#Idk. I'm just done with trying to convince people I'm right while they try and convince me I'm wrong.
taffycandyqt · 2 days
Y'all, I think I'm at the point where I just don't care about other people's opinions anymore. Not about myself in particular, just about general things. Like, I acknowledge and respect that other people have opinions and I won't like bash on others for having different opinions in mine. I just can't find the energy to care to hear them anymore. Like I don't have the energy to debate with you or to argue with you, just... I. don't. care.
I'm tired. I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of being annoyed. I'm tired of other people's opinions ruining the things I like. Just let me like the thing I like, I don't care if it's not perfect I don't care if you don't like it I don't care if you had valid reasons for not liking it. Just let me enjoy it. I. LITERALLY. DON'T. CARE.
And I don't feel like that's wrong.
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hannieehaee · 5 months
just saw ur orange peel hcs and it made me think about how the members would react to the ketchup on counter trend (i find the trend to be incredibly sad tbh)
in particular, i can just see cheol, mingyu, shua and dk be like ????? what kind of people have u been w in the past babe? are u okay?
haven’t thought about the other members and their reactions to it tho
ketchup on counter trend
content: established relationship, cleaning, fluff, crack, etc.
wc: 701
a/n: i'm ngl i have no idea what this trend is lol i dont have tiktok but i tried looking it up and i think maybe i found it?? if i got it wrong pls let me know<3
seungcheol -
confused at you and refusing to clean it up until you explain why you'd make a mess on purpose. not mad but just very lost. when you explained it, his innate need to be the best boyfriend would make him wanna clean it up for you and even wipe the whole counter if necessary to prove what a great boyfriend he was.
jeonghan -
he has no concept of current trends so you'd have to explain it to him before he agreed to clean it up. would still say no afterwards just to annoy you and bc it was technically your own mess. would still kiss your pout right off your face afterwards, proving himself to be a sweet yet annoying boyfriend.
joshua -
would ask why you keep on testing him like this when you already know he's the perfect boyfriend!! he'd clean it up with no issue but would jokingly side eye you about it.
jun -
he'd immediately assume it was some sort of challenge since this was kind of a dumb thing to do for no reason. just to prove himself to be the perfect boyfriend, he'd clean it up without letting you know that he knew he was being tested. would maybe jokingly bite you in defiance afterwards due to the silliness of it all (idk i see him as someone who bites lovingly OK its my headcanon)
soonyoung -
he's chronically online so he already knew what you were doing so he'd just giggle and convince you to help him clean it up, since he knew he'd make it an even bigger mess if he did it on his own.
wonwoo -
rolls his eyes (lovingly) at you and stops whatever he's doing to go clean up your mess. he's really clean so it'd take him under a minute and then he'd place the ketchup out of your reach so you couldnt do it again. would even straight up as you if there were any other proofs of love he needed to get through or if you were ready to sit on his lap while he played video games again.
jihoon -
yet another member who'd just be confused at why you'd do that. but he kinda enjoys cleaning anyway, so he'd just clean it up for you. wouldnt ask since he'd just assume it was yet another test of love you found on tiktok. he'd have a hard time not smearing the mess further but would get the job done easily enough.
seokmin -
he wouldnt even think twice before cleaning it up, apparently automatically coded to do any and every little task for you with no question. he'd only realize what happened til after he had cleaned it up, leading him to ask why you spilled ketchup on purpose. when you explained, he'd just jokingly scold you about it.
mingyu -
he'd be confused for a second, turning his head to the side like a confused puppy before cleaning up without further question. would have no issue cleaning it up perfectly on his first try.
minghao -
he knew what the challenge was and would chuckle at how silly it was for you to try and test him on it. would clean it up perfectly just to prove a point that 1. he was the perfect boyfriend and 2. he was competent enough to clean up whenever necessary.
seungkwan -
even if he knew you were just testing him for a lil challenge, he'd lightheartedly scold you for it and go into full mom mode and clean it up as he scolded you for it. he'd kinda have some type of cuteness aggression towards you afterwards, claiming you frustrated him but in a good way.
vernon -
would react to it by asking you why you'd make a mess on purpose? wouldn't get angry about it, just extremely confused. wouldnt wanna clean it up though since you'd caused the mess so he'd settle for a compromise in which he'd help you as long as you explained yourself.
chan -
he'd be confused but the moment you gave him an expectant look and asked him to please clean it up for you, he'd do it without question lol. he'd just want some praise in return.
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tizeline · 2 months
I just finished binge reading everything under your separated AU tag and I have QUESTIONS!! (that mostly just stem from me being a mikey fan) Be prepared as I will ramble.
So. My #1 burning mikey question is as follows. Why does he decide to, you know, NOT eradicate all of humanity? Does he just do it because all of his family is? Ugh it’s hard to phrase this but I’m wondering if Draxum’s word means so much to him he changes his entire world view, since draxum was the person who made him believe humans are evil, if he changed his mind he must be right? If he is the very last one to change his worldview, how does he react to the person who essentially indoctrinated him into believing humans are evil just going back on his word? Would he just, idk, try to keep going by himself (proper villain arc style!) Or does he get his own little human/outside friend to convince him, like his two other brothers do? What would happen if instead of a human/outside friend to convince him humans are okay, he gets someone like say, leatherhead, who was experimented on by the earth protection force?(Since in 2012, he was experimented on by the Kraang, but I don’t see a way of that happening when they were locked away his entire life) Huzzah for conflict! or better yet, That same leatherhead convinces him humans are okay? Though that those seem out of character…. And of course maybe it would be mondo gecko, who he befriends and then finds out was human just a few months before and still views himself as such…. So many possibilities!!
speaking of other characters, do the Drax trio have any Yōkai friends? Like one Sunita, or maybe even one yoichi usagi, per chance? Though I’m pretty sure they’d be pro-human so… idk how that would work. The question still stands.
Also, seeing as you mentioned Raph starts to hang out with Leo,Donnie and April, how does mikey react to that? Would he feel abandoned or left out? (Who am I kidding of course he would but like. It does t hurt to ask!)
And seeing as he’s alone now and he’s not training all the time (I hope) this feels like a good Segway into asking: does he have as much of a love for art as in canon? What are his and Raphs interests (since we know Leo’s!)
thanks! I love ur work and ur art and ur Au and ur mother for creating you.
P.s. I had another question I wanted to ask but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was rn so you can expect more asks from me in the near future ;)
Hoo boy, long asks mean long answers, strap in folks!
So EXACTLY what causes Mikey to change his mind on everything is something I'm still working out the details of. Draxum definitely plays a part in it, considering how much faith Mikey has in his dad, Draxum of all people changing his mind would be one of the biggest reasons for Mikey to also second guess himself. It's not like he'd instantly change his entire worldview though, after Draxum gives up on the Evil Plan, Mikey, or rather Dr. Positive, tries to motivate him to come up with a new plan for a short while. He gives up after Draxum makes it clear that they're Done™ with that, and Mikey isn't very keen on trying to do the Evil Plan all on his own considering HIS ENTIRE FAMILY decided to just give up on it. That doesn't mean he'll suddenly start liking humans, he still thinks they suck ass, he just isn't actively trying to cause their downfall anymore.
For both Leo and Raph, a big reason why they changed their minds on humanity was because they interacted with humanity and learned how wrong many of their previously held assumptions about them were. It makes sense that that's the catalyst for both of their redemption-arcs, and in that sense it also makes sense for Mikey to unlearn his prejudices against humans by interacting with them. HOWEVER! You bring up an interesting point, for Mikey specifically it would probably be more effective for another yōkai/mutant to give him a new perspective considering he'd be a lot more willing to listen to them rather than a human. I haven't been planning on including Leatherhead or Mondo, but it would be fun idea so I might do so.?That being said, getting to actually know a human later on would still be a good learning-experience for Mikey, I'm kinda tempted to bring in Woody from the IDW comics into the story too, for example.
So then we get to the topic of friends! Despite The Drax Bros growing up in yōkai society, they're still a bit isolated. They can go and hang out in The Hidden City basically whenever they want (as soon as they're old enough to do so), but when it comes to actually getting close to other yōkai and forming proper friendships...? So first of all, Draxum has a Reputation™ amongst yōkai, he's a well known figure and a lot of people are honestly a bit intimidated by him. Most yōkai thinks it's best to just stay out of his way, which includes staying out of the way of his weird kids. Basically, the bros' association with Draxum has a tendency to get in the way of them actually befriending anyone :/ Not just that, but while there are certainly yōkai who don't have the most positive feelings about humans, the Draxum family's stance on humanity is very extreme, which even most "human-critical" yōkai will find off-putting.
All of this is to say that no, they don't have a lot of friends haha. Leo hangs out at Run Of The Mill all the time, and Hueso definitely has a soft spot for him, but at most he's only acquainted with the other employees and regulars there. I'd imagine that includes Sunita, considering her dad works there and as such they've interacted on occasion. But again, Leo's extreme view on humanity makes most people uncomfortable and as such they'll mostly indulge him in civil small-talk to avoid getting on Draxum's bad side. Raph and Mikey...? They might have some casual friendly connections with some yōkai in The Hidden City, especially Mikey can be quite sociable if he can keep himself from ranting about humans for two seconds lmao. But for the most part, honestly, I think The Drax Bros are content staying a bit closed off from others outside their family. The three of them are very close and they know they can trust each other, that last part's important considering their Big Plans aren't exactly.... legal.... and as such they need to remain secretive about everything to others. I feel like they'd mostly start bothering finding new friends after they decide to abandon their Destroy All Humans Plan.
(Sidenote, I really like when Usagi shows up in TMNT stories, but I've never consumed any Usagi media myself. Almost all I know about both Miyamoto and Yuichi I know through TMNT and as such I don't feel confident enough in my knowledge about the Usagis to include either of them in the story. I HAVE been planning on reading the comics, so maybe I'll include him at a later date??)
But OH BOY Mikey's reaction to Leo and Raph starting to hang out with Donnie and April?? :D Both of Mikey's older brothers ditching him to hang out with their new little brother and his annoying human friend??? :D OH BOY YOU HAVE NO IDEA! :D
Listen, look at this from Mikey's perspective: You finally find your Long Lost Brother™ after thirteen years of him being presumed dead, great! Small problem, he's been brainwashed by the evil humans who kidnapped him and now thinks YOU'RE evil for some reason? No matter! He just needs some time to adjust! So you're patient with him, you show him kindness and understanding while gently trying to guide him back to the good side, to his REAL family. You do EVERYTHING right, and how does that bastard repay you?? HE instead turn your brothers against YOU! He ruins your plans of saving the world! Everything was PERFECT before HE showed up and started complicating things, and now your family is BROKEN and everything sucks! And it can all be blamed on Donnie.
