#If you took to time to skim through my insanity
Alright, alright, I know everybody and their pet peregrine falcon The fastest animal on Earth. When diving. has come up with ideas about the kids switching places some how, but I was consumed with the idea of SQ and Constance being switched.
Because. It would be fascinating to see, in my opinion. Especially with the concept of SQ being more coherent/traditionally visibly intelligent before Curtain brainsweeping him fifteen hundred times.
First thing's first: We're staying mostly in the Show Universe for this, with a few book elements. Child Acquiring Methods are also switched, so SQ would have been adopted by Nicholas as a baby, and Constance got enrolled kidnapped at the Institute. Other than that, ages/appearances/personalities for the most part are staying the same
Now, since SQ's considerably older than Constance/the Core Four, his story starts first.
Also, since we're approximating that SQ is only a few years younger than Rhonda, she's not there yet
A short time after Number Two joined the Benedicts, Nicholas was alerted to a baby entering the childcare system. One of his old classmates, a scientist whom he had been fairly close to (up until he took a mysterious job opportunity and somewhat disappeared...), had passed away, and his only son was being held for processing because this colleague had named Nicholas the inheritor of his entire estate and also his child
(I can't remember the proper legal jargon at this time of night I'm sorry)
Nicholas is, of course, super surprised, because he hasn't seen this friend in years, but when he gets to look at some of this guy's papers he notices that things at his job are sounding super suspicious
He also notes that this guy has nobody to take his kid, and when he wrote the stuff about SQ in his will, he also wrote a note begging Nicholas to take him because he doesn't want his child to get thrown into an orphanage because with the Emergency and everything he knows they aren't being run well
(Although it would be really neat to see how it would have gone if SQ'd been friends with Reynie from the get-go)
So, Nicholas of course goes and signs whatever papers needed to take SQ home, and he kind of forgets to double-check with the others
Luckily, they knew there was no way he was coming home without the kid, and were taking bets on how long it would take him
(Number Two won because she said it was only going to take the minimal time for paperwork. Milligan thought it might take a few hours longer, but he was being generous)
So, the crew now has a baby!!
They call him "Shep" just like. So much. He goes by that as much as "SQ" and he's got so many other nicknames because his name is perfect for them
He grows up so well loved, and he has bunches more confidence. He's still very quiet, but he knows how to use it to his advantage and blend in when he wants to. He does art all of the time, and there is tons of his stuff hung up everywhere
(This does also mean he has a relationship with Violet Hopefield because I still really want that to happen)
He doesn't really call Nicholas "dad", just because there was a lot going on and they never had the time to really work out a parental title, and also Nicholas Does Not feel qualified to be a dad
SQ just calls him either Mr. Benedict like the girls or maybe Uncle Nick or something
He helps with the tests!! When they get everything set up and SQ is around the age of most of the kids who try he's the Pencil Kid!!
Or, at least he tries
He's great at the pencil part of it, and though he's a bit disheartened by the sheer number of kids who don't stop and help, he does his best.
But, the issue comes up with the "Offering to Help Cheat" part. Even as a ten/eleven year old, he can't get over the fact that he's tempting a child to cheat and lie about something, and he tries to be brave but the first time he gets so nervous he starts crying and Milligan has to pop in to save him
So, the cheating part gets put on hold for a bit, until Rhonda comes along :) She helps him, and he's older at that point, so by the time Reynie and everyone get there he can do the whole thing on his own
(They'd have done it with Number Two, but I get the feeling she can't lie very well. This could be totally off, but this is not vitally important to the altered plot so I am going to stop getting hung up on it now)
Once Rhonda shows up, she and SQ are thick as thieves, and since I think Number Two isn't that much older than Rhonda herself, they're their own little group of chaotic siblings
As they all get older, Number Two and Rhonda get more protective of SQ because it becomes apparent that unless no kids at all come along for the next several years, SQ will have to go to the island without them because he's the only one still young enough
Constance's story relies more on the books, and she ends up at the Institute because she isn't able to escape from the Recruiters who come after her
So, she gets dumped at the Institute as a kidnapping victim
(This is maybe six months to a year or two before Nicholas' team gets there, since we're mixing book and show and trying to keep a somewhat consistent timeline)
Curtain isn't sure about trying to brainsweep her, because she's a tiny young child, but after he gets a chance to actually speak to her, he decides he needs to at least try it because she's so obstinate
However, Constance somehow breaks the Brainsweeper
It manages to cover up some of her memories, and it actually hides even the beginnings of her psychic ability from her, but Curtain is so freaked out that he doesn't try again
While her brain is trying to adjust, he gets her to agree to stay for a bit because she is obviously super confused, and because her powers have been muted she feels like something vitally important to her is missing
So, Constance stays
And one day, despite her being. Just. Super bad at classes and all of the students/teachers being like "Why is he keeping her around she does literally nothing but nap in class and scare the older kids"
Curtain sticks her in the Whisperer to see what happens
(He's been paranoidly improving it since Constance arrived and is now fairly confident that it'll be fine. Or he can get Garrison to fix it)
And, lo and behold, something happens
The Whisperer is suddenly boosted really well
There aren't really any messages being sent out, but that just motivates Curtain to work on recording the messages so he can use the students who actually learned the lessons and then distribute them using Constance like a battery
Constance, for her part, feels closer to finding that missing piece of her than she has for weeks
Because the Brainsweeper buried her psychic powers, she doesn't immediately destroy the Whisperer, but they're still there, so she recognises that there's something in it that speaks to her
So, Constance is successfully persuaded to stay, because she wants to use the Whisperer sessions to figure out what she's missing, and Curtain is happy to let her do pretty much whatever she wants as long as she'll cooperate
About this time she meets the Executive Trio!!
Martina is not super fond of Constance initially, because she's a chaotic little gremlin who doesn't really care about tetherball
But, Constance comes to respect Martina for her ferocity and determined nature, and so they strike up a tenuous relationship of mutual respect and staying out of each other's business for the most part
Jackson and Jillson Are Not Fans of Constance because she Does Not Respect Them
However, J&J are not able to bust her on breaking any rules or anything because Curtain needs her, so all of the small stuff they try and report he just dismisses, and any of the bigger stuff like trespassing and snooping she's smart enough to get away with anyway
(She also doesn't do too much of it because she doesn't have a goal yet, she's just poking her nose into some "Employee Only" hallways and things)
By the time the other kids show up she's made herself queen of the school between Curtain's special treatment and her own personality
She doesn't rely on Curtain very much, because he's suspicious as all get out, but she isn't exactly sure what's going on either
Reynie, Sticky, and Kate show up about now!!
It goes much the same for their tests, except SQ is playing Rhonda's part
He does a great job, and they are all thoroughly confused by him, but they stop and, of course, they all stop to help him with the Pencil Problem
He offers them the test answers, and each of them avoids cheating (Which he's very excited about)
When they meet up again at the house, SQ apologises profusely for deceiving them, just like Mr. Benedict does
(Rhonda and Number Two roll their eyes a little because the boys are so nervous about that kind of stuff, and sometimes you have to do some crime in order to get good things done)
The Benedicts explain the mission and the Sender and everything, and that SQ is going to help lead the team because he has the most information about everything
He helps them prep and learn Morse code and walk through the steps of what they're going to do, while Rhonda, Milligan, Number Two, and Mr. B do their whole falsifying papers rigmarole
When they get to the island, all three boys are immediately super successful in class, and they work with Kate to help her
Sticky still gets caught, but this time SQ panics and gets himself caught too in an attempt to get the blame off his friend
(It's kind of like a whole "I am Spartacus" bit except they're both so obviously guilty looking that the teacher doesn't even consider letting Sticky off the hook)
Reynie and Kate are in a tizzy trying to work out what on earth they're going to do, but then Kate runs into Martina
And cue the Tetherball Plot point!!
Martina tells Kate about Constance (who has been skipping class in favour of wandering around exploring) and how weird it is that Curtain keeps her around when she just kind of breaks all the rules
Meanwhile, Sticky and SQ are being interrogated by Curtain
(Since there's two of them, it goes a bit different)
He gets both of them in the office first thing, and he works out that SQ is the "leader" in this incident (Because he keeps trying to take all the blame)
So, he puts Sticky in the Waiting Room and cracks down on SQ, since the kid feels responsible for Sticky it places a lot of pressure on him, and he just keeps telling Curtain that it wasn't Sticky's fault
But he's caught now because he doesn't want to give the other two away, and if he gets sent home himself, then he won't be able to help them at all
Curtain does his super mysterious and aggressive questioning, and then he sends SQ into the Waiting Room and interrogates Sticky
Sticky also refuses to give anything up, so Curtain just sends them both out, saying that he'll probably call them back tomorrow
So, the boys get to go back to Reynie and Kate, who are overjoyed to see that they're doing alright
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wandagcre · 8 months
it's a trap (when you act like that) | wanda maximoff 🔞
(College!Perv!Best friend Wanda Maximoff x Innocent!Fem Reader)
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You cannot quite relate to the topic of pleasure. Being introverted and shy, your circle of people was limited, but you're more than grateful that Wanda - your best friend - is always there to help you out.
WARNING: corruption kink, pillow riding, first times, fingering, praise, wanda talking you through it - not proofread +18 / men & minors dni. Words: 4.2k
[perv!wanda series] | [masterlist]
For an hour, you settled on reading in comfortable silence with your best friend. Wanda laid on your lap comfortably, unlike you, she gave up skimming on her notes a few minutes ago. 
You giggle each time you catch her gaze on you. It was inquisitive and sometimes Wanda made silly faces. Thoughtful as ever, she’d pop in some candy in your mouth.
Her auburn hair grew out – instead, her brunette tresses were back. It was tempting for you the way they were sprawled out, wanting to comb them with your fingers and drop your notes – only having to listen to what stories your best friend would tell.
Lately, you noticed it’s been hard to be around Wanda. You can no longer hold her gaze than usual and you physically want to be closer to her – which was no problem because your best friend was always attentive and touchy with you. 
“Have you been working out? Look at these thighs,” You sharply inhaled as you felt fingertips, running feather-like on your skin. Wanda caught the act and it made her giggle softly. 
You shyly shook your head. “N-no. I haven’t.” 
She seemed not to buy your response. It’s the truth. Even if you indulged in some exercises, your workout routine was not strict about any type of weight lifting. Not like you had the time and all. In fact, it was one of the things that sometimes pulled you into your insecure thoughts, thinking that you’ve got an unattractive pair.
However, Wanda loves them as they were. She liked it when you got experimental with your wardrobe, changing it up with some short skirts that highlighted your legs and its curves. More so with your comfort in plain shorts, as it rewarded your best friend more of its exposure.
What Wanda didn’t like was winter and how it took away the sight of your gorgeous thighs. 
You insisted, “I’m serious! If you consider getting food from the top and bottom shelf of the fridge as squatting, then, my answer is yes.”
“Well, they look good to me. Keep it up.” Wanda playfully remarked. You chuckled lightly, not trusting your voice at the moment. “Want me to pull away?” 
Her voice was hypnotizing – insanely soothing. Almost like a balm, you’d say. Enough to make you re-read the damn sentence on your notes because you barely understood them. It doesn’t help that she kept her ministrations – tracing circular patterns that ascend to your inner thighs, causing goosebumps to wake.
“Took me by surprise, that's all. You can keep doing that if you want.”
“Is it relaxing?” Wanda whispered.
You shudder a bit and it made you scuffle in your position. “Kinda like you playing with my hair…”
Wanda was amused. You briefly wondered what was the joy in this – riling you up in some way. Were your reactions too entertaining? She had always been full of mischief, but lately, hanging out with your best friend made you…tense. It was not uncomfortable in a way that her actions burned, maybe they did, but in a different context. A realm you’ve never touched on – spurring you to confusion furthermore.
Her forefinger grazed over the space between your eyebrows. “What’s got you all so worked up, honey? You got this crease going on – you’re too tense. Wanna take a break?”
“Okay, yeah. That sounds nice.” You gave in. You couldn’t even process them anyway. 
You still appeared as bothered from Wanda’s point of view. She moved away from laying down between your thighs, looking at you who refused to meet her eyes. She was growing concerned. Had she overstepped this time?
Wanda was clueless. “Are you seeing someone?”
You looked incredulously at the woman.
“That’s out of the blue, Wands.”
“Can’t blame a girl for asking, (y/n/n). You’re usually reserved, I get that, but lately you seem to be always in deep thought? You know I can help, right?”
“I-I want to tell you but it can get weird.”
“Weird? Baby, we’ve known each other for years. How worse can it possibly get?” Wanda asked incredulously. Now she was concerned.
There’s nothing to hide. Wanda had a point, you thought. 
You whisper, “Lately, um. I-I’ve been trying to discover something.”
“Okay…” Wanda hummed, eyes focused on your lips.
You weren’t hesitant out of fear of being judged, but you didn’t know where your boundaries stood. 
Although, you remember how Wanda was so thoughtful that every time you bought some undies, she volunteers to come along and when you ask for her opinion, she carefully takes time to examine them. 
You remember her fingers tracing along the seams, making you turn around, asking for permission to touch so she can examine the material further around your butt and how it clung to your hips. They shouldn’t be tight, Wanda said.
“And it’s about pleasure. You know, that stuff.” You flail your hands. Can this get more embarrassing?
Meanwhile, Wanda was absolutely having the time of her life. She couldn't believe that this was happening. Of course, as the role of best friend, she would be very ecstatic to lead you.
She starts with a lilt of teasing in voice. “Sorry, honey, but there’s many things that can go around the topic of pleasure. I’m going to need you to elaborate.”
Poor you, didn’t even catch up to her teasing. You had enough.
“Touching the southern part!” You blurt out.
“Huh.” Wanda looked inquisitive. Her head tilted to the side in faux wonder. In truth, she was thinking of ways to help you – defile you in this very bed – if she’s sly enough.
You groaned. Maybe this was a bad idea. 
“See, now it’s weird. I shouldn’t have-”
“No, no. It’s not weird. In fact, it’s normal to be curious about that. What’s your problem with it?”
“I don’t think I’m doing it right. I feel bad because I heard discussions about it – overheard some girls from my class. It’s all the hype I can’t get onto– I just don’t seem to get there–” 
You were rambling all things at once. Wanda had to process the thought of you touching yourself and getting frustrated, of course you wouldn’t know. You needed her – someone to get through it.
And Wanda was more than willing to step up.
With a glint in her eye, she suggests, “Want me to help you?”
Were you hearing things right? Surely, you misheard Wanda. Your mind couldn’t wrap the thought of it. How on earth can she help you? Maybe she’ll write them down or give you a video that wasn’t too explicit as porn. She knew that you hated them, after all. 
“You–won’t that be weird between us? And how?”
“Don’t even think about that. It’s me, honey. You can always count on me. Even about these types of situations. Do you trust me?”
You answered in a heartbeat. “More than anyone.”
“Good. What do you think, do you wanna get started?”
Right now? Your eyes widened. But there won’t be another time, you suppose. “Shit. Okay, yeah, sure.”
“We’ll take things slow, hm?” She bit her lip, trying to contain her excitement. Seeing you all bare for her – Wanda might as well cum at the mere thought of it. The way you nodded attentively made her stomach flip. “We’re going to test the waters. Since you’re having trouble with your fingers, we can do that later. Maybe we’ll try a different approach.”
Your cheeks burned at Wanda’s elaborate plan. “O-okay. I’ll listen to you.”
Wanda purses her lips and moves closer to you. You looked apprehensive, but not as much previously. Good.
“Have you ever heard about riding a pillow?”
“N-no…” You meekly answered. Porn was straight to the point. Too uncomfortable for your liking. It was penetration and done. You tried watching one or two, then that was it – you never thought about revisiting and looking further beyond that. “That’s a thing?”
Wanda, however, couldn’t help but scoot closer to you. How she was very elated to hear this – the woman couldn’t wait to introduce more things to you in the future, to be the one showing you the ropes of it.
“Yes it is. Some find it very rewarding. It’s so easy. ” She supplements.
Out of curiosity, you cannot filter yourself. “What about you… have you ever?”
“Yeah, I have.” She smoothly replied. Wanda was so self-assured, you can’t help but envy it a little. “And don’t worry, I’ll be guiding you at every step of the way, honey. Exploration of what you like and how it works is nothing to be ashamed of.”
It did the trick for you; Wanda picked up a relief sigh coming out of you. She smiled, rubbing your thighs enough to create a comfortable warmth.
“Use my pillow – don’t worry, it’s easy to get them washed.” Your movements were slow and hesitant, continuously looking back and forth to Wanda’s piercing green eyes and to her pillow innocently hanging at the corner of her bed. Grabbing the item, she shoots you a proud smile. “Now, take your bottoms off for me.” 
For Wanda. You felt the heat creep from your stomach, riding in waves, up to your neck and whole face. She nudges you by nodding her head. You’re entirely sure that you’re beyond stunned right now. Discarding your shorts and underwear at the same time, you quickly throw them away and cross your thighs. Wanda’s words being uttered in an authoritative and raunchy manner was enough to make you wet – you didn’t want her to see the proof of that.
“So good. You’re doing so, so well baby.” Wanda licked her bottom lip in anticipation. “Now, flip that pillow by its seams – the edges are an important part of this. Then, just mount it.”
Your heart raced – you can’t believe that this was happening – you’re about to ride a pillow in front of your attractive best friend and she’ll talk you through your first orgasm. Right here in her own cramped bed and pillow. Doing as Wanda says, you spread your legs apart and mounted the pillow that stood by its edges. You gasped at the sensation; it was the softest thing your core has ever touched and it was slightly cold.
Looking back at Wanda, she seemed lost in your center – who wouldn’t be, given this rare opportunity? She always had a crush on you. But you didn’t even notice. Now, your friendship was taken on the next level, she thanked any deity out there for her patience. ((And her power over you right now? It was hard not to revel in that.))
You looked so adorable. Wanda could compare you to bambi right now, especially when you thought you were being sly. She saw the slick forming on your pussy from earlier as you were stripping. It was mouthwatering that it drove Wanda insane, prickling through each nerve of her body.
“What next?” You shakily asked. It was intimidating to have her eyes fixated on you – you couldn’t decipher what was going on behind those green eyes.
“Gyrate your hips. Back and forth, slowly.” Wanda orders with a low voice.
She watches you try to move back and forth at the pillow. Your pussy grazed on the fabric, making your eyes flutter at each soft contact, but it wasn’t enough for your pleasure nor Wanda’s.
She waddled closer and placed her hands firm on your hips. You bite the inside of your cheek, slowing down your motion out of surprise. The least you can do was have an ounce of dignity, you couldn’t moan in front of Wanda.
You sweet thing, Wanda thought. It was evident how desperate you were in your soft and messy thrusts. She was focused on how you moved your hips clumsily and your folds wetter, the pillow darkening as your arousal stained them.
She couldn’t take it much longer.
“You’re almost bouncing, honey. Do it like this – in sliding motions.” A moan inevitably escaped your lips as she pushed your hips alone, quite literally guiding you. Wanda shuddered in delight. “Want that pretty pussy of yours gliding in, get that friction working already. Don’t be afraid to put all of your weight in it. It’s much better, trust me (y/n/n).”
Pretty? Wanda even used it in an inappropriate context. It affected you more than you thought it would, that you felt a spurt of liquid drip from your core. Was it supposed to be like this? It was better than previously. Maybe it was truly your form that made a better change. You thrust your hips more and no longer hesitated upon resting your lower body’s weight. 
It was much better, just like Wanda had said.
Wanda’s bed creaked louder and louder. Of course, you were getting lost in your own needs – you didn’t even notice.
Your resolve was visibly breaking in front of Wanda which she absolutely relished on.
“Don’t let me stop you from moaning, baby. It’s all about your pleasure.” Wanda gently reassured you. It was all you needed apparently to let loose. “Thrust your hips harder.” She commands you. It sparked more need that travelled to your lower stomach down to your core. 
Was this the feeling people always blabbered about? Because you’re sure that you understood it now. It completely took over your senses like crazy.
Your hands placed in front for balance, you do as your best friend said. She truly knows her way around here. You haven’t felt this needy before. The friction she mentioned was settling in quickly and it was addicting against your pussy. You close your eyes and arch your back. The softness soon burned – a delicious contradiction – and it was enough to make you feel soaked.
“Just like that…” Her hips have never left yours and matched the rough sliding motions, grasping firm around your bare skin. “It feels good, doesn’t it? You’re doing so great.” For me, Wanda wanted to add.
“M-mm, y-yes,” You whimpered and nodded dumbly. 
“You can also experiment with other motions – try what’s best for you. You can do circles with your hips,”
You immediately try as she recommended. Wanda had to stifle a giggle right then and there. Her headboard was starting to hit against the wall with your messy yet hard thrusts. It was obvious that the pleasure was brewing already, to which Wanda deviously smiled at. 
