The city has a decent train line and buses are also available.
Melbourne is also a very walkable city.
I personally don't drive atm and can still get around okay.
I live about 45 minutes by train from the CBD-- if you are planning on working inner city, you may want to move closer so you have less of a commute, but it's dependent on how long you personally are willing to travel.
I personally prefer outer suburbs for the quieter, greener living.
Rent or buy is really a personal choice! I'm looking to buy in the next 10 years as I want my own space, but it's super dependent on what you want!
I would say yes, Melbourne is in general a safe city and you should be okay living here alone. I have single friends who have lived in the inner city alone and found it to be fine.
Here's some more info I found that I hope helps!!
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worldswin · 2 years
Marrying from Icelandic girl and immigrate to this country ! Know how to find ?
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highflysourcing · 2 months
HighflySourcing: Your Partner in Navigating the Visa Immigration Process
In today’s interconnected world, the quest for global opportunities often involves navigating complex visa and immigration processes. Whether you're pursuing an education abroad, seeking employment opportunities, or planning to start a new chapter in a foreign country, the journey can be overwhelming. Enter HighflySourcing—a leading visa immigration consultant dedicated to simplifying your path to international success. In this blog, we’ll explore how HighflySourcing stands out in the crowded field of immigration consultancy and how their services can make your international aspirations a reality.
Who is HighflySourcing?
HighflySourcing is a prominent visa immigration consultancy known for its comprehensive and client-focused services. With a reputation for excellence and a track record of successful visa applications, HighflySourcing specializes in providing tailored solutions to individuals and businesses navigating the complex world of immigration. Their expertise covers a wide range of visa categories, including student visas, travel visa, work visa, work permits, resume writing, and permanent residency applications.
Why Choose HighflySourcing?
1. Expertise Across Multiple Jurisdictions
One of HighflySourcing's key strengths is its extensive knowledge of immigration laws and policies across various countries. The consultancy’s team of experts stays up-to-date with the latest changes in immigration regulations, ensuring that clients receive accurate and relevant advice for their specific destinations. Whether you're aiming for the United States, Canada, Europe, Dubai, UAE, Singapore Australia, the UK, or other popular countries, HighflySourcing has the expertise to guide you through the process.
2. Personalized Service
HighflySourcing prides itself on offering personalized services tailored to each client's unique situation. They understand that every immigration case is different, and their approach involves understanding your individual needs, goals, and challenges. This personalized strategy helps in selecting the most appropriate visa type and developing a plan that maximizes your chances of success.
3. Comprehensive Support
The visa application process involves numerous steps, from gathering and preparing documents to filling out forms and meeting deadlines. HighflySourcing provides end-to-end support, managing the administrative tasks and ensuring that all requirements are met. Their comprehensive services cover everything from initial consultations to final submission, giving you peace of mind throughout the journey.
4. Expert Advice on Complex Cases
Some immigration scenarios can be particularly challenging, such as those involving previous visa refusals, criminal records, or complex family situations. HighflySourcing has experience handling complex cases and provides expert advice to navigate these hurdles. Their in-depth knowledge and strategic approach help address any issues that may arise and improve the likelihood of a successful outcome.
5. Client-Centric Approach
HighflySourcing places a strong emphasis on customer service and satisfaction. Their team is committed to clear communication, responsiveness, and providing support at every stage of the process. Clients can expect regular updates and prompt responses to their queries, ensuring a smooth and transparent experience.
6. Streamlined Process
From document preparation to application submission, HighflySourcing manages the complexities of the visa process for you. Their organized approach helps reduce errors and avoid delays.
7. Tailored Solutions
Understanding that each case is unique, HighflySourcing provides customized strategies to address your specific needs and goals. Whether you're dealing with a straightforward application or a more complex situation, they offer solutions designed to enhance your chances of success.
8. Consistent Help
HighflySourcing offers continuous support throughout the application process, keeping you informed and addressing any questions or concerns you may have. Their client-focused approach ensures a smooth and transparent experience.
Success Stories and Testimonials
HighflySourcing has a proven track record of helping clients achieve their immigration goals. Success stories and testimonials from previous clients highlight the consultancy’s effectiveness and dedication. Many clients have praised HighflySourcing for their professionalism, attention to detail, and ability to navigate complex visa processes successfully.
