#Ike Broflovski x Reader
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lost-walmartbag · 2 years ago
SP characters as dads pt 4!
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Warning: None just fluff
Background: You and your husband are first-time parents. You and Jimmy, You and Ike, and you and Kevin try your best to be the best parents you can be.
Status: Request Open
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You put your baby in a walker as Jimmy comes backstage wearing his suit. You smile and kiss his lips softly.
"H-hey b-babe we have an-another segmen-segment can you come on st-stage with J-June?" He asked looking at you and June with a smile.
"Oh, sweetie of course. But are you sure? Do I look ok?" You ask smoothing out your hair.
"B-babe you l-l-look beautiful." He says taking your hand and leading you and June on stage.
Jimmy sits down in his seat and you take June out of her walker and place her on your lap as you sit next to Jimmy's desk. The cameras start rolling and the audience claps as Jimmy introduces you.
"S-so tonight we're h-here with my b-b-beautiful wife Y/N and m-my l-l-lovely daughter June," Jimmy says letting you speak.
"Hi everyone." You say with a bright smile and June looks around cooing.
"Wow, what a wonderful audience," Jimmy said making the audience clap.
"S-so b-babe I-I mean Y/N," Jimmy says making the audience awe. "Our p-producers are g-g-gonna ask you s-some q-questions."
You nod and let June hold onto your finger. June coos and reaches for Jimmy. Jimmy takes her from your hands and the producers start asking you questions. As you answer the questions you notice Jimmy playing with June happily.
"So how did you see Jimmy after you gave birth?" A producer asked you.
You look over seeing Jimmy holding June and looking at you. You smile and gently stroke June's cheek.
"Giving birth was one of the hardest things I ever had to do but hearing her take her first breath and being able to hold her was one of the best things in the world." You look at June lovingly and then look up at Jimmy. "And when I got to see Jimmy holding her I fell in love all over again. He spends every moment he can with her playing with her, feeding her, and shopping with her. I never knew I could love him more than I already did, but seeing him be a father to one of the most beautiful girls in the world."
You look at Jimmy and lean in kissing him softly. Jimmy kisses back and the audience applauses and June claps along with them. You pull back and June grabs Jimmy's tie.
"I was ready to marry him all over again." You finish looking over at the audience.
"C-couldn't have s-said it better m-my-myself."
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You and Ike had been living in Canada for a few years but after having Ivan you and Ike decided to move to his home town South Park Colorado. It took a month to finally get completely settled.
One afternoon you got a call from Kyle inviting you three down to his mom's house for dinner. You got yourself ready while Ike got Ivan ready.
"Ok buddy I think you're set." Ike says putting Ivan in a blue shirt and khaki shorts.
"This shade of blue good?" You ask Ike referring to your blouse that was the same color as his and Ivan's
"Perfect." He says kissing your forehead gently.
"You don't think it's a bit much we all match when we go out?" You ask adjusting your khaki pants.
Ike acts offended and pouts. "How dare you."
Ivan giggles making you smile and pick him up. You all head out and walk to Ike's parent's house as you were close by. You knock on the door and Shelia greets you.
"Oh Y/N! You look amazing can't even tell you had a baby." She says praising you. "Come in come in."
You laugh and step inside with the boys. Kyle comes up to you giving you a big hug.
"Nice to see you too Kyle." You say hugging back.
"You look great. God I can't imagine how it was giving birth to this chunky boy." Kyle says pulling away and picking Ivan's cheek.
"So how's parenthood?" Gerald asks.
"Amazing Considering I got Ike by my side." You say smiling at Ike.
He smiles and kisses your cheek softly. Ivan sees and pulls your head down and kisses your cheek.
"Oh how precious," Sheila says. "Let's talk about how cute our grandson is over dinner!"
You all sit at the table and eat. You all chat and laugh. You held Ike's hand after you finished. You could tell he was tired you all moved to the living room and continued the conversation you were having with Sheila.
When you look back at Ike you see him fast asleep with Ivan on his chest. Ivan was drooling all over Ike's shirt making you smile. You try to pick Ivan up but Ike's grip around him tightens.
"Oh, he used to do that all the time. It's best to let him sleep." Sheila said.
You smile and kiss both of their cheeks softly.
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You come home and see Kevin and Kaz on the floor playing with his trucks. You place your shopping bags inside the bedroom and come back out in a different outfit.
"Hey, baby how was Kaz?" You ask sitting on the floor with them.
"He was a handful but I think I got him to calm down well." He says with a smile.
You pick Kaz up and see he was very sleepy. You frown and let out a sigh as Kaz was struggling to keep his eyes open.
"You didn't put him down for his nap did you?" You ask Kevin who quickly got up.
"I was going to.." Kevin says rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Or take him a shower?" You ask getting a bit frustrated.
You let out a sigh and grab his hand taking him to the bathroom and putting the baby in the big sink.
"Bathe him I'll be right here." You say letting Kevin take reign.
Kevin tries to bathe Kaz but struggles as Kaz gets upset and starts crying. You watch him struggle to finish but after 10 minutes Kevin was able to finish. He lets out a sigh of relief and wraps the baby in a towel.
"Now put him to bed." You say getting up and heading to the kitchen.
You pour yourself a glass of wine as you hear Kaz crying and Kevin struggling to get him dressed and put to bed. You stand outside the nursery taking small sips of wine. After 30 minutes Kevin comes out exhausted. You look at him and smirk.
"How'd it go?" You ask.
Kevin took your wine glass and finished it making you laugh. Kevin pulls you into a hug and peppers kisses all over your face.
"I'm so sorry I don't appreciate you enough. God, I feel like a deadbeat." He mutters holding onto you tightly.
"Oh honey, I know you were trying your best. Maybe I shouldn't have left." You said rubbing his back.
"No, you shouldn't have to stay home all day with Kaz." He says pulling back. "I'll be better. Tomorrow is your day off so you're going to relax and I will handle everything for you and Kaz. I promise."
You smile and lead him to the bedroom. "I love you and I love when you take charge."
Kevin smiles and gets a sudden boost of energy when you both go into the bedroom.
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A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry if this isn't as good I think I may be coming down with something. But I promise better work in a day or two. Anyways love you all thank you for reading 🩷🩷🩷
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jewbeloved · 2 years ago
can u make kyle x reader headcanons about the reader being very close to his mom? like his mom loves the reader and almost treats them like her own kid lol. thanks, i love ur account btw! (i hope this made sense lmao)
Kyle with a s/o who is close with his Mom💚🌺💖💞
Let's gooooo! I got a couple of requests left before I can open back up my requests again!!
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💚 Kyle Broflovski 🍀
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Your parents were friends with Kyle's parents. Sheila absolutely adores you!
Kyle has heard about you constantly when his mom always talks about you, He didn't really even know in the first place that your parents were friends with his.
When his mom introduced you to him, Kyle could understand why his mother adores you so much.
You got along well with Kyle and Ike pretty fast I'm not gonna lie.
You're always so sweet and kind, and Sheila loves how you get along with her other 2 boys!
The Broflovskis literally likes you a whole lot, it's almost like you're a part of their family.
You're always the main topic of their conversation and they hardly ever change it.
Later on, Kyle introduced you to his friends and they were also cool with you. (Wow, you got Cartman to be cool with you as well without him slipping an insult at you!)💚💚💚💚
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........I have calmed down now, thank you for listening to me screaming 🙃
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summ3rg4l · 2 years ago
May I request a platonic x reader for Kyle and Ike (or just Kyle) with a cousin reader who has Chunibyo but is still very loving and kind?
I had to look up what that was so I apologize if it’s not what you wanted. But it’s givinggg kaidou (I think) so I based reader off that also you didn’t specify the gender so I made reader a girl
CW: swearing and racist jokes (Jewish)
Kyle is nine in this, reader is in high school and Ike is 5
I was originally gonna add more of Ike but I had already wrote most of it (at literary 1 AM) and the copy and past was being a little bitch
Your aunt Sheila drops you off at her house to stay for the week since your parents are busy. You get out the car to be greeted by your little cousins Kyle and Ike running up to you hugging your legs “Why hello there my minions.” You say confidently making your voice a bit deeper to sound more intimidating while smirking. The laugh at you not taking you seriously “What are you laughing at! If you don’t stop now I’ll have to use my secret power on you two.”
You put your arm up to scare them into submission showing off where your power is hiden. You laugh ‘evilly’ “Oh (name) dear, I hate to interrupt you playing with the boys but can you help me with dinner? Gerald isn’t here right now.” Sheila walks outside with a few groceries in her hands “Ye-yes mam.” You give Ike and Kyle one last look before you walk into the house.
“Minions! Dinner is ready.” You bust into Kyles room to alert them of the food being done. They get up from the spot they were playing in and walk downstairs to the table. “Hey (name) can you walk with me to the bus stop tomorrow?” Kyle asks you with his mouth of knishes some of it falling out. “Sure min— Kyle I’d love to walk you to school.” You smile as innocently as possible to get Aunt Sheila off your trail ‘Whew I almost let my secret identity out.’ You think to yourself mentally sweating.
The next day you hold Kyles hand as you walk down the road to drop him off at the bus stop. You see three other boys standing there, one of them has a blue hat with red poof ball and black hair, another one is fat and has a teal hat with a yellow poof ball, the last one is wearing an orange parka. ‘Hm what an interesting group of kids..they better not mess with my minion or they’ll live to regret it.’ You stare at the boys suspiciously “Uh (name) why did you stop walking..?” Kyle looks up at you confused. You just stand there in silence having internal dialogue. Kyle lets go of your hand and walks over to his friends.
It takes a while for you to actually notice. Your eyes widen once you do and you run over to where Kyle went “Minion! You shouldn’t run off like that, what if I’m not there to protect you!” You look at Kyle angrily. The fat kid starts to laugh  hysterically “BAHAHAH MINION!? GOD JEWS ARE SO WEIRD DUDE!” You stare at the kid for a second absolutely shocked that he said that. You’ve never encountered a person that was this openly racist. “Shut up fat ass!” Kyle yells at the fat boy angrily. His voice brings you back to reality.
The boy continues to laugh loudly “Hey little fat ass boy.” Your voice stops sounding so ‘anime’ like when you talk now. The kid stops laughing and looks at you “If I hear one more thing like that from you, your mom won’t be able to recognize you and you won’t be able to eat solid foods ever again. I bet that makes you real sad huh, you won’t be able to eat all those cheese puffs and fried chicken. How sad.” The boys (including Kyle) look at you silently. You obviously shocked and maybe scared them a little bit.
The school bus pulls up to where we all are “That’s for you guys. Have a nice day at school minion.” The boys silently get on the bus and you hear the fat boy mutter s quiet ‘weak’ before the doors close.
Waiting for something to happen?
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alovelyfox · 8 months ago
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Chapter 11: A New Face
You had always thought that a spontaneous life was a good life, but routine seemed to suit you nicely. Wendy and Stan had made up after their fight, so everyday you wake up to her moans, and while you’re as sex-positive as they come, you really wish you had spent some more money soundproofing your walls. Sure, it was awkward, but the idea of another argument happening between them because of something you say causes you to keep your mouth shut.
Plus, if you’re being completely honest, you didn’t mind the extra ‘romance’, especially coupled with how things were going with Kyle. The story about your late best friend Aminda was one you had repressed for a long time, despite the fact it was the reason you had even gone into human rights law in the first place. But sharing it with Kyle reminded you about what you were both fighting for, and made you closer than ever.
A week ago he said it was getting too hot for you to keep cycling to and from work, so he offered to start picking/dropping you off, which you happily accepted. Even though you knew nothing was ever going to happen due to the difference in your positions, it still excited you that he cares enough about your wellbeing that he’s willing to waste some extra money on gas.
Normally, Kyle arrives at your place at 8:45 am on the dot, as you learned that punctuality was an important value he cherished. And though you didn’t want to admit it, you had started getting ready earlier, if not to impress him to some degree. You’re standing outside your apartment building on a fine summer's morning, waiting patiently for your ride. But 8:45 comes and goes, yet he isn’t there.
Odd, you think, but you give him the benefit of the doubt and decide it’s probably traffic or something that’s making him late. You hum a song you’d heard Wendy playing late last night on her vinyl player, then begin to tap your foot impatiently along to the tune as 9 am creeps closer with no sign of Kyle. It’s 9:05 when his car flies by so fast that you have to take a step back to avoid getting blown away by the gust it creates. He gets out and hurriedly rushes over to you, holding onto your shoulders as his eyes look over your body.
“Fuck Y/N, are you okay?” He asks in a panicked voice, slightly panting. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine Kyle,” you say, and afraid it came out harsher than you meant for it to, you give him a reassuring smile, which seems to relax him. He lets go of your shoulders and nods, before opening the car door for you. He closes it behind you once you’re in, then gets in on his side and lightly rests his head on the wheel.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”
He turns his head and looks into your eyes with a truly apologetic stare, which makes it harder for you to lie through your teeth.
“Oh no, I was late waking up, so you actually came just in time!”
He smiles, before starting up the car.
“I was late for the dumbest reason too. My little brother’s coming to visit in a couple days, and it’s my mom’s birthday today, so I went to a flower shop to get something nice that he could give to her. But I lost track of time trying to pick out the right bouquet.”
Finding out that Kyle cares so much for his mom makes your heart swoon, and all the previous anger you felt being stuck on the sidewalk evaporates.
“What’d you end up picking?” You ask, mainly wanting to know what his taste in flowers was, and if it matched your own.
“Oh, that’s the worst part. I didn’t even end up buying it. I couldn’t find the particular kind my mom likes, even though Maria tried her best to provide some alternatives. Luckily, she said that the store could get some in stock for tomorrow, if I can stick around long enough to pay for them.”
He smiles fondly, and you can feel your heart twitch. You understand that in a relationship, there needs to be a strong level of trust between you and your partner to ensure that the other won’t be unfaithful. But Kyle didn’t need to be faithful to you in the first place, since you weren’t in a relationship. Of course you understand this. Of course, of course, of course. So why did him mentioning her name hurt so much?
Maybe there was something primitive being awakened inside of you. Once Kyle was yours, you could rest easy that no one would come between you two. But until that day, every other girl was the enemy. Yet, who knows when ‘that day’ will happen, if ever? It’s not like Kyle’s aware of your feelings, and you can’t confess to them anytime soon, so he’s free to talk to and date and marry whoever he wants, something you’ll just have to suck up.
Putting on a complacent face, you smile at him, then revert to looking through the window so he can’t see the ice forming on your heart.
It’s also become routine for you and Butters to have lunch together, since Kyle’s too busy to ‘have lunch with us blue-collar working folk’, as Butters so eloquently puts it. You don’t know if you’d say it was exactly like that, but you didn’t care since it’d been nice having someone else to interact with in the office other than him. You had been so wrapped up in him the first couple weeks that you neglected to make friends with anyone else other than Sam, and when he left you were almost made a complete outcast whenever Kyle wasn’t around, until Butters came along to save the day. Or ruin the day, as his childhood alter ego Profession Chaos, that he told you about during one of your lunchtime chats.
You could tell Butters felt homesick about South Park, which made sense considering it was the only place he’d ever known before moving here. So you let him ramble on with his stories, normally just nodding along and taking in all the details as he describes the time they almost reignited the Civil War by letting the confederacy win. But today you put in a request.
“Hey, did Kyle ever have any girlfriends back home?”
You have to admit, it’s slightly inspired by the girl he mentioned this morning. But if Butters is surprised by the sudden question, he doesn’t show it. The only thing you can tell from his face is that he’s deep in thought, until he replies.
“I guess there were a couple chicks. Rebecca Cotswold, but she ended up being a big ol’ whore, so Kyle cut her off after they kissed. Maybe Bebe? But she only wanted him for his ass. Hmm, I think he had a crush on Nicole for a little, but she got with Tolkien instead... Huh, that's weird. I don’t think Kyle’s ever had a real girlfriend.”
He gives you a puzzling look.
“You don’t think he’s gay, do ya?”
You think back to the incident in the kitchen a couple weeks ago.
“Definitely not gay,” you pronounce, turning your head slightly to the side so Butters won’t see your face heating up.
“Well, I guess I was only really close with him in middle school, and then the only thing we did was go to school, play basketball, and occasionally tell everyone our parents molested us.”
“Hey, sometimes we’d watch TV,” Kyle says, suddenly appearing behind you. Turning around, you wonder how long he’d been there. Hopefully not long enough to hear you say you knew he definitely wasn’t gay. Fuck.
