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nandivina · 8 months ago
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There's always that one couple, isn't there?
(separate drawings under cut)
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mahvaladara · 7 months ago
Sul: How are you capable of defeating me?! How!? I am far more powerful than you! You're nothing but a glass shard! Khal: For those we couldn't save, for those we may yet save -holding him from falling-. Sul:... Heh. Which one am I? Khal: -smiles- I haven't left you fall yet, have I? Sul: You're an idiot... -grabs his armor and pulls him over the edge- Since you want to save me so badly, let's fall together! -later- Khal: Oh my stars! You're such a dick! -drying water out of his hair- Sul: -laughing, wrenching his clothes- All the powers and fighting styles everyone taught you, I am honestly surprised no one bothered to teach you how to swim yet! Khal: I have been blessed by Merinn to breath underwater! Sul: Handy skill. Still should teach you how to swim. Walking back to shore isn't exactly an option with how deep these oceans can be! I won't swim you safety all the time! Khal: Whose fault was it you had to? Sul: You're the one who insisted on saving me, when we both know very well I would just possess a shark or something and swim myself to safety to a better host. Khal: You're a dick. Sul: And you're an idiot! You cannot save everyone! Some people will use your mercy against yourself! Khal: Venture to be kind... Sul: And venture to be wise! It's a guide, not a definition! Be kind, but be wise. What you do requires equal times courage and equal times stupidity, but dear Drahn, be wise enough not to get yourself killed. Khal: And here I thought you didn't care about me. Sul: I don't. But when I get my vessel and eyes back, I'd rather it be in one piece.
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mutyler · 5 years ago
@alemuse​ w/ Meredith Corcoran
Time without Sophie was always kind of a bummer for Finn, but hanging out with Meredith did make it easier for him to forget that he wasn’t spending every night with his daughter. It was still technically Kristy’s week for one more night. “You’re coming to Sophie’s birthday party next week, right?” Finn asked as he made his way back into his living room to join her on the couch. He handed her a beer that he’d retrieved for her from the refrigerator, before relaxing and taking a sip of his. “It’s Peppa Pig themed. Not exactly sure what that means for an outfit. I think Kristy and I are going to be daddy and mommy pig for the entire afternoon,” he mumbled. As much as he loved his daughter, he wasn’t pumped about wearing a pig costume for the entire day.
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mahvaladara · 2 years ago
My stories - Masterlist
A comprehensive list of my stories.
Sims Stories:
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Status: Ongoing
Notes: A Imortal/Legacy/Supersim Challenge.
Synopsis: Tells the story of Mal, an immortal Sim from another world, as he tries to live his existence peacefully without breaking too many forth walls nor drag the absolute chaos that is his existence into it. No promises made. Forth walls shall break.
Currently on Gen 1 - Following the story of Arlo, Apollo and Syra. Arlo and Apollo have ruined the lives of many dragons while trying to find a cure for the rot. Syra has met a werewolf and feels drawn to him and wants to help him.
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Merinn’s Palace 
Status: Complete
Synopsis: A bachelour challenge for the merdragon prince, Merinn, as they try to find a wife or husband to secure their throne.
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Star of the Deep
Status: Indefinite Hiatus
Notes: Must read Merinn’s Palace first to understand the story.
Synopsis: What happens to Merinn, Hassan, Avantika and the Suitors, after the end of the bachelor.
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A tale of two dragons
Status: Complete
Notes: After it read @izayoichan​’s story, as it tells the origin of Emil, the feral dragon Flynn took under his wing.
Synopsis: Tells the story of the dragon Elarin Millar and Tyvan, and the events that would lead Elarin into becoming the feral dragon known as Emil.
Other Random Stories
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Black Sun
Status: Still on planning stage.
Notes: So far is only random drabbles, pics and lyrics posts. Has the same characters as gen 1 Imortal, but no connection.
Synopsis: Arlo was prosecuted by the Church of the Maker for having a third eye, grew up into a nihilistic and cinical necromancer living in the depths of the City Warrens. When his surrogate mother, Dala, comes seeking him, hoping he can resurrect her daughter who died at war, Arlo resurrects from her remains a beautiful silver haired dragon instead. Now, Dala, Arlo and the dragon he named Fannar, embark on a quest to find out the identity of Fannar and what happened to Dala’s daughter Syra, while trying to avoid the prosecution of the Church’s High Order, and the blade of his twin brother, their Holy Commander.
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The Pale Drake
Status: Still in planning stages
Notes: Same as above. Random drabbles, worldbuilding and pics.
