#Idiot shiva
h0bg0blin-meat · 3 months
Many Hindus believe that when Shiva meditates the only person that's in his mind is Vishnu.
*sips tea* Happy Pride Month, everyone.
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alternis · 2 years
im just going to gently bonk canon with a hammer because I had a fun idea for how SHS Tim's confrontation with Shiva ends
specifically for Tim to be like "sorry Bruce the cruise sounds nice but I uhhhh have to go find cass. for reasons. I'll definitely come catch up to you afterwards" and then drop off the map for eleven months
bc black canary did a version of her bet with Shiva to swap places (with Shiva Doing Heroism and not killing) but rather than joining birds of prey shiva first took the opportunity to offer some mother son bonding to her youngest.
either way she's still trying to convince him to be evil, and also extremely bad at heroism; tim is babysitting an adult hero again.
and I want Tim to wear a different costume so he doesn't raise questions about What Robin Is Doing and I want it to be based on spoiler's, for sadness reasons. but for comedy reasons he can't figure out a name for himself, so every time he gives introductions he uses a different codename (all of them are bad)
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tovaicas · 2 years
I’m still angry they let Ysayle be really depressed and then she just dies like she could’ve done so much
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fancyfade · 2 years
is anyone weaker than a previously-established-as-tough female character who suddenly encounters a male fan-favorite?
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 9 months
I will be your Blade Point Me
Loyalty was a trait Janet Drake respected above all others.
It can give you power, fame, money to have someone's loyalty was to have their life.
Tim has always given his all. His people whatever they need they have. May it be his mind, his skills, or even his weapons.
If Dick Grayson demanded the shirt off his back he would remain naked till the end of his days.
Very few times has anyone actually used it the first to test it was Jason.
"Hey Jay.. What's up you never call?"
Tim's phone is always ringing from Wayne Enterprises to his assorted friends he can't remember it being silent. Yet the shock when HighWay to Hell started blaring almost sent him into cardiac arrest.
"Need a favor. Think you could meet me at that safe house you keep pretending not to break into?"
"Yah no problem also it's not breaking in when you leave the window unlocked. Give me ten."
Jason doesn't do favors. He would rather die again than ever ask for shit.
When it comes to Tim though he's not an idiot. During his return to Gotham he researched, knew everything about him from his favorite color to when he fucking peed.
Part of his research specifically including who trained the third Robin. Nevermind that watching the kid fight for more than ten minutes gives it away.
Lady Shiva, Ra's just to name a few. He moves almost exactly the same as Cass. Hides in the shadows better than Damian. The whole creepy debacle with Mr. Old as Fuck just furthered Jason hypothesis.
Baby Bird, Bruce's prized protege isn't none lethal.
"I need you to kill someone."
Tim in the back of his mind expected it.
Jason for all he is exactly like Bruce doesn't respond the same. To him protection is blood soaked, a knife to the throat is a greeting. Kindess was shrouded and wasn't offered without losing a part of yourself.
"Joker I'm assuming?"
He expected a bit of a fight maybe a lecture at least for him to pretend, not whatever it is Replacement is doing.
"He hasn't broken out of Arkham in months haven't heard shit and I hear your in the same business as me nowadays. What you say about helping a brother out?"
He wonders if Jason is aware of how his voice cracked. The pleading that was heard the unspoken because I can't. Tim couldn't imagine looking Jason in the eye and saying no. Watching your son bend and demanding he break.
"Hate to burst your bubble, but I already did, I know you think the worst of me but I wasn't gonna let your murderer keep kicking his feet."
He tosses the drive he's been sitting on almost three months before heading back to the window.
"I know we got our shit Jay but your my brother. This is something you needed to be able to sleep at night. You shouldn't feel like you have to beg. I honestly thought you had known and didn't want to acknowledge it."
Jason can't breathe as he shuts his computer. Thirty hours of torture his baby brother broke the Joker in ways that turned his stomach.
He climbs into bed his eyes shutting sleeping without a nightmare for the first time in years.
He can't ever repay Tim nothing will ever be enough but he is gonna do everything to try.
He wonders if Ra's might need the same treatment?
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Batfam fanon stuff I hate
Asian Tim/Hispanic Jason from white people (Blasian Tim not included)
"Tim killed hundreds of people"
Cullen being one of Bruce's kids (have they literally ever had a private conversation. Have they met.)
Bruce being a business idiot and Lucius basically running WE for him
Cass being completely mute
Tim hating Dick and never forgiving him for the Robin thing
Damian never repenting, changing his personality and morals, and becoming close enough to Tim to proudly admit he's his brother
Dick not having any relationship to Kara Danvers (THEY. ARE. FRIENDS. WITH. ROMANTIC. TENSION.)
Babs being Cass's mom (I've talked at length about the sexist undertones here). Sisterly relationships are not "less important" than motherly relationships, and unless I'm missing something, I've never been able to find a single instance of Cass calling Babs her mom
BatJokes, Bru/Harvey, BatMask (specifically when the author has it canon in their AU that one of them seriously hurt his kids like in canon)
SlaDick. I just...don't like it. I really don't.
Jason and Tim never making amends (honestly don't know why everyone wants Tim to hate his siblings lol)
Duke innocent uwu boy
Edit: I was wrong about Cass not calling Babs mom, and someone corrected that. Thank you for correcting me, and I apologize for putting that on this list.
I still hate it very much, but its canon. So it shouldn't be on this list.
Also: these are personal opinions. I am not the arbiter of fanfiction. Write whatever you want forever I do not care. These are things I dislike. Don't take it personally.
