#If you wanna learn ballet THAT IS AMAZING
maries-gallery · 11 months
HEY don't know if this will reach the right people (praying it does), but if you're into balletcore and like a wanna be ballerina who has never done ballet before DO NOT MESS AROUND IN POINTE SHOES. Like for reals. This is dangerous and you could hurt yourself!
Pointe shoes are not toys or random props for cute tiktok/insta videos :,)
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dimonds456 · 2 months
Every day, I wish and hope that I'll wake up and be in the 1920's. Not because everything was better back then, but just because things were more alive back then. Or at least, it feels that way.
You look at some dance routines today, and there is most definitely talent on display, sure, but then you go and watch someone like Gene Kelly or especially The Nicolas Brothers dance and you're left sitting there like, "...what happened? Why don't we do this anymore?"
Music performances too. There are truly some talented people doing amazing stuff today, but it just doesn't feel as vibrant and alive as watching a big jazz band improv with each other in front of a crowd.
Singers weren't trying to sell, they were just, well, singing. There was more flexibility in vocal performance from what I can tell, and honestly this one warrants its own post.
Tap dance is considered stupid largely by non-dancers, when it's actually REALLY HARD and fully of such joy and whimsy. You're a musical instrument and dancing at the same time! What's not to love? Not to mention, the physical toll that takes on a person. Insane.
The only dance I was taught as a kid was the slow dance. If I wanted to learn anything else, my parents said no, unless it was ballet, but I was never interested in that personally. Now, I look back on things like the Charleston or the Lindy Hop and I just wanna learn how to move like that; to let go and be in the moment. I don't know how, and none of the adults in my life can tell me, either.
The movies back then were so creative and grand, considering the budget and scale they were allowed to work with. Stuff like Robin Hood or Metropolis are absolutely jaw-dropping, and yes, we could make that today, but it'd be with CGI or super realism, when a huge part of the charm came from the use of miniatures and spot-on performances and choreography.
Listen. We still have all of these today. Even tap dancing is still around, even if it's largely (wrongfully) considered silly by many. But it just doesn't feel the same. I'm not sure how to put it into words. The 1920's was where our modern times were really born, I think, with inventions like the camera, the radio, animation, jazz, ect all coming together in this decade to launch new art forms, entertainment, and way of life. They weren't called "The Roaring 20s" for nothing.
I wanna live in that so bad.
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
omg hii!! i've never done any if this ask stuff so i dont really understand what to say 😭 so sorry if this is awkward
ok so i love ur work sm and i wanna see how pjsekai boys like would react if their s/o was a ballet dancer and pretty famous for it?? like their on tv alot, and do pretty elaborate performances. sorry if this is confusing!! you don't have to write about this if u dont wanna 🫶🫶 also fem reader/gn reader is fine!!!
have a good day!!!
aww dw abt it, you're totally fine!! and i just started learning ballet its so hard and i commend everyone who does it!! have a good day as well, and I hope you like this!! <3
♡ BALLET - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Akito never really understood ballet all that much. It looked pretty, but he didn't understand it
That was changed when he met you. When he watched you dance, he felt nothing but fondness
He was shocked when you told him you went on TV for your performances, but he understood why. You were amazing after all!
He had no idea how you did half of the things that you did, and anytime you tried to explain it, the terms would simply leave his mind-
He asks to watch you practice in private sometimes, and you get the privilege of seeing his pure astonished face
Overall, he thinks you're very impressive! Your passion for what you did was noticeable, and he always admires passion <3
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Toya learned a bit about ballet from the pieces that he had to perform when he was younger. Sure, he never performed them for ballet dancers, but he understood some concepts
His admiration for ballet didn't grow until he met you though! You were a force to be reckoned with
He was impressed by you going on TV, and ends up rewatching some of your performances in his free time
He tries to understand the elaborate moves you pull off with ease, but he's never able to-
He actually plays some pieces for you in private if you ask! He thinks it's calming to lose himself in both the music and watching you
Overall, he thinks you're absolutely amazing, and always becomes speechless watching you <3
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Tsukasa didn't really encounter ballet as a kid, but he's still very intrigued by it! He thinks it's a gorgeous art form
So, his intrigue grows a ton once he meets you. You always managed to look gorgeous!
He's a bit jealous that you managed to go on TV before him, but he understands why. Of course his favorite co-star is incredibly talented!
He tries to learn some ballet moves from you and ends up incorporating some into WxS shows!
He also asks to watch you practice, and tries to keep up with you as you do. He's more than happy to show off what he's learned!
Overall, he thinks that you shine every time you do ballet, and he knows that his favorite co-star would always glow <3
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Rui watched a lot of shows growing up, and as a result knows a thing or two about ballet now
He thinks it's a lovely refresher whenever he watches you dance. You're a great reminder of how much he loves ballet!
When you tell him you go on TV, he cheekily asks if he can go on with you. He thinks it's cool though, and asks how you get the opportunity to
He also asks to learn some ballet moves and becomes quite good at them! He only shares the basic ones with WxS
He loves to watch you and join you in practice, you're absolutely graceful either way
Overall, you're one of the main reasons that his love for ballet comes back, and he wouldn't have it any other way <3
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yatsugareboyf · 2 years
figure skater nakahara chuuya
i saw this post and i also coincidentally saw the art a few days ago while crying over yuzuru hanyu so let's do this ! idk much abt figure skating so if i got anything wrong / say anything wrong pls lmk
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i wanna believe that chuuya as a fs would be like yuri plisetsky. he would be so aggressive with making all his jumps quads and attempting them all the time during practice, but he might not do it during competition if he feels like he can't do it
he started very young, thinking that getting into ballet and ice skating would stretch his legs and make him taller (im half joking), but he's very good very early on
he might be more recreational rather than competitive, but never really refuses when he's offered to compete. might as well yk
like yurio, he has a certain genre or type of flow he wants for his programs. i feel like he would do something like this . something very bold and telling, and hes flexible. he can pull off those back bends and spins
he may be very aggressive, he's a graceful skater. his moves are clean and sharp and it's very satisfying to see him skate. it's like he glides so smoothly on the ice, like the ice is doing his bidding by giving him the most smooth ride. his jumps are cut and dry, and he makes AMAZING SAVES !!
hence his amazing saves, he's dubbed as the gravity manipulator (corny, ik) because it almost seems impossible how he jumps so high and spins so low yet still keep his balance and stamina. like, how?
of course every artist has their flaws, and chuuya's might be his facial expressions . he gets the message of his piece and it reflects in his movements but not on his face , its VERY visible when u know he fucks up a jump or forgets a certain part of a routine. he might make amazing saves that look like it was MEANT to happen, his face says otherwise. hes working on it tho !!!..... he'll get there .
outside the rink, he's very kind to his fanbase and interacts with them a lot in social media. it gets him in trouble sometimes, especially when judges are biased against him due to his "feminine" figure and gives him a crappy score and those hastags pop-up on twitter? yeah. he's ALL OVER THOSE
DO NOT GIVE HIM WINE DURING SPECIAL EVENTS OR BANQUETS DEAR LORD hes JUST like yuuri but hes ready to beat anyone's ass 😭 his manager and publicist steers him away from the bar after ONE incident. they learned their lesson abt chuuya and alcohol
his diet and workout regimen is pretty normal, but he works out a lot more when he can't come to the rink. he values his body and it's strength a lot so he's very mindful of the food he eats (except w wine). hes a beauty to work with
as mentioned above, due to his small stature and slim figure, it's difficult for him to place and score a lot due to biased judges and conflict of interests in what male figure skaters should look like. he's very passionate about defending himself, but secretly wishes he was taller and maybe a bit more buff :( my poor chuuya
as for being his s/o ,,
he would LOVE YOU FOREVER if you come to his competitions. even if u dont wanna come with him to the kiss and cry (because you can't, but he insists you should), just seeing you in the crowd before his program starts gives him such a boost. toss him a gift after his program he'll keep it forever
although chuuya loves you and values his time with you, his time inside the rink is sacred. it's his first love, his safe space, so he won't compromise a lot when it comes to his practice time on the ice. but he has PLENTY of time after that, in which he wishes nothing more than to spend it with you.
come to his practices tho !! though he might be a bit loud and dizzy to watch, he's amazing at what he does and he loves it when two of his most loved things are together. wipe the sweat off his face when he approaches u he'll die inside
tie his hair for him !!!
when you learn all the terminologies in secret and try to memorize what each jump is and which program is for what event and stuff he'll be so happy
"you... you just attempted a quad axel just now didn't you? be careful-"
"you know what an axel looks like ? and you knew it was a quad? marry me"
"what do you think, babe?"