“Oh right! Terrance and Phillip…” Butters says, and both the boys fall silent as they seemingly reminisce on the show which shaped so much of their childhood. You watch them, then eventually clear your throat to get Butters to continue.
“Hey, I hear there’s a new movie coming out on the Canadian Network. You plannin’ to watch, Kyle?”
“I would love to, but I don’t have access to that channel.”
The name sounds familiar, and you ask if it also used to show that series, Crème Fraiche . Both the boys nod, and you instantly realize where you know it from.
“Oh my god, the Canadian Network! It was like the only channel Wendy and I could get working when we first moved in, so goddamn annoying. Neither of us wanna touch it with a ten-foot pole now, but if you guys want, you can come over and use it to watch the movie,” you offer with a smile, and the boys break out into matching grins.
They agree, and you text Wendy.
Y/N - hey girl, is it cool if we lend our tv to kyle and butters tonight?
Y/N - they wanna watch some movie which is apparently only streaming on that fucking canadian channel we could’t get rid of lol
Wendy 🖤 - u mean terrance & phillip? actually, stan wanted to watch that with me tonight as well, please get them to come over so I don’t have to suffer through 90 minutes of fart jokes alone 😭
Y/N liked a message ❤️
Empty pizza boxes scatter around the living room, with half-drunken cups of soda standing on the wooden coasters Wendy made everyone use. The both of you are strewn out on the couch, while the boys are huddled in front of the TV like they’re 10 years old again. They’re relatively quiet while the movie plays, only laughing every couple minutes when a fart joke happens. You and Wendy want to be embarrassed by their immaturity, but as soon as the Queef sisters make a special appearance, they’re suddenly the one’s looking over at you disgusted. Overall, the night was shaping up to be one of your favorites. Something about it felt so nostalgic, watching a childish movie with people you care about. You don’t know how to describe it exactly, but you close your eyes, wanting to stay trapped in this memory forever.
Soon enough, the movie ends, and the boys sit back up on the couch. Butters sits alone on one edge, while Wendy and Stan are cuddled up on the other, leaving you and Kyle together in the middle. Too busy talking to notice another movie started playing, you and Wendy simultaneously groan upon seeing what genre it seemed to be. The Canadian Network was notorious for their shitty horror movies, ones that would always let you girls know it was time to turn off the TV and go to bed. You bring this point up, but the boys protest, saying there’s no way it can be that bad if it plays on the same channel as the legendary Terrance & Phillip. Wendy rolls her eyes and tells them they’re about to eat their words in 10 minutes.
The film starts with the cliché scene of the guy and girl making out in a steamy car somewhere isolated, so isolated they don’t see the masked freak coming to attack them. Stan and Kyle groan at how played out the trope is, while Butters is the only person who truly gets jump scared at the murderer killing them. In fact, he yells at every corny twist, which is the only thing keeping the rest of you entertained. Eventually though, he tires out, curls into a ball and falls asleep. Wendy and Stan follow suit not long after, nestled in each other's arms. So now it’s you and Kyle, practically left alone.
You’re sitting fairly close, yet not touching the other, both your arms laid firmly at your sides and feet planted on the floor. This is, until a scare you didn’t expect comes on and you jump up and into Kyle’s arms. You’re holding onto him now, legs across his lap while your hands drape over his neck and chest. He no longer seems interested in the movie, and you can hear his breaths turning slow and deep, probably due to being in such close proximity to you. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in closer. You keep your eyes glued to the screen, since you know a simple look in his direction will send you crumbling.
The movie plays, as neither of you dare to make any moves. You stay put, unconsciously cuddled in this comfortable silence, but when a moment of cheap gore comes on, you hide your head in Kyle’s chest as a way to avert your eyes.
He smells good, you think, his signature scent of faint coconut further lulling you into staying wrapped in his arms forever. You sneak a peek up to his face, but it surprises you. Kyle looks like he’s trying to hide that he’s in pain, with his jaw clenched, and eyes staring straight ahead. You move slightly and he murmurs a groan. Upon realizing that you’re watching him, he suddenly lets go of you, prompting you to stand straight up, with him doing the same. The sudden withdrawal of his body from yours sends goosebumps up your skin, but you willfully ignore them as you look at Kyle. He turns his head to the side, avoiding eye contact, as a faint blush appears on his face.
“Uhm, sorry, I-”
“No, I’m sorry,” you say, mentally kicking yourself for accidentally letting things get carried away again, just like in the kitchen. Your eyes unknowingly flit there, and Kyle’s follows yours. It takes him a couple seconds to realize, and he lets out a small cough.
“I, uh, think I’m gonna go. Thanks for having me,” he says, scrambling for the door.
“Oh, uhm, don’t worry about it,” you reply, and he turns around to give you a quick wave before shutting the door behind him, leaving you standing there in his absence.
You message Kyle that you don’t need to be picked up that morning, as you want to postpone the awkwardness that’s sure to come after what happened last night. You don’t know why you did what you did, getting so close to him like that. You were even closer than Wendy and Stan, and they’re the ones who are dating, not you two. Everything about Kyle is gorgeous, in such a way you hope to never see him again, for that’s the lesser evil compared to what he makes you feel whenever you’re together.
But, 9 am rolls around and he strolls in. You’re seated firmly at your desk, pretending to look like you’re focused on work, when he comes up behind you and presses both his hands flat on either side of you, so that he's practically leaning over your body. Ignoring him will do more harm than good, so you swivel around in your chair, trying not to focus on how near in proximity you are to each other. His scent triggers your memory of last night, and you gulp as you stare up at him. He seems unaffected by anything you-re currently thinking of, and gives you an easygoing smile.
“Hey Y/N. It was fun last night, right?” He asks, and your eyes slightly widen. What was he saying? Was he seriously talking about what happened? For a guy who looked like he hated every minute of it, he seems surprisingly calm bringing it up. You nod, wondering where he’s going with this, and he continues.
“I haven’t seen Terrence and Phillip in forever, so watching it with friends was super nice. It felt so… relaxing.”
“Oh!” you say, unable to hide your relief over the fact he wasn’t talking about what you thought he was. But thinking back, you realize how loose he was last night when he was around his old South Park friends. More confident, self assured. And as hypnotizing as it was to be around him sometimes, you would never do anything to take those people away from him. “Yeah, it was actually nice hanging out with everyone. We should do it again sometime.”
He flashes you a grin which you take as a yes, so you give him a matching one in return. He stops leaning on your desk and starts walking towards his office when you’re reminded of something.
“Kyle, before I forget, you left your jacket at my place last night.”
His eyebrows slightly burrow together, before he replies.
“Oh, uhm, okay. Do you mind dropping it off at my place after work?”
“Why don’t you come over and get it yourself?” You ask in what was supposed to be a playful tone, but came out unnecessarily dirty.
“I mean, wait. I didn't mean it like that, it’s just-” you say trying to backtrack from how it sounds like you just propositioned him, but he frowns.
“It’s fine,” he says, interrupting your rambling excuses. “I can’t unfortunately, I’m meeting Maria after work so I can pick up the flowers today. My brother’s staying over this weekend, and I wanna get them before the shop closes so he can pass them on to my mom when he returns home. Sorry.”
He takes a piece of paper from your desk and a pen from his pocket to scribble down an address, before handing it to you. You give him a tight smile in return, trying to conceal the emotions you feel after hearing him mention another girl’s name. But it’s not your place to be jealous, so you stuff your feelings deep inside, and take the paper.
You pop into his office just before you’re about to leave at 6 pm. It’s later than you thought it would be, and you expect him to already be gone, but he’s working diligently at his desk, not taking his eyes off the screen until you enter.
“Hey Kyle, what’re you still doing here? It’s already 6, shouldn’t you be home by now, or at least getting the flowers?”
He glances at the clock, then at you, then at the clock again as his eyes widen drastically.
“SHIT. AH SHIT. I meant to leave at 5, but I got so caught up in my work that…” He doesn’t finish his sentence as he rushes around the room, collecting all his things. He’s about to push past you to get out but stops and grabs onto your shoulders instead.
“Just in case you get to my place before me, there’s a spare key under the doormat. Take it and let yourself in, I shouldn’t be long.”
He gives you a reassuring smile then hurries out of the office, leaving you standing there in the dust yet again.
Jacket in hand, you get to his apartment a little later than need be, purely because the idea of seeing Kyle’s place for the first time without him being present scares the shit out of you. But luck’s not on your side, and when you knock on his door no one answers. Sighing, you pluck the key from under the doormat and jiggle it in until you hear a click, letting it open all menacingly-like. However, his apartment isn’t nearly as terrifying as you expect. In fact, it actually looks quite nice.
Painted a beautiful shade of olive green, it’s not similar to any places owned by guys you’d ever seen before, mainly because this one has actual furniture and not inflatable bean bags strewn everywhere. He has a couple tasteful paintings hung up on the wall, some vibrant plants scattered around, and a nice 50 inch tv in his living room. A few pictures on the mantelpiece above it catch your interest, so you drop the jacket on a nearby chair and go over to take a look.
There’s one of him with one arm draped around the shoulder of some shorter guy, with beady eyes and black hair. A Canadian. From what he’s wearing, it looks like they’re at his high school graduation, him looking extremely embarrassed while Kyle beams proudly at the camera. You smile, then your eyes wander to another picture, this one with a much younger Kyle. He’s with three other guys, one conveniently cropped out of frame. You recognize one of them as Stan, wearing practically the same clothes he was when you first met him, except that in the photo they look like they actually fit him. Another guy is wearing a yellow parka which covers almost his entire face and body, only his eyes visible. And Kyle… his curly red hair is hidden behind a green ushanka, while his crooked teeth are again smiling at the camera. Damn, he looked cute as a kid.
You’re lost in your thoughts when you hear some strange noises coming from one of the bedrooms. You think it was maybe something that fell down, but the noises carry on, and panic sets in when you realize you’re not alone.
Kyle’s been here the entire time? You think. What if he’s been watching me snoop through his old pictures? God, this is so embarrassing.
You make your way to the bedroom, a handful of apologies running through your head that you prepare to give to him for being nosy. But the noises are starting to sound like they’re coming from two people, one more feminine than the other.
Holy shit, is he with a girl? With Maria??
You didn’t realize Kyle was that kind of guy. He mentioned meeting Maria only yesterday, so to already be having sex with her… But were they even having sex? You had to know for sure, the uncertainness clawing at your brain. The door is already slightly ajar, so you try to peek through the gap, but accidentally lean against it and it bursts wide open, causing the two people on the bed to turn and face you.
The girl’s face is one contorted with a mix of pleasure that is slowly turning into fear, while the guy seems unaffected by your presence, giving you a sleazy look as your eyes wander down and you see what he’s currently doing balls deep inside of her. She screams, and you realize you recognize the guy from the picture, his name leaving your mouth in a confused voice.
“Ike?” The girl repeats, her eyes darting between you and him. “How do you know that girl?”
He looks you up and down. “I don’t. But she obviously knows me, which means she’s welcome to join,” he says with a lazy smirk, which causes the girl to kick herself out of him, standing up to slap him straight across the face. She takes Kyle’s bed sheets to cover herself up, then grabs the rest of her stuff, leaving the room as she mutters something about how she was warned never to date an ice-hockey player.
Ike follows her, still fully naked, a fact you’re trying really hard to ignore. Once she slams the door shut, he turns his attention to you.
“Okay, who the hell are you?” He asks, and you take a deep breath.
“I’m Y/N, a friend of Kyle’s. I’m assuming you’re Ike, his younger brother, right?” He slowly nods, and you continue, keeping your eyes firmly trained on the upper half of his body. “I only came to give something back to him, and I’m assuming he didn’t tell you I was coming.”
“Nah,” he says, before looking you up and down once again. “But if you’d like, I can make sure the entire apartment building knows you’re coming.”
He winks, so you awkwardly laugh. And when his head is turned, you make a beeline for the door and get the fuck out of there.
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sunny-ssunset · 6 months ago
💖📚Kyle broflovski x a girly fem reader📚💖
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dividers by pinterest
♡I enjoyed writing the kenny one so I'm gonna do kyle :D (ALL AGED UP)
•It started off as a "Hey that l/n girl is kinda pretty huh?" "Who??"
•The more he finds out about you the more he falls in love
•He'll go out of his way to find more stuff out about you stalker much??
•Now its a "STAN HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT Y/N WAS WEARING TO DAY SHE IS SO PRETTY😍 😍😍😍" "Uhm yeah she's okay." "JUST OKAY SHE IS THE MOST-" *que an hour long rant to stan about you*
•He is literally in love like he'll always be looking at you
•Doesnt matter if his life long idle is in the room he'll forever be staring at you
•If you looked at him for a split second it will drive him MAD
•"Guys have you seen the way Y/n looked at me? I think she feels the same way guys"
•He is so fucking delusional its sad me fr
•He won't ask you out first out if its out of the blue, but if there was a rumour going around that you felt the same way he'll ask you out within a heart beat
•He isn't insecure but he is jealous. He trusts you and he knows you wont leave him but he gets pissed off when other people flirt with you
•How dare they ask you out, they know you two are together he follows you around like a guard dog
•He looks really scrawny but he has a sleeper build (😩🙏)
•He literally cannot shut up about you tbh like its really annoying
•He'll buy you clothes and Jewelry he loves spoiling you
•He'll offer to do your homework for you
•He'll tutor you
•He thinks you are so fucking perfect
•His parents mum loves you
•She'll always ask about you "Hows y/n these days? Ike's been asking about her"
•Brags the other moms how much of a good influence you are and how great you and Kyle are together
•Saying she hasnt seen Kyle this happy in ages
•Kyle studies you so much he knows your smallest habits and your big ones
•He knows if your sad by just one look at you
•He'll cuddle you and suggest all your favorite things to cheer you up
•He can't stand seeing you sad
•He is your biggest hype man will say you look good in everything
•If you are sick he'll write you notes for class
•He'll cook you chicken noodle soup
•Ike loves you he begs Kyle to let him in his room when you come round
•"Can Y/n play minecraft with me please" "NO! SHES MINE!"
•He kind of forgets Ike is a kid
•He sees everyone as competition when it comes to you
•Your perfect what can he say?
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dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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fuqnia · 3 months ago
Golden Glow and Quiet Truths
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kyle broflovski x reader insert
(❁´◡`❁) | [A/N] hii, this is my second oneshot that's apart of my ficmas! this is also on ao3. ❤️❄️🎄
(❁´◡`❁) | Warning(s) : none
(❁´◡`❁) | Synopsis : At Kyle’s Hanukkah celebration, [y/n] learns about his traditions and shares a quiet, heartfelt moment under the warm glow of the menorah.
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The Broflovski house was buzzing with warmth and life, a stark contrast to the frigid snowdrifts piling up outside. Inside, the menorah’s golden light flickered on the table, casting soft, wavering patterns on the walls. Laughter and conversation filled the air, Sheila’s booming voice rising over the din as she directed traffic between the kitchen and living room. The scent of frying latkes mixed with the tangy sweetness of applesauce and the faint aroma of pine from the small Christmas tree Sheila insisted on keeping for “their Christian friends.”
You hovered near the doorway, a drink in your hand, unsure where to plant yourself in the chaos. Kyle had been insistent about inviting you to his family’s Hanukkah party. His words—half invitation, half plea—still echoed in your mind: “It’s no big deal, really. My family would love to have you there. I’d love to have you there.” You couldn’t say no. Not to that earnest look in his green eyes, not to the nervous way he fidgeted with his sleeves when he asked.
Now you were here, a little overwhelmed but oddly at peace, watching the scene unfold. Ike was at the table, enthusiastically explaining dreidel rules to a group of adults who didn’t stand a chance against his enthusiasm. Kyle’s dad, Gerald, was cracking a joke in the corner, earning polite chuckles. And there was Kyle himself, standing by the menorah, his green ushanka askew as he helped his mom arrange candles for the blessing. He caught your eye for a moment, offering a small smile that made your stomach flip, before turning back to his task.
“You okay?” came a voice beside you.
Kyle had appeared at your side, so close you could feel the warmth radiating off him. His hair was slightly mussed from the hat, and the glow of the menorah danced in his eyes.
“Yeah,” you said with a faint smile. “It’s really nice. Your family knows how to throw a party.”
Kyle chuckled, glancing at the crowded room. “My mom loves an excuse to go all out. Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Arbor Day—you name it.”
You laughed softly, and his expression softened as he watched you. “I’m glad you came,” he said, his voice quieter now, almost hesitant.
“I’m glad you invited me,” you replied. “It’s… warm. Feels like a real home.”