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mysterycitrus · 7 months
So I’m a Jason Todd fan and I read your fic last night (and enjoyed it) but I was wondering about your interpretation of his place in Gotham. In a lot of fandom stuff he’s usually put as a very menacing person that other characters go to for help, but your version felt super different. I liked it a lot because it felt more… realistic to how people would probably react to him. I don’t know. Have a good day!
firstly im glad u enjoyed!! hehehe
wrt to my interpretation of jason — a significant influence for when i was writing wolf-king is that i can’t suspend my disbelief when people write jason as like…. this super terrifying person that other bat characters rely on to do the dirty work. its a personal thing tbc. it seems reductive to me, and also relatively divorced from reality. ur telling me that if someone needs intel they’ll go to jason over babs or helena or selina??? hmmmm me thinks not.
that in turn really shaped his relationship and interactions with dick in particular, because imo there is no world where jason would be considered a bigger threat than dick is. no way and no how. id rank jason on the same threat level as like…. a david cain or slade wilson, (though a significantly less rapey one). he’s not as well connected as ra’s, and he’s not a turbo level threat like shiva. he’s dangerous because of who he is to bruce, and what he does to achieve his goals. in particular, this passage —
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jason, although he operates on a different plane of reality, is not an idiot. he would not be obtuse to the fact that dick has the upper hand in any situation because of who dick is and who he knows. that, in turn, affects how jason perceives dick and his actions. he spends a lot of time hypothesising about dicks motives, only to find out later he’d technically already been played! that’s what makes him interesting as a character to me — through his own actions, he’s isolated himself from a network, and cut himself off at the knees. by causing harm, he has reduced his ability to cause it. he is, fundamentally, only hurting himself.
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sketchy-owl · 2 years
Episode 13
(Notes: Female reader cause...come on Dadam would be a hyper protective dad if he had a daughter.
Deities involved: Hades,Loki,Shiva, Poseidon and Thor.)
~When Y/N brings her male buddies at home.~
Y/N:*happy aura* I'm so happy that Dad let you come with me!!
Loki:I'm surprised too.
Shiva:Yeah "I mean he's called the lover boys killer"
Hades: I hope he can enjoy the apple cider I brought here.
Y/N:Of course he will!*smiles and opens the door* Dad! We're here!
Adam:Welcome back home sweetheart*Pat's Y/N's head*
Y/N:*giggles* Are mom and big brothers home?
Adam:Yes, they are in garden right now. Why don't you go give them a hug? They missed you a lot.
Y/N: *nods* Okay! My friends can help you preparing dinner!! *turns to the boys* It won't take too long!*runs in the garden*
The gods:.....*they all look at Adam*
Adam:*keeps smiling while looking at Y/N*
Poseidon/Thor:....*clearly have a bad feeling*
Shiva: She always looks so innocent."I bet she's a naughty girl under the sheets" *pervert smirk*
Loki:Yeah....so innocent..."I really want to corrupt that innocence "* psycho smirk*
Adam:....*the smile drops*
Poseidon/Thor: "Idiots he can tell what you're thinking "
Hades:*coughs cause he knows that he has to make a good impression * It's an honor to meet you Adam, I'm Hades,a close 'friend' of your daughter. As a gift for your hospitality I brought you some Apple cider...
Adam:I have five rules. Memorize them.
Hades:Umh...of course I mean it's your house...
Adam: Rule number ONE: Don't bother sucking up. I HATE you. That's not gonna change.
Hades: I...I beg your pardon?
Adam: You'll give me your phone numbers and social media when I call you, you WILL answer. That's rule number TWO. You're not welcome here you're insects, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the food chain. You WILL obey to me without complaining.*menacing aura*
Loki:*starts shaking*
Adam: When you go out with her or come here to do anything, you will ALWAYS keep some distance from her. Which brings me to rule number THREE, don't try be a Romeo or a Don Giovanni when you're alone with her. If I don't see doesn't mean I won't know if you did something.
Adam: Rule number FOUR:... If she calls me....telling me that you hurt her or tried doing SOMETHING to her don't bother call me to give me explanations.Not only you will have lost your chances with her but you definitely asked for death.
Shiva:*raises his hand while shaking*
Shiva: You said five rules. That was only four.
Hades:...."He did not...just ask him that..."*mentally facepalming*
Adam: *evil smirk* Rule number FIVE: You must refer to me as SIR. If you want to live. Do not call me Adam, man, bud, buddy,pops or "dad". You won't EVER get the privilege and the honor to do that.
Shiva:....of...of course sir....
Y/N: I'm back!! Guys,are you okay? You look pale.*clueless *
Adam:They are fine sweetheart, they must be tired,I heard that coming from Valhalla can be exhausting for a god. Right?*smiles*
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Poseidon:....it's true...
Y/N: Is that so....well you can rest now! Mom and I will prepare lunch!!
Adam: Sweetheart you should rest too, Cain and Abel can help your mother. Why don't WE give them a tour of the house?
Y/N:*smiles* That's a wonderful idea dad!!
Adam: Well then, it's decided.*keeps smiling*
Poseidon: "We knew...what kind of man was Adam"
Hades:"....The rumours were clear..."
Thor: ".....But we ignored them ...and still came here..."
Loki:"....We literally threw ourselves in the lion's den..."
Shiva:"...Sure we may be gods...but now..."
The gods: "We're really fucked."
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bones4thecats · 10 months
I see you have your requests open! :D
May I please request Loki, Shiva, Thor and Beelzebub from SNV with a S/O who's like Hastur/The King In Yellow from Lovecraftian mythos?
(They walk around in a tattered yellow cloak and a crown, maybe have more than 2 eyes?) Humans are terrified of them and are even scared to mention their name. How would they react to seeing their S/o in their cosmic horror/non-humanoid for for the first time?