“Can I touch you down there? I bet it’s sticky already…” She whispered directly to your ear. You feel your best friend’s hot-white breath grazing satisfactory against your neck. It tickles! 
It wouldn’t hurt right? It was a part of the lesson, you suppose. Wanda knew better and you trusted her. “Y-yes. You can touch me, Wands.”
Without further ado, your best friend immediately went in to trace your outer folds. Fuck, you were so wet. You immediately coated her fingers, terribly addicting that she had to stop herself from plunging in so suddenly.
You continued to gyrate harder and it seems that there was the ‘spot’ that everyone was talking about. You lost track of it, but you felt how the pleasure intensified and moaned unadulteratedly, louder than before, that spurred Wanda to repeat the motion harder. With every glide against the pillow that you do, Wanda’s fingers were there at the edge to stimulate your throbbing core. Your breathing pattern grew heaving.
It was so, so addicting to have your slit pressed against the once innocent material and the friction it provided you–
“Stop there,” Wanda firmly said. You halt out of concern, rethinking whether you did something wrong. Your best friend, however, was pleased at your expression. 
“D-Did I do something wrong?” You gulped and weakly asked.
“No, honey. You did so well.” Wanda caressed your jaw and held you by the cheek with her clean hand. A pleased grin broke out of you to which Wanda duly noted. You liked praises. “That was the first lesson. You need something to stimulate you into the mood, it is very important. Now I’ll touch you first so you can mimic them later on. Is that okay?” Her hands descend to trail them at the center of your torso and stopped by the pelvic area.
This was going so well. You even forgot and thought how dumb it was to doubt Wanda and how she would embarrass you. It felt as though it was more than what you asked of her.
You wet your lips, “M-more than okay.” 
At this point, you valued Wanda's opinion more than ever.
“Good girl. We’ll get started.”
She swept away the crumpling notes and the stained pillow. Wanda almost moaned at the mere sight. It was like an animal had rudely rammed through her room.
Wanda stared at your half-lidded eyes that beamed at her words. Your hair was frazzled and barely can manage your own breathing. She caused this. And hell, she can’t wait to ravish you further. You felt reassured with her comforting smile and voice leading you on.
Your best friend grabbed you by the thighs to pull you closer to her. Wanda hummed in delight, a crooked smile on her lips appeared as you released a throaty moan again as she pushed them farther apart. 
“Now, listen carefully, (y/n/n). You have to tease your folds first and gather the wetness here,” Wanda sultry uttered and started to stroke your folds again and you helplessly nod. “It’s no trouble right now, considering how soaked you are.” She bit her lip and teased you by bringing up her fingers that were coated by your arousal. “Don’t hide them from me. It’s so pretty to see you like this, honey.” You arched your back for her and became flustered at Wanda’s words.
So warm and inviting. Wanda was flooded with glee, that she swooped in before anyone else could. With this, she also intends to be your last. No way in hell she can share you now after this.
You feel your cheeks and ears grow hot. You buck your hips for more as Wanda starts to stroke vertically and then random patterns at your soaked pussy. It wasn’t enough to scratch the itch you’ve been longing for.
Your nostrils flared, “W-Wands, please..”
Wanda felt herself damp as you moaned her name. It was like music to her ears. She immediately changed your position, from your hips up to encouraging you to lay down flat on her bed and adjusting to settle on your side – her fingers not leaving the inside of your pussy.
“What do you need, baby?” She pressed a kiss on your ear. The gesture was meant to comfort you but you felt your body burning even more.
“I need you! It’s so sticky and tickling me- I don’t… Can you please h-help me?”
You were needy, just as Wanda wanted you to be. She riled you up enough that she even felt you drip more wetness as she plunged deeper inside of you and hit the spongy wall that her fingers could reach. You were more than compliant all throughout the session that it made her heart soar.
“You can also play with your breasts, it can add a better feel for you, baby.” 
You hesitantly reach for your pair and Wanda’s awaiting (needy) eyes were the final nudge for you. You wanted to do good. At this point, the lines were blurred; you didn’t know if it was to achieve orgasm or praise from your best friend.
Hands skimming underneath your shirt, you also pushed up your bra and experimentally squeezed the flesh. You groaned and eyes half-lidded again, threatening to shut.
Wanda was ecstatic that she had convinced you through this. Her motions never faltered – if anything it was more determined – as she watched you play with your tits. She thought it was cute how your underwear mismatched, her eyes caught the sliver of the pale material of your panties and your bra in the color of a colder tone. Were you tugging on your perked nipples? You were so eager and feeling comfortable enough. Wanda almost demanded you to take them off, wanting to see them. Another time.
She kept on stimulating your pussy and with the addition of you playing with your breasts – it was impossible to even control your moans anymore. 
You threw your arms quickly around Wanda’s neck and hands had wrapped themselves on her nape. Opposed to her firm and determined motions, you were gentle with how you caressed her skin. Wanda melted with no hesitation and now, her dorm room was reverberating with moans along you.
“It’s so sticky down here just as you said. Now,” Wanda’s own breathing was ragged and you had to force yourself to listen to her. “I’m going for your clit. It’s in the uppermost area, covered by your hood. Need to stretch you more-” She grabbed your hand and made them trace the areas for you to pinpoint them better. Fuck, Wanda was right. You were soaking wet. “That better?”
You agreed furiously, “Y-Yes, but–”
“I know, I know. You need more.” Wanda kept her ministrations inside of you, stretched you better that you had to let out a guttural moan. The spot was back and she kept hitting it now mercilessly. “Is that it? That feels much better?”
“Oh, yes!”
Your needy core greedily swallowed Wanda’s fingers and you had no idea. So drunk in pleasure. So lost without her. You’re so lucky that you had her. Wanda was just as intoxicated as you, her dilated green eyes drinking up the warmth of your pussy and your writhing sight.
Upon making eye contact, you didn’t know how to react to the revelation of how those green eyes unashamedly looked at you. It was similar as Wanda would when she was examining you while fitting clothes – only now they appeared more hungry and she’ll devour you.
And the thing is that you will gladly let her. Another needy moan was ripped out of you, disturbing your rail of thoughts as Wanda added her thumb to the stimulation that circled around your clit, you laid there helplessly clenching on the bed sheets while you were in Wanda’s grasp.
“W-Wands… Wands! I think I’m going to pee,” You shyly inform the woman and the heel of your palm pressed against her clavicle to push her away, Wanda only shushed you.
It was familiar to you, you think that you’ve reached this extent but you always stopped because you were very unsure of what follows after.
You felt dirty and it was embarrassing how you were bucking your hips to meet Wanda’s plunging in your core. It halted your mood a little and Wanda immediately picked it up, as your walls clenched harder around her digits.
“That’s it, that’s it.” Wanda’s sultry voice spurred your gears again. You huffed and absorbed her words. “Don’t worry about it, you’re going to cum. Just listen to my voice baby, you’re doing so great for me.” It is more than okay, you repeat in your head. Wanda’s making you feel so good you felt like you were going to combust.
Your muscles grew tense around the abdomen area and all over your thighs - you feel the knot forming in there. You are frenzied to chase it.
“Cum for me, come on, my good girl.”
Wanda was sweating now as you were, and she kept ramming inside of your warm walls, a final hard stimulation around your clit did its job to untangle the knot you were feeling. 
“Wanda!” A guttural moan was ripped out of you.
It was the most angelic sound that Wanda has ever heard.
Your eyes were still closed shut. Still whining as you fall apart, it was the most freeing experience you’ve ever encountered. It’s easy to say that you were beyond satisfied this time around. Your body was almost floating and your mind was lightheaded–you’re sure of it. Your legs were spasming a little and it was hard to ignore the vivid feeling of liquid oozing out of your core. It was never ending and Wanda was tempted to drink them all up.
“You looked so beautiful there, honey. I’m proud of you.” She cooed sweetly in your ears and pressed a kiss on your forehead that was glistening with sheer sweat. 
You grew hot at her words. “Oh–!”
The bed shook again and creaked as Wanda rode out your orgasm. The squelching sound was more vivid to your ears. You cried out loud, feeling that it was too much, held your best friend’s wrist and finally Wanda pulled her digits out. Before your best friend can calm you down–
An aggressive banging resounded against Wanda’s dorm walls.
“It’s midterms week! Stop fucking!”
You froze. You completely forgot where you were and how thin the dorm walls were, making you cover your face with your palm. Meanwhile, Wanda couldn’t be more bothered – she simply laughed at how evidently embarrassed you are, threading through her own hair with a familiar glint in her eyes.
“I don’t think I can face the people outside anymore,” You admit, groaning as you sober up from the high. 
Why did you have to be so loud? 
“Mmm. Lucky for you, we’re staying inside for a while. I got some other tricks I wanted to show you.” Wanda bit her lip, crimson also spreading through her cheeks as she closed the gap again between you.
She can compare your gaze to a deer caught in headlights. Always so attentive and compliant.
With a little more touch from your best friend, you felt the hotness starting again in your lower stomach, making it twitch with familiar need – your studying session long forgotten and replaced with a different lesson.
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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rikigai · 2 months
cologne — nishimura riki
something about your scent just had riki hooked, addicted to you.
pairing: boyfriend!riki x afab!reader | genre(s): suggestive, sorta fluff | content/warning: reader is a uni student, kisses everywhere, hickeys, skinship, hands under clothes
word count: 739
author’s note: i worked on this pretty fast. i think it took me likee 20 mins which is alr fast for me. lmk if i missed any warnings and if you guys wanna read more works like this. (not proofread)
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[🎧 now playing: cologne by beabadobee]
you were sitting on the long couch that was set right by the tv with riki, tucked into a single throw blanket that covered the both of you. it was an insanely busy week for you in the middle of november. the fall semester’s end had been coming closer and finals week was approaching, and you needed to get your work done. sitting atop your lap was your macbook with around a million tabs opened for the dozens of assignments you had to submit. 
the click sounds your keyboard made were heard alongside the movie that was playing on the tv. with riki’s head rested on your shoulder while his eyes were fixed onto the scenes in the movie you two were watching, he couldn’t help but notice on how you were no longer watching the movie, but completing the lengthy tasks you had to do. 
riki turned his head towards your laptop screen as his eyes skimmed through the data you’ve written down. “y/n, what’s that? i thought we were supposed to be watching?” he asked you. with your eyes and mind concentrated on the paper you were trying to get done, you respond to riki after a few seconds (you sucked at multitasking and didn’t even notice he was asking you something sooo) “i’mmm…. just trying to get this done. this will be really quick, i promise.” you said. riki watched you as you did your work, but it definitely wasn’t quick. 
he got bored and shifted himself closer to your body, still waiting for you to finish. he wrapped his arms around your torso as he slid his hands under the white long-sleeved top you had on. with riki snuggled onto you, he couldn’t help but bring his face closer to your neck, and as he did, he smelt a familiar scent right behind your ear. the sweet notes of cherry blossom, mimosa, and mandarin lingered through the air he was breathing in. riki then placed a kiss on your neck, he just couldn’t get enough. “ki~ hold onnn. please let me finish this paper baby~” you said, playfully pushing his chest back. he found his way back onto your neck, planting kisses all over it. his pink, plump lips trailed down onto your collarbone, sucking on your soft skin, leaving traces and spots of red, purple, and somehow yellow marks everywhere. 
“babyy, i need to-“ you tried to say before a subtle moan escaped your lips, with riki sucking the same spot repeatedly. you continue with your words “i need to get extra marks on this assignment. let me do my work first ki, then we can- wait shit-“ you then tossed your head back and let out a moan once more. “the only marks you’re getting are the ones on your neck, y/n” riki says. he gives you a peck on the lips before he continued to kiss your neck. he placed his hand on your nape, using the other one to shut your laptop down, pushing it aside. 
this wasn’t a first, it definitely wasn’t. every time you did your school work, errands, household chores, or at least tried to, he’d always find his way into bringing your focus onto him. 
you stood up from the couch and discarded the throw blanket that covered the two of you in an attempt to get riki off of you. “kiii~” you said in a whiny tone, still trying to push him off. you tried walking, but he just couldn’t let go of your touch, your voice, your smell, of you. he followed you from behind to the kitchen, where you tried heading in escape of him. his hands were around your torso with his chest pressed against your back. he brought his head onto your shoulder, taking in your scent.
you walked towards one of the cabinets, going on your tip-toes to grab a cup, but as you were opening the cabinet door, riki shuts it back. he then swiftly turns you around, where your eyes locked with his. you jumped up on the counter. now face to face with riki, you kissed his lips which were previously all over you, caressing his cheek and pushing aside the strands of hair that sat on his face. he pulled you in closer as the kiss grew messy. your hands were now holding his shoulders from behind, locking you two into the position you were in while you wrapped your legs around his slender torso.
“still want to do that paper, baby?”
“i’d do you instead.”
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3ambat · 2 years
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hi. look at him
Batman: The Knight #9 writing chip zdarsky, art carmine di giandomenico, colour ivan plascencia, lettering pat brosseau, editing ben abernathy
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melinoelliones · 2 months
Jax NSFW Alphabet
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I don't even know how I managed to forget to do his NSFW Alphabet... So anyways here it isss
Jax - Heat Part 2 is coming btw!!! It's almost done. Click here to read Jax Heat Part 1 if you haven't read already!
What I think he would do may not align with what YOU think he would do! I have tried to make this mostly gender neutral but I fear I slipped a bit of x Fem Reader is there. Also sorry for the ugly banner, his png's aren't great lmao.
My writing skills have fallen off since I've been off for like what 2 months, but I am working on getting better!!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jax is the type to talk over what you guys just did in bed, maybe mock you a bit but it always follows up with him smothering you in kisses and ass grabs. His large grin shows as he pulls you closer knowing you get embarrassed when he mocks you. 
��?!&% ?!&% ?!&%, feels so good” he moans out, mocking your previous words as you hide your head into his chest in hopes that you’ll disappear from this world. “I’m just kidding babe, you’re so hot when you do it. Lets me know i’m doing it right yanno” he jested, slapping his hand against your ass before pulling you tighter into his chest.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jax likes his hands the most. Them in contrast to your body drives him crazy, and seeing his fingers in you is insane.
His favourite part of you would be your stomach or thighs for sure. He’s a thighs guy, what can I say. When you and the guys are hanging out, he is 100% sitting with his head on your thighs or just between your legs like its nothing.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Anywhere and everywhere. He loves to cover you in it, your perfect body being defiled by his cum is everything to him. Only he gets to do that to you, you’re his property and he can do whatever he wants with it.
He also just likes filling you with it, after rounds and rounds he gets to watch it slowly try and seep out of your precious holes.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He enjoys watching you get off, he could sit and watch like it was a tv show. Bonus points if he can guide you through it, making you edge yourself until you ignore his commands and he has to come over and punish you.
His oral fixation comes in waves, having your tits in his mouth is like heaven. He will never tell a single soul that, even you, but we all know it. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
A part of me wants to say that in the outside world he’s a raging virgin, now he’s in the circus so he can just go crazy.
But another part of me wants to say he’s super experienced, but he’s never been with someone like you. Not even in a stereotypical way, but he’s just not usually into you as a type.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Mutual masterbation where ya’ll are side by side. From time to time he’ll just slide his free hand over to your body and play with it too.
Doggy but he’s so unserious with it. He’ll put his foot up by your head to make sure to get as deep as he can into you.
Cowgirl/riding and reverse cowgirl for sure. His hands are so large that they can carry your body with ease, so being in these positions means when he wants me he can just place them above your hips and slam you into him. Then he gets to watch your stomach bulge out with each stroke and your face contort.
“?!&%, well would you look at that” Jax hissed, skimming his fingertips across your stretched skin as he took in the sight of the bulge protruding from your stomach. 
Jax let out a small chuckle before grabbing your hand and placing it over the hump, “you feel that doll? You feel how full you are hmm?”. Your glossy eyes glanced into his as he began to thrust into you, your palm rising and falling with each one.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can be humorous but most times I don’t even think it’s intentional.
Like if he was to say “woahhh, easy there tiger. If you go that fast you’ll cum before me, and you know that's not allowed”. I’d probably laugh but he’s dead serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Canonically… probably none.
To ME, he wouldn’t care to keep himself trimmed up nice. It’s a bit crazy down there but I don’t care.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be both super romantic and just zoned in.
“?!&% babe keep going, my cock feels so good in that pretty throat of yours”
“Oh you poor thing, are you tired? But I’m not finished with you yet, so looks like we have a little bit longer to go”
“You’re mine, my personal fuck toy remember? So come over here, let me use your body for a bit”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Why would he get off himself when he has you? You can fulfill every need and more at any given time.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dacryphilia for sure, he mocks you for crying but he want more always
“Are you crying?” he cooed, grinning as he looked down at your sweet face, your tears mixing with your saliva at the corners of your lips.
“Awww you poor thing, bit off more than you can chew did we? Better finish off what you started, you’re doing so well, I’ll make sure to paint that pretty little throat of yours white” Jax growled, caressing your damp lower face with his hand and sliding his cock deeper down your throat, your gargles slowly inching him closer and closer to ecstasy. That and the fact he could see you rubbing your thighs together for your own enjoyment.
Overstimulation and edging for sure, he’s the ultimate tease. There are days he will make you edge yourself over and over again until you can’t any longer, just to then take over and overstimulate you till your body is a mess.
Free use and CNC 100% You guys have nothing but spare time, so having you at his disposal at all times is perfect. He doesn’t care the location, who’s around or who could come around. If he wants it, he’ll have it, and everyone else will have to deal with it.
“B~But Gangle is looking for us J~Jax”, “So? Why the hell do I care? That crybaby won’t say a word regardless. I want to fill you up right here and now n no one will stop me from doing so” he vowed, unbuckling his overalls with one hand and leaning you over the railing with the other.
L = Location (favourite places to do they do)
Anywhere, he legit does not care where. He does enjoy public places though as he enjoys watching your nervous face when you hear the others roaming around, and he gets to feel you clench around him as they get closer due to fear.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You being a brat, he likes to fuck the brat out of you. 
Also just when you’re super needy, your body listens well when it wants something.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Toys on himself, he really isn’t into it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Is it bad if I say his preference is receiving? Not saying he doesn’t give, but he prefers to get head.
“Ugh fine, stop with the frowning already and come over here before I change my mind” Jax huffed, rolling his eyes as he gestured for you to go to him. Sometimes he would act as if he didn’t want it, but he thoroughly enjoyed having you on his face, your thighs encasing his face as he got to play with you. 
“Remember dollface, I’m the one in control here, so I’ll have you here until all you can focus on is my tongue against you”
He enjoys head, so much so that he just has to fuck you after every time.
“?!&% you did so good, so ?!&%ing good baby” he breathlessly huffed, tangling a large portion of your hair into his hand and sliding you off of his dripping cock, a mixture of spit and cum still connecting you to it as he yanked you up. 
Before you could even really comprehend what was going on, your lips met his, resulting in the neediest of kisses. You hadn’t even had a chance to take a breath before, both of your hands now roughly exploring eachothers bodies, you both wanted nothing more than to be one.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Both. Sometimes he just needs to be balls deep in you, crashing into you with no remorse. Other times he likes to take it slow and and make sure you feel every touch.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Daily. Not much else to do is there.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
All the time, again, y'all have endless time so why not?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go like 4-5 rounds back to back, others just 2 but a load of oral in between.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
On you he loves them, especially the vibes. Making you have one on you while you guys are with the others is like entertainment for him. Having to watch you squirm in silence while the others stare, oblivious as to why you're so antsy. 
“Are you okay? You’re acting like Pomni right now?”, “They’re fineeee, aren’t you? Go on, tell them” Jax jested, turning up the vibe as you went to open your mouth, knowing full well you wouldn’t be able to form a straight sentence with it that high.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
To the point that it could drive one insane.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t too loud but he likes to dirty talk, he knows it turns you on.
“Does my cock feel that good? You’re drooling”
“Go on, cum on this cock. Make sure everyone knows it’s yours”
“You think Caine can see us right now hmm? Lets put on one hell of a show for him, I know he probably has one hell of a filthy mind. If he didn’t, wouldn’t he have stopped up by now?”
“You’re so ?!&%ing lucky I can’t breed you in this place”
“Do you want the others to hear you? Because you aren’t too good at holding your tongue”
“I’m gonna fill you up nice and good, only I can violate this, it’s mine”
“Stop covering your mouth, I need to hear how well I fuck you”
W = Wild card (a random dirty headcanon for the character)
He wants to watch you fuck someone else, just so he can see how pathetic they are at making you feel good. Only he can make you cum, only he knew your sweet spots and what you liked. You’re practically molded to him, you are his and no one will compare, but he wants to watch someone try.
