glassofpumpkinjuice · 5 months
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if you could tour with any artist, dead or alive, who would you choose?
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marlsswrites · 2 months
Safety and sweat
Ice skating AU, part 5!!
August 5th - words: 665
First part Previous part
“Great practice Regulus.” Effie praised. “I would stay to chat but I have to shoot, I think my sons outside-“
Regulus began to nod his head, kicking his skates from his feet while he held onto the barrier of the rink. But then the noise of rubber shoes squeaking on the floor, travelling towards Regulus and Effie next to him.
“Hi.” He pants, leaning over his legs before looking up with a smile.
It had been exactly a week since Regulus bumped into James, the cute man from the bookstore, and coincidentally his coaches son. He was wearing the same football shirt, it was awfully tight around his biceps - he tried to avert his gaze, he really did - but it was so tempting.
“Hi James.” Effie sighed out while Regulus failed to hide a small laugh under his breath at the look on James’ face.
“Hi.” Regulus copied, a smile tucked away into the hidden corners of his lips.
Effie looked between the two a few times before only shrugging and huffing out a breath. “Wait here James, I’m just going to pick my bag up from the lockers, see you tomorrow Regulus.” Smiling, she pointed to the direction of the lockers, leaving her son and Regulus staring clearly at each other.
“Sorry, I ran here from football practice.” The brunette chuckled, then he did the one thing Regulus was sure would cause his death.
Honestly he wouldn’t be complaining if that was the last thing he saw before he died, at least he’d be at peace.
The man lifted his shirt up and swiftly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and - god - was he doing this on purpose? He swore he could see the muscles move on his toned stomach, the way a black inky tattoo emerged from his sinfully low risen shorts - it looked like a pair of antlers.
“Why exactly?” Regulus cocked his eyebrow, turning away to hide the flush from his cheeks, god he hates feeling like this. Flustered, small, sappy and stupid.
“I don’t- uh.” James laughed, it set off a whole new crashing, cold, salty yet warm wave of emotions off in Regulus’ stomach. “I don’t really know.” He snorted.
“Wow.” Regulus chuckled along, rolling his eyes. “Solid answer.”
“Shut up.” The brunette snorted. “You look really familiar?” He said after a minute of silence, eyeing Regulus up and down like he was a new work of art in a museum, he couldn’t quite place how he felt about that.
Regulus turned his head to see James still piercing his eyes through his own grey ones. He tilted his head to the side, vision of James partially blocked by the black curl that fell into his eye. “Yeah, you look like my friend.”
“Sirius Black, per chance?”
“Yeah… do you-“ He narrowed his eyes, before letting out a light gasp and parted his lips. “You’re his ‘little brother Reggie’” James gaped. “I thought you were like, 10.”
“What the fuck?” Regulus hit his arm and gave a mock offended gasp.
James let out the sweetest little giggle. “I’m calling you Reggie from now on.”
“Potter I swear to god-“
“Cute little Reggie.”
He only groaned, hiding his head in his own black curls as he dropped his forehead into his arms that leant onto the barrier. The one thing he could hear was James’ laughs and teases as Regulus cursed at him, but of course he didn’t mean it.
Normally he would, that was the thing. Last time Barty called him ‘Reggie’ he tripped him up, mostly because that name was reserved for Sirius and Sirius only. But for some reason he… liked when James did it? Fuck, this is disgusting.
It really isn’t though, it’s just new, and Regulus hates new. Even when it could bring the best things into his life, he only feels the need to push them away and stay where he’s been stood for the past year.
But what is safe anymore really?
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yume-fanfare · 9 months
getting him a matching amulet is such a power move honestly. because you Know mitsuba hates the thing. but kou got him a matching one too, something that links them, to remember him by. something to keep him safe ? so mitsuba absolutely is Not going to throw it away even if he will claim so. will be wear it or carefully (save) hide it? does kou catch a glimpse of it, and grin after seeing that mitsuba does actually like it ?
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s1ushyz · 3 months
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Oh hey mikey hey yeah,, what the fuck does this mean buddy!
From mikey ways Instagram story!
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hawkeyes-boy · 6 months
I love mash episode Kim. hawk and trap meet a cute kid and immediately beg to raise him together. Henry says no but then the whole 4077 get attached to him and try look after him. they let him walk onto a minefield.
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fruityumbrella · 3 months
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zosan thesis pt ii from my wip
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
colony ship!even prefers missy over simm!master because she treats them more like a person which isn’t so much better as it is new and interesting to them, the fact that colony ship!even prefers missy is part of why simm!master gets stabbed to death, the fact that they preferred missy over him is why when he regenerates into missy and loses those memories that she instinctively distances herself from even during s8 and ends up abandoning them towards the end of s9, the fact that missy won’t hold to her end of the codependency when future!even doesn’t remember why it fractured either is why they side more and more with simm!master as time passes on the colony ship because they want to survive, and so they don’t, can’t, protect missy when he lashes back out at her.