Kyle looked like he wanted to say something more, but instead, he gestured toward the table where Ike was still commanding his dreidel game. “Want to play? I could teach you. Ike’s ruthless, though, so fair warning.”
“Sure,” you said, following him to the table.
The Broflovski dining table was a whirlwind of festive energy—plates of latkes and brisket, half-empty glasses of sparkling cider, and a small pile of chocolate gelt coins stacked neatly in the center. But as the party hummed around you, you found yourself seated across from Kyle, the rest of the room fading into background noise.
“Alright,” Kyle said, setting a small wooden dreidel in the middle of the table with a faint clink. “You said you’ve never played before?”
“Never,” you admitted with a sheepish grin, leaning forward to inspect the dreidel. The menorah candles flickered nearby, casting a warm glow over the two of you. “So, be gentle. I don’t want to embarrass myself.”
Kyle chuckled, the sound warm and soft. “Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through it. It’s pretty simple, I promise.”
He picked up the dreidel and turned it slowly between his fingers, the Hebrew letters catching the light. “This is the dreidel,” he explained. “Each side has a letter: Nun, Gimel, Hei, and Shin. They stand for ‘A great miracle happened there.’ It’s kind of a reminder of the Hanukkah story.”
You nodded, your gaze flickering between the dreidel and his face. He looked so at ease, his green eyes bright as he spoke, and you couldn’t help but feel a warmth that had nothing to do with the candles.
“So,” he continued, placing the dreidel back on the table. “The goal is to spin it, and whichever side it lands on determines what you do. Nun means nothing happens. Gimel means you take the whole pot. Hei means you take half, and Shin means you add a coin to the pot.”
“Got it,” you said, picking up one of the shiny chocolate coins from the pile. “And we’re playing with these?”
“Yep.” He pushed a small handful of gelt toward you, his fingers brushing yours briefly. The touch sent a jolt up your arm, and you glanced at him, catching the faintest hint of a blush creeping up his cheeks. “Alright, you go first.”
You picked up the dreidel, gripping it awkwardly. Kyle watched with an amused smile as you gave it a spin. It wobbled uncertainly before clattering to a stop on Shin.
Kyle winced dramatically, his hand flying to his chest. “Oof. Tough start. Add one to the pot.”
You rolled your eyes playfully as you tossed a coin into the center. “Great. Off to a stellar beginning.”
“Hey, it’s all about the technique,” Kyle teased, picking up the dreidel with practiced ease. His fingers moved deftly, giving it a smooth spin that sent it twirling across the table. It landed on Gimel, and he smirked as he scooped up the entire pot.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you groaned, throwing your hands up. “You’re a professional. I didn’t stand a chance.”
“Not my fault I’m naturally gifted,” he said, tossing a coin in the air and catching it with a grin. “Alright, your turn. Let’s see if you’ve learned anything.”
You narrowed your eyes, picking up the dreidel again. “Oh, I’ll show you.”
As you leaned forward to spin it, Kyle reached out to adjust your grip. “Wait, like this,” he said, his hand brushing over yours to position the dreidel. His touch was warm, steady, and lingered just a second longer than necessary. Your eyes met, and the noise of the room seemed to fade, leaving just the two of you in the soft glow of the menorah candles.
“Got it?” Kyle asked, his voice quieter now.
“Yeah,” you murmured, your heart beating faster as you gave the dreidel a spin. It twirled across the table, wobbling slightly before landing on Hei.
Kyle grinned. “Half the pot. Not bad.”
“Finally,” you said, scooping up your share with a triumphant smile. “I’m catching up.”
Kyle chuckled, his gaze lingering on you as you added the coins to your pile. “Told you it wasn’t so hard.”
The game continued, the pile of gelt shifting back and forth between you as you took turns. But as the rounds went on, you found yourself less focused on the dreidel and more on Kyle—the way his lips twitched into a smile whenever you teased him, the way his hands moved so sure and steady, the way his green eyes sparkled under the golden light.
At one point, your hands brushed again as you reached for the dreidel at the same time. Neither of you moved immediately, your fingers overlapping for a moment that felt far too long yet far too short. Kyle cleared his throat, pulling his hand back quickly, his cheeks turning pink.
“Your turn,” he said, looking down at the table with a sheepish grin.
You spun the dreidel, your chest tight with something you couldn’t quite name. As it twirled and clattered to a stop, Kyle leaned closer, his shoulder brushing against yours. The touch sent warmth blooming through you, and when you glanced at him, his face was so close you could see the faint freckles scattered across his cheeks.
The dreidel had landed on Gimel, but the game didn’t matter anymore. Not really. Kyle’s gaze met yours, and for a moment, neither of you spoke. The room around you seemed to fall away, leaving just the two of you bathed in the soft glow of the candles.
“Looks like you win this round,” Kyle said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah,” you replied, your heart pounding. “I guess I do.”
The party was finally starting to wind down, the once-bustling Broflovski living room now quieter as a few remaining guests mingled and chatted in the background. The menorah candles had burned lower, their flickering light casting soft shadows across the room. You and Kyle sat at the dining table, the remnants of your dreidel game scattered between you. Chocolate gelt wrappers glimmered like forgotten treasure, and the faint hum of conversation filled the air.
Kyle leaned back in his chair, tapping a wrapper idly against the table as he gave you a look. “Okay, but seriously, how did you manage to land on Shin six times in a row? Statistically, that should be impossible.”
“I’m just that unlucky,” you replied with a grin, stacking your small pile of remaining gelt. “Or maybe you rigged the dreidel.”
Kyle snorted. “Yeah, because I clearly have nothing better to do than rig a children’s game for a party my mom guilted everyone into attending.”
“It’s not a children’s game,” you shot back, laughing. “It’s cultural. And I’m learning. Be nice.”
He rolled his eyes, but his lips twitched into a reluctant smile. “Fine, fine. I’ll give you that. But you’ve got a long way to go before you’re dreidel champion material.”
“Oh, is that a title now? Dreidel champion?” you teased, leaning forward. “Do you get a medal for that, or just a lifetime supply of gelt?”
Kyle chuckled, shaking his head. “Okay, point taken. I’m dropping it.”
But as the laughter between you faded, a new kind of silence settled in. Kyle fiddled with the foil wrapper in his hand, twisting it into a small, misshapen ball. His gaze darted to the menorah, then back to you, his usual confidence giving way to something more uncertain.
“So,” he began, his voice quieter now. “How are you liking the party? Not too overwhelming?”
“It’s been great,” you said honestly, leaning your elbows on the table. “Your family’s amazing, Kyle. Your mom’s a little... intense, but in a good way.”
Kyle groaned, covering his face with his hand. “That’s the understatement of the century. Intense is her default setting.”
You laughed, but his comment made you notice the faint tension in his shoulders, the way he seemed to retreat into himself for a moment. “It’s nice, though,” you said softly. “To see how much she cares. And honestly? I’ve had a really great time.”
Kyle’s shoulders relaxed slightly, and he offered a small smile. “Good. I was kind of worried you’d hate it.”
“Why would I hate it?” you asked, tilting your head.
“I don’t know,” he muttered, glancing down at the table. “It’s not exactly the most exciting party ever. And it’s Hanukkah, so it’s not like it’s... I don’t know, cool.”
“Cool?” you echoed, raising an eyebrow. “Kyle, it’s been amazing. I don’t need it to be ‘cool.’ It’s meaningful. That’s what matters.”
His green eyes flicked up to meet yours, and for a moment, he looked almost stunned by your words. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, like he was searching for the right thing to say.
“Are you okay?” you asked gently.
“Yeah,” he said quickly, straightening in his chair. “I just... I don’t know. I guess I’m glad you came.”
“I’m glad I came too,” you said with a smile. “This has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a while.”
Kyle’s cheeks reddened slightly, and he looked away, muttering, “You’re way too nice to me, you know that?”
“I’m just being honest,” you said lightly, leaning closer. “What’s with you tonight, though? You’ve been acting a little... off.”
“Off?” he repeated, his voice rising slightly. “I’m not off. This is just my normal, neurotic self.”
You grinned. “You’re always neurotic, but this feels like another level.”
Kyle groaned, burying his face in his hands. “God, you’re relentless.”
“Maybe,” you teased, nudging his foot under the table. “But you love it.”
For a moment, he didn’t respond, and you wondered if you’d pushed too far. But then he sighed, dropping his hands and looking at you with an expression you couldn’t quite read.
“Fine,” he said, his voice quieter now. “You want the truth?”
You nodded, your chest tightening as he hesitated.
Kyle took a deep breath, his fingers twisting the foil ball again. “I’ve been thinking about this all night. Hell, I’ve been thinking about it for weeks, and I wasn’t going to say anything because I thought it would ruin everything, but... I can’t not say it anymore.”
Your heart raced, the weight of his words sinking in. “Kyle... what are you trying to say?”
He looked up at you then, his green eyes bright with a mix of nervousness and determination. “I like you. A lot. Like, way more than I probably should. And I’ve been trying to act normal, but it’s been driving me insane because every time I see you, I just...”
He trailed off, running a hand through his hair. “God, this is so stupid. I sound like a total idiot, don’t I?”
“No,” you said quickly, your voice trembling slightly. “You don’t. Not at all.”
Kyle’s gaze softened, and he let out a shaky laugh. “I just—being around you makes everything better. Even when I’m stressed, or my mom’s driving me crazy, or Cartman’s being a jackass... you make it all easier.”
Your chest ached at the sincerity in his voice, and you reached out, covering his hand with yours. “Kyle, you’re amazing. I don’t know how you don’t see that.”
He blinked, his cheeks flushing. “You really mean that?”
“I do,” you said softly, your thumb brushing against his knuckles. “And for the record? I like you too. A lot.”
A wide, relieved grin broke across his face, and for a moment, he looked like he couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. “You do?”
You laughed, nodding. “Yeah, Kyle. I do.”
Kyle hesitated, his green eyes searching yours again, his nervous energy palpable. “Can I... would it be okay if I kissed you?” he asked softly, his voice trembling just slightly, a mix of hesitation and hope laced in his words.
Your heart swelled at the question, your chest tightening with the weight of the moment. His vulnerability was so raw, so earnest, that it made your breath hitch. Slowly, you nodded, your voice barely a whisper. “Yeah, it’s okay.”
Kyle exhaled shakily, relief flickering in his eyes as he leaned in, moving cautiously like he was afraid to break the fragile space between you. The air felt thick with anticipation, every second stretching as you watched him close the gap. When his lips finally brushed against yours, the kiss was soft, tentative, like he was testing the waters, unsure of where this might lead.
His hand came up to cup your cheek, his touch warm and careful, and the gentleness of it made your heart ache. The first press of his lips was light, a whisper of a connection, but it lingered, drawing you in deeper. There was a sweetness to it, a quiet kind of awe, like he couldn’t quite believe this was happening. But beneath that sweetness was something else—something more urgent, a need that simmered just beneath the surface.
As the kiss deepened, Kyle’s fingers threaded into your hair, anchoring you closer. His other hand settled hesitantly on your waist, his grip firm but uncertain, as though he were afraid to overstep. You could feel his breath, warm and uneven, mingling with yours, and it sent a shiver through you that made you lean into him instinctively.
He kissed you like he was trying to pour everything he couldn’t say into this one moment—his longing, his uncertainty, his quiet devotion. There was an innocence to it, a hesitance that spoke to how deeply he cared, but there was also a quiet hunger, a sense of want that made your heart race.
Your hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping the soft fabric of his sweater as though grounding yourself against the overwhelming rush of emotion. His lips moved against yours with a careful intensity, each touch more deliberate than the last. It wasn’t rushed; it wasn’t chaotic. It was deliberate and full of feeling, a perfect balance of sweetness and need.
When Kyle finally pulled back, his breathing was ragged, his cheeks flushed a deep red. His gaze darted away for a moment, as though he were processing everything that had just happened. Then his eyes found yours again, wide and filled with an almost childlike wonder.
“I... I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he admitted, his voice shaky but soft, a quiet confession that made your chest ache.
You couldn’t help but smile, your own heart pounding in your ears. “Me too,” you whispered, your voice barely audible as you reached up to brush a stray strand of his hair out of his face.
“Whoa! Ew! Gross!”
The spell shattered abruptly as Ike burst into the room, standing in the doorway with an exaggerated look of disgust.
“Seriously?” Ike said, throwing his hands up in mock horror. “This is so cringy. Do you guys practice this stuff or what?”
Kyle jerked away from you like he’d been electrocuted, his face burning a shade of red you didn’t think was possible. “Ike! Go away!”
“No way,” Ike said, smirking like the devil himself. “This is pure comedy gold. Mom’s gonna love this.”
Before Kyle could lunge for something to throw at him, Ike darted out of the room, his laughter echoing down the hall.
Kyle groaned, burying his face in his hands. “Oh my God. I’m going to kill him.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, the sound soft and warm as you leaned into him. “Good luck with that. But for the record? Totally worth it.”
Kyle let out a long-suffering sigh, but his arm slipped around you anyway, pulling you closer to his side. “Yeah,” he muttered, his voice quieter now, a small, shy smile tugging at his lips. “It was.”
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bubbless-s · 6 months ago
I love love LOVE your page. Your Harry Potter fics are my favsss. Your Kyle and Kenny headcanons were LITERALLY SCRUMPTIOUS, I WILL KEEP EATING IT UP.
But if I could, may I request the main 3 SP boys x reader please? Separately of course. Maybe they’re dating and having a sleepover together. Just hc’s on what they’d do at a sleepover with a partner.
If you could, fem reader would be preferred, gender neutral is okay though.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pillow Fights and Stolen Hearts₊ ⊹ ᶻ !! ␥
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- ��ɞ genre: fluffy! (as always no gender implied.)
- ʚɞ warnings: none (devider)
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Kyle Broflovski
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ೀ⋆ He definitely begged his mom for this.
ೀ⋆ His mom allowed with the rule of the door being open.
ೀ⋆ You suggested the sleepover firstly and got him hooked.
ೀ⋆ “What will we do on the sleepover? Play truth or dare?” after Stan showed him the powers of truth or dare he is willing to try it out with you. A little tho! He isn’t awaiting it with heart eyes!!
ೀ⋆ Our lovesick fool made a little list of things just incase if you guys runout of things to do.
ೀ⋆ “Do you have games on your phone?” -Ike
ೀ⋆ Kyle got you a rose too! He gave it to you when you arrived at his house.
ೀ⋆ Imagine the surprise on your face when you open the door to Kyles house only to get a rose shoved to your face. A very well decorated rose at that.
ೀ⋆ The fun part is when night came.
ೀ⋆ Kyle being Kyle couldn’t sleep at all.
ೀ⋆ Why you may ask. 1. He has the worst bed hair ever! 2.What if he kicks you in his sleep?! 3. Can’t stop staring at your sleeping face
ೀ⋆ It was the most anxious sleepover to him BUT you know after rain rainbow comes.
Stan Marsh
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✧ Stan had this planned out for months.
✧ He carefully planned each step like the “master mind” he is. He totally sucks at it but eh
✧ First he will impress you with his guitar skills then ask you to come over to his place for a sleepover.
✧ It was a solid plan until he almost puked out of nervousness.
✧ But things did work out in Stans favour nonetheless!
✧ This loverboy was over the moon that you agreed and went out to buy all the snacks in the world with his pocket money.
✧ Not to mention he brushed his teeth 12 times because you guys w-will..will kiss..such a blasphemy..!
✧ Stan also made a very romantic questionable playlist.
✧ “You deserve better.” - Shelley
✧ When night fell Stan and you found yourself under the covers.
✧ Sleepy but still talking. Too invested in the conversation but too sleepy to continue..
✧ The problems solution was a sweet kiss and a even sweeter goodnight bidding.
Kenny Mccormick
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৻ꪆ Kenny was thrilled to have a sleepover with you.
৻ꪆ Finally he was going to see what your room looks like!
৻ꪆ Asking him to come over wasn’t hard at all, you just asked as someone would do normally and Kenny cut you off saying yes. If it was a comic it would definitely have big “!!!” marks at the end.
৻ꪆ When he did arrive at your place y’all did the casual things. Watching TV together, snuggling under the covers, Kenny chasing you to tickle your sensitive spots—
৻ꪆ Yea you heard me ladies, gentlemen and non-binary sillies, Kenny chased you till you were breathless only to trap you underneath him.
৻ꪆ For some tickles. You had to cry and beg for release!
৻ꪆ When night began its reign Kenny became more quirky.
৻ꪆ He would always steal kisses or his hands would wande—ahem Kenny Im trying to keep this family friendly.