"chuuya, love of my life, i'm saying this with all the love i have for you, but you look like you're trying to shit out the biggest fucking turd ever."
"you could've said so earlier!"
"you were so into it though?"
but seriously, if he asks you to help him then please please please do. he makes up for it by supporting you in your chosen hobby/profession as well !!
if you're a figure skater as well, then congratulations! you're both in pairs now /j
solo or pairs, he'd be super happy to see you compete or even just perform. he thinks you're so awesome and cool
a bit jealous about pairs but he knows TT he's closely considering pairs .
if he is your partner, you're the one lifting him up /j but seriously, he can take on both roles he's amazing
isn't that strict with diets with you but helps you avoid things you shouldn't eat from time to time, but usually he's your enabler when it comes to cheat days and eating off diet ^^
all in all, he's a great figure skater and an even greater s/o .
requests are open! (08/02/22) (note : i'm too shy to tag op in this one TT)
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flowersfortheghost · 7 months
alright another day another preview lets go. this one is for chapter 2 of my fic "don’t stop looking in my eyes (your eyes)" on ao3 (my ao3 is ghostandroid). in summary, its just an au where gwen and miles play veronica and jd in heathers the musical and its gonna be silly.
chapter 1 didn't have much ghostflower, but they will have their moment in chapter 2. anyways, preview under cut
“I'm not exactly used to all the attention being on me.” She explained. In a band, she only had to play drums. In ballet, she was always with a group. Gwen went solo through life, but could never go solo on stage.
“Yeah, I can relate to that. I had that same feeling when I was your age.”
“And you got over that?” Gwen asked. “Yes, I did.” Kira responded. “First step to get over it: get to know yourself better. Know your weak and strong points and improve those.” Gwen wasn’t a huge fan of this step. She hated talking or thinking about herself like this. “I can tell you're not excited about this.”
“I’ve always been like that.”
“That's alright, I know how that feels.” As much as Gwen hated talks like this, she was glad she could have one. She never got talks like this, her dad always being too busy and she usually kept everything to herself. “I feel like your weak points are that you don't think about stuff like this enough and you keep doubting yourself,” Is it bad that she is really accurate, Gwen thought to herself
“but one of your stronger points is that you know what you wanna do and you wanna do everything to achieve that.” Gwen just nodded, conforming that what her director was saying is true. “And here comes another weak point; you don't have enough confidence to go through with what you wanna do.”
“How are you this accurate?”
“Like I said, I’ve been in your shoes before.” Gwen thought it was nice to have someone who could relate to her. If Kira got over this, so could she, right? “What makes you less confident is other people's opinions. My advice to you is that you should just think about yourself, not other people.”
“I don't know if I can do that, I mean-”
“Gwen, stop doubting yourself so much. The Gwen I saw audition for this musical seemed so confident on stage. I wanna see that confidence on opening night and the shows after that.”
“But people I know will be there. That’s why I'm so nervous. My friends will be watching and I know some of the people in the cast from classes. I just don't know if I can perform in front of people I know.”
And it won't feel the same if my dead best friend isn't in the audience, but Gwen didn’t voice this out loud. How in two years, all her confidence and love for being on stage disappeared. “Gwen, focus on yourself. The self-doubt you have doesn't define you. You're an amazing singer, I’ve seen it. Learn to be confident, or else you won’t achieve what you want. If there's anything I’ve learned from my time in theater, don’t give a fuck about what others think.”
Gwen felt a little better. She would obviously not instantly have the confidence to perform by tomorrow, but she was willing to work on it. “I'll try.” Gwen said, smiling softly. “That's what I wanna hear. Now, next rehearsal, I wanna see you sing like you did at the audition. And if it doesn't work, just try again, and again, and again until you've done it.”
“Thanks for the advice. Where did you learn this from?”
“My dad.”
Gwen felt a bit upset. Her dad was never there for her. As a kid, she thought she wasn’t good enough for him. As she got older, she realized he just chose work over her. It hurt, but after a while Gwen got used to it.
“My dad is always too busy for me. I don't even know if he's gonna show up on opening night. I've performed before, only playing drums and ballet, but I can’t even remember the last time he went to one of my shows. Maybe he never even came to a show.” Gwen looked back at her director, the expression on her face showed worry and sadness. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to vent.”
“No, it’s fine.” Kira paused for a moment before speaking again. “I just hope that maybe he can make an exception this one time. After all, you did get the lead and I know this will be a show worth watching.” Gwen felt her confidence go up more. “Now, I should probably let you go. But please, start working on your confidence more and don’t let your self-doubt define you.”
“I will, thank you so much for this. I really needed it.” Gwen thanked her director, walking towards the door. “You're welcome.”
btw, kira is my spidersona who i just threw in here bc i thought it would be fun (also she is actually a theater kid and i reflect onto her too much). changes will probably be made in the final version (bc that always happens) but this is a small part of the chapter.
also fun fact, i actually got this advice from my dad. he is still trying to convince me to try and do a solo but like gwen in this fic, im too nervous to do so (i need to stop reflecting so much onto this girl i dont think its healthy).
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thespoliarium · 1 year
rating every song in lara fabian's mademoiselle zhivago because i have nothing else to do
my favorite lara fabian album fr. i usually dont listen to albums released after i was born but if i had to save one album it would be mademoiselle zhivago.
onto the ratings!
really solid opener. i wanna walk in slow motion to this song while reclaiming my life. i based my twt handle from this title (vivinexistepas... here is your chance)
seggsy,,,,, lemme tango all by myself
i cried. well duh the title means cry. THIS WAS PART OF MY WIP OF COURSE I WILL CRY anyways this was the first song ive listened from this album bc i remembered the music video a long time ago and it broke my heart,,, lara i will protect you </3
i just love the fact that the title is english, but includes russian, and the lyrics are french. its kinda nice i love the violin part
RAAAHHHHHHH I GO CRAZY LISTENING TO THIS SONG this is 1/2 basis of my url also it sounds so powerful!!!!!
ngl i wasnt fond of this track at first but i slowly learned to love it. also i love the part where she was adlibbing nearing the end of the song.... also this gives me nostalgia despite not listening to it before
stop this made me cry number 2!!! also this is such an amazing lullaby and i love the fact that its for her daughter. but the music video for this is so devastating and thus learning about lara's ancestry makes me even sadder
i wasnt quite fond of it at first but i slowly love it. i love how it kinda feels hiphopish but not losing its magic. also 1/2 basis of my url
this song gives me 2 moods as i listen to it. either i get horny or i writhe in agony. its mostly the second one bc i see this as a ballet sequence
russian song real!!! apparently this was a cover but she did it so well. not yet fond of it, but its growing on me
(part 2 shit wait!!)
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slavicprincess1966 · 1 year
15 questions for 15 moots!!!!! <3
tysm for the tag kate @theshoutpolicyoftruth <<<33
1: are you named after anyone? nope!! my mom just really really liked the name ashley. she told me she actually really would have liked to name me jessica but her sister beat her to it while she had her kids first lol!!!
2. when was the last time you cried? i could be wrong, but as best as i can remember, probably at my last confession, which was june 2.
