#Imelda Aguilar
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carlocarrasco · 2 days ago
850 children of Barangay Talon Tres fed by Las Piñas City’s Auxiliary Feeding Program
Recently in the City of Las Piñas, eight hundred and fifty children of Barangay Talon Tres were served with food when the local auxiliary feeding program (referred to as Kusina ng Las Piñas) took place in the local community, the City Government announced via social media. Vice Mayor April Aguilar attended the feeding. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the social…
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devilsfm · 4 years ago
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          sh, LUCIANA AGUILAR is hanging around APEX listening to TELEPATIA by KALI UCHIS again. the BARTENDER is avoided for acting CUTTHROAT and GLIB, but also being quite ALLURING and POISED tends to draw people towards them. they could be described by LUSH LIPS GLOSSED RED WITH THE BLOOD OF YOUR ENEMIES, A PRACTICED SMILE PAIRED WITH SOUL PIERCING EYES. fitting for a 34 / 671 year old VAMPIRE, don’t you think ?  between you and i, rumor has it that SHE’S KNOWN TO USE GLAMOUR ON UNSUSPECTING HUMANOID SPECIES TO GET WHAT SHE WANTS.
FULL NAME.    luciana imelda marisol aguilar.
NICKNAMES.    luci.
AGE & BIRTHDATE.    appears 34, actually 671 ; unknown birthdate.
GENDER & PRONOUNS.    cis woman ; she / her.
ORIENTATION.    pansexual.
MARITAL STATUS.    widowed.
RELIGION.    book of the vampyr.
OCCUPATION.    bartender at apex.
HAIR COLOUR.    raven-hued brown.
EYE COLOUR.    dark hazel.
BUILD.    slim.
MARKS.    none.
TATTOOS.    a few minimalist tats on her fingers, just because she likes the look.
PIERCINGS.    lobes.
HEIGHT.    5′6".
ZODIAC.    unknown.
ALIGNMENT.    neutral evil.
HOGWARTS.    slytherin.
TROPE.    the vamp, bad samaritan.
POSITIVE TRAITS.    alluring, eloquent, intuitive, observant, poised, pragmatic.
NEGATIVE TRAITS.    calculating, censorious, cutthroat, formidable, glib, inquisitive.
HOBBIES.    bartending at apex, eavesdropping on every other species, moonlit walks around town.
PLACE OF BIRTH.    somewhere in afro-eurasia.
CURRENT RESIDENCE.    hell’s kitchen, louisiana.
NATIONALITY.    european.
ETHNICITY.    half filipino, half white.
PARENTS.   long deceased.
SIBLINGS.     none.
MAKER.    tba.
CHILDREN.    one, tba.
LANGUAGES.    english, russian, spanish.
HUMANITY.    she was born in the 1300s, raised within a royal family thanks to her parents being trusted workers to said family, which eventually earned her the lady-in-waiting title to her childhood friend. of course, during the mid 1300s, a bubonic plague pandemic ( aka the black death / plague ) mercilessly swept over their populace, wiping out at least 75 million people. this included her family as well as the royal family. whether it be a stroke of luck or curse, or both, luciana was given the option of suffering the same fate as her dearly beloved family and friends, or being turned immortal, which would effectively immunize her from any and all human disease. the stranger who offered a chance to escape was unlike anyone she’d seen before, and yet she felt completely at ease in their presence; she eagerly awaited a life free from the fear of death. if she’d known how bitter and detached she’d turn in the years to come, luci might have chosen death instead.
REBORN.    the hunger she felt in the beginning was insatiable and almost unbearable. she was horrified by her own yearning for human blood and how natural it felt to drain a victim dry; she felt like a monster. she was a monster. as repulsed as she was initially, luciana was quick to adapt, understanding her only means of survival and adopting the new lifestyle that came with this apparent immortality. life could be incredibly lonely at times, when she had no one but her maker to turn to, but as the centuries passed, she met a variety of people, fellow vampires, and other ... things. she even had a mate, someone she thought she could spend the remainder of eternity with, but they were captured by an unknown group and put to death by being exposed to the sun and then finalized with a stake to the heart. another devastating loss, but she moved on, and through her own experiences and tales told from companions met along the way, luciana was thoroughly educated on the handful of supernatural species walking among them. some friendly, and some obviously not.
EXISTING.     learning the ropes and knowing her place on the food chain molded our darling luci into the personable terror she is today. as a bartender at apex, she has eyes on whoever enters, whether they approach her bar or not, and her enhanced hearing allows her to gather information that otherwise might be overlooked. her inviting smile, though perfected over the years, is empty behind her eyes. she’s sneaky, conniving, and an all around coldhearted being; she’ll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. but that’s not to say she doesn’t respect and follow the law of vampires. mainly out of internal fear of the punishments to follow if caught breaking any laws, but still - she behaves on a needed basis. 
HER MAKER.    would need to be 671+ of course, but if there’s any takers, feel free to hmu!!
HER KIDDO.     ok so basically out of a moment of weakness, she actually felt sorry for someone and turned them. maybe she witnessed them get attacked by something (someone) she dislikes, so figured it would be like a kick in the face to have them as her little attack dog or something sdhgasdf anyways!! now she hates herself for it bc she doesn’t wanna be responsible for someone else lmao.
“NEST” MATES.     2 - 3 other vampires she lives with. they’ve all got their own unique ... quirks sdfhjkdg and they prob share humans / faeries to feed off of bc sharing is caring!! she most likely met them elsewhere and they all traveled to hell’s kitchen together to call their home. for now.
BLOODBAG.    somebody who lets her feed off of them from time to time, either out of the goodness of their heart or bc she used glamour on them and forced them to feel chill with it (yikes). preferably human??
NO STRINGS ATTACHED.    no expectations, just something fun to help both parties blow off some steam when needed. whether they also have some type of friendship (or maybe enemies to make it spicy) or keep it strictly business can be discussed.
