#Idk they feel kind of accurate to me let me know what you think 😂
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destiel-wings · 1 year ago
I found this blank meme (or whatever these things are called) on Pinterest and i filled it up 🦆👶🏽💡
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galactic-rhea · 4 months ago
never thought about the vader + obiwan dynamic like that but damn. kind vibe. consider !! (or dont ur decision) if we were to tentatively tie it into the pre-existing canon that instead of the "vader wants to kill obiwan because he blames him and is therefore obsessed with killing him" it could be more. vader is obsessed with kill obiwan BECAUSE of his self-hatred and self-disgust. obiwan (and ahsoka. and rex. and luke and-) is one of the last pieces of Anakin Skywalker alive. he's a living reminder of that pain and who vader couldve been. so the obsession is less With obiwan, then with himself and it turns into this grotesque self-harming violence and obiwan is being sucked into by association. i could also see this applying to vader's fights with ahsoka and luke (the first one not the second). peace and love ur thoughts and art are golden ❤️
Woah thank you! <3
I haven't watched Rebels yet, so I have no idea how the Ahsoka vs Vader fight went (which is why I avoid so hard gifsets with Ahsoka and Anakin 😂😂) but it could be pretty accurate, I suppose!
With Vader, I usually remain on the notion that he's pretty much a husk of Anakin, he lacks any passion at all, like sure he's angry and furious most of the time, and annoyed, but it's like, instead of raging burning fury, it burns like how ice burns, is old and calculated and rootten and it leaves you numb to everything.
In the original trilogy he doesn't seem to deny thaaaaaat hard being Anakin, I mean he does, but like he's just so...idk, he's so "meh" about everything, nothing matters, like instead of going "THAT NAME MEANS NOTHING TO ME ANYMOREEEEEE!!!!" it's more like "-takes away Luke's lightsaber- That name means nothing to me anymore y'know."
"then my father is truly dead"
Like he's almost bored, in fact when he kills Obi-Wan he does look almost bored like "wow, this is a lame fight, I'll end it quickly old master" and then he stomps on the robes when Obi-Wan's corpse disappear,,,,like a cat trying to catch a light pointer, and then he just leaves like "whatever idc why this body is gone, i've seen weirder stuff" NKJDFSNJDFSSD
He doesn't even care enough about his self-hatred to like, you know, do something about himself, or like, even kill himself because Palpatine probably doesn't let him die and because he believes he deserves the hell he lives him. He only mostly moves to carry on Palpatine's orders.
So that's mostly what I go by with him, if he's obssesed about anything, is when he learns about Luke, probably. If he wanted to rid off everything about 'anakin skywalker', you would think he wouldn't care about Luke that much because Luke very proudly takes on the name Skywalker (i would say agressively and stubbornly 😆) and he would rather not aknowledge anything about Padmé or why he turned to the dark side, which he probably doesn't admit outwardly, and probably tells himself he doesn't care, but internally is the very reason he hates himself.
He also kept Ahsoka's lightsaber, which, again, is he reaaally wanted to destroy everything that remained of his old life wouldn't fit (again, I haven't watched Rebels so idk if that's brought up in their fight)
He wanted to kill Obi-Wan mostly out of the fact he...kills anything opposing the empire, and the jedi are forbidden now and "I suppose I should want revenge and he's here now".
But yeah, I could see an AU where he does want to hunt down Obi-Wan and it's just an attempt to end what's left of Anakin, and feeling really empty and unchanged if he believes Obi-Wan dead (or actually manages to kill him before ANH timeline). Like there's just quiet silence, and he still feels the same, Anakin's still hasn't been destroyed, and then goes back to his usual misererable apathy.
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hopeswriting · 1 month ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you’d like). Spread the self-love ♥️
hello birdie. <3 thanks for the ask!
oof, okay let's see. one or two comes to mind, but i don't know if i can choose only five of them zqfsfcfd. 😭😂
through the mirror (through your eyes) | KHR | T | Byakuran & Sawada Tsunayoshi & Uni | Yuni
i especially like the first chapter, idk. i like a little less the last one compared to the other two lol, but yeah. i love this one for the way it's kind of a snapshot of the dynamic between these three, where i only captured the most defining moments of them knowing each other, the turning points of them knowing each other, and you're left to infer on the dynamic as a whole and in and of itself by your own.
let someone else stay (oh, please, let him leave too, let him leave too) | KHR | T | Arcobaleno & Skull, Colonnello/Skull
a skull-centric fic, are we surprised lmao. more seriously tho, i love writing about skull and his immortality, and this fic is my favorite way i've done it so far. idk. the... atmosphere in this one? skull's mental state. the way he bonds with the arco. or well, more accurately, the way the arco have to try and bond with him. the overall vibes of the fic. idk, just!!!! the fic as a whole has a very unique feel to it that i never did before and have yet to do again, and i'm just super proud and happy of how it came out.