৻ꪆ Anyway! Kenny is the best cuddle buddy out there if you are cold he will pull you closer to himself, if you are hot he will loosen his arms.
৻ꪆ If Kenny happened to be awake later on his thought could begin to wander to more evil places.
৻ꪆ But he wouldn’t do that to his darling..
৻ꪆ Until you woke up funny shapes drawn all over your face.
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hunnysnoops · 8 months ago
˗ˋ𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕋𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕖𝕖𝕟𝕤ˊ˗
Chapter Eleven:Sleeping Lessons
Kyle Broflovski x fem reader
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So enlist every ounce of your bright blood and off with their heads. Jump off the hook. You're not obliged to swallow anything that you despise.
Also available on Ao3 and Wattpad!
Premise: Despite churning feelings, you're stuck with the lingering presence of the one person you want to keep at a distance. You're drawn achingly close during the annual family camping trip.
Warnings: crude language and humour / suggestive? Perhaps? Maybe Idk / marijuana usage
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.˙꩜°˖:*࿔ ☼ ࿔*:˖°꩜˙.
While the others fight over setting up tents and who's sleeping where you find a secluded spot by the lake, away from the noise of your family. The sun is already high, casting a golden hue over everything. You lay your towel down on the warm sand and carefully apply sunscreen, feeling the cool lotion on your skin. The sun's rays are strong, and you can already feel the heat swallowing you.
As you settle onto your towel, the sand beneath it moulds to your body, offering a surprisingly comfortable spot. You close your eyes, letting the warmth seep into your skin. The sounds of nature surround you: the gentle lapping of the lake water, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the distant chatter of birds. It all blends into a soothing symphony that relaxes you.
You stretch out, feeling the sun's embrace intensify. The heat feels good, a stark contrast to the coolness of the lake water you plan to dip into later. You adjust your sunglasses and tilt your head back, exposing more of your face to the sun. The warmth is like a blanket, making you feel drowsy and content.
It wasn't often you spent time in nature, the last time you had truly been in it, Kyle almost died and you threw up. You didn't care to spend more time around both of your families, you were fine laying by the lake for the next couple of days while your brother and Ike scaled around the campsite and threw worms at each other.
Maybe you did need a reset. Somewhere there was no service and you could be alone for a while was ideal except you weren't alone, there was always that godforsaken freckled face that popped back into your head.
Your thoughts inevitably drift to Kyle, and you can't help but wonder what he's doing right now. You scold yourself for thinking about him again, reminding yourself that this is your time to relax. But it's hard to ignore the fluttering in your chest whenever you picture his smile and you want to kill yourself for it.
You shift slightly, turning onto your stomach, and prop yourself up on your elbows. The sun warms your back, and you feel every muscle relax under its soothing touch. You let your fingers play in the sand, drawing little patterns absentmindedly.
The lake glistens under the sun, the water sparkling like a sea of diamonds. A light breeze ruffles your hair, and you breathe in deeply, enjoying the fresh, clean scent of nature. You glance around, ensuring you're still alone, and allow yourself a small smile. This is perfect for you, the sun, and the tranquillity of the lake.
You roll over again, this time lying on your back. You stretch your arms above your head, feeling the stretch in your muscles. The sun is relentless, and you can feel your skin absorbing its warmth. You close your eyes, listening to the rhythmic sounds of the lake, and try to clear your mind.
Just as you're starting to drift into a light doze, you hear footsteps approaching. You keep your eyes closed, hoping whoever it is will pass by without disturbing you. But then, you hear that familiar voice.
"Hey, is it cool if I swim?"
Your eyes snap open, and there he is- Kyle, standing with his towel slung over his shoulder, his hair slightly tousled by the breeze. Your heart skips a beat, and you force yourself to act naturally.
"I don't care," you say, hoping your voice sounds more casual than you feel.
"You coming in?"
You shake your head, trying to sound nonchalant. "Maybe later. I'm just going to stay here for a bit."
"Suit yourself," he says with a shrug, and heads towards the water.
You try to keep your eyes focused on the lake's horizon, the distant mountains, or the occasional boat drifting by. Anything but Kyle. But it's difficult not to steal a glance at him, especially when you hear the splash as he dives in. You can't resist. You turn your head slightly and see him emerge from the water, shaking his hair and looking effortlessly cool.
You scold yourself and look away quickly, but the image of Kyle, droplets of water glistening on his skin, is now etched in your mind. You try to distract yourself by adjusting your towel and applying more sunscreen, but your thoughts keep shifting back to him.
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you find yourself peeking at him again. This time, he's swimming towards the shore, his strokes strong and smooth. As he gets closer, you quickly avert your gaze, staring determinedly at the sky.
But your eyes betray you once more. You catch yourself staring at him, watching as he wades through the shallow water and walks back onto the shore, water dripping off his body. The sun catches the droplets, making them sparkle like tiny crystals on his skin. He runs a hand through his wet hair, pushing it back from his face.
Your cheeks feel warm, and you hope the sun can be blamed for the redness. You turn on your side, trying to hide your face, but you can feel the heat of your flush spreading. Kyle, thankfully oblivious, picks up his towel and starts drying off.
You bury your face in your arms, willing your heart to stop racing. The effort to appear unaffected is exhausting, and you can't help but wish, just for a moment, that Kyle would notice you the way you notice him. But for now, you'll keep pretending, hoping he doesn't catch you staring again.
You try to distract yourself, but your eyes keep going back to Kyle, you're even irritating yourself. His muscles flex as he dries off, each movement drawing your gaze like a magnet. You can see the way his shoulders and arms move with effortless strength, and you can't help but admire the definition in his chest and abs. The sun glints off his damp skin, highlighting every curve and contour.
You feel your cheeks flush even more as you catch yourself staring. You quickly look away, but it's too late. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Kyle glancing your way, a curious expression on his face. He's about to say something, his mouth opening slightly, and your heart leaps into your throat.
Just then, the sound of laughter and pounding footsteps draws both your attention. Weston and Ike come barreling down the beach, shouting and laughing. They barely pause as they run past you and Kyle, charging straight into the lake with little giggles escaping from their lips.
"Watch out, watch out!" Weston yells, jetting down the dock and cannonballing into the water, inches away from Ike. You can hear that painful slap of water against the skin as he hits the lake, the surface. Already, you know that his sunburn is going to be aching in mere hours.
Ike opens his mouth, cackling as Weston brings himself back up to the surface in painful gasps, one hand bracing his back where skin peels from his burn. "Dude, that was awesome!"
"I know!" He shakes off the pain and gives Ike a firm and brisk high five.
"Oh god," Kyle mutters, watching the two go back and forth in jumping from the dock "Those two were made for each other."
You hadn't even been paying attention to what he was saying, you were distracted by his smile. It's the kind of smile that reaches his eyes, crinkling them at the corners and lighting up his entire face. Quickly you scramble for something to say and pray that it makes sense in the context "A fish is going to crawl up your penis."
"What?" His smile drops and he turns to look at you, eyebrows drawn together.
"I saw it once on monsters inside me, a fish parasite thing wiggled its way into some guy's dick hole and he almost died," You tell him, leaning back like this statement made you seem cool.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"The Amazon penis fish."
"Well this is a lake in Colorado, I think I'm fine and you're fucking insane," There's a sting of animosity in his voice but you can see that familiar glint of amusement in his hazel eyes.
"Yeah? Well, have fun, some fish is probably twiddling your balls as we speak."
Weston pulls himself back up to the dock "Hey!" He calls over to you and Kyle, when he doesn't catch your attention he speaks again "Hey, watch me do a backflip or you're gay!" With that Weston turns his back to the lake and preps himself to do a flip.
Weston takes a deep breath, then bends his knees and launches himself into the air. For a split second, it looks like he might actually pull it off. But then, his rotation slows, and you realize with a sinking feeling that he's not going to make it.
Time seems to slow as Weston flails mid-air, his arms windmilling in a desperate attempt to right himself. You hear Ike's excited cheers turn into a gasp, and you hold your breath, hoping for a soft landing.
Instead of slipping into the water, his head smacks against the dock before his burnt back slaps on the surface of the water. The lake's surface ripples outwards, and for a moment, there's an eerie silence.
"Oh my god!" You shriek, immediately pushing yourself off the shore and rushing into the water, panic seeping into your veins. Just as you're waist deep into the water, Weston resurfaces.
"That hurt like a fucking bitch!" he calls out, wincing a little but clearly more embarrassed than hurt.
"Thank god you have enough brain damage this won't make a difference," You can feel yourself slump with relief. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, man," He says, rubbing the back of his head where he hit it "Don't have a bitch fit."
Your face quickly drops from concern into unamusement "Watch it, shrimp, I will slam your head against that dock eight more times if you say that again."
"Okay, okay," He raises his hands in defence "I'm sorry."
"Seriously," You hold your hands out gesturing for Weston to come closer "Let me see your head."
"No way, blud."
"Don't call me blud and let me see your head," When Weston slinks away once more, you reach forward and snatch him, putting him in a headlock while you examine the back of his head for some sort of threatening injury.
"Ah, let go!" He thrashes, kicking the water helplessly but it's futile.
"Say, uncle!" You shout.
"No way!" He grabs your wrists trying to pry you off.
"Say it!"
After a little back and forth of Weston trying to squirm away from your headlock and you refusing to let up, he finally forfeits, tapping your arm "Uncle!" He says, at last, taking in a large gulp of air the moment you release him. "Yeah, whatever man," He gives you the stink eye, looking away before an idea strikes him and he whips back around to look at you "Let's play chicken!"
He ignores you, looking past you and flagging down Kyle "Kyle, let's play chicken!"
Kyle tossed his towel back down, drying off was futile as he headed straight back for the water. "Weston, you're so heavy now," You groan, head rocking back slightly. Before when you would play chicken with him, he was a string bean little boy, now he was hitting a growth spurt, getting older and eating enough to feed a football team for a fortnight just to keep him energized.
"I'm not gonna be your partner anyway," He says, smugly.
"Wait, what?" You ask "You're going with Kyle?"
Weston shakes his head, slinging an arm around his best friend "Me and Ike are going to clear."
"No, you're not," You almost laugh.
"We so are," Ike adds.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, we'll win."
"You two are like ninety pounds combined."
"You wish," Your brother scoffs.
"Okay Twinkle-Toes, you and your dainty little boyfriend want to go against me and his 6'4 brother?" You ask with an eyebrow quirked and Weston nods "Yeah, seems fair."
You hesitate, the thought of playing such a close-contact game with Kyle makes your heart race. But the boys are relentless, already pairing off—Weston climbing onto Ike's shoulders.
"Please?" Weston pleads, looking at you with wide, hopeful eyes.
"Are you guys sure?" Kyle asks from behind you, he was also in the boat this wouldn't be fair for the scraggly boys.
"Yes, we've been practicing!"
"Practicing chicken?" You almost wrinkle your nose "Shouldn't you be talking to girls and learning how to shave or something?"
"They don't have anything to shave," Kyle teases.
"Uh, we totally do," Ike retorts "I got a stache coming in."
"What? Let me see that," Kyle gestures for Ike to lean in closer, when he does Kyle leans in with narrowed eyebrows like he's inspecting the peach fuzz before he pinches one of the hairs between two fingers and rips it out.
"Ow!" Ike quickly retracts, one hand protectively covering his upper lip. On his shoulders, Weston wobbles slightly, digging his fingernails into his friend's forehead to keep him stable. Ike cusses, swatting at your brother to move his hands.
"Hurry up!" Weston tries to command you whilst simultaneously trying to situate himself on Ike's shoulders.
Kyle crouches down in the water, offering his hands to help you climb onto his shoulders. "Ready?" he asks, looking up at you.
You hesitate, your mind racing with doubts. "I don't know," you say, chewing on your lower lip. "I'm not sure if I'm light enough."
Kyle laughs softly, shaking his head. "Trust me, you're lighter than you think. Come on, let's give it a try."
"I dunno, I'm too heavy, I'll crush you-
"You won't," He cuts you off "You're fine."
You take a deep breath and nod, placing your hands on his shoulders. He lifts you effortlessly, and you settle onto his shoulders, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your thighs. For once, you were nervous before a game.
"You okay up there?" Kyle asks, his voice close to your ear, tinged with amusement.
You nod, unable to trust your voice just yet. The view from Kyle's shoulders is unexpectedly thrilling-higher than you anticipated, with a unique vantage point over the lake. You can feel the muscles in his shoulders and back moving beneath your legs.
As you steady yourself, the boys cheer, encouraging Kyle to move closer to the edge of the dock. You glance down at the water below, realizing just how high up you are. The breeze ruffles your hair, and you can't help but grip Kyle's shoulders a little tighter.
"Move away from the dock, you idiots," You wave for the boys to shuffle to the side so your brother doesn't smack his head again.
Weston and Ike face off against you and Kyle, the water around you splashing as the boys get into position. "Ready, set, go!" Ike shouts, and the game begins.
You can visibly see Weston's face drop when he notices the large gap between heights, you and Kyle almost towering over him and Ike. He tries to shove you but his hands end up barely skimming your stomach, you however, knock him off Ike in one light shove to the shoulders he falls back into the water with a splash.
"What the fuck?" Weston resurfaces, brushing his wet hair out of his face. Games were much more matched when it was siblings vs siblings, Weston was taller than Ike which helped to balance out the difference.
"Seriously, watch your language you little fucker," You say, pointedly.
You try to keep your focus, but every time you glance down, you're acutely aware of how close you are to Kyle. His muscles flex beneath you, and you can feel the power in his movements as he supports you. It's both thrilling and distracting.
"Bro, you got this," Ike says to him. Weston nods and they share an odd handshake before Weston climbs back onto his friend's shoulders.
"I don't get it, what's the secret move you've been practicing?" You ask, eyebrows drawn together.
Weston abruptly karate chops you in the gut, not nearly as hard as he intended. You don't do much, just look at his flailing arms trying to hit you. He tries to hit you in the gut again but with one push to his shoulder, he falls with a splash, scowling as Ike tries to catch him.
He coughs up water when he comes back up "How are you doing that?"
"How do you think?" Ike shakes his head at his friend.
"Want to switch teams?" Kyle asks the pair.
"No," Weston says immediately, holding a hand out to Kyle as if to signal stop "We just need to regroup."
"Okay," You tap Kyle on the top of his head "Let me down, I'm heading back to shore while these clowns wrestle each other and call it practice."
Kyle gently lowers you onto the dock. His hands slide down your legs with a feather-light touch, sending a shiver up your spine. As you slip into the water, the coolness creeps up your skin.
You wade back to the shallow end of the lake, feeling the cool water lap at your legs. The boys continue their antics on the dock, but you find a quiet moment to catch your breath.
Kyle follows you, his presence a shadow beside you. You glance at him, and he's already looking your way. You offer a shy smile, brushing a damp strand of hair behind your ear, feeling the warmth of the sun and the lingering flush on your cheeks.
As you settle onto the sandy shore, lying back on your towel, you close your eyes and let the sun's warmth envelop you once more. You can hear the boys laughing and splashing in the distance, but your mind keeps going back to Kyle. The way he looks at you, the sound of his laughter, the feel of his hands steadying you during the game- it's all raw in your head.
Unbeknownst to you, Kyle can't seem to take his eyes off you. He's standing a few feet away, ostensibly watching Ike and Weston, but his gaze keeps roaming back to where you lie in the sun. His expression softens as he takes in the sight of you, relaxed and content, your skin glowing in the golden light.
Kyle tries to focus on the boys' antics, but it proves to be a weak distraction. He notices the way your hair catches the sunlight, the curve of your smile, the way your eyes light up when you laugh. He watches as you absentmindedly hum along to whatever song is stuck in your head.
He notices the gentle curve of your smile as you glance back at him, your eyes reflecting the colours of the lake and the sky. Your figure, moving gracefully in your swimsuit cover-up, seems to glide effortlessly. Kyle is mesmerized by your presence, struck by how effortlessly you captivate him.
Lost in admiration, Kyle follows you with his gaze, taking in every detail—the way you adjust your earrings, the way you brush a strand of hair behind your ear. He finds himself captivated by your presence, the way you seem so at ease yet full of life. His heart skips a beat, and he feels an unexpected warmth spread through him. The realization that he's been staring hits him, and he quickly looks away, hoping you didn't notice.
But the draw is too strong, and his eyes find their way back to you. He watches as you adjust your position, stretching out your legs and letting out a contented sigh.
You reach beside you to retrieve a bottle of tanning oil. The sun feels warm and comforting on your skin, and you begin applying the oil to your arms and legs, feeling the slick texture glisten in the sunlight. You had been in your bathing suit around Kyle more times than you could count, why now did you feel so awkward under his eyes?
