#If you're in the field you are so brave and I hope you're happy
noisytenant · 3 months
there are fools in every field but i really thank god every day that i'm not a professional illustrator. the genAI hysteria and IP dickriding would make me want to explode everyone with my mind
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newobsessionweekly · 1 year
Family Ties
Main masterlist | 9-1-1 Masterlist
Eddie Diaz x firefighter!reader Fandom: 911
Summary: You and Eddie have been dating for a few months now, but your older brother, Buck, don’t know until you get hurt on a call and he puts all the pieces together.
Warnings: Mentions of fire, injuries.
Requested: No
Words: 1.9k Requests are open for Eddie / Buck! Gif not mine, credits to the owner.
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Standing in front of the firehouse, you adjust your helmet and gear and feel the adrenaline rush that comes with being a firefighter. You were proud to become a paramedic at Station 118 in LA, following in your older brother Buck's footsteps. You have always admired Buck's courage and strength in leaving home, building a career, and saving lives. This job is perfect for him since he saved your life back then. You own everything you are in that moment to Buck.
You greeted everyone at the firehouse, eager for a new day. Hen and Chim checked supplies, Bobby inspected trucks, and Buck ate his breakfast undisturbed. Everyone turned theirs heads and smiled, wishing you a “Good Morning” in response.
“I hope you choke on that food. I'll let your lazy ass die anytime.” you greet your brother, still angry about him ditching you up last night and not giving you a ride in the morning.
“Love you too, munchkin!" Buck yelled with a full mouth of milk and cereals.
“Stop calling me that, I'm not five anymore!” you said firmly, pouring yourself a cup of coffee. Eddie laughed, making his way up on the stairs. “Morning to you too!” you greeted him. “Something funny?”
You brightened Station 118 for all to see. Upon entering, the room radiates warmth and light wavily pours down on everyone. You are that magnet of happiness that could cheer up any bad day. Who wouldn't love you?
You watch Eddie enter the kitchen, patting Buck's shoulder on his way to the fridge. He winked and handed you the milk, a sudden burst of warmth covering your cheeks.
Eddie is both Buck's best friend and your secret boyfriend. Well, not that secret, everyone knows except Buck. And everyone is hiding you both until you're ready to tell you big brother.
You and Eddie bonded immediately upon joining Unit 118. All the laugher and deep conversations held in Buck's living room, slowly turned into small electric touches and stolen kisses.
Eddie made excuses for Buck to babysit Christopher while he took you on little dates, most of them between the walls of his home. But you didn't care as long as you were together.
Eddie is the most amazing man you've ever met. Strong, brave, and incredibly smart. All the stories about the war and you still can't believe the man in front of you was some years ago on the open field. He's handsome, all worked up and as cheerful as you every single day. Though, the signs of the war are painted on his skin, he exudes a mature aura that masks his traumas. He's also a perfect father.
Some girls dream of men like this, even fantasies about them being a father, but all you gotta do is open your eyes and admire the view. And it's only yours.
"You're right, Y/n. You're not five. You both are five and acting like idiots.” Eddie poured himself a cup of coffee while Buck's gaze was pointed at you. His face twisted comically in confusion. How did Eddie know you need milk for your coffee without you asking for it?
Eddie is more than thankful to have beside him a woman just as perfect as an angel. You spread love, exhibits passion, demonstrates bravery in saving people, and look stunning while doing so.
However, you still hesitate to reveal your relationship with Eddie, knowing that it could complicate things with your overprotective brother.
As soon as the alarm went off calling a car crash with multiple injuries, you placed your cup on the table and run off to the truck with Eddie by your side while Buck analysing your every move and how the distance between you and Eddie closes day by day. He smells something's going on.
Throughout the day, you and Eddie teamed up seamless and efficient together. Buck, on the other hand, noticed your chemistry and couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. He first lost his partner, but could also lose his best friend and sister ? Buck brushed it off as he hurriedly approached the cars holding captive civilians, ignoring any doubts.
The quiet afternoon allowed your for reflection while washing off the blood under the hot water pouring over your bloody-covered body, then silently enjoyed Bobby's delicious lunch.
“Uh-huh, Buckley siblings aren't talking." "Something's off," Bobby quipped, eyeing the people standing around the table.
Chuckling, you searched for Eddie's sight before the alarm blared once more.
Unit 118 was dispatched to a high-rise building fire. You raced to the scene, adrenaline pumping. The team surrounded Bobby, listening to his command. “Buck, you're coming with me to the back, we need to secure an exit and search for survivors. Eddie, Y/n, Chim and Hen, search the first two floors, pull out the fire, and search for survivors, ten at number.” everyone nodded as he explained to never split up, but if needed, you stay close to a wall and never let go of the hose. “Be safe out there!” Buck nodded to you and Eddie, silently urging caution and a safe return.
As you entered the building, Eddie's firefighter instincts kicked in, and he took charge of the situation. He led the team through the thick smoke and intense heat, searching for survivors and extinguishing the flames.
But as you were making your way out of the building, a sudden explosion rocked the structure, causing debris to collapse around you. You shielded Eddie out of the way just in time, but you were struck by falling debris. Your trapped leg caused a painful mix of blood and agony.
Eddie rushed to your side, his heart pounding with fear. He checked for other injuries with shaky hands.
"Calling for help, ok? Hen and Chim will be back, and you'll be okay!” Eddie comforted, cupping your cheeks, forcing you look at him. You were conscious and likely only suffered a sprained ankle while the blood that flood around was coming from a cut above your knee.
“I'm fine, just a sprained ankle. We should go search for survivors," you suggested, gazing at the ashes of the once-mischievous flames that nearly engulfed the entire building.
Eddie looked at you in disbelief. You and Buck were remarkably alike. Or maybe the gene of recklessness run deep in both you DNA's. He's worried about the leg, despite your pleading to go search for the people stuck in that building, you can't move fast enough. It will only slow down the operation and cause any other damage.
“Here the captain, the building is clear.” Bobby radioed. You breathe easily now, the survivors were out of any harm. “Find your way back safely, the fire spreading quickly to the roof."
“Come on, we have to go.” Eddie said, pushing aside with all his strength the debris that was pinning you down. "Copy that, cap!" Eddie spoke into his radio.
“Y/n, do you copy?" Buck's voice crackled through Eddie's radio. Yours was broken in the fall. Buck searched the perimeter with worry in his eyes.
“Don't tell Buck, please.” you pleaded, afraid your brother wouldn't keep his feet at place, rushing recklessly into the burning building to save you. Eddie nodded, thinking of what he could tell his best friend.
"Y/n's radio broke, but she's en route to the hospital doing CPR.” Eddie fibbed. Bobby nodded at the words and told everyone to go back to the station as Unit 146 could handle the fire themselves. They got every other unit off duty. “Bobby, take Buck and Chim with you. I'm coming right back, Hen can give me a ride. We'll go after Y/n at the hospital.”
“Copy that. On our way now!” Bobby and Buck left, cap confident that the remaining men could handle as the fire was slowly being extinguished.
Buck obeyed Bobby's orders for your sake, though he didn’t really bite that.
As Eddie carried you out of the building with you laying on him, slowly walking to the paramedic truck, you saw Hen's eyes widening. “You said she was on her way to the hospital!" she scolded Eddie, shaking her head in a disapproving gesture. “You hurt?” she checked for injuries on your body.
“Just small bruises and a scars, a spread ankle. "Nothing serious," you report.
Eddie hugged you tight, now clear-minded. He was relieved you both returned from that building in one piece. He admired your courage and dedication. Your kindness towards the injured made him fall in love with you all over again seeing you giving all the injured people a soft smile and help they needed, without a single doubt. You hugged him back, seeking comfort in his arms, preparing your patience for when will Buck find out.
“Ok, Eddie ride with her in the back. We going to the hospital.”
Back at the firehouse, Buck was anxiously waiting for news on the fire. He waited at the station for an hour, pacing through the kitchen, eager for you to get back. His thoughts buzzed with all the worst-case scenarios. Buck rushed towards you as soon as he saw the truck reversing into the station. His eyes turned red when Eddie helped you hop up from the back of the paramedic truck, your leg all bandaged and bruises painted all over you, from your beautiful face to the arms. Slowly limping to him, Buck rushed over to you, his concern evident.
"What the hell happened?" Buck asked, his voice filled with worry.
Y/n got hit by falling debris, but she insisted on continuing to help with evacuation," Eddie explained, casting a proud glance at you. “She's fine now, just a few scratches, but she managed to clear the building.
“Screw about that building. "Why did you do that?" Buck looked at his sister, his protective instincts kicking in. "Why didn't you tell me you got hurt?" he scolded you gently.
"I didn't want to worry you," you replied, giving your brother a weak smile. "I guess you passed to me the recklessness gene," you laughed, trying to ease the tension. “I'm fine, Buck, really."
But Buck's attention shifted to Eddie, and he noticed the concerned look in the firefighter's eyes as he tended to your injury. Buck's suspicions were confirmed as he realized the truth.
"You two are dating, aren't you?" Buck asked, surprised and a little taken aback.
You and Eddie exchanged nervous glances before nodding. Buck's initial surprise turned into a mix of emotions - surprise, worry, protectiveness - but also saw the love and happiness in you both.
"I care about her, Buck," Eddie begins earnestly, looking Buck straight in the eye. "I promise to take care of her." Eddie locked his hand in yours, both of them helping you up the stairs and have a seat on the couch.
Buck couldn't deny the sincerity in Eddie's words, and he knew that you are a capable firefighter who could take care of herself. Reluctantly, he nodded and pulled you both into a tight hug. Buck knows Eddie's a great guy, he also knows about the baggage you're both dealing with, hope you'll both manage to heal each other.