...Hate is a very strong feeling, I don't feel like Mikey is really capable of feeling something like that, at the very least not against someone he does still technically considers family. Rather, I think the best way to describe the feeling Mikey is about to start feeling about Donnie would be bitterness. Mikey takes all the negative feelings, all the hurt and confusion about the situation he's ended up in and directs it all at Donnie. Because it all comes back to him, doesn't it? It was only after Donnie got reunited with them that things started going wrong. And from Mikey's point of view, Donnie has basically stolen Mikey's brothers from him. Needless to say, Mikey is dealing with a lot of negative emotions that he doesn't really know how to cope with them aside from taking it out on Donnie.
Donnie, who is so used to being love-bombed by Mikey is VERY flabbergasted over him basically just completely flipping a switch overnight. Mikey will just be glaring at Donnie like he's trying to explode him with his mind and Donnie's just "???who are you and what have you done with Mikey???". He starts acting really hostile towards Leo and Raph as well, it's all very weird!
Back to me not having figured out the details of the entirety of Mikey's character arc, one thing I'm contemplating is how long I wanna drag it out for. For example, I know I want to change up the events of the movie at least a bit in the AU for the sake of novelty. One way of doing that could potentially be for it to focus not on Leo's and Raph's ever growing tension in their relationship, but rather focus on Donnie's and Mikey's relationship? It'd be extra interesting if Mikey hadn't at least completely gotten over his hang-ups about humans when we bring Casey Jr into the situation. CJ looks at Mikey and sees a younger version of the man that was basically an uncle to him, like family, and Mikey looks at CJ and is just like "ew. human." and that'd be a whole dilemma to deal with. But as interesting as that could be, I'm scared that it'd just get tedious if Mikey is stuck in angst-mode for too long. We still have the entirety of season two to get through before we get to the movie, it's gonna be a while is what I'm saying. Then again, character growth takes time, maybe Mikey reconciles with his own family and starts the path to befriending Donnie by the end of season two, but they run into some roadblocks along the way. They ARE very different people, even in canon, I'd imagine it might take some time for them to properly befriend each other.
But next question - Mikey and Raph's interests! Mikey already likes to draw, but he'd definitely start doing it way more after the season 1 finale (oh wow, a healthy coping mechanism, imagine that!) Raph... Raph likes training. Even after it becomes clear that they're not doing their Big World Domination Plan anymore and as such don't really need to train as much, he still does it just because he genuinely enjoys it. He becomes proper friends with Casey the season one finale and she also really likes training, so it becomes a bonding experience for them. Leo and Donnie later on also introduces him to human media like Jupiter Jim and the Lou Jitsu movies and he gets really into it too XD Nerds!!
... Oh man, I think that's everything! Anyway, thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the AU so much :D
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Secrets That Whisper & Shout
Pairing: Moonknight trio (Steven mainly) x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: idk brief mentions of violence
Genre: fluff & minor angst
Summary: you are extremely intrigued by your neighbor and the voices you can sometimes hear in his head because of course your neighbor seems extra susceptible to your powers
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It's an interesting way to live life, being able to see into people's minds. To alter their memories, control their actions, hear their deepest inner thoughts even if you're not trying to sometimes. It can be weird but you just try your best to live your life normally. Right now the biggest hindrance to your delicate balance of normal is your neighbor. He lives across the hall for you and unfortunately, for some reason, you keep finding yourself inside his mind. It happens when you let your mental guard down for a little too long. You've always compared people's minds to houses, or offices full of filing cabinets, your powers give you a key basically but it seems like your dorky neighbor's mental door is never closed let alone locked.
The weirder part is what you hear when you do find yourself in his mind. For most people, the voice in their head sounds like them- and while you've never really spoken to your neighbor, you know for a fact there's no way he's simultaneously a nervous Brit, a cocky American, and a grumpy Spanish speaker. There are three voices in his head as opposed to one, they speak to each other and seem entirely independent of one another. You haven't intentionally done any snooping in his mind but you can imagine his mental filing cabinets are entirely different than any you've been in. It's not really your business though so you never look into it. No matter how curious you are about how and why he has three voices in his head. 
You know very little about your neighbor. From accidentally listening to his mental debates you think his name is Steven. The other voices have names too but you're unclear who is who because you've never stuck around long enough to discern that. He's not very social and only leaves his apartment for work or errands. He hardly ever takes phone calls and he never really calls anyone- except, around the time you moved in he used to call his mom pretty often but you think she never answered and eventually, those calls stopped. The strangest detail you've realized is sometimes he'll sneak out of his apartment, through the window and you have no idea where he goes or what he does but he's always back within a week. You don't mean to keep tabs on him, sometimes you cast your magic out to scan for threats and you'll notice the lack of presence in the apartment across the hall.
He's a curious case, your neighbor across the hall, and today you've decided you're going to bite the bullet and speak to him. Your curiosity about him is the main reason and you hope that being able to assign personhood to the voices you hear will quell it even a bit. You cross the hall and knock on his door confidently before you can convince yourself not to on one Saturday afternoon when you know he's home. You checked first. There's some shuffling on the other side of the door and eventually, it opens a bit hesitantly but it opens.
"Hi! My name is y/n. I live across the hall from you." You say, your chosen tone is friendly but soft.
"I'm- Steven. Can I help you?" He asks sizing you up.
"I hope so! I was baking cookies and even though I went to the store before I started I guess I didn't make a complete list of things I needed because it turns out I actually don't have enough sugar so I was just wondering if you had any I could borrow by chance?" You ask. You are baking, but you also definitely have enough sugar, it just seemed like the simplest way to initiate conversation. A bit cliche but it's a classic for a reason.
"You want to borrow sugar?"
"Yes. A cup if you have it." You hold up your measuring cup with a smile. Steven pauses for a moment before he answers.
"Sure. I've got some. Come on in I'll pour some for you." He says walking into his apartment. You follow him in glancing around. The studio style flat is full of books littered everywhere, it's the first thing you notice when you walk in. Steven takes the measuring cup from you and quickly grabs his container of sugar to pour some.
"Thanks so much! I'll bring by some cookies to repay you!" You tell him.
"Oh, no thank you. I appreciate the offer but I am vegan and I'm sure you don't intend to bake vegan-friendly cookies so-" He trails off with a shrug. You frown but make a note of the information. He's vegan. "I've never seen you before." He says after a moment while he puts up his bag of sugar.
"That's probably because you don't leave much besides for work. I've lived across you for over a year." You muse.
"Hey! I- I leave!" He turns to look at you.
"To do your laundry at the witching hour when you're the least likely to run into people?" You smirk a bit at him.
"No." He huffs.
"Thanks for the sugar, Steven. Hope to see you around more." You toss over your shoulder as you walk back into your apartment.
You do make a handful of vegan cookies for your neighbor, even though it wasn't your plan, after checking to find that it really is just a couple of minor changes, vegetable oil instead of butter, water or nondairy milk instead of eggs, and since you don't already have vegan chocolate you leave out the chocolate chips- at least according to the recipe you found. They're basically sugar cookies and you only make six for Steven, some of which you sprinkle with cinnamon to make up for their plainness, but you imagine they're a decent thanks for the sugar you borrowed- even if it was a ploy.
A couple of hours later, you knock on Steven's door again, this time with a small Tupperware container for the cookies you made him. He opens it again with the same confused frown after a few moments.
"Hi again! I know you said not to bother with the cookies because you're vegan but I wanted to say thanks anyway so- I adjusted my recipe to accommodate. They're sugar cookies except two of them are cinnamon, I wasn't sure if you like cinnamon so I didn't make them all cinnamon but the cookies are vegan. So, thank you, for the sugar." You say handing him the plastic container.
"You adjusted your recipe so that I could have some cookies?" Steven doesn't seem to believe the words even as he says them.
"Yes. I know you said I didn't have to bring any but I wanted to anyway. Since I did use your sugar to make them."
"Thank you. I appreciate the effort. I can't wait to try them."
"If you ever need anything, just knock." You tell him and wait for his cautious nod. "I'll be seeing you." You say leaving without waiting for him to agree with that statement. From then on, Steven does in fact make a point to speak to you more often. The first time is a couple of days later, he runs into you in the elevator and tells you he enjoyed the cookies. He'll definitely speak to you when he sees you around the building but it's on you to actually make plans if you want to see him otherwise and sometimes you do. You invite him out to lunch, have him over for tea, suggest movies to watch together, you even visit him at work every once in a while. The first time you went to his job you didn't even know he worked there, I mean he'd told you he worked at a museum but you never thought to ask which one, but once you knew he worked there you definitely made a point to pop in and say hi when you're around and he's working. It takes a while but you manage to build a pretty good friendship with him over the next few months to the point where you're hanging out a couple of times a week these days. In fact, he's supposed to be over later today to show you some movie he's been dying for you to see. For now, you're sitting on your couch reading a novel until he gets here. It'll be another few hours before he comes knocking at your door. 
You've really enjoyed getting to know him, more than you expected to honestly. He's as sweet and awkward as he comes off at first glance but there's something endearing about his gentle shyness even when he's raving about whatever thing has most recently captured his attention. You find yourself looking forward to the time you spend together more than you like to admit. You have no idea if your fondness is reciprocated to the same extent and you also have no idea how to broach the subject with him. Much like a skittish animal, you're always careful about how you make changes to your dynamic. It's something you try not to dwell on, if he likes you or if you'll tell him you like him and how to do so, things are good between you two and as they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it. 
Your head snaps up at the sudden rush of fear you sense. The book in your lap long forgotten anyway as you had been lost in your thoughts until the dread you felt in your very bones pulled you from them. It's not your own though, that panic, and you have to take a moment to pinpoint the source. You gasp when you realize it's coming from Steven. It's been a while since you felt someone's feelings so uninhibited and you rush out of your apartment before you can even consider a plan. He must be in trouble for you to feel his alarm this way. When you reach for his doorhandle you hear some sort of crashing sound inside and you force open his apartment door to find Steven evading someone attempting to corner him in the apartment.
"Steven!" You gasp when the masked intruder chucks some sort of dagger at him.
"Y/n?! Get out of here!" Steven shouts at you from behind the couch. You ignore him and charge the attacker by launching yourself using Steven's side table. The attacker can't react quickly enough to the kick that you aim directly at their chest and they go down hard. You don't give the stranger a chance to get up and strike either of you, taking advantage of their disoriented state you slip into their mind, 'suggesting' that they leave and forget they ever came here, forget Steven even exists and forget you while you're at it. When the masked assailant stands again they climb out of the window they came through without saying a word.