(Sorry if it's a little long... Have a great day! 🥰)
A/N: This has to be one of my favorite requests ever! I love H.P. Lovecraft and other mythical writers, and Hastur has to be one of my favorite creations in these stories! Now, before I start rambling again, enjoy!!
Known as the God of Shepherds, you were feared by many, so feared that the mention of your name scared others to their core. 
You were set in a battle against a human known as William Marshal, the Most Loyal Knight in History. 
Your yellow cloak hung to your form as the man pulled out his sword and began his attack while Humanity and the Gods’ roars echoed throughout the arena.
The Gods had put up a barrier protecting the people inside, knowing if you got too mad, the ring would get destroyed very quickly. 
William was getting on your nerves as he sliced off six of your tentacles.
Ragged breathing filled the ears of everyone in the arena as you grew in size, your frame becoming unrecognizable as you began to fight with all the being you contained.
Everyone was shocked, but your husband was the most shocked…
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🐍 Loki watched as you grew in size and his eyes widened, you had never gotten this mad while in battle
🐍 He yelled in anger as one of William’s sword’s hit your appendages, cheering as your threw him to the opposite side of the arena
🐍 The sound of colliding weapons echoed as the Valkyrie transformed into a sword and shield, protecting the former knight
🐍 But it was no match for your strength
“ You humans are pathetic, when you want something you get arrogant and expect more, yet when you don’t get it, you get mad and petty like nothing. “ “ You know nothing of Humanity… monster. “ “ Good riddance, worm. “
🐍 Loki was so proud as you slayed the human for his disrespect of his creators
🐍 Now he had to wait for his round and you to join him, or maybe he’d visit you? Who know~
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🪩 Shiva watched with his wives, son, and pantheon as you grew in size and became your true form
🪩 He smirked as William’s valkyrie stepped back and became a sword and shield
“ Idiot humans. They think they can defeat Y/N. “
🪩 You glared at the human as he fought you, trying to hit you with any chance he could take, honestly it was quite pathetic
🪩 Though even Shiva had to admit, the human was quite smart with his hits
🪩 But his brain was no match for your anger
🪩 You grabbed him with a rogue tentacle and threw him against the wall before chocking out his valkyrie and snapping his neck
🪩 Shiva laughed as Humanity cried, they really believed that human had a chance against you? The Hindu God of Shepherds? The one everyone feared so much as to not mumble their name?
🪩 After you were dragged to the infirmary, he visited with his wives and son
🪩 They checked your pale face and dark eyes and scolded you for letting your emotions get out of hand, in which Ganesha hugged you, asking how you were
🪩 Shiva just stood off to the side and waited for them all to leave, and when they did, he gave you the biggest hug and happiest smile you’d ever seen him give anyone
“ Good job, my dearest. “
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🌩️ You and him were not ones to anger, as it lead to major destruction
🌩️ And anyone could tell this was one of the rare moments of your anger taking over
🌩️ Thor stood up and watched as the human’s valkyrie protected him, giving the most bloodthirsty smirk as the duo talked about how they would destroy you
🌩️ How pathetically arrogant
🌩️ You mopped the floor with them with so little energy
“ Remind me to never prank them anytime soon. “
🌩️ Odin looked at Loki and back at Thor, he could tell his son was admiring his S/O’s battle with so much love and dedication
🌩️ Now everyone knew why you guys got married
🌩️ You had the same amount of bloodthirstiness inside, hidden behind a dead and cold appearing front
🌩️ Once the battle ended, Thor met you at the entrance, assisting you to the infirmary, and when you were all healed, he hugged you from behind while resting
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🪰 Beelzebub was getting bored of watching these battles, but seeing you walk onto the field made him perk up
🪰 He knew you were getting mad with the human’s attacks with the support of his valkyrie, but he didn’t know you were that mad
🪰 You stood tall and launched the biggest and most dangerous assault that you ever had before
🪰 Your husband watched with interest as you kept throwing and harming the human with bloodlust driving through your head
🪰 He was monitoring how plagued your mind was getting, and when he saw the human nearly dead, he messaged Zeus, telling him to wrap this up, saying you were about to the level of genocidal rage
🪰 Beelzebub watched you get dragged away while William shattered away, his smirk ever present as he looked over your sitting form
🪰 Your pale face still had some blood from the human, so he wiped it away and patted your head
“ My wilted rose, my heart fluttered as you fought. “
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hanihazeljade · 6 months
Three Weeks
As the snow fell into the streets of Gotham, covering her land with white sheet, he stepped out of the plane. He shivers. He missed the deadly coldness of his hometown. The pollution never seemed to change back when he left 7 years ago. He sighed, white mist blowing out of his mouth. He will only need to stay here for three weeks. Three weeks and he will go back to Japan.
After many years of being away to his adopted family, Tim comes back to Gotham for Cassandra and Stephanie's wedding.
(CW: flashbacks, negligence, swear words, a badass Timothy)
Next Part - Three Idiots
Part Three - Three Hopes
Tim looks outside of the bus. His eyes watch the streets of Gotham. Christmas lights are on as it was 5 days away from Christmas. He watched and watched, like he always did, as classical music blasted to his airpods until the bus hit the stop to Bristol.
In all honesty, he could ask Alfred to fetch him but the man is now too fragile to his liking to be doing him favours. He rather takes the 40 minute walk from the station to Wayne Manor. He doesn’t mind the cold, he actually prefers to be freezing every single moment of his life. He doesn’t want to be reminded of the burning desert in Iraq.
