#If you are passionate about a thing. Whether it's a hobby or your job etc
mrfoox · 1 year
It's embarrassing how easily I... Fall for people
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allastoredeer · 6 months
I’d love to hear about your radioapple headcanons!!
What do you think their love languages would be?
Who cooks for the other?
Have they ever considered sleeping in the same bed?
What would they bond over? Etc
Oooh hoo! I'm actually making them explore their love languages in the fic I'm writing right LMAO.
But yeah! I'll share some of my brain thoughts!!
Their love languages:
Lucifer's Lover Language: Gift Giving (he likes creating things, especially if he has someone specific in mind because that's when its got the most heart and effort in it, and people accepting his gifts and genuinely liking them mean the absolute word to him), Words of Affirmation (sometimes he just needs some affirmation, you know? Sometimes he needs to be told he's doing a good job), and Physical Touch (likes the closeness and intimacy of it, whether its cuddling, sex, or just holding hands).
Alastor's Love Language: Acts of Service (he shows his love by doing things for you, be it home cooked meals, picking up a few things for you, or killing someone. It's all in the name of love, baby!), Words of Affirmation (give him compliments. He needs them like air. if there's any stroking going on, it's going to be strokes to his ego), and Quality Time (arranged quality time, to be specific. I feel like he wouldn't like people popping up on him out of nowhere and dragging him off. Well, unless you're Rosie, maybe. Anyway, sometimes it's just being in his own room, doing his own thing, in the companionship of Lucifer's company. They can talk and argue and banter, but companionable silence is good too.)
Who cooks for the other?
Alastor def cooks for Lucifer when he actually enjoys being in his presence. He knows a lot of home-cooked meals, as well as a variety of desserts and sweets (even if he, personally, doesn't like sweet things). Some of it is because he enjoys cooking for people he likes, and some of it is just because it's a fun hobby to him. He likes learning how to cook new recipes, even if he might not like that recipe himself.
I think Lucifer knows how to cook. Maybe nothing extravagant or super complicated, but he can make a good dish. As soon as Charlie moved out, he kind of fell out of it, though. Anything he made for himself was Hell's equivalent of a microwaveable dinner. He just did not have the motivation, energy, or mental/emotional capacity to put a lot of effort into himself. He really enjoyed cooking things for Charlie, and I actually think he'd tried to cook Alastor's favorite dish as a surprise for him (for their anniversary, or an in-house date night, or just as a random act of love, because I feel like Lucifer would do a lot of spur-of-the-moment, random acts of love).
Have they ever considered sleeping in the same bed?
They did, eventually, when their relationship got to the point they felt comfortable doing that. Alastor likes his space, and he doesn't like people intruding on it. His room is his comfort zone. He doesn't mind physical touch, but it needs to be on his own terms. Sometimes, he's okay with cuddling up next to Lucifer, and sometimes he just needs his space while he's sleeping.
Lucifer can still be in the bed, he's just gotta stay on his side.
Lucifer, on the other hand, is a big cuddler. He's incredibly touch-starved from being on his own for so long, so he'll take the physical touch he can get. Alastor can recognize when Lucifer needs more physical touch, and he'll offer it so long as he's also mentally able to as well.
The more they get used to each other's presence, the more Alastor is open to Lucifer sleeping in the same bed with him, and indulging in physical contact. Lucifer is patient, and if Alastor wants him to stay on his side of the bed one night, he's fine with that. He'll get his cuddles again, eventually.
What would they bond over?
How bad modern television/entertainment is. It's all quantity over quality. There's rarely any real passion put into it. It's all to make as much money as possible, without putting life into the story.
Alastor is an entertainer. As a radio host, all he had to keep a captive audience was his voice and whatever other sounds he decided to use. It's all audio. And he has passion for entertainment. It needs flair! Drama! Charm!
All the modern stuff just feels so bland and lazy (and maybe he's a little too harsh on it sometimes. Even if he comes across something he actually likes, he'll NEVER admit it).
Lucifer just wants something good to watch, but anything he put on just didn't hit it for him. Sometimes, just sitting on the couch for hours watching cash-grab movies/shows made him feel even worse about himself, and creating ducks at least gave him some enjoyment, so he turned to that.
He doesn't have as much vehemence for modern entertainment as Alastor. If he finds something he likes, he'll happily watch it (much to Alastor dismay). But he rarely finds anything that REALLY intrigues him, so he just doesn't go searching for it very often.
I also think they would bond over their respective hobbies. Lucifer likes making and collecting ducks. Alastor likes collecting furbies. They go hobby shopping together. Alastor rearranges and dusts off his furbies, while Lucifer creates his ducks. They co-play.
Additional headcanons (some of which you guys might already know!):
Alastor Bottoms and Lucifer Tops (In this specific relationship. Lucifer, himself, is a switch (which is canon!), but Alastor doesn't like topping- or inserting any part of himself into someone else. It's icks him out. He's okay with taking on a more passive bottom role. He might be convinced to Top, maybe, but it rarely ever happens).
Alastor is sex neutral, in the way that he's okay with having sex when he feels up to it, but he's also totally fine with not having it at all (Except when Lucifer goes demon mode in bed, because he has a power kink, and he is ALL for that. It's the only time he'll be an active bottom during sex).
Lucifer has a very high libido. It dropped a lot in the 7 years that he isolated himself in his palace (and because of depression. Depression definitely had a hand in that too), but as he starts getting into a better mind space and getting the mental-health help he needs, his libido comes back full force. He'll never push Alastor into doing anything, and he's okay with taking care of his sexual needs on his own, he's just a very, very horny man. He loves the intimacy, closeness, and pleasure that comes with sex, and loves sharing that with his partner. It's very important to him. It took a while for Alastor to really understand WHY sex is so important to Lucifer, as it doesn't really make sense to him, but once he did, he tries to be more active when they do have sex - or more proactive in initiating it (of course, only when he wants to, because you shouldn't force yourself to have sex with your partner!)
Alastor and Lucifer argue about the stupidest, most random, most insignificant things. It'll lead to full on shouting matches, and then 10 minutes later, they're chilling on the couch like nothing happened at all. They argue for the sake of arguing. The more heated, the better.
Annnd, that's all I have time for right now, but I do have more headcanons tumbling around in my head. Many thoughts.