LIFELONG ENEMIES.    being(s) she’s had scuffles with in the past (and/or present). they can be civil about it and just stay the hell away from each other at all costs, or they can be dramatic about it and actively seek the other out to throw down or just exchange petty words. maybe even the group who murdered her former mate??
ANYTHING.    again, i’m super open to just about anything, so if there’s an idea or certain connection you have in mind, please hit me with it!
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notimundo · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/politica/mesa-directiva-dio-cuenta-de-oficios-de-diputadas-y-diputados/
Mesa Directiva dio cuenta de oficios de diputadas y diputados.
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Mesa Directiva dio cuenta de oficios de diputadas y diputados que participarán en elección consecutiva.
La diputada Sauri Riancho dijo que en términos del último párrafo del sexto resolutivo del “Acuerdo de los órganos de gobierno de la Cámara de Diputados, por el que se establecen disposiciones internas aplicables a diputadas y diputados federales que opten por la elección consecutiva en el proceso electoral 2020-2021”, manifiestan su voluntad de renunciar a los apoyos económicos a los que tienen derecho.
Enseguida, pidió a la secretaría de la Mesa Directiva dar lectura a los nombres de las diputadas y los diputados.
Por MC, Mario Alberto Rodríguez Carrillo y Juan Martín Espinoza Cárdenas.
Del PVEM, Leticia Mariana Gómez Ordaz, Lilia Villafuerte Zavala y Roberto Antonio Rubio Montejo.
De Encuentro Social, Manuel de Jesús Baldenebro Arredondo, Irma María Terán Villalobos, Jorge Arturo Argüelles Victorero, Esmeralda de los Ángeles Moreno Medina, Leticia Arlett Aguilar Molina y Nancy Claudia Reséndiz Hernández.
Por Acción Nacional, Justino Eugenio Arriaga Rojas, Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Luis Alberto Mendoza Acevedo, Karen Michel González Márquez, José Salvador Rosas Quintanilla, Gloria Romero León y Patricia Terrazas Baca.
Del PRI, Alfredo Villegas Arreola, Frinné Azuara Yarzábal, Brasil Alberto Acosta Peña, Cynthia Iliana López Castro, Pablo Guillermo Angulo Briceño, Laura Barrera Fortoul, Ricardo Aguilar Castillo, María Ester Alonzo Morales e Ismael Alfredo Hernández Deras.
Por el PT, Ana Karina Rojo Pimentel, María de Jesús Rosete Sánchez, José Gerardo Rodolfo Fernández Noroña, Francisco Favela Peñuñuri, Alfredo Porras Domínguez, Claudia Angélica Domínguez Vázquez, Margarita García García, Luis Enrique Martínez Ventura, Jesús Fernando García Hernández, Alfredo Femat Bañuelos, Clementina Marta Dekker Gómez, Óscar González Yáñez y Dionicia Vázquez García.
También, José Luis Montalvo Luna, Elba Lorena Torres Díaz, María Teresa Marú Mejía, José Luis García Duque, Francisco Javier Huacus Esquivel, Armando Reyes Ledesma, Santiago González Soto, Olga Juliana Elizondo Guerra, Maribel Martínez Ruiz, Ángel Benjamín Robles Montoya, Hildelisa González Morales, Ana Laura Bernal Camarena, Mauricio Alonso Toledo Gutiérrez y Nelly Maceda Carrera.
Por Morena, Heriberto Marcelo Aguilar Castillo, Maribel Aguilera Cháirez, Aleida Alavez Ruiz, María Isabel Alfaro Morales, Karla Yuritzi Almazán Burgos, Guillermina Alvarado Moreno, José Guadalupe Ambrocio Gachuz, Socorro Irma Andazola Gómez, Carol Antonio Altamirano, Reyna Celeste Ascencio Ortega, María del Carmen Bautista Peláez, Rosa María Bayardo Cabrera, Francisco Javier Borrego Adame, Wendy Briceño Zuloaga, Susana Cano González, Olegaria Carrazco Macías, Alejandro Carvajal Hidalgo, Katia Alejandra Castillo Lozano, María Chávez Pérez, Miguel Ángel Chico Herrera, Gustavo Contreras Montes y Flora Tania Cruz Santos.
Asimismo, Diego Eduardo del Bosque Villarreal, Rosalinda Domínguez Flores, Roberto Ángel Domínguez Rodríguez, José Luis Elorza Flores, Brenda Espinoza López, María Bertha Espinoza Segura, Melba Farías Zambrano, Lidia García Anaya, Martha Olivia García Vidaña, Pablo Gómez Álvarez, Sandra Paola González Castañeda, Erasmo González Robledo, Juanita Guerra Mena, Yolanda Guerrero Barrera, Óscar Eugenio Gutiérrez Camacho, Daniel Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, César Agustín Hernández Pérez, María Eugenia Hernández Pérez, Arturo Roberto Hernández Tapia, Rafael Hernández Villalpando, Javier Hidalgo Ponce, Benjamín Saúl Huerta Corona y María de los Ángeles Huerta del Río.
También, Miguel Pável Jarero Velázquez, Irma Juan Carlos, Claudia López Rayón, Adriana Lozano Rodríguez, Mirna Zabeida Maldonado Tapia, Sergio Mayer Breton, Jorge Luis Montes Nieves, Carmen Mora García, Alma Delia Navarrete Rivera, Manuela del Carmen Obrador Narváez, Aracely Ocampo Manzanares, Sandra Simey Olvera Bautista, Alejandra Pani Barragán, Inés Parra Juárez, Jaime Humberto Pérez Bernabe, Beatriz Dominga Pérez López, Laura Imelda Pérez Segura, Miguel Ángel Prado de los Santos, Verónica Ramos Cruz, Guadalupe Ramos Sotelo y Valentín Reyes López.