3. do you have kids? BRUH IM 16 WHAT DO YOU EXPECT lol but when i do hopefully come along an amazing husband i would like to possibly have 1 kid! for a boy, i’d name him cristian. idk any cool girl names yet lolz.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? it depends on the person and how silly i get
5. what sports do you play/have played? man i have gone at it my entire life!!! id consider dance a sport; i do polish folklore/trad dance right now and have been doing it for the past 5 years! started with ballet as a little girlie, then gymnastics, swimming, soccer, & ice skating, and after all i found that dance is my thing
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? totally how one presents oneself, and how similar i am to them. if you’re devout catholic or polish then i’d automatically think “YOURE SO COOLLLL”
7. what's your eye color? brown but i become edward cullen when the sun hits them just right
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy ending movieeeessss
9. any special talents? my art ofc! my mom also tells me that from what she sees, i am pretty advanced in english. i also pick up newly assigned guitar pieces quickly <3
10. where were you born? the gta (canada)
11. what are your hobbies? art, dance, daydreaming (about dave <3 ), singing when no ones around (with the exception of my mom, ive got an insane morrissey impression and she can confirm haha) and collecting cds, missionary work, and leadership at my catholic girls youth group
12. do you have pets? doggie!!!!!
13. how tall are you? i think i am like 5’7 now
14. favourite subject in school? visual arts & religion! (can i consider friday morning Mass as a subject too?!? yes its the sacrifice of the Mass but its also a time where i can listen and learn more especially during the liturgy of the word)
15. dream job? working in the law of child advocacy or perhaps even doing something on behalf of the crown attorney! i also wanna keep art as my side job and make pieces in my free time. when i grow up if it does happen i think my biggest and most valuable and rewarding job would be being a mom, though. it seems so faith deepening in a way to me! i would really love to cultivate a lifestyle where i can balance both work and homemaking. <3
this was so fun to do!!!! okay so basically my blog is actually pretty small and i dont think i even happen to have like near 15 mutuals but it is ok. in fact i share moots with the lovely that tagged me and u beat me to tagging most of them haha!! but whoever wants some silly little fun questions can totally copy paste this and share their answrs!!!!! i love learning about everyone here so if u find this on ur dash go ahead <3 God bless
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ineedacalicocat · 1 year
Same anon with the latest long post! About the dance discourse i totally agree with you! Jhope was always so jealous of jm cuz of jm's immense talent and it's also smth I dont wanna get into or have the energy for anymore but it was something that made me the most mad all these years. And I thought jm was always better than everyone combined since the day I watched their first performances but after bst i really dreamt seeing jm in big dance productions etc so I totally feel you with that! And you saying this makes it more credible than me if you danced more than 20 years cuz I thought all this only as an audience and not a dancer ♥️
AS a dancer myself its actually harder to be this vertaile. Cause some people learn dancing and some just dance. Jimin is one of them he doesnt even need a choreography choreaogpy needs him. You give him a choreography he will bend it to his needs. It will be his chography. He is just insane man. Jhope is a normal street dancer like people from those youtube videos. I dont think he is one in a million kinda dancer. You can find million jhopes. There are even better ones. Just check one million on youtube. I can show you at elast 10 jhopes. But you cant show me one jimin. You just cant. Even on that black swan mv when they needed someone who could dance at the back with their shadow jhope did it for namjoon it was so bad the director wanted jimin jimin literally then did it for all the members he couldnt even go home daldalşssşad they wanted him to do jungkook and sugas too. Even his shadow is sooo amazing. Like wtf. I always say this jimin just wasted his talents in korea in bts. I also wanted to see him in big stages dancing to what he wants. Not just some 50 seconds long bighit video. I wanted a whole 30 minutes jimi dancin videos. He could have been dancing in royal ballet in london or chicago but instead he jsut choce bts and korea. I think jimin would feel himslef better in europe. Cause koreans and korea is not a good enviroment for jimin and his talents. But nothing can be done anymore. Its passed.
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
December 26, 2022
Is it true that some employers don’t like 4.0 students because they come across as booksmart perfectionists that may not be able to adapt to new situations or is that just propaganda spread by people with 3.5-3.9 gpa students to make them feel better about themselves?
I am honestly so so excited for the beginner ballet class next semester??  Dancing was always my weakest aspect in musical theatre and now I get to learn some of the fundamentals and work toward my dream of being a full on triple threat (an undercover one though because I don’t really know when I’ll get the time to truly do theatre stuff again for a while).  I’ve always wanted to have more bodily control dance-wise because I’ve always felt awkward with choreography and stuff.
And speaking of the arts, you wanna know something I find really hot in visual media???  When characters pull at a necklace from the front to tear it off their neck????  It’s just... it’s such a violent act on this dainty object, but it’s always associated with urgency or some sort of overwhelming feeling, and idk it’s just good stuff.  And maybe part of it has to do with the neck as a symbol of vulnerability.  We should protect our necks, we should be gentle with our necks, etc.  I think there’s a lot going on there to analyze but any time I see it my monkey brain lights up.
Today I’m thankful for the four-hour Discord chat I had with some of my friends (puzzle, cello, dancer, and dnd but briefly) this afternoon :)  We played chess and I fully do not know how to actually win that game.  Like besides having a goal of eating all of the other player’s pieces, I do not know how to play out an endgame.  I just think it’s funny watching the light drain from my opponent’s eyes as I consume their pieces with reckless abandon.  They don’t know that I still will not win (I played an hour and a half game that ended in a stalemate (w dancer-friend) because I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my queen and king against their king at the end, not to mention the fact that I have fully stopped thinking for the past week just to recover from this semester and to mentally prepare for the next one.  There is nothing going on behind my eyes rn.  The lights are on but nobody’s home (unless you wanna talk anthropological ethics in which case the wheels will start turning again but only as long as necessary (we did, in fact, have a brief conversation about research ethics (I used to think sociocultural anth was kind of weird but I’ve learned a lot from the discipline as far as ethics goes))).).  I am so thankful for the friends I have, they’re literally so amazing.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 years
outsiders with dancer!reader
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at first he was so scared, he just saw you do a calypso (ballet jump) and thought you fell. magnificently
you tell him you dance and he’s over the MOON excited. 
he’s probably going to tell pony and dally but thats it.
he got jealous when dally asked you to give him a lap dance (jokingly)
you declined him but told him that you can give him lesson so he can seduce other girls 
johnny laughed and dally smiled
you taught him how to dance to a minuet
he’s so happy <3
 he knew, he probably met you at a dance festival
and he HAD to talk to you
so he did, you ended up talking all day
he asks you out and you say yess
he’ll show you off to the whole gang
so now you’ll have to do a very complex move in a very cramped space
even if you knock something over, he’ll be whopping ang hollerin’ your name like he just won the queen of the world
and he did, and its you <3
met you at a bar where you were dancing
you turn to him grinning
he ends up walking you home
you teach him how to do the tango, and once he dips you he starts attacking your neck,
he asks you out the morning after you spent time in bed
met you at the lot where you were practicing 
comes to every one of your competition
cheering for you like a madman
audience gets mad because they think hes your dad or smth
but they learn hes your boyfriend and they’re just like AAWWWWW
he’ll help you stretch for dances
he’ll have a hand on your hips while your doing releves
said something witty like sodapop
swiped you a record player when you agreed to go out with him
head over heels in love with your jazz routines
you taught him a few waltzs 
and everytime you accomplish something he’ll reward you with chocolate cake and a heartfelt night in bed.
will not show you off, he’d rather have you to himself
but when he’s drunk he’ll gush about you on accident
met you when you because you were mutuals with buck
and goddamn, when you moved to the music like that he couldn’t help himself
he threw his arm around your shoulder asking if you wanted to go out 
you ended up robbing an antique store that held a record player
he’d stop by your house sometimes to watch you practice
he’s never felt love before so he’s beating himself up over how he feels
but you smile at him when he tells you that and he goes soft when you tell him you love him too
he’s a really good swing dancer!