"Are you alright Steven?" You frown turning your attention to where he's frowning from behind his kitchen counter. When did he move behind the kitchen counter?
"What just happened?" He blinks at you.
"I am- a magical being of sorts-"
"Like a witch?"
"Something like that. I mean- I can do magic in the more traditional sense, like spells and such but most of my powers are telepathic. I can read minds and alter memories, reshape reality-"
"What?" You hardly register Steven's shocked exclamation.
"I mean that can take a lot of energy depending on the scale, like I obviously can't do it for everyone, everywhere, at the same time but like- I could say, make it look and feel like there are spiders all over this room." You shrug.
"Why would you ever-"
"Arachnids are a common phobia, it's gotten me out of some touchy situations." You say.
"That doesn't explain what just happened though." Steven shakes his head.
"Oh, I can control people if it comes down to it. I just- made the person leave and forget you exist."
"You can do what?!" His eyes widen.
"I don't use it! Usually. I've only done it a couple of times to protect myself or someone who really needed it." You shrug.
"And your protection was to force someone to do something else against their will?!"
"Hey, that person was literally trying to kill you! I could've taken the violent route instead but I'm not a fan of it!"
"So that man-"
"Doesn't remember being here, doesn't remember attacking you, doesn't even remember you exist. You're safe." You say.
"Holy shit."
"Look I wanted to be honest with you because I care about you but if this is too much for you to handle then- I will leave all I ask is that you keep my secret to yourself."
"You won't just... take it from me?"
"I don't want to. And I won't, unless that information in your hands becomes a threat to my life."
"Have you ever used them on me? Your powers?" He asks. You pause for a moment considering how to answer. Admittedly he doesn't seem to be taking all this super well, you wonder if it would be worse to just say no but looking at him you can't bring yourself to tell the lie.
"I have. Not- on purpose and nothing altering. No mind control or memory changing or reality reshaping- absolutely nothing that changed anything about you it's just that sometimes your thoughts are loud. You yell in your head a lot- in several voices. Sometimes I can hear them." You explain.
"You can hear them? The different voices?"
"Yes. I don't quite understand it but I never snooped I just- would leave when I realized it was happening again." You say.
"I think you should go." Steven says avoiding your gaze. Your shoulders drop for a moment that you're sure he doesn't see.
"I see. Alright but Steven-"
"Your secret is yours. I won't tell anybody." He says quietly. You nod although he's still not looking directly at you.
"Okay. If you need anything- my door's open. Otherwise, take care- Steven." You say and exit his apartment before he can respond. Steven's reaction hurts more than you'd like it to, you suppose you wouldn't have been able to keep the secret from him forever though. It would've come out eventually, especially if you got any closer to him as you had considered. 
The next two weeks are weird. Steven doesn't text you, or call you, or come over for tea or lunch, you make a point not to visit him at work as you are positive he's avoiding you based on the fact that he's clearly adjusted all of his habits so as to not run into to you around the apartment building. That- you think stings more than his initial reaction. To think he was so put out by your revelation that he no longer wanted to even risk seeing you... Whatever, you wouldn't dwell on it. The world keeps spinning. A sudden knock on your door interrupts you before you can focus back on what you were working on. With a confused frown, you walk over to the door and look through the spyhole to see Steven standing in the hall, and that surprises you immensely. For on that knock was sharp and harsh in a way you've never heard Steven knock on anything ever, but also for him to just show up at your door after 2 weeks is... unexpected. You pull open the door and lean casually against the frame.
"Hello." He nods and you immediately notice he does not sound like himself. You quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Steven? Hi. What are you doing here? And- why are you talking funny?"
"I'm not Steven my name is Marc Spector." He says.
"Did you hit your head or something?" You snort crossing your arms in confusion.
"No? I'm perfectly fine."
"Right except your name isn't Marc Spector it's Steven Grant. Unless you've been lying to me since we met which- would certainly be interesting but I don't think that's what's happening here." You say.
"Not quite. See we have a... condition-"
"Do not tell me about what's wrong with your body!" You put your hands up to stop him.
"It's psychological." He says.
"Oh okay. Proceed." You say.
"It's called dissociative identity disorder. My mind is- fractured. Essentially this body houses more than one consciousness." He explains.
"This sounds very Jekyll and Hyde and if you're coming to me to say you're a serial killer I don't-" You trail off when suddenly something clicks. "Holy shit you're one of the voices in Steven's head!" You gasp. You knew he sounded familiar but you didn't pinpoint it until just now.
"First of all, it's my head okay I am the original. Secondly- Steven told you about us?!"
"If he did do you think I would sound as confused as I do right now? No, he didn't tell me anything. I just realized why I recognize your voice." You say.
"Recognize my voice?" Now he's looking at you like you're crazy.
"I can hear you sometimes. You are quite loud- especially compared to the other one."
"You can hear us?" His eyes are wide as saucers.
"Yes, never on purpose though. I'm a telepath. I can read minds and change memories and alter reality and stuff like that so- sometimes I can hear you- which by the way we still haven't answered the billion dollar question why are you here?"
"Steven has been moping around for over a week now and every time we force him to leave he looks longingly at your door so I came to find out what the hell you did to him because I swear-"
"I didn't do anything to him. I told him I was a telepath and he freaked. He's been avoiding me since. All on his own. And before you start throwing around threats I'll warn you Marc Spector that I could take hold of your entire fractured little mind without even breaking a sweat. So tread carefully if you're going to start swearing things." Your eyes narrow at him.
"He's been avoiding you?" He blinks.
"We talked about my powers, he asked me to leave, and so I did. Probably assumes I'll take advantage of him using them or something." You shrug.
"Well you did just threaten me."
"It wasn't a threat it was a warning. Besides I'd never hurt Steven, you I don't know and you did start a pretty menacing sentence that prompted me to- never mind."
"Now I'm confused. If he's avoiding you, why is he moping around the apartment?" He frowns.
"You're asking me. You're the one that shares a body with him." You say.
"Explain to me exactly what went down?"
"I was in my apartment and someone attacked Steven- I don't know who or why but could feel it so I went over to help and I used my powers to get rid of them."
"What'd you do? Launch him out the window?"
"No? I just made him forget about us and where he was but when he mindlessly climbed back out the way he came in without attacking us I obviously had to explain some things. I guess Steven didn't take it all that well." You shrug.
"That doesn't sound right. I think you should talk to him."
"I- don't think he wants to do that." You shake your head.
"No. No, this has gone on long enough. Hang on." Marc says.
"Marc seriously mind your-"
"Y/n?" He grimaces. You recognize immediately that it's Steven you're talking to now.
"Steven- one the uh- voices? Marc? He thinks we need to have a conversation. Does he make a habit of meddling in your life this way?"
"Less often than you might think but- I do owe you an apology." His head drops.
"What for, exactly?"
"How I- handled things before. I was... cold, it's just that when you said you could hear Marc and Jake I was worried about what else you-"
"I'm sorry, who is Jake?" You shake your head at him.
"The identity disorder thing- there are three of us as far as we know. Myself, Marc, and Jake." Steven says and you nod as you piece it together.
"Would it be presumptuous of me to guess that Marc and Jake are not your only secrets?"
"No actually. Marc is an avatar."
"Of what?" You ask. Steven's shocked confusion prompts you to fill in the gaps, "I've met avatars for each of the sins so, one of those maybe? Or a celestial body of some sort? The moon perhaps- I'm guessing you don't mean in the same sense as the cartoon boy because people with elemental manipulation do not refer to themselves that way in real life so-"
"Khonshu." Steven says when you trail.
"He's- Khonshu's avatar."
"Egyptian God. Interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong he's the god of justice, right?"
"That's right." He nods.
"So the guy that was attacking you a few weeks ago was probably mad at him for- something related to that."
"Most likely. Can't imagine a museum guest putting a hit out on me for not having any more pyramid pens or something." Steven scratches the back of his neck and you chuckle a bit at his joke.
"Look- that day, I wasn't sure if this was something I was ready to tell you. I've never told anyone this before, the only person that knows is Marc's ex-wife, so when you said you could hear our thoughts I was worried you knew more than just that there were voices in my head and- I'm sorry." Steven trails off with a sigh.
"So- what changed? Why are you telling me now?"
"Well Marc revealed himself to you." Steven says. "But more than that I just- really hate not being able to talk to you. I like my life way more with you in it but I- after how I reacted I sort of figured I'd earned my misery, that I didn't deserve your forgiveness because when you chose to trust me with your secrets I turned you away, I even judged you, instead showing literally any modicum of support of the person I care about. I made an ass of myself."
"I wasn't upset with you, you know. I mean as far as shitty reactions go yours doesn't even make the top 5. You didn't tell the apartment building to gather their pitchforks so- I count that as a win." You shrug.
"I would never-"
"I know." You nod. "While we're- confessing our sins anything else you wanna share?" You ask with a chuckle. Steven holds your gaze for a long moment and there's a brief second where you consider finding out for yourself what he's contemplating so hard, you won't of course, but the silence drags long enough to make you want to rescind the question. Eventually, Steven's hand grabs your arm and yanks you towards him. His eyes are so wide at the action you'd think he's not the one who pulled you but before you can ask him about it his lips are on yours. The kiss is short and a bit unsure but his mouth is soft against yours and when he pulls away still with that wide-eyed look you do nothing but blink at him for a moment.
"I- I'm so sorry that was- I mean Marc was- I didn't plan- I wasn't going to-"
"Steven." You place your hand against his cheek to halt his frazzled rambling. "Did you want to kiss me?" You ask.
"I've wanted to kiss you for months." He breathes.
"Then don't apologize. I've wanted to kiss you too."
"Yes so- I think I'm going to do it again." You say pausing long enough to give him an out. When his eyes flutter closed you take that as your sign to lean forward and connect your lips again. You're sure in that moment you could do this forever and you silently wish to whatever powers above that you'll have that long to do it as many times as you wish.
A/N: I'm thinking of turning this into an anthology (like There is No Right Way) of the moonknight trio dating a telepath because I think it would be interesting idk- anyone interested in more of this dynamic?
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bibibbon · 3 months
I made a huge mistake in going to the MHA subreddit. The braindead takes on 427 have me convinced I'm stuck in a parallel universe where we're reading a completely different story:
"It's great seeing Deku play therapist with the LOV, but all it seems to have done is make things worse!" A) Izuku shouldn't be having to play therapist to begin with, considering he's a 16 year old kid. B) most of the LOV don't see anything they did as wrong, so idk what the fuck Izuku can do about that. Also, WHY AREN'T PEOPLE HELPING IZUKU WITH HIS OWN GODDAMN FEELINGS?!