hand in hand (blood in between) | KHR | G | Sawada Tsunayoshi & Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians
i've been describing this fic as the one i wouldn't change a single word of it ever since i published it, and like. yeah. to this day, i'm amazed that i still feel like this every time i reread it haha. i just really wouldn't change a single word of it. which is crazy to me because i wrote this one in, like, one setting. two tops, but it should be just one iirc. yet i think it's the best example of what my prose at its best can look like. i also love how... simple it is? like, i love going on about what my characters are feelings lmao, but here i just let them speak for themselves with just the right amount of words they needed to do that, and the love the 10th gen have for tsuna (and back) is still unmistakable.
Love is... | KHR | T | Sawada Tsunayoshi & Vongola Tenth Generation, Ten Years Later Sawada Tsunayoshi & Ten Years Later Vongola Tenth Generation, Reborn & Sawada Tsunayoshi
among all of my fics, this one's probably the poster child of a fic written just for me and, like, three other people lmao. which is saying something because i've written luce/sky arco fics too. 😭😂 the second person pov will just do that to a fic. i used to be sad about it, and tho i still feel it a shame people who might enjoy the fic won't ever give it a chance because of the pov every now and then, i made peace with it and it never made me love this fic any less. like, the second person pov adds so much to it, and i really can't even imagine what it'd look like in another pov haha. apart from that, this is also one of the most beautiful fics i've ever written, which also happens to be one of the fics i've written the best full stop. just. love, love walking the journey with tsuna of him realizing just what brought them where they are now and how he could have never been able to change anything to it.
So young, and so doomed (Just a boy) | KHR | G | Checker Face | Kawahira & Skull
another skull-centric fic, are we surprised zefsdfds. 😭✌🏽 i don't remember anymore how i felt about the pairing when i first came up with it (it's from kawahira's pov too), but looking at it now, i think it's surprising the fic came out the way it did. like, i don't read kawahira fics so i have no way to compare, but i do know he's usually made to be the big bad guy haha. and as much as he's not... nice here either, as much as he still does what he has to do, he still unmistakably cares, and about skull first and foremost, which made for an interesting dynamic to explore. the fic also touches on immortality (and long lifespan when it comes to kawahira), so yeah, just. love the way it came out.
and here's my top 5! sorry i was unnecessarily wordy about it lol. the fics are all on ffnet too, but i'm too lazy to add the links. also please mind the tags and read them first before reading the fic.
also also!! there's other fics i'm incredibly proud of and are also examples of what my writing at its best can look like, but also. they're just not fics i'd say are my favorites too? which was an interesting realization to have haha.
anyway, this was fun to do, thanks again for the ask birdie! <3
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wheelin-after-midnight · 2 months ago
Were you alone today?
Yes, aside from my cat being here.
Who was the last person you saw today?
I saw no one today. Was supposed to see my mum but she bailed on me again. Colour me shocked.
What do you need to let go of?
Fear over the complete upending of my life. Self loathing.
What movie are you looking forward to?
I'm definitely gonna watch Mufasa once I can stream it. Same with The Wild Robot.
Have you played the lottery?
I've gotten lottery tickets once or twice. I don't make a habit of it because I think it's a waste of money. Odds are I'm never gonna win and that money is much better spent elsewhere.
What recently happened that made you proud of yourself?
Nothing. I feel like a fucking failure lately. Maybe the ways I go above and beyond for Nippy every day, but that doesn't make me special. I feel like that's the bare minimum we should do for other creatures that share the planet with us. People don't deserve/shouldn't have pets if they don't love and take care of them.
Who did you see the most today?
How much is gasoline per gallon?
I don't drive so I don't pay attention unless I'm with my friends and we stop for gas. It's been a bit since I noticed.
What was your horoscope today? Was it accurate? I didn't read it.
What are you most afraid of?
The ways this move is gonna affect my life going forward, things turning out very badly. Disability making things worse for me and robbing me of the little bits of quality of life I do have while I'm still young and having no way out. There being no end to hearing from others that medically assisted death is the coward's way out and being treated like I haven't got my own brain. Suffering needlessly until I actually die.
What’s the biggest thing you have going on?
Oh you know. Just losing the home I've gained the most independence in, the most stability I've ever had for over a decade.
What did you accomplish today?
I'm lucky I even got out of bed and showered today.
Did you act your age today?
I always feel older than I am.
How busy was your day today?
It wasn't. Aside from necessary cleaning duties and chores, I laid in bed in my pajamas and sobbed.
What is your address?
As if any of us are actually gonna put our addresses in these? Lmfao. Like?