Jax watched as one of the NPC’s he had snuck in frantically fucking you, your fake moans only making him sigh heavily in the chair at the end of the bed. He was almost getting annoyed at the fact that this NPC was barely even trying, he was just using your body at this point. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure you actually cum” Jax reassured, caressing your cheek before making his way to your legs, “A* for effort but you’re done” he scowled, shoving the NPC aside before he could even consider defiling your body any further.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Its girthy and long. It took you a long time to get use to, but now nothing else can satisfy you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It can go from wanting it everyday to just tired of it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
It can be pretty instant after the aftercare, but even while asleep his body still pulls you into him for security.
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autumn-hiraeth · 10 months
idk if your requests are open rn so just ignore this if they aren’t, but if you do nsfw, hobie brown x reader where reader is getting ready for a date and she’s wearing one of those skims dresses (ykwim😭❓) and it’s driving hobie insane cuz she looks so good in it and he bends her over the bathroom counter and they miss their date cuz…yk 😆 (i just realized i put her for a lot of it but it can be gn :))
helloo anon! 🫡- I took my time but hope you like it! <3
Hobie brown x reader
headcanons. NSFW.
a/n : i have been too busy but i hope keep writing for Hobie, my beloved <3.
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Hobie has missed out many dates with you since last month due to his duties as Spider Punk. But today is different... Hobie promised to make it up to you and right now he's lying on your bed while he waits for you to come out of the bathroom. Hobie knows that you are going to love the place that he is going to take you to; he is sure that tonight he will be able to make up for all those times when he left you jilted or horny and alone in your bed for having to save the day.
Hobie sighs, he's excited to see you... since he saw your skim dress hanging in the closet he couldn't help but... think how sexy you would look. "I'm almost done Hobie... just let me find my lipstick..." you mumble leaving the bathroom as you go to your powder room. and what does Hobie? Well, he has only seen you for a few minutes and his cock is already hard for you...
Hobie sighs heavily as he gets up from the bed and walks over to you, he carefully places his big hands on your waist and pulls you into his body as he looks at you through the mirror. His eyes scan your figure through your mirror and you both moan softly in unison: you when you feel his hard dick sink into your ass and Hobie when he looks at your nipples through that cute skim dress of yours.. "fuck... luv... you look so good" Hobie murmurs against your ear with a raspy voice making you shiver.
And you know your man well, you know he wants to lean you against your desk and fuck you until you squirt over his thick cock. You bite your lip as Hobie kisses your cheek and murmurs "we have time..." And that's all Hobie and you need so that before long you'll find yourself bent over your vanity, moaning and whimpering as Hobie buries his hard cock inside you so deep, it feels heavenly to have his fat tip kissing your cervix while his other hand cups your hip and the other pinches your nipple. "fuck...luv.... missed this pussy" Hobie mumbles before filling you up for the first time of the night.....
But when you cum on him right after he fills you up, you both know you two are going to have to miss another date out. At least this time Hobie is going to make sure to leave you so filled with his seed that you can feel him for days even when he's not around.
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heavenlyvision · 6 months
Bare II
Word count: 12.8k
Pairing: Liu Kang x F!Reader
Read part one ˗ˏˋhereˎˊ˗ first !
A/N: Part 2 is finally here !! I am sorry it took so long. I lost power at home due to bad storms that came through on Christmas night and have been staying elsewhere, it’s really messed with my writing schedule :((( hopefully the power will be back on at home soon <33 Anywhos, enjoy this creation of my insanity !!!
Summary: Liu Kang pushes you on his want to train you in self-defence and you get to the bottom of why it’s so important to him. Later that night, he wakes you up from his heat… he seems to be having a really good dream.
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst but like not really, grinding, cockwarming, p in v sex, light edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, dirty talk, light burns, menace!Liu Kang, minor mention of creepy stranger
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When you wake up you’re still in Liu Kang’s bed, it’s warm and comfortable but he isn’t in it. Dragging yourself up, you sit in his bed and look around the room, which is also devoid of his presence. Your limbs feel heavy as you move, the ground is cold on your feet as you get out of his bed.
The sound of your bare feet hitting the floorboards is filling the quiet house and once you’ve reached the kitchen you can smell something good. There’s a plate of food and a cup of tea sitting on the counter, left for you, Liu Kang is nowhere to be seen but he seems to have made you breakfast and left you a note.
Looking at the note you can see that he’s… stupid. Big fire God is stupid. You skim it but essentially it has the vibes of “I have to go… we will talk about last night later.” Why are men dumb? You sigh and shake your head at the note, already exasperated with him, you wish he’d have woken you up to talk, how long would the conversation have taken.
All this note does is bring you unease, how hard would it have been to write something that doesn’t induce the fight or flight response in you? Seriously? All he had to write instead was, “Stellar sex, I am a busy fire God and have fire God shit to do but I am looking forward to seeing you later”…just something less ominous would have done wonders for you and your anxiety.
Now, you are grumpy, resulting in you eating your breakfast and drinking your tea, stewing in your annoyance. He is allowed to have doubts or whatever his note is meant to get across but leaving a weird note is, well… stupid. Briefly, you wonder what would happen if he came back and you were still here, his note said he intends on speaking with you later but that also feels like an aversion tactic.
To be fair, last night was more of a heat of the moment thing, you haven’t even considered what you would want from him. If he has no feelings for you then maybe it would be better to chalk it up to a mistake, you aren’t stupid, you like him… a lot and being a casual hook up is something you wouldn’t survive. Not from him, it would hurt too much but he doesn’t come across as having no feelings for you. He also doesn’t seem the type to do casual hook-ups.
Leaving without communicating with you properly is irritating, now you’re having to sit here and think of all the what ifs. It’s a waste of time and energy, especially since only one outcome is going to occur anyways. Still, you can’t help but sit here and wonder about what might happen, what he might want, if he would even honestly tell you what he wants.
The note is too vague and mostly conveys doubt in himself and his actions, it’s not explicitly stated but you know him well enough now to read between the lines. If he had felt completely guilt free, he would have stayed or woken you up to say goodbye. He had time to make breakfast, which means he had time to talk to you about this and chose not to.
Sighing again, you get up and clean the dishes he used for you, this day is going to be exhausting, you can already tell. You put your pants from last night back on and grab the rest of your things, ready to head back to your quarters. At the last second you remember the book he gifted you and run back to the room to grab it, it’s still on the nightstand where you left it.
Picking it up, you look it over and take notice of the copy he got. It’s the same published copy you had, which must have taken a bit to find because you got your copy some years ago now. He used some sticky notes for thoughts that wouldn’t fit in the spaces between the words, you did the same thing with yours. He’s properly read it; you can tell by the way his annotations are well thought out and eloquent. It’s such a kind gesture and it displays care for you in a way you’ve never experienced before.
A memory you have with your ex is when you’d asked him if he’d ever read your favourite book and he all but laughed in your face. You just wanted to be able to talk with him about it but obviously he never cared all that much for you. Relationships are hard and messy and now you are wondering what exactly you want. Grabbing the book and everything else you came with, you leave. Ready to walk back.
With the daylight, the trip through the Fire Temple is significantly easier to make. Nothing is obscured and you know exactly where you are, though you know you had poor visibility last night, you still can’t help but feel silly over getting lost and showing up at Liu Kang’s door the way you did.
You also can’t help but feel a little miffed by his blatant avoidance of you this morning, he gave you great sex, great orgasms, and the best gift you’ve ever received only for him to duck you in the morning. What the hell is that? You think the note wouldn’t even be that bad if he had said something less vague.
The walk back is filled with you angry mumbling to yourself, trying to understand his motivation, trying to understand how you’re feeling. Reading yourself and how you feel at any one point is hard, it’s why it took you so long to realise that you weren’t happy in the relationship with your ex. You knew something was wrong, you just took a bit to pinpoint it and by the time you had, it didn’t matter anymore.
Leaving was too difficult and you were comfortable, well, maybe not comfortable but it was familiar. The effort of moving out or asking him to move out was a hard thought and it left you feeling trapped. Clearly, he did not feel the same, having no trouble kicking you out when he was done with you.  
When you get back, the house is quiet and dark, the curtains are open but it’s still cloudy out after all the rain last night. It actually looks like you might get more. You decide to change out of the clothes you’re wearing into some fresh ones, finally wearing a pair of your own clean, dry underwear.
For a good chunk of the morning, you read the book gifted to you, reading over Liu Kang’s thoughts as you go. He has given well thought out insight into how the book has made him feel and why he thinks certain choices were made by the characters. A lot of the thoughts he had align with your own, he even picked up on a couple small things you hadn’t considered in all your read throughs.
It’s still one of the most thoughtful things someone has ever done for you and as you sit here reading how much thought he has put into his notes, you realise that being just his friend isn’t what you want, everything about him has captivated you. You aren’t sure what it is exactly you want from him but you don’t want things to go back to how they were before.
Before you lose your courage, you get up and leave to go looking for him. Waiting on him could take no time at all or too much time and you aren’t willing to wait right now. You aren’t exactly certain on what you’re going to say when you find him but if you don’t find him now, you might not ever tell him how you really feel.
Honesty is hard because it leaves you feeling exposed and open, honesty regarding how you feel is something you struggle with but you aren’t going to let your own hang ups get in the way. Not with him.  
The first drops of rain start to spit onto the ground below you and you consider going back to get an umbrella before ultimately deciding against it. Right now, finding Liu Kang is urgent, you only hope you find him fairly quickly. Especially if it’s about to rain now like it did last night.
The first stops you make are all his usual hang outs but he isn’t at any of them and you’re starting to get wet, the rain isn’t harsh like last night but you certainly aren’t dry. The last place you check is where you usually meet for tea but he isn’t here either, how is it that you seem to have the worst luck when it comes to finding him.
By the time you decide to give up your search and go home, you’re thoroughly soaked, your stomping footsteps have the water flicking back up at you. It’s chilly, not freezing, due to the fact it’s about midday or early afternoon, you can’t be certain on the exact time but either way the water has a cool bite to it without freezing you to the bone.
When you stomp your way into your house, Liu Kang is already there, seemingly about to leave after not finding you. He’s the tiniest bit damp but nowhere near as wet as you, looking to his right hand you see he’s holding an umbrella. The thought of a Fire God using an umbrella is funny to you.
He speaks first, “You need to stop going out in the rain.”
“In my defence… it hadn’t been raining like this when I left,” you shrug at him with your hands slightly raised.  
He retorts, “Was that not your last defence too?”
“Maybe,” you mumble, eyes averting his.
His tone is amused but also exasperated by you when he asks, “Why were you out there?”
“I was looking for you,” your eyes meet his again, “I wanted to talk with you.”
“I said I would talk with you later,” he seems confused.
You argue back, “No, you wrote a weird note that said you would talk with me later, which thanks for that by the way. Totally didn’t fill me with dread reading that first thing in the morning.”
“It was not my intention to worry you,” he steps closer as he speaks.
“Well… you did.” Your arms cross over your chest, still a bit cold. “How hard would it have been to wake me up and talk with me then.”
“I did not want to wake you.” He considers you for a moment, “You were sleeping so peacefully.”
You only scowl at him, it’s meant to be a kindness on his behalf but it felt cruel waking up to a weird letter from the man you slept with the night before. One that you have feelings for at that.
There’s quiet in the room for a moment, a quiet he breaks, “You should change out of your wet clothes.”
You hum at him and move across the room, slipping your shoes off first and leaving them at the front door. You’re only gone from the room for a minute, quickly changing out of your wet clothes into some dry ones, too many outfit changes for today.
Back in the living area, he’s moved to rest against the dining table, not sitting at it but waiting by it, for you. You stand in front of him and awkwardly shuffle your weight back and forth on both feet.
“What exactly about my note upset you?” He’s careful as he speaks, not wanting to upset you further.
“For starters, you left a note.” You look at him, brows raised a touch, “And secondly, your note displayed nothing but guilt or regret, it’s not a nice thing to read after a night that… after a night like that.” Your gaze avoids his again.
He takes in a breath, “My intention was not to make you feel bad…but I am not sure last night–”
“–I am gonna have to stop you right there, big guy.” You cut him off and talk before you’ve fully thought through exactly what you want to say, “I don’t want to hear about how you’ve talked yourself into thinking it was a bad idea. I liked it… I like you.” You’re internally screaming, you just admitted you liked him without thinking it through properly.
“You are making this difficult,” he sighs.
Your brows pinch at his statement, “I’m making what difficult?”
He gestures between the two of you, “Putting distance between us, this is not the most conventional situation, and I am not certain I am good for you.”
Of course, that is where his concerns lie, you tell him clearly, “I don’t want there to be distance between us.”
Initially, his voice is firm, eyes intense, “I do not have the luxury of being selfish…” And then he softens for you all at once, “…But you make me want to be.”
Your skin feels warm at his words, “You have a bad habit of saying things that make me incredibly happy.”
The beginnings of a smile are forming on his face, “Should I stop?”
He smiles full at your response; it’s tinged with a kind of smugness you would normally find unappealing but can’t help but enjoy on him.
You’re not going to let him know that though, “Don’t smile at me, I am still upset about your stupid note. Your pretty words haven’t changed that.”
“My note was… not well thought out. I apologise,” he seems sheepish, his apology genuine.
Keeping a straight face, you reply, “You’re lucky I like you.”
“I think so too,” his smile is so tender as he looks at you.
The way he’s looking at you makes you break, your mostly faux annoyance dropping from your face. You step closer and wrap your arms around him, hugging him. The action confuses him a bit, or at the very least catches him off guard. It takes him a second, but he hugs you back, pulling you closer to him and holding you firmly.
He’s warm and he smells nice, and you could stay here indefinitely, “Just to be clear, you like me too, right?” You feel embarrassed asking him, but you want clarity.
He pulls you back to look at you, both his hands reach up and hold either side of your face, his hands are gentle with you, “So much.”
The smile that breaks out across your face is large, beaming up at him. His eyes are bright, dazzled by your happiness. He leans down and kisses your cheek; you turn your face to the side slightly so you can kiss him on his lips. It’s quick, a small peck but he uses his hands on your face to adjust you, he leans down and takes your lips in his properly.
His kiss is full, heady. He moves his hands from your face to your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your arms move up to loop around his neck. The hands on your hips wander slightly, moving to your back, the back of your head before moving back down to your hips. He’s overwhelming you completely, his touch is everywhere, his lips are soft but firm, demanding in the way he kisses you.
Suddenly, you’re being lifted, he’s pulled you up and he sits you on your dining table, your legs open for him to stand between. His lips go from yours to the side of your face, pressing kisses to your cheek. He trails them down to your neck; his mouth is hot, and his kisses are wet. He lightly sucks at your neck, nipping you every now and again. He’s being careful not to leave any marks behind, but he very clearly wants to.
The gasps and small noises that he pulls from you can’t be helped, you’re sensitive, especially to his touch. He trails his kisses back up the length of your neck, ending right beside your ear. His breath against you makes you shiver and hold back a whine.
“You are such a reactive little thing,” he mumbles against your ear and he’s right; you are but you could’ve sworn you weren’t. It’s just him.
Fighting back another shiver, you go to reply to him, but he breathes on your ear and what would have been the beginnings of your sentence cut off into a small whimper. When he pulls back, he has a very pleased look on his face. You’re scowling back at him, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
One of his hands reach up and grasp the side of your face, he angles you up slightly before leaning down and planting a full kiss on your lips. One you accept and return, despite your annoyance with him.
He moves back and hums, “As much as I would love to stay here and play with you, I have to go.”
“Cruel.” You comment, pouting at him.
He has a light smile on his lips, the rest of his features easy as he looks at you, “I will see you tomorrow, I’ll come get you.”
You can’t help but be sceptical of him, his tone is hiding something, “For what?”
“I am going to begin teaching you self-defence,” his expression holds steady, he’s not asking anymore. He’s being polite but his tone has an underlying dominance to it, not willing to argue with you on this.
So, you sigh at him, displaying that you’re still not completely on board, “Fine.”
“You will do great,” his hand holds onto yours, gripping it once in encouragement.
The concerns you have don’t have anything to do with how you might do performance wise, it’s more that you don’t really see it necessary and would rather avoid a fight it you could. Like you’ve told him previously, he keeps you separate from everything for the most part, so you don’t really understand why he wants this of you so badly.
The only reason you’ve continued to be so difficult about this is because it feels like he’s keeping something important from you and you’ve been trying to push it out of him. But as you’ve just witnessed, he is not entertaining conversation regarding this anymore. Not like that will stop you though, you just have to find a better opening.
“I am not worried about that,” your own hand grasps his once in response.
He knows what you mean, he’s been aware of the way you’ve been feeling him out every time the topic of ‘training’ comes up. He isn’t going to divulge anything though, instead he smiles politely at you and kisses you again. For the final time before he departs, his absence already felt the minute he’s out the door.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
In the morning, Liu Kang keeps his promise. Which is unfortunate for you, it’s early morning and quite frankly, it’s too early for you when he’s knocking on your door. You don’t even want to get up and let him in, but you do. Which is quite the effort for you, but you manage and potter over to the front door, pulling it open to reveal him in all his glory. He looks good, he looks ready for the day… you do not.
His eyes are alight with mirth when he sees the state you’re in, still in your pyjamas, completely unkempt and unready for the day, “You look lovely,” he comments.
You groan at him, “It’s too early.”
“It is early, I can make some tea for you?” He’s trying to butter you up, since you’ve finally caved into what he wants.
You step to the side so he can enter, “I would like that.”
He moves closer to you, leaning down to kiss your cheek before brushing past your frame. He’s familiar with your kitchen and puts the kettle on, “You can get changed, it will probably be done then.”
“I will be back,” you smile at him, having him in your kitchen making tea for you makes your chest bloom with happiness.
Your footsteps can be heard shuffling back down the hall towards your room, Liu Kang can be heard opening cupboards in the kitchen. The clinking of mugs can also be heard as he grabs a couple of them for the pair of you.
In your room, you move over to your set of drawers, considering what would be most comfortable for today. You assume he’s going to have you moving around quite a bit, so you’ll have to wear something light and easy to move in. The safest bet is a pair of pants and a simple shirt, basic but should get the job done.
Once you’ve changed, you walk back to the kitchen where Liu Kang is, he’s sat at your dining table waiting for you. A cup of tea sitting across from him, for you.
You sit down in front of him, “Thank you for the tea.”
“You are more than welcome,” he answers, watching you as you take your first sip.
It’s warm and made exactly how you like it; he always makes it perfectly for you. A man of many talents. The tea soothes you, making you feel better about starting the day so early.
Your words are mostly spoken into your cup, “You better not make this a habit, I am not a morning person.”
He hums at you, “I make no promises.”
Your eyes squint at him over the rim of your mug, annoyed at the possibility of him waking you up this early regularly. He just smiles graciously back at you.
After tea, he washes up your mugs, even though you protest. Then he’s leading you out of your house and to a quiet area of the temple you have never been. It’s secluded but open, the perfect area to have tea. Not to Liu Kang though, to him it’s the perfect area to teach you self-defence.
You haven’t told him, but you actually know self-defence to a certain extent. You were single and living by yourself in the city for some time, so you had taken up some classes on it. It went fine, you aren’t skilled or anything, it’s just the basics in case you get assaulted or mugged. You know enough for if you need to get someone off you long enough to get away.
Your experience in the classes is part of the reason why you didn’t want to do this in the first place, the teacher was sketchy. He never did anything to you, but he enjoyed teaching that class a little too much and his hands lingered for just a little too long sometimes. You don’t know if it was malicious or not, but you were uncomfortable enough to never go back and not enrol in any new classes.
The idea of doing this with a stranger was a hard no but having it be Liu Kang makes it easier, you’d still rather not do it but that’s more because he’s keeping something from you. Something you will find out today, he will be answering your questions because you aren’t going to keep doing this for no reason. And you know he has a reason; he isn’t doing this just for kicks.
“Are you listening?” He asks you suddenly.
Was he talking? “Yes?”
“What did I just say?” He looks at you pointedly, waiting for your wrong answer.
You look off to the side, trying to think hard about what he may have been saying, “…Something about how… this is important, and you want me to take it seriously?” you try, your face cringing as you finish your sentence.
He looks to you and sighs, “Essentially, yes.”
A proud smile breaks out across your face, “See? I was paying attention,” you tell him, nodding your head.
One of his brows raise at you slightly, he knows you didn’t hear a thing he was saying before. He comes up to you, both his hands reach up and hold your face between his hands, his eyes looking into your own intensely. “This is important, focus. Please?”
“I will… sorry,” you feel bad, his eyes are pleading with you to take this seriously, so you will.
He leans down and kisses your lips softly, “Thank you.”