Además, Fortunato Rivera Castillo, Beatriz Robles Gutiérrez, Martha Robles Ortiz, Manuel Rodríguez González, Ana María Rodríguez Ruiz, María Guadalupe Román Ávila, Carlos Sánchez Barrios, Graciela Sánchez Ortiz, Juan Pablo Sánchez Rodríguez, Azael Santiago Chepi, Yadira Santiago Marcos, Claudia Tello Espinoza, Rosalba Valencia Cruz, Lorenia Iveth Valles Sampedro, Víctor Gabriel Varela López, Teresita de Jesús Vargas Meraz, Julieta Kristal Vences Valencia, Alberto Villa Villegas y Silvia Lorena Villavicencio Ayala.
También, Dulce María Corina Villegas Guarneros, Casimiro Zamora Valdez, Erika Vanessa del Castillo Ibarra, Evaristo Lenin Pérez Rivera, Paola Tenorio Adame, Emmanuel Reyes Carmona, Irán Santiago Manuel, Nayeli Salvatori Bojalil, Vicente Alberto Onofre Vázquez, Francisco Elizondo Garrido, Ulises Murguía Soto, Laura Mónica Guerra Navarro, Nayeli Arlen Fernández Cruz, Moisés Ignacio Mier Velazco y Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar.
Conforme a dichos oficios, renuncian al apoyo económico correspondiente a asistencia legislativa, atención ciudadana, transporte y hospedaje y al informe de actividades legislativas, por el periodo que comprende del 1 de abril al 15 de junio del año en curso.
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ralphhh · 4 years ago
Ang Panitikang Filipino
Ang panitikan ay sinasabing nagmula sa salitang pang-titik-an. Ang ‘pang-’ at ‘-an’ ay ang mga panlapi na ginamit sa salitang panitikan at ang ‘titik’ ay nangangahulugang literature. Mahalaga ang panitikan dahil ito ay sumasalamin sa lipunan at kultura. Ipinapakilala ng panitikan ang isang bansa sa iba pang mga bansa sa bias ng mga sulatin. Ayon kay Alejandro Abadilla, ‘Ang panitikan ay bungang-isip na isinatitik.’ Nangangahulugan na ang ating imahinasyon at ang ating isipan ay kayang irepresenta ang ating bansa. Nagsimula ang panitikan noong bago pa man dumating ang mga kastila. Epiko, bugtong, salawikaain, mga kwentong bayan at awiting-bayan ay ilan lamang sa mga umusbong na panitikan noon.
Ang paraan ng pagpapahayag ay iniaayos sa iba’t iba niyang karanasan at lagay ng kalooban at kaluluwa, na nababalot ng pag-ibig o pagkapoot, ligaya o lungkot, pag-asa o pangamba. Dito sa panitikan ibinubuhos at iniaalay ng mga tao ang kanilang mga oras, saloobin, nararamdaman at mga nakikita sa kani-kanilang estado o katayuan. Nagiging repleksyon ang panitikan dahil imahe ito ng kung ano ang klase ng pamumuhay ng isang akda o ng isang lipunan.
Mahalaga ang panitikan dahil ditto nalalaman ang kapasidad ng isip ng isang tao. Nakikita rin kung gaano kalawak ang imahinasyon at kakayahan ng isang tao na makabuo ng kwentong pang akademiko. Isa pa sa kahalagahan ng panitikan ay kaya nitong ipakilala ang tradisyon ng isang tao mula sa iba pa. nalalaman ang pinamulan at ang mga impluwensya nito sa iba.
Napapaunlad ng panitikan ang kasanayan sa pagsulat at naibabahagi pa nito sa ibang henerasyon. Kaya sinasabi rin na hindi namamatay ang panitikan.
Pinakamasigla rin ang mga panitikang namayagpag sa media gaya ng sa radyo, telebisyon at sinehan. Nagsilang ang panahong ito ng mga musikerong Imelda Papin at Victor Wood, ng Hotdog, Sampaguita, Asin, Ryan Cayabyab, Levi Celerio, Pepe Smith at Freddie Aguilar na naging laman ng mga jukebox.
Patuloy na dumarami ang mga manunulat na Pilipino sa iba’t ibang anyo at uri ng panitikan gamit ang iba’t ibang media. Ngunit ang kasiglahan ng panitikan ay hindi magiging buo kung aasahan lamang ang pagdami at pag-usbong ng mga manunulat; kailangan din ang pagpapahalaga at pagmamalasakit ng mga mambabasa na katuwang sa pagtaguyod ng panitikan ng lahi.
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noticias-el-sol · 3 years ago
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Capturan a cuatro por asesinato de Angie Nicole Caceros Ramírez y Blanca Lesbia Ramírez Chacón
Autoridades capturaron a cuatro personas por el crimen de Angie Nicole Caceros Ramírez, de 16 años; y su madre, Blanca Lesbia Ramírez Chacón.
En allanamientos en la 1era. avenida, colonia San Jorge l, Chiquimula, de la sección de Femicidios de la DEIC-PNC junto al MP, se logró la detención de Katherine Alexandra Caceros Zenteno, de 34 años y Lyjia Imelda Ríos Aguilar, de 36 años, ambas señaladas de asesinato, plagio o secuestro y robo.
También a María Fernanda Salguero Caballeros, de 31 años, por los mismos delitos en la 22 calle, entre sexta y séptima avenida de Puerto Barrios, Izabal.
Y por último, a Eddy Rafael Miss Ordoñez, de 19 años, por el delito de asesinato, detenido en 15 avenida de la zona 1 de la capital.
Las órdenes de captura fueron emitidas ayer por el Juzgado de Primera Instancia Penal, Narcoactividad y Delitos Contra el Ambiente para Diligencias Urgentes de Investigación.
