#Ichimatsu Matsuno x reader
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the-sapphire-star · 8 months ago
First Meeting
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A groan left Osomatsu when he saw that his horse lost. 'Man, this is why I stick to pachinko' he grumbled in his head. He looked at the little paper in his hand.
"Now, what do I do? It's too early to head back home" he whined, wanting to stay out longer
"Why not just bet on one more horse?" Jyushimatsu asked
Osomatsu narrowed his eyes at his little brother. Yeah, because it was that easy. "Yeah sure, you got couple more yen I can barrow?" he asked to which Jyushimatsu shook his head rapidly, "well, there's the answer! I don't have money and neither do you" he sighed once more, "let's just go, I'll try pachinko tomorrow"
Jyushimatsu stuttered as he tried to warn his older brother, but it was too late. As Osomatsu turned around to leave, he bumped into someone else so comically that they both fell back on their butts. Jyushimatsu went to help his brother who was about to shout at the person who he bumped into, only to stop when he saw it was a cute girl.
"Ow, that hurt" she muttered and then looked up at the guy who she bumped into, "Oh, sorry about that" she chuckled
Osomatsu smiled and pushed Jyushimatsu away, "Oh no problem, it was my fault" he said as he hurried to help her up. As he did, he took a quick look over at the girl while she patted the dirt off her clothes.
She was so cute! (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and (S/T) skin. She wore a (F/C) sweater over a white shirt and a cute blue skirt. Pretty normal for a day out but she looked so damn cute in it.
"Oh, sorry you lost" she said, bring him out of his head. He blinked at her in question, and she pointed to the paper in his hand, "your horse. Sorry you lost"
Osomatsu glanced at his paper, remembering why he was angry a while ago, and scoffed, "oh don't worry about that" he laughed, "no big deal, nothing to worry about" he rubbed the back of his head and then gave her a smile, "so what brings you here? You don't seem like the type to be here"
The girl shrugged, "dad, asked me to come" she answered, "he said he was too busy with work but that he really wanted to come and bet on one of the horses" she rolled her eyes, "so he told me to come and try out my luck with his money"
"Oh really? So how lucky are you?" Osomatsu asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. Jyushimatsu rolled his eyes at his older brother. 'I thought we were leaving'
She chuckled at his actions, "Are you asking about right now or with the horses?" She asked, "cause I'm liking my situation right now"
Osomatsu's eyes gleamed as a blush rose to his cheeks. Jyushimatsu's eyes widened at the fact that a girl, any girl, was flirting with his shitty older brother.
The girl giggled and showed him her paper, "but my luck with the horses is pretty good too" she said and Osomatsu's eyes widened when he saw that she had bet on the winning horse. He's had his small lucks with the horses too, but with the way she's talking, it was as if she rarely came here. The girl smirked as she watched his eyes turn to stars, "do you want it?" she asked. Osomatsu snapped out of it and starred at her in shock, "I don't really care about these things and dad could use a break from all this" she said as she nudged to paper towards him
Osomatsu stared at her with wide eyes. Jyushimatsu couldn't believe his ears either. Was she new in town? There was almost no one in this town who didn't know about him and his brothers at this point. Let alone anyone who would be so nice to give them a winning chance at anything! It almost brought tears to his eyes!
"Hellooo?" she called bringing him back again, "you want it or not?" Osomatsu blinked in confusion as his mouth opened and closed, not sure what to say. The girl chuckled and took his paper and replaced it with hers, "it's not a lot but at least you won something, right?" she said as she started walking past him
Osomatsu finally snapped out of it and turned to her, "Wait!" he called and ran up to her, getting her attention. She turned around and smirked at him, "uh, um, thanks for this" he gestured to the paper, "w-what's your name?"
The girl turned around and gave him a wink, making both Matsu's eyes widen, and their cheeks redden. "My name's (y/n) (L/n)" she chirped and walked over to the boy in the red sweater, "and what's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Osomatsu Matsuno" he said very excitingly, making (y/n) smile happily at him
"Well, I hope I see you again soon, O-So-Ma-Tsu~" she sang and turned to walk away.
Jyushimastu gasped and jumped back to his spot next to Osomatsu. "Did that just happen?" Osomastu asked with a goofy grin, to which Jyushimatsu just nodded his head strongly. Osomastu's smile grew as he clenched his hands, scrunching up the paper, "the others won't believe this" he said just as happily.
Jyushimatsu, again, shook his head rapidly. 'No way they'll believe us' he thought
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"Come on, Karamatsu!" Todomtsu whined, "we have been here for hours, when can we go?"
The two Matsunos have been at the clothing store for hours. The second oldest Matsuno had been looking though the racks, saying he's looking for the perfect clothes for himself, but to no avail yet. Todomatsu agreed to go, thinking he could get some clothes for himself. But he had chosen his clothes, bought them and now they were in their bags, and all that was left was for Karamatsu to choose his own clothes.
"Not just yet my brother" he said, not taking his eyes off the clothes, "these clothes just aren't right" he grumbled, "how will I impress my Karamatsu girls with these clothes? They have to be right, or it just won't work"
"Then let's go! You can try again tomorrow" Totty cried out
Karamatsu only hummed in thought. Yes, he could leave but if he did, he could miss the opportunity to find something really good right now. "I don't know..." he grumbled
Totty was about to scream at his brother when all of a sudden, a shimmering shirt was nudged on Karamatsu's arm. The two turned their attention to whoever was holding it and they saw a cute girl with (H/L) (H/C) and (E/C) eyes looking up at him a bit shyly.
"Sorry for being so forward, but I happened to overhear your little problem" she said with a small smile. The two blushed at her and listened attentively. "I wouldn't suggest this, but I did notice your pants and thought you might like this shirt"
Todomatsu and Karamatsu looked at his pants to see that he was wearing his sparkly pants...again.
Karamatsu smiled at her, "You're totally right! That is a great shirt!" he said happily as he took it
Todomatsu narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Yeah, no way in hell" he muttered quietly, but loud enough for Karamatsu to glare at him
"Do you work here?" Karamatsu asked, "I would certainly come by more often if a cutey like you were here" he said with a wink, "especially when you seem to understand my taste in fashion so well"
The girl blushed and waved her hands, "oh no, I don't work here" she smiled, "I just thought you needed help" she said and then glanced at the pink covered boy next to him, "your brother seemed ready to explode"
"Oh don't worry about him" Karamatsu said quickly before Totty could say anything, "what's your name beautiful?"
The girl's eyes widened at his forwardness, "(Y/n) (L/N), nice to meet you" she said
"I'm Karamatsu, the pleasure is all mine" he said eccentrically, Totty only rolled his eyes at him
The girl chuckled, "Um, I have to go but I hope to see you soon, Karamatsu" she said sweetly and walked off, but she turned back before that, "and I bet you'll look good in that" she said and walked off
The two brothers' eyes widened, and Karamatsu blushed as he watched (Y/n) walk away. "NO WAY!" Todomatsu yelled as he grabbed his brother's shirt, "A cute girl wants to see you again!? You!?" he screamed. Only for Karamatsu to have a smile on his face, not listening to his younger brother.
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"Nyaa-chan was as cute as ever!" Choromatsu fawned as he walked out of the concert hall. "So was Totoko"
It was one of those days where he just got to be by himself, without his brothers to judge or ruin the moment for him. "Oh, I wonder what souvenirs they have" he said out loud and ran to where they had all the merch at a table near the exit. He would do another Meet&Greet but he didn't have enough for that this time around. That and he was still embarrassed from when his shitty oldest brother did.
He'd have to give it a little longer before he did that again. He was pretty sure Nyaa-chan still remembered that incident.
"Let's see here" he wondered as he looked around the table. As usual, there was more stuff for Nyaa-chan then poor Totoko. "What to get? What to get?" he muttered. Then he saw a small figure of Nyaa-chan at the corner of the table...the very last one, too!
Choromatsu reached over to grab it. Only for his hand to bump into a smaller one's. He was about to yell at the person to get lost it was his, but his mouth closed when he saw a girl look up at him in surprise.
"Oh, sorry, were you going to buy it?" she asked
His cheeks grew pink as he gave her a once over. Her pretty (H/C) hair was up in a (short/long) ponytail and her (E/C) looked at him all innocent-like. He blinked when she spoke up again.
"Oh, uh, you can have it" he said happily
"But, you were going to buy it, right?" she asked
Choromatsu waved his hands, "Oh don't worry about it!" he chuckled, "there's always next time"
"But this is a limited edition Nyaa-chan model" she said making him freeze in his spot. She realized that he did not know that, and she chuckled. She picked up the model and placed it in his hands, making him shake his head and look at her, before she picked up a, smaller, Totoko model.
"What? But-"
"How about, you take Nyaa-chan and I take Totoko-chan" she said happily. "I don't mind, I like them both"
Choromatsu couldn't believe it! Someone was doing something nice for him? Not even his brothers would be this nice to him! His cheeks turned red and small tears appeared on the side of his eyes, making her look at him in question.
"Um! What is your name, please?" he asked, rather aggressively, making her jump
"I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" she replied, "Nice to meet you..."
"Choromatsu Matsuno!" he replied to her with a very low bow
"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you, Choromatsu" she replied with a smile.
Choromatsu turned red all over and was close to exploding in happiness. (Y/n) Smiled at him once more and bowed before walking off to pay for her figurine. Once she was gone, Choromatsu couldn't help but swoon and fawn over the girl, gaining weird looks from the other people around him. Until he realized that no way was anyone going to believe that he just talked to a cute girl.
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'Where are all the cats?' Ichimatsu thought as he walked around the streets. It was strange. Ichimatsu almost never had any difficulty finding cats. Usually, some of them showed up on his window and he'd give them some treats.
He needed to get out of the house anyway. His brothers were getting on each other's nerves, so it seemed like a good time to get out while he still could. But for some reason, he couldn't find the cats even with a bag full of cat treats and the memory of the map the Riceballs gave him a while ago.
'They all must have found a place with good food somewhere else' Ichimatsu thought somewhat sadly as he continued to walk and look around. Up until now, he thought that he was the best place for them to get treats but looks like they found some place else.
"Good kikies" the fourth Mastu stopped in his tracks when he heard a very sweet voice from the alley right next to them. He was about to keep walking when he heard a couple of meow's coming from that same alley. He smiled lightly and walked in, forgetting about the voice already.
