#Idk probs just a dream I had but I remember we had an option to do that. To just mute a post. idk props a dream though.
loser-brain · 1 year
I was cleaning my other blog tags and noticed many posts have their reblog turned off (What made me make this post was when someone made a note in their OG post and edited it. Turning the post off because it breaches out of containment but also noted that other people have made lists and other whatnots and that we should check those posts out and basically encourage us to reblog their list... not knowing, we can't).
It's kind of sad to see those post turn their reblog off (some posts were actually good posts). I get it, the notifications clogging up your feed and getting very annoying but also here is some info in case you didn't know.
I learned this myself when I was making a post. If you are the main poster and you turned off reblog. It will forever be off for everyone. Does not matter if others have reblogged it onto their blog. The reblog will forever be off for you and everyone (unless you turned them back on).
If you reblog a post but are not OP it will not affect the OG post however no one will reblog it from your blog.
Someone has found a way to stop notifications when your post becomes popular... literally delete the post. I'm not kidding, the post will live on however you will never see that post ever again.
I actually highly recommend deleting a post if the notification is becoming too much for you and you want the post to live on.
Turn a post reblog off when...
The info is no longer relevant or You made a mistake in the post and you want to correct it / don't want to spread misinformation (only do this when someone has already reblogged it)
It's a *personal post and you don't want anyone to reblog it (Yes, it's a thing to ignore a post when you see someone post something personal. Still, respect that it is a personal post, and don't reblog it. I just highly recommend with this new feature to turn the reblog off when making a personal post but really it is up to you if you want the post to be turned off or not).
It's a post that you no longer want it circulating but still want to keep it.
That's all I could think of. *about the personal post part. If someone is encouraging you to respond to their post as in welcoming any insight, that is alright to respond but, if someone is just venting... Please for the love of god DO NOT reblog it. Have some damn respect, so what if they have their post rebloggable that does not give you the right to reblog their vent and frustration. If it's a funny haha please laugh with me or give me word of advice/hugs. Thin ice but fine. Just flat-out vents and is in pain and does not need anything at the moment. DO NOT REBLOG.
If you turned a post reblog off but someone has it queued up or scheduled. The post will still post. I have many posts that have their reblog off for whatever reason queued up and posted. However, as I said earlier, the reblog is turned off so no one can reblog it.
If this does happen to you and you feel sick constantly seeing it and thinking that you are being tortured by it (yes, I have seen a user admit they felt like they are being tortured by an old post because of it being queued up and scheduled)... literally, delete the post.
The moment you delete the post. You will not see it ever again. And even better, if the post reblogs is off and you delete the post. It's a dead post... unless someone screenshots it. BUT it's a dead post. Like permanently dead.
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to send me an ask. Enjoy making posts however you please but remember, if you make a post but decided to turn off the reblog but still want the post to be alive... it's best to just delete the OG post instead of turning it off for everyone.
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Survey #458
“i was unprepared for fame, then everybody knew my name”
What does your doormat say? I... actually am not sure. I don't pay any attention. What do you order from most sit down restaurants? Chicken tenders are my go-to safe option, ha ha. Or shrimp. Who was the last person you talked about love/relationships with? Sara. I wanted her advice. Where was the last place you thought about having sex, other than your bed? This was way too long ago, dude. Do you remember the last time you went against someone’s advice? Very recently. :x What day would you consider the best day of your life? Why? Idk, really. Would you say you’re too experienced or too unexperienced for your age? I am embarrassingly unexperienced. What is your favorite neon color? Ever buy nail polish that color? Hot pink. I don't care for nail polish. Has anyone ever mistaken you to be a member of the opposite sex? No. What is the greatest source of happiness in your life? Uhhhh... What was the last charity/cause you donated to? Children With Hair Loss, when I cut a shitload of my hair off for the style I have now. Getting that certificate that my hair was used is to this day one of the warmest feelings I've ever experienced. Who was the last person you got a handwritten letter from? Sara. What is something you know very little about? Economics. Have any of your worst fears ever come true? Yes. I lost Jason. Is anyone in your family divorced? My parents, three of my siblings (all have since gotten remarried and are very happy<3), and I'm sure more distant relatives, too. Does your family go ‘all out’ during the holidays? No. How often in a year do you go to the mall to get new clothes? Pretty much never. Who was the last person to call you beautiful? What was your reaction? Someone on Facebook when I updated my profile pic, probably. I was very flattered, of course. As someone with a SHIT self-image, it means a lot to me. Do you ever get paranoid about who your significant other hangs out with? I'm single, but hypothetically, nope. Did you ever call any teachers by their first name? Who? Some, but only because they preferred it. I don't remember all of them, other than it was common in college. Do you blow-dry, towel-dry or air-dry your hair? Towel-dry and best I can first, then let it air-dry. Have you ever wanted to be in a band? ... One of the reasons I chose to go to actual school instead of homeschooling when I started HS was because I liked the thought of making actual friends and maybe being a guitarist if any wanted to start bands lmao. What is your favorite flavor of gum? Watermelon, probs. Are you a good leader? lol no Would you ever go bear hunting? I'm strictly opposed to hunting for sport, but even if I wasn't, I would NOT be going after bears. Have you ever picked flowers out of someone else’s garden without asking? Wow, no. Have you ever won money by entering a contest/raffle? No. Who is your favorite philosopher? I don't have one. What restaurant would you choose to go to for breakfast? I'm a v basic bitch and love me some Waffle House lmfao. How much money do you think you cost your parents? I. Don't. Want. To. Know. With so much medical stuff... holy shit. Do you eat any meat other than turkey on Thanksgiving? I eat spiral ham, because I don't like turkey in that form. Does your cat give you kitty kisses? Yes. :') Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Close, no. My mom was a close call, though... Her cancer was very, very close to being stage 4. Have you ever been to a waterpark? Yeah, as a kiddo. Describe the person you like/love in one word: Hilarious. Do you enjoy creative writing? Hell yeah man. If so, what things do you like writing about the most? Meerkats in a fantasy setting. Do you own any windchimes? Yes. Mom has one, I believe. Have you ever been known for something extremely negative? No. Would you say you’ve made a lot of people proud? Hell no. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone for over a year? Twice. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? I think I've made that abundantly obvious in the past few surveys lmao. Does your birth name mean anything in another language or sense? It just means "of Britain." I wish my name had better meaning, lol. What is your favorite desert? THE KALAHARI because MEERKATS!!!!!!!!!!! :') Have you ever been called a good kisser? Well not directly, but no one's ever complained? Have you ever stepped on a bee? No. Who is your newest friend? Hmmm... I haven't made a new friend in a very long time. Tell me something about yourself that you don’t normally tell people. I'm an RPer. The last song you heard, what does it make you think of? That I wish I was NEARLY as hot as her lmao. What do you like about your birthday? We go out to eat wherever I want, yum. The person you’re thinking about - what are you thinking about them? That he needs to mESSAGE ME BACK Are you currently sick at all? No. Has anyone ever asked for your autograph? Er, no. What’s one subject that makes you feel uncomfortable? Sex. Who did you last send a friend request to? Idk. What candy makes your face pucker? None that I've tried. I handle sour treats very well. Do you believe that the number 13 is unlucky? No. Do you know any marines? Jason's dad was one. What’s your favorite Halloween movie? Hocus Pocus. :') Do you know anyone who does a lot of pills? I guess me, but they're prescription pills, and I don't abuse them. Mom has a lot, too. Who’s your favorite rapper? And your favorite song by this rapper? Eminem. Either "Love the Way You Lie" or "Space Bound." Has anyone ever made a promise to you that they’d change? Who? No. Have you ever had the cops called on you? For what? Nope. What race do you see the most in your neighborhood? African American. Have you ever walked in on someone accidentally while they were nude? No, I don't think so. Have you ever wanted to get your monroe pierced? Nah, it'd look weird on me. Do you own anything that involves Betty Boop? Nope. Can you remember the last song you listened to? Yeah; I'm listening to Lauren Babic and Halocene's cover of Linkin Park's "Bleed It Out" right now. What is your favourite flavour of Skittles? The sour ones!! Red was always my favorite. Who taught you how to ride a bike? My dad. Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? Girt. Jason is a very close second, but Girt... he saw me at rock fucking bottom. He just showed up at the hospital unannounced after my suicide attempt (he knew because yay for writing a stupid fucking suicide note on Facebook) to help comfort me. He saw me dead to the fucking world and just done with everything. When’s the last time you were on the phone after 2 AM? Wow... probably not since a few days before the aforementioned suicide attempt and I called Jason's landline, desperate to talk to him. His mom picked up and talked to me for like two whole fucking hours. I'm tearing up pretty bad just remembering it, seeing as she's dead now... She cared for me so much. I miss her so, so much. Enough of this question, I'm about to start sobbing. :x What would you do if your best friend got an abortion? Honestly? Be relieved. I really don't think her body could handle pregnancy. What would you do if your father left your mother? That happened, and I hated him for years. What would you do if your bf/gf’s face became mutilated in an accident? Love them all the same. I don't care about appearances. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen in your life? *shrug* Have you ever dated two different people with the same name? No. That would be so weird. What are you deathly afraid of? Pregnancy. Internal parasites. Which unborn babies technically are. Do you know anyone who’s addicted to drugs and, if so, are you friends with them? I know many potheads, and one I'm pretty close with. Have you ever owned a golf cart before and, if so, what color was it? No. Do you have a sibling who’s a complete deadbeat and, if so, which sibling is it? Definitely not. All my siblings are hard workers that have dreams and aspirations they're either working towards or have achieved. Do you own the new Guitar Hero and, if so, what’s your favorite song on it? I have no clue what the newest one is. My favorite song to play in any of the games though is The Eagles' "Hotel California." It just feels good to play, and the ending solo fuckin' slams. Have you ever done anything dangerous enough to have risked your life? An overdose on cold medicine. What was the most length you’ve ever cut off your hair and why did you cut it? 8+ inches because I no longer wanted long hair. Have you ever overcome a disease that was life-threatening and, if so, which one? No.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
“Revenge of the Trix” Thoughts
Diving into this second special and I have to say that I am actually quite excited to see how this will go. It was fun comparing the first special to season 1 even though I kinda expected to be angered. But good news! I wasn’t. Not so much at least and I really hope that pattern will continue.
- I am not quite sure but I think they changed the timeline a little bit. Though, if it means I get the festival of the rose or that battle with the witches in Magix, I am down! I doubt it but I will hold on to my hopes until they get dashed!
- I am still puzzled by Faragonda’s remark about the “powerful forces here at work”. What does that mean? Who is she talking about? She can’t be wary of Daphne so what the hell is happening? Was she concerned at the possibility of Bloom having Dragon Fire? I really hope they will explain some of this. But I like that they added the fact that Daphne was the princess of Domino. It wasn’t in the original of this scene and I am glad they changed that.
- Okay, without the bike rescue and the way the dialogue in that scene is reworked, the Riven and Darcy stuff is way more disturbing than it used to be! She straight up spelled him without any connection being made outside of that and it just looks way too creepy. Not to mention that it does a disservice to Riven’s character as well because if Darcy never rescued him, he has no other reason to be meeting her other than “I don’t care about my friends, just about being great”.
- Spring break? Wow! We really sped through that school year.
- Was that montage from Gardenia in the original? I don’t quite remember that but it is cute as hell! And to end it with Mike and Vanessa hugging while happily watching their daughter? I will go sob now if you’ll excuse me. Beautiful.
- Wait, she’s dreaming of the night Mike saved her from the fire (instead of, you know, the fire in the flower shop)? And by the looks of it, in this she doesn’t know that she’s adopted like she did in 4kids season 1... I am actually in trepidation over this next scene.
- Well, that scene went better than I thought it would. But she really didn’t know about being adopted. I am just glad that she didn’t get mad they hadn’t told her the truth. It would have broken my heart. And they are her parents anyway.
- Omg, Bloom is asking all the right questions! I cannot believe it! I am absolutely ecstatic that they changed that part because now it is really making sense (I had given up on ever saying that in regards to Winx Club again so I vote my decision to watch the specials “fucking spectacular”). She connected the dots about getting her powers from her birth parents! I have been so salty about her not asking that in season 1 but they fixed it! Imma go happy sob again.
- Faragonda is showing her stuff now? Of her own volition? Nice! I just don’t think the “Daphne lived in a lake” thing makes sense. Didn’t her soul go there after her body was destroyed by the curse of Sirenix? That is different! And considering Faragonda’s past with the Company of Light, that is not all that she knows about Daphne so she’s kinda lying.
- Now that she saw the crown, does that mean that they don’t get to waste time going to Domino even though her powers were inside her all along? I really, really hope so! And the way Daphne presented the crown to her could be taken as symbolism about Daphne passing it down to her now that Bloom is the only living heir to the throne of Domino. That was a cool detail and a great change imo (especially if they aren’t gonna go to Domino).
- Well, Lucy’s PoV was kinda made more... understandable, I guess? Like, the wording was better... right before the very end of that argument between her and Mirta. That was somehow meaner than what happened in s1. But I actually like the change to the scene with Mirta casting her spell to spy on the Trix. I think it makes more sense than the way it was done in s1.
- How does she know there is an archive in Cloud Tower when she has never been there? I think this scene suffers from the changes. And it is also really convenient that she decided to break into CT just in time for the Trix to trick her. I think those scenes were backwards in s1 and it was after the Trix saw her in CT that they came up with their plan which was better because it didn’t look so staged. Also, “What are friends for?” Yeah, right, Sky. Friends. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. And you weren’t totally on a date.
- That scene with the Specialists was pretty intense considering its length. Since when is Brandon being the cautious one? While Timmy is like “Sure I’ll help you commit major offense against school rules, no probs”? I could take Brandon’s behavior as a best friend’s worry and Timmy’s as a friend’s desire to help out but it still seems a bit out of place. I am just glad that Sky is taking care of the tactics instead of just throwing himself at it.
- And there is no defense system or anything here. I can’t tell if that’s good or bad. It was kinda random when it popped up in s1 (never to be seen again, mind you) but it seems a bit illogical for the school to not have some kind of protection (especially if it has powerful spells inside). Idk.
- I am stunned by Sky’s absolute dumbassery that is bordering on being an asshole (and even tipping right into it). What does it matter if she’s a witch? She is still the same Bloom she was before she learned it, wtf, dude? (Not to mention that this pisses me off greatly because it implies that all witches are pure evil.) I just can’t understand why Bloom didn’t wonder how she has a fairy form then. She can turn into a fairy and that is pretty solid proof that she isn’t a witch. Why didn’t she question it?
- Awww! I love how worried Winx are for Bloom! And I think they’re skipping classes (and risking to get in big trouble with Griselda) to go look for her. True friendship!
- What is she doing sleeping in the bushes? And why doesn’t she just try to fly there? You know, get some proof for herself that she’s a fairy since she has the wings and all?
- Why is Stormy just setting random patches of grass on fire? I agree with Darcy, it can be dangerous if she sets the whole forest on fire.
- “Why would we be so cruel? For giggles.” XDDD
- They changed Mirta’s powers to transforming emotions into energies? That is kinda cool but isn’t that what all magic does?
- The Dragon just swept the Trix away? Is that what happened? It looked like it just fucked off into the sky without doing shit but I digress. But aww at the way Tecna scooped up Bloom so carefully! It was adorable!
- If I were Bloom, I would leave Sky a very angry message and he’d have to give a real good apology for me to take him back. The moment she appeared to be something he didn’t expect, he pulled away from her. That is not someone you want to be in a relationship with. I just wish Bloom would figure out that she can do better. If he shallow like that, you don’t need him, hon. (But hey, don’t blame Kiko! And that wasn’t bad advice! If you want to talk to someone, you should fucking call them! That was good advice.)
- Oh, no! No, no, no, no! Please, not the Day of the Royals! I beg of you! Though, it will have to happen because that is what makes Bloom go back to Gardenia where the Trix corner her. But what will happen with the Diaspro story? Bloom knows that Sky is Sky. Though, he still didn’t tell her he was engaged so I guess there can be drama over that. Ugh, why?
- “That’s a relief”? Fuck you, Sky! So her not being a witch is what makes or breaks this relationship - actually, pardon me, THIS FRIENDSHIP according to his own definition - and not, you know? Her goddamn personality maybe? Damn, what a fucker. Seriously, he is so much worse than in s1. Bloom should really stop wasting time on his sorry ass and go snatch Diaspro for herself instead. Why does he have a picture of Diaspro btw? He does not really care for her... like, at all. Not that he cares for anyone, apparently.
- Oh, so now he loves Bloom? Also, great going, Timmy! Yeah, just suggest breaking off a royal engagement. Without even asking what the political situation is. That is not the best idea. I mean, there was the possibility that Eraklyon needed that marriage. Which, of course, they don’t but still. It ain’t that simple. (God, I hate giving Sky an excuse but this really is a complicated situation. Though, he could have just told Bloom about the arranged marriage instead of lying to her.)
- She could have just waited instead of going for the option of getting them all in trouble. It was only one day. But at least Winx tried to talk her out of it instead of being right there with her in the impulsiveness. And yet, they still decided to support her like friends do. That is cute!
- “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Ya think? And yes, being around Erendor and Samara is definitely not a great experience.
- Ooh, she saw Sky directly with Diaspro! Damn, that changes things. And I hate to admit it but it makes more sense because at least now she has a solid reason to jump to conclusions.
- Oh, no! She thinks it is the Trix again. Honestly, I just wish she would have seen Sky for the lying piece of shit that he is! It would have saved so much trouble. I feel bad for Diaspro, though. She just got attacked without having done anything to deserve it. Shocking, I know. But none of this was her fault.
- Sky really did that with Riven? I thought he would be more mature than Riven but nope. He is really campaigning for asshole of Red Fountain. I know Riven started this but Sky has previous offenses against both Bloom and Diaspro so he takes the cake.