i really cant say much other than HES SO IN LOVE
he doesnt wanna share
hes a jealous baby :))
sometimes he’ll come home from a stressful day at work and he’ll just pick you up and swing you around, then dance to classical music.
he’s an amazing jazz and swing dancer
but he prefers classical/ballroom
he met you through ponyboy and you’ve been seeing each other ever since
likes watching you warm up, and is at all your competitions and concerts
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sugar-petals · 3 years
Hi Caro!! How are you doing? Hope everything is okay :)) So I’m starting to get into figure skating and was wondering if you could recommend some performances, like you favourite ones etc... also could you name some skaters if it’s not too much to ask (i know you talk a lot about Yuzuru), i truly wanted to know more about it. thanks in advance✨
i’ll serve you a whole buffet, get ready. joining at the right time! we’re off-season and the olympics are way to go so you can catch up without missing out on any events, and there’s a lot you can indulge with.
get into FIGURE SKATING: the in-depth guide
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wanna know who’s who?
key skater introductions, the masterpost (bonus: meme threads)
6 breakthrough moments of famous male competitors on video
top 10 most successful female skaters
retired legends! their last big performance 2010-2020
so who’s up there in the points, who to watch for, who’s active, who are the best of the best? 
official, current world standings LADIES | GENTS | PAIRS
how to prepare for the winter season?
skating competitions calendar 2021 (more bite-sized than usual, a lot is cancelled)
want to tell apart the 6 essential jumps?
lutz VS loop VS axel VS toe loop VS flip VS salchow
more jump explanations, beginner’s guide
how yuzuru jumps more than just textbook quads: all 6 analysed 
who landed the quadruple jump first? ladies/gents compilation
nathan chen, god of all quads 
why achieving the quad axel is shaking the community since years
first ever quad axel attempt in competition: artur dmitriev
are quintuple jumps possible?
quads are killing artistry debate — too much technique, while creativity and feeling aren’t scored enough
rare and unusual jumps: complete insanity combos
history-making jumps
the key jump: triple axels in ladies’ skating
quads in ladies’ skating
what about other elements? learning movements by video and by skater without just reading about them:
fantastic moves that skaters are know for
more elements that skaters perfected and made their own
more famous signature moves/the ’personal touch’ (crack editing)
elements named after a person
physics behind spins
highest scored ladies’ spins
pair skating elements
ice dance lifts
banned elements
scoring explained! the base value and GOE (grade of execution) mark
what went down in prior olympics in singles and pairs? 
sochi 2014 best of videos
pyeongchang 2018 best of 
the king: all world class olympic yuzu routines 
the queen: yuna kim’s olympic programme stunners
who are the game changers?
highest olympic scores ever moments
surya bonaly’s groundbreaking backflip!
all yuzuru world records compilation (time to cry)
completely bonkers gala performances aka non-competitive skating where most rules don’t apply lmao, props and all!
must-know medallists
fantastic moments in ladies’ skating
yuzuru dedicates first olympic gold to his tsunami-struck hometown and country
top 10 black figure skaters — historic and recent
yuzu’s legendary costume reel
heart-wrenching moments 😪
more emotional stuff that went down
and now, what programmes are the talk of the town?
nathan wins the 2021 world championship with a firework of clean jumps
“the performance of his life from the best skater of all history”: yuzuru dishes on let me entertain you donning all black and landing a murderous triple axel on the beat
alina zagitova wins ladies’ gold dressed in my fave red costume ever, amazing storytelling, not a single fall, at only 15 years of age
my recent favorite: impossibly beautiful ballet on ice — mikhail kolyada’s art and precision are indescribable
“the king of silver” — shoma uno beautifully wins 2nd place at the olympics!
the tears. pair olympic gold, savchenko and massot, my fellow germans. obv has to be on here.
every yuzu performance is the talk of the town. 80-video playlist with gems to pick from 2008-2021
and now... the retired GOAT among the ladies! yuna kim’s charismatic send in the clowns. she is art.
what are the dominant teams?
team usa introduce themselves
different camps of team russia
bonus: watch team japan gala skate
things to warn you about — what controversies, tws, and shadow sides to brace for. you don’t have to read in depth if not comfortable, just know what goes on and what you might have to stay clear from:
the 2018 murder of kazakh skater denis ten
the 2019 case of john coughlin: sexual abuse in pair skating
gay figure skaters facing homophobia: the adam rippon VS mike pence incident (which becomes further complicated by adam rippon’s racist and misogynist comments on other occasions)
yuzuru talking about suriving the japan 2011 earthquake
yuzuru’s graphic 2014 crash with han yan, slow medical teams on the ice, nasty injuries, almost-concussion
yuzuru on his asthma attacks 😔
the lutz jump causing issues (underrotations, flutzing, mis-judgings)
the endless story of judges underscoring yuzuru
creating enemies/rivalries between friends
international skating union’s bs, politics, yuna kim’s robbed of olympic gold scandal
risk rewarded over art
harrowing accidents, the sport is extremely dangerous esp in pairs (tw)
extra toxic mess that needs to be addressed: russian coach eteri’s cruel methods (youth cult, instrumentalizing underage skaters, abuse, nationalism)
why are there so few black skaters?
skaters pressured to come out 
likely known to you, the kerrigan VS harding attack
yuzuru’s fans bordering obsession, death threats
sportsmanship DOs and DONTs that occurred
more essentials about yuzu’s team?
check out yuzuru’s coach: olympic silver medalist, brian orser!
tour of his training grounds: toronto cricket club
yuzu’s rituals and winnie pooh 
wanna have a laugh? 
hilarious crack of famous skaters, turn down volume (medals that look like paper, wrong anthems played, spanish skater javier fernandez skates as superman)
funny moments on the podium/award ceremony
skaters multilingual moments! one big international family. ❤️
hockey players try to keep up with skaters
yuzuru is a flippin ice diva
stages of yuzu costume reveals
yuzu said let me entertain you and so he did!
skaters fooling around
skating artist pranks rink in an old man costume doing a wild backflip
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I was literally laying in bed till this ship just shiz out of my brain, thought about it a little more and I was just like "omfg- ima genius, I'm truly a genius!"