As he got further in, he stopped when he saw a figure crouching down, their back facing him, in front of a big pile of cats. "cute kikies" they coo'd
From where he stood, he could see that they were giving the cats treats, same as what he was going to do. He looked at the group of cats sadly and was about to turn to walk away, when one of the cats saw him and ran to him. 'ESP Kitty?'
The figure turned to follow the cat, and noticed Ichimatsu standing there. The boy flinched, his mind already thinking the negative of the situation. 'She's probably gonna scream and report me' he thought shakingly, 'she's alone in an alley and a random guy is standing behind her like a creep? Yeah, I'm getting my ass reported for sure'
The girl looked at him in question and then noticed the sardine snacks in his hands. She then smiled at him, "are giving the cats food too?" she asked, surprising him, "no wonder they've looked well fed for strays" she pet one of the cat's heads, "come on over. I bet they're still hungry, I didn't really bring a lot of snacks"
In his confusion, Ichimatsu got a good look at her. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and she had a (f/c) shirt and black leggings with running shoes. Looks like she was out for a run and decided to feed the cats while out here.
The girl looked over at him when he didn't move. She then got up and walked over to him. He flinched lightly when she got closer, making her chuckle. "I'm not a biter" she said lightly and grabbed his hand to drag him over to the group of cats. Stiffly, he opened the bag of sardines and started giving them to the cats one by one.
The girl smiled as she watched the cats go up to him in comfort, as if they knew him personally already. As Ichimatsu fed the cats, he slowly started forgetting about the cute girl next to him...that is until he ran out of sardines and the cats all moew'd as if thanking him before they dispersed and walked, or jumped, off.
"Bye, kikies!" the girl smiled as she waved at them, making Ichimatsu jump, remembering that she was there. "You have a way with cats" she marveled as they walked out of the alley, "I bet they all know you really well by now, huh?" Ichimatsu only nodded as he led the way out of the alley. "Aw c'mon, cat got your tongue?" she asked with a light tease
Ichimatsu blushed lightly, "I-I always give them treats" he said
The girl gasped, "aw, you're so sweet!" she said and brought out her hand, "I'm (y/n) (l/n)" she introduced, "and who is the cat savor of the city?" she asked, only making him blush harder
"Ichimatsu Matsuno" he said as he shakingly brought his hand up to meet hers.
"I gotta go, but I hope I meet you again soon" she said as she brought out some headphones and placed them on. Ichimatsu's eyes widened, and small stars appeared in them, when he saw that she had on cat ear'd headphones without a care in the world. With a final wave, she jogged off.
Ichimatsu stayed froze for a while, his hand still in its outstretched position. Once she was out of sight, she brought his hand close to his face as if inspecting it. He had just spoken with a girl...and he even touched her! After maybe 5 minutes of staring at his hand, he stiffly walked back to his house, hoping that he does see her again.
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"Hussle, hussle! Muscle, muscle!"
Like every other day, Jyushimatsu was at the park, either practicing his swinging or playing with the kids there. Today, a little (h/c) haired boy ran over to him as asked him if he could teach him how to pitch and swing correctly.
Jyushimatsu being the silly, nice, person he is said he would if he paid him. The boy nodded and said he'll pay him if he managed to pitch and swing correctly. With a little thought, Jyushimatsu agreed.
So here they were, running laps because the boy, who is named (Brother name: B/N), messed up a swing. "Hustle, hustle! Muscle, muscle!"
"Why am I running laps!" (B/n) yelled angrily
Jyushimatsu stopped running and looked at him, "I don't know, pros run laps when they mess up don't they?" he asked as he picked up his bat
"I don't know!" (b/n) yelled, "let's just focus on pitching instead, for today" he said. Jyushimatsu agreed and did his best to explain how he should pitch correctly, only gaining a confused look from the little boy. He was about to try throwing the ball when he heard someone calling for him.
"(B/n)! (B/n), there you are!" a girl ran over to them and leaned down to catch her breath before glaring at the boy, "you're supposed to let us know when you want to come to the park! Not just walk out on your own!"
"Sorry, but I knew that this guy was going to be here for a bit today, so I had to get here before he left" (B/n) said, gesturing to the yellow clad guy next to him with the huge smile.
The girl looked over at him and noticed that he was just staring at her. She sighed and brought her hand out, "I'm (Y/n) (l/n), I'm his older sister" she introduced herself. Jyushimatsu brought up his sleeve covered hand and shook it rapidly, making her chuckled
"I'm Jyushimatsu Matsuno" he said, his smile not faltering, "(B/n) just asked me to teach him how to pitch, so I'm teaching him now" he said, clarifying what the little guy told her, "is he playing?" he asked
(Y/n) shook her head, "no, but he wants to. He's gonna enter the baseball club at his school later"
"But I need to practice first so I don't suck getting in" (B/n) grumbled as he crossed his arms
"I don't think you have to worry" Jyushimatsu said, "you're good for someone who's never played before"
The little boy's eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face, almost rivalling Jyushimatu's own huge smile. After that, they agreed to practice a little while longer, while (Y/n) sat at a bench, watching them. After a little longer, (b/n) got so sleepy that he when he sat down next to his sister, he fell asleep.
(Y/n) giggled and Jyushimatsu helped her pick him up so she could get a good grip around him. "Hey, thank you for taking time to teach him" she thanked him
"It's no trouble at all" Jyushimatsu said, waving his sleeve around, "I always come to the park to play around...well almost every day. Sometimes I don't"
(Y/n) chuckled, "well, I hope I see you again" she said and walked away with (b/n) in her arms.
Jyushimatsu waved as she walked away and then turned to get his stuff when he suddenly stiffened up. "Did I hang out with a girl!?"
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"What a great haul!" Todomatsu sighed as he sat down on a bench. He had just gotten some really good looking clothes, the day was great and none of his annoying brothers were around to make him mad. "I gotta take a pic of this once-in-a-lifetime day" he said as he brought his phone out. Then he realized that he forgot his selfie stick at home. Oh well, outstretched pic it was.
He tried to take a picture, but he wasn't liking how it was coming out. He wanted everything he bought to be in the picture, but it wasn't possible.
As he tried over and over again, he didn't notice the girl who stopped walking and saw that he was struggling. After maybe 10 minutes of trying to get the perfect picture to post, he then noticed her looking at him. She flinched and bowed.
"I'm sorry for staring" she said quickly and looked at him, "I just noticed that you were having trouble taking the picture" Totty looked at his phone and then back at her, as if asking if that was all. "if you want, I can take it for you" she said
Todomatsu took a quick second to take her in. She had (h/l) (h/c) tied back so it was out of her face, she had (e/c) eyes and she wore a mask over her mouth, not uncommon around these parts. And she was wearing a simple (f/c) track suit. Totty didn't see anything wrong with her offer so he smiled and lent her the phone, "okay, sure" he said and got in position as she took his phone
With a quick couple photos, Totty asked her which ones looked the best, and with her help, chose the best and posted them on his social media.
"Wow thanks" he chirped once they were posted, "if it wasn't for you, I probably would've just given up and went home without taking a good selfie" he laughed, "hey, what's your name? Maybe I can tag you on it. You know, credit the camera person. I'm Todomatsu" he added quickly, leaving out his last name for obvious reasons
The girl's eyes widened when she realized she didn't even introduce herself yet, "Oh, sorry about that. I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you" she brought down the mask and smiled at him, "you don't have to add me or anything, I was just happy to help
"Well, your help was greatly appreciated" he smiled at her, "well, I better get home. My poor mother will be needing my help with my brothers soon" he said
"Your brothers?"
"Yeah, they're a handfull and I help mom out around the house" he lied
"Oh, well, I shouldn't keep you, then" she smiled at him, "nice to meet you"
"Same, I hope to meet you again" he said with a wave. 'Oh man, she was really cute' he thought as he walked off, then he paused when he realized something, 'damn it! I forgot to get her phone number!' he internally panicked, 'now I really hope to meet her again!'
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totokoismyfav · 5 months ago
OMG I loved the daddymatsu headcanon you made, I totally loved it! Hey, I hope you don't mind, but could you please make a similar headcanon, but with the Mafia!Daddymatsu? , where they come home stained with blood and when they were about to go wash themself, their kids see him, and because of their innocence they think that their parents are hurt and they run around the house worried calling for their Mother saying something like "Mommy, mommy! daddy is hurt! He needs bandages and kissys!" , when in reality the blood is not even his father's *wink*
I hope you don't mind, take your time, and rest properly, I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night! <3
of course anon! coming right up! (i haven't written for the Mafia! bros ever so sorry if it seems ooc)! also sorry this took so long anon!
daddymatsu! mafia! matsuno bros/reader - osomatsu san/ reader
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Ugh, he needed a shower. Fresh blood stained his suit as he walked through the door of his home, eager to wash this shit off and climb into bed with you. What he wasn't expecting, however, was his son running up to him with open arms, "Yay, dad's home!" Osomatsu was taken aback, he was supposed to be in bed by now! Before his son could hug him, the child stopped, taking a few steps back as he saw the crimson life essence staining his wear. Osomatsu cursed himself mentally, shit he wasn't supposed to see this. He promised you and his son that he wouldn't get involved with this mafia bullshit. Before he could say anything, his son called out to you while pointing his small finger at his father, "Mamma! Dad's hurt, he needs bandages for his boo-boos!" Osomatsu blinked in surprise as you came running in with a first-aid kit and a confused look, sighing in relief as you figured out what was happening. Before your son went to bed, the rest of the night was spent with your son bandaging your very confused and relieved husband with bandages he didn't even need.
karamatsu: He tried so hard to keep this life away from his precious little girl, not wanting her to have any part in it whatsoever. And that included making sure the job was done as quickly and cleanly as he possibly could. But all it took was one slip-up and the haunting feeling he ruined his baby girl's innocence forever. He entered the house trying to get to the shower as quickly as he possibly could, quickly saying he was home, darting for the master restroom. Of course, he wasn't fast enough to outspeed an excited little girl as he heard her tiny footsteps following him down the hall, "Yay! Daddy's home!" His heart jumped at the sound of her voice, not even having time to react as she crawled from under his legs to face him, her happy face turned into an expression of fear as she saw her father covered in blood. This was it, all his fears were recognized as he felt his world crumble before him. Tears started to roll down her face, "Mommyyy! Daddy's hurt!" Although he felt a wave of relief that she didn't realize he had injured someone, Karamatsu panicked, "No no no my precious firefly! Daddy is alright! No need to call for mommy, we just need to wash away the boo-boos!" She hiccuped as her eyes looked up into his, "O-Ok..." Karamatsu and his daughter then bandaged him up together, even if he didn't need them but he kept up the illusion so she didn't know whose blood it really was.