- Codatorta was very quick into action. It was kinda impressive. I see that the conflict between Griffin and Faragonda is non-existent here. “I see it’s not just my students who can behave badly”? This coming from Griffin? That has the exact opposite tone of her line in the original. It’s kinda like “Well, we’re in this together because obviously neither my, nor your students know what the hell they are doing.” Though, it can still be taken as a subtle dig as in “You thought you had the high ground when you sent me back the Trix but look at what your fairy has done!”. That actually sounds more like it, though her tone of voice was still a bit too soft for a confrontation.
- Hey, no nightmare monster? But does that mean that the Trix don’t get expelled from CT?
- Aww, I wish she wouldn’t just leave her friends behind! And that montage of memories. (But what the heck is Tecna doing at that fountain? Get down from there, Tecna! I thought you were the reasonable one!)
- How do the Trix know Bloom is from Gardenia? It sounds like they are the bestest of friends with her instead of mortal enemies.
- Awwwwww! Mike and Vanessa keep being so supportive! I love it!
- I actually think I like how they reworked this scene! Icy dropped them in the portal thingy (whatever the hell it was) to force Bloom to transform and lower her guard at the same time and I think it made some more sense than the original did.
- “Our ancestral witches”? That sounded kinda weird. I was just about to say in my conclusion for this special that they dropped the Daphne storyline halfway through this but I see they haven’t. I am pleasantly surprised! And Bloom actually learns that she is her sister (which for some reason was missing from the 4kids dub) as well as all the stuff about Domino. Well, all in very vague terms but still.
- I actually prefer the original way they plucked the fire out of her. It was more jarring while here the animation was just a tad bit too smooth for what it needed to accomplish.
- Oh, and here her fairy form just vanished after they took the flame? I love that! It was the one thing that instantly told me that she still had her powers in s1 because she still had her winx for a while after they took it from her. But here it disappeared the moment the Trix took off with her power. I am curious to see if it is actually gone. Though, I can understand how believing she doesn’t have it anymore can get in the way of her transforming because magic comes from emotions.
This was actually better than I thought it would be and I went in with some expectations because of the first special! I am so pleasantly surprised! The plot carried well throughout this one as well and I supported about 95% of the changes they made from the original storyline which is a lot more than I expected! There was a thing or two that didn’t make much sense, but overall, this was pretty logical! My nitpick would be with the title of this special because the Trix weren’t all that central to it and there was no revenge whatsoever here. I would call it more of a hunt, really. So that would’ve been better if it had been something else having to do with Bloom since she remained at the front and center the whole time... And that didn’t annoy me at all. Wow! I kinda wish they will rework all the seasons into specials now if they can make me like Bloom (though, I admittedly had my moments of that in s1 as well. It is just that the later on we go, the more I can’t stand her). Now I am hyped about the next one and I really hope I won’t be disappointed because it will be such a shame after the good work in this one. (Oh, and the rest of Winx didn’t have much role in this one but I was actually so absorbed in the Bloom storyline that I didn’t notice until this very moment. Man, these specials are really working a miracle here!)
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waithyuck · 4 years
extra elongated tag game
tagged by @gohyuck my love
tagging: @kwantified @honeyyu @jensungf @renjunwrites @neo-shitty @suingjaehyun
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
okay so my ult group is nct and I can’t remember what song exactly but i remember not being a stan and LOVING back 2 u so much that I had to look into nct
for bts is was serendipity and blood sweat & tears
ateez was pirate king bc we stanned since debut 😔✊
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
favorite item of clothing?
I own a lot of hoodies but my fav is my dark gray we go up hoodie and it’s big n comfy....yeah
if you had to smell like one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?
I think I would want to smell like vanilla or lavender
favorite painter? why?
frida kahlo bc she embraced everything about herself and did wonderful self portraits
what’s your favorite horror movie (and if you don’t like horror, why not?)?
I don’t like jumpscares so most horror is not to my taste....however give a psychological horror and I’ll go off ab how much I love it (like idk if it’s considered horror but ‘a cure for wellness’ anyone???)
iphone or android?
iPhone dude
favorite tiktok trend (and if you don’t like tiktok, you can talk about how much influencers suck)?
i only go on tiktok for the kpop content I don’t know trends,,,,also can be talk about how most influencers on that app manipulate literal children into giving them money?? for doing absolutely nothing??
if you could wake up with any new ability what would it be?
the ability to read others emotions and make them happy no matter what (call me a corny ass bitch but it’s true)
favorite superhero/supervillain/antihero?
people consider her a ‘villain’ so I’m saying maleficent (from the movie maleficent) bc ??? she fell in love with a man and he fuckin just,,,,did her so dirty and left her broken-hearted and cut off her wings like ??? hell I’d be mad too I’d curse the little ass baby he had with another woman just as fast as she did. also how about that character development??? she cursed aurora but always looked out for her and eventually came to love her?? and that’s the kiss that broke the spell and woke aurora up?? call that motherly love we stan
if you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life which color would it be?
realistically black is prob the way I would go but gray is also a valid option
who’s your ult and give me five reasons why.
oof y’all already know it’s my boy lee donghyuck
1. his vocals??? the vocals alone are enough reason to stan
2. his dancing??? he is so incredibly talented and I love watching him move
3. his hardwork and dedication to his career, like he loves what he does so much and I love seeing him shine (but also like, pls let him sit the fuck down for a sec)
4. his aura and personality !!!!! is just so loveable !!! he brightens the room with his mood-making personality and I’m just in love with him god
5. okay okay now I’ll touch on the fact that he’s so fucking handsome??? a visual king ???? look at that face, look at those legs, JUST LOOK AT HIS BODY PROPORTIONS. PERFECT.
my questions:
what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
If you could travel anywhere in the world with just a snap of your fingers, where would you go and why?
describe your personality in three (3) words.
what is your favorite thing that you have ever read? (anything you’ve ever read counts! fanfiction, poems, novels etc.) why?
are you the studying type of person or the type to just ‘wing it’ when you have a big test coming up?
between bold colors and pastel colors, which do you prefer?
do you live life in the moment or do you plan every action you take?
what is your favorite holiday and why? (all holidays count! across all religions and cultures 😄)
would you rather stay up to stargaze in the middle of the night or wake up early to watch the sunrise?
what is your favorite eye color on another person?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: samantha
nickname: sam
birthday: march 9
zodiac: pisces sun
nationality: american
languages: english, currently learning korean
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual :)
height: 5’2” (157 cm)
inspiration for muse: music, tv, movies
meaning behind my url: hyuck is doin too much he’s gotta just give me a break and wAIT A SEC = waithyuck
blog established: 2020 but I’ve been on tumblr since 2015
followers: 791
favorite animals: pigs, cats, dogs, snakes
favorite books: lord of the flies, the great gatsby, hamlet even tho it wasn’t technically a book
favorite color: yellow, orange, pink
favorite fictional characters: gilbert blythe, prince zuko from atla idk who else
favorite flower: sunflowers, carnations, roses
favorite scent: vanilla, citrus, lavender
favorite season: spring or fall
average hours of sleep: like 4-5
cats or dogs: both
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
current time: 2:23 p.m.
dream trip: seoul, rome, greece in general, london, dublin
dream job: teaching english as a second language, linguist, translator
hobbies: writing, drawing, singing
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
last movie watched: burlesque lmao
last song listened to: kick it - nct 127
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): my fingers are double jointed lmaO idk
10 things i can’t stop listening to
slow down - chase atlantic
watermelon sugar - harry styles
to die for - sam smith
we go up - nct dream
blue side - j-hope
god’s menu - stray kids
inception - ateez
love me right - rendezvous at two
renegade - aaryan shah
HER - chase atlantic
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Where is the last place you had a kiss? My girlfriend’s couch. I normally wouldn’t kiss her inside her house but we were alone, so it just happened. What did you eat for breakfast yesterday? I skipped breakfast yesterday and went straight to having a macchiato, which was a horrible idea considering I had a badddd hangover. My body made me pay for it soon enough when my stomach started unusually heating up, so I bought a sandwich by around lunch to help it feel better. When was the last time you were at an amusement park? 2013. I don’t like amusement parks so when my friends make plans I don’t go along with them. Two weeks ago I was at a school fair which kinda has the same amenities as an amusement park, but I guess it’s not the real thing so it doesn’t count. When was the last time you cried out of physical pain? Last Wednesday. My friend Leigh was trying to demonstrate for me the concept of just-noticeable difference by pinching the skin on my hand. I don’t like feeling pain anywhere on my body, so when she started amping up her pinching I had to yell out. Have you ever done anything to Support the Troops? No. Can’t relate.
Do you donate blood? Nooooo no nope. I just said I didn’t like feeling discomfort on any part of my body hahaha and getting pricked is the worst sensation for me. I wouldn’t be able to donate blood even if I wanted to either – as far as I know you have to be of a certain weight to be qualified, and I’ve never met that requirement. Are you wearing two shirts? No. It’s never too cold to be wearing two shirts here. The only time I had to really do this in a local sense was in Sagada. That weather was b r u t a l. It was the first time my dad turned on the heater in our car and I didn’t even know Filipino cars came with heaters lmaaaaaaao. This was a very long way of saying no. Have you ever owned the socks with toes on them? Never have. What were you the last time you went trick or treating? I went as my best friend at the time, Sofie. I didn’t have time (and wasn’t as extroverted as I am now) to come up with a detailed costume, so I went as her – black dress, eyebags, winged eyeliner, and thick hair that was never combed. It had the least effort of all my friends’ costumes, but I got the most compliments on social media lol. What's your favorite morning activity? I am so not a morning person, and I just like sleeping/lying in whenever I can. Can you cook? I am hopeless in that department. Is there a lot of laundry in your hamper? No. My mom’s laundry day is Friday, so it’s basically empty the whole weekend. When do you think you'll have children? In a little less than a decade, honestly. I’m pretty firm in my decision to have kids; it’s my biggest dream if anything. I mean I’m also willing to wait until I’m in my 30s because god knows how expensive everything is rapidly getting these days, but I just know I’ll end up having kids one way or another. Can you point out constellations in the night sky? No. The only thing I can safely point out for you is Orion’s Belt, and that’s because it’s essentially a giveaway lmao. What was your favorite part about studying ancient Greeks and Romans? Nothing. It’s one of my least favorite topics. The only thing that got me to enjoy them for a brief period was the Percy Jackson series, but when I finished the books my interest in that world waned fast. Have you ever eaten a gyro? Nah, but close enough – I’ve had shawarma. What's your favorite flavor of Tootsie pops? Mmmm not really a fan of Tootsie Pops, or like candy in general. What's the last thing you bought at a mall? If I remember correctly, I got a toasted siopao in Coffee Bean. Where did your mom go to high school? She went to Colegio de Santa Rosa in Makati. What's a subject you would never major in? Philosophy. My college curriculum required me to take one Philosophy elective, and not only was it the worst experience ever, but I got my second-lowest mark in college from that class. Is there someone who you can turn to for money and not be ashamed? No. I hate asking for money, even from my parents. When's the last time you took a bubble bath? A little over a year ago, probs. I love bubble baths when I manage to get settled in one, but because I’m usually in a hurry when I take showers, the concept of staying and relaxing in a bathtub is a little weird to me so I never do it haha. Have you ever swam in a river? I have photos of me when I was 1, my mom, her sisters-in-law, and their kids (my cousins) swimming in some river.  Are there any dirty clothes underneathe your bed? No. I know I could be messy, but that’s just disgusting. What food do you love the smell of while it's cooking? Curry. What food do you hate the smell of uncooked? I just hate the smell of wasabi in general. Your #2--what's their occupation? Your #3--what color are their eyes? Your #1--what cartoon character would they be? Your #4--are they allergic to anything? All Myspace questions that I’m skipping, lmao. Has a bee ever stung you? No. That’s like one of my top 3 fears so I never allow myself to be near bees or wasps. If there’s any nearby I run the fuckkkkk away. Where did you last go camping? I have never been camping for real. In what month do you start Christmas shopping? Last year I had some stuff ordered by early November – but those were gifts for just my girlfriend. I bought everyone else’s gifts like a week before Christmas. Have you ever slept in a bed with someone with bad BO? I’m sure I have; I just don’t let it bother me because no one’s breath is supposed to smell great in the morning lmao. Do you have a favorite flavor at Baskin Robbins? I have never had Baskin Robbins and I dunno if I will, because it’s just so expensive. Philippine suppliers looove bringing foreign brands like Shake Shack and Baskin Robbins over here and slapping insanely high prices on them just so they’re seen as high-end lmao, it’s sad. Are there fast food wrappers/cups in your car? No not at the moment. If anything there are old receipts. Do you read the newspaper? Very seldom, but given that I’m a journalism student, I encounter newspapers a lot because they’re everywhere in the college. What search engine do you use? Google. Have you ever posted a question on Yahoo questions? Nope. But the website is useful and I just look for people asking the same question I have at the moment. Have you ever been on a dating website? I made a Tinder account a few years ago just to observe it and just for fun. I never needed it but I was curious, so I joined it but I used a fake name and a photo of a cat I saw in school as my profile picture so that no one knew who it was. Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity of the same sex? Save for CM Punk, I’ve only ever had crushes on female celebrities. What kind of flowers would you plant in your garden? I dunno, I’ve never felt interested in growing flowers...or a garden, in general. Would you rather have a flat tire or overheated car? Flat tire. As far as I know that can be fixed a little more easily than a completely overheated car. What's the safest form of transportation? Private car, lmao. That’s really your safest bet in this country. Do you believe that kids should be taught abstinence? They can be taught about it so they’re aware of what it means and asks of them, but kids should also be reminded that at the end of the day it’s an option that they can choose to take or not. When's the next time you'll go to the grocery store? I only ever go when my dad is home because he likes having us along, so maybe in a month or two. When's the last time you went to Chuck E. Cheese? Never. What's your favorite cheese or cheese flavored food? Mozzarella sticks. Do you like black licorice? It’s decent, at best. I won’t spit it out, but it’s not my first candy of choice either. Can you count to 100 in another language? Two, Filipino and Spanish. We use Spanish when referring to currency, so that’s why it’s easy to memorize. Like I’d say I have labing-limang (fifteen in Filipino) notebooks, but when I have to say fifteen pesos, we say it as kinse (fifteen in Spanish). Idk, it’s a weird quirk with Filipinos but yeah. What's the nearest thing to you that can bounce? I don’t think there is anything bouncy in the living room at the moment. Do you hate cleaning? If I have to do it I get lazy. But when I actually want to clean, it can be relaxing. Do you clear dishes in the garbage disposal or in the garbage can? My mom takes out the garbage. Do you watch anything on the E! network? I don’t think our cable comes with E! so the only times I get to encounter it is when we’re staying over at hotels. I like having Keeping Up With the Kardashians on when we do have that channel. Have you ever tried out or thought of trying out for American Idol? I loved the show during its peak days, but I never had the desire to join it. Where's your car keys? Upstairs, on my bedside drawer. Did you keep any momentos of high school dances? From my high school ball, yes. I still have my old gown, photos with Mike, the instrument he used to ask me to ball (a Starbucks cup with the proposal written on it by the barista), and my old corsage. I like keeping stuff like that around so that I don’t forget, not because I still like him lmao. My prom could fuck off, and I have nothing from that night. Do you still have clothes from your high school dances? I have no idea. My high school prom dress disappeared after a while, but I still have my ball gown. The last person you laid in bed with said... I don’t know what you’re referring to but our last conversation was her telling me to drive home safe. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I can’t. Which celebrities would you want to hang out with at a bbq? The Friends cast. Do you think you could do better drawings than Napolean Dynamite? I have never seen the movie. What are you doing on Superbowl Sunday? Isn’t it over already? I saw my aunts and uncles post about it on Facebook so I’m pretty sure it’s over. Anyway, I don’t care for football. Ever been to the original 13 colonies? No. Have you ever been to a concert that got out of control? Not really. The most ‘rebellious’ thing that ever happened was at my One Direction concert. The organizers made the stupid decision of holding the show on FLAT concert grounds and not a stadium, for a concert that probably held 10,000-20,000 people. Can you imagine holding that on just the GROUND??? Anyway, my sister and I had the third best tickets which was supposed to bring us to the semi-front, but it turned out to be so far from the stage. Everyone from my section all the way to the back resorted to standing up on the monobloc chairs which really isn’t allowed, but duh it’s One Direction and we wanted to see them. Harry had to call us out and ask us to get down from the chairs and just stand on the ground for our safety, but we kept protesting until they just gave up and continued the show. What's the last thing you watched on tv? Titanic, but we watched it on Netflix. I haven’t seen cable TV in a whiiiiiiile.
Whose show should be cancelled? 13 Reasons Why. Do you like Lindsay Lohan as a blonde? It doesn’t bother me. When's the last time you ate fruit? Last Friday I tried some of Laurice’s green mango with bagoong. Can you jump rope double dutch? Nope. I know jump rope but I never went that far.