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The Essential Services of a Visa Immigration Consultant
1. Initial Consultation
The process typically begins with an initial consultation where the team at HighflySourcing will assess your needs and provide an overview of the available options. This is an opportunity to discuss your goals and learn about the different visa categories that might be suitable for you.
2. Visa Eligibility Assessment
The first step in any immigration process is determining which visa category suits your needs. HighflySourcing offer detailed assessments to evaluate your eligibility for various visa types—be it for work, study, family reunification, travel, or permanent residency. They analyze your background, qualifications, and goals to recommend the most appropriate visa options based on current regulations and your specific circumstances.
3. Personalized Advice and Strategy
Every immigration case is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. HighflySourcing provide personalized advice tailored to your individual situation. They develop strategies that align with your objectives and help you understand the nuances of the visa application process. This includes advising on the best approach for your particular case and how to navigate potential challenges.
4. Document Preparation and Review
One of the most critical aspects of a successful visa application is ensuring that all required documents are accurate and complete. HighflySourcing assist with gathering, preparing, and reviewing all necessary documents. They ensure that your paperwork meets the specific requirements of the visa category and the immigration authorities, reducing the risk of errors or omissions that could lead to delays or rejections.
5. Form Completion and Submission
Completing visa application forms can be complex and time-consuming. HighflySourcing help by filling out the necessary forms accurately and comprehensively. They ensure that all information is correctly presented and that your application is submitted in accordance with the guidelines provided by immigration authorities. This meticulous attention to detail helps in avoiding common pitfalls that can jeopardize your application.
6. Interview Preparation
In some cases, visa applications require interviews or additional consultations with immigration authorities. HighflySourcing provide valuable support by preparing you for these interviews. They offer insights into common questions, help you formulate effective responses, and provide tips on how to present yourself professionally. This preparation can significantly boost your confidence and improve your performance during the interview.
7. Legal and Regulatory Guidance
Immigration laws and policies are subject to frequent changes, and staying updated on these changes is crucial. HighflySourcing are well-versed in the latest regulations and can provide expert guidance on how these changes may impact your application. They offer advice on legal requirements, potential obstacles, and how to address any issues that may arise during the process.
8. Assistance with Complex Cases
Some immigration scenarios can be particularly complex, such as those involving previous visa refusals, criminal records, or intricate family situations. HighflySourcing have experience handling such cases and can offer specialized support. They provide solutions for overcoming these challenges and help you navigate the process more effectively.
9. Follow-Up and Communication
The visa application process often involves multiple stages and communications with immigration authorities. HighflySourcing manage these interactions on your behalf, ensuring that all follow-up actions are handled promptly. They keep you informed of any updates or additional requirements and address any queries you might have throughout the process.
10. Ongoing Support
Throughout the application process, HighflySourcing provides ongoing support and guidance. They will keep you informed of any updates, respond to your questions, and address any issues that may arise.
11. Post-Application Support
Even after your visa application is submitted, there may be additional steps to complete or changes to address. HighflySourcing provide post-application support, including advice on how to proceed if additional information is requested or if your application is delayed. They assist with any further documentation or communications needed to finalize your visa approval.
12. Resume Writing
HighflySourcing offer a top-tier resume writing service designed to help you stand out in today’s competitive job market. Our team of experienced resume writers works closely with you to understand your unique skills, experiences, and career goals, ensuring that your resume is tailored to highlight your strengths and align with the specific requirements of your target role. We focus on creating a polished, professional resume that effectively showcases your accomplishments and adheres to industry best practices. By leveraging our expertise, you can present a compelling narrative that captures the attention of hiring managers and increases your chances of securing your desired job. Let us transform your career story into a standout resume that opens doors and advances your professional journey.
HighflySourcing stands out as a leading visa immigration consultant by offering expertise, personalized service, and comprehensive support. Their commitment to client success and their ability to handle complex cases make them a valuable partner for anyone navigating the visa application process. Whether you’re looking to study, travel, work, or live abroad, HighflySourcing can help turn your international dreams into reality. If you’re embarking on an immigration journey, consider reaching out to HighflySourcing for the expert guidance and support you need to achieve your goals. HighflySourcing stands out in the field of visa immigration consultancy by offering expertise, personalized service, and comprehensive support. If you're planning an international move, consider partnering with HighflySourcing to streamline your visa application process and turn your global aspirations into reality.