"Damn it..." He muttered to himself as he fixed his cuffs, it wasn't like him to botch up the job this badly. He was coming home from a fight that had broken out, he and his brothers came out unscathed but not clean. Blood was all over him as he entered the door, the house quiet as he took off his shoes. "I'll have to clean this tonight." Taking off his suit jacket, he headed for the laundry room but first made a pit stop at his daughter's bedroom. Cracking the door open, he saw the small toddler sleeping soundly as a warm smile spread across his face. He closed the door and sighed, too tired to even notice that the little girl had woken up and followed her father to the laundry room. He heard a small gasp behind him, making him freeze as he quickly turned around. Damn it! She can't see him, not like this, it will surely give the impression he killed someone, and having his daughter know that made him wanna scream! "Y-young lady, you should be in bed!" He whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake you up. "B-But daddy, you're hurt! You need bandages and kisses for your boo-boos!" "E-Eh?" His daughter ran up to him and took a very confused Choromatsu by the hand, "We're gonna go get mamma!" "WH-WHAT?! NO NO NO!"
His cat-like reflexes had filed him this time, he should have realized sooner he had passed them on to his daughter. Ichimatsu decided to make a run for it as soon as he reached the front door of your home, knowing his daughter would still be awake when he entered the door. He darted straight for the master restroom, ignoring your welcome. He made a mental note to explain to you what was going on later, but for now, all his mind could focus on was making sure his baby didn’t see him like this. He almost reached your bedroom door before his cat ears popped from his hair, flickering as he heard a small giggle from above. He looked up to her usual hiding place on the top of the bookshelf, damn him and his dumbass self. He should have known that was where she was. She had jumped down, Ichimatsu making sure he had his arms open to catch her so she wouldn’t fall. “Yay! Papa’s home! Papa’s– …Home…” Her tiny voice faltered as she looked at his clothes. Shit! He knew it was all over from there, soon enough she would hate him for all of this and she’ll move out when she’s eighteen with a boy and never come back and– “Papa! You’re hurt!” “Ehh?” His thoughts were interrupted as she placed her small hand on his chest, “You’ve got a lot of boo-boos! We need to bandage them!” She jumped down on all fours from his arms as she led him to you, “Mamma! Papa needs kisses and bandaids! He’s hurt!” Your husband looked at you with a surprised stare, keeping that expression as the two of you “bandaged” him.
He walked home, blood-stained bat in hand, his signature smile never leaving his face as he thought of you and his son. Thoughts of the day he was born filled his head as his heart swelled with pride, walking through the front door of his house and yelling, “I’m home!” You yelled back your welcome from the kitchen as he looked around the room for his son. Nowhere to be found, good. The last thing he needs is for his boy to see him covered in someone else's blood. He made his way towards your bedroom as he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes looking off towards the side as he heard plastic tricycle wheels roll up from behind him. Ah shit… “Hi dad, I had so much fun at school today! We did finger painting and read books and played games and–” His small child’s rambling was interrupted as he saw the back of his father's suit painted in blood. Jyushimatsu’s smile faltered when he heard his son’s voice die down, making the mistake of turning around for his son to see he was covered in more blood. Tears ran down the poor boy’s face as he got of his tricycle and ran up to his father. “No, don’t cry! Boeh!” Jyushimatsu attempted to make funny face gags in an attempt to get him to laugh, it didn’t really work though as his child cried louder. “Wahhhh! Dad’s hurt!” Huh? Well, he certainly wasn’t expecting that response. His child ran around the house shouting, “He needs bandages! My dad needs bandages!” Right on cue, you ran into the room with the bandages as your husband looked at you with a surprised expression. The both of you decided to go along with your son’s thinking as to not ruin his innocence. Maybe one day, you’ll tell him this story.
Ew, he needed to get into the bath ASAP. He cursed to himself that he would miss putting his baby girl to bed as his baths normally take about an hour and she would already be in bed by then. Todomatsu always made sure to get home before then but today he was sloppy with his work. So sloppy that he ended up being covered in enemy blood. Luckily, his daughter wouldn’t have to see him like this so maybe her being in bed already was a blessing in disguise. Ready to come in and kiss you as you welcomed him home, he trudged through the door lazily shouting (not too loudly) that he was home. It had been a long day, all he needed was a warm relaxing bath and maybe a cuddle session or two with you if he was still awake by then. However, his thoughts were interrupted by his little girl’s squeal from the other room as he froze in place. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shiiiiit! You decided to let her stay up tonight so that she could see him, usually, that wouldn’t be a problem but on tonight of all nights, he could perish right there and right now. “Daddy! Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daaaaddy!” The small girl shouted as she ran around the corner from the living room, eyes closed as she squealed in delight once more. Aww, she was so cute! Wait, focus! Bath, now! “Not right now princess, daddy needs a bath!” He tried to escape from her, he really did but it all fell apart when he felt a tiny hand grab his own. “Daddy, you’re covered in blood…” SHIIIIIT! His face froze in terror as she tugged on his arm once more, “You’re hurt daddy, you need bandages right now! Moooommy!” “What?! No! Don’t call for your mother!” You ran in with bandages as you looked in confusion at the sight, laughing slightly as you helped your husband take off all his “bandages” later that night after your daughter went to bed so he could finally take his well-deserved bath.
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yuimatsumatsuno · 10 months ago
Hi! May I request platonic headcanons about the matsu brothers befriending the reader after reader moves to japan? They're very friend shaped to me and I would love more platonic x readers out in the world
Thanks for the req!!!! I absolutely adore platonic matsuno x reader it’s always so cute 😭😭
matsuno siblings x gn!reader
TW//CW: ???
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Osomatsu is really easy to make friends with! Although this guy is an irresponsible slacker, it is still easy to start communicating with him. Of course he is a complete idiot, but this idiot values ​​​​you. he often complains to you about how his younger siblings do not listen to him and he is glad that he can talk to you. he invites you over for a beer or a game of pachinko because he loves your company. when he is drunk, he can sometimes come to you, reclining on your couch and talking about some kind of nonsense. you have to bring him back home when he falls asleep.
Ooooh damn, if you become friends with Karamatsu, you will never know what peace is. This guy adores you like a sibling. Sometimes you can go shopping together and look at his new outfits, which will be DAMN painful. You are almost the only person who does not offend him and treats him well, so he appreciates you and likes spending time with you more. Sometimes he may ask about the country in which you live, sincerely interested in the culture. (he's a really nice guy please let me hug him 😭😭😭)
Choromatsu considers you better than all his siblings, so he prefers to spend time with you. He complains to you about his clueless brothers and endlessly talks about his plans to find a job (he doesn't even try). You are the only person with whom he shares his anime figures and manga, discussing his impressions and thoughts. There are times when you both manage to get to the concerts of your favorite performers, where this “serious” person turns into a crazy fan.
I have only one question - HOW. How did you become friends with such a dark and scary guy like Ichimatsu..? Seriously, he’s shocked that such a nice person like you paid attention to him. You have to invite him for walks yourself, because he is damn shy. His favorite thing to do with you is when you are in the park and there is silence, just feeding the street cats, without saying a word and allowing your mind to rest. Sometimes he shows you funny and cute cat videos that calm him down. You are the closest person, since his brothers don't really pay attention to him, and other people find him scary. he truly values ​​you as a close friend.
Aww, you're really lucky with Jyushimatsu. he is literally the kindest ray of sunshine! you quickly became friends, as he is an open and cheerful guy. Every morning he comes to you with a baseball bat, begging you to play with him. You can just watch him play from the sidelines, he just wants to spend time with you. he talks incessantly, sharing his emotions and impressions. Even though he's clingy, it's nice to have someone who's always there to cheer you up.
Todomatsu is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing. you will meet in the cafe where he worked, when he will make his cute face and serve you, forcing you to give up your number. in correspondence, he often sends you his selfies and asks which ones are better, asking you to like them all on Instagram. In that one episode, he will still take you on a double date, since you are the only adequate person he knows. he is a real gossip, telling you all the gossip and shameful stories about his brothers, pretending to be innocent in front of others.
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lexsssu · 1 year ago
Family (Matsuno Ichimatsu)
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TAGS: Ichimatsu/F!reader, yandere, possessive behavior, breeding, impregnation, smut, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Sweat dripped down in rivulets from Ichimatsu’s temple down to his chin as he fucked into you with speed and ferocity so unlike him, but this wasn’t unexpected considering what you were both aiming for.
“ Thank you for giving my boy a chance, dearie. You’ve made one of this old lady’s greatest wishes come true. Now, if I could only have a precious grandchild to hold before these brittle bones wither away… ” said Matsuyo as she embraced you during the wedding reception, just before you and Ichimatsu left for your honeymoon .
“Mom’s counting on us, you know? She’s been dreaming about this for ages now and the fact that it’s now within her reach...I don’t think we can afford to disappoint her, right kitten?” His sharper than average teeth glint against the soft lighting as he smiles predatorily, emphasizing his words with a rough thrust that smacks noisily and wetly against your soft ass, ramming his cock straight inside which has you keening.
You could only clutch the silky sheets of the bed as your darling mounted you from behind, face down ass up like he preferred. Now that you both had a mission to fulfill, it is only imperative that you take the proper mating position like the filthy animals that you were.
“Did you see how envious my brothers were when you were walking down the aisle? How they were basically eye-fucking you every second their disgusting gazes roamed across your body?”
Rough hands clutch at the soft meat of your hips, loving the way the plush flesh felt against his own thin and bony digits. The tall length of dick parted your pussy lips so cutely, the sweet cunt secreting out lewd fluid with every move he made and even every word he said as if to say that you found everything he did to you is arousing.
That you found him as irresistible as he found you.
“I’d sooner kill all of them than let them have you. Hell, if it wasn’t our wedding I’d have gouged their eyes out right then and there…” He mutters darkly, scowling as dark feelings fester within him at the thought of not just his brothers but so many other men assaulting your beautiful body with their unworthy eyes.
“Ichi…! D-Don’t think about them anymore…’kay? Think about m-me and...our f-family…!” Despite the constant assault on your senses, you somehow manage to look back at him with a smile as if to remind what was more important.
That seemed to snap him out of his dark thoughts.