These two are silly.
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cradle-quill · 2 months
Hi dere! Ummm how did you figure out you enjoyed the daddy/abdl lifestyle? And I guess more importantly…how did you come to accept it? I’m having a bit of trouble with feelings of guilt/shame for liking little space recently. Tankyou for reading and I hope you’re having a good day/night :-)
Honestly, I've been interested in ABDL for as long as I can remember. I've always had a strange interest in diapers, and when I was old enough to gain unrestricted internet access, I learned about ABDL and began working that into my identity. During that time, my relationship with it was a lot more turbulent, as I would binge on all kinds of diapers, pacifiers, babyish clothes, etc. and heavily indulge, wearing every day, that sort of thing, before getting disgusted with myself and throwing it all away.
Over time, I learned to accept this as a part of myself. I accepted that my kinks don't harm anyone, that everything I'm doing involves consenting adults. Whether anyone is actually being harmed plays a huge role in my moral beliefs in general, and I think ABDL unironically played a role in that.
Once I got a bit older, I naturally gravitated away from wearing diapers myself and started engaging with partners who wore diapers. I believe I am a very natural caregiver. I want that control. I want to put someone in their place, to feel like I own them, but not just to humiliate them, but to protect, love, and guide them as well. It all comes very naturally for me, and I don't think it ever could have turned out any other way. I think this is just who I am. And all things considered, I think I'm a pretty decent person :)
So that would be my advice to you. Focus on yourself and who you want to be. Really ask yourself, what do you want out of life? What are your hobbies, your passions? Focus on the things you actually want, not what would be nice. Do you want to own your own home someday? Settle down with someone? Have kids? Work a steady job? Get a job exploring the arts? The world is your oyster, and you don't have to have any of these figured out yet. One of the coolest things about life is that you can be 40 years old and decide you want an engineering degree, and a few years later you can be a full-time engineer.
Life is long. Give yourself the room to grow and the grace to be silly and wear diapers and be little if that's what you love. When you picture who you want to be, the best version of yourself, do you look down upon them for being little sometimes? Do you truly think it makes them lesser? What would they tell you? They'd probably say that being little is just one part of their life, and there are so many different things that make that future version of you who they will be, and that no one thing defines them or makes them less deserving of happiness. When the world is hard, take a break, relax, and let yourself be little <3
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cesperanza · 1 year
Okay, here's my dilemma: I love writing fanfic. I've been at it for many years and (likely due to all that passionate *practice*), people seem to consider me "talented." This has filled me with immense shame, because now I feel I should probably attempt to write "real" fiction. But I don't wannaaaa.
Are we obligated to develop every skill to its highest potential? Am I wasting my life just writing about superheroes? My brain knows the answers to these questions but my heart doesn't. Please help, Dear Abby, SOS, etc.
Te absolvo, anon! OMG, you are allowed to have fun!
Also--fanfic IS "real fiction." Ask your readers! :D
Also also more people will likely read your fanfiction than will read your "real" fiction, if by "real" fiction you mean anything like "literary" fiction. Look up the publication numbers on literary fiction lol. (Hint: There's a reason that many literary writers teach creative writing at universities.)
Also you will have more artistic control and ability to "develop your skills to the highest potential" writing fanfiction than you will writing commercial fiction because commercial fiction has requirements that aren't, per se, artistic. (Genre constraints, editorial requirements, differentiation from competition, multi-book universe to capitalize on branding, etc.)
Which is why writing for money is work.
All that said, if you 're looking for more work, and you're talented with words, yes, you should absolutely consider writing as a job. But don't kid yourself: you're looking for a job. If you already have a job, consider whether or not you want two jobs / more work in your life. If you don't have a job, ask yourself if this is the sort of job you want (which--imo writing fiction is quite nerve-wracking, because unsteady/unreliable financially unless you're a real machine of a writer. If you have other sources of income/health insurance etc., this becomes a much easier proposition; you don't have to worry about losing the house, not making rent etc.)
I occasionally do write things that people pay me for, but it's a sideline from my job because I have a job that I like that is already quite engaging/exhausting and that pays my health insurance/ contributes to my retirement and so on and so forth etc. This both enables me to occasionally take on other kinds of writing as work (because yay I have health insurance!), but also limits me from doing so, because--it's work and I already have quite a lot of work in my life. *looks around at desk, cough, did I just open tumblr? yes i did*
Writing fanfic, on the other hand, is FUN. :D I have been in fandom for decades, and e.g. I deliberately for years chose to do 4 min win at a time when I HAVE a lot of work because it is NOT WORK, it is something very other than work, something that contributes to my sense of my own humanity and creativity and connects me to my friends and is about joy and making art etc. If I did not write fanfic I would have to find some other kind of hobby/pleasure/etc. Perhaps like Sherlock Holmes I would take up the violin (and not at all become a professional violinist, which I think is--yes, rather a lot of work.)
---Why I am not a violinist, by Ces, age mumblety-mumble
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Lookism Men x Artist! Reader 🖤🥀🎨Part 2
Warnings: None Genre: fluff ☁️ Reader is gender neutral (and in an established relationship with the character of choice :)
Hudson Ahn (Ahn Hyung-Seong)
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He doesn't really mind about your hobby as long if it's nothing too weird or bothersome. What matters is that you're having fun and you're comfortable with it.
Hudson will also be curious on how you managed to draw things. I think he'll kind of get close to you when he sees you drawing body anatomy and sketches of fighting poses. He really thinks it's cool. He also thinks it's very creative when you draw Shonen manga like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, etc. (I headcannon that Hudson watches anime secretly since he thinks that the fighting scenes are so cool). But no matter what art style you're using, Hudson thinks that you're really talented especially when you're passionate about it.
He also doesn't mind it if you asked him for a picture so you can use him as a reference photo. Sure, he has other things to do like training with Taesoo but he guessed that a little break is not really a bad idea. He'll be looking forward for the results while he's away training and not seeing you for who knows how long. Taesoo will ask what he did on his breaks and he'll simply reply "I just spend time with Y/N. She/he just asked me to be her/his model for her/his sketch before I go. It's fine I guess".