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munsonstyles · 6 years
turning page // d.d
Tumblr media
Requested? Yes:  I’m sending you another request because you’re so wonderful at it so I’m taking advantage 🤣 what if you did an imagine where David asks you to help set up his house for a big date but it turns out you’re the one that will be going on the date!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None
a/n: hi, ur the luv of my life first of all. secondly, i grinned like a fckin idiot over this request bc its so cute. anyways, i hope i did it justice!!! (ps, title is from the song by sleeping at last !!) (pps, i’m rlly bad at going through and editing, so if there’s any mistakes i’m sorry !!!)
you awoke with the sun shining through your windows and onto your face. yawning, you flipped over in bed searching the sheets for your phone. once you found it, you noticed you had a text from your best friend david.
baby davey: y/n !! what are u doing today ?
you rolled your eyes fondly, not able to keep the smile off of your face as you quickly typed out your reply.
you: idk, probs whatever u have planned since we’re all ur robots who do whatever u need us to lol
you decided that getting up and showering was your next best option, since you were probably heading to david’s house for the day. you quickly hopped in the shower and once you were done you noticed you had received another text from david.
baby davey: u know it !! but it actually doesn’t have to do with my vlog tonight. i might have a date and i need ur help setting up pls
you couldn’t help the sinking feeling you felt in your stomach. you and david had been best friends for as long as you could remember, you deciding to follow him to l.a. after his insistent persuading. but over the years, you couldn’t help to develop feelings for the boy, and now you could definitely confirm that those feelings were not mutual. you never told david about these feelings, knowing the last thing you’d ever want to do was ruin the relationship you shared with him. the only people who knew was your mom and your other best friend, y/bf/n. and although both of them tried relentlessly to get you to tell him, you refused.
you: aw, baby davey finally has a date !!! yes, ofc i’ll help. what time do u need me to come over?
you glanced over the text, making sure it sounded normal. and once you clicked send, he replied quickly after, confirming the time. you began to mentally prepare yourself for the heartbreak you were about to endure for the rest of the day.
stepping out of your uber, you glanced down at your outfit. you had decided to just wear something comfortable (a huge hoodie, some leggings and white sneakers), knowing that you were just going to throw yourself on your bed and cry as soon as you got back to your place later that night.
“y/n?!” you heard david call as soon as you opened up the front door.
“yes, hi dave,” you replied, pulling your hood over your head.
“aw, look at how cute you look. are you cold?” he said as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
you snuggled into him, “don’t flirt with me, you dweeb. your date won’t like it.”
he laughed as he shook his head, “for some reason i have a feeling my date won’t mind that much.”
you looked up at him quizzically, opening your mouth to question him only to be interrupted by him speaking.
“okay, so i was thinking like a nice night in? maybe with like a funny romcom and snacks? i know she would rather do that than go somewhere fancy. i also thought maybe making a fort might be cute, but is that too much?”
you couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the boy in front of you, “dave, you’re rambling,” you pondered softly before continuing, “you must really like this girl if she’s making you this nervous.”
“you have no idea, y/n,” he whispered sincerely, looking you right in your eyes.
you couldn’t help feeling like your heart was breaking slowly the more he talked about this mystery date. you glanced down at your feet, pushing some hair behind your ear, “okay, well let’s make this date unforgettable.”
a couple of hours later, you and david had made his living room into the fort of every girl’s dream. stocked with the best snacks and lined with fairy lights (which you remembered were stored away in one of david’s kitchen drawers).
“holy shit, y/n, this looks amazing.” he said, gaping slightly at the scene in front of you.
you couldn’t help to agree with him, it was truly the date of every girl’s dream (including your own).
“i say we did a pretty damn good job, dave. but, um- my uber is here, so i better go so you can get ready for her,” you glanced over at him, swallowing down the lump in your throat, “is there anything else you need?”
he bit his lip thoughtfully, shaking his head, “i don’t think so, y/n. thank you so much, i couldn’t have done this without you.”
“you know i’d do anything for you, baby davey.”
he rolled his eyes, giggling softly at you, “text me when you’re home, yeah?”
you nodded at him, giving him one last hug before you walked out the door.
once you reached your apartment, you threw yourself against your bed. you couldn’t believe you had endured a full day helping your crush get his house ready for a date with a girl that he clearly adored. you looked up at your ceiling, forcing your tears back while you sniffled softly. right as you decided to put on a cheesy romcom to get your mind off of david and his date, you heard a knock at your door. you tried to remember if you had ordered anything online, but nothing was coming to mind.
standing up, you wiped your face to get rid of any tears that had slipped past, but when you opened the door, you were greeted by the last face you had expected to see that night, “david..? what’re you doing here? aren’t you supposed to be at your house getting ready for your date?”
he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, glancing at the ground before he shyly looked back up at you, “um, yes,” he chuckled nervously, “i have to pick her up first.”
you furrowed your eyebrows at him, “okay? um, is she in this apartment building or something?”
he shook his head at you, “well - yes, but - ugh, y/n,” he fiddled with his hands nervously, and only then did you notice the soft yellow flowers that he was holding.
“dave, i’m very confused, just spit it out.” you couldn’t help but grow a little frustrated at the boy in front of you. not only had you spent all day pretending not to be broken hearted, but now he had come to your door with beautiful flowers for his date?
“listen, y/n, it’s you. ah - you’re the one i wanted to go on a date with?” he asked, once again biting his bottom lip.
you were speechless, as you gaped at him, not believing the words that were coming out of his mouth.
“dave, what? is this some kind of prank for your channel?”
his eyes widened, “what? y/n, no no, not at all. it’s just -“ he hesitated for a moment before speaking again, softly. “i’ve been wanting to ask you out for a very long time now, and natalie was getting sick of my pining. i didn’t know how else to ask you without you thinking it was a prank and then i got nervous thinking that you wouldn’t like whatever i came up with, so i figured i’d invite you over so you could help me make it perfect and now looking back at it i realize how stupid it sounds and-“
you cut him off quickly, “david julien dobrik. you’re telling me that you made me set up my own date because you were nervous that i wouldn’t like it?”
he cringed slightly, squeezing his eyes, “uh... yes?”
you couldn’t help the loud laugh that escaped your lips at his confession, “oh my god.”
“i really hope that laugh is a good thing, y/n..”
you shook your head, a beaming smile perched upon your lips, “you are so stupid david dobrik to think that i wouldn’t like anything you did.”
“uh... okay? i’m not sure i’m following here. are you happy about this, or..?”
you took a step closer to him, tilting your head up to make eye contact with him, “you have no idea how happy i am about this. to think that i was about to put on a romcom and cry my eyes out over my best friend, whom i happen to have a massive crush on, was out on a date. and now he’s here, telling me that i’m the one he wants to go on a date with,” you shook your head, still not quite believing this was happening to you.
david set the flowers down on the table by your front door, cupping your face in his hands, “did you just tell me that you have a huge crush on me too?” he asked.
you giggled softly, biting your lip as you nodded.
“why didn’t you tell me?”
you gasped at him, “well you didn’t tell me either!!”
he looked you in the eyes for a moment before responding with a wide grin on his face, “can we both agree we were dumb and should’ve told each other way earlier than this?”
you laughed again, nodding in agreement.
he glanced down at your lips, and then back up at your eyes, “if you don’t let me kiss you right now, y/n, i might die,” he whispered.
“well we wouldn’t want that, now would we?” you cheekily replied, pressing your lips against his.
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reigensarataka · 6 years
Have you ever made a fic rec list you could link me to?? If not what are ur fave fics???
what’s are ur fave klance fics overall?
do you have some nice fluffy klance fic recommendations? pls i need sustenance
ive been putting this off for so long now bcs i never save/bookmark the fics i read nd i can never remember the titles BUT i managed to dig some of them up so!!!!!!! under the cut bcs its kinda long wuwhwuhw
Cut to the Feeling by usernicole
“Let’s do it again,” Keith says breathlessly. “Here and on every planet we come across. Let’s get married on every planet we can.”“Are you joking?” Lance asks, incredulous. “You really want to get married to me on every planet we land on?”“Yes,” Keith says, voice high pitched and shaky with residual adrenaline. “Yes. Every planet. If it feels like this every time, let’s get married ten, twenty, a hundred times.”
 “Let’s break records. I want the universe to see us and be jealous.”
Or: Five times Keith and Lance get married, and one time they don’t.
my good bitch. my dude. if u havent read this then PLEASE do urself a favor nd read it asap…. like i shit u not this is probs my all time fave and its just them getting married on every planet nd. its just. idk just rly gives u that warm feeling in ur heart u know……
call me, beep me by orphan_account
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose?(00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake?(00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it?(00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy…(00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones?(00:45) What(00:46) The(00:46) Fuck???(00:47) Oh good, you are awake!
where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
a classic from the early fandom days, rly popular so yall probs read it already but text fic nd just. yah its cute…..
A Light In The Dark by usernicole
Far away from his friends at the castle, Keith’s only way of communicating with them is a battered old phone. This is maybe going to be harder than he thought.
A long-distance, friends-to-lovers fic, set during season four.
u might not know of this but i am one huge slut for these kind of fics nd all i gtta say is this shit rly changed my goddamn life (i think there r two parts but im not sure if i read the second one so!!)
blue notes by mothpoem
This laughter, here and now, is hushed, and soft as rain, and Lance can feel it against his face, in warm puffs of air. It’s a laugh reminiscent of a furtive secret, like something only Lance is allowed to see. He watches it run its course in the near-pitch black of the observatory, with starlight gleaming weakly against Keith’s pale face, and that’s right about when Lance’s heart gives a few foreboding throbs, heavy on the bass, as if to say, they’re here (they being romantic feelings for Keith Kogane, Lance’s former mortal enemy and current friend).
Oh, he thinks to himself, with sudden and startling clarity. I’m Fucked, capital F.
its not finished nd i havent even read chap 2 yet but its a rly good take on lances pov from all the moments from s1 (also the garrison *eye emoji*) with keith nd. yeah.. its good……
and we dream of home by mothpoem
“Then come see me,” Lance murmurs, and it makes Keith’s heart pound behind his breastbone. “Us, I mean. Once a week or something? Like mental health check-ins. We can just hang out, or…or go on low-priority, low-stress missions? Scouting, or flower-picking for Coran, or supply runs. Dumb stuff. Just…so we know how you are. I don’t want…I mean, we all miss you. And I don’t want to sound presumptuous, but…it feels like you’re not…not okay, Keith.”
Well, Keith thinks, a little weakly. He never really stood a chance, did he?
“Okay,” he says, right away. No fight. No refusal.
His life is a hell of a lot easier when he lets himself cave under all the ways he wants Lance’s luminous attention, and company, and friendship. All the ways he wants Lance, full stop.
another one of those fics set during s4……… once again nothing to add just. please read it…… i loved this…….. sm………………
Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku
  All his life he’d been told to make sure he was never seen – it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. He’d lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. That’s why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
He’d never been good at following the rules anyway.
mer au!! i started reading this a rly long time ago and im on chap 27 i think…. but this ones good…….
can we burn it slow by saltylances/stereostars on tumblr
“Sweet dreams, pilot.” A wink. “Make sure not to drool over me too much.”
Keith thrusts his middle finger over his shoulder as he steps out of the room, but he can’t hold back the smile that kicks up the side of his mouth. When he dares a look back, just before the doors are about to slide shut, he sees Lance kiss his fingertips and blow air over his palms at Keith.
It makes Keith wonder if it’s possible to fall any harder.
In which alternating snapshots between Keith and Lance lead to their eventual relationship.
WUH i love anything saaj writes….. a masterpiece…. also please read ‘so what are you waiting for’ too………..
under your feet the dirt turns to gold by laallomri
“I like you,” Lance says in a rush.
Keith blinks.
“That is—” Lance clears his throat, shifting his weight uncomfortably. His hands are still in his pockets, his shoulders still hunched. “I like you—I like-like you. Like, in a more-than-friends-way like you.”
For a long moment Keith can only stare at him, astonishment and disbelief and cautious delight warring for dominance. And then, because he’s an idiot, because he spent a whole goddamn year in a goddamn shack in the middle of the goddamn desert and has no idea how to be a socially competent person, because he’s Keith, he says, “That was a lot of the word ‘like’ in one sentence.”
In which Keith has about a dozen chances at happiness, and sabotages (nearly) all of them.
yummy……….. this one rly hit the spot my dudes……… i think there r 2 parts too!!
Sweet Quiznak by CheckeredCloth
“You’re really into him,” Hunk mutters, and wow, Lance’s face is on fire.  Hunk is killing him.
“Look, read into how you like, Freud, just make sure that if I die Keith knows I totally would’ve mowed his ass like grass.  That way, I can laugh hysterically at his emotionally-constipated expression from the afterlife.”
Or: Lance is badly injured and has a few skeletons in his closet.  Or maybe just the one.
a classic…. one of the first fics i read so i dont rmmbr much but yeah……
Stormchasing by sinelanguage
This isn’t how Lance intended to spend his vacation, chasing after Keith’s premonitions. But here he is, and he’s one hundred percent blaming Keith for all the trouble they’re about to get into. Keith makes bad decision, Lance makes mistakes, and both of them are stuck together on a space pirate adventure neither of them asked for.
if im not wrong i think this is one of those handcuffed together fics… also rly cute……
we’ll make it, you and me by asexualrey
“Keith, if we make it out of this alive, I’m going to kiss you.“ 
the description gives it away….. yall know what tf goin on……..
Public Displays of Affection by VaraderoBeach
Lance held his breath. He knew, at this rate, they’d have two options: fight with what they had (which was Keith’s knife and team spirit) and hope they can skirt by with the help of the locals, or submit and become prisoners to the Galra. Neither situation was ideal. Lance looked to Keith, at his eyes and his eye lashes, the curve of his nose and the pink in his lips. He knew it was bad timing, but he really wanted to kiss Keith before whatever happened, happened.
But when Keith turned his body to face him and said, “Kiss me.” With the same amount of emotion one would say, “Hand me that stapler,” it threw Lance completely off guard.
ft that scene from the winter soldier (i think??) yeah…… good food………
something as true as this by astrolesbian
“You better fucking call me,” Lance says, and reaches out to rest a hand on his shoulder, and smiles, sad and bright all at once. “I’m not taking no for an answer on this one. Okay?”
“Okay,” Keith says.
and lastly yall shld know since this is the THIRD TIME im putting a fic like this on this list that i love this shit nd just….. yeah……….. op snapped
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hulahoopingholt · 5 years
Greg always had his own motivations which is why I feel he's consistent despite recast. We watched him decide to go back to school, struggle, transfer to Emory, go into recovery, graduate, move home, start a business. Josh and Nathaniel until the very end existed only for Rebecca to react/interact with. Do you think that was planned by the writers to set Greg apart or a due to a lack of time or clarity from the writers? I never warmed to Nathaniel but I still don't know if I "should" have.
Yup, completely true. Greg’s path makes sense, and he’s able to exist as a character in his own right. As you said, he had his own motivations outside of Rebecca. Nathaniel and Josh eventually just seemed like plot devices to me. Especially Nathaniel, who seemed to just fill whatever role they had a need for at the time. Want an asshole boss antagonist but with sexual chemistry? MEET NATHANIEL. Need a soft love interest for Rebecca? HERE HE IS AGAIN. How did he get to become the soft love interest? ermmmmmm....*elaborate hand waving* HE’S NICE NOW. Josh feels less egregious to me because I think the writers just didn’t know what to do with him post-priest school. Obviously they needed to separate him from Rebecca, which makes sense, but any time it seemed we’d be creeping toward some genuine growth with him it’d disappear. Remember when Josh was sitting there struggling to write the objective of his resume in S3? The show ended and we STILL didn’t know what he wanted out of life, other than he felt ready for a real relationship. Which....yay, good for him, I’m happy for him, but he’s one of our few OG main characters, and ultimately I don’t feel we got to learn a whole lot about him, and that makes me really sad because I LOVE Josh Chan. 
I have a friend who stays farrrrr away from any and all fandom who tried to convince me that the lack of focus on Nathaniel and Josh’s development was an intentional decision on behalf of the writers, that Nathaniel was just supposed to be the “basic white guy” and Josh was the nostalgic, unattainable dream, but honestly...........I don’t have that faith in the writers, especially with the interviews about how they set the trio up to be equally viable options. Because, and maybe this is just because I’m a cynical bitch lmao, but I have trouble reconciling the fact that Nathaniel, who spent most of the series being an asshole who engaged in truly horrific behavior, cried once, decided to be nice in large part because of the influence of an unattainable woman, read a lot of books, and that means he’s therefore evolved, is reason for me to believe there’s actually genuine change that’s going to be long-lasting. Sure, he still seemed nice at the open mic, so that seems encouraging, but at the time of Rebecca’s dates? It had been only a few months. If I were Rebecca, I would NOT be able to view Nathaniel as a legitimately viable option, especially since just a few months ago he was calling me selfish for wanting to prioritize my self-care and used my childhood diary to manipulate me into falling for him. But according to Aline and Rachel, that’s not the case, soooo...
It’s actually really frustrating to me. Because for instance, when Nathaniel was going on in the finale about how he was frustrated working at the firm, I was like, “oh wow, okay, that actually makes sense, I can see this,” and I was glad he was able to do something with his life he found more fulfilling. But I would have found that ending SO much more satisfying (and prob would have actually liked Nathaniel a lot more) if they had started revealing that earlier in the show. Because while it’s no secret I didn’t like Nathaniel and Rebecca as a couple at all, I actually did enjoy a lot of Nathaniel’s interactions with other characters and found him LOADS more interesting. I know the rom com ep is really popular among some folks, but personally, I would have rather had an episode of Nathaniel coming to terms with why he’s unsatisfied with his own life than an episode that again just hinges on his relationship with Rebecca. 
I remember once upon a time on an interview they asked if we’re supposed to ship Nathaniel and Rebecca and Rachel/Aline basically said they didn’t care, do whatever you want. And then they went on this “equally viable” schpiel, so.......I think we are supposed to like them all? Or at least understand them/see why Rebecca would consider them. For me personally, it was a swing and a miss but....idk, maybe it worked for other people.