"Just be careful with her," Buck said, his voice filled with emotion. "She's my little sister, and I know how a pain in the ass she could be.” he joked, passing you a glass of water.
Well, maybe all the bad did something good after all.
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Kafka Taking Care Of You At A Kaiju Cleanup Sight
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Kafka Hibino X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Kaiju gore, blood
Word Count: 1.3k
(A/N:) I have been so dang excited about the Kaiju No. 8 anime! I have read the manga since it came out and when they finally announced it getting an anime adaption, I freaked out. So yesterday was so awesome, I watched it three times! XD So I apologize for the fangirl I'm about to become and hopefully all the other Kaiju No. 8 fangirls can appreciate what I'm about to do! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You just knew your bosses hated you. It wasn't unusual for companies like Izumo Tech requesting specialists to go out in the field and oversee the kaiju cleanup crews. Only to make certain that they were receiving the best parts of the kaiju to create weapons, armor, and various forms of gear for the brave men and women who take the battles to the front line. But for some unfortunate reason you were the one being constantly sent out to supervise. It had to be done, even though the majority of the cleaning crews did their jobs right, but you'd be out of a job if you didn't go. This time you were to watch and take note of the Monster Sweep Inc. crew. The best of the business and always making sure they sent nothing but the parts Izumo requests. This wasn't the first time you had overseen this crew and you enjoyed being around them. What you didn't enjoy was dodging spurts of blood, or tripping over entrails, or squishing eyeball pieces under your shoes. The Defense Force always left a mess and it was the brave and iron stomached men and women of the cleaners.
Rubbing at your temples, fighting the oncoming headache, while your driver navigated the destroyed streets of the city. Your bag across your knees and the seatbelt strapped tight. You said a small prayer for the poor white shirt you unwittingly wore today. The car squealed to a stop as you couldn't go any further in the vehicle. Giving you a sorrowful smile, your driver let you out before backing out as fast as he could, leaving you alone in front of a giant bloody kaiju mess. Heaving a large sigh, the tainted coppery tang of kaiju blood filling your nostrils, you got to work.
"Hey Kafka," Masahide called to the dark haired male.
Kafka lifted his face shield wiping sweat from his forehead before heading to Toku's direction. Dread settled in the pit of his stomach, sensing he was being dragged into something else. He just hoped it wasn't entrail duty like the other times. But when Kafka saw you standing at Toku's side everything became clear, but it still didn't mean he was dodging entrail duty just yet.
"(Y/N) just got here. She's being assigned to your side since you're closer to the parts Izumo Tech are looking for."
You gave him a small wave, holding your bag tightly and standing as straight as could be. Making yourself as small as possible seemed like the safer option of keeping clean. You and Kafka knew each other pretty well by now as you had been on several scenes with him and the crew. You had become his charge every time you were on scene and it wasn't unusual for you both to go out for drinks and dinner afterwards. Majority of the time the other guys would join but sometimes you both were alone. So in Kafka's care you always felt safe as he tried his best not to splatter you with any kaiju fluids. Majority of cleaners didn't like you around, thinking that you were only here because the company thought they were doing their jobs wrong when it was the complete opposite. So it wasn't unusual for you to get doused in gore in an act of retaliation.
"Welcome back," Kafka said giving you a warm smile.
"Looks like you guys have your work cut out for you this time," you replied.
He sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat, "They keep upping our finish dates every time a kaiju is dispatched. They're really working us to the bone."
"Well if anyone can do it and handle it it's you guys," you offered him what little encouragement you could.
"Thanks." Kafka walked past you leaving you a little confused as he went to the company van. He tugged a large protective jacket from a bag on the floorboard before setting it on your shoulders. You gratefully slipped your arms inside and zipped it up to your chin. It swallowed you but you wouldn't complain.
"Thank you so much!"
Kafka blushed, "Didn't want your pretty shirt to get messed up."
"I didn't know I was coming out into the field until I came to work," you grumbled. "I would have dressed accordingly. Please continue like I'm not even here."
"I couldn't do that even if I tried," Kafka laughed. "Follow me. Some idle chat would do me some good."
Time passed by quickly as you and Kafka fell into easy chatter and before you both knew it lunch break was called. Majority of the time the smells of the dead kaiju killed your appetite but some form of luck came your way as the wind was right. Blowing the majority of the stench in the opposite direction. But still you couldn't do anything more than nibble on a few veggies you had packed in your bento. Kafka noticed you barely eating, so he dug around in his cooler. Tossing you a can, you caught it, barely.
"Ginger ale," he said at your confused glance. "It'll help settle your stomach. I carry them around just in case I'm on entrail duty. I also have some nausea pills somewhere too." He started to pat around in his pockets.
"No that's okay," you hurriedly grabbed his wrist. "This is more than enough thank you."
Sipping at the cold beverage and testing out a few bites of your lunch. You were able to finish most of it, but didn't push your luck as you had a couple more hours of staying on sight. The bark of the tree you leaned against, bit into your back. But you enjoyed the moment of just being able to take it easy. It was a rare thing to get to enjoy the slow pace of life. Between kaiju attacks, rushing around for work, and the fast pace of just life in general; you didn't find many times like this. Kafka, now finished with his lunch, leaned backwards cushioning his head with his hands. He breathed deep relaxing as the sun danced across his skin.
"Want to grab something later together," Kafka asked. His shoulders shaking as his nerves almost made him redact his question. You carefully slid your hand over, tugging at his sleeve, Kafka removed the hand you wanted from behind his head. You clasped his tightly in your grip, threading your fingers together causing him to stiffen. He knew he was sweaty and it only made his hand sweat worse and he didn't know how you felt about that. But you didn't let go.
"I would like that a lot," you replied. This time resting your head on his shoulder. "Thanks for taking care of me Kafka when I come here."
He gulped, "I enjoy it and want to make sure you're safe."
That had always been the thing. Nobody made you feel as safe as Kafka did. Accidents happened all the time at the sights of kaiju clean up and while it was dangerous for everyone involved. With Kafka you felt like at his side was the safest place that existed. Kafka squeezed your hand, closing his eyes and relishing in the touch of you. He would keep you safe no matter what. As he felt it as his duty as a man and friend. That is just who Kafka is deep down in his core. He squeezed your hand tighter resting his head on top of yours. Taking in the moment with you before you both got back to work. Yeah if you were by his side it was the safest place you could possibly be.
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downundergarfield · 1 year
Hello 👋
can I get each mercs reaction to near death experience with S/O
your writing is cool <33
G'day!! Thanks for the compliment! I tried to write something short but cozy for each mercenary, I hope it doesn't look damp or bland <:)
Mercs with S/O who survived near death experience
Tw!...near death experience?
A bright flash. A rough blow against the wall. There's still a lot of pain coming from nowhere. You are lying on a wooden floor almost under the open sky on the tufort balcony.
At first you tried to rest on your hands, but it caused hellish pain. You cough, feeling the corners of your lips warm with blood. The last thing you see before you pass out is how the Medic hurriedly runs towards you with a field first aid kit and holding the coat from falling.
You wake up for a while. Honestly, you couldn't tell how long you'd been out. Feelings are slowly returning, the torso hurts, both inside and out, the head is splitting, but when the vision returns, you see all the brave mercenaries around your hospital couch.
"- oohoh! Gut!! you survived the procedure!"
Says the German accent you know.
Everyone exhaled. You needed to be alone with yourself. All the mercenaries came out, telling you that's everything okay
You kept lying there. Until there was a knock on the door. It was N/M. He wanted to check on you.
This joker has never looked so lost. He quickly darted to your bed, sat on a stool next to you and looked at you with his puppy dog eyes.
"- God, I am, I was so scared, I was so scared, I couldn't think of anything but you, I was so scared that I would lose you, The medic said that you could die, I was so scared, I-I "
"- ahhh" you say, raising a calm hand to his lips. He wiped away his tears and calmed down more or less.
"-Y/N, you know how scary it was... But I.. I'm happy that you're okay! Honestly!"
You smile at him, he smiles at you
he hugs you tightly, but trying not to damage the fresh seams
He came in and sat down without any unnecessary words or movements, but his big mouth betrayed all his emotions.
"You know, Y/N, I've lost a lot of soldiers on the battlefield. I've lost Sour Joe, Smelly Joe, and even Mighty Joe."
You nodded understandingly, looking away. Then you felt his heavy and big cold hand on your arm.
"- and I'm very glad that I didn't have to lose you too, Y/N. You are a good soldier, real good, maybe even the best."
He rested his helmet head on your side, causing a little pain from the scars on your chest and held your hand with both hands.
Next to him, death is not terrible. You sat like that for a long time until you fell asleep from the cozy feeling that this American next to you caused.
They come into the ward, humming something to themselves, sit on a stool next to you and immediately grab your hand.
You can hear their terrified bellowing, they were very afraid for you, very much. They brought you a bunch of sweets and delicious drinks. You suggested that Piro relax a little.
They took out toy ducklings and started showing you concerts with them. It was charming how much they were interested in making you happy.
Anxiety receded quickly, while this mumbling lump of happiness was nearby.
You're surprised you didn't notice him even before he opened the door. Usually the Demo is immediately noticeable by the smell of alcohol or drunken speeches. But not today. The Scotsman sat down next to you, taking your hand in his big warm palm
"-laddy, please, be careful next time, alright?"
You smiled and nodded to him.
"-I couldn't even drink all this time, I was afraid that I would lose you.."
He rested his big lips on your forehead and closed his eye, kissing your forehead.
"- next time I won't let anyone near you, do you hear? They will shatter into small pieces."
You smiled at his words, deserved another kiss on the forehead.
You talked for a long time about what happened while you were away.
A broad-shouldered figure entered the ward, you felt really big hands on your hands
"- My God, how could I let this happen."
You comfort him by stroking his huge hands.