You hum at him in acknowledgement, momentarily distracted by his kiss, wanting more of him.
“I just want you to know some self-defence, it will be basic, and I will help you,” he assures you.
You aren’t worried though, “Sounds good.”
He moves behind you, “Okay, I am going to grab you from behind, do what you think you should do and then I will show you the correct way to free yourself.”
“I am ready, just go for it,” you tell him, he’s obviously a bit nervous, he doesn’t want to upset you or make you uncomfortable.
His arms wrap around you, under your arms, normally you would try and slide down between his arms to get away but his hold under yours means you won’t get very far. Instead, you lean all the way down and pull his ankle forward, using your weight and his loss of balance to push him back. He goes down and you go with him. His hold on you lessens and you use the opportunity to get yourself free and stand back up, you’re looking down at him now.
He’s on the floor looking up to you, his eyes examining your own, “You have done this before.”
“I never said I hadn’t,” You reply, he squints at you, and you give him your hand to help him up, which he takes.
When he’s on his feet again he asks you, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why haven’t you told me why it’s so important I know self-defence?” You counter.
He sighs at you, “I want to know you can take care of yourself.”
“Yes but it’s one thing to be able to care of yourself and another to learn self-defence in case of bodily harm,” you emphasise, “This came out of left field, Liu and you know it. Something changed for you, and I want to know what it was.”
“My feelings for you changed, I want you near me, always. I want to be with you, to care for you, always… but I can’t be.” He’s frowning slightly.
You look at him dubiously, “And so your solution was teaching me how to defend myself in an attack?”
“No.” He answers quickly, “My solution is bringing you with me.”
“The champions, will be gathered soon and I will be spending a lot of time at the academy… it’s selfish of me but I would like you to come with me, I would like to have you beside me and I would feel better about that if you could defend yourself.” He’s still frowning, clearly unimpressed with his own wants.
“I will go with you anywhere,” you tell him because you would, you would go anywhere, as long as he is beside you.
He reaches for you, both his hands resting on either of your shoulders, his expression charmed by you and your words, “I would like that.”
You smile tenderly at him, “You realise you’ve been kind of silly, keeping this from me?”
“Maybe but how long did you keep your feelings for me to yourself?” He retorts.
“Not the same,” you huff at him, “And you did the same thing,” you point out.
He hums at you, a hand lifting off your shoulder to hold the side of your face, gently cradling it, “I will fix it now then, I like you and would like you to stay by my side.”
“I suppose I will come with you,” you’re pretending to be apathetic, but his words make you so happy.
His eyes lift with his smile, “I need to know the extent of your self-defence training.”
“I know only the basics; I know how to evade an attacker and get myself free of a hold. I don’t know much else.”
“It is more than I thought,” he’s smiling brightly at you.
“What?” You are confused as to why he is so happy right now.
“It means I can teach you offensive attacks,” he informs.
You frown at him, “If I am going to be with you, do I really need to know how to attack someone?”
“It would make me feel better,” he replies, his thumb strokes your cheek.
Your tone is serious as you address him, “Liu, I don’t want to have to attack someone, I hope you know that.”
“I know and hopefully, you won’t but I’d like to know you could.” His expression is serious and so is his tone.
“You’re pushy,” you complain.
The side of his lips quirk up in a smile, “Only because I care.”
“You will not be teaching me any attacks today.” He opens his mouth to protest but you hold a finger up, “No, I have to think about it, attacking someone is different from defending yourself.” You’re looking at him firmly.
You aren’t one of his champions, you are not a fighter. You learnt self-defence out of concern for your own safety and well-being, learning to attack someone is something else entirely and you will have to think on whether or not you want to learn something like that.
“I would like you to consider it, but I understand,” he says before pulling you to him, holding you firmly. You can’t tell if he wants to comfort you or himself.
You sigh against him, “I will show you all I do know today, though.”
“I would like that,” he speaks into the top of your head.
So, you show him all you know. You spend a good amount of time showing him the different kinds of self-defence moves you know, and he helps you, teaching you better ways to do things or correcting your form. It is informative and you’re comfortable with him, his hands are warm, and they guide you.
His touch is innocent, his only intent is helping you show him what you know. He has no ulterior motives, and you realise that the teacher you had was definitely just creepy because this man you’ve slept with is holding you with the innocence of a man who has never seen you naked and has no desire to, his only desire is teaching you and seeing what you’re capable of.
“What is wrong?” Liu Kang asks.
Your face has betrayed your silent moment of realisation, a deep frown set in your eyebrows that you hadn’t noticed, “It’s nothing.” You smile at him, dropping the frown from your face.
He takes you in for a moment, determining if he should push you on this but lets it go, the both of you picking up where you left off. It isn’t until late morning, almost midday that you both stop.
“You know significantly more than I thought you would,” he says.
Looking to him, you reply, “I told you; I only know the basics.”
He makes a sound of amusement, “You know a bit more than the basics.”
You’re a tad shocked, “I do?”
“You do.” He confirms.
“How odd,” you comment.
“Come on, let’s walk back,” he grabs your hand and leads you back. The walk is quiet, and you enjoy the warmth of his large hand for most of it.
Beside you, he squeezes the hand he’s holding to get your attention, “Are you okay, with everything?”
“Yeah, I am okay.” You assure him.
He isn’t sure and tries to offer you an out, “I am being selfish by wanting you with me, you do not have to come.”
“I meant what I said, I would go anywhere with you,” you smile at him and lean into his side.
He hums from beside you, “Good.”
₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
He doesn’t stay long with you; he has to leave for the rest of the afternoon into the evening, but he said he would visit you later in the night if it isn’t too late. You had told him to come by even if it is late, but you don’t know if he will.
The tail end of the day is spent doing whatever you can, mostly though, you read the book Liu Kang gifted you. The notes he left are like reading his mind, they’re extensive and you’re wondering what you could do in return. Something kind that he’d like, something he can appreciate as much as you appreciate the book, but you don’t know what exactly that would be.
Looking to the clock on the wall, you can see the time has slipped by quickly, closer to midnight now. You peel yourself from your spot on the couch and move to lock the door before deciding against it, hoping Liu will stop by and let himself in.
Instead, you potter down the hall and slip into your bed, reflecting on things, head full of thoughts. The day had taken more out of you than you expected it to, you’re still a little stunned that you know self-defence well enough to impress Liu, though he didn’t think you knew any sort of defence, so his surprise is warranted.
You suppose you took those classes fairly regularly for a while and you enjoyed learning, so it shouldn’t shock you completely that you know it well. It’s a damn shame about that teacher though, you really hope he isn’t still teaching.
Thinking about that city fills you with a sense of melancholy, so many bad memories you left behind but also some good things too. You think, you’ll want to go back soon, to see the few friends you had there, maybe go back to that café with Liu.
The plushness of your bed is calling you, and you find yourself sinking back further into it, adjusting yourself so you’re completely content. The comfort of the bed has your eyes drooping, dozing off and drifting into a quiet slumber. Your dreams are empty, thoughts clear for once and you feel warm, comforted. It’s peaceful and you don’t remember the last time you’ve had such a tranquil sleep.
But then the warmth has you getting hot, body temperature rising uncomfortably. You can’t move and eventually your body wakes you up, startling yourself slightly. When you open your eyes, everything is dark and your mind is hazy from the sleep but with what little consciousness you do have, you realise what the cause of the heat was. Liu has crawled into bed behind you and pulled your body to his, his arms keeping you close but whatever he’s dreaming about has his powers a bit out of whack. You wonder how much time has passed and how long he’s been in bed next to you.
His skin is burning up and it’s unfortunately what woke you up, he was unintentionally overheating you while you both slept. Shuffling, you turn around in his hold and put a hand on his face, he’s very hot. He unconsciously pulls you closer to him, a hand wanders down to your hip and pulls you to him. Your front collides with his and, oh? You can see now why he’s burning up; his cock is solid against you.
A sigh leaves his mouth from slightly above you, his cock grinding into you lazily. The hand you have on his cheek quickly taps at his face to wake him; you’re surprised by his unconscious desperation, and you briefly wonder what he is dreaming about.
He wakes up at your touch on his face, his eyes bleary as he looks down to you, he hums in question at you; wordlessly asking why you woke him up.
“Uhm, you…” The words trail off, you can’t seem to find out how to phrase what you want to tell him and now your sleepy brain is needy for him.
Liu grunts at you, fully aware of his own situation now that he’s awake, “Did I wake you?” His words are mumbled, still half asleep.
Your brain is a few steps behind your mouth and your response is to mutter out, “You are hot.”
His eyes close again but his mouth rises into a lazy smile, “You think so?”
You take a second to think of your words first this time, “I mean, yes but you were literally hot, your heat woke me up.”
“You think I am hot,” he teases you, voice deep with sleep.
Sighing you ask him bluntly, “What were you dreaming of?”
One of his eyes open to look down at you, eyebrow raised, “Guess.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, you don’t like guessing games, “You sure you can’t just tell me?”
He doesn’t reply, his smile is sly.
He’s the one who was so worked up he almost burnt you in your sleep, “Are you sure you’re in a position to tease?” You enquire.
“And what do you mean by that?” You’ve caught his attention now.
“I mean, you are the needy one right now,” you observe.
“Hmmm, I may be needy,” He mocks your usage of the word, “but I will make you desperate,” his hand pulls your thigh over his hip, his hard cock pressing directly into your core; it makes you gasp. “Want me to show you what I was dreaming of?”
You fight the urge to grind yourself against his dick, not wanting to prove him right. You want to show that he is needier than you, at least tonight but with the way he holds your cunt firmly to his cock without so much as moving an inch, you think you might lose this battle. He’s so hard against you and you’re itching for him to move, to give you a fraction of relief but he’s only holding you, nothing more.
His gaze is unbothered, clearly, awake Liu Kang has far more control than asleep Liu Kang, “Answer me.”
You can feel yourself growing wetter the longer he holds you to him, you’re fighting against yourself. The urge to take what you need growing, but you doubt you would even get close to succeeding.
“Love your facial expression, do you know how desperate you already look for me?”
You look away and pout, “It’s not intentional…”
A finger hooks under your chin and makes your gaze meet his again, “It never is,” his tone is amused, “You wear all your thoughts on your face,” he comments.
“I want to know,” you answer his question from before, his brow raises and you clarify, “I want to know what you were dreaming about.”
“Are you sure?” He’s straight faced as he asks.
Suddenly, he rolls over and takes you with him, he sits you on his lap. You’re sitting on his cock and you’re trying so hard not to grind down into him, though you really would love nothing more than making him cum in his pants for you. He rips your underwear and sleep shorts off, the display of strength astounding to you. Instead of dropping them to the floor like a normal person though, he burns them, he burns your underwear and shorts to a crisp in front of you.
You’re shocked, “Wh– What the hell?”
“Next time, keep your bottom half bare,” he shrugs.
“Liu,” you’re still shocked, he might be a little bit more needier than he’s letting on.
Your expression is stunned, “You could’ve just put them on the floor.”
“I could have, yes.” He confirms. “Can I stuff you full now? Or do you need another moment to scold me?”
You’re at a loss for words, torn between scolding him and wanting to be full of him. His face is unbothered, but his eyes are knowing, he knows what you will pick, and you really wish you were more spiteful, to teach him a lesson, but you want him inside you.
“Hmmm, I think…” his fingers slip to your pussy, sliding through your folds and spreading your slick all over yourself, “…You need me to fill you up right now,” his fingers are coated in your wetness when he removes them, he shows them to you before pushing them into your mouth.
Your lips wrap around his fingers and suck, cleaning them of yourself. Liu grunts at the feeling of your tongue licking at them, his eyes carefully watching the way your lips are engulfing his large fingers. His gaze is far away as he watches the way he pulls them out of your mouth, obsessing over your mouth, over your lips.
His focus comes back, and he frowns, his hands pull your shirt up and off you quickly; the action surprises you. Gathering yourself, you say, “Do not burn it!”
The expression he wears is amused and for a moment he looks like he’s considering burning it in front of you, just to see your reaction. He ultimately decides against it and chucks it on the floor, something he could have done to your shorts and underwear.
“Pleased?” He asks, raising a brow at you.
“As much as I can be after you’ve…” your retort trails off because he has completely ignored you, pulling his cock out of his pants as you were speaking.
And as you look at his big dick, you’re struck, completely wordless and salivating as you look at it and the way his hand grips himself. His thumb rubs over the tip of his cock, he must’ve been having one hell of a dream because he is incredibly hard and slick. His own precum dribbling from the head of his cock in thick globs, his thumb spreads it all over himself, hand dragging it down over his length.
His cock is shiny and coated in his own mess, you’re practically drooling, your cunt throbbing with your overwhelming need for him, “Liu,” your voice is breathy as you call out his name and it makes his cock jump in his hand.
Your hand reaches out to replace his own, holding him firmly but gently, you stroke up and down his length. Your movements spread more of his precum over his large cock, your thumb rubs at his tip, smearing it all over. His breaths are picking up, his hips twitching, holding back from fucking into your hand. His eyes are shut, savouring the feeling of your softer and smaller hand on him.
“Put. It. In,” he hisses out between clenched teeth, “Or I will.”
You hesitate, finding it an opportune time to tease him, “Why? Are you getting needy?” Your voice singsongs to him, full of mirth.
His eyes flick back open to look at you, his gaze dark and hungry and you feel like maybe, you did not have the upper hand you thought you had. Now, you think, he was maybe indulging you. His finger moves to your core, spreading your slick all over yourself again.
He avoids your clit and lightly pushes the tip of a finger into your pussy hole, only to drag it out and play with your cunt by smearing your arousal all over yourself. The action has your hand pulling back from his cock, grabbing at his wrist, holding onto him. He is working you up purposefully, not giving you any real pleasure. And it really does feel like a punishment because you already wanted him.
You go to ask him for more, “Can you–”
“–Shhh,” he cuts you off, not giving you the chance to request more from him, “You think I am needier than you?”
You don’t answer but your lack of a response is still a response.
“Hmmm, I will remind you of how fun you are to play with, how desperate you get for me,” his fingers still slide through your slick cunt. “How easy it is to have you cumming for me.”
Your pussy clenches down on emptiness, wanting so bad to be full of him. Wanting him to stop teasing you and force his cock inside your very wet cunt but you made a miss step, mistaking his directions for a moment of weakness. And while you were right about his need, he’s certainly not going to give up the control that easily.
God, you just need him to stop being so cruel, his cock is thick and heavy and slick, oozing precum still, but he’s not willing to give you the satisfaction, not now, not after your taunt.
“Liu, please– I… want you,” his fingers still avoid your clit, only really making a mess and not giving you any satisfactory pleasure, you feel like you might shed a tear.
He hums in thought at you, his gaze on your cunt and his fingers, “You want me?”
As you go to answer, his fingers slip over your clit, rubbing tight circles into it very suddenly. Your body collapses forward, hands coming out and landing on his chest to hold yourself up. He chuckles at your reaction, at the way you’re already borderline shaking on top of him. His fingers are relentless, and he was right because you’re already right on the edge and just as you think he might push you off it, he pulls his hand back. It lands on your hip, fingers wet and sticky from your cunt.
They drum against your skin, “You were saying?”
You glare at him, your voice shakes, “That was mean.”
He only smiles politely at you, his expression easy, unbothered by seemingly, everything. He’s waiting for you to speak, and you know exactly what he wants to hear but you only purse your lips and stare at him.
He tuts in response to your defiance, “Got to ask for the things you want, love.”
You pout, “I want you.”
“I am right here,” he retorts, the hand on your hip slides up the side of your body, landing on your tit.
His free hand comes up and grabs at your other tit, he fondles your chest, his hold firm. The way he’s groping you is driving you up a wall and his cock jumps against his abdomen at the way you whine for him. His index and middle fingers pinch your nipples between them as he grabs at you and another pitiful whine comes from you. He releases a mix between a sigh and groan at the sound, obviously struggling with his desire for you.
Your eyes are big and pitiful when you look to his, “Liu, please, I want you inside–”
“–Not what I want to hear,” he cuts you off, eyes stern as he looks at you.
Leaning forward, he presses his lips to your neck, your hands move from his chest to hold onto his shoulders, and you’re surprised at how hot he has gotten again. His body temperature increasing with the way he’s restraining himself; his mouth sucks a mark into your neck and his tongue is hot as it licks at your skin.
His hands grip your hips and pull you closer to him again, his mouth sucking marks into your neck, your chest. He’s working his way down, leaving hot and wet marks against your skin everywhere his lips go. Once he’s reached your breasts, he takes a nipple into his mouth, tongue flicking at it, the warmth of his mouth makes you twitch on top of him, a gasped whine exiting your lungs at his ministrations.
He pulls back but bites at your nipple lightly as he does, it makes you jump and gasp, “Liu, please…” He makes a noncommittal noise, still not hearing what he wants from you.
The grip he has on your hips moves to your thighs, he’s grabbing at your skin, enjoying the softness of your thighs, his hands are hot on your delicate skin, and you squirm in his lap. His gaze locks onto your thighs, and you think you know what he wants, probably wants to leave marks on them.
After he gets an eyeful, his eyes look to your cunt, your slick dripping down your thighs with how little he’s given you. So horny for him and he’s done nothing but edge you once and fondle you. One of his hands slips from your thigh to your pussy, fingers immediately massaging your clit, you’re so worked up that you moan at the slight touch. His other hand grips harshly at your thigh, grounding himself.
“You are so wet,” he observes, his fingers still rubbing your clit, “Why don’t you end your suffering and tell me what I want to hear?”
Your response isn’t much of a response at all, only a small broken whimper passing your lips. The pathetic sound has Liu’s abs tightening, his cock twitching, the heat he’s radiating increasing, obviously he’s torturing himself at the moment. He looks delicious and as much as you’d love to see how much it’d take to break him; you don’t think you would survive it.
“I need you, please,” you break for him, eyes pleading, wet and almost crying, so close to finishing and wanting him to let you. He doesn’t reply though, and it worries you, so you beg, “please, Liu –nngh– need you to– I–” You’re incoherent and your voice is whiney but when you look into his eyes, fuck. He looks… feral.
His hand speeds up for you, his grip on your thigh loosens just the smallest amount, enough so you can grind down onto him a bit. You’re leaking down his hand, down his wrist, your nails dig into his shoulders and right as you’re about to cum again, he pulls his hand away… again.
The sound you release is a borderline sob, your pussy is throbbing with need, and you’re so confused as to why he didn’t let you cum. Your eyes fill with unshed tears as you look at him, your voice is small when you ask, “Why?”
He wears a large smile on his face, eyes still feral but he seems to have found a new kind of resolve, “Something wrong?”
You’re speechless, are you still being punished? Why didn’t he let you cum, did you not give in to him? “What did I do wrong?” Your brows are pulled up, worried.
“Nothing, you have been perfect,” he smiles assuredly at you, but his expression has an underlying wicked hunger. He taps your thigh, so you hold yourself up, “I’m going to stuff you full now,” he informs you and at his words you hold yourself up for him.
You don’t want to get your hopes up, now feeling like his show of mercy will come with conditions but you are really hoping he will fill your cunt. He grips his cock in his hand, pulling you closer to him, when you’re in reach, he rubs the messy tip of himself through your folds. The pair of you already a mess in your own rights, the action mixing the two together.
“Take the tip,” he directs, voice firm, warning you to only take the tip of him.
“Yessir,” you murmur in response as a joke, but his dick twitches the smallest bit in his hold.
For your own sanity, you don’t tease him for it, fearing you may not survive anymore edging. You do as you’re told, lowering yourself onto his cock and taking only the tip of him, with how wet you both are, it’s an easy fit. You take his tip well, but you are slightly concerned with taking the rest of him; right now, you think, if he slammed up into you all at once, you’d cum on his dick alone.
Your thighs are burning slightly at how you’re having to hold yourself up, trying not to take anymore of him. He’s breathing heavily, his skin getting hotter again, his hands move to your thighs and grip them, pulling at the supple flesh. Your pussy is pulsing around the tip of him and he’s doing everything he can to hold back, having a specific plan for how he wants to fuck you tonight and doesn’t want to ruin it by losing control here.
His thumb slips to your clit and rubs into it, flicking at it, it makes you moan and has you itching to sit down on him. Wanting to feel completely stuffed full, “Liu, I want –nghh– I want all of you.”
“That’s too bad because I want you to do as I say,” he replies harshly, voice hissed between his clenched teeth. His commanding voice and the attention he’s giving your clit makes you clench down on him, he continues talking, “I want you to cum, that’s what I want.”
Something about him tonight is driving you crazy and you were already so close to cumming before he spoke but now, after hearing him tell you what he wants, you’re a split second away from cumming. The final straw is when you look down to where you’re taking just the tip of him, your own arousal sliding down the sides of his cock, the mess is obscene, and it makes you cry out.