Back to the point, a few hours ago, I came up with this fnaf ship idea and possible AU, which now became my new favorite ship in the fandom. No one introduction I wanna talk about:
Sun/Moondrop x Ballora☆
Wait hear me out-
So imagine Sunny and Moondrop right, taking care of the toddlers. As you expect, it's not an easy job, Sun feels stressed with 24/7 care of the kids and Moon is just tired of everything. Fazbear Entertainment notice this and figure, why not give them company? so a bunch robotic engineers band together to build these two a friend. Rather then fresh however, they decide to rebuild an old animatronics of the franchise, Ballora. Without Afton's programming, she'd be amazing caretaker;
☆ Her music box tunes and lullabies can put children to sleep
☆ She has very motherly and caring personality
☆ Her sorta "super hearing" ability allows her to be aware of her surroundings
☆ She's a fricking ballerina
☆ Add a few bonus abilities and she'd not only help Sun and Moon at the daycare, but have her own place as well
And so with said bonus abilities, Ballora was rebuilt; both abilities being able speak and understand French and play piano. She gets her own area outside the daycare called "Ballora's Ballet Studio", which's just a larger version of her original studio back in sister location. In there, she performs her ballet to the kids, teaches them how to do ballet and play piano
Since they're still technically separate beings, Sun and Moon both meet Ballora separately, however when they saw her, it was love at first sight; here's how that went
He heard commotion outside the daycare, got curious, and with much convincing by the younger residents, decides to check it out. When he saw her gracefully dancing on that stage, his gears skipped a beat and his eyes lit up. After the show, a staff member introduces the two, Sun's stomach fills with butterflies. All the while, Moon remained oblivious to what was going on; he managed learn little about Ballora, from her name to her motherly voice, and took no interest. Once they return to daycare, Sun lovingly babbles on about Ballora during the play hours, while Moon tries to snap him out of it. Moon wanted nothing to do with the new animatronic, but those views would change in a few moments
Hanging from a string, Moon does a swoop through the daycare during naptime, making sure all it residents were asleep. As he returned to his post, he hears a faint noise. It was the peaceful song of a music box, along side a woman singing beautifully, all noises coming from outside the daycare. Moon showed much annoyance to this sudden disruption, naptimes were quiet times after all. As for Sun, he was in awe and babbles on about her grace, beauty, and now her singing abilities. This of course annoys Moon even more and heads outside the daycare to confront Ballora. He entered the studio and there she was, practicing her many twirls. Moon was indeed stunned by her appearance, reactions simpliar to Sun's when they met, so much so he nearly forgot what he came for. He however quickly snaps out of it and began confronting Ballora on the noise. Sun remains smug all the while, enjoying who Moon fell into the trap; the same had he. Returning to the daycare, Moon curls into a ball and hide in embarrassment, while Sun teases with a smug tone in his voice
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Their ship dynamic, is basically Jessica and Roger Rabbit
We have a hot milf and a gremlin, better yet two gremlins
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now here headcanons I came up with, feel free make up your own
☆ Ballora was really surprised and intrigued when she found out Sun and Moon shared a body. She ended asking the two alot of questions
☆ I know both Sun and Moon is canonically 10ft, but a part of me wants Ballora to be 12ft so she carry them around
☆ Sun likes Ballora touches his little "points"
☆ He'll never imitate it, but Moon secretly loves being carried by Ballora
☆ Whenever Ballora gives affection or smooches Sun or Moon, they melt instantly. There'd be multiple smooches
☆ Ballora wears pink lipstick, so kiss markes would always be left on their face plate
☆ Sun would visit Ballora in her studio while she preformed and attempt to copy her, which always ends with Moon laughing his butt off and Ballora having few giggles
☆ Moon takes intrest in Ballora's piano skills, and has her teach him, he shows her the songs he learned by play a mini piano in the daycare
☆ Whenever Sun's dealing with an untitled parent, she always comes to his defense, always
☆ Just because Ballora's been rebuilt, doesn't mean she still doesn't have old programming. Like Moon, she doesn't like when children misbehave during naptime, and so she does her "spider crawl" and climbs on the walls to scare them
☆ And everytime she does it, Moon feels like he's falling for her all over again, just looking at her with heart eyes "what a woman~". She never did in front of Sun though, if she did I feel like he'd won't know how to feel, scared or inlove
☆ Sun doesn't like when Ballora helps him in the daycare cause he feels the job is way too stressful for her. And whenever something bad happens to her, let's say a kid gets finger paint on her tutu, he gets super embarrassed and apologetic towards her after time. Moon on the other hand, really appreciates the extra help during nap time, especially her music box installment
☆ Speaking of the kids, they refer to Ballora as Ms. Ballora as a commend from Sun
☆ Ballora teaches both Sun and Moon french. Sun's still learning or aleast trying to learn but Moon learned quickly
☆ Sun makes drawings or art pieces and gives it to Ballora as gifts
And that's all I got, eat up everybody!
*causally feeds the fan artists and fanfic writers*
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please-buckme · 3 years
The View From The Fire Escape. (1/3)
Bucky Barnes x gn!reader
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: alcohol? Kinda fluffy.
A/n: Inspo. Came from @buckysm3talarm and *wink wink* *nudge nudge* it’s her birthday! Love you girl! 💖 Also, depending on the feedback I may do a part 2!
Part 2 // Part 3
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(Not my gif! I’m sorry @detectiveupton ! I tried to do it the proper way and I couldn’t find it!)
Working at a dinner in Brooklyn sucked. It really sucked. Especially when you work the late shift and don’t get home till just before the sun was about to rise. Luckily, tonight your boss decided to be nice and cut you a bit earlier- 3am instead of 5am; what a gem.
When you finally twist the key to your front door, feeling the air of your apartment on your skin, a loud sigh escapes you. There’s a high or maybe more of a rush you get when you first get home. It’s comparable to taking your socks off in bed; relaxing.
You shrug your jacket from your shoulders, kick your all-stars from your aching feet and change into something comfy. Once you’re dressed down and into more comfortable clothes, you go to the fridge. The feeling of opening your fridge was always underwhelming, since you were barely paying rent you hardly ever had a full fridge. Spotting one of the two beers you had left, you grab it and head to your fire escape.
This had become a nightly thing over the past few months. A rather attractive guy moved in directly across the street from you. He was always up, like you. You honestly started to think he was a vampire or something. There were lights always on, and if they weren’t on the tv was. You checked your watch, 4:30. You should be right on time tonight.
The guy, who you learned’s name is Bucky, woke up every morning from a dead sleep at 4:30am. Had to be nightmares. He was always a little psyched out when he’d wake up. You never asked why. You loved having company at this hour, so you didn’t want to scare him away by asking too personal of questions.
4:31am hit and you sigh, taking a swig from your beer in defeat. You were about to call it a night when he suddenly popped up.
His breathing was heavy, clearly panting. Of course you were curious as to why these nightmares happened so often, but at the same time you knew if he wanted to tell you he would.
Once he calmed down, repositioned himself on the floor, put his arms over his knees, and steadied his breathing, you called out to him.
It was the coolest thing, so you thought. You’d whistle as low as you possibly could, getting louder and louder until he’d hear you. You never go past the first pitch before he’d shoot his head up towards you.
He smirks, walking to his fridge for a beer and then heading to his fire escape as well.
“That never ceases to amaze me.” You laugh, taking another sip of your drink. “How the fuck do you do that.”
“A magician never reveals his secrets.” He grins, “You’re home early.”
“Ah, you noticed.” You say, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Boss decided to be nice and cut me two hours earlier than usual.”
“Wow, what’d you do with those two whole hours?” He asked, smirking and leaning against the railing of his fire escape.
“Waited for you to wake up.” You admit, laughing into your bottle before taking another sip.
“I guess I’m sort of a creation of habit.” He chuckles. His body relaxes, now sitting in the chair behind him as he fiddles with his bottle.
A silence falls over the both of you, which is normal. Sitting out here in silence just knowing he’s there is more relaxing to you than going in and watching tv. It didn’t hurt that he was half naked either. He is yards away from you but you could still see his perfectly chiseled features. Of course you also noticed the metal arm, but never brought it up. You felt like the arm and the nightmares go into the ill-talk-about-it-when-I-want-to-about-it file, never to be mentioned.
“Why’d he cut you early?” Bucky asked, breaking the silence.
“Oh.. uh, it’s my birthday.” You say sort of nonchalantly. “Well, it was my birthday. I guess it’s technically over now.”
“Ah, someone who works on their birthday has a good work ethic. That’s sexy.” He grins. The deep rasp of his voice makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. “Happy Birthday, y/n.”
You giggle, a little caught off guard, to say the least.
“Or just shows you how broke I actually am. And thank you.” You both laugh now. It’s a little awkward now because- FUCK DID HE JUST CALL ME SEXY- is all your brain can process at the moment.
Bucky was a natural flirt, that was obvious. Sometimes you’d be able to spit something back at him, but tonight you were almost desperate for him to flirt with you. You’d never seen Bucky up close or anywhere but his fire escape, but you’d come to have a small crush on him.
The nights when he’d sleep in bed you wouldn’t see him. There was internal conflict there. You were glad he’d be sleeping in an actual bed, you assumed, rather than the floor, but he was the only thing that made your dreadful late night shifts worth working. Sometimes you hoped he’d come in to see you, but he never did.
You've been waiting so long for him to make a move that you’re now chomping at the bits. Fortunately, it’s your birthday and you were feeling ballsy. You drank that beer way too fast, meaning you were slightly tipsy and you craved meeting him. Craved knowing how good he probably smells after a morning shower. Craved feeling the cold metal of his fingers against your skin as he ran them along your side, Dirty Dancing style. So, you broke the silence this time,
“You know, I’m off tomorrow if you-“ you trailed off, losing your confidence towards the end.