"- I'm glad that you stayed alive. Darling, please be careful next time, I don't want to lose you."
You nodded, giving him a warm smile.
"-I brought you a couple of books, do you mind if I read Nekrasov to you?"
You nodded with a smile. Although I was worried that you might not understand something.
But it was nice for you to hear his native speech and see how he smiles from the realization that you like to listen to his native speech. You knew that most likely he does this to distract you from bad thoughts. He often read different writers to you to calm down or lull
"-Гляжу с тоской на розы я и тернии
И думой мчусь на край миров:
Моя душа в Саратовской губернии,
У светлых волжских берегов.
Я близ нее! О рай, о наслажденье!
Как на мечтах я скоро прискакал!
Бывало, я имел туда хождение
И словно конь почтовый уставал..."
The engineer turns up next to you pretty quickly
"-oh, sorry, partner, I couldn't be there, you know..."
You calm him down with a nod
"-if it helps you, I've collected special stilts for you. With the help of them, you will be able to get back on your feet 3 days faster than expected! I tested them with a Medic, he said that everythin' should be fine!!"
You could see the sparkle in his eyes, even through his goggles.
"thank you, Dell."
You say it softly. It was actually quite painful to speak. But after hearing your speech, he relaxed even more
"-darlin', I couldn't sleep all those nights how long you were gone! I'm glad that everything is fine. I don't want to lose you." he raises your hand to kiss it.
You nodded to him with a smile, pet the robotic hand, he gently moved towards you to kiss you on the cheek.
He was sitting in the office next to you the whole time, nervous and watching how you were feeling. As soon as you felt good enough, and the beeping devices attached to you began to show some indicators that were clear only to him, Ludwig jumped up to your bed holding your hands and rejoicing
"- Yes!!! Yes!! I was able to save you! Zhis is my greatest triumph! Another 2 minutes and your torn stomach would have killed you! But I managed to fix everyzhing. Patched up zhere, here, you are the crown of my work in medicine over the past year! Hohohoo~"
You were happy that your beloved psycho is doing well. He's so charmingly proud of himself.
He was there for the rest of the time. Sometimes by injecting something into you or giving you pills. Your condition only improved, and the pain receded. He's really a master at it! you ask him to come closer to kiss his forehead
"Oh, no-no-no herr Y/N, you can't move yet! Ich do it myself!" and he comes closer, kissing your forehead. Kind and truly loving
You woke up from familiar warm hands on your own, the Sniper looked sad, but still managed to smile for you
"-Those were the scariest 4 days of my life in this year ..."
You know how hard Bushman is going through the loss of relatives. And you were very dear to him. That's why the poor man was so worried.
You stroke his hair on his hand, suddenly remembering that you have something to show him.
You carefully try to open your hospital gown and show him your Y shaped incision. The Medic left it when he was piecing your body together.
He shuddered when he saw it. But he thought it was cute that you decided to point out this little similarity between you
"- thank you. I won't let anyone else get close to ya. I've already found that wanker. Unlike ya, no one will put his brains back into his skull."
You giggled as much as it was possible in your position.
Mick lay on your shoulder and stroked your head in complete silence for a very long time. Until you fell asleep next to him..
A man in a balaclava shows up in your room with an abstracted face
"You should have been much more careful, it's like you forgot all my stealth lessons"
He didn't blame you, he was just upset.
The Frenchman sat down next to you anyway, stroked your head and took the cigarette out of his mouth
"Please, never hurt yourself like that again. I was very worried"
He hugs you, gently, without touching your aching chest. Sorry.
You sit quietly for as long as it takes while he tells you what happened while you were gone
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hanilessa · 1 year
could you do a part two for the when they realise they love you headcanons 👉👈 they’re so cute esp childe’s oneeee
you don’t have to if you don’t want to but could you mayyyybe include kaeya and diluc?
` Author’s notes: hiiii, darling!! thank u for your request! <3 i really hope you enjoy it. i mentioned childhood friends to lovers trope in diluc's part and marriage of convenience in ayato's part. i like these tropes sm so i couldn't help but add it!
part one!
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` Includes: Diluc, Kaeya, Kamisato Ayato, Thoma x fem!reader (separate)
` Genre: fluff, romance
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The realization of his boundless love for you comes to Diluc when both of you were running across an endless field full of wildflowers and fragrant flowers. Your hair fluttered in the pleasant summer wind, the sun illuminated your joyful and happy face, and your lips smiled with the most beautiful smile in the world. The ringing of your laughter, similar to the ringing of a bell, brought Diluc back to his childhood, when everything that surrounded him seemed so light, at ease and innocent. As innocent as you were. His childhood friend. And now the only love forever.
Kaeya's heart starts beating faster when he hears your ringing laugh that falls from your lips as you laugh at his stupid jokes and ridiculous flirting. Your cheeks are covered with a pinkish blush due to the alcohol you have drunk earlier, your hair is disheveled, your eyes are slightly sleepy. But Kaeya understands that now you're the most beautiful girl in the world for him. Please, he only asks that he always spend such evenings next to you, joking and enjoying good drinks. And also to be the one who can take you home after every evening in the tavern.
Ayato falls in love with you the first second after you entered the room accompanied by your parents. You were absolutely adorable, so small, in a beautiful golden kimono, with a bright blush on your cheeks. He never wanted to marry for convenience, and when his parents told him that they had found a bride for him, he cried for a long time and said that he would never love her. But when Ayato saw you, when he saw how beautifully your eyelashes fluttered framing your deep amazing eyes, he swears that he's ready to take that back.
You were an absolutely amazing and kind person and it always made Thoma want to be closer to you. As the older sister of the Kamisato clan, you should have been refined, light and gentle. But you were strong and brave. You were absolutely kind to servants and maids in Kamisato Estate and always eager to help them. Every time Thoma got in your way, you instantly found yourself next to him and offered him your help. He will always remember with trepidation how sweetly you smiled, taking from his hands a small stack of your brother's documents. And he will always keep your smile in his heart.
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aurorawest · 4 months
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A Thief and a Gentleman by Arden Powell - 3.5/5 stars
The Devil to Pay by Katie Daysh - 4.75/5 stars
If you like Patrick O'Brian but find yourself thinking, surely this could be more gay? Then Katie Daysh's books are for you. This is the second in the series and I was delighted to learn yesterday from her newsletter that she's working on the third, because I definitely am not ready for the series to end! The first book was from Nightingale's POV (there might have been some bits from Courtney's POV? But not many), and this one is entirely from Courtney's. Courtney and Nightingale didn't actually get to spend much time together in this one so I hope they catch more of a break in book 3.
Lord of Eternal Night by Ben Alderson - DNF at pg 6
The Engineer by CS Poe - 4/5 stars
The Larks Still Bravely Singing by Aster Glenn Gray - 5/5 stars
If you're not reading Aster Glenn Gray yet, why not? Why not??? Seriously, if you like Cat Sebastian, PLEASE give Aster Glenn Gray a try. I have yet to read a book by the woman that isn't gorgeous. This book is set right at the tail end of WWI and into the interwar period and is about two young English men who were injured and invalided out of the army. They're both disabled (Robert, the POV character, is missing a leg, and David is missing a hand) and have PTSD.
Also recommended if you like KJ Charles's Will Darling Adventures trilogy. The Larks Still Bravely Singing is just straight historical romance, not romantic suspense, but it deals with similar themes.
Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S Jae-Jones - DNF at pg 24
Mr Warren's Profession by Sebastian Nothwell - 4.75/5 stars
LOVED this book. I think it's the only historical romance I've read that uses the Industrial Revolution so heavily in the plot, which I really enjoyed. Plus, gorgeous cover.
Honey Mead Murder by Dahlia Donovan - DNF at pg 5
A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey - 3.25/5 stars
String Theory by Ashlyn Kane and Morgan James - 3.75/5 stars
One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny - 5/5 stars
I honestly don't know why, when I received this book in like, November, I didn't immediately put it on the top of my TBR pile. I knew I was going to love it; I was super excited to get my copy. Every time I've shuffled my TBR (like, my actual physical TBR...it's a whole thing...it's actually been mistaken for my full book collection but haha no that's just 200 books I haven't read yet sitting on my stairs...), I've lamented that it's not closer to the top. And then I realized, this is literally my TBR and my own weird fake rules that I've made up about it, so I can actually just pull it from the stack and read it now. So I did!
And yeah, I loved it. So much. Raff and Penn will probably live rent free in my mind forever, not to mention Ash and Lily. I loved the medieval setting (another setting you don't see much in queer historical romance!) and how it really felt like a different world than ours. Plus I'm a sucker for road trip romances. And daddy issues. And horrific scars.
And ugh, the training scenes. The sexual tension. The PINING. Masterfully done. Chef's kiss.
Also we're going to find out who Oliver was, right? RIGHT??? And what happened to Penn's brother?
Out of Touch by Michael Sarais - DNF at pg 7
The Long Call by Ann Cleeves - 4.25/5 stars
Always enjoy a mystery that's well-paced and well-written. I've never actually read anything by Ann Cleeves but I'm going to pick up the rest of this series.
The Death I Gave Him by Em X Liu - DNF at pg 284
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helaelaemond · 1 year
It's All For You - Billy Washington x reader
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Pairing: Billy Washington x female reader
Word count: 2.9k
Fic summary: Your relationship with Billy over the years has its ups and downs. The ups are great, and the downs almost destroy you. But through the years, you learn that it's him. It's always him. It always will be him, no matter how much it hurts. Multi chapter.
Chapter summary: You and Billy have been friends throughout your school lives. It's now the summer ball closing your time at sixth form together, and you're both desperately hoping that the other will be brave enough to cross the line between friends and... friendlier.