Apparently Bakugou killed Kurogiri, and there's absolutely ZERO reaction to it both in and out of universe. So of fucking course Izuku is a murderer, but not their precious Bakugou 🥱.
"I feel like Hori's really underrated as a writer!" Horikoshi doesn't know Show Don't Tell, how to actually develop characters, and how to craft actual stakes in the narrative from a hole in the ground. Also, MHA is one of the most popular mangas worldwide, so you're not even using underrated right.
"I feel like Horikoshi sees our discussions and then implements them in the story!" This I can kind of agree with, considering how much y'all hate Izuku and worship Bakugou. But on the other hand, I really doubt Horikoshi thinks the MHA subreddit is as important as you think it is.
"Bakugou's totally going to ask Izuku to start their own hero agency together at the end!" Jesus fucking Christ, just say you hate Izuku. How would that be a great ending for him? He not only has to see the source of his low self esteem and borderline suicidal feelings achieving the dream he'll now never have, but you want them to WORK together?!
@nutzgunray-lvt 👋
Well a lot of the time looking into Reddit is always a mistake unless you're asking a very niche question and you get an answer from 9 years ago or something.
I feel like a lot of people whether that be in universe or in fandom forget that izuku is a 16 year old child soldier. Izuku is more than a decade younger than a lot of the villains in the leauge. He is a child who has been exploited by the system and abused. We have seen in 425 izuku try and talk to someone but simply get brushed aside and while I don't blame shoto or ochako for doing that as they probably didn't mean it and are traumatised themselves it kinda of shows how much this has effected izuku. Also this doesn't help BECAUSE HORI GAVE US NO FLIPPING INTROPSECTION ON IZUKU'S BIT AGAIN!! Also Iam not sure if it's just me but Izuku's eye bags are heavily prominent in this chapter especially when he is talking to spinner.
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The fandom especially the lov stans side of it love babayifying the actions of the leauge and hyper fixating on the humane soft side they may have while completely ignoring the horrible actions they commited. I talk about this better in one of @palesweetscherryblossom asks
I still can't believe that bk may of killed kurogiri. I don't even know when that happend and I checked the wiki but it says that kurogiris status is unconfirmed so I will be waiting until the last chapter to fully acknowledge if kurogiri is dead or not. However this brings up the point that the fandoms is being quite hypocritical if they're calling izuku a murder but not bakugo. They both killed people but for some reason it's izuku thats put into public light and bashing instead of all the other characters that have killed in the series including villains.
Yeah sometimes it feels like hori is looking at discussions of his series and implementing ideas but I think that goes more for his Japanese fans than us to be honest because after all they're his target demographic. I remember when I first joined Tumblr one of my earliest posts talked about how horikoshi's writing decisions were heavily influenced by his fans which may or may not be true.
At this point IAM convinced that izuku isn't getting a proper happy ending. Every time I think it can't get worse it does. Just by your comment of them starting an agency together haunts me just like the possibility that bk may become the number one hero
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Romantic Capture? (Pt 2. Romantic Escape)
(Tommy Shelby X female reader)
Summery: Y/N's successfully managed to con her way to her husband's car keys. Now she's free to have the fun she's been missing for the past week. But with an unexpected call from Polly, will her plans actually go to plan? Part two of Romantic Escape!
A/N: Hi y'all! No TW's for this (Tommy does get accidentally scuffed up tho) but I do think Tommy may be a bit OOC because this part has him talking about his feelings to the reader and I'm honestly not too sure how to write that, so idk if I did it well, but I tried! I kinda see him as someone who doesn't like admitting his fears and mistakes so when he actually does he's unsure of what to say as opposed to his usual suave self and tried writing it like that. So it's definitely got a bit of a different tone than the last one but it's still got good fun bits! I hope y'all enjoy!❤️
WC- 2.9k
Main Masterlist
The phone in Tommy's office rang.
"Polly? That you? I just started those papers you wanted, was there something else?"
You giggled to yourself as you internally relived about your grand success, checking your mirrors one last time before getting ready to drive off. Silently, you thanked your husband for filling up the gas tank on his way back today.
It took months for most people to even try coming up with a plan to win one over THE Thomas Shelby. Keyword try. But you'd managed a successful caper in under an hour. And to top it off, if everything went as planned you'd have some fun with your "poor victim" when you returned. Maybe you should try this thing more often. You had been trying to convince him to let you redo the washroom for a while now. You thought the space would look just lovely with a new coat of paint and padded benches for you and the maids to sit on while talking and folding clothes. Or the garage. There was an empty space there you would have loved to turn into a workshop for the gardener and handyman. It was perfect for tools and lunch. OOH! Or maybe you could finally get the rolling ladder you'd wanted in the library, since you'd first moved in! You always wanted one as a kid! Yes, you would definitely have to try this thing again, especially if it went so smoothly the first time!
But that was for another day. If you left right now you'd make it in time to find good seats. Had this been a film, it would be the part where the captive finally gets out of their cell and starts joyously yelling "I'm free! I'm free I'm fr..."
A hand shot through the window and grabbed the steering wheel. Screaming, you did the first thing that came to your mind. Reaching out the window to grab the collar of your attacker, you yanked them forwards as hard as you could, while simultaneously stepping on the gas. You heard a head hit the car's roof as it made contact with the shiny metal.
 You knew that voice. And the tie wrapped between you fingers....
Oh no.
"Tommy? What the hell are you doing?" You questioned, quickly letting go of him and looking down at you husband who was cradling an injured nose and making sure his toes weren't broken from you almost running them over.
"What the hell am I doing, eh!? What the bloody fuck are you doing," he exclaimed as he got to his feet, using the side of the car to stabilise himself so he wouldn't stumble. He didn't know if he should be frustrated or proud of what you'd just done. On one hand he was happy to know you wouldn't freeze up when surprised if someone came out of nowhere. But on the other hand....that fucking hurt. He could already feel the headache forming and it took a solid minute for his vision to clear. The car was still running and once again your husband reached through the window, trying to grab the keys from the ignition. 
"No," you smacked his hand away from the keys, gently but firmly. Tommy gave you a confused look and tried again.
"No. Tommy, no. Leave it. No. Thomas no." accompanied by another few gentle smacks until he pulled his hand back. You used one hand to guard the keys while the other remained slightly lofted, ready to bat again if needed. Tommy looked at you perplexed. In a manner only you could accomplish, he was left with absolutely no idea what was going on. 
"What do you mean 'no'? What are you doing, I thought you were going upstairs eh? And Polly called said there were never any papers she needed," he'd questioned. If it was anyone else aside from you he'd probably be very angry by now. Because you'd lied to him, and Thomas Shelby didn't like being lied to. You also nearly ran him over, but it wasn't a first for that and he was honestly more annoyed at being lied to. That wasn't something he took lightly.
Especially when the lies involved stealing his car. But this wasn't anyone else. This was you. You looked at him for a moment before sighing and turning off the car, but remained in the drivers seat. Well, if you couldn't get out through trickery maybe the truth would work. And a little guilt tripping possibly?
"I'm taking the car out," you replied. "I wanted to go to the movies with Lizzie and maybe have a few drinks after. I haven't been out all week and my head feels fine. It's felt fine since the third day, but even then no one let me do anything. None of my friends or anyone else was able to come over either so I've been stuck all week and I'm bored and it's been getting lonely too." You looked at you husband whose face had softened and continued, "So I called up Lizzie and I've got to meet her in half an hour if we want to get good seats. And Thomas I love you, but I am doing this. I know you're on edge because of what happened a few months ago, but I promise I'm all good now. You aren't able to control every little thing that happens to me. I'll get hurt sometimes and so will you, and that's just life. You can't make me live in a bubble after every little bump and bruise." 
Reaching one hand out the car window you gently grabbed your husband's chin and ran a finger over his cheek, where an increasingly red mark had begun to form. Thank Heavens, for once he hadn't had a cigarette in his mouth when you'd yanked him. He's probably have a burn on his face too. You really didn't intend to hurt him, thinking it was someone else trying to grab you. 
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought you'd make another fuss if I told you and I really didn't want to argue again. I know you care about me but you have to understand Thomas, I'm a grown woman and can make my own choices about then I feel better. It's the same thing you do when you decide to go back to work after being shot or beat up. When we got married we promised to go though life together. And together means side by side, equal steps. It doesn't mean one gets to drag the other along choosing each path alright," Caressing his cheek one last time, you sighed and moved to exit the car. You were still going out of course, but you wanted to take a quick look at Tommy's face in the house where the light was brighter before you left. You knew you'd be distracted and feel slightly guilty all night, not knowing how much damage your unintentional attack truly caused. 
But before your hand made it to the car door, it was Tommy who gently knocked your hand away this time. He placed you hand gently on the steering wheel, holding it there, while he closed his eyes for a moment and thought. Then he released you hand, before making his way around the front of the car and moving into the passenger seat. For a few moments the car was silent before Tommy grabbed you hand again and turned slightly so he could face you better. 
"Love... Don't feel sorry for what you did, it's not your fault. You weren't... wrong," Tommy started, slightly unsure what to say. He knew the words you had said were right, but he didn't know what to say next. Tommy never was to good at expressing his emotions, especially the strongest ones like love and pride and fear; and he was feeling all of those right now. But since meeting you he'd gotten a little better. At least it got easier to try. And that's what he did now, sitting besides you in the car while the last rays of the sun's light left the horizon for the day. "I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to control your or our life together. I'm not. I just want you to be safe. I don't know what I'd do without you," he continued, trying to remember what you'd told him one day about how he didn't have to be charming or precise when telling you his feelings. You told him they could be as messy and unorganized as he could manage if it meant he was telling you the truth. As long as he trusted you enough to try and let it out you'd be more than happy to listen. He knew you'd never fault him for telling the truth even if you'd still scold him for hiding it. 