Would be pretty cool to have a little meet up with some of us if we all didn't live so far apart, but yeah, not like that.. Just finding someone's address in a survey and showing up unannounced. 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️👎🏼
What do you wish there was less of in the world?
Cruel, narcissistic assed people!
What is stopping you?
My disabled body I never fucking asked for. I try not to let it stop me, but saying I never do or it doesn't affect me is just toxic positivity and I get sick of putting on that face for others who will never understand. It affects every. Single. Part. Of. My. Life.
What were your chores today?
Vacuuming, dishes, cleaning counters, brushing Nippy, cleaning her bowls and boxes, feeding her.
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
Idk. I've been crying for days. I haven't laughed much.
Who did you eat dinner with?
No one.
How did you make a difference in the world today?
I didn't.
What is one thing you take with you everywhere?
The last gift I’ve given was __.
Ever wake up early on Saturdays to go Garage Sale shopping?
My mum and my Nan did this, but they never took me with them.
When was the last time you got a nose bleed?
When I first moved here.
Do you have any picture frames without a picture in them?
Do you keep magazines by your toilet?
What did you last take a picture of with your camera?
This screenshot to show babe. 😂
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The last time you got dressed up, where did you go?
I don't remember.
Are you proud of who you are?
Pft! Not lately at all. No.
If you were a waiter/waitress, would you make good tips?
I would be a really kind, friendly waitress, but I would be physically unable to do the job fast or efficiently enough.
Forget about toppings. What type of CRUST do you like on pizzas?
I usually go for thin crust eating it at home, if I go out or order it then regular, thick or deep dish, depending on my mood.
Have you ever stolen a road sign or traffic barrier? No.
Captain Crunch vs. Count Chocula: Who makes the better cereal?
I don't like either.
Would you prefer an ice cream sundae or an ice cream cone?
Is chapstick a necessity for you?
Do you like to have ice in your drinks?
What did you eat for breakfast?
What song are you most likely to sing in the shower?
Whatever is in my head or playing on my speaker while I'm in there. Most recently it was I See Red by Everybody Loves An Outlaw.
Can you cross your eyes?
When was the last time you went to the dentist?
I'm way overdue.
If a color represented your mood right now what color would it be and why?
Blue/black. Everything is fucked up. I can't fix any of it. It's truly breaking my spirit.
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buddiesmutslut · 10 months ago
I saw a post the other day about someone being pissed that people were calling Eddie gay instead of bi only because they couldn't handle more than one bisexual person on a show. Now, I didn't make Eddie gay/demi, he was born that way, BUT it got me thinking, because the whole crew feels very fruity? SO, I want to get your guys' opinions on what you think the rest of the characters are. (JUST the characters. We're not speculating on the actors. We all know this.) I'm going to put mine below & I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts :) These are by vibes only. As a definite demisexual and probable bi woman, idk how great my gaydar is, but sexuality is a spectrum & straight isn't the default, so let's go!!
Bobby - 0% fruity. That is a straight, middle aged white man (affectionate) if I've ever seen one.
Athena - Also straight.
Chim - Chim feels very straight to me, but that scene with the bachelor had me peering at him a little closer, because I've never watched the Bachelor, but it looked like Joey (I think that was the bachelor's name, right? I've never watched a single episode of that show so I have no idea) had been around before, so I couldn't tell if he was like, starstruck, or "Wow that's a pretty boy and it's making me feel things" -struck 😂
Maddie - I don't get many vibes from her either, but I also have a vague fic idea of Madney breaking up in s4/s5 and her ending up with Shannon instead, so idk, maybe she's just unlabeled but somewhere on the spectrum of queerness?
Shannon - Bi vibes
Taylor Kelly - 100% bi, I refuse to hear any other argument.
Lucy Donato - This is a pansexual woman if I've ever seen one, you cannot convince me otherwise. (Also, the most interesting AND likable of Buck's female LI's, argue with the wall. Lucy, they'll never make me hate you bby 🩷💛💙.)
Lena Bokso - Lesbian vibes, for sure. I don't think there was ANY romantic undertones with her and Eddie (Which, I'm not saying that's the only reason I think she's a lesbian. She can like men and not like Eddie. Even if she did, Eddie wasn't in a place to do anything with those feelings, but I saw a post about that pairing recently & wanted to throw my 2 cents in)
May Grant - May also gives off queer vibes, and I've seen other view her as full wlw, but I think she gives off more bi/pan vibes?
Ravi - This man is soommmeee kind of queer that I just cannot put my finger on. I've seen him HC'd as gay, pan, & ace in some way, and I can honestly rock w/ any of the 3 of them. All I know is that he is not a straight man lol.
Albert - Also unsure about him, but if someone were to tell me that he was bi, I could definitely see it. I think that's influenced by the fic that had him, Ravi & May in a throuple, which was genuinely so cute.