And after a really long time of not meeting each other because of his missions and personal problems, he'll visit you again after beating some fucker's ass. He'll ask about your progress and if you're already finished it will make him surprised (though it's not obvious). He knows that it takes a lot of time and patience to make a good artwork just like training for combat, but he guessed that you're just so responsible at managing your time or you're just really good at it. After you gave him the sketch for him to take a good look at it, he'll be surprised on how you did a good job and he'll compliment it "It looks pretty". "Tha-Thank you. I wonder if you would want me to take pictures of you, if you don't mind". "Sure I've got nothing to do anyways". And if he's not satisfied, he'll give constructive criticism on it (though he won't ask for you to draw a new portrait of him since he doesn't like it when you get burned out). He'll also ask you to keep it since he can't promise that he can preserve it's beauty because of his work.
Hudson is your number one fan even though it's not really obvious at times. You're his precious cinnamon roll that he'll protect whoever tries to mess with you :).
Eli Jang (Jang Hyun)
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Also your number one biggest fan (he still prioritizes a nice and helpful partner, but also having a talented someone can make his heart explode).
He also finds your own artsyle amazing whether you draw anime/cartoonish, realism/semi-realism, landscape, abstract or gory/horror (though don't show your gory art to Yenna she may cry her eyes out lmao). I headcannon that Eli himself likes drawing. When he's younger and when he was struggling with his personal issues, he would either hum songs that his mother used to sing to him or he would draw a picture of what a happy family looks like since he never got to experienced to be raised in a loving and accepting place, though he never finds it as his future career. But drawing makes him calm and express his negative emotions on a simple paper, so having a partner who also shares the same hobby as him makes you and Eli's bond a bit stronger. He also really admires how you took a simple activity into the next level like drawing everyday things or events in your style and interpretation.
He also doesn't mind it when you asked him for a picture for you to use it as a reference photo. Though expect for him to snap a photo with him holding his baby with that sweetest smile ever (he'll only do it though when you're super close with him). And after giving him your work he'll put it on a frame that hangs up on their home along with other pictures of the Hostel Members and yourself since he just found you very special, especially when you give him something that you made by yourself (he's very sentimental). "You're hanging it up on the wall?" you asked as he smiles while looking at your artwork of him holding Yenna. "Of course. Your works are beautiful and it means so much to me. My family is the most important thing in my life. You, Yenna and the others are like precious gems that needs to be protected and be taken care of. So I'll do my best to protect you even if it means in hurting others so all of you will be safe" "Damn, you actually sound like my parent/s". you replied back as his eyes widened at your reaction as Eli chuckled at your response. "I'm Hostel's Big Daddy after all". "And that's why I love you".
Eli also appreciates it when you babysit Yenna and teaching her how to color! Since Eli's really busy and tired balancing his high school life and fighting the other crews who tries to mess with his family, sometimes he can get a bit lazy of taking care of the little girl (But I don't think that he's a careless father he still spends his extra time with Yenna). But taking turns with him of taking care of the girl can be a relief of him, (though he doesn't assign you for watching out his child since he understands that you need to study too and have your personal space but he'll trust you more if you take care of her). He might even join drawing with the both of you! It can be a special bond and activity that you, Eli and Yenna will do every time you're both free and in the mood to take a break (the others will join too but it can be a mess yet still very fun!). "Yenna you drew a snowman! It looks so cute!" "BA BA Y/N!".
Eli really value you as a really good and supportive partner, so supporting you on your hobby is no big deal either.
Warren Chae (Chae Won Seok)
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Fanboy #3. Seriously, he thinks that your talent/hobby is so cool!
Warren finds it fascinating how you draw. He also likes the concentrated face that you make when you're too serious of sketching your reference and not getting it right. "Y/N (why do you look so annoyed?)" he will ask curiously and peek through your sketchbook as you hide it pressing the paper on your chest. "It's nothing" "I noticed that the nose looks weird (like a penis)". "WARREN!"
Just like Zack, he'll feel so special when you asked him for a picture as a reference photo. He'll be so awkward about it lmao (he secretly wants you to draw him anyways soooo....). He'll be posing like an idiot while you scold him for doing a bad job as your personal model. "C'mon Warren act natural." "Like this?" then he'll put his hand on the back of his head with a pouty look making you sigh (though he doesn't like you getting pissed off by him so he'll try his best to be obedient but he just can't take things seriously sometimes lol).
And he'll be so hyped and excited to see your progress! He'll ask about your work if its finished almost every time, "Y/N (How's) the sketch? Is it done?" "No Warren, I haven't finished it yet I just need to add some details." "Okie (I'll wait for it!)" And if you are done and you gave it to him, his eyes will be that emoji ✨🥺✨because he's so amazed that you did a very good job with it! "WOAH Y/N YOU REALLY SLAYED THIS!" "Ye-Yeah thanks".
He will also flex you on Sally, Eli, Derek, Max, Heather heck even Olly. "Y/N so good at drawing (she/he's my everything)". "Yeah, that's why you're such a simp for her/him." "HEY! (BE QUIET!)".
If Warren is one of the approved simps, he'll be also your fan. Just seeing you happy and progressing your talents/skills and also as a good person really warms his heart >3 (keep up the good work!).
Johan Seong (Seong Yohan)
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Okay he looks so angsty in this picture though (I just wanna see him happy for once).
If you're childhood friends with him, he'll be in shock and awe on how you managed to draw cute things. "WoW Y/N how are you so good at these stuff?" "Ha... Well, you just need some practice and patience in anything that you do you know. I'm not really good at first but I managed to pass the beginner level I guess". He will also look up to you as a role model especially if he's crushing on you. "I wanna be cool like Y/N too so I'll practice boxing just like Zack is doing right now!" . But if you met him after the God Dog arc he'll be more quiet and reserved. I can imagine the scenario, you and Johan with his dogs will be on the same park while he stares at you sketching something. He will be blushing and he will look away when you noticed him watching you doing your own thing (he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable). "Sorry are you alright sir?" "Ye-Yeah I'll go no-" "No it's alright really! There's no other seats in here and I noticed you watching me draw but it's okay." "You sure?" "Yeah. Your name?" and the rest is history.