El pasado 7 de septiembre, en el km. 10 ruta a San Pedro Ayampuc, Angie Nicole fue localizada sin vida, mientras que su madre un día después, en un río de aguas negras a un costado de la calle que conduce hacia la colonia Las Lumbres, ruta San Pedro Ayampuc.
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diadiatlaxcala · 4 years ago
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SEPE ENTREGÓ RECONOCIMIENTOS POR DIPLOMADO “GESTIÓN GUBERNAMENTAL” El Secretario de Educación Pública del Estado, Roberto Lima Morales; encabezó la entrega de diplomas a 25 trabajadoras y trabajadores de la dependencia que concluyeron satisfactoriamente el diplomado en “Administración Pública y Gestión Gubernamental”. En su mensaje, felicitó a las y los trabajadores que se capacitaron a distancia en un periodo de 120 horas. “Resaltar el interés y profesionalismo de las y los trabajadores que con mucho compromiso concluyeron el diplomado, eso habla muy bien de todas y todos, porque lo que han logrado contribuirá a un mejor desempeño, los que actuamos en el sistema educativo siempre pensamos en la manera de cambiar y mejorar nuestra vida y nuestro desempeño profesional y veo con agrado su capacitación y actualización, por ello los invito a seguir trabajando de manera conjunta a favor de la educación”, mencionó. La lista de participantes la integra María Elena Tapia Lima; María Socorro Imelda Aguilar Sánchez, Erika Martínez Amador, Marisol Pérez Báez, Luis Alejandro Vilchis Torreblanca, Guadalupe del Carmen López García, Orquídea Jiménez Nájera, J. Carmen Lima Vázquez, José Emmanuel Ramírez Pérez, Francisco Hernández Zarate. Así como Gloria Fragoso Cortés, Irais Hernández Nava, Antonio Sánchez Bañuelos, Carolina Hernández Pérez, Hugo Armando Reyes Jiménez, María Teresa Hernández Roldán, Amayrani Yahaira Hernández Flores, Oscar Rodríguez Escobar, Juana Jiménez Paúl, Cecilia Cabrera Delgado, Marisol González Brito, Karla Paredes Flores, María del Carmen Acevedo Caballero, y Faustino Pluma Xahuentitla. El Diplomado con valor curricular lo organizó la Dirección de Administración y Finanzas de la USET, acompañaron al Secretario, Dulce María Velázquez Huerta, Secretaria Particular del Secretario de Educación; y Alicia Zamora Rodríguez, directora de Administración y Finanzas de la USET. En la sala uno del complejo administrativo y cumpliendo las normas sanitarias recomendadas por las autoridades de salud, se realizó la entrega de diplomas, a los asistentes se les tomó la temperatura corporal, se les proporcionó gel antibacterial y se recomendó mantener la distancia https://www.instagram.com/p/CO0UE_2nU5x/?igshid=331i06ezj4ec
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carlocarrasco · 4 days ago
New multipurpose building in Barangay Talon Dos, Las Piñas City, inaugurated
Recently in the City of Las Piñas, a new multipurpose building in Barangay Talon Dos was inaugurated with the presence of Mayor Imelda Aguilar, Vice Mayor April Aguilar and other officials, the City Government announced via social media. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the social media post of the City Government. Some parts in boldface… Las Piñas City officials…
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trendingph · 4 years ago
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Paskong Pinoy 2021 | Tagalog Christmas Songs 2021 : Jose Mari Chan,Freddie Aguilar,Imelda Papin Paskong Pinoy 2021 || Tagalog Christmas Songs 2021 : Jose Mari Chan,Freddie Aguilar,Imelda Papin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tagalog love songs 80's 90's with lyrics, opm songs with lyrics,... https://trendingph.net/paskong-pinoy-2021-tagalog-christmas-songs-2021-jose-mari-chanfreddie-aguilarimelda-papin-3/?feed_id=10052&_unique_id=5fb6733813e45 #aguilarimelda #chanfreddie #christmas #jose #mari #papin #paskong #philippinenews #philippinesnews #pinoy #songs #tagalog #trendingph
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sef1208-blog · 8 years ago
History of OPM(Original Pinoy Music)
Original Pilipino music, now more commonly termed original Pinoy music, original Philippine music or OPM, originally referred only to Philippine pop songs, particularly ballads, such as those popular after the collapse of its predecessor, the Manila Soundof the late 1970s. In the 1970s, popular artists were Nora Aunor, Pilita Corrales, Eddie Peregrina, Ramon Jacinto, Victor Wood, and Asin. The more major commercial Philippine pop music artists were Claire dela Fuente, Didith Reyes, Rico Puno, Ryan Cayabyab, Basil Valdez, Celeste Legaspi, Hajji Alejandro, Rey Valera, Freddie Aguilar, Imelda Papin, Eva Eugenio, Marco Sison, Nonoy Zuniga, and many others. Between the 1980s and the 1990s, OPM was led by artists such as Regine Velasquez, APO Hiking Society, José Mari Chan, Janet Arnaiz, Dingdong Avanzado, Rodel Naval, Janno Gibbs, Ogie Alcasid, Joey Albert, Lilet, Martin Nievera, Manilyn Reynes, Lea Salonga, Raymond Lauchengco, JoAnne Lorenzana, Francis Magalona, Sharon Cuneta, Sheryl Cruz, Zsa Zsa Padilla, and Gary Valenciano, among many others. In the 1990s, famous artists included Eraserheads, Smokey Mountain, Rivermaya, Jaya, Donna Cruz, Jolina Magdangal, Jessa Zaragoza, Ariel Rivera, South Border, AfterImage, Side A, Andrew E., Lani Misalucha, Ella May Saison, Roselle Nava and Blakdyak, among many others. In the 2000s and the 2010s, leading OPM artists include Aiza Seguerra, Toni Gonzaga, Sarah Geronimo, Nina, Yeng Constantino, Spongecola, Christian Bautista, Charice, Jed Madela, Erik Santos, Parokya Ni Edgar, and Gloc-9, among many others. Underground bands emerged and along with them were their perceptions of idealism and self-expression. The famous lyricist of Circle's End, Geno Georsua landed on top as the melodramatic expressionist. Bassist Greg Soliman of UST Pendong grasps the title as the best bassist of underground music. From its origin, OPM has been centered in Manila, where Tagalog and English are the dominant languages. Other ethnolinguistic groups such as Visayan, Bikol and Kapampangan, despite making music in their native languages, have rarely been recognized as OPM. Unusual cases includr the Bisrock(Visayan rock music) song "Charing" by Davao band, 1017. Multiculturalism advocates and federalists often associate the discrepancy to the Tagalog-centric cultural hegemony of Manila. Having successfully created a subgenre of Philippine rock thatvthey called Bisrock, the Visayans, by far, have the biggest collection of modern music in their native language, with great contributions from Visayan bands Phylum and Missing Filemon. However, a band called Groupies' Panciteria that hails from Tacloban, a Winaray-speaking city, launched a free downloadable mp3 album on Soundclick.com in 2009 containing 13 Tagalog songs and only one very short song in the Cebuano language.