Ana - Dr. Flores doesn't give off queer vibes for me, but that could be bc she was criminally underdeveloped & we know practically nothing about her.
Natalia - See above ^^
Ali Martin - Same ^^ although I could see her just being queer and not being more specific than that. Maybe she's straight, who knows. I literally forgot about her until I was looking up actor/actress names 😂
M*risol - straight & homophobic lmfao
Abby - Literally could not care less about her, but I wanted to include her so I could talk about her possibly being Tommy Kinard's ex-girlfriend and her coming back to LA for whatever reason and finding her ex-boyfriends happy & having totally forgotten about her predatory ass.
Also, obviously not speculating about any of the children, bc they're still children, even if they're fictional. It's icky.
I think that's all the main/reoccurring characters that we don't already know about, let me know if I missed any.
Talk about being the gay firefighter show, how accurate lmfao.
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skania · 2 years ago
Replies to OnK Asks #3
Idk how this happened but I can already do a third round of replies, so here we go!
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That's exactly how I read it, too. To me that panel confirms that Aqua has thought of being intimate with Akane, which contradicts his earlier statement about not seeing her as a woman. Which means the way he views Akane did change, some people just don't like acknowledging that.
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Can a relationship be endgame just because it's healthy and can a relationship not be endgame just because it's toxic?
I mean, since this is fiction, then that can absolutely be a valid criteria in choosing your endgame ship.
That said, this is just my personal opinion, but I'm honestly not sure I'd consider Aqua and Kana particularly healthy. His feelings for her have been described as an "obsession" and Kana was so emotionally dependant on him at one point that she couldn't shine on her own. Aqua doesn't let her see the real him, the one that is so traumatized and guilt-ridden that he can barely function. Kana doesn't know about the darker sides of his personality which, combined with how easy to read she is, makes her extremely easy to manipulate; case in point, Aqua knows exactly what to say to get certain reactions out of Kana. So Kana is basically at his mercy, if he chooses to manipulate her she's essentially defenseless.
These issues seem bigger to me than anything that Aqua and Akane have going on, because at least Aqua and Akane are pretty much equals mentally. It also helps that they have developed enough emotional intimacy that Aqua feels comfortable showing himself as he is to Akane, and that Akane has an accurate reading of him overall.
So it's just like you say, there aren't any perfect relationships anon! It's up to Aka to decide which relationship works best for his story.
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I agree, I think Aka kind of messed up by rushing the Aqua/Kana reunion. And by that I mean that we spent chapters upon chapters showing how dependant Kana is on Aqua and how miserable she is without him. This eventually led to Kana realizing how unhealthy this is and deciding that she isn't that kind of girl. Which is great! More than great actually, that's the Kana I know and love.
Except instead of letting Kana walk the walk, he basically has Aqua enter her life again almost immediately after. Which, again—I get it. Kana realized the issue and thus got the development she needed, so Aka considered it done. But it'd have been much more satisfying to see Kana actually shining without Aqua being in her life just yet lol
Here is to hoping Aka delivers when it comes to Aqua and Akane! Honestly, their big moments are so iconic that I do think Aka will rise to the occasion.
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Yeah, even if Aka goes like: Kana is everything Sarina was and everything Aqua thought Ai to be, but since she is her own person it's like Aqua is getting the best of both worlds! I would just be like
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Preach it anon! Being Aqua is suffering :(
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My take is that Aqua messed up because now Ruby is more attached to him than ever. There is no way he can doom himself without breaking Ruby in the process, and the last thing he wants is to hurt her :(
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Your English isn't weird at all, no worries anon! And I agree, I find it really soft too 😭 He is such a nurturing person by nature
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I'm with you, Akane's goal is to save Aqua. Since her goal is intrinsically tied to him and to his outcome, trying to write her out on that premise backfires lol
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I think Aka is at his best when he is subtly developing something rather than being in-your-face about it, so I can only hope that he subverts the expectations of everyone who is expecting the predictable end lol
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That they're falling victim to confirmation bias.
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If Akane were "the second option", she wouldn't have been in his thoughts at all lmao
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I feel them completely because that's exactly how I felt during my first ONK read. I just think that Aqua and Akane have more potential that people give them credit for, so I'm choosing to have some faith in Aka 😂
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So they want Akane to steal Kana's thunder?
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Kana is like a mirror, she reflects back whoever you project onto her 😂 Just kidding, but I am glad that more and more people are talking about all the parallels to Sarina and Ai.
Yes, me too!