"The truth is... the truth is that the day you got hurt something else happened. I got a call from a man telling demanding I sign over half the company or else he'd make you pay for me," Tommy paused for a moment trying to press down his anger at the man, "I wasn't worried at first, figured he was just making empty threats. Didn't think anyone was stupid enough to touch you. Then Francis called about your fall and even then I didn't think much about him, I was only worried you were alright. But then, later that night after I saw you, I was looking at the mail. This fucker also sent a letter to the house with the same fucking demand and I didn't see it until then. There was a photo in it too. It was you and your friends sitting in that restaurant you're so fond of. The one where we always get Finn's birthday cake? I don't know how he got that photo," Tommy stressed running a hand through his hair. He knew the man was dead, but it still made his skin crawl thinking of what he could have done. "I don't know what it was, but that photo and you being hurt... it scared me. I don't want to lose you. So since you were already hurt, I used that as an excuse to keep you at the house yeah? The maids really were to make sure you rested your head, but the cars were so I could try and keep you at the house where it was safer. I even had more men posted around the premises during the day." Tommy took a breath gently rubbing his thumb over your hand. He wasn't use to talking this much, even with you. But seeing as you didn't pull back, maybe he hadn't said the wrong thing yet. "But he's gone now, I got word he was taken care of today and he won't hurt you... No one will hurt you. So we don't have to worry about him. I was going to tell you today, I promise I was. But I'm ...I'm sorry Love. I didn't tell you the truth earlier and you got lonely... I should have found a way for your friends to come here or asked you to drive around with one of me men but I didn't yeah? And that.... that may not have been the best plan but it was the only one I could think of to keep you safe. Because you are the most important thing in the world to me Love and I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt because of me."
Tommy had finished now. He wasn't sure what else to say. He'd lied to you and he knew you hated that. But in his mind it was for a good cause. He didn't want to burden or stress you with problems created because of him. So he'd hid the truth until he couldn't anymore and after admitting his secrets he was left without a script. Most men would promise it wouldn't happen again, but Tommy couldn't do that. He knew that if you were ever threatened like that again he wouldn't hesitated to hide you away where he knew it was safe, even if you were mad at him for it. And you knew it too. So he wouldn't by make a promise he wouldn't hesitate to break. Not today anyway. 
The car was silent for a few moments and Tommy wasn't looking at you anymore. He did that sometimes after admitting something to you. Like he was scared to look into your eyes, and see that you didn't like what he said. And honestly, sometimes you didn't. Sometimes you wished your husband never told you the things he'd done that day or whose blood you were washing off his hands in the middle of the night. But most times like tonight, when he'd finally look up he'd see the same love he saw the day he married you and many days before that. You gently took his face in you hands and guided him to look at you again.
"Tommy, I can't say I'm not mad you didn't tell me the truth sooner, but I'm glad you did now," you started, "I'm alright and so are you and no one is going to hurt us. I get why you wanted to hide it from me, I don't always want to tell you what's scaring me either." Tommy averted his eyes and scoffed briefly at the implication of being scared. Yes, it was true but he still didn't like admitting it. "But I'm glad you told me now, yeah? It's better to get it out eventually than hold it in forever. So I wish you'd told me sooner but for now I'm glad you did. And thank you for apologizing, I forgive you... but I just ask next time someone's threatening ME, that I be the first one you tell yeah? Who knows maybe I can think of a better plan to get rid of him than you huh?"
Tommy closed his eyes briefly, leaning to rest his head on your shoulder. Talking had allowed a weight to lift from his shoulders. Not just because he knew the man was gone, but because he'd finally told you the truth. And apparently, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Yes, he knew you'd still probably lecture him slightly for lying more later, but for now he was just happy for you to know the truth. 
"Yeah Love, that I can try to do. Fuck, I can try."
Your fingers pulled the back of his hair lightly as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"'Try,' Thomas?"
A small huff of laughter came from his mouth as he pulled back to look at you again. Now that you'd both told the truth there was a lightness there, which hadn't been present all week.
"Promise, I promise you'll be the first to know if any rat bastard ever thinks of threatening you again eh?"
"That sounds more like it, my dear darling."
This time it was your turn to rest your head on his shoulder for a few moments as silence once more overtook the car. When you looked up again, you moved to gently kissed your husband on his still reddened cheek. As you went to do it a second time he turned his head, allowing your lips to connect with his as he returned the kiss gently. It took a few seconds before he tried deepening it again, and his hands had just reached the hem of your skirt when he was once again stopped. Panting slightly you resting your forehead against his, slightly brushing the loose strands on the back of his neck. He let out a soft groan at that. He loved the way your fingers felt playing with his hair like that, especially if it was late at night when you were both in bed after a long day.
"Yeah Love?"
"I still am meeting Lizzie tonight. If I stay at this house for one more minute I may actually set something on fire," you finished, readjusting your skirt and turning the car on again. If you left now you'd still just barely make it. "Like I may actually give Alfie Solomons a run for his money with the fight I'm going to put up if I don't get out within the next five minutes. Or I may pay him to do it for me, the lovely man. He use to be a boxer you know. "
Tommy rolled his eyes at the Alfie comment before smirking and leaning back in his seat, putting one arm around the back of yours, "Alright then Love let's get going."
You laughed, pushing his arm back and turned to him, "Oh, no chance in hell you're coming with me. I may forgive you for lying to me, but you're still not out of the dog house yet. Besides, this is a night for ME and Lizzie. Not me, Lizzie, and YOU."
"Come on Love. I'm sure Lizzie wouldn't mind. After all, it still could be dangerous out there. It is getting dark after all."
"Well then it's a pretty good think I can protect myself isn't it? Remember the gun Esme got me for Christmas? And so can Lizzie. You aren't the only one with tricks up your sleeve. So you. Hop out of the car before I'm forced to make you and," You leaned closer, "how about you spend the time I'm gone planning another apology eh?"
Tommy let out a huff of laughter, but complied. He walked around the front of the car again before leaning down to the still open window. 
"Another apology eh? I thought you'd already taken the first one."
"Of course, but you still have to make up for earlier to remember? After all, I won't be out with Lizzie all night and you did say you'd stay in your office until 10:30. That's something else to make up for isn't it? You didn't even give me time to start a bath to hide, cheater," you teased lightly as you played with Tommy's tie and his eyes light up like they had earlier when you'd sent him to the office.
"Oh that's the kinda apology you want isn't it? I can manage that. I can manage that very well Love. How about this time I hide for you to find me? Change up our little game eh?" Tommy kissed your hand teasingly before finally stepping back to let you leave. "Though I did help Curly clean the horses earlier at Charlie's yard, and that was a bit messy" Tommy restated your words earlier, "So when you're done why don't you start by looking in places one can get a little less...dirty eh? Maybe the bath will still be warm...."
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
There was another independent terrorist attack today, this time in Samaria, in the area of Yitzhar. The victim is reportedly a young Israeli man of 19 years, and he's in a serious state, while the terrorist is said to have been neutralized. The craziest thing at the link is a small summary about the Palestinian terrorist activity in these parts. In Judea and Samaria alone, an area geographically disconnected from Gaza, where Hamas does operate, but which is not under its rule, just from Oct 7 to Jan 15, there have been no less than 2600 (!) terrorist attacks recorded.
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Bassem Eid, a Palestinian journalist and human rights activist, has published an op ed at Newsweek, where he's writing to his fellow Palestinians, asking them to stop blaming the Jews for the starvation Hamas is causing in Gaza.
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We already knew that the IDF has been using millions of leaflets, phone calls and text messages (millions of each) to warn Gazans to evacuate from dangerous war zones, and that in itself costs a lot of money. I don't think I've ever come across any country investing this much money in evacuating the population of the other side in a war. But now, I saw a TV report on how the IDF is trying to do even more. I've found the footage that they showed, a short vid of an IDF drone, that has speakers attached to it, so it can announce to the residents of a specific project in Khan Younis to evacuate it:
The IDF has also shared an intercepted phone conversation, where they recorded an UNRWA teacher, who is also a Hamas terrorist, talking about his part in the Oct 7 massacre, where he brags about having kidnapped an Israeli woman. The call took place 7 hours after the massacre began. In this context, and while the UN continues to express itself in a way that unjustly vilifies Israel, it's no wonder that Israel's envoy to the UN has been called back for consultation, something Israel hasn't done in 8 years. Honestly, I think at this point it's clear that it's not just that the UN has been biased against Israel since before Hamas had started this war. As Israel continues to expose the complicity of UN workers in the Oct 7 massacre, the UN now also has the motivation to do its best to discredit the one country that can prove its guilt better than any other.
I generally don't talk about the negotiations for another hostage deal. It's a lot of emotional ups and downs to follow them, and I also know many reports are denied quickly, some can be just plain false and made by people eager for attention, while other can even be statements intentionally made to pressure one of the sides in one direction or another. I follow the reports, but IDK which ones I believe myself, even when they come from normally reliable media sources. However, I've heard this report on multiple Israeli news sources, and I tend to believe it reflects the genuine belief on Israel's part, so I'm passing it on. Apparently, the Israeli officials in charge of negotiations now believe that Hamas is intentionally not agreeing to any deals, because it wants escalation during Ramadan. It tracks for me, it's clear that the idea of fighting during Ramadan will be used as parpaganda against Israel, even though Hamas are extremist Islamists, who have no issue with violence during Ramadan, and even the US has made it pretty clear through Blinken's statement, that they currently see Hamas as the side saying no to a truce as part of a hostage deal.
It took way too long for this committee to be appointed, it took them too much time to do anything while the world either denied or justified the crimes perpetrated on Oct 7, it's releasing its port 5 months after the massacre, when the initial info started coming out just days after it, but an independent UN envoy has finally officially confirmed that there is "clear and convincing evidence" regarding the sex crimes of Hamas, committed against victims on Oct 7 itself, and against the hostages since then.
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This is 22 years old Noa Farage.
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She was a surfer, was planning to travel to South East Asia for 6 months, and volunteered as a scouts counselor. She was very excited to go to the Nova music festival, because it was going to be her last time hanging out with her best friend Roni before her trip. On Oct 7, Roni survived, but Noa was murdered by Hamas terrorists.