Johan also doesn't mind it if you asked for a photo of him as a reference. Though I headcannon that he'll be mildly uncomfortable about it since he secretly feels insecure about himself. "You want a photo of me?" "Yes!" "What for?" he will ask bluntly but deep down he'll be screaming inside while his cheeks are rosy pink. His crush asking his photo? His day couldn't get any better. "Well I was out of ideas for my drawings and I thought that you'll be a perfect reference" you asked as he looks at you overthinking. What if you're secretly part of the Workers and you've been a spy all along so that you can share his information to Yoojin and destroy him. "Just promise me one thing." "Sure!" he leans closer to you making close contact making you blush. "You won't leak my photo everywhere, got it?" "Su-Sure. I promise".
He secretly likes it more when you draw him pictures of animals like dogs, especially Eden! (He's just like Vasco fr). "You drew this?" Johan asked checking out your work as you smiled back at him. "Yep! I think your dog is cute so I decided to draw her!" you replied cheerfully as he gave you a sly smirk, you look so cute when you give a happy expression to him it makes his day better. "Keep up the good work" Johan said while ruffling your hair.
Having a someone who is kind, warm hearted and also talented is a win for Johan. He can't help but to adore you!
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autopilotz · 2 years
I've had this thought lingering in my head for a while, but I've struggled finding a way to articulate it...Eh, here I go nonetheless.
I think it's weird when people act like you're required to know everything about something to actually enjoy it. That if you're not expressing your particular passion at "peak performance", suddenly it couldn't be a meaningful or fruitful endeavor for you. The whole, "oh you like this band? name every song." As if simply enjoying something, whether it's one song or the entire discography, isn't enough. Another good example being: "oh you like gaming? but you only play [insert some comparatively easier game], you're not actually into gaming.", It feels...oddly competitive? Now- I could ring up a dozen other phrases to make my point, but I'm sure you already get the gist. The common theme between all those statements is that they never come from a genuine place of wanting to share information over a common interest, but rather a way to assert that they're better in something that...literally isn't a competition at all. Especially over things that exist for our enjoyment. To an extent, I get it. I say this as someone who literally finds my own fun by trying to cram every detail and interesting fact about something I like into my head. We want to share our passions with people who are likeminded to us, know the same things we do, etc. But honestly, is it really such a problem if someone simply just enjoys something in the way thats easiest for them?...Easiest. I think thats the interesting word here. I think people just find it satisfying to assert that they put more "effort" into something. This idea that you couldn't possibly share the same passion that they do because you didn't buy $500 worth of merchandise or some shit.
So, with that being said, yeah, just have fun. Not everything is a job. You play this character simply because they look cool? Awesome. You make art and don't study shit? Sounds fun! You wear a band t-shirt but only listen to one song? Fantastic. You listen to every song but have no merch? Great. You draw fanart that doesn't follow canon design? Thats literally fine & doesn't affect me at all. In the absolute best way possible... I don't care! have fun!!
TLDR; I think it’s weird to invalidate someone’s interest, hobby or whatever simply because you think they’re a “fake fan” or not “into it enough”.
Anyways, yeah. I’m not really upset or focused on a particular instance, just speaking my mind in hopes that other people resonate. Feel free to chip in your thoughts, whether you disagree or agree I’d love to hear. Or if you think you can rephrase my thoughts better 100% go for it.
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hunniebunnietarot · 2 years
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Decks used as always: Ethereal Visions by Matt Hughes, Oracle of The Fairies by Karen Kay.
Feedback would be appreciated. Enjoy!
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Pile 1
3 of cups, wheel of fortune, Go outside, Flourish
Currently, you are facing the consequences of some kind of decision(whether  by you, a coworker, or client/customer) being made. One that caused or is causing a rift among you and another group of people. You could be using it as an opportunity of learning how to handle yourself better the next time something like that comes up. You could also be having trouble with balancing your work with other aspects of your life such as family, friends, school, hobbies, etc.
Queen of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, protection, come together
Within the next 3 months, you will do a complete 360. I don’t see you changing jobs or anything, but you will be more accustomed to your position and responsibilities. You will definitely have a better balanced life, while still being able to maintain a productive work life. You will be better at handling uncontrolled situations and bring about a solution/peace. There is a more “matured” energy and your efforts will be reflected in your pay if it wasn’t already.
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Pile 2
Page of pentacles, the hierophant, ask for help, flourish
Currently, You could’ve or will get an opportunity soon to make (extra?) money. Some may also be in school right now. The opportunity could be kind of out of your field of knowledge or something about it isn’t clear to you, so you have been seeking the guidance of an older person(to finally make a decision). This person could be also helping you review your resume or helping prepare you for an interview, if that resonates with someone. 
Page of wands, queen of wands, magical blessing, pure intentions
In the next 3 months, I see the interview going well and you getting the job. I see that maybe before you just wanted to pursue the opportunity for financial reasons, but you really grew to like the job. You could even develop a passion for that kind of work, and work very sincerely. You’re very enthusiastic about it, and for some this might cause you to have a change in major or career field.
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Pile 3
Death, the artist, wisdom, magical gateway
Your current energy is that you’re craving a change. Most of the people that picked this pile may be 20 and up. I feel like you have a pretty good and stable career/job that comes with benefits and such. You could be in a creative field right now, that you enjoy and let you have creative freedom(you could've been doing this for quite a while). Either that, or you lack freedom and crave that, because after all art is all about individualism. There’s a part of you that wants to quit and take a risk toward something else. 
Ace of wands, 2 of pentacles, solitude, pure intention
Within 3 months from now, you might actually go through with your idea of starting anew. There will be an opportunity that fires you up again, renewing your passion for what you do. You’ll be completely in love with how much control you have over yourself and your work. There will be a balance between collaborating with others and completing projects by yourself. This will be very different from what you were doing previously, so it might take you some time to adjust to the new environment.
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Pile 4
The hermit, knight of wands, wish wisely, flourish
Currently, you could be trying really hard to get a job. This may be stressing you out(relax, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’re taking time apart from friends and family, because you feel like you have to take action in order to get what you want.
7 of cups, the sun, shine from within, journey
The months to come you will be working on loving yourself, recognizing that you are talented and deserve good things. You could be going on some kind of spiritual journey, or an actual trip somewhere to help you de-stress. Although I'm not getting much about your actual job, there is a possibility that you may get an opportunity or idea regarding work. In order for this to happen, it would probably benefit you to take some time to work on yourself and figure out what you want to do in life/your purpose.