Content warning(s): alcohol, smoking
Rating: Teen
Tag list: @sylas-the-grim / @myfandomprompts / @arcielee / @babyblue711
Chapter 1: Everything I Do
"Oi, Billy, get over here!"
Billy grins as he joins the group of friends all posing for a photo, and with a plastic cup of beer in his hand, he leans close. Half of the group is already tipsy, and as everyone crowds close, some of the girls lose their balance on their strappy heels. One, a friend he's known since they were six, grabs onto his arm to stop from falling over and his drink is knocked from his hands.
"'ey, you alright?" he asks with a laugh. The phone clicks away, capturing blurry moments of teenage joy.
"Oh, my god!" she cackles, and the other girls help him to stop her from toppling over.
On the other side of the group, you glance over in amusement. He catches your eye for a moment, and you both blush.
The music blasts out of the hired speakers in the huge marquee the school has hired out for the event on the school field. The summer ball - nothing more than a low-budget prom for those leaving sixth form - has already been going on for a few hours, and the evening is finally beginning to cool. You need a bit of a break, though, and make your way over to the bar.
"Two bottles of water, please." You took three shots at pre's, and at afters you'll probably have a good few more, but for now you just need something to help the headache.
"I'll get these."
You look up at the familiar voice, and your smile returns. "One of these was for you, actually." You hand one of the bottles to Billy.
"Oh, thanks." He takes it, and your fingers brush together for a moment. He drops his chin and looks down, biting his lip as if he's trying to stop his smile, and then he glances back at you. "Good timing then, eh?"
"Yeah." You take a long chug of water, and he does the same. "You look nice this evening, by the way."
"Yeah?" He fiddles with the knot of his tie. "Mum thinks I scrub up nice."
"Your mum's always right." You've known Billy since you started at the same secondary when you were 11. You've been in the same social circle since you were 15, and Mrs Washington is one of the parents in the regular taxi rotation. It makes you hopeful, knowing that she likes you a lot. Boys care what their parents think, right?
He laughs quietly. "Yeah, she is. You look nice, too."
You want to tease him. If it was anyone else, you'd ask "only nice?" but this is Billy. You can't tease him. Everything is different with him, really. It has been for years. You settle on an uncharacteristically shy "thank you."
He looks at you for a moment too long. It makes your heart leap. It gives you hope that has been your constant companion for years. He hasn't given you more than hope, though.
"You're still going to Tom's afters, right?" he asks.
You nod. "Yeah. I think all of the usuals are. Are you?"
Billy smiles. "D'you want me to?"
It makes your stomach flip. It's the bravest, most suggestive thing you think he's ever said to you. You shrug, but grin, blushing. "You're one of the usuals, aren't you?"
"I guess so."
"Then yeah, I do want you to. Who knows when we'll all be together again after this?"
He chuckles. "Aw, don't say that. We'll always be mates."
You don't know about that. But you can't bear to disagree, not when he looks so happy.
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You nip home to quickly get out of your formal dress, and you scrub your face clean of the party makeup you had so carefully applied hours earlier at your friend's flat. You peel off the lashes your friend had struggled to put on, and brush through your hair that another friend had pinned. Thinking of them now, your heart swells. They had teased you as you all got ready, asking if you'd make a move on Billy at last.
"Oh, c'mon, everyone knows he likes you!" Sofia said as she carefully carved out an eyebrow with concealer. "I don't know that!" you protested. Devi gripped your chin. "Stop moving! I can't get this lash right." "Sorry! Sorry, keep going." "He's totally in love with you, though. It's so obvious." "Then why hasn't he done anything about it?" you whined. "Because he's a tall, lanky, beanpole of a boy who doesn't know the first thing about talking to girls." Your eye began watering as Devi poked it with the misplaced lash. "He talks to you lot just fine." "Well, yeah," another friend, Abbie, interjected from where she was sat cross-legged in front of the mirror. "We're just his mates. We're not girls to him." "You're teasing me." You laughed dryly. Devi pulled your ear to force you to look at her, and you yelped in pain. She grinned. "We're not fucking teasing you. Why would we lie about this? You think we want to set you up for failure?" Sofia crawled behind you and began brushing your hair. It was funny seeing her with one perfect brow, and one practically bald. "Billy likes you. He's probably in love with you, but nothing is gonna happen unless you make the move first." You sighed and looked down at your hands. Mum had taken you out to get your nails done, and the long acrylics shone in the light of Abbie's bedroom. "What if I make a move, and he rejects me?" Devi replied first. "We'll pin him down and shave his head." "We'll pin him down and cut off his balls," Abbie offered. You couldn't help but laugh at that. "Wow. What an offer." You paused for a moment while Devi finally set the lash in place on your eye. You looked in the mirror at your reflection and saw a pretty girl stare back. It made you reach for a shot of London Dry - tasted like paint stripper, but the cheapest Tesco could offer - and you winced. "You really think I have a chance with him?" Devi rolled her eyes, but Sofia squeezed your shoulders. "Absolutely. Trust us. You just need to go for it." "This 'will they, won't they' has been going on since GCSEs," Abbie added as she wrapped a thick strand of hair around her curler. "Tonight's your last chance." "Well," you replied, blinking. "I guess if I reject him, I never have to see him again." Devi nodded confidently. "That's the spirit."
Dad took you to Tom's - it's only a twenty-minute bus ride away, but he had insisted. It helps, though, as you've got a small overnight bag with a few bottles of booze that you don't feel like worrying about on public transport. Both your parents are fine that you're going to an afters with drinking - they know your friends, and they trust you all to be sensible. Besides, it's better to do that kind of thing in a safe environment, rather than getting pissed in a park, or something.
The car ride seems to last forever, but eventually you get there. Billy is arriving at the same time. Your heart leaps.
"Hiya, mate," Dad says when Billy approaches the car as you get out.
"Evening, sir," he replies politely.
"How many times have I said? You can call me-"
"Thanks, Dad," you interrupt with a laugh.
"Yeah, alright, alright," he chuckles. "Here, Bill, you'll look after my girl tonight, yeah? Make sure she doesn't get into trouble?"
"Course I will," Billy replies with a smile. "Don't need to worry about her. Besides, there's only a handful of us, nothing wild."
"Glad to hear it. You want a lift home in the morning?"
"No, thanks, Lana's coming to get me."
"Alright. Best to my parents, yeah?"
He nods and smiles. "Yeah. Have a good one, sir."
Before Dad can reply, you close the car door and turn to Tom's house. You link your arm through Billy's before he can talk to your dad more, and you ring the doorbell.
"Hi," he says quietly.
You glance up at him. God, he's so tall. It makes you blush again. "Hi."
He's dressed similarly to you now; out of the evening finery, he's changed his suit for jeans and a soft, black tshirt. You wear something similar for this, although you've made sure to replace your heavy party make up with something lighter that still makes your eyes pop. At least, that's the effect you're hoping for.
"You look nice," he tells you, just like he did at prom.
You laugh quietly. "I'm not looking anything special."
He doesn't respond. Instead, he looks down. You almost say something else, but then Tom opens the door and cheers you in welcome. He brings Billy in for a hug, and then you, and you kiss him on the cheek. Reaching into your bag, you produce the two bottles of vodka, and he cheers again.
"I bloody love you, d'you know that?" Tom tells you with a loud laugh. He kisses your forehead and then drags you into the kitchen, where everyone else is. Both you and Billy are welcomed by the friends you saw an hour ago in cocktail dresses and ill-fitting suits, and most of them are already getting their units in. Everyone is relaxed, and everyone is happy.
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Billy sits alone in the front room, wringing his hands. It's the early hours of the morning, and the loud music has been traded for something quieter. A few people are in the garden, using the barbecue pit inappropriately, and a few people are getting off in the bedrooms upstairs.
He's spent the night trying to get enough liquid courage to approach you. It's worked now and again, to a certain degree. He's played against you in a messy game of beer pong, and he's stood next to you and taken a hit from the single blunt being passed around. When he put his lips around it after you, he felt giddy knowing that it had just been against your mouth. If he closed his eyes, it almost felt like a kiss.
Time is slipping through his fingers. He's about to get up from the sofa when the door opens, and there you are. There are butterflies in his stomach. God, you look so pretty. You looked pretty at prom, with fancy hair and a special dress and long lashes that hooded your eyes, but now... now you're just... you. You're perfect. Just as you are.
"Hey," he says quietly. His voice cracks.
You smile. "Hey. Want some company?"
He nods, and leans back on the sofa in a charade of comfortability. Still, his knee is bouncing nervously. He takes a long sip of Stella from the can. "Having a nice night?"
"Yeah. People are starting to go to sleep, though, I think. Thought I'd see if I could bag a sofa."
"Oh, yeah, sure." He moves to get up. "Have this one."
"No, you don't have to go, Billy." You smile up at him and grab his wrist. It makes the breath catch in his throat. "Stay. Please?"
He looks down at you through the dim light of the living room. There are no lights on, but outside, the street light filters through the privacy nets. It sends an unnatural orange across the room. His heart is in his throat. You look so perfect here. He obeys you, and sits back down.
"Where's Tom?" he asks quietly after a moment, struggling to catch a topic to fix on. But he wants to talk to you about anything at all.
You laugh quietly. "Shagging Sofia's brains out, I think."
"Oh." Billy's cheeks flush. Even hearing you mention sex sends bolts of heat through him. God, do you know what sex is? Do you want sex? Do you wanna have sex with him? God, what does your skin feel like? Fuck, he-
"I wonder if they'll make it official for the summer," you muse. You don't notice how he shifts slightly where he sits.
"I dunno. She's going up north for uni, right?"
You nod. "Sheffield Hallam. But there's trains to Sheffield, so..."
He nods. "Tickets are mental, though. Not sure he could afford them regularly on an apprentice wage." He looks up at you. "You glad you're not going to uni?"