May her memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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isa-ghost · 9 months
My friend
I am gonna do it
Here's Set 1 and Set 2
Now M O R E
He won't do it without prompting because he'll feel like an ass giving nobody else room to talk, but if someone got him on the topic of like. Exploration or flight or something, he could talk for hours. He's extremely knowledgeable and passionate about stuff like that, most times because he has centuries of experience
I don't want to diagnose cc!Phil or whatever bc I know he doesn't like when people do that, but to me his rp character is free reign. And as a psych major with ADHD who's focusing on the study of neurodivergent disorders: this man is hella ADHD coded. He's told too many personal stories that are relatable to me for me to be silent about it. I'm 🤝🏻 this crow man
In his case this isn't a nd trait but instead a crow one, but he experiences echolalia sometimes. Funny things or certain noises he hears just scratch an itch in his bird brain real good, he can't help but repeat it for a while
The way to Phil's heart is good food, fun to be around, and kicking ass. If you can tick those 3 things off for yourself, you're Phil Approved
He'll say he doesn't fall for peer pressure, and often times he's right. But on rare occasions someone like Fit or Etoiles can convince him to do smth he maybe wouldn't at first. It's easier to win him over when he's drunk
cc!Phil has talked abt how he gets a weird confidence boost when he's drunk as shit. That's real for q!Phil too. He could be staggering slurring speech drunk and still snipe something like 50 blocks away. It makes Fit and Etoiles want to kiss him about it
He has intentionally made almost his entire wardrobe varying shades of green, which he pairs with black, red & gold. He thinks it's funny to have a branded wardrobe like an anime character
Idr how canon dsmp is to q!Phil but he still has the friendship emerald charm hanging from his hat. Perhaps it's from the Antarctic Empire days instead. Idk, I just like the character design of Dangly Thing On Hat Brim too much to exclude it from his design in my head (I should rlly attempt to doodle my Phil beyond the random notebook ones I've done. Maybe I'll post those if asked idk)
Don't underestimate this man's ability to get dramatic. Tallulah ain't the only one in the family that can go hard
I wouldn't say he has a bad temper. He's very well-practiced at self-control. However, there are certain things that set him off so severely, he throws self-control out the window. Those things aren't worthy of him trying to be "the bigger person." They deserve their ass handed to them right here right now (see: The Codes pre-current lore).
In a similar vein, when the situation isn't one of those special Fuck This incidences, he still doesn't have a temper, but when he finally snaps, he SNAPS. Like on a The Polycule be like "mark me down as scared and horny" level of snap. When you get on the Angel of Death's last fucking nerve he let's you KNOW.
I'm self-projecting here: this fucking idiot man has a detrimental habit of insisting on handling stuff like anxiety alone. He hates when people see him without his composure. It's not even like an embarrassing thing, it's just very uncomfortable to him. So when a panic attack hits or he finally concedes and let's himself cry, it's alone. And sometimes that makes it worse. But even that doesn't make him change his mind. "Keep it together for the kids," right? :')
Having a stroke about thunderstorms is a reflex. Even on Quesadilla Island, the second he hears thunder he reaches for a trident like a dork.
He near-obsessively preens his wings because he doesn't want the Federation, or anyone else for that matter, getting ahold of his feathers when they shed. He doesn't know wtf they could do with those and he doesn't wanna find out.
And yet somehow Missa and Lullah both have a couple feathers that he's shed and he has no idea. Lullah wants to make a necklace out of them.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 9 months
anywho, CAN. Can can can caaaaan you write a one shot about where the reader is a young well known killer, she wears a mask to hide her (or their. Any pronouns you’re comfortable with!) identity from the people BUT she gets to go school without the mask so they’re safe! :D
AND THEN (idk but something something happened at school that caused the reader to kill someone out of pure rage.(anger issues RAH)then they run away from school and into the woods and all that stuff) Masky or any other Creepypasta sees the reader and recognizes them by the mask and convinces them to join them AND ALL OF THAT
OH and their killing method is capturing the victim who has done bad shit in their life(like bullies, bad parents and these type of people) record them in tapes, then torturing them to admit the horrible shit they done, then send the tape to the relatives of the victim for them to know AAAAAAAAAAND scene.
I WILL BE KNOWN AS 🐰 TO YOU and be a regular :D
Take your time with this and take care!!
Omg this is totally giving early 2010's creepypasta fandom/pos
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Masky discovering a new creep
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Being a world famous killer blows. First world problems, amirite? Anyways, it really does stink. Having such an occupation is filled with endless controversies, people debating over what your doing is right or wrong. You also don't get much sleep, so school is 10x harder. You know that what you're doing is for the greater good. What you do is so others can live peaceful lives, not for your own selfish desires. But it's not like you can explain that, lest you be arrested and charged with murder.
And so, you put up with the tiredness, sores and cuts you get from your little "hobby". This being said, your temper tends to be quite short when it comes to people messing with you. While you rest your head on your desk to try and get some sleep you hear your name, as well as some insulting words and laughs from the girls in the desks behind you. If you actually zeroed in on their conversation, you can tell that they are talking about how greasy your hair looks and how beat up you always are, this being said they are making fun of you for what they assume is abuse at your home.
It is true that you haven't showered in a while, you just hadn't had the time or willpower to. But to make fun of someone for potentially getting abused? That had you all sorts of ticked off. You try to bury your head further into your desk to try and ignore them, but it seems that they only get louder and meaner with their insults. When your anger builds up to a point of no return, you lift your head and turn to face them. "I'm not getting abused, ok? And even if I was, what kind of right do you think you have to make fun of someone for that?! It's obvious your mommy and daddy don't love you, but if you think you can take that out on me, you are dead wrong because baby, I am not the one."
Your yelling has caused most of the class to look at you, and the girls are silent for a moment before laughing amongst themselves again, calling you weird and saying that they must have been right if you were getting so defensive about it. Their words swirl in your head and it gets to a point you can't take anymore. "Shut up." you say "Shut up shut up shut up!" You get out of your desk and push one of the girls out of her chair, climbing on top of her and beating her senseless. The other girls are now calling you crazy, trying to pry you off of their friend but it's no use. Your teacher is calling up the principal but when she sees your hands being coated with blood and the girls face getting bashed more and more into her skull, she instead calls the police.
By the time you have come back to your senses, blood is splattered all over the classroom, all over your clothes, and the girl is nonresponsive. You gasp and stand up, covering your mouth in utter disbelief at what you had done. Without even looking at your scared classmates and teacher, you run out of the classroom, knowing that if you want any chance of escape, you have to go now. You run past multiple teachers who don't even know what's going on, they only try to stop you for running in the halls. You don't listen and keep on running until eventually you realize that you are in the woods. You're a ways away from your city, and you can hear sirens blaring in the distance. No doubt they're looking for you.
The adrenaline has worn off, and you're tired. You are stumbling through the woods blindly. Your legs give out and you fall to the leaf covered floor, catching your breath and letting your sore legs rest. After a while, you hear footsteps approaching you. You curse under your breath and try to get up to run some more, fearing a cop might have found you. Your legs don't work, and the footsteps catch up to you. You are lifted off the ground by the collar of your shirt and met with the face of an older man, eyeing you up and down with a hatchet slung over his shoulder. "Yeesh kid. What happened to you?" He asks, putting you back down on the floor and awaiting your response. You are too scared to answer, only looking up at him worriedly.
He raises a brow and looks at your hands. "Is that blood...?" he asks, leaning down and looking at your hands. "Hey, you're that kid everyone in the city over is looking for!" he finally concludes. This has your heart beating out of your chest. "I heard what you did....I think you better come with me. There's someone I think you'll wanna talk too." He says, picking you up again and half carrying you. "Don't worry, we aren't going to the cops" He says with a chuckle, as if the idea is absurd. It is after this that you begin to feel dizzy, only to pass out again.
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microtyalm13 · 4 months
how you been ໒꒰ྀི ˶• ༝ •˶ ꒱ྀི১₊˚⊹♡
I've been using twitch a lot recently so now I have two favourite streamers and i might have a thing for american guys
How do your characters speak? Like, accents speech tics etc...
Anyways, have a nice day ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
-- 🍞anon
hi darling anon <) i'm good! i'm living alone rn, trying to go out more, looking after the house and my cat. so yeah, a little busy, but very much content. just returned from the trip to our dacha with my aunt and my grandma, actually! <З very eepy but damn do i love nature and women... good for you btw! i don't really watch twitch streamers... besides kwite lmao
How my Ocs Speak! or smth i haven't thought too much about it there could be errors and mistakes bc i am TIREDDDD
gavriil. — you think with looks like his he might sound like an actual angel singing to you while you ascend but NO. his voice very much HURTS. it's always echoes, almost vibrates and sounds like it's coming from your head. he can change it ofc and tone it done for you a little so you can talk to him without headaches <,,) somewhat official and ominous at first, wants to sound as menacing as possible for his first impression. but then, down the line and if he likes you enough, he'll be very casual and nonchalant, throwing in curses and all that. doesn't have a particular accent because bro literally knows every language on earth and more, sounds a little uncanny if anything. artificial maybe. but still just as lively, teasing and sometimes dramatic. purrs... sometimes. can speak directly into your mind and read it too.
xiaolong. — has the most enjoyable voice out the bunch. velvet, melodic, charming. always sounds very convincing and can sell you anything. literally the perfect host. languid and mellow, has a habit of humming "mmm"; "hmm?";"mmhm" and sighing. his voice claim is john park, korean va for espresso cookie, and i think xiao himself has a korean accent. very expressive but also very collected. won't say anything unnecessary. rarely curses.
taisya\tasechka. — jumbled and gurgled speech. absolutely horrid voice, but he usually speaks slowly so you can more or less understand what he says. breathes really hard and swallows words when excited. doesn't speak unless spoken to, and even then gives short, vague answers. no intonations whatsoever. prefers to just shake/nod his head or point and gesture with his hands if he wants something. has an ability to purr too but his version is a little more fucked up.
derzena. — monotone, expressionless, blunt. you will never understand if she's joking or not because this woman is like a BRICK WALL her face and voice never betray her. voice is raspy but pretty quiet, speaks slowly and steadily, clearly thinking everything over in her head before saying something. mimics human speech\animal noises to lure in men that are trespassing on her grounds to later eat them 💪 with her beloved often makes those quick "ekekeke" noises (like the ones cats make when they see a bird or smth...) to show affection. SAVE ME BIG cRYPTID WOMAN
veniamin. — rough, gruff voice. clicks his tongue so loudly he can probably shatter the fucking windows. exasperated and dramatic at all times. usually pretty loud, groans and sighs all the time when annoyed. in the mornings his voice is so raspy it's startling. curses a lot. mocks people's voices when he's angry at them or tries to put them in their place. or just to be a little annoying. HORRIBLE at singing yet does it all the time when he walks around in his house wearing nothing but a robe.
livy. — rarely speaks, usually resorts to clicks and chirps, maybe even hisses if threatened. doesn't have a lot of practice in speaking actual words, so it might be a little hard at first. at least for you, because he seems to understand you perfectly fine, it's you who doesn't understand what mothman wants from you half the time. surprisingly soft but hoarse voice... very warm sounding, idk. pauses and forgets the right words sometimes, but it does not stop him from teasing YOU.
have a good day <]
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Would you ever expand a little on the dottore turning into the fox and reader taking him in thing? 👉👈 I know it's a trope done many times before but I just find it amusing that Dottore would have such a mishap and then a complete stranger finds him and takes him home 💞
OMG OF COURSE ANON!! I'd love to, I'm happy that you enjoyed that silly little brainrot ❤️ (This is the post for reference!) Hmm let me think... Although he'd prefer to leave your house, Foxttore is a wee bit injured and tired... so it would be a better idea to just lay low in this residence for now. He's very good at hiding in your house. Probably knows it better than you at this point. You can search for hours and you won't find him, and then he'll pop out of nowhere, stare at you blankly, and then quickly exit when you try to catch him. This mf is TEASING you, he loves getting you riled up.
