#If they're OOC I don't care
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hopefulrunaways · 3 months ago
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Nico lore edition (Percy's lore is next it just i don't have so much time rn)
[Will Davis, 20yo.
Appered in the PJO series, but never interacted with Nico there.
Percy remembers him.
Recently they're premiered a serie where they're costars. It's a teen romance (heartsttopers type sh't) so it's all over the internet with ships.]
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Relationship with Jason, i love these two
[Jason Grace 22yo
They´re coincided in varius proyects after Nico ended PJO, they just short of started hanging out and become friends (Jason was very insistent and Nico found it amusing)
They started to get jobs togetther a lot and kinda become a package deal, in and out of work]
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skyheld · 3 months ago
i really need to play trespasser to get the full picture, but i keep thinking most Dalish elves wouldn't believe the truth about the Evanuris unless they see it for themselves. this information is coming from an andrastian organization claiming its from the dread wolf - none of those sources would seem at all trustworthy.
even in her advisor verse, where merrill knows solas and at least somewhat trusts him before the reveal (oh the arguments they have though) she's not committed to believe him until she sees the evanuris in action. it seems so obvious that he's lying about it. it helps his cause.
i think she tries to use belief in the creators against him. trying to strengthen people's faith where she knows his agents are operating so they'll be less likely to join up with them. while she'd never encourage blind devotion of fanaticism, it's likely some of the elves she has talked to end up at the evanuris' side
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mad-hunts · 5 months ago
which subtle way of saying 'i love you' are you?
doing things for them without being asked to.
you're observant and you know your loved ones so well, you know when to do things for them without having to ask (or be asked) what they need. they don't always know how much you do for them; there's no need pointing it out, you're just happy to help.
you do things simply to make others feel better and lighten their burdens, and expect nothing in return: their happiness is enough for you, even if they don't always know you're the one who caused it. still, as good as it might feel to give and give and keep on giving, please allow them to do things for you in return.
people feel better when they're being helpful (you should know this, more than anyone) and no matter how hard it might feel for you to accept help from someone, you should take it when they readily give it to you. you deserve to be loved in the way you love them, too. you won't be a burden -- and remember: a real friend will love you even when you're not constantly being useful, because your company is more than enough.
stolen from: @raisedcold (thank you for introducing me to this <33)
tagging: @question-marked, @twcfaces, @adamanteine, @markhit, and anyone else who might like to complete this quiz!
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accultant · 7 months ago
unfortunate to have a muse who is both afraid of blood and not at all nurturing. very rare to get a classic "tending to your wounds" scene with iago. like they'll DO it but they'll also be going "you look soooo gross rn" the whole time. the kind of guy to poke ur dying body with a stick and go ewwwwwww
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sufferthesea · 21 days ago
Flash Fiction Friday #9 (Detroit: Become Human)
Word: No word. 
Pairing: Hank & Kara, Hank x Kara (if you squint)
Warnings: Domestic/child abuse mention, drug abuse mention, kind of an AU (Kara as Hank's partner instead of Connor)
Kara was not a police officer. She wasn’t even meant to be working in a police station. But the rise of red ice had caused a rise in domestic abuse and child abuse. Kara was built for managing households, taking care of children, and navigating dangerous adults. When more and more children were brought in with signs of abuse, or were being temporarily held in custody while their parents were arrested for drugs, the police struggled to figure out how to deal with the kids. Until some genius noticed how many of these houses had androids – maids and butlers and cooks and nannies. And they decided that the best person to take care of these kids were the ones who were built to take care of them. 
So Kara was recruited to sit in at the police station to take care of five children that had been brought in alongside their parents. They’d all been in one house – the house Kara lived and worked in – playing upstairs while their parents dealt downstairs. Police arrived not long after, and everyone was taken away in cruisers. 
“The hell is this?” 
The gruff voice belonged to one of the officers. Kara learned his name was Hank. He was an older man with unkempt graying hair, and he wore shirts with strange designs. Kara had been programmed to catch patterns in human appearance and behavior to avoid danger and preserve her ward’s life. All of her pattern recognition was telling her that Hank Anderson was a red ice user. His disheveled appearance, ugly clothes, bad attitude, and general unpleasantness were the same as so many other users and dealers. It was shocking that he was a police officer. 
“Kids,” said Fowler. “Brought them in with their parents.” 
“Don’t tell me the kids are dealing, too.” 
“Not yet. Parents were doing a deal with the kids in the house. Took all of them with us to make sure they’re all okay. Social service BS and all that.” 
Hank grunted and said, “Who’s that?” 
“Some ‘droid. Came in with the kids.” 
“For what?” 