Synopsis: The Kingdom of Caerno is being plagued by two catastrophes. A plague known as the Rot, and an albino dragon atacking the people. Spymaster Killian Hastur finds himself amidst a crisis, while, in an attempt to cure the Rot, the dragon steals the only books which hold an answer for the terrifying desiese.
Lore of Astreia 
The World that contains ALL of these stories. Sometimes referenced.
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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You’d think, that inviting Death to a wedding would be a bad omen. But to the Kavar, it is the opposite. Inviting Death into a wedding, is inviting life and prosperity. For the balance is always needed, and a union is a celebration of love, a celebration of Life.
One never knows who represents Death and who represents Life at a wedding, but the Kavar believe, that if the groom and the bride are hospitable, if the ‘Grim Reaper’ has a merry time at the wedding, then they will, as a parting gift, bless the Union with longevity and prosperity. It is for this, that the Unions are always lavish, with great music and great feasts, a celebration for the bride, a celebration for the groom, a day for guests, family and friends to enjoy themselves so much, they have only their blessings to give to the couple.
And as a guest, no less is expected for Death.
And they say, Death always takes a flower from a wedding. For that, there’s always flowers aplenty, and because of that, people are always attentive to who will steal a flower from the wedding, for they might just be, and envoy of the spirits.
And don’t forget the cake.
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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Merinn chuckled as they felt their to be bride’s fingers touch their lips, their eyes shifting to her as she ran her finger through their fringe and down to their cheeks.
“I miss your long hair. It was so pretty,” Harmony remembered. “And the teal hair too. I wonder, if we have babies, will they be blond, black haired or teal haired?”
Merinn smiled at her. “I don’t know. But I’d love them to have your pretty eyes.”
“Three days far from one another.”
“It will be worth it though.”
That night, they had explained her the traditions of a Kavar wedding, and though it shared many similarities to the traditional Beszarin wedding, many things were not. The fact was the wedding was a mix and match of traditions with the Valatar traditions. It was called the Courtship of Birds. The Bride and Groom would be separated for three days, where they would prepare, they would dance, they would pay their respects to the stars. The Maidens and Suitors would prepare the Bride and Groom to pay their respects for a fruitful dance and life of abundance. 
At the third night they’d meet in a lovely ceremony, only with the close family and friends, where the bride and groom would dance, reciting their vows to one another, in this dance, the Bride would chose to either accept the Groom’s courtship and dance with them or reject them, signaling their wedding or end of it. The forth day, it was the Walk, where the bride and groom would make the walk together to seek blessing from the Stars and their Gods and on the fifth, came the day of the Union. A Great Ceremony would close the wedding, the guests would give their gifts and blessings to the couple, they would feast and dance, their vows would be repeated and they would once more dance together, closing the wedding.
And then, they’d be united.
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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Though the Wedding is planned by the Groom and Bride, it is often the Groom who has to do all the preparation. The Bride decides how her wedding will be, and the Groom obliges, for the Wedding is for the Bride.
Riley and Jackson Reagan by @dandylion240
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mahvaladara · 4 years ago
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L I F E • S T A G E S • C A S • C H A L L E N G E • by @someone-elsa
Create a sim in all of their life stages. Or use a sim you’ve created before and create their other life stages. Or use a sim born in game or a premade. In addition to the six life stages you can create in CAS, you can add your own (like a tween for example, also maybe they don’t even live to the elderhood?). You can write their life story if you wish or let us guess. My inspiration for this challenge.
Have fun and tag some people to try this out if you like!
Tag me @someone-elsa and use #life stages cas challenge so I can reblog your posts :)
No one tagged me for this one, but I really wanted to do it, so I picked my favourite Emir, Merinn Kavar. Bellow we have spoilers.
Age 0-6 years old -Small Emir Merinnius Kavar 
Merinn was unable to take fully human during most of their toddlerhood. As a result, the young prince was kept away from public eyes for many years. As the youngest at the time, Merinn was heavily spoiled by both their parents and siblings.
Age 7-13 - Child Emira Merinn Kavar
Merinn first took fully human form at 7, and only by then did the people of Beszarin met the young, at the time considered “princess”, Merinn. As a young child, and raised by Kalahjara at the time, Merinn had no notion of gender and dressed as Kalahjara chose for them. As Merinn is a genetic clone of Kalahjara, Kalahjara treated Merinn as a “girl”.
