#If I missed any let me know
ladymalchav · 5 months
Evan 'Buck' Buckley giving his beau Tommy an 'I Almost Died Here' tour of LA.
'I choked on a bread stick in this restaurant. My date had to give me an emergency tracheotomy'
'Almost died in the middle of this intersection with a firetruck on top of me'
'Thanks for coming to Bobby and Athena's house party with me! This is the exact corner of the yard where I started coughing up blood and collapsed'
'Almost drowned during the tsunami at the Santa Monica pier'
'Got struck by lightning over there. Literally died that time, but I got better'
and Tommy is just, like, glad he got out of the 118 when he did
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severussnapemylove · 24 days
Fanfic Masterlist!
Student Severus Snape x Reader
Sort of a series.
Walk through hell with you Severus comforts reader after a nightmare
Whenever you need me Reader comes from a bad home situation and goes to find Severus at Hogwarts during break.
Feels like home You and Severus rest the night after leaving Hogwarts
Severus Snape x Reader
Protective Sirius Black gets a taste of blunt Karma
Ever Our Lives Entwined - Series
Rose Evans OFC
Chapter 1 - The Letter
Chapter 2 - You're my kid
General fic
Missing Scene - The Goblet of Fire
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hermesmoly · 1 month
what are the famous cases of gods saving their loved ones from rape?
Well I think the most famous case is Ares killing Halirrhothius, Poseidon's son, for the assault on his daughter Alcippe. There's also Apollo and/or Artemis killing the giant Tityos for their mother Leto, Heracles with the aid of Zeus killing Porphyrion when he tried to violate Hera on the battlefield, and in one version Zeus killing Eurymedon for Hera who assaulted her when she was young and before they were married. (Zeus also kills Iasion in a version where Iasion and Demeter's relationship was not consensual and in one version kills Tityos for his former lover Leto)
Athena and Artemis also have cases of protecting their favorite maidens from rape by metamorphosis: Athena transformed Nyctimene into her owl familiar, the daughter of Coroneus into a crow after being pursued by Poseidon, and by Artemis Arethusa was turned into a holy spring after being chased by the river god Alpheios. There's also Britomartis who straight up was immortalized by Artemis after being pursued by King Minos and the fisherman Andromedes.
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tzatairovic · 16 days
can u post all pictures in that video with darnell
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Can we get more information on the events that lead to yasopp eating his dad please? Like how yasopp was almost sold and such?
Yasopp was born and raised in the west by his mom, his dad dipping in and out of the picture. He was living in a small community of Selkies on and around a large sandbar. Maybe 25 Selkies, a very large number for them, but they felt safe since they were so out-of-the-way and had been at that sand bar for a few generations.
Yasoll, son of Yarin, (Yasopp abandoned this naming convention for Usopp because he didn't want his kid associated with That Man) didn't like living the semi-nomadic lifestyle this community carried, but he couldn't stay on land regularly enough to hold a job, so he stole a bit and started gambling, thinking he could get away with it since no one would suspect he wasn't human. He was going to stop once he could afford a nice houseboat, but that never happened and he just kept leaving piles of debt on island after island until he messed with the wrong loan sharks. They hired a Fishman to track him, pulling a boat behind him carrying several humans. What do you know, the loan sharks follow Yasoll right back to the sandbar.
The Fishman rebels at the last minute, helps Yasopp, his mother and the four other children as well as one parent each. He gets them away, but tries to go back to save a few more selkies and gets shot.
Yasoll gets captured, is the only one that sees the kids escape. He uses him knowing this information as an excuse for them not to kill him, they lock him in a room with the other dead and flayed selkies and tell him he's not allowed to come out unless he leads them to those selkie children. Yasoll lasts three days before he breaks.
Yasoll leads them to the group on the agreement he is allowed to escape. The loan sharks don't honor this, they lock Yasoll back up the second they see the sleeping children in the distance. In the struggle, two selkie children are killed as well as Yasopp's mother. Yasopp gets captured with two other kids, and is thrown in a cage with Yasoll at Yasoll's pleading.
Yasoll explains what he did as if he's expecting Yasopp to pity him. Yasopp punches him with his little eleven-year-old fist, and then stays as far from Yasoll as he can in the cage.