When you attempt to reach your back, you quickly realize it's going to be a challenge. You twist your arm awkwardly behind you, straining to spread the oil evenly. The more you try, the more you fumble, feeling the bottle slip slightly in your oily hands. "Weston!" You call out, trying to bring your brother over for a little help but he's unresponsive "Weston!"
You crane your neck and see him glance at you before turning away. He looks past Ike at some trees, and before you can call for him again he sticks his middle finger up in your direction and dives into the water.
"Little fucker," You mutter, matching the gesture. "Kyle?" you look up, your voice a mix of anticipation and nervousness.
He turns to you, his smile instant. "Yeah?"
You hold up the bottle of tanning oil, trying to maintain a breezy tone. "Would you mind helping me with this? I can't quite reach my back."
Kyle seems a little caught off guard by the request though he makes an effort not to let his timidness show "Uh, yeah, sure."
As you lie down on your stomach, propping yourself up on your elbows, you feel a flutter of nervous excitement. Kyle kneels beside you, squeezing some oil into his hands and rubbing them together. The warmth of the sun on your skin is nothing compared to the heat you feel from his proximity.
Kyle's hands make contact with your shoulders, and you fight not to shudder under his hands. His touch is gentle but firm as he starts to spread the oil, his fingers gliding over your skin. He works methodically, starting at your shoulders and moving down your back in smooth, even strokes. His hands are warm and sure, yet there's a slight hesitance in his movements as if he's aware of the intimacy of the moment.
"Is this okay?" Kyle asks softly, his voice close to your ear, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.
You nod, working to keep your voice steady. "Yup."
As Kyle continues, you close your eyes, focusing on the sensation of his hands on your back. Each touch is careful and considerate, his fingers tracing the curve of your shoulder blades, the dip of your spine. You can feel the tension melting away with every stroke, the warmth of his hands spreading through your entire body. The closeness of the moment makes your heart race, and you have to remind yourself to breathe steadily.
Kyle's face is slightly flushed as well, concentrating on the task at hand. He tries to stay focused, but he can't help but notice the smoothness of your skin, the way the sun highlights the delicate contours of your back. His heart beats a little faster with each stroke, feeling the warmth of your skin under his hands.
"There you go," Kyle says finally, his voice breaking the trance. He lingers for a moment, his hands still resting lightly on your back, before he pulls away.
"Hey, do you have a water bottle?" Weston, heavy-breathed and cheeks flushed emerges from the water like a sea creature, wiping snot away from his nose and killing any chemistry immediately. At the sight of your little brother, Kyle stands up, putting distance between you though it doesn't stop Weston from shooting him a dirty glare that goes unnoticed by you.
"Yeah, it's in my bag," You point at the half-opened bag chilling underneath the tree where you had left it so it wouldn't get too hot.
Weston runs over, not before shaking out his wet hair on you like a dog. You aren't focused on your little brother rifling around in your bag like an addict, he lets out a sharp gasp, gathering the bag in its entirety and holding up a bottle of cranberry-apple juice. "Uh, what the sigma bruh."
"You need to get him off the internet," You say immediately, almost instinctually.
"Why do you have a cocktail in your bag?" He asks shaking the bottle and raising a brow. You narrow your eyes reading the label 'Apple-Cranberry Cocktail'. It was clear your not-very-bright brother didn't realize that it was just a bottle of juice but you chose to play along.
"Oh my god," You mutter, feigning shock "Don't tell Mom and Dad-
"Aha!" Weston smiles "Can I have some?"
"I dunno, shrimp, it's pretty strong," You bit back the true fact that cocktail only meant there was added sugar and water mixed in the juice, not alcohol like he was imagining.
"If you don't give the rest to me and Ike I'll tell our parents that you're drinking on the family trip," He says smugly. Behind him, Kyle bites back laughter, catching on to what you were doing.
"Okay, fine!" You raise your hands in defeat "Just don't tell anyone and you have to act sober, promise?"
"Promise," Weston reiterates, he doesn't wait for another word from you before running back down the dock to rehash the last two minutes with Ike. The second he's out of range and no longer paying attention to you and Kyle, you bury your head into your hands, shaking with laughter. Whenever you felt stupid you could rely on your very gullible brother to make you feel brighter.
.˙꩜°˖:*࿔ ☼ ࿔*:˖°꩜˙.
As the evening settles into the comforting routine of a camping trip, the crackling fire at the campsite sends soft, dancing shadows across the clearing. The hum of conversation was not quiet in the slightest, Ike and Weston were laughing loudly amongst themselves, the placebo effect was seemingly working and the two really thought they were drunk from the bottle of juice you gave them.
Your parents and his spoke back and forth about the election; dog piling on each other in approval and screaming into their echo chamber. "I know, right?" Sheila says. The wine coolers had made her tongue loose and her accent was now as strong as ever.
Kyle awkwardly fiddled with the cuffs of his flannel. You had taken off before the fire was even lit, informing the group that you would be back shortly but now it had been almost an entire hour and it was like you had disappeared as the sun dipped below the horizon.
"I'll be right back," he tells his parents, receiving a nod of acknowledgment. He stands up, brushing off his jeans, and glances around the circle one last time before stepping into the cool, enveloping darkness of the forest. The transition from the firelit clearing to the shadowy woods is immediate and striking. The air grows cooler, the scent of pine and damp earth more pronounced.
Kyle moves cautiously, his footsteps barely making a sound on the soft forest floor covered in fallen leaves and pine needles. He squints, trying to adjust his eyes to the dim light, using the blue light bouncing off his almost useless phone to steer clear of trees. His senses are heightened, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs catching his attention. The moonlight filters through the canopy above, casting silvery patches of light that guide his way.
He follows a faint path, one he remembers from earlier explorations. His heart beats a little faster, a mix of worry and anticipation pushing him forward. He stops occasionally, listening intently for any sound that might indicate your presence.
He calls your name softly, not wanting to disturb the tranquil forest more than necessary. His voice seems to vanish into the dense trees, absorbed by the night.
After a few more minutes of walking, he notices a faint, warm glow ahead. He approaches quietly, the glow becoming more defined as he draws nearer. Peering through the trees, he finally spots you, leaning against a sturdy oak, a joint glowing softly between your fingers. The orange ember casts a delicate light on your face, highlighting your features in the serene darkness.
Kyle's chest tightens at the sight of you, standing there alone and seemingly lost in thought. He takes a moment to appreciate the scene, the way the soft light plays across your skin, the contemplative look in your eyes as you exhale a thin stream of smoke. As he draws closer, the smell of marijuana becomes unmistakable.
Gathering his composure, Kyle steps forward, his voice low and gentle to avoid startling you. "Hey."
You turn to look at him, eyes half-lidded and tinged red "Hey, man."
"You okay?"
You nod and offer up a lazy smile, holding the joint out towards him "You don't have to smoke, just know I'm already fried."
Kyle takes it, his touch warm and reassuring. He takes a slow drag, holding it in for a moment before exhaling a thin stream of smoke. He passes it back to you, his eyes meeting yours in the dim light. You hadn't expected him to actually take up your offer.
"Didn't know you were still smoking pot," he says softly, leaning against the tree beside you.
You shrug, taking another drag before handing the joint back to him. "I haven't, most days. Just...sometimes, when I need to think."
Kyle nods, taking another drag. "The woods are a good place for that."
You both fall into silence, the joint passing between you in a relaxed rhythm. The night air is cool, and the sounds of the forest provide a soothing backdrop. The shared act of smoking together feels intimate, a quiet connection that strengthens with each passing moment.
"So why are you out here being all mysterious?" He could tell when it really hit him, that light feeling washing over his body.
"I just can't relax."
"You make me nervous." You take the joint back from Kyle, feeling the warmth from where his fingers touched yours. The joint is almost finished now, just a few more puffs left. You take a slow drag, savouring the earthy, slightly sweet taste before exhaling a thin stream of smoke that mingles with the cool night air. The world seems to slow down around you like every image is moving in frames.
"I make you nervous?" The response wasn't what he was expecting. Did he make you nervous? Since when? Never once had he even heard you utter something similar. "Why?"
You shake your head "Can't say."
"Are you- uncomfortable or something?"
"Nah," You take a moment to gather your jumbled thoughts "This life thing is just complicated."
"We're cool though?" After the concert, he noticed you dodging his messages and calls. He truly thought that he had messed up when he got between you and that guy or maybe he had been too close for comfort and you didn't want to be around him anymore.
"Yeah, we're cool."
You hand the joint back to Kyle, who takes the last drag before stubbing it out against the tree. He tucks the remains away, turning to face you fully. There's a moment of silence, filled with unspoken words and shared understanding. His eyes are soft and sincere, reflecting the moonlight.
The moment stretches, filled with the quiet intensity of your connection. The forest around you seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your own private world. Kyle's gaze drifts to your lips, and for a moment, you think he might kiss you or at least you hope he will.
Instead, he raises his hand and lands it firmly on your shoulder, nodding at you like either of you had spoken, eyelids heavy. You match the gesture, planting your hand on his shoulder and nodding until the both of you erupt in giggles at the absurdity of it all.
Your hand on him falters and eventually, you fall into him, shaking with laughter, your elevated state making everything seem far more comedic than it was. Your head presses against his chest as you laugh, we wrap an arm around you, trying to keep himself stable as well with his cackling.
"Okay, okay," You tap his midriff until he releases you, but still you can't control your giggles. "We gotta go back."
Kyle and you walk back to the campfire, the stead of your private moment in the woods still palpable between you. As you approach, you both straighten your posture, trying to appear composed and casual despite the not-so-subtle buzz from the joint. The campfire crackles with renewed intensity, casting flickering shadows across the group gathered around it.
Your parents and Kyle's are engaged in animated conversation, their laughter mingling with the crackling of the fire. You exchange a quick glance with Kyle, a silent agreement passing between you to maintain your composure.
Kyle settles himself onto the log laid out like a bench as Weston and Ike had taken to sitting in your foldable lawn chairs. You sit as well, only you feel too far away from him and awkwardly shuffle down the log until you're inches away from skimming his arm.
It didn't seem like anyone had noticed your return, each of them too wrapped up in their own conversations to care.
The two boys start giggling uncontrollably, exaggerating their movements as they stumble around the edge of the firelight. Weston clutches at his stomach dramatically, while Ike pretends to slur his words, his laughter punctuating his attempts at acting tipsy.
"Dude, I think I've had too much s'mores," Weston declares loudly, leaning against a nearby tree as if struggling to keep his balance.
Ike nods seriously, his voice slightly slurred. "Yeah, me too. I feel like... like I'm floating!"
Their antics draw amused chuckles and gentle admonitions from the adults, who exchange seemingly knowing glances at the boys' playful mimicry. Your parents and Kyle's parents exchange amused glances, trying not to laugh too openly at the boys' antics.
You had forgotten entirely that the two boys thought you had actually given them liquor. They think they're sneaky in passing back the bottle of cranberry-apple juice like it's vodka.
While watching your younger brothers, you and Kyle stifle giggles. "Bruh, stop gooning for my sister," Weston says, pointing an accusatory finger at Kyle, words slurred and one eye slowly twitching.
Both of you were unphased in your state, "You don't even know what that means," You say, crossing your arms. "Mom, your son has brain rot."
"That's why we're out here, reconnecting with nature, Jellybean," She says with a smile, it was clear she was past tipsy as well. Ironically Weston and Ike were the only sober ones in the group.
"Did you hear that, Wes?" You ask "We're reconnecting with nature because you're an idiot with a screen addiction."
"Woah, pump the hate breaks," Your dad cuts in, hands out like he's trying to separate a fight.
"Yeah, pump the hate breaks," Weston repeats, staggering a bit in his step.
Your dad raises an eyebrow at his son, watching as he acts out theatrically how he thinks a drunk person would behave. His eyes narrow in on the bottle in his hand that he holds partially behind his back.
"Hey, give me that," Your dad holds his hand out for the bottle of juice your brothers had been taking little sips from throughout the night. He takes a swig, reading the label and nodding before holding it back out for Weston to take "Yum, who gave you juice?"
Weston glares at you, his face dropping completely once the realization strikes him that he's been swindled. You can see embarrassment flush his face as he immediately goes back to acting how he normally does. He mutters something to Ike who also meets you with a glare before the two call it a night and retreat to their tent- presumably to scheme against you.
The second they're gone, you and Kyle break out in laughter once again. You slump against him, burying your face into your hands as your body convulsed with laughter. Kyle had his elbows on his thighs and dipped his head down, trying to conceal his chuckles.
Your dad pauses his conversation and furrows his eyebrows whilst sniffing the air "Someone's smoking the devil's lettuce," He shakes his head with disapproval "Imagine being out here in all this wilderness and you just can't get off life."
"I know, so sad," You concur, nodding your head and stifling your smile. You were thankful that they were too drunk to realize you were high.
"Look at you two," Your dad gestures at you and Kyle "This is what I'm talking about, just two straight-edge kids enjoying life and managing to overcome their rivalry," His voice cracks and for a moment you think he might cry.
"So sweet," Your mom pouts, placing one hand on your dad's shoulder.
"That's an awesome jacket, Gerald," You say with a dazed smile, unintentionally ignoring your parents remarks "You must have a good heart."
He looks down at his corduroy jacket before looking back up at you with sincere eyes, placing a hand on his heart while his other cradles a white claw "Thank you."
Your thoughts drift again like they were moving at a mile a minute, you nudge Kyle "Fake boobs are crazy because it's like the nipple is giving you stink eye, am I spitting facts right now?"
"Yes," Kyle exasperated wholeheartedly. He runs his hands down his face "I've been saying that for so long."
"Facts," You nod in contentment. "Look, a shooting star," You point towards the sky, finger following a white blur moving through the inky darkness.
"That's a plane."
"Ah, I see," You say.
"How's Bebe holding up?" He tilts his head to look at you.
"Fine," You shrug.
"With her dog and everything?"
"Bebe doesn't have a dog," It takes you a moment
"What?" His eyebrows furrow "Why did you say her dog got put down when I called you last week?"
"That's redacted," You draw out, turning your gaze to the blazing fire in front of you.
"What's going on with you?"
"What's going on with you?" You counter his question. Silence stretches between you as Kyle's gaze drills into the side of your head, unwavering from you. "Sorry for being weird," You mutter.
He shakes his head "You're always weird."
"That's why you like me."
It takes a beat but a small smile forms on his lips, "Yeah, it is."
"What if I said I was lesbian?" You ask, shifting the mood.
"Are you?"
"No but what if."
He shrugs "I dunno, I don't think I would care."
"Mhm," You mentally take down his answer.
You jolt when you feel a pair of arms wrap around you from behind, settling only when you smell your mom's familiar perfume and the wine on her breath. She rocks you side to side slightly, kissing the top of your head "I love you so so much, Jellybean."
"Love you too, Mom," You smile, giving her a little pat on the arm.
"And I love you most," Your dad cuts into the moment between you and your mother "And I love you too Kyle," He points at the ginger boy beside you who squirms awkwardly under his drowsy stare. "Beautiful children."
"You've drunk too much," You say bluntly.
"That I have," Your dad agrees "That's why we're hitting the hay, goodnight, Jellybean, and Kyle, Gerald, and Sheila. We're having oatmeal in the morning," He announces at last before disappearing into the darkness without your mother.
Your mom slings an arm around Kyle as well, Drawing the three of you in close with a squeeze. She finally lets go, kissing the top of your head once more "Goodnight my gorgeous babies."
Sheila comes around to give both you and Kyle a brief drunken hug before retreating to her tent whilst Gerald settles for ruffling your hair. "Put the fire out, remember what Smokey the Bear said." He tells you, following his wife and leaving you and Kyle alone in front of the dying fire.
You and Kyle settle into silence, for once it isn't uncomfortable, you don't feel the urge to rush and fill the stillness. You soak into the quiet like a warm bath of security, his steady breathing beside you and eyes absentmindedly studying each of your features.
The weed left you both in a state of blissful relaxation, your senses heightened and laughter lingering.
You rise to your feet, feeling an inescapable urge and carrying way more confidence than you're used to. The flames of the bonfire flicker and dance, casting a glow over you and shadows to the trees surrounding the little clearing.
You turn to Kyle who is still seated, watching you with his imploring eyes, reflecting the firelight. "Let's dance," You hold out your hand expectantly.
He shakes his head, a shy smile plays on his lips "I don't know if that's a good idea."
"C'mon, it's like your stupid fucking TikTok dances."
"You love my stupid fucking TikTok dances."