Your nails dig into the skin of his shoulders again, needing the leverage as you cum on him. The feeling of your walls fluttering on the head of his cock makes him groan, loudly. His head falls back on the headboard and his eyes close, needing a moment to recover before making his next move.
The breaths you release are huffed; he’s finally let you cum and it makes your previously unshed tears slip down your cheeks. The relief you feel is euphoric, your head dizzy with how good it felt. He only edged you twice and you just about lost your mind, if he ever tries to do that properly, he might kill you. Or drive you actually insane.
He opens his eyes to look at you, “Crying over the tip of my cock?” His tone is cocky, knowing he’s pulling you apart so well.
“No,” you lie, a hand moving off him to wipe at your cheeks but one of his own hands stop you, grabbing your wrist.
“Leave it, you look cute, crying over my dick,” he muses aloud to you.
You look at him sceptically but don’t wipe your face all the same, letting him have his way. When he’s sure you won’t wipe your face, he drops your hand.
“Sit down,” he says, “Take it all, for me.”
You feel yourself flutter with excitement, looking forward to finally being full of him. You slide down his length, taking more of him, slowly as you do. The stretch of him is delicious and you think, even if it hurt, you wouldn’t stop, your need for him outweighing any pain. You want him in you, want his pelvis grinding into your clit, need, you need his pelvis grinding into your clit.
The both of you are so slick and sticky the sounds can already be heard in the room, a soft squelching as your cunt sinks down on him. His hands hold your hips, helping guide you down onto him fully, you’re taking your time, wanting to be careful. Your hands move to his pecs, open palms splayed on his chest, there’s heat radiating from him, hotter now than when he almost overheated you in your sleep.
“You’re –nngh– really h–hot, Liu,” you tell him, concerned by it.
He smiles at you suggestively, and if you weren’t still trying to take all of his cock, you would roll your eyes at him. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” he reassures you, knowing you are worrying for him and his wellbeing, even with his cock a few inches in you.
He’s getting impatient at how long it’s taking you to get all of him inside you, his frustration reaching a head. Instead, he takes control and shoves you down on him, filling you all at once, the shock of it, of being so full suddenly, the slap of his pelvis against your clit, it makes you cum on him very suddenly. Small whimpers falling from your lips, your hips unconsciously keep grinding into him, riding out the high. Your cunt clenching down on him, hard, with your orgasm.
A guttural groan comes from Liu, you can feel it rumble in his chest under your hands, “That’s it– mmph– love how easy you cum for me–” he sighs out, relishing in the way you’re gripping his fat cock.
Your hips come to halt, done grinding down into him but his hands on you keep moving you against him. Encouraging you to keep grinding, it makes your stomach do flips, barely even coming down from your high before he’s trying to get you to cum again.
“It’s too much–”
“–I thought you needed it,” he counters.
You shudder against him, already on the edge so quickly after your last orgasm. You try to tell him how it feels, how it’s so overwhelming. Having his cock grinding so deeply inside you, having your clit drag against his pelvis, it’s so much. But nothing leaves you, nothing but a few more tears and small whimpers.
His expression as he watches you is sure; he knows what he’s doing, and he knows what he wants from you. You play right into his hand, and nothing brings him more joy than that, “You want to know what I need?” He asks you.
You shake your head at him, not really paying attention.
“I need you to cum again,” he tells you and he’s serious, his hands grip you harder and drag you against him firmer.
The added pressure has you cumming on him again, your cunt squeezing him tightly as you cream around him, again. He moans pleasurably, overjoyed at you doing as he says and at the way your cunt cums messily around him. He twitches inside you, sensitive and needy for you but having too much fun playing with you to stop.
Even as your body jolts from overstimulation, he doesn’t stop dragging you against him, still forcing your hips to grind down, “Liu, I need a moment–”
“–No, you don’t.”
With the way he’s filling you completely and the stimulation on your clit, he’s going to kill you, or have you passing out on his cock. Your arms struggle to keep yourself up, shaking against his chest. One of his hands leave your hips to pull you to him, your bare chest pressed to his own. He’s so hot.
How he’s holding you now, he leans back slightly, feet planting on the bed. Using his leverage to grind up into you as he forces you down on him, it has you moaning into his skin. The hand on your back slides up and grabs at the back of your neck, holding you to him.
“I know you’re already close again,” his voice is breaking, holding back his own sounds of pleasure until they only come out as whiney breaths.
You whinge against him, “I can’t–”
“–You can, and you will.”
His skin is so warm, so firm, all his muscles moving against you. His large cock fills you so well and you want him to actually fuck you, but you’re concerned you might not be able to take it. You’re drooling on his skin now, just from his incessant grinding, the thought of him actually fucking you has your cunt clenching and brain short circuiting.
“Come on, love–” his words are cut off by his own gasp, you’ve cum at the sound of his voice. It’s low but pitched with need and he sounds so fucking good that you cum on the spot, your pussy choking his dick harshly.
He groans at the way you grip him; his hands stop dragging you down onto him, but his hips chase yours, his own desperation showing in the way he’s rutting against you. His arms wrap around you, holding you to him tightly. He keeps grinding up into you and it makes you whine into his neck.
He’s breathing heavily next to your ear, borderline whimpering at the way you wrap so tightly around him, at the way you came so nicely for him.
“Liu, you –hah– feel too good –mmph– too much,” you mumble against his skin, his shoulder wet from where you’ve been drooling against him.
“–Hah– I am not even close to done with you yet,” he huffs in response, his hips still grinding up into you. With how he’s holding you, you have no choice but to take what he gives and what he’s giving right now is desperate grinding, still not fucking into you properly.
He moves his face into your neck and licks at the length of it, it makes you shudder against him, "Last one, and then –mmm– I’ll fuck you.”
You’re dazed as you check with him, “Promise?”
He hums at you, “Promise.”
His hips keep grinding up into you, his hand on your hip encouraging you to do the same, wanting you to finish for him. Your body is tired, but you rut down against him, it makes him hiss and then he bites your neck. The sounds he would have made muffled by his teeth in your skin, the feeling has your cunt spasming on him.
He pulls his mouth back from you just to lick and suck at your skin and then he’s biting your shoulder. The small pain driving you up a wall, it makes your pussy leak for him, your breaths are stuttered and you’re going to cum again.
He mumbles against your skin before pulling back a bit so you can hear him, “The way you’re gripping me, fuck–” He’s about to moan but instead bites your neck again, harder this time. The shock of the pain goes straight to your cunt and you cum on him, again.
You’re lucky he’s already pressed you completely to him because you would’ve collapsed onto him. Whines and whimpers are pulled from your chest, more tears slip down your cheeks and you feel so far away from your body, you don’t even feel like you’re on Earth anymore.
Liu is groaning into your skin, he pulls back and lathes over his bite mark with his tongue and when he looks at it, he hums in contentment. Pleased with the impression of his teeth in your soft skin. His hips have stopped grinding up into you, giving you a needed break, you’re slumped against him, breathing heavily.
“Been doing so good for me,” he compliments. You can only hum in response to him, you’re out of it.
He lets you catch your breath; his hands stroke up and down your back, his lips press kisses into your skin, over the bite marks he’s left. He’s giving you a quiet moment to gather yourself and you really appreciate it because at this point, you don’t even know how many orgasms he’s given you, but your body does and you’re feeling fucked out.
Once your breathing is normal, you tell him, “You’re going to kill me.”
He chuckles at you lightly, amused, “No, I’m not.” He pulls your head back so he can press his lips to yours, taking away any chance of you disputing him.
The kiss is kind and tender and a stark difference to how he’s just pulled multiple orgasms from you. He kisses you softly, his tongue slips into your mouth, and you melt against him. Your thighs spreading open further on him unconsciously, it has his cock inching just the tiniest bit more inside you and it makes you moan into the kiss.
He grunts against you; his hands grip at your hips. His body heat is still hot, he’s itching to fuck you but being as patient as he can be. When he pulls back from the kiss, he nips your lip lightly and it makes you gasp. He only smiles easily at you when you glare at him for it.
“Need you to move, want you on your hands and knees for me,” he taps your thigh, and you start pulling up, it has you releasing gasped whines. Just as you’re at the tip of him, his hands hold you on him, “Look at the mess you’ve made on me,” he practically growls out the words.
When you look down, the mess is obscene, so much of your cum coats his cock. Creamy ring at the base of him, you look to Liu but he’s looking at his cock and how messy it is. His dick jerks at the image, his hands hot on your hips.
“You are such a messy little thing, love the way you cum for me, so fucking easy to have you creaming on me, fuck–” he closes his eyes for a moment, he’s working himself up. He takes a breath and looks at you, eyes dark, “Hands and knees.”
Taking the hint, you pull yourself off him completely and shuffle around on the bed. You face the headboard and sit back on your knees, feeling a bit embarrassed at arching your back for him and hesitating to do so. He gets off the bed and stands up, removing his pants properly. He moves to the foot of the bed and points in front of himself, giving you wordless instructions.
You do as he indicates and move in front of him, he tells you, “Hands, knees,” and makes a spinning motion with his hand, instructing you to turn your back to him.
Turning around, you lean onto your hands, you feel sheepish as you do. Liu’s hand pushes your upper back down until your chest is on the bed, his other hand pushes your thighs open for him. You arch your back for him, your ass and cunt on full display. When he pulls away to look at you, he groans.
His hands play with the globes of your ass, pulling them apart and staring at your pussy, “Perfect, stay like this.”
Faintly, you can hear shuffling from behind you, you aren’t sure what he’s doing. But it shocks you when Liu drives his cock into you all at once, your body jolts forward and you moan. Liu curses lowly at the feel of you around him again. His curses are hissed and breathy, and he holds his hips to your ass for a moment, collecting himself.
Once he’s taken a second, he pulls out of you and forces himself back in. His initial choice in pace is already so devastating, his thrusts are harsh, stuffing his cock into you with each one. All you can do is take it though, so you do, because as overstimulated as you are, the way he’s finally fucking you has you feeling so blissed out, you wouldn’t rather be doing anything else.
He fucks into you so deep the tip of his cock kisses your cervix, your moans are pitiful, almost whimpers from how well he fills you, from how well he fucks you. He has you seeing stars and you would be embarrassed at how close you are to cumming on him again, but it feels so good, and you’ve been far gone ever since he stuck his dick in you completely the first time.
Liu’s moans flow more freely from him like this, letting himself indulge after robbing himself of the pleasure he desperately wanted from you. He was torturing you before sure, but he was also balls deep in your tight cunt, not doing anything but grind into you, his self-restraint is godly, and he thanks all that is good for it because he really does love making you coat his dick in your cum. He loved having you cry for him, overstimulated and needy, he’s going to cum at just the thought of it if he’s not careful.
Your moans hit a higher pitch and his thrusts pick up pace, knowing you’re close and still wanting another couple orgasms from you before he finally fills you with his cum. His hands on your hips fuck you back onto him as he thrusts forwards and you’re clenching down on him, a small pathetic whimper exiting you as you cum on him.
If you hadn’t already been arched the way you are, your arms would have given out and had you face planting into the bed below. Instead, you whimper at your unknown numbered orgasm and drool into the sheets. Mind swimming with thoughts of him, of his large hands, how hot they are against your skin, about the thick drag of his heavy cock against your walls, how easily he pushes you off the edge, so sure in his actions, so sure you’ll cum for him when he wants it.
Your pussy throbs around him, he grunts but doesn’t stop fucking you, he own need overwhelming him, his spoken thoughts not all that coherent anymore, “G –hah– you feel so fucki– feel so divine –nngh– mm going t– hah– to fuck all my cum inside you, fill up your –nngh– tight little –fuck– cunt,” his breaths are whiney, and his head is lost in the feel of you.
His hand reaches around your front to rub at your clit, the stimulation has you shrieking and trying to crawl away from him, “Liu– I –hah– can’t please–”
You keep trying to crawl up the bed away from him, but he pulls you right back with no effort, “Yes you can– I need you to –hah– fuck–”
He holds you back easily, you have no chance to escape his punishing thrusts and relentless fingers. He’s still mumbling nonsense but not only is he barely coherent, but your thoughts are barely coherent, all the blood rushing to your head. You can’t understand what he’s saying but it’s a mix between praises and curses.  
His fingers don’t stop and you cum on him, he’s effortlessly pulled another orgasm from you, and it makes your moan border on a yelp. Tears flow down your cheeks onto the bed sheets, you’re so sensitive now, your mind so far gone. He’s growling behind you at the way you pulse around him, the noises he makes barely human.
His hands are so hot on you, his skin burning up, he grabs both of your hands and pulls them back. Using you as leverage to fuck into you, he’s also making sure you can’t try and crawl away from him. His thrusts are wild, the wet noises in the room are so obscene, you think you’d die of shame if you had even half your wits about you.
You’ve heard the phrase fucked dumb and you thought you had been fucked dumb, last time Liu fucked you, but this is insane. He’s going to send you to an early grave, and you don’t even care, not with how delicious he sounds, the moans and grunts he’s letting out have you ascending to a higher plane.
His grip on your wrists are firm but he drops them and grabs your hips again, just to pull you back, your legs drop to the floor in front of him. Lucky he’s holding you up because you are not capable of it at the moment. Your front half is still pressed completely into the bed, Liu holds your lower half up, your tippy toes just barely grazing the floor. His dick is hitting everything inside you that has you folding in on yourself and insides twisting, he might make you cum again, you’re going to need some kind of higher being to take mercy on you because you are fucked.
He's animalistic behind you, focusing on his own high, at least you thought he was, but his hand reaches for your clit again and you try to squirm away from him. You are unsuccessful, you’re so weak and he’s got you in the palm of his hand and he knows it. You can’t even verbally protest, only wiggle and whine below him.
“Want you to –hah– fuck– I need you to squirt for me,” his voice is deep, laced with so much hunger.
You try to tell him, “I don –ah– ’t th –mmph– ink I–”
“You can.” He’s steadfast, certain you can and that he will make you.
His fingers slip over your clit, everything is so slick, both your lower halves slippery from all your orgasms. He’s not gentle, his thrusts are harsh, and his fingers are determined, his cock is bullying its way into your cunt, hitting so deeply inside you, you go cross eyed.
The build-up is making you crazy, everything he does is pulling you apart by the very fibre of your being. Your cunt is clenching down on him like a vice, the pleasure feels like too much and you squirm against him, trying to get away again. Nonsensical words fall from your lips trying to warn him, but he only laughs deeply at your attempts at evasion; he’s happy he’s getting what he wants. A particularly deep thrust sends you over the edge, you cum… everywhere.
Liu groans at the sight of you squirting for him, on him, his thrusts don’t slow, if anything, they speed up. Chasing his own high now, so ready to fill you to the brim with his cum. He’s trying very hard to keep his powers under control, not wanting to burn you but his hands are hot against you and the closer he gets to his high, the less control he has over himself.
You’re crying from the pleasure, it’s been so intense, you don’t even feel like a person anymore. You can’t even moan, the noises you make are small whines and cries. Liu is obsessing over how your cunt swallows his cock, how well you take him. He’s also enjoying the small sounds you’re making, his ego inflated hugely tonight.
Everything about you right now has Liu just about losing his mind, the sounds he lets out are wild and unrestrained. All you can do is take it and wait for him to finish, and you really want him to finish. You want to hear him cum, want to feel him twitch inside you as he finishes.
You clamp down on him harshly, the sudden tightness of your cunt has Liu keeling over slightly, moans breaking off into whimpers as he fucks his cum into you. His hands burn you and he fucks your hips down against the bed so it holds you up, wanting to remove his hands as quick as he can.
He grabs at the footboard of the bed, the wood smouldering under his hands, he’s burning his handprints into the wood. He humps into you for a while, riding out his high, rutting into you to keep his cum inside your pussy. You’re pressed to the bed, completely absent.
When he’s gathered some control back, he leans down over you, “Are you okay?”
“I– I think so,” you slur out, mouth mostly pressed into the mattress.
He hums and slowly pulls his cock from you, he takes a moment to watch his cum leak from you, wanting so badly to stuff it back in but knowing you’re already so sensitive and he doesn’t want to push you.
“Did I go too far?” He asks, scared he’s broken you.
“Mm good,” you singsong out, shakily giving him a thumbs up, “Worth it.”
He scoffs at you in amusement, eyes tracing over your fucked out body, landing on the light burns he’s left on your hips. Red handprints left behind; the sight has his ego inflating but he also feels guilty.
“Need to give you a cold shower,” he comments.
You murmur out to him, “Bit late for that.”
“For the burns,” he clarifies.
“Hmm?” You didn’t think they were that bad, you remember him being hot, not burning you. Getting up slowly and with Liu’s help, you twist to look at your hips, “Well, I’ll be.” You smile stupid at the burns, “I like ‘em.” You say before flopping back onto the bed.
“Need to run them under cool water,” he presses you.
You only groan at him, “Can’t move.”
He sighs at you and picks you up, carrying you to your bathroom. He has to hold you up in the shower but he’s happy to. Your legs are like jelly and you’re barely conscious.
You remember why this happened and ask him, “As good as your dream?”
“So much better,” he kisses your cheek, “In my dream, you only came a couple times, this was way better.”
You gape at him, “What?”
He just smiles happily at you, pleased with himself.
₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
A/N: THANK YOU FOR READING!!! I know it took me way longer than usual and I really appreciate all of you <33 As always, if you have any thoughts, questions, requests, my inbox is open ! P.S. the discord server got snippets of this way more and were updated more frequently, if you’d like to join send me a dm :))))
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kaeddehara · 1 year
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albedo + heizou + childe
♱ notes — suggestive themes + a little lazy post + lots of teasing <3 + please enjoy !!
“come on bedo, just take a little break for me”
you pouted as albedo seemed in distress about all the work he currently had piled up at his desk. his left hand threaded through his blonde fringe while the other continued to write.
“in a moment, let me finish my analysis”
you tsked at his words. it’s always “in a moment” with albedo and never something different. you were growing tired of it and only had one solution running through your mind the whole time you watched him work.
after a few minutes, he finally set down his pencil, letting his body fall limp against the back of the chair with a sigh. it was the perfect moment for you to put your plan into play. prancing over to your exhausted boyfriend, you took a much deserved seat atop his lap.
“come on, let me finish my work—“
his frustrated words were quickly cut himself off with a sudden hitch in his throat as he felt you continually shift atop his lap. whatever he was saying soon turned into a soft hum as he tried his best to conceal both of you.
“you never give up do you?”
albedo half whispered next to your ear as you let your eyes run all over the pretty handwriting of his analysis and messy table. you grinded particularly hard down against his crotch in response.
“you deserve it yeah? let me treat you”
“i don’t need a trea—hnng…”
his eyes practically rolled back as he felt your cold fingertips grazing the skin of his thigh under his shorts. such a sensitive area you were oh so familiar with. leaning back onto his chest, you let out a sweet sigh and looked up at your troubled boyfriend. his bangs covering his closed eyes which were fluttering under his sealed eye lids. as if opening them on cue, his gloved hand sat itself snuggly on your waist. his lips brought up to the cuff of your ear, whispering the dirty words so softly,
“bend over my desk for me”
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“come on zou, you know i can feel how hard you are”
you teased just right against his lips which as couldn’t keep his eyes off of. fuck, did you always have to tease him like that? it practically drove heizou insane how good you were at teasing him back and shutting him up. as if you both didn’t already know the effect you had on him just with your words, heizou found your hand to be softly following each crevice and line of his torso. his firm chest was tempting you to slip your hand through his thin top to cop a quick feel. his nicely sculpted waist which was perfect in your grasp—so soft yet firm. your fingertips toyed with the hem of his shorts almost like you were egging him on and seeing what move you could make him do next. your hand skimmed the hem of the shorts all the way down to in between his legs which was practically begging for any kind of attention. softly teasing the outline of his bulge through the thick fabric made heizou barley wince as you continued your little game with him. as if you already knew how mesmerizing your touch was to heizou, you quickly removed your hand and placed it back on his shoulder where your other hand laid. you replaced your hips, getting back to the straddling position you held earlier and created subtle, gentle bouncing motion as if to imitate you riding him.
“got you worked up so easily hm?”
your eyes laid half lidded and voice filled with a coy tone that brought heizou to his limit.
“if you’re gonna be a fucking tease all night i’m not gonna be so gentle with you”
“when are you ever gentle?”
he chuckled at your retort as did you before he brought back the serious gaze that had just fled his eyes. he turned his head to fit in the crook of yours before nibbling softly into the skin.
“i’m gonna ruin you if you keep using that tone with me”
the light and lust in your eyes never flicked and grew all the more intense as you tried to think of all the disgusting and outright humiliating things heizou planned to do with you <3.