But no one is being fed, not since Yasoll was no longer useful. Yasopp watches the two kids in the cage next to him starve and fall sick before dying, left in their cage unbothered by their captors no matter how loud Yasopp screams.
Yasopp realizes that he is next. He's already far too thin, and he doesn't want to die here.
It is Yasoll's fault. Yasoll, who's starving just as he is, but will take longer to die since he's an adult. Yasopp will not die before his father.
So he strangles him. Yasoll flails, but Yasopp feels nothing but the strain of his fingers as he squeezes and squeezes even after Yasoll stopped moving.
He considered, vaguely, eating the two children in the cage next to him. But they were rotting now, he couldn't afford to get sick. So he picked at his father, slowly at first, then faster as his stomach regained feeling and cried for more.
The traders came in some time after, their eyes not adjusted to the dark. They carried the cage next to Yasopp's out, and cursed the second the cage touched the light. Next Yasopp's cage, and Yasopp forgot how bright the world was, and they must have only glanced at Yasoll's still form, because they opened the cage a second later.
He looked up at his captors, his face and hands sticky, and they startled. One puked, another grabbed him by the shirt and threw him off the side of the ship.
Yasopp hit the water like it was solid stone, but a second later the ocean's cold embrace wrapped around him, and he swam. Swam until he couldn't see the boat behind him anymore, swam until his hands and face were clean and no one would find him.
Then he got swept up and upside-down waterfall and thrown into an unfamiliar ocean.
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stuckstucktrolls · 1 year
Ill give you a 2nd bingo ask just in case you'd like to split them up.
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^Moon and Stars
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^Take Me to Church, whether it counts as monster fucker rep depends where your cut off for "monster" attributes end.
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zombiefishmonster · 1 year
my birthday is in 6 days. here's my plan: watch all the phineas and ferb birthday episodes. there's so many.
im gonna start with either candaces birthday or lindas (linda's makes me cry because of candaces song, so i might skip, but who knows) next is doofs birthday, then isabellas' birthday, then phineas's (his is my favorite), and finally pnf into the 2nd dimension because it starts with perry's birthday.
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thylacinetears · 2 months
I've seem a couple people remark on how crazy IRL Gem's lore/accomplishments are. She just dumped a whole bunch of new information in the latest stream (link here) so I thought I'd make an updated list of IRL GeminiTay lore:
Degree in marine biology
Degree in medical lab technology
Was a figure skater
Did a course in coaching figure skating
Worked at a Goodwill food bank
Worked in a museum as an archivist assistant
Worked as a tour guide
Worked at a gift shop
Can play piano
And of course, Minecraft Youtuber with 1.8 million subscribers on her main channel, and 100k subscribers on her second channel.
Someone needs to study why all the Hermits have such crazy and impressive lives outside of MCYT lmao
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python-nebula · 7 months
I don’t think allo people understand: you get everyone else. Almost every single fictional character is allo. Every character that exists is allo until proven aro/ace/aroace. So on that rare occasion when we actually get representation, and when it’s genuinely good representation, please just let us have it. Many allo people are respectful, and I thank them for that, but it’s impossible to ignore the massive problem in fandom culture of downplaying the importance of, or even downright erasing, an aro/ace/aroace characters’ identities. Aro characters are shipped all the time, which is fine if you understand the nuances of the identity and see that it is a complex thing to be aromantic, but I see a lot of people who don’t, and think that they can say ‘oh but aro people can date’ as an excuse to ship a character. This happens with ace characters too, they are sexualised in fandom all the time (I’m not talking about any characters specifically, but I’ll tag a few who come to mind). Again, this is understandable if you understand, but if you are sexualising an asexual character just because you find them hot or just for the sake of it, surely you understand why we are upset. This is not me trying to pick a fight, I’m just an aroace who is frustrated. 
You guys get everyone else. Just let us have the few who we see ourselves in. 
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99thpercentile · 6 months
places where the audio distorts
image ids under the cut
tmagp 4:
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tmagp 5:
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tmagp 7:
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tmagp 8:
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the audio distorts when people lie.
I imagine this knowledge will come in handy later.