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relationship hcs ; shirou
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requested by ; 🐜 anon (14/06/23) [1/2]
fandom(s) ; brand new animal
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; shirou ogami
outline ; “🐜 anon because i love BNA and 100% wasnt the person to recommend it whaaaat.... .
Shirou Ogami relationship and smut hcs?
also i accidentally typed shitou Ogami for a second there 😭”
warning(s) ; canon typical references to violence/discrimination/etc
it takes a long time for shirou to trust someone enough to get close to them — like of course he cares for all beastmen and will protect them but that doesn’t mean he’s close to them by default, he’s actually incredibly guarded and private
so this would only ever work on a basis of acquaintances -> friends -> lovers — and it would be a lengthy process to move from one step to the next
or, in other words: he’s not someone who rushes into things so any sort of relationship progression with him is going to be slow and steady at the best of times
but even once you are in a relationship with him, things aren’t exactly cut and dry
he’s protective over you, of course, and will always keep an eye (or, more aptly, nose) out for you to make sure that you’re safe when you’re away from him
he makes sure that you take care of yourself — whether that’s resting and eating enough, taking any medications you need or keeping you from overworking yourself (depending on what your habits are)
like he’ll start off by gruffly reminding you to take a break or rest or eat, and if that doesn’t work he’ll pick you up and do everything shy of actively forcing you to do some self care
will lend you his coat if you mention being cold, but it’s always in a sort of dismissive way — though he does appreciate the sight of you wearing his clothes, even if he doesn’t show it
not very big on physical affection and can get overwhelmed by it if you’re too forward — prefers to show his love through acts of service instead
he’ll substitute cuddling for breakfast in bed, or replace public kissing with date nights spent on rooftops discussing history and the stars
the furthest he’ll go with physical affection in public is a peck on the lips or a kiss on the back of your hand — in private he’s a bit more affectionate but not by much
flusters under praise and genuine compliments but will occasionally praise/compliment you in return in a roundabout casual way — e.g. ‘good job’, ‘not bad’ or ‘nice shirt, when did you buy it?’
has a possessive/territorial streak and will intimidate the hell out of anyone who tries to flirt with you — especially if they’re human — but will vehemently deny any and all accusations of jealousy
has an excellent memory and keeps track of things like anniversaries and birthdays with ease — but he also makes sure that you keep on top of things like medication and appointments when you’re due for them (be that something minor like a checkup or hay-fever, or something more significant like physiotherapy or painkillers)
loves hearing you talk about your passions/interests/hobbies and will quietly listen and ask questions where appropriate — but even if you’re not talking to him, you can catch him staring at you out of the corner of your eye
if you’re the type of partner who steals his clothes (a hermit crab, basically) then he’ll quickly become accustomed to it and will even set aside some of his shirts and jumpers for you to wear — namely so that you stop ‘borrowing’ his work clothes
if you joke about being in the world’s largest age gap relationship then he’ll just shake his head and sigh — you’re not wrong but he’s not going to encourage you with a proper response
though they’re not as frequent as they used to be, shirou does occasionally suffer from nightmares — reliving the last few days he spent in nirvasyl as well as how he died and the lives he took in the aftermath
this is the only time you’ll see him cry and you’re the only person who gets to see him be vulnerable in this way — he won’t seek you out for comfort but he won’t push you away if you try to give it to him (just don’t bring it up afterwards as he’d rather not think about it)
doesn’t talk about his past often but he will teach you innocent things like dances, songs and how to prepare some of the dishes he grew up with — things that aren’t linked to the fall but instead the cultural core of nirvasyl
doesn’t explicitly tell anyone that he’s in a relationship because he prefers to keep his private and professional lives separate, but michiru, gem, melissa and mayor rose all know you — with michiru in particular always asking about you and teasing shirou about being ‘whipped’ for you
if you’re a beastman like him then he constantly worries about your safety — especially if you travel outside of anima city
he’s all too aware of the dangers faced by your kind and, unlike him, you’re very much so mortal and at risk of losing your life to an anti beastman group — and he can’t imagine losing you so soon
in his more animalistic form he’s much worse at hiding his emotions and will give some not-so-subtle tells that he’s happy to see you — namely wagging his tail (no matter how much he tries to stop it)
he’s a living space heater so sharing a bed is only really viable in the winter because otherwise there is a really good chance that you’ll overheat — especially since he does somewhat cling to you in his sleep and has a strong enough grip that there is little to no chance of you getting out before he wakes up
usually just calls you by your name over any sort of pet name — unless he’s introducing you to someone else at which point you’ll gain a suffix denoting your relationship (e.g. ‘this is (name), my —‘)
so partner if you’re dating (he finds girlfriend and boyfriend to be a bit childish)
fiancé/fiancée if you’re engaged
wife/husband/spouse if you’re married
but yeah that’s the closest you’ll get because he isn’t really the type to use cutesy nicknames with his spouse
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ablazenqueen · 4 months
15 Questions For 15 Friends
Tagged by @mygeekcorner and @playlistashton! Thanks, guys! 😊
Are you named after anyone? My middle name is my aunt (and godmother)’s name. Otherwise, no.
When was the last time you cried? I watched the Yi City arc of MDZS with my friend a few weeks ago. Anyone who knows what that means knows what that means. Yeah, I balled 🥲
Do you have kids? Not unless my dog counts. I don’t intend to ever have any either.
What sport do you play / have played? Hoo boy, that’s a broad question. Currently, I don’t play any sports and I’ve definitely never been an athlete. But if we’re including past tense, any sport I’ve done, my mom enrolled me in just about anything and everything when I was a kid. I took ballet, speed skating courses, fencing courses, golf courses, ski courses. I did drill team and marching band when I was a youth cadet, if those counts? Soccer when I was a baby, don’t remember that. I still skate every winter and golf every(ish) summer. Oh and I hike in the woods with my dog, if that counts!
Do you use sarcasm? Not super often. I tend to be too dry when I’m being sarcastic, it often comes off as rude, people don’t always recognize I’m joking, so I’ve gotten into the habit long ago of not risking it 😅
What's the first thing you notice about people? When I meet someone new? The way they interact with me. Whether they’re kind or condescending or dismissive or attentive, etc. The first thing I register about a new person is how I think they feel about me, whether I think they think I’m worth their time or not. Basically, my initial assessment of anyone is always “friend?”.
