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zeebeebirdy · 2 months ago
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"If there's one thing I can promise you, Wyll Ravengaurd, it's that you'll never be bored around me."
"I couldn't imagine such a concept in my wildest dreams."
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harpers-tartarus · 25 days ago
Is there anything you want to write in your fics that you maybe haven't written yet?
oh, so many things!
this throne is not mine:
speaking with Ruvina, which I have not even begun to write
possibly ending up back in the forest of Sylvaire and fighting Arianwen
purposefully planning to take the Last Stand, so they try to level up at least once more (Riz is an extra level, level 14 rogue, level 1 cleric because he had to fight the Court of Stars by himself and killed 8/12)
It coming out that Riz and Fabian are a thing and so many ppl are like??? they weren't dating before???
Futton no Mito:
THE CHUNIN EXAMS, I'm so hyped for it
I've written this but it hasn't been posted yet, but Anko and Iruka being genin teammates and both having the curse seal
Tsunade's return and reconciliation with Mito
Sakura becoming Hatake Sakura and finally getting it at the Chunin Exams when she's targeted for being Kakashi's kid
Mito kisses Shikamaru and tells him she'll only date him when to hits Jounin and he's dumbfounded but 2 weeks later there's a rumor that she's dead until Naruto rushes through the front gates carrying her, somehow alive after being cut by Hidan's scythe.
Mito helping Naruto speak with Kurama and then wandering around in his psyche and finds the Yondaime Hokage, who gives a sheepish wave as she gapes at him
Strongest of the Warlocks
I'm feeding in more Arthurian Legend stuff into this fic and its gonna show
Morgana asks Merlin to find out more stuff about her parents and when she gets back, she's immediately accused of witchcraft bc Uther wants to silence her
The resurrection of Elmet, when it happens, will be so great
Merlin meeting Cian in the flesh on Arthur's quest and Gwaine staying with her to help her dig a grave for his bones than leave them behind
Arthur always impressed by Percival and he has no idea if he's serious when he says that the day they met, Merlin fought off a group of bandits to save his life
A Shift in the Force
Anakin and Ahsoka bonding
Sabe reaching Ossus and spending her fortune on repairing it bc the Force tells her that soon Coruscant won't be safe
Her realizing she's pregnant again and its not the best time, but she'll make the best of it
Quinlan eventually meeting his kid an Caleb HATES him, he's a mama's boy all the way
Dick and Amy keeping a low profile when they start dating until they hit three months and decide okay, everything's going well, we should tell our folks
Ariel and Jason are on the anti-Dick squad but Jason's more serious about it
Amy running off to Mount Elbrus for the second time. Katya is ecstatic, except for the reasons that bring her
Amy and Wally fighting bc she won't come back to the Team and won't tell them why
Roy's funeral
Unexpected Changes
Callum and Ibis dream team. Callum leaves for a few months to train at the Storm Spire
Harrow and Ilmadia courting doing complicated things bc sometimes Ezran calls her Mom and Callum shuts down a few times
Callum and Rayla learning how to communicate with a linked mirror and a combination of sign language and written elven
Ethari makes Callum a staff and is startled when he starts crying over it
Brace For Impact
Hope getting arrested for using the patronus charm and her wand gets snapped, but when they go to bring her out, she's utterly unfazed, surrounded by madness and decay
Hope and Cliodhna's eventual duel. "You may win against me, but only for a time."
Ron going to the OotP and being Hope's mouthpiece bc he refuses to let her in that place and she has complete faith in him
Sirius and Hope dragging Regulus' corpse out of the lake and Sirius mourning him at long last.
Hope meeting so many gods
Path Built on Graves
Allen coming to the Order and Kanda immediately detests him bc Maria's face goes white when she sees him
Finding out that Allen Walker is Allen Campbell and Maria's just like 'of course my kid would be the one to willingly join up with the Order'
Her brothers finding out that Maria's Allen is still alive and they're so happy for her...tho Tyki's a little irritable that he lost so much money to him
Maria having a contentious relationship with Bookman and refusing to elaborate on why she doesn't like him
The Golden Sun
Ed and Al having to split up to locate the next two gems. Ed gives everyone the slip and Al, not about to be outdone, takes off for Creta. Ling follows Ed and Fu has no choice but to follow Lanfan as she goes with Al
Ed and Al meeting the other Liebs :)
Eden joining Central City University and becoming Roy's roommate
Ed somehow finding faith in the form of Ishvala
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mahvaladara · 4 years ago
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Merinn: Would any of you wish to say anything before I announce my first choice?