“Oh, you don’t wanna waste your free time on me.” He sighs, smiling but it’s filled with conflict, pre usual. Such a pretty face to be hidden behind so much remorse.
“I’m here with you now, aren’t I?”
“I suppose.” He says bluntly.
“Nothing crazy, Buck. Just beer and football or ballet. Whatever you’re into.” You chuckle at yourself. You expected to see Bucky laughing with you but when you looked up, he wasnt. He’s up from his chair and leaning over the railing again, seeming almost freighted? You couldn’t tell.
“Buck?” He asks. “Oh shit, it just kinda slipped out. I’m so-“
“No, please,” he interrupted. “Please don’t apologize. I’ll be out front of your building around 11am. Sound good?” He seemed to be on the brink of tears but also happy.
You wanted to know everything about this man. The closer you got, though, the more you realized you’d probably know everything and nothing at all about him. He was those knotted up earphones that were a pain to unravel but worth untangling in the long run.
“11am sounds perfect.” you give him a half smile, not wanting to come off too eager. “I should probably get to bed then, huh?”
“Uh, yeah. Me too.”
You got up, stretched then turned towards your apartment, but not before whispering, “Goodnight, Buck.”
You didn’t know what the nickname held for him and he knew that. It just felt so good and sounded so sweet coming for your lips.
“Goodnight, y/n.” Bucky whispered.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed whatever this was lol depending on the feedback I may do a part 2!
Taglist: @haydens-moles @animefangirl425 @valkyrieofthehighfae @aurora-sweet @dinos-lavapit @hoeforcuteguyswithcharmingsmiles @sebbystanlover-vk @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @nebulastarr @meegggoooo @skylerrae-solo @alyssa-skywalker @blondekel77 @gogolucky13 @buckysm3talarm @heavenlyseb @writersbuck @badassbuchanan @buckyownsmylife @buckysdolls @notwithoutbarnes @cherryblossomskye @ladyfallonavenger
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amenomiko · 3 years
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Thank you for the request and thank you for loving my previous story for you ❤ @amymarple
Warlords and Ice Skating
"Here we are, everyone."
Sasuke then turn around to his back, facing each and every warlords behind him who is fully amazed (though some of them were amused) with the ice skating rink in front of them.
"How do they even get such huge amount of ice, and maintain it so it won't melt??"
"Future things are really advanced 😳✨✨."
Sasuke, who seems to be satisfied in showing one of the future things that he could offer, adjusts his glasses with the most unreadable expression on his face. "Alright, everyone, now we have worn each of our ice skate shoes, let me teach you how to skate from scratch. There are many kinds of methods. You see, you may start by holding on something, or, by a slow steps of short slides, or by the guidance of someone, as in, by holding hands together with them and--"
"Wah OAO!"
Cue MC's hands were hold by Nobunaga and Shingen.
Nobunaga: I believe I hold her hand first.
Shingen: I don't care who hold it first, your hand is filthy to hold her beautiful, angelic hands.
Nobunaga: She is my Chatelaine.
Shingen: And? It doesn't mean she belongs solely to you.
Mitsunari: Ieyasu-sama! Let's learn toget- uwah >A<! *Falls*
MC: *Gasp!!!* Oh no Mitsunari are you okay?? *Instantly escape from Nobunaga and Shingen to help Mitsunari gets up and went somewhere else.*
Nobu and Shingen: ........
"HEY HEY This is awesomeeeee!!!"
"Masamune!! Keiji!! I know both of you have already mastered the ice skate but it doesn't mean you can skate recklessly around other people! Especially the kids!! HEY! DID YOU HEAR ME ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨???"
Ieyasu: *Sigh* Can we just ice skate like a normal person?
Mitsunari: *Gasp* Ieyasu-sama, you already learned how to skate 😳😳😳😳✨✨✨✨ as expected of you! Can you teach me as well?? I don't want to trouble MC (´;ω;`)..
Ieyasu: Sure. Go and slide on your stomach. That is ice skating too.
Hideyoshi: IE.YA.SU!
Ieyasu: Tch 😒.
Mitsuhide: Now now Hideyoshi, you are making people look at our direction, I'm so embarrassed ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^).
Hideyoshi: ....Since when did you ever feel embarrassed 😒? Hey- you are still holding the rail for support? Did you need help?
Mitsuhide: Oh no, I'm perfectly fine-- oh my-
Mitsuhide, 'slipped' due to the slippery ice, and grabbed Hideyoshi by his pants and fall together with it.
Hideyoshi: *GIRLISH SCREAM* 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Mitsuhide, still lying on the ice floor: Oh my, I'm so sorry ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^). Nice pants, Hideyoshi.
Sasuke, instantly writes something in his notebook: Day xxx, on xxxx date, I've witnessed Hideyoshi-sama wearing a boxers of Nobunaga-sama's picture of eating konpeito with love shapes around it. *Takes 10++ shots as well*
MC: ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ....
Yukimura: Uuuh Sasuke, I don't think I can do this.
Sasuke: It's okay bro, I will be the lead.
Sasuke: We might become famous after this bro. Trust me.
Alas, Sasuke is skating across the ice floor with Yukimura (who were posing like a ballet dancer) in his arms.
Sasuke: Oh yisss, we are now Surisuke and Yictormura in "Sasuke on Ice".
Yukimura: UUUUHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Meanwhile, Kenshin
Kid: Mama, that big brother has bunnies skating around him
Kanetsugu: As expected of Kenshin-sama, he even get smaller ice skate shoes for all of them (눈‸눈)✨✨✨
MC: H O W ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ??
And Yoshimoto: *Skates like the beauty he is* uwu ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Random man: Mom, I have opened a new world QAQ I've met a goddess *Sees Ranmaru and gasp* AND AN ANGEL TOO!!
As for others...
Ranmaru: Nobunaga-sama, Kennyo-sama...! Please! Please stop >A<!!
Nobunaga and Kennyo: *Skates while sword fighting with one another*
Motonari: Wanna make a bet on who would win? Not that I care, heh. I will kill them both anyway- heheh. Heheheheheh-- *SNEEZES*
Kicho: For someone like you to sneeze on ice rink.. Weak.
Motonari: Don't skate while eating your senbei you freak 😒.
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musicallisto · 3 years
hi love! congratulations on such a wonderful milestone! i’ve been following you for ages so this is almost as exciting for me haha
could i please get a 🍨 for the grishaverse/six of crows? (whichever you feel fits!) i’m straight female who is an istj, slytherin, and 6w5! i also took the grisha quiz and am apparently a alkemi (but would i truly want to be grisha? the jury is still out on that). im 5’7 with blonde hair, brown eyes, and glasses. i’m a sagittarius sun, pisces moon, and aquarius rising!
i’m pretty independent, and believe no friendship demands blind faith. i’m probably too selfish (which i don’t see as a bad thing, personally), and can be quick to anger.
HOWEVER! i’m not all angst. i’m introverted, shy, & frankly bad with emotions (both feeling and expressing), BUT i also love to laugh, and will not stop talking to you about things i like once we’re friends.
i love that first sip of coffee, the silence after it snows, and the stars on a clear night. i’ve had multiple concussions from sports (which tells you all you need to know about my self-preservation skills) but i will take a day in bed reading or watching various franchise movies over adventure most days. i also lovelovelove listening to music — specifically classical!
thank you so much in advance !! and take all the time you need, this is a fun celebration so i wouldn’t wanna stress you out :) congrats again!!
hi! here’s your vanilla milkshake! (also - please come off anon because first of all, you’ve been following me for a long time? my heart melts. but ALSO! you sound like the most amazing and fascinating person and i adore your personality.) i thought of going for a shadow and bone character to diversify a little bit - but who am i to resist the call of kaz brekker?
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no words can express my excitement at being able to use an actual gif for Kaz.
we all know Kaz and we all know his emotional turmoil. expect the slowest of slow-burns; expect to even wonder if the candle is lit at all.