[id: ALICE: This is not something you go poking around in. Not if you want to keep your job… or your neck. SAM: (a little amused) Okay, okay! I get it. Consider me scared straight. "Consider me scared straight" is highlighted. end id]
[id: LENA: Now, while I understand your concerns, you need to understand that Colin has held the IT Manager position for some time without incident, and although he is somewhat… frustrated with his current assignment, he can request help from the central IT team at any time. I am certain that should he find his responsibilities unmanageable, he will request assistance. Or resign, of course. Either way, the problem will resolve itself. "Or resign, of course" is highlighted. end id]
[id: CELIA: Is there any way to look up specific files? ALICE: Like what? CELIA: Oh, I don’t know. Every case about… being buried alive, or meat, or… whatever. ALICE: Well, there’s a search bar, but it doesn’t actually do anything. You’d have to dig through them all manually. (suspicious) – Why do you ask? CELIA: Just figuring it all out. Ah well, I guess I’ll need to find Bigfoot on my own time. "Just figuring it all out" is highlighted. end id]
[id: GERTRUDE: I see. Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t think Gerry can help you – GERRY: (casually) Yeah, I barely remember any of it. "I don’t think Gerry can help you" is highlighted. end id]
[id: GERRY: Oh yeah, but I was pretty young. I remember filling in a bunch of forms and questionnaires, then some old men asking me questions about what books I liked to read, who did I look up to, that kind of thing. And then I left. SAM: (disappointed) That’s all? GERRY: Yeah, afraid so. Other than just sitting around with a bunch of other kids in a room that smelled like old books. "Yeah, afraid so" is highlighted. end id]
[id: CELIA: I’m trying to look into… Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation, all that good stuff. Freddy doesn’t really do searches, so you could keep an eye out and let me know if any come up in your cases? SAM: Uh, sounds a bit sci-fi compared to our usuals. What’s this for? (amused breath) You’re not doing research for that podcast you were on, are you? CELIA: (surprised) You know about that? SAM: I might have given you a quick Google. CELIA: Then… yeah. I’m doing a favor for Georgie. "yeah. I’m doing a favor for Georgie" is highlighted. end id]
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ursa-majora · 6 months
I just finished my Atla rewatch and I wrote down everytime Zuko smiles
He smiles a total of fifty-two times, smirks eight times and laughs twice
2% of his smiles are in S1
23% in S2
75% in S3
He smiles the most in S3 E5 "The Beach"
His 3 main reasons for smiling are
#3 Joking/Laughing with the Gaang: 7 Smiles
#2 Speaking to or about Mai: 12 Smiles (and his two biggest ones)
#1 Speaking to or about Uncle Iroh: 16 smiles
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turtletoria · 1 month
Ghazzan fundraisers that have not reached their goal!!!
I am compiling the campaigns from Ghazzans that had reached out to me in my inbox*. I am wishing for nothing but safety and good things to all people in Gaza, Palestine and for everyone to reach their goals as quickly as possible. I will continue to update this list as i am able.
If you have the ability, please take the time to read through these families' stories and most importantly, to donate and share! I implore everyone reading this to donate at least $5 to any fundraiser you see on here!
*Please note that I am not Palestinian and do not have the expertise to vet/verify fundraisers!! The ones I share here have been verified by Palestinian people and groups with this expertise, unless otherwise specified!
Adham Ayyad and family (kr8,577 SEK raised of kr750,000) @stupendouswolfearthquake - vetted by @/90-ghost
Sameer Al Khaldi and family ($602 raised of $50,000) @sameer-17 - vetted by association
Kariman Dohan and family ($4,409 raised of $50,000) @karemandohan1999 - vetted by 90-ghost
Mahmoud Helles and family (€8,706 raised of €50,000) @mahmoud0hilles - #198 on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's vetted Gaza fundraiser list
Hadeel Mikki and family (€11,920 raised of €35,000) @hadeelchilds - vetted by northgazaupdates and 90-ghost
Nour Alanqar and family (€18,724 raised of €40,000) @noor-family - vetted by 90-ghost
Dr. Husam Farhat and family ($2,995 raised of $29,500) @frhatfamily - #248 on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's vetted Gaza fundraiser list
Muhammed Shehab and family (€4,568 raised of €25,000) @zeanyahya - vetted by 90-ghost
Iyad Sami and family (CHF10,145 raised of CHF20,000) @eyadeyadsblog - vetted by 90-ghost and northgazaupdates
Safaa Abed and family (€26,429 raised of €50,000) @safaabed8 - vetted by 90-ghost and northgazaupdates
Siraj Abudayeh and family ($33,908 CAD raised of $82,000) @siraj2024 - #219 on the vetted Gaza fundraiser list
Ahmed Al-Nabih and family (€21,468 raised of €30,000) @ahmedalnabeeh11 - #218 on the vetted list, verified by multiple sources
NOT VETTED YET/unsure about verification, but might be legitimate:
Mohammed Alwadiya and family ($785 raised of $25,000) @monaalwadya
Halah Dawoud and family (€643 raised of €17,000) @halakamak
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etruski · 2 months
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Krem week day 2 — Euphoria / Expression
I wanted to capture the euphoria he might have experienced while secretly serving in the Tevinter army. Simultaneously, this could represent the true freedom of expression he may have felt among The Chargers for the first time.