[1] Following suit are the Kapampangans. The debut music video of "Oras" ("Time") by Tarlac City-based Kapampangan band Mernuts has penetrated MTV Pilipinas, making it the first ever Kapampangan music video to join the ranks of other mainstream Filipino music videos. RocKapampangan: The Birth of Philippine Kapampangan Rock, an album of modern remakes of Kapampangan folk extemporaneous songs by various Kapampangan bands was also launched last February 2008, which are regularly played via Kapampangan cable channel Infomax-8 and via one of Central Luzon's biggest FM radio stations, GVFM 99.1. Inspired by what the locals call "Kapampangan cultural renaissance", Angeles City-born balladeer Ronnie Liang rendered Kapampangan translations of some of his popular songs such as "Ayli" (Kapampangan version of "Ngiti"), and "Ika" (Kapampangan version of "Ikaw") for his repackaged album. Despite the growing clamor for non-Tagalog and non-English music and the greater representation of other Philippine languages, the local Philippine music industry, which is centered in Manila, is unforthcoming in venturing investments to other locations. Some of their major reasons include the language barrier, small market size, and socio-cultural emphasis away from regionalism in the Philippines. The country's first songwriting competition, Metro Manila Popular Music Festival, was first established in 1977 and launched by the Popular Music Foundation of the Philippines. The event featured many prominent singers and songwriters during its time. It was held annually for seven years until its discontinuation in 1985. It was later revived in 1996 as the "Metropop Song Festival", running for another seven years before being discontinued in 2003 due to the decline of its popularity.[2] Another variation of the festival had been established called the Himig Handog contest which began in 2000, operated by ABS-CBN Corporation and its subsidiary music label Star Records. Five competitions have been held so far starting in 2000 to 2003 and was eventually revived in 2013. Unlike its predecessors, the contest has different themes which reflect the type of song entries chosen as finalists each year.[3][4]In 2012, the Philippine Popular Music Festivalwas launched and is said to be inspired by the first songwriting competition.[5] Pop music OPM pop has been regularly showcased in the live band scene. Groups such as Neocolours, Side A, Introvoys, The Teeth, Yano, True Faith, Passage and Freestyle popularized songs that clearly reflect the sentimental character of OPM pop. In the new millennium up to the 2010s, famous Filipino pop music artists include Sarah Geronimo, Erik Santos, Yeng Constantino, and Christian Bautista, among many others. Choir music Choral music has become an important part of Philippine music culture. It dates back to the choirs of churches that sing during mass in the old days. In the middle of the 20th century, performing choral groups started to emerge and increasingly become popular as time goes by. Aside from churches, universities, schools and local communities have established choirs. Philippine choral arrangers like Robert Delgado, Fidel Calalang, Lucio San Pedro, Eudenice Palaruan among others have included in the vast repertoires of choirs beautiful arrangements of OPM, folk songs, patriotic songs, novelty songs, love songs, and even foreign songs. The Philippine Madrigal Singers (originally the University of the Philippines Madrigal Singers) is one of the most famous choral groups not only in the Philippines, but also worldwide. Winning international competitions, the group became one of the most formidable choral groups in the country. Other award-winning choral groups are the University of Santo Tomas Singers, the Philippine Meistersingers (Former Adventist University of the Philippines Ambassadors), the U.P. Singing Ambassadors and U.P. Concert Chorus, among others. Rock and blues The United States occupied the Islands in 1898 until 1946, and introduced American blues, folk music, R&B and rock & roll which became popular. In the late 1950s, native performers adapted Tagalog lyrics for North American rock & roll music, resulting in the seminal origins of Philippine rock. The most notable achievement in Philippine rock of the 1960s was the hit song "Killer Joe", which propelled the group Rocky Fellers, reaching number 16 on the American radio charts. Up until the 1970s, popular rock musicians began writing and producing in English. In the early 1970s, rock music began to be written using local languages, with bands like the Juan Dela Cruz Band being among the first popular bands to do so. Mixing Tagalog and English lyrics were also popularly used within the same song, in songs like "Ang Miss Universe Ng Buhay Ko" ("The Miss Universe of My Life") by the band Hotdog which helped innovate the Manila Sound. The mixing of the two languages (known as "Taglish"), while common in casual speech in the Philippines, was seen as a bold move, but the success of Taglish in popular songs, including Sharon Cuneta's first hit, "Mr. DJ", broke the barrier forevermore. Philippine rock musicians added folk musicand other influences, helping to lead to the 1978 breakthrough success of Freddie Aguilar. Aguilar's "Anak" ("Child"), his debut recording, is the most commercially successful Filipino recording, and was popular throughout Asia and Europe, and has been translated into numerous languages by singers worldwide. Asin also broke into the music scene in the same period, and were popular. Folk rock became the Philippine protest music of the 1980s, and Aguilar's "Bayan Ko" ("My Country") became popular as an anthemduring the 1986 EDSA Revolution. At the same time, a