“You’re right, kitten. None of them will ever see this beautiful body like I do. They’ll never get to taste the sweetness of your skin. They’ll never hear the beauty of your voice. They’ll never feel how heavenly this cunt is…” A lazy, cat-like smile replaces his earlier scowl as he proceeds to fold his upper body over yours in order to nibble at the junction between your shoulder and your neck as he continues to drive his cock inside your lower lips.
One of his hands snake downwards to press onto the area of your skin where your womb ought to be, rubbing and stroking it in soft circles. “...And they’ll never get to knock you up too…”
Reassured for now, the gloomy Matsuno sextuplet doubles his efforts.
Thanks to your combined efforts, Matsuyo happily holds her first grandchild nine months later.
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8293994 · 1 month ago
Dating the doctor for your medicine
Doctor!ichimatsu matsuno x patient(?)!reader
note: i was always a sucker for clichés. Umm reader knows ichi from high school? yea. Even though tagged degradation kink this isn't a smut, and is about the ending. purple text is his dialogue for the smart readers out there
tags: 3.6k words, degradation kink, marriage mention, themes of depression, comfort fic(?), ventfic(?), drinking, dead dove do not eat, begging
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When he became a doctor, you really didn't know what to believe. At first you thought nothing of it, until it came to his checkups.
Out of six sons, one is working? Ouch. Even you didn't wanna believe it when you heard about it.
And the glances, and the cheap medicine. And the sheer abundance of it, that medicine became. He was worried for you, for a while now- but what the fuck? You felt like a sugar baby. Not like you couldn't afford your own medicine. You didn't know to take pride that people wanted to spoil you, or to be upset over him thinking he had any right to hold this responsibility with you. For you. That just wasn't his role to choose, and you never asked him for help. You didn't. Who said he had any right to step into your life like this? You didn't want to be indebted to him. It wasn't kindness. You guys barely spoke. It was embarrassing.
Can he just stop?
"I'm sorry?" *Oh, did I say that out loud?*
Looking at him, he looked unsettled. Like he wasn't used to you being mad. Like he wasn't used to *you*. You guys dated a bit in high school, and sort of kept in contact after. You lived in the same town, so running into him was evident in nature. He knows you're a little.. snappy, I guess.
"..nevermind. My mind was off somewhere else." "Everything okay?" "Yes."
You've been less active recently, never heading out or running into him. Over the holidays, you've been alternating between sleeping at home and the occasional hospital visit. Truth was you haven't been well. You couldn't go to work. Hospital was just an excuse, you needed the papers. You didn't know what to think, anymore, and when. One way to escape thinking altogether was to sleep in the hospital, blowing through your money.
He seemed to know you weren't fine. These acts of charity...
He knew you wouldn't deny. Actually, you couldn't speak up. About anything. You just wanted him to buzz off. One more nuisance to..
"Y/n, y/n?" "A-ah, right, yes, s--so..rry."
You bowed your head. Weirding yourself out-- to treat him so formally, respectfully. He knew you thought nothing of him, and barely had any respect left for yourself, too. You dressed yourself in whatever, but had to look presentable nowadays knowing he'd just pry more if you didn't. This bitch-
"Are you.. overwhelmed?" "Huh?" "Your face is red. Do you have a fever? Let's check again." "Ah.. okay."
He placed the apparatus in your ear. Well you did feel faint. He said to rest more, and handed you some water.
Well!! You really couldn't tell him!! That it was none of his business!! Ahh.. you wanted a drink.
He knew you weren't actually sick. It hurt to see someone treat you and your health so seriously, and dance around the subject so carefully. This was all professional, remember? Stop getting all up in my face and do your job.. else I start feeling bad about it, too. Taking away the one thing I don't want to lose, total absence.
"Can.. uh." "Hm?" "Can I.... s." He leaned in closer. "canireducetheamountefconsultations-" "..m?" Did he pretend not to hear you?! No, wait. You spoke too fast.
"Can I.. please.. u-um, leave?" "What? I mean, yes, of course, self admissions are--" "No, n-no.. toilet." "Ah." He paused. Or were you looking too much into it? "Okay. I'll be here."
"Ichimatsu, I'm leaving the hospital," You announced before closing the door, praying it was loud enough for him to hear. You felt off. Just off. You couldn't explain it any other way.
You hated yourself for wasting his time. I mean, it was part of his job, but still. You were so useless you couldn't do a simple thing like a hospital consultation--
No, you couldn't handle a friend. Especially one that showed up unannounced.
You didn't go to that hospital anymore.
The fees were gone, you were just waiting. The day that will come tomorrow, where you'll need to go get paid, go work, go study.
Ah... you wanted to die.
Closing the 7/11, the staff wasn't expecting your late visit. You thought they were open 24/7. Grabbing a few drinks to have at the park, who cared if you'd shown up drunk tomorrow? Who should.. it matter? To..
He was in your face. "What."
Dressed in slacks, he looked.. like shit. He just looked like shit. Under this convenience store lighting, in his shitty dumbass sandals, he looked like he just woke up. Did work do that to a person? His hair was messed up. Or did you just never notice? You were always looking at the floor, after all. Huh? "Ah.. is the store closed?" Apparently it closed early on holidays, looking at the sign he seemed stuck on. What the fuck? He didn't even notice you?
Leaving the convenience store, you looked at your plastic bag. "Hey." He looked back, alert. He knew you by your voice. Your disappearance didn't work at all, huh? "Wanna have a drink?"
You had held up the bag a bit. While he stared, you looked for a good spot. You usually sat at just anywhere, but would that be good? "A..ah. Yeah, sure." At least now you wouldn't feel indebted to him.
Sitting down by the nearest lamp, you put the plastic bag at your lap. It wasn't much, but definitely enough for two. You hadn't been thinking about how much would get you drunk, so you just got whatever felt good for the next few hours. "I won't be at the hospital anymore, so you can rest easy." He nodded, as you handed him a beer. It was cold out, and he was wearing slippers? Seriously? Even you had put on something warm. "Were you glad? To hear it?" Nursing your beer, he asked you if you couldn't sleep. "Mm."
You breathed out, watching the steam dissolve. "And you're out for the cats?" "..yeah."
Taking off your scarf, you thought that if he was cold, you might as well be cold, too. The beer would be fine instead, anyway.
You wanted to cry. "I can't sleep at all.."
Downing a second can, you sighed. It felt better, to know that you'd be off sleeping soon. Drinks knocked you out. That you'd forget this.. you had bad memory for little details like these. When, how, where, whats. You just remembered feelings.
Drinking, you could really get teary. You could do anything. You could blame it on the drinks. Of course you wouldn't do anything, but it just felt nice to remember that could forgive yourself drunk. You could sob, and shake and groan, and all would be forgiven. He wouldn't even remember. "How can you take care of me when you can't even take care of yourself, mm?" You grumbled, wrapping a scarf around him.
"..did you drink anything today?" "What?" "N-no, I mean.. never mind." He murmured, taking his second can as well. You moved onto your third. "If you're worried about me being dehydrated again.. don't. I can't deal with this much, y'know?" "I don't care." "Then don't ask!"
"I just.. it's out of habit." "Well you'll fix it someday." "Yeah.."
"Oy, Ichimatsu." "Hm?" "I'll tell you what. Caring for a girl means you go all the way. Go fill up this can with the water fountain pretty-pretty pleeease..." You dealt an empty can towards him as he leaned away- a scorn on his face. "Not your butler." "Do it!!!"
He brought out a coin. "I'll flip it to decide who goes." "No. No. No." "Let's just go together then.." "..fine."
Somehow, being lazy together makes it easier. Walking over and drinking the filled can, you were surprised by how fast you finished it. So you really were dehydrated.
"Y'know, I can just write you letters." "Huh?!!!" "Yeah. You don't even need to come. It's not like we're that big a clinic." "Holy cow, seriously??" "Yeah. Whatever you want, it's not much for me." "It's okay??" "Said it was." "Serious?? Are you serious?? I feel like I shouldn't do all that though?? Like, am I even allowed to do that?? Morally speaking??" "I don't care. Just do whatever."
He sipped the beer. "Have you been taking the medicine?" "A-ah! No, I haven't.." "They're actually not painkillers. You didn't need them, so I just replaced them with those vitamin candies we gave kids." "Ah. What the fuck?" "Yeah. I'm surprised you don't know." Growing up, you did always love to eat those little vitamin pills the clinic gave when you were sick. You made sure to take them from now on. "Ah! I actually have some on me right now.." You shuffled around it your jacket pocket, and pulled out a packet. "Ooh! You're right, they look just like the ones I got when I was younger!" "Ah, I'm glad you like.."
He watched as you took the entire packet at once. He blinked, and reached for an empty can and filled it with water.
"Y/n, if you take that many with just beer and a can of water in your system, you'll throw up quick." He sounded shocked. In disbelief. "Ah, that so?" You chugged two cans of water. Ahh, it was refreshing. You really needed that water.
About that. You suddenly didn't feel an itch to drink anymore. Did you have enough water already? You felt full.
You looked to the rest of the cans. "What's wrong?" "Well.. it'll take long for me to get anywhere without an empty stomach." "...seriously? Like two cups of water and a packet of vitamin C and you're full?" "Haha, I know right? I have no clue how I do it, either. I'm usually such a fatass with food. Guess it's 'cause I'm sleepy."
You downed another can of beer. You'd pee soon, anyway. Wouldn't hurt to have one more.
"Hey.. can I have tomorrow off?" "Mm? Yeah, sure. Not like I care." "Woohoo!" You cheered, breathing in the midnight air. Suddenly, it didn't feel so stuffy anymore. "Ahh.. shoot. I need to piss." You looked around, holy shit it was far. Or maybe you just felt lazy. "Ichi. Piggyback me." "I'll drag you." You two walked to the bathrooms, with you groaning and muttering the whole way. "I'm siiiiick... of dragging my ass around, god damnit." "I'll cure it.. with paper."
You came out the toilet, and you couldn't see him.
You felt really scared. Like, really scared. It was dark out. There was no wind, just quiet.
"Boo." You screamed.
"Holy shit. I almost pissed myself." "I-- I'm bad with stuff like this, okay?! I can barely even go to the toilet at night!" "Oh.. I know two people who can't, now." "Are you fucking crazy?! Apologise!"
You felt unsteady. You hadn't eaten anything the whole day. He noticed how slow you were walking, and proposed to bring you home. "Don't push yourself." "I hope someone pees on you, fartface." "I don't wanna walk you anymore."
You were in his care.
Sitting in the driveway of your own house, you watched him come with a packet of dried fish and medicine. You had fallen ill.