You want revenge? Pick him up by his tail and watch him suffer as he's unable to reach and scratch you. You didn't hear this from me but, his paws are ticklish. He can somehow... divide himself into tiny fluffballs with a red eye too. And then he commands the tiny segments to return back into his body. It's strange but you don't question it. Foxttore would avoid physical contact at all costs in the beginning. If you put horror movies on, he'll come and watch but then get bored quickly. He gives you strange looks with that one eye of his if you get scared (this is basic compared to what he's seen 😨) The fox seems to enjoy documentaries more though. Will nab your food off the plate as well. He's a devious lil guy. The day he leaves is the day you think you'll never see him again, and you can't help but be sad, but what did ya know? He returns later, again with some more... blood. Walks through your house leaving paw prints of blood on your floor and plops himself in your bathtub, looking at you expectantly. (The fox gets the best bath of his life, princess treatment fr) He once got himself stuck somewhere in your house and you laughed for a good couple of minutes while he just growled the whole time. Foxttore has never cared much for his fur but he appreciates how you keep it clean and fluffy. He's surprised at himself for how he keeps coming back to you... but he just convinces himself that you're a rare, good find because most humans would never go to these lengths for a creature like him. Totally not because he's also become emotionally attached.
You are nearly in tears when you find out you've been housing a grown man who can somehow turn into a fox creature thing this whole time??? But Dottore just acts like it's no big deal and eventually starts demanding attention as if you're his lover or something... haha... or 😉 ? If you're cuddling with him in his fox form and you try to leave, he'll turn into a human and just crush you with his weight. Also if you give him a little kith he transforms right on your lap with one of those grins of his. Uhhh and he also kills people who even try to disrespect you ❤️ Washing the blood off of Foxttore is a normal thing for you :) Your relationship is kind of... complicated. He goes out and does his own thing and he doesn't tell you anything but you don't question it nor do you care... but you always look forward to seeing a certain fox curled up on your bed!! Idk why but I'd love to put him under my shirt. He's very soft and fluffy and I would like to hold him.
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vasyandii · 7 months
Hi, I have a request if you feel comfortable answering, but would you care to elaborate on "get to know my ship NSFW edition"? I'm not trying to beat around the bush to convince you to write smut, but I was really intrigued by the experience part and the colored hearts. In particular because Sebastian for me doesn't seem like the type to have had past relationships, maybe more oriented on one-night-stands, and Nak surprised me a little with not being complete on the virgin sing, thanks :)
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Elaboration on the KruegerNak NSFW chart
[16+ Warning under the Cut!!]
Howdy howdy! I'm perfectly comfortable with answering any questions that comes my way :D (I have no shame + it provides better character analysis, which I enjoy explaining) but keep in mind!! I'm super bad at explaining stuff!!
Krueger (Sebastian) is Green, Nak (Phayvanh) is Red
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Horny Levels
65% 55%
Sebastian finds it hard to keep up with Phayvanh sometimes, since she chases pleasure. He's happy to oblige of course.
Phayvanh correlates sex more as a way to express her feelings physically. She really cares for Sebastian so she's really intense.
55% 50%
Phayvanh probably has the same kinks as Sebastian only because he gave them to her.
Krueger isn't as kinky only because he had more time to realise these things while Nak is open to try literally anything once. She's really curious (freak)
55% 25%
Lumping these two together since Possessiveness stems from jealousy. This is the most inaccurate one pertaining to the chart since I made it at midnight xD so I fixed it in the percentages!
Krueger isn't possessive, idk how to explain it other than he doesn't feel the need to be possessive. Phayvanh hasn't done anything in the past to have him be jealous of anyone. He knows she likes him very much.
Nak.... She's possessive in the way where she thinks "He's someone I want to take care of, I want to take care of him properly and love him properly". The jealousy part comes naturally since this is her first relationship + her temperament issues she's working to fix.
89% 100%
This is more right Before and After Sex Xd
Phayvanh is silently clingy, alot of her standing close by, lingering touches, very intense stares. Then after She wants to sleep, but still wants him to be near since Sebastian brings her comfort.
Sebastian is basically the same except he just follows her around or talks to her to get attention. He enjoys having her near idk
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I kind of put Phayvanh in the middle since the only person she's slept with is Krueger. She's experienced with him, being a quick learner, not with other people.
Krueger's...Krueger (derogatory /j ). I believe he's gotten most of his experience from short relationships in highschool, university, or his time in the Bundewehr (+ the occasional one night stand). He's just been living longer xD
Shameless - Flustered
I think I put them where I did because in my mind Krueger is just so absolutely appalled by how this woman can say just the most dirty, filthy, out of pocket things to his face when they're fucking like it's Normal 😭
She's a freak!!! An unaware freak!!! And that surprises him alot!!
[Aaand I'm getting lazy at writing the rest so I'll stop for now xD hope this helps a bit!]
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
Thinking on generation loss and what we know so far
Idk what the twist is, what Showfall's motive is, but....
(spoilers below)
There's something so distinct in that in episode one, sneeg said he had refused to do slimecicle's cooking show and got locked up. That implies he's done this at least once. But slimecicle said in episode two that he ate the mousetrap game piece to survive, implying he's also been through this before. But since he was the villain of the first episode then a victim in the second, we can theorize that the villains are just as trapped here as the rest of them.
And then jerma proves that theory very plausible, because when sneeg gets gooped from the hat in episode two and seems to understand what's really happening, he tries to escape but gets brainwashed again. While this happens, Showfall intervenes and literally pauses everyone, including jerma. When they put the re-brainwashed sneeg back, we can see jerma is not completely frozen, he can see what's happening.
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He really is just like the rest of them, and his death coming immediately after he says he's been "doing this for 30 years" is very suspicious. But how did he get to this position? because I'm convinced he's trapped there, too, but forced to put on a show and torturing people and making up puzzles, because it keeps him in some level of power or it's what he has to do for Showfall.
I think that's what happened to slimecicle, too, but probably more recently. My worry now is for sneeg. Because slimecicle purposefully tried to 'corrupt' sneeg in episode one to fight ranboo, and then with sneeg getting brainwashed again after trying to escape in episode two, only for him to act in ways where he went along with whatever ranboo did and then purposefully stopped Austin and himself from surviving in order to let ranboo win in the end...
But if slimecicle and sneeg died in episode one but then were brought back in episode two, maybe jerma and all the other hostages who died in episode two might possibly still be alive?
My theory right now is that Showfall is trying to create entertainment and is basically pulling a hunger games (in that they're making survivors into gamemasters) and they are trying to inaugurate ranboo next... To do that, he's being mind controlled so he won't make his own decisions, which seems to have significantly increased in episode two as he's no longer receiving input from the audience and begins to just wander aimlessly and act more like an NPC. If he's susceptible, they could possibly change him from this 'hero' title to anything else, another victim, another villain, anything!
Someone (this Hetch person) is trying to prevent that from happening by hacking in and making ranboo see things for what they are. But I don't trust this guy, either, because we don't know his motives, not any more than Showfall's. Maybe giving the illusion of choice is the endgame, maybe this has been going on so long, Showfall controls too many aspects and one measly person hacking in to try to save one person isn't going to change anything because the company is too powerful already.
Or maybe that's the point? Maybe ranboo has to be The Hero and that means the audience sees him getting outside help, that means he has to have hope that he can win and somehow be free... But, again, much like the hunger games, all of that is about keeping them trapped inside.
Not to fucking remember slimecicle's old tales of the smp quote here but, well, like he told those characters... You were so busy running through the maze, you never stopped to look for the cracks.
I think ranboo did something on the outside that got him taken and put into this show. Maybe he tried to help and now he's mockingly being titled as 'the hero'.
Maybe it was his intention all along to get caught, but he didn't know what kind of technology Showfall was using on the contestants and now he has to rely on the one person hacking in to try to get him out.
Or maybe this is just what happens every time. And, like generation loss, this show started out so simple, but it's degraded and distorted so much over time, it's unrecognizable and everyone involved has to be brainwashed to continue participating because if they knew the truth, they'd be terrified....
Idk what the big twist to all this will be, but there are a lot of possibilities in store for us. Sunday should be fun.
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sandinthemachine · 2 years
Can I get the "I'm not scared but if you are you can hold my hand" with könig I need more of this ball of anxiety. Maybe watching a scary movie or everyone going through a haunted trail? Maybe he's scared of the anamatronic shows that are in the malls and doesn't wanna walk past them cause he saw 1 (one) FNAF video and thought it was real. Idk what one you use but I just need him being a big baby lmaoo
I have been trying to write this for a month so I kinda decided fuck it let's polish it best I can and post it now
The camel idea came from a farmer I know (sorry, buddy, it was too good not to steal), and the jello idea...uhh, congratulations, you know one (1) weird fact about me :/
Words: 1159ish
“I don’t get it, it’s just a ton of water.”
You gasp melodramatically, shaking your head. “König, you did not just call the ocean ‘a ton of water.’” You hold your fingers up to make exaggerated air quotes.
“That is what it is.”
You make a frustrated sound, flinging your arms up, only to be met by a chuckle. “You’re terrible, you know that?”
He bursts into a full-on laugh. “You should see your face when you get frustrated, it gets so cute and scrunchy.”
You squeeze your shoulders up, glowering, but he sees right through it, swinging an arm around them and pulling you into his side to kiss your hair. You bite your lips, trying to hide the growing smile, but he knows it’s there.
“Alright them,” he straightens up, clearing his throat and trying to school his face into something serious. “Let us go see what is so special about your ocean in particular.”
You smile. “Trust me, your mind will be blown. But you have to wait a bit. I need to swing by the barn first, I promised I’d check in on the calves this morning while the farm hands are busy with planting.”
You were overjoyed that König was finally getting to visit your hometown, but with his busy schedule the only time he could come see you was smack dab in the middle of planting season. Luckily you did mostly barn work, so with a healthy amount of convincing and only a little promised overtime your manager had decided to let you have your afternoons off. It was still early in the season, so there weren’t too many calves yet, and it shouldn’t take long at all before you could enjoy your first day of adventures with your partner.
“I could come help, you know. It would go much faster.”
“You would do that?”