counterculture rejected the rise of politically focused lyrics. In Manila, a punk rock scene developed, led by bands like Betrayed, The Jerks, Urban Bandits, and Contras. The influence of new wave was also felt during these years, spearheaded by The Dawn. The 1990s saw the emergence of Eraserheads, considered by many Philippine nationals as the number one group in the Philippine recording scene. In the wake of their success was the emergence of a string of influential Filipino rock bands such as Yano, Siakol, Parokya ni Edgar and Rivermaya, each of which mixes the influence of a variety of rock subgenres into their style. Filipino rock has also developed to include some hard rock, heavy metal and alternative rock such as Razorback, Wolfgang, Greyhoundz, Slapshock, Queso, Bamboo, Franco, Urbandub and the progressive bands Paradigm, Fuseboxx, Earthmover and Eternal Now. Rock festivals have emerged through the recent years and it has been an annual event for some of the rock/metal enthusiasts. One big event is the Pulp Summer Slam wherein local rock/metal bands and international bands such as Lamb of God, Anthrax, Death Angel and Arch Enemy have performed.[6] The neo-traditional genre in Filipino music is also gaining popularity, with artists such as Joey Ayala, Grace Nono, Bayang Barrios, Cocojam and Pinikpikan reaping relative commercial success while utilizing the traditional musical sounds of many indigenous tribes in the Philippines. Earth music Another genre that utilizes traditional instruments and found objects in primal compositions. Earth music recordings came out in 1994 under Backdoor Records.A series of albums have been recorded and released by Ambahayan Productions like Kubing Album, Chants Album, Kudyapi Album, Kulintang Album, Gabbang Album, Gangsa Album and Native Flutes Album. Airborne music A kind of music popularized by local musicians which is unrehearsed and played in public. Hip-hop Filipino hip-hop is hip hop music performed by musicians of Filipino descent, both in the Philippines and overseas, especially by Filipino-Americans. The Philippines is known to have had the first hip-hop music scene in Asia since the early 1980s, largely due to the country's historical connections with the United States where hip-hop originated. Rap music released in the Philippines has appeared in different languages such as Tagalog, Chavacano, Cebuano, Ilocano and English. In the Philippines, Francis M, Gloc-9and Andrew E. are cited as the most influential rappers in the country, being the first to release mainstream rap albums. Program music Unlike pure music which has no reference in the real world and no story component, program music is instrumental music that may tell a story with explicit episodes, reveal facets of a character, place or occasion, or imitate the sounds of the world. Sometimes this may take the form of a verbal explanation of the "story" or "program" of the piece. The term was invented by composer Franz Liszt, who understood program music to involve a program external to the music that set the parameters and the form in which the musical piece unfolds. Other genres A number of other genres are growing in popularity in the Philippine music scene, including a number of alternative groups and tribal bands promoting cultural awareness of the Philippine Islands. Likewise, jazz has experienced a resurgence in popularity. Initial impetus was provided by W.D.O.U.J.I. (Witch Doctors of Underground Jazz Improvisation) with their award-winning independent release "Ground Zero" distributed by the now defunct N/A Records in 2002 and the Tots Tolentino-led Buhay jazz quartet in the year before that. This opened up the way for later attempts most notable of which is the Filipino jazz supergroup Johnny Alegre Affinity, releasing its eponymous debut album in 2005 under London-based Candid Records. Mon David has also made the rounds of the Las Vegas music circuit. Among the female performers, Mishka Adams has been the most prominent. A recent development is the fusion of spoken-word and jazz and also with rock, chiefly attributed to Radioactive Sago Project. Other notable names of late are Bob Aves with his ethno-infused jazz, The Jazz Volunteers and Akasha which have anchored the now legendary underground jazz jams at Freedom Bar for almost half of the 11 years of its existence. Today, underground jazz jams are now held in a bar called TAGO jazz bar which is located at Main Avenue, Cubao. Newer jazz groups emerged in the local jazz scene namely Swingster Syndicate pioneering in the post-bop and modern trad jazz, and Camerata Jazz known for their Filipino jazz arrangements and sound. Bossa nova and Latino music has been popular since the 1970s. Performers like Annie Brazil were active in the 1970s, while more recently, Sitti has been earning rave reviews for her bossa nova covers of popular songs. While there has long been a flourishing underground reggae and ska scene, particularly in Baguio City, it is only recently that the genres have been accepted in the mainstream. Acts like Brownman Revival, Put3ska, Roots Revival of Cebu and The Brown Outfit Bureau of Tarlac City have been instrumental in popularizing what is called "Island Riddims". There is also a burgeoning mod revival, spearheaded by Juan Pablo Dream and a large indie pop scene. Electronic music began in the mid-1990s in the Manila underground spearheaded by luminaries like Manolet Dario of the Consortium. In 2010, local artists started to create electropop songs themselves. As of now, most electronic songs are used in commercials. The only radio station so far that purely plays electronic music is 107.9 U Radio. 2010s also began the rise of indie electronic producers and artists with the likes of Somedaydream, CRWN, NINNO, Kidthrones, and Jess Connelly. Source:Wikia
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notimundo · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/politica/senado-aprueba-prohibir-condonar-impuestos/
Senado aprueba prohibir condonar impuestos
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Por unanimidad, el Senado de la República aprobó la minuta que envió la Cámara de Diputados que reforma el artículo 28 de la Constitución Política para prohibir las condonaciones de impuestos.