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his lap looked so appetizing in that moment, you couldn’t help your eyes from staring.
“need something pretty girl?”
he always was sly with his tongue too, always a smooth talker and knew what to say. you slid your gaze away from him entirely before slowly making your way over to the tired ginger. his eyes never left his paper as he continued to write his report back to the fatui, but you just couldn’t help yourself. being away from your love for so long, it drove you insane. you leaned over his desk, admiring all the documents and rather neat desk he was working at. childe let his dark, blue eyes fall over you momentarily before shifting back to his papers.
“you know if there’s something you want, i’m more than willing to help you out with that”
his tone was so genuine but his words told a different story. he knew what you wanted but was gonna play a long game with you until you caved in. he pushed his chair out and looked up to you as if to welcome you to his lap.
“go on”
you sighed in a relief as you made yourself comfortable on top of his lap.
“now just be good for me while i work” he kissed your cheek before focusing back on his papers. you were satisfied in the least other than being on top of childe, his scent and his warmth already made you feel more at home. you thought that playing a teasing game with childe was the way to go considering his focus was elsewhere. adjusting yourself on his lap and running your hands over his thighs got you no where. childe already knew how badly you wanted him and want to make you beg for it.
“you know, keeping your hands to yourself might be a good option right now”
his words caught you off guard as they were whispered right inside your ear.
“what do you mean ajax?”
that faked innocence in your voice did nothing but drive him even more insane. he was tired of your little game and didn’t was going to get what he wanted from you. you felt a large hand push at your back, leaning you over his desk which was still covered in his important papers. you whined at this feeling, still knowing his frontside was still hard against you.
“you wanted this so bad so go on, grind yourself on me.”
the embarrassment was almost too much to handle as your hips shifted slightly to fill in his request. a low chuckle came from his thought as you continued being so shy with your movements.
“i know you got more in you than that, you wanted this so badly too now you’re acting all shy. am i going to have to do it for you?”
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writersdrug · 10 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig: I Don't Need You (Ch. 2)
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Summary: You and Ghost argue every single day. Things aren't getting better. You're over it and wish Ghost would stop. But he makes a point to fight with you every time you're in his line of sight. Even when you try let it go, he doesn't. And you've had enough.
Chapter warnings: Cursing, VERY small mentions of consensual torture (like for one sentence).
Notes: Two chapters in one day? Maybe?? Don't expect it too often, but I'll finish this one I promise!!
Two months had passed, and the days dragged on mercilessly. The swelling in Ghost’s eye had disappeared after the first week. The depression had passed after the first month, now replaced with anger and hatred. Ghost and I had gone from awkward silence, to irritated glances, to going to extreme lengths to avoid each other, and finally, to having full blown arguments. At first, in a semi-private setting, then later, in whatever place we were in when the fight would start. Our teammates were growing concerned and annoyed with the constant tension. Multiple people had suggested we try to be civil and talk things out, and others said we needed to go to therapy. All of them, of course, never let on that they knew this was about something more than a work-related disagreement. They understood exactly why Ghost and I had been fighting.
Ghost and I, on the other hand, believed that we had done a good job at keeping our “situation” a secret.
Morning had come all too soon; I had managed to crawl into bed after another late night of anger and despair; my mind was busy reliving the moments of the argument Ghost and I had, right outside of my dorm. We had shouted like there wasn’t another soul on base, throwing insults and jabs like they were daggers – and they certainly felt like it. Ghost would typically use the “You should have known better” argument, and I took the “If you had a problem, why didn’t you say anything?” route. He called me insane. I called him a hypocrite. The same jumble of expletives until I would finally slam the door in his face and go to bed, a sobbing mess.
I had skimmed the surface of sleep until my alarm buzzed at 5 AM. I let it drone on for a while, staring out my window, watching the sun just barely breaking the surface. It was going to be a dark morning, and a cold day. Luckily, the day’s agenda for the 141 agents was mostly finishing paperwork from the last mission. I went through the motions of showering, getting dressed, putting my hair back… before I knew it, I was standing in front of my door, empty coffee cup in one hand, files and paperwork in the other, ready to start the day, At least, I looked ready. In reality, I felt like I was being held together with paperclips and thread, about to collapse at any second.
I made my way to the mess hall, claiming a seat with some of the female sergeants before heading to the line. My stomach didn’t like the look of the food, so I instead went to grab a cup of coffee. I wasn’t one for coffee, however, I needed it as a replacement for tea. Since Ghost and I had first fought, I refused to drink any sort of tea – I said it was to help me get over him, but I knew I was just being childish.
Haphazardly, I noticed that there were only two tea bags left by the brewing station. For a second, I thought I should just bite the bullet and make tea, since this would probably be all that was left until the following month. Then, a very petty idea came to mind. I casually glanced around the hall – no sign of Ghost. I raised my eyebrows, suspicious at the coincidence of it all. God, this timing is too perfect. I turned back and finished pouring cream in my coffee. Simultaneously, I snagged the teabags and shoved them in my thigh pocket, then walked back to the table like it had never happened.
When people commend me on my stealth, I can’t help but think of how I used it for dumb shit like this.
I sat down next to two of my closest friends, Skyline and Beth (not all of us chose to stick with a callsign, and Beth was one of those people). I sipped my coffee innocently.
“You’ve got a long day today.” Beth said, weighing my paperwork in her hands. “If you’d let the others get a chance at shanking the enemy, you wouldn’t have so much to report.” She plopped the paper back down with a thud.
“I already got started on it last night.” I muttered. My eyes kept flicking back to the entrance of the mess hall, waiting for Ghost. “Besides, keeps me busy.”
Beth looked at me and huffed. She followed my line of sight to the doors, then looked back at me, disappointed. “Really?”
I shrugged. “What?” I said, innocently taking another sip.
“I told you she’d do something.” Skyline piped in, unbothered as she slowly stirred her coffee. “What is it now, huh? D’you take off his door knob?”
I glanced between the two of them with an offended look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Why didn’t I ever think of that before?!
“You have got to let this go.” Beth said exasperated. “This is the most unprofessional I’ve seen you since I met you.”
That one stung. I looked at Beth, narrowing my eyes. “Are you serious- “
“It’s been over two months now. Yes, I’m serious.” Beth rubbed the bridge of her nose, and Skyline hummed in agreement. Beth continued: “You’re both acting so fucking childish. I’m surprised you even managed to get him to stoop to your level here. But it’s not just a problem for the both of you now, everyone has to deal with your shit.”
“I think your bun’s just pulled too tight.” I replied dryly. I was too busy watching Ghost walk in and place his things on the table next to Soap.
“For fuck’s sake, Bonnie – “ Beth stood up and gathered her tray. “We’re just trying to look out for you. Get your shit together.” She stormed off to find a different table, far away from me.
I watched her walk away, suddenly feeling ashamed. She was right, I was being a child. I was stooping lower than I though I ever could.
Skyline clicked her tongue. “You really should get over him.” She piped up. “It’s holding you back, you’re not focused, you look tired and worn out all the time.” She stood and picked up her tray, heading away to follow Beth. “We just don’t want to see you lose everything over some petty mistake.”
Mistake. I was tired of that word. I watched her walk away, anger bubbling in my mind. I looked back at Ghost, who was now standing by the coffee station, glancing around for the last tea bags. I sighed. Let’s get this over with.
I got up and walked over to him, fishing the tea bags from my pocket. I slapped them down on the counter in front of Ghost. “Figured you need these more than I do.”
Ghost stared at the bags for a long second, then looked sharply at me. His gaze was always intense behind the mask (right now, just the balaclava), but now more than ever, they were filled with hatred.
I shrugged. “I decided on coffee.” I answered his unspoken question.
I left Ghost at the brew station, exiting the mess hall and making quick strides towards my room. I knew the look on his face meant trouble, and I didn’t want to deal with his bullshit. For the first time in a while, I wanted the arguing and face-offs to be over. Beth’s words struck a chord with me, making me realize how much time I was wasting fighting with Ghost. Deep down, I wanted it to end, so I could go back to being the best stealth expert on the team. I had become so distracted and irritable over the past several months, and it was finally crashing down on me.
If I had felt hungry before going to the mess hall, it had faded since then. I just wanted to finish my paperwork in my dorm, go back to sleep, maybe stand in the shower and think… maybe even apologize to Beth and Skyline, telling them they were right – which would be hard. It took a lot for me to admit I was wrong, even to myself. Especially to myself.
I was angry again. I was tired of being angry. I was tired of getting frustrated, getting into fights, and crying after. I was tired of being tired. It was a workout of it’s own. But there I was, fuming again as I stormed away down the halls, muttering curses to myself.
Cutting my thoughts short, I heard Ghost’s angry voice behind me. “The fuck was that all about?” he yelled.
My eyes rolled so hard they nearly got stuck.
“Are you really going to do this over a couple of teabags??” I said, calling the fight before it had even started. “I don’t want to argue with you, Ghost. I decided not to piss you off today, that’s why I gave them back.”
“No, I’ve had enough of you and you’re selfish fucking attitude.” Ghost trailed behind me, fuming. His steps were heavier than mine and his stride slower, yet he easily kept up with my pace. “Every day it’s something new with you; some stupid fucking reason for you to piss me off, and then you go acting all innocent like nothing happened. I’m fucking tired of it.”
“Then go the fuck to bed and leave me alone.” I retorted. This was what I couldn’t understand. Why does he keep following me every day just to get mad? If he think’s I’m trying to annoy him why doesn’t he just ignore me? Why does he have to yell at me every damn day?
“Oh, real mature, real fucking mature, Bonnie. You haven’t changed one bit, you’re still a bloody prick!”
“And you’re still crawling back for more, huh?!”
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck you!! This is fucking petty, Ghost!!”
“You think I’m being petty?!” he shouted, defensively, following me around a corner. “Fuckin’ take a look at yourself, acting like a child. Can’t be a fucking adult here, you’re just going t’ walk away like nothing happened, huh? You gonna fucking run every time I try and talk to you? You know, that’s real fucking weak of you!!”
Weak. My mind snapped before I knew what was happening.
I grabbed my knife from my belt and spun a full one-eighty, flinging it as hard as I could in Ghost’s direction. It missed his face by a couple of inches before it collided with the cement wall behind him and clattered to the floor. As the clang echoed throughout the hallway, I caught Ghost holding his breath, a shocked look in his eyes. He knew how good my aim was – he had seen it countless times in combat. I never miss my mark. But this time, he wasn’t sure what I had meant to hit.
“Fuck OFF.” I emphasized the words I yelled though the glare I shot him, before finally turning away. The walls on either side of me seemed to close in, and the end of the hall stretched farther and farther away with each step I took. I knew Ghost was still frozen behind me, trying to figure out if I had meant to shank him or if I had intentionally missed him – frankly, I was just as uncertain as he was.
Finally reaching my door, I barreled through it and slammed it behind me. My head was throbbing from the emotions swimming through it. I didn’t want to cry again, I was so goddamn tired of crying. Yet the stinging threat of tears lingered in my eyes all the same. I stood there, fuming, my shoulders heaving from the breaths I sucked in, trying to wash away the red behind my eyelids. It wasn’t enough.
I ripped my shirt over my head and threw it to the ground. I kicked off my shoes, yanked down my pants, and ripped off my underwear as I stumbled to my bathroom. My head was dizzy as I frantically pulled myself into the shower, cranking it on and to the highest setting. Initially, the water hit my skin like shards of ice, making my muscles tense and shake. Slowly, it turned into a cooling rain, then a comforting shower, before it finally burned.
It felt so good. Maybe not good, but it was distracting. The water felt like a million cigarettes being put out against my skin. I remembered how Simon used to do that, once or twice, placing claims on my skin that no one else would see but us. I told him I never wanted them to fade, but they did anyways. I braced my hands against the wall in front of me and hunched my back. My muscles fought against my brain, shaking with the urge to jump back from the water, as my mind forced them to stay locked under it. My scalp screamed under the heat as small, hot streams trickled down my face. It burned. All of it burned, and it felt so good. So numbing.
Eventually, the water cooled off a bit. The base’s water heater was unable to keep up with what I needed. As the searing pain eased off, the emotions came flooding back – now, as despair and confusion. The void in my chest came back, angry and empty as ever. I had nothing to fill it with. I tried folding in on myself, crumpling to the floor, hoping to fill the gap with my own self. But it didn’t work. Nothing ever worked.
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Matt is horny and Reader is not there. He jerks off with 2 of reders briefs. One to smell and the other to jerk off. Reader comes home and catches Matt, who doesn't realize she's home, when he's done she says "you buy me some new ones".
hii anon!! ive done something a little similar to this, but I love your idea so I had to do it. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
satin secret (matt murdock x f reader)
wc || 0.7k
warnings || 18+ only masturbation (m) think that’s all. minors dni
masterlist + rules
Matt’s the kind of guy that could never quite get enough. When it came to you he’d be utterly insatiable, the need and hunger to have you drove him insane. He wanted you all the time, no matter what time of the day, you’d be on his mind; in the morning, at work, at the grocery store, the courthouse, the shower. Whenever he had a spare moment, thoughts of you spiralled in his brain.
Due to conflicting schedules, he wasn’t able to have you whenever he had those thoughts. He’d ache from need and the lack of your warm touch, so he’d have to take care of himself with you in mind.
Sometimes he would need help focusing, needing the familiar scent of you to help himself get off. Usually, he’d smell your t-shirt, but not this time.
He was rummaging through your dresser to find a top you had worn a couple of times, but he accidentally opened the wrong one. His fingers skimmed along the clothing until he realised he wasn’t in the right drawer. A crude thought popped into his mind when he brushed along a couple of lace and satin undies. Checking the apartment for your heartbeat, not wanting you to see what he was about to do. Once he knew he was safe, he brought a pair to his nose breathing in and smelling your scent.
He knew what he thought was wrong, but he was too far gone to stop now. Yanking down his joggers to sit around his thighs, wrapping the satin pair around his already hardened cock.
His head fell back, intensely feeling the soft fabric stroke up the length of his aching self. But it wasn’t enough, he needed more.
Grabbing a pair of your underwear that you had previously worn for a few hours, screwing it up to his nose and deeply inhaling as he rubbed himself with your fabric. It felt like you were right there with him and he couldn’t control himself, softly grunting as he thought about you. He had memorised every dip and curve of your body, imagining himself touching you in all the places he knew you loved. Thinking about all the noises you’ve ever made, every staggered breath and the way you’d clutch at his skin when you came around him.
The thoughts of you grew relentless as he worked himself harder. Memorising the feeling of your body flush against his, the familiar warmth and goosebumps of your skin. As if every single one of your encounters played over in his mind, remembering every minute detail.
His groans became brash as he roughly stroked himself, and his breathing started to falter as he grew impossibly closer. Mumbling and whimpering your sweet name into the lace that was held to his nose. His chest started to heave as spilt onto the fabric, gutturally groaning as he unloaded into your underwear.
It took him a few moments to come back down, only to realise you were standing in the doorway evidently watching him jerk off into your undies.
“How long you been there?” Matt awkwardly asks, not actually wanting to know the answer.
“About two minutes.” You say slowly, purposely trying to make him feel uncomfortable. It did huge things for your self-esteem and ego, but you just wanted to tease him. “And yes, I saw it all, you nasty freak.” You snicker.
“I’m sorry.” Dropping both pairs.
“You should be, you just ruined my satin with your cum splotches.” You smirk.
“I’ll replace them?” Warmly smiling at you to offer peace at the matter.
“Yeah you will, you’re gonna buy me some new ones.” Half kissing his lips, wanting to tease him some more. “What’s that? You’re taking me to Victoria’s Secret and Calvin Klein? Well, aren’t you sweet?” Taking a seat on his lap.
“I didn’t say that.” He chuckles.
“Well, that’s what I heard.” You laugh, kissing his cheek. “You can buy me some extra underwear that are just for you.” You sweetly offer with hint of a tease.
“Okay, deal, I can do that.”
“Good, get ready.”
“We’re going now.” Pulling him up, and giving his ass a couple of taps. “Come on… pantie jerker.”
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regulusrules · 1 year
Hi there! I've read every Hurt/Comfort Merlin fics you recommend. Thank you!! These were gorgeous. Do you have any other recommendations for hurt/comfort 👉👈?
More Hurt/Comfort? Hold my hot chocolate!
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It's physically improbable for me to go through all these at this point😂 but nevertheless! of course I'll rec you some!
1. Give Me Your Fear, I'll Give You My Faith by ironfamjam. I think this fic is one of the best H/C I've read recently. Merlin is cursed to lose all his senses while Arthur could only watch. The desperation you see in Arthur trying to save Merlin.. their communication beyond humane limitations.. the sheer understanding emanating between them.. it was all just amazing. So raw and beautiful. It's also written in TSOA writing style, so the emotions are practically flowing. Kudos to the author for slowly robbing us of our own senses while reading this.
2. The Patter of Tiny Feet on Cold Stone Floors by TheAvalonian. Whenever I get rec asks, I always go back and skim the fics to be absolutely sure of what I'm recommending. But in this one, I didn't need to do that. I read this fic nearly four years ago and it still rings in my heart the same way it did when I first read it. Just the perfect semblance of golden age with proper hurt. It truly did hurt. But the comfort in it made it worth the while. Definitely recommend it if you have time for a long one.
3. Winning A Battle by OhFantasyWorld. Oh how I love this fic. It's just so simply Merlin and Arthur. It perfectly captures the essence of their dynamic while Arthur was still an emotionally constipated prince. It also has a mysterious edge to it that makes it even the more interesting. You're left wondering all fic why Arthur is so sad and so drawn into his misery. Until the very end. And the H/C is 🤌. Really recommend.
4. A Story Behind Each by CaptainOzone. I really am w e a k for Scar Reveal fics. I think this as a trope is very underrated in our fandom. The sheer number of times we see Merlin getting hurt on Arthur's behalf is just insane. So much unused material. I really loved this one for how soft it was. And BAMF Merlin was crème de la crème. If it's a scars reveal AND a BAMF fic, then what more could we possibly ask for?
5. In the woods by transcastiel. A translation of MaryBarrens's fic. If you've been following me long enough, you must know by now how much I loathe S5E5 The Disir. Legit, I cannot even write all my thoughts down here from how much I hate it. This episode was all that went wrong. It was the hamartia of the show. Therefore, anyone who just writes two words as a fix-it for this fic, I'll kudos them to eternity. And even though this one is so short, but God it just perfectly captured what SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED. This was what we deserved. This and nothing else.
* Have you read My heart is readily yours? Can't waste an opportunity to circle this one around since I consider it my greatest H/C creation. Or Arthur-in-desperation creation. Or Screaming-in-my-face-worthy creation. I took the hurt to some real extremes, and I don't regret a single thing.
Thank you for following my recs! Always happy to rec some more💖
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saltydumplings · 2 years
Snippet #20
Cw: suggestive~
It seemed to be the only word the villain knew.
They'd say it at the end of fights when they pinned the hero down, whispering low and personal in their ear before abandoning them on the ground, panting and exhausted as the villain made their escape. They'd write it on poster's and billboards, stamp it across newspapers and let the vandalised articles fill the streets - any publicity showing the hero's face immediately drawn over with that word and perhaps a little heart to top it off. The one time the villain had been caught they'd said it during their interrogation, quiet right up until the point when the hero had entered the room and quiet long after they left. They'd even disrupt the hero's patrol routes, would recklessly take on three other heroes all for the chance of getting to the one they wanted - all for that split second where they had the hero within their grasp, one hand tangled in their hair and the other at their neck, the word slipping from their lips like praise. They never hurt the hero, never squeezed hard enough to actually cut off their airflow: it was just a show; the villain's way of displaying their power - of laying claim on what they believed to be theirs.
Needless to say, the hero was slowly starting to go insane from it all. Everywhere they went they felt eyes on their back - whether they were being watched by the villain or the guards the agency had assigned to them, the hero couldn't tell. It put them on edge, left them constantly anticipating the villain's next move - not knowing when it would come - but that was all well and fine until suddenly they weren't allowed to do solo work anymore. Until their home wasn't deemed safe. Until it got to the point where the agency decided they couldn't see family or friends, couldn't pursue their civilian identity or live a regular life in any way - no, then it was just infuriating...
And the hero had had enough.
They stalked through the dark alleys impatiently, pacing back and forth with nothing but the occasional stray to keep them company. There were no guards, no way for the agency to track them - it would be just them and the villain and no one else.
They paused at the sound of footsteps treading leisurely down the alleyway behind them, turning about to see the very person they'd been waiting for. The hero stepped backwards while the other lurked closer, no more than a few strides away when their back hit the wall. The villain grinned, smile sharp at the sight of the hero willingly allowing themself to be cornered - putting up no fight as the villain pressed flush against them and reached up to trace their thumb across the hero's lips, their other hand preoccupied with getting a firm grip upon their waist.