With his suitcase on his tow, he started walking to the peaceful street of Bristol. The snow gently falls into his face and quickly melts but some falls into his lashes and brows and he couldn’t bring himself to wipe it off. He likes the small blur on his sight, it shows that he doesn’t have to stay vigilant in this city. Twenty minutes into the walk, he saw the Drake Manor, still in its pristine shape, hopefully. He walked as he tried to look past the gates of the once house of his, snow is piling up but he will be visiting it once he gets his stuff unpacked.
As he starts to get closer and closer to the Wayne Manor, nostalgia hits him. The good memories flood his mind. Bruce giving them a small pat or rarely hugs, Dick trying to spoil all of his siblings, Cass putting glitter bombs to the most unique places together with Stephanie, Jason joking his death again and again, Damian giving them Alfred the Cat as a stress reliever, and Alfred giving them hot cocoa on the worst days and cookies on the best.
But obviously, if it's all just good memories, he will not leave Gotham. The bad to the worst memories starts to resurface. The threat of Arkham, the throat-slitting episode, the pushing to his death story, the I choose to follow Batman rather than to be honest with you thing, the hellish training with Lady Shiva and many more that he couldn’t remember. He shook his head to remove those memories. It’s been more than a decade since that happened and he has healed already. No need to reopen old wounds.
His time in Japan definitely made him more aware that he doesn’t need other people to love him. He can just do it himself. He starts to sleep for more than 6 hours a night. He eats three times a day, sometimes with a balanced diet, sometimes just pure sodium for ramen or just straight up scooping Nutella out of the jar. He now prioritises himself over others. He works for himself and not to get approval from anyone. He is now him, just Tim. A simple Tim that loves to photograph and now be the object of his photographs. 
Many things change over the course of time. He forgives the Waynes but he will never call himself one. Waynes never treats him like family, except for Cass, bless her pure heart, and he is now giving it back, the treatment of an acquaintance. Not family. Not friends. But acquaintances. That’s all the Waynes are to him now. Because god forbid that his teenage self is simply obsessed with them. He rolled his eyes on the thought.
As he was letting his thoughts wander, he finally arrived at the prestigious Wayne Manor. The gates are open so he let himself into the other five minute walk of the driveway. As he stared at the old oak wood door, he sighed, trying to compose himself as he will be in their presence for the next three weeks. After trying to console himself, he knocks hoping that it will be Alfred who will open the door for him. After a few minutes of waiting on the porch, the door opened, revealing the foyer of the Manor and Alfred standing in front of him.
“Hi, Alfred.” Tim smiled at the old man.
Alfred, still in shock but smiled back to him, “Welcome back, Master Tim.”
And then suddenly there is a commotion behind Alfred, making the two gentlemen on the doorway look. It shows Damian and Jason. Seems like the two are trying to race to see which one will get to the door first. Childish competitions, like what brothers do. Jason and Damian look at them, first to Alfred and next to Tim. And he looked back at them, giving them a gentle smile.
“Hi, Timmerly. You look different.” Jason spoke out of the blue.
“Thank you, Jason.” He said, “You look different, too.” he added. Jason has indeed changed. The white stripe of hair due to the dip is still there but the face and the body itself evolved. Jason looked taller than he last saw him, The tight wool sweater emphasises the bulk body of Jason. And that face of his, is always exceptional but more relaxed.
There he heard a cough and gave his attention to the person. “Timothy, you look alright.” Damian said, standing in his glorious 6 foot 3. His tanned skin is honeyed perfection and his build is more similar to Bruce and Jason. Green eyes looked at him like it was captivating his soul. The Demon Brat is gone and was replaced by a hulking man.
He was shocked for a fleeting second before replying, “Thank you, Damian.”
“Young Masters, as much as I like that the three of you are conversing like normal human beings, Master Timothy needs to go inside first. It is freezing out there.” Alfred interrupts them and tells Jason and Damian that he is still indeed on the porch. Jason without waiting a moment, went and grabbed his suitcase and he proceeded to go inside the manor. 
Tim asked Alfred, “Where will Jason put my suitcase?”
“In your room, Master Tim. I mean, your old room.”
“Oh.” He just said as he took off his scarf and coat and gave it to Alfred, as he left the three on the foyer.
He starts walking into the Manor and walks past the library with the rest that didn’t meet him on the door. Steph and Cass are cuddling each other on the couch while Bruce is on the loveseat fiddling something in the tablet, probably about Wayne Enterprise, and Dick is on one of the bean bags that is scattered in the library. The first one to notice him is Cass, of course.
“Little brother, welcome.” She said as she reached out one of her arms to him. Her acknowledgement of his presence makes everyone in the room aware of his existence.
“Timmy!” Dick shouted as went to him and hugged him. It kinda still startled him a little bit, but he awkwardly hugged Dick back. 
Bruce gave him a smile, “Welcome back, Tim.”
Steph hit his back, “When Cass actually told us that you will come for our wedding, we didn’t believe her.“
Tim touched the spot Steph hit, “I would not miss it for the world.” Then he walked to Cass, “Hey, sis.” Cass smiled back at him. “Winter wedding, really?” 
“Hey, winter weddings are beautiful. And Cass will look like an angel.”
“And you are the demon that made Cassandra fall down from heaven.” A voice joined them, it’s Damian.
“Hey! That’s mean!”
The chaos and noises are relatively relaxing but when he yawns, he excuses himself. “Going to sleep, Timmy?” He nodded and replied with, “Jetlagged.”
Tim tried to remember where his room was. And thank god, he found it with no anomalies. He entered the room and saw the room that he left. The room is completely gone with cans of energy drinks or packaging of junk foods. The bed is comforting as he remembers, he saw his suitcase next to the nightstand. He opens it and gets a fitted cashmere turtleneck and fleece sweatpants. He took a quick shower and changed. He laid down on the bed and let sleep take him.