He sat by you and drank some water. "Y'know, I've actually never seen a car here." "Oh.. it's my mom's, she comes and visits sometimes. Maybe you never saw it back in high school because she was always off working." "Right. I don't think I ever met your mom." "I'm... not sure. I don't remember much of anything back then. I just remember the general gist of things.." You blew your nose. "Right," He rummaged around in his bag, giving you anti-inflammatories and some other stuff to take with that protects your stomach lining. It was nice to be taken care of like this. It's like your mom's home.
Mourning the loss of your independence and unset boundaries, you took the medicine and watched the garage wall. "Ah. I forgot the note." "..wanna write it inside?" "Sure."
He was in your room again.
Sitting on the floor, he logged into his account on your computer and printed out a note. You sat on the bed, looking. The process was interesting, and quiet. The clacking and whirring..
"Y/n." "Whuh?"
He placed his hand on your forehead and frowned. Your fever. "I thought you were getting better." "You did say it was gonna take a few days.." "Yeah, with your body. This is bad. Maybe you've been eating too little." "..mm."
You murmured, touching your hair. It was hard to stay awake. "'m gonna take a nap." "Tch.."
Setting a glass of water on your bedside table, you heard his footsteps fade.
You woke up sneezing.
Stepping out of the bedroom, you went to the fridge and threw away your forehead patch. ..was that there before? You weren't sure if you had put one on..
Grabbing at a new one, you closed the fridge, turning around to see.. miso soup!! Right on the table!
Looking around, you began to sit down and eat.
The snow stopped outside.
"Could you not?" The items on your desk were rearranged. Your pencils were put away. "I got bored."
You had a high fever. He fed you water, and woke you up for food. Which was usually soup. Yum. You couldn't believe you were actually skipping out on work because of sickness. You felt proper, somehow.
He switched out your cooling patch. "I'll be going home soon." "W-wait." You stirred. "I'm cold."
He sighed and brought you a cup of warm water and a hand warmer. "Say ahh." "Aa..."
"I feel like I'm in an elderly care centre..hehe.." "Yeah. I feel like a hell of a nurse." Before he could get up and leave again, you convinced him to stay. You wanted a bedtime story. It was scary being up so late on your own, you had only recently heard a bunch of stories cannibalism related. Everything was scary.
He stayed by your side until you fell back asleep. You didn't hear him leave.
Waking up to the sun, you felt better. Like, spick and span, like never better. Was it the soup? You haven't had anything home cooked in ages. Your legs had gone numb, and you were about to bring your fist down to wake them until you almost punched Ichimatsu square in the face.
Confused for one second, then realising he fell asleep in the next, you slowly slimed your way out of bed and covered him with a blanket.
Could he afford to sleep in, actually? Didn't he have a job to do?
Taking milk out of the fridge, wait, didn't he have a job to do?
Looking back at your room and watching him strut out and towards the main entrance with his eyes closed, you wondered how he took care of you the whole time you were sick. Didn't he have work?
He yelled outside your door, and ran off. Oh. He did have work, didn't he? He forgot to go home and change, too. Did he usually set alarms, here?
Has he been sleeping here?
Did he take days off?
..whatever. Thinking back on it was useless. You were so sick, everything was a blur.
You just hoped you didn't drool too much as you slept.
This feeling won't go away.
As he sat at your desk, and you took your meds, you had not met him at the garage in a while. Purely because you were too lazy. You needed him out. Out. You needed alone time, for what, forever?
He wrote you another slip. "Ichimatsu." "Hm?"
You eyed him. "..nothing."
How could you..? Get the slips.. without..
"..Ichimatsu." "What is it." Eek!
He checked you for a fever. You closed your eyes as his hand reached your forehead again.
"Ichi!" "What." "I'm... fine! So.." Gaze cast around your room, you sounded exasperated. "...........I'll be in your care." Oh, yeah. You couldn't say it. You couldn't live without him. You didn't wanna go to work. You didn't wanna make food. You didn't wanna get out of bed. You didn't wanna think. Ahh, whatever. No decision! The answer always is to do nothing and forget you ever thought! "..okay."
You're stuck with him.
You went back under your covers, staring daggers at the wall, while he typed away at your computer.
The sound was nice.
You fell asleep.
You were awake, staring at the ceiling. "Y/n."
"...yes?" "Wanna head out? The plum trees are blooming." "..you should go without me. I'm still sleepy... a little bit." "Okay."
He stalked off, and you got out of bed.
You wanted to watch them too!!!!!!!!!
Walking out the house in your pajamas, you were met with his face, "I thought you'd reconsider."
"I.. don't.. know." "Let's go, before it gets dark."
Your feelings toward him were complicated, and disregarded. You didn't want to worry. So you didn't think it.
One late night, you were laying still on your bed. You felt like a skank. Always letting him in just because he treated you to favors. Because he treated you well. Because he respects you. You needed him, practically used him, this guy who you barely knew. You felt cheap. Easy. This guy who you never cared to.. ahh, forget it.
You were stressed out. Too much to think about.
The next day, he got mad at you. You hurt him, disrespected him. Apparently his patience wasn't limitless, after all. You had gotten fish, that he was in charge of raising. "*You can't even take care of yourself,*" Somehow what he said felt familiar.
You had met up with an old friend, who went to go find fish for the new year with you. It was always auspicious to have fish in the house, and they gave you a bag too after confirming you had a fish tank.
You had forgotten to put the fish in the tank. Ichimatsu was so mad that he stormed out immediately after getting everything ready for the fish. If he had noticed any later..
You were shaking.
He didn't come anymore.
You showered, and went out to the clinic. He wasn't gonna come anymore? That wasn't right, he used to come over every day. Today he didn't even show up.
You waited outside the clinic until closing hours. He didn't even look at you when he left.
You clenched at your chest, taking a deep breath. Was your only option to die?!
I'll do better?! No, no.. I miss you?! *what?!*
He was getting farther and farther away. "I know.. I know, I know, so, I'm sorry.."
Your voice was weak, and you had stood tense at the door. "Ichimatsu.."
Fighting the tears that you knew would only come to be of nuisance, you tried to close the gap between you and him.
Aah. No good. You might just kill yourself.
Running home, you called your friend to take back the fish and never left your bed since.
*I'm horrible*
You woke up to him one day. "Afternoon." "Ah.. I keep forgetting you have a spare key." Hair messy, he sat on the floor, and drank some tea.
You got out of bed, and knelt in front of him. "I'm sorry." "Mm." "I.. I.. um.." Clutching at nothing, you evened your breathing. "It's.. I can't.. I can't, um.."
You wanted to cry. "I'll.. I'll.. I don't know how to make you feel better, because I don't know you.. I can't.. remember a single thing.."
You didn't know how to make people feel better because you didn't even know how to make you feel better.
"Please.. don't.. go."
You bowed your head to the floor.
"Stay with me forever..."
Neither of you knew how small your voice was. "Creepy." "E-eh?" "Creepy. It's like you don't care about my life outside you.. what about my future girlfriend? Wife? How do I get a life outside you?" "I.." Your voice caught in your throat.
"Let's get married,"
Peeking out at him, you immediately looked back down. Holy shit you could piss yourself dead. Those dead-fish eyes.. absent from love and compassion.. looked like they wanted to kill you. No; you are already dead. This is an after image.
"Listen," He sounded muffled, and you peeked out again to see he's cupped a hand over his mouth. "I'll let you answer me again. Think properly."
"I'm serious!" "Dude.." "I-- I.. I.." Speaking into the floor, "..I..."
Your voice was wobbling. No; you hated this.. your knees were the ones shaking. You've never been so dumb. This feeling.. that you couldn't do anything. That you can't do anything. You can only pray. For forgiveness. You couldn't imagine a bleaker future. "Think properly." Biting your lip, you blubbered.
"Huh?" "sfgssfsdh" "What. Spit it." "Hfssfdfssfg" "Y/n." "I'll.. show you. I'm not.. asking for too much."
You couldn't even focus your eyes. You couldn't do anything.
"How?" You didn't know.
"Give me one week! I'll prove.. hghck.. I'll prove it.. please.. t..trust me, just one last time.."
You couldn't tell, but he had a hell of a boner.
"Sit up." You responded meek, sitting up with your head bowed.
"...I just wanted you to say you wouldn't do it again. Got it?" Nodding gratefully, tears began to pool at your eyes, "You hurt my feelings. Don't do what you did again. Don't.. stress the small stuff."
Of course that's not what he wanted. But hell if he wasn't in a better mood yet. Hell, he doesn't know if he's ever felt this way. You were, in full spirit and understanding, completely for him like a dog. You shook with his every word. He could reward, or punish you. Your dynamic was so fucked up.
"I'll have the next week off. Let's go see the new cat cafe in town." "Yes! Yes, of course, yes.."
You were sobbing.
He felt horrible. He felt like he was horrible. "Let's get married.."
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jermer10 · 6 months ago
omg some hcs for the matsus when their crush falls asleep on them pleaaaase
OSOSAN reader falling asleep on them
gn reader | thankuu for the ask anonn!!
drabbles under the cut :P
Osomatsu: At first, he was sure it was just a casual lean, but then he heard the soft, steady rhythm of your breathing. His eyes widened, and a slight grin crept onto his face. "You're seriously asleep on me?" he whispered, amused by the situation. Osomatsu was torn between feeling lucky and absolutely panicking about what to do next. Not wanting to ruin the moment, he carefully adjusted his arm and leaned back against the couch. It felt strangely… nice, being your pillow. He couldn't help but smirk to himself. 'Guess I’m not too bad to nap on.' As much as he wanted to make a joke or poke fun at you later, he found himself just letting you rest, his heart racing a bit as the reality sank in. For once, Oso didn’t mind sitting still for a while.
Karamatsu: The moment your head fell onto his shoulder, Karamatsu froze. His eyes widened in surprise, heart beating fast. A light gasp escaped his lips, "How beautiful…" Kara gently adjusted his position, trying to maintain his cool "Karamatsu" facade, despite the flushed look on his face. He kept glancing down at you, marveling at how peaceful you looked. His mind raced with romantic fantasies of this moment. He imagined a sunset, music swelling in the background as he held you close. This was the kind of thing he’d only dreamed of! But in reality, Kara simply remained silent, letting you sleep while mentally preparing some (ridiculous) poetic lines to say to you later. “Yes, this is destiny,” he whispered dramatically, eyes shining with pride.