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That's one of the reasons I love her, she is such a dynamic character that she fits the story in its entirety instead of just fragments of it 😭
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I went through something similar! OnK came out while I was reading Kaguya, but since I already wasn't very impressed with Aka's writing and the topic didn't interest me, I didn't bother picking it up. I forgot about it until the anime came out, and since I heard so many good things I decided to give it a shot. I already knew Ai would die, but making it through the first episode was a struggle. There were a few things I found interesting here and there, but not enough to keep watching. Then I heard about Akane and got curious, so I decided to pick up the manga and she blew me away. I've been here ever since lmao
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madrabit · 6 months ago
for the fic ask game: 🍈🥝🍍
Heho 💖 thank you for the ask! ☺️
For everyone else feel free to also send me some fruits 🍏🍒🍑🥭 ✨️
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions. 
To preface this, I love all the boys. They're all very cute/adorable/hot/attractive (take your pick), and they all are amazing musicians and very, very talented! But I think I do let my bias show a lot, so it would come to no surprise when I say my fav is Bojan. (I’m basic ik, but have you looked at his big ass puppy eyes?) 
If you read my fics, you might already guess what this is going to entail. I generally love that he's absolutely tiny next to the others (I’m sure he hates that fact, but it’s cute and him being pocket sized makes it so much funnier, sorry, puppy boi, you're three blueberries stacked on top of each other, I don't make the rules and neither do you). But that’s not a headcanon right?
So yeah, some headcanons I love are writing about him whining and whimpering and begging. He's a vocal boi, so it just makes sense to me.
We also all know about his little naps, and one of my headcanons is him just dropping immediately once he goes tired, idk, it's just very cute, I think. 
One of my absolute fav headcanons is him loving to get manhandled, but once again, we've seen him enjoy being pushed around, so is that really a headcanon or is it just… him?
There are probably a lot more and I think I unintentionally keep bringing up the same things in my fics, if you have any questions about that, feels free to ask some more 😊☺️
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🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
Ohhhh, that's interesting, ngl. I like writing a lot of different things and I like reading a thousand things more… but I think my favorite trope to write atm might be friends to lovers, sharing one bed, tour bus is also quiet nice (and very JO focused 😂).
I also tend to like a lot of smutty tropes, like biting and hair pulling, but idk if we then go over into the kink side of the tags and less trope-y 😅
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with? 
Usually I really like most AUs! It all depends on how it's portrayed and if I like the author or not. But generally I really enjoy supernatural AUs, like Vampires, witches and demons and stuff, but I also am really font of a good dæmon fic (I love the concept of having a little animal companion that is literally your soul, reminds me of familiars of witches and I love that). 
I do also enjoy a nice sports AU if it's not too focused on the sport and makes me read about matches and rules and an accurate paragraph long description of technical gameplay, if I want to read a rulebook I can watch a yt tutorial or google. I also like a good f1 AU.
The classical ones like College AU and Coffee shop, tattoo parlor/flower shop are also so nice to read and always make me happy! 
So there is generally no AU I could say I have beef with from the top of my mind… ohhhhh, okay, no, there is one! 
I don't really enjoy Space AUs… like… the funky Guardians of the Galaxy types or Star Wars or Star Trek are nice and fine. It's space horror that freaks me out, when ppl get lost in space and have to either survive or die alone in the middle of nothing. That might also have to be connected to my dislike of cosmic horror that happens in space (like the Alien movies, which I don't dislike, but just can't appreciate the way other ppl can). If it's like… Alien invasion and it happens on earth its different tho, then it's funky and fun again.
Space is incredibly beautiful and I'm so fascinated by planets, the milky way and solar systems and all the Star signs and constellations, but at the same time I just think I don't like the vastness of it as well as the sheer nothingness and the ominous nature of it all. Maybe it's also just existential dread I feel when I think of it, but I just am not having a good time when I'm being anxious, so yeah 😅
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hergan416 · 1 year ago
...anyway (I say, as if this is part of an ongoing conversation and not a very random thought I had and then was like "who would appreciate this thought? I need someone to appreciate this thought.") I think when applying omo to yuumori, Sherlock is such a likely candidate for just getting so caught up in whatever project he's doing that he completely ignores all his body's signals for hours at a time (the adhd is real), and depending on the time setting either John (annoyed) or Liam (possibly vaguely intrigued) is watching him subconsciously squirm and dance around while still refusing to look away from his beakers. The trick would be in making this any kind of sexy, because when he did finally realize he needed to pee he would literally just grab the nearest container and use that without a care in the world (John hates him so much sometimes) 🤣
...sorry for using your inbox as a repository for kinks I'm not quite comfortable writing (...yet...?? who knows) but still apparently have opinions on 😅😅
This is a) something I do very much appreciate and b) precisely what I want for my inbox
So thank you!!