En el dictamen se destaca que ambas Cámaras coinciden en eliminar de manera definitiva esta figura para disminuir las pérdidas fiscales de la hacienda pública, lo cual genera una mayor recaudación y consecuentemente mayor disponibilidad de recursos para el despliegue de programas gubernamentales en el desarrollo nacional.
Se trata, se agrega, de acabar con “la práctica de otorgar de forma discrecional, periódica y generalizada la condonación de contribuciones a los deudores fiscales”.
Los senadores subrayaron que el cobro de impuestos y contribuciones es una de las obligaciones irrenunciables del Estado Mexicano, pues le permite hacerse de recursos para atender las necesidades que la población le demanda y mantener finanzas públicas sanas.
En el dictamen también se expone que, de acuerdo con la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, así como del Servicio de Administración Tributaria, las condonaciones de 2007 a 2018, tiene un valor actual de 400 mil 902 millones de pesos.
A nombre de la Comisión de Puntos Constitucionales, Oscar Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar, expresó: “vamos a retomar el dictamen en sus términos para hacer una reforma que nos dé la oportunidad de quitar esos privilegios y esas prácticas fiscales que se hacían en el pasado”.
Por la Comisión de Hacienda y Crédito Público, el senador Alejandro Armenta Mier afirmó que la reforma no afecta a estados ni municipios, “esto es muy importante porque hay un falso debate sobre si éstos podrán o no establecer programas para obtener mayor recaudación”, pero cada congreso aprueba sus leyes donde se establecen estos impuestos locales.
Lo que se reconoció
La senadora María Merced González González, de Morena, reconoció que existe plena coincidencia en ambas Cámaras del Congreso de eliminar la práctica de condonación de impuestos, porque ello permitirá fortalecer y aumentar la recaudación fiscal y, con ello, impulsar la generación de empleos, por lo cual exhortó a los senadores en general a aprobar el dictamen correspondiente.
El senador Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda, de Movimiento Ciudadano, afirmó que en su Grupo Parlamentario están de acuerdo en eliminar ese privilegio del pasado que tanto daño ha causado a las finanzas públicas, pero hizo notar que en el dictamen a discusión se confunde “exentar” con “condonar” un impuesto, lo cual provocará serios problemas en qué eliminar y qué cobrar.
La senadora del PAN, Minerva Hernández Ramos, se pronunció en contra del dictamen, porque, dijo, es una mentira, pues las condonaciones vienen contempladas en el Código Fiscal Federal. Afirmó que se abusó de ese derecho, pero ahora se deben poner contrapesos, para que no se repitan los excesos.
La senadora Imelda Castro Castro, destacó que en Morena están contentos porque la reforma pone fin a la casta privilegiada. Auguró la cercanía para conseguir las condiciones de igualdad entre la población. Aseguró que, en breve, la oposición podrá consensar sus propuestas sobre exenciones, para ser incluidas en las leyes secundarias, mismas que no requerirán la mayoría calificada para su aprobación.
La minuta se aprobó con 76 votos a favor y 18 abstenciones, por lo que alcanzó la mayoría calificada y se remitió a las legislaturas del estado para los efectos del artículo 135 de la Constitución.
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periodicomirador · 6 years ago
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Juan Aldama, Zac.- A través del programa Ver Bien para Aprender Mejor, que dirige el Sistema Estatal para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (Sedif), el Gobierno del Estado entregó lentes graduados a 300 alumnos de 16 escuelas secundarias de ese municipio.
La Presidenta Honorífica del Sedif, Cristina Rodríguez, y el alcalde José Serrano Alva, encabezaron la entrega de lentes gratuitos y de calidad para los estudiantes que presentaron astigmatismo, hipermetropía y/o miopía durante las revisiones realizadas por el grupo de optometristas que colabora en dicho programa. 
Durante este ciclo escolar proporcionarán más de 37 mil lentes a alumnos de todas las escuelas primarias y secundarias públicas y privadas en todo el estado; así, dijo la Presidenta Honorífica del Sedif, el Gobernador Alejandro Tello le cumple a las familias de Zacatecas.
Este beneficio llega a la niñez y juventud zacatecana gracias al convenio celebrado entre el Gobierno del Estado y la Fundación Ver Bien para Aprender Mejor, en un esquema de aportación de peso a peso, que en las primeras dos etapas alcanzó una inversión superior a 8.5 millones de pesos.
Una de las beneficiarias, Melanie Alejandra Alba Castañeda, agradeció al Gobernador Tello y a Cristina Rodríguez que incluyeran a niños y adolescentes de Juan Aldama en este programa, y brindarles la oportunidad de mejorar su aprendizaje.
Durante la entrega también estuvo Josefina Serrano Alva, presidenta honorífica del Sistema Municipal DIF; Martha Imelda Abraham García, directora de la Secundaria Juan Aldama; Diego López Aguilar, director de la Secundaria Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, y Ricardo Limones Ibarra, delegado del Sedif en esa región.
Entregan lentes del programa ver bien para aprender en Juan Aldama was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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phgq · 4 years ago
Tagalog News: Vaccination program sa Las Piñas, sinimulan na; 300 UPHRSD medical front-liners, binakunahan ng CoronaVac
#PHinfo: Tagalog News: Vaccination program sa Las Piñas, sinimulan na; 300 UPHRSD medical front-liners, binakunahan ng CoronaVac
Photo courtesy of Las Piñas PIO
LUNGSOD LAS PIÑAS, Marso 9 (PIA) -- Pormal nang sinimulan ng Las Piñas City Government ngayong araw, March 9, ang vaccination rollout sa siyudad na may temang "Ligtas na Las Piñero, Lahat Bakunado" para sa mga residente sa lungsod.