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brokenhayatim · 4 years
the projectionist
[now playing: the projectionist & north by sleeping at last]
this has been a long time coming but i couldn’t put my words to paper screen.
when hands are tied and clocks are ticking an audience convinced: we’re leaning in  holding our breath again
i can’t wait to go back to my place. i used to say that a lot, not out of spite or rudeness but because i genuinely couldn’t wait to be back to my own calm. its hit me now how i’ll no longer have that. and i wish i could feel finally sad or even say i’m still overwhelmed and confused, but it’s this sense of somber longing i guess. longing to keep something so good and somber at the reality that i just..won’t have that soon. i began calling this place home years ago and not because of the state (please, i would’ve anywhere but this state if not for the people i’ve met here) but because it’s my home. i more than just studied here, i built a fresh start, a life here. and i feel like i won’t have that again. is this what people feel like when they move out of their home of like 14 years that they raised 4 children and adopted 3 dogs in. it’s more tough than i thought, you know. every lease i’ve signed (shaking bc commitment may i add) i’ve always know i would be here the next, even though not in the same place and living with the same people, i’d still be here. i get emotional and nostalgic thinking of my former places every time i move, and i still think back to my first. i remember moments so vividly and what the apartment looked like from every square inch. but this is different. i moved an entire state away, essentially to be alone, and i love it. i love that i don’t depend on people for the simple things and less for the difficult things. i love that i have a routine. i like that i come home and i’m alone (roommates, i know, but it’s different). i go to the grocery store alone, i’ve learned the way and i’ve walked. i like that i could walk to target and walgreens, because i’ve learned the way. i like that i don’t have to depend on driving especially, i take a few ubers but even then, i’m comfortable doing that. something new york asiya would never have been. i go for mri’s alone. i walk to uni alone and back (except when i take the bus bc gurl i would sweat). i go the airport and fly alone, something i’ve loved. don’t get me wrong i love my siblings and miss them dearly but that’s what visits are for, and we have those every few months. no one has also came to visit me except my sister twice, and would i really want them too..i don’t know. **to expand on that first time at a later date** but now my brain is like ‘come. see the life i’ve made for myself. i want to show you all i’ve built’.
we'll tell our stories on these walls. every year, measure how tall and just like a work of art we'll tell our stories on these walls
i’m not ready for so many unknowns. where will i live soon? how many jobs will i have to apply for and which ones? even simplest things like where will i do my laundry? i’ve babbled about this but i’m so incredibly grateful for the apartments that i’ve had with amenities. my sisters are always shocked to know how i live at such a small price, but student housing [chef’s kiss]. but things like central ac and in home laundry, i’ve never thought of that, but new york i’ll have to. i’ll probs have to buy my room ac and walk for laundry if i live in the city. i can’t imagine i’d get a graphic design job or something similar anywhere near where i live, so the city i shall be. how far will i have to go to the store? what may happen on the way? i’ve sometimes worried about walking to the store here, mostly when they have kidnappers on the loose, but i always feel more safe than not. i walk 20/30 mins to target and walgreens on foot on the side of the main road and i’ve taken public transportation too. story on that, i told my first roommate how to get to the store from the bus and she was terrified so i went with her and she was like ...i can’t do this alone, i’ll just call a car. would new york asiya have done that too? probably not. because florida me is more independent (idk if bold or courageous is the word) and probs just a little crazy. ubers also are way more expensive in new york, just to add on that. i’ve taken the subway and train alone in new york and have walked blocks alone around nyu and parks. i know new york well, where i live and a bit of the city, but it’s not the same. my dream would be like keeping what i have here and copy and pasting it into the state of new york. i’ve always been and felt like a new yorker here, not once a floridian. i definitely don’t even do that school pride thing, some people actually never knew where i went to college. new york is also home for me, but it’s like my baby home. sometimes i think i was genuinely crazy coming here alone and not even knowing anything about the state nor ever seeing the university. but it was the best thing. i’m always depressed, yes, and i hate people, yes. but despite all of me being a constant emotional tragedy, i really love what i have here. it’s my own. i’ve become that person that tells you directions or tells you where to get what where. and now i’ll have to go back to someone that has to ask 89 questions and gets lost 14 times. ah, but if only i was rich and i could have it all. 
so we’re leaving,  we’re leaving our shadows behind us now we’re leaving, we’re leaving it all behind for now
i can’t wait to go back to my place. i’ll no longer have a home to run off to for months when i don’t feel right. i’ve actually booked flights earlier than i and my family planned/expected just to jet sometimes. i always come back with my suitcase(s) and feel at home walking into my place. i know, inshallah, i’ll have that again in new york or wherever i am, but i HATE CHANGE. its such a big shift that i’m like..can we do baby steps?? i haven’t even been avoiding it for months, i’ve genuinely forgotten until like march when i had to decide on graduation stuff. and now i’ve opened my suitcase and feel like i’m doing my my clothes wrong by putting them in a suitcase to travel a state away and not a few streets. my 3 apartments have essentially been in between two streets, you see one, turn right and drive down, there’s another, turn left and then another left, drive down the road and there’s my current one, which is about two minutes from the first if you drive up a little down. it’s legit a square..but irrelevant. i know i can always come back to visit, but it won’t be the same. my social interaction meter already runs out in like 24 hours as it is then i need to come back home, imagine if i have to stay at someone’s house for like 3 days, lord. i don’t really know if it’s leaving that’s unsettling or going back knowing i won’t be fully alone from people that know me. 
(not so) tangent I: i always daydreamed of traveling to another state and getting a place there. my friend is thinking of coming from germany to practice dentistry here and we could find a place together. i know moving half way across the world for someone seems like a terrible idea, and i’ve lowkey done that coming here between states, but almost seven years of adoring each other’s existence makes you mushy and a little crazy. i feel like i’ll be awkward living with friends bc i’m such a loner, but who knows. the only thing getting her through these months of her final year in dentistry school is this idea and we’ve said inshallah every other week basically so inshallah, if it’s best for us. wild also that i knew her before she even started uni, way before she started dentistry school, like damn i hadn’t realized it’s been that long. 
ACTUAL tangent part II: late 2020/2021 was gonna be my planned travel year. rose was gonna have her dentistry school graduation in february so i was gonna go with more bouquets than my hands could hold. but before that i really wanted to see noor in like late december/january (shoutout to her getting her license i will never not be proud. am i smiling right now typing this? yes). i would find a way to not die in one of those taxis for this surprise, wait outside in the rain (if the sky allows) and play a neighbourhood song outside her window with my iphone that would get water damage and die, then i would sing it (i memorized the lyrics on the flight over, duh). point is, i wanted to see her first and also in one of the least hottest months bc although i would die for her, i’m not going out from heat stroke. thank you miss covid-19, i must postpone that to 2041. i would say i could move to dubai, but i love wearing black and not like..oh yeah..dying. with germany, (ironically enough where my cousin and i were gonna go, me for uni) i can barely speak english let alone learn another language. i wouldn’t subject anyone to murica so alternative options are encouraged. anyways, it’s like the virus knew i was an absolute loser. and it’s as if i have a bug to just keep hopping on planes to avoid having to deal with myself for more than twelve minutes. additional tangent, sometimes i think about how i’ve known noor for five years and like four of those years, we’ve spoken like every day..like how the hell do we do this??? we’ve exhausted every topic humanly possible and still find something new. imagine if we met and it was just [crickets] jhfghfg. i would say we share a braincell and she has it, but i feel like she has five at least. i always have the same tangent topic that literally should just be it’s own solo post..ANYWAYS. 
let the years we're here be kind, be kind let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide settle our bones like wood over time, over time
i’m gonna continue this later bc the tangent sent my mind in a whole different direction ,, what are thoughts
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tessavirtueandmoir · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Daniel aka one of the Finnish guys cause I didn’t want to get lost in the club (I also hate club so it was like a double whammy)
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Is outgoingly shy a thing? I used to be super shy and still am around guys, but im definitely more outgoing in everyday life than I used to be
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Depends on who you ask, I guess.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
More likely than not.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Blond hair, blue eyes… the eye colour doesnt really matter tbh but that seems to be the trend. Not douchey.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Uhh.. that’s wishful thinking.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Those dang Finnish boys #lifecrisis
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Probs one of those Finnish boys
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
I sent an article to my mom about how Canada was gonna be colder than Antarctica and mars. lmao I love this freaking country.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Freedom 90 - Pitch Perfect Cast
Saturday Night - Whigfield
New Year’s Day - TSwift
New Rules - Dua Lipa
Hopeless Romantic - Scott Middough
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah dude point me to a girl who doesn’t
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Lmao no not really
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I turned 20 and apparently had a life resolution. Ditch those crappy people y’all, they aint worth your time
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Don’t even remember who my first crush was so that’s probably a no.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yo. My kryptonite. My res only had showers for the 4 months I was there and I legit cried when I say my bathtub so.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
As long as I can’t hear them, I don’t really care
21. What are you bad habits?
Getting super snippy when I’m hungry. Um… constantly being on my phone? Idk what else. Being blunt?
22. Where would you like to travel?
I just want to go back to England at this point
23. Do you have trust issues?
hahahah AHAHAHAHAHHA bye
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
the fact I didnt wake up until like mid afternoon in the uk… now literally nothing
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My stomach? Or maybe my arms
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Check my phone notifs
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Maybe a tad darker because im literally pale af but otherwise no
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my best friends aka girls
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
No? One of my ex’s once told one of my friends to check on me though cause he was worried.. it was strange.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Also, debatable. I’m loving my alone life right now.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
If it wasn’t I would literally cry so. Every time I get it cut we make sure it goes into a pony because of dance and stuff.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Anna Kendrick and is Tessa Virtue a celebrity? I think she is. Wow… that is quite the threesome honestly. Gotta have different life experiences I suppose.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Dance and soccer. dance is a sport dont argue with me
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV I guess. But either option would be pretty lame.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
In my 20 years, yeah probably
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing, I usually check my phone or something
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Not an inconsiderate douchebag. And someone that lives in the same country as me.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
NEWLOOK, River Island, ASOS, RW and Co, Dynamite (sometimes the Bay)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Be a lawyer.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Nah man.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m fucking mad and u best walk away before I slit you in half. Or I’m tired. Or im not comfortable with the situation
43. Do you smile at strangers?
I barely even look up so no
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Bottom of the ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
That maybe it’ll be cold enough for me to take a bath at some point… I have a lame Canadian life. And I also don’t wanna be a university drop out so there’s also that.
46. What are you paranoid about?
People following me… like not on social media. Just like in general
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Potentially? Idk man, probably not
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Oh yeah. But I told my friends about it so does that really count?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Everyone wishes they were T Virtue so.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I could make myself want to go to the gym an exercise. But yet, here I am
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Anastasia Beverley Hills/Tarte/Fenty Beauty
54. Favourite store?
Did I not already answer this?
55. Favourite blog?
Mine. Shameless self promo
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
I’m about to eat a huge ass bowl of oatmeal
59. First thing you ate this morning?
This huge ass bowl of oatmeal. It’s 9:25 PM in case y’all were wondering.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Many. For dance.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
No, I’m an angel. Just kidding.
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Happened on a cruise ship in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and I stupidly decided to play a game where we were trying to get our faces as close as possible without kissing… I was dumb okay lmao.
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I talk to my Tumblr friends more than my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Why is instagram not a choice. Tumblr I guess.
69. Are you watching tv right now?
I’m watching the movie what not to expect when you’re expecting
70. Names of your bestfriends?
Harneet, Keira, Emmy, Katerina, Andy, Meghan x 2, Madi, Sydney, Emily, Lauren, Cassidy… wow… that’s so many
71. Craving something? What?
Not to be sick.
72. What colour are your towels?
My personal towels are teal. But we have brown, black. and grey ones in the bathroom too.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
there’s 6 on my bed right now
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
does one laying at the foot of the bed count cause otherwise no
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I legitimately cleaned out my entire closet this week and found my ENTIRE collection of webkinz so if we’re gonna count those probs like 300 lmao
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookie Dough OR French crisp from Laura Secord
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Grey, white and pink
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Moulin Rouge or Angels and Demons
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean girls who are you
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Jump Street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory or Crush
87. First person you talked to today?
I honestly have no idea, probably meg though… or I definitely snapchatted people
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
Well, that would be mean.
90. Name a person you love?
My British bestie, honestly, I don’t know why I love her so much. It’s strange. My cat is the next backup.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
No? Violence is never the answer. Passive aggressiveness is
92. In a fight with someone?
Not that I know of
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
All of my sweats are basically roots, and I honestly have too many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
Pitch Perfect 2
96. Favourite actress?
Anna Kendrick OR Reese Witherspoon
97. Favourite actor?
I am currently blanking on male actors at the moment. Let’s just go with Ryan Reynolds cause he’s funny af and married to Blake so
98. Do you tan a lot?
I burn a lot.
99. Have any pets?
A really bitchy cat
100. How are you feeling?
Sick #iloveairplanes
101. Do you type fast?
Yes, unnaturally fast. I can also type without looking at the keys which weirds a lot of people out.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Doesn’t everyone? It wasn’t stuff that I did myself though
103. Can you spell well?
Usually yes, lately no. I need to go back to school obviously
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
My grandma
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Accidentally on purpose yes
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes, and I got bucked off and now refuse to ride another horse
108. What should you be doing?
Writing an essay that’s due on Friday
109. Is something irritating you right now?
The fact that I can’t fall asleep, but that’s the norm so
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Only when they broke my heartttttt
111. Do you have trust issues?
I swear to god I’ve already answered this one
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My best british friend. She legit left me crying in the middle of the club
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Gray gray. Or Gray goose.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
I used to. My console is in my closet now though
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yes, always.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
MA FAVE. It’s the only soup I eat.
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
13 Reasons Why, or Atonement. Soon to be: Scrappy Little Nobody
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
I am blunt. Sometimes those two can get confused
122. Is cheating ever okay?
No, y’all are scum bye
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Uh… if my white shoes get dirty I clean them so they’re white again
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, but I believe in crushes at first sight #themodel
125. Do you believe in true love?
I mean.. maybe.
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes, hence why I’m answering all these questions
127. What makes you happy?
My friends
128. Would you change your name?
I currently am, but not my first name.
129. What your zodiac sign?
Cancer the crabbbbbb
130. Do you like subway?
Uh…. sometimes. But it’s not my go to
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Yikes, this has legit happened to me and I had to dip so fast im not even lying
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Definitely one of those Finnish boys
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Take back your picture in a frame
sometimes the clothes do not make the man
134. Can you count to one million?
Who would ever try that? It would take forever.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
When I told all my profs I couldn’t write my midterm cause I had a concussion and I went to the Dominican instead #rebel
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
5′ 3″
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight hair that is curled
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
Neither, I hate both. But if I had to choose, summer
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
No, I’d literally die because I hate vegetables
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Tbh I laid in bed all day so that’s pretty ideal
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind - Dr. Suess (how philosophical wow)
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
The young team were still getting most of their ice time in Ilderton and were preparing for the Western Ontario sectionals in the juvenile category, but in late autumn of 1998, just a week before sectionals, Scott broke his right arm playing flag football. That is the longest sentence ever wow.
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valleyofthefae · 7 years
MAC MAC MAC ,,, answer all the number ask questions .... I dare ya 👀
i accept ur dare 👀👀😎
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?my little sister probs ? 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?Shy af !!!
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?my nana tomorrow !
4. Are you easy to get along with?ummm,,,, i feel like im not but idk how others feel about that
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?hmm,, idk ? 🤔
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?ppl who look like they dont sleep very often (dane dehaan for example), ppl w/ pretty eyes, or interesting personalities tbh (idk what i mean by that, im thinking about Grimes & Billie tbh) 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?heck nah 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Dane since i mentioned him up there ^
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?yup
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?You probably !! 💕
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“haha, okayyy 💓💓!!!” to u 👀
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?Bellyache by Billie Eilish, Grrrls by AViVa, Pretty Head by Transviolet, The Gunner by MGK, & party favor by billie eilish :) 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?mhmm!!
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Eh, kinda??? I believe in miracles, luck not so much
15. What good thing happened this summer?idk,, that was 5ever ago 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?hell no
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?yes !!!
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?nope :) i was too scared to talk to them in general tbh 
19. Do you like bubble baths?i used to !
20. Do you like your neighbors?yeah!! some of them, i live by a lotta old people & theyre really nice !!
21. What are you bad habits?ummm, biting my lips/insides of my cheeks && some other things 
22. Where would you like to travel?Canada, Europe, some places in Asia, & other states !!
23. Do you have trust issues?yeah :/
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?makin tea 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?all of them
26. What do you do when you wake up?i look at what time it is 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?im actually okay with my skin color now, i used to wish i had lighter skin though 
28. Who are you most comfortable around?you !!
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?nah
30. Do you ever want to get married?nah
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?yup!! :)
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?🙅🏽‍♀️
33. Spell your name with your chin.um,, maheczwi tried :)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?no, i played softball like 6 years ago tho (i hated it)
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?tv !
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?yeah!
37. What do you say during awkward silences?i dont know if i say anything ? 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?someone who isnt a terrible person
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?Claire’s, FYE, antique places, goodwill
40. What do you want to do after high school?i have no ideaaa
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Depends on what they did
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?idk, it can mean a lotta thingsbut tbh, im always quiet so who knowsss 
43. Do you smile at strangers?if they smile at me i do :)
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?dang man, idk !!!! is both an option 👀👀
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?on school days, my alarm bc i have to climb down a ladderon weekends, having to go to the bathroom does
46. What are you paranoid about?my friends secretly hating me,, and probs other stuff 
47. Have you ever been high?nope :)
48. Have you ever been drunk?nope :)
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?no :) 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Black 
51. Ever wished you were someone else?25/9
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?The way my brain is wired
53. Favourite makeup brand?Hard candy probs 
54. Favourite store?claire’s
55. Favourite blog?hmmmm, idk i follow a lot !
56. Favourite colour?pastel pink, blue, purple, gray, & white
57. Favourite food? apples
58. Last thing you ate? some chicken marsala thing 
59. First thing you ate this morning?oatmeal
60. Ever won a competition? For what?I dont think so ? 🤔
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?nope !