Sherlock is a really good candidate because of all those reasons, and unlike the fact my mind apparently really wants omo for Albert...Sherlock doesn't have the averseness to mess to make it challenging for him. Not that there are not ways to make it less messy for Albert's enjoyment--anyway this isn't about Albert 😂😂
I will say the improvised container thing at the end pushes it to sexy for me and I feel like this as a common ending to car omo might say I'm not alone in this? But I understand that isn't really overtly sexual, and is more on the pure piss kink end of the spectrum. So I can see why you say what you do.
But ...consider. the flask is too small and starts to get overfull and so it's super evident exactly how desperate he let himself get, so desperate he can't even accurately estimate the volume of container he needs.
If it were Liam, not John, bearing witness to this specific set of circumstances, with vague interest to start... perhaps the shock of it ending as it does might get all mixed up for him and the interest becomes more than vague?
Would he bring it up though? Or would he try to hide it because he feels shame for the reaction? If it kept happening, would Sherlock notice? Would it become an on-purpose thing for Sherlock to egg Liam on? To see if he can finally force him to admit something? Perhaps it becomes a game of sorts? Sherlock being more and more overt about it? Until it morphs into more than an accident?
Idk, if Liam does have interest, I can imagine Sherlock being the kind of little shit to figure out exactly how and why until the Kink is Unlocked xD
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that-was-anticlimactic · 3 years ago
Okay, so. Giving my impression of the sk8 characters before I’d seen the show was super fun so I’m going to do the same thing with the jjk characters 😊
- geto: doesn’t need to see for some reason but has very gorgeous eyes and a lot of angst. I get the feeling he’s actually a very serious character but the fandom just wants to squish him like a stress ball (out of love)
- gojo: …bad? I think? but everyone loves him anyway. perhaps because he has the hots for geto and they can relate. idk what happened to his forehead but his hair is 💯
- nanami: looks completely done with the world. this is a man who has seen too much and knows he will continue to see too much until he reaches the sweet release of death. the best part of his day is just before he wakes up
- pink guy: I do not know his name, even though I’m pretty sure he’s actually the main character. eats fingers, I think? seems to be sharing his body with a demon? is much more okay with all of that than a normal person would be 😂
- the girl: there is at least one girl. I do not know her name.
- the other girl: I think there might be another girl? a teacher or something?
- that other guy: I know nothing about him 🙃
- panda: there’s a panda at their school for some reason
Let me know how close I was lol
koigfcdcfghjikjugfcghjkoijuygfcgvhuji okay so
you got gojo and geto mixed up but that's actually kind of funny and gojo 1000000% has the hots for geto jiuhgvfgvhjikjuhgfgh you're descriptions for both of them were p accurate tho lol gojo, imo, is a serious character that keeps his seriousness tucked away for the kids' sakes because he doesn't want them to worry so he never comes across as serious, so like i would say you're right oiughiopiuhg
you nanami is pretty spot on tbh i love him happy birthday king !!!
hELP UHGYFGVHIJUHGV pink guy yeah his name is itadori yuuji and he is the main character! fun fact: i didn't know he existed until i watched the show because i only knew about gojo, geto, and shoko lol anyways yeah you're pretty spot on haha
"the girl" iughoigcfgvhj i think you're thinking of my beloved kugisaki nobara and i love her i love her i love her a QUEEN
i mean. there are multiple other girls... you could be talking about maki (a second year), shoko, utahime... but i love them all <3
the other guy hELP that would be fushiguro megumi and i love him i love him i love him so very much you'll like him a lot i'm calling it now
very interesting,,, can't wait to see how you really feel about them iugfgvhjiugvghijuhgvfc
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amourology · 3 years ago
You did not have to do anything to deserve to be told how amazing you are. You are amazing and are so nice and understanding. You are truly talented and amazing and should be told more often. So I will make a note to tell you as often as I can!
I was so upset when I had to delete the sims and then like a couple days (maybe a week) they announced snowy escape and showed all the stuff you could do with the pack. I thought it was really cool and loved all the new building options that came with it. I was so upset that this would be the pack they came out with right as I had to remove it lol 😂
Also yes Mr Kaz “calling my love interest an investment” Brekker would much rather have his partner/love interest think it’s an insult rather than let them know how he truly feels. 😂 Which you write perfectly.
I love the way you write Kaz! Both in Belladonna and Schat. It’s so good and accurate. But still really sweet and amazing!
Also that makes sense that these two stories take place in different “universes”. I love that you have more stuff planned for Belladonna!Reader. I love it so much and can’t wait! Also I think that’s a good way to identify that it’s in the same universe! But if you find something else you like better to identify it, go with that!
I am so excited to eventually find out what he said to her! I can’t wait for the blurb. Also I think it’s really cool and amazing that you are able to add your language into the stories. I think it’s truly beautiful, but understand that you may feel that way all the time. I hope you are able to find comfort in writing in your language and if there is anything I can do to help please let me know!