The villain leaned down ever so slightly, hot breath ghosting along the hero's cheek. "Mi--"
The hero shoved a wad of papers in their face.
Perplexed, the villain took a step back, taking the large pile from the hero's hands and turning their gaze downwards to read it through.
"As hot as this is," the hero began, biting their lip a little as they stared up at the villain before them, "you may want to cool it on the possessive stalker act a little..."
The villain's brow furrowed as their eyes skimmed over the pages, flicking through the document with growing concern. "Wait, they're not letting you go out on solo missions anymore?"
"That's stupid - you cope perfectly fine by yourself."
"That's what I told them!"
The villain huffed, their incredulity only increasing as they stopped upon a particular page. "Wha-- they think I'd go after your family? What kind of criminal do they take me for - the worst crime on my record is petty theft."
"Actually, it's assault of a super and arson--"
"Arson? When did I commit arson?"
The hero shrugged. "I don't know. Probably that time you accidentally drove your car into that abandoned factory and the engine blew up."
The villain snorted a little in amusement as they finished scanning through the pages, quickly turning their attention back to the hero who was now holding out a pen.
"So," the villain took the pen in hand, "I sign these and you get your free will back?"
"Pretty much," the hero said. "It'll just confirm to the agency that you don't intend any real harm to myself or anyone in close contact with me. Once they know its consensual between us then they should finally give me some space."
"I'm sorry it got that way - you should have let me know sooner."
"Oh, I tried to, believe me," the hero told them with a strained laugh. "They had me locked down tighter than some of the world's most dangerous criminals."
The villain didn't find it funny. They pressed a little closer, eyes scanning carefully over the hero's face as they frowned. "You okay?" they asked.
The hero sighed but nodded, bringing a hand up and resting it upon the villain's waist. "Yeah, I'm fine, just...it's frustrating, you know?"
"Hm, I can imagine," the villain said, casting their gaze down to view the papers once more. "And you're sure that you're alright with the agency knowing we're dating?"
"I mean, I don't really know another way around it. It's either that or you lay off for a bit, but even then I imagine they'd still try to play it safe."
"I guess. Plus, it's probably better for them to find out now than later. Get it out of the way."
"Exactly! Besides," the hero said, a small grin tugging up the corners of their lips as they regarded the villain before them, "you're more of a glorified vigilante these days than an actual villain. I'm sure they'll hardly see you as a threat at all once I break the news."
At that, the villain pouted adorably, the hero giggling at the displeased expression that crossed their face. "Hey," they said warningly.
The hero couldn't help but laugh. "What? It's true."
A pause.
For a moment the villain simply glared, eyes fixed upon the hero intently...then they seemed to calm somewhat. Their lips slowly curled upwards into a dangerous grin and they took a step back, gaze flitting quickly up and down the alley. They tutted.
"Well, as much as I'd like to sign these papers, Hero," they began, smile only getting sharper by the second, "I don't seem to have anything to write against."
The hero shuddered, seeing exactly what the villain was trying to imply. "Well, you could just do it on the ground," they said.
The villain smirked. "It rained an hour ago - it's wet. I wouldn't want to damage the document."
"Then, the wall perhaps."
"The wall is too uneven. I wouldn't be able to write properly."
The hero gulped a little, wetting their lips in anticipation. "I mean, you could try placing it against the trash can--"
"How about I just use your back?" the villain asked. "It's the smoothest surface here after all."
Evil, hot, clever...
"F-Fine," the hero said, overly aware of the red tint in their cheeks as they turned around and leant against the wall, palms quickly finding purchase upon the rough brick.
Then they waited.
Behind them the villain refused to move, simply eyeing them up and down in a manner that suggested they were unsatisfied. "You expect me to write at such a sharp angle?" they asked.
The hero huffed and rolled their eyes but took a step back all the same - bracing their hands against the wall a little lower down. A few seconds passed before they felt the villain settle the paperwork on their back, first tapping the stack twice upon the dip of their spine to neaten it up and then laying it flat, drumming the pen idly against the hero's side.
"You know, we don't have all night to do this," the hero said. They felt the villain's boot nudge against their ankle and instinctively spread their legs a little wider, cursing themself for it when the villain pressed against them tightly - their position getting more compromising by the second. "It was a miracle I got out unnoticed when I did: they'll probably have several search parties looking for me by now."
"Oh?" the villain said, and the hero didn't have to see them to know they still had that stupid grin on their face. "Well then, I'd better sign these fast."
They felt the villain rest their elbow upon their back, turning a few pages before pausing and scribbling down their signature on the first marked space they came across. Three more turns and they found a second, quickly signing that one too.
A good start, the hero thought to themself, but clearly they thought too soon. When the villain came to the next marker they paused, their hand that wasn't writing instead moving to hold the hero's side. And that was fine - perfectly fine - until it wasn't. Until the villain's hand travelled down to more...interesting places and the hero couldn't help but squirm.
The villain stopped writing. "Hero," they said, "I can't write if you move..."
So that was the game they were playing.
The hero shifted a little before stilling once more, doing their best to ignore the hand that was touching them in the most wicked and perfect of ways and instead putting their focus into not moving.
"I-I know that," they said.
Behind them the villain hummed, caressing them just so and watching as the hero tensed - a small whine slipping past their lips. "Good," the villain said, signing their name. "This'll be easy for you then..."
Funnily enough, easy was not the word the hero would have used to describe it. Easy was not keeping their hips still when the villain's hand was wreaking havoc between their legs, and easy certainly wasn't explaining the whole situation to their team leader three hours later when they went to register a known criminal as their new emergency contact.
Fortunately for them, they knew that it was all worth it in the end: they were the villain's, and the villain was theirs. And the hero could finally kiss them again in peace, with no fear of the agency interfering.
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64yrsold · 1 year
“Did you like the food?” he asked, a thumb skimming down the front of his tie. His fingers traced the buttons of his suit jacket as we walked through the lobby. It was hard not to stare.
“Yes,” I said, but he noticed the hesitation in my voice, “It was… very experimental.” I pressed the button to fetch the elevator.
“A bit pretentious,” he nodded, the elevator doors sliding open. We stepped inside, a buzzing heat between our hands. He pushed his hand into his pocket.
“We’re on the same floor, aren’t we?” he asked, and pressed the number twelve, turning to look at me. It was easy to sink into the darkness of his pupils, to descend into the endless depths of his eyes. I looked at my hands.
“Yeah, same floor,” I held my bag tightly, my fingers grounded by the smooth leather.
“I’m sorry you didn’t like the food,” the tip of his leather shoe tapped the ground.
“No, I liked it!” I assured him, and he gave me a laugh, “I promise.”
“Honestly, I’m starving,” he shook his head, and I hid my grin behind my hand, “Last time I’ll try to impress you with dinner.”
“Alright,” I murmured, the elevator doors rushing open.
“I didn’t mean-“ he sighed, running his hand through his hair, “I’ll take you out again. Just, somewhere else.”
“I’d like that,” I smiled, stepping into the hallway. He followed me silently until I reached my room, hovering behind me as I grabbed my keycard. The sound of his breath made my hands shake.
“Our rooms are close,” he gestured down the hallway, “I’m 1231.”
“That’s nice,” I managed, watching has hands run over each other. His thumb rubbed deeply into his palm, his skin white from the pressure.
“Did I fuck this up?” he blurted, eyebrows drawn together and bottom lip pulled into his mouth.
I shook my head. “Of course not.”
“I’m trying so hard,” he groaned, the heel of his hand pushed against his forehead, “I feel like everything is going wrong.”
“I…” I began, but took a breath. I reached out, wrapping my arms around him carefully. I pressed my chest to his, rising with his shuddering inhales.
“You don’t know how much I think about you,” he whispered, his fingers still on my back, “I can’t even tell you. I’ll scare you off.” His mouth was whispering against my ear, each word a kiss.
“I think…” my throat was warm against his shoulder, “I think about you more.”
“I dream of you,” a hand found the back of my neck, “I wake up to your face, your lips, your legs, circling in my mind. I get out of bed and you haunt me. I go for a walk and you follow me. Everything smells like your skin, everything tastes like your lips. I can’t escape you.”
I drew a breath to speak, but his thumb on my collarbone trapped my voice in my throat.
“Come to my room, tonight,” he pleaded, pulling back to meet my eyes, “I’m not asking to sleep with you. I just ache without you.”
“Don’t tempt me,” I cupped his face, tracing his bottom lip with my thumb. His eyelids were heavy, a whimper or sigh escaping him at my touch.
“Please,” his eyes were closed, eyebrows taut and begging, “I need you.”
My heart was threatening to crack my ribcage.
“Alright,” my voice was shaking with my pulse, “Just for tonight.”
“Not just tonight,” his fists closed on the fabric at my back, “I need all of you. All the time.” His face was buried deep in my neck.
“I don’t know what to say,” I mumbled, ears rushing with blood.
“Don’t say anything,” his lips were hot on my skin, “You can say no, but-“
“I’m not saying no,”
“You think I’m insane?” he sighed, searching my face again. I watched the line form between his eyebrows as he waited for my response. I couldn’t help but smile at his sincerity.
“You can’t be insane,” my voice soothed the tense muscles of his jaw, “If you’re insane, then I’m… I don’t know.” I laughed, and he giggled, dropping his forehead to mine.
“Delusional, maybe,” he freckled my cheekbones and nose with careful kisses.
“Yeah,” I breathed, lips burning.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” he asked again, the grit in his voice prickling my spine.
“Yes,” I tilted my chin to beg for his lips, “If you’ll have me.”
“I’ll have you,” he held my jaw, kissing me with deliberate, heavy lips, “I’ll have you.”
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hiii I wanna make a request :)
So it takes place in the Berg where the Gladers were "stuck" in "The Death Cure". It was right after the last meeting with Newt on the Crank Palace and after that Minho wasn't okay at all. Female reader was also not good but Minho knew Newt a lot more so reader comforts Minho who is kinda off and doesn't speak to anyone and wants to let it all out but wants to be strong etc. If it's possible to end with a little spice I would very much like that :). Thank youuuu
Ooo a book request, huh? It's been a while since I've actually read TDC but I'm pretty sure I can remember what you're on about. I've also briefly skim-read a couple of necessary chapters to prepare myself which is why this took a little longer.
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SUMMARY: See above. All book content. Slightly implied morally grey reader.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some depressing themes and no Newt, spice, my incredibly vague knowledge of the book 'cause I read it like 8 years ago. I remember nothing about the layout of the Berg in the books apart from what I vaguely read for this piece. I'm making this shit up. Also references to Brenda and Thomas getting tied up at that party during TST.
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You don't even want to think about it. None of you did. Thomas had said that Newt was acting weird, and you all knew why.
Newt isn't immune. He never has been. He was sent into the Maze as a control variable, and he'd decided to spend the remainder of his sanity in the Crank Palace.
He's gone. Someone you've been with on this insane journey and spent some incredibly important moments with- and you're probably never going to see him again
Brenda and Jorge had settled in the cockpit of the Berg whilst you'd left Thomas and Minho to talk in private. They'd both know Newt a lot longer than you- Minho longest of all.
You're not really part of either party. You're a stranger that they found during their travels through the Scorch. To everyone's surprise, you revealed you were immune when you showed some old teeth-marks from a Crank; making you one of the few Munies that WICKED didn't manage to gather up.
You were a thief and a con artist, smuggling goods and providing drugs that you stole into infected places. It was a dangerous job, but one you did willingly. So, imagine your shock when you find two hung-over teenagers tied up in a room with one of your regular buyers.
After sitting in for Thomas' explanation and hearing all the shit to do with WICKED, you lend them a helping hand and have been a regular member of the group ever since.
It was almost fun at first. The whole group looked up to you and thought you were some badass powerhouse.
But now it all feels very real. You sit on the floor, the faint hum of the Berg sending vibrations through your skull as you rest your head against the wall. You often hid in a corner, somewhere, choosing to not be a part of the rage-filled political debates that take place. You're a sort of middle ground between the ex-WICKED personnel and the torture victims. It's a weird dynamic, to be sure.
You watch from the safety of your spot as Brenda speaks to the boys, saying something that clearly triggers Minho as he storms off, slamming the door to one of the sleeping quarters. You cringe as the action shakes the whole ship.
"Sorry," you tune into the conversation, hearing Brenda's anxious words.
"It's okay," Thomas shrugs, "He was with Newt for two years before I showed up in the Maze. It'll take him some time."
You'd always known Newt and Minho were close- easily the closest out of the group. You're not exactly a genius, but you don't last as long as you have, doing what you do, if you can't read people.
You consider Minho your friend. You don't consider many people your friend, and you still have your suspicions about Brenda and Jorge, and you're on edge every time Thomas's face drops whenever Teresa is mentioned. You're not a trusting person, but you do enjoy Minho's company.
He's witty and sarcastic, easily matching your dry humour. There's been many of times you've exchanged smirks and knowing glances during some, actually, quite serious conversations. You have similar opinions, and despite your tendency to play devil's advocate, you do appreciate having a more forward guy on your side.
Minho wears his heart on his sleeve and is more than willing to kick the shit out of someone to protect what he loves.
Not to mention, you'd be lying if you didn't find the boy attractive. It's not like there are many people out in the world that you deal with that won't eventually rip your face off with their bare teeth. So, Minho is basically a God in comparison to your last couple of flings before they started frothing at the mouth.
Brenda says something about making some food, earning some agreeing mutters from Jorge as she leaves Thomas alone, probably to process the day's events himself.
I'm a Crank!
Newt's words ring in your head. Apart from your parents, you've never been close with anyone that's gotten infected- always moving from one gig to the next and never really getting attached. So, when Newt started showing symptoms, things cracked pretty fast.
The way he was waving that Launcher at you all, wildness forming in his eyes and the screaming at you to leave. Thomas, unfortunately, was right to force you all to leave. It was becoming dangerous.
Minho didn't fight. He barely even argued. Thomas dragged him and Brenda away, grabbing whoever was closest to him. You stayed behind Jorge, preparing to be at the back of the group since you're probably the one with the most experience regarding Cranks.
You weren't prepared for Newt to speak.
"(Y/N)," you froze, glancing back over your shoulder to meet the wild eyes of the once level-headed blond boy.
"What is it, Newt?" Your voice was barely a whisper as you turned to face him. Your lack of presence wouldn't go unnoticed by the rest of the group, but you didn't know why he'd chosen to speak to you. "I thought you wanted us to leave?"
"I did- I do," your eyes never left the gun that he held in his hands, his finger never fully leaving the trigger. "Look after him, please."
"Thomas can take care of himself," you'd assumed he was talking about Thomas, after all, he'd dramatically given Thomas a note, and they all seemed to look out for the reckless boy.
"No, not Tommy," Newt almost scoffed, a moment of clarity taking over. "Minho." You furrowed your brow, "He needs someone to look after him, and I ain't gonna be there to do that anymore."
"Newt, c'mon-"
"Stay. Please, stay with them. This isn't just another job you're doing for fun anymore- this is their lives. It's Minho's life. Look after him. For me, please, take care of him. Please."
Newt had seen right through you. You never really intended on staying. Sure, you'd thought about it, especially when the boys spoke about the perfect lives they'd had when this was all over. But you never planned to be a part of that. Not really.
You'd never known anything other than the adrenaline-filled smuggling life that you had, and some part of you wasn't ready to find out who you are when you're not risking your life. You just wanted to help these guys, because people like them deserving helping. Because they deserve to be happy.
But you?
You don't know about that. Surviving after the Solar Flares requires thick skin and a strong stomach. And you have to be willing to do so inhumane things. All of which you have.
So, the plan was to keep moving, even if there is a Safe Heaven. Do you really deserve to be there?
But now, you're not so sure. For all you knew, Newt's dying wish was for you to protect and stay with his friend. And who were you to ignore a dead man's wishes?
The thoughts churn over in your skull until you finally bring yourself to stand up again. You can't leave Minho alone now. If you did, then you'd be ignoring Newt, not even a couple of hours after your last interaction.
Time feels weird, but you know he's not come out of the room in about half an hour.
You pull yourself in front of the room where Minho's hiding, knuckles rhythmically tapping against the door.
"Shuck off," his voice is wavering and scratchy, like he's trying not to cry. "I've had enough klunk for today, and I don't wanna talk anymore, alright, slinthead?"
"Wow, now I'm sure that might work on Thomas here, but you know me better than that." You force a playful tone into your voice. You'd never been good with serious conversations- if a job got too tense, you'd normally just dip and run. But that's not exactly going to work here.
And, for the first time ever, you don't really want to.
It takes a couple of seconds, but you hear movement, and Minho pulls the door open. You send him a sympathetic smile, and he pushes his lips into a thin line, sighing.
"Hi," he scoffs slightly a this as you try to push a more joyful pitch.
"Hey," he responds, though his voice is heavy. His eyes flicker over to behind you, where Thomas is sat on the sofa in the common area. You follow his gaze, and Thomas immediately looks away, doing a terrible job of hiding his eavesdropping. "What do you want?"
"To talk to you? Obviously." You rock on your heels, hands in your pockets as you look up at the taller boy. Minho doesn't respond, he just kind of looks at you. "C'mon, man, I'm just tryna help."
He gives in, sighing.
Minho nods in the direction of the room, stepping aside and letting you walk in. It wasn't exactly unusual for the pair of you to sit together or talk away from the rest of the group. But that didn't stop Brenda, Thomas, and Jorge from nudging each other and snickering whenever it happened. Even Newt used to join on occasionally.
Minho shuts the door behind him, wordlessly slippingly past you and flopping backwards onto one of the beds in the room he's sharing with Thomas. His hands cover his face, so you can't read his expression.
"You okay?" You know it's a dumb question, but you're not sure how else to approach.
"What do you think?" You sit next to his legs, which are still hanging off of the bed.
"Yeah, that's fair." He scoffs again, and he goes quiet. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Not really."
"Minho," you try to get his attention, but he doesn't even move. "You can talk to me, man." Again, nothing. You nudge his leg and he moves his hands away from his face. "Come on. You're just gonna feel even more shit if you keep it to yourself."
"I ain't no sissy." You almost laugh at this. Sometimes, you forget that being stuck with a bunch of boys for two years probably wasn't great for anyone's perception of masculinity.
"I never said you were, dumbass- you're a person. People feel things. That doesn't make you a pussy- or a sissy, or whatever weird fuckin' word you Glader freaks use. It just makes you human," you pause as he watches you, some form of relief washing over him, "and there ain't nothin' wrong with that."
"I just..." Minho trails off, his voice catching in his throat as he sits up. "I can't believe he's gone." He leans forward, hunched over as he looks at the floor, arms resting on his spread legs. "We went through all that just for him to tell us to leave."
"I know, but he's probably doing what he thinks is best," Minho looks at you from the corner of his eyes.
He doesn't agree with you. Of course, he doesn't. You guys have completely different life experiences. But he appreciates it. He appreciates you. You're a guide through the world as it is, and despite Brenda and Jorge's help, you have connections and street smarts like no other.
Not to mention you're hot. Like, Minho spends his nights fantasising about you kind of hot. Not just your appearance, but your take-no-shit attitude. You're not scared to fight with him, and for some reason, he's into that.
"He's my best friend, dude- I've known him for literally as long as I can remember! And he thinks he can just leave some klunky note and vanish to hang out with those psychos? And when we go to get him, he threatens to shoot us? And, obviously, I don't mean klunk to him 'cause all he cares about is good ol' 'Tommy'."
You know it cuts deep from how Minho is mocking the cherished nickname.
"After everything we went through- and he just- we- shit." His voice breaks as his face drops to his hands.
"Hey," your voice is soft and low as Minho sniffs, the events of the day, and his entire life, finally catching up to him. "Hey, it's okay." You shuffle closer, lightly placing your hand against the small of his back and rubbing delicate circles. You rest your head on his shoulder, looking up at him as he pulls his hand away.
You look at each other for a second.
He sighs, "Shuck it." Throwing his arms around you, he knocks you back slightly. It only takes a second for you to recover as you accept the hug, allowing him to find comfort in your warmth as you let him cry into the crook of your neck.
You play with his hair, mumbling sweet nothings to him as he calms himself down. You press your lips to his forehead, giving him another source of affection in an attempt to make him feel better the best you can.
He pulls away. His tear-stained cheeks and messy hair are something that you'd never expected to see. "God, this is shuckin' embarrassing."
"Hey," you wipe away some of the liquid from his cheeks with your sleeve, "no it's not, okay? This is some heavy shit, dude, I ain't judging you. Here." You run your fingers through his hair, trying to fix the state of his appearance.