 He woke up the sun already down and darkness already took the city. He grabbed his phone and looked at what time it was. 8:05 am. Huh?? Oh, his phone is still in the Japanese Time Zone. He quickly changes it and freshens up. He looked at the wide mirror in his bathroom, and assessed himself. He knows he changed when he moved to Japan. His toned body was dissolved into a more lean one. His hair was maintained into a shoulder length, but his hair is shining with a red undertone in the right light. He has an ear piercing. His face was more round and yet still sharp. He got taller but still the smallest to Wayne, even Cass is taller than him. No, he is not salty about it.
He scooped up a handful of water and splashed his face and hair. Once he could feel his rationality and sanity came back to him, he dried his face and went down to the kitchen. He needs something to ingest in his body, anything. He saw Alfred was making something in the kitchen.
“Master Tim, you are finally awake. Will you please call the others for dinner?”
“Sure, Alfred.”
He found everyone in the largest living room. Damian and Dick playing chess, Damian is winning. Stephanie is doing something together with Duke. Bruce is with Cass flipping in the catalogue of whatever they still need to add to the wedding.
“Hey, Alfred told me to get you all. Dinner is ready.”
Dinner is rather peaceful, but rather uncomfortable. Whenever his eyes linger for a little second longer on a dish, Dick is already putting it on his plate. Damian kept on giving him a piece of whatever Damian thought he liked. Jason is spoon feeding him on dishes on what Jason thinks he will like. If this continues, he will be fat and as a model he would rather not have that. The Japanese Modelling World is so strict when it comes to thinness of their own.
But after that dinner, he sighed as walked to his room, he grabbed a velvet box and went to what he thinks is Cass' room.
He knocked, then he opened the door. Waynes are known for just busting your door open before coming in, because apparently, privacy is a social construct. Tim is not a Wayne anymore and also he is one of the decent people who actually knocks before coming inside of someone’s personal space.
“Hey Cass. I got you something.” he said as he looked at his sister.
“What is it?”
Instead of answering, he pulled a velvet box and gave it to Cass. Cass accepts it and opens the blue velvet box, revealing a silver hair comb pin. Cass looked at him with huge eyes. He smiled at his sister, “My mother wore that at her wedding. She says my grandmother and my great grandmother also wear that to their wedding, and I feel like I am not the rightful owner of such a piece.”
Cass hugged him. He missed how tight Cass hugs him. The comfortable warmth that brings pleasant memories only, none of those scorching heat of Iraq. Maybe, maybe he can stay here for three weeks for Cass. For Cass.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Teen!reader get into a detention for this meme:
Teen!Rader: I got detention
RoR characters: What happen?
Teen!Reader: The teacher point at ruler infront of the entire class and said," There is an idiot at the end of this ruler."
RoR:Then the teacher gave you detention?
Teen!Reader:...No, I got into trouble for asking, "Which end?"
How will they react? Cause, I keep imagine this scenario in my head 😅😅
Love this, it's so witty and funny.
-Thor- Couldn’t help the smallest of grins from appearing as he lifted a hand, ruffling your hair, not upset in the slightest at you. However, your teacher was going to learn that they should respect others, especially one his precious kin.
-Lu Bu- His grin was almost instant, a dark chuckle leaving him as he cracked his knuckles, “So where’s this teacher of yours? I’m gonna help get you out of detention since they wanted to disrespect you.”
-Zeus- He stroked his beard, looking amused as he chuckled for a moment before he spoke, “Very clever of you, Y/N, but I think I’m going to go have a word with this teacher. If they’re going to hand out punishments because they made a fool of themselves on their own, I should return the favor.”
-Adam- He ruffled your hair lightly, “You shouldn’t be rude to your teachers, but you’re off the hook with me, since they were rude to you first.”
-Poseidon- You see his lips purse just for a moment, like he’s trying to smile before he tells you to wait outside for him. You learn the next day that he flooded the whole school for the disrespect the faculty gave you.
-Kojiro- He chuckled warmly, patting your head, “Teachers can be harsh, but to be cruel like that, that’s not right. C’mon, I’ll get you some ice cream.”
-Hercules- He’s not smiling. He’s not smiling. He’s not- he’s smiling- a snort of laughter leaving him before he laughs out loud, holding his belly by your clever comeback.
-Jack- Instantly went to confront the teacher, demanding to know if they tried to insult you. Once you were off the hook, her ruffled your head, “Witty smart alack!” which made you giggle.
-Shiva- Oh hell no! Nobody is gonna treat his baby like that and get away from it! Your teacher was quick to learn fear and quick to learn that if they wanted to be rude, there would be consequences. Once you left, he had to pause to sit down after he started laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
-Raiden- Is quickly going to be on the ground, twitching from laughing so hard, hearing how easily you turned the teacher’s words on them.
-Buddha- Twitching on the ground part 2, he is crying from laughing so hard, finding it hysterical before he praised you and gave you a lollipop.
-Hades- Another scary guardian who put the fear of Hades himself into your teacher, getting a quick and harsh lesson in respect but he was proud of you for standing up for yourself.
-Qin Shi Huang- He’s chuckling first, then laughing, then crying, then laughing so hard there is no sound coming out from him until he started to gasp, holding his sides from the pain from laughing so hard.
-Beelzebub- His lips struggle to remain still but you quickly see a smile as he chuckles softly, praising you for you wit and quick response.
-Tesla- Frowns at first when he heard that you had gotten detention, but once he learns what the teacher had said to you, and what you said in response, you were off the hook, your teacher wasn’t so lucky, as he went in, demanding a meeting with the teacher and the principal, showing why, as a genius himself, that education should be treated seriously, and teachers shouldn’t be talking to students like that.