I am in Central Standard Time, but I work third shift several days of the week so I’m awake at night a lot, but then other days I’m awake during the day and asleep at night. Lol so yeah my schedule is chaotic.
Also (I ask this to a lot of people, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to lol) what is your favorite flower?
Also I think I’ve read Schat at least ten times and plan to read it many more times. Lol
Have a good day! 😊
i swear 🗝 anon if u were here i’d ask for ur hand in marriage 😔✊🏼 one of the sweetest anons out there i swear
your love for both belladonna & schat literally are the highlight of my day already (and it just started lmfao)
also i may have made an abnormal sound at reading the “it’s so accurate” about kaz’s character bc i still think (i told u this before i think? idk) that’s literally the biggest compliment someone could ever give me about my kaz’s fics and i love u so much for it <33
as for my favourite flower! it’s actually kind of hidden in schat lol the flower y/n smells is a daisy, which is my favourite flower :) i love them they’re so cute & they grow on the field behind my house & i used to make flower crowns from them when i was younger and—yea i just love daisies :)
what about you? do you have a favourite flower? it’s such a cute question to me so don’t worry i was happy to answer it, love <3
hope you have an amazing day 🗝 & i’ll hopefully talk to u soon!
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trashexplorer · 6 years ago
BLCD Review: Father Fucker
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Title: Father Fucker (ファザー・ファッカー)
Release Date: 2019/03/06
Author/Artist: Kureta Makine
Cast: Nogami Shou x Yamanaka Masahiro
Synopsis: Mei and Shin are father and son, but they are not related by blood. Shin’s father, Makoto, was Mei’s dear friend, who passed and left Shin in Mei’s care. Day by day, Shin grows up to be more and more like his late father and it wasn’t hard for the boy to realize the feelings Mei had towards his father and uses this to at least have the man’s body to himself. On weekdays, they’re father and son, but on weekends, they’re lovers. What’ll happen to these two people who are just desperate for love…?
Review Proper
Can’t have a more accurate title than that. 😂
I was actually debating on putting this or Ingase no Beze for last, but I had a feeling that this might fuck me up so I had to save myself a fluffy looking one for last. Hmm. What can I say? I wasn’t that interested in this when I was gathering info about it. It’s not an entirely new concept and the plot’s not that special either. Wait, let me think about that one similar story... Gekkouzaka no Hanayashiki by Kinoshita Keiko? The leads both lose their unrequited loves who left a son which they adopted. Yukiya doesn’t have feelings for his son, though and he ends up with Takanashi instead. Mei and Shin ultimately end up together in Father Fucker even though Mei is swayed? by another man for a moment (I was rooting for them a little, dammit). I initially thought that Shin was going to kill him or they were both going to commit suicide in the end, but I remembered that this was Kureta Makine and not Natsume Kazuki, Gusari, or Sachimo and I don’t think it’s in their blood to make something that dark. This is the author of Ore no Kawaii Yopparai we’re talking about (my heart still hurts, though). 
I totally thought that this was going to be mortally depressing like, say, Not Equal, but surprisingly, it wrapped up without much drama? I mean, there are a lot of lose ends left hanging and it was all resolved so fast. Idk. Do I like this? Do I not? It does give of Nii-chan vibes because well, even though it was mutual, Shin was still a minor and to lay your hands on him as a replacement for his father is...a crime? Do we consider this grooming? Either way, I don't feel too good about this (even though I figured that it would end like this before hand). I do feel kinda mad that Shin's mom slapped Mei into the next century, but he did deserve it (not because he was gay or that he was in love with Makoto and later Shin, but because again, he laid his hands on his stepson). I've nothing else to say about it tbh. There are some parts that made me feel invested, but it wasn't consistent. Or maybe I just wasn't in the mood that day. It sorta felt like Kakkou no Yume if not less irritating. 🤷
Execution was fine. This would only be the second time that I’ve heard Nogami Shou in a BLCD and the thought of jumping from an uke role straight into a seme role was kind of concerning for me. It didn’t become an issue once I started the BLCD, though...’cause his voice in Oni ga Shitau wasn’t all that notable anyway. 😂 How was he as a seme then? He was fine, I guess? Again, nothing notable. Keep up the good work, though. Here’s to the hope of you establishing your tone in my ears in the future. 👍
Moving on to Yamanaka Masahiro,
HELLO, HELLO, MY BB. IZ BIN A LONG WHILE. I was taken aback when I heard Mei speak because he was using his Yonekura voice. Yonekura-san’s face kept on popping up in my head and the “other man” appearing didn’t help because he was like Shiina-kun (who’s a little naughtier). 😂 There’s also another reason why I put this right before Ingase no Beze and that’s because Ingase no Beze had Okitsu and y’all know how I’m trash for my Fruit, Gateau boys. 😭😭😭 Yamanaka Masahiro did a great job in being a ho this time around. 👏👏👏 I’m so proud. 😌 This is Yamanaka Masahiro’s first work this year and it seems like it’s going to be the only one I’m going to listen to. *sigh* Well, there’s still much of 2019 left, I hope I get to hear more of him.