You nod and smile and lean your head against the back of the sofa. "Yeah. Maybe I'll go when I'm a proper grown up," and you put air quotes around the phrase, making him laugh, "but for now I just wanna get a job and see how it goes."
He mirrors you. "Me too."
"I'm gonna stay at the cafe until after the summer, though."
You turn to face him a bit more, pulling one knee up on the sofa. He swallows and bites his lip. "Yeah. I don't wanna work too hard just yet. I want one last summer of fun."
Billy smiles slightly, wondering if the yellow light hides his blush. "Me too. We're only young once, right?"
You nod, and a comfortable silence falls between you. He watches as you trace a pattern on your knee. You can feel his gaze on you, and after a while, you look up. His pretty, blue eyes lock with yours. Both of you stop breathing for a moment.
It feels like a spell is put over you. If either of you speak, or move, perhaps it will be broken. So you just look at one another. It makes your heart race. It gives him butterflies in his stomach. Seconds pass. Heat pricks his skin.
He finds courage that has evaded him his whole life. He breathes your name. The spell remains heavy between you. "I... I don't know how to say it."
Your voice is a whisper. "Say what?"
You shift on the soft sofa and lean a little closer to him. You're both sat fully facing each other now, and you rest your hand in front of his on the cool leather. "Billy..."
He swallows thickly. "I want... to spend the summer with you."
You blink. You're not sure what he means. But there is something vulnerable in his eyes that you don't often see. "Yeah. I mean, we're mates, we'll see each other."
"Not as... not as mates."
Between you, he stretches his fingers slightly, and suddenly your fingertips are touching his. Nothing else exists.
All you feel is where your skin meets his.
All you see are his eyes. His mouth.
He whispers your name again. "I... you know how I feel. Don't you?"
"I don't know," you breathe unsteadily.
His thumb runs up the side of your finger, and the intensity of the feeling makes your eyes close. "I... I like you. Like, really like you."
This feels too good to be true. "As a friend?"
"No." When you don't pull your hand away, he finds the strength to weave his fingers through yours. God, you feel so small in his hand. He wants to hold you, to protect you, to make you feel so good. "As more than friends."
The way you lean forward without realising makes him want to cry with relief, with want. He's never kissed anyone before. He's never wanted to kiss anyone but you.
With his free hand, he gently touches your cheek with his knuckles, and his touch glides along your jaw. A very soft noise of delight escapes him when his fingers glide over your hair. And then he leans forward, and he kisses you.
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In the morning, you wake up to the sound of people rattling around the kitchen. It sounds like a clean up from last night. That's the tradition - if someone hosts, everyone else has to help clean up the next morning, no matter how bad the hangovers are.
It takes a moment for you to remember where you are. You're on the sofa with someone between you and the back of it. Looking down, you see very familiar hands around you. Billy is pressed tight behind you, and his arms are strong. You press against him slightly, and when he makes a noise of acknowledgement on the skin of your neck, you shiver.
"Billy," you whisper. He murmurs your name in response. You turn over in his arms and press your forehead against his. This tightly wrapped against him, your nose bumps against his. "Did you mean what you said last night?"
He nods, still half asleep. You're still a bit foggy from it, too. Luckily, you don't get hangovers, so at least there's no pain. "I want you," he whispers hoarsely.
You kiss his cheek, and it sends sparks through your whole body. "I want you, too."
Relief like no other you've ever felt washes over you. You pull yourself from his arms and stand up. When he buries his face into the cushions, you laugh and tug his hand. "C'mon, Billy. It's time for clean up."
With a groan, he drags himself up off the sofa, and stands up with stooped shoulders. Your eyes close when he touches his forehead against yours again. You feel sweaty and unclean, but it's such a sweet moment that it's easy to push aside. For a moment at least. Billy tries to kiss you, and you pull away with a laugh.
"Clean up first," you tell him.
Again, he groans, but he is smiling. "And then?"
"And then we have the summer of our lives."
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godlytemperance · 11 months
npmd headcanons because my brain is rotted <3 <3
heehee hoohoo i am rotating the entirety of hatchetfield in my brain
im updating this as i think of more stuff so bear with me if this gets stupidly long
richie has audhd. i know this because he is me i am him we are EACH OTHER /j
ruth and richie met in the anime section of barnes and noble in middle school and nearly screamed when they realized they were going to the same high school later on
steph is lactose intolerant and is not brave about it ever. tries to share a hot chocolate with pete and spends the next three hours miserable
grace is doomed to kill in every timeline but it can be prevented by her best friends keeping her too occupied with mundane nonsense for her to find a gun
richie has so much tboy cringe energy. that man kins sasuke you cannot tell me i'm wrong
i have hit them all with my transgender and gay beam >:3c they're the friend group that hit their gender and sexuality realizations in waves. someone's egg cracked first (richie) and it set off a chain reaction
pete is genderfluid and usually presents masc (he/they)
bi with no strong preference either way
only recently began to dabble with femininity in his gender presentation
steph is gnc transmasc (he/she, used interchangeably)
bi with a masc preference
no matter who you are, if you have a crush on steph, you're gay. them's the rules pal
richie is transmasc (he/it)
aroace spectrum! he's demi on both ends, fluctuates pretty often.
somehow incredibly perceptive to romance unless it directly involves him, then he's as dense as a brick
ruth is a girlthing because she's swag like that (she/it/they)
pan with a fem preference
her preferred type is pathetic mascs and intimidating fems
grace is fem-presenting nonbinary (she/they)
formerly closeted lesbian
had the WORST case of comphet until she realized she didn't necessarily have to be attracted to MEN to be attracted to masculinity :3
max is transfem (she/he)
she's a butch lesbian!!! she doesn't feel pressured to be hyper-feminine after realizing she's trans, because she's already pretty happy with her outward presentation
saw all her new friends going through their various gender and sexuality realizations and is just "i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me :)" (it did)
OH also paul is richie's uncle! richie's dad is paul's older brother. they don't interact much but it is literally Autism to Autism
if the group were to fall victim to any of the Lords in Black, it'd probably be as follows:
max - wiggly. rage hatred biting nightmare nightmare >:3
steph - nibbly. he's got the closest ties to the CotSC and also we need more nibbly rep
pete - tinky. duh. probs gets trapped in the box in timelines where steph dies before him and he desperately wants to bring her back
richie - blinky. idk it's just vibes to me. he seems like the kind of guy to go nuts for eye symbolism
ruth - pokey. she's a theater kid and i think that pokey would have a field day shoving her into the fucked up and evil spotlight
grace - all of them. they take turns babysitting her in various timelines. she is their favorite child
richie 100% uses anime terminology to describe normal ass situations. he calls steph a tsundere once and steph has to act like her world wasn't just shifted two inches to the left for the rest of the day
oh also in redemption timelines they have movie / bingewatch nights!! they cycle between everyone's favorite shows or films. it's the best part of their week every single time
max was cast as a leading role the one and only time she ever auditioned for theater and it freaked her out so much that she declined the role
richie's hair is Like That because he tried to get the cool anime spiky hairstyle to work for him (it didn't) (he doesn't realize this until college)
pete was a greek mythology girlie i just know this. something about him screams "i read percy jackson way too much as a kid"
after grace realizes she doesn't have to be a "perfect" christian, she swears like a sailor
also grace hand embroiders all her clothes as a hobby! (this is semi-canon, since she has embroidered strawberries on the cuffs of her jeans in the show)
the first time steph smoked ouid, he made the mistake of using cbd oil and a pipe at the same time. man was in SPACE
all of them are poly with each other but at different levels:
steph and pete are Dating dating. so are max and grace. wholesome yaoi VS toxic yuri
ruth and steph are almost definitely "best friends" in the historical sense
richie and ruth are qpp. if they were both 100% straight they'd probably be the most annoying couple in the world
pete and richie kiss sometimes but its genuinely platonic for them. just bros being bros (they are so deeply in love and neither of them realize it until years later)
ruth and pete are friends to ??? to lovers to friends who cuddle sometimes
richie and steph are polar opposites but they love each other to death. black cat and orange cat kind of relationship
max and grace barely intersect with the nerds but they still consider all four of them to be part of their weird situationship
(grace definitely experimented with all four of them, with max's permission. just to be Sure. y'know.)
max is doing her best to make amends with the nerds but it is very slow going. she has gotten to casual fistbump level with them though!
the nerds usually just look at max and grace from the sidelines like they're watching two wild beasts circling each other in their enclosure. their flirting is NOT rated pg and it still baffles them how the local prude and the highschool football star managed to get together
richie unintentionally dropped the fact that he has a fursuit - a timberwolf, because i'm projecting - and ended up helping everyone design their fursonas. pete is a traditional chimera (goat, snake, and lion), steph is a plain black cat, ruth is a flemish giant rabbit (she did research), grace is a sheep, and max is a checkered-tail nighthawk.
any time that the group gets spam calls, all they have to do is hand the phone to ruth and they get taken off the lists the moment she speaks. ruth was frustrated by it at first but it became a game of "how many companies can i inconvenience before they stop calling hatchetfield numbers entirely"
steph braided pete's hair once and he damn near proposed on the spot
ruth knows how to sew (from doing tech) and helps teach max how to mend her clothes! max ends up being really good at it! she goes on to teach the entire football team how to fix their uniforms and ruth ends up being the honorary team favorite for at least a year
im taking jon matteson's "richie should have blue hair in a movie version of NPMD" and fucking sprinting with it. he dyes his hair at least once a year and it's a wildly different color every time
ruth is the kind of gal to love games with lots of violence because it makes her feel like a badass vigilante (she can barely do a push-up in real life) (just like me)
steph is deeply afraid of large bodies of water. major L on his part seeing as he lives on a fucking island
bouncing off of the above hc, pete's afraid of planes. these two can't travel out of hatchetfield without one of them nearly shaking out of their own skin
max doesn't actually like football that much. she's REALLY good at it, yeah, but she'd prefer to play most other sports even if she isn't good at them! she likes the challenge of doing something she won't automatically win!