This dialogue between Bull and Cole also comes to mind:
Cole: You and Krem say words that hurt, but they aren't real, The Iron Bull.
Iron Bull: Yes. We give each other grief. It's a soldier thing. Doesn't mean anything.
Cole: It means friendship. And that you're soldiers. Krem likes it, it makes him proud.
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shepscapades · 9 months
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49. Moon Waltz - Piano Version — Cojum Dip
Tuna, i don't know HOW you picked this song but it's literally one of the most heart wrenching things on dbhc Tango's playlist so. congratulations. i think <3 I think I said ages ago in some tags that Tango was about to get the dbhc Etho Angst treatment, and i got very quickly distracted/consumed by Destruction and Doc/Xisuma related Angst, but boy oh boy am i glad i get to finally hit on a little bit of this poor man's trauma LDFKJGDFG
I'l try to keep this brief but. I'm insane enough about the hermitcraft season 8 finale as is, and even more than that i'm crazy enough about Tango's hermitcraft season 8 finale, and then on top of all that, you're telling me a jaded, bitter android whose characterizing moments of anger and failure are carried on his sleeve is the same android who tried to be the hero and save his friends, only to let an oversight be the reason he not only fails, but destroys his body in the process???? ?? ? A machine who isn't supposed to make oversight mistakes???? A machine who somehow let a rabbit be the reason he failed ? ? ??? I dont know what you expected from me other than to be extremely unwell about him and this whole arc in general
The base version of this song is just as good, but something about the piano version gets the vibes just right for these scenes... Something about the waltz-style cheeriness of the vocals contrasting to how horrific the lyrics and situation actually are. Idk man i'm fine don't look at me
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whump-in-the-closet · 1 month
Pirate Whump
the brig!! thrown in there and forgotten while saltwater seeps through and drenches whumpee constantly leaving them coughing and miserable
lack of sleep, forced to be on duty for hours at a time
smacking whumpee to the deck with a blow that leaves their eyes watering.
scrubbing the deck until their hands are scraped and bleeding. their arms and back ache so badly that when they stand up, they immediately double over.
flogging for minor mistakes. the humiliation of having their shirt ripped away and the stabbing, sharp pain of the cat o'nine tails on their skin is enough to break down the most stoic of the crew
collapsing on deck. in general. fainting. nausea. suddenly light headed and woozy from blood loss
falling to the deck on hands and knees and scraping them on the rough, worm-eaten wood
hostage situations on “friendly” terms. whumpee can wander around on deck and maybe they even joke around with some of the pirates. but the minute they try to escape, there’s a sweeping blade at their throat and someone roughly manhandling them to the captains quarters to be “dealt with”
being made an example of for misconduct is often extreme and cruel. there are no laws on the high seas
the damage left by the opposing side’s cannon fire? timber embedded in limbs, gaping wounds, and formerly brave sailors curling up in fetal positions to try and protect themselves
a captain whumper who calls their prisoner whumpee “darling” in the most derogatory way possible.
emergency first aid being applied hurriedly and with unskilled hands.bandages made from old shirts, amputations done unabashedly and crew mates being carried back fireman style to their ship.
“bite down on this” and “don’t look” as they cut away a damaged limb, multiple crew members holding whumpee down
mer whumpees— caught and put on a leash so they’re dragged along the side of the boat. sometimes they pull whumpee up and “have a bit of fun” as whumpee thrashes and gasps for air.
captain whumpee found stranded on an island by an opposing captain. they’re “taken care of” by being humiliated and beaten, laughed at, and forced to be the cabin boy
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