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seii-fantasy · 1 year
Ror characters x Nezuko! Reader
Just to say im alive😭
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Y/n , a young woman who has been turned into a demon and her apparence turned into a child of six years old .
She was sleeping on a comfy pillow , the gods and human with the valkyries thought it will be better to leave the small girl sleeping alone ; after a couple of hours Brunehilde came back to check on Y/n but the small h/c girl has disappeared
Brunehilde kept calling for Y/n , searching for her but it was useless. She had disappeared .
Then Brunehilde has yelled the h/c name in the whole pantheon . Her scream was heard in the Valhalla , the Gods has recognized the name who was screamed by the Oldest Valkyrie .
"(Name) has vanished ?" Adam thought . His fatherly instinct kicked in , in a matter of seconds , he appeared infront of Brunehilde "Where is Y/n?" Adam asked in a stoic tone. Then Alvitr appeared "Y/N HAS DISAPPEARED!???" She yelled "CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT IT ! I WANT TO HAVE MY PEACEFUL NAP!" Hlökk yelled back.
"Girls , please stop it" Hrist tried to calm the twins . To which Alvitr and Hlokk continue to argued , Hrist's eye turned golden "BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT ! Y/N HAS DISAPPEARED AND THE ONLY THING U TWO COULD DO IS ARGUING !?" Hrist yelled , Adam kept eating his apple while Brunehilde facepalmed herself
●°○ A couple of minutes later●°•
Every pantheon knew that Y/n , the small demon who can always made every deities melt up with their cuteness has vanished
In the Hindu Pantheon , a bunch of deities who were searching the h/c demon girl
"Y/n ! Sweetheart !" Parvati worried , kept calling in the whole Svarga "Y/n ? Come out please!" Kali whispered "Y/n ! We have some ( favorite food) for you!" Durga called but theres wasn't any signs of you
"Oi Y/n , get your cute face here!" Shiva yelled , "Y/n , y/n!" Rudra called but they couldn't heard a small hum that voice could belong to Y/n
While the Hindu pantheon was inspeting Svarga , in the Norse Pantheon
"Huh? My precious little y/n has disappeared!?" Loki beamed , "No she went to the Shinto Pantheon and had tea time with Tsukuyomi ! Dumb idiot ! Of course she has disappeared !" Huggin snapped at the God of Deceit . Thor who's usually stoic , his behaviour isn't similar as everyday , "Look. Everywhere" Thor mumbled "Yea , hope we can find her soon' Muggin spoke . The birds were still on their Master's Shoulders , who was searching in every corner where in the Valhalla is Y/n . Well Y/n was nowhere to be found in every pantheon , every deities and human searched desespairaidely the h/c girl.
●°• After many days and night●°•
Y/n was found , she was sleeping on Thrud , who was protecting her with her strong arms . While Eve was sleeping on Thrud's shoulder
They were in Thrud room , "HEY THERE SHE IS !" Raiden beamed happily "Shhhh!" Shiva shushed the sumo who cannot keep his joy for himself , Parvati fainted on the sight of Y/n sleeping with Thrud and Eve saying , it was pure cuteness . While the others deities , humans and valkyries were finally satisfied that the small h/c girl who can melt everyone's heart within seconds was found
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stxrrynxghts · 2 months
Mentions : cursing ahead. Please refrain from reading if it bothers you. DO NOT BASH ME IF YOU DISAGREE. I am up for all forms of civil conversation on this topic.
Now, let's start.
So, like the useless human I am, I spent my time scrolling through Instagram. And what happens? Post after post praising Karna pops on my feed. See, you can like anyone who you want, I don't give a flying fuck. But, what I hate, is how people just make up some random shit, and then make a reel saying that it is "true" And written Mahabharat.
Now, I don't consider myself an expert or smth, but I have read 3 versions of Mahabharata, in two different languages. I think that I can say that I know some stuff about Mahabharata.
So, despite being PISSED af, I did my research. I saw these reels, scrolled through some comments, and even saw some stuff on Wattpad related to this.
Some of you might say that "if it bothers you then don't see it". Yes. That's what I have been doing. But now I am fucking pissed, and this is how I release my anger.
As always, Karna HAS to be compared to Arjun. How Arjun is such a weakling, that without Krishna he wouldn't win at all. First, if Karna is so good, and Arjun so bad, then why is Krishna supporting Arjun? Surely a god had better judgement skills than we do.
Arjun fought against SHIVA, THE GOD OF THE GODS. THE SUPREME GOD. Yes, Arjun didn't win, and he never stood a chance, but SHIVA was pleased by him, and blessed him. He gave him the Pashupatastra.
Some idiots say that Karna had it too. In a quote someone wrote that Krishna said that Karna was undefeatable as he had Brahmastra and Pashupatastra. Kindly enlighten me as to when did Karna please Shiva, and get this Astra as his blessing.
Then some people say that Shiva blessed Ravan too. Don't you dare. Don't you DARE compare Ravan, the man who ABDUCTED Sita, to Arjun. Arjun was a human, and he had his flaws. He committed mistakes. But he is, in no way, comparable to someone like Ravan.
People are writing stories where Abhimanyu respects Karna and shuns Arjun as a result. ABHIMANYU, WHO CHOSE to enter the Chakravyuha because he wanted to make his father and uncle proud. Abhimanyu, who wanted nothing more than to avenge his father. He hates Arjun in these stories.
Don't get me started on the Draukarn and Karnbhadra fandoms. Don't, please. I don't have the energy left for that. I just wish to say that you are so brave to pair Draupadi with her abuser.