Choromatsu: Choro's entire body stiffened when he realized you had fallen asleep on him. He swallowed hard, heart pounding in his chest as he looked down at your peacefully resting face. 'What do I do? What do I do?!' His mind raced. Should he wake you up? No, that would be rude! But what if you found it weird later? Was it weird? Was he weird?! Panic set in quickly, but he didn’t dare move. Instead, he sat there, barely breathing, his hands fidgeting in his lap. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, and the longer you stayed asleep, the more flustered he became. He wouldn’t move until you woke up, even if he was dying of embarrassment.
Ichimatsu: Ichimatsu blinked in surprise when he felt the weight of your head resting on his shoulder. His first instinct was to shrug you off, but when he turned and saw you had actually fallen asleep, he stopped. You looked so peaceful, so unbothered, that he couldn’t bring himself to disturb you. Instead, he let out a quiet sigh and stayed still, his face neutral as always. A part of him was confused. Why would you fall asleep on him of all people? But another part - one he wasn’t quite used to - felt a warmth spread through his chest. He liked the quiet moment, the closeness without having to say a word.
Jyushimatsu: The second your head hit Jyushi’s shoulder, his eyes lit up with excitement. He held back a little bounce of joy, though his body practically buzzed with energy. You were asleep on him! He had to be doing something right! "Whoa!" he whispered to himself, grinning from ear to ear. He stared down at you, his heart racing with glee. He wanted to jump up and celebrate, but that might wake you… and you looked so comfortable. Instead, Jyushimatsu sat there, vibrating with happiness, his hands fidgeting in his lap. He couldn’t stop himself from glancing at you every few seconds, amazed that this was really happening. Every time you shifted slightly, he stilled himself, determined not to mess up this perfect moment.
Todomatsu: Toddy felt your head rest against his shoulder and immediately smiled to himself. His first thought was how lucky he was, and his second? How cute this was going to look on social media. He reached for his phone, careful not to disturb you, and quickly snapped a selfie. Of course, he made sure to get the best angle, keeping you in frame while giving the camera his cutest smile. “Don’t worry,” he whispered softly, “I’ll make sure you look good.” He decided to let you rest, occasionally glancing at you with a soft expression. As much as he loved documenting every cute moment, he also liked just… being here with you. If you woke up, he’d tease you about it for sure, but in the meantime, he was happy to stay still and enjoy the quiet.
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kimulus0check · 8 months ago
I could ask for headcanons of the sixtuplets (osomatsu san) (separately), what their "make up" sex is like, and what the discussion they had was.
(sorry for My Bad English omgg)
“I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” … “Anything?”
Had fun with this one! Reader is g/n with afab anatomy warning for smeuuut
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Osomatsu- took money from your wallet to bet on horses. You knew he stole from his brothers, but you’d never think he would ever steal from you.
You weee splayed out on the couch. Osomatsu’s head between your thighs as you count all the money he won from betting on horses with your money. His tongues lapped at your folds desperately as he gripped your thighs as a vice. He won back thrice the amount you originally had, but to teach him a lesson you make him watch as you pocket all the money in your pocket. He finds you clit and nurses on it like a thirsty man in the desert.
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Karamatsu- serenading you in public. You thought the intention was good, but he knows how you were with being in the middle of the public eye. And him singing in a restaurant full of people anyway was not the best way of expressing his feelings for you.
Kara sat you on the kitchen counter with one leg over his shoulder as he fingers you slowly. His face buried in the crook of your neck as he sang apologies. His leather jacket over your shoulders and your arms perched over the back of his neck. He started hitting deeper and curling his fingers up to hit your core deliciously. He thumbed your clit to send you
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Choromatsu-snapped at you like you were one of his brothers. You two were at your place and you got very comfortable with each other in your relationship. Maybe too comfortable.
You sat on his face while flicking through the shows on the tv. Choro tounge fucks you fast and wet. He tries to slide his hands to grope your ass before you swatted his fingers away. “No touching, this is a punishment.” You saw sternly as you shot a glare down his direction. “Yes ma’am.” His hot breath sent a shiver down your spine as he lapped up your cunt.
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Ichimatsu- infestation. Cats were all over your apartment. And you don’t hate cats, but they were just everywhere. On the balcony, in the bathroom, even in the closets.
After he shooed out the cats from your house, he said he was sorry and that he would keep them outside. He nuzzled his face in your neck as you tried to stay mad until he bit at that certain spot he knows sends heat to your core. Sucking on your neck with his sharp teeth and licking and lapping the bite mark he left. His hot breath and low panting in the shell of your ear sent shivers up your spine. “You forgive me?” he asked. His voice gravelly as he makes eye contact with you as he laid on your chest. “Maybe..if you’ll be a good kitty.” Feeling his cock ache from where he sat on you made you excited to hear his apology.
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Jyushimatsu-tract mud in the house. He was always outside doing something, which you admire, but today was a rainy day. Mud tracts from the front door all the way to your bedroom.
After he had thoroughly mopped your floors clean he quickly came to try to make you feel better. You agitatedly scrubbed the dishes while as he came behind you to hug you at your waist from behind. You stop and look over your shoulder to give him the cold shoulder to see him not smiling, but giving you this look you’ve never seen from him. Suddenly he picked you up and carried you on his shoulder. “Jyushi put me down!” Your yells fell on deaf ears as he carried you out the kitchen and into the bedroom. Safely dropping you on the bed and you look up at him.”What’s gotten into you?!” His smile still gone but eyes were Ernest as he crawled atop of you and reached for your hand to kiss your inner palm. “Let me make it up to you, My home run.” Your face flushed and eyes wide not expecting that from him, but not complaining either.
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Todomatsu-ignoring you on a date. You’ve been left on heard by your mother but apparently your boyfriend had more sass than you thought.
His cock ached as you gushed and tightened around him. Cock warming him as you scrolled on your phone and ignored his please. His whimpers and groan were so loud you couldn’t even hear your phone. “Pleasee babe it wasn’t on purpose I swear!” He shuddered as he whimpered at the nape of your neck. “Oh what was that? Must have been the wind.” He groans at your mean demeanor as he begged you to move. His hands snaking around to ghost over your navel. You lift up suddenly catching him off guard as he loudly moans embarrassed at how he sounded so desperate, before you sat back down to reposition yourself. He winced thinking how it’s going to be a long night.
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inkyycapp · 9 months ago
Yokai!matsu kidnapping reader..? It ticks a few things at once. Oh! Oh! They're kidnapped cos they were found injured, but even after they've healed the yokai brothers (seperately) refuse to let them go.
Cough, cough. I love this, cough.
You're getting hcs too.
Slight notice! I did some minor research for this, but even then I'm still unsure !! If anything is wrong please do tell me !!
(Uh so, really bad weather rn. Wifi going in and out and tornadoes lurking around, so, like that's rad ig !! Forgive me.)
Tw/Cw: Injuries, slight mention of blood, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome if you squint, manipulation(?), desperation, spelling/grammar(?), probably a little or a lot ooc I'm terrible at telling !! Forgive me !!
Youkai!Matsu x Injured!Reader
( Yokai!Matsu but used Youkai for letter colors..:D )
Small reader context !!
For whatever reason you're in the mountains doing whatever your mortal self does up there. A sharp pain shoots through your leg causing you to slip. Your foot set off a bear/fox trap. A group of bandits or just overall bad people--who one would assume set the trap--find poor injured you.
You don't have much on hand. Maybe you have a weapon, maybe you don't. But, regardless of how hard you fight, there are just more of them the there are of you.
-He doesn't hate humans, but he doesn't actively like them either. He's more neutral about it.
-Like, he wouldn't go out of his way to help/save them, that's way too much work for him. But, he also wouldn't go out of his way to kill someone unless they really pissed him off.
-Doesn't really understand humans, but somewhat understand and takes a small liking to bits of their culture and activities.
-Actually fairly in with the times, but doesn't really try enough to be in with the times, y'know?
-Obviously takes part in gambling with the humans regardless of the time period.
-He finds that you're injured and probably not going to make it out of the situation alive.
-While at first he's slightly indifferent about your situation, he recognizes you from the village below. He probably asked for money and you gave it to him, or maybe you work at one of the place he frequents, but for whatever reason, he may be persuaded to help.
-You're already unconscious and he can't help but feel pity for you. Pretty nasty leg injury. Maybe he should help.
-And, so, he does!
-After attending to your Injuries best he could, he decided to wait for you to come around. He'll admit, the patch up was sloppy, but it did the job, that's what matters.
-Eventually, you'd come around and find yourself face to face with the devil himself. Whether fearful or not, this would take some...adjusting.
-Compared to the known sterotype, he seems more lax and less...demonic.
-He finds you interesting. Somehow, that curiosity hadn't faded one moment since he's found you. Expect some questions personal, even perverted, or not.
-Dislikes when you get up or move around without his help. Though, more chill and just lightly scold you for straining yourself.
-Then, soon, one day you're all better. But, he doesn't want you to leave. How strange. He didn't think he'd be this...attached to someone like yourself. Not like that, bit it's weird to him.
-He had seen humans come and go--grow old and die. He's never been this comfortable with humans before he'd met you. He doesn't want you to leave. Will you ever see each other again after you part ways? Probably not, but he doesn't want to take that chance.
-So, you can't leave just yet.
-Karamatsu loves humans/humanity the MOST out of this list. He often tries to be 'in' with the culture no matter the time period. He goes through many "phases" trying to be what the humans deem is cool in certain points of time.
-He loves to collect and tell stories that humans tell, though can sometimes stretch it a little for a more theatrical performance.
-He often tries to interact with people and walk amongst them. But, it usually never goes well.
-His brothers often tease, but he's restless in his search for a human Karamatsu boy or girl.
-When he found you in the snow plains, a red staining the snow around you, he didn't hesitate to check out the scene.
-A group of people trying to take advantage of a defenseless Karamatsu boy or girl !! Of course he felt the need to intervene and help the poor soul.
-He manages to scare off the bandits, but by the time he gets to you, you're already out. It pains him to see such a beauty in so much pain.
-Karamatsu, without so much as a second thought, takes you somewhere much safer. A nice small cabin deep in the woods. That's where he nurses injured you back to health.
-At first, you're probably shocked, but maybe around the first week mark, you'll probably get used to it. If not, don't worry! You'll have a long time to adjust!
-He's very curious about you and the humans you surround yourself with. His knowledge of the culture is a little outdated, not by much. Still, it's nothing compared to understanding the real thing.