62. Been arrested? For what?nope !
63. Ever been in love? nah! 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?it was w/ one of my childhood friends & tbh, that’s all i remember 
65. Are you hungry right now?,,
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?i dont have tumblr friends tbh
67. Facebook or Twitter?ummmm, i dont like either 
68. Twitter or Tumblr?tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?yup! im watching tom & jerry 😎
70. Names of your bestfriends? youuuu ! 
71. Craving something? What?strawberries tbh 
72. What colour are your towels?umm we got some gray ones & some purple ones !
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?one or none tbh 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?mhmm!!! theyre at the end of my bed (they make there way up to where i am tho) 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?👀👀👀👀👀 15-25 is a good guess,, for the ones on my bedi have a lotta stuffed animals 
75. Favourite animal?fox, bunny, soo many othersss !!!
76. What colour is your underwear?purple
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?vanilla, tbh
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?vanilla
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?a pink & black one :)
80. What colour pants?black 
81. Favourite tv show?Looney Tunes
82. Favourite movie?hmmmm,,,,, idk honestlymy fav recent movie is wonder woman 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?ehh, not really a fan of either one !
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?ive never seen 21 jump street soo idk 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Karen (??? idk, the one played by Amanda Seyfried) 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?the octopus (idk her name), & Gil
87. First person you talked to today?my sister maybe ?? i honestly have no idea
88. Last person you talked to today?my sister 
89. Name a person you hate?😉 we all know who i hate w/ a passion (hint: the name starts with a “n”) 
90. Name a person you love?Alyssa, Billie Eilish (it only calls for one, but i love billie) 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?myself 
92. In a fight with someone?nah
93. How many sweatpants do you have?likeeeee 2 pairs i think 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?dang idk tbh,, i have a lotta hoodies && at least 5-7 sweaters 
95. Last movie you watched?Bolt 
96. Favourite actress?ahhhh !! i have too many, soooDove Cameron, Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Emily Browning, Gal Gadot, Ástrid Bergés-Frisbey, Hannah Murray, Christina Ricci, Lily-Rose Depp, etc !! 
97. Favourite actor?Dane Dehaan, Cole Sprouse, J D*pp, Freddie Highmore, etc
98. Do you tan a lot?no ?
99. Have any pets?i have a dog named layla && some fish !
100. How are you feeling?not too swell :/
101. Do you type fast?heck yeah man !
102. Do you regret anything from your past?so many things 
103. Can you spell well?i’d like to think so, im not too bad at it :)
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?mhm 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?nope !
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?idk, honestly
107. Have you ever been on a horse?ive been on a pony, does that count? 
108. What should you be doing?nothing atm !
109. Is something irritating you right now?yeah,, but it’s all good !
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?no
111. Do you have trust issues?aye (this is up there somewhere too) 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?idk honestly
113. What was your childhood nickname?Kenz
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?mhm!!! ive been to texas, other states going to texas, Washington DC, Mexico (i was hella young), other places bc of my sisters meets, && yeah :) 
115. Do you play the Wii?not anymore 
116. Are you listening to music right now?no, i might tho 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food?yeh, some of it 
119. Favourite book?hmmmmmmmmmm, idk !! 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?yes 
121. Are you mean?i can be 
122. Is cheating ever okay?nope
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?ive never owned white shoes !
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?no
125. Do you believe in true love?no
126. Are you currently bored?kinda
127. What makes you happy?um,, seein my bestest buddy, talkin’ to my bestest buddy, seeing cute animals, and listening to music 
128. Would you change your name?yeah, tbh
129. What your zodiac sign?Aquarius :)
130. Do you like subway?no
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Idk,, i wouldnt like em back tho
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?this ones up there too !
133. Favourite lyrics right now?“Call me calloused, call me coldYou’re italic, I’m in boldCall me cocky, watch your toneYou better love me, ‘cause you’re just a clone” - COPYCAT by billie 
134. Can you count to one million?gosh i hope so
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?hmm, idk ive told a lotta dumb lies 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?closed !!!! always!! 
137. How tall are you?5’3”
138. Curly or Straight hair?curly/wavy
139. Brunette or Blonde?brunette 
140. Summer or Winter?winter (even tho i hate winter)
141. Night or Day?Night
142. Favourite month?october
143. Are you a vegetarian?i wish
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?none,, tbh 
145. Tea or Coffee?tea
146. Was today a good day?nah
147. Mars or Snickers?neither
148. What’s your favourite quote?hmm, idk atm
149. Do you believe in ghosts?yes
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Selling their bog recipes and crone aphorisms and schoolboy spells! It makes me sick.”from the Wicked book
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Survey #181
"wine is fine, but whiskey’s quicker. suicide is slow with liquor.”
What’s the farthest you’ve gone with someone? I mean I'm not a virgin? Have you ever said “I love you” to someone and didn’t mean it? I don't believe so. Do your parents usually agree with your partners-of-choice? Yeah. I really don't know how Dad feels about me being with a girl currently, but he likes her personally. How many people do you like right now? (even the slightest bit) Legitimately, just one. My "I don't actually know this celeb but I'd 10/10 marry them" thing is just a joke. Do you believe little kids can fall in love? My guess is not until you reach a certain level of maturity where you can grasp the seriousness of "falling in love." But who really knows. What was the last dream that you can remember? On the morning I'm answering this one, I swear I had like ten or something last night. As time goes on though, they're starting to blur together. The one that stands out most tho is my sis and I became the first Americans (yes, that was a detail) to fully infiltrate a Russian, secret government base without being killed. Look idk either. Have you ever been rickrolled? Maybe? Do you like balogna? Yeah. It was my favorite lunch meat as a kid. Are you supersticious? No. What animals have you ridden? Horses and ponies off the top of my head. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done to someone you don’t know in public? I don't think I've done anything notable for this. Do you ever stick gum under seats? No, and my opinion of you greatly plummets if you do. Do you live somewhere where it’s completely safe to walk alone at night? I don't think those exist anymore. Have you ever lived with someone who was a total slob? When Dustin pretty much lived in the apartment with us... jc. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be fluent in every language? Talk to animals. Does your kitchen have a pantry? No. Have you ever interviewed a job applicant at your workplace? N/A Have you ever gone over 3 months without shaving/waxing your legs? I don't shave them anymore unless I fear there's even a tiny chance someone might see them... Thanks, society. Are you high-maintenance? Definitely not. Would you ever consider being a foster parent? Being any kind of parent is off the list for me. What are some things that make others cry, that don’t make you cry at all? Idk, I'm a crybaby. Most sad songs don't, I guess. Are you a very detail-oriented person? Or are you better at seeing the big picture? Definitely the former. Do you have any upcoming plans with friends? lol What kinds of leisure activities did your family do together when you were growing up? Watch TV or sometimes play board games, probs. Occasionally all go in the pool together. Dragons or unicorns? I'm all 'bout dragons, man. Do you wish vampires existed? Um no. Do you sing in front of people you don’t know very well? How about dance? Nope. Have you ever sang/spoke/preformed in front of people on a stage? Sang in church choir and elementary chorus, read my D.A.R.E. report, and was in groups at dance recitals and competitions. Is it more fun or scary to do so? If you haven’t, then what would you think? Eh, it depends on your level of confidence in what you're performing. Like with dance, I was never that nervous as I knew what I was doing. Singing wasn't bad either because I was with others. Now reading aloud, alone, fuck that. I think anything alone would be scary. Would you rather slit your wrists than read Cosmo? I normally delete just plain stupid questions, but I'm leaving this here to hope and pray the author of this question sees me sincerely  and genuinely say fuck you, you goddamn fly-swarmed shitpile with a maturity level surpassed by an infant's. Did you ever like barbies? Do you currently like barbies? They weren't really my thing, but I'd play with them if my sisters or friends wanted me to. What’s your favorite hit song right now? I don't know what the hit songs are right now. What’s your favorite element? (fire, water, air) Out of the traditional four, fire. Have you ever been to a wild party? No. Have you gone through any drastic life-changing experiences? If so, what was the most drastic? Depression and anxiety manifesting was absolutely life-changing, and then when you consider it resulted in PTSD, obviously the break-up was incredibly serious, but it also led towards my gradual recovery. What traits from your father would you like to pass down to your children? Don't want kids, but I'll answer as if I did. If that were the case, I like how he's not one for grudges, is very openly himself, and is super goofy. What is your biggest fault? It probably all boils down to my anxiety and trust issues resulting in me jumping to conclusions. If you could transform into any animal what would it be and why? Probably a snow leopard. Climate I love, super pretty, and I know I'd wanna be a feline anyway. What are the first three things you do when you wake up? Check the time, go to the bathroom, then it varies. Can you remember the first time you ever talked to the person you love/like? Does he/she remember? Ha, sure do, both through text and Skype... I'm sure she remembers the basics at least, too. Would you be able to have a relationship with someone you didn’t find attractive, if they had a nice personality and treated you well? Yeah. Have you ever really liked someone to begin with, then changed your mind about them? Maybe? Does your significant other/crush know about your Tumblr? Does he/she look at it? Yeah, and we follow each other, so. Do you ever feel a desire for sex at inappropriate times? Define "inappropriate?" What was the last thing that one of your parents bought for you? Fast food. Think about your first boyfriend/girlfriend. Did that person make you happy? What went wrong in the relationship? Sure, but just as friends. If you decided to dye your hair, would you choose to go lighter or darker? Lighter. I want more colorful hair. Is there a TV show or movie in which you’re incredibly emotionally attached to the characters? I don't think so "incredibly" since Meerkat Manor. Would you rather arrive super early or super late to class? Early. What’s something really basic that worries or troubles you on a consistent basis? It's a wonder I'm blanking here considering I know there's a load of things. What do you use the internet for the most? YouTube. On a scale of one to ten, how good is your memory? A goddamn one. It's been exceptionally awful lately. Do you worry about money? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YEAH. Do you have any health problems that are unusual for your age? Well, the memory thing, though it's probably just a side effect of my meds or actual ADD. My knees are atrocious, though, and after many, many tests, we still can't figure out what's wrong with them. What’s the longest nap you’ve ever taken? When does it no longer qualify as a nap?  Maybe like... four hours at max? Are you more likely to expect the best or the worst of a situation? The worst. Always. Have you ever said or done something in public that resulted in a stranger’s response? Possibly. How many serious relationships have you been in? Two. Do you think you have a vivid imagination? Very, personally. What was the last song you listened to? "Sick Like Me" by In This Moment. How many hours a day do you spend on Facebook, if any? Not even one. Do you own your favorite film on DVD? Maybe? Idk if we replaced the VHS. Have you ever been so angry that you screamed out of nowhere? On one occasion I basically screeched my lungs out on the porch. What’s your opinion on Nicki Minaj? I guess as a rapper she's good, she's indisputably quick as fuck, but I'm not a fan personally. Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing? Oh fuck yes. Have you ever been on a boat? Yeah, when Dad would take me fishing and also on a 5th grade field trip to a horse-inhabited island near one of the lighthouses. We couldn't go to the lighthouse because the water was too rough. Have you ever been hopelessly in love with a celebrity? You can't be "in love" with someone you've never met and don't know personally. Generally speaking, do you like acoustic or original versions of songs better? Hm... tied, I think. What was the last band shirt you wore? Otep. Do you follow any celebrities on Twitter? I use Twitter only for Mark. That is all. What was the last flavor of pudding or yogurt you ate? Chocolate. What was the last thing you bought online, and how about in an actual store? With my own money, online it was Sara's ring I believe, and in a store was a snack. When was the last time you met someone who seemed very unpleasant? Hm. I honestly don't go out and meet people enough to answer this. Does anyone have a romantic interest in you, that you don’t return? Possibly, but it doesn't matter. Have your parents met the person you’re currently interested in? Yeah. What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? Did you like it? Oh my fucking god, some kind of "fancy" vodka in a margarita. It was disgusting. Are your eyes the same color as your siblings’ eyes? Only my brother. What food(s) have you eaten a lot of recently? Nutrition/meal replacement shakes. Do you use the microwave a lot when it comes to cooking food? Yeah, 'cuz I can't cook. Are you currently trying to get over someone? No. Do you know anyone who’s been on TV? If so, which show? Not to my knowledge. Do you have any lockets with pictures inside? No. Have you ever liked a football player? No. What was the last thing you learned? Some snacks rats can eat. Do you like Chinese food, Mexican food, or American food better? American. I'm very picky with all foreign food, actually. What’s your favorite scent? Freshly-baked bread, coffee, honeydew, lilacs... If you could house any pet, what would it be? Out of all pet options, uh... I suppose a horse or Saint Bernard if I had the means to properly care for them, too. Do you pluck your eyebrows? No. Do you like to swing? YEAH. How about jumping on a trampoline? I would if my knees weren't shit. If you could have any car, what kind would it be? Idk. I'm not educated on cars enough. What’s your favorite fast-food restaurant? I'm a slut for Wendy's. How often do you like to have sex? I'm not in a position where that's ever a thing yet. It wasn't something I thought about with Jason either, but we were pretty regular with sexual affection so we never went very long without, anyway. What’s your definition of weird? I don't care to define it, honestly. "Weird" can be good, bad, neutral... It's too vast a term and super subjective. Do you use shaving cream? That or lotion when I shave my legs. Have you ever personally known any girl who shaved their head? Well, she's an online friend, but I'd count her. Have you ever coughed up blood? I don't believe so. Who was the last person you hugged? My niece or nephew. What’s some of the worst pain you’ve ever felt? Mental: heartbreak and abandonment (both without any obvious prologue), rejection from who I cared about most, as well as deep hopelessness. Physical: having a cyst drained, an internal hemorrhoid, fracturing my wrist, having my tongue piercing redone and more accurately, a severe case of constipation I had as a little kid, an ear infection that made me want to chop it off and all out, a concussion, menstrual cramps before I was put on the pill... What kind of mouse pad do you have? I use a trackpad. What color is your mouse? ^ What’s your favorite dessert food? Ice cream, donuts, or red velvet cake omlllll. What is the closest thing to you right now that is alive? My dog Teddy. Are you an outcast? By the actual definition, no, though I feel it occasionally. Do you exercise? Ugh, no. I'm working on building back up my motivation to do Wii Fit again. What’s your favorite carnival food? (cotton candy, corn dogs, funnel cake) I haven't been to enough and gotten food to know many at all. Are you a very open-minded person? I think I am, and I feel that improves further like, daily. Are you modest? Probably sounds immodest to say, but I know I am. What kind of guys/girls do you usually fall for? Above all else, my consistent weakness seems to be the "weirdos." The ones that really stand out in their uniqueness. Do you skate? No. I mean, I'm capable of rollerblading, but it's not something I do every weekend or something. If you were to make it big with your own band what would it’s name be? Hell if I know. HAHA WAIT. My old username in some places, BulletsxButterflies, was based off my Rock Band band "Bullets And Butterflies" and like can you say #myaesthetic so that'd be pretty cool I suppose. ... Although it was inspired by the song "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" and I don't wanna get sued so like- What’s your favorite kind of pasta? Just normal spaghetti with sauce and meatballs. Would you rather a friend come over to your house or you go over there? I GO OVER THERE. I am a SHIT host and there's nothing to do here anyway. What’s the perfect first date? Go to a sit-down restaurant (doesn't need to be expensive at all), just the two of you, and *talk*. Don't touch your phone, just talk and listen with honest interest in your partner. I think this is especially important if you started dating shortly after meeting, as now that you're together, you really need to get to know each other. If you were good friends prior, you should already be pretty familiar with the other, and then I think things are a bit more flexible. Have you ever had rabies? No. Do you know anyone who ever had to get a rabies shot? *shrugs* Ever eaten deer? Duck? Squirrel? How about lamb? No. Have you ever received a note in your locker? I believe I did in middle school from Aaron? What was the last birthday present you bought for someone? A personalized chameleon mug for my darling. Did you get grounded often as a child? No more than usual, I guess? If you have a car, how much does it take to fill up your gas tank? N/A What’s your favorite album from your favorite music artist? Ozzy's "Black Rain." Every song is absolutely amazing, replayed more times than I ever wanna count, and it was my introduction to metal. Was the last person you held hands with a significant other? No, Aubree took my hand as well as she could to take me to her brother's room. Do you remember the brand of your first cell phone? Uhhhh... Blueberry, maybe? What is your Facebook cover picture? A pink pastel background-type thing. Last video game you played? Shadow of the Colossus. I beat it all over again to start my Time Attack grind, but I'm thinking of waiting til I get the PS4 remake one day to do so. When did you last try a new restaurant? Back when I was up at Sara's again. Does “out of sight, out of mind” work for you? Usually no. Do you have any friends whose birthday is this month? MY BABY If you have a favorite actor/actress, which of their movies is your favorite? For Betty White, idk. Depp, Alice in Wonderland. Are you currently expecting anything to arrive in the mail? No. What is your favorite kind of salad? Just bring me a ship full of Olive Garden's salad and I'll be g. Do you own a tablet of any kind? No. How many minutes is the longest song in your music library? I'm not sure, but off the top of my head, probably "Call of Ktulu" by Metallica. What is a brand name you don’t really care for? Any?? Idc. Do you prefer sleeping in complete silence or with background noise? Not complete silence, but quiet, simple background noise. When was the last time you weighed yourself? Today. As I do almost everyday even tho you're not advised to. Oops. Would you convert to a different religion if your fiancé/fiancée was of a different faith? No. The world is ending, and you can save one group of five people: who would be the five people that you save? Just five ah screw you man. Considering both those I hold close to myself but also people I feel would help recover the world for the better, and also assuming you don't include animals: Sara, Mom, Mark Fischbach, my psychiatrist (he's so fucking knowledgeable on medication that the world does not need to lose all that information), and probably Jane Goodall. Well idk, she's up there in age and may not last very long, but. asjfapwuw this is a hard question, I'm trying to consider who I love personally but also who would be capable of properly rebuilding humanity, or at least give us last six (if I'm alive, too?) a happy end to our lives. What is one thing that you are proud of, that you think lacks praise/lacks appreciation from the people around you? It could be a simple thing; it could be a secret thing. Ummmm... idk. What is the funniest one-liner Tumblr text post you’ve ever read? THERE'S SO MANY What is the absolute hardest thing about staying alive? Staying in a mentally sound place. If you're not okay in your own head, that makes living so, so very hard, and too many people get there. What is a book that has been recognized as ‘great literature’ that you dislike? Why? *shrugs* I enjoyed those I recall reading. Except one I don't remember the name of. Do you believe in the supernatural? Absolutely, 110%. What was the last thing you cried about? Probably my current groundhog day cycle. Are you mad at yourself about anything? Always, sure, but in like, the back of my mind. It doesn't dominate my thoughts. What was the last thing you cooked on the stove? Eggs. What pharmacy do you use? Harris Teeter's. Are you proud of yourself or disappointed in yourself? Both. What do you consider the perfect temperature for winter? ~50 is my preferred temperature always. What does your umbrella look like? I think ours is black? What is something you wanted as a kid but never got? One of those little crane machines with stuffed animals in it. I had one for candy, I think... but apparently that wasn't enough for Young Brittany. What is something you were scared of as a kid? Porcelain dolls. Still make me uncomfortable. Do you like your current driver’s license picture? My permit one is HIDEOUS. What is your favorite Elvis song? "Devil In Disguise." Do you think you could be the next American Idol? Hell no. Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction? Fiction, easily. Do you prefer fruity candy canes or peppermint-flavored? I like both, but the former is my fave. Do you eat too much candy? No. If you ever took dance classes, what were your favorite classes? Jazz. Have you ever been bullied because of the things you like? I don't think so? Have you bullied others because they like things you do not? No. Were there any classes you enjoyed because of the teacher? Not "enjoyed," but made them better. Have you ever been a bad friend? I'm sure I have. Has a friend ever replaced you with somebody else? Yup. At least it really feels like it. Have you ever disliked something just because it was popular? Admittedly, I think there were some things when I was newly a teen and developing that "I'm not like others" mentality. Have you ever watched a movie just because it starred an actor you liked? Maybe? What about just because it starred an actor you thought was good-looking? ... I'm deadass tempted to see Aquaman because of this lmfao but I'm not going to. Are there actors/musicians you have met? No. Do you ever judge people based on the music they listen to? Nah. What would you say are your top five bands/artists? Gaaah... I'll try here. Ozzy, Metallica, Otep, Manson, and Korn, maybe? Has anyone ever told you that you were really pretty? Yeah. Do you listen to a wide variety of music? No. Most are some kind of metal and rock, but I do have some really random artists/bands I like, such as Melanie Martinez or Marina and the Diamonds. Did you ever go through a phase when you didn’t want to take medicine? No. Was the last book you read good? Yeah. Do you make grocery lists? I don't do the shopping, so no. Do you have stomach problems? It can be finicky every now and again, especially with "fancy" food. Do you enjoy editing photos? Yes! Peace signs or hearts? Hmmm, idk. I guess it depends on the style. What kind of pie is your favorite? None. Do you have a strong relationship with your parents? I feel very, very few parent-child relationships exist stronger than my mom's and mine. Dad and I are good, too. Do you know your best friend’s middle name? Yeah. Have you ever kissed someone that was high? No. Is your Facebook profile private? Yeah. How many true friends do you have? Like four? Who has your Facebook password? Me and Mom. Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? Pretty much never. Do you believe in aliens? I'm neutral. Do you like pineapple? Yessss. Is there anyone you dislike, that you have to see/speak to regularly? No. Are you living with anyone that isn’t related to you? No, if you don't include pets. How many people would you say you’ve been “in love” with? Two. Which one of your relatives are you most likely to argue/disagree with? MY GRANDMA. How much do you monthly pay for mortgage or rent? If you don’t, how much is your cell-phone bill? N/A What is your favorite grocery store to shop at, and how often do you shop for groceries? Sam's Club got them deals. But I don't do the grocery shopping. How many hours do you work a week? If you don’t work, do you plan on finding a job? If so, when? I'm getting help from vocational rehab now to find a job perfectly appropriate for me. Where did you have your first kiss? What about your last kiss? His bed; airport. When is the next time you will be going out of town? 18th for my therapy appointment. Hour away. What is the last thing you spoke to your father about? Phone bill. Where did you spend Christmas or any other winter holiday? My sister's house. Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? Myself. Do you like shopping alone? I wouldn't know. Do you have any scratches on your cell phone? A small one. When was the last time you blushed? Idk. Who is one person you met and automatically didn’t like? Most of my sister's exes. Almost all, really. Do you have any video game systems in your room? Which one(s)? Well, the DS is in here. Have you ever done another person’s make-up? Jason's as just a joke. What is one thing you don’t like sharing? My drawings or writings if you're in my "real" life. Online is like... mostly np, but otherwise, don't fucking look. If I share a drink with you too, that means a loooot. Where on your body would you NEVER get a piercing? You know... ~the spot~ Which Adam Sandler movie do you like the most? Idk. Did your parents ever read stories to you before bed? Yes. Would you be considered more of a teacher’s pet or a class clown? I was inadvertently the teacher’s pet like... always. Do you have any family members who are mean to you for no reason? No. Do you have to do any yard work? No. Do you have a nativity scene in your home? Mom will put it up eventually. If you’re a girl, what color is your favorite bra? Navy. Would you rather make a snow angel or snowman? Snowman. What is the best antique shop in your town? *shrugs* Does creating make you happy? YES YES YES YES!!!! Do you have abusive family members? No. What US city would you most like to visit? Idk. What country in the world would you most like to visit? Japan, probably. Or Scotland. Do you have your wedding all planned out in your head? No. Do you sell things online a lot? No. Is there anyone you secretly miss? No. What color are your Christmas lights? On our tree that isn't up yet? Rainbow. Owls or penguins? Owls.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 4: "My meat shield cannot go to the butchers shop just yet." - Tom
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Okay HI I’m home from Georgia and I thought oh maybe I can relax SIKE. Now I have to meet 4 NEW PEOPLE. Ugh. I really hope we got whoever voted in the minority over on the other tribe, that sure would make it easier. I’m happy I’m here with Jules and JJ, they are 2 of my closest allies. I trust tom as well, he just doesn’t talk very much. This sounds bad but I really hope Alex gets taken out, he’s SUCH a good player. Anyways Johnny is playing champions and I hope you guys have a great night!
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Okay so first: I felt so bad voting out willow she was such a sweetheart. I even asked her if there was anything she wanted to do last minute but she didn't have a plan so we really had to let her go. I wanted to be her ally but all in all the connections I made outside of her paid off in a much more tangible way.
SECOND: THE SWAP. I aint about it. I think the newbies are gonna be fine or whatever.... but I was in SUCH a good spot in my tribe. Like lowkey I had an alliance (that lets be real was probably doomed to fail anyways lmao but thats fine) and then also I won that individual immunity. I think people really wanted to work with me no matter who they were!!! AND I WAS GONNA MILK THAT. But nowwww I have to make new relationships and win people over. PLUS the tribemates I am still with I didn't talk strategy with as much like Mo and Jones. They like me sure sure but we never talked about who was voting who, even though Alex and I helped each other.
Lastly: I don't have strong impressions of the newbies. Mitch was the first to say hi so thats sweet of him. Benj hasn't said too much to me. Noah seems fun (?) but also god knows he doesn't seem all that loyal oof
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Well, the Willow vote went according to plan. I knew she was voting me, she's such a sweet girl but everything was impossible to plan for when she wasn't around to talk about the comps. She kinda got defaulted into everything she did for the competitions. So, she had to go.
As far as the tribe swap goes, I'm really mad that I have to start all over on the new tribe with the idol search, so it kinda spooks me that I'm in a brand new tribe, with new idol information, and I probably don't have much of a chance.
Ali is someone that I was excited to be with, his meet the cast video was super endearingly messy and I just think he's so cute and wholesome. I love it. I've talked to him the most so far, and out of everyone from OG Budva, I think he's my guy. I enjoy him the most. Julie seems cool, I haven't talked to her much with the exception of calling her fucking GORGEOUS. (Sidenote, literally why am I so fucking shallow that the pretty people get the best edits in my confessionals?!?) Anyways, Julie seems super fun, she gave Jules a Tarot reading on call that was super cute. Jason & Ian haven't talked much, but they seem cool as well. Ian is into gaming, and it sounds like we play similar games, so I think we can bond based off of that really well.
Tom scares me, he's really cute and really fun to talk to, and I know he's with me 100%, but he doesn't want to work with people from our tribe. I might be forced to do things to appease him, or kick him out earlier than I'd like to. I remember us briefly talking about my plan I "jokingly" suggested throwing the comps if OG Durmitor was in the majority, and he was saying he didn't want to because he'd be stupid to work with OG Durmitor in the long run. So I think I need to start building game relationships with OG Budva fast so it gives me options on what I'd like to do.
I spoke briefly with Julia (Wow I got her name wrong every fucking time during my last confessional I'm so sorry sweets.), when I asked her about who she thinks the other person who voted for Mitch might be, she mentioned Ali's name. Who is somebody I'd really like to work with anyways, and I find him really cute. I'm going to have a call with Jules, and see where her head is at, and spill some of this tea as Brigade members. Let's see how things go.
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Okay SO much has happened and I'm writing this on my phone, on the bus so get ready for messy grammar eek!
My game got a real ego check last round. Like I really thought I was doing #that and had a chance of winning immunity, when I really was out second. Like... idk what good game I thought I was playing but it was defo non-existent. Jared went home which was ugly but necessary and I swapped away from Michael/Mitch/Noah which I wanted since they were the bottom 3 of my list HSJDKDK. I feel bad for Benj tho, stuck with them eek! I really hope me and him reunite ahh!
Okay so my tribe. I have so many thoughts, like so many. I'll break it down person by person.
Ian: I like 100% dont trust him. I've been confessing for ages about how much I think he is the biggest threat and the immunity challenge totally confirmed that. He has not gotten as far in games as he has for no reason, I've been onto his game for a while and I'm totally over his shenanigans.
Jason: this ties into julia and ian too, but I'm sure the three of them were and are in an alliance. Like 100% sure. Which is worrying for this swap tribe because i think I could easily be the most expendable for the Budva people so yikes. I am scared of him too, like him and Ian are so scary it's really worrying
Julia: I dont know what to think of her. Like I really trust her and really wanna work with her, but I feel she has allies (i.e. Ian and Jason that she values much higher than me). I really want to work with her, like so bad. I want Ian and Jason out so I can make that happen. I LOVE her tho.
okay now we come onto the dormitor (spelling?) people where I think I have real, real options.
Jules: A LEGEND ON EARTH. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND AM SO HAPPY WE ARE TOGETHER. I AM SO EXCITED TO WORK WITH JULES. I think between me and jules we could get a really cute cross tribe thing going, the future is BRIGHT.
Evan: he seems SO sweet, like I've probs spoken to him the least, but he seems SO nice and wholesome. Jules holds a super high opinion of him and what jules says, goes.
Thomas: I was SO worried about swapping with him... but I think it could work? Like I really really want him to vote me out and get revenge for legacy, like that would be SO karmic and good. But he seems to want to work with me and I'm down! He is a king so I'd love to stick with him
JJ: he is... wild. He was super nice to me so I dont wanna be that guy that is negative, but he is a LOT hsjssksk. He reminds me a lot of Jared, like a lot of crackhead energy and I could easily see him try and play everyone. It sounds like from Jules he could be the one that dormitor would vote out so that's a good sign.
Anyway my plan? to vote off Ian and then JJ. like if I had to rank the tribe, I'd say:
Jules > Julia > Thomas > Evan > Jason > Ian > JJ
like I actually get a much better vibe from most of the dormitor people, and like... I think I'm down the flip, since I dont trust Ian at ALL. there are two ways I could see it working, either I convince Jules/Evan/Thomas to flip on JJ if we lose sending him out, and then work with them to vote Ian the following round. Or... and this plan is cracked. I think Ian and Jason could be willing to sacrifice me tbh (and Julia too unfortunately), so... I could get Jules to get them all to vote me too, so its 7-1 and then I idol out either JJ or Ian, probs Ian so that I could hopefully get the rest to flip on JJ the following round? idk yet shsjdk
but in general? Last round and the swap gave my game the kick it needed. I was playing really passively and had let myself be an outsider who delusionally thought they were central to the game. I have a fire now. I dont trust anyone from OG Budva really except for Julia and Benj, and it's time for me to put in work and gain control of the game.
The dream is a cross tribe alliance of me, jules, thomas, julia and evan but idk how feasible that is tbh. I just dont ever want to feel as passive and not in control as I did last round. That's never, ever happening again.
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- Can I just say I don't get a good vibe from ANYONE that swapped to Budva from Dirtmitor (I know I'm spelling it wrong) - There's no way we're winning this challenge since we don't even have a song yet and our editor... doesn't know how to edit - SO, my plan is to have one of two things happen: 1. Convince someone on Dirtmitor to flip so the vote's 5-3 2. Create paranoia about an idol and convince Dirtmitor to split the vote so it's 4-2-2 - If can can get either of those things to happen, we throw every single challenge and wipe out the remaining Dirt people and head into a 12 person merge with an 8-4 advantage - Also... this stops any Budva at the Dirt tribe from trying any funny business (flipping)
I'm still desperate for an idol btw. For some reason I think Jared had it and now it's rehidden back at the end of the bridge.
I need to start picking my game up. Up until this point it's been solely about maintaining the relationships I've had from day one. This swap worked out kind of perfectly for me in terms of who I swapped with. All 3 of the Golden Girls stuck together and Ali and I have been fostering a good relationship game-wise that I want to keep going. I can see myself being a target for the Dirt people but I don't see any of the OG Budva flipping yet, let alone on me. So now I feel like I need to focus more on setting up my game for the merge and ideally? I go in with as many near-guaranteed numbers as possible. And the best way to set up for that is taking out numbers I know I don't have now.
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okay JJ is annoying me now. he is like... threatening me? he is telling me someone is saying stuff that makes me look super shady, but not knowing details. he is telling me it could get gross for me but he is looking out for me.
like... i'm not gonna be super negative, because like... maybe its true and someone is spreading dirt about me. but alternatively, this is.... a really blunt and see through attempt to cause divisions and i'm not gonna tolerate it. like i'll reserve judgement till i hear him out, but like...
i said this in my host chat, but like I really really do not appreciate someone threatening me and lauding the power they have over me the way he is, like he thinks he is being super super subtle, but this is just a blatant attempt to cause distrust and a mess.
i'm in my feelings and i don't know what to do. I don't trust JJ or Ian, and wanna reclaim power by sending them both out of here.
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(This is about to be like 4 confessionals in a row, just separating them into paragraphs)
Okay so first off wtf is with that challenge results we just posted. Like okay sure i  kinda knew i was near the bottom of the tribe but definitely not fucking second last.... anyways i also have no clue how fucking caeleb like caeleb really?! he came second?! and EVAN WON.....like evan is kinda pissing me off on how good of a social game he is playing because of his "I'm only 15, im cute innocent and i want to be your little brother" like bitch no you can step back for a second if you are going to play it like that. I wont be letting him slip through my fingers that easy!
Anyways now onto the tribe swap im kinda happy with the people i ended up with i feel like if i ended up with alex, mo, caeleb i would've most likely cried. Anyways i am really glad im on a tribe with ali right now because we have played pretty much a full season together before and we worked very well until he got sneaky sneaky and voted me out to win the game but thats okay ill keep a close eye on him. Jules and Evan arent people that im too excited to be on a tribe with however this could be my time to take evan out now whilst i have the chance.....
Okay so like JJ is being a fucking idiot right now, like please put some tape on your mouth, shove a goana in your mouth i dont care. This man thinks he is fucking houdini or something, please sit back down and stop trying to manipulate Ali and Julia to flip on Jason and Ian..... like sure we can try to subtly make them flip but this man says he has a whole shit tonne of tea that he is going to manipulate and "put an ice inbetween that 4" like girl no you wont you will just make yourself threat number 1. My meat shield cannot go to the butchers shop just get, i would like to be the butcher to cut him further into the game.
Also like honestly Jules, JJ and Evan are ridiculously stupid if they think I, ME, TOM, THOMAS ALBERTS is going to rocks for ANYONE in this game. I am happy go lucky about this original durmitor chat but i will not be risking my game for any of them....
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Ok so Jared went home 7-2 which is kinda sad because I do think he trusted me and all but he really dug himself a grave that i couldn’t help him get out.
Things that were interesting for that tribal. Mitch thinks me, him and Noah are on the bottom because I acted that I only heard Noah was the vote. Second there was another vote for Mitch and I thought it was Noah, and when I talked to him, he assumed I was the other vote and he switched his vote the last minute. I didn’t have time to tell him that I voted Jared too because we fuxking swapped.
I AM LAUGHING AT THIS SWAP. Who do I got remaining on the new Budva tribe? Jason? Julia? Ali? UGH FAVES!! I am close with Ali and I’m aligned with Julia and Jason. Jason worked hard on Ali to flip on the Jared vote and Ali like shares me info that I already know ahsjdjd so I’m just going to continue playing dumb and sidekick because literally it’s what got me far in this game. BUT OF COURSE I AM CHANGIING THINGS UP BECAUSE LIKE I’VE LOST 2 TIMES WITH THAT STRATEGY SO SOME CHANGES ARE NEEDED.
Anywho we get newcomers JJ, Jules, Evan and Tom. We all went on call as a new tribe except Evan because he sleepin and discussed sun signs and astrology.
Jules - barely talked too but she seems sweet?? Evan - umm he’s kinda weird asking about facts about myself lol JJ - he seems funny to talk to ON CALL. Through messaging, idk he seems shady? Tom - I’ve just started talking to him but I am a slave to Aussie accents so hopefully I can get in with him.