But it is, I promise. It is lit and it seeps into his heart in ways that he doesn’t understand, and frankly, that scare him a little.
He’s never been good at that whole falling thing. He’s more than content to sit above the rest, and leave the tumbling to Inej.
So when he has to face the music and understand that you’re not getting away, and neither are his growing fondness for you? He’s totally helpless. Serves him right for not learning how to fall sooner.
At first, he thought it was mere fascination that drew him to you. Sure, it takes a lot for him to be impressed... but even he has to admit that you are a lot. Not in the lot in the exuberant sense of all these merchants, but assured and strong in your mastery of your powers, and in your quiet competence.
You craft most of the poisons and antidotes the Dregs use, and are unafraid to yield them yourself; you don’t mind getting your hands dirty; you’re reliable, loyal, easy to trust, and, surprisingly to him, easy to befriend as well. Although he doesn’t make a big effort to befriend you anyway; but whenever he goes down to visit you in your clandestine lab, he ends up spending much more time than he originally planned talking to you.
It’s just so easy to forget the grime of the streets above in that peaceful laboratory, with the distant sound of violin and chemical solutions bubbling somewhere indistinct. And your total concentration, as you mix up the poisons and conjure the blasting powders with deadly precision, is a magnificent sight to see.
At first, Kaz is guilty of sending you on missions for him, or confining you to your lab. You don’t mind the work, and understand that it is where you are most useful, but quickly tell Kaz that you are not at his disposition whenever he wants to run his errands; that you are his equal, and that you work for the Dregs because someone must feed these poor children, not because you would blindly give up your life for him.
In other words: you owe him nothing, and you’re not his lackey. And he better understand that quickly, lest you leave and offer your services to a cause that will remember you for more than your craftsmanship.
It’s a wake-up call for him, surely; it’s when he realizes that you have an independent soul, that you know no ties nor bounds, that you are neither a Kerch nor a Ravkan nor a Shu, but truly a citizen of your own heart, and that there is nothing tying you to him except your good will.
And the idea that you might disappear from his life as quickly as you barged in is enough to paralyze him for a good second. But then he regains his composure.
And asks you to stay, please.
(Not for the poisons, not for the magic, not for the money, but for me, he almost adds, but he can’t get the words out, and doesn’t.)
From that point on, you go on missions with Kaz and the Dregs, and no longer for them, standing as tall as the other Crows.
And your relationship with Kaz grows seemingly a little stronger for it. He opens up a little more, sometimes slips in a little something that might even be considered a compliment.
The others have told him time and time again that you are a fun and happy person to be around, and he couldn’t believe them, because all he ever saw of you was the focused and precise Grisha synthesizing arsenic or negotiating contracts by his side. But as he opens up to you, and on the rare occasions you’re both at the Crow House, he listens to you excitedly tell a story to the others Dregs crowded around a greasy table, he understands what they mean.
You are fascinating.
It’s not the Alkemi in you, it’s not your deadly aim nor your rigor with your work... it’s you. It’s in the excitement in your voice when you talk about something you love, and the care you put in making space for Kaz in your busy schedule.
“I thought you didn’t want to see me?”
“I don’t want to see you when you boss me around. Otherwise, you’re not so terrible to spend time with.”
(Which, in your shared language of restriction and shiness, means “I appreciate you a lot and enjoy your company more than I let on”.)
It’s in your relaxed face when you listen to classical music... when you’re working late nights at the lab and start humming along to the piano on a beaten gramophone that Jesper, of all people, stole for you one day - a Romantic Fjerdan melody, nothing to do with the industrial rhythms of Ketterdam, and your feet begin swaying to the music without you noticing.
He just stopped by to bring you the list of what he’ll need to take care of the Ice Court guards... but he’s taken aback, on the doorstep, watching you enjoy the music like a careless ballet dancer. He’s never seen you quite so relaxed...
... maybe that’s when he falls for good.
And maybe you know he’s fallen for good when you stop by unannounced at his office at the Crow House to hand him the poisoned blades he’s asked for... and you find him listening to the exact same waltz you were playing when he arrived.
You never took Kaz for the classical music type - you do a double-take before he looks up at you, his face and lips even, but a glimmer of hope twinkling in his dark eyes.
“You wanted?”
“To see you.”
His brow perks up.
“However did I get so lucky?”
But he gestures for you to step in, to get closer to him, to fill his dull office with your heady scent, both poison ivy and white rose.
Maybe, under the right night sky, with the right alignment of stars, and after the right snowfall on a deserted plain, he will hear the same music again, and this time he will clumsily extend this hand.
Not to dance, not even for you to take. Just to hold it out for you. Just so you know he would go to any lengths to keep you safe.
But for now, you have a heist to plan.
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800 follower sleepover CLOSED!
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Brothers React to MC Doing WAP dance
I just release crack headcannons at this point and I’m fine with it. 
Warning: slightly NSFW
He was kind of confused when MC walked in while he was in the middle of doing paperwork. They didn’t say a single word as they walked over to the glass table before putting their phone on the table. 
“MC, I’m busy at the moment. Come back at another time.” MC didn’t even look at him, only holding up an index finger. They bent over before pressing something on their phone. 
Music started blasting from the phone and all Lucifer could do was let out a long sigh. He just hope that whatever they did would be quick. They knew not to disturb him, so why did they feel that today would be the exception. 
“From the Top!” He watched as MC kicked their leg high in the air before dropping in a squat. What?
The entire dance, he just sits there staring at MC as they continued the dance. One hand resting on the arm of the chair with his chin in it and his other gripping the chair trying to let them finish before losing control. \
Giggles slipped from MC’s mouth as they finished the dance with a split with their butt facing him. His eyes stared directly into theirs as they stopped moving. 
“Was that suppose to tempt me?” he grumbled, shifting down in his chair. MC pulled their legs together and fluttered their eyelashes innocently. Were they seriously trying to act innocent after what they just did?
“Come here,” he said, hithering them with a finger. MC got off the floor and walked over to him. With one swift pull, they were placed on his lap. “Let me show you how much I appreciated that little show.”
Mammon was sitting on his couch counting how much grimm he had manage to steal out of Levi’s wallet. A knock on the door was all he got before MC walked in. 
“Oi, wait until I say come in. Can’t just walk into my man cave,” he yelled, trying to cover up how happy he was that MC had decided to visit him. Out of their free time, they choose him.
“Hey, I just learn this little dance. You wanna see?” A giant odd smile was on MC’s face. He was off put by that, but if it was spending time with MC, he can endure it.
“Do it quick. I’m busy.” All lies, but he didn’t want to look like a loser. 
“Cool, sit back and relax,” they spoke. They tried to hide their giggles as they put their phone on the table. They pressed play on a video before stepping back. 
“Now from the top!” MC kicked their legs up before spinning and turning their back to them as they dropped in a squat. 
He didn’t know where to look on MC. His eyes would drift to one area, but snap away, but then they move to they were back in focus. 
“Mammon, MC, you okay?” The door open and Beelzebub was about to step in. 
You looked back from your place on the floor, in the middle of a thrust to look at Beezlebub. His head turned to look down at you. A single blink and you were looking at a door. 
Mammon was in his demon form as he lean against the door. His entire face was burning red and he didn’t even want to look at MC.
Laughter came from MC causing him to finally look over at them. They were in a ball on the floor, literally rolling around. 
“Shut up!” he yelled. MC unraveled themselves and just laid on their back while giggling. 
“I’m going to guess you didn’t like it. I couldn’t even hear the music over your screaming,” MC admitted. Their hands came up and wiped away their tears. “I worked so hard to get the dance right and you just *giggle* ruined it.”
He could tell they weren’t that affected by not getting to finish, but he still felt bad. They did look... really really good doing the dance. 