grace probably writes lists of things to keep everything in order. she's got lists of all her favorite foods, a checklist of daily chores, etc etc (it's also because she's got undiagnosed autism and she functions better when she has a Routine)
no matter what, pete will always stop and talk to the homeless man downtown. he doesn't really know why, though. (ted wishes he could say something to pete, but he never does. best to keep him at arms length.)
ruth really really really reeaaaally wants to cosplay but she's nervous that she'll be deemed as the "cringy weirdo" by other con-goers. she eventually admits this to richie, who rallies the group into a group cosplay for moral support
it takes a lot of convincing for them to find a fandom they all want to cosplay from. they settled on FNAF, specifically security breach bc it's Timely (they go to the con in 2022)
pete is glamrock freddy, steph is monty, ruth is glamrock chica, and max is roxy!
richie was glamrock bonnie and he gets so mad when the official design comes out a year later bc it was completely different than what he imagined
grace eventually agrees to dress up as vanessa (she never played the games) (she thinks FNAF is a real animatronic restaurant) (everyone they meet thinks she's method acting)
they end up crashing at ruth's place absolutely DRAINED. they all have imprints on their arms from carrying around an absurd amount of merch. pete nearly started a fistfight in the parking lot with a bakugo cosplayer. max nearly finished it.
they all agreed that it was one of the best things they've ever done and also to Never Do It Again
richie had a brief phase where he was obsessed with black butler and he regrets it to this day
grace and max both have scary dog energy but in different directions. max (post-transition) looks really intimidating at first glance but she's got golden retriever energy. grace will stare at you with the scariest fucking eyes if you're mean to retail employees
steph has always wanted a pet, but her dad never allowed it. when he moves out and gets an apartment with the nerds, they all agree to rescue a pair of bonded cats for his birthday. steph doesn't stop crying for at least an hour
steph and pete named one of the cats, while ruth and richie picked the other one's name.
Mittens is the Lautski baby, a black and white girlie who is incapable of mischief. she's like the disney ideal of a cat. she's a cuddle monster and will be so sad if you have to get up and do things without her
ruth and richie are the proud coparents of Sir Jotaro Gooberton (the Third). he is the most stupid tabby you will ever meet in your life and he has made the crime rate in the household go up tenfold.
a very common Lautski date night is going to the candle section of walmart and just sniffing every single one of those bad boys until they get a headache
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mothdruid · 6 months
✨ Happy Birthday!!! ✨
Would you please do this prompt for Mills or Flip? (Adam Driver characters)
⋆ “god, you’re freezing! come here, let me warm you up.”
Thank you! I hope you have a great birthday!
omg! thank you so much for requesting an adam driver character! i hope i did Mills justice (:
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This was not supposed to happen. You were not supposed to crash on this god forsaken planet. It was supposed to go smoothly, a regular transport mission like normal. If it wasn't for that ridiculous asteroid field. The one that Mills was supposed to miss.
Did you blame him for this? No. Were you mad at him? Yes.
You knew that it was ridiculous to be mad at him, but you just couldn't help it. And he couldn't either. The situation had put the both of you on edge. Not only that, but the ship was barely stocked for a situation like this.
You were lucky to have found the equipment able to figure out if things were okay to eat or not, which also happened to purify water. Some grenades were in the stock, a long with one gun and a knife. The ship had been lacking in medical supplies, which had also added to your frustration.
Day after day the two of you had been barely surviving. Large creatures had chased you through out the area. The landscape was unpredictable, change what felt like every time you turned around. And the weather was even more unpredictable than the landscape, which the two of you were trying to survive right now.
It had been on and off raining all day, resulting in the temperature lowering. Just like the ship not having the proper supplies, neither of you had the proper clothing to accommodate the rain and cooler temperatures. You two couldn't afford to stop moving during the day though, so you made your way through the wooded areas and hoped time would pass before you got hypothermia. Eventually the two of you stumbled upon a cave as it started to turn dark.
It felt nice to be out of the rain, finally getting some much needed cover. As much as you wanted to strip off your wet clothes you couldn't. Everything outside was wet, meaning neither of you would be able to find kindling or sticks for a fire. Instead, Mills decided to illuminate the cave with the tracking device so at least the two of you could see.
The both of you were on separate sides of the cave, the noise of rain being the only thing filling the cave. You had your knees pulled to your chest, trying to maintain some form of warmth. You kept trying not to stare over at him, but you couldn't help it.
He was looking out of the cave, keeping an eye out in case anything braved the rain to find their way in. The way his wet hair was framing his face was stirring something inside of you. A weird part of you wished that you could run your fingers through his hair, pushing it back to show off more of his face.
"Hmm?" Mills voice was low and deep.
You stared at him for a moment, shocked he said anything. A shiver ran through you from the cool temp of the cave and your wet clothes.
"I didn't say anything," you replied.
"But you're staring," he looked back from the cave entrance at you.
His gaze was making your insides squirm. You pulled your legs a little closer to you, try to counteract the chills that were setting in now.
"Sorry," you whispered, then turned to look out of the cave.
Mills had taken notice to your frequent shivers. He knew that the wet clothes didn't help, but he was hoping that at least the cover would help. Apparently, he was proven wrong. He stood up and walked over to your side of the cave, sitting down next to you. He was shoulder to shoulder with you now, startling you a little.
"Why are you-"
"You’re freezing, come here, let me warm you up.” His words were soft and caring.
You stared at him for a moment, feeling a little unsure. When you didn't move he put an arm around you, pulling you towards him. He helped you shift to a comfortable position, your back to his chest with his arms wrapped around you. You were shocked with how warm he was, practically a heater.
"Better?" He asked cautiously.
"Yeah, better," you now shyly responded.
The chills and shivers slowly started to disappear. His heat was comforting, making you almost forget about the warm bed back on your home planet. But for the time being, this would be more than enough.
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
Episode 18 has given me a lot to think about Friede's character. Thus this is my personal thoughts of what we've known from his backstory. I have a lot to say so this is going to be long so if you're planning on actually reading this to the end, well buckle up. This is part one of two posts because Tumblr has a 30 image per post limit and I will not be denied putting in screencaps of the moments I love (which is the entirety of the episode).
Part two of the post is [here].
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First and foremost, what interested me was that Friede had an actual proper job before this. When I think about Pokemon Professor, my mind goes to the likes of Professor Oak and Elm that have their own research labs. Of course so long as they were an expert in a particular field and researchers in their own right, they didn't need a base of operations so to speak. To my knowledge, usually they were 'self employed' as in they didn't work for someone. Seeing Friede as he is now, it's hard to picture being under someone's employment. It doesn't suit him, and as we'll learn later, he's not meant to be cooped up in a laboratory doing research all day.
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We know from Episode 13 that the Brave Asagi was created from Ludlow's fishing boat so it's implied that Friede, Orla and Ludlow knew each other from before the formation of the Rising Volt Tacklers. We learn that Friede and Orla were childhood friends that used to live in Kanto before Orla moved to the Hoenn region. What prompted Friede to be in Paldea might be related to that job he recently quit but what I want to know is the exact relation between Ludlow and Friede.
Ludlow is clearly trying to cheer Friede from his slump. This speaks of a familiarity between the two and given their massive age gap, a part of me wonders if Ludlow is actually Friede's biological grandfather. He refers to Ludlow as Gramps but that could simply be how he addresses someone who he's close and familiar with. Still, the way Ludlow speaks here implies that this Friede has been coming here to fish for multiple days. Ludlow sees that someone as young as Friede should go and seek opportunities with his own two hands instead of wasting his days away. I really like seeing this and hope we'll get to learn more about Ludlow in future episodes.
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Here, there's multiple things that caught my attention. We now know for certain that Lucca was Friede's old school teacher. That's the connection that the had, and one that lasted for years after Friede finished school. They likely had a good bond seeing that Charizard was super friendly to her, not to mention that she kept up to tabs with Friede's life seeing that she knew he quit his job. Friede said she hadn't contacted him in years thus giving me the impression that she had her connections because Friede doesn't give me the vibes of someone who'd use social media and post everything about their life.
It makes me wonder just how much Friede looked up to Lucca. Teachers who left an impact on you tend to last even long after you've graduated I find. It seemed that Friede shared his dreams of becoming a Pokemon Professor to Lucca, so much so that she recalled just how happy he was. I'm hoping someday we could get more insight on that.
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Alright, this is going to veer heavily into personal interpretation and headcanons. From the way that Friede spoke about himself being a genius Pokemon Professor where there's nothing that he didn't know about these mysterious creatures doesn't sound like an empty boast. If we considered how he did the Professor Friede segment at the end of the episodes, he'd be on the same footing as Professor Oak, one of the most well known professors of all time. I imagine had he actually done that, then it couldn't just be hosted by any professor. It needed to be by a professor who truly knew a lot about Pokemon.
Friede believes himself to be a genius Pokemon Professor (as he stated this once or twice more throughout the episode) where he knows all that is to know about Pokemon but now he's in a rut and he doesn't know what to do with his life.
Now I've mentioned a few times before that I personally headcanon Friede to have undiagnosed ADHD. To me, Friede just feels like a burnt out gifted kid.