"I guess," You shrug, smiling wide. Undeterred, you take a step forward "Please? just for a minute, we're high, it's fun."
Kyle hesitates for a moment, then slowly reaches out to take your hand. You pull him to his feet, feeling a little pang of victory at the fact you had coerced him into standing in front of you. With no music to guide you, you hum sloppily, muttering some lyrics while skipping others to a song both of you are familiar with.
You start to sway, your body moving in sync with the gentle breeze. Kyle stands stiff and awkward at first, but you gently pull him closer, fingers intertwining with his. Thanks to some herbs in your system, you had shed all of the nervousness that you spent the past week harbouring, you didn't have to act casual, you just were.
You were the one guiding him, your bodies gradually finding a shared rhythm and like that, the initial awkwardness melts away. "I knew you'd be good at this," You say quickly between verses, trying to keep in tune with the song you were mimicking.
The space between you closes and you can feel the warmth of his body against yours. Kyle held you by your waist while your arms hung behind his neck. He could feel the softness of your skin beneath your clothes, fingers sinking into the plush of your midriff.
You spin, your laughter mingling with Kyle's. The little twirl leaves you much more disoriented than intended, Kyle holds his arm out, stopping you from stumbling into the fizzling-out fire.
"And- I forgot the rest of the lyrics," You laugh, plopping yourself down onto the ground, back leaning against the log.
Kyle seats himself next to you as you catch your breath, smiling while heavy pants escape from your lips. You look beside you and find him shamelessly staring at you, his gaze is drowsy and lethargic.
"God, I'm a mess," you run a hand through your hair, feeling the weight of his stare.
"You're glowing!" Kyle smiles brightly, tilting his head as he takes you in, bathed beneath what remains of the bonfire "Seriously, a human halo." You pause, turning to face him. He smiles at you, wholeheartedly and genuinely, you can't help but match it for a brief moment before it slips from your face "Woah."
"What?" You ask.
His eyes fell on your smile, the way you laugh. He was analyzing the upturn of your lips and the smile lines that formed like he was staring into the centre of a thousand suns, he couldn't look away. Kyle was studying the gaps in your teeth like they were the darkness between stars.
"You're weird," You shake your head. Kyle didn't realize that he had gone unresponsive for a minute while he bore his gaze into you and spoke to himself in his head.
Your attention turns to the firepit as the last few embers wade out one by one, smothered in ash. You were left beneath the dark of the sky and the slivers of light that glimmered off stars in the clear summer sky.
"I don't wanna make you nervous," Kyle breaks the silence.
"You're still thinking about that?"
"Yeah," Kyle mutters. It had been nagging at him, your words out in the woods. He never wanted to make you uncomfortable or nervous, he just wanted you to like him so you could keep going for runs and going for drives that led to nowhere.
"Well, I take it back," You announce. "I am super not nervous around you."
"That's good," Kyle can feel relief wash over his tingly limbs "I kinda like you and your stupid jokes," He says, head lulling back "You have some funny ones in there."
You stare at the once brazing firepit, scraping your mind for something to do before the both of you succumb to sleep on an old log. "Wanna go for a swim?"
He raises an eyebrow "Right now?"
"Yes, now," You insist, already feeling the thrill of the idea taking hold "No one's up, it's the perfect time."
Part of Kyle wanted to disagree, to put his foot down and turn in for the night but looking at you beneath the stars he couldn't find the words to tell you no "Alright, let's do it."
You almost let out a shriek of excitement, suddenly feeling wide awake as the two of you weave through the trees and reach the lake.
The surface of it glistens under the moonlight, inviting and serene. Almost like your brother had hours before, you find the elation to run down the dock, shoes slamming against the creaky wood. Kyle is more hesitant, hanging back and watching you halt at the edge.
You stand, the cool night air brushing against your skin as you begin to strip your clothes. It was like a brand new sense of freedom in the act, a liberation that came with shedding your layers and letting the marijuana make the decisions for you. You glance back at Kyle who keeps shooting his head back and forth to be sure there isn't anyone else out there, his paranoia setting in.
Half-naked and exhilarated, you kick your clothing to the side. Backing away from the dock end, you take a deep breath before taking a running start into your leap, screaming as you do so. You were howling like a wolf into the moon that hung high in the sky, casting a silvery light that made the surface of the lake shimmer like a thousand tiny stars.
Moments later, you resurface with laughter, the water is cool and invigorating. "Kyle, come in!"
You wade in the water, waiting for him to appear at the edge of the dock. Surely, there he is, sheepishly stripping down to his boxers and almost painfully obviously avoiding looking in your direction. He gathers himself in a deep breath much like you had though he doesn't flail his arms and legs as he jumps, instead diving gracefully into the water and leaving almost no splash at all.
"Wow," You grin "You should be an Olympian."
"No thanks," He shakes his head like you were offering him the opportunity.
Tilting backwards, you let yourself float on your back, staring up at the stars. As you float in the cool, moonlit water, the tension between you and Kyle becomes almost tangible. The night is quiet, the only sounds are the gentle lapping of the water against your bodies and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures.
Kyle moves through the water with effortless grace, each stroke causing ripples that catch the moonlight and shimmer like liquid silver. You watch him intently, your eyes tracing the flex of his muscles as he swims. His broad shoulders and strong arms cut through the water with a powerful, fluid motion, the play of light and shadow accentuating every curve and contour of his body.
The water clings to his skin, droplets glistening like tiny jewels on his tanned, muscular frame, dotted with freckles like kisses from the sun. As he turns to face you, you catch a glimpse of his chiselled chest and the way the water cascades down in rivulets, highlighting the definition of his abs. The glucose monitor on his left arm. He's breathtaking. You didn't know whether to blame yourself or the weed but you find yourself mesmerized by the sight.
Your mind is a swirl of emotions, the effects of the joint you shared earlier making everything feel heightened and surreal. The warmth of his smile, the intensity of his gaze, the way his body moves with such effortless grace- it all leaves you feeling dazed and confused. You want to look away, to give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts, but you can't. Your eyes are drawn to him, captivated by the magnetic pull of his presence.
Kyle swims closer, the distance between you shrinking with each powerful stroke. You watch the muscles in his back and shoulders flex and contract, the water gliding smoothly over his skin. The moonlight catches in his wet hair, turning it into a halo of silver and gold. He's close now, so close that you can see the droplets of water clinging to his eyelashes, the way his lips curve into a knowing smile.
He finds himself drawn to the small, almost imperceptible details—the way your lips curve into a soft smile as you catch sight of him watching you, the sparkle in your eyes that matches the glittering water around you. He's struck by the way the moonlight highlights the scar on your nose, a feature he finds uniquely beautiful.
Kyle watches as you disappear beneath the water, his heart pounding in anticipation. He can see the faint outline of your form beneath the surface, the moonlight casting ghostly shadows that dance around you. He holds his breath, waiting for you to resurface, feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity.
Moments later, you break through the surface, water cascading from your hair and shoulders, droplets sparkling like diamonds in the moonlight. You're so close to him now that he can feel the slight disturbance in the water, the warmth of your presence mingling with the coolness of the lake.
Your proximity takes his breath away. The water drips from your face, your eyes shining with reflections off the water. The moonlight catches the droplets on your skin, turning them into a constellation of tiny stars that highlight the natural beauty of your features. Your lips part slightly as if you're about to speak, but the words hang in the air, unspoken.
"Sorry," You huff out between deep breaths, trying to regain the air you missed while submerged.
Just as you're about to put distance between you Kyle moves closer, his eyes never leaving yours. You can see the depth of his feelings in those eyes, a mixture of longing and tenderness that makes your heart quicken. Slowly, he reaches out, his hand cupping your face with a touch so gentle it sends shivers down your spine. His palm is warm against your cool skin, the contrast creating a sensation that anchors you both in the moment.
His thumb begins to move in slow, soothing circles over the small scar on your nose, a faint reminder of the last time the two of you had gotten high and you smashed your nose against his kitchen island. The gesture is so tender, so intimate, that your breath hitches in your throat. A mark you were once self-conscious about, but the way Kyle traces it, you almost feel beautiful.
He murmurs something incoherent to your ears, his voice a soft, hushed whisper that seems to blend with the gentle lapping of the water.
Your heart pounds in your chest, the anticipation and tension between you almost overwhelming. You can feel the heat of his hand against your skin, the steady beat of his heart as he draws closer. His gaze is locked onto yours, his eyes filled with unspoken emotions that leave you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
For a moment, you're certain he's going to kiss you. His lips are so close, his breath warm against your neck, and the world seems to hold its breath, waiting for the inevitable. The thought sends a rush of emotions through you- excitement, fear, longing- all mingling in a whirlwind that makes you dizzy.
But as much as you want this, the intensity of the moment becomes entirely too much. The vulnerability, the closeness, the raw honesty- it all feels overwhelming, amplified by the persisting effects of the joint you shared earlier. The confusion and heightened senses make everything feel too intense, too real.
Without thinking, you duck your head underwater, seeking the cool, quiet refuge beneath the surface. The world above becomes a muted, distant place as you glide through the water, the coolness soothing your racing heart. You can still feel the warmth of Kyle's touch, the residual sensation of his thumb on your scar, but here, beneath the water, it feels more manageable, less overwhelming.
You let the water wrap you like silk. Submerged, you think for a moment that you're making it all up inside your head, you almost wish it was all fake and you had never reached out your hand to share your joint but there he waits for you to come up for air.
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missuswalker · 2 years ago
Kyle dating hc's pleaaaaase 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
meow meow meow 🤭🤭
relationship headcannons || kyle broflovski x fem reader
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✮ summary: kyle as your boyfreind ✮ warnings: i was gonna do what i did for the clyde one but changed my mind, so nsfw content, reminder that characters are aged up (i'm too much of a kyle girl to pass up the oppurtunity)
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before ya'll started dating he did your homework for you as a rizz tactic
he thought it would make you want him
turns out you wanted him even before he started doing your homework, so he starts making you do it yourself
but kyle would do anything for you, so if you ask him with that pretty face of yours, he'll do it anyways
ya'll had a long "are we dating are we not phase"
he's been screwed over so many times that he wanted to make sure you were the one
you definitely were
after much convincing from stan and a couple hundred "no balls, you wont"s from cartman, kyle finally asks to be his gee-eff (girlfriend)
over text in your instagram dms
he did it very romantically though
loooooooong paragraph about how much he likes you and wants you to be all his
ends it with "And I know you piss me off sometimes, but I think I could really make us work."
as SOON as you say yes
"Come over. You have my address."
anyways, moving on, he acts like he thinks pet names are cringe, but he can't help but call you that goody goody shit like "angel"
do you hear purring? sorry
anyways, he spoils you to death, like what was in my love language hcs
"oh wow that's so cute" "what color do you want it in" "kyle 😟"
loooves when you wear his boxer shorts around his house, he thinks he's THE man when you do
his mom likes to talk to him about embarrassing things in front of you to mess with him
"hi boobala, your spiderman underwear is fresh out of the dryer 🥰" "ma, that's ikes, get out 😡😡😡😨😰"
when you guys cuddle, he puts his hand up your shirt and rubs your back
he has cold ass hands though
kisses the top of your head all the time
he's like 6'2 so if you're shorter than him he's all like "aww elf 😻😻" when in reality he's just tall
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first time he was suuuuuper sweet and gentle
after that he puts his temper into it
its like theres an earth quake from the bed rocking
ike ain't a snitch though 🤐
he is rough, hoowee
grunts, huffs, groans
all the good shit
probably says some good girl shit at some point
if he's actually upset, he rather you take control
lets you do whatever you want and whimpers
he whines yall
but if cartman pissed him off, its not the same
has you in doggy style and goes WILD
he don't care if you're screaming
yeah he does, when he's finished he STRESSES about sheila
"dude, you were fucking rabid, i'm so fucked 😰😰"
sheila side eyes him at breakfast but doesn't say anything
makes gerald give him the talk
gerald makes randy give him the talk
randy informs him of new positions
someone on wattpad said "jew in the streets, freak in the sheets"
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starkspondwater · 20 days ago
Peer Pressure- Kyle Broflovski x Shy!Reader (fluff)
Part 1 x, Part 2 x, Part 3 x
Summary: You and Kyle have been going steady for a while, and it's been wonderful. But it seems like everyone else is doing much more than you two, is that a problem?
A/n: I originally wasn't going to write more for this series but had a wonderful request to continue it from @gaaraismyboyfriend! I wanted to time skip a bit since they're kind of already established. I also may have written this to make up for my own shitty boyfriends in hs
Warnings: none? Mention of sex and tits I guess but not smut.
Kyle was the perfect boyfriend. You were absolutely, without a doubt, sure of that.
It had been months of sweet dates, long walks, study sessions, and visits to the local park. Three lovely months where you got to know him, everything that made him the boy that gave you butterflies and so much more.
Kindness seemed to radiate from him when it came to you, always checking in and ensuring that you were doing alright. He was sweet and polite at first, just as nervous and tentative as you were, but over time began to show some of his silliness, cracking you open and loosening you up.
Small, stolen moments, a brush of the lips between classes, kisses shared grew between the two of you as you found comfort in one another. Back then you had never once imagined the two of you tangled onto his bed, lips and tongues seeking solace with each other. Of course, you still became embarrassed as whimpers and other sounds made their way out of your mouth, but Kyle only seemed to love them, pushing harder against your lips.
There was something about the way he looked at you when he pulled away, the need to breathe becoming too great to ignore. Green eyes intensely peering at you, taking in every inch of your face, so filled with affection that you felt nothing but warmth bloom.
Unfortunately, these sessions never lasted long. Steps stomp up the stairs eventually banging into Kyle’s room, revealing Ike Broflovski equipped with a wide grin.
“Ike! Out!” Kyle was always exasperated with the kid. From weird new slang to just being an annoying little boy in general, he was always at his limit. He had often told you how Ike was lucky he had you as otherwise he’d resurrect his little game of ‘don’t kick the baby.’
“Sheesh, no need to be so quick!” with a wicked glint in his eyes, Ike laughed. “It’s not like you’re getting any anyway, loser!” Slapping the door he left, leaving Kyle to flip the bird at empty space. The whole interaction wasn’t unusual, as you came to find out. It honestly would've been funny had you not already had that particular activity on your mind.
The more you got to know Kyle, the more you spent time with him, the more you were aware that he was a boy. The smell, the voice, his laughter, these things you had already known about, but always being in close proximity to him made them more distracting. 
You had heard girls in Gym talking about boyfriends and hookups, giggling filling the locker room. Stories of steamy nights in cars and love filled rendezvous had you blushing into your own little locker, little ears listening eagerly. Boys, from their talks, always seemed interested in one thing for the most part - sex. The thought of that terrified you. 
The past few weeks, the idea of it had been bouncing around in your head. Was Kyle thinking about that sort of thing? Has he already done that? What if you weren’t ready? It went on and on, filling your brain with anxiety.
Kyle never once pushed you. Never asked for anything more, or tried to sneakily maneuver his hands anywhere else. Even in the middle of making out, his hands stayed respectful, not once straying from your hips or face. You had no issue with that at all, but a small part of you wondered if maybe he did want those sorts of things…just not with you. 
“...and then she flashed me those nipple rings!” Kenny held up his hands, mimicking a camera shot. “I’m telling you boys, it was bee-aye-yew-ti-full!”
“I a-a-always wondered if that w-was true or just a rumor,” Jimmy snickered.  “Gotta say, you are a l-l-lucky man, Ken.”
“What can I say, tits love me!”
Kyle laughed with the rest of them, shaking his head at his close friend’s antics. Kenny’s storytelling was always prime entertainment. Out of all the guys, he seemed to have the most stories to tell, each different and full of excitement. Feeling a nudge to his side, Kyle turned.
“So, what about you and your girl, Broflovski? You’ve been going for a while now, I assume you’ve copped a feel or two.” Clyde winked at the redhead.
“Nah, we’ve been taking it slow,” which Kyle had no issue with. Once he really met you, not just the cute little version of you that gained his interest, he was hooked. Line and sinker. Hell, probably the whole boat too.
“Really? Like not even second base?” Kenny chimed in. The rest of the guys leaned in, eyes on Kyle.
“Second base? What is this, 6th grade?” Kyle gave him an incredulous look. “And you guys know her, she’s a little shy. I don’t want to rush her or anything.”
“If she’s giving you blue balls, I know Nelly’s blind enough to let you take her out.” Cartman’s voice grated his ears, anger instantaneously blossoming. 
“Shut your goddamn mouth, fat ass! I don’t have blue balls!” Stan was up in a matter of seconds, quick to intervene between the two. “And what we do is none of your business anyway!”