-He doesn't like when you try to get up. You need to recover. You'll probably hurt yourself! Don't worry, he'll do it for you!
-Honestly, just wants you to be safe. By far, you're the first human that he's ever gotten this close with--both metaphorically and literally.
-He just wants to keep you safe. There are monsters lurking both human and spirit. Surely you know.
-Karamatsu had already taken a liking to you since he met you, but over the time of your recovery, he's grown too attached to let you leave.
-You'll stay, won't you?
-Also kind of neutral, more lenient towards pretty humans. It's so painfully obvious, his brothers tease him about it, though he's incredibly indenile.
-While claiming he doesn't have an obvious leniency towards pretty humans, it is obvious to literally anyone. Including the mortals down in the villages.
-Choromatsu won't go out of his way to harm anyone he considers "pretty or cute", though his idea of pretty and cute is complicated! Not always about looks, but mannerisms, actions, etc.
-He spots you before. And, he folds at first glance. It's not difficult to be encouraged to help you. You're practically a sparkly treasure to be collected and safe guarded.
-But, then he watches as you're injured self begins to get surrounded by the group that seemed to have caught you.
-Choromats had quickly intervened, chasing off the group (probably off a cliff), before returning back to you.
-Laying in the snow, you were out cold and didn't seem to respond at all, your pulse being the only thing noting you're still alive.
-Won't deny, he was absolutely panicking at first, figuring out how to clean your injures properly.
-Eventually, he does somewhat figure it out, and once you're stable he takes that time to breathe. And, well, admire your sleeping form. Not in a creepy way, but just studying you.I
-When you do come around, he's trying and failing with his words for a moment.
-Takes care of you, and while he does often nag you, he's more so worried about how your recovery is coming along.
-Tends to kinda hover, keeping a close eye on you, telling you to lay down and get rest and that he can do whatever it was you wanted to get up to do.
-Will refuse to let you get up and do anything for yourself. Why have you do it when you have him? A literal waste, really!
-Even if he sees your coming around and the healing process is moving quicker than he wants, he still refuses to let you do anything.
-Now comes the time when you're ready to leave the nest. Pun.
-He obviously begs you to stay, much without words. Choromatsu doesn't want you to go now that he's oh so attached! You can't go. You won't leave, will you?
-Please don't leave .
-Ichimatsu, opposed to Karamatsu, probobly hates humans/humanity the most on this list.
-Often times, he was the cause of some humans lost or missing on the mountain. Though, he wouldn't go out of his way for anything unless angered or maybe he just felt malicious that day.
-Humans find him captivating despite his dislike for them. Even so, he won't admit it, but they do fascinate him on some occasions.
-He spots the bandits first, then you after he gets rid of those loud bandits that woke him from his nap. He considers getting rid of you, too.
-But, you're asleep. And, it seemed your leg is caught pretty badly. It doesn't seem like you'll be able to move far with your leg like that. You'll probably be dead in a matter of hours. He doesn't have to do a thing.
-No, he doesn't feel bad for you. Not one bit. You're just an unlucky human caught by the foot like some poor rabbit.
-Ichimatsu does somehow end up carrying you off elsewhere--somewhere more comfortable. Don't be mistaken, he may be helping you, but no further than this.
-Once you're safe in the small cabin, he does the bare minimum with your injuries and once your stable, he leaves.
-You'll wake up alone, and it'll probably be like that for maybe a few hours before you're visited by a stranger.
-Ichimatsu takes care you you between visits, though he doesn't speak to you often. You're probably scared being so close to a monster like himself.
-But, you grow comfortable in his presence and attempt to talk to him. Something he finds real odd, but almost sweet. He still doesn't talk to you though, but he almost wants to.
-His visits grow more frequent, and he even began bringing you gifts. Like dead animals. But, it's the thought that counts!
-He ends up more attached than he would've liked to admit. And, unlike some people on the list, he's more blunt that you remain here with him.
-You'll be stuck with a monster trash like him, but at least here he can keep you warm and fed.
-You're staying put. There's no reason for you to leave anyways.
-Honestly, it doesn't matter to Jyushimatsu. He's fairly friendly to any and all who walk in his path. Many run, but it doesn't bother him much.
-Though, if he had to love one thing about them, he absolutely loves their sports and activities. Often goes with Karamatsu to go take part in "human activities".
-But as one can assume, they get comically outed.
-Is fairly kind opposed to some on this list. He won't go out of his way to harm humans regardless how he feels, though when it comes to helping it's a 50/50. Normally at least tries. But, if he doesn't like you, he'll probably just watch with a lead stare.
-When he found you in the snow, you were surrounded, and he had accidentally hit one of the people with a baseball. Completely by accident. But, kinda thinks maybe the accident wasn't that much of an accident.
-Ends up completely making a fool of the group when leading them away. But, he quickly returns to where you had been laying.
-Similar to Choromatsu, he panics at first and is so unsure about how to go about this situation. Obviously he doesn't want to make it worse, but he really doesn't want you to die.
-He carries you off to the small cabin to tend to your wounds. It's sloppy patch-job, but it's alright.
-Watches you while you sleep. Pokes you now and again. When you don't move for too long Jyushimatsu does tend to panic a little but settles when you finally take in that breath of air.
-When you do wake up, he's happy you're up and not dead. Sure, he may not feel too bad if you died, but only because he didn't have a close enough connection to care, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't care.
-Jyushimatsu tries to stay the entire time your recovering. While he does hover a little, he's more considerate of your space.
-Does whatever he can to make you laugh. Whether it's acting out a skit, telling jokes or just being goofy.
-Doesn't care if it makes him look dumb. As long as he at least gets a smile out of you it doesn't matter.
-Gets way too attached way to quick. And, when you're all better, he gets a little (lying) clingy.
-Whines and may even howl like a kicked puppy. Might even do tricks if it gets you to stay.
-Don't leave yet!!
-Todomatsu doesn't hate them, but he doesn't care for them either, similar to Osomatsu. However, he's more in with their culture, more so than Karamatsu. Only because he thinks it's cute.
-Prefers some time period clothing to others and can tend to stand out, but language is definitely up to date.
-He views humans/humanity as beneath him, or simply to play into his enjoyment. He has no issues getting rid of anyone that doesn't gives him what he wants out of an interaction. Absolutely stone cold.
-He spots a few humans gathering around, and grows curious as to what grabbed their attention.
-Their wares seem to interest him. Then, there's you. After disposing of the others, he's left with unconscious you. What to do with you.
-Well, you could be useful. You'll pretty much be indebted to him for saving you. Or, at least you should be.
-So, he drags you away from the scene, tenderly caring to your wounds, putting on a sweet and kind persona.
-When you awaken, he greets you gently, coming forward as the one who saved your life after he found you on the brink of death in the snow.
-Skeptical or not, you come around and thank him however you would. Already gaining praise from you. Admittedly, the praise feels...nicer than it should. He brushes it off, what else can he get from you.
-He slyly asks you questions, gaining more information of your personal life over a week, maybe two.
-You get up to do something, and being the ever so kind savior, he takes you back to bed, doing the task for you instead. Not that he wants to. He's playing the long game with your little life.
-But, you thank him, telling him just how kind he is. Todomatsu can't help but grow addicted to that feeling. Being appreciated and validated.
-Slowly, but surely, he begins to grow a bit (a lot) attached. He didn't think it was possible. But, soon he doesn't see you as just a human, but as you.
-Once you get better, he does contemplate poisoning you to get you to stay. Not much to kill you, but enough so he could still take care of you.
-Todomatsu doesn't do it. But, he has heavily considered it.
-He will try his damndest to get you to remain in this little cabin with him.
-You can't go yet! You need him!
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So funny that Osomatsu and Karamatsu are my favorites in general, but Todomatsu is my favorite to write for, and Jyushimatsu is my favorite to draw. What.
I still dislike Choromatsu. There is no reason for it.
Anyway if you're here, try Arizona RX Energy Herbal Tonic Tea. It's so damn good. That's all lmao !!
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thirdspace8 · 4 months ago
It's so funny that no one talks about how Osomatsu and Karamatsu are the only one who are smoking.
Like?!?! Osomatsu i get, but Karamatsu??
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lilbiguy · 11 months ago
CW! Smut
Deciding to try something new...
Imagine what it would be like in a poly relationship with the Matsuno brothers. You have way more experience then any of them and have been in relationships before so it wasn't that weird to you. They were so desperate to have a girlfriend and you just couldn't pick one of them so you picked all of them.
Osomatsu was definitely the one that suggested it. He said it jokingly once and the others laughed it off but it left you thinking. You later ask him if he was serious about it and he laughs it off until he sees the serious look on your face.
You decide then and there that you need to talk to the brothers. You sit them down at their table and explain the situation. Osomatsu, Karamatsu, and Jyushimatsu were immediately on board. It took the other three some coaxing but after explaining some more of the details and talking it all out everyone agrees to it.
The boys are ecstatic because they finally got themselves a girlfriend. You have a schedule set for one day dedicated to each of them each week and one day to yourself or for being with all of them.
Now, when it comes to sex they're all total virgins so you're gonna have to lead the way. They all really wanted to lose their virginity but you couldn't pick who would lose it first so they decided on a competition to pick the order. Who could make you cum the most.
Like before they each got their own day with you during the week. They spent each day making you come with some combination of toys, tongues, and fingers. After the week was over the order was decided....
Lemme know if y'all want a part two 😚
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digitalwavemedia · 4 months ago
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thebardisabird · 1 year ago
I've been on a little thought train of s/o's learning each others cultures so I gotta know your take on how the matsus would react to their s/o saying "I love you" in Japanese 💙
Hi my friend, I know you're taking a break from Ososan right now, but I was feeling a type of way about this prompt and wanted to answer this. I hope it's okay if we kind of go the route of this being the first time you say it to them. Lots of fluff, and a little bit of angst here and there but they all end happily! Under the cut!
Osomatsu would actually panic, completely bypassing the fact that you're actually learning his mother tongue. Though he presents himself as a very carefree kind of guy, the idea of love - real, true love, is a very deep feeling that he's a little afraid of facing. He may slip up and say something less graceful like "Same!" or "Me too!" and quite frankly he won't understand your disappointment at first. But after discussing it with his brothers, who all tell him he's a fucking MORON for responding that way, he actually does some real introspective work and realizes that's he's being incredibly dumb for not being able to say it back off the bat. Of course he loves you. So the next time he sees you, he'll ask you nonchalantly to repeat that new phrase you learned recently, and with some hesitance you do. He smirks with some softness, faces you, and repeats your words back to you.