What's your eye color? Blue! I’ve been told they’re my most defining feature 💅
Scary movies or happy endings? 1000% happy endings. I’m really not a fan of horror media because it usually ends sad, with everyone dead and anyone living severely traumatized. Not big on that. I DO, however, love horror with a happy ending! Uncommon as that unfortunately is.
Any talents? I can play the flute and the ocarina! That’s probably it though, I don’t have many fun skills 😅
Where were you born? In Canada! 😊
What are your hobbies? Writing, playing the flute, attempting to learn new instruments, gaming, DND. Movies! I love movies with my whole entire heart! I recently got back into reading, which was a huge passion of mine in high school, but something I stopped having the time or attention span for in my uni undergrad. I’m a bit of a workaholic so I don’t tend to have time for much beyond my work/studies 😅
Do you have any pets? Yes!!! My angel boy!!! He’s a dog, hyper little Australian Shepherd! I love him so much!
How tall are you? 5’5 ft, 168cm!
Favorite subject in school? Creative Writing back in high school! In uni, probably the Criminology course I took in my undergrad.
Dream job? The answer to this varies pretty much every single time someone asks me. But currently, it’s what I’m doing right now: Criminal Law for Legal Aid.
Tagging @fairlylokai @okaybutlikemakeitgay @arisprite @gaym3bo1 @sparklyeyedhimbo @soyellowcurtainsthen @plaudiusplants @non-binarypal7 @xagan @pigeonriot @shannankle @funyasm @thisautistic @meglaroque @dribs-and-drabbles if you guys want!
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cosmoknightchaos · 3 months
I spot another OC ask, which means I’m obligated to ask you.
This is what I am here for, this is my Job.
6 or 10 for KMJ.
Also if possible 2 for Timmy
Noot I have a tag on my blog specifically for these things. You can go through that anytime. Or just ask me questions. Please I am desperate to talk about my characters
6. What is something they are absolutely hopeless at doing? Why?
King is hopeless at escapeing the Horizon. Haha fucking gottem
In seriousness, I. Uh. I don't know. King does very little besides scheme, fight with Sky, and fix his window.
Which I guess does answer the question? King is hopelessly obsessed with trying to escape the Horizon, to the point where he kind of forgets how to exist otherwise. Bro is not good at being a person with hobbies.
10. Where is your OC’s favorite place? Like if they were having a bad day, where would they run off to?
King Moonjumper hates most of the Horizon. For obvious reasons. He is so tired of being in there, and just hates seeing it with a passion. Because of this, he spends most of his time in his palace, which, if he tries hard enough, he can pretend isn't in the Horizon. It is slightly better than the rest of the Horizon is.
This may or may not be brought up in the book (I haven't decided yet lmao), but King has a small room attached to the throne room that's his personal room. What little personal items King has are in there, along with anything he's decided has emotional value from the Horizon- and, within RTTH canon, all of the gifts from Jinx. There's also places for his mask, katana, cape, jacket, etc., whether it be counterspace or a hanger or whatever. His signature red strings and stars line the ceiling, but it's a lot messier than the rest of the palace's ceiling decor is. I like to imagine that a lot of the magic-made decorations in his room are accidental.
Since it's his personal room, it's his comfort space. It's the one spot where King allows himself to be emotional, and there have been many a mental breakdown in that room. Believe me.
2. What do they think is their best feature? This can be both physical or personality wise.
Gonna be honest I have not made Timmy Hau an OC yet. He is one of two the only character I don't consider to be an OC. I should fix that.
Physicality-wise, I don't think Timmy has very strong opinions on how he looks. He's not the most comfortable with his looks, but he's a teenager and you don't really know how to look at that age. However I do have to mention that I fucking love his hair and it is so much fun to draw. Goofy-ass long icecream scoop hair <3
As for personality/things Timmy actually likes about himself, let's start pre-Horizon. No spoilers, don't worry :)
Timmy definitely likes that he has a small presence. Not meaning his height (though he doesn't mind his short stature that much), but the fact that Timmy is very sneaky. People just tend to not notice him, so he can get away with a lot. He's really good at getting places he shouldn't be.
And speaking of places he shouldn't be, let's talk about the Horizon! Timmy's view on himself changes a lot during his stay in the Horizon, and although he still appreciates his high level of stealth, there's... not really much to sneak around to. Or people to notice him. So, changing it up completely, Timmy starts to really like his natural skill at dramatic entrances. He uses his naturally small presence to sneak up on someone, then announces himself and immediately hams it up for the bit. And he's good at it. Especially when he adds a touch of his telekinesis for special effect.
Like. Look at this. He's so good at entrances. Timmy has the One liner/reveal (he's standing behind the protagonist) formula down to a T.
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He balances over-the-top, dramatic lines and acting with just being a silly guy so well. You can tell he's playing up his appearances for funsies.
(Heads up: The following screenshots are from the currently unreleased Act 3 of WTSS! Context has been edited out, so there's no real spoilers, but I wanted to mention it just in case.)
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These screenshots are not only within the same conversation, but appear two lines away from each other. Timmy is so good at being silly and serious at the same time and it is, not just his favourite thing about himself, but my favourite thing about writing him.
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mar-nu-falmar · 8 months
I was tagged by the lovely @ohtobealady. Thank you <3
I've actually done that game before a while ago, but it's fun so I'll do it again...
1. Are you named after anyone? Yep, got my 2nd & 3rd name from both my grannies.
2. When was the last time you cried? Actually only about a week ago or so... because a person very dear to me got suddenly very ill and I was (am) quite devastated. I normally never cry, must've been years ago before that.
3. Do you have kids? Nope, but a bunch of nephews (enough kids around me for the moment).
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I've been riding horses half my life, I've been doing archery, I love hiking and bouldering and generally doing stuff outside, in the garden or forest. And skiing.
5. Do you use sarcasm? The combination of humor, irony & sarcasm is the only thing my life consists of.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Whether they've got humor or not... haha.
7. What’s your eye color? A mixture of green + blue and grey.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? I'll go for a scary movie with a happy ending.
9. Any talents? My humor.
10. Where were you born? The very East of Germany.
11. What are your hobbies? Being outside, working in the garden and in the forest, doing stuff with wood, playing the piano & my accordion, strumming the guitar, cooking & baking, learning new stuff like embroidery, languages etc.