“Hey man, we’re not trying to start anything,” Kenny held up a hand in surrender. “You know Cartman likes to start shit. We’re all good here. Let’s just dial it back a bit. Anyway…Tolkein, how’s that one gig going?”
With the subject change, Kyle’s rage simmered. It was just like Cartman to do this, as he did with every little relationship he had growing up. Well, he liked his relationship with you just fine, he didn’t need anyone, much less fat boy, nitpicking it.
Kyle could admit that he wanted to do more with you, he was a teenage boy after all. You were soft and fit so wonderfully into him that it would be impossible not to wonder about what more you both could do. He knew exactly all the things he’d like to do, that is. However, at the end of the day he was just happy to be around you. That in and of itself made him feel luckier than any other boy at that table.
“Are you alright?” The worried tone Kyle’s voice took on had you quickly looking up at him. 
“Of course, why?” You knew you had been a little off lately, but around Kyle you tried your hardest to hide it. You thought you had even been doing a good job of it until now.
“Just…if something was wrong, you’d tell me?” A featherlight touch on your shoulder guided you into his bedroom as he talked.
“Of course I would.” looking into his eyes you felt nervous. Here he was being so sweet and attentive, and you couldn’t even talk to him properly about this one thing. The worry that had cemented itself inside your heart kept growing and growing, and it was getting harder to ignore.
It took no time at all for you two to tangle together, lips moving and hearts beating together. Normally your head felt fuzzy during this, the whole world going out of focus as you lost yourself in everything that was Kyle, but today you could only focus on his still hand at your hip. As if he could sense the change in you, Kyle pulled back.
“Are you sure nothing is wrong?” He squeezed your hip lightly before you felt his thumb rubbing soothing circles. “You know you can tell me anything right? You can trust me.”
You bit your lip, thinking about the weight that had been building in your chest for weeks. Hesitantly, you asked the one question that continuously had been on your mind.
“Do you…Do you not want to have sex with me?” Kyle’s eyes shot wide open.
“What do you mean? Why on earth would you even think that?” In one motion, Kyle had you both upright once more.
“It’s just, you never really push for more…I thought that meant that you…” You could feel your throat closing, emotions choking your words.
“You thought I didn’t want to.” He finished for you. With a sigh, Kyle thought for a moment. “Is that something you want to do? Because I was under the impression you were more comfortable taking things slow.”
You glanced away as heat erupted on your face. Just bringing up the subject itself made you feel strange, and to actually talk about it was worse! Gentle hands cradle your head, bringing your gaze back up.
“You know I’m fine with that, yes? I’ll go any speed you need here. I don’t care how quickly we do things, or how far we go.” Green eyes searched yours for a second, as though gauging your reaction. “I’ll tell you right now, it’s not that I don’t want to do anything, because my god I do. Please don’t doubt that. But I need you to be comfortable with the steps we take.”
“I’m not very experienced Kyle, with anything. You were my first kiss, you know?”
“Neither am I! I haven’t done much more than this.” Kyle smiled, lightly caressing your cheeks. “We can take those steps together when you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere. I just want you.” A small kiss to your nose punctuated his sentence as he finally let go of your face.
A slam of the door alerted you to the arrival of Ike, his feet already stomping up the stairs. Kyle reached over, grabbing both of your backpacks and bringing them close as he resettled himself on the bed.
“Well, it’s about time we actually do that homework,” he chuckled, looking back at you. “Are we okay?”
Everything from the past weeks seemed to melt away, making way for relief. Kyle just had a way of making you feel seen and cared for, making you feel safe. You loved him, truly loved him, and were falling more and more every time he spoke.
“I love you.” Those three words slipped past your lips before you could stop them. Kyle’s eyes were on you, wide in surprise before a grin began to overtake his features. Quick as a whip he pulled you over to him, arms wrapped around you nice and snug. Pressing his lips to your hair, he inhaled.
“I love you, so so much.” Pressing another kiss onto you, he laughed. “I’ve been thinking it for a while, but thought you might find it too soon.”
“Really?” You strained to look up at him from your position on his chest.
“Really really. Stan’s been teasing me about it for weeks.” He recalled Stan walking in on him scrolling through photos of the two of you on his phone. Kyle had been so captivated he didn’t even notice the boy looking right over his shoulder until Stan loudly proclaimed that he was ‘whipped.’
“I mean…is it too soon, you think?”
“Nuh uh, we already said it, and I plan on saying it every moment I can.” Kyle smirked to himself a bit, knowing how flustered you could get. “Starting now. I love you, I love you, I-”
“Kyle!” You buried your head into his chest, hiding the flush against him. 
“This is so goddamn gay you guys.” Ike lightly kicked open the door, a bag of chips crinkling in his hands.
“Ike! Out now! You should be thankful I can’t get to you you little-” Kyle jolted a bit but stayed where he was, hands cradling your sides. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the whole situation. Oh how lucky you felt at this moment, even with this small interruption.
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garb-rage · 2 years ago
Going Thrift Shopping with the main 4 (Hcs)
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🛼- Summary - Head cannons about your experience thrift shopping with the boys!
- Pairing(s)- (SEPARATE) Kenny McCormick, Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and Eric Cartman x gn!Reader
🛼- Reader info - gn!reader and established relationship
- Warnings - none! (Unless you count swearing ig lmao)
🐀 - Kenny McCormick -
He’s so down, he’s SEEN all the ice cold shit you’ve found, and wants in on the action asap
Kenny had known about thrifting for a while, but hadn’t put too much thought into it due to money being tight and all, but according to YOU
“You just have to know where to look”
“Trust me I know a spot” “trust me this is where the heat is”
And trust you he did, because after taking him to some fun spots, there was no going back.
Thrifting buddy 24/7, just LOVES looking at the old clothes and pretending to be an old geezer with you, it makes him giggle
Fr makes up stories about shit he finds, probably forced you to wear it and purposely make you feel silly
“THIS old sweater was worn in the trenches of Mexico alongside my great great grandpa” 💀💀 and it’s a Star Wars T-shirt
Purposely finds good and bad clothes for you and him (he has pretty good fashion sense so you KNOW when hes got a shit eating grin)
If the shop has changing rooms, expect long ass fashion shows, the man spends WAY too much time looking at himself. He probably won’t even buy anything 98% of the time!! He’s just having fun with you!
Honestly, neither of you fucking knew that South Park had so many little shops like that!! Small towns DECEIVE!
The both of you almost always get coffee after a haul, it just feels right
And showing up to Tweek Bros. In the new shirt/sweater/etc, he feels like royalty ngl
Overall Kenny really enjoys the time spent with you, and the small moments between showing each other items or clothes really makes him feel momentarily flushed (he sees this sparkle in your eyes and he can’t help but melt)
Probably calls you a Cougar if you’re wearing something he deems “old” smh 😔
Also expect lots of “this reminded me of you”s and its the ugliest t-shirt you’ve ever seen
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🧤 - Kyle Broflovski -
Ok he probably didn’t understand it at first and got kind of worried like
Is this your last resort 😔😔 he wouldn’t mind getting you something nice if you wanted 😔😔😔
You had to explain its a THING for you, like, it’s fun and you can find some pretty cool and cute things if you look hard enough!
Whatever, he wants to join in order to understand, and he surprisingly has good luck with good finds?? You’ll definitely force him to try at least ONE thing
Listen. This boy dresses himself like his mom still picks out his clothes ok. Button-ups, polos, nice jackets, Kyle’s a smartass and he wants to dress the part (😍) so for some reason it’s SO new to him, and he’s worried he’ll find something stupid and he won’t even know
Just wants your approval (he’s a sweaty nerd)
Ok not every time but the matching old ass Terrance And Phillip shirts are a huge flex to him so hes happy
You’ll probably buy most of the things he shows you (they become your favorite and you wear them constantly)
Kyle and you are the same.like. “Oh this? Kyle found this necklace when we went thrifting together 🙄🙄”
And he’s constantly letting everyone know “Yeah this is a 1986 original Terrance And Phillip T-shirt matching with my partner 🙄🙄”
Everyone’s sick of it
You’ll go home with him after thrifting and Ike will TOTALLY make fun of you guys
Kyle, poor boy so In love, gets extremely giddy when you’re wearing something he found for you (blushing mess tbh)
Melts even more when you get some old stuffed animal for Ike and Ike ends up ADORING it (bonus brownie points from Sheila and Gerald)
He still doesn’t understand the whole thrift thing, I mean, newer clothes just last longer and fit his style more!! What!!
He enjoys going with you anyways and lovingly watches you get excited over small things like that <3
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🎸 - Stan Marsh -
Crazy not so crazy, he’s actually gone a few times, really likes it too if it’s a good day
This, of course, makes you SUPER happy and you’re instantly dragging him to every spot South Park has
When he was with the goth kids, he remembered them talking about it, tried it for himself and was slightly obsessed for a bit
Indifferent about most of it, just likes going for the old band shirts or something with a funny graphic on it
Maybe a jacket or two as well
ACTUALLY he goes insane if there’s a cool looking varsity jacket or some jerseys yet to be worn
Although,,,,,,he has the worst luck with everything he cannot find anything good or something he likes,,,,
It’s either got shit stains or beer stains or god forbid SHARPIE or PAINT like WHY are these here
You gotta step in and hand him some of your luck, he wants his punk rock t-shirts or whatever 🙄 (he’s eternally grateful)
Thinks you look super cute in anything you’ve found, but gets slightly impatient if you’re taking too long in a dressing room or looking In the same section for too long
If there’s a certain band shirt you’re both looking for? He’s going to the ends of the earth (Just in South Park) to find it for you
Naturally, you’ll both have a blast just talking about where things have come from or chuckling over something funny looking
You’ll dress each other up in jackets too big for each other, it’s sweet and innocent 😭😭✊
Shelley caught wind of you two going thrifting every so often, she’ll kick out Stan and just wanna go with you 💀💀
Spoiler alert Shelley has TOO much fun with you and it becomes a thing (much to Stan’s dismay)
You’ll MOST LIKELY find stupid shit with her and constantly “hahaha Stan would look fucking STUPID in this”
“I know right!!”
Randy saw you wearing something you had found with Stan, thought it was Sharon’s for a while and was super confused 🤨🤨🤨
Overall, super fun chill time with the Marsh boy you love him, go get Ice cream with him after a haul ✊✊
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🦝 - Eric Cartman -
“What the fuck are you wearing”
“It’s a cardigan I found doesn’t it look good!”
“Found where 💀💀💀”
ALSO DIDNT understand it and probably heard “shoplifting” instead of the former
You have to FORCE him to join you tbh and he suggested robbing Stan’s mom would get the job done faster, whatever
Pretends to be SUUUUPER bored and uninterested, like ugh he’s shopping? Says it’s totally gay
Probably wouldn’t look around, just tag along while pretending to hate the entire experience (you know he doesn’t, you see his eyes go towards cool looking things in the shops)
Gets pretty impatient if he’s somewhere for too long, unless you REALLY beg him and find something that “meets his standards”
HATED thrifting until you found him a shirt without sleeves, looked corny as hell, had some bootleg graphic and inspirational quote and shit
Eric FELL IN LOVE WITH IT 😭😭 it showed off his muscles of course
You just HAD to get it for him, doesn’t stop wearing it, claims he found it until you give him the side eye
“We found it together 😍🙏”
You won’t go as often with him, but when you do (and when he’s not bitching about how boring it is), it’s actually a really fun time and he’ll make you crack tf up with snarky comments about things
He’s rude-funny and you are in love with it, especially when it’s towards something you like, you KNOW he doesn’t mean that bs towards you
Liane just HAD to mention that thrifting gets quite a lot of business in South Park, his con-man instincts went wild
Eric just wanted to start a business with you!! Resell items and clothes as if they were worth it! (They are not) fake stories galore!
Stop him before it’s too late please
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lost-walmartbag · 2 years ago
. ⋅ ˚̣- Welcome -˚̣⋅ .
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Hi! I'm Kay. (she/they). I write a lot of fics about South Park but I can write about anything! All the characters are 18+ and yes I do write smut sometimes so if you are under 18 you prolly shouldn't read. I write when I can which means I post when I can so I'm really sorry if weeks pass between uploads. Also, my grammar and spelling are not the best. I have no excuse I just don't edit before I post lmao.
Now if you have any suggestions please send them in! I would love to write any ideas you guys have rolling around in your heads. Feel free to send suggestions, ideas, private messages, or even just comment on stories about your thoughts or questions you may have. There are no dumb questions. Also, I use some banners made by @cafekitsune definitely check them out if you want some cute banners.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
I do write
Fluff, smut, certain aesthetics (ex. cottage-core character, emo character, fem characters, etc.), certain kinks (choking, degrading, praising, spanking, but again if you aren't sure just ask and I'll let you know if I'm willing. I promise I won't judge.)
Any characters you want to see. I'm willing to write any scenario for any character.
I do not write
Incest, illegal age gaps, non-con, gore
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
🠓 My Links 🠓
My Spotify
My Masterlist
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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brook1yn-baby · 2 years ago
all mine
main 4 dating hcs <3
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characters; kyle broflovski, stan marsh, kenny mccormick, eric cartman x gender-neutral reader
warnings; just a smidge of smut :3
a/n; first actual post 😱 also theyre like 18/19 in this
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kyle broflovski:
he’s absolutely lovesick.
bro wrote and performed a love song for rebecca when he was in 3rd grade
you can be damn sure he’s doing that and more for you
only in private though, not big on pda, especially when you’re around his friends
you both know how much he likes you, so he doesn’t feel the need to put on a show when you’re in public
he’ll sling a loose arm around your shoulders while he’s talking to the guys or sit next to you during lunch, little things that tell you he’s still yours
his jealousy does sometimes get the better of him though
probably a little insecure in the relationship, scared he’s gonna lose you to cartman like he did with heidi
one time the five of you were at a party and kyle started squaring up to guy who’d asked you if you were single
sorta gave you the ick but he made up for it by walking you home, giving you a tipsy goodnight kiss and a lopsided grin before stumbling over your porch steps and heading back to stan’s place, the other guys having to hold him up the whole way there
that was the first and last time you’d seen him drink
after you told him about his attempt to fight some random guy, he decided that it’d probably be better for everyone if he stuck to being the designated driver
oh and he loves how close you are with his family
the first time he invited you over for dinner, he was terrified about his parents embarrassing him
almost cancelled when his mom wouldn’t stop saying that her ‘little bubaleh’ was in love
still, you managed to charm them the whole night, asking questions about gerald’s job and helping sheila clean up after dinner, even enduring ike’s constant questioning about if you and kyle were gonna get married
that’s when he knew he’d found the right one
definitely ended the night with your guys’ first kiss <3
stan marsh:
i’m gonna be honest he’s a fucking loser
definitely not the most attentive boyfriend you’ve ever had, but probably the best you were gonna get in south park
it’s a small town and options are slim, so you often had to give stan the benefit of the doubt
absolutely terrible at replying to messages
if you two aren’t physically together, you probably don’t talk
luckily for you, he’s a whiny bitch and will most definitely complain when he’s not with you
meaning most of your free time is spent at his house, listening as he practices guitar, playing video games or just laying in his arms
you could go to his and just nap the whole time and he’d still be happier than if you weren’t with him
you know his relationship with his dad isn’t the best, so you have to be prepared for many late-night ‘can i come over’ texts
most of the time it’s because randy’s drunk or just being a dick and he can’t stand to be around him
and obviously, you’re his safe place
sometimes though, his messages are a little less innocent
he’s a teenage boy at the end of the day, and he has needs
(as do you ;))
you and stan have a pretty stable relationship in comparison to him and wendy, but there’s been times when you two had to go on a break
whether it’s because of his constant need to be around you or his drinking, sometimes you just needed space
you and shelley def complain about him together when you’re on a break
she’s a couple years older but she gets it better than anyone
her own relationship was pretty rocky too, so it was nice to just vent to eachother, probably with a bottle of wine and takeout
it was probably a little weird that you still hung out with his sister when you and him were on a break, but you honestly didn’t care
you and stan never stay broken up for long though, the both of you eventually crawling back
maybe it was a little toxic, maybe you knew it wasn’t really gonna last, but for now, you had him and he had you
that’s all that mattered <3
kenny mccormick:
good old kenny mcwhoremick.
despite the rumours of his promiscuous lifestyle, his body count was actually significantly lower than you expected
not that you cared; you were actually quite happy that he was so experienced- not many boys your age knew how to pleasure both themselves and their partner
he wasn’t just great in bed, either
he’s quick to fall for you, infatuated with you after just a few meetings
immediately takes on a sort of caring role in the relationship, definitely protective, similarly to how he looks after karen
it was nice to have someone so doting, though you had to remind him a few times that you could take care of yourself
he simply shakes his head, stubborn as ever
speaking of karen, you adored her
anytime kenny invited you to his house, you spent most of your time playing dolls with her or letting her do your hair
he loved how motherly you acted towards her
probably got him thinking about starting a family with you tbh
he absolutely loves showing you off, be it with pda, on social media, whatever
you were his and he wanted everyone to know
definitely has a highlight on insta dedicated to photos of you, and a playlist of songs that remind him of you
(also of songs that he’d thought about fucking you to)
though you do spend lots of time at his house now, he was really against the idea when you first started dating
you’d suggest watching a movie at his place and he’d come up with some excuse to do it at yours instead
it wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with you, he was just embarrassed of where he lived after years of teasing from the other boys
one day you decided to show up out of the blue, wanting to surprise him for his birthday with presents
he’s gobsmacked when he opens the door, quickly trying to divert your attention away from the mess in his living room, his parents passed out on the couch
you reassure him that you don’t mind, asking if he wanted you to go; you really wanted to stay and see his reactions to your gifts, but you weren’t going to push him if he was uncomfortable
he was relieved when you said you didn’t mind, finally inviting you in
it was the first time he’d let a partner into his house which was terrifying in itself, but he calmed down when he saw how relaxed you seemed, getting comfy on his bed and waiting for him to open his presents
you obviously didn’t care how messy his home was, or how his parents weren’t the best at looking after their kids
you only cared about him <3
eric cartman:
listen, as much as i love the enemies to lovers trope with cartman, i love the fake dating trope even more
(and i love combining the two the most teehee)
cartman had recently received some pretty embarrassing information about you, and decided to make the most of it while he’s coming up with his newest scheme
you had had a crush on one of the other boys in your class for a few months and, even though you’d only told your closest friends, somehow he’d found out
so, in order to make heidi jealous, he’d forced you to be his pretend partner in exchange for not telling your crush you liked him
it was humiliating- having to hold his hand as he walked you to class, sitting with him at lunch, enduring his sickly-sweet pet names..