Now. These are the more controversial ones. There are ppl writing stories where Karna is SHIVA'S SON.
Oh wow. Karna is comparable to KARTIKEYA AND GANESH. Speaking of Kartikeya, did you know that Karna is a better warrior than Kartikeya, THE GOD OF WAR?!
And ofc, Karna was a farrr better King than Ram was. And he was a better person too. It isn't like Ram had made a gr8 example of how to run a kingdom, that Ram Rajya has been so revered since centuries. Ofc not. That has nothing to do with this.🤡
Also, Karna had a better claim to the throne than Yudhishthira did! He was Kunti's son, and according to dharma, a wife's son is considered the husbands son too. It doesn't matter how Karna wasn't conceived when Kunti was married to Pandu, or with Pandu's permission. He STILL has a claim to the throne guys. 🙄
Last, but not the least, do you know how Krishna absolutely hated seeing Karna die, even when he was the one who had instigated Arjun to chop off Karna's head? *gasps in shock*
Also, saving the best for the last, but apparently, Krishna couldn't have defeated Karna when he still had his armor and earrings!!!! Gasppp!!!!
Okay. So half of this post is written a sarcastic manner guys, do understand my sarcasm TvT
It's fcking hilarious how Krishna, who whooped the asses of literal demons as a kid, who gave INDRA PTSD and who LIFTED THE FCKIN GOVARDHAN MOUNTAIN ON HIS LITTLE FINGER FOR SEVEN FUCKING DAYS CONTINUOUSLY is weaker than Karna. And this is just 1% of what he has done.
Like cmon. Karna is a gr8 warrior, I won't deny. But he was NOT a good person, and definitely not comparable to the people I mentioned above. Karna was defeated multiple times during the Kurukshetra war. He ran away from many battles as well. If you like him, then gr8. Do so, no one is stopping you. But don't compare him with the likes of Ram and Krishna.
Ohmigawd. This post has gone a bit out of hand. Sorry loves. 😞
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asmolfolk · 1 year
Buddha x F!Reader
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Thank you for your ask, it was fun doing it! ^^ Hope you enjoy it.
Buddha x Small F!Reader.
For Buddha, it doesn’t matter your appearences. If you are taller, smaller, fem, male or anything else... What matters to him is your personality. So with that out of the way, he is in love with you immediatly.  Don’t get him wrong, he just loves the way you aren’t scared of other gods and that you don’t let the fact that you are human affect that. You know your limits and you put respect on yourself, because of that, a lot of gods actually respect you - not as Buddha’s S/O but as you.  You would be probably one of the few humans that the gods actually like. I could see Heracles, Ares, Aphrodite and even Shiva really liking you and even asking you to spend a day with them.
Anyone that he doesn’t let you to be around?
Zeus and Thor.
 To be honest, I could see Buddha making you keep distance from Zeus - That old rag loves womans like you and Buddha doesn’t want him to try ‘to seduce you’ [Not that he doesn’t believe on your strenght... But wanting or not, Zeus is Zeus.]  And also - Thor. Thor never holds back, it doesn’t matter if it is a human, god, demihuman, his parents - It doesn’t matter to him, he just want a good fight. Because of that, Buddha tries to not make you and him join in fights. Aside from them, he doesn’t care at all if you are friends or try getting closer to others gods, he trust you and knows that - except Zeus and Odin - you could probably live after picking a fight with them.
Is there anything different on your relationship?
I know what I said, but... He can't help it - He will always be teasing you. He really don't care about your appearence, he thinks your beautiful in everything, any shape... But- The fact that you remind him of those chihuahuas are simply... Too funny for him. He is always picking you up, holding you close and then - he would bite your cheeks or kiss you - before he lets you down. He calls you by sweet names [Like literally, he would call you by candy, cupcakes and others sweets that are small.] He will always make things difficult for you - putting things in higher places just to pick you up and 'help you' get the thing. Of course, if you don't like those 'pranks', he will stop it. His way of showing his affection is teasing and annoying you- He always make it up for you on the end, he is always there for you, listening to your concerns and stopping anything that is clearly not fun anymore for you. He cares about you deeply and would start to show his affection with praises and physical touch, sometimes he teases you - but not about your height. If you tease him back, you better run - he will catch you and just tickle you to death-
How does he treat you in general?
He is no gentleman, he is a teasing idiot that loves to piss you off. He loves to see you fighting and would always encourage you to fight against him, after all - he loves to see you so concentrated and even so angry. He thinks it's hot. He loves when you ask him for things, he loves to get them for you - of course, he will tease you.
"Cupcake... You couldn't get that? Oh, poor you- Being small sure has it's ups and downs."
He loves to hold you, it makes him realize how small you actually are compared to him... He loves to feel your body by anymeans. Being a god, sure has it's perks... And being with you is probably one of the best things that could have happen to him.
Those are one of the many 'nights' where you would be the small spoon, being hugged by the one and only Buddha. He was with a calm expression on his face, but he was far from that... His heart was racing... They wanted to kill the humanity - he knows that you wouldn't like it... He knows that you would pick up a fight. That's why he decided to do that for you, he wouldn't let you risk your precious time with that... That's why he let you in Olympus, because he never wanted to lose you. It was selfish of him to prefer dying than having to see you die? He doesn't care if it was. He needs you alive... He needs you happy... And if fighting against the gods is what you want - then, he shall do it. He was in absolute love with you - How couldn't he do something like that for you? He would transform the world for you, he would build castles for you... He doesn't care what's needed... He just wants you to feel loved, safe... He doesn't want you to get hurt anymore... You already hurted yourself too much. "Buddha...? Are you still awake...?" You said, grunning a bit as you felt his hug get tighter a bit... What happened to wake you up. "Are you okay?" "It's... Okay, cupcake... I- I will explain to you later, from now - just rest... Hypnos is trying his best to make you sleep well." He said, Hypnos was a chill dude that you and Buddha could get along with... But even with the mention of him and even with the calm tone that Buddha was using, you knew something was wrong. "You can tell me... You know, I won't judge you or say something bad..." "It's nothing like that- It's... Just the gods, Bru-chan told me about something... And... I will tell you that later, you need to rest." He repeated and you knew that you wouldn't get any other info from him... At least, he would tell you before going to the Ragnarok... Right?