He snorts. “Of course I would.”
You beam at him, wrapping him into a tight hug. “You’re the best,” you mumble into his chest.
“I know.”
You scoff, shoving him away with a laugh.
As you swing the barn door open, you’re greeted by a rumbling bellow that has you leaping backwards. “Holy shit, I completely forgot.” You turn to König, blushing a bit. “So it turns out we’re babysitting a camel right now for the next farm over. He’s really loud but he’s not that bad, I promise.”
König freezes. “No. No way.”
“I don’t do camels.”
“What do you mean you don’t-”
“They are tall and weird.”
“So you two should get along perfectly.”
“This is no time for jokes!” König throws his forearms over his head and turns around.
You snort. “Is it the neck thing? Are you afraid of alpacas, too?”
“I am…” he pauses, letting out a rushed breath. “I am not afraid of camels.”
“Of course, of course. You’re not afraid of anything, big guy. But…you know, we could get this done faster if we split up, I’ll muck out the camel while you do the calves next door.”
“Uh-uh, no way I’m leaving you alone with a camel.”
You shake your head at him, breathing an exasperated sigh. “So what, then? You think you can go near him without having a heart attack?”
He glares at you, and you throw your hands up in surrender before turning and heading back into the barn. You hear his stomping footsteps follow you, but as soon as you go up to the camel’s stall, they freeze.
You pause, turning around to take in the sight of König. Tall and broad, a soldier through and through, easily one of the scariest people you know. And here he stands, arms crossed tightly over his chest, bottom lip puffed out. Pouting like a teenager.
You can’t help but giggle at that. “Come on, then.” You hold out your hand. “I’ll guard you with my life, I promise.”
He scoffs, turning to glare at the wall. “I don’t get scared,” he grumbles. “But…if you are, I’ll hold your hand.”
“Oh, I’m terrified.”
“Fine, then.”
Luckily it’s a day where the camel decides to be well-behaved. So an hour later the two of you recline on the beach, sweaty and smelling like the barn, laughing over ice cream. Well, you are. König finished his in two bites.
You glance up, eyes finding his. “So what gave you such strong feelings about camels anyway?”
He sighs, leaning back on his forearms. “It was a…what’s the word, those places where you go to touch all the animals and…”
“Oh! Petting zoo.”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
“Sooo…what happened at the petting zoo?”
He chews his lip, glancing down. “I was small…well, smaller, and I was feeding the animals. And I kept holding out the food to the camel, and then…” he chuckles, swiping a hand over his mouth, “every time it would try to eat I would jump back and laugh at it, and it made the silliest sounds.” He trails off, face going deadly serious. “And then it…spat…all over me, and my entire family laughed.”
You nod, chewing on your tongue. “Yeah, that’s…” you swallow, staring at your ice cream, “that sucks.” Your voice cracks and you bite your tongue, trying not to smile. “How old were you?”
“WHAT?!” You cackle, slapping your palm over your mouth and falling back into the sand, shaking. “You…when you...when you said really little I thought you meant,” you guffaw, burying your face in your hands, “I thought you meant actually…”
“It’s not funny,” he says flatly, staring out to the ocean. “I am traumatized for life.”
You snort. “That’s what you get for being an asshole.”
His head snaps back towards you, but the side of his mouth is curling up slightly.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You sit up, patting his shoulder in mock camaraderie. “I’m afraid of jello.”
“The…food?” His eyebrows scrunch as you nod and he gives you a weird look.
“I mean it!” You grin. “When I was a kid I’d always have nightmares about drowning in jello, my mom couldn’t even take me through the jello aisle at the grocery store because I’d start crying.”
He stares at his knees, rubbing a hand over his mouth.
“I know you’re smiling.”
“I’m not.” He shakes his head emphatically, only for his shoulders to immediately shake with laughter.
You chuckle, joining him.
“You know,” he leans back again, grinning. “I’m gonna make you jello someday.”
“Please don’t.”
“I will.”
“I’ll bring a camel into the house if you do.”
He giggles. “Yes, go to the grocery store and buy a camel.”
“I have my ways.”
“I’m sure you do,” he scoffs, pulling you into his side. “I’ll make sure to watch out for stray camels.”
You snuggle into his shoulder. “Yeah, you’d better,” you yawn. “Better watch your back.”
“Always do.” He kisses your forehead, smiling as your eyes start to drift closed.
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reveriesofawriter · 7 months
book rambling don't mind me
the book kept saying anharion was his title... so was that also his name? did his name become a title when the Betrayal happened? does "anharion" translate to Betrayer or is that just what he's known as? was it a mistranslation from the old language? edit: I just reread the part where sarcean said he used to be called something else and now I feel like that's going to give away the whole ~is he the sun prince~ thing
I've seen some theories about the Collar and to what extent it actually controls james and like. as much as it would be less big and exciting to see it this way... what if the Collar is mostly symbolic? bc sarcean can talk people into doing what he wants anyway and james was obviously not immune to the charm (it's magnified for him even) well before will knew anything about himself or his powers so what if the collar was just a way to show other people that anharion belonged to him? but GOD if this moral stronghold of not wanting to manipulate james into kissing him and wanting him to do it of his own free will stops these boys from having a lil smooch for the majority of the third book I will Die
I've also seen people try to draw lines between will/sarcean and james/anharion as far as their past/present personalities and the consensus seems to be that will has a more clear line between himself and sarcean but I saw someone say it was more like intrusive thoughts and I think that's fascinating, also that will is seeing james and not anharion the betrayer when he looks at james but james in every sense is this cocky little asshole (affectionate) who flirts and uses his powers to take advantage of people while anharion in the past wasn't like that sooooo I think will isn't Seeing james as who he is I think he's seeing anharion for who he used to be before he turned against sarcean. which is so interesting when you think about will saying people shouldn't be judged by what they've done but what they can do
the tangled web of who hates who is so messy but I trust violet to, if not outright take will's side, then to convince the others to let him go like banish him or whatever instead of killing him right away (even if james's powers would physically protect him from that I just need violet to believe in him)
I'm still thinking about little 6 year old will setting a rich fucker's clothes on fire bc he laid his hands on a woman who was nice to him, how violet saved his life and he's spent every day after that trying to return the favor including using a newfound power he doesn't know how to control yet to set her free from a cage in another country
can't wait to see how the narratives shift when we get other perspectives on what the past was really like bc from what I can tell sarcean and the lady weren't really In Love they just had a fling one time
on that note I thought will was switched out for the girls somehow when they were kids but elizabeth was told her mother had a son before her and she believes that son is will, which would mean will is both blood of the lady and the dark king, which brings to question who his dad is bc they said it wasn't simon but I don't think his birth was a virgin mary situation, also I know sarcean got around but are will and simon's family related any closer than one ancestor thousands of years ago? is sinclair will's father?
I don't think tom and violet will fight to the death, tom may die in another way tho
what's the fourth kingdom and how does that pay into this? bc the first gate was in england the second was underwater somewhere and the third is in italy so the fourth...? on that note there must be more stewards alive who weren't in the hall when it was torn through, people who either left that life behind, or like cyprian at the beginning who didn't drink from the cup but still follow the lifestyle, or maybe like small covens of stewards who never went to the hall bc they found their own communities elsewhere idk it's just very eurocentric to think everyone from everywhere would meet up in this one place when the whole rest of the world exists
will needs some alone time after all this someone give him a safe place to rest and a hot drink
phillip and visander... and the unicorn....... love triangle of the ages... (I wonder if visander will find his way back into a man's body somehow or if he's stuck looking like katherine forever lol) (realistically. I don't think this man fucked his horse. but. metaphorically? metaphysically? whatever they had was probably as erotically charged as that magic scene right?)
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
All right heres the thing that's been bugging me since I watched season four.
I love morgana in season one. I find her introduction absolutely fascinating. She feels like a very important character, but we don't know how yet. I love that we see her picking fights with Uther from the first, for it to all culminate in her attempting to kill him by the first season finale, all in a way that is so believable and sympathetic to me (and Merlin) that I was honestly hoping Merlin would just, slip on one of those hills and watch her kill him, because we now know three characters who wouldnt mourn the loss of the king. Who are angry at him for the unforgivable things he's done even recently. At that point arthur is most willing to work with magic and common men, and morgana (with Merlin) have had a clear impact on his growth as a man. I love that.
I... Don't see the rest of the shows arc (s3 and on) as believable for who she was then. I'm sorry but either she was caring about the citizens of Camelot and their suffering, or it was all a lie, that doesn't go away just because you're angry at one guy. I'll leave that alone, it's for another time. BUT. even if they wanted to show that dragons have free will and could befriend who they wished, regardless of dragon blood, I still don't think the entirety of that season makes any sense.
Why would Merlin have hatched the egg right then if he wasn't willing or able to raise the hatchling? They said multiple times the egg would last. And if Kilgharrah wasn't willing to raise the egg why did he convince Merlin to do it. It what world would the characters of Kilgharrah and Merlin as we know them at this point just leave an infant dragon to do it's own thing anyway? Let alone go work with a sorceress they believe to be evil consumed. That.... Doesn't make sense. Not even in a tragic but realistic way, it just simply doesn't make sense to me. Merlin could have safely put the egg where Kilgharrah used to be imprisoned if no one visits there, or Kilgharrah could have found another cave or safe place to keep it. Those make sense. Hatching it only to both leave and forget about the child doesn't really make sense for either of them?
The writers wanted morgana to have a dragon ally, be an equal to Merlin visually in their ultimate fight, and I get it....... but make Aithusa choosing morgana make sense. Develop their relationship in any way..? And while we're at it make morgana trying repeatedly to kill Arthur make any sense because it the show I watched I never saw any reason for her to want anything other than 1) uther dead and 2) magic free in Camelot once more. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. You can't have characters just Do Things because you want them to happen lmao that's not how people work.
This show loves to tell me instead of showing me. I know what they want me to think because they make it glaringly freaking obvious but I'm sorry .. you have to actually develop character arcs or relationships (whether it's between a dragon and the main villain, or Arthur and Guinevere, because sunbursts and cute music isn't doing anything for me lol. They didn't even develop lance either. She had two love interests shown to us and we just have to use our imagination I guess.
Idk, write morgana to be the darkest, cruellest, most insane bitch you want that's fine with me. It's all medieval fanfiction but ... It has to be plausible. Give me any reason at all why bbc morgana hated Arthur or Camelot or Gwen or anything. Do tragic, do.. "she was always meant to be against him" if you must, but also? It's all fanfiction so have morgana being Arthurs sorceress .. powerful just like Merlin but in her own way and they're both loyal to Arthur.
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