“Child advocate. I don’t know. But she’s a nanny or something, so she can take care of the kids while we book the parents.” 
Hank gave her a disapproving look. “Damn creepy making them look so human.” 
“Must make the kids feel better.” Fowler clapped a hand on Hank’s shoulder and gave a tense smile. “And the cops.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Somebody’s gotta interview all these kids about what happened.” 
“Why are you telling me? Tell some social worker, or Youth Services.” 
“They’re all tired up with a bigger bust down south.” 
“So …” Fowler gestured to a room currently filled with small chairs and a handful of toys. “Best get started.” 
“You’ve all we got.” 
“I’m not sitting in with kids–” 
“That’s the great thing about being your boss. I can make you do anything. And you’re sitting in with these kids.” 
“You want to interview these kids, right? Not traumatize them further? Reed would be better than me. He may be stupid and ugly, but he’s not scary.” 
“Sorry, Anderson. Took a poll and everyone agreed you’re the best candidate.” 
“The hell they come up with that?” Hank growled. 
“Dunno. Guess everyone felt you have a sort of grandpa quality about you.” Fowler fought a smirk. 
Hank muttered not-so-quietly a curse that Kara had never heard, even during her time around red ice users. Hank then turned his cold blue eyes on her and, for a brief moment, Kara felt something. She didn’t think it was fear, because she had seen fear in children, and even adults, and that wasn’t right. 
Without even knowing, her LED turned yellow as she processed the information and tried to fit it into what she already understood about the world. 
“What’s she doing?” Hank barked, glowering at Kara. 
“Looking at you,” said Fowler. 
“I know that,” he gritted his teeth. “But why is she staring?” 
“Dunno. Maybe she likes you.” 
“Could be she’s trying to figure out if he’s under arrest or not,” came Gavin Reed’s smug voice. “He looks just like the homeless dealer we brought in.” 
Hank flipped him off and Reed laughed. Grumbling to himself, Hank approached Kara and stared down at her. She was sitting in a chair and was nearly miniscule compared to him. 
“Well?” he grunted. “You gonna get up and do something or do you gotta charge or something?” 
Kara blinked up at him, then slowly stood. She held out a slender, pale hand and smiled at Hank. 
“Hello,” she said. “I’m Kara. I was–” 
“Made by CyberLife, yeah, yeah. Let’s get this over with.” Hank turned and sulked toward the interview room, which now had one child in it. 
Kara watched him closely as he gripped the door handle tightly and cursed having to work with kids. Then he turned and looked at her, brow knitted in annoyed uncertainty. 
“Maybe you should go first,” he said. “You know … You might make the kid feel more comfortable.” 
Kara smiled brightly at Hank and said, “Of course. I’d be happy to.” 
His scowl faltered and he opened the door. Kara stepped into the room. The child – a little boy – lifted his head from the table and leaped to his feet. 
“Kara!” He bolted into her arms and held her tight. 
Kara glanced at Hank as he huffed, loudly, whispering, “Damn,” under his breath. But it wasn’t annoyance on his face. It was a different expression. Something softer. Something reverent. 
He was surprised. 
Kara smiled and guided the boy to the table. “This is Lieutenant Hank Anderson,” she said, taking a seat beside the boy. “He’s going to ask you a few questions, okay? Just tell him the truth.” 
The boy nodded and looked at Hank. Kara followed his gaze. His expression had changed again. No longer surprised. 
He was impressed.
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onmyyan · 2 years ago
Fanfiction rant incoming ‼️
Some of y'all cornballs for whatever reason: "(insert character here) would never date y'all!! 😡😧Here's a bunch of reasons why I personally don't believe this fictional ass character wouldn't do this and why you're wrong for doing it blah blah blah blah blah!-"
Me: anyway what if I pegged him
But fr I have used writing/reading fanfiction as a sweet little escape from reality since I was in middle school and I know it's helped me a lot, I know it does the same for many of us out there and something about these posts rubbed me the wrong way.
Fanfiction is such a wonderful thing for so many people and it really grinds my gears to see assholes on here discouraging it like??
Specificlly I've seen two posts now about Miguel and to summarize, each were giving "Y'all shouldn't write about Miguel bec he's so angsty and traumatized he would never date anyone" ..babe...HUH?
There's so much to unpack with that it kills me, another thing that annoyed me about it all was you coulda just posted your little character analysis and kept it pushing but no. I promise there is no prize for shitting on people's interests in an effort to make yourself feel superior, because that's how it came off, condescending and judgemental, very much "Gasp! How dare you do this thing that isn't hurting anyone and makes you happy?! It doesn't align with my viewpoints so it's invalid!!"