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h0bg0blin-meat · 7 months
Shiva: With all due respect, I love you-
Vishnu: Don't you dare say what you're about to say.
Shiva: You-you know you're not my type, Narayan-
Vishnu: Well you're not my type either, punk!
Shiva: Wait how the heck am I not your type?
Vishnu: Because I like em a little more rugged than you.
Shiva: I'm rugged!-
Vishnu: You're not rugged-
Shiva: I'm so rugged!!-
Vishnu: You're not rugged-
Shiva: I-I'm very rugged!!
Vishnu: Well, look at you!
Vishnu: You're not rugged!
Shiva: I mean how am I not rugged?
Vishnu: Wel-
Vishnu: Yeah but look at you now, you're too angry too, you fly off the handle and I don't like that-
Shiva: *in the manliest voice possible* That's a very rugged thing to do!
Vishnu: No it's not- *starts wheezing*
Shiva: *starts chuckling*
Vishnu: *cackling*
Shiva: *grinning* Is it not rugged for ya?!
Vishnu: You don't even want me!
Shiva: I don't want you.
Vishnu: So why do you need me to have you?!-
Shiva: But I want you to want me!
Vishnu and Shiva: *start singing* I waant you to want mee~ I neeed you to need meeee~
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Propaganda why Anakin Skywalker is insufferable:
It's less about his character and more about the way ppl talk about him and narrative around him in a lot of current stuff. The way everyone try to bend over backwards to prove how his reasons to turn Darth Vader were somehow noble or good when almost every single bad guy in Star Wars (expect Palpatine and that guy who taught him) have much more sympathetic history and reasons and how he's not a bad person bc he cried a few times while doing atrocities. And how everyone else gets the blame for all his shortcomings ('they did it but never taught him!!!' -he literally parrotos this same lessons to his own student, it's obvious he knows better but chooses to not apply to himself anything that is slightly uncomfortable to him). Like, I love characters being genuinely not good people as much as a next guy but let's not pretend they're good people actually
the guy has zero critical thinking skills, he whines about everything all the time. I love him, but he’s awful to listen to. THIS BITCH. I HATE HIM. NO CRITICAL THINKING. NO SELF AWARENESS. WHINY MURDEROUS ASSHOLE. LIKE SERIOUSLY. He's a JEDI. LIKE. THEY HAVE HISTORY CLASSES!!!! He should have KNOWNNNNNN that when he had prophetic dreams they're not necessarily true!!!!! Also like. In the Star Wars universe, do Jedi just not have imaginations that can create NORMAL dreams when they sleep??? Do Jedi just not usually dream??? If he hadn't gotten paranoid from the dreams of Padme dying in childbirth
Yes he was probably directed to act that way but the way his lines were written did not help
Propaganda why Tim Jackson Drake is insufferable:
oh man. i've had enough of this duckboy (as the protag, he's tolerable in yj and stuff.) like when tim is the protag every character in the story becomes Worse. lady shiva gets nerfed. steph is turned into jealous hormonal catfight girl. helena is dumbified and too womanly to function (they have a nice dynamic as long as tim isn't the protag). cassie and tim were great in yj98, but as soon as he is The Protag then she is his best friend's girlfriend and they're barely friends anymore. cass is turned into a rapist. dick is turned into a lazy mediocre robin. jason turns into fucky wucky dumb brute yaoi stalker boyfriend who is suddenly obsessed with tim's awesome skills. 10 y.o. damian somehow deserves to be put on a hitlist because he's a savage and tim is civilized. Sometimes the story is bogged own with tim's internal or external lectures about their flaws and how they need to be better (better like him), except for dick HMMMM wonder why that is. probbly wouldn't be so bothered if tim wasn't crammed into the spotlight of every crossover in the 90s and early 00s and then so much of dc and the fandom wave it around as the peak era of comicbooks. like im sorry. he is not a relatable protag. like the editors literally told newspapers that he was created for gen x white dudes who blow their money on comics and merch, the info is on wikipedia.
White twink rich boy who always has to be smartest bestest boy even when he is a part of a whole group of smartest bestest ppl (aka bat family as a whole, like he's literally THE Mary sue of a group of Mary sues) at expense of literally everyone else
His definitive writer is a conservative Republican. His series is full of moral PSAs, *dumb* *hormonal* girls getting into catfights over him, and blatant sexism and racism. He gives anti-marijuana speeches to a standing ovation, he lectures about how babies need a father and a mother, and sex is for marriage. Other characters suddenly become stupid around him so that he looks smart. The other characters talk about how he is the best, nicest, smartest Robin ever and ALL the others were dumber and meaner than he is, even the one that mentored him. He as a grown adult man is canonically still bitter about ""his"" child sidekick role being given to an actual child (fans pretend he is the victim of this on both sides—nope he's the adult fighting a child for the child sidekick role, no adult wanted to replace him). Did I mention that this character is the amazing pure white boy, and his 10-year-old successor is painted as a savage Arab terrorist who needs to be put in his place? T*m is a 5'9""+ adult grown man, not a delicate sensitive baby boy.
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