“Well, do it again. You should’ve warn me about it,” he grumbled as he shifted back into his human form. He walked back to his coach and sat down. One glance down at his lap caused him to cross his legs. “But I swear if you break you fragile body before I get a chance at it, Imma be pissed.”
It was late at night and he thought he was safe to watch some... ‘anime’. I mean, it had some plot to it. 
His eyes were glued to the screen as he pulled the pillow closer to him. The volume was pretty low, so he was able to hear the knock on the door. 
He never moved so fast to turn the TV off and throw the pillow across the room and replaced it with one that didn’t have a person on it. “C-c-COme in.”
MC’s head popped in with a smile on his face. Oh gosh, please anything but them. He was not in the right state to talk to him. If they found out what he was just doing moments ago, they would think he was an even grosser otaku than he lets on. 
“Hey, Levi. I was wondering if you were busy,” they asked. Levi could feel his face pretty much on fire as his eyes looked at their outfit. Why were they wearing such short shorts?
“Yeah, sure,” he squeaked out. He pushed his legs closer together and pushed the pillow more down. Think of melting faces. The look a demon getting torture. Falling out of heaven. 
“Cool, I wanted to show you this dance I was just working on. I think I got really good at it,” they explained walking to his gaming desk. They bent over slightly as they started pressing on their phone. 
Lotan’s face. The way cold cold cold water feels. The Lord of Fools dumb face. Beel dislocating his jaw to get food down.
 “Now from the top!” His eyes watched as their shorts became even shorter before dropping. 
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
MC dropped to the floor and started thrusting. Their eyes seem to be glowing as they licked their lips slowly. 
“F-fuck!” His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he started shaking. His breath was coming out in shorts before as his body tense. ‘Fuc-fuck, FUCK!”
He let out a sigh as he came down. His eyes opened again and everything was blurry. He blinked again to see MC standing over him with a face of concern. 
“Hey, Levi, are you okay? What happened?” Everything hits him as once. Did he just- In front of MC- Did he really just?!?!!
A scream left his lips before he jumped off the couch and ran out of his room. 
MC stood there completely confused as Levi’s door swung from the force of Levi slamming it open. 
She glanced back at the spot he was just in to see the pillow he was holding. In the corner of it was a little wet spot.
The dots connected in your head. “Oh.” 
“Yes, yes, yes!” Satan stopped his scroll to look at the door that sound was coming from. MC. Why was MC screaming?
He gently knocked on the door before walking in. He glanced around to room to see they weren’t in there. 
“Oh, hey Satan.” He looked down to see MC laying on the ground, breathing heavily. Every inch of your skin was covered in either sweat or a few bruises. 
“I came in because of your screaming. Are you fighting a ghost or something?” MC let out a small laugh as they sat up. 
Nah, I was trying to do this dance trend and it seems like I got it,” they said with excitement within their eyes. He didn’t know that there was a dance trend going around. He would have definitely head it from Asmo or Levi at least. 
“Really. Do you mind showing me?” MC’s face scrunched up at his ask. He could see them becoming flustered at the question. 
“Um.. it’s not a normal type of dance,” you grumbled, avoiding his eyes. He was even more curious right now. 
“I love all types of dance. From ballet to free style. But you don’t have to show me if you’re uncomfortable.” He took a step back out of the room, ready to leave and return on his journey back to his room. MC jumped forward and grabbed the bottom of his pants. 
“Okay, you can watch. Just- just don’t judge.” Satan was pushed towards MC’s bed to sit down on as MC walked over to their phone. They clicked a few things before scooting to an empty area. 
“Now from the top!” Satan was trying his hardest to listen to the words of the song, but seeing your body move that way was... hypnotizing. 
The way your move between the dances with such fluidity was so beautiful. He understood this was suppose to be arousing, he won’t lie and say he isn’t, but he could see how much hard work went into it. This isn’t something you can do on the first try. 
“And done,” MC said with a huge smile on their face. He put his book on their bed and gave them the applause they deserved. 
“That was amazing MC. That was really,” he continued. They beamed up at him as they brought their legs together. He bent down until he was right next to their ear. “I’m glad I can see what you can do.”
He stood back up and took in their beautiful flustered face. He walked back to their bed and picked up his book. “I have to go do something real quick. But don’t worry, I’ll be coming back in an hour.” 
MC was in his room, just hanging out with as they strolled through their phone. Asmo was painting his nails with a face mask on. “There’s some wh-”
Asmo looked over at MC to see them smiling at their phone. They continued to scroll through their phone with no idea to his staring. 
“Asmo, you know, back in the human world. There was this dance trend to this song,” they explained scooting out of the bed. They walked over to his chair and put their phone down. There was a video paused on the screen. 
“And I learned it and I was actually proud of it,” they explained, stepping away. They pointed to their phone causing Asmo to look down. He pushed the screen and music started blasting. His gazed was about to stay on the phone when at the first line, you kicked high in the air. 
His gaze was entirely on you as you danced. “YASSSSSSS!” he screeched watching you twerk in the air. The lyrics were absolutely filthy, but not as dirty as your dancing. 
“SLAYYYYY!!! OH YESSSS!” he squealed, kicking his legs in excitement, watching you crawl and twerk. They looked like one of the best dancers at the Fall and he was getting a private show for free. 
Once MC dropped into the slit and popped their butt a few times, the song replayed. MC let out a sigh as they dropped to the ground in exhaustion. 
“MC!” he yelled, dropping to the floor to wrap his arms around them, mindful of his nails. “You got to teach me those moves. Oh my Diavolo, you looked so sexy. AAHHHHH, I could eat you up.”
His face was rubbed against MC’s causing his face mask to be ruined but he didn’t care. He was so proud of how sexy his little human ones. 
When MC said they would show him something, he thought they meant food or something. 
But here he is, on there bed as MC wear these too short shorts, not that he’s judging them. They look happy in the outfit and as long as they’re happy, he’s happy. But they were wearing long pants before and now their legs are barely covered. He was trying so hard to look at you RESPECTFULLY.
MC pulled out their phones and put it on their table. Music begin playing and they quickly ran in front of them. They kicked their legs up into the air before dropping.
They dropped to the ground and started popping their back. Wow, that looks fucking... awesome and he won’t look at the way their butt looks so round, like a the thickest slice of cake that he wants to take a bite out of. 
They dropped on the ground and dear Diavolo, give him strength. They’re in the perfect position for him to just slide in and- and- and give them a hug because they’re doing so great. 
“Wow, MC. That was amazing,” he growled out, gripping his knees. His face was entirely red trying to stay in control. They seem so happy to do this dance, he don’t want to ruin it. 
“Beel, are you okay?” they asked with a smirk. Beel gulped and forced his eyes to stare at into your face. Why were you smirking so much?
“Yeah, just really, really hungry.” He let out a small cough at how hoarse his voice sound. MC let out a small giggle before stepping forward. The swung one leg over his lap and sat down. 
“I think I know a thing that might satisfy you.”
He was confused why you kept trying to wake him up. “Please, just 20 seconds.” It’s like they didn’t understand that he was going to be loosing 20 seconds of good sleep. And plus he was having a good dream. 
“You have 20 seconds, starting now.” MC jumped away from his bed and pulled out their phone. 
They placed it on the nightstand before stumbling back. Music begin playing and Belphegor frowned at the noise. Where they seriously about to wake him up for a dance?
He watched through half lidded eyes as they jumped kick in the air before squatting. 
His eyes was glued on their butt the entire time as they arched their back. Maybe this dance wasn’t so bad. He was enjoying seeing them on the floor. 
The kicked their legs around in a split before twerking. He slipped his hands from the cover and gave a few claps before going back under. 
“Come here,” he said, pulling the cover up. MC crawled off the ground and hopped into the bed next to him. Belphie instantly wrapped his arms them. They snuggled down into him as he placed a kissed on their head. 
“Imma take a nap and when I wake up, I’ll make sure you good and wet,” he growled into their ear, pulling them flush against his body. A shiver went through them causing him to laugh. “You better rest up to. You going to need it.” 
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