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dreamerfms · 22 days
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by now, waking up to rhodes in his bed is more entertaining than unexpected. for two people who claim to despise each other, it sure seems to happen semi-regularly. " figures, " kingsley mutters to himself as he pushes into a seated position, giving rhodes a nudge as a smug smirk awakens sleepy features. " good morning, sleepyhead. looks like someone’s better judgment failed them yet again, huh ? or maybe I’m just too irresistible for you to contain yourself ? " closed ft. @rhodesshephard
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ariadosanon · 1 month
Oh shit you're one of the lucky ones to not have a traditional Orrish name -not to sound rude but it's hard to take someone seriously when they're named Perr or Sosh or something
I’m taking offense to this. The Cel is wrong with you? How in times flow is it ‘Hard to take someone seriously’ because of what they’re named? Does being from Orre somehow make them less legitimate because you’re not used to how we talk and name things?
Go bother somebody else, anon.
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1794 · 2 months
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smiling so broadly because of my joy
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untamedsinning · 2 months
going through my old fics of them and this one will probably remain forever unfinished but im loosing it at this part
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fsheries · 5 days
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atp yall are desperate and think you ' re smart
i wanna know how gotouge feels
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Glenn and Morgan are so funny to me because they BOTH make horrible decisions.
Glenn: Heh. Hey babe, wanna share this blunt with me?
Morgan on her third case of Brew Dude: Ew what no, Glenn, that shits bad for you
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y2kbugs · 10 months
“How DARE you not watch videos and reblog posts of the war where people are suffering and dying graphically you literal nazi!!!!!1111” please shut the fuck up
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So, what, you siding with the bad guys, now? You joining an evil team--after everything in Hoenn??
You do realize that people are complex individuals and exist beyond arbitrary labels of "good" and "evil", right? Also--
What exactly do you think happens when you push people you deem "bad guys" to the margins? Why do you think there are so many teams out and about?
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centurieslove · 5 months
It's hot. Merlin's sweating in a sticky and smelly way that feels so much more disgusting than Arthur's damp spots on the back of his shirt. They've passed the quiet pastures beyond the castle and are now making their way up a rocky hill where the goats jump from the one crumbling path to the other, chewing at the long blades of grass peeking out from between the stones. Halfway up the incline, Merlin gives up and collapses on the dusty road, all sweat and heaving breaths, one arm slung over his face. He hears Arthur come to stop a while ahead and chuckles, breathlessly, as he yells, "Don't worry about me, Arthur!" He vaguely waves his free hand in the air, dismissing the approaching man. "You just keep on keeping on. Really. I'll be fine. Here. Dying. You just—just save yourself, go, don't look back."  Arthur laughs, gently nudges at his chest as Merlin slumps, sticks out his tongue to the side, rolls back his eyes and fakes dead.  "You, my friend," Arthur tells him, hooking two arms under his shoulders and attempting to heave him up to his feet. "Are a loser."  The insult is enough to momentarily break Merlin away from his act, half staggering to his feet when Arthur lets go of him. He is about to say something about the definition of winning and how it applies to certain people, when he's confronted with the hot and wet expanse of Arthur's back hunching before him.  "Come on, then," Arthur says, extending his arms slightly to the sides.  Merlin blinks. First at the shoulder blades moving under the fabric, then up at the damp nape of a neck. "What?"  "Come on," Arthur repeats, a bit more gruffly this time—twitching his fingers in an annoyed invitation. "Not gonna say it again, Merlin. Either you take it or—"  Merlin gives him a light cuff about the head. Arthur voices his indignation, is ready to turn around and voice it some more when Merlin wraps his arms around his shoulders—muttering all the while—and awkwardly clambers onto Arthur's back. Arthur hooks the crooks of his elbows under the backs of Merlin's knees, muttering in reply, and hikes him up—earning a strangled laugh in return.  "You are a very sweaty man," Merlin tells Arthur a while later, cheek resting on his shoulder.  Arthur, a bit breathless with exertion, tries for a sarcastic laugh but gets as far as a puff of breath. "I am carrying you up a hill," he says on an exhale. "You might want—to show—a bit more—" The gravelly stones crumble under them, and Arthur steadies his footing. "—Gratitude."  Merlin smiles into his neck, holds on a bit tighter and says, "You are soooo strong." And, "The power of your arms is enough to render us mortals speechless."  Arthur grumbles and Merlin moves his lips close to his ear, adding a quiet, "My Arthur. So chivalrous."  "Shut up," Arthur says, but strokes his thumb along the side of Merlin's knee all the same—small, continuous rhythms all the way to the top.
Accidental Memory in the Case of Death by derryere
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