Right now I’m feeling there’s a huge chance we will lose immunity because hello Alex on the other tribe and Jules, who is the only one who have at least a background on editing is unable to do it atm. So yeah, my plan rn is try and become close with Tom because he and I on roughly the same timezone. Worst case scenario is we do go to tribal and we end up 4-4 and boom rocks. Not very ideal rn.
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Ok I’m a bit pissed that they did not stick with Fergie songs?? I was ready to bust out a suit for the glamorous.
I won’t be shocked if we end up loosing this challenge because umm hello Alex is in the other tribe. We’re just gonna be unique with our presentation and hopefully Tom and Julia can make it pretty enough to win.
Honestly this new tribe is SO deadzzz. These new people are probably weary of us 4 og budva or they’re just so quiet?? Julia has JJ telling her he doesn’t want it to be Budva vs Durmitor but idk y’all being so deadzzz that it may go that way.
Jason wants to like throw the upcoming challenges if we survive this deadlock and like I’m not all for it. It’s risky but the merit is it weakens og Durmitor but there’s still the risk of an idol. I mean I can’t say that idea never occurred to me but these new people (mainly JJ and Evan) are just a bit difficult to talk to lol
I have not even have a long convo with Jules so I can’t say much about her.
I have become a bit close with Tom. And I wanna work with him, but I checked that list challenge and judging that it looks like he is close with JJ? And like I might wanna target jj because he really shady with Julia. I just wanna say to Tom I wanna work with you but like ugh it’s quite difficult really. I JUST WANT AN AUSSIE ALLY OKAY.
I feel like we lost immunity so rn og budva baes needs to come up with a plan to get one of these Durmitor out. Preferably Evan hehehe
Apparently JJ likes Julia for them to go on call and tell stuff to one another. Right now, JJ says there was this big majority alliance on og Budva that had me and Jason as the head of it. Wow I can’t believe I’m in an alliance that I had no idea about. Well I am aligned with Jason but literally there was no big ass allianceon og budva, it was just mob rule or whatever. Apparently Evan told JJ about this info so like where the fuck did Evan get that crackpot idea lol
I came up with an elaborate plan in which Julia goes along with this majority alliance on og budva that supposedly had me, mitch, Jason, Michael, benj and Ali. However, Ali was not really into the alliance at all so Julia and Ali act all wish washy and willing to flip to get Durmitor to split there votes because Julia told jj that the budva idol was already found.
So rn I’m acting all shady towards Tom telling him I’m all alone, with the hopes of him already knowing about this supposed big alliance on og budva for him to think I’m shady as fuck. Jason is also acting shady as fuck to JJ so they think one of us do in fact have the idol and they do split their votes. In doing so, we budva baes collectively vote either Jules or Evan out.
That’s assuming the plot fucking works. I literally don’t know if it works, or we fucking tie or go to rocks or someone on my team fucking flips. I don’t know what’s gonna happen and honestly I’m just waiting for this round to be over. If Durmitor calls our bluff and ties our 4 votes then may the odds be ever in Budva’s favor. If they actually split the votes woot woot and if someone flips on og budva then big fuck you.
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Okay so like how did i get onto a tribe with an astrology freak in jules, and an actual crazy person in JJ... like idk what i did in my past tumblr survivor life to deserve this. Julia has put a hex on me in this game to be trapped with them...
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Ok so I just got off call with Evan ahsjdiff
Like first off I fucking messed up with lying lol Evan asks me who do I think was the other vote for Mitch. I told him it was me and he said he thought it was Ali. LOL MESSED UP. So I immediately backtracked and said I misheard him and tell him it was Ali. Lol idk if it was believable but whew I’m a flop.
Here’s the hot tea tho. Evan tells me that he wants me, tom and Jason to come together because he thinks jj, jules, Julia and Ali are forming a foursome. He tells me that Julia told JJ that the Budva idol has been found which I knew. And that JJ is targeting myself and Jason.
Right now, the picture the Budva Baes is trying to paint is working?? Durmitor thinks Julia and Ali are on the outs of what was a majority alliance on Budva. Now here’s the bit tricky part, Evan wants us four to vote for either Julia or Ali because that supposed foursome is splitting the vote on me and Jason That’s a red flag because it would be losing a Budva Bae. Now Evan also added if Julia and Ali are just bulshitting JJ then JJ would be voted out.
I don’t know what to make of this convo. This could be Evan luring me into a trap or what but right now this is interesting.
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(again with 7 confessionals in a row and Tom not condensing his thoughts....)
Okay so this music video challenge is generally really exciting however my tribe chose TIK TOK?! has the song, like okay thats just fucking stupid y'all really want a chance to win this damn challenge or not....YOU CANT DANCE TO THIS SONG IDIOTS. This is going to be filled with seizure dancing and sober dancing in a club aka awkward
This is honestly such an effort, i hate being a marathon running player like why cant this be 3.9 days worth of survivor and i can sprint my way to the winners club....jokes im already in there
Okay so I just called JJ because like whatever i need a social game and he is a mess so he will be my meat shield but like his mum starts coming on call and interrupting saying like how she loves my accent, how she wants to hug a koala and like talking about australian slang like please woman step aside! I am talking to your lunatic son i cant deal with two of you. THEN HIS BROTHER OR DAD IDK WHICH ONE DECIDES TO COME ON CALL AND TALK ABOUT DORITOS LIKE PLEASE STOP. It was a 58 minute torture call So Ian just sent in his music video clip and i... just cant... poor ian like he looks like his hands were having a seizure through the whole video and a broom up his ass because he was so stiff please stop.....but i guess good on him for giving it his best shot.
Ugh this is honestly just depressing what are these music videos, not even if we had alex on this tribe we would fucking win...I told them that it wasnt a good song to pick, so far we've seen Ian and now we see Ali who is fliming a music called Tik Tok featuring Ali's Giraffe Neck.... sweetie we dont want to see your fucking roof, youre supposed to be dancing!
I surely cannot be a straight male on this tribe and be the most extra person for this music video challenge
Ian is so controversial he told me we have a straight person connection and straights are a hate crime in this community. love him but OOOOOOOOOF
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So im on a new tribe, its kinda a disaster idk what I said here last time but to recap
Ali found the idol, which is cool I trust him the most so I hope its like sharing I wont tell a soul but still a lil bummed since I got sooo many more steps than him haha. being swapped away from him is terrible :((( miss him and I hope hes doing well over there... king
For the last vote it was so awk cuz we didn't want jared to expose our alliance so we had one of us vote mitch (me) thinking noah would also vote him, and then it was 7-2 lmao and I come out of an exam on a new tribe so cant ask ali what happened, I have no clue if mitch knows it was me im just acting clueless. and I feel terrible cuz hes one of my og favs from that tribe
so im swapped with the person I voted, the person we were gonna pin that vote on noah LMAO, and Michael who I barely talk to wish I got ali and ian kings ughh I feel so lonely lol
and on top of that the only person I knew prior to the game willow got out, im devastated ugh we never have gotten to play together properly before so that sucks
BUT.... I have one saving grace.... guacamole jones. I had a small connection w her cuz I hosted her on a fb org but she was the 1st boot lmao so we barely got to talk and im so happy shes on this tribe I love her omg. I also really like caeleb and alex both are cool so far
so honestly? I kinda wanna work w the other tribe more than my original ones LOL. none of them even talk game w me until 1 hour before deadline so ya ill flip idc. but idek if that's possible cuz I think jones and mitch are friends from kochang, and she hosted noah in Algonquin, so maybe that just leaves Michael? I also needa talk to mo more cuz ik they were friends in celestial. yes ive done my stalking of the cast LMAO or atleast tried.
SO YA. Im just gonna approach jones and say I wanna work w her and.. hope it works cuz probably the other old budvas will vote me or smth
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Okay so for this vote its pretty 4-4 honestly like old Durmitor vs Budva, and JJ thinks this game is easy enough that he is going to split budva against each other and pit ali/julia vs jason/ian.... saying how he has this master plan and i literally responded with such a sarcastic comment that he took seriously "Why r u so smart".
He proceeds to tell me his whole history online, "I've been doing this for 8 years, 2 years on ROBLOX (FUCKING ROBLOX), 6 years on TENGAGED (FUCKING TENGAGED) and first year as an orger.
Someone please tell him that, roblox is like preschool, tengaged is like year 3 and tumblr survivor is UNIVERSITY....
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So I'm sitting here, Ke$ha's face on my titties. Doing this music video challenge, a bitch like me really worked up a sweat. And I only sweat, on one side of my head.
As far as the game is going, this twist is really activating my inner demon, and I'm causing so much buffoonery. Everyone is talking about rocks, so I'm trying my best to make sure that doesn't happen. I know for a fact that I'm outplaying everyone this round. First, I prevented a gross game of telephone from occurring between Ali & Julia, Julia claimed that Ali might have voted for Mitch, but she very obviously didn't care whether he did or not. I felt like that could have easily been twisted by a diff OG Budva, or a OG Durmitor, into something where Ali would go after Julia, so preventing that has built a semi stable gaming relationship with the two of them. The goal here is to flip them over to our side. Julia has also told me that the Budva idol had already been claimed when she reached the end of the bridge. While Ali spilled to me that there's a large Budva alliance that he wasn't invited into. Using this as leverage, I'm going to attempt to have my old tribe, plus Julia and Ali split our votes 3-3 on Jason and Ian. Jason has also hmu, talking about the vote. We came to the conclusion together that the vote would come down to rocks, in which case. We'd like to be safe, so we agreed to tell our alliances to vote for each other, OG Budva votes JJ, OG Durmitor votes Jason. Which becomes a test, because if Jason tells Ali or Julia to vote for me, I would hope they'd come talk to me about it, if they don't? 4 votes go on Jason. If both of them tell me about it, we proceed with the 3-3-2 split idea, if only one tells me about it, we vote 5-3 on IAN so Jason doesn't have an idol played on him, and if neither of them tell me, we split 4 on me 4 on Jason. To keep me safe. Big risk, big reward baby.
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So there is a chat consisting of Jules JJ Evan and Myself "OG Durmitor" and JJ the puppet master decided to organise a team meeting which i couldnt attend too but ok, anyways they went on call and i asked JJ what the plan was he told me;
1.) Bring Ali & Julia together 2.) Bring them to me. 3.) Split the votes 3-3 on Ian & Jason
Like cool but why are we bringing them to you? like sorry im not playing your game here but the real thing is
Evan messaged me being like can you call... we need to discuss what happened on that call because he is sketched out. He said that there was more to it than JJ said in the chat, and thats why he wants to talk to me. He says he has a bad feeling and he will explain it over call.....so i get home eventually and it turns out he is asleep and that he will call me in 7 hours
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Oh hi I’m anxious as all fuck. Since it’s 4 vs 4. We may not even be going to tribal. All it takes is one person to flip and I’m planning on staying loyal to my og tribe.
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okay so i have a lot to confess about, i'm in my feelings all over the shop and wanna vote everyone out except for Jules, Julia & Thomas.
i'm like really embarassed about this round. like this is so dumb, but i looked so stupid in our video, like i look like an actual robot and i hate myself NNNN. I'm like insecure at the best of times so i'm like... ahhhHhhHHh about the video, i literally can't even watch it, i hate myselfffffff. i look like a gremlin because i tried to like... rough and post party stuff but i just look ugly and disgusting nnn. i'mma stop this here because its gonna be a lot of self negativity but this challenge does not play well with my insecurities NNNNNNNN
in other news. my tribe are all trying to do 4 vs 4 and its driving me crazy. Thomas seems to be the only one on this planet. I really want to get a cross-tribe alliance going of some sort, but Julia is reluctant (because a) its risky, b) she is evidently closer to ian and jason than I am.  Im also facing an unexpected difficulty, which is Jules. I wanna work with them SO BAD, but like... the tribe dynamics are like... weirdly getting in the way? Like Thomas/Evan and Jules/JJ are becoming the two pairs which is SO wild to me, and I want JJ out of here, while Jules is seemingly quite expendable to Thomas?
My dream alliance would be Thomas, Jules, Julia & I, but I don't know if I can make that work, Thomas and Evan are too close grrrr. In other news, I'm like... really trying with JJ, because he means well, but... I'm finna snap KASJDFLASFLJKSA.
like... i have never met anyone who plays the game like he does. and like... i know i'm a crap player, probs the worst on our tribe but the level to which he underestimates is like...oof. Like he thinks he has done this mastermind manipulation to get me onside, when it was the most transparent thing I've like... literally ever seen. I'd like... lowkey love to write his name asap.
for tonight's vote... there are a couple of potential plans:
- Split Votes: Either 3-3 or 4-2, but splitting the votes between Jason/Ian, with maybe Jules, JJ or Evan getting their votes. The plus to this is it potentially removes Ian who I want out of here so badly because he is playing too well. The minus is it makes me and Julia super reliant on Thomas/Evan, or even JJ/Jules, whoever tries to pick us up. I think if I could convince Julia... I'd probs be down, worst comes to it, I just play my idol the following round
- Fake Vote Split: We tell them me and Julia will split votes with them, but then vote with Jason and Ian making our 4 versus their divided votes. Problems with this is it alienates Thomas/JJ/Evan/Jules (whichever three stay), but it puts us in the majority and in a comfortable spot. I don't know if I'm down for this plan really?
- 4-4 vote, either Thomas or Julia & I flip on the revote. This... could be an idea. I feel like its the kind of vanilla option, and I don't care who I flip on.
My ideal bootlist for the tribe would be: JJ > Ian > Jason > Evan if we do have to go to four tribals. I really like Thomas for having his head screwed on, Julia for being iconic and Jules for being a legend.
Summary: I'm tired, this challenge made me feel ugly, gross and like a freak, if JJ threatens my game again I will snap, people need to risk more, this vote is going to be a mess.
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I don't like how ~quiet~ it can be before tribal. I'm already a scaredy cat person don't push my ANXIETY buttons.
First, here's how I am hoping tonight might go down (if we go to tribal ofc). I am hoping that the Durmitor OGs all vote Noah; I think Michael is voting Noah if Alex is being trustworthy; I kinda spilled it to Mitch because I thought Jones was talking to him so he might vote Noah. That leaves pretty much everyone voting Noah except Benj, and he's in my pocket so I don't think theres any conspiracy from him trying to do something crazy. He told me that I might be his saving grace and he said he wants to vote either micheal or Noah and I said that sounds good. I don't want to make it tooooo obvious that he's in my corner so I didn't tell him that Noah is the vote. That leaves: 6-7 votes Noah, 0-1 votes Micheal, and then whoever Noah wants out which might honestly be me because I haven't talked to him much.
Second, here's what I am afraid of. Everything that I just mentioned above is what Noah wants to do but to me, using my own tribe. If he can get Michael and Mitch to vote me and then also Mo and Jones to vote me (which could happen because sadly they got to see that they were at the bottom of that immunity list) then thats already 5. Alex might be told just so he's in the loop and Benj, who I think I can trust, might not even be included because he's already said he's on the outs and therefore I never catch wind. OR AM I BEING PARANOID?
HEHEHEHEHEOGHSOND all in all both make sense to me so my best hope is for immunity.
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okay im on call with Jules, JJ and Julia. TOO MANY J NAMES, the crackheadery of Js is still around...
I... want to vote JJ out, but I want Jules on side. I just wanna vote out Ian and JJ, and I truly do not care about the order. Maybe if we vote Ian with them tonight, and then... ugh.
I just want to vote out Ian, JJ and Evan. All three can go. I want an alliance of Thomas, Jules, Julia and I. THAT'S ALL I WANT BUT JULES TRUSTS EVAN AND JULIA DOESN'T TRUST THOMAS.
ugh... we NEED to win challenges, like 100% I wanna avoid tribal as much as humanly possible. I just wanna merge with Tom, Julia and Jules. other four can go byebye.
i need to like... de-fibrillate thomas, he needs to like connect! to! Julia!
he is such a king but i'm worried he is gonna end up being the vote in upcoming rounds, like MESSSSSSS. in other news, me and julia are gonna call about the vote and figure it out because we are in a really tough spot AHH.
i just... wanna... vote JJ... out HNNNGH. like its enuf. can the universe just intervene and let me leave this swap tribe with jules, tom and julia on side? that's ALL I WANNTTTTTT
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Omg so my tribe finally made an alliance chat
a little too late I already made deals with jones and caeleb so
I mean they are all nice but I don't talk to them much except mitch and hes not the vote so
time to flip? I think so JKDJF
I loves jones and caeleb already after 2 days so idk it feels right but maybe dumb but idc ive never been much of a betrayer in orgs before so this is a fun change hehehe
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4iBErzviNU <-Video Would not Embed
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Apparently Noah threw my name out which is making me anxious of course. I’m not ready to be voted out yet, I still have stuff to prove to myself. So all I can do is hope that either we won the challenge or people keep their word.
VL: I like how one person throws out my name and I’m already packing my bags and screaming. If this is my last day I had a lot of fun and I wish I got to play more.
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This may or may not be my last confessionals because I’m in danger lol
So I went on call with Tom, he told me that Evan is wavering on the idea he told me and I’m not shock tbh. He also told me that I’m going to be the one getting the og Durmitor votes. FUN. He did told me that he was going to flip on the revote. However he was still on the assumption that we were voting for Jules, so after discussing it with budva baes, I told him we were voting for JJ. He was shocked but he still said he was still going through with the flip. I’m really putting my trust on Tom here and I’m scared tbh. From what I heard while he played Socotra and MB he was sneaky but I really hope he fucking flips. I HOPE NO ONE FUCKING FLIPS ON ME. Except they’re maybe coaxing me to believing I’m getting votes to misplay my supposed idol which i don’t have and they throw their votes at Jason.
Ugh lol I did not imagine getting votes this early but it is what is and It has been a crazy ride tbh. Tom you better flip or I’m going to scream. No one better flip on og budva or I’m going to cry :((
Here’s some extra tea, Ali told us that Jules is really sketched out of JJ so there’s also that potential flipper??? Honestly I just want this round to be over! Ugh please let this vote work in our favor
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VL I like how one person throws out my name and I’m already packing my bags and screaming. If this is my last day I had a lot of fun and I wish I got to play more.