Now here's a funky fresh thought I'll throw out there in case any of these types happen to stumble upon this rant (hey how ya doing) and stay with me cuz I'm gonna be throwing some fast concepts at you....
Just don't interact with the things you have no interest in!! I know I know it's a wild concept.
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calithal · 2 months ago
watched so many katseye tiktoks and they got a curly haired blonde who's a Dancer so naturally. i'm here🧍‍♀️thinking abt the worst girl
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byanyan · 9 months ago
thinking about byan having a teacher submit some of their work into an art show or contest of some sort. how they'd be surprised (they've never really thought all that highly of their work; there's a reason they don't typically share it with anyone and it has a lot to do with a lack of support and a fear of having their enthusiasm for art crushed) and some part of them might even be a little excited... but they don't expect anything to come from it. (they've never actually won anything in their life. they've never had any of their skills celebrated, only been torn down over what they lack.)
thinking about them actually winning and not believing their teacher when she tells them, how they're sure she's just fucking with them until she shows them proof, maybe even hands them their cash prize. how even then, some part of them thinks that she forged the announcement and went to all these lengths so they wouldn't be disappointed over losing — the only thing that makes them accept that they really did win is the fact that no one would ever care that much about their feelings.
just thinking about how excited they'd be, once the truth of the matter finally sinks in: they finally won something, and it was for their art, of all things! maybe they're actually not terrible at it, maybe they really do show some promise! maybe... maybe they really are good at this thing that means so much to them.
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radiaking · 2 months ago
whether i'm here or any blogs i make in the future, if i ever stop blabbing about v.aultghoul or reynonna, assume i'm dead
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wxndswept · 4 months ago
One of the funniest things Genshin did was have the Traveler flat-out refuse Aykaka's offer to wear a yukata, but happily wore a different outfit to make Nahida happy during the festival.
It points to a subtle development of them being more comfortable on Teyvat but it's funny to think that they just don't like Ayaka as much as Nahida, or Mualani if you count her
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aro-iceland · 4 months ago
thinking about iceland babysitting sealand and ladonia again and him using tactics and behaviors he remembered nor using with him on them ouuuuu i'm gonna be sick
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mechanical-aristocrat · 1 year ago
Okay this is silly but am I crazy to think that Screwllum didn't talk like this before? In Silver Wolfs event he just talked like a human but now he says things like "Affirmation:" or "Conclusion:" Does this have like. Lore signifigance? Was it explained? Or did hoyoverse just retcon how he talks?
Actually, he has talked like this the whole time, it's just that in Silver Wolf's companion mission it wasn't used nearly as frequently as in the new story. (To make sure I was remembering correctly, I skimmed the dialogue section of the wiki and found that the amount it was used was around the same for both missions, but since Screwllum had far more dialogue in Punklorde Mentality, its use was significantly more spread out so it wasn't as noticable)
In my opinion, it was better that way. I feel like this sort of speech mannerism is only charming when it's used sparingly, but for every handful of lines? It's a bit awkward and loses its effectiveness pretty quickly. Before, it seemed to me like something he was doing intentionally, turning typically flat and emotionless robotic speech patterns into something more endearing. Now, though, it reads like it only exists because he's a robot and robot characters have to speak a certain way, right? Never mind the fact that Screwllum is far more in touch with emotions (both his own and others') than most robot characters that exist in fiction, and that he tends to speak in a very elegant and poetic way that wouldn't usually blend very well with that blunt, straight-to-the-point style of speaking (unless, of course, a balance is struck between the two...like it was in Punklorde Mentality, maybe?!).
It's not a retcon, per say, because that word usually only applies to major, plot-important elements (as far as I understand it), but it is an inconsistency.
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Out of curiosity, which of the clones would like being pet or cuddled? Which ones would get zoomies? Do any of the clones like music, or do they suffer from sensory overload? And does any of this apply to Fake Bean?
Apologies if this is too many questions, but I am simply curious now that everyone and their grandmothers have asked about the various clones (that aren't Cake or Cupcake, I mean) and having done some research on rat behavior while I'm working on my fanfiction.
(It might be easier to ask a particular clone's feelings on things, since they are not a collective and they are all individuals! So most of my answer is gonna be 'some like this, some don't' or 'some do this, some don't'
But there are plenty who do enjoy affection! Just for some reason, people want to hug the ones who do not jkdk
Some affectionate clones, including but not limited to and by descending masterlist number: Porto, Tarragon, BB, Bellini, 01008, Spud, Rosemary, 02282 (but watch out!!!), Breakfast Sandwich, 03012, Vitelotte (sometimes), 04663, Sugarcube, Pecan, Bello, Truffle, Cinnamon Stick, Earl, and of course, Pep!!! (If you do not recognise a name or number, I haven't shown them yet!!!)