Pasado alas-9:00 ng umaga kanina nang pangunahan nina Las Piñas City Vice-Mayor April Aguilar at Dr. Ma. Paz Corrales, Assistant Regional Director ng Department of Health-Metro Manila Center for Health Development (DOH-MMCHD) ang simbolikong seremonya ng pagbabakuna para sa 300 medical front-liners sa loob ng vaccination site sa University of Perpetual Help Rizal System Dalta (UPHRSD) Gymnasium, na pagmamay-ari ni Barangay Chairman Brigadier General Dr. Antonio Laperal Tamayo.
Kabilang sa tatlong unang nabakunahan ng CoronaVac vaccine ng Sinovac mula sa Republic of China, ang mga medical front-liners na sina Dr. Jose Edzel Tamayo, Medical Affairs Executive Officer ng UPHRSD; Elvie Carandang, Finance and Accounting Manager at Neil Jaymalin, Chief of Staff ng unibersidad.
Bandang alas-9:45 ng umaga nang unang turukan ng CoronaVac vaccine ni Public Health Nurse 1 Angela May Villanueva si Dr. Tamayo habang masusing nakamasid sina Vice-Mayor Aguilar at Dr. Corrales bilang hudyat naman nang pagsisimula ng malawakang pagbabakuna sa ating lungsod.
Tinawag pa ni Dr. Corrales na "COVID-19 influenzer" ng lungsod ang tatlong unang medical front-liners na nakatanggap ng bakuna ng Sinovac, na instrumento aniya, ng pang-iimpluwensiya o paghihikayat sa mga taga-Las Piñas na agad magpabakuna dahil ginto aniya ang bakuna para sa mga may ginintuang puso. 
"Ang bakuna po ay isang magandang regalo na ating maibibigay sa mga taga-Las Piñas para sa kanilang kaligtasan ngayong panahon ng pandemya,"ani VM Aguilar. 
Target ng Lokal na Pamahalaan na nasa ilalim ni Las Piñas City Mayor Imelda "Mel" T. Aguilar, na mabakunahan ang lahat ng mga Las Pineros matapos masiguro ang nasa 500,000 doses na vaccine makaraang maglaan ito ng P250-milyong pisong pondo para sa pagbili ng karagdagang bakuna kontra COVID-19 sa lungsod. 
Pinasalamatan ng bise-alkalde ang national agencies sa walang sawang pagsuporta at patuloy na paggabay sa Lokal na Pamahalaan upang maghatid ng serbisyong kinakailangan ng mga Las Pineros upang labanan ang kinakaharap na krisis sa pandemya.
Bukod rito, pinasalamatan din ni VM Aguilar ang pamilya Tamayo at ng buong pamunuan ng UPHRSD sa pagpapagamit ng kanilang pasilidad upang gawing vaccination site para sa medical front-liners sa lungsod.  
Binigyang-diin pa nito na simula December 2020 hanggang February 2021, ang Las Piñas City sa tulong ng City Health Office (CHO) ay isa sa mga lungsod sa Metro Manila na mayroong mababang kaso ng COVID-19 dahil sa mahigpit  na implementasyon ng health and safety protocols na ipinatutupad sa buong lungsod, maayos at maingat na pagtugon at pangangalaga sa mga nahawa sa sakit sa mga itinakdang isolation facilities ng lungsod at ang tuluy-tuloy na pagsasagawa ng libreng swab test para sa mga residente.
Nasa kabuuang 1,210 doses ng bakuna ng Sinovac ang ipinagkaloob ng national government para sa pagsisimula ng vaccination program ng Lokal na Pamahalaan para sa mga medical front-liners sa lungsod.
Dumalo rin sa seremonya sina City Administrator Reynaldo Balagulan, mga miyembro ng City Council at mga doctor ng CHO na sina Dr. Ferdinand Eusebio, Dr. Julie Gonzales, Dr. ELeenor Gumpal, Dr. Julio Javier, at department heads.
Unang isinailalim sa three-day training at orientation ang 13 vaccination teams ng lungsod sa vaccination site sa Las Piñas Elementary School Central sa P. Diego Cera, Barangay Elias Aldana, upang tiyaking masusunod ang wastong  proseso at pamantayan na itinakda sa vaccination plan ng Las Piñas City Government dahil nananatiling prayoridad nito ang seguridad sa kalusugan,kaligtasan at kapakanan ng mga residente sa lungsod.
Sa kabila ng pagdating sa bansa ng mga bakuna kontra COVID-19,muling siniguro ng Lokal na Pamahalaan na hindi ito magpapakampante at marapat pa rin ang patuloy na pagsunod sa health and safety protocols upang maiwasan ang pagkalat ng mga sakit. (PIA NCR)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Tagalog News: Vaccination program sa Las Piñas, sinimulan na; 300 UPHRSD medical front-liners, binakunahan ng CoronaVac." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1068996 (accessed March 09, 2021 at 03:33PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Tagalog News: Vaccination program sa Las Piñas, sinimulan na; 300 UPHRSD medical front-liners, binakunahan ng CoronaVac." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1068996 (archived).
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carlocarrasco · 8 days ago
New library center in Barangay BF International-CAA, Las Piñas City, inaugurated
Recently in the City of Las Piñas, a new library center located in Barangay BF International-CAA was inaugurated with the presence of Mayor Imelda Aguilar, Vice Mayor April Aguilar, Councilor Mark Santos and other officials, the City Government announced via social media. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the social media post of the City Government. Some parts in…
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trendingph · 4 years ago
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revistatrayecto-blog · 5 years ago
Senado elige nueva Mesa Directiva, la presidirá Eduardo Ramírez de Morena
Senado elige nueva Mesa Directiva, la presidirá Eduardo Ramírez de Morena
Este lunes, el Senado aprobó la conformación de la Mesa Directiva propuesta por Morena, la cual será presidida por  Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar, en sustitución de Mónica Fernández.
Con 101 votos a favor, los senadores aprobaron la planilla única de Morena en donde los cargos quedaran de la siguiente manera: 
Óscar Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar, presidente de la Mesa Directiva
Imelda Castro, María…
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