For more details Visit Our Website or mail us on [email protected]
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How I got 10k in funding for my research trip to Oslo
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This year, I have gotten a total of 10.000 € in funding for my research trip to Oslo. I am a PhD student and for my research, I wanted to go abroad for half a year. While I get a salary for my work, doing research in a different country means additional costs - so I applied for a few travel grants, and got three different ones: One from my department and two through external organizations. Here are my tips for scoring funding as a PhD student:
Look into all available options and decide what the best use of your time and energy is
I did a lot of research and looked at what other people from my department in similar positions had applied to. Often, you need to draft recommendation letters, write out a budget, and hand in a bunch of documents so I recommend starting early.
I also decided against applying to one of the suggested grants because it was very competitive and had a time-consuming application process. So invest your time and energy wisely.
Believe you are worthy of getting money
If you're anything like me you might think 'Why would anyone give me money, out of all people?'. Try to see what's at the root of these thoughts and replace them with a more useful mindset.
For example, I felt insecure because I was only at the beginning of my PhD journey and hadn't published anything big yet. When I became aware of these thoughts, I flipped it into 'I have a lot of potential. Since I am just getting started, I have a lot of time to give back and teach what I have learned'. Not only will you feel better, a positive attitude also shines through when you write or talk.
Be energetic and confident
This one is important. I had to give a presentation for one of these grants where we competed for the money. It was an interesting experience. I practiced my slides really well and asked a woman who had previously won that scholarship for advice. The only thing she said was 'Be energetic, most people look like they don't really want to be there'.
I was surprised, but after seeing the other presentations, I knew what she meant. Most people didn't really seem all that excited to present their project - maybe because they were nervous or maybe because it really wasn't that important to them. But I really wanted the grant so I knew I had to play it up a little. In the end, I got the grant because they 'liked my enthusiasm'. On paper, I wasn't even the most suitable candidate but my energy made up for it.
A portion of luck
Sometimes you get lucky, and that can play a large role, too. One of the grants drew names to determine who would move on to the next round and my name got picked. My advice is to have faith that the right opportunities will come to you and try to view rejection as redirection. Every so-called failure can teach you a valuable lesson.
I won't show the exact grants I got but here are some tips and websites you can search (mainly for my Europeans):
Check your university's website and your department/faculty!
Early Career Researchers Central
Scientify Research
Look for grants in your field or directed toward your minority group! (e.g., you are a woman, Black, an immigrant, have a disability, are the first to go to university in your family, STEM grants...)
Good luck!
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holdmybvbeer · 5 months
I'm actually contemplating traveling to Germany to watch the ucl final in dortmund, thing is I am kind of concerned for my safety as a solo traveler and the general ~xenophobia~ do you have any tips/insights?
Oh but if you do come, I hope you're gonna have the best time! 🥺 I really wish I could give you any guarantees but I guess there's no such thing. What I can say though is that as an Asian woman who's grown up with occasional racist comments where I live, I've never had any issues or anyone saying anything to me or witnessed anyone else getting racially abused in Dortmund in almost two decades of going to our stadium or simply going shopping in the city on a more or less regular basis. I've gone to matches alone plenty of times and I've stayed overnight for late matches, sometimes alone, too and never felt unsafe. There's quite a big difference between the Ruhr area (which Dortmund is part of) and where I live, even though I'm only ~45 minutes away. I live in a more rural area while Dortmund is one of the biggest and most densely populated cities in Germany. Without interpreting anything into this, Dortmund has a high percentage of immigrants and people with immigrant backgrounds, so it's maybe a lot more international than you imagine. And especially on a UCL final night in Dortmund, club colours will be what matters the most rather than skin colours. The only advice I can come up with rn is to come in black and yellow and stick to the bvb crowd (although I'm guessing we'll be pretty much everywhere 🤭), avoid isolated areas at night, (assuming you'll stay overnight) try getting a hotel that's easy to reach so you don't have a long walk all alone at night after the match. I'll be in Dortmund with friends that weekend too! So if you have any more questions that I might be able to help you with, my askbox or dms are open for you. I'm gonna have to catch up on where to watch, possibly celebrate, etc. anyway :)
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