Many of them do get zoomies - Mint Chip is almost always having zoomies - Many do like music, and pretty much all of them can get sensory overload, but some do get it worse than others
As for Fake Bean, they are not affectionate with anyone besides Bean, they do get zoomies, they are indifferent to music, and they do get sensory overload, but not as frequently as Bean does
I feel like this was one of those 'I talk a whole lot, but say nothing' answers, but I still appreciate the questions!!!
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beevean · 2 years ago
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My third eye has opened.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
What do you think about ZoSan. I love them but I don´t ship them. (hidding from the many ZoSan fans)
okay so my opinion here might be a bit controversial but i'm so cray cray i'm so brave i'm such a warrior in this fandom i'm just gonna say it:
i don't really like the zosan...
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(btw i don't wanna spread hate but i'm too lazy to censor the ship name and tbh idk if it also shows up in the fyp if it's said in the ask??? i talk a bit negatively about it, so don't read it if you ship them in case it might bother you <3)
i love their dynamic and i've been saying they need to fuck since, like, the moment they started fighting on screen. the sexual tension is immaculate, please, just fuck already god- half of their problems would be solved asap if zoro pinned sanji against a wall already and fucked him so hard he spoke french.
i like the fact that although they're always arguing, they understand and trust each other when it comes to serious stuff. like yeah, we fight but we are not letting this affect the crew as a whole. they're just two very proud bastards who hate admitting they don't actually dislike each other that much. their whole dynamic is great in canon!!!! love to see them. i enjoy them a lot. they need to fuck already (saying this tho does not mean i ship them to an extreme extent. i just know gays when i see them).
however!!! i think my dislike towards the ship comes mainly from the fandom. because personally i enjoy them in canon and i like the content some people make of them (god knows i reblog zosan more than it looks like), but... the 90% of the content and shippers just make them so out of character they stress me tf out. i see a zosan shipper and i never know if they're the good kind or not and i start shaking with fear. and i'm a person that believes in "ship whatever tf you want bc everyone has different tastes and i'm not that crazy to fight over fictional characters and what other people like", but, y'know, bad experiences from my past idk.
they're not even in my top 10 op ships, but they exist. they're there. they're fun. they're cool, i guess. i feel very indifferent about them and if i see a cute/hot zosan thing i'll reblog it. but i don't seek content of them, y'know (unless i'm in a very sanji nsfw mood and the horniness takes over my original preferences. sometimes i just want sanji to be topped, i apologize).
but yeah, i'm very "meh" about them and the thing that makes me not really like them is the fandom, mostly. because there are some zosan shippers out there that just....................... they remind me of kiribaku shippers saying their ship is queerbait when it's very obviously NOT queerbait and claiming them to be canon when they're obviously not canon and etcetcetc. that, and the fact that a lot of people write/draw them extremely out of character. personally, for me soft zosan (i love soft zosan bc i'm a softie) could only work after a long-ass development and they'd still act like the idiots they are. that being said, nsfw zosan works every time in every universe bc, again, the sexual tension is tangible, man. and somehow people manage to do it out of character????? lmao.
people are SO obsessed with this ship bc it's easy to sexualize and easy to write because "haha boys fucking haha fighting haha" which is uhhhhhh not my thing, really. like i do love nsfw zosan but it also has to be written extremely in character and- idk i think that it's just on me.
basically, i'm indifferent about them and when i see people so so so hyped i just don't really get it. and then there's people that actively believe that they're queerbaiting and that instantly makes me angry, which translates into not liking the ship for a while. and when i go back to being indifferent and liking some stuff of them, i just don't really care much? and then i see someone writing them ooc and i dislike them again and- that over and over and over again.
and okay this whole thing seems stupid but i've had past experiences in fandoms and tbh saying that you don't like THE popular ship is like yelling at the shippers to attack you.
but, yeah, to summarize: i'm indifferent about them. i like them in very specific situations and content. most of the shippers and ooc content make me mad (which is like, most of them). but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the thing is: when zosan is done well, zosan is great. but when it's done out of character??? i can't fucking stand it.
i'm kind of contradicting what i said about not liking them because i do like them?? i just don't like them THAT much or to that extent and it has to be a very specific flavor?? and the shippers and content make me so mad sometimes i just stop reading fics or looking for content idk. i guess what i'm trying to say is that:
-> canon zosan cool
-> fanon zosan makes me dislike them
-> i don't really care and since this fandom is literally FULL of that ship i just have to live with it idk they're fine ig
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ebitenpura · 8 months ago
>:( i hate this house
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