Age 14-19 - The “Rebelius Prince” Merinn
At the end of their 13 years of age, Merinn watched their Vamir, Kalahjara be murdered and that was something that heavily changed the young prince, mostly because they came to understand the reasons why the Shah was assassinated. Unable to get along with their mother (vatir) and their siblings, and with rumours about their gender and sexuality going afloat as no one could tell what Merinn was, Embala decided to quiet all mouths by enrolling Merinn in a boys only private boarding school abroad.
The entire time there, Merinn started problem after problem, from getting sexually involved with a teacher and colleague, to illegaly performing tattoos on themself and colleagues, to smuggling drugs and weed into school property and vandalization. Eventually, the Shaharaja found herself forced to bring back Merinn as they were a bigger embarassment abroad then nearby. At least, in Beszarin the only source of scorn was what the hell was between their legs afterall?
Age 20-25 - The Generous Prince Merinn
At the age of 20 Merinn enrolled in college in social politics. Unable to accept the palace life, the prince decided to enroll in a volunteer work. It was during this time that Merinn came to understand other ways of life not priviliged by a golden crib that nobility gave them. Aiding those less fortunate, fighting against injustice, discrimination and poverty, Merinn came to understand and see the flaws of their own country when looking at other western countries. They developed a new sense of purpose, an objective of being a force of change to their country.
Age 26- Current - The Heir Prince 
It is around this time that Embala decides to change the rule of the firstborn and appoint Merinn as heir to the throne as the only one left with the Kavar dragon gene. This renews Merinn resolution to change the way their country works, falling prey to the same mistake as their vamir (change by force) and becoming a target to an assassination atempt which inevitably fails. As if that was not enough, a plot starts being developed to kill or dethrone the prince.
To ensure their place as Shah, Merinn must pick a suitor with whom to ensure dragon progeny.
Age 40+ -  Shahkiershah Merinn Kavar (human form left, dragon form right)
Merinn stands the Emperor of the small islands of [Spoiler], married to Shahvah [Spoiler]. Merinn has suffered greatly at the hands of others and therefore hides their dragon form religiously from all those not in their inner circle. 
While before Merinn sought to force change, they are much more cunning now and patient, they have many years ahead of them and will far outlive their people into change if need be. They are much more into the domestic life now, juggling between their political duties for their people and the time with their family, raising all their children equally. 
Though in human form Merinn presents themself still with a mainly masculine frame, in dragon one, Merinn is a lot more androginous and genuine in their expression.
Age 100+ - Shahkiertai Val Merinn 
The Honorable Loremaster of the kingdom of [Spoiler], they were once the Emperor of the country. They often hide within the confines of the Royal Gardens and very rarely show their face publically. Much older and spiritually unstable now, Merinn has a very large difficulty in controling their shapeshifting abilities. Keeping either of their forms spends more energy than that which Merinn can afford to spend. It is not entirely known how long Merinn still has left of life, dragons can last thousands of years, but Merinn’s instability might be signs of passing, so it might be only a matter of time before the old dragon either evolves into their next state of being, or depart existence altogether. 
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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Once suitors, today guests.
Merinn was rejoiced to see the former suitors had all accepted their invite to the wedding, and though they understood they had hurt all of them either by their words or their choices, they had grown closer to them in the days they spent at the palace. From the start, Merinn had accepted they would inevitably be hurt, as only one person could have been chosen, but they had hoped to at least hold some form of friendship with them, and the fact they had accepted.
Now, of course, from were they came from. The normal celebration would have all the suitors together alongside the groom and bride. But Beszarin was different and they had had to adapt to it. Change would come with time, but for now, they would adapt.
This meant that every special guest perceived as male would be greeted by the groom, while the ones perceived as females would be greeted by the bride. Before they met in the first Union, the groomsmen would all stay separated from their wives or companions who’d stay with the bride as bridesmaids. Then they meet on the third day, the same way as the groom and bride would. 
Today Merinn was meeting the male suitors, who would stand by his side, while Harmony would meet the female suitors who would be her bridesmaids.
@anotherplumbob, @strangetown, @northernlightz, @thedancingleaf
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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There is an odd tradition among those of the stars, those of the deep and those of the sky. There is a tradition to invite Death to a Kavar wedding.
Chris and Hayle Ward are by @izayoichan
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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“I can’t wait for us to be wed. Those three days can’t get through fast enough.”
Merinn laughed and got on top of her, gently pecking her.
“Let’s make the best of today together and then I’ll see you in three days, my princess.”
Harmony giggled.
“You’re insatiable!”
“What can I say? I have the apetite of a dragon!”
The room filled with giggling and laughter that was quickly muffled by the sound of a kiss.
Whatever happens,
Let it be.
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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mahvaladara · 3 years ago
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