In conclusion, I’ve to say that Father Fucker had good plot execution, great voice work as Nogami Shou still managed not to get swallowed by Yamanaka Masahiro’s deeper voice and seniority, and it closely followed the original content. The manga’s pacing was fast so I can’t really complain about how the BLCD was the same. They did add a bit of stuff (mattress mambo extensions to name a few) in the story and they also cut some out. I guess, if you’re looking for a dramatic work which doesn't knock the air outta your lungs then this may be for you. I have caught news that this is going to be translated by swe3t+moans BLScanslation, but if things stay the way the are at their end, then I’m afraid that it might not be as accurate a translation as you’d hope it to be. I could try picking this up if I manage to have myself a copy on my trip to Japan in September, but that would still be dependent on a lot of factors. Let’s just pray that they manage to put out a better translation this time. 🙏
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astrxlis-archive · 3 years ago
Hello again, Fox!! 😍 I have answered the quizzes you linked. I also included some of my thoughts :)
my results for the quizzes you linked!:
1. which (unhealthy) coping mechanism are you [link] - we basically have the same result but i'm still linking it
2. how do you love [link]
- my only comment for this is: i dont know if i get it or not 🤣 if you have an idea, please do tell me how you understood it. no but most of the time, some uquiz results would be poetic but also confusing like it's just there to make you like the standing person emoji xD HOWEVER! the "...smallest of gazes..." called me out because. because yeah 😭 i. i like mutual pining. hahaha. haha.
3. which folklore song are you? [link]
- this. this is so true for me. i like sunrises. i just dont know about the tarot thingy bc it's like astrology to me- very confusing and there's reversed card stuff with new meanings like can someone teach me this so i could have a new fixation even if i dont believe in it xD
4. what kind of book ending would i write for you? [link]
- my thoughts on your result: i could... feel the sense of an dystopian setting like nier's. there's so much that you've gone through, so much that you have lost which made you almost lost yourself in the process. then there's this last last one thing you will lose in the story. something you might be probably holding on for too long, or holding on you for too long. the road was rough, and you're tired. the suffocation vanished the moment "this" certain thing left you in peace. you never felt joy from losing something after so many years. you're alone, but you've find your peace and breathable freedom.
- about my results this time: man. it was funny at first because i cant swim but around the latter half silence surrounded me and i teared up a bit. because i always feel like im already spoiling my self with validation from others to "heal" my wounds but those words feel so nice to read. it feels like an ointment. 👌
5. where does your fear reside in your body? [link]
- Fox, please let me give you a hug :<
— 🍰.
helloooo 🍰❣️
sorry this took so long, my finals are approaching and i got hit by a really bad depressive episode 🫠 anyway!
about result 1: man🧍imo it takes a lot of courage to feel the big scary emotions. i shut them down mostly bc i don't have time for them, which is not very healthy 😂 do you think the result is accurate for you?
about result 2: dude this result is beautiful???? hello???? i think it's a way to say you're also more of an action instead of words type of person, and that your actions are also more "intense", but in a good way. that's my understanding of it, so feel free to disagree 😂 it's a very poetic result indeed. also, mutual pining huh? interesting.......
about result 3: it fits you very well!!! i can't help you with the tarot thing bc i don't really believe in it but at the same time it feels... off? to me 😅 idk how to explain it. but good luck with learning it if you get the chance to!!
about result 4: dude, i both love and hate how spot on you are in your interpretation of my result. it's kind of what i'm going through right now? i havent found the thing causing this whole mess yet, but like 🧍,,,,, about your result, though. first of all, i'm really glad you got the happy ending!!!!! it made me smile when i read the title bc it absolutely fits you!! and like you, i read it and teared up. i hope you know it's ok to be tired of giving, and its ok to be "selfish" and want things for yourself (even if its not really being selfish, but being human). its also ok to want external validation. we crave it bc we want to know we're doing well. it's normal. especially after being hurt. healing is a b tch, and it's hard, and having someone to cheer you on is so important 🥺 its ok to stop pulling people to the shore and just let yourself be pulled to it as well, whether by someone else or by the currents. you deserve a happy ending, dear 🥰🥰 and a happy middle as well!!
about result 5: you,,, got such a normal fear response?? i'm happy for you but at the same time i'm jealous? 😂 do those things fascinate you? or do they just terrify you? 👀
as for your request:
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sorry for how long it took for this reply, expect more to come soon ❣️
see you soon!!!
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