..only at first, though
after a few weeks, you’d come to enjoy the routine the fake relationship provided
you also found that you actually liked spending time with eric, and he could be pretty funny when it was just you two
you did your best to shove your feelings down, slightly ashamed and pissed off that you liked him, of all people
still, it couldn’t be helped- you had stopped staring longingly at your crush during class, eyes fixed on cartman across the room
it didn’t help that heidi didn’t seem too jealous either, causing him to ramp up the ‘pretend’ affection
when you were around him, he acted like he couldn’t get enough of you; playing with your hair, caressing your face, all the while keeping a strong arm around your shoulders, like he wanted to keep you close to him
as much as you liked the attention he was giving you, it was infuriating knowing he was only like this to get heidi back
it all came to a head when he tried to kiss you as she walked past you both in the hallway
you pushed him back, all of the feelings you’d been forcing down suddenly overflowing, choking on tears as you walked away
you knew when he didn’t bother following you that this relationship really was just pretend to him
it wasn’t until later that night when he showed up on your doorstep, hands in his pockets, sighing, that you realised maybe you were wrong
he obviously wasn’t big on apologising but tried his best, looking slightly annoyed as he admitted that he’d only blackmailed you into being his fake partner because he knew you’d say no if he actually asked you out
his logic was completely insane to you, but from eric’s point of view, he genuinely saw it as his only option to call you his partner
your heart melted as you thought about how he went through all that just because he had a crush on you
you don’t say anything in response, shocking him a little as you walk towards him, wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his chest
sure, you’d hugged before, but it was awkward and emotionless, just pretend
this was different- his arms enveloped you, pulling you close as you felt him laugh
he was most definitely gonna tease you later for being ‘obsessed’ with him, but you could deal with it
after all, you were really, actually his <3
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southparktegreity · 2 years ago
♡ what they look for in a girl
[stan marsh x reader] ; [kyle brof. x reader]
[kenny mc. x reader] ; [leopold butters stotch x reader]
[tolkien b. x reader] 🟊
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gender : female cws : minor nsfw
requested : yes! thank you anon ! relationship : none mentioned
authors note : i wanted to write what they look for in personality traits, instead of appearance, hope that was okay!
NOTICE : as always, these characters are aged up to be in college 19/20+!
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stanley marsh :
♡ i feel like he'd really want someone who is comfortable with silence, like being alone together in the same room doing separate things, yet enjoying each others presence. i think quiet time/being able to be around each other while being quiet is important to him, since he has to deal with so much talking in south park in general.
♡ i also think he's want someone who's really stable in his life. like he wouldn't necessarily want a girl who's always mentally stable, but more like he wants to be able to depend on someone especially during harder moments when he's struggling. he’d want to find stability in your relationship.
♡ definitely wants a girl who can take their relationship seriously but also who can kind of be playful at times. since stan is kind of a ticking time bomb, he'll want someone who's kind of also emotionally smart enough to tell when something is off with him because he struggles with expressing those same emotions.
♡ trust. this one is probably the biggest one for stan, he needs stability and trust in a relationship with anyone. he needs to be able to trust you'll be honest with him.
♡ i think all of this combined with support and love for him is what he looks for in a partner :)
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kyle broflovski :
♡ as i'm sure everyone knows, he'd want someone very family oriented! even if you aren't close with your own family, as long as you care about having a family in the future, or are close to his own family i think that's good enough for him.
♡ would also really want someone to be on good terms with his mom and ike, since his dad is fairly easy to get along with and his mom is very much the head of the household - he'd want a girl to get along with her - even if that means looking at his baby photos with her.
♡ also would want someone who might be interested in religion, or at the very least doesn't make fun of him for his own.
♡ looks for communication in relationships, especially if he did something wrong? he’d want to know as soon as it happened. he’s probably a bit worried of losing you, or being abandoned by you because of heidi and that whole situation, so someone who can easily communicate their issues are reassure him everything is okay and stable in their relationship is perfect for him.
♡ i get the impression that his standards are kind of on the floor, with his mistreatment from cartman and heidi both, he just wants someone who won't leave him or make fun of him or his insecurities.
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kenny mccormick :
♡ definitely wants a girl who will try anything once, if you catch my drift. especially if you'll initiate it as well? or seem invested in trying something new with him :)
♡ i feel like he’d really like someone to crack jokes with. i think he shares eric’s similar sense of humor but doesn’t actually want to full blown do the whole ‘eric’ thing all the time (ie dealing with cartman). sometimes i think he just wants to make a lil bit of fun with you! you know?
♡ he’d probably also want someone who’s a little more on the adventurous side, who’s probably a bit ambitious, again someone who’d be willing to try anything once. he probably really wants someone around who can also have their own wild side!
♡ also probably looks for someone who is kind to karen, especially if it means her crashing your guys dates.
♡ overall i feel like he doesn't have a huuuge preference, but more like he just wants someone he can get along with! definitely someone with a sense of humor similar to him.
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leopold butters stotch :
♡ this is just my totally personal opinion but i feel like he'd really like someone also outgoing and also understanding? he might always be worried he's messing up or something while being with you, but would want you to be understanding when he makes a mistake.
♡ a little bit of chaos goes a long way. someone who will be able to create a little chaos with him from time to time would definitely be something he wants in a girl.
♡ playful intimacy, he doesn't wanna feel insecure with those intimate moments he has with you, but i think a little bit of playfulness with each other would totally brighten his day.
♡ i feel like he'd really look for a sense of belonging in a girl, somewhere where he fits in, and feels safe. since he doesn't get a lot of that at home, he'd really want to feel far from his home around a girl.
♡ to be honest i don't think butters thinks too much about what he wants, it just kind of happens for him.
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tolkien black :
♡ i feel like tolkien probably looks for someone who's really good at communicating. he'd want to avoid any and all drama, considering he's got enough of it just living in south park normally.
♡ this one is kind of a given, but i feel like he'd want a girl who's more on the mature side, similar to stan but in a different way. he'd want a girl with more of her own interests and things that she enjoys. he really wants someone who's able to talk to him about mature things and not have to be worried too much that you won't take it seriously.
♡ someone self confident i imagine, i think he already has enough going on that he doesn't necessarily want to be worried about you on top of his family and everything else. which isn't to say he won't support you during your down moments, but being confident in yourself is probably a big one for him.
♡ this all ties in with the other ones, but self reliance and being good to yourself is probably big for him, again he doesn't wanna be in charge of you but will definitely take care of you when you need it - you know?
♡ overall, he just wants someone who's a bit normal or at least a bit less hectic or crazy than the rest of south park.
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pinkrifle · 1 year ago
Hello ml!<3 i was wondering if you could do yandere team stan and craig x reader platonic please! Like they see reader as a little sister!^^
hi lovely! i do not take SP requests anymore buttttf this seems really easy, so i should be able to do this !
saying this rn i’m so sorry if this is short #_# <\3 i’m sorry if i missed a character or two aswell!
only team stan right now as i can’t really think of much to do for team craig, sorry once more! D:
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Stan Marsh -
a little careful not to bring you around his friends too much.. especially cartman AND COVERS UR EARS EVERYTIME ONE OF THEM SAYS A DIRTY JOKE LOL (no matter how old you are!1!1!)
would 100% go off on anyone who tries to mess with you (and Kyle would probably join him too) , ya don’t F with family, folks!
trades his lunch or snacks at lunch to give them to you!! loves seeing the look on your face when you get a snack size pack of skittles. Even if it’s super small your face always lightens up and he just laughs and feels very proud of himself after
he makes sure shelly isn’t too mean to you, let’s her rip on him instead if she gets a little aggressive with you (she wouldn’t really go that far dw <3)
Eric Cartman -
(don’t worry he always does something in return after. begrudgingly and hesitantly.) (he just feels bad)
brings you on all of his little dangerous adventures but makes sure you stay safe all the time,, if you get hurt EVER he’s SOOO dramatic. begging for a hospital!
if any of his friends (aka rest of team stan) dare to say anything to you (they don’t cuz they don’t care) he will 100% be dramatic ALLO OVER AGAIN, threatens to beat up his friends (he can’t rlly) and is nice to you for the rest of the day!!
steals cute stuff from other classmates and brings them to you, steals snacks from people and brings them to you!! probably stole some snacks from stan that he planned to give to his own little sibling
Kenny McCormick -
tones down his dirty jokes when with you, and also does not let you around his friends LMAO
loves hanging out with you, karen, and kevin! at first he was really hesitant on stuart and carol having you (like with karen) but loved you so much after your born!!
protects u FOR LIFE. is basically also your guardian angel when he’s in his mysterion costume! when your in the foster home thing(?) he’s visiting you like crazy and bringing you treats aswell. makes sure you never get beaten up in the basement by the parents
loves whenever you show him something you like. Anime? cartoons? etc? your not cringe to him at all! he likes weird shit too, trust. Watches and plays everything you show him <3
a video game MASTER! having any trouble with a boss fight? he’s got it. Cant find an item? he already has it and is gonna trade it to you!!
Kyle Broflovski -
takes care of you and Ike RELIGIOUSLY. love you two both to death!
plays dolls/action digs with you even if your in middle school or whatever (in the event he’s in HS or whatever) , he doesn’t want his little siblings to ever grow up! brings a tear to his eye.
every Hanukkah he makes sure you get the best presents and NEVER lets your presents break, always has them in pristine condition ! hates seeing you sad , it affects him more than he’d like to admit.. he also gives you his hat to wear when your a little down!
bakes and cooks with you, he’s pretty okay at cooking but if your bad it’s no problem! he’s willing to teach you the 3 dishes he knows how to make LMAO. If your better than him at cooking? EVEN BETTER, teach him! but he’ll be a little embarassed to learn stuff from his little sibling
having trouble with homework? he’s on it! he won’t let you cheat on anything, but he’ll help you and guide you to the right answer.
Never let’s people talk shit about you or make fun of you, he will fr fight his friends if they dare to do that.
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heya! thanks for requesting, i haven’t been really willing to write lately but this got me off my booty!!! i really should open my tf2 and scp foundation reqs.
sorry again i couldn’t do team craig! i hope these were good enough, feel free to request this again some time if i’m ever active again! <3
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ruby-winchester24 · 2 years ago
Kyle Broflovski headcanons!
[sfw+nsfw] (fem reader)
loves cuddling and i mean he LOVES it
will not let you go unless you ask to go to the bathroom or to the kitchen for a drink
he taught himself how to braid hair because he knows how you hate it in your face when you’re working
band nerds together 💋
he plays Trumpet or Tuba whichever he wants to play
extremely talented in school, he is the top in his class
he thinks it’s cute when you ask for help on your homework
is taking 3 college classes just this year, will graduate college when he graduates from high school
your his #1 fan at his basketball and baseball games
his heart melts when you wear his jersey
he loves taking photos of you out of nowhere. it doesn’t matter what is happening if he thinks you look good in that lighting he is taking out his phone
he always facetimes you before bed, and sometimes ask to sleep on call
he snores but not too loud you can definitely hear it when your next to him
hates when Cartman talks too you or any guy in fact
he hates Clyde because he knows you guys were taking before you and him got together
only except is Stan
you, Kyle, Stan and Wendy go in double dates sometimes, only if they are together in the moment
doesn’t hate pda but won’t make out with you in public
he will hold your hand, kiss your four head and whisper reassuring words to you if your feeling stressed
he will walk you to your classes then sprint to his class
loves when you wear his hoodies or shirts
his shirts are like dresses on you
he is 6’4
finds it so cute when you get on your top toes too grab something or look over someone
always puts his hands on your shoulders or waist when standing behind you
is extremely protective of you
he will fight anyone that shits on your name
if a guy makes a move on you then it’s over
he will verbally abuse that guy or if he really feels bitchy he will swing
loves too show you off to everyone
“who is that girl? she is really pretty”
“excuse me that’s my girlfriend please don’t look at her”
his dad automatically loved you when he first met you
his mom took a little bit to really except you but when he did she would do anything for you
you guys celebrate Hanukkah together
Ike teaches you the Dreidel song
Shelia loves too show you the photo albums
Kyle doesn’t mind the baby photos but he will go crazy if she shows off the pictures of him in middle school
Gerald always asks if Kyle is being nice to you just in case 
Ike loves you also, he also has a crush on you but don’t tell Kyle!
Kyle has kinda picked up that Ike likes you
they will stare each other down
“dude you need to leave she doesn’t want to hang out with you!”
“shut up Kyle we all know i’m the better looking brother!”
“oh really?, hey Ike KICK THE BABY!”
he loves when you play with him or just hang out watching Terrence and Phillip
Kyle sees you as his future wife
he wants too give you the world
he calls you Mrs. Broflovski
he is your personal uber driver
absolutely LOVES taking you out on fancy dates because he loves to see you all dressed up
“aww baby you look so good!”
he finds your perfume heavenly
will always find a reason too be next too you
he was so scared when you told him you had your period for the first time
went on a google deep dive on how to take care of periods and how they really happen
was a little grossed out at first but realized you were in pain
always has a heating pack around for you
will give you all the snuggles and kisses in the world
will do anything for you if you needed it
“are you feeling any better baby?”
“not really can you rub my back?”
“of course, i love you”
“i love you too”
loves the feeling of your skin on his, will ask to cuddle naked all the time
low key asked Kenny for advice
love’s praising you
“god baby your so beautiful”
“you’re such a good girl”
“you’re all mine”
was horrified of hurting you when you first had s*x
took a lot of convincing for him too smack your ass or go harder
loves the noises you make, goes crazy for you’re whimpers
will look into your eyes
he loves bondage not crazy but he likes your hands bonded
orgasm control!!!
he loves when you beg
loves when you melt into his touch
he loves to pleasure you, he finds pleasure in it for himself
love love LOVES your boobs
he will always make you cûm before he does he wants you to be satisfied
he loves to overstimulate you, he finds it so attractive when your a mumbling mess
7 1/2 inches
his body is slim but has definition, he has great biceps and quads
his ass is great also
his hands are HUGE
he surprisingly lasts a long time, 16 minutes on average
always a second round or if not then he will go down on you after
has crazy stamina
you were his first time
loves to kiss your face in missionary and pinch your nipples
will cuddle you for hours to make sure you are ok
will clean up later, only you matter in the moment
will get you water and tell you how amazing you were
will rub your back and kiss you so so much
he likes to say making love instead of s*x because he sees it as more then that. it’s so important too him
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