12. Do you have any pets? Not in my flat.
13. How tall are you? 162 cm (5' 4")
14. Favorite subject in school? History!
15. Dream job? Never actually thought much about a ‘dream job’. On good days I’d actually say what I do right now is kind of a dream job, I can get passionate about it...
Tagging whoever want to do it.
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spouseoftherisingsun · 5 months
Tagged by @heathened Helloooooooo ♡ I love that I used the other tags to find new mutuals, we love it
When was the last time you cried? Last night because I have pink eye and miss my cat who died last year
Do you have kids? No, but I'm a kindergarten aide, hence the pink eye
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I mix it up but sometimes I say things in a sarcastic tone when they're actually true. I do this a lot more than I used to rn as I currently work at a Catholic school lmao
What sports do you play? Grew up playing volleyball and then dropped it to do dance, still love doing both, but currently playing a total of like a minute of soccer every recess since I ref for the kids
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Faces, I was born a weird little girl who stares at faces and I still often watch them because I love to draw faces
What’s your eye color? Bluish, always wanted brown eyes growing up bc that's what my mom has
Scary movies or happy endings? Context dependent for sure.
Any special talents? The things I get the most compliments on are my voice, storytelling, and artistic ability
Where were you born? Rural Washington
What are your hobbies? Draw, write, sing, design, occultism, etc. etc.
Do you have pets? My cat died last year, still grieving her hard. Mom and I have another cat I picked up off the street way back in middle school. Mom also has a dog, I love him but he's very much her dog. Dad and Dana (step-mom) have two dogs and a turtle
How tall are you? 5'3" and a half, have been told I look taller
Favorite subject in school? Textual analysis was a contender, but my true passion is my minor, Creative and Cultural Insutries, as well as any creative and/or cultural practice like writing, illustration, etc. The subject I consider the most important is history (specifically historiography), but it's admittedly not my personal favorite
Dream job? Regardless of whether it's as a job or not I aim to eventually do something creative, but I do enjoy teaching
Tagging @zumurruds @kenshiv @saintmarkovia @medievalfawn @dykesville @godsopenwound @evakant and anyone I follow or follows me, no pressure for follow through just know ily all hellooo hi ♡♡♡♡
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Not Be a Little Nerd but hydro characters all have One thing they do and the put in all their efforts and being in that One Thing whether is a job or an art form which i think is a good way of describing you and how you navigate your passions!! your passion is felt very strongly in your writing and in your other hobbies such as fashion and collecting which i think is why hydro won !
honestly all of the theories about why certain people get certain visions and what traits exactly give a character a vision are super super interesting to me! that's a really interesting way to think about hydro and i can see that one applied to me, i think!
usually i associate hydro characters with havingvery strong ideals about something (barbara's desire to heal, ayato's desire to be a good head of the kamisato clan/yashiro commission, xingqiu's dedication to chivalry, childe's dedication to battle and mona's to the stars etc!) which isn't something i personally think i have myself but . . . passions and efforts is something i can jive with myself more easily!
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b-courageous1010 · 1 year
Day 12: Understanding Self-concept
What is Self-concept?
The image we have of ourselves, it's how we perceive our behaviors, abilities, and unique characteristics. It affects how you view your personality traits, your roles in life, and the hobbies or passions that are important to your sense of identity. It also affects how you feel about your interactions with the world, such as whether you feel and how you contribute to society.   
Carl Rogers 3 Parts of Self-Concept:
Self-esteem – How much you like, accept and value yourself. Self-esteem can be affected by several factors, including how others see you, how you compare to others, and your role in society   
Self-image – Refers to how you see yourself at this moment in time. Physical characteristics, personality traits, and social roles affect your self-image.   
Ideal self – The person you want to be. This person has the attributes or qualities you are working toward or want to possess. It's who you envision yourself to be if you are precisely as you want  
How does our self-concept develop?   
Self-concept develops and changes throughout our lifespan, but our early childhoods are a ripe time to learn to perceive ourselves in the world.   
Other contributions:  
Through our interaction with others such as our family, friends, and other people in our lives.   
The media can also shape our self-concept; when we consume media that promote certain ideals, we are more likely to make those ideals our own  
Why is it important to have a well-developed self-concept?
Impacts how we respond to life and helps us respond in positive and beneficial ways for our well-being. It does this by enabling us to recognize our worth and can contribute to higher self-confidence. It also helps keep us from internalizing negative feedback from others while also improving our relationships and motivation. 
Tips for changing your self-concept  
Consider changing your environment.   
This can mean changing the people we interact with and spending more time with supportive people. These people believe in us and everything we are capable of. They can remind you of how talented and resilient you are.   
This can also mean changing our job, professions, where we live, etc. If something in your environment is having a negative effect on you, consider if that factor is still serving you.
Work through self-doubt  
Try journaling to see why you view yourself in the light you do.    
Remember that you are your harshest critic, and try not to compare yourself to others
Know that you will make mistakes, and everyone makes mistakes not just you.  
If you deal with imposter syndrome, writing down your thoughts could be a good release. Things are often way worse in our heads.
Practice self-love and acceptance  
Love yourself and know that you are unconditionally loved  
Recognize that you are worthy, flaws and all   
Practice self-compassion, and give yourself warmth and understanding during difficult times or when you feel inadequate.   
By understanding our self-concept and how it affects our lives, we can work towards developing a healthy self-concept that contributes to a more fulfilling life. 
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all-or-nothing-baby · 2 years
thanks sm for my tags @greyhavenisback and @novemberhush ily both for the distraction! <3
1. ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? kind of. my middle name was the name of my dad's first partner (who was also my mum's good friend) who died. my mum and dad then ended up getting together after becoming close in their shared grief.
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? about 4 minutes ago when i read something that moved me. i cry everyday, sometimes more than once. i'm highly emotional and there are always so many things around that can make me happy/sad/passionate/angry/moved etc.
3. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? yes, two, and they're amazing xp
4. DO YOU USE SARCASM? oH nO, nEveR! i don't usually tend to use it on here tbh, as when written it can be easily mistaken imo. but in meatspace? i'm so bad for it! i don't always understand when it's being used on me, though lol.
5. WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT SOMEONE? i think whether or not they have a spark? like, that certain twinkle in their eye that tells me that they get it, that they're aware of the fact we're in it together; this very weird journey we are all on that we collectively call life—if any of that makes any sense?
6. WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR? blue-grey-green.
7. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? scary movies! love me some horror. psychological and supernatural themes are my jam.
8. ANY SPECIAL TALENTS? i can play the william tell overture on my teeth with my fingernails, does that count?
9. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? blackpool, the UK's most famous seaside town. there was a murder-mystery musical TV show made about it staring david tennant! it's situated in the dreary north-west of england.
10. WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? making art, reading and writing fiction and poetry, cinema, playing guitar/singing, making mixtapes, horror movies, getting obsessed over TV blorbos, looking at the inside of other people's houses on rightmove.com lol.
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? yes, four cats! two are pretty ferel tbh: an older all-black beauty and a tortoise shell rough'n'ready bruiser who only really come indoors to eat, or to sleep when it's raining outside. the other two are the complete opposite and are real homebodies, more often in—lounging around the place and demanding milk and treats—than out and about. one is black and white and an absolute whore for cuddles, the other is a tabby that everyone mistakes for a pure breed bc he looks like he is tbh, even tho he's a little 100% mongrel beastie! love them all.
12. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? none, now. i used to complete in running competitions as a kid but my body is now broken with hEDS so. no can do anymore.
13. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5'2". short king.
14. FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? art and english.
15. DREAM JOB? would be something i'm good at and fully capable of within my many limitations, in a dream society that sadly doesn't exist.
tagging, play or nay: @petrichoravellichor @rauko-is-a-free-elf @aloha-cowgirl @crack--attack @shealynn88 @sharkfish @slytherkins @jmeelee @wulfnerd @raisesomehale @halinski @rajalagang @ohhalefire @blue-eyedbeta @demonlandline @deklo @catboynecromancy @princecharmingwinks @radio-chatter @jimmypricegf @harrgrove @lovebillyhargrove @witchsickness @thisgirlsays22 @ltleflrt @kikiroo
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horatio-fig · 2 years
I studied something called Toxic Beta Masculinity for my Dissertation. I covered toxic fan culture, gatekeeping and incels, inspired by my experiences in the Star Wars Community. I could talk for hours about so much stuff, but I want to talk about Syril Karn.  
I basically studied men like him, so seeing it playing out on my screen every week has been truly wonderful. TV and film only ever show the extreme vilified side of things when actually, it’s much more subtle and nuanced and harder to spot in real life.  
(I’m gonna use some very broad statements here but I can clarify anything if people want. I want to make it very clear I am not defending anyone’s behaviour, this is just purely my take from an academic point of view)
What we’re seeing is something called Toxic Beta or Toxic Geek Masculinity. Masculinity is not bad. When you break down the core values of what makes a ‘successful man’ a lot of them are positive.
They’re things like “be able to provide for your loved ones”, “be physically fit and healthy”, “Protect your loves ones”. This translates to simply, have a partner, have a good job so you have money, have money so you can buy a house, etc. People who can do these things are categorised as Alpha males, those who cannot are Beta.  
(Again, using very broad terms here)  
Due to modern life, ‘Beta males’ are becoming a lot more common. A lot of us can’t afford our own place so we have to move in with our parents. It’s a lot harder to find any sort of job, and finding a good paying one is almost impossible. We’re stuck in bad jobs, living with our parents, making barely enough money to survive.  
Just because you are in that situation, does not mean you are toxic. But it's very easy to fall into that trap.  
Toxic Beta masculinity happens when these men realise that they do not possess the traditional masculine tropes. But instead of accepting that, they choose to vilify and blame those who do have them, or decide it’s someone else's fault. However, they’re not going to try and attack alpha males, because they are higher up than them. So, they instead project hate towards people who they think are below them (women, POC, Queer people) This is why the Star Wars Community has such problems with bigotry and it’s where gatekeeping comes from. (I’ll probably do a more in-depth post about this one day) Sometimes it’s malicious, but a lot of the time it is subconscious and they won’t realise they’re even doing it.
But, we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about Syril.  
Going back to the living with parents and no money thing. Millennials and younger generations will very likely never own property or make investments. After our living expenses, we are left with very little money and very little time to indulge in our hobbies. So, we have the choice to try and save up, or, what mostly happens is, we invest our money and time into something that brings us joy or we deem important.  
However, when we do this, we’re essentially deciding that our passion for something outweighs everything else and naturally we get defensive and over protective over the things we love. This passion can manifest itself in different ways, from a need to become an expert in it, to a need to lash out and be aggressive.  
Syril is this situation now. His life has started to crumble and worst of all he can pinpoint the exact moment when it happened. He can see all the people who are to blame, Cassian for killing his crew, His mother for pushing him too much, Meero for not letting him get any further in the investigation. The fact that all of these people are minorities is subtle, but very important.  
(He has nothing but respect for the older white men of authority he runs into, whether it be his old boss, or his new one, and always does as he’s told. But when it comes to people who are ’lesser’ than him, he feels that entitlement to take what he wants. Yes, he respects Meero as an officer, but not enough to respect her boundaries.)
We see he has figurines in his room, much like a lot of us do. He has become obsessed with justice and fighting for what is right in his own warped way and he has started to become fixated and defensive about it. His beta masculinity is starting to become toxic.
He is not an Incel, he is not a racist bigot or a raging misogynist. Yet. He has the capacity to be all these things, but that doesn't mean it’s set in stone. There are all the pieces for a truly great redemption story, or a truly powerful descent into villainhood. We’ll just have to see how the writers choose to go.  
I hope Star Wars Fans watch Andor and see themselves in Syril, and view his descent as a warning. I am not ‘defending incels’ or playing devil's advocate, but there are a lot of stages before someone gets to that point that I think people need to be more aware of so that you can spot it in yourself, or in someone else and act before it’s too late. You can stop radicalization, but it is very hard to undo it.
Anyway, it’s truly wonderful seeing the thing you studied and nearly went insane over being portrayed on TV and being portrayed in such a brilliant way. People are not binary, there is no black and white, no one is 100% good or bad. Anyone is open to radicalization. Andor has captured this better than any piece of media I have ever seen and I am so grateful for its existence.
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