Harmony: I’d like to speak, your highness. 
-Merinn is surprised with Harmony being the first to talk and they nodded, looking at her.-
Harmony: Prince Merinn, I don’t wish to leave. I know we don’t know one another well yet, but I’d like to stay longer, I’d like to get to know you better. If I was to leave right now, I fear this chance to know one another better, this opportunity the stars and moon have placed on our path will be lost forever. I will never know if you’d be the one for me or not, and I don’t wish to loose this chance. 
I know I don’t have any special powers, what can a wingless fairy do against a musician and a elf gifted with the power of life? But, perhaps, together, we could discover so much about one another.
And I sound silly right now, but... I don’t know, just, I want a chance. Just some time, a little more time.
Merinn: Thank you for your words. Ilmadia, Dorian? Do you want to talk?
Ilmadia: I do. This week was not a fair week for me, I feel, I may have come out of it on bad light for you, prince Merinn, I feel I was robbed of a chance to get closer to you and it was never given back. I let my jealousy take the best of me, but be aware my jealousy came from a good place. I would have not felt so strongly about this if I was not commited to this. 
Merinn: I see. Dorian, do you wish to say anything?
Dorian: In a way I make Harmony’s words my own. We have not been given enough time to get to know each other, and I simply wish we could have this time.
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wolfbabedeluxe · 4 years ago
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The Hero | The Champion | The Inquisitor
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lhunuial · 5 years ago
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Zetsu and Nesi dancing on the beach. Scholars need a break at times.
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cesnotchess · 8 years ago
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So keen for some dnd very very very soon 🎉👐 #ilmadia #sketchaday #sketch #ink #art #instaart #faces #sketchbook #pen #practice #fantasy #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
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doodledoobug · 4 years ago
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The mother of my DnD character Doublé! Her name is Ilmadia Thalia Valphyra!
Taglist: @sar-kasstic @studiocuby
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meekochan-art · 8 years ago
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Ever reload a game during a boss battle--on highest difficulty setting--like 10+ times, cause each time a party member--the tank--dies before healer can heal and revising battle strategies not helping until finally... When 3, not one, but THREE members--half the party--are about to die... *points to screenshot* ...and realize, don't have to fight all those extra enemies after quickly killing the boss before she kills tank. No, just have to kill boss, loot, and FLEE! (Exiting the map. Then heal/rebuff/save/re-enter/kill/flee like 5 more times.)
Yeah, that's me. orz
(Taking a break from arting this week so far, BTW.)
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rainydaysimmer · 6 years ago
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Ilmadia Rokrana for @shahkiertai ‘s BC
Freelance Botinist | Loves the Outdoors | Jealous | Gloomy
Half-Human, Half-Dark Elf, Ilmadia was always the outcast of both worlds. The elves shunned her for her shortened ears and fair skin and the humans for her magical abilities. 
That was until they found out about her gifts. From a young age, Ilmadia knew there was more to her than just her interspecies heritage. One day at the tender age of 7 she found a bird dead in the garden. As she cradled its broken body, weeping as she held it close to her, she was able to breed life into the bird. 
But as all things, magic comes witha price.
The more she harnissed her life giving powers the more she realized what it truly was. She was not only able to give life, but to take it. Each person she revived was not given new life, but instead the life force that was taken for another.
Ashamed of what her powers had done Ilmadia retreated to the mountains of Forgotten Hollow, hiding herself away fromt he world and has remained there every since. 
Now she is looking for what she fears may never be possible: someone who would accept her for all that she is.
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jesterjamart · 6 years ago
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My Dragon Age:Inquisition character - her name is Ilmadia nad she’s an elf.
Hope u like her! And let me know which drawing is better, this with or without the background?