Given the ambiguity of his age yet he was considered a fully accredited Pokemon Professor that had a job before Lucca made that phone call and he looks like he's in his late teens to late twenties, picture this:
You have a strong interest in Pokemon. You happily tell your favorite teacher that you're going to become a Pokemon Professor to do all kinds of research. You are genuinely intellectually smart and loves learning about Pokemon so you go through years of study, pushed by your drive to learn everything and believing you've done so when you became a Pokemon Professor. You were eligible to be hired on as a company researcher, finally showcasing how you earned your credentials. But you learnt that it wasn't all that cracked up to be. You're putting what you've learnt into practice but being cooped in a lab, analyzing data just didn't sit right to you. Instead of forcing yourself through it, you decided that the better course of action is to quit. Hey, you found your freedom at last! After all those years of hard work, might as well take it easy yeah? Still, this is what you've been working towards. That's all you knew what you wanted to do since you shared your dream to your favorite teacher. You have the credentials, the knowledge and the means to do whatever you want but... you're just bored? Maybe not bored but there's just nothing interesting. You've worked hard to achieve your dream but did you consider anything aside from it? Now that you've realized that you're not really suited for researching in a lab, what can you do?
So the gist of it is gifted kid that worked hard towards becoming a Professor discovers that it might not be suited for him. That realization leaves him falling into a rut because he doesn't know what else he can do. He likely never considered the possibility of it not suiting him thus he doesn't have a back-up plan.
In that sense (and again, this is personal interpretation and a touch of self projection) I kind of relate to him. Going through school with good grades being fixated on multiple topics, thinking that this is what I want to do when I studied for my degree because it felt like the natural progression at the time but then finding out that it's not really suited for me. I've hit that wall and still in that figuring out what I want to do stage so seeing how Friede developed in this episode gave me hope that perhaps I can find that spark like him one day.
Anyway I just wanted to point this out cause this made me laugh.
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Narrator voice: Let him cook. He will in fact one day imagine and experience it.
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Friede would have dismissed that Pikachu entirely because he's still in that mindset of I know all that is to know about Pokemon. What I love about this scene is that for the first time since that flashback, there's a spark in Friede's eyes. He's likely experiencing excitement from have his interest piqued since he quit his job (or maybe even longer than that), to see something that he thought he knew existing outside this neat checkbox of a Pikachu's type, habitat, moves, etc.
Also I love how from his view, it looks like Pikachu's falling when it fact he's ascending. Friede's fallen into a rut but this is his first glimpse of eventually seeing a future where he will ascend high and free alongside Cap.
Funnily enough this is the halfway point of the episode so the second half of this post is [here].
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ATTN: The boomers that follow me for some reason
The abuse I'd been getting since this started dropped off roughly 2016, when I told Rachel if she wanted to have a say in what I post, she can pay me. It picked back up roughly the same time Harry was outed as being with his current wife, at the time of the Karen Occupation, and been on the upswing ever since.
For the longest time, I never understood why I received so much negative attention from your particular niche in this fandom. I never spoke to you, minded your business, nor knew you existed, yet you felt the need to mind mine, scold me, yell at me, and speak to me as though I do not deserve respect and decency, perhaps going so far as to hoping one day I'd just eat a bullet.
The theory, which is disturbing at best, for why you project your insecurities onto me (and only me) is that you can't fathom mine and younger generations being so "ourselves" because that was not a thing when you grew up. I'm sorry that was the way it was, but that is not how it is now. Times change, often for the better, even from when I was growing up in the '90s. I'm thankful for this. You lot, however, seem to have taken the fantasy/ideology of "what a man should be" and decided you are disgusted/upset that I do not fall into that mold. So you come into my house and shit all over the place like you ain't got no home training, sending me homophobic messages, personally insulting me and my intelligence, telling me I need to "get my head checked (I've had 2 neuro-pysch exams I promise you my brain functions just fine)," and going out of your way to make me hate myself. Why? So you can fix me and make me the "alpha male" of your fantasies. It's like some form of conversion therapy. This is why you're so obsessed with me. I'm not bitter that nobody else is being hated on; I'M BITTER THAT I WAS/AM SINGLED OUT.
Quite frankly, that's fucking disturbing. I'm 36. I'm a regular guy, enlisted, trying to make it through the next 10 of my career without further damaging my already broken body. I'm nobody. But y'all out here harassing me for *checks notes* living my life and being happy. Not even a single shred of empathy. Just fuckin' "SEND IT" with the constant degradation and berating and lecturing. Fuck sake I serve this country with pride, nearly had the national ensign over my casket and folded and handed to my mother before I hit 30, and this is how y'all gonna act towards me, after walking around with your metaphorical dick out, posting boomer ass Facebook graphics yelling "REPOST THE FLAG OR YOUR A COMMIE?" THAT is some fucking disrespect, not a royal in an honorary position of rank wearing a service's uniform. It's fucking disgusting...oh I'm a "brave PATRIOT" until you find out I wanna fuck some hot British guy's brains out. Then I need to shut up and "eat shit and die."
I'm not a project. I'm not responsible for your issues. I'm under no obligation to be nice to you. Your baggage is not mine to carry. You are responsible for your own behavior. I do have intellectual superiority; this is not me swinging my dick, it is fact. My ASVAB score qualified me for everything except the nuclear field. I learned college-level electronics theory in 9 months. I've had a combined 10 months of specialized training on specific systems, the most recent being the AN/GSC-52B MET. This last advancement cycle I scored in the 93rd percentile overall IN THE ENTIRE GODDAMN NAVY. My job is entirely critical-thinking, problem solving, and written/verbal communication. PEOPLE COULD DIE IF THE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS CAN'T SEE THE PLANES. I have to explain to idiots officers with degrees why I can't connect a system carrying classified data to their unclassified computer to they "don't have to get up" to look at the console. Between you there's...what, 10 brain cells? You think tabloids are classic literature. IT IS A FUCKING FACT, BRENDA.
Oh and the "I hate that you were treated like that/you didn't deserve that BUT" can be shoved up your ass, as well. If that were the case, you wouldn't continue your anonymous! tirade about how I'm a fuck up, need to be nicer, how I'm treated is entirely my fault, and using Prince Philip, who is very much dead despite my wishes, as a way to emotionally manipulate me (an entirely different level of Fucking Disgusting).
The entire fucking audacity. Take your own advice and look in the mirror. YOU are the reason I'm so fucking stressed. YOU are the reason I fucking hate it here and want to leave. YOU are the reason I'm so fucking "rude" and on defense all the time. DEALING WITH YOU IS FUCKING EXHAUSTING.
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eddywoww · 2 years
Hey so I just wanna let you know that I read your Dom Eddie series in the fall and it inspired me to go to a munch; which subsequently led to getting involved in my local kink scene, making amazing new friends and community, leaving a long-term unhappy relationship, coming out as a new kind of queer, changing my name from something I've always hated, pivoting my career focusing more on the queer community in my field, achieving my fitness goals for the first time, leaning into the style Ive always wanted... I could go on!
So yea. Biggest and happiest redirection of my life and I can trace it all back to that cute little story.
Keep it up killer, we appreciate you and all the deliciously weird shit you're always cooking up for us.
This is so sweet 🥺 I’m really happy for you!! Seriously, that’s so amazing and I’m proud of you for making changes in your life and being so brave!
Thank you for reading my stuff, like always. I mean, that’s such a nice thing to say to me like I can’t really process it. You sound like a total sweetheart 💕🌸 I hope everything keeps going wonderfully for you ☺️
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flovverworks · 6 months
' i had ... a friend. but it's more like --- he was a part of me. i mean, we had our arguments sometimes, but whenever i needed someone, he would always be there for me. he's helped me more times, in more ways than i can even count. i don't know if i've ever properly been able to return the favor, but that's why i'm so grateful, you know? ... even if i can't hear his voice anymore, i want to believe that he's still right here. ' a hand motions and sets over the boy's own heart. even in this moment, a stinging ache mingling with a balmy warmth in his chest, he can still readily bring himself to smile, eyes filled with the light of past nostalgia and a present, enduring admiration. ' ... i want to be able to be there for him too, like this. whenever i think about it that way, it's like he's never really left. i'm glad. '
They can't look away. Something so deeply personal and heartfelt, entwining into something beautiful. To speak of your own feelings so kindly, to feel them so bravely; neither was easy in a city that rushed you by. How many days hadn't Akira felt left behind? The heavy weight of loss clinging to their shoulders while time stayed unforgiving. (But that was also the beauty of it. Flowers still bloomed nonetheless.) Loneliness and love overflowing every fiber of their being, staying within their heart wasn't enough, and yet that was all Akira had. What they had.
And eventually, this feeling too would pass. Engraved within the world and carefully stacked notebooks. I don't want to forget this, even though it hurt, even though they cried, even though they didn't know what the echoes of his laughter sounded like. Are you doing well? Did you eat yet? I'm praying for you. I hope you're happy. I want to believe that he's still right here. They thought so too. Someone you speak about so fondly changed you heart, carefully building the blocks of trust into a home. Being apart couldn't change that.
It was a lovely way of expressing it, and from the depths of their heart they hoped his friend would feel his sincerity. Although, as long as it was Daisuke, they were sure that gratitude had already been delivered. Reaching out to people with unconditional kindness was difficult. …Did Daisuke realize that? A memory of a flower field and bunnies, I really, really wanted to see him smile again. That sort of determination shouldn't be taken for granted. How come you don't see it yourself?
…Maybe that was simply the kind of people they were.
The silence encapsulated by the sound of busy streets is broken by their laughter. Short, gentle, airy, and close to tears, the love aching in their soul having no place else to go. They look to the sky, in some places of the world the moon is shining, and sigh. People you can't meet and people you wish to thank and people you will slowly forget. Relying on others, arguing with others, and bonds intertwined through fate and circumstance, no matter what they would surely meet someone dear and lose someone beloved again.
"...Can you tell me about him? Even if I can't meet him, I'd love to hear the story of you two."
It might not be a happy ending, and it might not be told in full, but there's something left behind that people don't know, whether it's a castle on the moon or a leviathan in the sea. A story of them.