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okay lay dees... i think i did something!
JJ is (99%) outta here!! Jules owns this ENTIRE ass, like... Jules. is. a. LEGEND.
What's tough is like... I really don't know if this is even in Jules' interest? Like I love her, and am going to FIGHT to protect her, but JJ LOVES her and is on her side? Like I don't know if this is smart for her.
I feel like... I finally did stuff, I helped convince Jules to flip (and Tom if we had to revote) and got our vote off Jules despite Julia wanting to not vote JJ. Like... me and Julia were in a swing spot, and we carved our own option.
I really. really. really. want an alliance of me, Julia, Tom & Jules. That would make all my dreams come true. I want that + Benj to be the final five to be honest. I haven't confessed about Benj in ages but I MISS HIM, I hope is surviving with all the crackheads from the Budva tribe.
I have a cracked hope. I kind of hope JJ pulls out an idol, and idols out Ian? Like then he is the obvious vote the next time, and me/Jules/Tom/Julia can keep it pushing.
im just... omg that this is happening. JJ, if you are reading this post season, my confessionals about you haven't been like... the nicest and I am genuinely super sorry. Its undeniable you have good intentions and mean well, but as people... idk if we vibe as much as you think we do, and like you somewhat overplayed your hand, which is why you are going home.
i mean its possible that you are just playing us all, and I'm outta here, which good for you woo! i'm not a threat at all woo, but congrats on the blindside. also idk if i ever confessed about this, but i asked Tom if he is related to Caeleb and they aren't (even tho they still look related).
also i'm telling tom jules is flipping on 5 mins, i don't want him left out since he is an AUSTRALIAN KING AND I WANNA STICK WITH HIM EVEN THO I'M HNNGH.
next round... i might have to persuade julia to flip on ian and jason... EEEK! stay tuned...
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Budva tried to pull some cracked ass shit while I was getting my bread
More to come
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_nIjIQaTFE <- Video did not Embed
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blossomsfashion · 7 years
“Should We Know Us A Little Better” Tag 🌟 Gurl lets gooo @chaestely
Ppl hardly tag me on those too xD ❌ The Rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.. THE LAST: 1. Drink: water …yum lol 2. Phone Call: Hubby <333 3. Text Message: 💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️💙💙😍😍😍😍😍😍 4. Song You Listened To: Sweet Sixteen - Billy Idol 5. Time You Cried: um during a discussion 6. Dated Someone Twice: uh…no? XD 7. Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Hubby was my first kiss, so that never happened! 8. Been Cheated On: ha probs from 2007 to 2011 🙄 9. Lost Someone Special: I lost connection with an irl friend, that really sucks 10. Been Depressed: i had sad moments, but never considered myself depressed 11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: never got drunk! Champagne and wine gets me “happy” tho haha
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: pink, black and red IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made New Friends: No 16. Fallen Out Of Love: no 17. Laughed Until You Cry: Yes 18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: No 19. Met Someone Who Changed You: No 20. Found Out Who Your Friends Are: Yes, its surprising… 21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List: No
GENERAL: 22. How Many Of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know In Real Life: Idk half? XD or like 100 of them i suppose 23. Do You Have Any Pets: Well, they are in Australia tho xD 24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: No! But im certainly changing my last name ☺️ 25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: My bday is on Xmas eve, so i dont have much options but partying at home lols 26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 3 pm 27. What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night: Having dinner haha 28. Name Something You Can’t Wait For: My hubbys arrival next week!! 29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mom: 40 min, shes working now 30. What Is One Thing You Wish You Could Change In Your Life: my health habits (working out more) 31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: Centerfold - J. Geils band 32. Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom: Not that I can remember 33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: I got 99 problems but a bitch aint one 34. Most Viewed Website: tumblr and insta i guess 35. Mole/s: lots of them, its a family thing lol 36. Mark/s: I have a scar on the tip of my middle finger haha 37. Childhood Dream: either being a dentist or getting married ha 38. Hair Color: dark brown 39. Long Or Short Hair: long hair 40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Hubby 💕 41. What Do You Like About Yourself: My height, and that im good at saving up! 42. Piercings: no 43. Blood Type: O - 44. Nickname: Nany, Leily, babygirl 45. Relationship Status: Engaged 46. Zodiac: Western - Capricorn, Eastern - Snake 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: FRIENDS and Masterchef. 49. Tattoos: 0 50. Right or Left Hand: right 51. Surgery: Nope 52. Piercing: no 53. Sport: I like dance, swimming, bowling, and walking by the beach shore 55. Vacation: 24/7 tbh 56. Pair of Trainers: Olympicus or something xD
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: im usually having like 3 or 4 meals during the day, dinner is the most complete one, veggies, good carbs and protein! 58. Drinking: water, juices, tea 59. I’m About To: have a snack or draw 60. Waiting for: my wedding <333 61. Want: a decent job, especially if it allows me to illustrate, which is what i love doing 62. Get Married: YES, this month 💖 63. Career: going for Fashion Designer/Illustrator
WHICH IS BETTER: 65. Hugs or Kisses: hugs…followed by kisses? XD 66. Lips or Eyes: ooof that’s a hard one, why not both? (Both is good) 67. Shorter or Taller: taller 68. Older or Younger: idk, all ages can teach you something good, or something you should NEVER do 69. Nice Arms or Stomach: Idk man whatever is good lol 70. Sensitive or Loud: both? 71. Hook Up or Relationship: relationship 72. Troublemaker or Hesitant: aah i dunno xD
HAVE YOU EVER: 73. Kissed a Stranger: no 74. Drank Hard Liquor: no 75. Lost Glasses/ Contacts: no 76. Turned Someone Down: No? There was never someone to turn down? Lol 77. Sex In The First Date: Does foreplay counts?? Cos heh that was an interesting morning and night xD 78. Broken Someone’s Heart: Probs 🤗 79. Had Your Heart Broken: Yep 80. Been Arrested: No 81. Cried When Someone Died: I never do, I just miss them! 82. Fallen For a Friend: Yes. But i was like 12 and silly lol
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: sure 85. Miracles: Yes 86. Love At First Sight: We pretty much had it at our first hug! But we had built an emotional connection first 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss In The First Date: Yes, and it was amazing and incredible, even tho Ive never kisses before, but heck you know its perfect cos makes you feel good, a bad kiss wouldnt xD 89. Angels: yes, they are also people that help you out in times of need!
OTHER: 90. Current Best Friends Name: Matthew 91. Eye Color: dark brown 92. Favorite Movie: The Lion King, The Mummy 1 & 2, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, all Ghibli movies I’ve seen, some 80s movies like Dirty Dancing and Top Gun, Marvel stuff, FBAWTFT, etc
That was fuuuun I tag @oooahooo, @atomictiki, @domxto, @stellarbearbunn
and everyone else that wants to do it xD
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shioune · 8 years
tagged by @nekopri, @dreamsinparadise and @suzunesays. thank you!! omg 33 questions wish me luck
pt. 1 nekopri
What’s your favourite time of day? i personally like early mornings but i usually find it easier to stay up late then wake up early lol
Milk based ice-cream or a fruit based one? MILK BASED i’m 100% milk bb
3 things you think of when you wake up? urgh here it goes again, noooo, damnit.
Latest shower thought? coding stuffs like i really wonder how they make those diagonal things y’know? i figured it out. thanks, shower-chan.
Would you rather the temperature be 40 °C  or -20 °C ? OOOO -20 but without wind, i can tolerate that eyeing you urbana wtf is up with -20 with wind and snow huh? fu rly
The weirdest thing you have ever eaten on a whim? nothing i eat is every weird really if it’s real food, though in college we there’s this one time my housemates and i tried the orange juice with rice thing? that’s fucked up.
Are you more comfortable showing affection verbally or physically? both! although when it comes to real life, i do find it hard to say words of love, i even find it hard to say “i love you” to my mom or my lover which is why i usually am more inclined to a more physical approach.
What’s your default sleeping pose? the fetus position
What’s your ideal pet? dOG??? i had a dog, i love dogs, i live for dogs. just!!! DOGS!!!!
Favourite scene from a book/movie/tv show? all time favorite is whenever yang and grey told each other that they’re their person. also love it when the chevalier told athénaïs that she reminds him of a swan, “graceful on top but underneath, two fat flippers just trashing away” BURN!!!
Prettiest cow bread? I am serious IDK WHAT COW BREAD IS LMAO so i googled it and im not angry at the result
pt. 2, dreamsinparadise
When was the last time you cried, and why? probably yesterday? i was watching was nützt die liebe in gedanken again knowing full well what it does to me.
Do you prefer staying at home or hanging out at your friends’s place? oh man, i love both. can i not choose both? that’s not called choosing i guess, but i do love both c:
If you were in a situation where your fav SLBP character and your 10 yrs old child with him are at the brink of death. You are given the chance to save only one of them. Who would you choose? WTF okay first of all this vahjayjay will not give birth to any parasites called babies in the first place, so ofc I’d save my hide. child doesn’t even exist.
Its your first night with your SLBP bae, who’s gonna be dom and who’s gonna be sub? i’m probably gon be sub first time, dom when i’m not being a lazy af piece of crap.
What would you give to your SLBP bae as a memento if they are going to war? a charm. for protection, something i’ve prayed with for weeks maybe every night in a row. may the force prayer be with you.
Your bae had struck a faustian contract with (demon!au) you for the price of his soul and you finished your services after some time. If you chose not to consume him after the contract, it would cost you your life but he would live, while if you consume him his soul would be with you forever in your body (but you can never touch him or hear him again). Which would you prefer? Why? i probably would not consume him and not for some cheesy schmessy reasons like “oh, hes the love of my life” either but really i just am not comfortable with the idea that someone will be living inside me? i don’t mind losing the bae, i can always find another bae but the thought that he’s inside me and can communicate to me and living inside me LOL no. my body and mind and soul is mine alone. i’d die, but i’d die my own person (my own demon? lmao).
What kind of wedding would you like with your bae? simple. i never like big weddings surrounded by people i don’t even know or care about. i’ve always liked the idea of an outdoors wedding as well, been to a few of those and loved it. i’d get married in amy pond’s wedding dress since it’s been my dream since forever but also not bc i cant see myself marrying anyone.
If you were to adopt one of the SLBP guys as your children, who would it be? sakon is my child. don’t even with me. he’s my precious baby boo. also yasu and mitsun.
What do you think of me; @dreamsinparadise? i actually really really enjoy the times when i catch you on my dash, which is really not very often seeing the colossal amount of blogs i’m following, but i do like it and reading your things esp thoughts on slbp LOL let’s talk anime too but i’m so awkward lmao creeps back to my cave
Give 3 words to describe your 2D man teasing wicked smile *wink* this applies to most of my 2S baes LMAO
Are these questions fun, heartbreaking or humoring for you? Did you enjoy them?? i enjoy them actually! i have a lot of fun answering these! the situations and everything gives me muse to write? lmao stop me. i love them baby, thank you for tagging me!
pt. 3, suzunesays
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Magistrate, Masamune’s Mother, Retainer #2 hmmmm marry masamune’s mother and show her that the real deal is with girls, no wonder you’re not happy, you’re surrounded by males sighs (jk but lmao), kill the magistrate, maybe fuck retainer #2. don’t really see it happening as i have rly low libido, probs close to ace rly, but hey if i have to choose.
What’s your favorite dessert?  i have too many hdu make me choose ggrrrrrr, recently i’ve been into pineapple cakes (nastar), and strawberry shortcake i also adore any red bean based desserts. my grandma makes the best.
Your favorite lord poofs into existence before you! What happens next? omg, hide????? i’d tackle him into a hug and just spend hours cuddling and sleeping tbh. i love cuddles, i live for cuddles.
Do you paint your nails? What color are they now? nah, they’re clear now but i usually paint them in warm hues. or cherry red (real cherries, the one thats dark af not )
What’s something you bought recently that you really shouldn’t have? :ccccccccccc reward points on several shades of sadism :ccccccc
Do you have any pets? i had 3 rabbits and a dog, they ded. old age and sick.
How long have you been playing SLBP? i honestly don’t remember? this is like, a question i can never answer bc i have rly whacked up sense of time LMAO
If you could go on vacation to any destination in the world, where would you go? lucca, italy. LOL. i know it’s very specific but i really love lucca. also where else can u see gemma galgani?
Would you let your favorite lord do your hair and makeup for you (you’d have to wear it out in public)?  yessss, i trust hide tbh LOL, he wouldn’t go anywhere really crazy. and he’d put us in consideration when choosing. and did you read his birthday story, he has great tastes.
Who has a better butt - you or Mitsunari? me. (im laughing at how quick i come to this answer). idk i work out daily. but probs mitsunari, he does too. idk i havent seen his butt. i need to see his butt. someone send me the butt.
If you could travel into the SLPB universe to have an amazing makeout session with one lord and one lord only, who would it be? do you really need to ask? there’s only hide for me ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
Now, my questions.
Do you ship yourself with any of the voltage men? Or do you have any favorite, who?
Would you really date them if they exist in your life and is interested in you?
Your top three SLBP lords. Or any game from your choosing. But you can only choose three guys from one title.
Now, fuck marry kill from those choices : ) I’m satan incarnate, y’know.
What’s the last thing you daydream about?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses and are you the kind of person who would initiate them?
A song you’re really into these days and a song you associate to your fav lord/prince/character (idk, i mean what if slbp isnt ur fav game, im giving you options here bc im a sainttan)
Do you love Oyamada Nobushige?
What's your favorite food and to what length will you go to get it?
If you can time travel to any period and any country, where would you go? Why that period/country?
And lastly would you consider donating pearls to me? LOL NO IM JOKING last question is, late at night and you’ve been feeling out of it for a while and your bae (your 2D bae ofc) text messages you. Who’s your bae and what does the message say?
That’s it i guess. Yeah. imma tag some people that pops up in my pea-sized memory and you can do it or you just say “fuq u fron” and just ignore it. no worries. @shigetsugu, @yasu-masa, @amigoingbananas, @whiskasgirl, @otomesanada, @laurifakristalina, @blessthechipmonk, @cottonballwithmustache, @daeva-agas, @shedreamsfiction, @nikkihime, @rainbowatnight, @little-lady-mimi, @minminami, @wizardesslover, @mistakenmessenger, @noomsu, @thexgoddessxofxfate
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1-60 babe
I answered almost all of these and then tumblr glitched and deleted all of them fuck 1. Favorite color: green2. Height: 5'7 or 5'8 idk3. Eye color: blue4. Hair color: blonde5. Age: 156. Piercings?: just my ears but I wanna get my nipples pierced too7. Tattoos? Nope but I want a lot8. Favorite animal/pet: cat9. Favorite scent: vanilla10. What time is it?: 8:49Wading: 11. Favorite time of day: early morning12.First pet: a cat named lucy13. Siblings: a younger brother, a younger sister, and an older sister14. First car: I can't drive15. On a day like today you would...? Sit in my bed and watch movies16. The last book you read: proxy by Alex London17. The last text message you sent/received: I sent "no prob bob"18. Are you usually hot or cold: cold19. Pick one thing to your left, what does it mean to you: there's a bowl that I ate honey roasted peanuts out of 3 days ago20. Day or night and why: night bc I love to partyKnee Deep: 21. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Like an hour ago when my friend told me he was dating another guy22. When was the last time someone told you they loved you: last night 23. Who is your best friend and how did you meet: Braden. We were in a theater club together in elementary school24. Would you rather...: you're supposed to give me options I think25. Do you get sick often: nope26. Do you live alone or with other people: with my family27. When was the last time you saw your family: 5 seconds ago28. What do you want to achieve in the next year: find a girlfriend29. Do you believe in true love: yes30. Have you ever been hurt by someone you thought cared about you: who hasn't To the Waist: 31. When was the last time you got hurt: last week my friend kicked my thumb and it still hurts32. Have you ever hurt yourself: yes33. What was the last fight you had about: I can't remember34. Has anyone told you they hated you: yes35. Have you seen anyone die: no36. What would you tell your younger self: ur really gay dude 37. Would you skip the bad parts of your life to be successful: probably 38. What do you want to do with the rest of your life: i want to be an engineer or a trophy wife. Either way I wanna travel a lot39. Have you left behind/ were you left behind in a friendship: yes40. What is more important ___ or ___: I need optionsNeck Deep: 41. Who would you want to meet again in your life: I don't know42. Why did you choose your career path: I went to an engineering camp when I was in 7th grade and it was great43. What is something you regret from your past: where do I even start44. How much time is left at the end of your day: I don't understand this question lol45. What was your last dream about: the last dream I remember was a nightmare about a school shooting46. Have you ever hated someone and why: no47. Talk about your favorite family member: my older sister can be an asshole sometimes but she always looks out for me and is there if I need to talk48. What is one thing you want to confess: I have a crush on my friend but I don't think she feels the same way49. Have you ever tried to take away your problems instead of deal with them: yes50. Who would you save- yourself or a stranger?: strangerHead Under Water: 51. Have you been in love: I don't think so52. Talk about someone in your life who has died: my grandmas husband Ben was a crotchety old man but I loved him and I still miss him53. Describe your first ____: my first what bro54. When was the last time you thought you were beautiful: New Year's Eve when my sister did my makeup55. Have you ever had to recover after something: yes56. What do you hate about ____: about what bro57. Top ten life values: in no particular order: honesty, being kind, love, standing up for people who can't stand up for themselves, being myself, forgiving people when I can, and those are all I can think of58. How do you fall asleep: not very easily59. When was the last time you smiled and the last time you cried: last time I smiled was when my friend came out to me and last time I cried was last night when I watched the fault in our stars60. Would you give up everything for ____: for what bro Thanks for asking!
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