You're too busy trying to fix him to notice how he's looking at you. His eyes have fallen on your lips, admiring your features like he's never even laid his eyes on another woman. You're so close, and he's so used to your lethal nature, and you're now being so nice to him and he doesn't know how to react.
He doesn't care anymore. He's lost another thing he cares about and he just wants to feel okay.
"Minho, are you-?" You don't get to finish because his lips are on yours. Your entire body freezes, eyes wide as you sit there in some form of shock.
Minho pulls away as you attempt to process what just happened. "Shuck, sorry," he mumbles upon seeing your almost blank reactions. "I just- it's just... today has been a lot. A-and you're- I don't know, really. I think I like you, but I've never liked anyone like that before so, I don't- shit. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore." He drops his head again, returning to his original position.
A small smile has crept onto your face, but you're not about to make things worse by taking advantage of Minho's vulnerable state.
"I like you too."
His head perks up, "You do?"
"Yeah, but, I think you've also had a pretty shitty day and I don't want to do anything you're going to regret. I don't want you just acting like this because you want another way to cope."
Minho blinks at you. He doesn't know why he's shocked at this level of common sense, because it's one of the reasons he likes you.
"I've literally been crushing on you ever since you showed up with Thomas and Brenda," his tone is blunt and almost hollow as he's finally getting another thing off of his chest. "I fall asleep thinking about a life with you, and I get where you're coming from, but I want you."
Your chest feels tight, and you shift uncomfortably, trying to control yourself and the heat forming in you. He notices this.
"You want me?" You subconsciously lean forward, almost like two magnets pulling together.
"Yeah, I want you now, the same way I've always wanted you." His words make you feel some type of way. It's not like you've never been with anyone, but you've never had feelings for them. Not really.
Not like this.
"I just want to feel okay, and you help me."
Despite what you just said, you push your lips against his again. He lets out a nervous breath, and goosebumps cover his skin. He lets you take the lead, allowing you to show him how to move his lips. You have a lot more experience than he does, so he's not going to challenge that.
You pull yourself onto his lap, making him hum into your mouth, his hands immediately coming to your waist. Your tongue brushes against his bottom lip and he releases a groan as you take it between your teeth, lightly pulling on it.
You push him back, reconnecting your mouths as his thumbs rub your skin under your shirt. He dares to be bold, slipping them further under as his hands glide against your back. When you buck your hips against him, he digs his nails in.
You hiss, the sting being surprisingly pleasurable, which just eggs Minho on more. He thrusts up, getting more riled up and needing more friction to calm the hungar building up in him.
You move from his lips to his jaw, causing his eyes to flutter shut whilst you move further down, letting your tongue brush against the sensitive skin of his throat. You're almost experimenting; seeing what kind of responses you can get out of him. You move to his ear instead, dragging it up the side before pulling on his lobe with your teeth. You can help but smirk as the action makes the normally unwavering Runner shiver and grab at the flesh on your hips, his hands returning with a sudden jump.
You slow your grind, quickly gaining a rhythm and providing you both with a relief, even with all of your clothes still intact.
"Ah, fuck," your hand flies to Minho's mouth, flashing him a warning look. The Berg might be loud, but the walls are thin, and the soft hum won't drown out anything if he's that loud. "Sorry," he mumbles, leaning up to kiss you again.
You pull away pretty quickly, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, and he takes the hint. Struggling and half sitting up, he pulls the shirt over his head. It's enough to make you try to squeeze your legs together as you gingerly run your fingers down his abs. His breathing hitches as your hand travels lower, one arm flopping over his face, using his forearm to try and hide.
You fiddle with his belt, watching his chest rise and fall, the clicking of the metal coming undone is like music to his ears.
"Hey, is everything okay? I thought I heard-"
Thomas stands blankly in the doorway. Everyone in the room freezes. Thomas stares at the scene in front of him, trying to process what exactly is going on.
You're straddling a shirtless Minho, who is very visibly aching for more. Thomas immediately starts to change colour to a deep shade of red.
"Dude!" Minho snaps, "Don't you know how to shuckin' knock?"
You snort, climbing off of Minho's lap, clearly not nearly as embarrassed as your partner. He raises slightly, leaning back on his arms for support as he shoots daggers at his friend.
"Sorry- I didn't realise that- I just heard something-" Thomas seems somehow even more flustered and freaked out than Minho. "Brenda's made us sandwiches." He sighs, and you laugh, your legs hanging off of the bed.
"Bro, get out!" Minho snaps and Thomas seems to return to reality.
"Sorry! Sorry!" The door slams behind him and you burst out laughing.
"You guys are something else," you shake your head, and smile at Minho, who simply scoffs. "You feeling any better?" The atmosphere changes, becoming more serious once again.
"Honestly, not really," you push your lips together as Minho pulls his shirt back on, sitting up properly, "but I know that I'm going to be- some day, 'cause you're gonna stick around, right?"
You pause. Even if Newt didn't say anything, how could you possibly even consider leaving Minho? Maybe your feelings are stronger than you originally thought.
"Yeah," you lean forward, pecking him on his lips, making him smile, "I'm not going anywhere."
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Wooooo, this one was actually pretty fun to write and I enjoyed writing for something outside of the Glade. It makes a nice change and I love these types of more specific requests.
Requests are still open, I hope you enjoyed :))
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Happy Blurple Tuesday everyone, I have something in my brain and now you get to enjoy it.
@luna-neko-hamato thank you for making Tuesdays special again
Bay!Leo x Fem!reader x Bay!Donnie
I am Yours
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: poly relationship with Donnie and leo (NO TSCEST), smootches, steamy smootches, slightly jealous!Leo, talking through your emotions and problems!!!, spelling mistakes,
Summary: Leo's tired of hiding his side of the relationship
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There were two things you never expected with your recent relationship. 1: it would be with two mutant vigilante turtles. And 2: that half of your relationship would have to be a secret.
All three of you had decided that part of your relationship would be kept a secret as to not overwhelm the family.
Leo and Donnie weren't thrilled with this idea, but they didn't want to rush things and were honestly a bit scared of what their brothers would say.
Donnie, bless his heart, couldn't hide his feelings for you, so you and him would openly date in front of the family.
No one was surprised and questioned further when you, Donnie, and Leo kept spending more time together.
On one occasion though, Raph had pulled Leo aside and told him to "cool it" with you. It was a sweet gesture and one that the three of you had thoroughly laughed at.
It's not that you didn't trust his family, but this was a very big decision and you wanted to find the right way to tell them and make sure they knew you were all serious about each other.
Leo, for the first few weeks, was alright with this. Sure, sometimes a sting or prick of jealousy would strike, but it went away every night when you'd snuggle up in bed with him and whisper soft "I love you's" until you fell asleep.
That all came to a screeching halt six months into your relationship when the boys were getting another medal of honor from the police station and you had been invited as Donnie's plus one.
Leo watched you from across the room, his chest tight as Donnie had a protective arm around your shoulders, holding you against his side.
Now, he wasn't jealous of Donnie, just the fact that he wasn't a part of the conversation. He had to keep his distance, watch his moves. It was already hard enough to take you out in public and Leo had to treat it like a mission.
Maybe it was the wine, or him overhearing a cop call you "Donnie's girl" or maybe it was the gorgeous floor length plum gown you had on.
Whatever the cause, he couldn't stop himself from teasing. When you were chatting with April by one of the food tables, he came up behind you. Pretending to scoot around you toward the drinks table, his hand skimmed your lower back, fingers dipping just above your ass.
"Excuse me," Was his breathy, low reply against the shell of your ear. You cleared your throat, willing the blush on your neck to not be very noticeable to April.
"Anyway, tell me about this new report you're writing," You quickly turned back to April with a smile, running your hand across the back of you ear.
Next, as you were getting a drink at the bar he came up behind you, reaching over and handing it to you with a warm smile.
"Thank you," You had such a beautiful smile, and the way your eyes glittered in the dim lighting of the room had his chest in knots.
Your fingers skimmed across his hand as you took the glass. He felt the urge to kiss you right then and there, but he knew he couldn't.
"Are you alright?" You licked the drink from your lips, looking up at him with big eyes.
"You're driving me insane," He heaved, chucking.
You giggled softly, looking around to make sure no one was watching before whispering. "Is it the dress?"
"It might be," if you wanted to joke, he would play along, this might be his last chance to talk to you alone before everyone went home in a few hours.
"Then you're really gonna hate my underwear," Oh how his knees trembled and his heart pounded. He swallowed hard, having to look away from your eyes as he tries to collect his thoughts.
"Y/n, Leo," Donnie called from a few feet away, he came over to the pair of you. "They're getting ready to start the ceremony,"
"Alright," You smiled at both of them, taking Donnie's hand and letting him lead you to the table.
You sat between Leo and Donnie, his brothers arm was resting on the back of your chair, his hand tracing up and down your bare shoulder.
Thankfully the tables had long cloths over them, and they were sitting in the back as Chief Vincent gave a speech on the boys bravery.
Leo tucked his hand under the table and rested in on your thigh, close to your knee. You stiffened for a moment, then he felt your small fingers trace his large ones.
His hand didn't move until he had to stand and get his award.
After the medals and dinner was officially served, you snuck away to the bathroom.
It was stupid fancy, which matched the large venue that the station had rented out for the night.
You pulled your dress up and fixed a few lose strands of hair when there was a knock at the door.
"Occupied!" You shouted, jumping when the door opened and Leo slipped inside.
You turned to face him, raising a brow. "What are you-"
He rushed forward, hands cupping your face, kissing you firmly. You squeaked in surprise, hands flying to his plastron, which was covered by a thin white button one. He stepped forward until you were pressed against the bathroom sink, his lips never leaving yours.
He pulled away, hands still on your face, both of you panting heavily.
"What's gotten into you?" You gasp, licking your lips.
"I told you, you drive me insane," He kissed you again, this time licking the seam of your lips, you opened your mouth and allowed him to take the lead. His tounge roamed your mouth as if it were his first time experiencing it, like he wanted to remember every detail.
You tried to pull back, but he kept going forward. "What....hmmmm...the others are outside...."
"Donnie's standing watch," He mumbles against your lips.
Just to push his buttons, you nipped his bottom lip, wrapping your tounge around his and sucking gently.
Again you pulled away breathlessly. "Believe me when I say I am not complaining, but what's going on, Lee?" You knew something was wrong, he'd been off all evening and he would never do something like this in such a busy place.
"I miss you," He mumbled, one hand traveling to your hair, massaging your scalp.
"And?" You prompt, running your hands up and down his arms.
He leaned in close, pressing his forehead to yours. "I don't want you to forget me," He said it so softly you were sure you misheard him.
"Forget you? Honey, what are you talking about?"
He sighed. "I know this is what we agreed to, but I hate being on the sidelines, I wanna take you to stupid parties like these and have you on my arm and introduce you as my girlfriend. I'm afraid you'll realize you don't want me because I can't treat you the way Donnie does,"
You move his hands from your hair and face, kissing his knuckles and squeezing them. "You are both the loves of my lives, I want you both. Why do you think Donnie treats me different?"
"Donnie can show you off, we can't go into public ever, and he's showing you off and talking you up. He treats you the way you deserve and I have to watch every move I make so the others don't find out," he looks down to your lap, sighing heavily, it's clear this has been weighing him down for some time.
"Then this changes tonight," He glances up at you. "Well talk to Donnie tonight, and if he agrees, we'll tell our family tomorrow amd we won't have to hide."
"What?" He whispers.
"I don't want you feeling like this, my love, you shouldn't feel like this in your own relationship-"
"No, no," He interrupts with a quiet laugh. "I heard you, I just was surprised,"
"By what?"
"You said 'our family' like you, mine and Donnie's," A large grin broke out across his face.
"You are my family. You and Donnie. I am yours," You press a firm kiss for every word on his plump lips, letting go of his hands to cup his cheeks. "No more secrets after tonight, okay?"
"Okay," He nuzzles into your palms, enjoying the attention and warmth.
Three quick knocks to the door scared you both, you jumped slightly, Leo smiled softly. "That's the signal, you want to go out first?"
You laughed, pushing him back and fixing your dress. "Depends, does it look like I just made out with my boyfriends brother?"
You both shared a laugh. "No, looks like you kissed your boyfriend,"
He kissed you one last time as you opened the door and walked out, going back toward the table.
Leo waited a few minutes before leaving, seeing Donnie was still leaning against the hallway.
"Feeling better?" He asked, looking back at him.
Leo nodded. "Yes, ok, Don, you were right, talking about it did help," He laughed, standing at his brother's side. "You think the others will be okay with us telling them?"
Donnie thought for a moment, staring off, seeing you laughing and chatting with Mikey and Master Splinter.
"Yeah, I think everything is going to be just fine,"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @happymoonangel @saspas-corner @strawberrycakeblog @sketch-and-write-lover @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @dilucsflame33
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novamariestark · 11 months
The Teasing Game
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Summary: When you decide to tease Parker in the elevator before work, the game begins.
Warnings: possible cringe cus this is my first time writing smut, oral (f & m receiving), teasing 🔞
Words count: 1848
You and Parker stepped into the elevator and headed up to the office. As the door closed, you pressed yourself against Alden and seductively ran your tongue up his neck, before moving to kisses.
Alden moaned in pleasure, his heart pounding in anticipation of your next move, “Don’t tease,” he said, breathlessly. He felt you smirk against his skin, “Your teasing is torture, baby,”
You purred in response, your hands skimming down his body. Just before reaching their destination, you stopped, your fingers teasing a few inches away from where he desperately needed them.
Alden groaned as the doors opened, and you stepped off, smirking to yourself when you notice Parker hasn’t stepped off with you. You turned to look at him, innocence on your face, “What’s wrong?”
“You're playing a dangerous game,” You only replied with a smirk. You winked, then sauntered away slowly, swaying your hips.
That day in the office, Alden constantly found ways to pull your attention towards him. You realized he wasn't going to let you off easy, and you slowly became paranoid as to what he had in store for you as payback. Every time your eyes met, a shiver ran up your spine.
He got you back when he asked you to join him in autopsy. You should’ve seen it coming but going to autopsy with him was practically second nature after doing it so often, so you didn’t think much of it.
When the doors closed, he had you pinned up against the wall. His hands started to wander south, under your waistband and hovering over your clit. The heat from radiating from his fingers was enough to drive you insane. He ever so slightly dipped the tip of his finger in your entrance, that was all he intended to give you. You stood there panting, eyes closed, unable to move or escape his grasp, not that you wanted to. As you teetered on the edge, he stopped and stepped back from you. You let out a whine and he smirked and turned away from you.
The doors opened, and Alden stepped out. Leaving you craving for more.
You weren’t going to let him off that easy. It was your turn.
You and the team were headed to a suspect’s house, but before you left, you excused yourself to the bathroom, where you slid of your underwear and hid it in your pocket.
When you and the team got on the elevator, you slipped your underwear into Alden's pocket.
When you arrived at the suspect's house, he wasn’t there. You and the team began to look around and Alden went to pull out his notepad and pen to take notes. When he reached into his pocket, he felt something soft. He pulled it out, inspecting it for a few moments before quickly shoving it back into his pocket, not wanting the rest of the team to see them.
He glanced over at you and felt something surge through his body as he watched you bend down and rummage through the drawer, your tight trousers revealing that you weren’t wearing any underwear.
He tried to stay focused on the task, but the image of you and the feel of your soft underwear in his hand kept distracting him. He cleared his throat, “Hey, (Y/N)? Could you go and interview the neighbours? See if they’ve seen Brock recently,”
You smirk and walk towards him, looking around at the where the team were looking before leaning close to his ear, “Something wrong, boss?” you whispered, your breath against his ear sent a shiver down his spine, you smile at his reaction and gently bit his earlobe before walking away.
When Parker and the team finished in the house, they came out and he instantly saw you across the road, interviewing a guy, who looked far too friendly for his liking. It took all of his strength not to intervene and drag you away from him.
Just as he was about to do just that, the neighbour looked over your shoulder to see him watching you, you turned your head and saw the enraged look on your boyfriend’s face. The neighbour’s face changed from flirtatiousness to nervousness as he saw the deadly look on Parker’s face.
It was then you decided to have a bit of fun at his expense. You leaned in closer and said, “That’s my man. Doesn’t he look handsome when he’s jealous?” The effect on Alden was immediate, he was trying not to look angry, but his efforts were futile. The neighbour then left, quickly making his way back into his house. You trotted down the steps and crossed the road towards your team.
“What was that all about?” Alden asked, clearly exasperated.
“Oh, nothing,” you shrugged before planting a kiss on his cheek.
As the team got into the cars, Alden couldn't help but pull out the underwear again. He held it up in front of you and in an amused tone said, “I believe these belong to you?” He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself, “As much as I love the view, I don’t want anyone else to enjoy it. So, when we get back, put them back on,” you blushed before taking your underwear, stuffing them back in your pocket and giving him a wink.
“Yes, boss,”
“This isn’t over, (Y/N)” he warned, his voice low and tantalizing. Your heart rate increased, you’re your breathing grew heavy as you anticipated his next move. You felt your skin heat up as you waited for what he had planned next, but he walked away and got into his car.
Soon you were back at the office, on your computer looking for leads on where your suspect had gone. Everyone looked up at you when you called out, “I think I got something,” you stood from your desk, picking up the remote and started displaying your findings on the plasma. You sat down on the edge of your boyfriend’s desk as the rest of the team gathered behind you. You begin to tell everyone what you have found when you felt something on your inner thigh. You glared at Alden out of the corner of your eye. Nice try you thought. But as his hand crept up higher, his touches became more intimate, your focus started to slip. Even though you were wearing pants, you felt your skin heating as you felt his fingertips brush your inner thigh and the familiar tingle of pleasure running through you.
You had to stop yourself from moaning out loud, knowing that the rest of the team would hear. You fought to keep your voice steady as you continued to report your findings, but you knew it wasn't going well. It was all you could do to keep your focus on the data on the screen. But as much as you tried to fight it, Alden's teasing was having its desired effects on you. You could feel your resolve slipping. You barely managed to make it to the end of your briefing before you jumped away from him, your cheeks flaming and heart pounding faster than ever. You excused yourself to the restroom to try and calm yourself. When you arrived in the restroom, you let out a sigh of relief. You just wanted this day to end. You didn’t know how much more of this you could take.
When the day finally did end, you practically dragged him from the office, and rushed home. You led him to your bedroom, dropping your clothes along the way until all you were left in was your best lingerie. His favourite lacy red set.
You eagerly climbed onto the bed and laid down on your back, gesturing for Parker to come to you. He scanned your body before settling on top of you with a warm, passionate kiss. His lips began to make their way down your neck, trailing soft kisses to your collarbone. His lips were like fire on your skin, leaving a lingering sensation all over as he explored your body with his mouth.
Parker's hands snaked up and down your sides as his mouth continued to press sweet kisses all over you. You couldn't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure with each sensation. He seemed to be in no rush, taking his time to savour every inch of you. He savoured every inch of your body, teasing and pleasuring you until you were begging for more. When his fingers breached the entrance of her wet channel she moaned with pleasure as her hips thrust upwards to match the rhythm of his digits. She was on the verge of the most intense orgasm as he worked his magic with his glorious fingers. The pleasure became even more intense when he lowered his head between your legs and ate you like a starving man, making you moan and squirm. His skilful tongue drove you wild as he used it to push you to the edge.
You were screaming his name. Your body trembling. No one had ever made you feel the way he did, and you enjoyed every second of it. You wanted it to last forever. Finally, with one final thrust of his fingers, you came apart and he gladly lapped your juices.
Breathing heavily, you reached to unbuckle his belt, “Your turn,” you said, eager to make him feel as good as he made you feel. But he stopped your hand and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“No rush, baby. We have all night,” he said, his gaze soft and tender. He kissed your temple softly as you melted into his chest.
Once you caught your breath, you slid your leg over his waist, pushing yourself off the bed, straddling him. You mouth captured his in a soft but needy kiss. You slowly kissed your way down his body until his huge, quivering member was right in front of your face.
You lifted your eyes, so you were peeking from your lashes and your eyes met Alden's. He was transfixed on you, and as you licked and tasted his tip you could see the pleasure that glinted in his eyes. His precum had gathered at the slit and caused a bead of liquid to leak out down his length. You cupped the base before you started to move your head slowly up and down.
You were determined to drive him mad, so you ever so slowly licked your way up and down his shaft, using your hand to add extra pressure. Alden's breathing quickened and he screwed his eyes shut as you moved faster and harder with your hand and your tongue.
Alden bucked his hips and let out a loud, guttural moan and his warm liquid hit the back of your throat. You enjoyed every drop of it.
You crawled back up, straddling him once more, kissing him passionately, letting him taste himself on your tongue. He smiled as you started showering his face with sweet kisses. and snuggling up close to him. The night was just beginning.
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