Karamatsu sings your praises of learning Japanese, knowing very well that you both are trying to learn each others' language. It will take him a minute to register exactly what you've said, but when it does, he pauses. His face is blank for a second; at first you think you've said something wrong (or possibly even said it too soon), but then you see the tears corner in his eyes. Now he has you panicking, but he takes your hands before you even know what to do with them. He'll ask you "...Me?...Are you sure?" and it reminds that you that for as confident as he seems, Karamatsu does have his insecurities. It almost breaks your heart at his question of disbelief. But you reassure him, hand to his cheek and say it again. To which he wilts, letting a tear or two fall as he takes you in his arms and tells you how happy he is you feel the same.
Choromatsu is so excited that you're learning more and more phrases! He understands that Japanese isn't an easy language to learn so he's very keen on helping you out as much as possible. Like his older brother however, he too doesn't realize what you'd said right away. His face immediately drops into that signature blank Matsuno stare when it registers. He promptly grabs some q-tips, fiercely cleaning his ears before insisting he heard you wrong and asking you to repeat yourself. When you attempt to he screams for you to stop, "I'M NOT READY, WAIT WAIT WAIT!" and he turns his back to you, face in hands. It goes on this way for a few minutes before you decided to tell him to forget what you said - clearly what you've said bothers him. Surprisingly he grasps your hand before you can turn away, his grip unsure, but still clasped around you. "Me too...I...love you too." His back is still turned to you as he says this, but you can hear it in his voice that he's sincere. What you don't see is the half-lidded gaze of relief under his palm, and the cherry red blush dusting his cheeks.
Ichimatsu right away is taken aback by your words. So much so that his hand comes to his drumming chest in an act to stop his heart from beating out of his ribcage. He backs away from you, looking almost insulted. There's a very clear internal struggle within him as he can't properly process your words of affection. So instead, he runs. Undoubtedly you're confused and a little upset, not quite expecting him to turn tail on you at your exclamation of love in his native language. You know Ichimatsu well enough to know that what he needs most is space. The rest of the day the poor fourth born needs to constantly be held at bay from bashing his head through the walls of the Matsuno household. All of his siblings reassure him that he can still fix things. How could he run from you when you told him you loved him? He felt like the scum of the earth. Would you even forgive him? Of course you wouldn't, who was he kidding. The chatter of self-depreciation drowned out his thoughts so deafeningly that he hadn't even realized you had made your way to his home. It wasn't until your arms had circled around his back and your chin tucked at his shoulder that he was shaken back to presence; and then it hits him. You love him. You love him. You spend time with him. You make him laugh. In your arms he feels relaxed, safe even. How could he...? His forehead leans wearily against your shoulder. You begin to apologize for making uncomfortable, but before more than a few words escape you he cuts you off with his own expression of love. It's quiet and muffled, but you hear him. The sweet silence that follows is filled with nothing but comfort.
Jyushimatsu basically shouts about how really good your pronunciation is! He's happy that you're learning Japanese as he wants to be able to have full conversations with you as much as he can. He's not aloof however, he knows exactly what you said. That's why in less than a minute you're lifted into his arms, being tossed ceremoniously a few times before your face is littered with kisses. His normally bright personality shines at another level at your loving words. He presses a few more kisses to your face before exclaiming that he loves you the same in Japanese alongside you. It's an exchange that leaves you both feeling on cloud nine for the remainder of the day.
Todomatsu opens his mouth to say something, but instead tries to bite back an overjoyed smile. Deciding to be cheeky he responds with, "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you, can you say that again?" You think at first he actually didn't hear what you said you repeat yourself, but after he asks you to reiterate what you said, you quickly catch on. That doesn't deter you though and you play him at his own game. It doesn't take long before he ends up almost as pink as his wardrobe, laughing softly before he stops you from repeating yourself one more time. Instead he asks you out of the blue if you want to take a selfie with him. You're caught off guard by the request, but you oblige, posing with him. Just before he snaps the pic, you feel lips press to your cheek. In the softest voice he can muster he whispers his own words of affection in Japanese. When he pulls away it's your turn to wear some color on your cheeks whilst Todomatsu raves about how adorable your selfie came out.
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totokoismyfav · 5 months ago
ichimatsu is the type to do the disco by surf curse tiktok trend with you if you really begged him.
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of course, he said no the first ten times but seeing the light in your eyes when he sighed, he couldn’t deny you your happiness.
he started off pretty lazily the first part of the dance, his face blank as pumped his fists into the air, but the facade all fell apart when you leaned closer to him earning a laugh from you.
he couldn’t help but crack a smile, snickering as you continued the dance, this time leaning closer to you as you instructed.
he lost his balance, falling right into you. his glee was replaced by panic as he blinked in surprise, “shit! you alright!?”
oh god he messed this up, you were gonna be so pissed that he ruined your video. he should’ve stuck with gut and refused to do this…
he was rather surprised as you bursted into giggles, tears forming in your eyes from how much you were laughing.
after a few minutes of reassurance, you posted the video to your social media, with his consent of course.
imagine todomatsu’s surprise when he saw the video pop up on his feed, showing it to the rest of his brothers which earned ichimatsu a questioning and a solid week of jealousy auras and death glares.
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yuimatsumatsuno · 9 months ago
This is very specific and i'm too tired to check the mistakes in my writing so pls ignore and forgive them 😞
I'm from a country well knowed for being too friendly and even shameless and i was wondering how would be the matsuno brothers reaction to it.
Things such as alot of bodycontact when they as barely know each others (like, yn is their new neigthboor and she just greet them with hugs and kisses on the cheek—its pretty common here at least in my state) she talking about private subjects like is nothing much while they are dumbfolded in shock
Hi Hi!! Sorry it took me so long to write, I really like your idea! Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I couldn’t accurately understand the traditions of your countries, but I hope that I was able to satisfy you :3
Matsuno brothers x fem!reader
Short headcanons
TW//CW: ???
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At first Osomatsu won’t understand, and will fall into a wild stupor when you just hug him.  he'll make a joke like, "Ooohh shit, haha! you really like me, don't you?" but when you kiss him on the cheek, it won't be so easy for him. But when he learns about the traditions of your country, he will laugh awkwardly, scratching his nose with his index finger in a familiar gesture. but he will still be a little awkward to hug you and kiss you on the cheek, after all, he has never had such intimacy with beautiful girls like you.
Karamatsu will be taken by surprise, because he has never hugged strange girls! he will try to regain the look of a confident hot guy, but he will look like a red awkward virgin. Having learned that you are from another country, he will understand and try to get used to your unusual friendliness and will also begin to joyfully greet you with hugs. in fact, he likes this feature about you, yet he rarely gets to hug someone. (PLEASE HUG HIM OFTEN HE DESERVES BETTER)
Choromatsu is the worst option of all. He literally goes crazy with your every touch, which highlights the fact how much of a virgin he is. He will try to stop reacting this way when he learns about your country, but he still finds it difficult to accept your hugs and kisses sometimes.
For Ichimatsu, these would be the most awkward moments of his life. when an attractive girl hugs and kisses him, he feels cornered. he will also try to respond to hugs in a friendly manner, but at first he will most likely avoid you, hide, and simply be afraid. It will take a long time until he starts to get used to it.
for Jyushimatsu it... doesn't matter? Seriously, this guy is definitely up for hugs and friendly kisses himself. Of all the Matsunos, the 5th brother has the most normal reaction. You can tell that he will be delighted when he learns about your traditions and will begin to ask more. From the moment he learns this fact, Jyushimatsu hugs you in greeting more often, and this is the norm for both of you.
Todomatsu immediately knew this fact, after all, from the very first meeting, he scrolled through all your social networks, looked through all your photos and extracted every information from you, as usual, using the cute face of an innocent little devil. He will make the most of this fact, never missing a chance to hug you with an innocent giggle and smell your hair while the rest of his brothers glare at him and want to kill him. I do not advise trusting a Matsuno like Totty. he knows exactly what he's doing.
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spoopyblues214 · 5 months ago
Osomatsu san fandom here I come I hope you enjoy this it gets a little self indulgent somewhere in there but yea lesgo
I hate her.
Ichimatsu x reader, fluff? Angst? Background all matsus x reader, she/her pronouns, mention of a back scar
Word count: 454
You're asleep at the Matsuno's house, something about drinking with Osomatsu the night before. Ichi didn't care to remember. Maybe he didn't want to.
I hate her, he thought, slotting in perfectly right behind you where you were curled up. I hate her, as he wrapped his arms around your warmth. I hate her, as he buried his nose in the scent of your shampoo. I hate her, as his hands traced the waistband of your pants. Your soft skin and fluffy hair and gentle breaths pissed him off.
He especially hated how you allowed yourself to get wrapped up in their filth, because you'd have to leave. Ichimatsu knew that, and his heart twisted up like it would shatter with the tension, and he hated that the most. Why were you torturing him?
Why spend your time with the six scummiest people?
Why give Oso money when you have so little?
Why spend what little time off you have doing things his brothers liked?
Why push yourself until your energy ran so low that, even now, with his horrible aura and cold hands and exploring touch, you didn't wake?
God he couldn't fucking understand you. I hate her.
He froze when you squeaked, hands stilling on your ribcage. He was trash but he didn't dare go too far, because he couldn't lose this just yet. You, he could do without, but not the warmth. He hated how comfy you were.
You turned in his arms, now facing him with your closed eyes and pretty lips. Your hands were so warm against his chest, fingers curled but palm flat on his hoodie. Your back was a perfect expanse of skin beneath his touch, even the scar. It was like you had a seam, like you were literally made to be so perfect and couldn't hide it. I hate her.
He squeezed your sides, eyebrows cross, expression loathing, just until you told him to stop. He wanted to rip you to shreds. "Ichi, cut it out," you grumbled, and he quit. He hated that you knew it was him. Hated that this song and dance happened enough that it was routine. Hated that the others weren't so eager to cherish what they had every second that they had it, even this. Even the rest. He was the one that got to see every expression you made with closed eyes.
You wrapped your arms around him, and his irritation turned into steam, vanishing in the waves of your warmth. He wrapped his arms around you, too, tight but not squeezing. He could feel your breathing slow against his chest. He buried his face in your hair again, taking a deep breath.
Ichi sighed.
I hate her.
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gal044 · 11 months ago
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Matsuboi uniform look so warm like autumn 🍂🍁
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