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zeebeebirdy · 30 days ago
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I was playing around and thinking about what Ilmadia would have looked like when growing up as a follower of Talos. She never particularly liked Talos, but her devoted parents were convinced she and her sister were blessings of his and meant for some great plan, she didn't escape for several decades. I don't have any mods with Talos-specific clothing so I had to improvise with the style. I know typically Talassans wear cloaks and an eyepatch, but having presented as a Storm Sorcerer, she was dressed differently to accommodate her magic. I also imagine she was forced to do some kind of spell or wear DND-equivalent of contacts to darken her eyes because her mother didn't like her green eyes - that's why when she does leave, she embraces the colour green so much.
The bottom picture is what she currently looks like - having gotten a tattoo, battle scars, and having changed her hair.
P.S. Ilmadia is actually a bard, primarily. She was never a very strong sorcerer and doesn't care to use said magic given its ties to Talos. When she escapes, she finds joy in travelling and playing music.
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zeebeebirdy · 15 days ago
Feeling suicidal but I'm thinking of my fictional babies to distract myself.......it's mostly working.
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zeebeebirdy · 26 days ago
Here's my plan......I will NOT play BG3 until the new patch comes out (unless I'm just going to make characters for references because sometimes I like creating people and that's it). Hopefully by then I'll be going through BG3 withdrawals and I'll be rejuvenated to see all my favourite silly guys AND I won't need to worry about said patch hitting and breaking shit bc it'll have already happened 😎
(although that means I will have to replay Ilmadia and I'm in act 2 now...should I just power through so I can get Wyll's 3rd romance scene FINALLY?! Rather than having to redo everything AGAIN with the new patch?...)
Note: this may all be a lie and I will in fact play.
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harpers-tartarus · 7 months ago
So Viren found out that Callum was a startouch elf like a ch or 2 ago and the idea of him being like...hm, this kid being extremely powerful would be a boon for Katolis, but I'm going to make sure he knows who is in control
Just imagine Callum who gets his voice stolen every time he tries to say something to his dad and just becoming so withdrawn that his dad and brother and Ilmadia are so worried that when he opens the window and leaps out of it to try his wing spell it literally stops their hearts in their chests.
Callum who confides in Rayla who is so upset that even though she's with the tracker guild now is willing to head to Katolis and kill Viren in his sleep.
And Callum can't help but wonder if this was one of the reasons that sent Soren fleeing to the Breach.
...but maybe that's too dark lmao
maybe he tries to control Callum and steals his voice and Callum gets a glint in his eye so like his mother's and says with his fingers [I don't need to speak to make a point]
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mahvaladara · 4 years ago
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Merinn: This is not an easy choice to be done, but one I must do. I have decided on who will leave the house today, and I am afraid your words did little to change my mind.
This was a difficult week, especially with the numbers dwindling and with the final choice becoming more immenent. But it is one I must do.
-Merinn looked at the ground and took a deep breath.-
Merinn: Jealousy is something that is bound to arise in these types of challenges, and one i have seen happen. My problem is not with jealousy itself but with the way it is dealt. We saw it with Agate, whose jealousy lead him to strike me, and now with you, Ilmadia.
You felt unjustly treated, by an unfortunate accident involving me and a hookah, but your jealousy coloured all of your actions this week and I am afraid it did not paint a good figure for yourself.
I have been in a relationship in the past, one that, even though there were no feelings of love involved, jealousy from my partner resulted in them hurting me more than once. I am afraid this is not something I am ready to face again.
Ilmadia: I would never hurt you! -she quickly interrupted them-
Merinn: Perhaps, perhaps not, but with what I have seen from them, from Agate, from even Tateo and Respen, this is not something I wish to face again. Jealousy is an ugly monster, and I hope my Shaharaja will be one whose trust I will have. Jealousy is rarely synonymous with trust. 
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mahvaladara · 4 years ago
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Merinn: I am very happy to have met you, Ilmadia, you are a wonderful woman, a wonderful person. I cannot think of anyone more righteous to hold the power that you hold, but sadly enough, I cannot repeat stories I have gone through already. 
Thank for the chance that you gave me, to know you, and to see a friend in you, but I am afraid that is as much as I can go.
Ilmadia Rokrana, you may leave the palace.
Ilmadia: No... -she started sobbing-
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