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guildtree · 1 year
Hi! This is going to be a big ventpost/diary entry/bid for understanding/I don't even know. It's me needing to get thoughts out of my head and into words basically. If you're not in the mood for that and just want more Guild Wars memes, fair enough, keep scrolling, I hope you have a lovely day.
For the rest of you brave souls:
One thing nobody told me about depression, or even recovering from a depressive episode, is that it totally fucks with your emotional regulation. For me at least, being depressed was not sadness per se but numbness. I think it's formally called anhedonia, I call it robot mode, but there's a point where the stress and pain gets too much and my brain simply says, "Enough," and hits the off-switch on all my emotions. I can't feel sadness, I can't feel anger, I can't feel joy. There was a period of a few years where my emotional range went from 'mildly pleased' to 'exhausted.' I've had friends and family tell me they could see a marked difference in how I acted during my lowest point, from having flat facial expressions to losing my sense of humor to being tired all the time. Robot mode is a serious shift in brain function.
Of course, now that I'm recovering from this I can feel the full range of emotion. Which is great! And... also not so great. Because the full range of emotion includes happiness, but it also includes anger and fear and jealousy and true crying sadness, all of which I seem to have forgotten how to handle. (Or maybe I never learned, since I was at least mildly depressed during what a psychologist might call a 'critical phase of development'.) A relative says something rude while I'm stressed and suddenly I want to punch them where before it would have slid off my back. I startle easily when a big truck zooms by, where before I would walk across a busy street without looking first because I simply didn't care. Sometimes it feels like I'm flipping through a photo album of different emotions, slowly remembering how to process one only for another to fly right out of left field.
Right now it's loneliness. There have been a lot of changes for me in the past two years, some because of outside circumstances and others because of choices I made to help myself feel better. I know I made the right decisions, but even good change leads to losing things, and I've lost contact with a lot of my friends at this point. I'm going to have to rebuild my social network all over again, which is a scary and painful and lonely process, and ironically I actually feel more sad from that because I'm not depressed. Sometimes having emotions feels more like a curse.
I think I have to remember the good parts of it too. Yes, I can feel happiness again, and a sunrise brings me peace instead of dread now, but also even the "negative" emotions have their place. Anger is what kept me alive. I'll often say that I'm still around mostly out of sheer spite, and it's true: a real breakthrough for me was realizing, "Hey, it's not my fault I'm hurting, it's the fault of an illness and the rest of the world being shitty", getting mad about it, and deciding to fight back. Fear keeps me from doing stupid things and in a sense leads to pride - because to be proud of yourself for stepping outside your comfort zone, you have to have an 'outside the comfort zone' to begin with. I'm starting to think the point of loneliness may be to push me to seek connection with others - the feeling that I need other people, that I hurt without them, has led me to be more vulnerable with others than I normally would, something that has generally turned out better than I expected.
I feel things now. I feel a lot of things now. It's scary and it's beautiful and it's overwhelming and I love it and I hate it and I'm so so glad I can. The world deserves more than robot-me. I deserve to be more than robot-me. Maybe someday I'll figure out happiness, but for now I'll take embracing the chaos as a substitute.
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
I see you and other followers of yours talk about the stressors you face academically while going to college (or University, wherever they happen to be from). I went INTO my degree field immediately after high school graduation (take Dual Enrollment!! - I was able to get statistics, comp 1 and 2, biology, pre-calc, calc, trig, chem 1 and 2, anatomy and physiology, etc) with my AA in 2005 🫣 (I’m old #rip). I was used to group work, but the screeches I let out once I was with other college students… it made me want to rip my hair out. It drove me insane. I was lucky that most of my professors let us grade each other in the group - I did most of the work and was happy to throw some D’s on that b****. I see you all power through and I promise that as long as you all keep working hard, those group projects become easier as upperclassmen because others are serious about graduating with their degree. If you’re comfortable with others, take advantage of SI (supplementary instructions that TA’s usually lead!!) if your university has that service. I have a degree in Criminal Forensics and it only got easier the farther I got into my degree seeking program. You’ve all got this!! I believe in you all! I know it’s taxing mentally and physically, but just like you said, make sure to take care of yourselves. I always kept in mind that if I didn’t know it by 9 pm the night before an exam, I wasn’t going to know it at my 8 am Forensic Anthropology or Advanced Forensic Psychology exams. It helped me de-stress. I am very introverted and an independent learner… sometimes you have to accept that you’re not going to do “well”, but trying is really brave. Please don’t forget that! You’re intelligent!! And strong!!! 💖💖💖 XOXO
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i love u so much whoever u are. this comforted my little broken struggling college student heart. thank you so much for sharing your experience!!
i vent about the llege (derogatory) a lot n im sorry if it gets annoying to anyone but maybe not bc then other people come into the inbox and share their experience and its kinda just nice to hear that other people are in the same boat as u. the boat has a huge hole in it and it was made w old decrepit wood that was literally used to build the fucking trojan horse shit looks like plank from ed edd n eddy but atleast we're going down together right ?! :') <3
and thank you so much for sharing the tips! pulling all nighters n still not grasping any of it is sooooooo real !!! and group projects are legit the worst but you're right, each year the groups get a lil better n easier to work with!! this ask legit just cured my eternal need for comfort like the words of encouragement are so sweet and thank you for taking the time to write this!! i love you lots and i hope you degree led you down the most fulfilling path ever bc you deserve it <3
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I don’t want to hurt you Chapter 5 Wanda x Male reader
It’s been around a month since I’ve been in the Avenger’s compound. I haven’t been very social to people, but I have been around Wanda quite a lot. I never had a problem with her. Wanda has tried primarily to get me out of my room in the most creative ways like Dick van Dyke in her room, avocados for dinner, a red panda in the compound and meditation in the living room. I may not have much respect for people, but Wanda has my respect. I’ll try to repay her the favor. 
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“So, I need you to be in the middle of the park at 8:00pm.” told Y/N
“Why?” asked Wanda.
“Just trust me or at least try to.” suggested Y/N. “And I most certainly trust you.”
I left her and started to prepare everything for her.
Wanda POV: 
“What do I do mom?” I asked.
“Well, he wants you to be alone in the park, so try to trust him,” said Iryna.
“Maybe he wants to try something new,” said Olek.
“If he scares you, he’ll pay,” said Pietro.
“Didn’t you get pranked with a necklace?” I asked.
“Hey, he told me that it was a gift for offering him meat,” said Pietro.
“Well, he got pissed for trying to make him eat meat,” said Olek.
“I stayed happy for a whole week.” said Pietro “It caused my legs to get tired out.”
“Well, you kind of deserved it.” said Iryna.
“Ok, just wear something that makes you feel right and see what happens.” says Olek.
I got ready for a surprise that I didn’t know what was gonna be. I went to the place that Y/N asked me to go and found two blankets on the grass and a telescope in the middle. Just then I found Y/N with a basket filled with snacks.
“Don’t expect another one, I usually don’t do this,” said Y/N.
“Ok, so what are we doing?” I asked.
“We're gonna see the planets and constellations.” answered Y/N. “I thought the telescope was obvious.”
Y/N offered me to lay down first, so I did and gave me the telescope the see the stars.
“You see the red one?” asked Y/N.
“Yeah.” I spoke.
“That's mars.” Y/N says.
“What is that star that is shining bright?” I asked.
“That’s Sirius.” Y/N answered. 
“Y/N, why are you doing?” I asked.
“Well, you have done so much stuff to get me out of my room, so I wanted to return the favor.” answered Y/N.
“You didn’t have to do this.” I spoke.
“Right, I wanted to.” Y/N added.
I remained silent and started to see the stars again.
“What other stars are there?” I asked.
“That one is Perseus.” Y/N answered. “It feels like I’m teaching a student.”
“No, it’s ok.” reassured Wanda.
We continue to see the stars. After a while I see Wanda in her own universe thinking, so I try to find out what is going on.
“Something wrong?” I asked.
“No… Nothing is…” she said.
“You're lying.” I told her. “I can feel it.
Wanda closed her eyes for a moment. I knew she wanted to ask me a question.
“Y/N…Why did you run?” she asked.
“I already told you.” I answered.
“You're also lying.” she told me. “You're not the only one who can tell.”
I realized that she wanted to know more of what happened that night. I could feel she was impatient and desperate for answers, so I gave up and told her.
“That’s the first time someone has been brave enough to tell me something like that.” I told her. “It was cold and dark. I felt like there was no hope, until I saw a little light shining in the distance. I went closer to it, as I went closer to the light it felt warmer. When I got close enough, I saw a house, I felt the warmth of your family, I wanted to be a part of that, but then I saw the missile that was about to strike the house.  I didn’t want warmth to end, so I created the force field with all I had. After the explosion I didn’t sense the warmth anymore, I sensed fear, and so I ran because the last person who feared me didn’t want to be near me.”
“So, you ran so we can remain happy?” Wanda asked staring at me.
“.... Yes” I answered, “I didn’t want that warmth to end.”
Wanda remained silent which made me very nervous of what her response would be.
“I never saw you this vulnerable,” said Wanda smiling at me. “That’s you Y/N.”
The night continues as we talk about the stars and my past. We agreed that we wouldn't hide any secrets from each other, that we would be honest with each other, and we agreed on one last thing that I didn’t think we both would want.
3 Hours later…
By the time we went back to the compound everyone was in bed already.
“Good night, Y/N.” Wanda says to me.
“Good night, Wanda.” I told her as I went to my room.
I sat on my bed looking at my left wrist that had a black heart beating every 3 seconds.
“I hope I made the right choice.” I said to myself.
Wanda POV:
I sat at my bed looking at my left wrist that had a black heart beating every 3 seconds.
“I hope I made the right choice” I said to myself
To Be Continued…
To @kram6496, @maximofflover and all the fans.
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